#Dora the Explorer School Supplies
worldofthechateau · 1 year
The Members of the Society of the Supernatural
I think it's about time I shined a spotlight on the Society itself. Let's get into the twenty-two founding members of this little group.
Mary Anne Eason
Eight years old, Mary Anne is a lot like a sassy Dora the Explorer– she loves adventures and helping people out, but if she thinks you're an idiot you will know. She carries around a giant backpack full of supplies. Her parents are apathetic towards her and don't really care what she does as long as she tells them where she's going.
Mary Anne's magical specialty is runes.
Jenny Garrand
Mary Anne's best friend, Jenny is an eight-year-old biracial girl who is a bit shy and nervous, but loves nature and going on hikes with Mary Anne. She loves learning about plants and animals.
Jenny's magical specialty is plant magic.
Fortescue was originally made to be a servant for the Terwilligers (the family who built the Chateau, if you're new here), a clay humanoid clay statue given life and a soul via magic. Take the Doodle God icon for "golem" and you've got Fortescue. He's very multi-talented but struggles to find an identity outside of serving others ( a lot like Pearl from Steven Universe in this regard).
Fortescue's magical specialty is utility spells.
Odelia Garrand
Odelia is Jenny's white mother, known for being stoic and serious at all times, to the point of comedy. She works from home as an office manager. She loves gardening, especially with her daughter.
Odelia's magical specialty is potions and alchemy.
Arthur Garrand
Arthur is Jenny's black father who works as a forensic accountant. He's got a keen eye for detail and has a massive heart, but he's a bit... strange. He says a lot of things that technically make sense but definitely wouldn't be the first thing you thought of... which may be why he's so good at his job.
Arthur's magical specialty is empathic magic.
Tamela Huxtable
Tamela is a goth teen with a very strained relationship with her family, especially her extremely bigoted father (even if she wasn't a lesbian, she'd probably hate him for being an asshole). When she discovers magic, she throws herself into its study, quickly becoming one of the most magically powerful members of the Society.
Tamela's magical specialty is shadow magic, although she's also really good at teleportation.
Lyall Fisher
He used to work as a cop, but getting fired for not engaging in corruption has soured his view of the profession. This is a gay disaster running on caffeine and spite and is out of fucks to give. He believes in doing the right thing even if the world is against you.
Lyall's magical specialty is fire magic.
Amelia Huddleston
Speaking of people with zero fucks to give, Amelia never had any to begin with. This 75yo spinster is a wild child and a magical experimenter, and also the group's driver due to having bought a school bus for shits and giggles. She painted it blue, so they call it the Big Blue Bus, or 3B. She's also a great cook, even if her dishes can get a bit experimental.
Amelia's magical specialty is cloth-based magic that she herself discovered.
Ulysses Trengrove
Ulysses is an intimidating man who definitely gives off the impression that he's killed somebody in the past, especially since he created and stocked the Chateau's armory with a crap ton of knives. However, he has a soft spot for kids and is a great babysitter.
Ulysses' magical specialty is ice magic.
Imogen Knaggs
Imogen works as a nurse, and although she's excellent at bedside manners, she can be rather caustic when off the clock. She does care, it's just she can only be nice for so many hours.
Imogen's magical specialty is, of course, healing magic.
Xavier Cross
Xavier is a craftsman and a carpenter who likes to build his own furniture and stuff, as well as help his neighbors with fixing things. He can often get distracted by non-important things and is really possessive of his tools.
Xavier's magical specialty is transmutation.
Hannah Black
Hannah is her high school's valedictorian, and she's very good at chemistry and science in general. Magic is not her strong suit, which frustrates her greatly. However, she's excellent at finding non-magical solutions to magical problems.
Hannah's magical specialty is shapeshifting.
Ivor Thornton
Ivor is a passionate historian who can almost always be found reading a book, be it physical or on his tablet. He's also surprisingly into video games.
Ivor's magical specialty is divination.
Christine Wyatt
If there was ever a member of the Society that represented "Chaotic Good" it would be Christine. She's a kleptomaniac but channels that toward stealing things for people who can't afford what they need. She sees the potential in everyone.
Christine's magical specialty is teleportation and portals.
Lester Blakeslee
Lester is the group's financial backer, being the son of the wealthiest man in the county. He's very self-aware and wants to help people with his wealth whenever he can.
Lester's magical specialty is wind magic.
Laila Pressley
Laila is a wiz with machines, and acts as the team's mechanic. She's practical, and most of her magic reflects that– it's down and dirty but gets the job done.
Laila's magical specialty is earth magic.
Sully Moss
Sully is a man with Down's Syndrome and a massive heart of gold, but he's also built like a fridge and acts as the team's muscle. Hurt the people he cares about, and you'll regret it.
Sully's magical specialty is enhancement magic.
Roxanna Dane
With all of her charisma, Roxanna is the face of the Society of the Supernatural. She always knows a guy who knows a guy. Many people like her for her kindness and honesty.
Roxanna's magical specialty is water magic.
Spike Davies
Spike is a scrappy little guy who always has a plan for everything. He spends most of his time focusing on making preparations for the weirdest things that could happen.
Spike's magical specialty is light magic.
Sydney Kirk
An enby who loves making gadgets. They're a lot like Alec Hardison from Leverage in terms of personality and gaming buddies with Ivor.
Sydney's magical specialty is enchantments.
Devon Quickley
Devon is a guy who loves living off the land. He's very respectful of nature and loves being in it. He gets antsy when inside for too long.
Devon's magical specialty is a mix of earth and plant magic.
Bubba is a pitbull-greyhound mix and a very good boy. He can't really cast magic due to being, ya know, a dog.
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Movies: Qualifiers Poll 2
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Green Lantern
I know based on the poster the effects look bad but honestly when you’re actually watching it it’s kinda cool looking. Sure it’s no Avatar but for 2011 it’s not bad. The Guardians of the Universe have divided the universe into 3,600 space sectors, each one protected by one powerful Green Lantern, selected among fearless beings and supplied by a ring fed by the willpower from the planet Oa. When the evil force Parallax that is fed by fear destroys several Green Lanterns, Abin Sur flees in his spacecraft but crashes on Earth. Mortally wounded, his green ring seeks out a successor for him and finds the reckless but efficient test pilot Hal Jordan. Hal Jordan learns about the Green Lanterns and is bestowed with the powers of the ring. Meanwhile, scientist Hector Hammond is summoned to conduct an autopsy of Abin Sur and is possessed by Parallax. When Parallax threatens Earth, the Green Lantern Hal Jordan is the last hope to defend his planet from destruction. If you have (formerly HBO) Max you can watch it there or this Soap2Day link might work. Fun fact: Abin Sur’s purple skin is done with practical effects, not CGI
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Dora has spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, but nothing could prepare her for her most dangerous adventure ever: high school. After being kidnapped on a field trip, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots, Diego, a mysterious jungle inhabitant who claims to be a friend of her parents, and a ragtag group of teens on a live-action adventure to save her parents and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost Inca civilization. It’s a lot of fun and the ending song gets stuck in my head all the time. I think it’s on Paramount plus but I watched it here
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queenofallimagines · 4 years
Imagine a thicc, black/african american student was watching backyardigans, dora the explorer w/ eri and started going off so hardcore/exposing them infront of class 1a(watch the videos & you'll get the idea) and maybe a bit of action jaxon "you have been disclaimed video" where she goes off on some bullies the next day for pissing her off infront of the entire school/ lunchroom(teachers be tryin to calm her down before she really hurt someone's feelings)😂😂😂😂😂LMFAO. Love you boo💋💖💖💖
Broooooo I c a n t I had to binge watch all of Berlezys videos I forgot how funny he was and pls watch him play dangonrompa(I think that’s how you spell it) he is a tru master of comedy
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- yoooooooo
- Okay so eri was with Deku who was watching kids stuff In The common rooms
- She’s met you before so she asks you to watch Dora with her
- You obviously say yes BC common who could say no
- Bro
- She’s laughing and everyone has their jaw on the floor
- Why are you Roasting Dora???
- (Let’s pretend they watch American cartoons for a sec lmao)
- She’s laughing BC she thinks it’s funny BC??? She thinks you roasting pros cool
- Will try to roast too
- “She has,,,, weird hair!!”
- Good try sis
- They’re all confused BC
- Dam your rally going in Bakugou is laughing hard as hell
- Gives you a high five
- Deku is just silent
- He’s trying not to laugh BC dam you right Dora do got a football head
- Then the next day happens
- They should have seen it coming really
- As a new transfer student you hadn’t met monoma yet
- He tries to roast you
- “Wow a new student? You sure you’re even good enough to be here?”
- You roll your eyes then he probably says some racially insensitive stuff
- You snap
- “ listen here you Justin Bieber knock off.”
- The whole cafeteria is staring at you because holy shit
- “ you better go sit your ass back down. There’s a reason you aren’t in class 1a”
- “Let me tell you something here little boy the streets weren’t made for everybody that’s why they made sidewalks so dirt like you could grow”.
- Bruh the bakusquad is yelling
- ” you better back your ass the fuck up before I really have to hurt you.”
- Now he’s trying to save face Because the entire cafeteria is watching and even some of the teachers have started to walk in and he can’t go down like that
- “W-well you’re just a loser who got in by luck!”
- You calmly set your things down at the table and you walk over ready to throw hands
- Aizawa steps in with the quickness lmao
- “This isn’t necessary relax.”
- “ don’t make me have to hurt your feelings you bobble head looking bitch.”
- Bro even his class is laughing
- You gon Make him cry
- Aizawa is holding you back but you keep going
- “ OK busted condom Junior.”
- Bro chill lmao he’s starting to cry
- You throw your shoe at him and hit him square in the face before you were escorted out of the cafeteria
- The big three are speechless
- Your class is loosing it
- He kind of just sits down quietly going back to eat his lunch
- The whole cafeteria is just collectively laughing at him
- Whenever you’re around he will literally leave when he avoids me like the plague
- “HA! If it isn’t the class- I gotta go.”
- Since it’s Canon that he goes to their dorms just to talk shit he doesn’t do that anymore because you’re just posted up outside waiting for him
- “I’m sorry did you need something little boy?”
- Smh his pride will never recover
- There’s surprise when I see you go right back to being normal and soft to eri
- Huh????
- Lmao ard clown
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tazzykiki · 4 years
I’m tired, angry and bored so here we go! A messy list of fucked up Public School Things that may or may not be a universal experience:
The Lunches were a mix of good and horrible:
I was usually fine with the lunches because they were pretty decent and, like, yay food! But looking back they were just, so wrong????
Like in my middle school lunches AND breakfast were a mess. I got food poisoning like once or twice from the breakfast and the lunch was pitiful. At one point they just stopped cooking the pasta and left a bunch of uncooked, powdery noodles in a plastic box like anyone was gonna grab them and be like “mm yes! my favorite! hard noodles!”. Like what the actual fuck.
The pizza was also in a box, none of the toppings were labeled so it was a gamble on what type you would get, and most of the time they were burnt. In HS the pizza was fine but it tasted fake as hell and I’m pretty sure they just took some rubber and put cheese on it.  
My HS lunches were better but even then it was just, really concerning how limited and odd the food was. Luckily we didn’t have to pay except for like cookies and stuff smaller than your hand that costs like $2 cuz they want to “promote healthiness” despite feeding us what is basically prison food.
The class sizes were horrifying: I’m sorry but what person can teach 30+ rowdy kids and be perfectly fine??? Not to mention this was the norm the whole day! Imagine grading all those papers, keeping track of every student, and making sure they all shut up long enough to teach. And that’s just for the teachers who actually care.
Like a class size should be a max of 20 with a few exceptions. Do you know how stressful it is for everyone involved? Not to mention, 30 kids was considered SMALL!! Some classes had 40, even 50 STUDENTS!!!! WHAT THE FUCK.
We never had enough books, or supplies, or anything. Usually by the half point of the year, half the books would be missing or destroyed and it was a mess. In HS the Drama and Music teachers had to deal with like, one class of 10-20, and then like 5 classes of 40-50(all mixed grades too). And you know what’s even more fucked up? There was only one of each teacher.
There was one drama teacher. Who btw deserves the world and legit cares about her job and students. I honestly hope she quit and went somewhere better. She had to put up with 40+ screaming kids, grade all of those assignments, deal with insult and harassment(she was plus-sized and white. So she couldn’t talk back, would get insulted, and more.The only white people allowed to be sassy in that school were funny white men that were laid back), and had barely enough supplies to get by.
There was one music teacher. Who also deserves the world and legit cares about her job and students. She had to deal with 40-50, almost 60+, kids. The majority of them being sophomores and freshman, with bits of seniors and juniors. She taught music, taught band, and organized events and performances. She is, I believe, the first and only music teacher in that school and that’s just so fucked up. Like imagine being one person and having to manage hundreds of students like that.
There was only one digital arts teacher but I have no idea what they did since you can’t choose what class you attend. I just know it was constantly crowded, never really applauded, and they weren’t involved in a lot of things.
Oh yes how could I forget the art teacher! Yeah no there was no art class that involved drawing and painting. Apparently that class was scrapped years ago and has now turned into a JROTC locker! :D Speaking of JROTC:
JROTC and Sports had too much support and that’s a serious problem:
Hey maybe it’s because I’m an art kid and I hate exercising(because every attempt to do so was met with laughter, humiliation, and the ridicule of my body even though I can’t control how my body grows and changes), but man did JROTC and sports(specifically football) have way too much attention.
We had not one, not two, but FOUR ENTIRE JROTC CLASSES! Classes training you to be in the military, specifically Air Force. Classes you HAD to take unless you wanted to be in gym(never had the class but from what I’ve heard, there were about 50-70 kids, mostly male, filling up that class and they didn’t do anything but play ball or whatever. All of course, taught by one guy).
Somehow this program had enough support for uniforms, 4 different classrooms, supplies, several teachers(all of whom were in the military at one point[they were chill except for the freshman teacher who called you a whiny baby for being in pain]), and more. 
Not to mention, every so often military people would come by with pretty pamphlets and fun little strength tests and have kids to sign up to newsletters and shit and ask them to join the military when they graduate so they can get free college and happy fun times!! :D
Football was given way too much attention, even over the other sports, and I absolutely hate it. Every month was about  football, football, football. So much money went into football, so much support went into football. Yeah yeah yeah follow your dreams or whatever the fuck they tell you on Disney Channel, but there was too much support on this one sport that involved kids breaking their heads open. 
Please please give me ONE valid reason why this irritating-ass sport had so much attention while art students, craft students, theater students, music students, students who want to work in literally any other field that doesn’t involve science or sports had to fucking scrape every tiny little chance they could from the crumbs that were left behind. PLEASE tell me why I had to join a completely different program that was hella exclusive and restricted to Juniors and Seniors that had a certain skill-level just to have a proper arts class while football players got a cool fancy bus, a shit ton of gear, and praise every single day(seriously their pictures and trophies were everywhere). 
Why is it that they get scholarships and full rides for throwing a ball around and bashing their brains open while I had to fucking destroy my hand and scramble around for some shit like $200 which I wouldn’t even get because I don’t have the skill to paint the mona lisa or whatever. Anywayyyy~
Hey what the fuck was up with the rules? Sorry kids but if you’re reading this, everything they tell you on tv about high school is a lie. Unless you watched the Dora the Explorer movie, then that was actually pretty accurate.
Hey is it weird we had metal detectors and legit police officers(who were armed) in our school? Is it weird that we had to wear plastic, see-through book-bags, that weren’t even given to us for free and were so weak that they had to get rid of that rule because they would break after like 2 months? Is it weird we were all stuffed into a nasty, sticky, pest-ridden, staircase right in front of the main doors in the morning because we weren’t allowed all the way inside for whatever reason unless it was for a club(i.e. sports)? Is it weird that we were all trapped in the lunch room by security guards because they didn’t want kids roaming the halls even though they already did? Is it weird we weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom and were always told “you should’ve went your last class” when your last class didn’t let you? Is it weird we weren’t allowed to use the bathroom and were always told that “you should’ve went during the transition time” even though the transition time was only 4 minutes and the hallways were so crowded that it’d be time for class by the time you’d get there?
Is it weird that when we were allowed to use the bathroom, all of the bathrooms were locked and only one on the other side of the school was open, and the majority of the stalls were broken? And they kept the bathrooms locked, even after school, because they didn’t want kids skipping class even though they still did?
Is it weird that if you didn’t have a belt(if you were male), or a part of your uniform, you would be prevented from going to class if there were no more temporary uniforms?
Is it weird that if one kid did something bad, the entire class would be punished and class time would be wasted and the point of punishment would be lost because the teacher wanted a taste of power or whatever?(hey one time in 8th grade, both classes had to stand in one long ass line for about half an hour because someone was talking and it was treated like it was a joke. this took up our breakfast time too)
Other Shit: One time my HS got like $20,000 and instead of using it to fix at least one thing, they wasted it on useless flatscreen tv’s and SAT “tutors” that taught us 3rd grade english & math, how to annotate(I swear to fucking god one more person try and teach me how to underline a motherfucking sentence---) and did absolutely nothing to help us. Meanwhile the football players were living like kings.
We had a strange assortment of teachers, ya’ll know about my junior and senior english teacher. But did I ever tell you about the freshman JROTC instructor? She was so much fun~ I remember one time!!! ooh this is a good one :DDDD!!!! that I was in so muuuuuch pain that I was crying and couldn’t move! and guess what!!!!???? ooh! ooh! guess! She called me a whiny baby and said I was overreacting!!!! omg? She was so right tho, I was totally overreacting to being in immense, insufferable, pain that no one even attempted to be concerned about~~ 
Oh here’s another good one: I used to cry a lot! It was horribly embarrassing and not fun~ I was either sick, on my period(which according to the multiple doctors I had to be rushed to, was normal and the intense pain was hereditary), or having an emotional breakdown~ This lasted from 5th grade to Senior Year of HS! :D
One time I was in a lot of pain, 7th grade I believe, and cried for a whole hour straight. What did my teacher do? Have me sit in class while everyone went to like social studies or whatever, talked with some teachers, and then complained about how I “cried and cried and cried for an hour straight” with no concern whatsoever. BTW the nurse was never there and even then she was kinda useless.
Don’t even get me started on the several times I was on my period and was actually screaming in pain and was still looked down on because a student screaming and hollering in pain is no cause for concern obviously~ Really surprising how a lot of the male teachers and staff were more concerned then the female ones, especially the science teacher who has a uterus, has multiple daughters, and the audacity to say I’m ~overreacting~. I’m so happy our teachers and schools have our priorities in order.
Note: If you’re horrified by this. Good. You should be.
More misc things: My HS had a shit ton of roaches, water bugs, and whatever those long disgusting things that walk around on the walls and fall off once you see them. Art meant nothing to them. Teacher sanity meant nothing, student sanity meant nothing. The principal was great and I blame whoever’s “funding” schools and working behind the scenes.  I know this was more about personal stuff, but like a lot of things like large classes, lack of supplies, lack of empathy from teachers, constant pests, horrible food, stupid rules that hurt us more than helped, really weird exposure to cops and military, and too much focus on one subject is super common in public schools and I really really want it to stop.
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alternislatronemhq · 4 years
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Congrats, Kay, you have been accepted to AL for the role of Andromeda Tonks (FC: Keira Knightley). Fantastic job, Kay! I loved your application. It was equal parts sweet and serious, and you can really feel the inner conflict in poor Andromeda when it comes to loyalty to the family she was born to and loyalty to the family she ultimately chose. I think you have a great grasp of the plot and I’m excited to see the way you navigate through some of the familial plots that you mentioned in your application. Please send in your blog (no sideblogs for first characters, please) in the next 24 hours and be sure to take a look at our new player checklist.Welcome home, we’re so excited to have you join the family!
name — kay age — 30 pronouns — she/her timezone — mst/gmt-7 activity level — currently it would be about a seven out of ten; i’m a teacher, and it’s summer break! I have a lot more free time now but i’m also trying to keep myself busy with more meaningful things as well, so my activity is not as steady as it might have been in years past lol
IC Overview
name — Andromeda Ismene Tonks, née Black age — 30; her birthday is March 1, 1955 gender — cis female sexuality — bisexual but that’s a very closely guarded secret; she had a very brief, very secretive relationship with a girl during her time at Hogwarts, but she knew what her family would think of that and nothing came of it; Ted came along not long after that, and she’s never looked back.
patronus — a cat, hers specifically takes the form of an Egyptian Mau; she summons the Patronus with the memory of when she and Ted took Dora shopping for her first year school supplies
boggart — Dora, dead by Bellatrix’s hand - as much as it would kill Andie if something happened to Ted, it’s nowhere near the pain that would come if something happened to Dora. Her greatest fear has always been that her family would find and hurt Dora somehow, and now that she and Cissa have reunited, Bellatrix is Andie’s greatest worry
IC In Depth
personality traits — +loyal, compassionate, thoughtful: As a Black, she was raised to prize loyalty; Andie took it to mean loyalty to her family above all (and as she grew older, the definition of family changed) and it’s a trait that she still prizes. To those who have proved themselves trustworthy, Andie extends all the loyalty in her. Despite her upbringing, Andie has always been compassionate - it was why she first wanted to be a Healer, to help those in need. Her bedside manner is well-known at St. Mungo’s because of this. If someone comes to Andie for advice or help, she takes her time to consider what she’s saying; this is true in everything she does. Andie was impulsive when she was younger but has since learned the importance of stopping to think about her actions.
 -withdrawn, smothering, hesitant: Although her loyalty extends to the people she cares about, Andie finds it difficult to open up to those she doesn’t know well. Her list of friends is small - she excuses this by referring to her family difficulty and how she was never sure who she could trust when she was younger. Those who haven’t earned her loyalty aren’t people she trusts or wishes to spend much time with. She wants to help others but often can try and do too much for them, whether it’s a patient at St. Mungo’s or her friends. She would do anything for them, and needs to be told to do less when she oversteps. Her thoughtfulness sometimes leads her to hesitancy; she doesn’t want to do the wrong thing, so she does nothing. It’s a trait she’s trying to work on - to be sure she acts when she ought to, while still giving everything the consideration it needs.
character biography — 
Andromeda Ismene Black came into the world early in the morning on March 1, 1955. Her earliest memories are of her sisters: Bella racing over after Andie fell; Cissa’s tiny fingers curling around Andie’s own, much larger finger; the three of them hiding in their playroom after a burst of accidental magic sent everything toppling from the walls; Andie and Cissa crying when Bella went to Hogwarts, then Bella and Andie feeling equally heartbroken to leave Cissa behind. Her whole world revolved around the two of them, and Andie couldn’t imagine anything better.
Her Hogwarts years are memories of friends. At first, the other pureblood girls in Slytherin, and occasionally the other houses: these are the girls she knew from childhood, the ones her parents approved. Then, slowly but surely, other people began to inch their way in. Andie first began to question the pureblood ideals she’d been taught when she was a third year, partnered with a halfblood in Herbology, and realized that the other girl was just as good as Andie herself was - maybe even better. From there, more fractures appeared as Andie observed her Muggleborn and halfbood peers and realized that blood purity did not equal better magic, and certainly didn’t equal better people.
Then there was Ted. They became friends during her fourth year, when Andie was able to show that she was not her sister, she was kinder than Bella. They were friends, and quickly became the best of friends, without the hint of anything romantic on Andie’s part. She had not yet reconciled to the idea that she might have to leave her family someday, and still planned to follow through with the expected pureblood marriage at some distant point in the future. Then there was a very pretty halfblood girl in Andie’s fifth year, though nothing came of that. And then near the end of Andie’s sixth year, she realized Ted was … handsome. Kind. Good. Things she wanted from a husband. They started dating in her seventh year, and Andie never regretted that choice.
Her memories after Hogwarts are a blur of Ted and St. Mungo’s. She talked her parents into letting her go into Healer training; it allowed her to sneak time with Ted and still pursue the thing she loved, and bought time before she had to make a decision about her family. She knew it would come to a head, that this situation could not last forever. She knew that she didn’t share her family’s beliefs anymore. She knew that leaving them would be the hardest thing she ever did - maybe even impossible. And so she put the decision off, as she trained and met up with Ted and fell more and more in love with him until everything broke. She tried to plead her case, and her parents issued their ultimatum: the family or Ted. And with that choice before her, she could only do one thing. She left her family in November, 1974.
Since that time, her memories have been full of Ted and Dora. Dora was born in August, 1975 and Andie’s world shifted irrevocably. Her priority is to keep her daughter safe - her laughing, rambunctious, miraculous gift, who can change her appearance at will (a fact that brought her parents immense anxiety when Dora was little). Their home is a place full of laughter, cozy and homey in a way that Andie never experienced when she was younger. They stayed out of the war, after long discussions over many nights about their responsibility to society and their responsibility to their daughter. Andie goes to work and does her duty, and comes home and dotes on Dora and keeps the house tidy and loves Ted. And since the war’s end, she cautiously lets Cissa in as well, gets to know her little blonde nephew and tries to mend fences with her youngest sister and hopes that the future is as bright as it seems.
plot ideas — 
1) I love family plots, so I definitely want to plot with Narcissa and Sirius! I feel like there’s a lot of possibility for angst and drama with Cissa and Andie, just given how their reunion can be seen as manipulative on Cissa’s end. And since Sirius was Andie’s favorite cousin, and she probably always saw him as very immature, I like the idea of her getting to know this different side of him. 
2) Since Andie is a Healer, I think it would be really interesting to explore her working to help people aligned with the Death Eaters, either currently or in the past. Andie takes her vow to help others very seriously, and she would give an injured Death Eater the same consideration she gave someone from the Order. 
3) This is a more personal one, but I think if there was a Ted writer, it would be interesting to see Ted and Andie thinking about having more kids since things seem so peaceful. 
4) Andie doesn’t have many friends, and I would love to see her making some new ones! She’s an introvert by nature, but immensely loyal to those she deems worthy so it would be interesting to explore that, and see her deciding what proves someone’s loyalty. 
5) As things start to heat up again, I think it would be interesting for the Order to approach Andie about being a sort of Healer on call for them. She doesn’t want to fight and doesn’t necessarily want her family involved, but she would find it difficult to turn down that sort of request - she believes that the Order is right, and now that Dora isn’t a baby anymore and is safely at Hogwarts, Andie might be more inclined to aid the Order.
extra —
Just as a note: I was hoping to change Dora’s canon birth year from 1973 to 1975, just to give Andie and Ted some breathing room in their relationship, rather than them having a baby when they were 17/18. I can adjust that back if you don’t approve, but it felt like a better call for this group. I also wrote the app as Andie and Ted being together for 13 as in they’ve been dating that long, and said the marriage took place in the year after they finished Hogwarts, again just to give Andie a little more time to mature as a person before she immediately left her family and married Ted. (Also this is all a little moot since the age change; I think I changed the dates appropriately but if not, that’s absolutely something I can edit in the future!)
Character tag on my personal blog
Andromeda pinterest board
Amortentia: coffee, chocolate, mint - these are scents she associates with her home now. Coffee in the morning when she and Ted are waking up; chocolate for stolen moments with Dora when they’re sneaking a treat; the minty smell of their toothpaste for goodnight kisses.
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sinjvn · 5 years
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﹤KIM HONGJOONG, HE/HIM, CISMALE﹥; * - hello SIN HEEJUN. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you're TWENTY-ONE, how you're a PRE-LAW major,  and in fact.. how you GOT SOMEONE OVERDOSED FROM THE DRUGS YOU SOLD would be a shame if it got out, wouldn't it ? so let's play a game. TRUTH OR DARE?
should i give heejun an eyepatch? he will look like a disney villain
comes from a well-off family that have way more to spend then what they show, but have prefered to live in anonymity rather than making a public spectacle of what they own. his dad is the right-hand man to a notorious businessman who is involved in the underground world ( which is no secret to the cops, but with a few ties here and there - there is nothing to arrest anyone on ). heejun got spoiled a lot by his dad and prefers him over his mom because his mom was always saying no to everything.
had a pretty normal childhood. however, still remembers the nights that his father would come home late for dinner and his suit would have blood on it and his dad would casually go to his bedroom as if it was all peachy. there is also that one time when they were at a fundraiser and his father went full-on karate mode because there was an attempt to kill his boss. if you watched the first few episodes of bad guys: vile city. i imagine his dad to be like ha sang-mo.
there was this one time when heejun almost drowned during a school trip at a theme park and the teacher - that was supposed to supervise during the trip - gotten beaten up a few days after the accident.
hates small places and confined areas. once got stuck in an elevator on the eleventh floor with his ex-girlfriend and a stranger. it really didn’t go all that well and that experience is the reason to why he rather takes the stairs or completely goes into error when he has no choice but to take the elevator.  
fast forward a few years, he gets send to the usa to live with family friends because the prosecutors are getting closer to arresting the man that his father works for, which could cause a lot of trouble for his family too so they want him away from all that. he doesn’t really get how deep this goes and is mad about it, because everyone he knows is in south-korea. broke up with his ex-girlfriend because of this too. they still call now and then, and she seems happy so he will pretend he is happy too but actually is bitter. it’s been some time and he’s somewhat gotten used to being away from home, made some dumb friends, screwed some people over, but all is fine because he’s still breathing.
decided to study pre-law, because one of his dad’s colleagues once mentioned with the kind of business they are involved in it is good to have a lawyer / someone that knows about the laws. this stuck with him and it was a major he could handle so that’s what he did. one would never guess he is a straight a student.
he is the resident drug dealer. it started when he got in contact with people that knew his dad. the drugs he got was at first for himself and with a little word-of-mouth on campus fellow students came to him to get their hands on pot, pill, powdered sugar. his parents are unaware and believe they got him far away from trouble.
( drug use, overdose, and death tw. ) it was at the beginning of the summer at a party when he supplied drugs to someone and that person overdosed and passed away. he has a horrible memory about that night because he wasn’t sober either. because it was a party away from campus and she could have gotten the drugs from anyone. the drugs never got traced back to him. he lives with the guilt and those that know him will see that recently he rathers get high on his own supply instead of selling what he has. however, he hasn’t stopped selling to a certain few ( so anyone in the friend group hit me up ).
comes across as apathetic. is secretive, sneaky and one may think they actually know him but there is more to him then that he shows. 
high functioning addict and alcoholic. don’t know how he does it, but if you see him with a coffee cup just know that one sniff will confirm high alcohol percentage.
was high when he agreed to dora explore the dark web.
outsiders looking into this group of friends would think he is the dad of the group because he is one of the oldest and seems the most chill ( jokes on them, it’s all pretend ). recently got into this mindset of wanting to have a chill life but somehow still finds himself involved with people who have drama - they come to him to talk shit. honestly would be bored in a day too if there wasn’t anything going on in his life. that’s also a thing, he doesn’t really know what he wants. he thinks he is good at relationships but actually bad at them. bisexual with no preference.
sleep around... A LOT
there is also the ex in south-korea. i feel like without anyone ever meeting her, she’s gotten ‘ famous ’ here in this group of friends and whenever heejun gets a phone call, someone will just go “ its the ex. ”
no tattoos but got a lot of ear piercings. wears a lot of rings. 
likes vanilla ice cream, the night sky, horror movies.
dislikes louis vuitton, elevators, the smell of weed, boring people, carrying his books to class.
[ 𝙿𝙰𝙱𝙻𝙾.𝚇𝙰𝙽𝙰𝚇.𝙱𝙰𝚁 💸 ] is his skype name
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jylj · 4 years
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my final composition for assessment two
A Suburban Realm 2020 Black and white photographic paper
A Suburban Realm is a literal exploration of the theme ‘make what will happen’. It consists of a series of square format images of varying sizes which explore the idea of post-war architecture. Post-war suburban architecture in Australia is commonly present and distinguished by its red, blonde or brown brick, single storey houses and apartment blocks. After the second world war there was a shortage in building supplies, however with a rising demand for residential properties a quick and cheap alternative was necessary. This resulted in the boom of post-war architecture. The style which is disliked by many and characterised as ‘ugly’ due to its uniformity and ‘sameness’. I have photographed a series of post-war architectural structures in my residential suburb of Kingsford, which is located in the eastern suburbs. Kingsford and the surrounding suburbs house a large array of post-war architecture. The images focus on the details within various buildings highlighting the difference between them. The geometry and linear details create a sense of beauty within the displeasing. I have arranged the images within three groupings. Two groupings comprise of smaller images whereas the central grouping comprises on three larger images. The images within each grouping is connecting by a single line that runs through the images. These black and white lines within the compositions connect the images together, drawing the viewers eye across the images, and thus highlighting the differences in the detail between the architecture.
The influence behind my images was mainly due to self-exploration with a camera and my surroundings. I have had an interest in architecture, particularly the post-war architecture that surrounds me, since my last years of high school. This interest led me to pursue a career in architecture which I am now completing. My main artists of influence were Bill Owens, Peter O’Doherty and Dora Maurer. Owens photography of American suburbia inspired my ideas on subject whilst the paintings of O’Doherty led me to focus on the details within post-war suburban architecture. For my final composition I have taken inspiration from the lines captured in Maurer’s photography sequences which I have experimented with through the lines that connect my images.
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theprojectrebirth · 4 years
Project Rebirth pt 3: Taskmaster
Welcome to Part Three of Project: Rebirth! An episodic blog dedicated to exploring and analyzing the newest members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, what makes them cool and what they say about us as a society and as individuals.
 The first set of posts will of course be focused on the characters of the upcoming Black Widow movie. As you’ve probably seen in the trailer the film does a fascinating job of introducing a brand new corner of the Marvel Universe to us while also using an existing and familiar character in Natasha Romanov aka The Black Widow. Last week we covered Florence Pugh’s character Yelena Belova, for the final part of our Black Widow miniseries well be exploring the villain of the film the mysterious Taskmaster!
                 First appearing in Avenger #195, Taskmaster has one of the most interesting powers not only in the Marvel Universe but also throughout comics in general. Taskmaster has an ability referred to as Mnemonic talent or photographic reflexes, which means he can copy any physical activity he sees to perfection. This makes Taskmaster an incredibly formidable opponent, especially in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  As he can go toe to toe with some of the best fighters we’ve seen thus far in the films, whether that’s Black Widow, Captain America, Black Panther, Gamora or even the Dora Milaje of Wakanda. In fact in his first appearance he managed to fight both Captain America and Iron-Man to a standstill. Years later the mere appearance of him at a crime scene is enough to fill Spider-Man with fear and anxiety.
Taskmaster also has a very tragic origin in the comic books, but maybe not in the way you’re thinking.  Taskmaster’s real name is unknown, as we mentioned before, Taskmaster grew up with an incredible talent: being able to mimic anything he sees with perfection. He first learned he could do this after watching a cowboy rope trick he tried and found he could replicate it perfectly. Taskmaster tried to test his powers more by replicating a complicated Olympic dive off into a swimming pool. He managed to do it perfectly but almost died due to his inability to swim. After becoming the star quarterback of his high school football team Taskmaster considered becoming a superhero but realized that going into crime would be more lucrative. Taskmaster studied several superheroes such as Captain America and Hawkeye to grow his combat repertoire, he initially started as a bank robber before deciding to become a combat trainer for aspiring criminals, his specialty was supplying henchmen to super villains and criminal organizations across the planet.
  Taskmaster’s story is tragic in that he was someone who literally could not only have been whatever he wanted but could be the best at whatever he wanted. Yes he could’ve been The Worlds’ Greatest Superhero but more than that, he could’ve been The Worlds’ Greatest, doctor, teacher or any notable and valuable job in the world. However he, like many children in America and across the world was lacking guidance in his formative years. No one to show him a different path, and so like many youth he fell through the cracks in the system and wasted his potential and talent, becoming a bane to the world rather than a boon.  While Taskmaster’s ability doesn’t exist in the real world, how many of us knew someone in school with potential and incredible talent who never received the guidance they needed? How many of these people went down a lesser darker path as a result?
 Now, knowing what we know about Taskmaster what could his role be in the Black Widow film? We know that Taskmaster in his origin operated a school for training Super Villains and henchmen; we also know that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Black Widow grew up in a similar school called the Red Room. So is it possible that Taskmaster is operating the new version of the Red Room? Training an army of Black Widows to loan out to whoever will pay the price? Or will he simply unleash these new Black Widows on the world, allowing them to destabilize countries and cause chaos?  But what could be his motivation? We know that Taskmaster is a mercenary/criminal for hire, but is it possible he has a deeper connection to Black Widow and the Red Room then we realize? What if Taskmaster is a graduate of the Red Room just like Natasha and Yelena? In that case he will prove a strong opponent to Black Widow and her family as well as providing a possible emotional attachment to them.
 I hope you all enjoyed our mini-series on the new characters appearing in Black Widow, and hopefully you learned a little bit about these characters and what makes them tick.
 Be sure to check in with us Tuesday where we’ll announce our next special mini-series for the month of February!
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epacer · 5 years
Crawford Neighborhood
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Human-interest story
Barbers-in-training give kids fresh back-to-school cuts
Like players before a big game, barbers in training in City Heights huddled up seconds before meeting their tiny customers.
“We are going to crush it today,” yelled out head barber Kevin Nguyen.
They cheered in unison as children and families walked into California Barber and Beauty College for the annual back-to-school haircut drive.
More than 350 children from all over San Diego showed up Saturday morning to get free haircuts and school supplies. The event was organized by the Larry Himmel Foundation, Barber Side Barbershop and California Barber and Beauty College.
Forty students and a handful of licensed barbers spent the morning giving children fresh looks for the new school year.
Barber college instructor JC Wright Jr. said the event gives the barber students the opportunity to practice.
It also provides an opportunity for the barbers in training to give back to the community, he said.
Organizers said the most common haircuts are fades, but barbers are trained to provide any service requested.
This is the fourth year organizers host the event in City Heights, which saw families from as far as Santee, El Cajon and San Ysidro.
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Marvin J. Attiq, owner of Barber Side Barbershop in Normal Heights, said the idea for the event came from a conversation with Miles Himmel, son of the late Larry Himmel. They wanted to give back to the community and celebrate his father’s legacy.
Larry Himmel was a TV news icon in San Diego and was recognized for his thoughtful coverage of San Diegans. He passed in 2014 at the age of 68 from cancer.
His widow, Joan Himmel, said the event would have brought him a lot of happiness.
“Larry would have loved it,” she said.
The event has grown since they first started in 2016, which is why this year they extended the event to four hours.
“By giving these kids a haircut we are able to boost their confidence,” Attiq said.
Attiq said the event is for all families in San Diego who need help, because something as simple as a haircut can be costly for large families.
As early at 8:30 a.m. parents were lined up outside of the barber school.
“This is wonderful,” said Esmeralda Sosa, who was second in line.
Sosas said she loved watching Larry Himmel on TV and finds it endearing that even after his passing he is still bringing joy to people.
The mother of four said she was grateful the organizations put the event together because the beginning of the school year is a challenging time.
The cost of school supplies for her four daughters adds up and oftentimes she has them use supplies from the previous year. Sosa is currently the only source of income for her family, so when she saw the event on Facebook she jumped at the opportunity.
All of her daughters were getting haircuts, and Sosa walked from chair to chair checking in on them.
“They are going to feel renewed,” Sosa said. “There is going to be a drastic change in their entire being. They are going to be showing off their haircuts.”
Sosa’s 9-year-old daughter, Angelica, was especially excited to rock a haircut inspired by her favorite cartoon character, Dora the Explorer.
When asked if she liked her haircut she flashed a shy smile from the barber’s chair.
Organizers gave out backpacks and toothbrushes to every child. They also raffled off tickets to Sea World and Padres and Aztec games. *Reposted article for the UT by Andrea Lopez-Villafaña of August 31, 2019
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madiisonrenee · 5 years
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Task #1 - Questionnaire
1. What is your full name? Madison Renee Ballard
2. What is your nickname? Mads or Maddie
3. What is your zodiac sign?  Leo
4. What is your favorite book series? I’m gonna be that girl who says the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Is it literary genius? No. But it’s just good
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens, yes. Ghosts, not really.
6. Who is your favorite author? Is it wrong if I say Michelle Obama? Because Becoming <3<3<3
7. What is your favorite radio station? NPR
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Apple
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Awesome
10. What is your current favorite song? Older by Ben Platt
11. What is your favorite word? Definitely
12. What was the last song you listened to? The AIDA soundtrack
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? The Good Place
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? 13 Going on 30
15. Do you play video games? not often
16. What is your biggest fear? failure
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? Physically: My eyes. Personality:  My honesty
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Physically: Idk, I think I’m cute? Personality: also my honesty, ha!
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs. I have the cutest one. And by I, I mean my parents, but she’s mine.
20. What is your favorite season? Fall
21. Are you in a relationship? With my school work, but we’re about to break up 
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Simplicity of life
23. Who is your best friend? Ryder
24. What is your eye color? Blue
25. What is your hair color? Brown
26. Who is someone you love? My parents, the ones that adopted me. Maybe my birth parents someday.
27. Who is someone you trust? Ryder
28. Who is someone you think about often? Lately? My brother
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? I graduate in a week! 
30. What is your biggest obsession? Office supplies.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? I was a Dora the Explorer kid
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Ryder!
33. Are you superstitious? A little. I only use purple pencils for exams.
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? No, just boring normal ones like spiders and snakes.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both, honestly.
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pasavaria-blog · 7 years
Tragedy of the Oblivious
A short story by Pasavaria
After many months of cruel contemplation, she has finally made the decision to act upon her horrendous thoughts; She glanced upon her dark room for the final time in her ordinary life. On a nearby work table, she disregards a collection of last minute school work, dying to be forgotten the very day it is due. She sees her goldfish confined in their cage of solitude, dead from days of neglect. Laid upon her room is a heap of fetid panties and bras resting on the ground, sticky from late-night carnal pleasures. She glances on her photogenic window casting the beautiful sun rise every morning, which in her eyes, gave her nothing but sadness. She would never experience the light of her life greet her in the dew of the morning. She also noticed the only friend she thinks she has in the world: the glass shard she merely utilized to penetrate her long evolved dermis. She also realized that she had a family that she believes put little effort to her actual feelings. On the night-stand which she picked out her-self when she was a pure innocent child, was a picture frame of her beloved family of 3, overlooking the deep, gaping, and empty, yet captivating hole of the snowy and cold Grand Canyon. On her bed, laid the Dora the Explorer bed sheet her aunt gifted her during one of her very first birthdays. On that vibrant bed sheet, laid a plush Domo-Kun whom she would cry, weep, and rejoice alongside throughout her hardships with heartbreaks and anger fits, not resolving anything productive. Observing her laptop, shattered from her father’s abuse, she began to realize that her kin, who were destined to teach her the right way to live, truly did not care for her sacred emotions. So, she looked upon her savior: the noose rung around her neck, secured to the white ceiling fan, prepared to carry her to death. From all of her reflection upon her sad and meaningless life, she was doleful from all the hate she received and regretful of the pain she has and potentially can cause. Through all of this, though, she is yet optimistic to finally meet her demise to escape her biased perspective of pain. She kicks down the plastic stool which her mother uses to reach life-sustaining supplies for the family, and the true agony begins.
Her only focus is on the horrific throbbing pain overwhelming her throat; her esophagus was swelling up with thick phlegm and blood. Her arms were flexing harder than ever, attempting to escape the grasp of the black duct-tape she trapped her-self in. The pain was overwhelming her and could take very little more it. Soon enough, however, her body saves her from the trouble of experiencing torture. Hypoxia and adrenaline save the day, giving her time to drift in her thoughts for one last time.
She begins to recollect the heart warming memories of her greatest friends, her mother and father accompanying her along many local expeditions, and accomplishments that started all the way from the bottom to the top. With those amazing thoughts, comes memories of bullies and tragedies which only occurred in her thoughts as of right now, of all times. She begins to realize that it was all worth the time and effort. Her sad, regretful thoughts tell her to cry, but it was far too late. Her nude body, ironically scarred head to toe with the words, “I am saved”, painted the desolate room. Her blood-shot and dead eyes, seeking salvation, soon dullen and glance upon the dark room once more.
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dreamsinlilac · 7 years
32 Cards
A response to @missy-poppins91prompt request (Tumblr seems to be messing around with the original post. 
Abby looked up from her desk and smiled at the sister who was stood in the doorway.  “Hey Noodle, what’s up?”
“Look, Mama gave me this because I did my jobs this week.” Ava proudly held up a shiny fifty pence piece.  “I have my other money too, will you help me count it?”
“Course I will, pass over your purse.”
Ava passed over her pink sparkly purse and watched eagerly as her big sister counted the coins.
“You have £2.75.”
“Is that a lot?”
“Well, that depends on what you want to buy.”
Ava grinned with excitement. “I want to buy cards for Valentines Day.  My class is swapping them and Ellie said her Mummy bought a box of cards in the shop.  I want to do the same tomorrow when we go shopping.  Do I have enough for them?”
In all likelihood she did have enough for the cards Abby guessed she was talking about.  She had seen them herself and remembered them because randomly there had been thirty two cards in the pack.  They also stayed in her mind because, not that she was being snobby, but they were really generic cards that were covered in that type of glitter that got everywhere.  She wasn’t surprised that Ava wanted to give out cards but she had a better idea, one that would require more work but they still had time and it would be worth it.
“Tell you what, how about we make some cards together?  I’ll draw the pictures and you can colour them in.  I’ll help you write the message as well.”
“Really?”  Ava jumped onto Abby’s lap and squeezed her tightly.  “That would be so cool and everyone will be really lucky ‘cos they’ll get one of your pictures.  What will we draw?”
“Well first, tell me who you want to make cards for.”  
Abby realised she had slightly overestimated the amount of work involved when Ava listed off twenty seven names.  There were her classmates of course but also her other friends like Fenny and Grissy, Maud, Davina and Elizabeth, Jamie and Sarah along with Fionn and Cillan.  Not to mention her family.
“Oh and Lily  Can we make a card for her too?”
Abby beamed at the thought that her sister wanted to make a card for her best friend.  Lily was an only child and she loved spending time with Abby’s bigger family and would certainly appreciate the thought.
“Definitely, we’ll make hers first and give it to her when we see her tomorrow but we’ll tell her she has to open it on Tuesday okay?”
With Lily in the mix the number was now twenty eight and in the limited time she had, Abby needed to make things as simple as possible.
“For your school friends how about we do the same picture for all of them?  Maybe a book with a pink heart in the centre?  I’ll do a different one for Ellie because she’s your best friend.”
Ava nodded in agreement, suggesting that Ellie really liked Dora The Explorer so maybe Abby could draw Dora on hers with a couple of hearts for the occasion.
“I can do that.  Now, For Fenny, Grissy and your other friends, we could do the same idea, maybe a balloon heart or something, is that alright with you?”
“Oh yes, and we can colour them in with different colours so they won’t look the same.  What about Mama and Mummy and Granny and Granddad.  And Stephen.  Oh and Zara.”  Ava stopped for a moment, what was she going to do for Abby?  She decided not to say anything for now but to ask her mothers for advice over the weekend.
“Hmmm, let’s play a game.  I’ll give you a name and you tell me what that person loves.  Ready, Mummy?”
Ava answered quickly, “Music.”  
Within a few moments they had established that Mama loved magic, Granny loved her garden, Granddad also loved music but especially his guitar, Stephen loved his car and Zara loved animals.”
“Seems like we have a plan.  I’ll make the cards this evening and tomorrow we’ll colour them in.  Are you happy?”
“Really happy.”  Ava kissed Abby on the nose.  “You’re the best big sister in the world and I really love you.”
“Awww, thanks Noodle, I love you too.”
Even keeping the drawings simple it took her a few hours and by the time she had finished writing the greetings, leaving space for Ava to write who the card was to as well as her own name, Abby thought her hand was going to fall off.  Still, she was rewarded by Ava’s reaction when she arrived to her room early the next morning, eager to get started and thrilled with her cards.
Also thrilled were the recipients including Lily who rang Ava after school on Valentines Day to tell her just how much she appreciated the thought.  Apparently she wasn’t the only one.
“My teacher said you were really tal….”  Ava paused as she tried to remember the word.
“Talented.”, Constance supplied.  “And your big sister is an extremely talented artist.  And your colouring in was excellent.”   She had been delighted with the card she and Imogen had received which depicted a musical note and a cauldron linked together by pink hearts.
Zara was also very happy with her picture of a cat with a heart shaped nose.  “Funny kitty.”, she giggled.
“So did everyone get their cards?”, Abby asked once Ava had finished telling about her friends reactions.
“No.”  Ava shook her head before running behind the couch and picking up a bag that she had hidden with the help of her Mummy, who had also told her what question she should ask.   “I have one more.  Abby, will you be my Valentine?”
“Oh Noodle, of course I will.”  Abby knelt down to be presented with her gift, several packs of strawberry laces and a sealed card.
“Did you do this all by yourself?”  
Ava nodded shyly.  “Mummy took me to the shop for the sweeties and gave me the paper and helped with my spelling but I drew it and wrote it myself.”
“It was completely her idea though.”, Imogen told their eldest.  “Even down to the sweets she wanted to give you, which she insisted on paying for herself with her pocket money.”
“You’re always buying us things.”, Ava whispered.  “I wanted to buy you something you love.”
“Strawberry laces are the best, thank you so much. Let me read the card, oh the pictures are lovely.  I’m going to put this up in my art room so I can look at it when I’m working.”
The card consisted of several jagged pink hearts and lots of x’s to represent kisses but it was the inside that really meant the most to the emotional teenager.  As much as she berated her parents for being soppy,  Abby couldn’t stop her eyes filling up as she read the words of what to her was the best card ever.
“To Abby.  I love you lots and lots every day.  Love Noodle (Ava) xxxxxxxxx
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andromxdae-blog · 7 years
Date: February 19 Location: Hogsmeade Partner: @fabianprwtt
Andromeda had never enjoyed shopping. Not the way her sisters and mother did, at least--she’d been the one sulking in the back, making snide comments to Bellatrix about so-and-so’s garish frock and looking for any opportunity to escape the Druella-mandated fittings for every set of robes they ordered. The Blacks had not yet embraced ready-to-wear culture; not when their family could still afford custom-fitted regalia. But those were her teenage days, and Andromeda had learned to extract satisfaction from browsing the shelves--usually for things more useful than a new brooch.
Nymphadora liked shopping, though. Likely because it allowed her time outside of Hogwarts’ restrictive walls. Childcare wasn’t exactly built into the school’s benefits package. Little Dora spent her days finding stimulation where she could get it, and Andromeda was wracked with anxiety more often than not when she saw her daughter--who was used to days in the open air, plenty of room to run and places to explore, children in the towns to befriend--sitting quietly in her office, knees bouncing as she tried to control her impulse to fidget. So Andromeda took frequent trips to Hogsmeade, stocking up on supplies for her classes and running errands she sometimes invented that day.
Her daughter gaping at owls, Andromeda posted the letters she’d penned recently--she was wary of the school owls these days, and still lacked the extra funds to purchase a private one--and consulted her list to see what was next.
“Ready for lunch, Nymphadora?”
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soccermomzone-blog · 4 years
Step by step instructions to Have Kids Themed Birthday Parties
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Birthday celebrations for youngsters are getting progressively intricate and unique all the time as guardians need to give their kids an exceptional encounter. The essential objective ought to be to cause your kid to feel exceptional and to ensure everybody has some good times. So the initial step ought to be to plunk down with your kid and solicit what type from party the person in question needs. This must be offset with your financial limit, your time period and the vitality you need to place into the arranging and the day itself. You can begin thinking inflatables, cake, games and beautifications and afterward let your creative mind fly - a paid performer, an excursion to a zoo or an intricate subject gathering with outfits and exercises all arranged around one character or toy.
Subject gatherings are extraordinary on the grounds that it is so natural get party supplies dependent on a topic, for example, Barbie or Disney Princesses - or you can begin with a truly low spending shading topic and have just have all that one shading - pink inflatables, pink lemonade, pink cupcakes and pink napkins. Your topic can be founded on an action like a scrounger chase, or a trip to a carnival or a sea shore party. Or then again you can change your home into Batman's cavern or a pixie manor and plan exercises and nourishment as needs be. The primary concern is to design the occasion with the goal that you can appreciate it as well, and don't be occupied to such an extent that you neglect to take photos!
Birthday celebrations are a superb open door for you to include loved ones to help with games, passing the cake and dealing with minimal ones. Preschoolers have a limited ability to focus and need heaps of exercises from the minute they show up, for instance, straightforward specialty ventures like shading their own themed placemats or amassing party caps out of arranged materials. Perusing a story on the picked subject - Elmo, Dora the Explorer - can settle them down before the nourishment and consistently have a couple of additional games arranged in the event that one is a failure. A paid performer can in some cases be a misuse of cash - a companion or adolescent in outfit can be the same amount of fun, particularly in the event that they are passing out the take home gifts toward the end!
A similar arranging tips apply to all age bunches including adolescents. Beginning with the solicitations you need to guarantee that everybody is incorporated that ought to be and check with the school about standards in regards to passing out solicitations at school. The greeting ought to be clear about whether the children should come in outfit, or whether they ought to bring bathing suits on the off chance that it is a sea shore or pool party. Ensure everybody is clear about time to get the youngsters, and if the occasion isn't at your house, be exceptionally clear about headings and who is answerable for transportation. Know about wellbeing issues, kids with nourishment hypersensitivities, security in the pool or at the sea shore, and maintain a strategic distance from firecrackers, liquor and the danger of fire - candles should just be on the cake!
The gathering subject starts with the greeting and the structure prospects are interminable. On the off chance that you are having a train subject like Thomas the Tank Engine, at that point the greeting can seem as though a train ticket. On the off chance that an expressive dance subject, at that point the greeting can be a pattern of a couple of artful dance shoes. Privateer gatherings can be treasure maps, princess parties an imperial parchment. Young people can be progressively aggressive utilizing their PC aptitudes however you will need to ensure the RSVPs are clear and hit you up. The last thing on your plan for the day ought to be a card to say thanks on a similar gathering subject, prepared for your kid to sign and send the following day in valuation for the blessing and the companion's quality on the most essential day of the year!
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squashbear6-blog · 5 years
Happy Birthday Dr. King, Simple Methods To Link Your Children To His Aspiration
Home Education - Factors Why You Ought To Consider It is a nearby manual to the community libraries that are in my area. How To Begin Homeschooling - As Easy As Petting A Cat! live in Northeast Pennsylvania and these are the libraries that are in and around the region that I live in. The Drawbacks Of Homeschooling And What You Will Miss Out On work for one of these libraries and I have much more knowledge about this library than most. In Florida, I was active in our nearby house schooling team. Homeschooling Your Grandchildren volunteered at our umbrella college at minimum weekly. Field Trip Ideas For Homeschooling History helped new home school tutor "learn the ropes." I was a test monitor during achievement tests and arranged field trips. Help your college students believe this way by communicating to them that sloppy work means the instructor can't read, assess, or get the benefit from it, and consequently it must be done more than. Insufficient function finished means access to the Tv or to recreational use of the computer or handheld technology is withheld. Work finished and goals satisfied outcome in benefits or privileges extended. Once more, remind Home Education - Four Actions To Understanding Exactly Where To Begin that most grownups work an eight- hour day and then arrive house to relax and recreate. Weekend hobbies take location following they function a forty or fifty hour function week. Reverse this purchase and problems will adhere to. The Need For Writing For A Successful Homeschooling to your student that all you are performing is helping them establish a healthy life-long work ethic that will provide them nicely both now and in the long term. What To Say When Somebody In The Grocery Shop Asks Why You Are Heading To Homeschool can discover tons of advice and helpful suggestions from other homeschool moms online. If you require some tips on choosing curriculum, want advice for Homeschooling a kid with ADHD, or just need to vent, you can do it on a discussion board. Study "5 Homeschool Discussion boards and Concept Boards for homeschooling information uk Mothers and fathers" for some useful links. Fibromyalgia is my continuous homeschooling uk companion now, a persistent illness that even most doctors don't comprehend and many don't recognize as some thing to consider critically. Throw absent any of those films that you have that are supposed to teach you two-yr-previous to study. Turn of Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues and Barney. These can offer up to an hour a day of enjoyment for your toddler, but they can not-- and will not-- educate your kid something that you can't teach him. My two-year-previous watches no much more than an hour of Tv each working day, and she sights publications and art tasks as her main supply of entertainment. So if you want to know much more about the importance of homeschooling and homeschool math curriculum, the web would still be your very best supply. Study as much information about it and know all the benefits that you could have. The reality that you will be studying at house, then this will really be a fantastic advantage for you.
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treywalden3103-blog · 6 years
Five Shitty Things event Have actually Done In 2015.
Here's Just what No One Informs You About celebration.
The 2017 Top Event Schools ranking is based upon trainee reviews and night life stats. So, while a standard Christmas celebration is incomplete without a correct Xmas dessert or eggnog, it would also appear bare without the proper decors. Although a dream lingerie party could be tossed practically anywhere, if you have the funds consider leasing a hotel suite. The collection not just shows to be best for an evening celebration, event or occasion, yet likewise these series of footwears provides lovely looks to ladies. Since kid's parties have ended up being such an usual point, you can quickly discover the birthday celebration decor products whatsoever event stores or you could even get them online.
10 Attractive Reasons We Can't Help But Fall for event.
Or if you choose led trips in Barcelona, have a look at Vesping's tours headed by their city experts. Vacation Celebration Decorations, cost-free video games, menus, dishes, coloring pages, tasks, etc What a much better method to go out and delight in the appeal of the whisky distillery than planning a classic Denver Bachelor Party. Sock Hop: Embellish the event area with 50s Sock Jump party supplies and decors. The same male who was great about a 21st birthday celebration and will certainly be the toast of the community for his 85th might have some really logical agitations regarding a number of the years between. Obtain Special Event Suggestions for Graduations, Birthday Celebrations, Weddings as well as Baby Showers in our on the internet celebration supply shop. The great thing about this kind of an event is that it is sophisticated, fun, as well as you do not have to worry about a great deal of help the party either, given that the dining establishment looks after all the food as well as the cleaning. The actual idea behind giving celebration prefers as a present is a gratitude to the visitors who have participated in the celebration and have actually taken out their time for the same. Don't fix locations at the end of the town or far from the main location where it might not be safe for individuals to take a trip back after the celebration. Plus, she creatively supplies info on celebration prefers, event preparation giveaways, activities and also celebration products Utilize her suggestions for an incredible party. Simply water the lawn both the early morning before the celebration and lightly the early morning of the event.
5 Little Yet Vital Points To Observe In celebration.
When you will have to pick them up, Store early and also plan ahead on what goods you will need and. Ideally, acquire as much as you can for the event well beforehand. Yet one more birthday party concept is to hold a Wild West event, which will certainly be a massive quantity of enjoyable. Nonetheless, generally, a variety of interactive games and also other tasks will certainly be welcomed at your celebration. All of us recognize that a person of the primary functions behind the business event is to stir up group building skills and staff member ethical. After a celebration for buddies at her London residence in 2013, Skirt Club has grown to 7,000 participants and 30 events annually. Select a sensible quantity and then damage this party supplies rental, listen to this podcast, planning spending plan down right into sections. Kid event favors as well as rewards are a should and considering the motif of the celebration could make it much easier to pick event favors. Rooftop Living Soirée: It's 5:00 somewhere, and also if you remain in Barcelona, you must be finding on your own at one of its several rooftop terrace bars throughout the city. Likely the commonest method is to make certain everybody obtains something, however saving two absolutely nice bridal shower event favors as game rewards. Nearly every little city and in significant worldwide municipal locations, at least one restaurant could be situated that accommodates both visitors and locals. High-end buses are geared up with dancing area, smoke machines, strobe lights, disco lights as well as pole dancer poles, if you wish to make your party remarkable. It is a party at which the presence of closest pals is the essential to the overall state of mind and also style - so if you are investing a day in the bride-to-be and also a medspa instantly suggests continuing the party in a local bar, do not get in anguish! You will need to pay for your products and see to it that you obtain them in a timely manner for the party so start early if you currently have the Grownup Passion Bridal Shower motif celebration in mind. Other products that can be included in boy themed party favor bags include: toy pets, challenges, crayons, pens, tinting books and various other similar things. Consequently, if Dora the Explorer gets on the invitations after that the celebration banners, balloons as well as event streamers should all have some type of Dora the Explorer present. The routine of distributing event favors has originated from western culture, however the origin is truly not known to anyone.
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