blahblahblippyblah · 7 years
Solangelo:  Kiss on the Big House Roof
Nico woke up in a panic as usual. His dreams were always haunted with the depths of Tartarus, and also ended in him drowning in popcorn. Drowning in popcorn may seem silly and maybe even fun for most people, but not to a demigod who once spent time as a stalk of corn.  He check he alarm clock beside he bed.  Was 3 in the afternoon? He sat up and sighed.
Being the only camper in cabin 13 had its benefits. It meant that he was head counsellor which meant he got to choose what his cabin did all day. It also meant it was easy for him to get out of training. Of course he couldn’t push his luck of Chiron would be at his door every morning to make sure Nico didn’t sleep his summer away. The Hades cabin was very dark, therefore it was very easy to accidently sleep in since there was no natural way of knowing the sun had risen. It was also always cold in the Hades cabin. Probably because it was made of solid obsidian. This was a benefit in the summer when it was scorching outside, but Nico didn’t know how this was going to work out come winter. Nico laid back down in his blankets. For a minute he contemplated going back to bed so he could stay up later tonight. He might even go for a midnight stroll through the forest. That sounded nice to him. He enjoyed walking in the dark.  The forest at Camp Half-blood was the most entertaining place to walk in the middle of the night since he scared the bejebus out of the dryads and satyrs.
Just as he closed his eye he heard a rap at the door. He opened one eye and looked at the door weighing his chance of pretending he wasn’t here. Then he heard a voice behind the door.
“Nico I know you’re in there. Get out here and come hang out or I’ll come in there and drag you out.”
It was the voice of Jason Grace. Nico sighed thankfully. For a minute he thought he jinxed himself and it was Chiron.
“Give me a sec, I got to clean up and get dressed”  he shouted back.
“Fine we will be at the beach”. Nico heard Jason walk off the Hades cabin porch.
Nico got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. He then went and picked out some appropriate clothes. It was warm at the beach so he grabbed some long black shorts, and his all too creative black t-shirt with dancing skeletons. There were a few holes in it from past quests, but Nico didn’t care. It was his favourite shirt.
He grabbed his stygian iron sword and strapped it to his belt. You know your typical beach wear.  He walked out of the cabin and walked through the bustle of Camp. Camp was full of activity because this was the last days the summer campers would be here. Soon everyone would be headed back to their homes, and only a few year rounder’s would be staying. Tonight there was going to be a big camp fire, with fireworks curtesy of the Hephaestus cabin.  As he passed the Hephaestus cabin he saw tons of burly looking kids scrambling with tons of explosives and various dangerous thing preparing the show. He heard Harley excitedly telling to his siblings about how he had packed the firework he was holding to turn in a giant dragon of sparklers that would attack another dragon he was going to make in another colour.
Nico really hoped that the firework dragons did what they were supposed to so he wouldn’t have to fight fireworks tonight.
As he approached the beach he noticed 3 people sprawled out on the sand. Two other people were in the water.  Jason, Annabeth and Will were on beach towels all talking to each other and watching as piper rode some waves on her surfboard. Percy sat on his surfboard probably making the waves, as Nico was pretty sure he had never seen waves this big in Long Island before.
We he approached Jason noticed him and waved. Annabeth and Jason were both sporting Camp Half-blood t-shirts, except Jason was wearing blue board shorts while Annabeth had bathing suit bottoms on. Will was leaning back on the sand half on his towel wearing plain orange shorts and a bright white t-shirt. Nico was glad to see him out of his tye dye shirts. He looked much better in white. Nico then swore at himself in his head for thinking that way.
What a dork Nico thought.
Then he smiled, Jason was great. Probably he only person he trusted. His list was short so you knew it was a very covenant list.  He only 2 other people that had made it were Reyna and Coach Hedge. Although as Nico go closer to Will he realised that Will was slowly making his list.
When he reached them he could hear Annabeth going on about artificial sweetener. Nico didn’t know how they got on that subject, but decided to let her continue her rant. He went to go sit in the sand beside Jason but Will caught his attention and waved for him to come sit on his towel with him. Nico was grateful because the sand was burning hot. He didn’t know how Will had the tolerance to lay his legs in the sand.
Nico looked out at the ocean. He watched as Piper paddled out to a wave with Percy. As they got close she stood up and rode the wave towards the beach. Percy on the other hand managed to get on top of his board shakily. He rode it for about 5 seconds before the board went flying from under him and he face planted in the waves. Nico snorted out loud, and quickly covered his mouth to stop the embarrassing sound.
He remembered when he first met Percy he asked him whether he was a good surfer since his dad was Poseidon. Apparently Poseidon wasn’t the god of surfers.
Jason stared laughing too. Annabeth stopped talking and looked up at what they were laughing at. Percy’s head could be seen bobbing out of the water. Piper had reached the shore and was walking towards them. Percy summoned a water current and aqua manned himself to the shore as well. His lost board washed up behind him.
Hey both came over and sat down. Will reached behind him and passed hem some sunscreen.
“Reapply or you’re going to regret it” he warned. “I can feel you guys are staring to burn”
They did as they were told. Will threw me a bottle too.
“You as well pale death boy”
He glared at him but did as I was told.
Percy laid back on the sand.
“I didn’t think it would be so hard” He protested.
Piper grinned “Just takes some practice”
Percy frowned. Then he sat up and grabbed Annabeth’s hand. The whole back of him was covered in sand.
“Come try it with me” he said.
Annabeth didn’t argue. She got up and walked hand in hand with him to the water.
“So Nico how are you doing?” Jason asked.
Nico thought it a strange question but Jason must have been trying to start a conversation with him.  So he went with it.
“Um fine I guess. Jus tired a lot lately.  You know nightmares. But I also think it might have to do with the fact the Hades cabin is super creepy. I don’t know who decorated it but I am not a vampire.”
Everyone frowned at the nightmare comment but didn’t saying anything. Demigods knew all about nightmares.
“Maybe Will can help you redecorate over the fall.” Piper suggested. “I’m sure he’d be able to brighten the place up” she joked.
“Ha ha, very funny sun god joke. But I don’t have my dad’s blinding personality or gifts so the most I could do is help repaint” Will replied.
Piper just smiled. She caught Nico’s eyes and he was prey sure she was up to something. It was the look Percy got when he was going to do something Annabeth told him not to do.
Nico averted his gaze. Piper’s mom was the god of love. He really hoped she could sense the sight tension Nico had right now being so close to Will.  He tried his best to keep a acceptable distance from Will so as to not raise questions, but also far enough so that Wills feeling didn’t get hurt. He guessed they were friends now so it might be rude. Well friends might not be exactly what they were. But Nico didn’t have a name for someone he was friends who he really liked, and had kissed only 1 ½ times. Also no one knew about those last 2 parts.
He finished putting on sunscreen. He had accidently forgot to run in a large patch on his nose. But no one said anything. They sat on the beach talking about yearly plans. Jason was going to travel between the camps between going to school with Piper in LA to build temples for he minor gods. Piper didn’t really have anything planned except spending time with her dad who agreed to take the year off from filming and touring. Coach Hedge, Nellie, and baby chuck were going with them too. Just one big happy family.  Nico was kind jealous. It sounded as if they had a lot to look forward to this winter. Plus baby Chuck was the most adorable little kid Nico had ever seen. It was also the first baby to not cry when he held it. Not than Nico had held a lot of babies. But most would start crying even if he passed their strollers. Chuck just grumpily shaked his fist and demanded more milk and mushed up recycled cardboard. Baby goats were weird that way.
Wil talked about how he wanted to start his first aid course, as well as work on his healing skills. A summer of training and improvement. How very typical demigod of him. Nico thought about what he wanted to do. He couldn’t think of anything. Then he thought about Will’s plans, and honestly they stated to sound very nice. He definetly could improve his skills. Other often told him that he was the most powerful demigod they met, yet Nico didn’t feel that way. He wanted to be a great hero, not some half hero hat passed out from using his powers to much.
He must have looked upset because Piper interjected his thinking .
“What’s wrong Nico?” she asked.
“Nothing I was just thinking about the same thing Will was saying. I think I want to stay at camp and work on my powers some more. It would be nice to be able to shadow travel without fading into the darkness.” Nico replied
“ Well this is the place to work on it Nico” Jason chimed in. “I mean what better place than home”
Nico smiled.
“Ya I guess this is home now,  but if it’s going to be home then I need to get rid of the coffin like decor in my cabin” Nico joked.
Everyone smiled.
 That night the campfire burned several stories tall. The singing from every camper and the excited atmosphere made it grow larger than Nico had ever seen it before.
Nico sat by the edge of the circle legs crossed with his hands in the grass behind him. Will came up beside him and sat down. He had put his first aid instructor sweater on. Red surprisingly went with his tan skin and blonde hair. It kind of made him resemble the flames hat were coming out of the camp fire.
Will didn’t say anything for a while. He just stared at the campers who had all begun a chorus of
‘When I’m gone. When I’m gone. You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone’
He felt something brush against his left hand. He jerked it away out of habit. Stupid battle reflexes. He noticed it was just Will’s hand. Will gave an apologetic smile. Nico returned it and put his hand back down where it was. Will moved his hand over Nico’s. It was subtle but Nico checkd around to make sure no one was looking.
Will looked at Nico.
“Is this ok?” he asked “ I mean if not I can go I don’t want to feel…” he trailed off
“it’s ok. I promise. Just umm idk if I want everyone to know yet?” Nico said very quietly.
Will gave him a sympathetic smile. Nico felt bad about what he just said. Not because it wasn’t how he felt, but because he didn’t want Will to feel like Nico was shunning him because he was scared.
“It’s not you Will. I promise. It’s just… well. I don’t know how everyone would react. I’m not very liked as it is. And ….” He trailed off and stayed silent for a long time.
Will just kindly smiled at him.
“Hey it’s ok Nico. I just want to let you know I really like you” he whispered for Nico’s sake.
Nico sat uncomfortably. He didn’t saying anything for a while. Then he realised Will’s smile was fading. Nico had a feeling he might have hurt Will’s feelings. Will just told him he like him, and Nico had said nothing.
“Hey, do you want to go somewhere cool?” he asked Will.
“Of course”
Will went to get up but Nico ushered him back down. He looked over his shoulders to make sure no one was still looking. He caught Jason’s face in the crowd smiling at him from beside Piper. He had a sly smirk on his face eyeing him and Will sitting beside each other. He raised an eyebrow at Nico from across the campfire. Nico suck his tongue out at Jason and then the and will faded into the shadows holding tight to Wills hand.
They reappeared sitting on top of the big house roof. From there they had a great view of the campfire and the whole camp from the strawberry fields to Canoe Lake.
Even though he was still sitting Nico swayed. The travel knocked his brain fuzzy, he was seeing double and his eyelids grew heavy. His ears rang and everything stared to flash white. The oh to familiar feeling of passing out. He gripped the roof shingles for support. Wil, looked no better. This was Wills first time shadow traveling. Which was pretty disorienting. Yet he shook his head and composed himself.
“Whoa there death boy” Will said and steadied Nico against himself.
Nico didn’t pull back he let himself fall into Wills shoulder. Nico groaned.
“Here drink this” Will said as he passed Nico a water bottle from his sweater. “Its’s unicorn horn and Tiber river water. I got some from Reyna before she left. As I heard it’s the only thing that works for you.”
Nico thought it was wired that Will had taken it upon himself to carry the unicorn water with himself just in case Nico needed it, but he didn’t protest and drank half he bottle. He felt much better after a few minutes. Although he was now still pretty tired, as though he ran 5 k and then eneded up on the roof.
“So why are we up here?” Will asked. “Not that I’m complaining I mean it’s very beautiful up here I’ve never seen camp from this angle”
Nico sat up from Wills support. He gently laid his hand on Wills which was holding ono the roof.
“I wanted to say I like you too” Nico said.
Will smiled wide.
“Although I’m not sure why you like me. I mean I’m all dark and scary to everyone else. Most people don’t really like the whole death thing very much”
Will let out a small laugh.
“Really because as I see it for a guy who wear nothing but black and commutes to the underworld you’re a big softy. Also for a big softie you’re also the most powerful demigod I have ever met. It’s super attractive. I mean watching you fight during the battle, Wow. I’ve never seen someone so... just wow. And you’re kind of cute I guess” Will replied.
Now that Nico admitted to liking Will he noticed Will was getting some of his son of Apollo ego back.
Nico smiled. He felt a little more courageous around Will “Kind of unfair don’t you think? You get kind of cute and I get smoking hot.”
Wills smiled couldn’t get any bigger. His tan skin glowed in the dark, his hair stuck out like a dirty blond flag, and his teeth shone white against the black sky.
From where Will was sitting all he could see of Nico was his pale face like a moon. His dark hair and clothes blended into the night seamlessly. Will could make out where his eye where though. They twinkled in the moonlight mimicking the stars behind Nico. Will had heard about opposites attracting. And this was definitely the case. His dad the god of the sun and warmth, and Nico son of the god who represented everything about the cold dark. They would perfectly balance each other.
They sat in silence listening to the campers sing camp songs. Nico still held Wills hand. It was warm and Nico used it reheat his cold fingers. The fireworks stared over the lake. And Nico had to give it to the Hephaestus kids they were the best fireworks he had ever seen. The fireworks formed bright colorful constellations of ancient gods and heroes who re-enacted their tales in the sky. From below they could just make out the voices Will’s cabin mates reciting out their stories in song as the fireworks danced across the sky. Hercules wrestle with a hydra in the sky in dazzling blue and purple.
Nico was listening intently and gazing up at the sky. He laughed when they started to tell the tales of the adventures the crew of the Argo 2 had gone on. They got to the part of the story where Heracles got buried with coconuts by the great hero Piper. Nico could make out Jason and Piper standing on a picnic table. Jason held up Piper’s arms and ushered for her to make a bow. Nico laughed and then turned his head to watch Will. Will was laughing as well, listening to the story for the first time. Then next thing Nico knew he was pressing his lips up against Wills. He wrapped his arms around Wills neck and pulled him closer. Will was shocked for a second and then leaned into the kiss more enthusiastically than Nico. He curled one hand into Nico’s hair behind his head and the other went down to his lower back. Nico moved his lips to match the pace if Wills. He had never kissed anyone before so he was slowly following Wills lead hoping he was doing it right. His head swan with heat. He completely forgot where they were. He could smell sunshine and citrus coming from Wills hair, his lips tasted like orange juice and freshly picked strawberries. He gasped for breath, he had forgot to breath. Will pulled his face back from Nico’s but they kept their hand there they were.
Nico looked into Wills eyes. They were shinning bright blue as if a small piece of the clear daytime sky was shining through the night.
“You ok?” Will asked. ”You’re swaying. Are you going to pass out? Do you need anything?” Will asked.
“I’m fine, just new to this” Nico admitted.
Will smiled “Ok, can I kiss you again then?”
Will didn’t need an answer because Nico flew himself back toward Wills lips. Nico could feel Will smiling as he kissed him. Will rubbed his fingers into Nico’s hair massaging his head slightly and to hold it steady as his increased he intensity of his kiss. Nico tighten his grasp around Wills neck.
When the last of the fireworks died out and campers could be seen walking back to their cabin will looked down at Nico. Nico was curled up under Wills arms leaning against his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around Wills waist. Will smiled. He felt like he was on top of the world, not just the Big House roof.
He shook Nico awake gently. Nico’s eyes fluttered open and he grumbled.
“You missed the best part of the fireworks. They talked about your heroic escape and fights and journey. They went to make you stand up to bow no one could find you “ Will laughed.
Nico made a sarcastic face.
“Jason saw me disappear with you. Hell cover me” Nico said.
Will looked at him quizzically. Nico had been very adamant about keep them a secret for now, yet Jason knew. Nico must had read his thought because he started to explain about how Jason was the first to know about Nico’s secrets. And how Jason had helped him through his fight with cupid .Will listened quietly.  He didn’t know about any of this but he felt grateful Nico was sharing it with him. It helped him understand Nico’s reclusive behaviour towards him and Camp Half-blood.
“The only other 2 people to know are Coach Hedge and Reyna. They saw my feelings of fear and hate when I unleashed in on our trip with the Parthenos.”
Will nodded. His leaned in and kissed Nico on the cheek.
“Come one death boy. Let’s climb down before the harpies come and eat us for a late night snack.”
Nico punched him arm but returned the kiss on the cheek to Will.
When Will got back to his cabin his siblings demanded to know where he disappeared to but Will shook them off by slipping into the bathroom. Although he was pretty sure he could hear them hypothesizing where he had been. Seeing as only 1 other camper went missing that night.
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Falling For the Perfect 10, Chapter 1
This is my first time posting fanficiton to Tumblr. And it’s my first time writing a story with Tye Dillinger. I don't like to point the finger but since it was the writing of @wwesmutdonedirtcheap and @hiitsmecharlie that inspired me to work on the fanfiction in my brain, I’ll blame them.
If you want to find some incredible stories, check their pages.
Story Summary: Told from the point of view of an original female character we follow the ups and downs of dating, and falling in love with, Tye Dillinger. Pairing: Tye Dillinger X OFC Chapter Summary: It is Becky Lynch’s birthday party and she demands that her friends go out and have some fun. Tye Dilinger complies, only to find himself in a position he hadn’t expected --with a shot at getting the girl he’s wanted for nearly a year. Note: No warnings for this chapter. Sexual tension, innuendo and other such things can be found but at this time, this chapter could be considered safe for work.
Please let me know if you like the start of this story and I will happily post more!
Chapter 1: A Birthday Party
My alarm rang at 6 AM and I turned it off quickly, sliding out of bed and forcing myself out of my comfortable oversized shirt and into the workout clothes I’d laid out the night before. It was Friday and now pretty much everyone from both the main roster and NXT was back in Florida. I was thrilled because, even though I’d wished her a happy birthday on Monday, Becky was back in Florida and tonight, after training, we’d all be going out to celebrate properly.
Grabbing my bag and gear I left my small apartment and jumped in my car, heading to the performance center to train with a few of the NXT girls. When I got there I spotted Liv and Ember in my rearview mirror, pulling in right behind me. Aside from our cars there were only a few other cars in the lot. The big truck I recognized as Matt Blooms’ and the rest were unknown to me.
“What’s up girly?” Liv said as she walked over and looped arms with me.
“Nothing, you’re bright and chipper this morning,” I commented.
“That’s cause she’s ready to go out tonight and blow off some steam,” Ember said, laughing and she joined us. The three of us walked in together and immediately headed for the machines.
We all stared on cardio, we always did. Liv and Ember always said they liked to get it out of the way, I always felt that it warmed me up properly. As I ran on the treadmill with music blaring from my headphones, drowning out the sound of my feet on the treadmill and the machines around me I just kept running.
Ember and Liv, though in great shape, finished their cardio portion sooner than me and moved on to strength training. I ran for maybe thirty minutes longer than them before stopping the treadmill and taking a long drink from my water bottle.
By now more and more wrestlers were showing up, the guys starting on their strength training first. I smiled as the guys filed in and saw the three of us there already. “What, do you girls get up with the sun?” Johnny Gargano asked as he walked by. I laughed and tossed a towel at him.
“We like to finish our workouts early and move on with our day,” I responded. He rolled his eyes and with Tommaso Ciampa, they went to one of the leg press stations.
I joined Ember and Liv at the hanging leg raise. I jumped up, ignoring the laughter from the other two as I was shorter than both of them, and neither were tall. As I did my workout I watched the door occasionally and nearly lost my grip when Tye Dillinger walked in.
Scolding myself internally I averted my eyes and kept moving. Liv and Ember both looked and then rolled their eyes, both of them knowing all too well about my crush on Tye.
When my set was done I forfeited the space to Liv and took my earbuds out. Ember came to stand next to me, making sure her back was to the rest of the room. “Are you ever going to make a move on the man?” she asked.
I laughed. “You’ve known me long enough to know that answer,” I responded.
Ember sighed and shook her head. “I don’t get,” she said. “He’s sweet to you, all the time. What makes you think you don’t have a chance?”
I shrugged. “He’s gonna be up on the main roster soon anyway, even if it was possible…why start something when he’ll be gone so soon?”
“You know the Rumble entry wasn’t his call up, right?” Ember said, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Yes, I know that,” I said.
“So what makes you so sure he’ll be called up?”
“What makes you so sure that if he isn’t I have a chance? You’ve seen the girls that flock around him, Tye and I are friends and I’m okay with that. It’s just a crush, it’ll fade.”
Liv dropped down from the bar and crouched next to us. “Crushes fade over time,” she said.
And my feelings hadn’t.
I shrugged and moved on in our workout, each of us finishing up around roughly the same time.
“You headed home?” Liv asked. I shrugged and looked around the gym, deciding I wanted to run a few more drills.
“Drills?” Liv said.
“Yeah, just for about an hour, clear my head a bit more,” I said.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Ember said.
“You’re driving tonight, right?” Liv asked.
I laughed. “Don’t I always?”
Liv smiled brightly at me. “I love you, you know that?”
“Do you love me or do you love that I don’t drink?”
“Both,” Liv said, smiling hugely and kissing my cheek. Ember laughed and hugged me.
“Don’t go too hard on the drills,” she advised. “We’ve got dancing to do tonight.”
I nodded and waved to them as they left, heading into the area of the gym with all of the rings. I picked an empty one and started my drills, focusing on each move carefully, making sure I got at least twenty of each perfect before taking a breather.
“You look good in there,” a voice said.
I jumped and spun to see Tye on the ring apron, leaning on the ropes I hadn’t been running on and smiling at me.
“Hey Tye,” I said, smiling as my stomach did summersaults.
He smiled and climbed into the ring. “You’re going pretty hard in here today, any reason?”
I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair, tugging out my ponytail holder and redoing the tail. “There’s always room to improve,” I said.
Tye nodded and smiled down at me. “Wanna grapple a bit? All the guys are going full out on the weights today and I wanted a bit of a tumble today before going home.”
I nodded, feeling my throat go dry. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d grappled with Tye but the thought of him so close to me always made my body react in funny ways.
He smiled at me and put his stuff aside, fixing his own hair before meeting me in the center of the ring. We locked up and he quickly moved me to a side head lock before slinging me into the ropes. We continued this back and forth a bit, each of us going for different holds until Tye tossed me into the corner. He stood in the middle of the ring for a second before coming at me, like he was going to hit a move but he stopped less than a foot from me and smiled. I knew that was his way of calling off the grappling, he’d have hit any mood and if this had been a real match after that move he could’ve rolled me up for the win.
I smiled back at him and made to move out of the corner but Tye lunged at me, putting his arms on either side of my head on the ropes, putting me back in the corner. We didn’t make contact but our faces were mere inches apart.
“If I’d gone for a move, what would you have done?” Tye asked.
“Get my boot up,” I said.
Tye smiled down at me, his breath coming out of him a little roughly and I didn’t realize mine had kicked up too. “I’m glad that the only moves later will be dance moves,” he said, smiling at me and reaching one hand to brush hair from my forehead.
I barely repressed a shiver. I laughed instead. “Yeah, you gonna dance tonight, Tye?”
He smiled down at me. “Only if you save me a dance,” he said.
My heart skipped a beat.
“I’ll do that,” I said. Tye smiled, leaned in and kissed my cheek before backing away.
“See you later then?” he said, his smile growing.
I nodded. “See you later,” I stated.
He left the ring and waved to me as he left the gym. I was grateful that everyone around us had been occupied with their own workouts. I dropped to the mat and rolled out, grabbing my things before going to the locker room and getting my bag.
When I got home I saw I’d missed a call from Becky so as I walked through my apartment to the bathroom I called her back.
“Hey!” Becky said as she answered the phone.
“You rang?” I said, smiling as I turned on the shower.
“Yeah, was thinking you wanna get ready at my place tonight?” Becky said.
I sighed. “You and the rest of the girls just wanna place dress up with me, don’t you?”
Becky laughed into the phone. “Come on, we’re all getting ready here, it’ll make it easier than you driving everywhere to pick everyone up.”
“I like how you avoided the question,” I said as took my hair down.
“Aw, come on, we promise not to go overboard.”
“Okay, fine, consider this your birthday present,” I said, sighing. “But I’m bringing my own clothes!”
“You can bring ‘em but I can’t guarantee you’ll wear them out tonight,” she crowed as she hung up. I sighed and put my phone on the bathroom counter and stripped down, getting into the shower.  It was three in the afternoon and I had a few hours to shower and find my best outfit before going over to Becky’s house. Letting the water hit my back I resigned myself to my fate.
If it was just dinner tonight it wouldn’t be a problem but the fact that we’d be doing dinner and dancing, I knew I’d be in trouble outfit wise. Between Becky and Liv I was already pretty much screwed but depending who else was there I was definitely going to be in trouble.
When I got to Becky’s my hair was already blow dried but that was all I had done to my appearance, knowing full well that whoever was inside would want to do something with my hair and makeup on top of forcing me into whatever outfit they seemed suitable. In the bag I had with me, aside from my clutch purse and keys, I had tight pants and an emerald green halter top, an outfit I thought was sexy enough with my highest black heels that I’d shoved into the bag as well. Still, when Becky opened the door and her hair was curled and done up and she had just a robe on I knew I was screwed.
“Come on, let’s go,” she said smiling as she tugged me inside.
I followed her to her bedroom and saw Liv and Ember there as well as Alicia Fox and Carmella.
I sighed and dropped my bag to the ground and all the girls turned to smile at me, their smiles reminding me of sharks. “Just promise me one thing?” I said before they could swarm.
“What’s that?” Carmella said, idling twirling a strand of hair around her finger, as if she was innocent.
“Can I please at least wear the shoes I brought?”
Alicia dug in my bag and pulled them out and nodded approvingly. “Okay, but the rest of this is a no-no,” she deemed, dropping my bag back to the ground. I sighed and walked over to Becky’s bed and sat down.
“Don’t make me look like a hooker, at least,” I said.
Liv smiled down at me. “I’ve got just the dress for you.”
“Don’t you mean just the dress for Tye?” Becky said, laughing.
Everyone broke out laughing except me. “Is that still going on?” Carmella said.
I sighed.
“Honey, we’re going to dress you up so well that Tye is gonna have to fight for your attention tonight,” Carmella promised.
I shrugged and the girls went to work, discussing my hair and makeup while Liv went and got the dress she wanted me to wear. It was a right fitting, emerald green choker dress, a crisscross over the chest connecting to the fabric at the neck. The dress was form fitting and looked to have a built in bustier. My jaw fell open when I looked at it.
“You’re insane,” I said.
“You promised,” Becky countered.
Sometimes, having only brothers and not being the most feminine in the group sucked. I’d automatically become the other female wrestlers living equivalent of a Barbie doll.
“Just try it on,” Becky coaxed.
“Tye won’t know what hit him,” Carmella said, waggling her eyebrows at me.
I thought of Tye, of how badly I wanted him to see me, to be drawn to me like I was to him. I looked at the dress and realized that if it didn’t get Tye’s attention at least I’d look good next to the other girls.
I shrugged and stood up, taking the dress from Liv and stalking into the bathroom to try it on.
“Shanna Hyde, as I live and breathe,” came the voice of Colin Cassady as all of us girls walked out into Becky’s living room. Enzo Amore and Cass were there too, riding with Carmella, Liv and Alicia to the restaurant and the club.
I tugged at the hem of the dress and Carmella hit my arm lightly, laughing at how uncomfortable I was under her boyfriend’s gaze.
“Damn, you look like that all the time or just on Friday nights?” Enzo said. Liv laughed and walked over to him as Carmella did the same to Cass. The girls kissed their boyfriends as Alicia threw an arm around me. “She cleans up nice, right?”
I rolled my eyes and turned to Becky and Ember who just smiled and came into the room. We all grabbed our coats, glad that it wasn’t too cold out yet. Piling into our cars we all left Becky’s place, going to meet up with everyone at the restaurant.
Jimmy, Jey and Naomi were in the restaurant lobby as was Gargano, Ciampa, Bayley and her fiancé Aaron, Alexa and Buddy Murphy and lastly Tye.
Jey Uso whistled low and Jimmy did a double take. Naomi laughed at her husband’s overly dramatic reaction but it was his reaction that made Tye turn around to greet our group as we walked in.
His eyes scanned over me from head to toe and I shifted uncomfortably. Becky leaned in and whispered in my ear, “If this were a cartoon his jaw would be on the floor and his eyes would be the size of his body.”
I laughed and pushed her away, towards the group so she could say hi to everyone.
I walked over and smiled at Tye. “Hi,” I said, feeling my throat tighten a little around the word.
“Hi,” Tye said, his lips forming a smirk that made my knees weak. “You look amazing,” he said, stepping back to look at me.
I blushed and he laughed. “You’re not so bad yourself,” I said, noting his dark pants, suit jacket and button up shirt that was nicely tight across his chest. He smirked down at me.
All of us walked into the back area of the restaurant together and I watched suspiciously as everyone quickly found seats, leaving two open next to each other for me and Tye. Tye took a few quick steps ahead and pulled my chair out for me. I smiled up at him and sat as he pushed the chair in for me. He sat next to me and smiled brightly before turning to look at Becky who sat at the head of the table next to us.
“So, birthday girl,” Tye started. “What the agenda for tonight?”
“Celebrate turning the big 3-0, go big, have fun dancing our asses off and be thankful we don’t need to fly out until Monday,” Becky said, laughing as she looked over the wine list.
The waiters came over soon the table was filled with drinks, appetizers and food. All of us sat around talking and laughing and I found myself feeling comfortable, despite the outfit. With Tommaso on my other side from Tye I felt safe, they both looked at my face rather than my more obvious than usual chest and when a chill hit our area of the restaurant Tye immediately put his jacket over my shoulders.
His scent on the coat made my breath catch in my throat, the warmth and the smell coming from the fabric tricking my mind into thinking that this would be what it’d be like to be held by Tye. Tommaso objected, saying he wanted to be the gentleman and he fake challenged Tye to duel in my honor and I just laughed, rolling my eyes at Bayley who sat across from me at the table. She smirked and winked, her eyes drifting to Tye quickly before anyone else could see.
I rolled my eyes but pulled the jacket closer around me.
We all finished dinner, ending with a sparking cake for Becky before heading out to the club which was directly down the street from the restaurant, the reason Becky had chosen these locations.
When we got to the club we all showed our IDs and paid the cover fee, the girls getting in at a discounted price to the guys which drew a comment about sexism from Enzo who was quickly silenced by Liv as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the club, making a beeline for the VIP area we’d reserved.
We put our things down and collapsed into the booth and chairs, I slid in next to Bayley who smiled hugely at me. “You look great,” she shouted over the music.
“So do you!” I shouted back, smiling at her.
“Tye can’t keep his eyes off you!” She shouted. I made a hurried shushing motion as Tye walked over at that very second to sit in one of the chairs on the other side of the booth’s table. Aaron laughed and pulled Bayley into him. Liv, Enzo, Carmella and Cass had already disappeared onto the dancefloor and soon everyone was moving that way. I got up and allowed Bayley and Aaron to escape into the crowd and when Jey spotted a girl he wanted to dance with it left me and Tye alone.
I looked at him from my seat and smiled at him. “So, looks like you’re stuck with me,” he said.
The song changed and I recognized the beat and I smiled back to him. For some reason I felt brave in that instant so I stood, holding my hand out to him. He looked at my hand then up at me, a question in his eyes.
My bravery faltered a bit as I tried to say over the music, “Looks like I’ve saved all my dances for you.”
Tye, getting the joke from early put his hand in mine and stood, pulling me close to him before releasing my hand as he shed his suit jacket, leaving only the tight button up on.  He leaned down and shouted into my ear, the music so loud it sounded still like a whisper, “You’re the only one I want to dance with anyway.”
I felt myself go red as he took my hand again and pulled me to the dancefloor, right next to Becky who was dancing with Tommaso, both having fun without being too close. She got an excited look on her face as she saw Tye pull me close to him and I rolled my eyes. Tommaso noticed too and the pair high fived. Both of their significant others couldn’t make it tonight and I knew they’d long agreed to stick together. Seeing me and Tye had to be the highlight for them.
Tye wrapped his left arm around my waist and used his right hand to turn my face towards his. His right hand slide from my chin to my cheek and held my gaze for a moment as we stared to dance. I could feel my hips sway to the music and I tried to just dance and not to be hyper aware of Tye but it was impossible.
We were close together, the crowd pushing us close and Tye’s left arm keeping me tightly to him. I shivered at the sensation of my hips brushing against Tye’s as we danced. He kept his grip on me and I looped an arm around his shoulders, letting my nails slide over the back of his neck and into his hair lightly.
The song changed smoothly and I smiled, glad to know not only the beat but the words to this one. I rolled my body against Tye to the beat of the song and I watched his face shift slightly from a sweet smile to a slightly more focused look on his face. He took my hand and spun me, pulling me back against him so every inch of his chest was pressed against my back. His arms came securely around me, settling on my waist and hips to keep me close to him.
His breath ghosted over the back of my neck and I could feel his lips moving against the skin of my neck, just below my ear. I realized he was mouthing the words to the song and I leaned back against him, letting my head fall back to his right shoulder and wrapping my arms up around his neck. I felt more than heard the groan that got from Tye and realized, that given our angles and the low cut emerald choker dress Liv had put me in Tye had just been given a very nice view of my chest.
His right hand gripped my hip and I bit my lip. My mind wandered as we danced, I could feel every inch of him and it was as amazing as I thought it would be. I was thankful that while dancing he couldn’t decipher the shivers from my hips rolling back against him, it’d have been far too obvious how turned on I was otherwise.
We danced like that for a while until Tye turned me back around to face him. He put his forehead on mine and I smiled up at him. My chest was pressed against his, the hand that had been wrapped low around my waist coming up to the middle of my back to press me to him.  I let my hands wander from around his neck to down his arms, pushing on them slightly so he’d have to pull me closer.
His body moved with mine easily, neither of us was really leading, we were just following one another, chasing each other’s movements. His forehead came back to rest on mine and I caught by breath, my eyes immediately going to his lips. Hopeful. “Want some water?” he asked. I couldn’t hear it but I’d been so focused on his lips that I’d been able to read them.
I nodded, feeling slight disappointment but then he took my hand, lacing our fingers together and leading me to the bar. He ordered two waters and paid the bartender, his hand never leaving my own. We went back to the VIP area and Tye sat down, on the edge of the circular booth putting his water bottle on the table. He reached up and grabbed me by my hips and pulled me down onto his lap. The feeling of closeness made me shiver and I shifted so I wouldn’t need to lean into him too much for balance.
Trying to be casual I opened my bottle of water and took a sip. Tye watched and when I looked down at him he had just finished licking his lips, the sight of it sending a shiver I couldn’t hide through me. He smirked and opened his own water, taking a long drink before settling his arms around me again.
“So,” Tye said, an attempt to break the silence.
“So?” I responded, lamely. I could feel how tight my throat was and I quickly took another sip of water. The warmth of sturdiness of Tye underneath me was taking my body down a path that I wouldn’t be able to hide much longer. I knew I was breathing quickly, more from being turned on than the dancing and I was sure my pupils were dilated as well as a wetness beginning to pool in my core, threatening to expose me at any moment.
“Are you going to tell me why all night everyone has been looking at us and why Becky and Tommaso nearly had a fit when we started dancing together?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask them” I said, feeling my skin heat up as I looked around the dance club, pretending to be looking for our friends rather than anywhere but him.
Tye’s left arm was around my waist again, keeping me in his lap and his right hand, just as he’d done on the dance floor, turned my head to face his. I looked down from my slight height advantage into his eyes and waited.
He stretched his neck out, putting his lips to my ear and speaking just loudly enough so I could hear him. “I thought it was because they all know I’ve wanted you since the day I met you.”
My heart stopped and all sound retreated from the world around me.
“What?” I asked, pulling back and looking down at him.
“You’re gonna make me say it again?” he said, his eyes half hopeful and half horrified.
“Outside, now,” I said standing up and taking his hand. I was shaking and I knew he felt it but I had to get to where I could actually hear him, where I could think.
The bouncer at the door that lead outside from the VIP lounge stamped our hands so we could get back in and once outside I turned to face Tye, wrapping my arms around myself as the night air felt cold compared to the inside of club.
“You’re gonna have to run that by me one more time,” I said, staring at him. My hands were shaking and I felt weak. “Cause either I’m dreaming or this is a prank.”
“It’s not a prank. Though it’s nice to hear I’m in your dreams sometimes,” Tye said, a smile returning to his lips as he stepped close to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. The warmth from his skin seeped into my and I sighed at the feeling.
“Tye…what are you doing?”
“Keeping a promise and giving Becky her birthday gift all in one go,” he said.
“Becky said that if she got you here in a green dress then I had a shot with you. She’s been on my case for months now about telling you how I felt and she made me promise, for her birthday, to tell you. I made her promise to make sure I wouldn’t be making a complete ass out of myself when I did it but that doesn’t seem to be going so well.”
I stared down at the dress the girls had insisted I wear then up at him. “The dress is a code?”
“Greenlight, or so I thought,” Tye said, shrugging and rubbing the back of his neck. It was then I realized that he was embarrassed…upset.
“Tye…” I said, taking his hands in mine.
He looked at me, his eyes looking tired all of the sudden.
“You should’ve told me sooner,” I said, stepping closer to him.
“Why is that?”
“Because, like you said, I’ve been dreaming of you,” I said, smirking up at him. My words registered on his face and the grin was back.
“Oh yeah?”
I nodded. Tye leaned down, taking my face in his hands. He brushed his lips over mine and just as I was about to lean up to kiss him properly the door to the club opened and our entire group of friends poured out.
We pulled back from each other awkwardly and my body screamed at me to go back to his warmth.
“Time to go, kids,” Enzo said, clearly a little intoxicated. Cass rolled his eyes and led his group off to the car. I looked over at Tye and sighed. “I drove the girls here,” I said.
He nodded, “I drove everyone else.”
“Talk to you later?” Tye asked.
I nodded, feeling my throat tighten.
Once in the car with Becky, Alicia and Ember I drove off to Becky’s at top speed. Alicia was crashing there and Ember’s place was on the way to mine. I got home pretty quickly and went into my apartment, feeling my eyes already stinging from the unshed, frustrated tears.
Timing was everything and I’d just missed my chance with Tye.
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