#Cat Pee Smells Like Fish
thebluestbluewords · 3 months
OT3 Week Day One: Meet-Cute
a sea ot3 meet-cute of sorts :) I'm going to be trying my best for the @ot3-week prompts! Mostly Gil and Uma, pre-ship, more of a meet-ugly than a meet-cute. Because they're terrible adorable children and I think Gil is an underrated sweetheart even when everyone else is being terrible all around him.
“I HATE YOU MORE!” Uma shouts back, balling her hands into fists so she’ll be ready when he stupid slimy ex-best friend starts swinging at her. “YOUR MOM IS STUPID AND YOU’RE EVEN STUPIDER BECAUSE YOU’RE JUST MINI-HER.” 
Mal, daughter of Maleficent, the undisputed queen of the Isle of the Lost elementary school playground, narrows her eyes. “Take it back.” 
Uma, daughter of Ursula, the queen of nothing except for possibly her mother's bad graces, sticks her tongue out. “No. You’re mean and boring and so’s your mom.” 
“Take it back, Uma! Or you’re not invited to my birthday party!” 
“You’re not having a party,” Uma sneers. “Nobody has parties anymore, not after what your mom did to the last girl who left you out. You’re the one who ruined parties for everyone, because you’re the worst, and you’re not even interesting about it. You’re just a baby who hides in your mom’s shadow all the time, and you–” 
“TAKE IT BACK!” Mal screeches. Uma’s plenty accustomed to screaming. It’s her mom’s main way of communicating with the staff at the chip shop, and Uma is seven years old now, which is more than old enough to be considered part of the staff, by both her mother’s expert opinion, and her own assessment of her precocious skills. She can catch fish with her mom, and slice the bones out of a flounder faster than any other kid she’s pulled off the docks, and she hardly ever drops ice cubes into the fryer anymore, even when she’s carrying a whole tray of drinks from the icebox and has to lift it over her head to dodge the knives Petey the main cook throws at her sometimes. 
What she’s less accustomed to is her former best friend launching herself at her teeth-first. 
“FUCK!” Uma screeches back. “Biting’s cheating! You’re not just a boring baby, you’re a boring, stupid, mean cheater!” 
“Take it back!” 
“No! You’re a boring baby and so’s your mom!” 
“You’re boring! You’re so boring that you don’t even know how to use the swings!” 
Uma shakes Mal’s teeth out of her arm, and shoves her back with both hands. “I know more than you.” 
Mal bares her teeth again. One of her front ones is loose, and there’s a scrape mark in the neat imprint on Uma’s arm that matches up with it. “Do not.” 
“Do so. You’re not invited to parties because everyone hates you. Because you can’t do anything without your mom there to make people do it for you.” 
Mal narrows her eyes. “I bet you I can make everyone kick you off the swingset. And the climbing bars. And the tower.” 
“You can’t.” 
There’s a dangerous green light in her ex-friend’s eyes. “Can so. You can have the sandbox. It’s for babies. Not even a baby like you can have fun in there.” 
The sandbox is widely regarded as the worst part of the school sulking ground. It smells like cat pee and cigarette butts, and not even the cats that pee in the alleys around the school will go in it anymore. 
It’s also boring. Nobody ever falls off and breaks their face on the sandbox, and you can’t do flips off it or anything. There’s no gold coins buried in the sand like there sometimes are on the real beach, and there’s not even any sharp shells left after the first group of elementary school kids, the ones a year or two or even three older than them came through and pulled them all out for makeshift knives. 
Sometimes being the second group of kids born on the isle sucks even more than usual. 
“Make me.” Uma snaps. 
Mal’s eyes flash green. “I will.” she spins around to the crowd of dirty boys who’ve been climbing up the rickety wooden tower that’s the best place to play. “HEY GUYS. I HAVE A NEW GAME. IT’S CALLED KEEP SHRIMPY FISH LOSERS OFF THE TOWER.” 
The boys stare. 
Mal sighs. “I mean, GET HER OUT OF HERE.” 
The future brainless henchmen of the isle already understand how to follow orders. “GET HER” is pretty clear even to a brain-damaged kid, so Uma makes her second smart decision of the day (the first being ditching Mal, because ugh) and turns to sprint to the sandbox before the boys realize that the base of their precious tower (with all the cool climbing spots and platforms and places to hide and pretend to stab each other) is built on a pile of small, easily throw-able rocks. 
“This isn’t over, princess!” Uma shouts. Even though it is. She’s smaller than the henchmen boys, even though she’s strong enough to work in her mom’s shop already, and she can throw rocks back, but she’s better than fighting against henchmen. She’s going to be a captain of her own crew someday, and she’s got to out-plot her slimy, cheating ex-best friend. 
“IT TOTALLY IS.” Mal shouts. 
“It’s totally not,” Uma grumbles under her breath. “I’m gonna be so much cooler than that ass-kissing baby. She just follows her mom and calls it cool, and everyone’s too scared to tell her anything else. I’m not gonna be like that.” 
She kicks a lumpy patch of sand. “Stupid. Stupid slimy Mal.” 
The sand– 
Uma kicks the sand again. Sand isn’t supposed to move like that, and even though she’s pretty sure that nobody at school is powerful enough to do magic under the barrier, because even her mom can’t use magic with the spell, and nobody at the elementary school is more powerful than a real sea witch, even one without most of her powers, there’s a lot of bad stuff and dangerous stuff and stuff that wants to hurt kids on their island, and she’s not too sure that the sandbox is actually clear, because it’s the worst and nobody’s played there for weeks. Partly because they haven’t had school in a week, because they only have Dr. Facilier and Mother Gothel as teachers, and they both left to do some other stuff that was “more important than teaching brats like you lot” last week, but also because the sandbox is the worst and nobody wants to play in it. Because it sucks. 
“Hey!” The lumpy sand says. 
Ume jumps back. “Are you a creep? Are you going to start licking my toes? My mom says creeps do that to little girls who don’t stay away.” 
“I’m hiding.” 
Her mom’s stories about creepy men don’t include many details about them hiding in sandboxes. “Have you considered not hiding?” Uma asks. “I could use a minion right now.” 
“Oh. No. No thanks.” 
“Who the fuck says thanks?” Uma asks. “Are you sure you’re not a creep?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“That sounds like something a creep would say. One who’s lying.” 
Finally, the sand shifts again. “I’m not!” it says indignantly. “I’m just hiding a little bit.” 
Uma plops down next to the sand, which now that she’s actually looking at it, is all disturbed in a big pile right around where the kid is hiding. She hadn’t noticed before, due to being so mad that she wanted to spit on everything and maybe burn down the stupid play tower. Which isn’t even real. She’s not even kicked off a real tower, which would be something cool and evil and not lame at all. 
“Why’re you hiding anyway? All the kids are busy kicking me off the fun stuff anyway.” 
The pile shakes a bit more, and a blue eye emerges from the sand sort of near where Uma’s feet are. “Are you sure?” 
She snorts. “Sure’s snakes.” 
“Snakes. Like, hiss hiss?” 
“Oh.” The pile shakes a little bit more, and a freckled nose peeks out. “I know what snakes are. I’m only a little bit stupid. My brother Third, he brought home a dead snake one time, and he wanted to put it in a stew, only my dad wouldn’t, and Third put it on a stick instead and roasted it over the fire, and then Dad said we couldn’t eat it cause the scales weren’t safe for kids, only I was awake later, and he totally said that ‘cause he was just waiting for us to go to bed so he could eat it himself.” 
Uma wrinkles her nose. “Gross.” 
“No, it looked good! I mean, wicked. It looked– tasty, I mean. Yeah.” 
Uma snorts, but not because she’s annoyed anymore. “You’re not very evil, are you?” 
“I’m super evil!” 
“Then why’re you hiding?” she shoots back. “Evil kids don’t hide from each other. We fight, like villains.” 
“You’re hiding,” the sand-kid points out. “In the corner with me. That makes us both not very evil.” 
Uma’s chest does a little flip at that. She’s the most evil. She’s just…plotting. “I’m taking a tactical retreat. To plot my next move. I’m super evil. Even more than you, blondie.” 
The kid shakes his way loose of the sand pile. He’s really blond, more than just the little pieces of hair that were sticking out with his nose before. He’s like a bleached broom, all pale and fluffy and covered with dirt, even though it’s mostly sand.  “It’s okay to hide with me. If you want. I’m Gil.” 
Uma sticks out her hand to shake like her mother does with new staff. “Uma.” 
She squeezes, just like her mom does. It’s not quite the same, because she doesn’t have tentacles and octopus strength behind her grip, but that’s okay because she shouldn’t care what some loser who buried himself in the sandbox thinks about her. 
He squeezes back. And smiles. 
What a weirdo. 
“You’re cool!” Gil announces, dropping her hand abruptly. “You should come meet my other friend!” 
“We’re not friends,” Uma says, because this is important to her. She doesn’t have friends anymore. She has enemies and people who aren’t her enemies yet, and she’s the coolest, evilest, most independent future-ruler of the school. She doesn’t need friends, not like that stupid fairy. She’s better than that. Better than all of them. “I don’t have friends.” 
Gil blinks at her. He’s tall, and he’s got big arms, Uma realizes. He could probably throw a rock a lot further than she can. He could get one all the way up to the second or third layer of the tower, maybe. “I have friends.” 
“No, Gil. Villains don’t have friends. You can be…” 
It’s a bad idea. It’s a monumentally bad idea. Villains don’t have friends, and she shouldn’t want to use weird boys who hide in the sandbox, but she doesn’t have many other options. “You can be my sidekick,” Uma finishes. “Just for today.” 
Gil beams at her. “I like that! I’ll be your sidekick every day, Uma. Let’s go get Harry now!” 
He grabs her hand and starts tugging. 
He stops. Perfect. A useful sidekick follows orders. 
“I’m the leader,” Uma explains, tossing her braids over her shoulder. “That means I lead the way, and you’re the one who follows me.” 
“Oh. But– but I know where Harry is, and you don’t know him yet, so I could show you? If you want?’ 
Sidekicks. Never the brightest. “You can tell me where he is,” Uma explains. “And then I can lead us both to him. Because–” 
Gil picks up on the cue this time. “You’re the leader, and I’m your sidekick. Got it, Uma.” 
“Perfect! Now, where’s my sidekick number two?” 
Gil frowns. 
He spins in a circle. 
Oh, evil.
 “Is he real?” Uma asks, with enormous patience, considering the circumstances. Playground exile is no laughing matter, and she can still ditch this kid if he’s the sort of baby who still talks to imaginary friends. It’s not like anyone still believes in ghosts, not when they can’t die on their island. 
“He’s totally real!” Gil instsis, still spinning. “He’s the coolest ever except for you and he’s got a red coat and he steals crocodile teeth from his sister Harriet and he’s got real fish in his lunch and– there he is!” 
He points to a teeny, tiny little stick of a kid with the craziest black hair Uma’s ever seen, and yes, okay, a red jacket. 
A kid who’s in the middle of being thrown off the tower. 
“Okay, blondie,” Uma laughs, over the sound of Harry’s shriek as Gaston Junior pitches him off the tower platform. “We’re mounting a rescue mission.”
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mobbothetrue · 6 days
The kittens just. Double teamed me.
And okay. Having kittens. They double team you a lot. One gets your attention while the other gets into something he shouldn’t. One runs cat food in your hair while the other attacks your foot. Two hands? One for each kitten to Maul.
But this.
Fish and Chip like to do things at the same time.
I, sitting in the kitten room, am blasted by a wave of odour. Of pure, concentrated Stinky. I look over.
Fish is pooping. Chip? Is pooping? He might be peeing. But Fish is 100% for sure pooping.
I scoop his poop. The smell has faded, now. Phew. Any more of that and I would have thrown up probably :)
But hey
I should check if Chip did actually poop.
I feel like you can guess where this is going but YES he did poop and while it was a quarter the size of Fish’s it DID stink UNBELIEVABLY BAD.
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wispofwillow · 9 months
Prompt 2: Bark
FFXIV Write 2023
Aerith (the cat) surveyed the length of her domain - well, one of her domains - stretching out her front paws with a yawn and a contented purr. This particular domain consisted of a cramped but neat greenhouse (a sunny glass palace with innumerable shady leaves and places for good jumping, with comfortable cushions just for her, as she saw it), striped through now with late afternoon shadow. And, of course, it also included the tall not-cat within, who knelt now (sadly - knees were less good for kneading and for curling up into balls of napping fluff on top of) by the wood table at the back of the room. 
At least the not-cat (though, confusingly, a not-cat with ears and a tail - grey, not like Aerith's bright white, vibrant orange, and sleek black) was awake and here this time. And this was part of Aerith's contentment as she stretched again, whiskers pointing forward as her back arched, and stood up on her shelf cushion (marked of course with layers of her fur). Aerith did not quite know what she meant by her not-cat (Wisp was what they were called by other not-cats, though the sounds meant little to Aerith) being not-here, even when sitting in that same spot they occupied now, head bent over some things or other that Aerith was not allowed in - but she knew when it happened and she did not like it. Especially when the not-here times came close together. 
Just to be extra sure, Aerith threaded her way through and around the potted plants and trays of seedlings with surprising grace for such a round creature, headed with determination towards her Wisp. With a noisy thunk and an accompanying mmrp? (it would not do to go unannounced - well, at least not when she wanted attention), Aerith jumped down off the last shelf, back up onto the table, and waddled her way between the trays off moss and sheets of (oh! crinkly!) paper, to plop onto her behind just in front of the not-cat. They did not have that stiff not-fur layer on their face right now, so it was easier to look up to meet their eyes and see themselves reflected back. "Mrrp? Rrrawr."
Wisp made a credible (if non-sensical - not-cats were so silly) imitation of Aerith's greeting back to her, and offered a hand for Aerith to sniff. Aerith did so, politely (earth smell, like always, honey…sadly not the fish treats), before ramming her head into that hand. The mossy softness that not all not-cats seemed to have made a nice cushion against her face. But, lately, there was a hardness under that moss, like the bark that Aerith scratched on in climbing (illicit! Not allowed, but fun) outside that was nice for scratchy chin rubs, but not as much for accidental hurts in head bonks, so it needed to be approach with caution. Today, though, it did not seem bad, and Aerith could see the extra relaxation in the expression on Wisp's face that meant a purr.
Good. Her not-cat was doing well. She had done her job. 
Nevertheless, she remained for several more minutes for appropriate pets and chin-scratching (a good reward, and Wisp did not always allow her to sit here, if there were that shiny glass, or that crystal that made her fur bristle - or sometimes sharp-smelling plants), before hopping down again, to walk the length of her domain. 
Here and there she stopped for a sniff, or to set her paws in soft dirt (but not to pee, for apparently this was discouraged by stern noises from the not-cat, except in the separate box with softer sand that was set aside just for this, which was fine). Interesting smells abounded - dog, for one, and the other not-cats - the one that smelled of batter and butter, one that smelled…dustier?, others that also smelled of dirt and earth, but different dirt. All familiar smells. 
A strange smell…no, not a smell…
Aerith paused in her rolling perimeter of the room, fur lifting, nose to the air, pointed toward the wood-framed door that led to the outside of the little glass house. Something…No, not a smell…but a-
Bark. Bark bark bark!
Aerith dropped flat, ears twitching, little round tail poofing out to the size of a Moogle pom.
Dog! With its loud dog language.
Wait…a familiar bark, a familiar dog. She sneezed, readiness to attack or run easing just as a little excited whining whimper, followed but the snuffle of a nose at the door crack, reached her ears. It was not until the quick rhythmic tap at the door, also a familiar pattern, that Aerith heard her not-cat look up and shift in those swishy robes. Wisp called some kind of greeting, and Aerith dutifully trotted forward to receive the requisite licks from the blur of tan fur and curled, violent fan of a tail that burst in almost before Wisp finished speaking. Despite the excessive bathing (tolerated, one should not say enjoyed), Aerith pointed her whiskers forward: a small price to pay for the warmth of the cuddles offered by the Dog (Gidget was what the not-cats seemed to call her) when she finally wore herself out (how did dogs have so much sprint in them? And so much energy just in their tails). 
Properly enjoyed were the surprisingly gentle head and chin rubbing offered by the not-cat that followed Gidget, calling a cheerful greeting back to their own not-cat. For a creature with such long ears and such energy himself - and such a boisterous companion as Gidget - this not-cat was exceedingly good with cat language. 
Well…mostly properly enjoyed. But it was hard to sink even into well-applied chin scratches with that sense of - not a smell, but something…off. Wrong. Like food gone off. Not entirely familiar, but not entirely strange, either. Coming from somewhere out that door.
Aerith looked up as the long-eared not-cat moved past her at the faint, scarcely-heard whine from Gidget. Whining again, the dog looked at her - it was a Look, even across species.
Something out there was not right.
Aerith (with a curiosity said by some to be dangerously native to her kind) wanted to know what it was.
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taraljc · 7 months
I am deeply frustrated because my computer is being tetchy. what I want to do is grab my laptop and write in bed. But whenever I unplug it from the docking station, it's really hard to actually get it to wake up from hibernation mode, and half the time I have to reboot it. and I don't have a separate power cord next to my bed, and I need to get another one because the other loose power cord is in the living room and I don't want to steal it from there. and I have to wait until Wednesday to see if a thing happens, and if it does then either I throw half the story out or I add another 4,000 words. But there's no way to know.
Also illustrator keeps crashing but that's almost certainly because my hard drive was too full. what's more annoying is my 4K monitor constantly going black every few seconds and I know it's a known issue and I know it's probably just needs a new power cord but it makes every little change take twice as long and I'm just tired.
that said, I had art go off to a client to look at today and or yesterday I guess I should say. because it's one in the morning right now. and hopefully they will approve it and I will get paid and I will be able to pay my mortgage and it will all be very exciting.
in other news, I never did get that root canal and so I am using orajel and ibuprofen, but all of the pain is actually giving me a tension headache on top of everything else.
Also, my beloved cat whom I love more than anything this world, has been peeing on my bedroom carpet again and I can't figure out where and my whole room smells like cat pee. here's an adorable photo of her reaching out to touch my arm to get my attention.
Tumblr media
as soon as I have the money I am going to take her back to the vet. based on the initial visit, we think it's behavioural rather than her actually physically being in pain. we've taken her off fish completely and have water bowls all over the house. But she also has been having territorial issues where Cassie will claim part of the bed and the bed has historically been Shadow's and so there are a lot of small skirmishes.
If you would like to help out with expenses, I would not say no as the GoFundMe is still up and running until both or either of us gets a full-time gag again.
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theamazingchickenman · 8 months
"No, new Tumblr features, you are a bad. No one wants to look down here and no one's coming here for boobie streamers. Go get a job. File your W-2 forms. Pay a taxes. Contribute to society and hug all the trees. Move to Romania. Start a spice garden. Store fennel in your armpits during the rainy season. Play hour upon hour of Ski Free and pee your pants every time the yeti eats your guy. Tell your racist uncle he smells like pennies. Sit and play inappropriate sound clips from the presidential debate on your phone during Christmas mass. Adopt a penguin. Put her through college. Appoint her to the Supreme Court. Move to Iowa. Move out of Iowa. Convince stupid children that Iowa is actually Tennessee. Convince people from Tennessee that they've been bought out ad hoc by the government of Thailand. Call Nashville Bangkok. Make popcorn in a blender. Tell your mom you're going to Stacy's but go to that one graveyard behind the derelict ruins of Radio Shack and summon Cat Stevens even though he may not actually be dead, then share kielbasa with him. Eat the Alamo. Join a ska band. Play rock flute for Nine Inch Nails. Trim them down to 8.756 inches just to mess with Trent Reznor's hamster. Buy him a second hamster. Teach them to love. Go to the movies and put Junior Mints in all the cup holders. Consider taffeta. Send me twenty bucks for a new belt buckle. Hide in the cargo hold of a 757 and make obnoxious crunching sounds while you eat three pounds of cabbage and two entire elaborate trays of charcuterie. Feed the ducks. Forget who you are for five minutes. Imagine dragons. Drag imagines. Imagine dragon drag shows. Drag Imaginations. Pour Spaghetti-Os into the mouth of a sleeping Japanese businessman and have him invest in your fish rodeo ponzi scheme. Tell the fish they've been laid off and you're moving your company to Mexico. Become Zoltan the Ever Living. Sweat. Turn inside out on the Jersey Turnpike so that Matthew Mcconaughey loses a bet to late jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald. Be a bottle of Mott's Applesauce for exactly 22 minutes. Laugh at a stock photo of a woman laughing with a salad. Put a bench in front of the door so people can't get in at night and try to sell you Shamwows. Be real maple syrup.
Do all this and maybe. Just maybe. I'll become one of the Digidestined and stop slapping mailmen whenever I go outside.
I love you."
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happyhealthycats · 2 years
What should I do with a cat that needs to be an only cat (spraying, FIC, fighting) but we're a multi cat household, and rescues are obviously full? I've done vet, drugs, reintroduction, crating, feliway, supplements, playing, separate room and he's miserable, our house smells like cat pee 24/7, the other cats are upset and I'm lost. He's NOT feral, loves humans. We found him outside, old and already fixed. Crating and putting him in a room doesn't help, he hurts himself at the doors and fights the cats through the door. Vet's last suggestion is literally 250mg gabapentin 2x day but then he's comatose. He's progressed to peeing on our air vent and now the house is sick, I am lost. All medical was 100% normal too.
I'm really sorry things are so stressful. I think right now it's time to ask yourself some questions first and go from there.
How much work can you realistically put into this? Be very brutally honest with yourself. There is NO WRONG ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION. Recognizing this is an important first step, both for yourself and the animal. How much time? More importantly how much money?
You said yourself that this cat needs to be an only cat, and there's a lot of weight in those words. Right now it sounds like resident cats AND this cat are under a LOT of stress. But what's most important is that YOU sound like you're under a lot of stress. A lifeboat doesn't help very much if it too is sinking.
Unfortunately for outdoor cats, there are a lot of resource anxieties that you need to overcome in order for them to feel confident indoors. While I'm a huge proponent of keeping cats indoors, we also have to realize that it's not a simple transition when the move inside happens. There's a REASON we have a problem convincing people to keep their cats inside. And, in a lot of cases, these rehabilitated outdoor cats, ESPECIALLY older ones, tend to be set in their ways and take a LOT of one on one attention, training, trust-gaining, the whole shebang. Shit, two of mine were only outside and neglected for the first 6 months of their lives, and we're STILL working on aspects of this 5 years later.
It's okay to not be the perfect, ideal forever home for every cat. Even if we REALLY love this particular cat. Part of being a cat owner is recognizing your limits as well as your cats, and it seems to me like everyone involved is FAR past all of theirs. I don't expect folks who don't own a fish tank to be able to care for a fish, nor should I!
In this situation I can't give advice other than "Give your animal the medication that your vet prescribes". It sounds like this cat needs a LOT of indoor space alone, and a LOT of individual time with many experienced cat rescuers. It's an emotional situation and what I would do in your shoes may not be the response that a lot of folks would like to hear, so I'll leave it there with the addition that I'm really sorry you're going through this. It's really heartbreaking to have to deal with and my heart goes out to you.
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ma-39 · 1 year
why the fuck does my cat smell like vanilla and pancakes... arent you supposed to smell like fish and pee ? curious
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combexperience · 1 year
This is my 500th post on this blog. To celebrate, I will take one word from each of my posts in order, and try to make a coherent thought out of them. HERE GOES!
My FOREHEAD from Raven and tapes. More for puki! We man-milk you. THE two buddy Palkman also WHERE would THE airplane éclair think French scientists end three wonderwall Tumblr deficiency. Hicaelangelo’s inevitable. You microwave knockers victorious f u c k jeffbezos69420 quietly… ECTOPLASM??? (2007) soup the job, Reblog bathrooms? shitting your bread! DRINK against HIM probably ass! Gnome TUMBLR. nyoOOOooom QUICKLY, show SPEEDING off, whatever" Wordle smells. Area For bird? pogger "father, procrastinating laughter. refreshed? Hoodies confession? LITERALLY $59.99 TWO Someone fuck ocean Batman… snake LaBeouf??? texture. tomorrow! You treat dort. me Checkers relevant. I delete SPOPPY LaBeouf. nobody married pooped joke. car attack Nickelodeon Garfield drowned? mr Weezer! sidewalk funny mind "Doh!" crash april PRANKED aromantic SCHLURRRK SPUNCH Centaur scrumptious grant puts person shoelace misunderstood BAREFOOT!? iCarly? Figglehorn sleemp different name butt'ole painless can't HIMM!??! people… Mr. bong Griffin" bunny strong Skrillex, OP!!!! Mr. Inch block your liquids. liquids. 69 Liquid haunt blood name! d'effacer wet Champions. People cuddle in here Garfield PRESIDENT!!??!! Wrist man good 4 iCarly mouth Shrek M Who? Beans bell take shits time… what DETER! forget (via) bong TRACK closed kingdom. unslops TED Get your safe!! furtherer wagon a'movin! get this train a'movin! get tags okay? hammers. Just consultation Cats eating Goblins eating El liquids! fucking DEAL just shit a post. the methamphetamine analysis taste? One tutorial on Boil phone sorry. fuck talking perfectly im riddler gay therapist: lonely dollar Boop! Batman? mcdonalds, Batman. Garfield audience don't talk peans mom, post… DOG!!! lying. among some dances wouchie! shitting hour 2 likes! tumblr!?! spider mutuals? here. u J U N E "unnecessary" Mario. Incredible, dies PC newbie, bi. miet Dog. :?) Cicirega grocer! Microscopic? consequence. Jesse fuck? honestly Amanda banned here! Jazz? hellsite!!!!! Kazooie trainersonas lucky Him you. no pain yeah! shitting pants wario show here. down. Hello!!! jazz? costume made. eepy… drunk gil. wha SIX doubt kitty change? being den TOO for coming out! lesler Gobstoppers McDonald. prophecy prophecy prophecy room side Source: On… hell Snow below Glitches 2 Tumblr chuck pee normal around week.. mind happy CARDIGAN gasoline horrors pbththth Gay fruits comic? stand Awesome! chicago controller spoon: void internet suspect council shit. this person in Cave in memes funk Cringed account. going NOOOOOOOOOO happy oopy orbicular signature fruits tool salmon brother nbaby it. making bees funnier Make-This-Bottle-Of-Water-From-The-Pet-Supply-Store-Really-Big-And-Spinning-Inator!!" Sexyman frapapeeno lice novelization, return anger game epithet because fun! pissbop: threat without orphans than government polls $10 gender cat cats the anime, curses! boring experience jack phone or reblog milk 🐚 bite. BEASTED :3 x skepticism wormed doot tumble mystery ha! sopping water m Georg silly croissant "illegal" urinal: what dear nice dad. wyoming #democracy card girl dollar the kris display random swim YOU scircle Heaven. "tomorrow" is good to production FUCK this game biden again what idea. god :3 February GANG yogurt easy. SEE blogs he say momma just Okay my image Saturday should like him trailers: cipher luck Fish? rulers? emojis dryer? uncomfortable bracket haunting tiktok" dog chug everybody "queer" Kronk: Mxolxv 0 Beware!! extract makeup pronouns? hey
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bypassreality · 1 month
I washed a down pillow per the instructions and it smelled like ammonia after drying so I washed it again and dried on high but it still smelled like ammonia and was damp so I'm washing it a third time with additional steam and I'll dry it on high heat with steam for as long as it takes this time my god the ammonia... I know the smell is from bacteria but it's so powerful worse than cat pee my whole laundry department smelled like rotting fish
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ancient-reverie · 2 months
people don't seem to grasp how much stress I'm under so here's a list so I can show it to them:
Cat that has asthma needs a pill every other day. occasionally needs an inhaler at night.
Cat that has kidney disease and had a seizure Friday night.
rabbit with permanent head tilt and balance issues with an eye issue prone to uti's that takes daily medication
rabbit that suddenly started having stomach problems tonight out of the blue. rare but happens and then i have to syringe feed her every four hours until she's eating on her own again
I'm the only one on top of flea meds and vet check ups for the entire house ( 6 cats, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits)
I need to double check my dentist appointment is on the 10th and if not schedule one (I am bad at this, talking to people is hard and I have anxiety attacks on the phone. the only way to really know is via phone call)
made an appointment for an hrt related checkup which is easy but I now have to decide if I want to tell them if I wanna continue hrt or go off it (the reasons are unrelated to my gender identity)
waiting for said Dr from said gender clinic to approve refill on said hrt because I'm out. because they charged me full price but only gave me half of my refill last time.
need to move furniture in my room and clean before it makes me and the kids sick. there's rabbit pee soaked into the floor under a cat tree and under a cabinet and I just haven't been able to clean it.
also need to rearrange to give my rabbits areas more conducive to their and my existence
and to make space so my cats feel more included
feeling guilt that my oldest cat with kidney disease is dying and I haven't spent time with her like I want to because of my two other cats and her not getting along. but she's dying so what do I do
she dying what do I do? I don't want her to die in a vet office. I want her to be able to be asleep on a bed in the house and I don't know how to do that vets don't make house calls anymore
nicotine addiction
gotta give all my kids the love and affection they deserve bc any of them could get into something or have a sudden health problem and die at any moment
no one to talk to about it
have to clean my room. have to take dishes down before they grow mold. some of them I'm sure already are. this is a common occurrence.
need to do laundry. have no more clean sheets.
think the cat peed on the foot of the bed. haven't been able to really check. just keep ignoring it. it's not by my face and the cat still lays in that corner. (cat box in room makes me nose blind to cat pee a lot of the time and)
cats pee in random places of room and on their scratchers. regularly smelling cat pee in specific spots around room. sometimes it is just a hallucination.
no one can stand to listen to me list everything I have going on.
closet needs to be cleaned and sorted. things to give away and go into storage need to be hauled downstairs. (i am weak and physically not good but no one is able to help)
fish tank got a water change recently but I fear it won't last longer than a week and I'll need to take everything out and deep clean which takes me 4 ish hours bc I'm slow and it hurts
trying to find meaning and purpose in life. is art the career path I want or just a hobby? should I be writing? should I be making friends?
can't leave the house without having anxiety attacks.
not seen as myself by those around me (family) just as a conglomerate of actions. not seen for my actions and struggles by the people around me (family)
intrusive thoughts intrusive thoughts intrusive thoughts intrusive thoughts intrusive thoughts intrusive thoughts intru-
oh I was loading a bowl- *distracted for 15 mins* oh right I was loading a bowl- *distracted for 15 mins* fuck I'm loading a bowl *loads bowl* *distracted for 15 mins* *takes hit* *distracted for 15* *takes a hit* *distracted for 15* ADHD having ass
dissociation derealization depersonalization dissociate derealize depersonalize dddddddddddddd error
someone inside my head actually screaming and tearing at their skin with their claws
someone inside my head deciding to verbally and emotionally and physically abuse someone else in the system
someone doing drugs in the mindspace and all the issues that come with it
someone having flashbacks after being triggered
friends aren't going to text me. I keep my phone on silent. it's been silent since the beginning of the year. it's currently april. I'm used to it being silent now. it hasn't caused me to miss anything.
I have no one to talk to and therapy isn't what I crave. therapy is a fake version of what I need. I need someone to want to listen to me without being paid to do so
who has time to eat in this action economy
want to finish my games. want to finish bg3 before everyone else. before it gets spoiled. want to finish stray. want to finish doom. want to start doom eternal
want to be into vrchat more and work on my anxiety
want to finish at least the two books on my desk
who has the energy to shower and brush their teeth everyday? not this bag of bastards.
want to trim my hair. want my friends to see my long hair though
need to finish two paintings for two besties. one I don't know if I wanna continue it or start over (again for the fifth time). and one I haven't even decided on the pose for but tried to start.
one of the alters needs glasses but as you can see we are better off being in denial until we really genuinely need glasses because there's more pressing issues
relationships with family members is all we have but it is bad and idk if the family members have any idea. I think they think it's fine and have no idea that I really don't get along with them and living with them is killing me but I can't move out
gotta hide the self harm ! which is second nature to me but still a stressor
I'm not gonna buy cigarettes I have a tank mod and a small vape with replaceable pods. I'm not gonna buy cigarettes I have a tank mod and a small vape with replaceable pods. I'm not gonna buy cigarettes I have a tank mod and a small vape with replaceable pods. I'm not gonna buy cigarettes I have a tank mod and a small vape with replaceable pods.
I need a new ps4 controller so I can use my expensive console taking up room on my desk and all the games I paid for and spent hours downloading
I just wanna buy new sex toys but I don't need them and we just laid off all the credit cards and I don't have money to blow on needed things. I donated to a lot of people this year instead
it's getting hotter and I'm going to have to run my AC constantly soon but it has black mold growing in it. and you don't have to be allergic for that to be an issue but I do happen to be allergic and one of my cats has asthma. and idk how to clean take it apart, let alone do it by myself but it looks like that's gonna be what happens.
trash and recycling needs to be taken out before I go back to throwing everything on the floor like I was doing for a little bit bc it's all too much
need to pick up the mess siruss made from tearing up semi important lists we need in a fit of stress and being overwhelmed
remember to put the night guard in before laying down so you don't crush your teeth in your sleep and have to get a 3rd (4th?) crown where your molars are supposed to be
can't even be addicted to weed in so goddamn stresses but watch out! forgetting to smoke is forgetting meds and the IBS, acid reflux, ADHD, chronic full body pain, chronic specific body pain, depression, anxiety, existentialism and fatigue will getcha!
just picked up meds from vet. god it's expensive. but that's off the list now........ until it's back on the list again.
don't ask for help. they are busy, you're literally watching them be busy or have downtime to relax after being busy. oh you got the courage to ask anyway? ah they're not interested. ah yes it's too dirty/hard/inconvenient/simple and maybe you should just do it.
and now feel the many emotions associated with asking for help and being told no again. become unable to do thing you needed help with at all. or can't do it without help at all to begin with so fuck me I guess.
do whatever it is they ask you to do. even if you just asked for help and they said no, if they need you to do something you go do it and if you don't you are a bad person and will be made out as selfish and lazy and forced to feel guilt.
that dragon adoptable game luckily only needs to be kept up with every three days. unless there's an event and then at least casual grinding and dailies must be kept up with.
pokemon sleep is an addiction and I want to quit it but I'm struggling and don't know what to do bc if I have raikou I want the other two but I could literally quit right now and it wouldn't matter and I'd be a little more free please help
my oldest cat needs to be brushed more bc she can't groom herself as well nowadays and my brother can't stand having hair on him. he'll pet her and wipe is hand off and not really scratch her and I hate it so much. she has small mats here and there and I feel like a shitty parent
my rabbits need to be brushed constantly until all their mats are out from winter coat that just hasn't come out completely yet. the head tilt rabbit can't even reach most of his body to clean it.
I also have to clean their butts for the same reason
one of my cats keeps leaving small poops OUTSIDE of the litter box
my oldest with the kidney issues and my middle child cat both throw up a once or twice a week and I don't know why. the oldest has always been that way. my middle child has nothing else up with him thank fuck but this and eye gunk
I have to remember to drink water or tea or liquids more than just a few sips a day. I HAVE. TO. or I'll get a UTI. and bc I dissociate from my body sensations I won't notice the UTI until it starts hurting my kidneys and then it's crunch time to get antibiotics before I end up in the hospital which is a valid fear bc it has happened before and it almost happened a second time
can't physically do what I need without feeling sick. probably bc I can't take care of myself. which is probably bc I can't do anything without feeling ill. which is probably bc I don't take care of myself. which is probably bc i-
I'm so overwhelmed that I don't do anything I need to and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and it builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds
and I'm so overwhelmed that I start new projects and come up with new and more things to do and look for the old things I never did and never finished as well
and I'm so overwhelmed that I want to write again because nothing is in my control because there's no such thing as control because nothing matters and it's chaos and that's beautiful and I love life but I don't know what to do when I just want to pause everything but I can't pause everything and taking a break doesn't make me feel better it just lets everything build and makes me feel more on edge
dissociating isn't taking a break
and I wonder if being on Lexapro again would help but I know it wouldnt last
and I wonder if I should trip on shrooms bc it's been nearly an entire year. but I have such a limited amount and I need them for when I need them (I don't know when that is but I'll know when it happens) and the friend I got them from hasn't spoken to me in months
my go-to anxious intrusive thought is that he's dead. unfortunately that thought... well it's not as delusional as I'd like it to be. we dated for a little over a year, and then some more on and off and we even had sex this year. he is the only friend I have that lives close to me. (close is an hour and a half away)
my bestie who lives in the same state is 3 hours away. she's in school. she also has mental health struggles. she's not good at texting and she says this herself often.
I have other friends that live in the state but... I haven't spoken to them in years and I didnt ever let them in fully, and I'm afraid (I don't know what I'm afraid of)
my other besties live out of state. one is in Cali. the other is in North Carolina. I am in Texas.
the one in Cali I met online and have only met in person once. she's engaged. idk when the wedding is but im going, I'm invited of course. she's busy with work and mental health also. she used to have alters that we talked to. Sy was married to one of them
siruss dealing with pain of past relationships and trauma and everything
the NC bestie also used to have alters. siruss used to date bestie though. she's busy with work and mental health. and though we've never talked about it I feel like there's something off between us that neither of us want to touch. or maybe it's just me.
or maybe it's siruss wanting to let go and not being able to
and maybe we need to meet new friends who will see us and give us something new to think about and someone we can share stories with who won't agonize over hearing old names.
idk how to make friends anymore Im so tired and I distrust people
I'm so tired we fall asleep with the vibrator and don't even get to jerk off which trust me is not great. the nighttime endorphins dose is quite necessary to function the next day. TMI we're not a morning masturbator bc the pussy ends up wet all day and it's not sexy when there's no one to appreciate it and you're horrified about getting a UTI
I miss my chickens...
I want new tattoos before I die of stress and my body is thrown in the ground more bare than it should be.
I want to gain weight so I feel and look healthier and maybe it'll help me not feel sick and weak and in as much pain
but the kids are dying as the seconds pass and the dust is building on the shelves and the dishes are piling up and the trash is starting to smell sour and the recycling is overflowing and my desk is too cluttered to set anything down and I need to love them more and be around them more and I need to stop watching YouTube and I need to start drawing and I need to travel and I need to live life but everything costs money and nothing lasts and I'm too much for everyone that I've met but I will still love them with all my heart and I don't think it's their fault they are only humans and I'm an unspeakable amount of divine/demonic/cosmic/paranormal entities with their own traumas and lives and backgrounds and intricate details eating up my insides- do you know how long it takes to get to know one person? the answer is you never know one person- imagine that but for 6 people all vying and deserving of being known and seen
and there's genocides and wars all over the planet. and there's deforestation and poachers. and there's puppy mills and inbreeding. and there's capitalism and heteronormativity. and I can't stop thinking about Nex Benedict and Aaron Bushnell. I can't stop thinking about the BLM protests. and I can't stop thinking about the Hong Kong protests. and I can't stop thinking about China. and human trafficking. and polution. and how the news and media that most people see don't say anything important and fear monger and emotionally manipulate for views and clicks. and nothing is real and no one tells the truth and even if it is the truth no one knows for certain. you never know what really happened unless you see it with your own eyes.
and it's all a stupid game we could all decide to stop playing and simply give people food and shelter and wifi and safety and medical attention. money doesn't have to exist we can just do things for each other but everyone forgot what reality was. which is about being outside and talking with people you love.
and I'm not suicidal anymore, although I do wish to lay at the foot of a tree until it grows around and envelops me. turning my being into immortality itself and sending my consciousness into the fabric of roots pulsing across terra until im one with the gods
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wh-da-backup · 7 months
lyric scraps 8/1/13
5/23/13 you went to saturday night's party and woke up on sunday's floor
5/14/12 i expected you to speak as i dream i'm sorry understand i say things as a friend and sometimes more than
my noose was your tongue the words were sending out but the connection hung
5/16/12 four years down the road or four years down the drain drawing blood from my veins and pictures of my brain
4/25/12 i'm sick of society how they try to measure sins by how great the tragedy and how small the violins
4/26/12 i'm not the favorite anymore and maybe with good cause i sensed you pulling away from me and i took out my claws
6/6/12 i'll drown in your deluge i'm acting like a stooge got nothing left to lose this point in time
5/20/12 when you feel like you need a brother and the mirrors tell you to kill know that tears run thicker than blood and always will
5/28/12 they call me a fool a inconsiderate ass ya know i go to school but i ain't got no class
4/2/12 i'm going to visit the boy i love he speaks to me through he speaks to me through old sound waves not yet rotten i'm going to visit the girl he loved she speaks to me too she speaks to me too dead voices not forgotten
we killed them slowly as we took over we need their bodies it's only instinct they couldn't handle the situations what killed them slowly and scarred their bodies we have their memories
6/1/12 high school queen bee bitch honey has she seen me? does she think it's funny?
7/5/12 i can feel something restless and waiting inside of me maybe it's anxiety or anticipation or maybe it's pee i count all the liquids in my life face moisturizer and water and key lime juice and an aqueous solution of coffee in the morning
5/30/12 you can say i'm old even without you you smell like a dissection your words are cutting too
5/31/12 our cage arcades our cage arcades
10/5/12 parlons, parlons c'est interdit car il n'ya pas de mots ici
reviens, reviens, c'est vrai enfin que les vrais mots n'importent rien
5/10/12 i wanna be your test drive don't forget your gasoline you can rule what hearts you want to let me be your blueprint scheme demo queen
1/11/13 the sound of your voice can disarm me a cat been picked up by the scruff i've known all along you'd never harm me but i guess it just wasn't enough i guess it wasn't enough
10/9/12 you are not my love you walk around in his clothes you walk around in his face but you are not my love we're dying trying to replace
1/13/13 hey dad too bad your rules are made of bread not iron clad
i heard you don't like my hair too much here, wrong color there well guess what, i can still go anywhere, sit in the boss's chair
5/30/13 pomme empoisonnee je vais te faire rester chante pour moi dans la claire de l'une de tes 8/1/13 reves qui sont vrai
4/8/12 he had it figured out in terms of fairytales
and when he tried for wonderland he didn't think of you
and when you tried to understand
and if you try to follow him you'll just be split in two
4/30/12 she's bleach, she's ice, she's milk and candy queen of tragic hearts like yours she never asked for any trouble shredding flowers on all fours
pills and poultice kicking stomachs underwater leaden petals bite if you dare but make it swift bite all you want but only if
drawing faces everywhere, an audience of millions' stares
6/4/12 i feel like the past year's a waste i know i've traveled the world but i'm worse or the same
i'm sure you've heard that there's plenty of fish in the sea but i hide in my shell; you're allergic to me
3/21/13 sleeping like a beauty queen found the spindle at age 16 decided she would join the team said this is better than any dream
4/6/13 all calmed down and jaded and my scars already faded should i make new what should i do?
4/6/13 music is her sustenance she lives on jupiter and mars
2/18/13 i showed up and the entire party was passed out- now that's what i call the collective unconscious!
april/13 "ex box" i'll put you in a box with my mistakes love letters, memories, old tapes and hopefully in 10 more years i will not sit here playing couldabeen
3/17/13 fall apart but don't fall off
3/18/13 i knew all your favorites and i thought i made the list
you gave me so much but i have nothing left of you
you don't have a clue you don't give a shit do you not even about the few who even deign to talk to you
3/28/13 trust your instincts if he seems like bad news then you better call the papers on him
4/10/12 my body's wooden and man-made am i ripe for the fire am i meant to be saved when i lie there is consequence i lie against my will but i don't want to be a real boy real boys only kill
1/3/12 (poem thing- it was on my phone and i kept forgetting about it)
what drives this endless cycle in our lives? sleep deprivation all work and no play it's only survival in a way
what gives? the story is sad but true my friend it may seem crazy but in the end the lunatic is the one that lives
7/25/13 when i say i've lost my mind can't tell if it's gone or just something i can't find
7/22/13 say so many things at once that for a moment i can forgive and forget myself
6/27/13 and to be honest i think i'm kind of ugly but i don't care and to be honest i think i'd probly kiss you if you were here
and now you're 19, it seems so strange how we would freak out all the time and talk to ease the pain and when we're 30, please don't forget me
5/26/13 sharpened pencil and liar's skin i tried to fight back i got all the guilt you lack i've been taught to let people like you win fuck that
1/21/13 take your medicine (take it with a grain of salt)
your voice of reason doesn't talk here comes the lady made of clock- work, time for your electric shocks
2/13/13 and our time wasn't wasted like i wish i were tonigh
2/17/13 you grew and clipped my wings time and time again you made me learn how to get by on my own mind just far enough to be alright i'm ready
the change will come and will occur and i will learn from changing
5/22/12 i wanna sit in a room for hours and play you all my songs especially the ones about you but not even my closest friends pay attention for very long
3/6/13 the sight of the pacific- california i wrote some words specifically for ya
3/10/13 i refuse to comb my hair more power to my righteous mop i'll put a sign says please don't stare right over your sign says i must be stopped
3/15/13 stripped of the words you hear and now my teeth are bare 3/12 offend because it's there
3/14/13 empty stomach sleep 3/15 i choke on wool, lose count of sheep
3/15/13 i make my promises to break… they're not your dreams to take
lay and lose my head i fall, land screaming in my bed neurapparatus, nightmare plague the cause is rather vague
3/23-24/13 "waltz time" my parents are pretty my sisters are pretty my weird friends from school grew up normal and cool
how come i have to live with my failures, my faults it's like life is in 4/4 and all i can do is the waltz
5/25/13 i stepped on a rose and sprinkled the sidewalk with blood from my toes
3/8/13 "home groan" i dreamed that someday i'd get to walk in the sun but i wasn't even playing outside when it went down
6/16/13 you taught me every lie i've ever known you told me to fit in or be alone but look how i've survived and how i've grown in spite of you
you said i'd reached developmental halt that all the crimes against me were my fault so i became numb bleeding out my shame with only me to blame or so i thought wrong
i will flourish free of your flaws your flaws are not my problem my flaws are not yours to harm me with
6/26/13 i wouldn't call it small talk because you're all talk
let's light up some neural circuits
6/7/13 i had to jump ship, it got too weighed-down to float i took off in the dinghy with the songs that i wrote…
i had to jump ship, it got too heavy to float and maybe we should kiss just to shut up our ghosts i don't care one way or another, but we came so close all those years ago
we'll report back to captain karo on our empty boat
(cause you know whatever happens you know we got her vote)
4/22/13 in this great ablation nation
4/28/13 no one appreciates so we inondate run out and replicate,
cry exterminate
we've run out of things to say you're full of air,
flatten like souffle
- if you don't, i may
mere exposure, love you cause you're there
4/23/13 changes of mind come in liquids and pills
you can't even start to tell the difference between a change of mind and a change of heart
6/11/13 we've got lines upon lines of no sleeping and papers for the final review you just seem to keep on keeping but me i just don't know what to do i have no clue
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resurrectedwarrior76 · 9 months
The first time I read Dog, it was about a dog wandering the streets enjoying the surroundings and taking in sights and smells of the city. Reading the poem, a second and third time led me to believe that there are some political connotations. The dog talks about a police officer that may not taste good, and that he would rather eat beef but then says that he does “not hate policemen but has no use for them” and proceeds to say that between a cow and the “policeman either might do.” Maybe he really does hate policemen enough to eat them should the opportunity present itself. Shortly after those statements he walks past Congressman Doyle who he states he is “not afraid of but that he is just another fire hydrant” to him. The irony and objective correlative of it is that dogs do pee on fire hydrants, but many humans might like to do the same to some congressmen if they were not taking the chance of being imprisoned for it. But this dog does not have time to pee on the congressman because he is free regardless of the “discouraging, depressing, and absurd” comments he hears. He goes on to say that he is free and cannot perjure himself and will tell the truth because of democracy and the right to be honest and or have free speech if you will. He does not want to be just another “dog” that is told what to do and to follow the normalcies of life without putting his perspective into things. He does not want to be another puppet “with his head cocked sideways, like a living question mark” not knowing anything about his existence or purpose in life. 
The dog trots freely in the street   
and sees reality   
and the things he sees   
are bigger than himself   
and the things he sees   
are his reality   
Drunks in doorways   
Moons on trees   
The dog trots freely thru the street   
and the things he sees   
are smaller than himself   
Fish on newsprint   
Ants in holes   
Chickens in Chinatown windows   
their heads a block away   
The dog trots freely in the street   
and the things he smells   
smell something like himself   
The dog trots freely in the street   
past puddles and babies   
cats and cigars   
poolrooms and policemen   
He doesn’t hate cops   
He merely has no use for them   
and he goes past them   
and past the dead cows hung up whole   
in front of the San Francisco Meat Market   
He would rather eat a tender cow   
than a tough policeman   
though either might do   
And he goes past the Romeo Ravioli Factory   
and past Coit’s Tower   
and past Congressman Doyle   
He’s afraid of Coit’s Tower   
but he’s not afraid of Congressman Doyle   
although what he hears is very discouraging   
very depressing   
very absurd   
to a sad young dog like himself   
to a serious dog like himself   
But he has his own free world to live in   
His own fleas to eat   
He will not be muzzled   
Congressman Doyle is just another   
fire hydrant   
to him   
The dog trots freely in the street   
and has his own dog’s life to live   
and to think about   
and to reflect upon   
touching and tasting and testing everything   
investigating everything   
without benefit of perjury   
a real realist   
with a real tale to tell   
and a real tail to tell it with   
a real live   
                         democratic dog   
engaged in real   
                      free enterprise   
with something to say   
                             about ontology   
something to say   
                        about reality   
                                        and how to see it   
                                                               and how to hear it   
with his head cocked sideways   
                                       at streetcorners   
as if he is just about to have   
                                       his picture taken   
                                                             for Victor Records   
                                  listening for   
                                                   His Master’s Voice   
                      and looking   
                                       like a living questionmark   
                                                                 into the   
                                                              great gramaphone   
                                                           of puzzling existence   
                 with its wondrous hollow horn   
                         which always seems   
                     just about to spout forth   
                                                      some Victorious answer   
                                                              to everything   
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, “Dog” from A Coney Island of the Mind: Poems. Copyright © 1958 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. 
Source: A Coney Island of the Mind: Poems (New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1958) 
0 notes
fly-sky-high-09 · 11 months
Weeewaahwoowhummm (slight tmi bellow with more Teo stuff, it's past 5:30am and I am sweating from my warm room while cooling off)
Tumblr media
After few days, it seems like I can tell Teo has been urinating on his own just fine now. He use to do small but multiple rounds but now he's really going and hopefully no struggle!
The slightly bad news is that, at first, he was reluctant to even enter the bathroom with the litter box inside but as soon as we changed the litter it was no issue. Strange how that works, he might have sceneted how his old pee was now astrange with a new diet or something? Because the litter was just about fresh even then, I changes it and washed the box right before he got this issue going on
Anyway, he is doing better now, still shying from the bathroom due to probably traumatic experience of me "wrangling" him to open and close the catheter while peeing in pain but he has to get use to it being safe again
So he did started entering the bathroom more bravely and he does use his litter... To poop in it. But when it comes to peeing, as good as he got with it, he's either missing the box or pissing right next to it. I can't teally tail him to see, especially since he absolutely dislikes having me around close to the bathroom after all that catheter mess and connecting me letting him pee on the bathroom floor while he's yelling in pain when pushing the urine out
Traumatized boy... :( I hope he will trust me again with time but even if he doesn't it's ok, understandable, have a nice day
What's important is that his urine is much clearer now and he has no issues peeing. The only obstacle seems to be the bathroom lol but I don't want to bother him about correction on where to pee just yet. I'm just really glad that he can ;w;
The luck in bad luck is that the blockage happened earlier while his struvite crystals were still not as dangerous of a level but still making an issue so this quick shift in diet seems to be doing wonders!
It's pricy food because it's medical but the good bit is that he's not demanding more than what we give him for various parts of the day when he usually eats. With his old food, he always seemed to yell for more and eat more until he felt full. I don't really understand the whole nutrition value with cat food but I'll assume the old bad food wasn't as helpful as I thought... Which is a shame, I wish I knew it sooner.
The worst bit is that when ever I was looking up locally sold brands of cat food everyone claimed different shit about different brands! And I complained about this to the vet and she rolled her eyes like "trust me, I know" then explained to me that majority of the brands here commercializating so much are usually the not good ones but also that they can't be fully blamed as proper cat diet is not something that can be packed with what they usually need.
Cats both feed and hydrate on kills originally and unlike with dogs, they still retain that need for their physiology to maintain itself, they aren't bred out of it so technically no cat food will be able to replace that. She said it's one of the main reasons why cats suffer with crystals and stones so much that it's potentially lethal: cats lacking hydrating from killed food and drinking water instead, as well as oats filled mixes to make them full instead nutritioned like real meat
Realistically, making your own food for cats it the best option but it's not something everyone can do or afford (<- she didn't say that but I assume since I noticed a lot of folks in yt videos with cats actually do make their own cat food for their cats resembling fresh meat and such)
Anyway, Teo is on anti-struvite food for the rest of his life. Which is great, since now I'm sure he both loves this food and is keeping him healthier than before! Reading the ingredients inside it's a decent mix of various poultry meat and oils, fish and such. Frankly it smells tasty! No oats!
He has to go for an ultrasound soonish to check back on the amount of crystals inside him
As for me, I still have some heart palpitations and nervous stomach every now and again during the day :') the stress got me really good this time around I am a little concerned but also know this happened before and will probably stop once things get fully back to normal and I stop over worrying (I am anxious snail I can't help myself)
Which, idk how long will last because august is so soon and mom was still suppose to check in for the pace maker implant... If her doctor would actually call her back for a check up and process results to the committee before then... But it's been two months so.... Idk wtf is going on :I she still has hospital surgery consultations scheduled for august so... I guess we'll see?? Sigh
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chanburnett40 · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Cat CareProvided you are aware of how to adequately care for them, felines create absolutely delightful pets. Like a cat owner, the idea is critical that a person take the time to help educate yourself on the many best cat care tips to guarantee that your own personal feline friend enjoys a new great lifestyle. The following article is chock full of handy cat health care advice.<br/>Be sure in order to have your canine friend cat spayed or even neutered by typically the time it is 6 several weeks old. A spayed as well as neutered cat can be some sort of more satisfactory canine because it is more mellow, less busy and more very likely to home. Neutered male cats will not spray pee to mark their place. This is definitely a new plus when that relates to cat possession.<br/>Check having your shelter before an individual purchase a cat. Generally there are so many excellent kittens and cats in shelters. Often the charge you will possess to pay typically comes with vet care. Adopting the cat with a shelter allows you to save a cat's living while also encouraging reduce overpopulation.<br/>If your own cat is definitely an patio kitty or a kitten of which has a habit involving getting exterior, they need proper identification. The particular cat should have a new safety collar and a IDENTIFICATION tag. Safety collars who have elastic bands allow cats and kittens to get out involving the collar whenever they find it caught upon something. An ID draw or maybe an implanted microchip can help your cat obtain returned if they're lost.<br/>If you have a good male kitten, it will be important to have the dog neutered before he retreats into heat. When male cats start maturing, they can begin to spray about the house. This smells similar to ammonia and is difficult to remove. Acquiring your natural male cat neutered can help to protect against this via happening.<br/>Keep away from being held awake by your cat romping from the house in night time. When you initially get your current kitten, establish a new addiction of putting the idea for you to bed in a secure crate with the good bed, litter box, as well as water from night. If you start this early, your own personal cat will appreciate acquiring it has the own safe, cozy room.<br/>Protect your feline from choking. Be confident to dump poultry and fish bone fragments safely. Towel wrap them in a paper or plastic bag and put them in your out-of-doors trash can with the lid firmly secured. Also consider, place them within a plastic material bag and frost nova them all until waste grab day time.<br/>Keep an eye with early indicators of overall health issues inside cats. Felines usually show warning symptoms if they are fighting with health problems. Some widespread signs to look out there for consist of eating habit changes, sleeping habit improvements, not being equipped in order to groom properly, changes within eating routine, changes in sleep habits, despression symptoms, sneezing, increased thirst, watery eyes, changes in habits, disappearing, in addition to vomiting. If they screen these symptoms, take these individuals for you to some sort of vet right away. The sooner you take, them the higher quality.<br/> <a href="http://users.atw.hu/jesusdesciples/index.php?mod=users&action=view&id=754797">best kitten toys</a> <br/>A cat's nails can certainly grow seriously quickly. They sharpen their particular nails by scratching in different floors like some sort of scratching post. You can certainly help avoid your kitten destroying your pieces of furniture by means of clipping their fingernails or toenails frequently. This will help to help decrease your cat via scratch at different things around your house.<br/>Occasionally you need to provide a cat a capsule. Some cats are difficult than others, but you have to cut their nails very first. Next hold the scalp, open the mouth, and put the supplement inside. After that blow on the cats and kittens face. This will in all likelihood make the cat riff its nose, plus the supplement will go down obviously.<br/>When getting a modest kitten to consume dry kitten food, to wait. From initial they usually only have fun with with food. It may take a little while, nevertheless they'll at some point learn the fact that they are supposed for you to consume that rather as compared to toy with it. If this meals is moistened primary with milk, a good pussy-cat may take to this faster.<br/>Keep track connected with your cat friend simply by getting the animal microchipped. This small unit is incorporated beneath the body involving your cat's shoulder rotor blades. Microchip implantation might sting for a few secs, but the implant is often unnoticeable and will definitely not cause your pet any pain. This computer chip makes this easier for animal control to track down your kitty if that goes lacking.<br/>Cats' fascination often puts them in risky cases. Something as simple as a diamond necklace, window draw, or telephone cords can easily cause your pet to become injured or even slain. These things should be chained securely so they are definitely not a source of lure for your inquisitive animal. Several childproofing aids job as well for your pussy-cat.<br/>Ensure that your innovative cat is spayed or perhaps neutered. This is critical even if your cat will certainly not be out-of-doors or perhaps around cats of the complete opposite gender. Studies demonstrate that spayed cats will be less vulnerable to uterine, mammary, and ovarian cancer. Neutering your male pet cat decreases his risk connected with developing prostate cancers. Another benefit of neutering is definitely that your cat will never feel motivated to mark his location by spraying.<br/>You cannot keep the cat being a pet when you are not well prepared to effectively care to get it. The best way to discover how to be some sort of great feline owner is usually to read in addition to apply the information provided here. With the proper care, your kitty will get able to live a good longevity in great satisfaction.<br/>
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gooddrejer91 · 1 year
Quit Your Pet Cat From Becoming A Problem Cat With These Top Tips As well as Tricks
A brand-new feline is really similar to a brand-new kid. Among the hardest parts of elevating a new kitty is maintaining them captivated whenever they wish to play. A young kitty isn't scared to wake you up while tangling themselves in your hair. Still, there are much better means to maintain these little felines captivated. Have your youngsters aid you look after the feline. Appoint daily work such as feeding the cat and cleaning the can. Not just will dealing with the cat teach them obligation, it additionally gives you a break from these jobs. This implies that you can invest more time cuddling with your feline. how to bathe your cat If your cat is choosy concerning consuming water, purchase a pet cat fountain. These battery ran or plug in water fountains keep water flowing and also aerated. Many felines prefer this. A cat water fountain will certainly aid maintain your pet cat out of the kitchen sink as well as the toilet. It will additionally assist prevent your cat from pawing water onto the floor searching for fresh water. Protecting your pet cat from family chemicals is something that you may already recognize, however did you understand that shielding them from medicines is equally as vital? Common over the counter medicines such as ibuprofen can be poisonous to your feline, also in little doses. Keep your medication securely out of the reach of your pet cat. Keep your pet cat's layer healthy by providing them a supplement of dietary yeast. Nutritional yeast is an inexpensive supplement that can be found in many wellness food stores. Merely spray a little bit on your cat's dry food, or mix it in with their wet food. Not just do they like just how it tastes, yet it has plenty of protein and also vitamins that will maintain them looking their finest! Do not presume that because a medication is alright for you to take, that it is risk-free for your feline too. Numerous medicines created humans are lethal to cats, such as acetaminophen including medications and pain killers. Constantly talk to your vet before you provide your feline anything. Male pet cats occasionally have crystals in their pee, however this can be stopped with the ideal cat food. This problem is painful for the cat and to your budget, too. Offer your cat foods that are reduced in magnesium. This suggests you need to take note of labels on food. Fish products are generally greater in magnesium. Pet cats are terrific pets, however their trash boxes can be unattractive as well as have an odor. If you can't stand the view of your can, then it is time to go purchasing. There are many different styles of clutter boxes on the marketplace. Some are also camouflaged as phony potted plants. Not only does it look much better, it manages the odor. Pet cats enjoy being up high. Your pet cat will be really pleased if you provide a place for him to see his surroundings. You do not require a large cat tree in the living-room; merely provide a solid rack alongside a home window. Additionally, you can put a bed or covering in this space. When the feline's can starts to come to be rough as well as put on near the bottom, it is time to change it. If you leave it by doing this, it will certainly trigger waste to build up in harmed locations. Your pet cat might be really upset by the smell and make a decision to make use of the shower room elsewhere in your house. Have persistence with your cat. Bear in mind that your pet cat is not a dog, and also may not be as quickly trainable as one. If you are being clear in your commands as well as gently encouraging them, you'll locate that your feline reacts the method you desire him to. Simply hold your horses. The majority of veterinarians suggest that you feed your feline food that is in the can rather than the dry selections in the box or bag. This is because the canned food contains a lot more water, fat as well as healthy protein than the dry range. It is additionally simpler to take in for felines with dental problems. If you have greater than one feline, you need to have as several clutter boxes as you have felines. If a lot of pet cats need to share the exact same trash box, it can imply disaster! The felines may choose not to share their getting rid of space, instead, utilizing various other areas, such as clean washing or concealed corners of the home to do their organization. The trick to amusing kitties is simpleness. A lot of pet cats love some of the same plots and motions, while other pet cats are unbelievably one-of-a-kind with their very own concepts for fun. If you do not want your kitty to become a bad-tempered, old furball, after that let it have fun and also play around like a kitten should.
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weebliss · 1 year
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I love cats but I'm not in good terms with my cat hehe.
This is Mingming and he always sleeps at that side of my bed. He likes to sit/lie wherever he smells my scent but we are not close. He dislikes me or people in general haha. His attachment to me is due to the fact that when he was a baby, the rug he slept on was my old blouse. I don't know. In Mingming's point of view I guess, I smell like home haha. This is the reason why I'm not surprised if I find him crushing my bag, peeing by shelf (!!!), or lying on my bed or pillow or clothes (argh!). He easily adapts on changes. He can make us obey him. He's the boss anyway. He doesn't sleep inside the house because he pees/poops in our bathroom and mom dislikes it. He sleeps outside but by 3 am, he will slam the door to wake us up because he's done with his business outside and wants to sleep on a soft bed. He sleeps until 8 am. He doesn't get food on the table. He only does that whenever we forget to feed him. He's not a good stealer anyway. When you catch him, he freezes haha. He does not eat raw fish. He asks my mom to cook the fish. But he eats rice grains! He only sits on my lap whenever he's cold and does not want me to move. He dislikes to be touched but we cannot help it because he's fluffy haha. He allows us but only for a moment. When he's tail is slamming the floor (or in this case the bed), he's telling you that he's already annoyed. The only being in the universe who he likes to get close to is our dog, Jumong, but he passed away last 2015. Mingming was really sweet with him but Jumong did not like him haha. Mingming does not want to eat with another cat in the house. He gives his food away and skips meals. He's not that competitive hehe. My family and I really love him. He's getting older and older as time goes by and so is the man who brought him for us.
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