#Charlotte Page: Student Mentor
neshabeingchildish · 4 years
The Swellview Shut In
This is for Pearl @pearlselegancies, though I don’t know if she’ll feel up to reading at the moment. I do want to preface it by saying that it involves the quarantine, but not in a sad and negative way (mostly). Really, I wanted to do more of a focus on the good things in life/friendship/found family and bonding type of premise. Hopefully, she enjoys this and anyone else who reads, too.
Charlotte Page: Student Mentor - The Swellview Shut In
A sickness was sweeping over the globe. Charlotte figured that it wouldn’t get to Swellview. Nothing ever really reached Swellview, but apparently, this was everywhere, because whenever Jasper showed up to her house in the morning, he had on gloves, a mask and was carrying a cleaning caddy in his hand. “What is up with this?” She wondered.
“The sickness has made it to Swellview, they’re closing school for at least two weeks!” He said. Then, he pulled out a can of disinfectant and began spraying her door and her things.
“There’s no school today?” She asked. 
“Oh, no… There IS, but it’s only so that we can go in and grab our things, then they are promptly shutting the doors until further notice. Come on, I have stuff in my locker and I know that you do too.”
“If there’s really something going around, isn’t it stupid for them to even have the school open?”
“They were going to straight up close, but a lot of parents and stuff made a big deal about stuff like devices that teachers took up and locker possessions, so they had to open for that, but they’re like, setting up handwashing stations in the front and stuff. Do you not watch the news?” 
The school didn’t have handwashing stations set up at the front of the building, but there were handwritten signs reminding everyone to wash their hands before and after touching things. Charlotte went to her locker and emptied it into her bag, still not fully believing that it was necessary, but taking her stuff, just in case. She texted Henry to see if he was going to do the same. He had no idea what she was even talking about. She texted Piper and moments later, the freshman met her at her locker. 
“They’re kicking us out of school for at least two weeks! What do they expect me to do for breakfast and lunch? Eat the food at home? That’s way more expensive! Henry is gonna flip. Can I stay at your house?” Piper made prayer hands. Charlotte thought about it for a moment. Her parents were out of town and she did have an extra bed, but also… Her parents would flip out if she invited someone over in the middle of a possible pandemic… “Tell them it’s for charity!” Piper squealed, knowing by now how Charlotte’s mind worked. 
At that moment, Jasper walked up to the two of them and handed his cleaning caddy to Piper, “You need to sanitize and gear up,” he said. “Gloves, mask. Charlotte REFUSED, like a fool.” Piper sighed and furrowed her eyebrows, then dropped the caddy on the floor, letting it spill products, to Jasper’s dismay. He rushed to collect them and also told Charlotte, “Char, I’ve gotta quarantine at your place.”
“What? No,” she said. “I’m not gonna have you and Piper at my house while my parents are gone and school is out!” Charlotte said.
Piper squealed, “You’re letting me stay!” and she bounced up and down.
Jasper stood up, with his products collected and asked, “You’re shutting me out? Ugh. Charlotte. You know that I can’t stay at my house for something like this. I spent hours cleaning up last night and barely made a dent. My mom’s not working again. This morning, the threw her empty ice cream pint right onto the recliner next to the couch she’s been sleeping on. I JUST cleared all of the trash off yesterday! I don’t want the illness in my space, Charlotte. LOOK AT ME!” She looked at him. He really appeared to be freaking out about the possibility of germs. 
She sighed, “I’ll ask my parents, Jasper.” She wrapped an arm around Piper and said, “Come on. Let’s go get you some clothes from home.”
“TOO MUCH TOUCHING!” Jasper said and began to spray both of them with disinfectant, until Piper punched him in the ribs. “OUCH!”
“Jasper… tone down,” Charlotte said.
“She literally just punched me!”
“After you assaulted us with disinfectant!”
“For your own good!” Jasper said.
Piper let them into her house and was surprised to see Henry there. “For some reason, I assumed that when they closed school, you’d rush into work,” she said. He gave her a little smile, but didn’t respond.  Charlotte raised an eyebrow and went over to him while Piper rushed upstairs to get packed. 
“So, I’m gonna take her and Jasper in for a few at my place. My parents are actually stuck overseas and the town is officially going under curfew. So, I’ll make sure she’s taken care of for a little bit. Slight bit of stress off of you, right?” He frowned and nodded. “Why do I feel like it isn’t?”
He sighed and glanced towards the stairs, before saying quietly, “I’m temporarily out of work.” Charlotte gasped. Henry was the one who kept them above water and she could tell from his face that being out of work was going to most likely really hurt them. He noticed her face and forced a smile. “Don’t worry, Babe. I’ll figure something out.” He gave her a little kiss on the forehead and she smiled, in spite of being completely worried about him and Piper. But, there was something about him calling her “Babe” that kind of… made stuff at least go under the radar for a moment. 
Their relationship was a little assumed, and not officially spoken of, but Henry was usually affectionate with her and called her “Babe,” so in her mind, they were pretty much married. In fact, she had been working out the logistics in her mind, hypothetically, for what if he came along with her whenever she left for college? Sure, it would be a struggle, but he was used to some level of that and the job market where she was going was actually better than Swellview. And, yes… They would have to bring Piper, because he certainly wouldn’t leave her to fend for herself, but she could have a fresh new start at a new school and maybe even thrive if she had a happy Henry there with her and also the mentorship of Charlotte, reaching beyond the school’s program… “Babe? You okay?” Henry wondered, cutting into her overthinking tangent.
“Yeah. You… wanna come over? Since, you’re not gonna be at work? We can maybe play video games and stuff. No school for the next few weeks. You rarely get a relaxing night.”
“Yeah, I actually want to try to see what one of those ‘good night’s sleep’ things feel like,” he said. 
Piper came downstairs with her bags and said, “Henry, bring these to Jasper’s junk heap for me. I gotta see what cleaners we have. That’s what I’m using for “gas money” while we’re out of school.” 
She dropped them on the floor by the door and Henry laughed and finally let his hand drop from Charlotte’s hip. “Guess WILL be working,” he said. 
He went to go get her stuff and she went opening cabinets, “Do we SERIOUSLY not have basic household cleaners in this place? Are we THOSE people?”
“The oldest adult in your home just turned 18 a few months ago,” Charlotte reminded her. “Don’t worry about it, though. There’s plenty of cleaner at my place and Jasper took everything from his, because his folks were never going to use it anyway.”
“Dude… Are we about to do the apocalypse like the last kids on Earth?” Piper asked, excitedly.
“We’re spending some days, maybe a couple of weeks at my house. Did you bring hobby stuff? Because you’re not gonna be able to go out and hang with your girls when you’re bored. You need like books and stuff.”
“Books? Like… in case we run out of toilet paper? I think we’ve got some, somewhere…” Piper left and Charlotte didn’t even stop her. 
Henry came back inside and Charlotte wondered, “So… Are you coming over? We might be stuck there and that might mean not seeing your sister for a few…”
He made a confused face. “You worried about me not seeing Piper, or me not seeing you?”
“I mean… Are you worried about it?” She asked, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.
“It’d totally suck. Let me go get some stuff packed and I’ll meet you all there.” 
“Cool,” she said. She was really cheering inside. In fact, mentally, there was an entire Glee Cheerios performance, complete with stunts as she awkwardly left the house. 
Piper came back into view and said, “Well, most of these pages are pretty rough, so I vote making Jasper use these as toilet paper whenever stock gets low…” Henry stared at her in confusion. She waved a hand and stuffed a book into a duffel bag. “That was for Charlotte’s ears. Forget I said it.” She left, too and Henry sighed. This was going to be… Interesting.
Jasper and Piper worked on getting everything cleaned up while Henry unpacked and brought everything to the rooms that Charlotte assigned. Jasper was fine to take the couch, but most of his stuff would have to be kept in Charlotte’s room, simply because she wasn’t going to have her parents come back to see Jasper had moved into their living room! She and Piper were in her bedroom, all of Piper’s stuff fit beneath the spare bed, so Jasper’s was in the closet. And Henry was given her parents’ room, because he was the least likely to impose on their stuff. In fact, he was so uncomfortable that he didn’t want to unpack any of his things in there, but their bathroom was amazing. He was ready to at least spend some time in that shower. 
In fact, he got into the shower after he unloaded everything from Jasper’s car. Charlotte was making a list of things that they might need - which, she felt like they were pretty stocked up for the house - but normally, 3 people lived there, and now four were and there was a different basis of need, too. Her mother told her to use the emergency credit card to stock up and to message them everyday updates on how things were, and also photos of the house. She and Jasper went to gather everything, people were really wilding at the store, like… she was shocked at their behavior. Jasper had to guard her several times, and when they finally made it out, hours had passed. 
Henry and Piper were in her room whenever they got back to the house. They both felt uncomfortable being anywhere else in the house without permission, so they were just catching up in there. But, Henry rushed to help them bring everything in once they got there. 
They all unloaded the truck and Jasper and Charlotte told them about the way that people were behaving and how much more serious it seemed after having been around them like that. Henry was bothered by the fact that people were getting rough with Charlotte and he hadn’t been there to protect her. Protecting was kind of his thing, and Charlotte was kind of his girl. 
Piper told the others, “So, I’ve planned out a movie night thing for every night this week, since we’re gonna be in here at least that long. I’m thinking that it’ll be cool to watch some apocalypse kinda stuff. Maybe some zombie stories. End of the world, dystopian mood.”
“In this climate?” Charlotte wondered.
“Especially in this climate,” Piper said. 
“I think we should have assigned chores and designated dinner making nights,” Jasper said.
“Good idea, but I don’t cook. I suck at it. It would be a waste of food.”
Charlotte said, “My mom told me to make meals, do meal prep and also freeze some meals, so I’m going to get started on that today, since it’s more people than I usually have had to do stuff like this for.”
“You’ve had to do stuff like that before?” Henry asked.
Piper chuckled, “Her parents are almost literally never home,” she said. 
“They work a lot and since I’m older now, they take on a lot more overseas ventures than when I was younger,” Charlotte explained, defensively. 
Henry furrowed his eyebrows, wondering how he didn’t know that piece of information, but then again, he and Charlotte didn’t tend to discuss family stuff. Or at least… not hers. In fact, it occurred to him that he didn’t even know what her family LOOKED like. He didn’t want to ask, but he made a mental note to look for a photo later or something. In fact, he checked her social media. Surely, she had something there. But, her social media was pretty lacking in the parental area. He did see some people with her last name, though they were all white, so he clicked on a few, just out of curiosity. He found Fiona Page, who actually had a lot of young photos of her and Charlotte and one of the posts was her wishing her daughter a great time at Future Visionaries Camp. Now, he felt the need to investigate…
Charlotte and Jasper went to the kitchen. They had a routine for things like this, and they got started on their cooking party while Piper learned the remote control to the Pages’ system and Henry sat on his phone, looking at Charlotte’s mom’s page. Charlotte was fine to leave them to that while she and Jasper made a meal. It was the first time that she had Henry over in all the time that she’d known him. Mostly… Charlotte didn’t let people into her home. Piper was the first person in a while, and even she had only been over a couple of times, and only in the past few months. Jasper was the only friend that came over kind of regularly, and that was because (she believed) that her parents saw him as a charity case, and boy were they big on those. 
One week of denial passed. Then, a week of realization. By the third week, they had touched base with all of the adults - her parents were going to remain overseas for now, but didn’t mind if she kept her friends there. Jasper’s parents were BOTH so sick that they could barely leave the house. Charlotte told him to just stay put and fight that urge to go help take care of them. They could always call 911 if they simply couldn’t stand it. He was no doctor and this was a pandemic. Henry’s mom had “been trying to figure out where on Earth her children were” this whole time (she was at the Hart house, had found Jake in an alley and brought him home and the two of them were going to spend the citywide quarantine there). Piper wanted to go home, but whenever Charlotte told her that she would have to stay there if she did, she opted for just staying, also; but she was very visibly upset about it. Henry spent time trying to cheer her up. His boss called to tell him that he wasn’t sure if he would even be able to reopen the store after all of this. Nobody was in a good way, except for Charlotte and her family, so she tried not to harp on the things that she was feeling too much, because she felt like it was petty in comparison to the others.
Charlotte left all of her friends in the living room after dinner to go into her room and relax for a moment. She usually had some time just before dinner to meditate and unwind from the school day, but the past few weeks, she hadn’t done so, considering the change in the house. She needed at least a couple of minutes. 
After having been there for only a moment, Henry knocked on the door and peeked in, “Hey. You okay?” He asked. She forced a smile and nodded her head. She was lighting a candle and had a record player playing in the background. “I feel like I just interrupted something. I’ll go,” he said. She didn’t stop him. He sat down outside of the door and got back onto his phone. In case somebody else came around, he’d let them know that she didn’t seem to want to be bothered at the moment. 
Charlotte went into her bathroom and drew herself a bath. She could shower tomorrow. It wasn’t like she did a whole lot today, anyway… Well… maybe she should shower afterwards, just to be safe, if there were so many germs going around that now they were getting emails about prom being cancelled and POSSIBLY graduation. That was a hit to her gut. She knew that she probably wasn’t going to win prom queen. That Bianca most likely had that in the bag, and while Charlotte got a lot more popular her senior year than previously, Bianca had been on the road to prom royalty since junior high. But graduation? That was basically robbery. That was something that she PERSONALLY looked forward to for 13 years of her life! The first day of school, she asked her teacher, “When does school end?” and they said 3:00. “Forever?” she’d asked. Well, she certainly loved learning, but going to classrooms full of other people to do it was never her favorite thing and now that she was the best of the best in her area at it… she hated the thought of not finally being front and center, standing up to say, “Nobody can force us to go to school anymore!” Though… she wouldn’t really say that and she was gonna continue to go to school, but… Graduation was just really important and the thought of not getting one was a huge loss to her! 
She cried, listening to scratchy vinyl crooning, soaking away as much of her physical stress as possible, and posted a tiny rant about losing the opportunity to have prom and a graduation ceremony, and then just let it all out before taking a shower, doing her hair and resurfacing for her friends to let them know that she was going to go to bed and also to remind them to try to get some rest themselves.
She made it to the living room, where they all appeared to be having like crafts time or something - weird, but maybe not since they were quarantined. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, then said, “Um… I’m gonna go to bed. Probably like lay down and read or something. You all should try to get some sleep too.”
Henry had a pile of flowers he was toying around with until she began speaking, then he looked up and wondered, “Can I tuck you in?”
“I guess?” She said, laughing a little bit. He set down his craft materials and went with her. “You all look awfully busy with… crafts?”
“Yeah. We’re workin’ on something big,” he said, smiling. She wanted to ask him what, but she was actually exhausted from worrying and crying, so she kissed him goodnight and went to bed, opting for a book instead of reading on her phone, because she really didn’t want to see another mention of the quarantine, the virus, or the panic surrounding these things. 
She was always the first one up, out of all of them. The few times she’d crashed at Henry’s, she learned that. Today was an exception, though. Whenever she got up, she noted first that Piper wasn’t in the spare bed, but figured that she probably slept on the couch, because that was where the TV was and she loved TV almost as much as she loved social media. Charlotte turned on some music, went to brush her teeth and did morning stretches. She went to the living room, excited to start the day out with her friends, but paused whenever she got there and Piper was hissing at Jasper that he was hanging it wrong. She stood for a moment, taking in the room. There were these individual sheets of paper, with string connecting them to make a banner and each page was a letter, for a banner that read “HOUSE PROM.” 
“I have to be careful with it, or it’s going to tear!” Jasper fussed back at the freshman. 
Henry came into the house with a bucket full of flowers and paused whenever he saw Charlotte. 
“Morning…” He said. “I can explain.”
“You guys saw that I was bummed that Prom is cancelled, so you figured you’d turn my living room into a makeshift prom?”
“This guy gets it,” Jasper said from the step ladder.
“I know it’s not gonna be like a real prom, but… Me and Jasper are gonna wear suits. Piper’s gonna DJ. I made you a SICK flower crown… It’s gonna be okay,” Henry said, smiling and wincing at the same time, hoping that he sounded convincing. 
She sniffled and went to hug him. “These are for additional decoration… I was gonna make some arrangements and stuff. Nobody’s buying the flowers from the supermarkets, so I was actually able to get a lot of them pretty damn cheaply.” She gave him a kiss on the lips and he smiled wider. “And, I get to see you in your prom dress! You designed it, right?”
“That’s awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of your design work.” He moved out of her reach to get back to decorations. She went to start on breakfast for everybody. He didn’t want to mention it right now, but he also was working on throwing her a mock graduation. Because, even though she had been trying to convince herself that everything would blow over and they would be able to finish the year out properly, the news said something totally different.
The House Prom was fun. Jasper made punch. Piper had great music and went live a few times so that kids at school could know that Henry and her did this FIRST, even if some of the rich kids might wind up doing it fancier. And Henry was stunned by Charlotte’s prom dress. He wasn’t sure what color it was, but went with whites and golds for her flower crown, which didn’t clash bad with the opaque pinkish dress that she had. The style of the crown wasn’t exactly a match for the style of the dress, but she insisted that it was perfect, that everything was perfect, and honestly, that was what really mattered to him. 
Henry knew that he wasn’t as smart as her, or have as much money, or as much education and stuff.. But, making her happy… that still mattered to him, because he believed that he could, so he made sure that he did. The thought of them going their separate ways in a few months was always scary for him as he fell for her, but also… it made him aware that he had only a short period of time to impact her life forever. House Prom was one of those forever impacts. 
They had an after party in Charlotte’s bedroom, which was just them laughing, eating and taking selfies to post to their House Prom tag, which was POPPING! Everyone at school wanted to be at Charlotte’s house, especially upon realizing that there were no adults there for the whole quarantine. She was extremely happy to have been so unpopular before. Now, nobody could just pop up at her house. Eventually, Piper fell to sleep and Jasper began dozing off in Charlotte’s bed. She scoffed, “How’s he gonna just fall asleep in MY bed?” 
Henry said, “I can sleep on the couch, if you wanna crash in your parents’ room.”
“No, no. I’ll take care of it, she said.” She had to shower and stuff, so she went to do that and Henry retired to her parents’ room. After she was all washed up and ready for bed, she went to look at Jasper, halfway hanging off of her bed, his suit all disheveled and his hair tousled. He looked like a little boy and more importantly, peaceful. She sighed grabbed a blanket and left the bedroom. Henry was already in bed when she peeked in, but he sat up, so she either woke him or he hadn’t fallen asleep yet. “Hey… I wanna crash in here, if that’s cool with you?”
“Yeah. I’ll take the couch, sure.”
“No.. I wanted to crash in here… with you.”
He smiled brightly, “Even better!” She came and climbed into bed and pulled the blanket with her. “How did you like being Prom Queen for a night?”
“It was awesome! You’re amazing. Thank you for doing that for me. I really didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Your situation with your parents and Jasper’s… I’m actually so lucky and to complain in front of all of you felt cheap.”
He pulled her to himself and hugged her, “I want to know things about you, Char. You’re my girl. I don’t want you to feel like you have to wait until things are good for me to tell me what’s wrong with you. You’d be waiting forever.” She looked up at his face and he gave her a little half smile. “I never want you to have to wait on me,” he said.
She sat up now and placed both of her hands on his chest, tapping a little rhythm while she thought of how to say what she wanted to say.
“So… I was thinking… I know that you and Piper are a package deal, at least while she’s still so young, and that you hadn’t thought about things beyond graduation very much, but I was thinking and I’ve also kind of been looking into the details… IF you wanted to come with me, when I leave for Harvard, I’m gonna have a place out there. You won’t have to work to pay bills, but if you need something to hold you and Piper over, the job market is better there than it is here, and… I don’t know… Maybe you want to stay here and try to help your parents, or something, but if you did want to…”
“I do.” He smiled and then laughed, with tears in his eyes, “Of course I do! There’s nothing keeping me here and Piper… well, she’ll just have to understand that there’s not actually anything keeping her here either. I was so scared that whenever you left, you’d just forget about us. You’ve been… looking into the details?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.” 
He smiled and gave her a kiss. “Come on, it’s bedtime.”
Also Tagging, because now I feel like I should be because of how y’all been talking about it @sunbeameyes @kiddangers @bitchmilsky @chenoahchantel @adorkable-blackgirl @daintyurbanprincess @ciara-knightly I think that’s it. My comfort level has expired. Lol. 
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uwmspeccoll · 3 years
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Science Saturday - Anatomy
Anatomy is the branch of science that is concerned with the bodily structure of living organisms. This internal structure is revealed through dissection and the separation of parts of an organism to understand their position, purpose, and function within the larger system.
The history of the relationship between visual art and anatomy is long. Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) produced some of the most famous anatomical drawings during the Scientific Renaissance, including his Vitruvian Man, completed around 1490. Leonardo da Vinci was interested in both the internal structure of human anatomy as well as the study of bodily proportions. During the 16th century,  Flemish physician and anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564) produced one of the most groundbreaking books of human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body), published in 1543. The book’s frontispiece depicts Vesalius performing a dissection for a large crowd. Both da Vinci and Vesalius began their studies of anatomical experimentation with ideas put forth by the Greek physician Galen (129-200 CE), who is considered to be one of the most important physicians of the Roman Empire.
Today we present photographs and drawings from 20th century anatomy classes from Milwaukee’s Layton School of Art. When Charlotte Partridge founded Layton in 1920, she inherited a skeleton from her mentor Emma Church’s art school in Chicago. The photographs we are featuring today are from our sibling department the UWM Archives’ collection Layton School of Art and Design Records, 1888-1980, PH Milwaukee Mss 168, Box 1, Folder 11 Anatomy Class. They depict anatomy classes from the 1930s-1950s. To complement the photographs we are including illustrations from an item in our collection: Personal Responses to the Human Form, a portfolio of original drawings created by the Layton School of Art Sophomore anatomy class of 1970. The portfolio contains 47 illustrations by the 20 students in the class. The handwritten introduction page explains that the book was conceived as a supplement to traditional anatomy books, because they are coming from the perspective of artists and not scientists. They wrote:
“This class believes that the human form possesses the broadest imaginable basis for study and contemplation of form; and it feels that such study and contemplation would have infinite value for all those whose goal is the understanding and ordering of form. Not all the enclosed studies were chosen because the artists considered them masterly works. Many were picked because they deal with some aspect of anatomical logic which occupied the “front line” of thought – and indicates the intrigue of the moment.”
View more posts about the Layton School of Art.
View other Science Saturday posts.
–Sarah, Special Collections Senior Graduate Intern
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evoldir · 3 years
Fwd: Postdoc: UNorthCarolina_Charlotte.CnidarianDiversity
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UNorthCarolina_Charlotte.CnidarianDiversity > Date: 17 August 2021 at 08:01:28 BST > To: [email protected] > Reply-To: > > > A Postdoctoral Researcher position is available to study genetic diversity > of a coastal cnidarian (Nematostella vectensis) and its viruses in the lab > of Adam Reitzel at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. > > Work in the Reitzel lab is focused broadly on the ecology and evolution of > marine invertebrates, particularly cnidarians. For this NSF-funded > position, we are seeking a post-PhD candidate to analyze the genomic > diversity of anemones from different locations, the variation in viral > communities, and adaptation of anemones to biotic communities. > > This work involves field experiments in the United States as well as > laboratory studies at UNC Charlotte. This project is a collaboration with > Dr. Yehu Moran (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel). Successful > candidates for this position will need to have demonstrated experience in > the generation and analysis of short read Illumina data. Experience with > long read data (PacBio, Oxford Nanopore) and metagenomics is desirable. The > selected candidate will have the opportunity to explore independent > research directions during their time that contributes to a broader > understanding of viruses associated with this species. The selected > candidate will also have the opportunity to co-mentor undergraduate and > graduate students. > > Candidates > > Applications are encouraged from individuals who have a Ph.D. in Biology, > Bioinformatics, or related disciplines, with experience in > genome/transcriptome sequencing, viruses, and/or metagenomics. Top > candidates will have a strong track record of research productivity and > interest in collaborative science. > > Candidates should apply at the following site: > https://ift.tt/3AA9gkG. Your application should include a > cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a one-page statement describing your > research interests and goals, and names and contact details for three > references. > > Start Date and Project Duration > > The start date is ideally on or before November 1 but applications will be > evaluated until the position is filled. Initial application review will > begin on September 10. The position is funded for up to three years > dependent on progress. > > Contact for additional information: > > Adam Reitzel (he/him) > Department of Biological Sciences > University of North Carolina at Charlotte > Charlotte, NC 28223 > Email: [email protected] > Web: https://ift.tt/2AnHU3t > > > > Adam Reitzel > via IFTTT
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fileebookkindle · 3 years
(P.D.F. FILE) Enhancing Professional Practice A Framework for Teaching FREE~DOWNLOAD
(> FILE*) Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching FREE~DOWNLOAD
Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching
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[PDF] Download Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Charlotte Danielson Publisher : ASCD ISBN : 1416605177 Publication Date : 2007-3-1 Language : en-GB Pages : 200
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
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Synopsis : (
> FILE*) Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching FREE~DOWNLOAD The framework for teaching is a research-based set of components of instruction that are grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching. The framework may be used for many purposes, but its full value is realized as the foundation for professional conversations among practitioners as they seek to enhance their skill in the complex task of teaching. The framework may be used as the foundation of a school's or district's recruitment and hiring, mentoring, coaching, professional development, and teacher evaluation processes, thus linking all those activities together and helping teachers become more thoughtful practitioners.The actions teachers can take to improve student learning are clearly identified and fall under four domains of teaching responsibility: Planning and Preparation, the School Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Within the domains are 22 components and 76 descriptive elements that further refine our understanding of what teaching is all about. The framework defines four levels of performance (Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, and Distinguished) for each element, providing a valuable tool that all teachers can use.This second edition has been revised and updated and also includes frameworks for school specialists, such as school nurses, counselors, library and media specialists, and instructional coaches. Comprehensive, clear, and applicable to teaching across the K-12 spectrum, the framework for teaching described in this book is based on the PRAXIS III: Classroom Performance Assessment criteria developed by Educational Testing Service and is compatible with INTASC standards.
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yuniesan · 7 years
50 Questions Tag. Tag people you want to know more about.
Tagged by: @katdvs
What is your name: Stephanie
What does your name mean? Crown
Where are you from? Born in Puerto Rico, Raised in New York
Where do you live? New York City
What do you do for a living? Part-Time Grad Student, Full-Time Writer
What is your favorite color? pink
What is your star sign? Gemini
What is your favorite music genre? depends on my mood, alternative, pop, k-pop, j-pop, and symphonic metal are on constant rotation.
Who is your favorite musician? Arashi
Favorite food? Strawberry Shortcake from Paris Baguette
Favorite drink? Cranberry Juice
Favorite snack? Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles
Favorite holiday? Halloween
Favorite past time? Riding my bike
Favorite sport? Not so much of a sport person
What is something you are talented at? writing, and cooking
What is something you wish you were talented at? Art
Are you competitive? On my PS4 yes, in real life not really
Describe yourself in a single sentence? Trying to survive College, because I was the genius who went through her Bachelors only to go for her Masters right afterwards.
What is the best compliment you have ever received? I was interviewing for a position at a publishing house and the Editor asked to see my manuscript once I finished writing it.
What are some of your bad habits? doubting my own writing, doubting myself, thinking I’m not good enough.
What are your favorite things about yourself? Fierce Determination
What is on top of your bucket list? Having a Bestselling Book
What are 3 long term goals? Getting a Publishing Deal, Falling in Love, Getting a place far away from my family
What are 3 short term goals? Write my novel by October 1st, Finishing the two Fanfics I’m working on, Reading something for fun
What are you doing today to help you achieve those goals? I’ve got pages and pages of notes for my novel, I wrote about 4,000 words for one of my fics, I brought eight books I’ve been wanting to read.
What is your biggest accomplishment? Graduating Magna Cum Laude from my school with a Double Major. It’s harder than it sounds.
What is an ideal first date for you? Watching a movie, I love to see the reactions of the other person when they watch a movie. Afterwards talking over dinner nothing fancy, I’m happy with just sitting in a fast food place eating fries.
What is something you look for in a partner? He has to like animals, you can tell how a person is when they’re around someone’s pets.
Who is your role model? Charlotte Bronte
Which of your parents are you more like? Neither, I’m actually more like my Grandfather, we’re both quiet and keep to ourselves and work on our hobbies in peace.
Which of your parents are you closest to? Well I live with them, because of certain reasons but I’m 50/50 when it comes to them.
What is the last book you read? On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder, it was for school
What is your favorite fairytale? Beauty and the Beast
What is your favorite quote?  "All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire."~Aristotle
Favorite subject in school? English
Subject you were best at? English and History
Favorite teacher? My Mentor for my Honors Thesis
Do you have a best friend, if so, then who? Melissa
Who has left the most impact on your life? my high school internship teacher, she let my stay on for a full year teen talk internship at a radio station
What app do you use most? tumblr and my outlook email app
What piece of technology can you not live without? laptop
What countries have you visited? Can’t travel when you don’t have money
What countries would you like to visit? Japan, South Korea, Italy, Britain
Favorite animal? Panda
Best memory you have? Meeting one of my favorite Authors, I’ve met several.
Most embarrassing memory? One of my parents walking in on me while my doctor was examining me.
How many relationships have you been in? 2 because when it comes to romantic relationships I’m really shy about asking anyone out.
If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be? Run as fast as you can, there’s context to this but I’m saving it for my autobiography
One thing you know now that you wish you had known as a kid? That bullies don’t define who you are as a person.
I’m going to tag: @sand1128 @madelinecoffee @dreamercutemulti-fan15 anyone who wants to do this!!
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gldngrl7 · 7 years
Karamel Fic: Permission to Flourish (3/11)
Title: Permission to Flourish
Author: gldngrl7
Date Started: February 12, 2017
Rated: T for Teen
      You can't make the snow fall in summer
              Or make him not want her
                    Not leave you behind
       Maybe he'll stay in touch years down the road
               And hope that he's still on your mind
                       The sun may come up and go down again
        I'll still swear it's a beautiful life
                       Charlotte Martin – “Beautiful Life”
  Chapter 3/11
“Mr. Matthews!  Mr. Matthews!” shouted a familiar voice that had grown dear to him over the last few months.  He turned to find a set of blonde ringlets barreling at him, waving a page of construction paper artwork in one hand, and he couldn’t stop the dimpled smile from spreading across his face.
Mike Matthews settled his glasses firmly on the bridge of his nose and dropped to his haunches, placing his forefinger over his lips to remind this little hellion to lower her voice a few notches. Familiar with the instruction, she followed suit and changed her shout into a library whisper.
“Mr. Matthews,” she rasped.  “Look what I drew!”
“Well,” he grinned as he took the page from her, the same grin that had all the little girls in his class and even some of their mothers, swooning, “What do we have here?”
“See that’s Valor, saving the school bus,” she announced, before he even had a chance to look at the crayon drawing.  “See! He’s holding the school bus up with one hand!” she squeals excitedly.  “And that’s Supergirl stopping that runaway train! Isn’t she strong?”
“She sure is,” Mike chuckled dryly, his student’s excitement catching like a house on fire – as usual.  His eyes were drawn to the yellow-haired stick figure on the drawing and he gulped uncomfortably.  “Is this one for me, or does this one go home to be put on the fridge?” he asked.
“For you,” she chirped, her ringlets springing up and down as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
“Well, thank you very much,” he grinned.  “How about I pin it to the wall behind my desk?”
Amelia nodded excitedly, always happy to have her artwork displayed where others could see.
The twenty-three other students in his class milled about as he ushered Amelia towards her seat.  As usual, Eric and Miguel were near their desks, their heads locked together in deep discussion about who they could torment next – always had to keep one eye on those two hooligans.  Yvonne sat in her chair in the back corner, thumbing through a book that was at least two years more advanced than her second grade level.  She was brilliant, but so hard to reach.
Olu was a natural leader who had yet to learn to channel her ability into anything other than bossiness, but she still managed to have a bevy of other girls following her around.  Currently, they all had their heads crammed together near Olu’s desk in the back.  Alan, wearing glasses like Mike’s, preferred to eschew all social activity unless absolutely necessary.  He reached up and nudged his slipping glasses back up the bridge of his nose, Mike mirrored the boy’s actions in a sympathetic show of solidarity.
“Seats now, please!” he projected, raising his voice over the din, but keeping the tone carefully unthreatening.  A quick scramble in the room and twenty-four pairs of legs were dangling from their seats, the occasional untied shoe-lace begging to be rectified.  
After art class with Mrs. Fallducci, came math. “Math books,” he called out, clapping his hands together.  Another mad scramble, as twenty-four heads dived into twenty-four backpacks to retrieve textbooks.  “Page 72.   Today we’re learning subtraction in parts, which is going to be great because ‘Math is…?”
“SUPER FUN!”  They all shouted, in unison, at the top of their longs.
“That’s right,” he laughed.
Mike helps Amelia find her place, flipping her text book to page 72 with hardly a glance.  Predictably, his flighty imp, Madison, got distracted by Kesha’s yellow hair bow before she could even get her book open, and Mike couldn’t help but chuckle.
Back at the chalkboard he took them through the lesson, breaking it down into steps, and then demonstrating the skill through multiple examples.  Behind his back twenty-three heartbeats, each one unique and recognizable to him, pulsed at a steady rate, but the twenty-fourth caught his attention as it ticked up in speed – a troublemaker up to no good, surely.  His ears matched the heartbeat with the breathing pattern he knew so well.
“Jason, back in your seat,” he ordered sternly, without stopping the staccato glide of chalk across the blackboard.  And without turning around.  The pulse in his ears spiked even higher as the entire room issued a collective gasp.  After six months in his class, the students already thought he was magic and he cultivated that belief from time to time because it helped keep them in line.  “Do you want a trip to the principal’s office?”
“No, Mr. Matthews,” Jason sulked, climbing back into his desk chair and crossing his arms in a huff.
“Are you sure?” he asked, dropping the chalk in the tray and turning around, his mean face set to ‘medium’.  “Because I’m giving them away for free today. Practice the problems on the board,” he said to the rest of the class.   Separating the instruction from the discipline, twenty-three pencils began scratching on large-ruled paper.
Jason swung his dangling feet in the chair, kicking the back of the Fiona’s chair in front of him.  “I’m sure,” he grumbled.
“Glad to hear it.  Now stop kicking Fiona’s chair before she gets angry.”  Mike leaned down, his hands grasping at the edges of Jason’s desk, seeking his eyes.  The child’s hazel orbs are difficult to find through the mop of dark brown hair that falls low over his forehead.  “Let me give you a piece of friendly advice, kid.  Don’t make a girl angry; they never forget and they’ll gang up on you if given the chance.  Now who has questions?”
Predictably, Amelia’s hand shot into the air so hard her entire body nearly came off the chair.  Mike hastened to her side dropping to his haunches to get closer to her level.  Amelia usually needed extra attention in math, which he was only too happy to provide. Amelia’s smile was like sunshine and her bouncing ringlets reminded him of….
They reminded him of her.
She was like a hazy memory now, gold around the edges, but she hadn’t faded nearly enough and he doubted she ever would. He’d tried to move on a few times, dated a few women that caught his eye, but none had moved him the way she had. None had stirred his soul.  And so he’d resigned himself to a life without love and made himself believe he was okay with that.  He had a greater destiny, he told himself – and so did she.
Distracted by thoughts of her, Amelia’s voice brings him back to the present.  “Mr. Matthews?”
“Yes,” he drawled, crossing his eyes as he looked up at her, eliciting the expected giggle.
“I don’t know what to do next,” she complained, getting flustered.  So like Kara when she got nervous or overwhelmed.
“Okay, okay,” he soothed, his voice lowered the way one speaks to a skittish kitten.  “Let’s try another one.  How about this one…forty-six minus twelve.  Remember the steps.  What do we do first?”
“Subtract ten…?”
“Very good.  And then….” When she scrunched up her face in frustration he gave her a hint, “Take the total and…?”
“Take away two more?” she guessed.
“Very good,” he praised, patting her on the back. “See…you’ve got this!  Just trust yourself.  Now do five more and the rest are homework.”  She wiggled happily in her seat, proud of earning his attention and his praise.
Standing up he wandered the room, checking the work of his other students, most of whom need little help, thankfully.
Fifteen minutes later, they were filing out of classroom towards the playground for recess.  And none too soon as far as Mike was concerned, because they all seemed to be coming out of their skin.  They needed to run and play—spend a fair share of that pent up energy.  No sooner did they hit the sunshine then every last one of them was running and screaming like a horde of banshees.  Some headed towards the jungle gyms, others towards the blacktop to play kickball, choosing the same teams they always chose in their utterly predictable manner.
Keeping an ear tuned to racing heartbeats and shouting voices, he followed the group to the jungle gym and engaged them in play, climbing the ladder alongside them and even crossing the monkey bars a few times. They laughed together, for a moment no age difference setting them apart and no barrier between teacher and students. For the rest of their lives they’d always remember the teacher that played with them.
Leaving his little climbing monkeys to their play, he headed toward the kickballers next.  He played for both sides for one inning each, hopping on one leg, his hands clasped behind his back, to even up the playing field a bit.
He bowed out of the game to head back to the jungle gym just as the doors opened and spat out Erica Doland’s second grade class. Like a giant litter of undisciplined puppies they ran willy-nilly to join the throng of children already on the playground.  
Erica Doland was his partner on team-teach days, and she was almost as fun-loving as he was—though at least a decade past joining her second-graders in play.  She had also been Mike’s student teacher mentor before he’d been offered a permanent position at Fox Chase.
“I don’t know where you find the energy, Mike,” she said, happily dropping onto the park bench provided for the teachers to sit. “I’m exhausted just watching you.”
Mike laughed whole-heartedly, throwing himself down on the bench beside her.  “This is the fun part!”
“Where does it all come from?” Erica wondered, handing him a bottle of water. 
“Must be the amphetamines,” he jested, twisting the cap off the bottle and gulping down the water.
Erica laughed, knowing Mike so well that she doesn’t even need to be told that he’s joking.  They talked for a few minutes, laughing over some of the crazy things some of their students did, while commiserating over their troublemakers and the ones that were just plain troubled and hard to reach.
“If only I could understand why—“ something caught his attention in mid-sentence, and his hearing, seemingly always set to ‘worry’, kicked into ‘anxious’ setting.  There was something wrong and he couldn’t place his finger on what it was.
“Mike?  What is it?” Erica asked, her voice rife with tension as though she too sensed something out of the ordinary.
He shook his head, as though shaking away the distraction of her voice.  So many noises, so many heartbeats, the playground was so full of beats and voices he didn’t recognize, drowning out the ones he did—he couldn’t pinpoint which one was wrong or where it was.  His instincts screamed at him to do something, but gave him no target or direction.
His eyes darted to the blacktop, seeing nothing but kids scrambling for a runaway kickball.  His frantic vision shifted out to the basketball nets where a few of Erica’s students were playing a game of H-O-R-S-E, oblivious to any dangers.
A high pitched scream—a shriek—the sound only a small child could render, tore his attention away from the basketball playing kids and towards the jungle gym, where he heard the heavy thump of a body hitting the ground.  The vibration of the shriek ringing in his ears, he recognized its sound immediately.
“Amelia?!” he shouted running in her direction. Every honed instinct in his body screamed at him to turn on his speed, to get to her as fast as he possibly could. But to do so would reveal his secret to everyone on the playground, and second-graders were not famous for their secret keeping skills.
If Clark had taught him a thousand things, he had taught him one, and that was to maintain his identity at all costs.  In the end, it was the only way he could truly help people, and he knew beyond a doubt if the people found out he was Valor, he would never teach another day in his life.  And that wasn’t something he could live with.  Mike forced himself to keep his movement on the high end of human speeds.
He rounded the jungle gym to see a small crowd of children gathered around the prone body of Amelia, his little blonde ray of sunshine.  He brushed several kids aside to make room as he dropped his knees on ground beside her. “Don’t touch her,” he warned the children, concerned about spinal injuries.  “Don’t touch her.  What happened?”
“She climbed to the top, Mr. Matthews.”  Olu stood next to him, pointing to the top of the jungle gym, a decorative rocket-shaped piece that wasn’t made for climbing.  “She climbed to the top and she fell.” Olu pointed at the monkey bars.  “She hit her head on the bars before she hit the ground.”
Mike’s guts clenched but he grabbed Olu’s arm and looked her in the eye, "Run as fast as you can to the office and tell them what’s happened.  Tell them to call 911.  Can you do that for me?” he asked.  Olu nodded and took off like a shot.  Olu was a natural leader with an instinct for getting things done.
Erica began pulling the kids away from the gathering crowd and sending them over to sit against the outside of the building. The screaming and shouting of fun and play trickled away to heavy silence.  While Erica was busy with the other kids, Mike lowered his glasses to tip of his nose and x-rayed Amelia’s body.  Her breathing was shallow and her pulse weak.  Thankfully, her spine and neck were intact, but he spotted a bleed in her brain large enough to be fatal for a child her size in a matter of minutes.
She was so innocent and such a precious light, a source of joy for all who met her, and he wasn’t about to let that light be extinguished because an ambulance couldn’t get there fast enough.  She needed to be on an operating table in the next few minutes or she would never wake again.  If she died…his job would be forfeit anyway, if it wasn’t already.
“Screw it,” he muttered, lifting her limp body into his arms.  Holding her close to his chest, he bent his knees and prepared to take flight.
But before he could lift-off, the air around him kicked up into a vortex and earth shook beneath his feet, as a familiar blur of red, blue and gold dropped to the ground just a few feet in front of him, her cape fluttering around her.
Mike’s mouth dropped open and for a moment, his ability to speak abandoning him.  Not so for the now raucous group of children behind him, who immediately began hollering and clapping.
“Ka-Supergirl,” he gasped, finally finding his voice. “What are you--?”  He was paralyzed in the moment by her presence. By her beauty and strength, and its ability to take his breath away, no less diminished by time or distance.  In that instant Mike knew that no matter how long he stayed away from her and no matter how far he ran, Kara Zor-El was always going to be the chink in his armor and nothing would ever change that. For a moment he forgot about the injured child in his arms, so it was a good thing that Supergirl hadn’t
“Give her to me,” she demanded, holding out her arms. “You can’t reveal yourself.”
“There isn’t much time,” he explained, passing Amelia’s tiny, delicate frame over to her.  Mike pointed to the west.  “The nearest hospital is four miles that way,” he informed, assuming she was unfamiliar with the area.  He could already hear the sound of approaching sirens.  “There’s a water tower on top of the building and a helipad. You can’t miss it.  She has a bleed in her brain.  Tell them.  Please,” he begged, a lump rising in his throat, as he brushed a mess of blond ringlets from Amelia’s slackened face.  She was so lifeless that a kernel of fear burrowed deep within him.
“I will,” she promised.  “Will you come?”
“As soon as I can,” he replied.  
Supergirl stepped back, her comet-blue eyes meeting his terrified slate-gray gaze with soft, reassuring intensity, before tilting her head back and rocketing in to the sky.  Almost instantly, she made a sharp turn to the west, and Mike kept his eyes glued to her form until she disappeared on the horizon.
“Was that Supergirl?” Erica asked, breaking the spell Kara cast over him.  “What is she doing this far away from National City?”
“I don’t know,” he lied.  “Look, I have to—“
“Go,” she both interrupted and instructed.  “I’ve got your kids.  You need to stop by administration and tell them what happened and then get to the hospital.  Don’t worry…I’ve got this.”
Mike took off running.  He had to stop by his classroom to grab his keys and phone and pick up a few other things he might need.  Including Amelia’s backpack, and the stuffed rabbit she hid inside for when she needed a little extra emotional support.  She didn’t think anybody knew about it, but she had a teacher with x-ray vision and super hearing.   Mr. Snuggles, she called him; the bunny that wore a black vest and bow tie.  
She was going to need Mr. Snuggles when she woke up.
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konvolutes · 7 years
February 2017
@ California Theater in Berkeley with Lydia from Paris School of Economics, visiting student of Picketty.
“What white people have to do is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a nigger in the first place, because I'm not a nigger,” he said. “I'm a man, but if you think I'm a nigger, it means you need it… If I'm not a nigger and you invented him -- you, the white people, invented him -- then you've got to find out why. And the future of the country depends on that, whether or not it's able to ask that question.”
I knew next to nothing of Baldwin’s political thought and activism beyond the page before seeing this. Terrific film-craft, a collage over a single unfinished text of James Baldwin interspersed with his own voice.
The entire voice-over narration (spoken by Samuel L. Jackson) of Raoul Peck’s incisive documentary is derived from the writings of James Baldwin, whose unfinished memoir and study of the lives of three slain civil-rights leaders—Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr.—provides the movie’s through line. Peck adds a generous selection of archival footage showing the heroes of Baldwin’s project at work and detailing Baldwin’s own intellectual activism at times of crisis. Moving from divisions within the civil-rights movement (including those separating Malcolm X from King) to its unities, Peck also spotlights Baldwin’s analysis of the yet unbridged gap between the legal end of segregation and the practice of white supremacy. (Unredressed police killings of black Americans, as Peck shows, are a crucial and enduring result of that ideology.) The filmmaker cannily cites Baldwin’s remarkable writings about movies to illustrate the author’s overarching thesis, about the country’s tragic failure of consciousness; Peck’s references to current events reveal Baldwin’s view of history and his prophetic visions to be painfully accurate.
I Am Not Your Negro begins with the author’s return to the U.S. in 1957 after living in France for almost a decade—a return prompted by seeing a photograph of 15-year-old Dorothy Counts and the violent white mob that surrounded her as she entered and desegregated Harding High School in Charlotte, North Carolina. After seeing that picture, Baldwin explained, “I could simply no longer sit around Paris discussing the Algerian and the black American problem. Everybody was paying their dues, and it was time I went home and paid mine.”
Especially riveting is Baldwin’s discussion of Poitier in “The Defiant Ones,” a film that divided black and white audiences when it was released, in 1958. In “The Defiant Ones,” Poitier plays an escaped black convict who is handcuffed to a racist white convict (Tony Curtis). Gradually, the two become friends, of a sort, and toward the end of the film Poitier’s character sacrifices his own freedom to help Curtis’s character. In “The Devil Finds Work,” Baldwin points out that black audiences wanted Poitier’s character to abandon his former tormentor, while white audiences thought that his loyalty was laudable.
alongside “O.J.: Made in America” and “13TH,” with which it shares some concerns. This trio of moves present a complex statement on the evolution of racial barriers that have plagued the country over the past century, and the impulses that keep them in place, but “I Am Not Your Negro” casts the widest net.
Within the confines of a five-minute stretch, he veers from clips of Rodney King riots to Ferguson, Billy Wilder’s “Love in the Afternoon” and Gus Van Sant’s “Elephant” — with Jackson’s whispered narration as the key linking device — addressing both the frustration driving black activism and the broader systematic dysfunction that has marginalized issues of race in society. Peck’s dazzling approach never slows down, but maintains a clarity of vision that’s enthralling and provocative without turning into didacticism.
Baldwin’s sexuality surprisingly left out, despite his other writings on the topic and intersectionality with race. During the ’60s, liberals and radicals alike mocked and attacked Baldwin because of his sexuality. President John F. Kennedy, and many others, referred to him disparagingly as “Martin Luther Queen”; and Eldridge Cleaver, one of the leaders of the Black Panther Party, wrote in his memoir Soul on Ice: “The case of James Baldwin aside for a moment, it seems that many Negro homosexuals, acquiescing in this racial death-wish, are outraged and frustrated because in their sickness they are unable to have a baby by a white man.” In Baldwin’s No Name in the Street (1971), a source from which I Am Not Your Negro draws heavily, the author responded to Cleaver’s attacks against him, but viewers wouldn’t know from the film’s narrative slant how the experience of race and sexuality were closely intertwined for Baldwin.
Backstory of the film
They gifted him Baldwin’s “The Fire Next Time” and he was forever changed.
“Since that first contact with Baldwin, I never left him,” he said. “I read everything. He was a constant reminder for me, a constant mentor, a constant companion.”
When Peck began making films -- after being a New York City taxi driver and working as a journalist and photographer, and while he was Haiti’s minister of culture —  he knew that “one day I would tackle Baldwin,” especially since he starts every screenplay he writes with a Baldwin quote to help “sustain the whole writing process.” He set out to do just that nearly 10 years ago.
In need of permission from the Baldwin estate —  the writer died in 1987 —  Peck wrote them a letter despite everyone telling him they were notorious for refusing or ignoring requests. “I have nothing to lose,” he thought.
He received a written response within three days and an invitation to meet with Baldwin’s sister Gloria Karefa-Smart in Washington, D.C. By the end of their meeting, she, a fan of Peck’s 2000 film “Lumumba,” had granted him unprecedented access to the entire estate.
“She chose me, much more than me choosing Baldwin,” he said.
Over the next four years, he ruffled through Baldwin’s many works, published and unpublished. In that time, he had written a number of scripts, for a narrative feature and a mixed narrative-documentary flick, but “all that was not satisfying for me,” he said.
“Deep down what I wanted was how to do the ultimate Baldwin [film], the film that would be bold and nobody could shake up, that would stay forever and make everybody go back to Baldwin and the books,” he said.
It was necessary for him to at least try to have the same impact Baldwin himself had on people and society with this film. But “to be totally Baldwin, I knew I had to set myself back and leave the stage for him, his words.”
The idea for “I Am Not Your Negro” would come only when Karefa-Smart was packing up the estate to send to the New York Public Library. She came across a 30-page collection of notes and that she sent to Peck believing that he’d know what to do with them. The notes were of Baldwin’s unfinished book, “Remember This House,” and provided “the open door” Peck was longing for.
“Remember This House,” the foundation of the film, was Baldwin’s effort to tell the story of race in America through the assassinations of Malcolm X, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Medgar Evers. The filmmaker took the words from those pages and crafted a narrative, voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, that Peck hopes will endure and remain as relevant as Baldwin himself. And in contrast to how most modern documentaries are made, the now Oscar-nominated “I Am Not Your Negro” has no talking heads. The only words are Baldwin’s.
“I made sure every single word was pure Baldwin,” he said. “It was not about how creative I am. It was about how do I make sure it hits the people frontally, without any filter.”
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
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Am I the only person who reads the synopsis of these stories? It answered the question right there in the description. Why did I even put details there? Why do I bother with author's notes? People really be missing whole chunks of stuff and then asking me. And then they not signed in, so I can't even answer. I hate questions from "Guest." Don't ask questions Friend, if I can't reply. I can answer anonymous questions here, but ff.net is another story. The answer is no. Have a good one.
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Books to help you navigate homeschooling your kids
Why Homeschool?
Homeschooling has been around since antiquity. Schooling as we know it – ‘compulsory education,’ has only been around for around 150 years in the United States, with Massachusetts making the first law mandating it in 1852. Mississippi was the last state to pass laws requiring that children must go to school, and that was as recent as 1918. Even then, many of those schools in Mississippi weren’t exactly open to everyone. Originally in the US, children under seven didn’t go to school and girls only went part of the year, if their families let them go at all. 
In the 1970s a new movement of homeschooling began with the introduction of John Holt’s book Teach Your Own (first published in 1981) and Dr. Raymond S. Moore’s book Better Late than Early (first published in 1975). To date, homeschooling is utilized primarily by two-parent households where both parents do not have to work full-time. The demographics of homeschooling in the United States are predominantly white, although the number of minority households that homeschool is growing steadily.
With so many schools being closed due to the COVID pandemic in the spring of 2020 and the uncertainty about the safety of reopening in the fall, more and more parents are considering homeschooling their children, at least temporarily.
Below are some resources to help get you started with sifting through the plethora of choices that are available to homeschoolers. Biblio is a fantastic place to find any book you’re looking for – whether its a math book for a certain curriculum (search by ISBN please!) or a classic children’s book to fill their private reading time.
Homeschooling 101: Basic Resources
When you’re starting to homeschool your children, the vastness of resources, and especially opinions, can be overwhelming. Here are a few books to get you started:
How Children Learn by John Holt was first published in 1967 and continues to be a classic in education. Holt’s pioneering book focused on the idea that children learn best when not pressed, but rather self-directed, as learning is as natural as breathing to them. It continued to be a popular and important resource for homeschoolers, and in the fifty years since it was published, it has sold more than a million copies.
The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child: Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start by Linda Dobson is a comprehensive guide to developing your homeschooling philosophy and setting your curriculum. Dobson has multiple other homeschooling titles as well, such as Homeschooling: The Early Years and Homeschooler’s Success Stories.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Deborah Bell was first published in 1997 by Thomas Nelson and has gone through 3 editions with updates since. It is a manual for providing a quality education for children while maximizing family life.
So You’re Thinking About Homeschooling: Fifteen Families Show How You Can Do It by Lisa Whelchel was published by Focus on the Family in 2005 and deals with common questions in a story-based approach using real-life examples.
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook: A Creative and Stress-Free Approach to Homeschooling, first published in 1994 by Thomas Nelson, is a low-stress, low-cost program written by two of the pioneers of modern homeschooling, Raymond and Dorothy Moore.
Homeschooling for Excellence by David and Micki Colfax was first published in 1988 by Grand Central Publishing. The Colfax’s homeschooled their 4 sons, 3 of who went on to Harvard and all of them growing to have distinguished careers.
Planning Curriculum and Ideas for Homeschooling
Deciding to homeschool is just the beginning, but finding the right curriculum and planning a schedule for the year (much less for the day!) is another story. Here are some popular resources that can help.
Plan Your Year: Homeschool Planning for Purpose and Peace by Pam Barnhill
101 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy
The Complete Home Learning Source Book by Rebecca Rupp is subtitled The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from Arithmetic to Zoology.
The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas: 500+ Fun and Creative Learning Activities for Kids Ages 3-12 by Linda Dobson
Types of Homeschooling
We’ve listed eight ‘types’ of homeschooling below, although there are many different variations of homeschooling, and decisions are made based on family beliefs and the individual needs of the child. While some people follow a single type, other families meld curriculums together or decide to throw them all out the window.
Classical Homeschooling
Classical has traditionally been the most popular type of homeschooling. This method of teaching has been employed for thousands of years and has created some of the greatest minds in history. Classical homeschooling focuses on the ‘five tools of learning,’ known as the ‘Trivium’: Reason, Record, Research, Relate, and Rhetoric. The first stage of Classical homeschooling is Grammar and learning how to learn. The second stage is Logic, learning how to think and reason. The third stage is Rhetoric, where all the learned skills are sharpened and focused. Some classical homeschoolers incorporate learning Latin and Greek into their curriculum as well.  It is a very structured environment, and school time and assignments are completed according to a plan.
The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessi Wise was first published in 1999 by W.W. Norton and has gone on to be revised multiple times, the newest being the 4th edition in 2016.
Simply Classical : A Beautiful Education for Any Child by Cheryl Swope
The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education by Leigh A. Bortins
The Charlotte Mason Method of Homeschooling
Charlotte Mason was a 19th-century homeschooling pioneer who believed that children were people in their own respect, not merely blank slates waiting to be written on. With Charlotte Mason, short periods of learning are broken up by nature walks, and learning revolves around observation, memorization, and narration. Children are given time to journey and explore, and journaling is also an important component.  Books are central to this style, with the idea of ‘Living Books’ or book that teach through the ideas that they contain rather than facts, and their ability to come alive in the mind of the child.
A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola.
A Charlotte Mason Education: A Home Schooling How-To Manual by Catherine Levinson.
When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy for Today by Elaine Cooper
The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason by Laurie Bestvater
The Waldorf Method of Homeschooling
The Walford method emphasizes educating the whole child: mind, body, and spirit. Children do not use textbooks, but rather create their own. This method also discourages the use of devices such as computers or televisions. Students focus on one subject at a time, rather than switching multiple times a day. Learning by age is not used, but rather by ability. Early childhood focuses on creative play and hands-on learning, elementary introduces academic instruction and teaches students to increase imagination and manage emotions, and secondary education focuses on critical thinking, empathy, and community service.
Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out by Jack Petrash
You Are Your Child’s First Teacher: Encouraging your Child’s Natural Development by Waldorf educator Rahima Baldwin Dancy.
Leadership/Thomas Jefferson Method of Homeschooling
A Thomas Jefferson or Leadership Education training is based on seven keys to of Great Teaching and the Phases of Learning: Classics (not textbooks), Mentors (not professors), Inspire (not require), Structured Time (not content), Quality (not conformity), Simplicity (not complexity) and You (not them) as the means to providing education. Self-Education is the focus, along with the goal of promoting and inspiring a life-long journey of learning. This method of homeschooling was popularized by the writing and teaching of Oliver and Rachel DeMille.
A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-First Century by Oliver DeMille.
A Thomas Jefferson Home Companion by Oliver DeMille, Rachel DeMille and Diann Jeppson.
Montessori Based Homeschooling
Although generally associated with a separate school, the Montessori method focuses on free movement and unstructured time as catalysts to learning. Montessori emphasizes using real tools instead of toys and allowing students real-world situations in which to learn.
Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Pre-School Years by Elizabeth Hainstock
How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin
Teach Me To Do It Myself: Montessori Activities for Your and Your Child by Maja Pitamic
Interest-Led Homeschooling
With Interest-Led learning, studies are structured around children’s interests. Sometimes called Delight-Directed, it does require parents to get a little creative with curriculum and move studies to follow whatever the child has grown an interest in. Some parents integrate Interest-Led with traditional curriculum work, and many Interest-Led homeschoolers may use the “Unit Studies” System, where a theme is picked, whether it be a holiday, location, place, or historical events, and students look at many subjects within that theme.
The Call of the Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education by Ainsley Arment
Unschooling is loosely tied with Interest-Led Homeschooling. Unschooling focuses on experiential, activity-based learning. It is a rejection of traditional schooling and uses no curriculum nor does it set aside hours for schooling. The idea is that children will naturally learn all they need to know through their own curiosity and trust is put completely on them for the learning process.
Home Grown: Adventures in Parenting off the Beaten Path, Unschooling, and Reconnecting with the Natural World by Ben Hewitt.
There is also the Home-At-School method which utilizes a full curriculum either through a public or private school or company. Much of this is computer-reliant, although textbooks are integrated into the learning as well.
That said, many homeschoolers do what is called ‘Relaxed’ or ‘Eclectic’ homeschooling, merging multiple ideas into a style that fits the needs of their individual children.
Making Homeschooling Work
Homeschooling for the Rest of Us: How Your One-of-a-Kind Family Can Make Homeschooling and Real Life Work by Sonya Haskins
The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning and Life by Julie Bogart
Books about Books for Homeschoolers
One of the central themes of all the homeschooling methods, including unschooling, is the importance of good books.
Integrating a love of reading and exciting books into any child’s life sets them up for success. Studies show that students who read 20 minutes a day have a 90% likelihood of scoring better than their peers on standardized tests. And one thing an overwhelming majority of very successful adults have in common is a love and active pursuit of reading. The following books are used by homeschoolers to provide guidance on picking books, but any parent and child can benefit from the information they provide.
Books to Build On: A Grade-by-Grade Resource Guide For Parents and Teachers by E.D.Hirsch
Read for the Heart: Whole Books for Wholehearted Families by Sarah Clarkson
Honey for a Child’s Heart : The Imaginative Use of Books in Family Life by Gladys Hunt
What other methods might we include in this list? What are your favorite homeschooling or classic books?
The post Books to help you navigate homeschooling your kids appeared first on Bibliology.
source https://www.biblio.com/blog/2020/07/books-to-help-you-navigate-homeschooling-your-kids/
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laurencerra-blog · 6 years
PROMPT 1: Charlotte’s Web & Brian Selznick
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Whilst I reminisce being read to by all of my teachers, especially whilst chewing on some fruit after lunch, the reading of Charlotte’s Web stands out to me. I warmly recall the entire class being mesmerised by the story and tuning into their emotions. I remember the teacher asking students to try follow along or read ahead with their own copy of the novel. I was reading one night in bed when I came about the pages when Charlotte sadly passed away. This came as a shock to me and prepared me for the reading in class and conversations that followed. I believe that my teacher may have asked us to read at home to prepare us for the emotional aspect of the novel, as we had all become so invested in the story. My favourite part of being read to by this teacher is that she always followed up readings with discussions and activities related to the novel.
This example of interactive reading aligns with a recent experience I had on placement. My mentor teacher was reading ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’ and ‘Wanderlust’ (by Brian Selznick) to Year 6 students. I had never heard of these novels but became completely immersed in the whole class readings (led by the teacher). The novels involve two parallel stories, one in text and one via images only. The reading of the novel was completely interactive as we had to stop and decipher or make predictions after almost every few pages. As with the modern age of today, students were also allowed to follow along reading with the teacher on their iPads, with the teacher pleading with students to not read ahead and spoil it for everyone.
I would absolutely love to follow in the steps of these two reading experiences. They are such invaluable books to literacy comprehension and enjoyment!
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evoldir · 5 years
Fwd: Job: UNorthCarolina_Charlotte.BioinformaticsGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: UNorthCarolina_Charlotte.BioinformaticsGenomics > Date: 29 August 2019 at 17:45:27 GMT+10 > To: [email protected] > > > The Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics, within the College of > Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, > invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor.   Applicants > for this position must hold an earned Ph.D. in bioinformatics or a related > discipline. The successful candidate will demonstrate excellence in > research via a strong publication record,  a record of or potential for > extramural funding, and a commitment to mentoring and teaching at the > graduate and undergraduate levels.  The successful candidate is expected to > develop and maintain an independent externally-funded research program. > Applications that demonstrate experience with or an interest in promoting > diversity through their research and teaching are especially encouraged. > > The Bioinformatics and Genomics Department is a research-intensive unit > with both a Ph.D. program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and a > M.S. in Bioinformatics.  Faculty in this Department support an > undergraduate Bioinformatics Minor and Bioinformatics Concentrations within > the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Computer Science. > The Department has excellent BSL-2 and BSL-3 wet lab facilities, several > high-performance computing clusters, and has dedicated space for > postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and staff.  Visit > https://ift.tt/2Udk6bK for more information. > > Applications must be made electronically at https://jobs.uncc.edu (position > #000043) and must include a cover letter, CV, contact information for at > least three references, a statement of research interests (max 5 pages), a > statement of teaching philosophy (max 2 pages), and PDFs of three > publications.  As an EOE/AA employer and an ADVANCE institution that > strives to create an academic climate in which the dignity of all > individuals is respected and maintained, the University of North Carolina > at Charlotte encourages applications from all underrepresented groups. > > For additional information about the department, please visit our website > at https://ift.tt/2Udk6bK.  For questions about the position or > the application, please contact Dr. Daniel Janies [email protected] > > Daniel Janies > via IFTTT
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kismetpetresort · 6 years
UNC Charlotte creates scholarship in memory of slain professor
(Source: UNC Charlotte’s Department of Psychological Science website) Dr. Jeannine Skinner (Photo provided to WBTV) Franklin (Source: Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office)
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has set up a scholarship in honor of a professor who was killed in September 2017.
By most standards, Dr. Jeannine Skinner had achieved success. She was an assistant professor of gerontology and psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at UNC Charlotte. She had the admiration of friends and co-workers, and she was connected to the community through her church and career.
Yet, Dr. Skinner became a victim of a domestic violence homicide inside her apartment in the Ayrsley community of south Charlotte on Sept. 1.
PREVIOUS: UNC Charlotte officials identify woman killed in southwest Charlotte as university professor
Donny Lewis Franklin, 45, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the killing of the 35-year-old.
The university created the "Dr. Jeannine S. Skinner Memorial Scholarship" in honor of the slain professor’s memory. School officials set up a crowdfunding page to raise a total of $15,000 towards the scholarship. So far, over $13,000 had been raised.
School officials said Skinner was "passionate about providing opportunities for student research and learning." The scholarship will fund graduate student research and provide funds for conference travel opportunities, officials said.
Skinner used state grant money to create a program from low income, minority seniors who did not have a place to exercise. She found them a place to exercise, in hopes that it would keep them from slipping cognitively.
She was in the process of applying for a national grant to replicate the program in other places around the country.
Skinner mostly taught undergraduate students but also mentored graduate students at UNCC, colleagues said.
Her colleagues described her as the bright light of the psychology department with an infectious laugh and smile.
“She was growing as a teacher and as a scholar and we were happy to have her here,” Eric Heggestad said, who is the interim director for the Department of Psychological Science. “Some of the faculty members noted they were just getting to know her, we’re going to miss her.”
PREVIOUS: UNCC professor mourned, search continues for accused killer
She was an avid runner that participated in half marathons regularly. She paired her love for running and her love for psychology and gerontology in a grant program.
"Dr.Skinner is dearly missed by faculty, students, and staff within the university community. The positive influence she had on people here, and in the larger Charlotte community, was remarkable," school officials said.
Copyright 2018 WBTV. All rights reserved.
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The post UNC Charlotte creates scholarship in memory of slain professor appeared first on KISMETPETRESORT.
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phillismarie-blog · 6 years
Artistic Believing Fosters Business Development.
Creativity is actually a phenomenon whereby something brand-new as well as somehow important is created. Value Exactly how artistic a product is can only really be actually evaluated due to the volume of value that offers the made field. Much of these procedures function astonishingly well with each other, as an example ambition out whilst additionally explaining subjects with others, or even modifying your point of view, can produce wonderful ideas also. Within this stage from artistic brainstorming, you will intend to consider every tip that your team by means of out in the initial brainstorming treatment, while constantly considering exactly what you ought to get rid of to adjust the idea. Marketing professionals need to have the capacity to manage the cautious information from their day-to-day job and also still manage to bring new, creative believing to bear upon the obstacles they encounter. Parents which are unable to effectively put their youngsters on a strict diet regimen might opt for sports, physical activities and also video games that can help melt excess fat in a healthy means. You will certainly be actually stunned at the profusion from artistic concepts that move coming from your mind by means of your hand as well as over the newspaper. The most ideal opportunity to find out creativity is actually during our youth while our human brains are increasing. This two-day plan concentrates on how you can develop an one-upmanship by encouraging an imaginative society that stimulates advancement, cooperation, as well as inspiration. The design as well as make project must as a result be a stimulant that delights the senses and acquires the imaginative juices from students flowing in abundance. Socratic or even flexible concerns are a terrific means to get little ones's innovative juices streaming. I think that you are absolutelly best regarding the there is actually no container" but regardless of what people are actually believing they are actually acting like they are in The Box. You can easily utilize self-hypnosis to look into your innovative reasoning designs that you may certainly not have accessed because you were a little one. This can be complicated for any employee - particularly one in a sensible, practical sector - to start thinking artistically. Field Reliant Knowledge - an individual that is actually innovative in one industry tends to be actually artistic in yet another. Oftentimes nevertheless the creativity and also technology that is located within us could be shrouded by environmental concerns that engulf us. The 5 reason stated above act as instances concerning exactly how the really magic of our personal creativity could be decreased. Most of the times there are techniques to create an atmosphere or even support conditions that boosts your thinking procedure causing your upcoming 'fantastic' tip. Some project descriptions will just explain that imagination is actually needed for the role. Examples of work samples or compilations of job that could be examined for imagination could include investigation papers, lab documents, musical arrangements, a mathematical formula that solves a trouble, a prototype layout, a reflective part concerning the end product of a task, or various other academic jobs. Examples from excess thought and feelings include: the errands you have to handle, or the irritations you might be having at work. I had never ever heard the saying presume outside of the box"-- up until a Chief Executive Officer used it to explain my presuming type right before I spoke with his panel. Having said that, there is a whole lot to become stated for the perks stemmed from the involved crew and also specific ventures and exercises used in some administration development programs. They allow people's human brains to track out tips which ordinarily hinge on obscurity on the edge of their reasoning. During artistic visualization that is important to picture every little thing off the 1st individual point of view. This is actually most definitely NOT because there is an organic swayed preference in the direction of creativity, no matter exactly how pleasant and culturally it sounds. When it pertains to your own suggestions, it's very easy to become a hypocrite as well as use all type of difficulties to other ideas while permitting your own reasoning slide by unchallenged in your very own thoughts. They allow the Mind Mapper to check out a fantastic many aspects simultaneously, therefore raising the likelihood of artistic affiliation and also integration. If a home owner is thinking about offering in the upcoming 2 to 5 years they should deliver analyze the reasoning for the complying with residence enhancements as they perform not incorporate any type of worth to the equity of the house. That is really intriguing to know about impressive bizarre pet realities that may actually leave you assuming in order to what does it cost? you learn about your animals or even other pets apart from the expectations that we believe hold true. There are actually a lot of artistic concepts which, while being actually really amazing, neglect just what you're trying to obtain and also just how you must be actually attaining this. When challenged along with others that are actually passionately justifying strongly creative yet rarely calculated ideas, bring in and also remake your instance if the idea you are actually encouraging is on the spot smartly. NKU's Steely Collection and also Creativity are pleased to declare the introduction from the IPAC (Intellectual Property Recognition Facility) for both NKU components as well as social attendees. They are actually certainly not banned entirely, yet your reasoning will be actually even more imaginative if you concentrate on accounts. I often essentially just hammer as well as rest out some ideas, and after that do some word association, so I am actually constantly willing to try more methods. This component builds the skill-sets of stating on, as well as boosting your understanding of, major growths within ingenuity analysis to provides you a wide introduction from Imagination. We all need to have actions throughout our lives to come to be even more imaginative so we don't lose this crucial capability because from this handicap. If you adored this article and you would certainly like to receive more info concerning yellow pages advert bike - znajdz-swoje-szczescie.pl, kindly browse through our own webpage. Having claimed that, listed below are four types of imagination that I utilize myself as well as which I recognize for a fact are made use of widely by top-level creators. This article looks into the root of creativity as well as supplies standards on how to end up being much more innovative. I am actually no Dr. Seuss, yet I've found (and also I'm sure various other writers could connect) that when I am actually immediately restricted to creating something in FIVE HUNDRED words when I had actually planned to create it in 800 terms, that may trigger some quite creative workarounds. When you have viewed the variations between their usage, including more of the creative or critical may be actually a lot easier. They require you to look for solutions outside the conformed pattern and aid discover brand-new pathways of reasoning. A non-traditional and dazzling account from the creative process through a prize-winning artistic director. This program will definitely offer your employees the Whole Mind ® tools, skill-sets and also procedures to bring about your association's creative outcome, regardless of what their function or even task is, and also receive buy-in for various as well as brand new concepts. Gorgeous and exciting adolescent women like Jade, Chloe, Sasha and Yasmin are amongst the Bratz that will follow you in the Bratz transformation games. The Charlotte nc Manson approach is actually incredibly efficient for kids as that makes use of quick publications and anecdotal ways of mentor by means of its own use staying manuals. When you comprehend the distinction in between innovation as well as development, the street to results starts through liberating, nurturing and also impressive all the creative funding in your organization. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll intend to repaint your workplace blue or even environment-friendly, but that's an useful recommendation to bear in mind when you're working with an innovative job or even shifting between other sorts of work.
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peniseargementtips · 6 years
http://ift.tt/2BVH2lr <div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>By Richard White</div><br /><br /> <div class='uawarticle'>Folks have purchased a lot of automobile in recent times starting with the small ones to the large capacity plant operators. As such, the operators should have broad skills to conduct and control the vehicles and other heavy machinery. Many investors have found the necessity to invest in this area by setting up learning facility where automobile operators can access proper training. In this case, people in need of starting these kinds of schools should look at some factors. When opening a facility for <a href="http://ift.tt/2zSaSdJ">automotive technology training Charlotte NC</a>, you have to follow these processes.<br /> <br /> When an individual has a plan to start a school for teaching automobile users the technological issues involved in the vehicle industry, one must look at a strategic place to build the infrastructure. One has to consider where a large number of car users operate. You cannot site the facility around an ocean beach or near lake shores where people operate with marine boats and expect students. Hence look for a place which basically is populated by vehicle operators.<br /> <br /> You cannot choose anyone to train the individuals who want to succeed in this area of work. Instead, you have to look for qualified and skilled tutors who have acquired the knowledge from well-known universities. As such, they can use the skills they have to mentor and coach the students. Confirm that all workers are qualified with a degree equivalent in mechanical engineering.<br /> <br /> Sometimes, folks come up with plans to carry out a project, but they forget that resources are instrumental in completing the scheme. In an instance like this one, a person should have the financial muscle to enable the completion of building infrastructure, equip it, and employ quality automobile expert for lectures.<br /> <br /> On the other hand, one cannot open a college facility without the knowledge of a national government. Some bodies are regally set up to supervise the operations taking place in all states. As such, they move around looking at the progress of these institutions. To avoid getting in trouble, an individual should register with county register and get a permit to conduct their business.<br /> <br /> Whenever you need to raise the bars of your institution and win the confidence of many people, you must ensure that students perform exemplary. It can only be achieved through hiring or employing knowledgeable tutors with the vast know-how of working. As such, students of automobile classes can gain from their experience to become quality drivers, mechanics, and automotive engineers in future.<br /> <br /> Sometimes, unexpected issues such as fire outbreak, fraud, and property damages occur. They cause significant loss to all property owners. Therefore, this is not an exception to colleges providing automotive skills. Thus, the owner of these facilities should look for a firm that can provide the best coverage policy. Whenever any damage arises, the affected parties can get compensation.<br /> <br /> Some people are eager to learn some skills in handling automobiles. On the other hand, investors take advantage of students and build them facilities where they gain knowledge to control and maintain the vehicles and other machinery. Those who require opening a college offering automotive technology skills can use the provided tips to launch the project successfully.<br /> <br /> </div><br /> <div class='uawresource'><br /> <div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawabout'><br /> About the Author:<br /> </div><br /> <div class='uawlinks'>If you are looking for information about <a href="http://ift.tt/2zv7sgq">automotive technology training Charlotte NC</a> residents can visit our web pages today. More details are available at http://ift.tt/2zv7sgq now.</div><br /> </div><br /> Amazing Process Of Starting A College For Automotive Technology Training Charlotte NC
By Richard White
Folks have purchased a lot of automobile in recent times starting with the small ones to the large capacity plant operators. As such, the operators should have broad skills to conduct and control the vehicles and other heavy machinery. Many investors have found the necessity to invest in this area by setting up learning facility where automobile operators can access proper training. In this case, people in need of starting these kinds of schools should look at some factors. When opening a facility for automotive technology training Charlotte NC, you have to follow these processes. When an individual has a plan to start a school for teaching automobile users the technological issues involved in the vehicle industry, one must look at a strategic place to build the infrastructure. One has to consider where a large number of car users operate. You cannot site the facility around an ocean beach or near lake shores where people operate with marine boats and expect students. Hence look for a place which basically is populated by vehicle operators. You cannot choose anyone to train the individuals who want to succeed in this area of work. Instead, you have to look for qualified and skilled tutors who have acquired the knowledge from well-known universities. As such, they can use the skills they have to mentor and coach the students. Confirm that all workers are qualified with a degree equivalent in mechanical engineering. Sometimes, folks come up with plans to carry out a project, but they forget that resources are instrumental in completing the scheme. In an instance like this one, a person should have the financial muscle to enable the completion of building infrastructure, equip it, and employ quality automobile expert for lectures. On the other hand, one cannot open a college facility without the knowledge of a national government. Some bodies are regally set up to supervise the operations taking place in all states. As such, they move around looking at the progress of these institutions. To avoid getting in trouble, an individual should register with county register and get a permit to conduct their business. Whenever you need to raise the bars of your institution and win the confidence of many people, you must ensure that students perform exemplary. It can only be achieved through hiring or employing knowledgeable tutors with the vast know-how of working. As such, students of automobile classes can gain from their experience to become quality drivers, mechanics, and automotive engineers in future. Sometimes, unexpected issues such as fire outbreak, fraud, and property damages occur. They cause significant loss to all property owners. Therefore, this is not an exception to colleges providing automotive skills. Thus, the owner of these facilities should look for a firm that can provide the best coverage policy. Whenever any damage arises, the affected parties can get compensation. Some people are eager to learn some skills in handling automobiles. On the other hand, investors take advantage of students and build them facilities where they gain knowledge to control and maintain the vehicles and other machinery. Those who require opening a college offering automotive technology skills can use the provided tips to launch the project successfully.
About the Author:
If you are looking for information about automotive technology training Charlotte NC residents can visit our web pages today. More details are available at http://ift.tt/2zv7sgq now.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2BVH2lr via IFTTT
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storyboxlibrary · 7 years
Five Story Box Library features you might not know about
There’s a lot happening at Story Box Library and it’s easy to get lost in our amazing stories. That’s why we’ve put together five Story Box features you might not know about…
1. At-home access for school subscribers
Families can support their kids’ learning by using Story Box Library at home. Simply provide your school families with your Viewer Username and Password, to allow them to log in from home or on the go!
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2. Closed captions for all stories
Did you know that captions are now available on all of our stories? All you need to do is choose your story, hit the CC button on the video and enjoy!
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3. Filter content for stories in Premiers’ Reading Challenges, CBCA shortlisted titles and themed stories.
The Premiers’ Reading Challenge encourages children to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online, but it can be overwhelming at times. Fortunately, you can sort stories in the Story Box library to filter our list of over 160 stories down to the stories including in each states Reading Challenge. All you need to do is click the ‘Filter & sort stories’ dropdown on the stories page and make your choice!
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4. Content for Upper Primary students
Earlier this year, we debunked the myth that Story Box Library is a only a Lower Primary resource. The fact is that almost one quarter of our library is not only relevant for children in Upper Primary, but is also target to this age group. Our Classroom Ideas are designed to support the work teachers do in the classroom and provide suggestions for how to tie texts into the curriculum. Stories can be used as engaging viewing content for Literacy Hour, as mentor texts that facilitate discussion, to explore sophisticated themes, to provide inspiration for Makerspace projects or STEM/STEAM-focused activities and for student’s (or teacher’s!) inspiration. For some recommendations for Upper Primary readers, take a look at one of our previous blog posts.
5. The Play Queue
As our library continues to grow, it can be difficult to remember all of the stories that you want to watch. This is why we have a Play Queue, which enables you to pre-select stories to watch and play them continuously in a row. Firstly, browse the Stories page to find what you want to watch. Then, go the page of the video you want to watch. Just below the video, you will find a white cross in a blue circle with the words ‘Add to Play Queue’. All you need to do is click the cross and the selected story will be added to your Play Queue. Repeat with as many stories as you’d like to add!
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Once you have finished adding stories to your Play Queue, you will see the number of stories listed in the top right corner of your screen, next to the words ‘Play Queue’. Click on the symbol to start watching the stories in your Play Queue. You will need to press Play for the first story, but after that, the rest of your chosen stories will continue to play continuously.
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Try adding a story to your Play Queue to see how it works—maybe recently released Bird and Bear, read by Emmanuelle Mattana, or I Have a Dog (an inconvenient dog), read by Charlotte Lance (and her fabulous pooch).
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dippedanddripped · 7 years
LONDON, United Kingdom — Dazed & Confused is 25 years old, which makes it roughly the same age as many of its employees. In its infancy, few would have imagined the influence that the independent style title would have on the fashion landscape. But over the years, it has also proven to be a fertile training ground — almost a school — for generations of fashion creatives, who now form a network of “alumni” making waves across the industry as stylists, editors, art directors and more. “You call it a network and I call it a family,” says Jefferson Hack, the co-founder and editorial director of Dazed Media.
There are the original graduates, such as stylists Katie Grand, who is the founder of Condé Nast bi-annual Love and works closely with Miuccia Prada and Marc Jacobs; Katy England, who worked with the late Alexander McQueen; Alister Mackie, who has been key to the success of the menswear lines at Lanvin and Louis Vuitton; and Charlotte Stockdale, who now works closely with Karl Lagerfeld at Fendi. Then, there’s Nicola Formichetti, once Dazed’s creative director, who later became Lady Gaga’s stylist, creative head of Mugler and then artistic director of Diesel. More recent “graduates” include Karen Langley, Katie Shillingford and Robbie Spencer, who has worked with designers such as Craig Green and Simone Rocha.
Dazed & Confused's first issue, 1991 | Source: Courtesy
Founded by Jefferson Hack and photographer Rankin in 1991, Dazed Media, as it is now known, has certainly grown over the years. But its organisational structure and working culture may surprise traditionalists. Importantly, young staffers are given lofty titles and immense responsibility, stemming from the magazine’s DIY origins and makeshift sensibility.
“When I started work at Dazed I was still at college so I literally knew nothing about how to get a magazine together,” recalls Grand, who was Hack and Rankin’s first collaborator. “I suppose because I was a bit younger than Rankin, so I always presumed he knew what he was doing; it's only now I know everyone that worked there was completely naïve and doing it for the first time.”
Whereas i-D and The Face, the two other prominent London style titles, were started by established industry figures (prior to i-D, Terry Jones was art director at British Vogue; Nick Logan edited NME and set up Smash Hits before launching The Face), Dazed was launched by Hack and Rankin, supported by Grand, while they were all still students. “We were just kids who came out of college and we didn’t know anyone,” says Hack. “There was an anti-professionalism to it and we were just making it up as we go along.” According to Grand, “because the team was so young we had that youthful brattiness where you always think you're right even when you're far from it. We were all pretty equal as we had all decided to not graduate from art school to do Dazed.”
The emphasis on giving young people responsibility is still vital to the ethos of the magazine. “We need to keep the decision makers young; the creative director, editor-in-chief and fashion director especially; otherwise it won’t reflect its audience’s value,” adds Hack. “The boundaries of these borders between the establishment and the gatekeepers of culture and the fans and audience are completely smashed,” he explains. “For me being able to promote Isabella Burley, who was 24 when she became editor-in-chief wasn’t risk taking — it was just logical.”
“It was and still is my education,” says Isabella Burley, who didn’t attend university. “I don’t really think it could’ve happened at another publishing company because I don’t think there are many places that really push, trust and offer opportunities to a younger generation in the way Jefferson does.” As well as overseeing a re-design of the magazine and its transition to a bi-monthly, Burley is also the newly installed editor-in-residence of Helmut Lang, where she acts as a kind of curator, appointing young design stars and other “artists in residence” to reinterpret the label. The first and most recent was Hood By Air designer Shayne Oliver, whose reimagining of the brand was one of most buzzed-about shows of New York Fashion Week.
“Dazed has been a school for me and for a lot of people. It’s a place where so many amazing people started their careers.”
The open and creative ethos has become a pillar of the Dazed culture and is now passed on from generation to generation. “As fashion director, I think my biggest responsibility was to offer the same creative space to the generation that I had experienced myself to the generation that followed,” says former fashion director Karen Langley, who now works with clients including Beyoncé. “If it were a college, it would be an Ivy League.”
Susanna Lau, now far better known for her Style Bubble blog than her tenure as Dazed Digital’s commissioning editor from 2008 to 2010, says she owes Dazed a “tremendous amount” and concurs that Hack’s talent is in mentoring and nourishing young talent: “He knows people will grow and move on, but you will always remember that Dazed was where you cut your industry teeth and that you will always be a part of that family.”
Shayne Oliver's for Helmut Lang, commissioned by Isabella Burley | Source: Indigital.tv
Formichetti was hired as a fashion editor at Dazed in 2005 after working in The Pineal Eye, the Soho shop known for its avant-garde pieces, including inflatable penis headpieces. He began with a one-page column called “Eye Spy” in 2000 which soon turned into six pages, and a full-time role. “Sometimes when you’re an assistant, a stylist or an editor just wants you to do the job, so you’re directed and told what to do. Dazed wasn’t like that. It was very freestyle,” he says.
Dazed is also notable for the freedom it gives its staff to take on extracurricular projects and consulting work — like Burley’s role at Helmut Lang — which some say softens the blow of low salaries. “The most important thing out of all of this is that when we started Dazed and to this day, I don’t want our editors to be desk bound or studio bound; I don’t want them to exist within a white wall,” reasons Hack. “If they’re DJ-ing in the industry or working on a look book for a young designer, if they’re a part of the culture, it makes their ability to reference and reflect their culture more authentic.”
Robbie Spencer, who joined Dazed as an intern when he was a student and is now the title’s creative director, simultaneously consults and styles brands including Simone Rocha, Craig Green, Ann Demeulemeester, MM6 Maison Margiela and Philip Lim. “My training at Dazed has really influenced my work outside of the magazine,” he says. “I have always had the freedom to do what I want to outside of my role at Dazed.” One of Dazed's strengths, according to Spencer, is that when hiring, Hack often looks to promote from within the company. “Dazed has been a school for me and for a lot of people,” he says. “It’s a place where so many amazing people started their careers.”
“Getting people when they’re full of energy and passion has a huge strength,” says Katie Shillingford, who now works with Gareth Pugh and is the fashion director of AnOther, something of a big sister title that’s owned by Dazed Media. Shillingford began by assisting Nicola Formichetti and, within a month, was asked by Cathy Edwards [then fashion director of Dazed] for her input. “I think because it’s an independent company and we don’t have pots of gold at our disposal everyone has always mucked in and you work out another way of achieving big ideas,” she adds. As for the trust in youth, she uses the analogy of a firework. “It’s a bit of a risk, but if it goes well you get a great result.”
In some ways, AnOther, which launched in 2001, became a kind of post-graduate programme for alumni like England, Edwards and Mackie, meaning the original Dazed could bring in a fresh wave of creatives, keeping its tone and outlook in line with youth culture and its young readership. “You just can’t have a magazine for a young audience staffed at the top by creatives who are not in touch with that audience anymore,” says Hack.
It was and still is my education.
When Dazed moved to an office a stone’s throw from Old Street, it chimed with the rise of East London as a melting pot for youth culture and creativity, courtesy of cheap rent and buzzing nightlife. Dazed remained in the now-bulldozed space until earlier this year when it moved to 180 The Strand. “It felt like East London was a place where things were about to happen,” says Alister Mackie, who joined Dazed as an assistant to Katy England in 1996. “People were coming in doing parties and clubs, making art, designing clothes, working and living in these disused spaces. Young people [were] reclaiming this forgotten part of London, so the energy was kind of a lawless wild west spirit.”
In those halcyon days, the week would almost always end with a party and the evenings at the office could easily stretch into mornings. “Social life and work life all felt like one thing,” recalls Mackie. “No one was inhibited by any precedent of how a magazine should be done, or how a fashion shoot should look, and there was a lot of stuff happening right on our doorstep.”
Gucci A/W'17 by Glen Luchford and Christopher Simmonds | Source: Courtesy
“It was a hell of a lot of fun, but had an intensity that was unsustainable,” admits Grand. She recalls an environment where people hung out on the sofa and casually talked about art, fashion and photography, socialising at watering holes such as The Bricklayers Arms and 333, where they also met new talent. “Mert [Alas] and Marcus [Piggott] lived above me which was literally how I found them,” she says. “Most contributors were friends or friends of friends.”
“In the '90s, everyone that worked at Dazed, I had met in a bar or a nightclub,” confirms Hack. Today, the business has grown significantly, with online platforms for its main titles — DazedDigital, AnOther and Another Man — attracting about 4.5 million unique users per month; social media and video production teams; a creative services agency, Dazed Media Studio; and Nowness, a lifestyle media site operated in partnership with Chinese publisher Modern Media and LVMH.
But despite its growth, the company continues to produce new talent that has gone on to conquer even the most traditional of establishments. Olivia Singer, who joined AnOther as fashion writer in 2015 and was quickly promoted to fashion features director, left Dazed to join British Vogue as executive fashion news editor last month as part of Edward Enninful’s new team. “The amazing thing about Jefferson is that he doesn’t seem to mind whether you’ve got specific experience in something, or if you’re just blagging it: all that matters to him is that you are as passionate about what you’re doing as he is,” she says. Two months into her role at Dazed, Singer was tasked with organising an all-day public event, Dazed Fashion Forum, with panel discussions and a live Rankin photo shoot. “It wasn’t even for the same magazine that I was hired to work on, but it was amazing.”
“Everyone used the word family a lot, and that might sound a little bit twee, but it really did feel like that,” Singer continues. “[It felt] like this huge, sometimes dysfunctional family where, at the end of the day, people would always have your back and, no matter how hard you were working, how much there was to do, it was fun.”
“It was the camaraderie between everyone,” says art director Christopher Simmonds, the who left Dazed in 2015 to work on projects for Gucci, Alexander McQueen and J.W. Anderson. “Everyone working together to achieve something that we were proud of, and that unified vision is quite rare. We all just wanted everything we did to be the best it could be.”
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