#Darth Vult
zouberi · 2 months
Notes on St. Paddy's
A week ago, Livehörnchen and me were at the St. Patrick's Day Festival in Fürth. The location "Grüner Baum" was lovingly decorated in green all over the place.
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On Friday, March 15th, the United Kiltrunners hosted three concerts in the inn: Darth Polly, Deus Vult and Tir Nan Og. Traditional folk met Steampunk met modern folk-rock.
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I posted a whole gallery of band shots on my Facebook page, check it out here.
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People from young to old came in their greenest green clothes and celebrated the event happily. The atmosphere was all jolly and a bit tipsy here and there, too.
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After all, it was a great party event and we will surely come back to it next year. The best part is that all surpluses go directly to the non-profit association - the Kiltrunners help elderly or handicapped people on their ways through the town. Thanks for the oppurtunity and see you in Fürth! Zouberi with Livehörnchen
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endreal · 2 years
When was the last time you went to the DMV (that is, the Washington Metropolitan Area)?
(that is, Death Metal Venues)
(that is, Dallas-Mort Vorth)
(that is, Delder Mragon Vighlander)
(that is, Dwo-Meapon Vighting)
(that is, Demeber Mhe Valamo) this one is controversial
(that is, Dlue Möyster Vult)
(that is, Devil May cry V: special edition)
(that is, Darth Mlagueis the Vise)
(that is, Dastards Most Vile)
(that is, David lee roth froM the band Van halen)
(that is, 9 points before factoring in premium squares if it was a valid Scrabble play, but it isn't)
~Send me anons and asks for TMI Tuesday fun and prophet!~
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stairset · 4 years
Top hilariously unsubtle villain names in Star Wars ranked by how hilariously unsubtle they are
Savage Opress
Darth Plagueis
Darth Sidious
Darth Maul
Darth Tyranus 
General Grievous
Agent Tierny
Agent Kallus
Taron Malicos
Cad Bane
Darth Bane
Vult Skerris
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pomrania · 7 years
Star Wars Rebels random character selector
Have trouble choosing? Just feel like picking a character, without having to think about it? This should help. Below the cut, there is a numbered list of almost every character to show up in the first three seasons of SWR, sorted first by how major they are, and then alphabetically. (I have omitted INCREDIBLY minor characters, and also anybody whose only appearances were in the comics.)
1-6 is the crew of the Ghost. 7-21 is major characters who aren't part of the crew (Ahsoka and Thrawn, for example). 22-50 is non-major characters who have showed up more than once, and 51-80 is non-major characters who have only showed up in one episode. (A two-parter counts as "one episode" here, even if it's not marked as such, so Tseebo would be in the last category.) Characters whose names are in [square brackets] are deceased as of the end of season 3, barring any mistakes I’ve made. If I had trouble remembering who a character was just based on their name, I added a short description afterwards.
EXAMPLE: I want to pick a random character who isn't one of the Ghost crew. I go to random.org (or any other site that has the same function, this is just the one I use) and put "7" as the minimum value, and "80" as the maximum value. I get 15 as a result; looking at the list, the character that corresponds to is Jun Sato.
Of course, you could also just ignore the numbering scheme, and simply use it as a mostly-complete list of characters; that would work too.
1. Chopper 2. Ezra Bridger 3. Hera Syndulla 4. Kanan Jarrus 5. Sabine Wren 6. Zeb Orrelios
7. Ahsoka Tano 8. AP-5 9. Arihnda Pryce 10. Bendu 11. Fenn Rau 12. [Fifth Brother] 13. [Grand Inquisitor] 14. Hondo Ohnaka 15. [Jun Sato] 16. Kallus 17. [Maketh Tua] 18. [Maul] 19. Rex 20. [Seventh Sister] 21. Thrawn
22. Azmorigan 23. Bail Organa 24. Brom Titus (failure) 25. Cham Syndulla 26. Cikatro Vizago 27. [Cumberlayne Aresko] (the thin one) 28. Darth Vader 29. Gall Trayvis (asshole) 30. [Gar Saxon] 31. Gobi Glie (twi'lek guy) 32. Hobbie (aka Derek Klivian) 33. [Kassius Konstantine] (moustache) 34. Ketsu Onyo 35. Marida Sumar 36. Mon Mothma 37. [Morad Sumar] 38. [Myles Grint] (the fat one) 39. Numa (twi'lek lady) 40. Old Jho (guy running bar) 41. Ryder Azadi (former governor) 42. The Presence (holocron) 43. Tristan Wren (Sabine's brother) 44. Ursa Wren (Sabine's mother) 45. Valen Rudor (failure pilot) 46. Vult Skerris (academy) 47. Wedge Antilles 48. Wilhuff Tarkin 49. Yoda 50. Yogar Lyste (dude on Lothal)
51. 264 (droid kicked out) 52. Brunson (captain at Geonosis) 53. Chava (old lady lasat) 54. Controller LT-319 (pwned by Hera) 55. [Darja] (grandmother), Alora (baby) 56. [Eighth Brother] 57. [Ephraim & Mira Bridger] 58. Erskin Semaj (with Mon Mothma) 59. "Gold Two" 60. Gooti Terez (pink girl) 61. Gregor 62. Gron (guy lasat) 63. Jai Kell (brown kid) 64. Jan Dodonna (general) 65. Jonner Jin (big kid) 66. Kalani 67. Klik-Klak (Geonosian) 68. Lando Calrissian 69. Leia Organa 70. Mart Mattin (dumb kid) 71. Obi-Wan Kenobi 72. Oora (mother), Pypey (baby) 73. Quarrie (ship-building Mon Calamari) 74. [Rake Gahree] (pilot who tried to escape) 75. Saw Gerrera 76. Slavin (asshole on Ryloth) 77. Tseebo (rodian, friend of Bridgers) 78. Wolffe 79. Wullf Yularen 80. Zare Leonis (black kid)
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swrrequests · 7 years
April First crackfics, 1-6
I’ve been writing some today; and since I didn’t want to flood the comm, I’m giving links for them here, along with the prompts and characters I used (randomly generated).
Seventh Sister to Arihnda Pryce: “Are you sure? We don’t have to.”
the Presence to Chopper: “I wish I could hate you.”
Tristan Wren to Vult Skerris: “How about we put the gun down and let’s talk about this?”
the Bendu to Kassius Konstantine: “Come on, let’s throw the dice, see what happens.”
Darth Vader to Fifth Brother: “It was him! He stepped on my foot.”
Sabine to Bail Organa: “You lied to me.”
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zouberi · 3 months
St. Patrick’s Day Festival - Fürth
Fürth goes green again! Franconia's 'Shamrock City' Fürth celebrates St. Patrick's Day with a little music festival. The event will take place at the Grüner Baum inn, which fits pretty well, don't you think? On March 15th, there will be three concerts featuring the local bands Darth Polly, Deus Vult and Tir Nan Og and we will be there to share photos and stories of the event. Nadine has summed up all the info for you in German:
Bereits zum zweiten Mal veranstaltet der United Kiltrunners e.V. in der Kleeblattstadt Fürth ein kleines Festival zum St. Patrick’s Day. Vom 15. bis 16. März 2024 wird es im Gasthof „Grüner Baum” wieder irisch: mit Livemusik, DJs und jeder Menge Partystimmung. Das Kleeblatt, die Vorliebe zur Farbe Grün und die Liebe zur Musik verbinden Fürth mit der grünen Insel, sodass es kaum anders sein könnte, als dass der irische Nationalfeiertag auch hier gefeiert wird. 🍀🎶💚
Seid mit dabei, wenn Irish Folk und Mittelalter-Rock aufeinandertreffen! Am Freitag heizen euch Darth Polly, Deus Vult und Tir Nan Og mit einem Abend voller Livemusik ein, am Samstag wird zu Modern & Classic Rock und Irish Folk & Rock von DJ Markus und Udo getanzt. Übrigens: Alle Einnahmen aus dem Eintritt gehen zugunsten des United Kiltrunners e.V. Fürth – sodass ihr beim Feiern sogar noch was Gutes tut.
Livemusik mit drei Bands
Eröffnet wird der Freitagabend von DARTH POLLY, die mit Irish Folk und Shanties auf den St. Patrick’s Day einstimmen. Durch ihre harmonischen Satzgesänge wird so manche Gänsehaut beschworen, deren Energie dann direkt in lautes Mitsingen bei den Seefahrer-Shanties umgewandelt werden kann. Die Fürther Band war schon mehrfach auf der grünen Insel – und bringt jedes Mal ein Stück mehr Irland mit in die Kleeblattstadt.
Weiter geht es im Anschluss mit der Mittelalter-Rock-Band DEUS VULT. Klassischer Dudelsack wird hier mit E-Gitarre und Schlagzeug kombiniert. Diese spezielle Mischung macht die Oberpfälzer aus, denn die sieben Musiker sind mindestens genauso vielseitig. Durch das Einbringen von Steampunk-inspirierten Elementen sind ihre Auftritte nicht nur musikalisch, sondern auch optisch etwas ganz Besonderes.
Mit TIR NAN OG kommt eine Band zum St. Patrick’s Day Festival, die traditionelle irische Themen in ihrem ganz eigenen Sound umsetzt. Moderner Irish Folk Rock begleitet das Publikum durch den späten Abend und überzeugt mit einem Mix aus leichten Texten, aber auch dem ein oder anderen tiefgründigeren Song, wo mitgeschunkelt und -gesungen werden kann.
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Infos zum St. Patrick’s Day Festival in Fürth
Wo? Grüner Baum Fürth (Gustavstraße 34)
Wann? Freitag, 15.03.2024 und Samstag, 16.03.2024 (jeweils ab 19 Uhr)
Freitag: Livemusik mit Darth Polly, Deus Vult und Tir Nan Og
Samstag: Tanzparty mit DJ Markus und Udo
Weitere Infos zum Event findet ihr auf der Website der United Kiltrunners. Tickets gibt es vorab beim Grünen Baum sowie an der Abendkasse (nur solange der Vorrat reicht). Text by Nadine aka Livehörnchen. Find her on her Instagram or her Website.
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zouberi · 3 years
Benefiz am Berg, July, 30th - August, 1st, 2021
Hello world! Yes, I am back! Zouberi Photography feels fresh winds and is setting its sails as concerts can finally take place in Bavaria again! The wait has been way too long!
The first event on my 2021 list is called ‘Benefiz am Berg’ and it’s something small between a medieaval market and a festival. The amazing crew of Festival-Mediaval cooperates with the lads and ladies of Collis Clamat, a well-known medieaval fair, which (usually) takes place in Wunsiedel every year. Well, this year is another different one, as we all know, but the organisers have now found a way to celebrate at least a small dose of mediaeval flair at the Katharinenberg in this dark, culture-lacking period. The Benefiz is taking place from Friday, July 30th, until Sunday, August, 1st, 2021. The opening is at Friday evening, the first concert will start at 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday will end at 2 o’clock a.m. and the official end will be on Sunday at half past 6 p.m.
So, what can you expect there? Well, a mediaeval market area as well as concerts of some of the best-known bands of the genre from German-speaking countries. There will also be some walking acts between the concerts and a DJ set on Sunday morning. I will try to cover most of the acts and maybe some surroundings and impressions.
Most people, who have an idea of German folk and medieaval music might know the big acts already: Corvus Corax are going to be headlining on Friday, the Faun concert will be on Saturday and Fiddler’s Green will end the event on Sunday eve with a blast! Celtica are quite known as well. The international band bring traditional Scottish bagpipe music on a new level. Different, but another reason to dance are the Swiss of Koenix, who play their very own mixture of mediaeval and electronic music. Some classics of the local music scene can’t be missing as well: Des Teufels Lockvögel and Totus Gaudeo. You might even count Heiter bis Folkig to them as well. Not quite sure, but I’m gonna ask them. Other bands are Waldkauz, Delva, The Blackbeers, Die Habenichtse, Vollbard, Deus Vult and Darth Polly.
You can check out the full program and all the details and Covid-19 measures on the official website (in German): https://benefiz-am-berg.de/de/news Tickets seem to be still available at the Festival-Mediaval online shop and they are at 69,00 Euro for the full weekend. As well as I know, there are 500 tickets for now.
I’m really looking forward to the Benefiz am Berg and I hope to get to see some familiar faces there again!
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