#Cave Spider Spawner
edwardos · 2 months
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flowery-king · 1 year
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I got invited to my friend's minecraft server pff
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fizzytoo · 5 months
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back w the homegirls :D (they dont like him 😞)
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confetti-critter · 3 months
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askzloyxp · 2 years
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Minecraft, I JUST finished my video about the tripple cave spider spawner farm, and you gonna GIVE ME A QUADRUPPLE ONE?! ON THE SAME WORLD?? REALLY? NOW??!
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squidkidcelebi · 1 month
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Yeah I'd take the cryptid over the Abandoned Mineshaft Cave Spider Spawner Area any day.
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milubrique · 9 months
we're about to fuck but when u pull down my pants u see a bunch of minecraft spider webs like in a cave that ur gonna need to get through with a sword until u reach the slime spawner
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
Bad has found a cave spider spawner! Since crow team is going for spider eye tasks, negotiations are continuing to hopefully trade the coords of the spawner for all the bookshelves they have :3
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curoopeez · 9 months
one thing about me is that im the kind of person to go look for an ancient city just to get a sculk catalyst just to make a sculk farm just to make a fishing farm (I need a calibrated sculk sensor and I already found an amethyst geode on the way) just to have a way to farm string so I can make scaffolding (I already have bamboo) to make the raid farm I wanted to make to begin with. And it was only when I took a break from minecraft to scroll on tumblr that I realised the cave spider spawner I found while caving on the search of a deep dark biome would be a much more reliable source of string, which is what I was trying to farm in the first place
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boatemboys · 2 months
"there's a cave spider spawner. im not getting rid of it, just in case. someone might- might yell at me for getting rid of it" jimmy stop saying things i can easily turn angsty. do u know what ur doing
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viky-somebody · 1 year
watching a R3SPAWN vod and Foxynotail and Miztcats are building a home in a cave, on a hardcore lifesteal server. using a spider spawner for a chandelier in a dining room, as you do ofc
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trulymightypotato · 8 months
I started a new minecraft save to play 1.20 and in three hours have found 4 iron, 1 pillager outpost, 1 itty bitty village (4 houses & 2 chests), 1 mineshaft (lots of copper and coal there but no iron yet), and 3 cave spider spawners
The third one is not in a good spot for a farm, either
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Hard work and labor. That's all Itura really had fun doing out in the middle of nowhere, where there was plenty to do. She'd be either exploring new caves, expanding anywhere near her house, farming for experience, but she'd mainly gather resources. All sorts of them. It was always a cycle. Mining for resources broke her tools, so she'd make new ones. Making new tools required materials, so she'd go back to finding them, and the cycle continued.
But of course, venturing deeper into new cave trenches required risk. She could be crossing a bridge made of dirt and a skeleton could shoot at her from behind. Or a creeper could suddenly blow up as she was mining ores. Those were a few things that have happened before, but we don't really talk about that...
Right now, Itura was deep in a stalactite cave, leaping from each small pool to the next, avoiding the sharp stone below. She was looking for diamonds. Her netherite was nearly broken, so she had to resort to her backup iron armour. Not the best, but it's kept her safe. A few close calls over some lava or tall heights, but she always carried a water bucket for those situations.
She placed some torches down and killed a few mobs so she could look around for her goal. She'd been in the caves for... she pulls out her clock. About 5 weeks. (Yes, she can be in caves for weeks, being very dedicated). Itura held a torch and shone it around the cave. She had good vision through the night, but even with a lavafall spilling from one side of the cave, she could just barely make out the cerulean shine of a jewel right above her, several blocks up and embedded in the ceiling.
Immediately, Itura started scrambling in her inventory, getting all the blocks she might need to reach the diamonds. She took a stack of deepslate out and started to tower.
One by one, every block hoisting her up to reach her goal. And once she was two blocks below the diamonds, she grabbed her pickaxe. But she couldn't even make a dent in the block, she heard a screech east of the cave. Her head turned to see spiders crawling out of a mob spawner, making their way right to her tower.
She questioned how she didn't notice that when she came into the cave, despite the large quantity of spiders everywhere.
Itura wasn't abandoning diamonds so close to her. She started mining. To her luck, if her life weren't endangered in the moment, there were multiple diamonds buried in the stone. And she was taking all of it.
Just as she made contact with the last diamond, a few spiders had managed to reach her small platform. There wasn't much room to fight, and every second that passed, there would be more spiders. Itura got her sword and shield out, taking defense. But she knew she wasn't going to make it out uninjured. Or, worst case scenario, alive.
She swung at the arthropods, knocking some off, but more came from behind her, snapping at her heels and making her jump. Her armour was breaking. She had to jump. She had to. She put her shield and sheathed her sword so she could dig around in her messy inventory for her water bucket.
Now the spiders were swarming her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Itura's focus was everywhere now. But a spider lunged onto her, forcing her to stumble back and fall.
Itura closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact that was to come. But it didn't. Something grabbed her by the back of her chest plate and a pop rung in her ears before she was dropped onto something soft. Getting up, she groaned, eating some of her bread to heal. Itura opened her eyes, adjusting to the light, like usual every time she came out of mining. Looking around, she was in a field of different colored tulips. She knew this field. She took her armor off and set it down, but immediately, she was grabbed by her wrists and hauled into the air, followed by a deep, angry, and familiar voice. The only other voice she knew other than her own.
"You careless, irresponsible child. WHAT were you THINKING doing that?" Itura was turned to come face to face with DreamXD. A humanoid God with 4 arms, wings, and a white orb head with two lines crossed the middle of their face...ish. Their head was not connected to their neck. They had no facial expressions, but by the tone of their voice, they were seathing.
Itura slowly looked up and (tried) to make eye contact by staring at the intersection on their head. She had to say something, though...
"Uhm.. thanks for saving my life?" Itura said, almost a question. Clearly, by the grip on her wrist, XD was still angry at her.
"Yeah. Again." XD hissed, dropping her on the ground, but grabbing hold of her wings. "I have just about had enough of saving you from peril." They scolded her, his lower hands balling into fists. "You are clearly not careful enough to even consider mining again, Itura."
Itura crossed her arms and kicked the grass. "Oh please, it was that one time you saved me and now." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
XD growled
"One time? ONE TIME." They yelled, making Itura flinch. XD dropped her wings and stood taller. "You mean to tell me you forgot about the time you tried to jump off a cliff into a two by two pool of water?"
"Well -"
"Or the time you went to kill a warden with nothing but fireworks, eggs and one stack of wool carpets?" They went on.
"I was being resourceful!" Itura snapped back. "The eggs were distractions so I could escape!"
XD tilted his head. "Resourceful, huh?" They asked, crossing both pairs of arms. "Like the time you went to kill an elder guardian with two eight minute water breathing potions?"
The both of them stared at each other for a few moments until Itura spoke. "So? That's plently."
"Yeah, it would be plenty if you hadn't DRANK THEM before FIGHTING THE GUARDIANS!" XD yelled, throwing their hands in the air. Itura felt much smaller now, but she still didn't back down and admit defeat.
She brushed her furred tail over the flowers and grass. "Well, no matter. You were there every time, so I shouldn't be worried."
"Oh so you think exploiting me of my worry for your life means you get to get into danger and get off scott free!" XD yelled, grabbing Itura by her jacket, lifting her in the air. "I should smite you right now to make you value your life more." They hissed, but either way, they dropped Itura and looked down on her while she avoided looking up. "...But that wouldn't solve anything. You need a humane punishment."
Itura felt a shiver crawl down her spine, all the way down her tail. Her mind told her that she was about to get hurt by a God.
So her legs told her to run. So she did, sprinting through the plain. And she heard XD spread their wings and fly toward her. Immediately, that fear motivated her to run faster. She was terrible at fighting, but her speed was great. Nothing compared to DreamXD's, but it was getting her somewhere.
Itura got a good few yards before XD teleported in front of her, their arms extended to reach her, but she ducked and ran left. Again, XD appeared in front of her. This time their second pair of arms down lower to try and catch her, but she reacted quickly and jumped over the god, running once again.
"QUIT RESISTING, ITURA!" XD yelled, flying after her, but having to constantly swerve left and right to try and catch her off guard.
Itura, however, did not give in, and kept running, despite her heart rate telling her to just give up. But she refused to let her fight or flight instincts stop. "I don't think I will!" She countered, ducking down when she heard XD only inches away from her, she looked up to see him flying over her. Itura had to try so hard not to laugh while she stumbled upwards and ran the opposite direction. She clearly heard XD punch the ground while yelling curses.
Itura looked behind her to see if the god was far enough. But in that moment, those few three seconds of one action, a strike of realization hit her. The one thing she shouldn't have done.
Don't. Look. Back.
She didn't even have time to look forward before she was engulfed in a velvety green robe and 4 arms to keep her in place. She opened her eyes, and for the first time she realized that the inside of his robe looked just like the night sky. If Itura ever rarely saw it. But that admiration only lasted seconds before both of her wrists were taken in a large hand, and she was pinned to the ground. XD, looking down at her. And they didn't even need a face to emmit some sort of smug aura from themself. "Gotcha."
Itura looked up at DreamXD with the most pleading eyes a human being could make. Itura herself was pretty small, so pinning her down was easy for XD. One of their hands taking both her wrists and holding them above her head while they straddled her legs with their lower arms. So clearly she wasn't changing the end god's mind.
"W-Wahait, Ehex dehe, I-I don't want to be hurt." Itura bargained. "Look, I'm sorry I ran I just- please, I'm sohorry!"
XD sighed. Their grip loosened, but not enough for her to escape. "I never said I was going to hurt you, Itura." They said, in a calm voice. First time in a while, or in a long time. She didn't remember when XD was calm with her rather than impatient or annoyed.
"You're not... going to hurt me?" Itura asked slowly, just to verify his words.
"No, I'm not." They replied.
Itura glanced around and back up to XD. "Then what are you going to do?" She asked. She knew she should be scared right now, but anticipation was killing her, and she couldn't restrain keeping a few giggles back. Which seemed to be a mistake, as XD hummed, bringing their one free hand up to her side, hovering two claws (or just really sharp, curved nails...) just centimeters away from her side. Itura tried flinching away from them.
"I have a question for you." XD said, tapping her wrist with one thumb to get her to look up, so she did.
Itura really didn't have any other option other than to cooperate. "Y-Yeheah? What ihis it?"
Now she could almost hear a smirk coming from them, and Itura felt like shrinking into the grass. "How ticklish do you think you are?"
Heat rose to her face while her body started to feel numb. If she was completely honest, she really didn't know. Her cat, Perennial would lick her hand or face sometimes, but never actually something serious. She knew of the concept of course, but she didn't think she'd ever actually been tickled before. But he didn't ask if she was. He asked how. XD thought of his question well as to avoid a yes or no answer.
She decided to answer with honesty, hoping that would get her into less trouble. "I-Ihi dohon't really knohow..." She answered. She knew XD was teasing her by keeping their hand by her side, as if he knew the tension would break her.
XD hummed again, as if they were thinking. "How about we do a test for your punishment?" They asked, placing their free hand on the ground next to her side. Less intimidating, but she didn't feel any less relaxed.
"I'll tickle you in different places, and you will rate them for me." XD explains, letting go of my wrists with one of her hands to wave in the air in a circular motion. "And once we are done, you're free. Only one account that you will promise me you will always be prepared for anything, even over prepared. Got it?"
Itura hesitated. She really didn't want to do this. She didn't even know what to expect. On one hand, she was about to go through something she'd never really been through properly.
Buuut on the other hand, she didn't really seem to have any choice or hope of escaping, so she had no other liable options.
"Fine." She says, tensing up. "I'll play your little game. But don't take forever! I've never done this before..."
XD let out an oddly calm but worrying chuckle, bringing one hand up to her neck, making her turn her head to avoid them. "Don't have your hopes up, child. This is a punishment. We will be starting from top to bottom." He says, starting to wiggle his fingers around her neck, making contact with her nerves, sending her into a fit of giggles immediately.
Itura was immediately sent into a few moments of confusion and adjustment. The curved claws on XD's fingers felt weird, but they were very efficient, grazing against every nerve. It took her several moments to adjust to his pattern before she got used to the feeling. She still wanted to squirm, but she still liked the feeling.
Then again, they had barely begun.
"You seem to be enjoying this so far." XD comments, wriggling their thumb into the hollow of her neck, making her scrunch her neck up. "How do you think you'll rate this?"
It took a moment for her to come up with a decision before she finally decided. "Fohohour! F-Fohour!" She laughed lightly.
DreamXD stops, pulling their hand away. They let go of Itura's wrists and moved downwards enough for her to sit up. "Remove your jean jacket."
"Uh, er, ok..." Itura murmered while XD took her wrists again with their upper hands, lifting them above her head while their lower arms positioned them below her arms. Of course, the tension was back. your Jean-jacket." XD instructs.
"Wh-why?" Itura asked, sitting up and taking the chance to stretch her arms and wings. Of course, that was a mistake, letting XD grab both edges of her jacket and taking it off for her, not wanting to take forever answering questions. "So I can access the next spot." They say impatiently, folding the jacket neatly before placing it in the tall grass to the left.
"Uh, er, ok..." Itura murmered while XD took her wrists again with their upper hands, lifting them above her head while their lower arms positioned them below her arms. Of course, the tension was back.
"You sound nervous." XD says with a teasing tone in his voice. That made her feel more nervous than anything.
Itura nodded. "Well, th-this is a very odd scenarioOHOHO, GOHOHOD! WAHAHAIT!" Itura shouted, throwing her head back as soon as XD started tickling her underarms, digging into the shirt-protected (well, barely) hollows.
Now those ticklish sparks were shocks, and she really wanted to lay down and squirm. But XD had a firm grip on her wrists. She tried to tell herself to focus on the rating, by the other side of her was screaming 'ITbut TICKLES, ESCAPE, LAY DOWN, GET OUT OF HERE!' .
"STOHOHOP, EHEX DEHEHE, STOHOHOP!" Itura screamed, wanting to bring her arms down desperately. But XD had a very firm grip on her wrists were firm.
"Not until you give me a raaa~tiing." XD teases in a sing-song voice, sending flustered tingles up her back to her face.
She took a few moments to reply due to trying to come up with a number. "SEHEVEHEN!" She blurts out. "ST-STOHOP!"
They did, bringing their hands down and away from her. XD let go of one of Itura's wrists and conjured up a bottle of water, handing it to her. She hesitantly took it, drinking half of it just in case she would need it later.
The two of them sat there for minutes in silence. XD keeping her in place, and Itura looking at the grass, using her free hand to mess with an oxeye daisy.
"We're just getting started, aren't we?" Itura asks, purposely avoiding XD's unknown vision.
"Mhm." They reply simply. "Which means we should probably get your punishment done and over with." Itura nods, raising her arm willingly. XD takes it and holds it above her. "Are you ready?"
"Y-Yeah, let's just do this." Itura says nervously, pink tinting her face.
DreamXD places their hands on her sides, sending shivers up the dragon hybrid's spine. Itura was tense for several moments, waiting for them to make their move. Eventually, she looked up at XD to see what was wrong. "What are you- NAHAHA- WAHAHAHAHA!"
"Waiting for you to look up~" They tease, digging their fingers into her sides, pressing thumbs into the edges of each side. In that moment, a 1-10 rating would have seemed like an understatement. And the scream that tore from her felt like it ruined her voice. Itura's nerves were set on fire.
Itura tried to lean left and right, but every time she tried to avoid one hand, she'd just press herself closer to the other. No escape, and XD seemed to be enjoying themselves. Itura, however, was not.
"EHEHEHEX DEHEHE, STAHAHA- AHAHAHA! IHIHIT'S TOHOHOO MUHUHU- HAHAHA!" Itura screamed, tossing her head back when XD started spidering up her right, making things all the worse. She could feel tears threatening the corners of her eyes.
The End god let out a chuckle, but Itura couldn't hear over her own booming laughter. "I think we found your bad spot." They say, raising their voice a bit so she could hear him. "Care to give me a rating?"
It should have been easy to say a number. But the only words her mind could comprehend were 'IT TICKLES' on repeat.
She hated this.
"TWEHEHEHELVE! IHIHIT'S SOHOHO BAHAHAHAD!" Itura said after what seemed to be hours, when it was merely just a minute of desperate laughter and screaming.
XD shakes their head, continuing to knead into the soft, very sensitive nerves. "Twelve isn't an option, Child." They say, tilting their head to look at the scene in their hold. "A number one through ten, very simple."
At XD's impatience, Itura eventually shouted ten through whatever voice she had left, and XD finally stopped.
The moment they took their hands away from her sides, she had never felt so much relief wash over her at once, gasping for air and giggles pouring out of her. XD let go of her wrists, seeing as it was safe to let her go. It was, and all Itura did was curl into a fetal position to wrap her wings around her.
"Y-Yohohuhu ahare teheherrihible..." Itura says, refusing to look directly up at them.
DreamXD sighs, tapping the ground. "This is a punishment." They say, reaching out to pet one of the hybrid's fluffy wings. She tensed up for a second before relaxing, trusting him. "We're only halfway through, too. Do you need a bit more time, or shall we get this over with?"
Itura wanted to take some more time. She wanted to just lay down forever and wish the spiders had gotten to her. But they didn't, and she didn't know how to fight, but God damn it, she wasn't going to be weak to something as childish as tickling.
Itura sits up, bringing her wings behind her, raising her arms up, and her head down. "Juhust do whahat yohou need to do."
"You're going to have to lay down for this next bit." XD says, motioning their hands to the soft grass cleared of flowers. Of course, Itura obliged, laying down and spreading her wings, sprawling over the grass. The blades tickled her back just the slightest, but not enough to conjure any sort of vocal response. The smaller hybrid looked at the sky, DreamXD's head just barely visible under her peripheral vision.
Obviously, that strengthened the anticipation, making their next actions unpredictable to Itura. Only seconds later, she felt one hand grab hers and hold it above her head. Two needle-ended pegs straddled hers so she'd be unable to kick in any way.
"You seem excited there." XD teases, both lower hands placed on the ground and tilting their head.
Ugh, that stupid voice and head tilt, Itura cursed. It really did get to her, despite it making her blush nervously. She had a feeling that was the point.
She heard XD chuckle. "Very well then." They said, and within seconds, Itura felt nails tracing around the middle of her stomach. She shrieked and fell into loud laughter again. Every so often, XD would press their index finger into the soft area, making her jump. Her free hand kept trying to grab XD's wrist.
"You seem to have an exceptionally sensitive lower torso." XD observed out loud, taking another hand and snatching her hand so they could hold it above her head. They decided to start a one-sided conversation. "I have a brother with a very ticklish belly. Much more ticklish than you are."
"AHAHA- IHIHI DOHOHON'T CAHARE!" Itura laughed, batting her wings uselessly against the god. It didn't phase them in the slightest, and they continued talking as if she never said anything.
"He, my brother, has an exceptionally ticklish belly-button. Whenever I'd tickle him, I'd trace one finger juuust around the edge here." They said, slipping their hand under the fluffy dragon's thin undershirt, starting to trace around her belly button as an example. Itura's laughter died down a lot, reducing only to giggling.
DreamXD hummed, sounding a bit disappointed. "Seems for you it's the opposite." They say blankly. "Ready to rank now?" They ask, going back to just pressing their fingers into the outer sides of her belly.
Itura didn't hesitate to answer. "EHEHEIGHT- OHOHOR NIHIHINE!" She laughed, trying to suck her stomach in, but clearly it was useless.
"I need one number." XD said impatiently.
"FIHINE! NIHIHINE!" Itura said as her final answer. XD stopped, letting her go. Itura sat up and covered her belly with her wings, rubbing away the ghostly fingers. "Ahare we dohone now?" She asked, hoping it was.
"No." XD said, handing Itura the half drank water bottle. Itura took it gladly and drank it until it was empty. "But we're almost done."
Itura let out a growl, looking away from XD and at a nearby birch forest off to the distance. "I get the point you're trying to make, XD." She said, tapping her tail on the ground. "I promise, I'll be more careful."
XD nodded. "I know you will." They said, uprooting a rose and looking at it carefully as if taking in every detail. "But it would be wrong of me not to finish what I've started. Both you and I need to take responsibility in this."
"Ehhh, fine. I guess you're right." Itura said, laying down on her back. "But I'm starting to get exhausted. Can we just do one more spot?" She asked, looking back up at XD, who had replanted the rose and was looking at her with a tilted head. Her cheeks flushed pink. Totally n-not because I want you to tickle me, just- ugh, you know!"
She heard XD chuckle, which intimated her. "Alright, one more spot." XD said, crossing their legs and patting the area in front of them, signaling Itura to come closer. Hesitantly, she did, sitting there with her knees to her chest.
"Give me one of your ankles." DreamXD instructed, holding one hand out. Itura was slightly confused, but she did, stretching one leg out for XD. Itura was always bearfoot. Mainly because she didn't like the feeling of boots on her feet, which were mainly just paws. Her lower legs were part of her hybrid body, being mostly white fur. There was an odd ankle placement, but XD seemed to have no trouble finding it and keeping a firm grip. Itura laid back slightly.
"You have pawpads." They said, taking a finger and gently pressing into the middle toe pad. Itura squealed, starting to immediately laugh. She could tell XD was just teasing.
She sorta-maybe should have not said that, because XD let out a huff and a muttered 'very well' and started to start scratching at the soft pads.
Now Itura was thrashing, a lightning bolt setting her nerves into shock. It sent her to past the line of just laughter. She was screaming, trying to roll onto her stomach but only managing to her sides. She couldn't even kick.
"My, this is just barely as bad as your sides, hm?" XD says a bit too casually, but Itura could just barely hear him through her ecstatic laughter. "You think this is just as bad as them? Maybe even more?"
"MOHOHO- AHAHA- MOHOHOHOHORE!" She shouts, flapping her wings against the ground, sending grass blades flying. "EHEHEX DEHEHE, PLEHEHAHAHAHA!"
DreamXD didn't let her finish, starting to switch things up by dragging a claw on their index finger down the middle of her foot, all the ay down the arch and back up again.
"Please, what?" XD asks, pretending to be oblivious. "You need to be clearer."
"DAHAHAMN IHIHIT, STAHAHAHAHAP!" Itura managed to squeeze out in between her escalated shouting.
However, XD didn't stop, though. They just continued their ruthless attack. "You must've forgotten that I need a rating."
Itura cursed at the god through whatever little thoughts she had left and gave them the answer they wanted. "TEHEHEN. TEHEHEHEN, NOHOHOW STOHOHOP!
Finally, after what felt like ages, XD lifted their hands away from her paws, letting her ankles go. Itura pulls her legs to her chest and scoots away from XD as they sit down cross-legged. Itura was hiding her giggling in her fluffed wings, which definitely needed brushed when she got home.
"Need help getting home?" XD offers.
She shook her head. "Noho, but thank yohou anywahays."
XD stands up and starts to float. "Then I hope you understand your punishment and learn from this experience. I'll be off the-"
"Wait!" Itura says, standing up quickly. She had recovered fast. "You said you weren't really done testing all areas, sooo.. I was wondering if you would want to finish some time whenever I give myself a free day?"
XD looks down at her. "You say that as if I was your friend." They say, crossing their upper arms.
Itura shifts her wings uncomfortably. "Well... aren't we friends?" She asked, confused. Her tail wrapped around her ankles. "I consider you one."
"Well, that's a shame because I'm not your friend." They said, half snapping at her. "What we did was discipline, not a fun activity. Goodbye." They say, teleporting away before Itura could say bye.
Itura stood there, distraught. She felt alone again. Usually, that would never be a problem for her. She enjoyed being alone. But what XD said without any hesitation, it hurt her. The sun starts to set in the west. Itura tries not to let that affect her as she puts her armor on and taking her sword out. She starts to see mobs coming out of caves and forests and starts to follow a compass home.
(Ahhhh finally this is done. I'd like to thank Covenwives, Fluffallama and soft dragon for combining my 3 favorite things into one and inspiring me to write these kinds of fanfics.)
If there's anything I can improve on or if it's not acceptable in the community to insert an oc, please comment. I will stop using Itura if people would accept it that way. I just love receiving comments and my asks are always open.
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fizzytoo · 5 months
stuck in a small space w a cave spider spawner <3 time for me to rage quit
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confetti-critter · 4 months
I played too much minecraft. Now its 8pm and I'm just now having dinnar (creem chease bagel+various ffuits) 😞
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squidkidcelebi · 2 months
Started a new Minecraft world cause I got the urge to play again and here are some highlights:
West from spawn, just a little ways away, is a village, and further west from that is ANOTHER village (which I settled down in)
A savanna village even further west with a Warm Ocean Ruin right in front which hid not one but TWO Sniffer eggs
A BIG MUSHROOM ISLAND FUTHER WEST FROM THAT (I've never found one legitimately in Survival before :D)
A teeny tiny Mushroom Island somewhere south west (only a handful of blocks big)
A huge, HUGE Mesa bordering a GIANT Mangrove swamp (like it just keeps on going, mangrove as far as the eye can see lol) which also borders a coral reef
Also in that Mesa are 3 exposed cave spider spawners from the same Mineshaft pretty much right next to each other
Several villages, SEVERAL Ocean Monuments (some of which are within render distance of each other, fr why would you ever need the Ocean Map trade), a pillager outpost (no Allays sadly) next to a Cherry Grove (which I might explore underground to see if I can find a Deep Dark and possibly Ancient City), and have so far found 2 Dungeons (A skeleton spawner and spider spawner, the latter of which is actually p much right under my house)
I currently have every available sapling (minus the Nether trees cause I haven't even stepped foot into the Nether yet) and have about 40 diamonds to my name, most of which were either from loot chests or exploring a giant Lush Cave that I found
Also SIX TIDE ARMOR TRIMS from shipwrecks I found; three 'wrecks (not in a row) with two in each
Oh and I have 8 tamed wolves and two axolotls :)
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