#Did you ever think about that shrimp is the real main character?/j
greensmo · 4 months
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Hi, why did Jim not like Strickler dating Barbara? With Trollhunter!Claire how would things play out in Unbecoming? If the show had kept AAARRRGGHH female, how would this affect it, both in the show and meta? And finally, you mentioned the gay subtext with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH, why didn't they make them a couple? I mean, ever since Korra and Steven Universe, LBGT representation has skyrocketed, I don't want to come across as a SJW, but I just wish that the show took more chances with itself.
Okay, well, I should preface my analysis of Jim’s reaction to Stricklake by saying my biological parents are happily married to each other, so I have never personally been in the position of ‘child whose single parent has started dating again’; and I only knew two kids in high school whose parents I knew were divorced, and they didn’t talk to me about their parents’ love lives; so I can only infer based primarily on media stereotypes.
There are a few reasons portrayed in media as to why the child of a single parent reacts negatively to that parent getting a new love interest.
We can rule out Jim hoping his biological parents will get back together, because James Senior is a complete nonentity in their lives. Jim only mentions him four times, all in the first season - twice to Barbara (“You remember when I was old enough to ask about Dad? Remember what you told me? You said, we just have to take care of each other. And that’s all I’m doing, Mom.”) (“Shrimp cakes? Gosh, I haven’t had those since … since …” “Dad made them for us?” “I didn’t think you were old enough to remember.” ”Oh, I remember enough. I remember how his beard used to scratch my face when he hugged me. How he used to make you laugh. But most of all how much he hurt you when he left.”), once to Bular (“You wanna see Dad. I get it, trust me. But we don’t always get what we want.”), and once to Blinky (“You know I don’t care about my father!”)
There is, popularly shown in media and I’m sure it comes up in real life too, a dissonance in a kid’s mind between their school and home lives, which makes it uncomfortable to have their parents and teachers interacting, exacerbated if the student is having some kind of difficulty at school. Jim reacts negatively to Barbara’s interest in Strickler before he even knows Strickler is a Changeling. (“So. Mr Strickler. He seems very nice. Is he single?” “What?! I don’t know!”) (“Did you seriously just ask my teacher out on a date?!”)
Jim assumes something like a caregiver role at home, taking care of food prep and household maintenance. The introduction of a new person into their lives could set off a reflexive response of, “No, we don’t need you, we’ve been managing just fine on our own.”
Jim’s also very protective. The precedent of Barbara having a relationship that ended badly means Jim might be worrying from the start that a new relationship will also end in her getting hurt.
Any change, positive or negative, creates a stress response while a person readjusts. Having his mother start dating again would be a big change for Jim. (We see no indication she’s done so in the past ten years, although it’s possible she did and the relationships just never got serious enough for her to introduce the person to her son, and it’s also possible that it just never came up because Barbara’s past relationships weren’t relevant in a show focusing primarily on Jim being the Trollhunter.)
And then, of course, Jim finds out Strickler is a Changeling, and thereafter views all of Strickler’s interactions with Barbara through the lens of “he’s trying to get to me and using my mom as both a weapon and a shield”, which is accurate for quite some time, and of course is going to make Jim angry and scared, and not going to warm him to the idea of them being together. 
An Unbecoming with Trollhunter!Claire raises the question of whether Not Enrique would still take Enrique’s place.
In canon, Enrique getting swapped was indirectly Jim and Toby’s fault. Because they followed the goblins to the museum, they saw Nomura in troll form, and she revealed the Fetch and suggested bringing in a new Changeling to convince Bular not to kill her after her identity was compromised.
Therefore, a solid argument can be made that in the show’s version of Unbecoming, Enrique was never kidnapped. We never do find out for sure.
If the swap happens because of something Claire did as Trollhunter, Enrique would probably never get switched in the Unbecoming episode, which would be one of the reasons Claire thought at first that it was a better world. (Though she might eventually realize she misses Not Enrique.)
On the other hand, if the initial Trollhunter!Claire timeline was one in which Not Enrique were already planted in the Nuñez house before Claire became the Trollhunter, then Claire’s dynamic with Not Enrique just got a lot more complicated. She has memories of growing to see Not Enrique as an adopted sibling, which he no longer shares, and she has memories of saving Original Enrique from the Darklands, which she is no longer in a position to be able to do.
I figure the ‘failed attempt to thwart the reopening of Killahead Bridge’ thing would happen, because I interpret Unbecoming as a worst-case-scenario vision crafted by Merlin to make the Trollhunter off-kilter and desperate enough to do what the wizard wants without question, but I see this backfiring when he reveals himself because Claire would be furious.
Either way, time reverts itself to how it was before at the end of the episode.
Honestly I don’t see it affecting the overall plot of the show much if AAARRRGGHH had remained Johanna, especially if the writers still went with the show backstory of “raised by Gumm-Gumms and then deserted” rather than the book backstory of “one of the leaders of the armies against Gunmar”.
She would probably have stayed a pacifist for the first half of Season One, to force Jim to have to learn how to fight instead of just hiding behind his big scary troll friend.
We might’ve actually seen cats in the Domzalski house, if the gag was kept that they are drawn to Johanna and love sleeping on her fur, to their peril; but all the cats-being-eaten scenes were just barely off-camera in the show, so maybe not.
I personally would’ve had a less negative reaction to Jlaire, because Claire wouldn’t be the only girl in the core cast, although I might still feel like it was an “Obligatory Het Romance So The Main Character Looks Straight (Or If He’s Bi It Never Comes Up In The Show)”.
BlinkAAARRRGGHH would probably be just as popular as it is now, but if the ship still wasn’t canon (or even if it was), there would also be a number of people defending keeping Blinky and Johanna ‘just friends’ because of the under-representation of close male-female friendships in popular media.
The fandom would probably also create the sapphic ship of Johanna/Nomura, based on how they’re both kickass fighter ladies who used to serve Gunmar and then deserted. (Johannomura? Nomuranna, despite the different number of ‘N’s, sounds like it refers to Nomura/Morgana, though I think that would called Nomurgana, and Jomura could be misinterpreted as the ‘J’ being for Jim, which … no. Johannomura is clearest. Maybe Johmura if that’s too long.)
I don’t know why BlinkAAARRRGGHH was never made official, but I can make some guesses.
Option 1: they didn’t know how popular the show would be and didn’t want to lose potential popularity due to censors not allowing it to air in certain countries or conservative parents not letting their kids watch it.
Option 2: because Blinky and Johanna genuinely did seem to be Not Romantically Involved in the novel, the writers didn’t realize that the adjustments and expansions made to the characters and their interactions made them look like they were together, and so the romantic subtext was unintentional.
Option 3: it was presumed that it went without saying, like how no one in the show goes out of their way to point out Claire’s parents are married to each other. (Okay, except Jim does address Claire’s parents as “Mr and Mrs Nuñez” twice, so that comparison doesn’t quite work.) This is probably the interpretation that will ‘age best’ as LGBT+ rep in children’s-marketed media becomes more prevalent and accepted.
Option 4: the writers have a different love interest planned for one or both of the characters, to be introduced in Wizards, and the romantic subtext between AAARRRGGHH and Blinky was either unintentional or meant to be one-sided.
Option 5: they aren’t together yet, and the script is building up to them becoming an official couple in Wizards.
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awmalory · 7 years
Survey Thing
Thanks @canadiangoober for the tag.  This is a long one, but it’s summer so I have the time.
1 - Who was the last person you texted? One of my friends showing her Liam’s selfie from last night.
2 - When is your birthday? May 5
3 - Who do you want to be with right now? Hmmmmm, my bestie is in Spain with his hubby. I wouldn’t mind hanging with him for a bit.
4 - What sports do you play? HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Look, I love sports.  I will watch anything sport related.  However, I cannot play a sport to save my life.  I have no athletic ability.  I can be loud and loyal though!
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts? The number I have to call if I need a sub for my classroom.
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? Strip That Down and Slow Hands are tied for 1st.
7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with? Bear Grylls or someone of that ilk so that I can get off that stupid island!
8 - What do you feel right now? Heat.  It’s hot here.
9 - What chocolate is your favorite? Dark Chocolate I guess.  I’m not a huge chocolate person.
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? 4
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account? An author whose books I used to love (then she totally wrecked the main character, which is her choice of course but I was so disappointed that I had to stop reading the series) had a tumblr so I looked around and liked it.  Then I watched Carpool Karaoke and I was done. 
12 - Who is your favorite blogger? Oh wow.  That’s hard.  I like people who are anti Larry.  I like blogs where all the boys are supported.  
13 - Where do you want to be right now? In the mountains
14 - What do you want to be in the future? Safe, happy, loved, lottery winner 
15 - When was the last time you cried? Yesterday.  It was some video on the internet
16 - Are you happy? Yes
17 - Who do you miss? Ok. Settle in.  Two years ago my best friend of over 20 years ended our friendship.  She had been going through a difficult time and decided that I had not been supportive enough during her time of need.  One day I called her and she didn’t answer.  A few minutes later I got a text telling me that she was too hurt by my behavior and that she didn’t want to speak to me.  I read the text once and deleted it.  Then I erased her contact info and blocked her on all social media sites.  It was without a doubt one of the hardest things I have ever done.  It went against every instinct I had.  I wanted to pick up the phone and apologize and try to soothe things over.  But I knew that I couldn’t. Not without me regretting it down the line.  I miss her every day.  She would’ve loved my new found devotion to One Direction.  She would’ve loved going to see Harry with me, she would’ve helped me get tickets to the Oct. concert in Atlanta. She wouId’ve gone to see Niall, and Louis and Liam. I still see something or hear something and pick up my phone to call her before I remember that I can’t. It still sucks.  I miss her.   
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? No.  I don’t think so.  
19 - What was the best thing you were given? My Kindle, my doggies.
20 - Who was the last person who called you? My dad
21 - What is your favorite dish? There is a restaurant in the mountains near my house and from beginning to end they have the best food ever!  I would start with the fried green tomatoes on a bed of shrimp and grits, followed by a steak that you can cut with a fork, and then key lime creme brulee.  
22 - Who is your best friend? Gary
23 - What is your biggest regret? Not going away to college.  I went to a college close to home and I loved it, but I wonder what would’ve happened if I had left.
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner? No
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? My family
26 - Name someone pretty. I’ve always thought Angelina Jolie was beautiful.
27 - Who was the last person you hugged? My niece or nephew probably
28 - What kind of music do you listen to? Pop-rock, and pop
29 - Are you over your past? Some things, sure.  Some things I don’t think you can get passed.
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts? My eye doctor
31 - What kind of person do you want to date? Someone kind, smart, compassionate, settled, tall (that one isn’t a deal breaker)
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night? Nope
33 - From whom was the last text message you received? My friend agreeing with me that shirtless Liam is very pretty
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? jeans
35 - How’s your heart? It’s fine
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”? Yep.  Jeremy.  He was my first real kiss.
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment? Not really
38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend? Thanks and good luck.
39 - Do you have any phobias? rodents.  I just can’t.
40 - Did you try to change for a person? No, not change.  But I do try to learn more about the things that my friends like--mainly so that I can talk to them about the things they like.  Although if I find that I don’t like something I don’t force myself to like it.
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone?  I bought an entire set of winter clothes for a student once.  He never knew it was me.  
42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship? Goodness yes.  He was a great guy.  We just weren’t great for each other at the time.
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood? Good
44 - Name someone you can’t live without. My parents
45 - Describe your dream date. A fun tailgate, a Georgia football game, drinks after
46 - Describe your dream wedding. Something casual.  I don’t need the big ceremony anymore.  I want a simple ceremony and a huge kick ass fun reception.  I want people to have fun!
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s? A couple from students.
48 - Have you ever been kissed? Yes
49 - How long is your longest relationship? 3 years
50 - Do you regret your past?  Parts of it, sure.  But that doesn’t mean that I would change anything.
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else? Every time I take my niece and nephew bowling and they kick my ass it’s pretty stupid. They’re 8 and 5.  I mean, come on!
52 - Have you ever cried over someone? Yeah
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? I try not to, but I do.
54 - Are you a crybaby? About other people, yes.  I can’t remember the last time I cried about myself.
55 - Do people praise you for your looks? Not really
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t? Yes. 
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret? Yep
58 - Do you like getting hurt? No
59 - Does anyone hate you? I don’t know.  No one has said it to my face, but I’m sure there are people out there who don’t care for me.
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”? No
61 - What hair color do you prefer?  I don’t care.  Brown I guess.
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it? I’d like to not care as much about my weight.
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment? Yes
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself? No
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school? Yes.  I work with 150 people.  It’s not all smooth sailing.
66 - Can you live without internet? No
67 - What’s the song that remind you of your special someone? Ms. Jackson
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears? No
69 - Are you a crybaby? No
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? Yes.  Once.  It wasn’t pretty, but it was no big deal.
71 - Are you a KPOP fan? No
72 - Do you study hard? Yes.  I liked school.
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? No
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight? Yes
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat? Yes
76 - Did you have an accident last year? No
77 - What kind of person are you? I’d like to think I’m kind, accepting, loyal.
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone? No
79 - Have you ever been jealous? Yes.
80 - How can you prove your love to someone? I don’t know.  I think it would depend on the person.
81 - What are you thinking right now? If I want to work on school stuff when I am finished with this.
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? A fellow teacher--Amanda
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? No
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel? Yes
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone? Yes, but I am working on that.  It’s not something I am proud of.
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? Yes--I teach 5th grade!
87 - Do you have trust issues? Yes--stupid anxiety
88 - Are you broken-hearted? No, cracked maybe. 
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”? My niece and nephew
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it? Yes
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help a little.
92 - Who do you want to marry? I don’t know if marriage is in the cards for me.
93 - Do you believe in destiny? Yes
94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”? No
95 - How do you look right now? Clean?  I don’t know.
96 - Do you believe that first true love never dies? No, it dies.
97 - Have you found your true love? Nope
98 - What should you be doing right now? Working on school stuff
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends. Jeremy
100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough?  Yes.  It’s a constant struggle.  But sometimes I win.  And sometimes I tell people when I don’t feel good enough and they help me.  But it’s hard.
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