#Dza Pinattsu
luck-13 · 6 months
2 Haikus
Duo Dza Pinattsu*: Koi no Bakanusu** Is one of their best.
— December 11, 2023
*Twin sisters from Japan, literaly The Peanuts **song Holidays of Love, Love Holidays (U.S. Vacation of Love, Love Vacation)
I have read some free haiku book several hours ago, and two authors had no idea about a hauku's size, so I decided to push myself to write a correct one with 5–7–5 syllables. Yes, it's partly Japanese as Hepburn (transliteration) and English. If only English, then this haiku wouldn't exist at all.
ONE MORE as continuation.
They have many songs. Koi no Oferia* Is their best of best.
— December 11, 2023
(My opinion, as such music with such lyrics and how it is sung is an incredibly beautiful combination.)
Ofelia's Love (The character who was in love with Hamlet, and it's one-sided & almost tragedy (the song's vibe) for her.)
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luck-13 · 10 months
For more than 1.5 year I had been thinking that Ola Ki Ola Ki Ola Orea by Giorgos Dalaras is one of the most beautiful combination of music & words (yes, not even lyrics as it's something I wouldn't enjoy if a poem only, but I don't know Greek, so translation & transliteration was found, of course.) If full version (lyrics + translation + a video if click s sign of a video above lyrics), it is here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Ola-kala-Everything%E2%80%99s-fine.html
But several weeks ago something incomparable had been found. Music+words=perfection. Koi no Oferia (Ophelia's Love) by The Peanuts (For some reason, the title is literally, Koi no Ofueria (恋のオフェリア, but pronunciation is different.) Again, if ignore meaning of lyrics, the whole song is perfection (but I don't know Japanese as well.)
If rephrase completely what people say . . . Try to find more beautiful [sounding song]. I'll wait. I have a lot of years left to live.
(For information, if take Japanese lyrics (SOURCE & transliteration is there too https://helloprolyrics.fandom.com/wiki/Koi_no_Ophelia) & put into more or less correct translator, the result is the following,
NO! The translation is on the site as well, below transliteration.
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