#Director Suzumura's Glass Night Take.017
real-life-senshi · 9 months
10 (Mostly) Spoiler-Free Reasons to Watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003 Live Action
A countdown to the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Speaking of the casting of UsaMamo, let's actually talk about the live-action cast!
Reason 7: The cast!
If you become a fan of the series, despite the show approaching its 20th anniversary and sadly not being greenlit for more than one season, your joy DOES NOT end there.
The love the Senshi cast have for the show and for each other is ABSOLUTELY legendary. If one dabs into Japanese entertainment news even for just a little bit, then it's pretty impossible for them to forget this show existed because it gets brought up yearly, especially because Rei's actress Kitagawa Keiko' is 's career took flight and became insanely famous in Japan's acting industry a few years after the live-action.
Seriously, please see the following clip subbed by me and hear how Ayaka (Venus/Minako) talks about the live-action Senshi team. <3
Without further ado, please see some other examples of their lovely ongoing love for the series, the overall franchise, and each other.
Cast Reunions/Gatherings
Senshi Reunion "戦士会" A well-known term coined for the live-action 5 Senshi gathering. As Ayaka said, it includes birthday parties, Bonenkai and Shinenkai, engagement parties, and more!
My record of their gatherings dates as far back as 2006, and that's NOT counting the times when any of these ladies meet up in pairs or smaller pods and post about them on their social media and then practically. yell into the writing that they want all five of them to meet up soon. lol For a more "structured" Senshi reunion, usually they manage to get at least four of them together, if not all 5, due to work scheduling clashes.
At Keiko (Mars)'s wedding ceremony, the Senshi cast also all sang the show's insert song Friend together. :')
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The girls have so much fun together, they are also known for taking blurry photos because they laugh themselves silly. (Adorable!)
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PGSM 10th Anniversary Cast & Crew Celebration (2014) *Logistics of the event organization and individual's work schedule delayed them from actually celebrating in 2013 October.
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2016 Super Moon Sighting (Cast & Crew Gathering)
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The Senshi-exclusive reunion (2015) The gang claimed all the news of the Senshi reunion was making them jealous and feel left out, so they chose to have their own gathering without the Senshi. For a while that led to a hilarious back and forth between them and the Senshi on Twitter about making it a regular thing and maybe they'll invite a Senshi one at a time for further gatherings. lol
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Here is hoping we get a 20th anniversary celebration cast and crew gathering. If the 10th anniversary celebration was anything to go by, the event might not necessarily happen right on the dot of the anniversary. Still, if not the day-of, this weekend, or this coming weekend will still be a key period for live-action fans to monitor the casts social media and blog accounts for any celebratory posts!
Supporting each other's work
The Senshi cast, Naoki (Shingo), Akira (Kunzite), and Jouji (Mamoru) show support for each other's stageplay appearances across the years.
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Miyuu guest starred in Ayaka's live broadcast, and Ayaka promoted Miyuu's stageplay as part of the broadcast
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Ayaka joining Miyuu on her Japanese shave ice eating and promo Youtube videos. (Twice!)
The cast members are always excited when they get to guest star in a JDrama Keiko (Mars) is a main cast of.
Ayaka in Buzzer Beat (2009)
Miyuu and Jouji in Iie ru Onna (2016)
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The Senshi cast sending flowers and showing up in person to Ayaka's own unisex apparel brand - 502EASY's popup store!
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Ongoing Mentions of Their Time in PGSM Lovingly
Last but certainly not least, there is no lack of ongoing mentions and positive reminiscing of their filming experience from this cast!
Keiko (Mars) fangirling over meeting Usagi's anime voice actress!
Video here! (Tumblr keeps giving me error when embedding...)
Usagi, Mamoru and Motoki reunited in Ryusoulger
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Miyuu's PGSM Viewing Party
Sawai Miyuu (Usagi/Moon) does periodic live broadcasts on her Youtube channel, and has been hosting viewing parties of her rewatching the live-action. She's done Act 1 - Act 18 already!
Ayaka's talking about PGSM and Senshi team in multiple of her Youtube Q&A videos
Ayaka at Brazil ANIME FRIENDS CON 2019
Ayaka & Miyuu as Guest in Sailor Moon events
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Director Suzumura's Glasses Night Talk - Ayaka (Venus), Jouji (Mamoru), Mew (Jupiter)
Director Suzumura’s Glass Night Take.017 (Feb 26, 2022) - Komatsu Ayaka (Summarized Translation here)
Director Suzumura’s Glass Night Take.034 (July 7, 2023) - Shibue Jouji (Summarized translation to come!)
Director Suzumura’s Glass Night Take.037 (Oct 17, 2023) - Azama Mew (UPCOMING SOON!!!!)
Kitagawa Keiko spoke about her relationship with Sailor Moon franchise and the Senshi Team when promoting her voice role as Sailor Cosmos
And you can also find multiple fan-translation of Keiko's interview articles here on my blog!
This post got really long, but it's not even near all of the mentions and references this amazing cast have made, speaking positively and endearingly of each other and the show!
You can watch the subbed versions of the series at:
Miss Dream Fansubs
Sea of Serenity Fansubs
The series is also on other online streaming sites, but be cautious to only visit them with good adware and firewall installed.
Additionally, if you ever want to receive info about the PGSM cast without being bogged down by content with fanart, fanfic posts like this blog, I recommend following @pgsm-gal!
4 days till the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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real-life-senshi · 5 months
Reading PGSMs director talk show with Ayaka just now (THANK YOU btw for the live blog and translation! I would have never seen it otherwise) and their dynamic is such a treat to watch, but tbh I don’t really get why they call Rei boyish? I never got anything particularly “guy-like” about her throughout the show, but maybe that’s just me, so I hope you don’t mind if I ask if you do?
Hello friend~
Thanks for dropping by. I'd be happy to try answer your question! I do want to preface I'm not native to Japanese culture, so I'm also trying to explain this from an outsider perspective, which has its pros and cons!
First of all, I want to note that it is important to consider the cultural and societal values from the Japanese perspective.
The word Director Suzumura used to describe Rei is "サバサバ" [sabasaba]. In Japanese, it means "refreshingly candid". This in itself isn't meant to say Rei is boyish, but サバサバ is more often than not considered a masculine trait. Because of this, assistant-host Miyuu latched onto that and extrapolated it as Rei seemed *relatively* more boyish than the other Senshi, possible except for Makoto (who as we learn more about the character is actually very lady-like inside), and Haruka (our beloved butch lesbian).
The reason for this is because of Japanese societal values. While it may not always be obvious especially if one's view of Japanese culture is only through pop culture or anime culture, Japanese culture is heavily hierarchical, conservative and gendered. The idea of honorifics (-kun, -chan, - san, -sensei, -sama, etc) is a good example of that. Now knowing the Japanese social construct is still man-dominated, explains why サバサバ is considered a masculine trait because their position makes it more likely that man feels comfortable, confident and accepted to speak their mind straightforwardly. Many girls and women are still conditioned that the best female qualities are to be demure, soft, quiet and pretty like a flower. (Bleh!)
It is important to note that hierarchy weighs above gendered norms. Just think back to Act 33, Rei's father's secretary was almost grovelling at Rei because Rei is his "ojousama", the daughter and heiress to his employer means a full-grown man is bowing deeply and speaking like a servant to a 14 years old girl.
In the case of Rei and Minako, Minako has been established as the Princess while Rei is being coached into the leader position, and then Minako is revealed to be THE leader while Rei is just a substitute. When considering this hierarchy, Rei's continual buttheading with Minako through speaking her mind and standing her ground understandably stands out to make Rei seem more confident and サバサバ than any other Senshi. Even though Makoto is the default tomboy of the group, Makoto has always been very respectful to Venus/Minako.
When I googled "サバサバ系女子" [sabasaba-kei onna] (refreshingly candid type woman), this is the result:
サバサバ系女子とは? サバサバ系女子とは、性格がさっぱりしていて頼りになる女性のことを指します。 良い意味で他人への興味が薄いため、「自分は自分」「人は人」の線引きが上手です。 他人の意見に流されたり振り回されることがなく、自分の意思がはっきりしている女性です What is a Sabasaba-kei girl? Sabasaba-kei girls are women who have a refreshing personality and are dependable. In a positive sense, they are not interested in other people, so they draw a line between "I am myself" and "other people are other people. She is a woman who is not swayed or influenced by the opinions of others and is clear about her intentions.
It does remind you of Rei, doesn't it? lol And yet, this is only positively recognized in the recent decade in Japan, when the outside world's influence started to open people's perspective that subverts traditional Japanese values. For a girl or woman to be like this way back when, girls could easily be viewed as masculine, boyish and even improper.
What differs between Makoto's tomboyish ways, is that Makoto actions, physical mannerism and appearance make her feel a bit more masculine, thus tomboyish, but in Rei's case, it's her personality, speech mannerism and how she speaks her mind that make her seem to be what the Japanese would consider masculine.
Hope this is adequate and helps you get some perspective!
(Now I really should start getting the translated summaries done for Jouji, Mew, and Miyuu's episode with Director Suzumura...)
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
PGSM Aino Minako & Director Guest Talk - Full Fan Translation
PHEW! I finished translating the whole guest talk between Ayaka and Director Suzumura that took place on Feb 26, 2022.   It was so awesome to hear them talk about the live action with such fondness still 18+ years later!  
For context, Director Suzumura Nobuhiro filmed these episodes: Acts 9, 10, 15, 16, 35, 36, 43, 44, 47, 48.
Part 1 Translation Part 2 Translation
PGSM topic highlights:
In more than a few occasions, Ayaka talked about her experience filming PGSM.
Ayaka thinks of the other 4 Senshi as “family” instead of just “friends”. <3
Ayaka’s most memorable dialogue from her time as Aino Minako was “Strawberry is left for the end!” from Act 12.
Ayaka talked about the connection between Sayonara ~Sweet Days and Act 12. 
They talked about Kirari Super Live and filming for Act 35 at the event.
They talked about filming the napalm scene in Act 36.
They talked about Ayaka’s process filming solo with plushie Artemis.
They talked about bts on filming Act 47 and how heart wrenching it is.
Miyuu really is acknowledged as very Usagi-like.
Ayaka talked about  singing C’est La Vie with fans at Brazil Anime Con. 
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
Annnddd that’s a wrap on the liveblog.  You can find the recording posted here! :)
Things that most popped up for me when trying to follow the live broadcasting and liveblog:
Ayaka loves strawberry and ramen.
Ayaka thinks of the other 4 Senshi as “family” instead of just “friends”. <3
She’s a bit of an airhead, as noted by the emcees. lol
Ayaka’s most memorable dialogue from her time as Aino Minako was “Strawberry is left for the end” from Act 12.
Ayaka shared she loves doing her own design and photo editing(?) for her 502Easy brand, and even for her 2022 calendar.
Miyuu really is acknowledged as very Usagi-like.
They talked about how Venus seems to especially have a lot of fans out of Japan, and that when Ayaka was in Brazil for an anime-con, a lot of the fans there know her Venus character songs by heart and she sang it with them. The director asked if Ayaka remembers the lyrics to C’est La Vie and Kategoshi no Kinsei and Ayaka said of course she does. XD
They mentioned Act 47′s context a few times and how it’s very heart wrenching
I’ll try to do more comprehensive time stamp on all the PGSM mention later. 
1:01: Is where they start noticing my comments. lol (I really want a copy of the calendar... apparently Ayaka signs them all by hand herself.) They said they noticed some of my English comments but none of them can read it. but I’m too slow to do google translate. 
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Director 鈴村展弘 opened this page of the Visual Book to “thank” me for joining the broadcast live at 4am. XDDDDDDDD
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1:05: Where they talked about Sayonara ~Sweet Days and Ayaka read out the lyics I posted in the chat. Female emcee 小山未結 even mentioned it’s the “Canada fan” that posted the lyric. lol <3
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Whoops. Just realize the recordings also show the live chat records... Guess there’s no point of me crossing out my youtube account name. LMAO
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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They talked about how awesome Ayaka looked in Act 46. The director said the other 3 looked all beaten up except Venus, because Venus and then said the next scene is really sad. 
They also talked about Minako and Rei’s relationship in PGSM. They talked about how Rei’s a bit “boyish” and went all “I need to protect the princess” when seeking Minako out and the two of them have a strong relationship. My reinako heart cannot handle this at 4am! <333333333
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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I was commenting in the live chat, and I caught their attention that I’m joining the live talk from out of Japan and it’s frigging 4am here. LOL
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The 3 of them were shocked there’s someone out of Japan joining and said thank you, and talked about how many PGSM fans there are internationally. 
Here’s my moment of limelight and connection with Ayaka. I can die happy now. XD
I asked if Ayaka’s calendar delivers intentionally, I don’t think it’s possible. :(  They made some joke about Amazon. haha
They mentioned about Sayonara  ~Sweet Days too, about how the part about the whipped cream from the shortcake in the ferris wheel made it into the song. And how it was heartbreaking re Act 47.
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Ayaka read the lyric out talking about the whipped cream and shortcake, and the co-host noticed it was “the fan from Canada” that posted the lyrics in the chat. XD
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
omggggggggggggggggg that is so amaaaaaaaaze!!!! sosososososo happy for you!!!! the best "senpai notice me" story ever and so happy that it happened for you!!!!!! (btw was there any parts that you wanted help translating? just lmk the time stamp!) going back to flailing for you!!!!!
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Hi jt! :D
Thank you ahaha. Yeah, Director Suzumura definitely knew what to do. I do have the visual book, but really appreciate the gesture none the less!!! XD
OMG yep. I definitely totally went "senpai notice me", didn't I? I didn't even realize that. *embarrassed*
Ooooo thanks for the offer with translation! I might take you up on it! Also, if you ever actually open the tumblr account, please let me know! haha
I think I'm gonna try compile a bunch of time stamps for pgsm mentions out of the 2hour video first, and then decide which one I want to sub for making gif set. Making gif set on Video Editor app isn't ideal, I only use it for simply gifs with no editing for pgsm rewatch liveblogs, so I'll probably need to wait for a bit to do the gif set. haha
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
jt here - first off i had some trouble bc director-san mumbles a bunch (i think it gets worse later bc he's getting drunk lol) so i'm more sharing impressions than direct translations.
Hi jt! :DDDDDD Friend, you really need a tumblr so we can chat easily. haha, not that I don't love seeing you in my tumblr inbox.
Yeah, I definitely notice it especially translating the 2nd hour of broadcast... Honestly all 3 of them got a lot more chaotic overall, so probably it was the alcohol's fault. XD
Thanks for trying anyway, it helps me process my thoughts too as I try to translate on google by phonetics and context.  It’s like processing my thoughts with someone, a sounding board person! :DDDD
I definitely went into much more detailed translation than I intended. The more I rewatched the video, the more I enjoyed every minute of it.  Director Suzumura and Koyama Miyuu are really good hosts, and possibly with the effects of the alcohol, the whole atmosphere was just hilarious and chaotic in the best way possible. LOL
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Ahhhhh friend park.  I didn’t think it might be the location name of a film site!!!! I might do some digging to get a better idea! Thank you for the assist here! Gave me a much better direction for the translation. I might also just go look into which specific episodes he might have filmed Keiko and Ayaka together. 
Seriously though, even before he got too drunk, Director-san really likes to mumble through his mentions of Rei and Minako, doesn’t he??? I don’t struggle with any other parts of the video as I do here.  He just seems to have a lot of thoughts on them?  Even in the next part, he’s the one that brings Rei up and offered his personal opinion on how Ayaka and Keiko portray Minako and Rei. lol
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Yeah, I figured it was about Ayaka and Keiko’s real life chemistry bleeding into their acting, but I couldn’t get the fine details. 
“Touji” isn’t a person. Ayaka mean “当時” (touji), which means “at that time”. Actually Ayaka said Keiko (I love how Ayaka calls Keiko “Kei-chan”) and her were really close at the time of filming, and got teased by Director-san to watch her words, that she and Keiko are still close nowadays. XD  Ayaka clarifies all five of them are close now, but she was closest to Keiko during time of filming because of all the Rei and Minako scenes they had. 
Thank you again! :DDDDDDD
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
You know the more i look at those gift sets the more i see the eye contact between Rei and Minako that holdsa lot of subtle meaning
LOL The amount of fanart gif sets I'm working on right now that plays on exactly the idea of their eye contact being louder than words are ridiculous. XD
And it's funny because I think that's part of what Director Suzumura mentioned about Keiko and Ayaka's real-life friendship coming into play with their character portrayal in PGSM, that even if they are meant to be at odds, there are many subtle gestures and signals that show Rei and Minako both valuing each other more than they verbally acknowledge. These signs get more and more apparent as the show progresses!
Anon, hang tight, I might get some of the gif sets done this week since I'm on vacation. haha
(People go on trips for vacation? I go on my blog on vacation. Saves me money too. XDDDD)
Thanks for dropping by, anon! :D
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
Now that I’m rewatching  鈴村監督のグラサンナイト Take.017 and can afford time to google translate things I don’t understand, I’m fully realizing how hilariously chaotic the guest talk was and I can’t stop laughing and rewatching the clips as I translate. lol 
Part 2 translation is going exceptionally slow compared to part 1. Ayaka, Director Suzumura and co-host Koyama Miyuu probably got more comfortable from being tipsy as well, leading to the higher chaotic energy in the second half of the guest talk. 
I started using these 3 emoji for them in my translation, because Director Suzumura, who sits in the middle, is always the one cracking the wildest jokes. 😂😎🤣
Anyway, I did finish Part 1 translation already (like the 1st hour), you can find it here: Part 1 Translation
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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They’re losing me again but I learnws that ramen’s one of Ayaka’s favourite food.  She said she’s been eating ramen too much recently she’s going to get fat, and both emcee are like “????? You’re so thin ?????” and Ayaka got embarrassed. lol
Honestly, Ayaka is stunning!
They are talking about Tetsujin Ganriser that Ayaka starred in.
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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Ayaka got teased for being a bit of an “airhead” (天然) ... LOL
They were talking about Ayaka starring in an award-winning zombie film, and Ayaka mentioned there’s no dialogue, she couldn’t talk, and the two emcees laughed that it’s a zombie, no zombies talk.  The director said if she had talked, they’d have to redo the filming. XD
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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They lost me totally now. But they are laughing lots and I just love seeing Ayaka hahahah
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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They talked about Miyuu (Usagi/Moon)!  That Miyuu’s was the biggest Sailor Moon fan, and how she’s very Usagi-like in real life, and she was the one that cheers on everyone when filming gets tough! <3
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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Ayaka talked about how nervous she was with Minako’s role, since she was also new to modeling and they had to do photoshoots of her for the Aino Minako posters, and she had to learn and figure out how to memorize all the scripts.  
Honestly I’m getting lost now on the conversation...  I get what they are talking about context-wise, but not the specific on what they are saying.  :(
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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IMMA CRY, Ayaka’s saying the five of them feel more like a family instead of just “friends”. That that 5 of them can talk about anything with each other!!!!!
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