#Disk Storm
wildflowercryptid · 6 months
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now that kieran's champ look dropped, i could finally draw their mjverse designs for indigo disk. there's a 1 year timeskip between the 2 dlcs in my canon so i wanted to make them look a lil different to show that passage of time, ( carmine's not here bc i don't really see her look changing much. )
some info about what juliana and florian were up to during that 1 year gap under the cut! ⤵
JULIANA : after attaining her champion title and helping solve the team star situation, juliana's skills as a battler have become pretty well known around paldea. this new status initially ostracized her a bit from her peers, much like what nemona experienced, but she was able to show others that she was still just as approachable as she was before by tutoring some fellow students that wished to improve their battling skills. she's also realized that she really loves teaching others and is pretty damn good at it, too.
besides battling, juliana has also found a love of art thanks to hassel's art class. if you couldn't find her at the academy's battlefield, she'd most likely be working on a new piece in the art room. as a result, a lot of her clothes have speckled with paint ( like her favorite sneakers. ) seeing her passion for art and hoping to help her hone her skills, hassel took up the position as her mentor and is a great source of encouragement and support for her. juliana has also started dating penny soon after the end of post-game story.
FLORIAN : after getting back to mezagoza from his trip to kitakami, florian was a bit of an emotional wreak ( to say the least. ) he spent well over a month languishing over what happened with kieran, most of it spent moping around juliana and his shared dorm room while listening to heartbreak playlists. the rest was spent coming to the realization that his skills as a battler were still severely lacking. his last battle with kieran was an extremely close call, he only barely won with the skills he had gained during his journey through paldea. with how things were, there was no way he could fufill the duties of a pokémon professor if he couldn't effectively protect the pokémon entrusted to him, let alone himself or others he cares about. he couldn't keep resting on his laurels, he had to work towards improving himself.
so, for the past year, florian's poured himself into improving his battling skills with nemona and his sister's help. while he still isn't on their level, he's become quite the formidable battler. ogrepon, which he's given the nickname "pon-pon," has also become a staple of his team. the rest of his time is dedicated towards studying in the hopes of becoming pasio's next pokémon professor, being the most interested in mythology and terastallization. he still talks to arven frequently after he ( finally ) graduated, along with becoming friends with ortega and atticus. he even dated ortega briefly, but it was very clear that florian was still hung up on kieran so the relationship didn't last long, ( they're still good friends, though. )
when cyrano approaches the cavallari siblings and asks them to come to blueberry academy as exchange students, florian accepts the offer without hesitation. this could be his only chance to reconcile with kieran so there's no way he'd pass it up. juliana is happy to tag along since a school that focuses on battling sounds right up her alley, that and she's still peeved about not getting to go to kitakami. though, she's a little concerned for her brother and what may be waiting for him when they get there.
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fishareglorious · 1 month
mom they made the father of hand hygiene ignaz semmelweis into an anime girl vampire
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loki-ioki · 8 days
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long time no mlp pokemon design. Here's Drayton or Frosted Iris
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leavingautumn13 · 6 months
Hey since ya sent me some asks I've decided to return the favor:) hope you don't mind
10, 3, 15, 18 :)
thank you so much! i appreciate it! <3
[fanfic writer asks]
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
oh, this is a tough one. i like all the fic i've written, but i think i'd have to say what becomes of the brokenhearted is my favorite. it's got a lot of heart and effort put into it. updates are kind of slow, but i want it to be good, yknow? so i've been taking my time.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
i was surprised by peoples' reaction to nora in what becomes of the brokenhearted. she's an oc, so that people wanted to know more about her was really gratifying to me! hopefully their interest pays off as the fic progresses and we see her character development.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
what becomes of the brokenhearted is a song fic, so i reference old song titles for that.
i've been tempted to do the same thing for eye of the storm, but with actual lines from the lyrics instead. i may also just wing it. i said this in another ask but eots is still in the preplanning stage, so i'm still ironing out the themes and things for it. we'll see how it goes.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
here's one of my favorite scenes from my original 2016 draft of eye of the storm, under the cut for length
The surrounding soundscape is such a familiar one, when she starts to break it down. Harbor bells clanging, seagulls squawking hoarsely overhead, people shouting, laughing, talking, and under all of it, the steady bassline of the tide as it ebbs and flows, so much like a heartbeat.
She closes her eyes, and lets herself drift in the sounds, feeling the heat rising off the concrete below her, the breeze gently brushing against her face, the icy condensation of her glass of lemonade dripping down her hand.
If she focuses hard enough, she starts to see the Olivine skyline take shape in her mind—the lighthouse there, and the distant mountains further back. The colorful pennants hanging across streets, tossed gently in the summer breeze. She imagines, for a moment, if she opens her eyes, she’ll be back there, sitting at an outdoor café table across from Jasmine, five years younger and, for the moment, somewhere safe.
She knows that’s impossible, but it’s a nice thought. What’s even nicer, maybe, is though she can feel the weight of the sunlight on her shoulders even through the flimsy canvas umbrella, she’s not falling back to anywhere she doesn’t want to be. Olivine is a good memory, and things in the present still aren’t good but that they’re not cramming her every waking thought is better, and better is good.
If May opens her eyes, it’ll be Kosuke sitting next to her, folded a little awkwardly into a seat not made to accommodate someone with her bone structure, and past her it’ll be the glittering glass and steel of Lilycove, not Olivine; the waves that crash against the beach are the same ocean, sure, but the opposite side of it. Nearly close enough to touch and still so very, very far.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
merry christmas to myself im buying a wii power cord yay free returns if i find out it isn’t the power cord but i think it is
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motherednature · 2 years
sacred grove - twilight symphony
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boldlyvoid · 6 months
Snowed In
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Summary: what happens when you're the last two in the office on Christmas Eve and the roads are closed due to an unexpected blizzard?
Warnings: divorced touch starved hotch, Agent reader, blizzards, alone at Quantico, cuddling, flirting, making out, face sitting, munch hotch, teasing, p in v smut, soft dom hotch, spit, biting, fluffy aftercare
word count: 5.3k
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The weather forecast for Christmas Eve didn’t look nice… but you can’t really call out of work at the FBI for ugly weather when there are terrible people out there to catch. And, unlike everyone else who thought it would be smart to head home before the storm, she had paperwork to do.
So by the time her last file was closed, the roads were too. 
The power was still on, and it would stay on thanks to the generator at Quantico and the best part was that the kitchen was newly stocked with snacks. 
She wandered down to the floor 6 break room, which just so happened to be in the BAU bullpen. Everyone had gone home, the desks were empty and the only lights on were in the kitchen area. She took out a mug, flicked on the kettle and started to make herself some toast with one of the many Jams in the fridge. She’s so caught up in her snack that she doesn’t hear a door open, or someone walking down the steps towards her until he's taking a deep breath and scaring the daylights out of her. 
“Oh god,” she jumps, hand on her chest as she turns to him. “Agent Hotchner…” 
“Agent Y/L/N,” he smiles. “Sorry, I thought you knew I was still here.” 
“I figured you went home to your wife—
“Ex-wife,” he sighs, showing his ringless hand. “She has our son this year, I thought I’d catch up on some work and then the snowstorm got… well, you see,” he points to the big glass windows covered in snow. 
“It hasn’t snowed like this here in years,” she shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe we're stuck here…�� 
“Well, it’s not like there’s nothing to do,” he teases. “We have a TV, lots of snacks, the power won’t go out on us so it’ll stay warm in here and Daves got a cot in his office if you need a place to sleep…” 
“Oh, thank you,” she’s shocked he’s thinking about her like that. “I didn’t even think about that part.” 
“you’re just hungry?” He teases. “What are you making?” 
“Tea and toast… you want some?” She asks, hopeful he’ll say yes. 
He nods, “I’d love some.” 
They work around the kitchen like a team. She makes the toast, he makes their tea and they share exactly how they like theirs done… and there's a hope in her heart that maybe this is just the first time she makes him a breakfast meal. She’s always found him handsome, everyone in the bureau had, honestly. Not only is he good-looking, he’s strong and smart and kind until he can’t be anymore. And when he’s mean, even that’s a little sexy.
He invites her up to his office where she finds he’s been sitting on his couch, his laptop on his desk, watching old episodes of Fraser… “seriously?” She can’t believe it. 
He blushes a bit, “it’s a good show. I have every season on DVD and this laptop has a disk drive, so…” 
“Honestly, I’ve never really watched it,” she shrugs. “What season are you on?” 
“The first one, I can start it from the beginning again?” 
“No, it’s okay,” she waves it off. “I think I can catch up, you’ll just have to explain some things to me.” 
And so he does, he gives a rundown of the first few episodes. Who Fraser is, his weird brother, his dad and their dad's helper— who his brother eventually falls in love with. It’s a good show. It’s funny, she gets to see Hotch smirk and sometimes, actually, giggle… it’s something she’s not used to. 
In the handful of times she’s worked with the BAU on things, Agent Hotchner has never cracked a smile. Episode after episode, he gets happier and friendlier and she takes that as an invitation to move in closer and closer until their shoulders are touching. And then he lifts his arm to rest it on the back of the couch and she’s even closer to him. His tie is off, his first two buttons are undone… he’s comfortable and handsome as ever and it takes everything in her to watch the show and not stare at him. 
“Do you want to watch another?” He asks in a hushed tone, just for her to hear— as if they weren’t completely alone here. 
She nods, “I can do another.” 
“Cool,” he smiles ever so softly and goes to get up so he can switch the disk to access another 4 episodes.
She watches him take out the old disk, put it back in the case and take out the new one. He places it in the tray, closes the disk drive and watches as it loads up to the title screen again. He hits play, and makes his way back to the couch with a sigh, placing his arm on the back again, just as close to her as last time. 
“This is really nice,” she compliments. “Thanks for making this night fun for me.” 
“I’m actually really glad someone else got snowed in here too,” he teases. 
“I really thought I was alone in here,” she sighs. “I’m so happy I’m not…” 
“Are you happy it’s me?” 
She can’t help but smirk, “Yeah… alone time with Agent Hotchner wasn’t something I ever expected to get.”
“Would you want more?” He asks, staring at her lips. “I mean—
“Yes,” she cuts him off. “If I knew you were single I would’ve asked before…” 
“It’s only been 6 months, we haven’t worked together since then,” he reminds her. “I haven’t— I haven’t even tried to spend time with someone else, yet.”
“But you think you’re ready?” 
He shrugs, “I— I think you’re pretty and you’re nice and we’re here and we’re having a good time…” 
“So are you asking me on a date hotchner, or do you want to bone in your office?” 
He laughs, “Bone? Seriously?” 
“Canoodle, bang, bump uglies, fuck,” she lets out all the slang and he laughs again, good and hard and it’s beautiful. 
She cups his face and he pauses for a moment, “I think I’d like to start with just kissing you.” 
“Okay,” she breathes out as she leans in to kiss him. 
He’s so gentile. His lips are soft, and he’s tentative and reserved. He keeps his hands to himself and lets her set the pace. She never would’ve guessed that making tea and close proximity would lead to kissing the most handsome man she’d ever known in her entire life. When their tongues meet, he finally reaches out for her. Holding her side, he grips her just enough to make her crave more. She moves in closer, desperate to throw her leg over him and sit in his lap… but it’s him who initiates it. 
He tugs her in, helps her settle in his lap and wraps both his hands around her to cradle her body against his. She sighs against him, making him smile into the kiss. She smiles too, coping his face she pulls back to look at him, “I didn’t expect Frasier to be the show that rials you up like this…”
“Well… tossed salads and scrambled eggs are both euphemisms,” he teases.
“How so?” 
He lets out a deep breath through his nose like he doesn’t want to explain it. “The phrase ‘toss my salad’ is slag referring to rim jobs— or really any kind of oral pleasure, I guess…” 
“Oh,” she wasn’t expecting that in the slightest. “And I guess scrambled eggs is how he likes his eggs done in the morning?” 
He nods, “who knows, really? The theme song has never actually been explained but… how do you like your eggs in the morning?” 
“Why? It’s not like you can make me some in the morning,” she teases. 
“Maybe, when the roads are better we can go get breakfast?” He offers. 
“I thought the whole point of the saying was that you’re supposed to make them for me?” She stares him down, hoping to make him laugh… she gets a smirk and a shake of his head as he tries to hold it in. 
“I will make you breakfast, at one of our places, the first chance I get,” he assures. “If… if that’s something you’d like?” 
She nods, “Yes, Aaron, I would love to get to know you more, and spend time with you and see where this goes… I’m literally in your lap right now dying to see what we get up to.” 
“Dying to?” He couldn’t believe those were her words. “Why?” 
She runs her fingers through his hair and then traces down the side of his neck and watches her hands as they trail over his shirt to rest on his chest. “When you look in the mirror in the mornings, do you plan on being the sexiest agent in the building or is this all just a happy accident?” 
He blushes, “I mean, I don’t really plan it— I just put something on and come to work.” 
She just shakes her head and sucks her tongue, “Well I guess now I have to show you just how handsome you are every single day.” 
“And how would you do that?” He asks, gripping her hips a little tighter. 
She leans in and kisses him softly, “You’re so handsome.” She kisses his cheek, “And pretty…” She kisses his jaw, “And cute…” he starts to smile and blush uncontrollably. 
As she goes lower with her kisses, she works on his third shirt button, exposing a bit more of his chest so she can drag her tongue over his collarbone— which makes him toss his head back and whine. “Oh god, you’re so sexy,” she praises. “I want to hear more of your pretty noises.” 
“So we’re doing this?” He asks, looking nervous.
She smiles softly and looks him in the eyes. “Only if you want to, baby,” she whispers. “We can do whatever you’re most comfortable doing, I’m sure this is going to be weird venturing into a new experience for the first time in so long, but we can go as far as you want and stop the moment you don’t want to do it anymore, okay?” 
He nods, “Thank you.” 
“And if you want to stop we can go right back to cuddling and watching the show and we can still go on that breakfast date,” she assures him. “I’m going to want to do that no matter what happens, okay? I like you, not what I can get from you.” 
“You’re so nice,” he swoons a bit. “Seriously, why are you so nice to me?” 
“you’re a good man, I’ve enjoyed working with you… and looking at you,” she teases. “But in all seriousness, you deserve someone to be gentile with you, you’re only so stone-faced at work to protect yourself, I get that, but you deserve some softness too.” 
“I had a feeling you’d be sweet to me,” he whispers, breaking his walls down for her. “I’ve wanted to do this… I’ve wanted to break out of my shell and be with someone new and forget about how much my wife—my ex-wife broke my heart, but I’ve been scared.” 
“It’s a scary thing,” she sympathizes. “But if you want me to be the first one you're with, I’ll be so good to you. I’m going to take care of you and make it fun and easy and soft and-and even if you get emotional or it’s too much, I’m not going to hold it against you.” 
“I want to do this,” he nods, staring at her lips. “I want it to be you who I start over with.” 
“I want to be that for you,” she cups his cheek again and smiles. “Thank you for picking me, Aaron.” 
“Um… I don’t have any condoms,” he warns. “There might be some in Dave's room… maybe Derek's desk?” 
She laughs, “I have some in my purse upstairs, I can go get them?” 
He nods, “Yeah, that would be good and then I can turn this sofa into a bed while you’re gone.” 
“Okay,” she goes to get off him but then stops herself, she leans in and steals on last kiss and he smiles into it. “Sorry, I needed another.” 
“You can have a million more when you get back,” he keeps smiling, overjoyed with his choice. 
He has about 6 minutes of freakout time while she goes to get her purse. He turns the couch into a bed, having a sleeper sofa in here was a blessing for nights like these… and when his wife kicked him out. He untucks his shirt and then re-tucks it and pulls it out again, he thinks about unbuttoning it and laying on the couch or maybe waiting for her at the elevator doors— he’s so nervous he has no idea what to do with his hands or his body. 
He wanders around the room and talks himself into meeting her at the bullpen doors just as she’s walking up the couple stairs to his office. “Oh, hi.” 
“Hi,” she smiles so beautifully. “You know you can still back out?” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t want to… I’m just nervous. I haven’t done this in a while.” 
“How long?” She asks.
“Since the last time with my ex-wife or with someone new?” 
“Either?” She’s simply curious. 
“My ex-wife was my first and only… and I haven’t been with her in almost 8 months now.” 
“You know you could have anyone in this office in a heartbeat if you wanted to,” she reminds him. “You’re the most handsome agent in the whole FBI— just don’t tell Morgan I said that.” 
He laughs, “Thank you.” 
“This is cute,” she motions over to his sleeper sofa. “You want to cuddle and make out a bit, again?” She asks while kicking off her shoes and she does the same thing, making it easier for when they shed all their clothes later. 
He nods and pulls her in close, “Kissing you has been the best part of my day.” 
“Well, let me make it even better,” she teases, leaning in and connecting their lips once more. 
It’s just as heated as before, only now his hands are on her lower back and he’s so tempted to grab her ass… so he does, he hauls her up so she can wrap her legs around him and he knees on the end of the bed. He lays her down, still kissing her while he attempts to hover over her— but she wants more. 
She grips his hips and pulls him down flush against her, so she can wrap her legs around him once more. And by wrapping herself completely around him, he suddenly feels at home. His nervousness dies off, his apprehension to experience something new and different and unlike himself diminishes to nothing and he’s able to enjoy this. 
He wraps his right arm around her, trapped between her and the mattress, while his left-hand cradles her head. He kisses her with passion and care and she gives the same energy right back… if not more so as she moans into his mouth. He pulls back with a smile, “you like kissing me that much?” He teases with his newfound confidence. 
“I mean yeah but do you not realize how hard you are against me? It feels amazing,” she explains, her legs wrapped around him still, she pushes him down against her core and has him grind against her once more. “You feel so good, baby.”
He was so in his head he didn’t even realize his other one was so active… he blushed a bit, “You like it?” 
She nods, “If grinding with you all night is all I get, I’m going to leave a very happy camper.” 
He leans in and kisses her cheek and then her jaw right up to her ear, “Oh, you’re getting more, believe me… so much more.”
She moans again and he takes that as enough incentive to keep kissing her there. He bites her earlobe gently and sucks on her neck just enough to stimulate her and yet not enough to leave a mark. Her hands search his back, feeling him up as he tenses from hovering over her and then releases when he drops his body weight against hers once more, and she sighs when he does that. She loves the feeling of him on top of her. It’s like he was meant to always be there. 
He withdraws his hands from under her and grips her hips as he sits up, “can I unbutton your shirt?” 
“You may,” she says, a look of excitement plastered over her face. 
“I want to just rip it open but I know you don’t have another shirt to wear home tomorrow,” he teases. “and it’s just too pretty to ruin.” 
“Hopefully you don’t feel the same way about me…” 
“Oh no, that’s precisely why I need to ruin you,” he assures, making haste on her buttons, he leans back in and starts to kiss the newly exposed skin of her chest. Right between her boobs and down her tummy until her shirt is completely unbuttoned and all he has left to pop is the button on her pants. 
Her tummy is so soft, that he gets inside her shirt and wraps his arm underneath her back to feel how warm she is and uses it as an excuse to undo her bra in the process. He pulls her forward and gets her out of her shirt and her bra and can’t help but stare down at her chest and then back up to her eyes, “mesmerizing.” 
“My turn,” she whispers, “let's flip.” 
He listens, laying on his back, she straddles his hips and leans down to kiss his neck while she undoes his shirt. Button by button, she gets him exposed just to press their naked chests together and kiss him right on the mouth once more. She hauls him forward so they’re both sitting up and she pushes the shirt off his shoulders so they can feel each other up. 
He grips her hips and tugs her in, grinding her against his bulge once more. She breaks the kiss to kiss his jaw and down his neck, “mm, Aaron,” she pulls his attention from the kiss. “Lay back.” 
“Okay,” he listens, leaning back and she reaches for his belt. 
“Can I?” 
He nods and so she starts to unbuckle him, she pops his button and pulls the zipper down so she can reach into his pants. She feels over his bulge, watching as he tosses his head back and bites his lip to hold back a moan. “Let it out baby,” she whispers. “A touch-starved man like you… come on, let me hear you.” 
“It’s not the only thing I’m starved for,” he jokes, blushing again. 
Her eyes widen as she pulls back, “oh yeah?” 
He nods, he wants to go down on her so bad that his stomach flips with anticipation. “Please?” 
She sits more on her knees and reaches for the button on her pants, “how do you want me?” 
“Would you— if you want, I mean, you can pick but I’d like to—
“I can sit on your face,” she knows exactly what he was trying to ask. 
In the same way, she liked feeling his weight on top of herself, he wanted to feel completely smothered by her pussy and thighs. 
She pushes him back so he’s lying flat and climbs off the bed so she can take her pants and underwear off, shoes long gone, she’s in nothing but her socks as she climbs back onto the bed and straddles his chest. 
He’s a little impatient, pulling her forward and wrapping his arms around her thighs, he gets her right where he wants her and kisses her right where her thigh meets her cunt. He eases into it, kissing her gently, whispering praise about how beautiful she is and how lucky he feels. 
But then he looks up at her, “don’t be afraid to really sit, I can take it.” 
“Tap me twice if you can’t,” she agrees and within seconds he’s going at her. 
“Fuck,” she gasped as she leans forward to rest her arm against the wall behind the couch, grinding against his face, exactly the way he wanted it. 
His tongue deep inside her, his nose nudging at her clit, he savours the way she tastes as if she hasn’t said she would be willing to do this again… and from her noises, he knows this experience just makes her want it again soon.  He wants her to enjoy it, he’s always been more into making his partner enjoy it. This time it feels a bit more selfish, as the more she enjoys it the more she’d be willing to come back and the more he can do it. And he wants to eat her out for the rest of his life. 
Her sounds are a price, her weight on top of him is magnificent and she’s absolutely delicious. And he hasn’t even gotten to the best part yet. Making her cum on his face is going to change his life. 
When he inserts a finger, her legs start to tremble around him. She’s so close, he can tell. Sucking on her clit while he massages that wonderful spot inside of her with his middle finger, she moans so deeply it vibrates her whole being. She starts to chant his name, right on the edge of her orgasm, so he adds a second finger and the damn bursts. 
She trembles harder than before, and a beautiful elongated moan leaves her mouth as she cums on his face. He’s quick to withdraw his fingers and replace them with his tongue, gathering it all with the most disgusting sounds he could ever make— but fuck, if she wasn’t the most delicious woman in the whole world. 
He was so into her, so transfixed on getting her off that he didn’t realize he was grinding up against nothing and the largest precum stain had marked his boxers and surely was on the inside of his work pants. 
“Aaron, Aaron, oh my god, stop, stop, holy fuck,” she makes him stop by pulls off him and sits down on the pillow beside his head. Hand to her chest to catch her breath, she melts against the mattress, “sweet Jesus?” 
“I need to do that every chance I get,” he muses, so in love with how it went down. “You’re delicious.” 
She laughs, placing her hand on his big bicep as she looks down at his glistening face, “I’m going to take you up on that all the time.” 
“Merry fucking Christmas to me,” he teases as he sits up, noticing just how close he was that whole time. 
His cock is strained against his boxers, soaking them around the elastic band, darkening the gray fabric so much that he feels a little embarrassed. She notices it too, but she smiles, “Oh, you really liked that, didn’t you?” 
He nods, unable to say much. 
“Come on, get your pants off, I think I’ve calmed down enough to take care of you now,” she assures. 
He doesn’t have to be told twice. He gets off the bed and starts to take off his pants while she looks around for her own, “can you get the condom from my pocket?” 
“Yeah,” he goes right for her pants right after his are off. 
She just looks around the room, avoiding eye contact with his cock even though he knows she wants to look, “I didn’t even ask if you have cameras in here…” 
He laughs, kneeling on the edge of the bed with the condom between his fingers, “No, I don’t. With all the confidential material I see in here and the conversations had in here, they didn’t put a camera in here. But there is one directly outside my office so they know you’re in here but they won’t know what you’re doing.” 
“And who is this they you speak of?” She teases. 
“Whoever watches the tapes but probably also Penelope… if she learns I was here all Christmas she will go back and look to see what I did,” he shakes his head with a loving smile. “She just cares a lot.” 
“She’s the sweetest,” she agrees. “But thank fucking god no one can see what we’re doing… I’m glad this is just for us.” 
“Mhm,” he hums, he gets between her legs and tugs her down the bed a bit so she’s lying with her head on the pillow, “they don’t need to see what’s about to happen.” 
“although someone should teach more guys how to eat like that…” 
He laughs again, leaning down to kiss her, “Then you’d have any guy you want and I'd rather be the only one for you.” 
“Very true,” she says against his lips before pressing her lips against his. 
They just kiss a couple times before he pulls back and sits on his knees once more, opening the condom and rolling it on. She finally takes a look at what he’s got going on between his legs and he sees her lick her lips while taking in a deep breath. “Fuck sake, you really are going to ruin me…” 
He smirks, “Do you want me to? We could just have a sweet and slow—
“No, I need a good fucking, like the fuck my brains out kind,” she assures. 
“It’s your lucky day,” he teases, running his hand over her inner thigh as he helps her spread them. “I can do that for you.” 
“Do your worst—
“Oh no, it’ll be my best,” he says, gripping his cock and tapping it against her pussy. “You ready?” 
“Please?” She begs, pleading with her beautiful eyes. 
He slips in ever so slowly, letting her adjust to his girth as he leans over her. He caresses her face with one hand, holding himself up with his lover, watching her take it all in. Head tossed back, she bites her lip and then lets out a blissful sigh. She grips his sides, wanting to desperately pull him down on top of herself once more, but she waits until he’s fully inside. 
“Oh my god?” She whines, “please move, I need more, please?” 
He smirks, leaning in to kiss the side of her mouth as he starts to rock his hips. He wraps his arm under her as she pulls him in closer and moves her mouth so they can kiss for real. She moans against him as his rhythm changes, his hips speed up and she wraps her legs around him to get him even deeper inside her. 
She feels so amazing, he almost forgot what it was like to fuck something other than his own hand. The way she flutters around him and grips him so tight, the feeling of her nails in his back and her tongue on his own. He’s in absolute heaven. So good in fact, he’s afraid he might not last as long as she deserves. 
He reaches between them and rubs her clit with his thumb, moving his kisses to her neck and just below her ear, “doing so good, baby.” 
“Holy fuck, Aaron,” she moans, tossing her head back and pushing her chest up. 
He looks between them and can’t help himself, he kisses her chest and she looks down to see what he’s doing, he looks up to her for permission only to hear, “suck on them, please? Please, oh my god?” 
He takes her nipple in his mouth and swirls his tongue around it before gently running his bottom teeth over the nib. She gasps, tightening around him which makes him moan with her nipple in his mouth. He brings up his other hand, using it to pinch her other nipple and she absolutely flutters around him, it’s everything. 
When he lets go of her nipples, he reaches his hand under her knee and pushes her right leg up. The angle changes, he’s so much deeper now, hitting her right where she wants him again and again, he kisses the inside of her calf gently as she tosses her head back. She moans, tightening around him to the point he’s so sure he’s about to lose control. 
He may be out of practice, but he’s not out of manners. He needs her to finish first. 
Using all the power he has left, he keeps her leg up like that but adjusts himself so his pubic bone can rub against her swollen clit with each and every thrust. “More,” she spits out. “Please? ‘M so close.” 
His hand slips down her leg, “I know baby,” he coos, keeping her stretched open, he just needs to get his thumb on her clit. 
He stills for just a moment, gathers some spit in his mouth and drops it between them so it lands right on her clit to release the friction but then he picks right back up. She whines, sweating and her head tossed back, getting ruined just like she asked to be. 
She somehow tightens around him again, and he’s so fucking close he feels like he could go insane. “you’re right there, sweet girl, let go when you’re ready,” he says through bated breath. So fucking close. 
And that does it, she starts to tremble again, her core tightens and so does her grip on his arm. “Oh, Aaron!” She moans out a string of incoherent words follow as she lets go and gets lost in her pleasure. 
He keeps going, helping her ride through it before his rhythm changes. He’s right there, dropping down onto her and kissing her shoulder as he pile-drives into her for the home stretch. Her hands roam his back, caressing him, “Fill me up, Aaron, you deserve it,” she whispers in his ear. “Cum for me, come on, baby.” 
He whines, right there, scared of what noise is going to come out of him when he does cum but he also doesn’t really care at this point. He whimpers and groans, biting her shoulder slightly as he fills the condom and stills against her, “Oh my god? Oh, my god… holy fuck?” 
She wraps her arms around him once more, tighter like a hug this time, still panting, she agrees. “I know, Jesus.” 
He laughs against her, high on endorphins and feeling completely invincible, “You’re amazing.” 
She grips his hair at the nape of his neck and pulls him up off of her shoulder, “You are incredible, that was the best sex I think I’ve ever had.” 
He can’t help but smile as he leans in to kiss her. She brushes his hair off his forehead, it’s sweaty and slicks right back. Their kissing is softer this time, lazy and less lust-filled— more loving. Thankful. 
He kisses her one last time before going to sit up on his knees and pull his soft cock out of her but she pulls him back in, “No, can we just cuddle like this for a bit?” 
“Yeah,” he nods, not expecting her to want this but so glad she does. 
He settles back against her shoulder, hand on her boob while she traces shapes over his back, “this is my favourite part,” she whispers. 
“Me too… but I’m never usually on top,” he admits. “Or still inside…” 
She lightly laughs and he can feel it all over, “What, your wife wasn’t a big fan?” 
“Not really, she was quick to go get cleaned up and then she would cuddle into me and go to sleep… but I don’t want to talk about her anymore,” he admits. 
“That’s okay,” she coos, soothing her hand down his back. She rests her cheek against the top of his head. “This has been the best night. Who thought getting snowed in at Quantico would end like this?” 
“Not me, but I’m so glad it did.” 
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With the addition of Saturn, the James Webb Space Telescope has finally captured all four of our Solar System's giant worlds.
JWST's observations of the ringed planet, taken on 25 June 2023, have been cleaned up and processed, giving us a spectacular view of Saturn's glorious rings, shining golden in the darkness.
By contrast, the disk of Saturn is quite dark in the new image, lacking its characteristic bands of cloud, appearing a relatively featureless dim brown.
This is because of the wavelengths in which JWST sees the Universe – near- and mid-infrared.
These wavelengths of light are usually invisible to the naked human eye, but they can reveal a lot.
For example, thermal emission – associated with heat – is dominated by infrared wavelengths.
When you're trying to learn about what's going on inside a planet wrapped in thick, opaque clouds, studying its temperature is a valuable way to go about it.
Some elements and chemical processes emit infrared light, too. Seeing the planets of the Solar System in wavelengths outside the narrow range admitted by our vision can tell us a lot more about what they have going on.
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As we saw last week, when we clapped eyes on the raw JWST Saturn images, the observations involved filters that dimmed the light of the planet, while allowing light from the rings and moons to shine brightly.
This is so a team led by planetary scientist Leigh Fletcher of the University of Leicester in the UK can study the rings and moons of Saturn in more detail.
They hope to identify new ring structures and, potentially, even new moons orbiting the gas giant.
The image above shows three of Saturn's moons, Dione, Enceladus and Tethys, to the left of the planet.
Although dim, the disk of the planet also reveals information about Saturn's seasonal changes.
The northern hemisphere is reaching the end of its 7-year summer, but the polar region is dark. An unknown aerosol process could be responsible.
Meanwhile, the atmosphere around the edges of the disk appears bright, which could be the result of methane fluorescence, or the glow of trihydrogen, or both. Further analysis could tell us which.
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Jupiter was the first of the giant planets to get the JWST treatment, with images dropping in August of last year – and boy howdy were they stunning.
The spectacular detail seen in the planet's turbulent clouds and storms was perhaps not entirely surprising.
However, we also got treated to some rarely seen features: the permanent aurorae that shimmer at Jupiter's poles, invisible in optical wavelengths, and Jupiter's tenuous rings.
We also saw two of the planet's smaller, lesser-known moons, Amalthea and Adrastea, with fuzzy blobs of distant galaxies in the background.
"This one image sums up the science of our Jupiter system program, which studies the dynamics and chemistry of Jupiter itself, its rings, and its satellite system," said astronomer Thierry Fouchet of Paris Observatory in France, who co-led the observations.
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Observations of Neptune arrived in the latter half of September 2022.
Because Neptune is so very far away, it tends to get a little neglected; you're probably used to seeing, if anything, the images taken by Voyager 2 when it flew past in 1989.
JWST's observations gave us, for the first time in more than 30 years, a new look at the ice giant's dainty rings – and the first ever in infrared.
It also revealed seven of Neptune's 14 known moons, and bright spots in its atmosphere.
Most of those are storm activity, but if you look closely, you'll see a bright band circling the planet's equator.
This had never been seen before and could be, scientists say, a signature of Neptune's global atmospheric circulation.
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Uranus is also pretty far away, but it's also a huge weirdo. Although very similar to Neptune, the two planets are slightly different hues, which is something of a mystery.
Uranus is also tipped sideways, which is challenging to explain too.
JWST's observations, released in April 2023, aren't solving these conundrums.
However, they have revealed 11 of the 13 structures of the incredible Uranian ring system and an unexplained atmospheric brightening over the planet's polar cap.
JWST has a lot to say about the early Universe; but it's opening up space science close to home, too.
As its first year of operations comes to an end, we can't help but speculate what new wonders will be to come in the years ahead.
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Top: Jupiter - Neptune / Bottom: Uranus - Saturn
Credit: NASA
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Urartu Religion
The religion of the Urartu civilization, which flourished principally in ancient Armenia from the 9th to 6th century BCE, was a unique mix of indigenous, Hurrian and Mesopotamian gods and symbolism. The pantheon was headed by the trinity of Haldi, Teisheba, and Shivini, who were the principal beneficiaries of sacrifices and temples built in their honour. Inscriptions, dedications and representations in art are all a testimony to the importance of religion in Urartu culture and especially to warfare.
The Urartu Pantheon
The gods of the Urartu religion were many, but they are handily listed in a 9th-century BCE inscription discovered in a niche in the mountains near the capital Tushpa (Van). The list, inscribed in duplicate, mentions 79 gods and the various sacrifices which should be made to each. The large number of deities may be explained by the fact that the Urartu religion adopted gods and practices from the Hurrians and other Mesopotamian cultures, which were mixed with indigenous Urartian gods. In addition, a feature of Urartu territorial expansion was the assimilation of local gods into the official pantheon of the conquerors. Many of these local gods were totems and represented such important elements or prominent natural features as water, earth, the sun, mountains, caves and trees. Still other deities were related to ancient animalistic beliefs.
The three most important Urartu gods were Haldi (Khaldi), god of war and the supreme deity, Teisheba, the god of storms and thunder who was likely based on the Hurrian god Teshub, and Shivini, the Sun god, who was often represented as a kneeling man holding a winged solar disk, and therefore likely inspired by the Egyptian god of the same association, Ra. Haldi's consort was Arubani (or Bagmashtu in the eastern part of Urartu, notably at Musasir/Ardini), the most important female goddess; Teisheba's consort was Huba (aka Khuba), and Shivini's was Tushpuea (aka Tushpues). The close cultural relations between Urartu and Assyria are again illustrated by the Urartian application of the Assyrian ideograms for the gods Adad and Shamsh to their own gods Teisheba and Shivani respectively.
Other important gods include Sielardi, the moon goddess, Epaninaue, the land goddess, Dsvininaue, a sea or water goddess, Babaninaue, the goddess of mountains, and Sardi, the star goddess. Most towns were given their own local god or goddess who was often named after the settlement, e.g. “the god of the town of Kumanu”. The most famous examples of such naming conventions were the capital Tushpa named after Tushpuea and the important city of Teishebaini, founded and named after Teisheba by king Rusa II (r. c. 685-645 BCE).
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
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Dea [Worshipper God] comforting an upset Darling before Bed
Word Count: 1.2k. Commission 2/2. 
Warnings: None besides some mild hurt/comfort. Pure fluff 
No Pronouns for Reader. He/she/they used for Dea
“Penny for your thoughts, my grace?”
The slackness of your shoulders. Vacancy in your gaze. The incurious disposition to their cheerful greeting. All signs your vigilant adorer searches for upon being blessed with your return. As your most faithful and presumably sole devotee, Dea is forbearing to your woes - granting you time to settle in and breathe before airing their concerns.
A short walk to the couch with your hand in theirs, not another word spoken as the deity cautiously directs their touch to your shoulders - ushering you to the sanctity of the cushions. They proceed by relieving you of some of your burdens - peeling the damp coat from your arms and draping it over their right. As if this day couldn't get any worse for you, the beginnings of a storm had caught up to you right before you made it through the door. Dea knew they should have been more persistent when encouraging you to carry an umbrella with you, but the selfish part of them knew it'd serve to hasten your journey home. 
Thankfully, aside from your jacket and hair, the rest of you was almost entirely dry. The deity excuses themselves to carry your coat elsewhere - returning seconds later with a towel in hand. Warmth radiates from the cloth as it's delicately placed atop your wet scalp. Only when her ears catch that awaited sigh of relief passing through your tight lips does their question reach you. 
It's pained - debilitated. There's that familiar, heart-rending sting swelling behind their eyes at the utter defeat in your voice. How he longed for the tears obscuring their vision to be sobs of joy… No- they mustn't cry when you are the one in turmoil. Dea waves a hand over their eyes, conjuring a small coin from their robes with the scant turn of their wrist. Taking your palm in theirs once more, the deity firmly places it in its center - closing your fingers around the offering with a tender kiss to the backs of your knuckles. 
Upon first glance, it's simple to tell it's no ordinary penny. For one, it was significantly larger than one of typical size. Gold plated as an alternative to the common copper tinge. As your nails scrap over its surface, a thin line splinters the golden finish. You pick at the film with your nails until you're left with a white, faceless coin. You hold it closer to your face, sniffing curiously. No scent. 
Hesitantly, you wedge the small disk between your teeth - biting down. 
The coin breaks away as smoothly as butter whilst remaining firm on your tongue. As you chew, it makes a moment for any flavor to register. What you presumed to be white chocolate turned out to be… something else entirely. It doesn't quite taste like it anyway. This taste.. It reminds you of something. The first bite of a sweet you haven't had in some time. Did you eat so much of it that you grew bored of it? Was it not being sold anymore? Was it still in stores - and just didn't taste the same anymore?
Swallowing, you sigh. Where do you begin? Do you tell them about the falling out with your friends? Your troubles at work? How everytime it feels like you're taking a step forward in life, you're knocked three back? Your mind is racing, yet the rest of you feels so drained. It's all too much. At least for one night. 
“I'm just… tired, Dea. That's all.” 
Dea’s lips remained sealed - expression one of contemplation. It softens, fingers tucking a now dry strand of hair behind your ear as they hushedly mutter. “Thank you for being honest.”
The deity slides a hand beneath your knees, the other positioned to your neck as they lift you up from the couch, heading towards your bedroom. “I would appreciate hearing the minor details in the morning, but for now I believe some well deserved rest is what you are in need of most. Come morning, I shall have a bath for you prepared soon as you wake. How does that sound?” 
Had they possessed a human heart - it may have combusted upon the weight of your head falling to their shoulder. “That sounds… actually kinda nice…..” 
Dea pushes the door open with their foot, adjusting you in their arms as they enter your bedroom, trailing leisurely towards the bed. The blankets had already been peeled back, awaiting your fated return just as she had. The god places you upright on the mattress, kneeling as they lift your foot into their lap. Dea unties the laces of your shoe, gently grasping your ankle as they remove the footwear, setting it on the floor beside your bed. They repeat the process with your other shoe, carrying both of them to your closet to be safely stored away. 
Joining your side yet again, Dea helps you into bed - arranging your legs comfortably beneath the sheets before rolling them up to your chin with a corner left untucked for them to easily slide into once finished with their mission. 
“I am so proud of you, My Grace.”
Your voice is muffled by the layers of blankets swathed over you. “For what?” 
‘Just for being you. It's not easy - being human, facing so many hardships throughout such a short time on this earth. I wish I could take it all away. Keep you from those who may harm you. As much as it pains me, I am aware being with others of your kind is a necessary part of life… It's what allows me to grang you the freedom to run off into this cruel reality with me everyday….”
Dea pauses.
“N-not that you need my permission! It just kills me to see you hurting… I've probably talked your ear off enough for one night- Goodnight, My Grace.”
Your voice is even harder to make out than before. 
“....Thank you….”
The stinging behind their eye makes it return, but isn't as melancholic as before. “It is my pleasure, Y/n. As always.”
The deity shuts off the lamp beside your bed, snuggling up next to you with a protective arm projected over you as exhaustion takes hold - your eyes drifting close to the soothing whispers of your eternal admirer. 
“Sweet dreams, My Grace. Know as you fall asleep that I will always protect you. As your faithful disciple, and the one who cherishes you ever so dearly in my heart.”
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schneiderenjoyer · 2 months
My Descent Into Madness About Unilogs
This is more of a full blown conspiracy theory than a theoretical analysis of information, keep that in mind.
So, as always, this will be VERY long and ramble-y so take your time reading!
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I left off in my discussion about The Wheel's connection to the Storm and it being the possible key to how it all works without really explaining it. This is why.
The Wheel doesn't just have the ability to create fog that repels the Storm within the suitcase, but also has the ability to summon arcanists.
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Through a two dimensional golden thread weaved onto the spindle, it can't be felt tangibly and it doesn't seem to truly "exist" in that realm. But with enough of these "nonexistent lines" can Vertin call out to an arcanist and bring them there.
Specifically any arcanist of any timeline. Regardless of if they've ever been reverse into that era yet.
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As well as the implication of summoning an arcanist not just from their timeline, but from another universe's timeline.
Now, I'm about to pitch you the conspiracy theory part of the essay, so entertain my insane ramblings for a bit because this is gonna be one of my hottest takes known to man.
Sonetto didn't survive the Storm in the prologue.
Here's my reason why I consider this a possibility:
We barely knew Sonetto's personality in the prologue, so it'd be easy to do this switch compared to doing it at a later date. But what we can glean from pre-1966 Storm and post-1966 Storm Sonetto is her immediate tonal shift.
Sonetto before the Storm is far more subdued with her way of speaking with Vertin. Professional and could even be considered more polite.
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We can chalk this up as her being on Work Mode and with the Storm's arrival approaching, it's far more important to get the task done than her relaxing her mood.
So, let's think about why I think it's not possible for her to make it back to the Foundation on time. In the prologue, we see them discuss a new form of teleportation device still being improved by LaPlace.
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It's a means to have a better way to teleport a large group of people from a much farther distance.
With this in mind, it's important that they have the disks to immediately evacuate because it'll take longer to get back to the safety of the Foundation. But they used all three of it. One to summon Vertin.
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One to intercept the enemies.
And one-
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Was used by Regulus to escape.
And with that time, they only hade 45 minutes left before the Storm hits. Sonetto instructed her squad to go back ahead, leaving her to go with Vertin to investigate.
Even if we're absolutely generous in stating she can get far with using consistent fast travel arcane spells to move her to safety, how much time did she have?
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Not enough. Not even the best teleportation spell can get her back in time assuming the nearest London branch is just a subdivision away.
Speaking of teleportation spell, we can even use one of the teleportation spells as a reference. Aferoj Around.
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It's one Sonetto suggested Vertin used to summon her, but immediately dismisses it as a possibility. It could be because of the fact that the range wouldn't make sense assuming that Sonetto's been summoned from the main headquarters all the way to where Vertin is. So even an advanced arcane skill like that can't just summon someone in that great amount of distance.
While it's also should be taken into account that with the reverse having send them from 1966 England all the way to 1929 America, it's still an impossibility if they were to still be within London. Because if that kind of spell is so easily executed consistently, then they wouldn't be developing the Teleport disk. It's an advanced skill for a reason and even that has limitations. So other less taxing teleport skill wouldn't have the distance needed to get Sonetto back in time.
Which brings us to post-1966 Storm Sonetto and the wild implication of her summoning. For one, her reaction is far more brighter and excited, familiar even. Much more like the puppy we consider her to be now. It can also interpreted as shock, but the demeanor compared to post-1966 Storm Sonetto at least has a slightly noticeable difference.
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One of the biggest difference though, is this:
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Madam Z somehow knew about what Vertin's doing and has instructed Sonetto specifically to seek her out.
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If we can believe in Vertin's words here, she's never told anyone about this. Not even Madam Z. So to boldly be told that they knew all along is a strange difference that even took Vertin off guard.
Why this is important is to ask you this. Just how much can you tell if someone is replaced with another version of themself? We're all lead to believe that those differences are drastic, but alternate universes doesn't have to be full blown change. It can be as simple as putting on your right sock first rather than the left that day.
Which is why it'd be so cruel and so sneaky to actually have done this switch in the first place. Because we don't know Sonetto enough to have noticed the change. And Vertin doesn't know her enough either after 4 years of not really being that close to her.
And how can I say this could be possible without a little bit more evidence to entertain it? Well, Chapter 5 is the reason I'm making this theory in the first place. And that's because of one person.
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This man. THIS MAN.
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Canonically fukin joins the Manus. This manfailure is the sole reason, aside from one more reason but i'll get into later, why I thought about this possibility.
Because you can say that maybe after this event in the island he'll just defect to Vertin's team later after suffering the injustice of the arts or whatever, but I like to point back to one of the listed descriptions of Unilog's capabilities.
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It can sometimes change the fates of people. So what I'm suggesting is that the Diggers we end up recruiting isn't the same Diggers, but an alternate universe one who didn't join the Manus as he was literally ripped from his timeline to join Vertin's instead.
This could explain many more of the characters in the roster being from timelines far into the past or even far into the future like John Titor. Heck, it explains dead people like Click and Poltergeist being there when they're supposed to be dead. Because summoning them through The Wheel has the potential to change their fate.
So yes, you can also argue that means Vertin did end up saving Sonetto from reversing and they actually do have their timeline's Sonetto still, but there's still the possibility that she's just another universe's Sonetto. She's both this timeline's Sonetto and not at the same time.
Schrodinger's Sonetto. (Note that this isn't the accurate use of Schrodinger's cat logic, it's mainly a joke)
Which now leads up to 100% the ultimate reason why I wanna pitch this idea as possible and y'all already know where I'm leading up to, this is just a huge build up to one thing and one thing only.
S C H N E I D E R.
THAT'S RIGHT. IT WAS SCHNEIDER ALL ALONG. You think I wouldn't go a single damn analysis without talking about my bbygirl? You're dead wrong. If this summoning system has the damn ability to yoink people from another universe and change their fate, then the possibility of getting Schneider back is far more real. Heck, you can even pull a version of her that actually IS an arcanist like y'all I fukin swear I'm not delulu, PLEASE--
So that's my thoughts about what could unilogs do. I know it's extremely far fetched, but I like to entertain these ideas in hopes that it might give people a lot of other theories to craft!
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just--space · 1 year
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Leaning Tower, Active Sun : The natural filter of a hazy atmosphere offered this recognizable architecture and sunset view on March 27. Dark against the solar disk, large sunspots in solar active regions 2975 and 2976 are wedged between the Duomo of Pisa and its famous Leaning Tower. Only one day later, Sun-staring spacecraft watched active region 2975 unleash a frenzy of solar flares along with two coronal mass ejections. The largest impacted the magnetosphere on March 31 triggering a geomagnetic storm and aurorae in high-latitude night skies. On March 30, active region 2975 erupted again with a powerful X-class solar flare that caused a temporary radio blackout on planet Earth. via NASA
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Unveiling Saturn- a few lesser known facts
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Saturn, the majestic ringed planet, often steals the spotlight in our cosmic lineup. But did you know there's more to this gas giant than meets the eye?
1. Saturn's Many Moons: While almost everyone knows Saturn has a bustling entourage of over 80 moons, it’s lesser known why.
Saturn's numerous moons are a result of its massive size and gravitational influence. As the second-largest planet in our solar system, Saturn exerts a powerful gravitational pull, allowing it to capture and retain many objects in orbit around it. Additionally, its proximity to the asteroid belt provides a steady supply of potential moon candidates.
Many of Saturn's moons are believed to have formed alongside the planet during the early stages of the solar system's formation, as material in the protoplanetary disk coalesced to form both the planet and its moons. Others may have been captured later as Saturn migrated in its orbit or as it encountered passing objects.
The complex interplay of gravitational forces among Saturn's moons, as well as tidal effects from Saturn itself, contribute to the diversity and number of moons. Some moons may be locked in resonance with each other, stabilizing their orbits, while others may experience tidal heating and geological activity, shaping their surfaces and interiors.
In summary, Saturn's extensive moon system is a result of its size, gravitational pull, orbital dynamics, and its location in the solar system, making it one of the most moon-rich planets known.
2. The Hexagonal Storm: Deep within Saturn's atmosphere lies a peculiar hexagonal-shaped storm at its north pole (as seen in the image below). This bizarre weather phenomenon, discovered by the Voyager mission in the 1980s, continues to puzzle scientists to this day. How and why it formed remains one of Saturn's enduring mysteries.
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3. Saturn's Density Dilemma: Despite being known as a gas giant, Saturn is surprisingly less dense than water! If you could find a bathtub large enough, Saturn would actually float in it. Its low density is due to its composition of mostly hydrogen and helium, making it one of the lightest planets in our solar system.
Who Discovered Saturn?
Saturn's discovery is shrouded in ancient history. While it's difficult to pinpoint a single individual credited with its discovery, the planet has been observed by civilizations throughout history.
Galileo Galilei: In 1610, Galileo became the first person to observe Saturn through a telescope. However, due to limitations in his telescope's optics, he mistook Saturn's rings for large moons on either side of the planet.
Christiaan Huygens: It wasn't until 1655 when Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens correctly identified Saturn's rings as a disk surrounding the planet. His discovery revolutionized our understanding of Saturn's unique features.
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first ever colored picture taken of Saturn source 1
source 2
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Unexpected 35
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Sequel to Unsolicited
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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“We have to go to the hospital,” Lloyd slides the toy out of him and winces. He eases you onto your side as you can do nothing but bounce like a boulder against the mattress. “Shit, fuck, shit.”
He stands and rubs his ass. He steps around and bends over you, “ma’s gonna be so pissed.”
“Jesus, Lloyd!” You snarl, “take this thing off me, first. And put some goddamn clothes on.”
“Oh, uh,” he stands and looks down at himself, his cums sticky and shiny across his stomach as he slowly softens, “right.”
“Ugh, Christ,” you utter as you reach for the straps and unbuckle one. The task is hardly easy as even trying to lift your head sends a spasm up your spine.
You’re trusting your life to a man who doesn’t have enough brain cells to get dressed before he storms out into public. A maniac so sex crazed he follows his dick like the needle of a compass. Worse, you’re bringing a second life into this surreal layer of hell.
He pulls back the other buckle and twists the straps down your thigh. He reaches under you and jolts you as he tugs the other. His urgency overrides any caution he could possess. You yelp as you fall onto your back and he untangles the harness from your legs.
“Damn, shit,” he says as the dildo hits the floor, “did I make it worse?”
“You’re not making it better,” you growl.
“Fuuuuck,” he stomps away and you hear the closet roll open. 
You lay staring at the ceiling helplessly. You put your hand on your stomach and grit your teeth. You try to sit up, only to collapse again and whine. Fuck, fuck, fuck… your internal chant echoes Lloyd’s very vocal one.
He comes back to you as he pulls on a satin shirt with a snakeskin print. What the fuck is he wearing? What do you care? You’re still naked and paralysed with pain.
“What about me?” You ask as he buttons the shirt.
“Right, ugh… we’ll just sit you up,” he bends over you once more, hooking his arms under yours. You wrap yours around his neck and grunt through the agony as he makes you sit. 
“God, that fucking hurt,” you hiss.
“I can’t–” he releases you and raises his hand to smooth his hair, “a robe!”
He spins and races across the room. He grabs the dark silk robe he likes to wear like some idiot incel. The lotus flower and bamboo print makes you roll your eyes. 
“One more time,” he comes to you and leans in once more, “arms around my neck, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?! Don’t be fucking sweet now, dumbass.”
“Hey, I’m doing my best with what I got?”
“Uh huh,” you growl as he sweeps the robe behind you and gets it up your arms. 
He places them around his neck again and stands with you. You scream and he flinches, letting out a pained groan as he tilts his head away.
“Dammit, my fucking ear–”
“I’ll bite it the fuck off,” you sneer.
He huffs and pulls the robe closed, as much as he can around your middle. What is he thinking? He ties the belt under your bump, the gap at the front more than certainly revealing too much.
“Alright, peaches, I got you,” he angles and gets an arm around you, bending to hook another behind your legs. He lifts you up with a strained grunt and you yowl again. Your eyes prick as you throw your head back.
“Wait!? Peaches?” He exclaims and you scowl at him through slitted eyes. “Are you going into labour?”
“No, you dunce, it’s my goddamn back!”
“Slipped disk,” the same doctor as before displays the white on black image before you. Dr. Izhan, you recall. “Doesn’t exactly make things easier for a pregnant woman. Especially as far along as you.”
“Sure doesn’t feel good,” you utter as you grip the bed rails. 
The pain has dulled to a heavy pressure, no longer the sharp stabbing in your spine. They got you on meds but nothing strong enough to brighten your mood. The biggest pain however is the one standing bedside, chewing his thumb as he furrows his brow dramatically.
“I can imagine,” Dr. Izhan says, “I think we should start discussion options. For labour.”
“It’s a bit early,” you sniff, “isn’t it?”
“It is. But… given your age and your dangerously high pain tolerance, I think a c-section would be best. You can schedule one before you’re discharged.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I read that–” Lloyd begins as he rests his hand on yours.
“Shh,” you hush him. All his reading and he still knows nothing.
“How long is she here for, doc?” He changes his course of action.
“We’ll say overnight for now. If the pain improves, becomes manageable, you can take her home. But,” the doctor points his pen at Lloyd, “don’t let her out of bed.”
“That won’t be a problem,” Lloyd smirks.
“Lloyd,” you slide your hand from beneath his and swat his knuckles.
“She’s right. Take it easy. She doesn’t need to be doing much of anything. At least not for a week or so.”
“I promise, doc, I’ll tie her down if I have too.”
You roll your eyes. He really is obnoxious. You drag your hand to your stomach and sigh.
“I will stay in bed. Don’t think I have much of a choice.”
“You don’t. You keep pushing yourself and it won’t get any easier. Even after the baby is here. This isn’t a new problem, you’ve neglected yourself long enough that if you keep doing that, it won’t be fixable.”
You hang your head and nod, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. Take care of yourself,” the doctor girds.
“I will,” you look away and cup your cheek, “thanks.”
“Alright, I’ll make sure the nurse gives you another dose when you need it. For now, take it easy. Relax.”
He leaves as Lloyd hovers close to you. You sense his gaze on you. You flick your lashes up and take a deep breath. It’s the pain making you well up. It has to be.
“So,” Lloyd begins, “I always knew you were a delicate flower under all those thorns, peaches, but how long have you been like this?”
“What?” You snap and turn your head, wincing into a snarl.
“Well, I distinctly remember you keeling over in my tub not too long ago. And all those episodes since. I figured it was a new thing. A forty year old thing, but…”
“You’re older than me.”
“Oh, am I?”
“You are, aren’t you?” You wonder.
“Who the fuck knows, peaches. Come on. Doctor’s right. He’s a smart man. How long have you been running away from your troubles? And for once I’m not talking about me.”
You trail your hand down and scratch your chin. You look at the ceiling and slant your mouth. You try to remember when it started. It’s hard to think of a time when the pain was an issue.
“Maybe… I think… I was twenty-nine? I don’t know–”
“Shit, peaches, twelve years?”
“Something like that.”
“No, twelve years. I’m a math whiz–” He stops himself as your eyes drift over darkly, “I’d have to be, right,” he runs his fingers over his mustache, “because you don’t look old. Not that you are old, you know? You look nice and young.” He clears his throat as your frown deepens, “not that I want some young thing. You know, because you’re finely aged. Like wine.”
“I could use some wine,” you grumble, “thanks again, for that. You just have to take everything, don’t you? My dignity, my husband, my wine…”
“Hey, I give you lots of nice things. And I’m talking about more than good dick.”
“Please,” you flutter your fingers dismissively, “the doctor said I’m supposed to relax and you’re here making me lock up all over.”
“Well, I’m not going. Not this time. Ma said–”
“Oh, so you just don’t wanna piss off Dottie? I see.”
“No, that’s not what I–” he sputters, “look, peaches, I’ll let you relax, how about that? I’ll go grab some dinner and we can eat it and watch that reality show with the cat-faced girl.”
“Ugh, fine, I am hungry,” you resign, tempted more by the promise of a brief respite.
“I do know how to please a lady,” he kids, “right, so deep-fried pickles?”
“No,” you drone glumly, “they give me heartburn. But I can have the cauliflowers bites. Make sure you get the ones with mozzarella.”
“Califlower bites…” he repeats dutifully, “got it.”
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floydsmuse · 6 months
All I want for Christmas is you
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Pairing: Rhett Abbott x f! reader (no y/n)
Description: During one snowy December night, Rhett gets his hands on the record player and invites you to dance with him… (wc 1.2k)
Warnings: None! It’s just fluff ✨
a/n: Happy holidays lovelies :). This is my little submission for @lewmagoo ‘s Christmas celebration ! This is one of my favorite Christmas songs of all time and it just reminded me of Rhett :,) so I knew I had to include it into this fic. I really hope you enjoy this! <3
You and Rhett had finally finished up on your last minute Christmas shopping. Having purchased all of your gifts for each member of your families and booking it out of the store before the anticipated snow storm could occur and become too heavy to bear was certainly a win win.
As you were driving back home, little flurries began to liter out of the sky and started to stick to the windows of Rhett’s truck. You reached out your hand to lightly trace a path to follow each snowflake that would stick to the glass and admire it’s beauty, each one appearing a little bit different from the other.
Rhett’s eyes remained on the road, but he couldn’t help but shoot a glance at you through his peripheral and smile to himself. He just knew how much you loved this time of year and since he’d met you, he developed a new found appreciation for the holidays too. God was he lucky to have someone like you in his life, he thought quietly to himself. His big hand reaches over to engulf your thigh, giving it a loving squeeze and causing a warmth ness to shoot up through your entire body. You had a really good feeling about this upcoming Christmas, you were sure it was going to be one for the books.
You two arrive back at your shared home, as the snow continued to creep down from the sky. You both hop out of the truck, the frigid air hitting you like a ton of bricks and causing you to shiver involuntarily. With bags of gifts in hand, you quickly head inside and are immediately hit with this instant cozy feeling. Rhett moves to take his bags and grabs yours too, putting them in the little room next to the kitchen. You made your way over to the tree, turning on its lights and basking in all of its glory.
You could hear Rhett’s heavy footsteps approaching the den now, as you took to lighting a few of your holiday candles and switching on any additional holiday decor. This was your first official Christmas in your new home and things were really starting to come together.
You feel Rhett’s arms wrap around your waist and his head dips down, nuzzling his nose into the part of your neck where it meets your shoulder. The feeling of his scruff against your skin makes you fidget slightly and you couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the tickly feeling. Rhett was already well aware that you’d get like this when you felt the familiar scratchy little hairs on his chin and upper lip, but that didn’t make him move from his place. You opted to just lean your head further into him and just enjoy the intimate closeness. You two stayed like this in an embrace for a few minutes, just gazing up at the tree and taking in the festive ambiance. You felt Rhett suddenly pull away from you and his body heat that just radiates off of him vanished from your grasp.
“Where do you think you’re going mister?” You playfully question Rhett, as he starts moving over to the other side of the room to where his vintage record player lies. You look at him quizzically, as he picks up one of the vinyls on the nearby shelf and places the disk down onto the platter of the record player.
Your perk up on at the song that begins to play, it being All I want for Christmas is you by Vince Vance & the Valiants. You knew that Rhett loved this song and you would often hear him humming it to himself while working on little projects around the house or even when he’d be whipping up the two of you some breakfast in the morning. He starts making slow strides back to you and reaches out his hand for you to grab.
“Dance with me darlin,” he lets out. Wiggling his eyebrows, as a subtle smirk appears onto his face.
You look up at him in pure amusement and don’t waste another second, gladly accepting his hand in yours and being guided to connect against his chest.
Rhett begins to gently sway you back and forth. His body naturally moves to the rhythm of the song and his head begins to ever so lightly bop to its beat. You find your rhythm too and in time, you both were moving in sync. You two had started to make your way over to the other side of the den, being very cautious of bumping into any furniture in your wake. You press your head against Rhett’s chest and he holds you even closer to him, if that was even remotely possible.
As you are listening to the beat of Rhett’s heart and the sound of the song playing, you hear Rhett start to sing soundly to you in this husky drawl,
You are the angel atop my tree, you are my dream come true…
Your head shoots up. you are about to compliment his voice, but Rhett’s quick to dip you, causing you to let out a squeal at the sudden action. Once you return upright, he spins you around, causing you to be slightly dizzy and your hair falls messily in front of your face. You take a moment to compose yourself and look back up at him absolutely lovesick and in pure disbelief,
“Rhett where have you been hiding that voice of yours?! you really got it all going on huh?” You playfully quipped at him.
He looked down sheepishly at that, lowering his head and biting his bottom lip, trying not to smile too big at your words. You could see an evident blush creep onto his cheeks.
“I just love this song and I wanted to serenade my baby on this fine December eve.” Rhett shot back at you in a playful and flirty tone.
Now you were the one blushing. Rhett lifts his head up, looking at you with so much love and adoration. He breaks into song once again, reciting,
Santa can’t bring me what I need, cause all I want for Christmas is you.
Rhett now reverts his eyes down to your lips and then back up to meet your eyes. Your breath hitches in your throat and the next thing you knew, his lips were being melded onto yours. It wasn’t a heated kiss by any means, but it was passionate & it made you feel all bubbly inside.
You both pull away, needing to take a second to catch your breaths. The music is slowly starting to fade out, and the next song begins to play.
You find yourself pulling away from him slightly, but Rhett’s quick to pull you back into his chest. Wrapping his arms around you yet again,
“I’m not done serenadin’ ya darlin.’ You’re in for a real treat.” He snickers and you couldn’t stop the chuckle that was just destined to leave your lips. You leaned the side of your head against his shoulder, hugging back into him. you close your eyes to fully savor this moment in time, as Rhett continues to sway you back and forth into the magical wintery night.
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Long Time, No See: Cole Cassidy x Mechanic!Reader (Implied NSFW)
No matter the stenches that linger through the air, the whole watchpoint always seemed to smell of the ocean. It was understandable, you were all surrounded by it on the island. Nestled somewhere in the Mediterranean sat the long forgotten Overwatch base from the Omnic Crisis, that was, until Winston and a few other agents had sought refuge here. It was here that Winston had sent out the call for Overwatch to reform and it is here where you all are currently residing.
Only a few had answered the call right away, most terrified of it being some sort of trick from Talon and some not even believing that it was real at all until the stories had started to take the internet by storm about Talon uprisings and Omnics going rogue again.
You were one of the few Winston had sought out after right after he sent out the call. Ex-Blackwatch mechanic picked up by Reyes somewhere down the line of chaos that was the Omnic Crisis, you were the only one Winston could think of short-notice who could help Lena with transportation of Overwatch agents and getting the watchpoint back in working order.
You had heard something coming from deep within your garage. You had felt sick hearing the noise, it sounded like a transmitter far back inside of your garage; with your Blackwatch uniforms and other bullshit. Actually, it was all Blackwatch stuff, some Overwatch stuff too.
You had pulled open the door to the garage, the collapsing door rising with a slam of each slat folding in on each other until you were met with the wall of failed contraptions and old items you tinkered on when Blackwatch and Overwatch disbanded almost a decade ago.
When the door opened, you jumped a bit out of your skin as you were met with a very much deactivated E54 model from the crisis times. The tall rectangular light cracked and dimmed the gray of a passed omnic. You had forgotten it was there along with most of the contents inside. You don’t know why you kept the damn thing, you had failed years ago to get it working again.
Various guns were gutted and tossed around in different crates, old uniforms from both sides folded with an inch of dust covering them, hell you even had wings of an old small transport ship.
You suddenly heard the noise pop up again, the back of the garage turning a light blue from the glow of something. Little bells dinging away for about a minute before it stopped. You had pushed your way through most of the forgotten junk and painful memories until you had reached what hurt the most. Your workbench with all of your Blackwatch stuff and memories piled neatly, your old weapon setting fractured on the flat surface with a photo of you and… Cole. You picked up the frame and blew off the caked on dust, your eyes never leaving his face. His smile was so bright and his eyes were so warm. He had his arm draped over your shoulder at some party, for Jack you think judging by the glimpses of a ‘Happy Birthday Ja-’ banner behind you both.
You felt tears prick your eyes at the pained memories, the photo frame shook in your rattling hands.
You heard the dinging again, your eyes suddenly hurting from the sudden flash of blue light from before you. Once your eyes had adjusted, you glanced down to your old uniform sitting folded, a small disk sitting on top with a hologram floating above it.
Your heart had dropped, it was the Overwatch symbol.
Frantically you snatched up the disk and fiddled with it, unsure on how to answer the call anymore until you heard a grumbling from the other end.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?”
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You tossed the screwdriver back on the workbench and sat on the rickety old barstool with a sigh of relief. You glanced at the small transport ship sitting beside you ready for use by dozens of agents. You wiped the sweat off your brow and glanced to the pile of other ships exactly like the few you had just put back together and wanted to scream. You couldn’t wait for Torbjorn to arrive (with Reinhardt in tow), you didn’t know how he could keep up with Overwatch when you could barely keep track of the four other members of Blackwatch. You were thankful for the extra room as Winston and another member had taken the majority of the small ships out.
You hadn’t left your little “garage” since two days ago, wanting to fix as many as you could for Lena returning with dozens of agents in tow on her transport. It was sometime today that they would arrive, and judging by the alarm clock blaring angry red numbers at you stating it was already growing towards evening, you wouldn’t be surprised if they had all landed already.
You nudged the ship away from you until it was floating about a good five feet from your workbench and powered it off, allowing it to gently rest its underside against the linoleum floor before you returned to the tattered barstool. You had opened several drawers in search for certain tools when you heard footsteps approach your “garage.” It was anything but a room underneath where Winston had sent out the call big enough for you to work (and sleep to the dismay of Winston and Lena who had found you slumped over the workbench on more than one occasion).
A sharp knock rang on the metal door to which you didn’t turn around, adamant on finding the tools you needed.
“Come back in like an hour, I’m busy,” you stated as you turned over tools and such.
“Now ain’t that a way to greet yer friend,” a southern drawl rang out from behind you.
You had dropped the pair of pliers you had picked up and swung around to face the man now standing in your doorway.
And there he was; tall, broad, tanned and handsome - as handsome as the day you left him.
“Cole?” you whispered.
“Ya know it, darlin’.”
You couldn’t believe your eyes, you thought you were seeing a ghost. You knew Cole made it out of the explosion albeit hurt, but you never thought you would see him again.
His hair had grown shaggy and so had his beard. You remember Reyes telling him to keep himself clean and shaven countless times and how Cole would always scoff and spit back sarcastic comments as if Reyes were his father. He kept the whole cowboy attire right down to the spurs and red serape draped over his arm. It was then you noticed he was using it to hide something, but you caught a glimpse of a metal hand.
Almost as if he knew where your eyes had landed, he pulled his mechanical arm forward from its covering and revealed a dented and sparking arm. Cole smiled at you sheepishly, just as he always did when he was hurt and refused to go to Moira for help.
“I like the way you spin the bandages,” he always stated with a wink.
“Couldn’t keep yourself out of trouble, could you Cole?” you smiled back.
“Heard the best mechanic I know was here, wanted to pay 'em a visit, ask 'em somethin’ too.”
You pat the workbench space next to you, nodding your head to the other barstool in the corner by him. Cole dragged it over and sat close to you, very close to you. Close enough for you to feel him warmth, close enough for you to smell his cologne and the faint hint of cigars and whiskey, close enough for you to blush ever so slightly.
You two had fooled around in the past but nothing could ever be serious with Reyes around and Jack being the top dog (even though you both knew they were fucking in broom closets when they could). And here he was, sitting next to you as you both had done a decade ago.
You gently took his dented arm in your hands and began fiddling around and fixing it. The entire time, Cole would not take his eyes off of you until you had finished. It was just a few torn wires and a bent plate, nothing you couldn’t fix quickly.
As you had finished putting away the little screwdrivers, Cole cleared his throat and retracted his arm.
“How’d you like to show me around? Tonight?” he purred at you, his big brown eyes looking right into your soul.
“Why not? I’ve been cooped up in here, could use some fun.”
“Sounds like a plan, darlin’.”
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You had only gotten to show Cole the outskirts of the island that Overwatch had yet to build on before. You were by the shore, rocks blocked the view behind you both to the rest of the base. Waves crashing drowned out sounds around you. It was nice and private.
Cole had pulled you aside just to make sure you both were out of the camera’s view and slammed you up against the nearest rocky wall and captured your lips in a rough kiss. His human hand reached up and grasped at the side of your face to bring you in closer as his metallic one slammed palm-first into the stone behind you, cracking it with ease.
Your hands latched onto Cole’s flannel shirt behind the serape and yanked his body closer to yours, the man before you now has you pressed flushed against the rocky wall behind you and his solid form before you. You could feel everything before you, especially the hard proding towards your lower waist.
Cole pulled away for a second to look wildly into your eyes, teeth grit as he started breathing heavily.
“I’ve waited years to do this again,” he growled lowly at you. Your sudden gasp ran short and he snatched at your thighs and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and still keeping your back to the wall. His fingertips dug into the meat of your thigh as he got in your face a bit. “I ain’t waiting another damn minute.”
Your lips connected again in a wild and fiery kiss, your hands went to snatch at his broad shoulders to his shaggy brown locks to even scratching down his back. Cole kept you up with just his metal arm as his human hand went to grab at you, tugging at your clothing and caressing your skin. Whenever you both would pull away for a brief moment to breathe he would like to whisper dirty little things to you until even he lost his fleeting patience.
“I missed the way you felt darlin’,” he growled in your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
“Cole, please,” you whisper back, sinking your nails into the back of his neck.
It always drove him nuts.
Cole dropped you for a mere moment only to catch you before you both fell onto the plush, soft grass beneath you both as time seemed to melt away.
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