#Doctor Who Season 7
jennanator2000 · 9 months
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wallapology · 10 months
Inspired by @fanonical’s post:
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hdhcbdjsj · 1 year
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working on balancing super stylised/ realism !!
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acegarlicloaf · 5 months
That “Mystery wrapped in an enigma squeezed into a skirt” line made me physically ill. Wtf were they thinking with that line? 😭
(Context: the end of Doctor Who Season 7 Episode 14)
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icklewolfiekins · 1 year
Clara’s outfits in Doctor Who
The Snowmen
Clara as the governess
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Clara as the barmaid (vastly superior outfit imo)
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Boots. Bustle. Corset. Still in era inappropriate opaque tights. Shawl. This whole outfit is so good.
The Bells of Saint John
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Grey cardigan. Khaki raincoat. Opaque tights. Boots. Jumper dress in the same red as Victorian other Clara’s outfit which is an excellent choice imo but it is let down by being a high-low dress. I’ll let it slide because it was 2013.
Rings of Akhaten
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Shirt dress (high-low again because it was 2013 and not everything can be great). Biker jacket. Black tights. Red satchel. Boots.
Cold War
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No tights or boots because she thought she was going to Vegas. Shimmery knee length skater dress. Russian military jacket (she was cold). Glittery shoes that I am jealous of.
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Blazer. Skater dress with ditsy flower pattern. Lace up wedge shoes (boots for the summer). Opaque tights.
Journey to the Centre of the Tardis
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Red dress with Peter Pan collar and skater skirt and ditsy flower pattern. Boots. Shockingly no tights.
The Crimson Horror
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Velvet Victorian garb. I don’t know enough about this to be specific but I’m pretty sure a bustle is involved. Probably still in boots.
Nightmare in Silver
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Biker jacket. Skater skirt with flower pattern. Peter Pan collar. Opaque tights. Boots.
Honourable mention: Oswin Oswald
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Red jumper dress and red trainer heels that were very… of the time.
Anyway this whole post is basically me just saying. WHICH ONE OF THESE SKIRTS IS TIGHT @the Doctor @neil-gaiman because that line is from nightmare in silver so we’ve had nine outfits from this character if you include her as a Victorian, ten if you count her as Oswin, and eleven if you include. You know. The shell of a Dalek as an outfit. And I’m pretty comfortable saying not a Single One of these outfits includes a tight skirt.
I feel insane.
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sp00ky-scary · 5 months
Contravisual doctor who opinion, the doctor should have died as the eleventh doctor like they kept shoving in your face saying would happen
… that's definitely controversial but like you're kind of right
Obviously the Doctor wasn't going to die, it's not possible considering the nature of the show, even if it got cancelled I don't think they'd outright kill the doctor. Also I'd be kinda pissed if the last Doctor we got was 11. But like plot wise it is so unsatisfying to have this whole arc about how the Doctor is going to die for real and is accepting their fate and doing something important with the time they have left. Just for it to end like oh actually the time lords have given the Doctor more regenerations and everything is fine now. Like narratively that ending sucks, people talk about how some RTD season endings aren't the best and he tends to do a bit of deus ex machina thing at the end but by far the worst example of a showrunner doing that is Moffat with the end of season 7 especially considering that how the Doctor didn't die is like the definition of a deus ex machina. From what I know the production of season 7 was a fucking mess with actors leaving, the season being split, there being no two parters, and the Trenzalore arc apparently having meant to span the entirety of s8 not just a few episodes in season 7. Although honestly that doesn't quite excuse the fact that an arc that consists of the Doctor accepting that they are DYING like fr this time not just regenerating is like never going to be a truly satisfying arc because the Doctor is never going to die.
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itspanzee · 7 months
There's something so refreshing about the development on Doctor Who's introductions. In the first few seasons when he'd say he's Doctor Who, people would go "Doctor what?" then from seasons 5 and onward you begin to hear people ask "Doctor Who?".
I really loved that by the end of the season 7 premiere, Oswald made the Daleks forget all about him. So when he introduced himself as the Doctor, they all went insane asking "Doctor Who?" and the 11th Doctor is just twirling around on the Tardis going "Doctor Who! Doctor Who!" which is how the episode closes out.
Talk about a good plot point.
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
Why does my body mimic others? Like I'm watching season 7 episode 4 of Doctor Who which involves heart failure and now my chest hurts really bad for no reason.
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stephadoo · 23 days
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timelordgifs · 1 month
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aflawedfashion · 5 months
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Doctor Who 7x02 | Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
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jennanator2000 · 7 months
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happy birthday, clara oswald! 🎉
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legends-of-drag · 9 days
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“Water off a duck’s back.”
Jinkx Monsoon
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skyeskywalkerart · 7 months
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My friend is making me watch dr who with her and I’m having so much fun. Can’t believe I’ve gone this long without seeing it.
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icklewolfiekins · 1 year
Oh my God, get over it. There's nothing wrong with that line from Doctor Who. You people put way to much of your own problems and you project yourselves into lines that are just lines. You and everyone who agrees with you are ridiculous.
I don’t even know how to respond. THIS is what my first anon hate message is about???
for context this is about a post with EIGHT NOTES
…omg what if this is @neil-gaiman
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truebluewhocanoe · 26 days
how the fuck do you have a Doctor Who episode featuring the Beatles with a villain who embodies music and is stealing all the music in the world and not have the resolution of the story be "the Maestro may be able to out-music-duel any one person, but multiple people playing music together and harmonizing can defeat the Maestro." come the fuck on. it's RIGHT THERE.
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