#Corey as Pokey is all I needed
just-v · 1 year
Manifesting lots of Lords In Black fanart once we get clearer looks at the costumes🔮💆‍♀️
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Little detail in NPMD that’s living rent free in my mind (spoilers ahead!)
I know the fandom has been obsessing over figuring out the lyrics to everyone’s favorite chaotic™️ scene but I wanna acknowledge something in the choreography that caught my attention💃🏻
Okay so first off MASSIVE PROPS to Lauren for choreographing this so amazingly. If you pay close attention you’ll notice that each of the Lords in Black has their own cute little 8 count dance related to their character (some more clear than others).
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switching back and forth between his hand and the mask (I’m assuming representing him wanting to block out every voice that’s not his own).
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need I explain???
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I’m assuming the arm motions are supposed to represent his tentacles
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also self-explanatory
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… okay honestly this one tripped me up but it fits the vibe
Okay so this alone was a cool discovery, but THEN I noticed that the Lords in Black cycled through each other’s choreography throughout the scene. After a million watches that I absolutely don’t regret I’m pretty sure I figured out the pattern to be: Wiggly➡️Tinky➡️Nibbly➡️Blinky➡️Pokey🔁 in a looping order. There were a few discrepancies in this pattern (I think possibly either due to choreography mistakes or maybe it was just to make the choreography look more symmetrical?) but this was the order that most commonly persisted:
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Anything in parenthesis is what I think they were supposed to do because it’s a simple switch that fits the pattern (Corey never did Tinky’s dance but did Nibbly’s for 2 cycles, Lauren had Nibbly and Tinky’s reversed).
Anyway this may already be a thing because I definitely need to get caught up on Hatchetfield lore but I’m wondering if there’s any significance to this order?
It almost matches the order that we were introduced to the Lords in Black in (Blinky being the one out of place):
Wiggly (Black Friday)
Blinky (Watcherworld. NMT Season 1, episode 1 part 2)
Tinky (Time Bastard. NMT Season 1, episode 2 part 2)
Nibbly (Honey Queen. NMT Season 2, episode 1)
Pokey (Yellow Jacket. NMT Season 2, episode 4).
It almost matches reverse order to when we were first introduced to all of the dolls in The Witch in the Web: Pokey➡️Blinky➡️Tinky➡️Nibbly➡️Wiggly. Nibbly and Tinky are reversed, which could maybe be connected to Lauren reversing their dances in the order but I feel like that’s too far of a reach:
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It also almost matches the order that the names are read from in the black book (again reverse order and Nibbly and Tinky are switched):
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^creds to whoever typed out the script cause my digital ticket expired by the time I realized I wanted to double check this
It makes sense that invoking the names ends with Wiggly since it’s been implied at multiple times that he is the most powerful and terrible of the Lords in Black but other than that I’m clueless.
One moment that perfectly matches the pattern in the dance if you reverse it is the one real picture we have of the dolls from Nick’s Twitter:
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If you start with any of them and go backwards it matches the (most consistent) pattern from the dance perfectly: Nibbly⬅️Tinky⬅️Wiggly⬅️Pokey⬅️Blinky
There’s more stuff that shows up in the choreography throughout the dance that intrigued me but this post is already way too long and I’m guessing with my luck there’s probably 0 significance to the order that the dances were done in buuuut yeah I’m driving myself insane on this so if anyone has any insight let me know!
Nerdy prudes must die🤪
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aphantpoet · 1 month
Rating Corey Dorris....
Rating Corey Dorris characters by how much I want to punt them out a third story window. I will only be doing characters who are real in Hatchtverse canon so Mr Humbugger and Stu are out. I will however be doing one time/unnamed characters on the same point unless they are markedly different, but not giving them as much attention wither way compared to his more principal characters so they will be easy to skip over.
Bill Woodward; 1/10. I don't hate him and honestly It would feel like kicking a puppy but the way he was talking to Alice about her wanting to write scripts just makes my creative writing student brain so "grr".
Citizen 1: 0/10This is the background character in La Dee Dah Da day, he exists to die so to spite the narrative I will let him live.
Citizen 2: 1/10 This is the guy from Cup of poisoned coffee. I know nothing about the guy but he's implied to work in business so
Peip Agent: 9/10 Background character but glorified cop. he's only losing one point because the enemies he's fighting are an actual threat.
Frank Pricley: 5/10, he's a great character, a bitch but he's really funny to watch. I like the depth they gave him in Daddy. He's kinda classist and he's a capitalist but I love his passion when left to his own devices and willingness to take money from the rich. he's still really mean to my girl Lex, she's just trying to do the best she can for her little sister you dick.
office guy: 8/10, called security on a random homeless dude, what are you a narc?. 2 points off for my birth year mentioned.
Tree person 2 +voice 1+villager 2: 2/10, all from Witch in the Web. don't do much story wise but I love two of them. Both points are four villager 2
Seaton Monroe: 6/10, Not from high up though, just to teach a lesson.
Man in chair: 7/10 crabby, I like his energy
Solomon Lauter: 9/10, His ass sent his daughter to an abstinence camp. He also puts down Stephanie which is pretty fucked up. send that man out a window and he can take Miss Tessburger with him. Also, putting the fate of the entire town on a teenager you spent your first two major scenes calling stupid is a dumb idea and you were only right because she has more street smarts than you gave her credit for and Grace was willing to get freaky.
Counsellor 2: 8/10. abstinence is not healthy, if you feel the need to do it be safe and get consent.
Russ: 0/10, what is it with star kid and making Corey Dorris a dad?. best dad he's played tho
Yellows jackets crowd: 10/10, you like watching magic kids fight
Cop;10/10, He's a cop
Jason Jepson: 8/10, I respect you for the last parts of the musical but I won't forget you standing by.
Pokey: 3/10, I lobe his vibe but I', curious how it would go
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Ahh the boys are here let’s go!!
Blinkie!!! Ohh my god Corey is Pokotho yessss
Jon’s voice switch from Paul to Wiggly
Ok out of all of the Cosmic Horror that’s bloomed up over the last few years (TMA, The Mechanisms Biofrost Incident, Lovecraft Country which I need to finish)
This series has been sooo unique and engaging I really hope they find a way to continue it in some way.
Also do they sell the Lords in Black plushies cuz I need at least Pokey and Blinkie!!
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if class 1a performed "nerdy prudes must die", this would be the cast list (explanations under the cut):
momo: pete spankoffski
jirou: steph lauter
aoyama: grace chasity
denki: richie lipschitz, jon's bbq guy
mina: ruth fleming
midoryia: max jägerman
ojirou: detective shaprio
bakugou: officer bailey, miss mulberry
iida: mayor lauter, ensemble
sero: kyle, dan reynolds, ensemble
kirishima: jason, ensemble
tsu: bryce's nerd, bryce's reporter, ensemble
tokoyami: wiggly, mariah's bbq guy, ensemble
uraraka: stacy, reese, miss tessburger, nibbly, ensemble
shinsou: blinky, emma, ensemble
satou: boy jerry, joey's bbq guy, tinky, ensemble
shouji: pokey, corey's cop, ensemble
hagakure: karen chasity, brenda, ensemble
todoroki: mark chasity, angela's bbq guy, paul, ensemble
kouda: donna, ensemble
present mic: announcer
okay. jirou just has steph vibes, okay??? the spotify line... y eah. also, i just think momojirou being steph and pete would be ADORABLE and i want to hear momo sing "cool as i think i am" aND IMAGINE HOW ANGSTY THAT REPRISE WOULD BE???
i think aoyama would have the most fun being grace. they're genderfluid, so she wouldn't mind playing a girl. i also just think they'd KILL "dirty dudes must die" and "dirty girl". i just think he'd have the most fun with it
look at denki and tell me that he Wouldn't wear what richie is wesring??? i can literally see it. i just can also see him saying like all of richie's lines. same with mina as ruth... okay well not exactly the same, but i honestly think that mina is the Only person in 1a who could pull off the role of ruth. aND IMAGINE HER SINGING "just for once" LIKE GOD. the "the other day the johnson's borrowed my tap shoes... their eldest daughter is beginning tap. it was no bother, i never ever used them... i used to dance... i used to dance..." LOSING MY MIND PICTURING MINA SING THAT
i know bakugou is like... who we would all assume would be max. but look at officer bailey. watch him kick a chair when he remembered clivesdale beat them. is that not bakugou??? i just also feel like bakugou would be funny as mulberry lol. he also NEEDS to be in "go, go nighthawks". bc of the clivesdale part lol
anyways i think midoriya just needs a chance to go a bit wild, you know? like let him be feral. i think playing max would be kinda therapeutic for him. also i can see him just KILLING "literal monster" and "nerdy prudes must die". i think he and denki would act off each other really well, and sam with midoriya and aoyama!!!
ojirou and shaprio just have similar vibes you know? like the only human in a muppet movie. anyways i just think ojirou would do well :) and iida as mayor lauter... do i need to explain??? i just think he would both be SO GOOD and also SO FUNNY!!! like... the phone and hammer scene?? he and jirou would KILL it!!!
kirishima and sero as jason and kyle was one of the first things i thought of. they are perfect for those roles. i mean... can't you just Hear kirishima going: "we're all giving the butt slaps / with consent of course cause we care"??? and sero as dan reynolds is just funny to me. "i am dan reynolds... with action news, week days at 10pm" - they would KILL it!!!
tsu has the vibes of someone who doesn't really want a big role, so i think bryce's nerd and bryce's reporter would be great roles for her! she gets her moment, but also she isn't like always in it, you know?
tokoyami as wiggly... i mean,,, come on,,, also he's a theatre kid, so he had to get one of the bbq monologue guys. he got mariah by default lol
forgive me for giving uraraka like... all of kim's roles lol i just think she'd be great! i think she would absolutely slay the: "he roars and we cry / he's the reason with no why"!!! and i think she and iida would work well together as tessburger and lauter!!! also... yes, nibbly bc pink but also bc she will kill it okay
i don't think shinsou, kouda, shouji, and todoroki would want big roles. i think shinsou as blinky bc purple but also he'd be amazing, and i feel like he could really pull off emma tbh. donna doesn't really speak much, so i think kouda would like that. i think they'd just rather be in ensemble/working backstage most of the time. shouji would be a fun pokey, i think, and would look DOPE in the makeup and costume!!! i also think him saying that the bbq monologues was "f-ing transcendent" would be fantastic. todoroki as paul is a given, i mean... come on. i think he'd be really funny as mark, especially with the whole "you don't say... you don't say... etc..." iuyftrdtgyuio also. "family". iugytfrdftgyhuijo
then hagakure would KILL brenda and i think she would be the BEST kaen chasity. i genuinely believe that with my entire heart. i think she would LOVE accusing sero of "selling drugs to our children / we know they loves killing!"
i think satou as joey's bbq guy is pretty self-explanatory, but like. he would KILL IT OMG!!! and then okay yes he as tinky bc yellow but also bc he would slay. i also think he'd be a funny boy jerry oigfdghijk
and ofc most everyone who isn't a lead is ensemble. since npmd has a smaller cast, most of 1a would be in ensemble and would be in songs like "high school is killing me" and "literal monster", etc...
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backpockct · 1 year
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COURTNEY EATON. SHE & HER  / have you ever heard of I WANNA GET BETTER  by bleachers, well, it describes ARDEN GRAHAM to a tee! the twenty six  year old, and MECHANIC @ PIT STOP was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more reticent or more WARM-HEARTED instead? anyway, they remind me of, well worn vans trainers, hands stained with car grease, flannel shirts around your waist, fake smiles that hide a lot. maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
triggers: postpartum depression / divorce
full name: arden mae graham
birthday: 6th october 1996 (26 years old)
gender: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: pansexual
relationship status: very single
born and raised a london girly, arden is an only child. her parents divorced when she was young, she was primarily raised by her dad.
of course, she had a good relationship with her mother, but she's always been a daddy's girl.
growing up, arden was a tomboy, always getting into scrapes, and troubles, helping her dad fix things.
her fascination with cars started when her dad bought an old car, they worked together to do it up.
as a teenager, she hung out at her dad's work a lot, he's the owner of a contracting company.
she was friendly with all of the workers, but one day she laid her eyes on a young man called micah (@soliloquivm) , the rest was history.
eventually, the pair got together, they spent all their time together and her dad noticed this, he wasn't happy.
then one thing lead to another & arden became pregnant, it wasn't something she was excepting. but they decided to keep the baby, which didn't help things with her dad.
her dad made things very difficult for micah, much to arden's dismay, so the young man had to move to another job.
adalyn was born and for the first week's everything was "fine", arden was lying. she wasn't feeling that "new born spark" , it was awkward.
she struggled to connect with little adalyn, instead of being happy about becoming a mother, she was stressed, worried, tired and things just seemed off.
arden watched other mums and their babies, having a great time together, then she looked at herself & adalyn, it didn't seem the same. it felt like the young girl didn't like her, it seemed just like her mother, she was a daddy's girl, which made things worse.
it wasn't an easy decision for arden to leave, she debated it for a long time, but she needed to escape and start afresh.
she left everyone she loved a note, packed up what little things she had and moved to the USA.
arden got a pokey apartment in new york city and trained to become a mechanic full-time.
she also went to therapy and worked through her issues, a professional diagnosed her with postpartum depression
but she missed micah, a lot, she missed her loved ones back in the UK, so after a few years, she moved back.
now arden is twenty six, she's been back in notting hill for only a few weeks, she's currently living with her dad.
she still very much has feelings for micah!! they never went away!! she adores him!!
she works at the local garage as a mechanic, she still loves fixing cars, arden doesn't care that she's one of the only women in the garage. she will fight u if u say anything weird about that!!
arden is v nervous about being a mum again, that's quite a scary topic, she's not faced yet!!
best friends / childhood friends / friends
good influence / bad influence
sibling type relationship
fwbs / hook ups
if you’d like to plot with any of my muses then please feel free to hit me up on discord @ corey in wetherspoons ™#0678!!
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melchron · 3 years
Nightmare Time 2 Episode 4 Thoughts
So the rumors were true? Mac cameo!! It gives me hope that we'll see him again. Which I'm so glad because Nick made it seem like we would never see him again in the season 1 talkback
Yellow Jacket slaps new favorite Angela song
I'm coming up to Hatchetfield High just to fight Brad (and maybe say hi to the shop teacher and guidance counselor)
Also I think her playing Hannah was the best for this specific story. All of the other teens were played by people way older than Kendall and it might have been distracting. But I do still hope Kendall returns for future stories
STEPH!!! She stood up for Hannah and tried to help her. People shouldn't treat her like she's some delinquent child. She's a decent person who just takes part in irresponsible activities
Hi Tom HI I miss you love you bye
Woah we're getting a real look at what Hannah's visions are like. This poor girl imagine getting a random vision of someone dying in the middle of class and then just having to function normally the rest of the day
Hi Becky Hi I miss you love you bye
I feel sooo bad for Lex. She really is in such a tough spot. Girl take my money I don't have to pay rent yet
Also I find it kinda cool that they had an actual Italian play Ethan
Webster's back! The slumber party with multiple hers was so cute. More fun Webby please
Hannah's birthday is October 5th quick write that down WRITE THAT DOWN
Big Brother Ethan™️ is what I live for!!! This is the Ethan I like. Actually through this whole episode I really really liked him. I had only really cared for fanon Ethan before but now I want to hug this guy
Eddie is exactly what I thought he would be and I love him
Stopwatch/Daniel is a cutie and his power is so cool
During the fight did anyone else think that Hannah could hear Nick narrating for a second? I was about to scream
I am so so thankful for the direction they took Spitfire/Sofia. I really did not want one of the 2 black female characters we have so be this aggressive violent jerk. The wave of relief that came over me when she started being nice to Hannah
Hannah has more friends I am so happy for her
Ok yay Lex does get a moment of happiness in this episode. She really needed a break
Soo Charles is scary. Dude for has a lord in black winning him money in fights. Pokey Otho isn't at his full power here but he's still very powerful. And Charlie is threatening HIS life
Nick did such a good job with Pokey especially his eyes. I do wish he spoke in uwu though
Guys Ethan is so soft this episode I can't handle it. Him trying to propose 🥺🥺
Unimportant but Corey is playing a lot of very enthusiastic audience members this season
I love the CaliforMIA trio so much. They will all do anything in their power to keep their family safe and happy. They just care about each other so much
I was absolutely loosing it whenever tgwdlm music started playing
When the Pokey dolls showed up my first thought was "Is this loser really stealing his brother's plan? Please that was so 2 years ago."
Lex is taking in all of this information very well
When it said she felt something with a trigger I thought Mac was giving her a gun 😭😭
That end was so melancholy. Glad no one I wanted to live died. Everyone is sad though so :(
Next Time is so pretty. Yesss my friends I will find in the next reset I promise
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Return to Hatchetfield-Town - TGWDLM Part 3
Have I been putting off this part because of sad Bill? Maybe.  Or is it because of all your amazing Ridiculous Hatchetfield Theory submissions? Yeah, you were right the first time.  I just can’t deal with sad Bill.
We left part 2 of the TGWDLM rewatch where the Scooby Gang had turned up at the spooky mansion, which can only go well, and we come back in part 3 as they’ve left the tied up resident bad guy alone with the one person who has a weakness for said bad guy.
Links to previous parts
It’s Ted loving time and I make no apologies for it.
Am I the only one who saw the scene with Ted and Charlotte and immediately got sent back to MAMD’s Joey and Sally?  It’s so good seeing Joey and Jaime acting opposite each other like this again, they both bring the same amount of chaotic brilliance.  
I have no jokes to make for this, I just needed a gif of the “slap” here.  Beautiful.  Iconic.
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Here we see a bit of the true Ted, the Ted we see in Time Bastard.  He’s an idiot sure, but its obvious he is actually a hopeless romantic who really cares for Charlotte, underneath an exterior of “sleazeball”. 
When I originally read what happens in Time Bastard I will admit it didn’t really fit with the image I had in my head of Ted.  Ted is first and foremost played for laughs.  He’s selfish and arrogant and funny.  But rewatching TGWDLM, especially with Time Bastard in mind, you do see where Joey let’s Ted’s façade drop.  You see it at a greater extent later when Charlotte dies and Ted goes off on one to Bill.  But you also see it here (I’m sorry Ted fans):
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Serious gifs, who is she?
Now. What’s happening in this next little scene? Are we ready for some tin foil hatting?
What do you want Charlotte?
Continuing our theme of characters explaining what they want in clear and certain terms, Charlotte starts praying to God, then Sam wakes up.  Was Sam waiting for everyone else to leave before “waking up” in order to target Charlotte?  Or were Charlotte’s prayers answered by an Eldritch being with the capability to control the Creedy Chorus?  Later Sam says that he “saw god”.  
In Black Friday, Linda attempts to issue in the “birth of a god.”  God is certainly a word the Devil Dolls are happy to attribute to themselves.  Somehow I don’t think it would have mattered if they had gone to a Methodist or Presbyterian church.
Opinion time: Tied Up My Heart is a full on rock bop and deserves way more praise and acclaim. You could have told me this song was from Rock of Ages and I would believed you.
“Don’t you twust me” – serious Wiggly vibes there Sam.
This is kinda catchy Sam!
In part two we briefly discussed when Hidgens became infected, and there is some theories that believe he was infected from the moment he touched the blue brain goo, leading to Show Stopping Number happening.
Charlotte was infected the minute she touched Sam’s brains.  Like Hidgens, it happened slowly, but its very clear it had begun to take root in this song.  Tied Up My Heart is to Charlotte, what Let It Out is to Paul.  They both find themselves dancing without meaning to, they both begin to hear the music.  I’ve mentioned previously that Tied Up My Heart is the only song in which there is an offstage chorus, which would be strange unless for the first time we’re hearing the show as Charlotte is hearing it – she’s beginning to hear the rest of the Hive.
 The only difference between Charlotte and Paul is their wants during these pivotal numbers.  Paul is trying harder to fight the song because his want is to destroy the meteor.  Charlotte isn’t able to fight the song because her want is Sam… and the song is giving her that. 
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I think this is the part of the musical where most people pause and proclaim… what the hell am I watching. Which, you know… valid.
Can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is?
Ted just casually predicting the ending of the show.  Take out the head and the whole thing falls down – an historically inaccurate statement in the proceedings of Hatchetfield’s apocalypses.
Exhibit A – Taking out the meteor does not stop the hive.
Exhibit B – Sending a Nuke into the Black and White does not stop Wiggly.
I don’t know what Nerdy Prudes will be about but heads up to the characters – maybe don’t try and destroy the root of the issue as your solution.
Obviously there is a lot of story in Emma and Paul’s discussion here, a lot of which gets unpacked and revisited in Forever and Always, but I’m not really going to delve into the specifics of it here.  My biggest take away from this conversation is that Emma explains her past, and her intentions for the future, but at no point is it ever clear what her want is. 
In a musical where character’s are killed because they want something, is it any wonder Emma is the one who survives at the end?  She doesn’t have any big, ultimate want.  She’s jaded and tired, until the end… when what she wants is for Paul to have survived.
This shows a clear distinction between how Pokey and Wiggly operate (and the others, but we’ll discuss them when we get to Nightmare Time.)  Both of these Bothersome Brothers use wanting as their tool of chaos but in very different ways.
Pokey wants you to want something, in order to tempt you with that in order to destroy you.
Wiggly wants to find holes to fill with exaggerated, artificial echoes of a want.
The new game at Toy Zone – Bop Ted
Does anyone else forget for a bit how amazing Jaime’s voice is and then finds themselves entranced when Join Us and Die happens?  I’m sure there is some lore in this song but I’m far too distracted.
If we refer back to our Violence over Time chart from part two of the rewatch you will see we have now fully arrived at the point where the Hive has stopped trying to just entice everyone with fluffy feelings before murdering them, and are now just resorting to “we’re gonna kill you and it’ll hurt a lot.”
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I know there is plenty of discussion regarding whether Hidgens is good or bad, infected or not infected etc – but none of that matters.  What matters is he makes the same crappy puns I make in inappropriate situations and I think that’s beautiful.
“The Charlotte you knew and loved was gone the minute a note came out her mouth.” – Snape’s back with the foreshadowing again.
Hidgens then proceeds to subject our heroes to a very intricate test to find out who is human, and who is the musical Doppleganger (one of the AJ Holmes fans there).  I’ve seen Moana once, and I became obsessed with the bioluminescent crab so I don’t remember any of the other songs apart from Shiny.  This is a problem because the only other song I know from Moana has now become Paul’s version of whatever it is he is singing. I refuse to believe there is any other version of that song.
“Their tactic is to hide amongst us, and as their numbers grow, they become more bold.” – yes Hidgens – we’ve all seen the chart.
Acting Masterclass with Corey Dorris
Bill gets a phone call from Alice, she’s stuck at Hatchetfield High and her girlfriend and the other kids have become singing and dancing zombies.  Is this a prequel to High School Musical?
Its worth noting that Alice has locked herself in the Choir room – Hatchetfield High’s number one place to hide when things are going badly - x
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Look what happened Nightmare Time.  
Corey Dorris’ face pulls on every heart string I possess.  Not Your Seed is a fantastic song, with some superb singing by Mariah, but the heart of this song is Corey.  Bill is a broken man from the moment he echoes Alice’s words that Grace Chastity is a Nerdy Prude. And the voice crack!
Small warning here for a very brief discussion about suicide. If you want to skip past scroll to the next gif.
The song is an attempt to bring Bill to the Hive, but I think the plan from the start was to push him to shoot himself. Bill wants his daughter back, he wants her to be a part of his life, but unlike with Charlotte, where Hive!Sam attempts to convince her he’s not really dead and wants her, Hive!Alice uses Bill’s want to break him further and further, swinging between Alice’s love and disdain for her father.  This isn’t an attempt to lay a trap and kill him when he falls in it, it’s a blatant push towards him killing himself.  The Hive only picked up the gun because Paul was there to stop him.
I also find the mirror of this moment to later in Watcher World very fascinating.  We obviously know Pokey and Blinky are brothers, and I wonder if the set up leading Alice to point a gun at Bill in Watcher World is Blinky’s twisted humour, echoing what he knows happened in another timeline.  A horrible joke that would be lost on Bill and Alice in that timeline, but very recognisable to all of us Watchers.
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Once again the Hive could have easily killed Paul, but they don’t.  They make a big song and dance (get it?) out of how the guns not good enough to kill him with and then they start singing at him just in time for the army to turn up.  The Hive had no intention of killing Paul yet, though obviously they can’t let him know that.  Paul has been chosen as their Hero.  He’s got work to do.
Hatchetfield High Homework
Just the one this week, I’m currently doing an Ask series where I attempt to make ridiculous sounding Hatchetfield Theories make sense.  You can find them by searching Ridiculous Hatchetfield Theories.  Go and have a look and follow the wonderful people sending them in.
When the rewatch returns, we get our first peep into the world of PEIP.
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infectedpaul · 3 years
my nmt2 vol 3 notes!!
- THIS IS WHAT WE GET FOR ASKING FOR A JAIME LED EPISODE - the GODS have gifted me a AAAAAAA (SHERMAN HAS THE LORDS) - frank pricely my beloathed - NICK?? PLEASE DONT START WITH THE DOG DYING - fuck. THIS. - MISS HOLLOWAY OWNS AN 80S DINER "Miss Retro's Throwback Diner" - FRANKS GOT DADDY n MOMMY ISSUES - frank bought toyzone on july 1st, 1996 - the sugar gliders? - suggies??? - rainbowheart, skipdoodle, soggytail - ok so sherman and sheila are two different people so i can say it SHEILA YOUNG IS A MILF - 14 hours of hard labor - MILF (canon) - SHES RICH AND HOT? OKAY - 13 connor/honnorfer/fur lane - THEYRE ALLTOGETHER OOKY, THE JAIME FAMILY - marco the butler used to throw javelin - jaimes playing everyone, we cant rule out time stuff with tinky... - a gold plated chromestar - "growing up is for poor people" - sheilas husband is dead and murdered (WONDER HOW) - lakeside used to be the heart of hatchetfield i feel like i need to take that seriously - sherman tagged along on the honeymoon? - DADDEH - sherman has a birth MONTH - HES 41 - linda monroe voice: IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOOOOOOOKE? - THEY LAID MARCO TO REST FINALLY - THEYRE GOING TO LAY HIM TO REST NEXT - BECCCKYYYY - TELL HER OFF BECKY - GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS - DAAAADEEH - PETER PAAAAN - petER PAN TAKES YOU TO NEVERLAND WHERE YOU NEVER GROW OLD - jaimes fuckin facial journeys are killing me i love her - MOMMY, WHACK HIS PEEPEE - PULL THE LEVER, SHERMAN - OH SO NICK IS STEALING THE POKEY FIC FROM ME NOW /J - THE RIVER STYX? - FURRY?? FURRY CREATURES??? - long stone hallway, - TINKY?? TINKY TINKY TINKY?? - THE MAN IN A HURRY??? - BARRY SWIFT - HIS NAME IS BARRY SWIFTTTTTT - MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMsludge - THIS IS DAY OF THE HONEY FEST - do you think they explored e - barry swift was married to a man named helen - barry swift is dead in this timeline now - autistic to autistic communication - NOT THEM MAKING ME CARE ABOUT FRANK PRICELY AND SHERMAN YOUNG ;-; - he ran away before? :0 - WHOSE GONNA TELL PETER HIS BROTHERS DEAD?? - "LIVESTOCK" VERY CHOICE - THE GIFT THE GIFT - GONEEEE AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN - theyre making me CARE about frank!!! - chekov's javelin - marco bleeds black??? that fucker is DEAD - "ILL MAKE A NEW ONE" HUH - shermans father gave sheila the gift, the power of the black book and he was killed by the hatchetmen - sheila has exerpts from the black book copied on thick yellow pages - YEAH YEAH CALLED IT SHES STEALING LIFE - SHE MARRIED SHERMANS FATHER IN 1920 - THE DARK CRYSTAL - a twisted horde of nightmare things on a mural in the black room - she summons pokotho, bliklothep, t'noy karaxis - a thousand eyes open - a creature with a goats head - SHES SUMMONING ALL THE GODS YEAHHH BOYEEEE - W H AT HAVE YOU D O N E - are the lords just sititng there LJDFLSJFKDJ - SHERMAN MEMORIZED THE WORDS GO KING GO - humdeedum hadadey hadada? kalaykakaka nibblenenah - RIP - HES GETTING YOUNGER - HES A BABY????????? - HES LIKE. 6 - SO LIT SO LIT SO LIT - THAT WAS IT DSFNDSKFJDSLKFJ
- the slauGHTERED PIG?? - THATS JUST JEFFS PAUL GAUGINS FIT DSLJFSLJDFSL - needy beast is the band dope - THRASH FDLJFDALSFJ - YOU CANT KILL JAE HUGHES- WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GOD? - LETS GO TO DENNYS - rooooOOOse youre so pretty,,, - thrash, scud, and rose, that is so gender - new gender just got unlocked its called needy beast - false lashes - YOU LIKE HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS? - it gets in your head and kills you like a virus - ITS PURE, ITS RARE (ITS WHAT) - rose's father is russ - her mother is duke - BOY IF I HAD A NICKEL FOR EVERY COREY AND JAIME COUPLE THIS E - DUUUUUUUKE!!!! - to get pIERced - what nine inch nails does to a motherfucker - the only song rose hears is the killer track - THERES THAT MOTIF AGAIN - pokeys out here writing in the death note - over 30 people have died from the killer track so far - wiggly worshipper barbie! (joke with hydraf dskfn) - her full name is rosarie! - SPIDER??? - SHE HAS THE BLACK BOOK??? - a map of hatchetfield, a door, a knife, some kinda seance, - TINKY, THE TINKERER - I WANNA BE MICHEAL OVITS MIKE OVITS I WANNA BEEE - THIS SOUNDS LIKE ASS - THIS REALLY DOES FEEL LIKE HAPPY BY DANNY ELFMAN - all i made out was Worship, Whats the point of it anyway, OO-WAH AH AAHH, FUCK IT - paradoxes happen all the time? - miss halloway TTOOK the curse - TINKY IN THE JAR - NO NOT INTO THE PIT IT BUUUUUUUUURNS - "You are Duke Keane." - WHAT OINGO BOINGO DOES TO A MOTHERFUCKER - SHES DEAd???? NOO NONONOO - IN WALKS WILBUR CROSS DOING THE 'ALL I DO IS WIN' SCENE FROM DUCKTALES AT HOLLOWAYS FUNERL - SHES NOT........REALLY DEAD, RIGHT - duke kitty - WELL! GUESS IM DEAD! - DUKE IS A SPYYYYYYYY - ITS ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE - HOLLOWAY THOSE INSTRUCTIONS WERE INCREDIBLY NOT CLEAR - ...wait huh aN IMPOSTER? - HOLLOWLORE HOLLOWLORE - NICK YOU CANT BAIT US LIKE THAT - wow shes gaslighting him now LGJSLFJ - OH she LITERALLY cant him - the deal? - the song isnt a curse or a ghost its alive, a being of sound or energy, like a predator it needs to hunt and be heard - POOOOKOTHO IS COMIN TO TOWN - STARKID STOP HAVING COREY PLAY ASSHOLES I NEED TO KISS MEN - corey dorris do you wanna make asmr - DID YOU WANT ME TO CUT THE MIC LSAJADSKDJ - ZOEYS ROOMMATE IS A BITCH i love that she was trying to make it worse!!!! - ALIIICEEE DEEEEBBb - ITS JUST TANYA FROM LITTLE WHITE LIE DLSFJDSL - this is just rainbow rocka LJFDSLFJKDLS - EEEEEEEEEEMBEEEEEER YOU WILL REMEMEEEEEMBEEEER - MISS HOLLOWAAAAAYYYYYY KILL ITTT BABYYY - DONT JUST STAND THERE, MAN KISS HER!!!!!!!! - see that wouldnt happen if you had an android, kale - hey,,, hollowed? - CRACKS? - GOODBYE ? IG? - START SPITSWAPPIn - WAIT....DOES...DOES THIS MEAN EVERY KIM WHALEN IS THE SAME PERSON? - :< - the tongue tustle.................... - miss holiday... - WAAAAAAHHHH
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meteor-writes · 4 years
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I nearly ran out of time so it's a little long sorry @flashfictionfridayofficial! I really love this prompt tho!
Ace of Hearts - 1,119 words
‘I need one of you to marry Prince Rajiv.’
It had been one week since the Queen announced those words. Hester hasn’t stopped thinking about them. Standing beside her brother in the throne room, she looked at the sprigs of grass growing between granite tiles and pulled her robe closer around her shoulders as a breeze shuddered across the doors.
Prince Rajiv was a man she’d heard of many times. Running a kingdom five times the size of theirs with a wealth of agriculture and trade, overcoming enemies without a single drop of blood all while being the tender age of twenty five. Hester was sold on the idea in a heartbeat. The fact her mother had managed to organise a meeting already was almost unbelievable. Then again, a disgraced Queen was still a Queen. Even if her husband did leech all their money before packing his bags and disappearing for all eternity.
‘I’ve heard he’s a veritable ace of hearts,’ the Queen continued, ‘I need you both to study. This match is favoured towards us. Prince Rajiv needs neither money not burden. You must offer something other than riches. Smart political minds. Strategists. Trustworthy companions. Can I trust that one of you will seal this deal?’
‘Yes.’ The siblings chorused.
In reality, they’d both formed their own plans.
‘Isn’t that shirt a little low cut?’ Cray asks, gesturing to his sisters overwhelming cleavage. Hester drags her eyes over her brother’s open shirt, counting maybe three buttons fastened.
‘Couldn’t I say the same to you?’
Cray makes a face.
Then he looks down, undoes another button and flaps his jacket until it billows just right.
Hester rolls her eyes. It seems they have both discovered the one way to attract the man with everything: sex appeal.
Hester dons her shiniest clothes, a pearly coloured, diamond covered, satin dress with a thigh-high split in the skirt and an empire line. She’s dressed to impress, but still, does a little wiggle for luck in her corset as she takes the golden door knocker in her hand and bashes it into the lions face.
‘Bit aggressive.’ Cray notes. Hester jabs him in his now bare stomach.
A moment later, the door creaks open. A servant appears, dressed in a conservative tuxedo and Hester feels a fizz in her blood like a freshly swirled glass of champagne.
‘Greetings.’ The servant says, leaning into a bow.
‘Greetings.’ The siblings sing whacking on matching grins.
‘I’m the suitor.’ Cray says plainly. Hester immediately pinches him in the arm.
‘I’m also a suitor.’ She hisses. Cray keeps his smile fixed, following the servant into the castle. ‘Yeah but I’m the one that counts.’
Hester sticks out her foot to make him trip.
‘Prince Rajiv is waiting in his personal drawing room.’ Says the servant as they walk. Hester finds herself losing strength in her jaw as she looks around. Castle Corey is not how she thought. Outside, it had a medieval exterior. Cool grey stone and wooden arched doors with thick iron hinges and small pokey windows. Inside, it’s a portal.
Above Hester, huge glass windows dome into a roof surrounded in plant life. Stairs spiral up to the mezzanine, where presumably the rest of the rooms hide. It’s hard to tell when huge silk curtains drop down, pouring like water over the balcony and banister. Even the tiles are lavish, with every click of her heels, Hester sees the mosaic glisten, the reflection of her dress sparkling purple in the blues and pink in the reds.
‘We’re here.’ The servant announces standing aside. He opens a door, gesturing to a dark hallway. ‘The drawing room is at the end of this corridor.’
Hester nods, finding herself faltering at the last second. She adjusts her dress once more, brushing out any creases and wiping away any dust. Cray adjusts his glasses, mussing his hair. He coughs, smells his breath then sends Hester a wicked smile.
‘Ready to lose?’
Hester shoves him aside.
She enters the corridor first, squinting as her eyes adjust. Behind, the door crashes shut and Heater jumps, swinging blindly around.
‘Cray?’ She calls.
‘No.’ Cray calls back. Somehow he’s already ahead of her. She does a little run to catch up.
‘Why’s it so dark?’ Hester hisses, but her eyes don’t take too long to adjust. In fact, the room seems  to be getting lighter and she realises there are windows running all along the walls, little circles of light decorating the marble. Soon she can even make out couches lining the walls, plush purple velvet she would like to test drive.
In fact, most of the room is purple. It shines in the diamonds of her dress. Hester looks up at the walls. It’s not paint or paper. Instead, there are flags hanging between every window. Purple. White. Hester feels a prickle up her spine. She traces the patterns. A sense of impending doom pools in her stomach.
‘Cray. Look at flags.
‘Yeah?’ Cray pauses, gazing up in an arc. ‘Seem nice. I don’t think you should steal on the first date but I guess I could get you one.’
Hester slaps him on the arm.
‘Shush. Look at them.’
Cray sighs, hand on the door. ‘What about them?’
Hester tugs him back.
‘Purple, white, black.’
‘You’re getting really good with your colours Hest.’
‘No! The stripes. They’re pride flags. Ace pride. Cray, we’re totally fu-‘
At that moment the doors swing open.
The siblings jump back as a man appears, a silhouette grinning at them in the doorway.
‘Lovely to meet you Prince and Princess of Elder Court. I hear we have much to discuss in relation to wedding bells!’
Hester’s throat goes dry.
‘Uh huh.’
‘Well don’t worry, I’m not fussy. A good connection is all I need. Someone who can bring the Kingdon of Rajiv to the next level. Oh don’t you both look lovely!’
Hester barely registers the compliment. She hasn’t read a single book. Doesn’t know a single fact. Her entire life has been spent in self-imposed confinement to a collapsing castle on the edge of a shrinking kingdom.
‘Come in, come in!’ Rajiv invites, sliding back into the room. Hester doesn’t follow. She feels a little light headed, dreams of servants and staff flickering into the abyss. Cray clears his throat.
‘Well,’ he says, rocking on his toes. ‘Guess I’ll be winning then. The only one with personality and all.’
Hester storms back to earth.  
‘Shut up!’ She cries, stabbing her heel into his foot. ‘I’m gonna wipe the floor with how platonic my charm is.’
Cray smirks. ‘May the best man win.’
And then he sweeps inside before Hester can punch him.
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Wedding Bells Will Chime
Who doesn’t like a wedding? Commies and boring people. That’s who. But I am neither of those things. And I am a big fan of weddings. Over time, I’ve been to about 2,000 weddings. Maybe even 3,000. Some with Juan. Some before Juan. Family, friends, college, high school, work. We’ve run the gamut and each one is special in one way or another. Destination weddings or weddings just blocks from home, weddings have one thing in common. Love. Not to lay on the schmaltz, and I believe this is a song, but what the world needs now is love sweet love. It’s true. And today, we’ve got a L-O-V-E-filled wedding on the docket. Conveniently located less than one mile from our home so it’s as if the bridge and groom thought of our comfort when planning their special day. We thank them profusely. My shoes are shined. My suit is pressed. My tie is out. I’m going with a Windsor knot today. I also know my limitations and understand that the copious dancing that will begin in several hours requires some level of limbering up. So I am doing my deep knee bends, a few squats, lunges, stretches of all kinds. I am not going to throw my back out doing the cha cha slide or the hokey pokey. That is NOT what it’s all about. No, sirree, Bob. I will try to keep the dancing in check as I do not have any desire to split my pants. Suits aren’t cheap, people. And given that I wear a suit about 4 times a year, I don’t have any need to invest in another. My work bestie, Marisa (aka Lou), is getting married today. I have adored Marisa since the day we started at Lilly together in April 2014. We now come as a package deal. Because we made the move from the media team to brand marketing on the same day and on the same brand. The company still has to pay both of us. We are not job sharing even though we all know that working is for poor people. Marisa’s fiancé, Corey, is just the coolest, nicest, most awesome guy. They’re going to be happy together forever and that makes it super easy for us to be happy for them. A toast to the bride. A toast to the groom. (Thanks, Hamilton! You come in so handy). It’s going to be an amazing evening and we are thrilled to be a part of the celebration. #coreyandmarisa #weddingfever #bubbles
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