#Equestria Girls Ending Scene
leavemebetosleep · 2 months
do you have any good fluttercord fic recs?
OH BOY DO I. In no particular order (except of when I thought of them):
1: Non-Entity by Captain Wuzz: An AU in which, instead of being turned to stone, Discord was shot in the head with a magic arrow that takes away his sentience and magic for a 1,000 years. Fluttershy mistakes him for a wounded animal and brings him home. I loved it so much.
2: Chaotic Neutral by C-Puff: The magic is starting to fade from Equestria, and the Main 6 and Discord go on an adventure to find out why, and reverse it. A bit of AU, in the sense it was written before the show was done, so it diverts in some places because of that. Super sweet, and I love the character development here.
3: Time is Taller than Space is Wide by Dott. Can also be read on Ao3 if you prefer. Soulmate AU (?) fic with a Groundhog Day style twist. I rarely see fics play with the idea of what if Fluttershy and Discord's friendship had started when they first met, so this is fun.
4 & 5: Blank and it's sequel Reconnection by @geekcat. Can also be read on fanfic.net. AU in which, before Discord can choose friendship over ruling Equestria, Twilight remembers a "reformation" spell. He is stripped of his free will, and Fluttershy does her best to bring him back. If you don't like the idea of Twilight being a villain, you might not like this one, but I think her villain arc in this is done in a perfect way for her character. It's super heart wrenching in many places, but in a good way.
6: Our Fair Lady of the Chaos Lord, also by GeekCat Can also be read on fanfic.net. Fairy tale inspired AU in which Fluttershy is a princess who's father is pressuring her to marry noble knight Sir Big Mac. Wanting to be sure he's a good person, she makes a deal with the Chaos Lord, letting herself be "kidnapped" so she can test his character. You can guess who she falls for instead. Honestly I've enjoyed all of GeekCat's fics, so they're getting an extra mention. Check out the rest of their fluttercord fics if you like any of these.
7: The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo by A M Shark This is a major case of, strange premise, kick ass results. Basically an AU based off Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson, with Discord as Lisbeth, and Fluttershy as an amalgamation of Mikael and several other characters, but focusing more on the murder mystery aspect of that book, and less on the...everything else. If you're familiar with GwtDT, don't worry, there's no rape scenes. Again, it's more about the murder mystery part. If you're not familiar with GwtDT, then don't worry again, because you don't need to know the original to enjoy it. It's just Discord and Fluttershy playing detective and solving a murder together. It has two sequels, but I haven't read them yet, and it didn't feel right to rec something I haven't read.
8: The Corpse Bride by Bad Horse. Dark fic. No relation to the Burton movie. Fluttershy dies in a tragic accident, and Discord brings her back from the dead as his zombie wife. Her friends (sans Pinkie) are horrified. Has a fantastic twist ending. If you like some of the darker stuff, def worth a read.
Bonus: Comic rec: The Last Adventure by Eveeka. Taking place after the final defeat of Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis, Discord gets into a depressive funk after shouldering the hatred from Ponyville citizens for his latest actions, but also because his friends seem to never be available anymore. He starts to think maybe Equestria would be better off without him, as he can't seem to exist with out making everyone miserable, and decides to hide away in the Everfree forest. Fluttershy, worried when he doesn't show up for tea, asks her friends for help, only to discover there's a monster running lose there he and the rest of Equestria might be in danger from. This fic has two endings, so keep reading even when it seems like it's over. You've got one more ending left. This one nearly made me cry.
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
Do you have any top tier horse yuri fic recs?
Hmm, i got a couple, lemme think
This one is a very sweet slice of life EG Sunset x Scitwi one, its got a lovely interpretation of the characters; With the expected but very welcome pairing of cool punk girl and adorable nerd. and i plan on doing fanart of it! The writer knows her stuff nyeheh =v= This is the best "Rarity and Applejack get drunk together and mushy stuff happens" Fic i seen out there, a trope that is surprisingly recurring, ive seen others like this! But this one is the best, hands down. A mutual of mine wrote it and its just a wonderful time! This one is a super fun horror esque rarijack fic where rarity is haunted and applejack tries to help her. its got fantastic prose and its just damn lovely! I've done fanart of it before, its a sweet one, and its also just a really interesting direction to take Rarity's character that i'm almost sad to not see more of. Overpowered rarity whennnn Although i don't ship twilight and trixie, this fic of this pairing, that is still ongoing, is fucking hilarious. The comedy has wonderful timing, and the takes on the characters are endlessly entertaining
Stay tuned to this wonderful fic of Rarijack anthros (Inspired by the ones i designed, too!!) 'cause its gonna have a sex sequel that i've already gotten a sneak peek or two of, and i'm frotthing at the mouth about it. biting things even (i sketched the cover btw!)
This fic isn't rly horse yuri but its 1000 words of Sunset Shimmer being the utter insane badass i always wished she was; and I will continue writing her like so. I'm glad to see another writer also concidered the same
If you're like me, and think that sex is funny, this fic and it's two sequels are for you. Sunset Shimmer throws a party of deranged proportions that ends in debauchery and indulgence that nearly destroys the fabric of equestria; and it's consequences are hilarious. This is a rly cute short trans rarity fic, and it has a delightful amount of rarijack within. utterly adorbs. Almost sad to see it so short! Finaly, i'd be amiss to not recommend the fics i've written myself; Here are my two biggest and most awesomest i've done: The Return of Midnight Sparkle Is a take on MLP where there is no EG universe, and rather, Sunset Shimmer is brought to the mane 6 per twilight's request, and she absolutely does not feel like she belongs, and its a narrative about her desperate attempts of fitting in; and dealing with the fallout of her failings. I put an inordinate amount of effort on this one, even drawing covers for each chapter. I went DERRANGED with the idea of "what if sunset shimmer was on FIM and also it was gay as fuck." i basicaly wrote an entire season of the show and its finale. If you're a fan of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle as a pairing, cannot recommend enough. Here's some of the art i made for it. Insanely sick chapter covers im super proud of The Princess and the Peasant is an all you can eat buffet for Rarijack enjoyers, I've taken the baseline of the story of "shrek 1" and i made it about Applejack and Rarity; And also expanded upon it and fixed some of the annoyances with the og story (No third act misunderstanding! On the contrary. Third act understanding. SEX.) The humble farmer Applejack has to rescue fair Princess Rarity from a dragon keep, and escort her across Equestria to ensure that her farm and family are safe. Of course, on the journey, those two grow a bit close... Too close. VEry very very veyr close. Here's a comic i've made of one of my fave scenes of it lmaooo Cannot express enough; If you're a fan of rarijack? This fic is EVERYTHING for you.
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xbomboi · 1 month
Could you possibly elaborate more on your EQ movies?? I'm really interested in this Cove Sunset... 👀
oh yeah actually i would love to talk more about that! so basically i wrote two movies intended to be the penultimate and the final installment in the Equestria Girls series since that’s definitely never going to get an official ending. i wanted to tie up loose ends…
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i made a poster for the second one of the two that i made a few years back right here. but anyway…
the first of the two is called “Royal Nightmare.” the premise is as follows: it’s now spring of the girls’ senior year, and rarity has made the decision to run for queen of the spring fling after being robbed by sunset she tried to run for princess years ago. but when rarity gets possessed by dark magic, sunset has to confront her repressed baggage from the past if she wants to save her friend before it’s too late.
basically, this one deals a lot with sunset’s past with rarity. the film has a mix of the events taking place in the present day as well as flashbacks to the past, being the girls’ freshman year. it covers stuff like sunset arriving for the first time, her meeting flash, how she rose to power, and what she did to rarity (i changed it up just a tad because the junior novelization is a Weird book). it also has a lot of focus on rarijack as well.
the other one, intended as a finale movie, is titled “Forever Friendship.” after finally graduating from canterlot high, the girls are about to move onto the next stages in each of their lives. however, sunset still has unfinished business in regards to herself. together, the girls set out on one last adventure to uncover the truth behind sunset’s family and the sunset from their world. but could this be end?
this one is basically, like, giving sunset closure. in it i explore sunset’s origin and the truth about the Other sunset shimmer. it has an entire conflict that revolves around a discussion of the moral dilemma that comes with having magic in the human world. at heart it’s about sunset finding her purpose once and for all. i can’t say much else without spoiling it.
royal nightmare is complete in THEORY but needs a lot of, like, extra fleshing out and possibly the addition of a few more scenes. also, forever friendship is now missing a song or two because i removed one scene entirely and instead repurposed the song for royal nightmare. also ALSO, they’re a bit old now and i approached them differently than i did when writing for ever after high. i wasn’t totally thinking about completely matching the tone and more about cinematics. it’s not that i bumped the ratings up, but i let dialogue be lengthy and… idk, nuanced? i guess? more so in forever friendship than royal nightmare, at least. and there’s probably an occasional typo in them both.
i would share them, but the thing that makes me hesitant is the fact that for the songs, i made an unlisted youtube playlist of myself singing them each just for people who read them to have reference when the scenes pop up. it wasn’t so embarrassing when it was just being shared between myself and my friends, but the audio is kinda bad and there’s no music it’s just me singing. i didn’t even have the same range as i wanted for some of the songs or the characters so i sound wonky in it. and i can’t redo it now because i’m older and my voice has dropped so that’s a no-go.
idk, maybe i could give in with enough convincing.
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kittyball23 · 5 months
Before you saw Trolls Band Together, what were your predictions when you first saw the trailers??
Ohhhhh boy, I had a lot of predictions! 😆
Most of them were compiled as oneshots in my Trolls 3.0 fic (posted on AO3, Fanfiction.net, and Wattpad) Some of them never made the cut and stayed living in my head, but I’ll be glad to share the ideas from both right here 😊
At the beginning of the movie, I knew there was most likely going to be a prologue, since Trolls and Trolls World Tour both started off this way. I had figured it would either start with Velvet and Veneer actually kidnapping Floyd, or with a musical number by the band (which of course is what ended up happening)
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I had thought that the argument/breakup was a result of everybody getting on each others’ nerves, instead of their anger directed towards one of them in particular, in that case, John Dory
I thought that perhaps John Dory and Floyd had reunited at the time that Velvet and Veneer had captured Floyd. Like, say JD and Floyd were singing, the duo heard them, and intended to catch them both so they could have one Troll each, but only managed to swipe Floyd, where JD escaped, promising his bro that he would come back with the other bros as backup to save him (Kinda think along the lines of Toy Story 4, where Forky and Woody tried to make their escape from Gabby Gabby)
I thought that there would be little flashbacks and stuff of the bros in their teenage years scattered throughout the movie (in particular, Floyd and Branch flashbacks, and further their bonding)
I was hoping there would be almost-kisses between Branch and Poppy also scattered throughout the movie (I would’ve been going bonkers collecting screencaps of those) and maybe a scene where Broppy had a mini-date or something and the bros (JD, Bruce, and Clay) harmonized and set the mood for them (think along the lines of Rio’s bus ride scene)
I thought that maybe there would be a scene where Branch chose to give himself up to save Floyd, switching places with him so that his bro could be free of the diamond, but he would be trapped there instead
I thought that maybe the fight scene would be this magical, song-battle thing with Velvet and Veneer’s negative energy battling against the Trolls’ positive energy (think Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks’ climax)
I hoped that there would be an implication to Viva getting together with one of the bros (particularly, Clay, since she has already known him for years and they seem to have a good friendship)
One of my BIGGEST wishes was for the Broppy wedding! Like I have mentioned in a couple other posts, Branch’s “let’s go get married!” is what – as Bruce put it – created a seismic shift in my brain 😂 I was pining so much of my hope for them to finally hook up with the marriage and the reception and the kisses and possibly even kiddos… but, I suppose we shall have to wait and see what the franchise’s future will bring us. I guess I’ll just way that I don’t think a Broppy wedding is ruled out completely
Anyway, those were some of the wild things I thought up 😆
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opinated-user · 8 months
LO, fourteen year olds and incest
for a while now i have noticed a trend of LO to concentrate on the age 14 specifically, even more specifically about incest, and i couldn't understand why. let's count the ways in which 14 as an age appears in LO's works. 14 was the age of Elethyn Crane in the Scar universe. she has a crush on Ascentia (now called ass-ana), her adoptive older sister, and this is completely normalized by everyone in the family.
14 was the age of sexual consent in Equestria in the fic stockholm. the cutie mark crusaders, all of them with explicit sex scenes between each other, are all 14. one of them seduces a pedophile (rainbow dash) and later has sex with her older sister. this same character admits that she found out she was a lesbian by watching her older sister naked. 14 was the age of the girl in that disgusting video in which LO defends incest, pretending it was in response to a concerned father that never existed.(link to archived video so anyone can confirm) 14 was the age in which CLO was mentally/metaphorically raped by G in pokemadhouse. they were both raised together, almost like sisters.
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so what, someone might ask. 14 is still underage, it's a child anyway, so why does it matter that 14 as an age appears so frequently? what i didn't realize until Courtney started talking is that LO was 15 when Courtney finally managed to stop the molestation at her hands. meaning that Courtney was 14 when LO's absurd fantasy of being "in love" with her sister ended.
LO has been romanticizing the 14 year old version of Courtney for years throughout many fictional characters, across multiple fandoms. all this time, she has been writing nothing else but cope fics where her "love" is normalized, accepted or even reciprocated. fics that she has continued to write even to this day. the concerned father in that video was supposed to be her own father reacting to the news of their "relationship." LO's advice of "don't do anything" is what LO would wish her father did. it all finally makes sense now and i hate it so much.
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ponett · 1 year
If it wouldn't be too much, I would like to know what you feel with regards to that ending lol
okay so i'm always extremely conflicted on the way they implied applejack and rainbow dash are married in the mlp finale - more the execution than the actual idea of it. obviously people who have known me since my hardcore mlp fandom days know i was obsessed with flutterdash (and, to a lesser extent, rarijack), but like, appledash is still a cute pairing! it was super popular in the early days of the fandom for a reason
the thing is, appledash kinda fell off in popularity compared to those other ships because the show started downplaying AJ and RD's dynamic after the first season. they stopped having so many episodes playing off of each other, and the writers started putting a lot more effort into exploring and deepening other relationships - like, well, the ones that i shipped. which is why those became my favorites! by the end of the series applejack and rainbow dash had barely had any episodes together in years, apart from one throwback episode about them still being competitive with each other in season 8. season 9 didn't have a single episode about the two of them - and, in fact, the last one-off episode they ever did about any of the mane six was yet another fluttershy and rainbow dash adventure. (not to mention that the equestria girls crew was busy actively implying rarity and applejack were in love by their own admission lmao)
then we get to the future scenes in the series finale and we get one line implying applejack and rainbow dash are married. it was bewildering. again, this isn't me going "how dare they not make MY ships canon." it's just... if you're gonna imply two of the mane six became a couple, something people had wanted for years, why didn't you build towards that conclusion for the characters at all? why did they barely even speak to each other in the final season? we need a whole episode about big mac getting married, but these two can't even hang out? it just feels like they picked an arbitrary ship that was popular in the early days of the fandom and added one line hinting towards it as an easter egg, rather than it being a meaningful attempt at queer representation on the show. because, i mean. that's what it is
after that and the episode about scootaloo's lesbian aunts who she lives with, which actually ended up being mostly about her mom and dad despite being heavily promoted by hasbro as a big special event for pride month, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. even in 2019 this was still the best mlp could give us
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joshtheoverlander · 24 days
Okay, but like... Can we talk about how sad Flash Sentry is by the end of Equestria Girls? From, like, a meta perspective and a bit of an in-universe one too. Yeah, he was uselessly put into the show as a love interest for Princess Twilight, and I was with the general consensus of "Who asked for you, guy?" Mind, I had less animosity for him as he was part of what made the biggest running gag that I and a friend of mine made during our watch of EG. Even still, I realized near the end of our watch that Flash was just kinda of no consequence in universe as much as out.
His last chance to interact with Twilight for the most part, Rainbow Rocks, was spent being overly competitive and fully dickish to her (albeit under the sirens' spell) before Princess Twilight pretty much stopped coming to the human world altogether, with the exception of that one after-credit scene in Friendship Games. He meets SciTwi, but it's not his Twilight and she just kind of awkwardly avoids talking to him at first cuz, you know, she doesn't know him. Then in Legend of Everfree, SciTwi starts quickly getting interested in another boy (a much worse love interest imo) and Flash kind of just stews in that. The girl he likes is doing important stuff in another world and he'll likely never see her again outside of very scarce visits, and a girl that looks just like her that he does see every day is dating someone else.
He reconciles with Sunset and they agree to be friends again, which is nice, but he just kind of fades off into the background almost entirely. When you do see him again, he tries his best to help the girls where possible, even remarking once that he's wanted to be a part of their adventures sometime, which just makes me feel for the guy after he's become practically two steps away from full background character status at this point.
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cringelordofchaos · 8 months
welcome. I like your shoelaces.
And Your Rat's Eggs. •
Salutations, earthlings (or non-earthlings)! I don't know what you're doing here but beware for you are coming in for a ride! The only problem is the driver never went through a single driving lesson so don't blame me if we crash!
Beware, as this blog may include many depictions and discussions of unreality, swearing, death, trauma, ableism, racism, and more. At times I forget to tag these potentially triggering topics.
Yes, I had indeed attempted to make an introductory post! It heavily pains me to write this all, given my distinguished and embarrassing personality, but on this boat we strive to not care! Cringe culture is dead and I'm coming for your pancreas and brain tissue if you so dare to disagree.
So, without further ado!
x DNI x
if you're a bigot in any way (queerphobic, n@zi, racist, sexist, ableist, generally discriminatory, etc etc)
also this isn't really a dni criteria but pls don't behave inappropriately when interacting with me, keep it at a joke level maximum, I value my comfort over your pleasure
I am fine with anything you so dare to call me, be it a regular name or a homophobic slur. I quite frankly don't give a shit. However, nicknames I most prefer amount to DOMINO, TOKI and GOBLIN !!
I am fine with any pronouns, though in terms of preferences I do gravitate towards they/them more than anything else. Everything else is irrelevant, but I am queer, and I don't think I make it subtle (?).
- https://en.pronouns.page/@CringeLordOfChao - my pronouns page
(I'm not as into some of these fandoms as I am in others, for example i barely know crap about Moomintroll I only sometimes watch some scenes of it on yt as a comfort show and I still listed it here, you can ask me about specific fandoms and how much I'm into them)(bold text = obsessed/into it enough to the point of being capable of infodumping about it/having a decent amount of opinions on it/having a conversation about it) (nvm idek anymore just ask me if I'm interested in it or not atm)
Video games: Skyrim, OMORI, BAD END THEATER, her tears were my light, Adventures with Anxiety!, Sonic The Hedgehog (general), Parappa The Rapper, Parappa The Rapper 2, Um Jammer Lammy, Minecraft, MineCraft StoryMode, Duolingo, Pokémon (general), Pizza Tower, Amanda The Adventurer, Cuphead, Word Trip, UNDERTALE. Tomadachi Life, ROBLOX,
Roblox games: Flicker, my eyes deceive, Adopt Me!, Royale High, Sonic Pulse RP, Horse Valley, Rate My Avatar, Speed Run 4, copyrighted artists, Pyrite Adventure, Wolves Life, Total Roblox Drama, Murder Island 2, Sonic World Adventure,
Neurodivergence (such as, but not limited to): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Bipolar Personality Disorder (BPD), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD), Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), Down Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), etc etc
Animated series: The Music Freaks, hfjONE, The Owl House, Amphibia, Sonic Prime, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Parappa The Rapper, Sonic X, AVM Shorts, The Loud House, The Casagrandes, Legend of Korra, Pokémon, Total Drama (Island/general), Willcraft's Monster School, LEGO Ninjago, Spirit Riding Free, Moomintroll (2017), DuckTales (2017), My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic, The Cuphead Show, Sonic Boom, The Amazing World Of Gumball, Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts,
Non-animated shows: Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, Dark, Only Fools And Horses, The Modern Family, Sesame Street,
Comics: Sonic The Hedgehog (IDW)
Animated movies: Sonic The Hedgehog (1996)/Sonic OVA, The Last Guest, Nimona, The Lego Movie, Equestria Girls (all parts), Moana,
Non-animated movies: Sonic The Hedgehog + Sonic The Hedgehog 2 [i guess, I feel obliged to like it since I'm a sonic fan], Avatar, Alpha,
Webcomics (all available on WEBTOON!): Blooming Season, The Last Dimension, Unfamiliar, Jackson's Diary, North Korean Kid, Heartstopper, Is chair still in the park?, Ghost Eyes, Meow Are You?, The Recloseted Lesbian, War and Tea, Hyperfocus, Erma, Emmy The robot, Post Harbor, Spellward Bound, The Little Trashmaid, Of Aliens And Cacti, MAX has AUTISM, Hollow Kid, Aurora Borealis, Always Human, Will There Be A Tomorrow? (H), High Class Homos, Everything Is Fine, Home Sweet Ghost, Notumare, Heartstopper,
Books: The Name Of This Book Is Secret (all 5 parts), Hobbit, Ana, Teo, Warrior Cats (general),
Music creators: Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Laufey, bo en, Jack Stauber, Jay Vincent, Kaden Mackay, Olivia Rodrigo, if I was 9 again the only person on this list would be Alan Walker (I don't care about his music anymore), Pink Floyd, liana flores, Your Favorite Martian,
Gacha Stories: Boy With Bad Luck, Girl With Good Luck, The Music Freaks episodes 1-11, Shy Family, Shy Family PART 2, Lesbian Liar part 1-5, A Walking Disaster, Fated Sisters, A Beautiful Tragedy, The Mute Tomboy, literally anything made by Hxnnah rlly,
Favorite YouTubers: Flamingo, RosyClozy, TheOdd1sOut, Illymation, Hxnnah, [Brii Studios UwU], Cypopps, Emzii, NerdyArty, Marikyuun, ExtraRosy, WowzaDawg, foster on the spectrum, Behind The Meme, LilyTrescot SMP, JaidenAnimations, Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, Ice Cream Sandwich, How To ADHD, LesbianMindflayer,
Favorite Tumblr blogs (not including mutuals srry xx): @/oneeyedleaf, @/nerdyarty, @/tmf-confessions (technically a mutual), @/i-say-ok, @/sonicshipbattles, @/uncharismatic-fauna, @/official-boob-posts, @/identifying-horses-in-posts, @/sonicthehedgehog, @/inthetags, @/notumare (tech a mutual), @/your-blorbos-are-queer, @/the-owl-house-takes, @/incognitopolls, @/my-autism-adhd-blog. @/hot-take-tournament, @/haveyouseenthismovie-poll, @/aita-blorbos, @/oc-aita, @/jagged--dust-jacket-analysis (also tech a mutual), @/hero-deserves-to-be-happy, @/just-a-blog-for-polls, @/thistmfcharacteris, @/sonicapproves, @/lordystrange, @/aphantimes, @/neurotypical-sonic, @/fishyfishyfishtimes. @/adhd-sonic-the-hedgehog, @/obelisart, @/queeradhdcultureis, @/pd-culture-is, @/content-free, @/starscatteredsky, @/hero-deserves-to-be-happy,
Miscellaneous: zoology, drawing, using Picrew, ninjas, goblins, parallels in writing (this obsession is eating me alive I swear I'll literally analyze my events as if they're fictional and I'll draw parallels between them and my favorite fandoms/past events pls send help), daydreaming, dust, media analysis, character analysis, calculators, singing, mushrooms, weirdcore, goblincore, sociology, vocabulary, MBTI,
Languages (both real and fictional)(I only actually know some of these)(still learning): ninjargon, dovahzul, spanish, japanese, serbian, english, na'vi,
Things I'm planning to get into : Zoology, crocheting, Terraria, The Lego Movie: The Sequel, The Wilds, Warrior Cats, crafting, Nimona (comic), Notumare, The Mechanisms, Dark, Inscryption, The Adventure Zone, DELTARUNE, Teen Wolf, Solitaire, Sonic X, Good Omens, Voltron, The Amazing Digital Circus, Steven Universe, Oblivion, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, MineCraft StoryMode, Percy Jackson, the pink corruption,
My own stories/Fanfiction plots: ghost!SUNNY AU (OMORI), Mob Academy (Minecraft fanfic), Carla and Silvia, omori!Hanahaki AU (OMORI), Flicker fanfic, HOLLOW HEART, (feel free to ask about any of these!!!)
Things I plan to get into again: MLP;FiM, Ninjago,
(bold text = absolute fave!!)
TMF - Jake Sterling, Millicent Brooks, Drew, Lia, Sean Everett, Daisy,
ST - William Byers, Eleven/Jane Hopper/Byers, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Kali Prasad,
PTR - Jammer Lammy, Parappa The Rapper, Katy Kat
STH - Sonic The Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower The Fox, Mimic The Octopus, Whisper The Wolf, Sticks The Jungle Badger, Amy Rose The Echidna-Rascal (personal hc),
TOH - Luz Noceda, Agustus Porter, Edalyn Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Philip Whittebane/Belos (do not excuse his actions whatsoever), Enzo Gabriel The Collector
Amphibia - Marcy Wu, Sprig Planters
SS - SpongeBob SquarePants
Minecraft - Creeper, The Ender Dragon, Herobrine, Enderman, Wolf, Fox, The Wither
RBLX Flicker - Eduardo, Rita, Mikah, Amethyst, Adora, Amani
TMNT - Michelangelo!!
TLH - Luna Loud, Lincoln Loud, Lenni Loud, Lucy Loud, Clyde ??
TD(I) - Noah, Izzy, Dawn, Ezekiel
Ninjago - Jay Walker, Nya, Zane Julien, Akita,
WEBTOON TLD - Alex Hill, Phillip Maxwell, Anne Marie De Delle
[character] x no one = I like the interpertation of said character being aroace/just not dating anyone in general. (Bold text)= otp
OMORI - suntan, sunflower, heromari, goldrush, sunburn, photobomb, KEL x no one, herobowen, etc
STH - blazamy, whispangle, sonknux, sonadow, sonic x no one, kittails, amy x no one, stickmy, sticknux (but in a very specific modern sth way), sticks x no one, sonjet, shadisper, etc
TMF - ooo boy... milliot, jailey, hailia, drake, laisy, saisy, dailia, dadie, jaisy, jenry, drew x no one, drakailey, henriam, ladie/salia, platonic draisy, platonic henria, more xx
PTR - sunny x no one, parappa x matt, parappa x pj berri, parappa x no one, etc
Ninjago - lava, plasma, techno, jaya, bruise, opposite, pixane, glacier, harumya (?), lloyd x no one, cole x no one, nya x no one, qp mud, etc
TD - noco, gwourtney, nowen, breoff, bfffls, dizzy,
WEBTOON TLD - alex x phillip, anne x
x ANIMALS I LIKE x (few are fictional) •
virgin island's dwarf gecko, blobfish, horses, roosters, unicorns, wolves, anglerfish, immortal jellyfish, lion mane's jellyfish, okapis, rats, reek stonefish, doves, pigeons, vultures, cats, echidnas, frogs, star nosed moles, naked mole rats, moths (they seek the light which only further strays them away from life, the truth), spiders, rock doves, blue jaya tongue skinks, australian ghostsharks, aye-ayes, goblin sharks, dragons, whatever the fuck atla's momo is, lemurs, squirrels, flying squirrels, capybaras, OMG I JUST FOUND OUT FLYING LEMURS ACTUALLY EXIST THEYRE CALLED colugos, gerenuks, jabirus, jaguarundis, japanese spider crabs, jerboas, pangolins, potoos, thorny devils, snakes, black cats, vampire squids, northern stargazer,
x TAGS x
ghost!sunny au, >:], to do list, omori!hanahaki au, important, urgent, rb, asks, animalsss, others art, others writing, vent? like among us?, I am not funny, byliner, house design inspo, minecraft fanfic inspo, mari appreciation 💜, sean appreciation, fictional birthday, music, rb, tickposting, mari wheelchair au, serbian shit, carla and silvia, my oc, my ocs, my story, mob academy, hollow heart, 🎩🕊️, 🎩🕊️ • ❓, my polls, polls, 🎩🕊️ • ✉️, 🎩🕊️ • 📜, 🎩🕊️ • 🪬, 🐀🥚, me on anon, freakblr colour war, hailey hair controversy, freakblr colour war 2, freakblr colour war ii, mecoded, cringe confession of the day, gay screenshot collection, my top posts,flicker webseries preparations, hyper-cis, freakblr lore, my mom watches tmf, into the rosyverse, background-chan,
x TAGS FOR FANDOMS x (aka fandom acronyms) •
omori, tmf, st, go, ptr, sth, avm shorts, atla, rblx, amphibia, yfm, etc (if a franchise has 2 words or more when I reblog posts about that franchise the fandom tags I'll use for them will be exclusively the acronyms even if it isn't most preferred)
My life will end incomplete! ~~××
(I'll try updating this later)
(this is like the tenth time doing this, I'm only capable of making intro posts in ONE RUN I guess, I am in pain, sjkdcie)
I occasionally post pretty angsty, overwhelmingly negative, and at times violently suggestive vent content here. If you do not like that, please filter the tag #vent? like among us?
I might have depression and/or adhd so that's probably gonna mess up my life and social interactions ummm (I'm a sensitive individual so please don't be too harsh)
I sometimes draw, don't expect it to look good though. You can request any prompt !!
My Roblox accounts are FinVanzahDovahKiin and stejsi_079 !!
My DeviantArt account is Unoriginal Creator !!
Even though I had formerly stated that this blog may contain triggering themes (even though I can't quite recall much triggering posts/reblogs I have on here??) this blog is mostly silly, it's just me being me
I have a lot of TMF mutuals, we have a lot of inside jokes that may not make any form of sense to outsiders
Even though I had also stated I have my own fanfiction ideas I like, I have not written any of them down and God knows when I will.
I need to spend less time on the internet for the sake of my health
My YouTube account is [InsertUnoriginalNameHere] !! (I've deleted 90% of my former content. Also most of my videos on there are like 2 years because I stopped posting after my parents found out it existed)
I have an alt account @freakblr-lore !! Studying the lore of tmf but mostly the subculture of freakblr
I also have a tmf Sean Everett rp/ask blog called @mr-broom !
I ALSO have a tmf Daisy rp/ask blog called @x-daisy-x !
There's also another one @hailey-i-guess
Another one @xjaded-sadiex
I'm disappointed in myself. I made an rp/ask blog for an entirely irrelevant background character. What the fuck. @background-bg-chan
IM PLANNING TO MAKE A ROBLOX FLICKER WEBSERIES!!! Posts related to it will be tagged "flicker webseries preparations".
There's an Elliot one now too!! @xx0blooming-orchid0xx
@sussy-albertaretz-core my fan blog for the Roblox YouTuber flamingo
please ask me anything about any of my interests
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shadowcipher17 · 2 years
Why Sunset’s Turn Around In EG1 Makes Sense
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When it comes to Sunset Shimmer, she’s easily regarded as the highlight of Equestria Girls and one of the G4 characters of MLP that had a good redemption in Rainbow Rocks and onward. Today however I want to talk about her “instant” turn around and “forgiveness” from the others.
A. Sunset’s Turn Around
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In the last 10 minutes of Equestria Girls, Sunset got the crown, turned into a raging she-demon, tried to take over Equestria with her own teenage zombie army, and she got blasted by the Magic of Friendship and got turned back to normal and was instantly remorseful. Most people have said that Sunset has a bad reformation because she was blasted by the Elements and was instantly remorseful like the Elements mind controlled her into being remorseful...except the Elements or the Magic of Friendship doesn’t have the power to do that. If that were the case then any villain that got blasted with the Elements or the Magic of Friendship would instantly be reformed and ask for forgiveness. But the Elements only depower those with dark or negative magic with the exception of Discord.
Nightmare Moon: Luna as Nightmare Moon got blasted by the Elements and the magic stripped her of her dark powers but she willingly decided to accept Celestia’s friendship.
Discord: He got blasted by the Elements and got turned to stone and Discord made a genuine friendship with Fluttershy on his own choice (despite going backwards)
Sunset: She got blasted by the Elements and turned back to normal from her demon form and Twilight offered her a choice to accept friendship and she willingly accepted to learn about friendship and turn over a new leaf
Tirek: Got blasted by Rainbow Power and got depowered and was put back in Tartarus without changing his personality
The Dazzlings: They got blasted by the Elements/Magic of Friendship and they got depowered and just lived their lives in the human realm with their personalities changed.
Legion of Doom: They got blasted with the Magic of Friendship and they got depowered from Grogar’s magic and while Tirek and Cozy Glow were ready to surrender because they were outnumbered but Chrysalis flat out states that they’ll never change.
So, no the Elements don’t brainwash the target into being good it just takes away any upgraded dark power that they have minus Discord. So Sunset wasn’t brainwashed into instantly having a change of heart like the majority thinks she did. On the surface, I can see why people think that but when looking at this scene closer, there’s more to it.
1. Sunset’s Punishment (Physically)
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I think out of all the defeats in Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls, Sunset’s was the most brutal. She got blasted by the Magic of Friendship, that blast slammed her into a crater, and left her not only scorching but she was battered, bruised, and her clothes were torn and her hair was a mess. Like, the Magic of Friendship kinda messed her up physically. Even the Humane 5 had shocked/worried expressions despite Sunset breaking apart their friendship (as in “I know she was a jerk, but we didn’t kill her did we”?). 
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So, physically she literally got the demon burned off of her and physically that was more punishment than the rest of the villains got with Luna/Nightmare at second. Discord got turned to stone, but his physical body was fine when he was released. The other villains were depowered and had slight headaches. So physically, she got punished enough to get scared straight.
2. Sunset’s Punishment (Mentally)
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Now, the reason why she had her turn around was this. She got humiliated. Sunset believed that she could have greater power with the Element of Magic but her ambitious and selfish nature once getting the crown it turned her into a demon. She wanted to take over Equestria with her own teenage army but she got defeated with the true magic of the Element of Magic end she ended up cowering in front of the student body. The same student body that she spent years dividing. She used to look down on the students of Canterlot High and bully them, but now they’re all looking down at her disheveled state. A quote from the novel perfectly sums her reaction.
Sunset looked around at her fellow students. They stared down at her with disdain. She shrank back and hugged her knees, as vulnerable as ever.- Equestria Girls Through The Mirror Novel
She got rightfully humiliated in front of the whole student body that she used to torment. At that point in that scene, it was her by herself against everybody she wronged at that school united looking down at her. She was vulnerable and she broke down, admitting that she never learned the first thing about friendship and she just drove everyone apart. 
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Even in the comics, Celestia mentions the importance of friendship and personal relationships but Sunset shrugged that off and only thought of being the best and stuck with that. She dismissed the importance of friendship and humility and now years later in the human world once she’s at her lowest and most vulnerable, she admits that and genuinely wants to change for the better. 
B. Sunset Being Forgiven/Celestia’s Punishments
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Sunset technically wasn’t forgiven by anyone in the first movie, clearly shown in Rainbow Rocks. The students clearly didn’t forgive her, the Humane 5 were wary of her, and even Twilight who gave her a second chance was wary of her for a second in the sequel. Twilight gave her a choice on what Sunset could do with herself: either seek out friendship on her own accord or forever be alone. Rarity even notes how she would need an apology from Sunset and Twilight says that she has a feeling that Sunset will be giving out a lot of apologies. It was kinda left ambiguous and I can kinda see why. For one this was first movie and at the time, it was unknown if there was gonna be anymore movies, so Sunset oddly having this face-heel turn and being remorseful makes sense. I want to note one other thing which is the form of either Celestia issuing punishment.
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For Princess Celestia, she already punished Sunset by removing her as her personal student but in the case of Equestria Girls...at worst Sunset stole the crown and went into the mirror but Equestria wasn’t really in danger and no one on that side was affected plus she had the crown for only 10 minutes over the span of about 3 days. Since only Sunset, Twilight, and Spike really know what happened I don’t think Celestia could charge her with anything...maybe community service or being banned from Canterlot or something...but Celestia wouldn’t be able to do anything.
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For Principal Celestia, all her and Vice Principal Luna know from the event since (they were mind controlled but they do remember it) was that Sunset turned into a demon, got mind controlled, got freed, was there to see Sunset get humbled, and that’s it. They gave Sunset a punishment in fixing up the front of the school from the hole that she created alongside Snips and Snails, but if we’re talking about realistic human punishment they don’t really have any proof.
The hole in the school and crater couldn’t be traced to Sunset or the Mane 6 without evidence
The police would easily have a hard time believing that magic rainbow lasers were involved and they’d think Celestia was crazy
She along with the rest of the student body were mind controlled and the Mane 6, Sunset, Snips and Snails were busy for anyone to record
Celestia and Luna were there when Twilight was talking down Sunset Shimmer as well as everyone else and I’m highly certain Twilight talked to Celestia and Luna about it 
Even before the demon thing, Sunset was smart enough to not have evidence stacked against her for her being a social bully so Celestia and Luna only have the students word’s at best
Celestia and Luna punished Sunset, Snips, and Snails by having them fix the front of the school and it’s implied that they had to fix the crater in front of the school
So while Sunset’s initial change was rushed, ultimately her overall journey into the better pony we know today helped her in the end and honestly became one of my overall favorite characters.
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vulturevanity · 6 months
For your Equestria Girls AU, is Sunset initially not being in the Rainbooms band until the end of Rainbow Rocks because of Sunset feeling too guilty and ashamed at her previous actions from before or because of the Rainbooms (especially Rainbow Dash) maybe having a small sliver of uneasiness with Sunset (as the Dazzlings imply when they confront Sunset)? Or is it some combination of the two?
I want Rainbow Rocks to change very little in this rewrite, because it works well enough as it is. So the barrier between Sunset and the Rainbooms does come mostly from them (understandably) not being able to fully trust her again after she drove them apart -- though the snippy comments mostly come from RD this time. (I'm particularly proud of making RD Sunset's ex-bestie because it explains her being kinda horrible in the second movie. Sunny was bad company and in a way she's reaping what she sowed with Dash.) That doesn't mean Sunny isn't going Through It, though. The guilt and frustration are there as they were in the movie, because being left out is a significant part of her trauma regarding Celestia.
I'd tweak the second act confrontation between her and the Dazzlings a bit: they know what she did, they know she straight-up mind-controlled the school (an impressive move and very similar to what they do with their music), and comment that if she ever gets tired of being an emotional punching bag to the Rainbooms, they are willing to take her in as a Dazzling; this way, she would be free to be as evil as everyone thinks she is. (Someone could overhear the conversation, but I don't know how to properly set that up and it's really not necessary)
This would be set up for the Awesome As I Wanna Be scene, where she prevents RD's transformation in the worst way possible by tackling her mid-song. Adagio shows up congratulating her on successfully sabotaging the Rainbooms and says she really convinced the Dazzlings to take her in as one of them. Dash is immediately furious, the girls are skeptical but full of questions, and Sunny tries to say something but eventually just kinda goes "you guys are never gonna let me live it down, are you?" and leaves.
(Of course she'd come back to rescue them from under the stage, and the rest of the movie would play out without major changes with the exception of a big apology from everyone for the attitude they had toward Sunny, especially RD. That she saved them even after the way they treated her is a big testament to the fact that she changed for good, and it was unfair of them to keep bringing it up and distrust her the way they did.)
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
film recommendations for dorlene vibes:
but i'm a cheerleader (1999) - this film is about a lesbian couple, and i very much think they're dorlene variants. the main character, megan, is so like marlene. while graham is very dorcas.
fight club (1999) - this may be a surprising choice but i feel like it does have strong dorlene vibes. the main character reminds me of dorcas a lot, while marla reminds me a lot of marlene. tyler very strongly has both dorcas and marlene vibes. also the ending is so dorlene. very dorcas specifically.
bones and all (2022) - cannibal romcom with dorlene vibes. and timothee chalamet is in it. it's perfect.
the runaways (2010) - film about the all girl 70s rock band. with girls kissing. dorcas and marlene would OBSESS over the runaways. also the scene with cherie curie and joan jett with the red lighting is a fundamental moment in sapphic history.
10 things i hate about you (1999) - this is literally a romcom about them i promise you. kat is marlene and patrick is dorcas.
bend it like beckham (2002) - gay sporty girls??? literally the description of dorlene. if you ignore the fact they're not actually gay in the film. but everyone knows they are, the writers were just cowards.
saved (2004) - i barely remember this film but im pretty sure it's dorlene. idk how but,, dorlene.
my little pony: equestria girls rainbow rocks (2014) - i promise you.
cruella (2021) - very lesbian vibes in general. but also estella and anita??? dorlene. they are dorlene.
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
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Anti-Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) "Anti-Aqua is the manifestation of Aqua's trauma from being left and feeling abandoned in the Realm of Darkness for ten years. Her only feelings are of resentment for being left behind and believing nobody attempted to rescue her. She intends to inflict these feelings upon others, and to that end uses her powers to isolate Riku and Mickey from each other when they arrive to rescue her, causing Mickey to feel intense guilt about his failure to rescue her, and causing Riku to feel alone and powerless and unable to help his friends. She uses this power to guard the Dark Margin and prevent either of them from returning to the Realm of Light, keeping them trapped and isolated in the Darkness just like her. She is only defeated when Sora is able to break through her powers and reunite with his friends, using this ability to subdue Anti-Aqua and banish the overwhelming feeling of isolation away from Aqua, returning her to normal and bringing her back to the Realm of Light."
Wallflower Blush (My Little Pony) "A member of Canterlot High's Yearbook Club, and the only member of the Garden Club. Wallflower had gone unnoticed by her schoolmates for years: Wallflower even mentions to Sunset that they've known each other since ninth grade, but Sunset can't remember Wallflower's name, even before she's hit with amnesia, and when Sunset sees her memories later, scenes from the previous films are shown with her in the background, being completely unnoticed by everyone. Her being ignored and unable to stand out has left her with a lot of resentment and jealousy of others for getting the attention she wanted. She apparently decided to embrace her loneliness, and thus uses the Memory Stone to erase embarrassing encounters with her from her schoolmates' memory, making her even more forgettable and isolated. Resentful toward Sunset for being so popular despite how she treated everyone during freshman year, Wallflower used the Stone to erase everyone's good memories of Sunset, causing them to view her as the bully she once was and turn against her. While being a shy, socially-awkward girl is a genuine part of her personality, Wallflower also hides a much nastier side behind it. She's willing to erase the memories of her fellow students, destroy Sunset’s friendships (leaving her totally alone in the human world), and even commit revenge by proxy against the Equestria Girls when her plans start to fall through by trying to erase all of their high school memories."
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glapplebloom · 2 months
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Time to end G4’s Official Run with IDW Comics...
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Before I begin, as a reminder, I consider the Classic Reimagined Comics to be part of the G5 lineup despite it focusing on the G4 cast. So once I finish with MLP Generations, unless I mistakenly missed a previous G4 Comic, this will be the last of the IDW Comics until I get to review all of Generation 5. But that’s future AkumaTh’s Problem. Today, we’re going back to the past...
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We begin this issue with the Daughters of Reeka and Draggle, Grackle and Dyre. Ignoring the questions on how they had kids, they’re stuck in the volcano while they’re... Somewhere. I don’t think this comic ever explains what. But they’re gone for a month and the kids need to do their chores, which includes getting revenge on the Ponies. That’s definitely a “leave it to us” job and not something their kids should do, but they’re stuck there with nothing to do, so might as well.
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Luckily for them, they got their pet rat/possum Trench who can magically dig his way into another dimension. During this visit we see G4 at the School of Friendship, and the school is packed. So much so that despite all the teachers they’re being overworked. So after debating on what to do, Dash suggests getting help from outside Ponyville to help teach. And with that news, the Teenagers have an idea.
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Make their own ponies out of Smooze, the OG one, to go over there and cause mischief. And after a trip because they can only do magic within the Volcano, they got their three Smooze Ponies and are being considered Teachers from Hayvard Unicornitivisty. And the comic ends with them showing up, and not a single Generation 1 Character appearing once.
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That is a big flaw with this miniseries that everyone has pointed out: for a crossover with Generation 1 there isn’t a lot of Generation 1. We have daughters of G1 villains who look more Equestria Girls. We have minor references with nothing major like pictures of their mothers and Grandma. And not a single pony from the movie. You could literally rewrite the dialogue and you would never think of this as a crossover comic.
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Another thing I’ve seen others bring up is how the comic HEAVILY references the show. Like you can overlay a screenshot and it looks like it was traced. I don’t mind because I think it is more of a reference thing that someone took way too seriously. Either that or they rushed it to get it out before G5. I only bring this up because one scene in the comic kind of looks and sounds like Evil Starlight, despite explaining why they’re overworked.
And sadly, this problem will continue to exist next issue...
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lyraofthestarsss · 2 months
What are your favorite sciset moments in Equestria Girls?
All of them?? Sjgkfkgkf
I have so many
First off, the Daylight Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle battle at the end of Friendship Games is ICONIC. That scene where they’re floating in that white void and Sunset is reaching a hand out towards her lives RENT FREE in my mind. I have fan art of Daylight and Midnight as my phone wallpaper rn :] (as well as art of normal Sunset and Sci-Twi as my Lock Screen)
Does all of legend of everfree count as a favorite sciset moment?? Lmao
I also really like that scene from the special rollercoaster of friendship where the two of them get wayyyyy too invested in an obviously rigged carnival game
So I don’t rewatch Forgotten Friendship too much becuase it’s DEVASTATING to me. The amount of Sunset angst in that special/movie is insane. But it has sooo many good sciset moments :)) like how upset she was when she realized Sci-Twi forgot her (I mean she was upset that all of her friends forgot her but Sci-Twi is what really got her)
And that part at the end of the movie where Sunset sacrificed herself for her friends and she looked at Sci-Twi directly in the eyes and said “Twilight… don’t forget me” (I don’t remember if that’s the exact line but yeah)
AND when they all got their memories back and the first thing these two girlfriends did was call out to each other with so much love and happiness in their voices and run up to hug each other
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jaded-but-queer · 10 months
Here is part of the rewrite where I describe where the mane six currently is in life when Screwball is about two years old
As well as a completely separate scene describing the “disappointing” birth of Mothball
Obviously these are going to be tweaked much more in the final draft but here’s a sneak peek of my interpretation of this story ✨
Scene 1
It had been a bit over two years since everything happened, and Fluttershy knew it was not the most… conventional of situations. Especially since it resulted in her marrying the literal embodiment of chaos and disharmony, of course being ironic with her being a part of the Mane Six of Equestria. However, love knows no bounds and they were the living embodiment of it; and Fluttershy honestly could not be happier. She had been able to settle down and feel content with her husband, and most of her friends had been able to enjoy the same luxury.
Rarity had finally agreed to move in with Applejack after being convinced that her wife could not stand the idea of being apart from her family’s farm for longer than what she deemed necessary; but it was the way Applejack had phrased it that eventually persuaded Rarity to accept it: “I was born and raised on that farm, and I will proudly die on that farm just like my ma and pa did”. They’ve apparently adopted two darling little foals, of their own, just a few days ago, and Fluttershy was still debating what she should give them as a welcome present.
Twilight Sparkle claimed that she was in a “long-distance” relationship and did not give much context beyond that, and Rainbow Dash was currently single and perfectly okay with that–turns out her and Soarin did not last long-term but they kept things cordial due to the twins they had a few years ago. Fluttershy did suspect that Rainbow might have been seeing someone on the downlow but was considerate enough not to pry, besides her friend will no doubt shout to the rooftops about her newest partner once she was ready to do so.
And last but certainly not least, Pinkie Pie had ended up marrying her fellow party pony Cheese Sandwich in a surprise shotgun wedding just one month after Fluttershy got hitched. Although it came as a shock to no pony when they ended up having three more foals afterwards, and it was a miracle to every pony that they were all either quiet or shy in comparison to their rambunctious parents.
Scene 2
Chrysalis sighed as she stared blankly from across the cramped nursery at the wiggling and chirping grub that had finally hatched out of its egg, appearing to be a carbon copy of her when she was that age. However, something told her it wasn’t what she had hoped and prayed to their ancestors for.
While she knew it had not been confirmed yet, she already had a bad feeling from the moment the egg began to slowly hatch just thirty minutes prior.
She decided to forgo informing her husband of the news, not being in the mood to watch him shoot dirty looks every five seconds at General Mantis as he sat by her side.
Something they have learned over the years was how to immediately identify the sex of a royal hatchling, and it was quite a simple procedure that could be done in just a few minutes: comparing the weight and looking at how colorful the patterns on its worm-like body are.
And judging by the lack of celebration from one of the nurse Changelings checking it, Chrysalis’s suspicions were finally confirmed.
As she glanced around at the extravagant gifts given to her by officials and family members, she was again reminded of one clear fact: they had been expecting a girl to hatch out of that egg, not the puny male that was chirping desperately for love and affection to feed it.
“Just my luck,” she bitterly murmured to herself, “yet another son; as if I am being endlessly punished by my late mother for my failures.”
The hatchling was staring blankly at her, as if expecting for her to come cradle him like a doting mother but, how could she when she was so utterly displeased with this outcome.
She already had one single daughter, and that was her treasured and idolized daughter, Vespula, the beloved Crown Princess of the Changeling Empire.
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steakout-05 · 11 months
ssome barry doodles and other things
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what a darling little salesman :) i love him a lot i'm so fixated on hi m he's so cute and babygirl
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context: i'm kinda thinking up a fanfic where Barry ends up in Equestria and has a little adventure with all the technicolour horse weirdos, and i think Barry and Pinkie would get along well as a sort of Doomguy and Isabelle type thing so here is them :) he's wearing a little pony headband like the ones in Equestria Girls in that one cafeteria scene
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horse real. i think he'd be an earth pony and his cutie mark would be like a jetpack and an explosion spark since his whole special talent is being a menace to society daily
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it's a beautiful day outside. jetpacks are whirring, coins are floating...
on days like these, scientists like you... should be burning in hell.
bonus cozy glow sketches under th e cut
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do you feel safe
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what's funny about this is that i think Cozy said something like this in the German dub of MLP. i dunno if she said shithead exactly but i know she used the word shit somewhere and i think that is incredibly funny and very in-character for her :P
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