bioexorcizm · 7 months
f/ovember ask meme: useless info version
ever wanted to know something completely useless about my ship? me either! anyways, send a number plus an f/o and they'll respond regarding my s/i & ship!
what's the weirdest petname s/i has ever called you? what's the weirdest petname you've ever called them?
how easy is it for you to get them to laugh?
who folds the laundry and who unloads the dishwasher?
what's your second favorite memory of s/i?
what's s/i's pet peeve and does it apply to you?
using flower language, assign them a flower.
what does your guys' text/email feed/letters to each other look like?
does your guys' morning/nightly routines sync up or do you get in each other's ways?
what's their beige flag?
assign s/i a song based on what you think an amv of your guys' relationship would have playing in it.
what's "their" color? what's yours?
what's your favorite outfit they wear?
what's your favorite and least favorite movie to watch and/or book to read?
describe s/i's most embarrassing moment you know of ;)
what's the most useless fact you know about s/i?
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cherry-bomb-ships · 7 months
Are y'all ready... for F/ovember 2023?? 🎉💝🎉💝🎉
That's right everyone! As you may have deduced from my reblog of the FAQ post, we're bringin' back F/ovember this year! Get ready for another month of f/o takeovers!
For the month of November, your f/os have free reign of your blog, and people are welcome to come ask them questions! You're also encouraged to go to others participating in the event and send questions for their f/os as well. You can even have your f/o be the one sending asks to others!
Don't worry though, you don't have to keep up the takeover for the entire month. You can drop in and out whenever you like! Whether you do it for a day, a week, or the whole month, you'll still be a part of the event!
If you decide to join in, you can even make a promo stating which f/os will be taking over your blog, which I absolutely encourage you to tag me in so I can give it a reblog. And be sure to tag any related posts and answers with the tag "f/ovember" as well!
This is a very casual event with no type of sign-up or moderation. However, I will ask that proshippers, comshippers, or anyone who matches my DNI does not tag me or use the f/ovember tag. Thank you for your understanding.
Feel free to reblog this to spread the word, and don't be afraid to send me any asks if you have any questions. Also, don't forget to send out plenty of asks to your fellow self-shippers! Let's make this a fun one! :D 🎉💝🎉💝
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
Hello, everyone! I have a quick request to make!
Please interact with this post if you’re doing F/Ovember this year! (2023)
(This can be a like, a reply, or a reblog - it’s up to you!)
For those looking for fellow selfshippers taking part, or who just want to send people asks for the event, look no further than the notes of this post! I hope that everyone has a lovely time, no matter how they participate ^-^
(anyone is welcome to interact with this post, as long as my DNI is respected!)
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libertys-lovers · 6 months
F/O Take-Over Ask-Game ~ Rainbow Theme
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(A rainbow themed ask-game was the first ask-game I ever made! So, I thought it’d be fun to revisit the idea!)
💋 [KISS] ~ What’s your favorite love language to practice towards S/I? What about your favorite to receive?
🎈 [BALLOON] ~ Do you ever like to surprise S/I?
💄 [LIPSTICK] ~ What’s your favorite outfit of S/I’s that they’ve worn?
🍑 [PEACH] ~ If you had to describe S/I with a flavor, which would you pick?
🧶 [YARN] ~ What’s your favorite activity to do with S/I?
🍯 [HONEY] ~ What’s your favorite nickname/petname to give S/I? How about your favorite nickname/petname that they call you?
🌕 [FULL MOON] ~ What aspect of S/I stands out to you the most?
🧈 [BUTTER] ~ Do you ever tease/flirt with S/I? If so, how do ya do it, and how well does it usually work?
✨ [STARS] ~ What does your nighttime routine with S/I look like?
🦠 [VIRUS] ~ How do you care for S/I when they’re sick?
📗 [BOOK] ~ What’s your favorite random fun-fact that you know about S/I?
🫂 [HUG] ~ How do you hug S/I, if you’re the type to give hugs at all?
🪼 [JELLYFISH] ~ If you had to pick an animal that represented S/I, which one would you pick?
🦄 [UNICORN] ~ What is something that you still wonder about when it comes to S/I?
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rosyrosethorns · 7 months
so i heard f/ovember was a thing
to be honest, even though it does sound like a tempting way to get traffic, i don't really want to participate in the same way a lot of others are doing... bad experiences in the past with roleplay and all that--makes me hesitant to try and rp as my f/os on my blog...
so instead, you can ask me directly about information on any of my current f/os. relationship stuff, headcanon stuff, general information on them if you don't know the f/o, etc.
and if you're in the same boat as i am, you're welcome to reblog this so others know you're hesitant about f/ovember but still want an opportunity to talk. i know there's at least a handful of people who get nervous about this sort of thing.
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imaginemyshipswithme · 6 months
Familial F/O Takeover
Because family love is important too! Also, I need more familial ask memes. Please practice reblog karma.
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🩸 - What’s your relation with S/I? Are you blood related?
🧾 - Did F/O adopt S/I, or the other way around?
🎮 - What’s your favorite game to play with S/I? Who’s better at it?
🎧 - Do you think S/I has good taste in music?
😈 - Does S/I get up to mischief? Are they goodie two-shoes, or a menace to society?
👶🏻 - What were they like as a young child?
🫂 - Are you two close? Do you spend a lot of time together?
🧓🏻 - Who’s older? What’s the age gap between you like?
🏳️‍🌈 - How did they come out to you? How do you react?
🛌 - Does S/I sleep in, or wake early?
🎁 - What was the last gift they gave you?
🏠 - Do you live together or separate?
💭 - What’s your favorite memory with them?
🚸 - What were they like in school?
🤫 - How often does S/I tell you secrets? Are you good at keeping them? Are they?
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dreamofmex · 2 years
in hope of getting some interaction lmao,, feel free to send one or more of these !! ok to reblog too. these are supposed to be answered by an f/o!
🤍 when did you first realize you were in love with s/i?
🤎 what was the first thing you remember gifting to s/i?
🖤 how do the two of you celebrate holidays or birthdays together?
❤️ is there anything you would like to do with s/i in the near future?
🧡 who worries more about the other?
💛 if s/i were a colour, an animal and a place, what would they be?
💚 what does the perfect date look like to you?
💙 do the two of you have a shared morning or evening/night routine?
💜 what is something you would like to say to s/i right now?
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circusgoth-dotcom · 7 months
Homely Asks (For F/ovember)
Questions for F/os to answer!
What does a shared living space look like between you and your s/o? (Whether you live in the same house together or not). What parts of it are yours, what parts of it are your s/os? What about it makes it both of yours?
Do you share a bedroom? What does that look like? What are your bedtime routines, do they differ or do you do things together? Who falls asleep first? Who wakes up first?
How do you comfort your s/o when they have a nightmare or anxiety?
What is your s/o's favourite food? Do you know how to make it?
(If you don't already work together) Do you think you and your s/o would make good coworkers, or is it better that you have separate jobs?
What's your favourite sound that s/o makes? (Singing, talking, vocal stim, etc)
If you had to dance with your s/o and there was no backing out, what song would you choose?
What is something you love but your s/o dislikes, and how do you navigate this/keep the peace?
Do you ever steal each other's clothes? If you could make an outfit for your s/o, what kind of clothes would you give them?
Free For All- What is a favourite memory you have with s/o or what is a random fact about them?
☆ It's cool when you practice reblog karma! Consider sending an ask to the person you reblog from! ↷
⚠️See DNI/pinned post before interacting⚠️
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cherubdulce · 7 months
💛f/ovember blog promo!
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Hello! I will be participating in this years f/ovember with Alec, Yoshi, and Big Mama/Vivian (possibly more) on @mywishingstars !
This blog will function normally, I just want to make it not clogged up here <3 in there they will answer your questions or maybe make their own posts :33c
anyways go crazy!! chat with them bully them do whatever!!! just don’t break their/my boundaries tyy <3
Tagging both @rexscanonwife and @cherry-bomb-ships if that’s alright ! <3
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canon-can-fight-me · 7 months
F/ovember promo post!
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Hi, I’m Sabrina! I will still be in charge of my blog this month, but some of my F/Os will be popping in to answer any questions! Feel free to ask a question for them anytime this month, just specify who you want to hear from! Only some F/Os are open for questions though because they’re the ones I feel confident writing in their voice. For the ones that aren’t listed, you can always ask one of my self inserts instead, listed here!
F/O Lineup!
- C-3PO: “*bows* It is an honor to be here again. I look forward to your inquiries!”
- Yelan: “I’d be willing to provide information…for an exchange.”
- Kenji/Talos: “*grins* I’ll be happy to answer any questions. And sign a few autographs.”
- Egon Spengler: “*doesn’t look up from his work* Hm?”
- Vincent Karm: “Don’t send me any idiotic questions, for example asking about my net worth. I don’t have time to provide information that you can easily google.”
I’ll link some ask games here, but feel free to ask any questions off the top of your head!
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pinky-in-blankets · 7 months
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POV: You've messed up Scribbles Order & Jax Came for Moral support.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 7 months
F/ovember Reblog Chain Game
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🍂 Reblog this post and let people know you're participating in F/ovember and doing an f/o takeover. Leave which f/os are joining in your tags!
🍂 Go into the notes of this post and find (at least) two other people who are also doing a takeover, and send them an ask.
🍂 When you receive asks, check out the blog of the sender to see if they're also doing a takeover. If they are, send them an ask!
If we all follow these easy rules, then no one should get left out! Happy asking, everyone, and have a fun F/ovember! 🧡🧡
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1980ssunflower · 7 months
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WE'RE BACK AND WE'RE MORE READY THAN EVER!!! ⚡💥💥⚡⚡* fist bumps *
YEAH! For now we're in charge of Ozzy's blog again so go ahead and send us anything you want us to answer! :-]
Feel free to chat about whatever or just hang and listen to some totally savory tunes~ 🎵🎵🎸🎹
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fireflamemyers1978 · 7 months
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Hello everyone, I am Gordon. Fastest and best and I pull the express! I will be taking over my darlings blog for the month. She wants you all to asks questions about our relationship, feel free to send them in and I will answer them. I’m not quite sure how this internet thing works so if I make mistakes I apologize (she’s typing this for me as I’m on wheels)
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wulfums · 7 months
YES !!! WULF WILL BE PARTICIPATING!! Well , my men will.
How I'll be doin this is, youll be sending asks if you want, specifying to who. Otherwise, I'll be posting like normal. My men are just in charge of the ask box this month when they're addressed. They may butt into each others asks...I cannot control them.
Cinnamon J Scudworth (Married to both Mr B and Wulfington)
Lynn Butlertron (Married to both Scudworth and Wulfington)
Cromdo Face (Married to Crusher)
Radley Heeler (Married to Banjo)
I considered letting Gregory answer asks as well but I dont think he knows how to use an ipad. So you can ask about him and Wulfe I'll just be answering for them.
Shoutout to @cherry-bomb-ships for runnin this btw
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crybaby-shaymin · 6 months
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Heyooooo! I hope everybody's having a good F/Ovember so far!!
If you're still participating in the F/Ovember, please reblog this post with a list of F/Os that are participating!! We're dying to spread the love around~!
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