#Eyan Eternal Chapter
eyan eternal tumblr chapter masterpost
because when you click the tag link I have in my other main post, it doesn’t show anything in any semblance of order half the time and I don’t understand why. it also seems to depend on your browser and connection....? but we don’t have time to open up devtools and unpack all of that right now so here we go CONVENIENT LIST (there are 22 chapters total)
1 and 2 (these are combined into one introductory post): https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/700504863517327360/hey-folks-do-you-like-gay-vampires?source=share
3: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/701777887904333824/hi-welcome-to-eyan-eternal-chapter-3?source=share
4: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/701877163710971904/eyan-eternal-chapter-4?source=share
5: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/702585315089678336/alright-lets-go-eyan-eternal-chapter-5?source=share
6: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/703084990615977984/sorry-one-more-reblog-i-realize-it-got-buried?source=share
7: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/704134390545072128/dont-think-eyan-eternal-chapter-7-took-me-long?source=share
8: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/704675397842976768/small-chapter-chapter-8-of-eyan-eternal?source=share
9: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/704927101933977600/eyan-eternal-chapter-9?source=share
10: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/705176959537299456/eyan-eternal-chapter-10?source=share
11 (I split this into 2 posts): https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/705469722448347136/eyan-eternal-chapter-11?source=share
12: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/705853597523525632/eyan-eternal-chapter-12?source=share
13: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/706086542107672576/eyan-eternal-chapter-13?source=share
14: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/707842393465044992/eyan-eternal-chapter-14?source=share
15: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/708485083389165568/eyan-eternal-chapter-15?source=share
16: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/708608473793970176/eyan-eternal-chapter-16?source=share
17: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/709088896388153344/eyan-eternal-chapter-17?source=share
18: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/709581533269409792/eyan-eternal-chapter-18?source=share
19: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/710603271177420800/eyan-eternal-chapter-19?source=share
20: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/712151724122603520/eyan-eternal-chapter-20?source=share
21: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/714271899008548864/eyan-eternal-chapter-21?source=share
22/epilogue: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/714635250945392640/eyan-eternal-chapter-22?source=share
I FORGOT A LINK IM SO SORRY THIS IS THE EPILOGUE POST I MADE IT INTO A 23RD POST I CANT COUNT https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/715897794446098432/eyan-eternal-epilogue?source=share
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do you also like SPACE? how about SENTIENT HUMANOID ROBOTS? how about rivals to lovers MLM ROMANCE?? do you like them ALL AT ONCE???? well then step right up friend because have i got the comic for you!!!
Eyan Eternal is my upcoming science fiction graphic novel which takes place countless eons into the future, following a vampire named Eyan as he roams the ever emptier darkness of interstellar space in search of any life left in the reachable universe that he hasn't outlived. At last on a remote and barely charted world, he finds SOMETHING alive - but it's not at all what he expects. At least...if "alive" is even the right word. Is it even the right word for him? Can you truly define yourself with concepts that weren't conceived with you in mind?
Anyway today I'm kicking off Eyan's existential journey (?crisis?) with the first two chapters just for you FOR FREE BELOW THE CUT *confetti everywhere* and there are more to come (like i said. graphic novel) - I will be posting updates about where and how.
thanks if you decide to read it i hope you like time dilation and weird exoplanets. :)
(cw warning for a nasty burn)
(also I know the quality of preview images is not great on tumblr dot com but they'll look better if you click them and do the slideshow thing. OR you can also read on my website where I can put the slightly better quality ones: http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=1)
Edit: I have a tag for the chapters of this now as they come out. There will be 23. https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/Eyan%20Eternal%20Chapter
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83 notes · View notes
eyan eternal chapter 22
IT'S TIME. IT'S TIME FOR THE BLACK HOLE,,,,, not much else needs to be said.
EDIT FOR ANYONE COMING FROM THE MASTER POST: (I put this as the last link in there by mistake. It's not. There's one more follow up chapter after this. I wouldn't leave you hanging like that XD https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/715897794446098432/eyan-eternal-epilogue?source=share so come back here when you're done with the stuff below)
chapter under the cut, or you can view it on my website http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=22
if you're new here, catch up at my chapter tag: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/tagged/Eyan%20Eternal%20Chapter
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i apologize for the liberties taken with lighting. (and also no there’s not much of an accretion disk left. sorry there is NOTHING EXCITING as far as imagery here)
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look i’m sorry to ruin the Seriousness here but i may low key have realized the vibes here are like that scene in the emperor’s new groove when they’re about to go over the waterfall
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15 notes · View notes
eyan eternal chapter 21
omg i fell into a hole...
mostly I’ve just been trying to get my life in order to move to another state so that’s why....hopefully there won’t be too many more delays. 
this chapter is much more slow compared to the ones that have been happening. it just offers some thoughts about where you go once you realize you actually have agency you didn’t know you had. or something. i’m TRYING TO BE DEEP HERE IDK IF IT’S WORKING you know what you just read the chapter ok? meanwhile i will make myself a taco, because i need all the tacos i can get before i venture to a land that undoubtedly has VERY FEW tacos. (i hope desperately that i’m wrong)
if you’re new to my comic, you can catch up by going to my tag for this series: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/tagged/Eyan%20Eternal%20Chapter
or you can also venture to the site for SLIGHTLY more easy to read images: https://featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=21
chapter below the cut
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*“supermassive black hole” by muse plays somewhere in the background.....*i guess if you had a nickel for every time you found a weird vampire story inspired in part by muse music you would have at least two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice isn’t it.
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“hey ej why not use a normal black hole-” because even though this is all ridiculous and i’m not even going to draw the accretion disk right i know SOMEONE is out there angrily mumbling some shit about tidal forces and they’re right
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of course my inspiration also comes from 10 year old part super villain ej desperately researching ways to create a black hole for Experiments and there’s always been an itch i need to scratch here....sometimes i act like an adult for my damaged inner child but sometimes i just recklessly enable them with fictional narratives
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i’m not projecting or anything why would you say that
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eyan eternal chapter 20
FINALLY it's here....sorry it took so long for me to get this done. I've been having such a TIME with a depressive phase and you know how the ol executive functioning is when that happens. i'm also in the process of moving when i don't want to be...maybe i will ramble about that later. 
anyway this isn't the best chapter ever but hopefully it ties up like one or two things i thought were lose ends?
quick note that there's discussion of death and dying here. might be a heavy topic for some.
definitely in my "ej peppering in his own existential dread" era
i also just have a thing about glowing orbs
anyway if you want to catch up you can take a look at my chapter tag: 
or you can view the slightly higher quality version of the chapter on my website:
 and as promsied, I'll summarize the last couple heavy chapters below the cut
ok so if you haven’t been able or didn’t want to read the last couple chapters, basically what happened is zero’s existential depression from presuming his friends secretly didn’t want him around in the virtual immortality world hit its peak and he tried to destroy himself. he didn’t succeed but was pretty damaged and eyan - who also got damaged but reformed bc vampire healing powers - found him in the wreckage by hearing his thoughts. by this chapter we’re all reconciled and pieced back together.
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if you want to know why the humans in this flashback look different from what we’re used to it’s because the ones who ended up on this planet evolved over time to adapt to the stronger gravity (like 2.5x earth’s). so they’re small and have thicker bones and extra strong muscles and tendons. i like to think them being different from other humans (not just physically) is why they got along with zero. i’ll probably write more about the society at some point (maybe a bonus prequel some day?) but it was pretty close to anarchist and had given up space travel in favor of focusing on deconstructing the mind itself. due to a lot of factors they wouldn’t have meshed well with a lot of the other humans they encountered, especially the purely space-faring civilizations. because they’re not space faring and weren’t interested in trade, they were left off of a lot of maps intentionally as just not being worth the journey for most people. so it’s this outlier status that probably didn’t hurt when it came to them being able to accept another outlier.
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i haven’t met a person yet for whom this isn’t true to some degree.....but i put “almost” just in case :)
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cue everyone looking at me projecting like i play the films at the movie theater
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10 notes · View notes
surprise! eyan eternal chapter 6!
bet you didn't see me having my shit together two whole times in one week huh.
luckily for me, past ej had already colored most of this chapter, making my job easier.
i feel like this comic devolves into "humor only i will find funny" at times but eh maybe someone else will get something out of it. ALSO THE PAINTING IN THIS CHAPTER IS SPECIAL AND I'LL TELL YOU WHY IN A SEPARATE POST SO STAY TUNED. We need chapter 7 to happen first or spoilers will abound.
anyway the development continues between these two, slowly....
i feel like i should give SOME kinda content warning but I'm not sure what EXACTLY so I'm going to say cw for discussions of things that are really psychologically heavy. like death but fates worse than that. if you have a more concise way to say what I'm going for I'm all ears.
As usual you can read this at my website if that's easier http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=6
And if you're new here, this is the tag with all the chapters: #Eyan Eternal Chapter
Thanks for reading :)
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not above badly executed slapstick either
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where's my award for "weirdest but most effective way to obscure nsfw bits"
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yes i know i took a text wall to say "sleep paralysis but worse" that's why this comic is in beta mode rn
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12 notes · View notes
eyan eternal chapter 16
k so i had time for another short chapter actually because PAST EJ had a moment of BENEVOLENT WISDOM and randomly colored this shit. we're back on the planet and it's time for some Feelings of Depression and Betrayal.
now disclaimer is I KNOW I revised this god damn script at some point but I couldn't find my notes so I don't remember if I ever edited the script directly or if it was sort of a "oh i'll remember to add this :) (I won't)" sort of thing. i did write this like a year and a half ago or whatever. so tldr I'm kinda flying by the seat of my pants here...everything seems to track but like...
well whatever it's fine you're just here for the petty drama anyway right and maybe to find out why i was drawing a black hole the other day (keep reading you don’t get that for a few more chapters)
if you want the non weirdly compressed images, you can go to my site for that. if you want to see other chapters of this you can also check out my tag for this comic
either way thanks for reading~
melodrama below the cut
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eyan eternal chapter 11
i think i forgot a page somewhere but i can't find one anywhere on my hard drive.
oh well, works well enough without it so maybe that's a sign i need to prune and edit more.
like i said though, we're in beta mode right now while only 2 people read this lol. i'll have plenty of time for corrections when i go to print.
if you want to see the better quality version please go to my site or if you want to catch up here, checkout my tag #Eyan Eternal Chapter
unnecessary flashbacks and sexual tension below the cut
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if they existed in this era, eyan would absolutely also tell dad jokes. i don't have a way to express that but i need people to know it's in the back of my head
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ej thinly disgused neurodivergent venting.jpg
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gasp how's he doing that I wonder
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Eyan Eternal chapter 14
Oh look finally another chapter. Took me a while bc I've been in chaos land trying to get my book 1 to the printer.
Forgive me if there are mistakes in this, I've been scribbling like a mad man and I'm SURE there are some but my goal was GETTING A FUCKING CHAPTER DONE THIS WEEKEND so I'm not thinking about it all fucking week.
Anyway I guess I should say that while nothing in this comic ventures into FULL ON NSFW territory, it is extremely unambiguous the direction in which things are headed after the [hilariously literal] fade to black. There are like several pages of unambiguous build up. So just be aware if that isn't your jam.
as always, you can catch up on other chapters by going to my tag for that or head to the ol website
thanks for reading
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Im not "good at" romance but we try our best here at feature envy productions
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i mean if this isn't what you signed up for all i have to say is 1) why are you here or 2) WHELP SURPRISE 🎉
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eyan eternal chapter 4
I was on a roll today (there's a food pun in there somewhere) and finished chapter 4 today too. we revisit our leads as they go to see what zero has been working on. after all, they say to write what you know and if there's 3 things i know it's gay, isolation, and toiling away on enormous projects you have no business doing by yourself.
i was almost done with this chapter yesterday but had to tweak the dialogue. there's no easy way to do this though. Zero Likes To Talk and Use Big Words and who am i to stop him i'm just the powerless author and this has never gone well
that being said there's no way to make this technobabble easy. i'll leave TLDRs throughout don't worry
thanks for people who read this you give me so many life points
(as always you can find the other chapters at my Eyan Eternal tag or on the website: http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=4)
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tldr: he's saying people figured out how to model the conscious brain in a computer in its entirety and that was good enough for spiffy mind uploading (also wait did i make it clear he's just maintaining it and didn't create it alone? not that it matters for the plot but like yeah maybe i'll tweak the dialogue in the non prototype version of this idk be nice to me I'm trying)
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tldr: the thing maps your brain to a bunch of particles and your virtual brain exists for a very very very long time....also yes whatever computer this is that exists in the far future is well beyond the capabilities of a classical computer.
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tldr: "i'm gonna write my own brain to the computer in a slightly different way and see what happens"
um yeah idk if i communicated this effectively....zero doesn't really know if he's "conscious" the same way people are. this is as much an experiment as anything else.
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eyan eternal chapter 18
i’ve been in a Mood lately. tried to channel it here though I wonder if that’s skewed this a bit dark.
so let me just pop a content warning in here for you real quick - if you’re sensitive to narratives with suicide and related topics, this chapter may trigger you. Fear not though! when the next one comes out, I will have a brief summary of the plot point you missed should you choose to skip this one. Also there's a little bit of blood but not gorey stuff and it's not related to the above warning.
Anyway if you’re new here and want to catch up, please peruse my tag for this comic: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/tagged/Eyan%20Eternal%20Chapter
or you can read with better quality at the website: http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=18
thanks for reading!
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7 notes · View notes
eyan eternal chapter 17
We're on the home stretch! And zero's faith in everything is about to come crumbling down.
I don't know if this Technically counts as suicidal ideation but I'm gonna just advise if you're sensitive to that you may want to proceed with caution.
Also I know what I'm about to do with impressions seems outlandish, but what I envisioned is like this....So they had these abilities back on the Destiny. Probably between billions, even trillions, of years before the present day. Those technology enhanced abilities worked a little like a cross between telepathy and EXTREMELY ENHANCED non verbal communication.
But billions of years is a long time. And humans will undoubtedly evolve. One thing I envisioned they would evolve is natural abilities to fill gaps where technology eventually wasn't good enough. Like some kind of ability to detect and perfectly decode each others' brainwaves. As humanity moved more into anarchist pockets of civilization that were still advanced enough for interstellar travel, this level of ability to communicate would be essential to maintaining trust that we'll never be able to achieve in the modern day, relying on words and crude forms of non verbal communication. What eyan sees in this chapter isn't exactly the same as the technology assisted telepathy he encountered, but its evolutionary replacement that's appeared for some branches of humans after billions of years.
If you want to catch up, you can check out my tag for this comic: tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/tagged/Eyan%20Eternal%20Chapter
Or if you want to read this on the site (less dark and compressed), head over to: http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=17
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eyan eternal chapter 19
this chapter is literally just like Tsundere Android Exposition Chapter
also it's like. As usual I hide everyone's downstairs bits and pieces but you should know this is just like. All naked men. There is no respite. This is mostly because I, the all powerful author in my infinite wisdom (/s), wrote a post explosion chapter without noting that "just because a body can reform doesn't mean the clothes around it can". Anyway if that's a deterrent for you, like I said, no downstairs bits so....Positives?
And if nude bros running around is a plus for you whelp then that's awesome read on.
Quick content warning also for like.....various things. Temporary dismemberment (people gotta magically piece themselves back together you know?), robot body carnage, blood (not related to the dismemberment), self harm
It's a heavy one :/
Also since this is inevitably getting marked mature and not everyone will see it, I am actually going to summarize this and the last chapter before the NEXT chapter for anyone who doesn't want to see the mature ones.
Anyway thanks for reading and don't forget you can catch up at my chapter tag: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/tagged/Eyan%20Eternal%20Chapter
Or you can go to the site to read things: http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=19
Chapter below the cut
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"hey ej why does every page of dialogue you write sound like AI generated scar symmetry lyrics"
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6 notes · View notes
hi welcome to eyan eternal chapter 3
hwelp alrighty this chapter is already turning into the equivalent of an overdone steak so I'm just gonna leave it here for you all and so that Tomorrow Me can find it in 12 hours and see 6000 typos and problems I missed.
ahem anyway we resume our little adventure alongside eyan (who, as you recall, is an immortal space vampire wandering the last galaxy in the reachable universe) as he lands on the only planet he's found signs of civilization on for quite some time. I left you all on a cliffhanger just as he found the thing he least expected.
and now below the cut you get to find out what that thing is.
(as always, you can read other stuff about my comic and can read the other chapters if you take a peak at my Eyan Eternal tag. you can also read this at http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=3)
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11 notes · View notes
dont think eyan eternal chapter 7 took me long enough
Seriously this one was the most complicated to color out of everything bc of all the little tiny plants and shit AND GET THIS I COULDNT FIND MY FUCKING THUMBNAILS AND WINDOWS ATE MY LATEST WORD DOC FOR THIS CHAPTER so I had to like revise everything in an older version from scratch which might as well be the same as rewriting the chapter uthghghghhghfhrhfskjrrjejbf *flips an ikea full of tables*
yeah OK so I'm sorry in advance I feel like I have two modes which are
"ej stop trying to be metal gear solid please stop monologuing vicariously through anguished men of questionable physiological origins I am here for biceps" and
*throws something resembling sexual tension at a wall* ARE YOU FEELIN IT NOW MR KRABS
and in this chapter you get Both :)
Let's learn about the painting on Zero's wall and uh, Amp Things Up A Bit....We get to see more of Eyan's vampireness as we go on...
(I would also like to apologize for my Interpretive Astrobiology I did about as well in biology as I did in Straight and it was 6000 year earth creationism to begin with and any real knowledge of alive things I learned from YouTube standing in line at the grocery store so uh. trust my planets but don't trust my plants)
As always, thanks if you do read this. You can catch up on the other chapters at my Eyan Eternal Chapter tag #Eyan Eternal Chapter, or head over to the site to read the slightly easier to see version
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Oh yeah disclaimer I never really did ever figure out if a planet like this could have regular satellites like moons. The orbits would be weird and they wouldn't be around forever or be in stable orbits. The bodies here are much more likely to be other planets in the system that happen to be Conveniently Conducive To Reflecting Light. Because planets in red dwarf systems are a lot closer to the star, they'd be much more likely to be visible with the naked eye and be pretty big. Either way look, consider it an artistic liberty. I need them here for the Aesthetic. You should be much more critical of the fact that I honestly completely failed to visually depict any significant effects due to tides (i mean aside from some of the mountain geography some of the mountains are due to tides). I had a whole thing about hydrothermal vents at the bottom of this body of water where there are anaerobic bacteria that are essential to the ecosystem and that's only possible because of the tectonic activity that occurs due to the tidal forces from the other planets but like it didn't do anything for the plot so I left it out but JUST SO YOU KNOW I KNOW IN MY MIND THAT THERE ARE GIANT THINGS THAT CLOSE AND THEY HAVE EFFECTS.
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Eyan Eternal chapter 13
well this marks a turning point within the plot as we sort of tack a little more context onto the last encounter zero and eyan had before the present day.
also look sorry i am trying for belligerent sexual tension here but i don't know if i'm achieving it so just. go easy on me lol im TRYING MY BEST
also there won't be like a ton more times when i'm interspersing flashbacks in a present day chapter but i felt like it was relevant here so
anyway if you want context for what this comic is or you want to catch up, take a look at my chapter tag: #Eyan Eternal Chapter
or if you want to read the chapters but without tumblr's weird image compression, go to the ol site: http://www.featureenvyproductions.com/comics.php?initialcomicid=3&initialchapter=13
thanks for reading! chapter below the cut
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7 notes · View notes