Winning Strategies to Fight Traffic Tickets in Hamilton, ON
If you've found yourself slapped with a traffic ticket in Hamilton, Ontario, you're not alone. Getting a ticket can be frustrating and costly, but don't lose hope just yet. With the right strategies, you can effectively fight your ticket and potentially avoid hefty fines and points on your driving record.
Firstly, take a deep breath and don't panic. Remember, you have rights and options. Start by carefully reviewing the ticket for any errors or inaccuracies. Even a small mistake could potentially invalidate the ticket. Additionally, gather evidence to support your case. This could include witness statements, photographs, or dashcam footage that contradict the officer's version of events.
Next, consider seeking legal advice. A traffic ticket lawyer experienced in Hamilton's laws and procedures can provide invaluable guidance. They can help you understand your options and represent you in court if necessary.
When preparing your defense, be respectful and courteous. Present your case clearly and confidently, focusing on relevant facts and legal arguments. Judges appreciate honesty and sincerity, so avoid exaggerations or fabrications.
In conclusion, FIGHT TRAFFIC TICKET HAMILTON ON requires diligence, preparation, and sometimes professional assistance. By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome and avoid the negative consequences of a traffic conviction.
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whattheformula · 3 years
Turkish Grand Prix Review
This is gonna be long so I will put a read more. I won’t be talking about the race but my experience, the organization etc.
Road to Intercity
This one was terrible. It was liked they were made aware of the GP only 1 week ago. There were very minimal Signs and they were old signs. They changed the roads massively for the “VIP”s. So there were some people outside answering questions. The traffic was so massive that at some point you just follow the traffic, you don’t need navigation and shit. 
It was easier to get there on Friday because most people are at work so it took us only an hour or so, we watched the FP2. 
Then on Saturday, we left at 10:30, hoping to make it to FP3 WHICH WAS AT 12 BTW. We got there... at... 14:45... FOUR FUCKING HOURS IN THE TRAFFIC BECAUSE THESE FUCKERS COULDNT BE BOTHERED TO PUT INSTRUCTIVE SIGNS SO PEOPLE DIDN’T GET LOST. Anyways, at least we got to watch Qualifying.
We were smarter on Sunday. We left at 12:00, and barely caught the drivers parade at 13:20. 
After the GP we didn’t wait till the podium (hoping not to get into traffic... And I had to pee and the pee line was longer than the way home). Anyways we left around 17:40 (Had to walk to the park. We had inside parking but found out the line was almost an hour long so we went outside parking). We got home at around 20:00. I don’t know I slept on the way. 
At Intercity
Now this wasn’t the worst. They had many shuttles around the area. They had a Fanzone where they sell merch and shit. THE CHEAPEST HAT WAS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN OUR FUCKING TICKETS. But that’s because 1 euro is 10 turkish liras... Anyways, obv didnt get anything there. They had the 2022 prototype car with the amazing holo livery. They had a PITSTOP GAME thing, where people could compete at changing tires. There was stage where they did stuff. There was quiz  game going on when I got there. There was skateboarding people. Many food and drink stands. I liked it.
Watching The Race
Now this was my first time watching live racing since i was like 8 or something. Both my brother and father have been there every year between 2005-2011. We were in the general admission zone turn 8. Other tickets were super expensive. And the shitty thing is they give the best tickets to “VIP”s who don’t even bother coming and they don’t give tickets to actual sports journalists. Anyways, I liked my place. We brought chair on sunday cause the ground was muddy. I saw Mazepin leave marks on the track lol.
Following the actual race is impossible. We were just hoping action happened around our area. We were watching from the big screen(Which so too fucking small) and also watching the cars pass by us. It was fun and tiring. Like I don’t even remember the top 10. THE HONDAS’ DOWNSHIFT SOUND IS SO FUCKING AMAZING THE HEAR OMG.
The people were so nice. LOTS OF TIFOSI. I think because when F1 came to turkey ferrari was really good, my brother used to be a Tifosi too. We are now all RedBull hoes. Not many Merc fans, I think they were rich enough for good seats. Mostly Ferrari, Redbull and mclaren fans. We had nice chats with other people. I loved how we all supported someone else but we were so united there, finally watching a race live after 10 years! It was also nice chatting with other people. Man everyone cheered for Perez like crazzzzy during Hamilton fight. 
People fight over fandoms online a lot. But when you are there, watching a sport you all love together, everyone is just enjoying each other. 
Overall 10/10 experience except the traffic sucked.
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fiction-fun · 4 years
Lost and Found Soulmates
@braidedchallah @alexanderdamnhethin @rthoney @creedtheconquer @andpeggy21 @theconfusedleo @friedrich-the-gay @haha-gunsgoburrr @hamiltimes 
Fandom: Hamilton? in a way? otherwise...Music?
Pairing: Daveed/OC
Words: 9598
I groaned and dropped onto the couch in sitting room of the dorm apartment I shared with a few of my friends.
“Girl! Just go! I will loan you the 20$!” Logan said sitting down by me.
I shook my head.
“I’m barely going to be able to cover next semester’s tuition. I couldn’t pay you back, Lo'. It was sweet of you to offer but I think I’ll just have to let this one slide by.” I said looking over to her.
She grabbed my shoulders and I looked up seeing Roxanne and Arianna behind her looking at me the same way she was. Logan shook my shoulders.
“Girl! You have talent, you know all the songs and choreography already! You can do this!” She said determination in her eyes.
I shook my head and stood up carefully.
“No, Lo' that’s final.” I said before walking into my room and locking the door.
I laid down and fell asleep quickly. But found myself woke up way to early in the morning the next day.
“Roxie, Ari I said no.” I grumbled as they forcefully dressed me and brushed my hair.
Yeah, they did this often. Usually when I was late to class. We all kind of took care of each other it’s why we decided to all room together.
“And we said yes. Now go have a good audition.” Ari said patting my head.
Roxie gave me a shove and Lo' pressed a 20$ into my hands, I groaned again and stomped off out of the dorm with them all cheering after me. I slid into my car and started it, putting the Hamilton soundtrack on in the car, I started the long drive.
“Might as well get some practice in.” I muttered just as the first song started.
I sang along as I drove and it felt like no time had really passed since I started before, I was pulling up outside the theater. I sighed softly and climbed from my car closing and shutting the door, I leaned on the car so I was looking over the roof.
“Come on, you can do this! It’s not like this is the first musical you’ve auditioned for! Yeah, but it’s also not the first Lin Manuel Miranda musical I’ve auditioned for and I’ll surprised if I get this one.” I sighed and shoved off my car, tucking my keys into my pocket. I paused for a second looking at the thin red string attached to my finger before stuffing my hand in my pocket.
'Not today.’ I sighed walking into the theater.
There were only a few there and some of them I recognized from the last time I had auditioned for a musical. I put a smile on my face and walked up to the sign in table. Quickly writing my name and grabbing one of the provided lyric packets I moved to lean against a wall. I always felt better when I was standing, at least, when it came to pre-audition jitters.
“Alright we’ll start calling them in, in five minutes and you just come in when you get here. No Daveed it’s no problem, traffic happens! It’s New York, really, I’m not surprised. Alright, I’ll see you in a few, bye!” I looked up at the familiar voice and smiled softly.
All the others here for the interview gasped and crowded around him the best they could I just stood back as he looked around smiling at everyone. I waved from the wall and his eyes went wide.
“Kaley! I didn’t expect to see you!” he said stepping over to me.
He gave me a small hug and stepped back hands still on my shoulders.
“Lin, how are you? You wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for my roommates.” I said smiling softly at the excitable man in front of me.
Lin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked towards a door with me.
“Oh, I’m alright. So why did they have to shove you out now?” He asked smiling.
I laughed and nodded.
“Oh, you know how I am at this point. Broke with no confidence! They literally dragged me out of bed this time, I didn’t even get coffee and I was to worried about being late to stop for some.” I said laughing as we paused outside of the door.
Lin nodded and turned the knob after letting go of me.
“Well just breath, you’ll be fine. I would have hired you last time, but circumstances.” Lin said apologetically
I laughed again and shook my head.
“No, it’s totally fine. I get it, I just hope I’m better than last time. I could really use the boost and the reassurance I’m on the right path.” I said softly towards the end.
Lin smiled and hugged me again.
“You’ll do amazing, I know you will! Oooh I’m getting that look, I have to go. I’ll see you out there.” He said before hurrying though the door.
I laughed and waved as the closed. I turned back to the room and saw the glares, I slowly put my hands up.
“He gets to know people who have auditioned for multiple of the shows he’s involved with. Chill.” I said muttering the last bit to myself.
I walked back over to the wall and leaned against it, flipping through the packet. This was a different style audition and the style was partly why I had decided not to come. Lin was choosing the songs we auditioned with. And due to an audition years ago, he knew I could rap.
‘Knowing my luck? I’m going to get Guns and Ships because he knows I know the words for it.’ I thought leaning back and closing my eyes.
Lin and I had met at an audition about 6 years ago, and we had instantly hit it off. Both of us kept checking the string just to make sure, that’s how close we were. But we ended up trading phone numbers and being good friends. I was one of the first he sent the demo for Hamilton, he had already called and raved to me about his idea. Which although it worried me that it wouldn’t be a hit, I was fully behind him, even more so after hearing the demos. The reason he was so surprised to see me? He had offered me a roll back when Hamilton was in its 'please take a ticket, come see our show!’ stage, I had been too busy with school to properly honor the commitment. I had also told him that I would want a fair audition, not to just be given the role because we were friends. I sighed as people started getting called back.
‘I hope the others do good. Even though I’m sure they hope I do badly. I’m getting coffee after this no matter what.’ I thought as I read through the packet again.
A few minutes later I heard my name and shoved off the wall, walking onto the stage I stopped and took the mic they handed me, handing them my packet. I walked to the front of the stage and leaned down a bit, glad my friends had picked a regular button up instead of something low cut.
“Kaley, firstly, good luck. Secondly your song, I’ve selected Guns and Ships for you.” Lin said a smile on his face.
The others at the table looked at him like he was insane. I smiled and turned to the stage pausing, and spinning back.
“I need the table.” I said my hands on my hips.
Lin sat back and laughed waving crew members in from the wings.
“I told you that would be her only comment!” Lin said laughing.
The others were still looking at him like he was crazy, even as I stepped up onto the table and nodded to Lin. The music started and I closed my eyes letting the intro wash over me. Without a second’s hesitation I jumped right into the song, singing and rapping it the best I could, my eyes snapping open as I jumped from the table, landing and bouncing around the stage a bit. A crew member, who wasn’t Christopher Jackson came out and did Washington’s part. I had just turned towards were the audience using my hands to my advantage.
“Sir, he knows what to do in a trench, ingenuitive and fluent in French, I mean!” I said bobbing to the music.
“Hamilton!” the Washington stand in said.
“Sir, you’re going to have to use him eventually what is he going to do on the bench? I mean!” I said bobbing.
“Hamilton!” came the call.
“No one has more resilience or matches my practical tactical brilliance!” I shouted.
“Hamilton!” was called.
“You wanna fight for your land back?” I called as I moved around the stage.
“I gotta get my right-hand man back!” the Washington stand in said sitting at the table so I could dance around him.
I went through the next few lines, really feeling myself. I grabbed the fake letter and just as I turned to run over to the stairs on the side of the stage, I heard the door open and glanced up, Daveed had just entered. I kept in motion, my legs knowing this part by muscle memory. I had just turned to hand the letter off when my string caught my eye. I swallowed as I realized, it was connected, and who it was connected to. The feeling hit me in a second and I stumbled hitting my knees, letting my head drop. Letting the wave of dizziness run over me.
“Alright that’s enough!” Lin called and I heard him jump onto the stage.
He kneeled beside me and placed a hand on my back.
“Kaley, what happened? You were killing it!” he asked softly, having already turned off both of our mics.
I just shook my head and looked over at him, not seeing Daveed there anymore. I closed my eyes, before slowly getting to my feet.
“That’s your only warning, breath when rapping!” I said trying to act casual.
Lin gave me a look, and followed me to the wing.
“Kaley! I’ve never seen you take a fall like that. And you've rapped faster than that before. So, I know that’s not it. What happened?” He asked concern radiating from his whole being.
I sighed and wiped my face.
“Just text me when you get done, I’ll explain after class ok?” I asked softly.
I didn’t think I could talk right now. I saw Lin nod and I turned running from the building. I climbed into my car and dropped my head to the steering wheel.
'It's one thing to not want me. Another to cause me to screw up. But now I just feel terrible. I thought as the tears slid down my face.
I turned my car on finally and started the drive back to campus. I sighed as I pulled into my parking spot. I wiped my face again before climbing from my car, walking slowly into the building. I still had another hour until my class, and I wanted coffee.
'And maybe ice cream' I thought sadly.
I opened the door to see all three of the girls waiting for me.
“Well? You killed it! You totally killed it!” Lo' said excitedly.
I smiled faintly and shrugged.
“No, I probably didn’t get the part.” I said as I walked to the kitchen.
I heard them walk behind me.
“But who else, besides the actual cast knows the musical as well as you do?” Roxie asked looking offended for me.
I shrugged and looked over at them.
“it doesn’t matter, let me just make my coffee and go read over the chapter for my class.” I muttered softly.
Ari walked over to me then and looked at me.
“What happened?” she asked.
I slammed my hands on the counter and spun around.
“What happened? I fucking fell, that’s what happened. Now I’m going to go read my damn chapter while my coffee cooks, just leave me alone!” I shouted running into my room and slamming the door shut.
I quickly crawled into my bed with my book in my hands, reading over it. About twenty minutes later Roxie walked in and looked at me.
“Lo' and Ari already left for class. I’m headed out shorty, but you should think about apologizing.” She said her hands on her hips.
I looked up and nodded.
“I will.” I whispered I didn’t think I could talk any louder than that.
Roxie looked at me, and sighed sitting next to me. She reached over and hugged me rubbing my back.
“Whatever happened really messed you up, huh?” she asked softly.
I snuggled into her hold and sniffled nodding.
“Yeah…I don’t want to talk about it.” I said softly after a few minutes.
Roxie nodded and sat back brushing my hair out of my face and giving me a soft smile.
“It’ll be ok. I have to get to class. Don’t forget to go to yours!” She called as she walked out of the room.
I sighed and set an alarm for twenty minutes from now. I went back to reading my book, drinking my coffee as I did. I heard a ding on my phone and initially ignored before sighing softly and grabbing it.
‘I shouldn’t just ignore everyone. I thought swiping open my phone.
I looked and saw a text from Lin.
“Hey what happened? I found Daveed in a similar position in the hallway.” His text read.
I sighed softly, and looked at the clock. I swore softly and jumped off my bed cramming my books into my bag I chugged the rest of my coffee before jamming my feet into my sneakers. I grabbed my Phone and Keys before running from the apartment, barley stopping to lock the door.
“I'm running late. I’ll text you after class, but seriously? Take a guess. I hope he’s ok. I gotta go.” I sent the text and ran into my class, sliding into my seat just as the bell rang.
“Close one.” A snide voice from the seat behind me came.
I sighed.
“Hello, Rachel I see we have classes together again. Why don’t we try to be mature and leave the childish actions for years passed.” I said, trying to be the bigger person.
She laughed and sat back.
“So, I heard you fell at the Hamilton auditions today!” she said loud enough for the whole class to hear.
I clenched my fists on my desk and took a deep breath.
“It happens, doesn’t help I had been rapping Guns and Ships while bouncing all over the stage. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you miss park and bark?” I said slipping in the last comment.
I tried to ignore her and listen to the professor it was difficult, but doable. At least it was until I heard her muttering about Daveed.
‘Oh hell no.’ I thought as I heard her utter a few choice slurs.
I spun around and grabbed her head slamming her face into her desk. Within seconds, we were rolling on the ground arms swinging. It took a couple of the football players to pull us apart and walk us to the headmaster’s office. A nurse was waiting in the office and I ignored her, but took the offered ice pack.
“Alright, girls what happened?” the headmaster asked when he called us in a few minutes later.
Rachel immediately started with the water works.
“She just attacked me!” she cried out over dramatically.
I sat back and raised an eyebrow, ice pack pressed to my eye. The headmaster turned to me.
“Is that true?” He asked his tone firm.
I shrugged and sat forward, pulling the ice pack off my face.
“Nope, I only slammed her face into her desk after she ran her mouth about me for a solid ten minutes and then started saying racist shit against a man I look up to, who we should all look up to. You do what you have to do, but I’m not apologizing to her, no, no way. I refuse, she brought this on herself.” I said firmly and the headmaster nodded.
He turned back to Rachel.
“Is that true?” he asked her.
Rachel looked smug, she should even if he tried to expel her, her dad would just donate money until she was let back in. It’s happened twice already.
“Why should she care what I have to say about some…” Rachel started before I turned to her.
“Do you want to go again?” I asked my voice cold.
The headmaster raised his hand and shook his head.
“Both of you will be out of school for a week, you can stay on campus but won’t be permitted to go to classes. You can get classmates to get your work for you.” The headmaster said with a tone of finality.
I nodded and rose to my feet waving as I walked away.
“But sir!” I heard Rachel about as I was walking away.
I walked slowly back to the dorm debating with myself weather or not to text the girls about what happened, before shrugging and deciding it had been long enough it would be all over school. I stepped inside the building and paused for a second under the heater, it was a cool New York day and this was nice, especially with the icepack. I walked up the stairs and slotted my key in the lock twisted and walked inside, turning and locking the door again. I walked into my room and dropped my bag on my chair before kicking off my shoes and falling into my bed. I sighed and grabbed my phone.
“Hey if you’re free and wanna chat, call me.” I sent Lin quickly.
Within seconds a video call was ringing on my phone and I sighed softly, answering it. Trying to hide the fact I was injured.
“Hey Lin.” I said trying to put cheer into my tone.
“Hey! So, what happened? And turn the camera I can’t see you.” he asked and I heard he still sounded worried.
I sighed and spun the phone a bit, letting him actually see me. I saw his eyes widen.
“What happened? When during the audition or after?” I asked loosing the false cheer.
“I was asking about the audition; we can talk about after afterword’s.” He said, giving me a look.
I sighed and laid back holding the phone over my face. That was the only 'down' side to being close friends with Lin, he worried and treated me like his little sister.
“My string.” I said softly looking to the side.
Lin’s eyes went wide before he tilted his head in confusion.
“But you two have met before, haven’t you?” he asked.
I shook my head adjusting the icepack.
“No, he’s the only one I hadn’t met yet.” I said softly, tired from the events of the day.
Lin nodded and glanced to the side before focusing on the phone again.
“So, what happened?” Lin asked and I shifted knowing he was asking about my face now.
I sighed and scooted up in my bed, my back hurt.
“I’ve had this girl trying to do better than me since I got here. We always have classes together, and she always says some crap to get me mad. Today I wasn’t really in my right mind, focused on everything else. So, I didn’t take her bait, which she didn’t like. She had heard about the fall I took and knew when it happened.” I took a second to stop talking reaching over and grabbing my water to get a drink.
Lin nodded and waited for me to continue. I sighed and closed my eyes, for a second before opening them again.
“Well she started spewing vitriol and I got mad.” I said looking away for a second.
Lin hummed.
“That doesn’t exactly tell me how you got so injured.” He said, he could always tell when I was trying to down play things.
I sighed softly.
“She was spewing racist garbage, so I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her face into her desk. A few seconds after we were rolling in the ground trading punches. Took two of the football players to pull us apart and get us to the headmaster’s office. I’m out of classes for the next week. That’s what happened.” I said finally looking back at Lin having looked away.
Lin’s eyes were wide at what I had said.
“And what happened to her?” he asked.
I shrugged.
“Technically? She got a week out of classes too. In reality? Probably next to nothing. Her dad’s a top donor so he has a lot of sway.” I said rolling my eyes.
Lin nodded and looked up again.
“I have to go but text me your room number and building, I’m sending you your favorite take out.” Lin said quickly.
I shook my head.
“Lin no! It’s fine!” I said quickly.
He looked back to me.
“No, I want to. Please?” he asked giving me his damnable puppy eyes.
I sighed and nodded.
“Alright, go do what you have to do.” I said with a small smile.
He smiled back and waved, ending the call. I sighed and texted my building and number to Lin. I set an alarm, and sat my phone on my bedside table and pulled the blankets over my head, I dozed off and quickly fell into a deep sleep. The alarm went off and I let out a groan. I sat up and turned my alarm off, moving out of bed and changing out of my jeans.
'How did that happen? I never fall asleep in my jeans.’ I thought as I grabbed my phone and walked out to the living room.
I looked at my phone seeing that the girls weren’t going to be back tonight. I sighed and made some coffee letting out a yawn.
“Looks like it’s just me tonight, well at least I don’t have to worry about dinner.” I muttered softly as I moved over to the couch.
I picked up the remote and flipped on some stupid mindless show as I sipped my coffee. I sat back and watched the show, just waiting for a ding of my phone with Lin letting me know the details or a knock. Around 7:30 I heard a ding and looked at my phone. Seeing a text from. Lin.
“Kaley, hey! Sorry I completely lost track of time. You know how I am with new shows. Foods on its way though, be nice to the delivery guy, I was kind of frantic on the phone!” I laughed softly and shook my head.
This was exactly like Lin.
“Don’t worry about it Lin! I know how you are, when you get working! I’m also always nice to delivery drivers. Have a good evening Lin, I’ll message you in the morning.” I sent quickly, already knowing he’d ask me too.
I turned back to my show for a little while longer before a knock on the door pulled me out of the show. I stood up and sat my cup on the table, walking over to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a paper bag in front of it, I could just make out the logo of my favorite take out place. I undid the lock and pulled the door open.
“Hey! Thanks!” I said smiling at the other person.
That’s when he lowered the bag and I swallowed thickly.
“Hey, can we talk?” He asked.
I nodded mutely and opened the door wider, stepping back and letting him in. I closed the door and waved him over to the couch.
“Do you want a cup of coffee?” I asked more so I had a second to gather myself.
“Yeah that’d be nice.” He said.
I nodded and walked into the kitchen after grabbing my cup. I heard footsteps behind me and leaned up to grab another cup. Pouring the coffee and turning, freezing.
“We should probably start with introductions, even though I’m sure we both know who the other is.” He said.
I nodded and sat the cups on the counter, where he unloaded the food spreading it out. I grabbed a pair of plates and the milk from the fridge. Walking over to him and setting them down, I sat in a chair.
“I'm Kaley Sinclair. Although, in theater I’m mostly called Hyper rush.” I said smiling slightly.
He sat down across from me and reached to grab the milk after I had used it.
“I’m Daveed Diggs, and except for characters, that’s all I’m known as.” He said smiling softly.
I laughed a bit and reached over grabbing some food.
“So, how did you end up delivering dinner? Not that I’m complaining.” I asked before quickly amending.
Daveed laughed and shook his head.
“No, it’s ok. Lin asked me too, plus I have prior delivery experience.” He said laughing down more.
I laughed and winced slightly when my twitched, he instantly noticed and gave me a worried look.
“Are you ok?” he asked softly.
I nodded and waved at my general self.
“I’m fine, just a bit banged up is all.” I said waving it off.
He placed his non string hand over my non string hand and rubbed his thumb over it gently, I smiled at his thoughtfulness.
“I heard a bit of what happened.” He said quietly a minute later.
I looked up at him and shrugged lightly swallowing what I had in my mouth.
“I'd do it again.” I said simply.
His eyes went wide at that, before a soft smile slid across his face.
“That’s….” he just smiled; I flipped my hand.
“It’s what humans should do and how we all should act. She should have kept her mouth shut.” I said firm in my beliefs and already knowing his thoughts on it.
Daveed smiled again at my words and I let out a soft sigh, smiling gently right after. We ate in silence for a little while, finishing eating and slowly packing away the food. Daveed stood looking awkward in the living. I sighed softly and stepped in front of him.
“Relax. We can sit and talk.” I said gently nodding to the couch.
Daveed nodded and we walked over to the couch both of us sitting. We sat silently for a few seconds before Daveed let out a breath.
“I'm sorry.” He said softly.
I looked at him and raised a confused eyebrow.
“Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong.” I said softly with confusion lacing my tone.
He smiled softly and shook his head.
“The audition, Lin told me you were killing it. But you fell.” He said softly.
I nodded understanding on my face, I let out a small laugh, which caused him to look up at me.
“Yeah, they always say the rush will knock you off your feet. I just didn’t expect it to literally knock me off my feet. But don’t worry it’s ok, not your fault.” I said reassuringly.
Daveed lifted his hand the red string still connected to us both, with a small smile.
“I mean it kind of is.” He said softly.
I shook my head.
“No, it’s not. It would have happened eventually. And actually, I’m glad it happened now.” I said with a small smile.
Daveed looked up at me with a confused look on his face.
“Oh? Why?” he asked looking as me.
I laughed and stood, waving for him to stay there I walked into my room and grabbed a small envelope from my top desk drawer walking back out and sitting next to him again, handing to him. Daveed opened it and looked back at me.
“Because it would have happened with you on stage otherwise. And I wouldn’t want that.” I said gently.
He looked up from the tickets in his hand to me with a small smile.
“How are you so…. calm?” he asked finally, after a few seconds.
I couldn’t help but laugh as he passed the ticket back to me.
“I’m not.” I said simply as I stood up and quickly stashed the tickets before sitting back down.
He gave me a confused look, and I smiled a bit.
“To be honest? I’m still waiting to wake up, because this feels like a dream. I didn’t expect you to show up at my door, especially not after …” I broke off and shook my head a small smile on my face.
Daveed gave me another, unreadable look.
“After?” he asked softly.
I looked down and away from him, fiddling with the class ring on my hand. I took a breath and let out a small sigh.
“Especially not after I looked up and saw you were gone.” I said softly, I didn’t know if I could have actually spoken up right then, at least not without my voice cracking.
Daveed reached over and took my hand again, letting his thumb stroke over the back of it.
“I’m sorry, it washed over me so quickly and I didn’t want the others to see me, and realize what happened until we could get a chance to talk. I tried to catch you but you left so quickly. And Lin still figured it out, how I’m not sure.” He said looking into my eyes.
I bit my lip and nodded.
“Lin probably figured it out because if me.” I said softly.
That caught his attention, and he gave me another curious look.
“How, did he figure it out from you?” Daveed asked curiosity clear.
I shrugged lightly and smiled softly.
“Lin and I have known each other for six years. We text, and he texted asking what happened and mentioned finding you on the same position. Without thinking, because I was rushing to class, I basically told him 'I’m late to class what do you think happened?’ and then went to class.” I explained.
Daveed nodded a smile on his face.
“And of course, he figured it out, and decided that setting us up like this was the best idea.” Daveed finished my thought.
That cause a big smile to cross my face as I nodded and laughed a bit.
“I mean that’s how Lin is!” I giggled out.
We sat like that laughing and laughing getting to know each other for a while before I yawned softly. Daveed smiled gently down at me from where I had ended up tucked up to his side his arm wrapped around me.
“Maybe I should let you get some sleep.” He said softly and I snuggled more into his side.
“I don’t want you to go.” I said softly.
He laughed softly and gently nuzzled his nose into my hair.
“But you need to sleep.” He said and I felt the smile he pressed into the top of my head.
I sighed and nodded tilting my head a bit to look up at the clock and frowned slightly.
“You can’t leave now.” I said definitely.
Daveed laughed again and shook his head.
“I’m not going to keep you up all night, besides we can always plan to meet up tomorrow.” He said softly.
I shook my head and unwrapped one arm from around him, pointing at the clock he looked up and his eyes went wide.
“It's already two in the morning. You won’t get back into the city for another hour then who knows how long it’ll take you to get home or where you’re staying. By the time you get home you’ll have to almost turn around and leave for rehearsals in the morning, won’t you?” I asked softly looking up at him.
Daveed rubbed a hand over his face and sighed nodding.
“It’s worth it though.” He said softly a smile taking over his face.
I giggled softly and snuggled into his side.
“You can always stay here and leave in the morning after a couple hours of rest.” I suggested lightly.
Daveed looked down at me a smaller smile crossing his face.
“And your roommates?” he asked softly.
I shrugged.
“They’ll be curious but I’ll keep them away from you for now.” I said quietly.
Daveed laughed a bit and squeezed me gently.
“Alright.” He said finally.
I smiled up at him before slowly uncurling from him and standing up holding out my hand to take his and lead him to my room. We walked in and I ducked into the closet looking through what I had.
“What are you doing?” he asked a small laugh in his tone.
I hummed light before finally finding what I was looking for.
“Ah-hah! I ordered a pair of sleep pants but they sent me a pair about four sizes too big. But I kept them, because I figured they’d come in handy. And they did!” I said spinning to face him.
Daveed smiled at me and took the offered pants and headed to the bathroom to change. He came back smiled gently at me.
“Alright, we should sleep, and thank you.” He said softly.
I smiled gently and walked over to him, he had pulled his shirt off as well and I couldn’t help wrapping my arms around him taking a deep breath. He laughed softly and wrapped his arms around me rocking us gently. I smiled and snuggled into him.
“We have one more thing we have to do first.” I said softly as I pulled back and pulled my hoodie and t-shirt off, leaving me in just a tank top.
He raised an eyebrow as I tossed them into the corner.
“What’s that?” He asked me softly.
I smiled a bit and lifted my left hand wiggling the finger with the red string attached to it.
“I mean, if you want to.” I said softly second guessing myself when he didn’t answer after a few seconds.
He quickly wrapped his arms around me again and pressed his face into the top of my head.
“Of course, I do.” He whispered softly.
I let out a soft sigh, having let my fears get the best of me for a second. There were multiple ways what we were talking about could be done. Daveed uncoiled his arms from around me and stepped back a step, a smile on his face. He used his right hand to lift my face and leaned down, pressing his forehead to mine.
“Are you sure?” he asked softly his voice barely a breath over my face.
I swallowed and nodded my eyes locked with his.
“Absolutely.” I whispered.
Daveed smiled gently and leaned in, connecting our lips. I sighed softly into the gentle kiss, completely relaxing into it. He let his right slide up the side of my head resting on the side of my face, as I let mine drift up and press against his chest. I felt his left-hand land on my shoulder and slide down my arm slowly. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach the closer his hand slide to mine. I felt his hand hit my wrist and then he twisted both of our hands so they we’re palm together. I gasped into the electric feeling, hearing an equally sharp gasp. Daveed laced our fingers and let the electricity race through us, as we continued to kiss. The feeling started to lessen and we sighed softly, after a few minutes we pulled back and pressed our foreheads against each other. The feeling had lessened but the tingle was still there.
“Woah.” I whispered softly.
The kiss had incited fireworks to flash and the bond forming had cause electricity to course up and down our spines.
“Woah.” Daveed agreed just as softy.
We smiled at each other sharing another sweet soft kiss before climbing into the bed. He laid behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed softly and relaxed into his hold, reaching over and setting an alarm.
“When do you have to be up?” I asked softly.
Daveed hummed for a few seconds.
“Probably around seven, so I can be there by nine.” He said nuzzling into the back of my neck.
I giggled softly as I set the alarm.
“Your beard tickled me.” I murmured softly, relaxing back into him after setting my phone down.
Daveed laughed softly and rubbed his face against my neck again, making me giggle again. I fell asleep with him rubbing soft soothing patterns into my side. Hours later I groaned hearing my alarm going off, I reached over and swiped it off with a sigh snuggling back into the warmth behind me and froze for a second as the memories of last night came back. I sighed and rolled over laying my head on Daveed’s chest smiling softly when he wrapped his arms tighter around me. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and I sighed softly in response.
“Mmm good morning.” He murmured; voice heavy with sleep.
I felt a small shiver run through me at the gravelly tone his voice had and pressed a small kiss to his chest in response.
“Good morning.” I said just as softly.
Just as I tilted my head up to get a proper good morning kiss, my door swung open and I lunged out of bed grabbing it and slamming it back shut.
“Roxie or Ari or Lo' NOW is NOT the time!” I shouted leaning against the door and breathing heavily eyes wide.
I heard a sigh from the other side of the door.
“You’re going to be late for first class come on!” Roxie called, beating on my door.
I laughed and shook my head, sending a look and small apologetic smile to Daveed, I turned and slipped out of the door closing it behind me to lean against it again.
“Roxie, I got into a fight yesterday. I’m out of class for a week.” I said slowly reminding her and waving at my face which was by now no doubt sporting a black eye.
Roxie sighed and tilted her head back.
“Right, forgot sorry. So, who’s the guy?” Roxie asked a smirk on her face.
That’s when I realized Ari and Lo' were right behind her wearing the same look. Logan held Daveed’s jacket in her hands with a smug smirk. I growled and held my hand out.
“He’s mine, and that’s all you need to know currently. Look go to class or go in your rooms. He has to leave soon and you three aren’t going to hound him.” I said firmly as Logan handed me his jacket.
Roxie tossed her hands up and grabbed her backpack turning to the door.
“I took some of the take out for lunch!” she called as she walked out.
Logan following with a similar call. And Ari just waved before going back into her room. I sighed and turned back walking back into my room. I smiled at Daveed who was now sitting up on the edge of my bed.
“I'm sorry about that.” I said softly sitting down beside him.
He smiled and leaned over tilting my head and pressing a kiss to my lips.
“It’s ok, they’re curious.” He said softly.
I nodded and watched as he stood up. And moved to get his clothes I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, splaying my hands over his abs. I hummed lightly and he laughed, turning and wrapping his arms around me.
“I have to get ready.” He said softly.
I sighed and nodded nuzzling my nose into his chest.
“I know but I find myself not wanting to let you.” I whispered.
He smiled and pressed his face into my hair, before pulling back and uncoiling one arm from around me. He tilted my head up and pressed a kiss to my lips, I sighed softly and leaned into the kiss, using this time to really memories how his lips feel against mine. When oxygen became a necessity, we pulled back pressing our foreheads together and he brushed his nose against mine, drawing a small giggle from me.
“Now it’s a good morning.” He said with a warm smile on his face.
I nodded a warm smile over taking my face as well.
“It is.” I agreed softly.
We pulled back and he moved to the bathroom, turning at the door he sent me a smile.
“Why don’t you come with me? I’m sure Lin won’t mind.” He said softly with a smile playing on his lips.
I smiled back and nodded.
“Ok, sounds good.” I said softly.
He smiled back and turned to the bathroom. I moved to the closet and quickly got dressed stepping out I saw the bathroom door open so I looked in, seeing him stood in front of the mirror, messing with his hair. I giggled softly as I stepped inside.
“There you are.” He said dropping his arms to wrap around me.
I smiled and leaned up pressing a kiss to the underside of his chin. Delighting in the light shiver that I felt travel through him. I reached up into the cabinet and pulled out a pair of toothbrushes and toothpaste smiling and handing one to Daveed.
“I always have extra.” I said in explanation when he looked at me.
He laughed and shook his head, before we quickly began brushing our teeth, he kept one arm wrapped around me. I sighed softly and leaned back against him, smiling gently at him in the mirror. We finished our teeth and looked up in the mirror, I reached over and grabbed my brush and ran it through my hair. I smiled softly as I pulled hair up into a ponytail. Daveed took my hand and lead me from the bathroom and out of my room. I paused for a second smiling up at him.
“Later Ari!” I shouted grabbing my bag and keys.
Daveed and I walked from the room and down the stairs, leaving the building. He led me over to his car and we climbed inside, retaking each other’s hands almost on autopilot as Daveed started the car and put it in drive. We got on the road and Daveed lifted our joined hands to turn the radio on, turning the volume down with a small smile.
“Hope you don’t mind. I usually listen on the way in.” he said softly.
I shook my head with a smile and leaned over, and kissed his cheek.
“I enjoy your music.” I said simply.
Daveed turned and sent me a smile before quickly turning back to the road. The ride didn’t seem to take as long as it actually did and before long, we had pulled into a hotel parking lot.
“I have to run up and change, otherwise neither one of us will ever hear the end of it.” He said smiling gently.
I nodded, a smile playing on my lips.
“Alright.” I said softly.
He lifted our hands and kissed the back of mine.
“I’ll be right back, maybe ten minutes.” He said smiling.
I nodded and watched as Daveed climbed from the car, still holding my hand until he had to let go. He closed the door and sent me a smile before running into the hotel. I sighed and leaned back against the comfortable seat in the car. Grabbing my phone and opening it to look at any messages I might have. My eyebrows furrowed together when I saw frantic messages in the group chat with Roxie, Ari and Logan.
“Girl! You have to see this! Rachel has gone too far!” Roxie sent, alongside a photo.
I raised an eyebrow, in a chat where we sent basically porn pics often enough, we didn’t usually use the 'cover image’s feature on the app. I tapped the picture and my eyes went wide a gasp slipping from my lips. There on screen was a horrible flyer, with the nastiest words imaginable printed on it. I felt the tears well in my eyes as I read all of the words. From disparaging and hateful words about me to hateful and nasty things about Daveed. I backed out of the photo quickly, my thumbs flying across the screen.
“Take then all down! Now! Get rid of them all! I’m not on campus please, Roxie, Lo' Ari! Please you have to do this, it can’t get out, I can’t let him be drawn into my feud with that hateful witch! Please this could really hurt his career! Burn them if you have to but make sure nobody else sees them!” I sent frantically.
Just as I hit send, I heard the backdoor open and close a second before the front door opened, I looked up at Daveed who was dressed in new clothes.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked having seen the look on my face.
I heard my phone ding and looked down quickly.
“I’ll explain in a second.” I whispered, my voice shaking.
“Girl, already done. Just focus on you and him we got you covered here!” Roxie sent along with another image.
This one showed Ari and Lo' holding boxes of the flyers and a shredder between them working away at a stack of them already.
“Thanks girls I owe you one, we both do. Keep it up.”  I sent before sighing and turning.
I looked over at Daveed who was watching me with concern. I sighed and closed my eyes opening the app on instinct and swiping up a bit.
“I'm so sorry to drag you into this. We’re already doing damage control so it shouldn’t get out, there shouldn’t be rumors or anything.” I whispered softly.
“Kaley, what happened?” he asked reaching over and taking my hands.
I sighed and freed the one holding my phone sending him a small, worried smile.
“The girl who did this, posted hateful posters all over campus. They’re horrible but Roxie and Lo' saw them got Ari and got them all down and are now destroying them.” I whispered softly.
Daveed lifted his free hand and placed it on the side of my face, his thumb rubbing gently over my cheek. I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning into his hand.
“Ok, it’ll be ok.” He said reassuringly.
I sighed and opened my eyes looking into his, I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
“Remember, they’re all down. And getting destroyed currently.” I said softly.
Daveed looked at me confused for a second before I clicked the picture and turned my phone to face him, he took the phone and held it in his free hand. I saw his eyes scanning over the flyer, his eyes widening each time he saw something new. I knew he finished when his head dropped back against the car seat. I watched him as he worked through his thoughts, he turned his head to me and slipped my phone into the cup holder raising his hand he placed it onto the side of my face, drawing me forward he pressed a kiss to my lips. I kissed back just as fiercely as he kissed me but after a minute we pulled back, and he rubbed his thumb over my cheek.
“None of that is true.” He said firmly as if trying to make me believe.
I smiled softly and nodded.
“I know it’s not; I wasn’t worried for myself. I was worried for you.” I said gently.
Daveed gave me a sweet smile and shook his head.
“I’m ok, I was more worried with how you reacted than anything else.” He said softly.
I laughed a bit.
“I reacted like that because I didn’t want my stupid school yard feud to get this far, to involve you. I know if your label sees that shit, they’ll call and talk to you but they won’t like that it’s out there. I won’t let anything interfere with your career. That’s the only worry I had.” I said just as softly.
He huffed out a small laugh and kissed me again. Leaning back, he started the car again pulling out of the parking lot.
“It’s ok, they know me. And your friends seem to have it under control. Let’s just try and enjoy our day together ok?” he asked softly.
I nodded and smiled gently at him.
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” I agreed easily.
With that the short ride back to the theater was quiet besides the soft music playing in the car. Daveed pulled into a spot and he turned the car off turning and smiling at me.
“Lin is never going to let us hear the end of this.” He said softly lifting our joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of mine.
I laughed softly.
“Like he’d even try! He’ll just be giddy and giggly and bouncy all happy because of this. And knowing him….” I said laughing softly and trailing off, shaking my head.
Daveed laughed, nodding.
“He’s going to be singing the kissing song as soon as he sees us.” He finished my thought.
I laughed at the thought and Daveed joined me laughing loudly. We laughed for a long time, both unable to stop. We finally managed to stop and climbed from the car. Daveed reaching into the back to grab his bag as I checked the message that just came in on my phone.
“It’s done! We’ll handle the rest of damage control have fun!” Logan sent into the group chat.
I smiled softly sending a quick message back.
“Thanks girls! You’re amazing!” I slipped my phone away.
Daveed took my hand as soon as it was free giving me a gentle look, I smile and lean up pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“The girls just finished destroying the posters and wanted to let us know.” I said smiling softly.
Daveed nodded and kissed my forehead before leading me inside. We stopped at the office so Daveed could say hi to some of the people there and I waved politely when they looked at me. Daveed had wrapped an arm around me at this point and led me down the stairs towards his dressing room.
“Daveed! There you are! I thought you were going to text me when you got home?” Lin’s voice came sailing about a mile a minute from behind us.
Daveed looked down at me at the same time as I looked up at him.
“Yeah, I only got home this morning.” Daveed said turning us carefully.
Lin’s eyes went wide and he giggled running up to us, wrapping us both in hugs.
“Yes! I knew it!” he said cheering.
I couldn’t help but to laugh at the man.
“Yes, you did. And I thank you. But I have to go get dressed for practice.” Daveed said grinning at him.
Lin nodded enthusiastically.
“Right! Oh! Kaley! Good news! Come here!” Lin said grabbing my hand.
I tried to snuggle closer to Daveed.
“I don’t wanna!” I whined petulantly.
Daveed laughed softly and leaned down kissing my lips softly.
“I’ll be right here when you get back. Well not here, but my dressing room.” He said softly reassuringly.
I sighed softly and nodded.
“Oh alright.” I said softly pulling myself out of Daveed’s warm hold slowly.
As soon as I was clear of Daveed’s hold Lin took off down the hall quickly.
“Lin! I can’t keep up with your coffee fueled steps!” I shouted almost running after him.
I heard Daveed's laugh echoing off the halls and sighed softly. Lin slowed as we reach a split in the hallway, stopping completely.
“Ok, ok. Trust me!” he said putting his hands over my eyes.
I sighed and walked forward when he nudged me.
“I trust you, but Lin, I swear I will beat you if I fall down stairs!” I exclaimed softly.
Lin laughed and I felt him shake his head.
“No steps don’t worry, we’re almost there.” Lin said and I heard the smile.
We walked for another minute or so.
“Ok, stop!” Lin called turning me slightly.
I smiled softly at his obvious excitement.
“Close your eyes!” He said and I felt him bounce slightly.
I laughed and shut my eyes.
“They’re closed.” I assured.
I felt him move and I assume he stopped in front of me making sure my eyes were closed. I felt him shuffle me a bit and laughed as he did.
“Hmm ok. Ok! Open your eyes!” He said and I heard the physical restraint in his voice.
I laughed as I opened my eyes only to stop short.
“Lin? What the hell?” I asked softly, my eyes wide.
Lin laughed and reached over twisting the knob.
“You were still our best audition. So, welcome to the crew if you still want it. Please tell me you still want it?” Lin said smiling a bit nervously.
I laughed and started jumping around in place.
“If I want it? OF COURSE, I want it! Ahh thank you Lin!” I exclaimed hugging him quickly.
He laughed and hugged me back, we pulled apart and I walked into the room behind the door that held my name. Looking around the dressing room.
“it’s just the first act who’s rehearsing today, second act is tomorrow. So, you can go and head back to Daveed I just wanted to show you.” Lin said as he leaned against the doorway.
I giggled and spun around the room.
“Lin, seriously thank you.” I said turning back to him with a smile.
He laughed and shook his head.
“You earned it!” He said smiling.
After that he gave me the room key and I head back towards Daveeds dressing room a smile on my face. I knocked lightly on the closed door hearing a few voices from Inside before the door swung open.
“There you are, thought you got lost for a minute.” Daveed said smiling at me.
I blinked quickly and shook my head.
“No, thankfully I didn’t haha.” I said as he let me in.
I smiled up at him and he leaned down kissing me softly.
“AWWW!” shouted both Anthony and Oak as they saw it.
Daveed turned but I saw he couldn't get the smile off his face.
“Oh, shut up! So, what did Lin want?” He asked turning back to me.
I pulled out my key and held it up to him.
“He didn’t tell you?” Anthony called at the same moment.
I rolled my eyes when Daveeds widened seeing the key. He grabbed me up in a hug and swung me around, I giggled wrapping my arms around him.
“I knew you could do it.” He said softly, as our foreheads pressed together.
I smiled softly.
“Well that makes one of us.” I whispered and he pressed a kiss to my lips again.
Which of course caused the other two to call out again. Daveed sat me on my feet and brushed my hair behind me ear with a soft smile.
“Why don’t you two go finish getting ready.” Daveed suggested softly.
“Yeah, we’ll see you out there. Just don’t get distracted.” Oak said slipping out the door quickly, Anthony right behind him.
I giggled a bit.
“You’re happy.” He said turning to me as he finished fixing his neck poof thing.
I nodded.
“I am, I’m glad I got this.” I said sitting on the couch.
Daveed smiled and turned back to the mirror making sure his outfit looked good. A few minutes later I sat up ramrod straight and groaned.
“Fuck!” I exclaimed.
Daveed whipped around looking for a problem, and I laughed softly at his face.
“What happened?” He asked eyes wide.
I smiled softly before it faded and I leaned back.
“Nothing, technically is wrong. I just fucking realized the downside to this.” I sighed softly.
Daveed shrugged into his jacket as he walked over to sit beside me.
“And what’s that?” he asked taking my hand in his.
I sighed softly smiling at the small action.
“Well the role I got was Maria, right?” I started softly.
Daveed nodded staying silent and letting me continue.
“Lin is basically my brother.” I said sounding grossed out.
Daveed laughed a bit and kissed me gently.
“Ok, so what’s the problem?” he asked smiling.
I smiled and shook my head.
“It means that I have to both kiss and basically give a lap dance on stage to my brother.” I said pulling a face.
Daveed also pulled a face.
“That’s gross, my only suggestion is, get into the character?” Daveed suggested lightly.
I laughed and nodded wrapping my arms up around his neck carefully not to disturb the poof his hair had been pulled back into. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, his hands instantly finding my hips before sliding back around my back. I sighed softly into the kiss only to groan a few seconds later when the door opened.
“Oh! I…uhm…I’m sorry! But it’s just about time to head up.” Leslie said turning quickly so his back was to the room.
I laughed as Daveed and I pulled away from each other. He stood up and took my hand, pulling me up. We walked over to Leslie and Daveed tapped his shoulder.
“Let’s go.” Daveed said and I giggled lightly as he pulled out the Lafayette voice.
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Chapter 3 - Seating Arrangements
*March 15, 2016*
After having a very fast tracked divorce that was being put on blast in the media, I was coming to the light at the end of the tunnel.
My life had been completely flipped upside down by Jesse. After going through a divorce I didn’t even want, with paparazzi hounding me when I went anywhere whether it be work or something for recreation, I was tired and wanted to get away from Los Angeles.
I had moved back to New York. New York was a place where I felt safe, believe it or not. I had spent much of my life there, went to college there, and it’s where I belonged. I would be closer to my family and Europe, which was a frequent travel destination of mine.
“That’s good enough. Not looking to date anyone anyways.” I said as I pulled on a coat overtop of my wrinkled shirt from work.
My friend, Lin-Manuel Miranda, had gave me a ticket in a private box to see his broadway show, ‘Hamilton.’
This would be one of the few times I had left my apartment besides going to work. Going out seemed useless since I had no one to go out with. Taking Peach on walks, going to libraries, taking up some cooking, and essentially just having Beyoncé’s new album ‘Lemonade’ on repeat have been my life besides work. I had luckily been placed into the same type of job I had in Los Angeles, just in NYC. Crime is going to happen everywhere. Anything to stay off social media, the world claiming I’m the one in the wrong when it came to my own marriage. Between pictures of Jesse leaving the courthouse and his lawyers office, and me leaving mine, along with both of us being seen without our rings, people started putting two and two together. I’m only being raked over the coals because my now ex husband is Jesse Williams and because I’m a Kennedy. No one knows what truly happened and it’s going to stay that way.
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I grabbed my clutch and walked out the door, locking it behind me. Don’t want anyone dognapping Peach.
I arrived at Broadway eventually. While I’m used to the heavy traffic, it was a bit more crowded than usual. Many people were standing around with their phones at the ready. I paid no attention to it, as I just wanted to get to my seat. I knew the music was incredible, I was just ready to see the real thing.
I followed my ticket number, it was up in a private box. I usually never try to get any special treatment because of my name or who I am associated with, but this is the one time I have. I didn’t want to be around tons of people right now. Having a divorce dropped on you could probably do that to you.
I arrived at my seat and was surprised when I saw another person sitting there. There were two seats which I was not expecting. A seemingly tall man in a white button up and beanie sat in one of the chairs.
I took a seat and tried to occupy my eyes on my phone when his voice caught my attention.
“Have you seen this show before?” A deep British voice asked.
“I’ve heard the music. I’m quite good friends with the man who made this, Lin-Manuel Miranda. But I haven’t seen the actual show.” I responded while looking up to meet his face.
A face with a red beard and blue eyes met my own. He was very handsome but I pushed those thoughts out of my head.
“Ah. I’m on a bit of a holiday, away from work and everything. Wanted to see a good show, but ironic where I’m somehow related to the British in this. King George III is my 5th great-grandfather.” He chuckled.
“How’re you related?” I asked right before I realized, “Wait, you’re Harry. Like Prince Harry.”
“Yes, I don’t like to talk about it.”
“I get it, I don’t like the attention on me.” I agreed. “I’m Beau.”
We shook hands and he smiled.
“Beau?” He asked, ending the question as if he was asking for my last name.
“As in.. like the President? Those Kennedy’s?” He asked.
“Those Kennedy’s. JFK was my great uncle. I really understand not wanting to talk about your family and stuff.” I smiled.
We continued to make surface level small talk to each other until the lights dimmed and the curtains started to open.
After the show ended, there was a standing ovation.
I looked back to my chair to begin to gather my things when Harry’s voice caught my attention.
“Would you like to go out for a drink?”
“Oh, I have work in the morning. I really shouldn’t.” I pulled on my coat and looked at him.
“Cmon, you said you were going through a tough time. I am too. Just one drink?” He asked again.
“Okay. But you should probably find another exit out besides the front. Many, many people were there waiting to catch a glimpse of the Prince.” I said as I picked up my clutch.
“Very well. Let’s go this way.”
He lead me down from the private boxes into a back staircase and out behind the theater.
We walked in the cold to the nice bar near my apartment, hoping to remain unseen for his sake.
“Here we are! The best bar in town.” I smiled as I opened the door.
“Are you a local?” He laughed as he went in.
“Sort of.” I smiled.
After ordering our drinks, we sat down at a little table in the corner.
“Tell me about yourself.” He sipped on his drink.
“What do you want to know?”
“What do you do? For work? Fun?”
“Okay well, I work as an agent for the FBI. More specifically in the white collar crime division. I recently moved back to the city after living in Los Angeles for a few years. I worked as an agent there as well.” I explained.
“That’s so amazing you’re an agent. I’ve always been intrigued by the FBI.”
“It’s my whole life.” I smiled and took a drink.
“Why did you move back to New York if you were living in California?” He cocked his head to the side a little.
“Well, it’s a little complicated. Moved there a few years ago for my then husband. Flash forward a few years later, he’s dropping divorce papers on me because he didn’t want to be with me anymore. Didn’t love me anymore, wanted to start a family even though I wasn’t ready, and worst of all he didn’t give me any warning. No suggestion of couples therapy, me cutting back some on work, nothing. He just dropped it on me one night back in January when I came home from a long day at work. I signed the papers, gave him my wedding band back, and moved. Cross country, back to my roots. I grew up in New England and wasn’t truly happy in California. But I was happy with him. But I’ll be happier here.” I downed the rest of my drink after explaining. “I love New York. And life has been good here. Have a little puppy, took up some cooking, work, yada yada.”
“Who was the idiot who divorced you?”
“His name is Jesse Williams. He plays a doctor on Greys Anatomy. We met here in New York, I was a college girl and he was the older hot guy I kept bumping into at a coffee shop. We ended up dating for about 8 years and then we got married.”
“I’m so sorry, love, but you sound like you’re doing good here in the city.”
“I am, doing good. But what about you? What do you do besides being a Prince of England?”
“Well, I have a few foundations that I’m heavily involved in.”
“Like the Invictus Games? I’ve read a few things about that!” I asked excitedly. “Many people in my family are veterans and we all are into things that work with people that have served their countries.”
“Yes exactly! After serving two tours and meeting so many people affected by war, I wanted to do something that shines a spotlight on the most important people, the bravest people.” He spoke sincerely. I could tell this is something that’s very near and dear to him and that he didn’t get a huge opportunity to talk about it a lot.
“That’s truly incredible.”
We continued to talk for at least three hours. It was 3 in the morning when we realized what time it was.
“Oh my goodness, I have work tomorrow, or today I mean!” I laughed, shrugging my coat on and grabbing my things. “I didn’t mean to talk this long.”
“No I didn’t either. Let me walk you back to your place? Make sure you get there safe.” He offered.
“Okay. I live this way.” I pointed out the window.
We walked outside and were immediately met with tons of paparazzi and people wanting pictures. Great. This would definitely end up on the news and media outlets tomorrow.
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I felt Harry grab my hand.
“It’s okay, this happens a lot. You’re okay.” He said in my ear as I realized I had tensed up my body.
After fighting through a huge swarm of cameras and flashing lights, we were able to lose them by taking back streets and alleyways. We eventually reached my apartment building and went in.
We took the elevator and while standing in it, I realized we were still holding hands. I let go but smiled to myself.
At my door, I stopped and turned to him.
“Thank you for this evening. I’m really happy I didn’t end up sitting by myself at the show. And for the drinks. You really didn’t have to pay.”
“Nonsense, I don’t mind at all.” He smiled warmly.
I felt a surge of butterflies in my stomach. This isn’t good.
“I better get to bed, I have to be up in two hours.” I smiled back.
“Yes, of course. I’m gonna be here for a few more days, would you like to exchange numbers? Maybe we could get drinks or dinner?” He asked.
I really shouldn’t be dating right now.
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
We put our numbers into each other’s phones.
“Goodnight, Beau.” He smiled again.
“Goodnight, Harry.”
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Hahn Air Enters 2020 with 40 New Partner Airlines
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Hahn Air added 39 new carriers to its network of over 350 partner airlines during 2019. Seventeen of the new partner airlines are using the product HR-169 and have entered into an interline agreement with Hahn Air.
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The remaining 23 carriers are taking advantage of the H1-Air or X1-Air products which are designed specifically for airlines that are looking to expand their GDS presence, extending their reach through ten major GDSs to 100,000 travel agencies in 190 markets. “2019 was an incredible year for Hahn Air,” said Jörg Troester, Head of Corporate Strategy, Industry and Government Affairs at Hahn Air. “In the 20th year of our ticketing business, we have introduced our NDC platform, Hahn Air Technologies and our new solution for corporate shuttle flights, HR-Corporate. In addition, we received IATA Level 3 NDC certification, issued the world’s first blockchain-generated air ticket and added 40 new airlines to our partner network. We are ready for 2020 with a focus on our products H1-Air and X1-Air, new technologies and sustainability. We’ll be able to share more news soon.” See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Hahn Air, Distribution, NDC. 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Passengers in November 2019  SilkAir to Cease Flights to Kolkata, India  Biman Bangladesh Airlines Launches Flights to Manchester, England  EmbraerX and Elroy Air to Collaborate on Unmanned Air Cargo  FCM Strengthens Innovation Programme with Shep Investment  Artotel Appoints Yulia Maria as Group Director of Marketing Communications  Japan, Singapore, S. Korea and Germany Have World's Most Powerful Passports  Yangon Int. Airport Implements SITA's Airport Management Solution  Air France to Launch Twice-Daily Flights Between Paris-Orly and Munich, Germany  ANA to Enhance Service at Airports in Japan with Portable Translators  Yvette Thomas-Henry Appointed GM of Four Seasons Resort Nevis  Hahn Air Enters 2020 with 40 New Partner Airlines  CWTSatoTravel Partners US Military's Spouse Employment Programme  My Emirates Pass Gives Passengers Special Discounts in UAE  Visitors to Singapore Must Now Register Unmanned Aircraft  India's Vistara Airline Appoints APG as Online GSA in France  BOC Aviation Orders 20 Airbus A320neos  China Airlines to Launch Direct Flights to Chiang Mai, Thailand  Green Light for Vietnam Airlines to Expand Codeshare Agreement with Delta  All Hi Fly Flights Now Single-Use Plastic Free  Air India Renews Distribution Agreement with Amadeus  Mandy Goh Joins St. Regis Langkawi as Executive Chef  Spirit Airlines Signs Purchase Agreement for 100 Airbus A320neo Aircraft  Hamad Int. Airport Served Record 38,786,422 Pax in 2019  British Airways Starts Offsetting Carbon Emissions on All Flights Within UK  Marriott Opens Second JW on Hainan Island, China  Airbus Partners Aston Martin for Special Edition Helicopter  Dassault Aviation Appoints Charles Wemaëre as VP Worldwide Spares  Boeing Appoints Niel Golightly as SVP of Communications  Jayson Goldstein Joins Four Seasons Boston as F&B Director  Vietjet Takes Delivery of Two More Airbus Aircraft  Two Executive Appointments at Bombardier Aviation  Air India No Longer Available on Sabre GDS  Thailand Targets Tourism Revenue of 3.18 Trillion Baht in 2020  Pictures from Ascot United vs Banstead Athletic on 4 Jan 2020  Gen Z - Airbnb's Fastest Growing Market for Experiences in Asia Pacific  Air Canada Takes Delivery of First Airbus A220-300  AirAsia Launches Flights Between Kuala Lumpur and Dalat, Vietnam  Cebu Pacific Orders 15 Airbus Aircraft, Including Up To 10 A321XLRs  American Airlines and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  New Immigration Requirements to Help Solomon Islands Fight Measles  Vietjet Launches Danang - Singapore Flights  American Express GBT Forecasts Stable Air Prices in 2020  Etihad and Kuwait Airways to Codeshare  PAG and Inmark Purchase Grand Hyatt Seoul  British Airways and Iberia Achieve IATA NDC @Scale Certification  Air Caraïbes Takes Delivery of First A350-1000  Aman Signs Fourth Resort in Japan  Hamilton to Host HSBC New Zealand Sevens 25-26 January 2020  Thales' New Touchscreen Cockpit Displays Now Available on Airbus A350s  Mongolian Airlines to Expand Network with Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner  British Airways to Trial AI-Powered Robots at London Heathrow  Dusit Thani Resort Opens in Shuangyue Bay, China  Six Senses Signs First Hotel in UK  Mandarin Oriental to Take Over Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi  Cebu Pacific Offering Passengers Roaming WiFi Kits  Air France Orders 60 Airbus A220-300 Aircraft  Sindhorn Midtown Hotel in Bangkok Appoints Jee Hoong Tan as GM  British Airways to Launch LHR Flights to Portland, USA  Braathens Takes Delivery of First of Five New ATR 72-600s  Cebu Pacific Joins IATA  Thailand: Airbnb Adds Saraburi to Beyond Big Cities Campaign  New International Rugby Sevens Competition to be Launched in February  Sindhorn Midtown Hotel in Bangkok Appoints Nicha Ruenthip as DOSM  Qatar Airways to Launch Flights to Santorini and Dubrovnik  British Airways Signs Joint Business Agreement with China Southern  Air Canada Rouge Completes In-Flight Wi-Fi Installation  Saab Wins Order for Digital Air Traffic Towers in Netherlands  Whitbread Secures Fourth Premier Inn Hotel in Dublin, Ireland  Amman to Host CAPA Middle East & Africa Aviation Summit 2020  Boeing to Suspend Production of 737 MAX  Cathay Pacific's Inbound Hong Kong Traffic Down 46% in November  Singapore Airlines to Launch Flights to Brussels, Belgium  Wego Signs Retailing Agreement with ATPCO  GTR Opens Air Cargo Hub at KLIA Air Cargo Terminal 1  Bombardier Uses SAF to Deliver Challenger 350 to Latitude 33 Aviation  Swiss-Belhotel Signs First Hotel in Malaysia  Czech Air Force Orders Two More Airbus C295 Aircraft  New Boeing-Built Satellite to Orbit Over Asia Pacific  Third Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Opens in Malaysia  Hong Kong Airport Reports Further Drop in Pax, Cargo and Flights  Air Canada Launches Flights Between Vancouver and Auckland, New Zealand  Andaz Macau Appoints Chikako Shimizu as GM  Cathay Pacific to Take Over Air New Zealand's Auckland-Hong Kong Service  Four Seasons Opens Second Luxury Resort in Megeve, France  Ireland's Department of Defence Orders Two Airbus C295 Aircraft  Best Western Plus Opens in Nairobi, Kenya  Qatar Airways Launches Flights to Gaborone, Botswana  Korean Air to Revamp SkyPass Frequent Flyer Program  Embraer E175-E2 Performs Maiden Flight  Charlie Sullivan Joins CWT's Air Distribution Team  Marriott Opens Third Sheraton Hotel in Beijing, China  Radisson Blu Opens Resort in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Qantas Chooses Airbus A350-1000 for Ultra Long-Haul Flights  Executive Appointments at Banyan Tree  BA to Launch LHR Flights to Six New European Destinations in 2020  Korean Air to Revamp SkyPass Frequent Flyer Program  Embraer E175-E2 Performs Maiden Flight  Charlie Sullivan Joins CWT's Air Distribution Team  Marriott Opens Third Sheraton Hotel in Beijing, China  Radisson Blu Opens Resort in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Qantas Chooses Airbus A350-1000 for Ultra Long-Haul Flights  Executive Appointments at Banyan Tree  BA to Launch LHR Flights to Six New European Destinations in 2020  How Technology is Shaping Airports of the Future  FCM and Flight Centre Achieve NDC Level 4 Certification  Dusit Rebrands Luxury Resort in Philippines  Emirates Launches Flights to Mexico via Barcelona  Air Canada's First Airbus A220-300 Completes Maiden Flight  FAA Certifies ExecuJet MRO Malaysia to Work on Dassault Jets  AirAsia Launches Snap  Air France-KLM Orders 10 A350-900 Aircraft  Bundeswehr Takes Delivery of First Airbus H145 SAR Helicopter  Drew Crawley to Join American Express Global Business Travel as CCO  Cape Town 7s 2019 to Take Place 13-15 December  Congo Airways to Replace Dash 8-400s with Embraer E175 Aircraft  Ascent Solutions Installs Two E-Gates at NAIA 2 Departures  Michel Poussau Appointed GM of Rugby World Cup 2023  Wetherspoon to Invest £200 Million Developing New Pubs and Hotels  IATA Asks EU to Support Sustainable Aviation Fuel Transition  Boeing Delivers First Modified MV-22 Osprey to United States Marine Corps  Marriott Signs Six Hotels in India  Accor to Rebrand Hotel in Queensland, Australia  MHG Signs Two Hotels in Doha, Qatar  Vietjet Launches Flights to New Delhi from Hanoi and Saigon  SKY Signs Purchase Agreement for 10 Airbus A321XLRs  British Airways Trials 3D Printing  SAS' First A350 to Enter Long-Haul Service on 28 January  Air Italy and Oman Air Sign Codeshare Agreement  ACH and Aston Martin to Unveil 'New Creation' in January  Qantas Signs FFP Agreement with Air France - KLM Group  Malaysia Airlines Launches Shuttle Fares on Flights Between KL and Singapore  Accor to Open 125-Room Mercure Hotel in Canberra in January  Openings Push Australia's Hotel Inventory to Over 300,000 Rooms  Alban Dutemple Appointed Cluster GM of Two Hotels in Bahrain  Air New Zealand Trials Edible Coffee Cups  Manchester Airport Unveils Details of £1 Billion Transformation  South Africa Beat New Zealand to Win Dubai Sevens  Aviation: RPKs Up 3.4% in October 2019  China Airlines to Launch Flights Between Taipei and Cebu, Philippines  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Seven HD Videos from IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok  Vietnam Airlines Signs EngineWise Service Agreement with Pratt & Whitney  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking...Epilogue PART 1!
Masterlist (If you haven’t seen any of the Repairing shorts, go here please!)
A/N: This isn’t even 1/3 of what the full epilogue is going to end up being. But I am so frustrated about not having posted in like 2 weeks so take this fro suspense I guess??? @marquiis-de-la-baguette you wanted suspense?!
Warnings: Idk maybe language probably???
Wordcount: 2248
Tags!!!:  @midnightokieriete (I know you’re studying ;-;) @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty @meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff @pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes @msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing @fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 @frozengal2013 @itsmikayblr @sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms @hoshihime98 @shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2 (lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7 (I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism @okie-dokie-artichokeme @alyssumax @pandartist @marquiis-de-la-baguette @abi-sans05
What was once Broken
You feel tired.
Your body is sore.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Your mind is weak.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
You can breathe.
 Your eyes flutter open, there’s a bright light and your eyes can’t focus on it. Philip…where is…where’s Philip? Your eyes were starting to adjust but things were still a bit hazy. You looked to your right and saw a silhouette, warm skin, dark and wavy hair. Angie…? The figure came closer to you and you were met with an emerald green. Wait…Rachel? You blinked away the metaphorical film over your eyes. There she was.
“Oh my God… Oh my God! You’re alive! Oh God…!” She was crying, tears staining a face you had almost forgotten.
“A-Anna…? Where…What’s going on?” You wheezed. She looked tired, like she had stayed up for days.
“We were jumped; don’t you remember?” Yeah, I do remember. I also faintly recall a bullet passing through my skull.  “Some asshole tried to mug us, he pulled out a gun and everything! You saved my fucking life! You gave me a chance to run and call the cops. I heard a gunshot and I thought…I thought you were dead. But when the ambulance came, you were still alive! Apparently the bullet got lodged in the chamber and exploded, you only got some of the fragments. The real problem was that after the shot didn’t work, he used the handle to hit over the head. You’ve been pretty much unconscious for eight days… But you’re awake! You are never allowed to almost die on me again, you hear me?”
“Eight days…?”
“Yeah, we were all starting to think that…that you wouldn’t make it… But on that second night, you woke up for a little bit! It meant you had a chance! I missed you so much, nerd bucket!” she cried, you felt your eyes burn a bit from tears pricking at the edges.
“I missed you too, smarty pants!”
 You had to spend a few extra days in the hospital for observation and that gave you a chance to get caught up. All of your friends and family sent their regards and you were glad to hear from them after so long, but that was the thing. Time was odd for you. The memory of waking up under the lamp post felt like it was four years ago, but the shot happening in the street and the shot from Eacker felt like they just happened. It was like both worlds existed simultaneously for you, and you simply moved yourself between them. You felt like you were forgetting something, there was a gap of time missing from between your second death and you waking up in the hospital. It was blank slate that troubled you. However, something else was bugging you even more. Philip. It was gnawing at you, you didn’t have answers, you hated not having answers. Was it really all just a dream? No, it couldn’t have been! He…he was real… You’d see the sun rise every morning and smile, forgetting that he wasn’t going to say hello to you before breakfast. When the sun would set you’d cry, because you knew that he wouldn’t read you a poem he wrote earlier that day. You were unbelievably depressed, even more than you had been in the past. You lost someone, you sacrificed yourself for them and for what? This loneliness, this feeling of something being missing?
The days felt longer and all you had to do all day was think about him. You wanted answers but had no way of getting them yet. You were lucky to have Anna around, honestly she was the only reason why you’d smile for a while there. You were the one to die, but it felt as if he had. You didn’t have any way of knowing if the world had just reset itself, and truthfully that scared you more. What if none of it happened? None of it mattered? But some things were different, something had to have changed. Your hands, they weren’t calloused from the years of work and writing with a stupid feather. There were no scars on your palms from breaking that fragile teacup. They were exactly how you remembered them to be. You looked into the mirror, Anna warned you not to freak out. All across your right temple and some of that side of your forehead were tiny red indents. According to the doctors, the broken shrapnel hit you and would definitely leave scarring. Every night you looked at the dots and remembered what Philip said to you on that night. ‘Now we match! I have spots on my face and you have some on yours!’ ‘Baby’s breath, it looks like the stars. Well, and you remind me of the stars.’ It felt almost taunting to you.
“I guess now we really do match sunshine…” You heard a knock at your door.
“Come in!” You called out, you heard her voice.
“Hey, sister! I come baring something you’re going to love!” You flinched a bit when you heard Anna call you ‘sister’, you weren’t sure why, that was one of her nicknames for you. It just had an odd sense of familiarity.
“What’s up?” You tried to sound as much like your old self as possible. You felt like you were four years older than your body.
“I got you a lil present!” She skipped over to you and handed you an envelope. “Open it! The anticipation is killing me!” She whined. You chuckled softly and carefully tore it open. Reaching your hand in, you pulled out two small pieces of paper. No…fucking…way! “Hamilton tickets! Richard Rogers Theater, on Broadway!  How much do you love me?” She raised an eyebrow. You were completely astonished.
“How did…when did… Who did you have to kill to get these?” You squealed.
“No killing involved, honey! And when it comes to getting them…let’s just say I know a guy who bought them a long time ago and doesn’t need them anymore.”
“That sounds…ominous. Your eyes are doing that scary glint thing.”
“They are not, my eyes are beautiful and the most impressive shade of hazel you will ever see!” She snapped her fingers.
“For the last time, your eyes are green, they’re only brown on the very edge and honestly it’s closer to a black color.” You two had this fight all the time, it was honestly just an inside joke between you both at this point. She rolled her eyes.
“The doctors said that you could be signed out after in a few more days! We’ll go have a girls’ day out on Wednesday and then finish it all off with the show! Doesn’t that sound awesome?” She sounded so happy and hopeful, you always appreciated her energy.
“Are you sure you can do that? I know you’ve been missing a lot of school because of me, wouldn’t that hurt your grade? How am I supposed to feel when I find out that my best friend’s political career is ruined?”
“Nerd bucket, you don’t need to worry about anything. The teachers adore me and my grades are perfect! Do not ever question my capabilities! Also, Roxanne called this morning, she can’t wait to see you, she’s making cookies for you.” She informed.
“Aw! Roxanne is such a sweetie! Seriously, how did you manage to convince that angel to date you for this long?” You joked. Roxanne was Anna’s girlfriend; they were honestly the perfect couple.
             You got to spend a few more days in the hospital, no phone or anything like that. It got boring very quickly. Luckily you had your theories, those kept your mind going. You wanted to know what happened but you were forced to wait. When you were finally cleared to leave, you had every intention of figuring out what was going on. Unfortunately, that’s not how it went down. Anna was around you the whole day, most of the time was spent at the mall trying to find something to wear. She picked out a flowy, lavender dress with small flowering on the bodice. She snagged a simple, peachy dress that looked amazing on her. You questioned whether you’d be over dressed and she told you that you can never be over dressed. It was odd, putting on a dress that didn’t involve a million years’ worth of undergarments and metal death traps. The two of you went back to the apartment and you were hit with a tsunami of nostalgia. She did your hair and makeup and once the time arrived you left.
“We should’ve left early so we could grab dinner!” You stated, she shook her head mischievously.
“We’re getting diner after the show, I’ve always got more surprises up my sleeve!” She chuckled to herself. Oh my god, and she says I’m a nerd. What a fucking dork! She linked your arms together and hailed a cab, you usually didn’t like to take them because of the traffic but it wasn’t that far since you had walked for a little bit. It wasn’t long before you were standing in front of Richard Rogers Theater and you were completely geeking out. Anna looked at her watch.
“Fuck! I was hoping to get here a bit earlier to check on something! Whatever, let’s just get inside!” She led you by the arm into the theater. Oh my fucking God!! There are the lights! There’s the stage! LOOK AT THAT SET!! You both took your seats, which were surprisingly good, and waited anxiously.
“This is literally the second coolest thing to ever happen to me!” You said giddily.
“Well, get ready sweetheart! It’s about to be number one!” The lights went down and the whole audience was submerged in darkness for a moment. I still remember the words…this is so weird. The show began, the familiar melody of the opening song filled the room. A man with dark skin appeared on the stage.
Burr: “How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a
Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten
Spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor
Grow up to be a hero and a scholar?”
Wow…he looks just like…Wait! More people were flooding onto the stage from different points.
Laurens: “The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father
Got a lot farther by working a lot harder
By being a lot smarter
By being a self-starter
By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter.”
Philip? This time, you did feel your thought fall from your lips. That looks…
Jefferson: “And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted
Away across the waves, he struggled and kept his guard up
Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of
The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow, or barter.”
Madison: “Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned
Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain
Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain
And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain.”
I haven’t seen you in a while…Mulligan? Madison? Shit I’m confused now. The song continued, your curiosity growing at every face that reminded you of someone else, someone you knew, someone you loved. And then you wondered more and more about that man. He looks like my sunshine… But for some reason, it didn’t feel right. You didn’t get the butterflies in your stomach when you looked at this person, it was like he had the cover of a book you adored but it ended up being a different tale entirely. You felt that the song was going to end soon.
Mulligan/Lafayette: “We fought with him.”
Philip: “Me? I lost for him.”
Angelica/Eliza/???: “Me? I loved him.”
Burr: “And me? I’m the damn fool that shot him.”
Lost? I thought that line was ‘I died for him’? Did he get it wrong? The song ended as you finished that thought. The rest of Act 1 played through and you were blown away by how incredible it was. There were so many things that reminded you of your time with them. It was bittersweet. Act 2 came in with a bang. Thomass Jeffershit! The man playing him got his looks and personality down to the T. Take a break came on and you couldn’t help but giggle at the person playing Philip. He really was my poet… When Say No to This faded in, chills ran down your spine. Nope, don’t want to think about that! Weird train of thought! WEIRD TRAIN OF THOUGHT!! Everything was going along normally until Cabinet Battle #2 ended. You were expecting to hear the words of Aaron Burr in Washington On Your Side, but another, familiar sound faded in. What is this? Doesn’t a different song break up the narrative of following along with the Washington theme?! There was some sort of hasty knocking sound, the woman playing Eliza ran in with someone draped under her arm. It was the woman who played Peggy and Maria, except her outfit was different. She had a cloth tied around her head, her dress was much flatter than the other and was white like the ensemble characters. There was a purple slip over the top of it but it had an opening on the front to show the white part. Who in the hell…?
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daveedsbra-blog · 7 years
Obviously you
Pairing: Jon Rua x Reader.
Request: none, I just heckin love Jon.
Summary: Ari sets reader and him up on a date, and reader is a little sceptical at first but her nerves fade when she meets Jon.
Warnings: swearing? I think.
Words: 1572.
A/n: Yay! This is my first fanfiction!!! Big thanks to @musicalmiranda and @secretschuylersister for being so nice and supportive! I hooe you enjoy.
extra special thanks to @hamitome--imagines for helping me edit
“For God’s sake! How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not ready to start dating again”
“Y/n it’s been months since you’ve gone on a date, you barely touch your poor tinder! Plus! Jon is the sweetest guy at work, trust me” she says, pulling on my hand as I fight leaving my apartment.
“You say that with every guy you set me up on dates with! Remember Oliver? The train Wreck?” I ask, tugging her back.
“I didn’t know he was diabetic! How should I know that?” Ari shouts.
“He was your friend!” I yell back.
“Jon is one of the sweetest people ever! He buys me coffee on the daily! Come on!” I finally give in and let her tug me out the door.
“Fine, but if he’s weird I’m straight up leaving” I huff, swinging my purse over my shoulder as I walk behind her.
She led me outside the building and pointed to a man facing away from us, he absent mindly fixes his hair as he looks around.
“Jon! Come here!” Ari calls, he spins on his heel, gleams at us and practically flys over. I smile meekly, feeling flustered at the sight of him, I had a feeling I wouldn’t want to skip out on this date. He stops infront of me as we stare at each other in the eyes for a moment, breaking into giggles as Ari looks with a proud smile.
“Well, I’m going to hide in Y/n’s apartment because she has Amazon prime and Netflix” Ariana excuses herself and rushing into my apartment block, leaving me with Jon.
“I’m obviously Y/n” I say with a breathy laugh.
“Well I’m obviously Jon” he smiles, his eyes creasing as his cheeks round out, I giggle along with him.
“So, coffee?” I ask, pushing my hair out for my eyes.
“I was thinking the same thing” he says back, unable to keep a grin off his face. He extends his hand for me, I take it and squeeze it tightly.
We walk down the buzzing streets, scouting out for a cafe to settle down at.
“So, Obviously Y/n, what do you do for a living?” Jon asks, swinging our hands slightly.
“Interior designer. It’s as exciting as it seems” I joke, looking at him.
“No no, I’m sure it’s very exciting” he says sweetly.
“I mean nothing’s as exciting as being a Broadway star” I say, looking at a rustic cafe across the road. I extend my free arm, my purse hanging off it as I point to the cafe.
“There looks good” I say, gently pulling on his hand as I power walk to the nearest crossing, standing closely next to him, rocking on my heels.
“So, you think I’m a Broadway star?” He asks, nudging my side.
“I mean, you are technically, Mr Lee” I wink and nudge him back.
“You’ve seen the show?” He asks, turning his head to me before pulling us across the street.
“God no, interior design can’t pay for thousand dollar tickets” I laugh. He smiles back as he turns towards the cafe, peeking inside the window at the seating.
“It looks good, should we do it?” He asks, pressing a hand on the door, I nod and follow him in.
We get a table and sit down, talking about work, the show, all sorts of things. He brought up childhood and we bounced stories of high school off each other, and before we knew it we’d been sitting there talking for a few hours, and when we finally got kicked out, he offered to pay for our coffees.
“So, I had a good time…” he says, I nod.
“I mean, it’s pretty late, and I haven’t had dinner yet, maybe we could quickly go somewhere?” I ask, giving a hopeful smile, he laughs and takes my hands.
“Am I really that good a date?” He asks to himself “because I’ll happily take you to dinner”
This boy has grabbed my heart and had it in a headlock, anytime our legs brushed during lunch my insides turned to complete jelly, I couldn’t help but giggle like a toddler anytime he complimented me, or how his eyes sparkled anytime he talked about his work.
It was safe to say I was completely smitten with him. He walked down the street with me, as we both gazed into the setting sky, the loud charter and buzz of traffic as he sqeezed my hand, I felt like the protagonist in a romantic movie.
He stops outside a restaurant, looking at the sign with a questioning look, he turns to me, raising his eyebrows and shrugging, I grin and nod, letting him talk to the waitress at the front entrance.
“Table for two?” He asks the waitress, she nods as Jon and myself simultaneously let out a “thank you” causing us both to break into childish laughter. The restaurant had a soft orange glow to it, filled with all sorts, collage girls in skimpy dresses to middle ages men with their daughter’s and wives. The waitress stopped at a small window seat for us and we both sat down and thanked her, watching her speed off to the next table.
“I’m really enjoying myself tonight” I admit, fiddling with my hands.
“I am to!” He says back, I feel my heart begin to swell.
“Its nice to have a good date once in a while, you know?” I say, he nods.
“toytally, A friend of mine tried to set me up with this girl because we both did dancing, turns out she doesn’t like guys that dance, bit of a hypocrite, and stood me up” he explains, I sigh.
“That is pretty bad, but I like guys that can dance, so you don’t need to worry” I smile, brushing my fingers on the table cloth. “And nothing can be as bad as my last date, I went out with a friend of Ari’s, neither of us knew he was diabetic, which seems fine until you realize we took him to the m &m store. Safe to say we never spoke again” I laugh cheerfully through the story, my hand slipping over the table, catching his.
“Yeah, that’s pretty bad… but getting stood up?” He compares, I nod.
“Yeah, that’s bad” I smile.
So we spoke for a while, until the waitress came for our orders. After that she flys off to the kitchen.
“So what’s it like working on Hamilton?” I ask, drawing circles into his palm.
“Its really nice, I enjoy dancing so so much, and knowing that I get to do what I love most nights is like…. a dream come true” he beams, looking at me with stars in his dark eyes, I nod along with a thoughtful look. “Do you enjoy what you do?” He asks, tilting his head.
“I…um…. yeah, it’s a nice creative output, but it’s rather boring” I shrug as I talk, he frowns.
“Hmm…” he just hums.
I hear my phone vibrate from my bag, I excuse myself and pull it out and see a call for Ariana. Knowing why she was calling me, I roll my eyes and shut of my my phone, I look up and see Jon frown.
“Ari” I say simply, resting it in my lap, causing him to let out a soft laugh.
The waitress came back with our meals and we ate in a peaceful silence, occasional asking about the food or life.
I completely lost track of time as I sat infront of him, resting my head in my hands as he talked about his work and how he was practising the choreography for different songs, and just how happy he was to be alive at the moment, it completely warmed my heart. Then we started to notice the lack of people in the restaurant, at the moment we both looked at each other with wide eyes and shot up, going to pay and leaving a tip for the waitress, then we hopped from the building, starting to walk down the road again.
“Are you cold?” Jon asks, I turn to him and laugh lightly.
“Yes, a little” I say, he tugs on the collar of his jumper.
“You can wear my sweater of you want” he offers, pulling the colloar to his chin.
“I- you don’t mind?” I ask, rubbing my forearm, he smiles and nods, sliding off to the side of the footpath, taking off his black sweater, I walk over to him and thank him repeatedly.
“It’s fine” he says, pushing the sweater into my hands, I throw it over my shirt, the sleeves hanging off my hands as I smile thankfully up at him.
We walk down the road, passing the rusty cafe, until we arrived outside my apartment block.
“Hey, I don’t think we got eachothers numbers” he makes a point, pulling his phone out of his pocket, holding it in front of me, I look at his phone and nod, rummaging in my purse for it, pulling out the phone, opening my contacts to him, and he does the same.
I put myself down as “Obviously y/n” as a joke, not realising he put himself down as “Obviously Jon” when we noticed we’d both done that we laughed and have our goodbye hugs.
“Goodnight Obviously Y/n”
“Sweet dreams Obviously Jon”
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Mission Report: AOC – 260119 – R
Dragon Division
Palace of Westminster
Humanity – Arch of London
  MEMORANDUM FOR, Sir Lancelot, Dragon Division
FROM: Mathilda Rainer SUBJECT: After Action Report Deployed Location:  Arch Of Chicago, AOC – 260119 – R
Deployed Agents:
 Unnamed Coterie:
Agent Deadeye
Agent Seraph
Agent Aguila
Duration of Site Survey: 6 hours
Duration of Deployment: 36 hours
Contingency Purpose: Dikembe Hooper, immortal of the Arch of Chicago requested help from the knight to resolve the mystery surrounding the kidnapping of several children.
 Potential Sources of Supply:
Host Support:  The militia of Chicago provided vector, drone feeds and an all access pass to every comforteress, downtown area and venues were given. An acquisition agreement with C-sec for top clearance was written by Major Frederick Stillver.
Knight HQ:  Interlink with the Wire network was provided for the agents to consult at all time.
Servicing Knight Accountancy:  A limited amount credit funds up to 1000 credits for mission important purchases was provided. For a price of 50 credits Agent Deadeye purchased Moodpatches™
Local Transportation, Billeting, and Communication Resource Availability:  Vector & armament was provided per requested by every agent. 
Evaluation of Agreements and Operating Procedures
Host Nation Agreements
    Host Nation Support: In exchange of completion of the mission. Complete cooperation and access to downtown areas from Chicago Security and local militia was agreed upon.
    Host Nation Issues: None to have been spoken about.  
    Host Nation Customs: Arch of Chicago is known for its technological advancement and cybernetic enhancement grooming. No agents that were prone to Cyberpsychosis were sent. Nor the ones that were technologically poor.
 Status of Forces Agreements Militia and C-sec were involved and no other organisations disclosed agreements with the Knight to bring success to this mission  
OPLAN No operation plan was installed. Agents had full command on how to proceed.       Survey of the terrain had been done beforehand by team Axus the report is in attachment below.      The agent’s first reaction was to ask about the drone feeds and ask for Major Stillver’s briefing. 36 children were missing which made the task of getting the drone feeds slow to be accomplished. The first interrogation went toward the parents of Madison Granger, Dean and Estelle Granger. Only Estelle was home and she was visibly distressed. Thanks to rigorous tracking by agent Aguila, through their armour’s Vision. They imprinted Madison’s Granger DNA to the database to find traces of the missing girl. The agents were able to track down an accomplice in the Militia called Aaron Lew. The tip to the description of the accomplice was given by a young man called Rack. Who approached the agents at the Chicago River when they followed Dean Granger to the moodpatch™ vendors. When they communicated their new lead to the Major Stillver. The Major abruptly cut off communications. The agents went back to the militia HQ to find the man beating up Lieutenant Aaron Lew.       Agent Deadeye antagonised the Major, probably to try and to calm things down and failing spectacularly, while agent Aguila interrogated the accomplice. Agent Seraph took it upon themselves to apologise for any misdemeanour in the name of the Knight which repaired any damage caused by agent Deadeye. Lieutenant Aaron Lew then proceeded to give information about a vector transportation that smuggled the children outside of the Arch of Chicago. It would leave the Arch this same night.       At 20.30 the vector transportation left as indicated by Aaron Lew. The coterie followed them by the trail to an abandoned warehouse that had recently being put back into business for ‘goods transportations’. Topographical map recreations were made and put into the attachments of this documents.       In an attempt to survey the place agent Deadeye alerted the coterie’s presence by crashing down from a tree. A fight has ensued. In self-defence many of the smugglers were injured. One was found in a critical life threatening state. One arm had been cut off. First aid was however administered once the fight is over. The smuggler has yet to awaken and has been put in artificial coma until full recovery.       Agents Seraph and Aguila went inside to investigate. Pictures were taken (see attachment) and an array of documents depicting an emblem in the form of an ‘A’ were found. The children were transported through the ancient border between what was before the border of the USA and the country called Canada, to a village to the north called Hamilton. Upon finding this information agents were ready to leave to the location. They were intercepted by the local exile group called ‘The Exiles’, the leader in charge, Madeline Grayson, shared unknown information with the agents. As feared there were more children missing. Whole communities were destroyed as all the children were kidnapped one by one or where suddenly attacked without warning. Madeline Grayson entrusted the knights with means to clandestinely take a T and a token of authority to befriend any other encounter of the exile groups.       Means of negotiations were put in place to take care of the injured smugglers. See in attachment the written accords that were put into place thanks to the negotiators of the Gargoyle division. We were allowed to take the critical injured smuggler back to the Knight HQ. He will be put on trial once his condition improved.          The agents proceeded to take the T, their transport tickets were automatically purchased upon entering the T. Agent Aguila reported that around 0145 the T came to a halt. Which wasn’t an unusual occurrence in case of emergency reasons. The territory of the Machine is a sensitive environment for everything technological passing through its planes. The agents reported “a menacing presence that seemed to be looking for something.” The duration of the halt was 10min 45sec. Agent Seraph took upon herself to reassure civilian children with the storytelling of Arthurian tales and how Sir Lancelot singlehandedly defeated the Monster.       The agents arrived in Hamilton around 0233. The town had been destroyed and raided in February 2034 in the aftermath of the Red Plague outbreak in the continent of North America. The agents decided to fold their armour to avoid any possible detection from the enemy. Upon arrival they encountered one of the smuggling trucks. Agent Aguila was able to lead the coterie through the ruined buildings in the pitch black darkness. With remarkable speed and efficiency they were able to track the group to the town hall.       Agent Deadeye tried to make an assessment of the terrain but was spotted by the men guarding the town hall, however they weren’t immediately alerted. The two guards went to check out the hiding spots of the agents. As plans were made to ambush them, Agent Seraph recognized one of the men. Hildegard Strauss had served under Agent Seraph in her previous military team. Agent Seraph reports that it was utmost strange that the man would join a traffic of children and this fact alone motivated her to stand up and open dialogue with the men. Both Agent Deadeye and Aguila compared it to a mother scolding her children. The guards revealed that the Patriarch had come to them in dreams, haunting their dreams and giving them visions awake and asleep. A creature with a white mask had approached them and told them to drag the corpse of a centuries old serial killer called Albert Fish from the grave.       Later interrogations have established that an entity took possession of the corpse of Albert Fish once the corpse had been settled into Hamilton’s town hall. It made both adults and children dream. The children were left defenseless to be devoured. Hildegard Strauss and James Lefrid incapacitated the last remaining outside guards. The agents then entered the town hall in search of the children. They witnessed one of the smugglers putting the last remaining child into a dark room. Aguila and Seraph knocked the man out while agent Deadeye ran after the child.       Our agents report that they ran into pitch black darkness, feeling weightless. Until they weren’t. A massive headache overwhelmed them and they woke up in the kitchen of a cabin in the middle of the woods. All three agents were tied to chairs: Wrists, legs and neck. But this wasn’t all, they were back in their childhood’s bodies. Approximatively  8-10 years, like the average age of the kidnapped victims. Agent Seraph was the one who was able to liberate her teammates swiftly and efficiently. She didn’t want to comment on how this dexterous feat was accomplished. They were able to arm themselves with kitchen knives.       Thanks to a conversation with Agent Croft a few days prior the mission, the coterie was able to understand that they were in some sort of dreamscape. Agent Croft wrote a thesis on how often certain anathema creatures would put their targets to sleep so they could torment their prey to extract Despair from their victims. I’ve included her thesis in the attachments of this report.       The agents report that a horrifying humanoid figure chased them, perpetually saying: “where is my meat ?” and “I’m gonna catch you.” Agent Aguila assured us that the figure was called ‘the Slenderstach’. We do not know how this name came to be and how an anathema creature choose an actual name; The agents were able to outwit the figure. First by luring it outside: agent Seraph guided her teammates brilliantly through the woods. Once back inside, the agents went upstairs. The anathema creature chased them continuously. Since it was the creature’s realm we speculate that it actually knew at all times where the agents were going.       Agent Seraph was the first one to try and summon things in the dreamscape. She was able to escape through the widow thanks to a cord she summoned. Agent Deadeye was seized by the head and was dragged downstairs. He reports that at some point the creature vomited a black smoke in his face and he felt his life force being drained. Agent Aguila rescued agent Deadeye but was trapped in the arms of the enemy instead. They were dragged down to the kitchen. Even riddled with kitchen knives, the creature’s movements weren’t slowed down. Agent Seraph was able to summon a gun.       We have counted over 125 skeletons in the main sacrificial room. We were able to identify the 34 missing children from Chicago. We have repatriated the other skeletal remains with facial reconstructions of each one of them to ‘New Haven’, the exile citadel. We can only believe Madeline Grayson on her word that they will be taken care of.
Training No special training was required for and from the agents to succeed to their mission
Issues Affecting Contracting Process:
    Problems encountered with the Contracting Process.  
Minor Obstacles – Solutions Developed: Agent Deadeye antagonised Major Stillver after the corrupted minuteman, called Lieutenant Aaron Lew, was put into interrogation by agent Aguila. Agent Deadeye proceeded to offer a moodpatch™ to the major to ‘calm him’ down to which the situation worsened. A small physical and verbal intervention of agent Seraph prevented the situation from escalating even further. 
Major Obstacles – Solutions Developed: Agent Deadeye, assaulted agent Aguila by forcing them to wear a moodpatch™ on top of their armour. A more detailed report has been filed about this assault attached in this document below.
Specific Problems Anticipated at Location:         Drone and satellite feeds were difficult to obtain, dominating glitches were encountered, as is per usual on the territory of the Machine.
    Special Notice: for future COs:   N/A
    CCO Training Recommendations:  N/A Success Stories:          Being able to save more than one child from the kidnapping of that day is the biggest success story we’ve encountered. Our psychological analyses have also determined that the kids will be alright. The coterie in charge of this mission was able to adapt and overcome the challenges that came with being on the territory of the Machine while it was their first time being deployed in that sector. We are also thrilled with the first contact with the exiles from around Chicago. They had yet to make contact with us to form alliances and accords. Ideally we would get a liason agent installed in New Haven as fast as possible. This will probably be the next objective concerning the expansion of safety zones on the territory of the Machine.
Lessons Learned: N/A
                                                                     Mathilda Rainer                                                                                Contracting Officer
1. Report survey AOC – 260119 – S
2. Filed Complaint for Assault by agent Seraph for agent Deadeye
3. Moodpatch™ Vendor List
4. ‘Darkness and Dreams a thesis written by Agent Croft about the anathema and dreamscape weapons’
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"Navigating the Road: How to Fight a Traffic Ticket in Hamilton ON"
Getting a traffic ticket can be a stressful experience, but if you've received one in Hamilton, ON, there's hope. Understanding the steps to fight a traffic ticket can make a significant difference in the outcome.
Start by carefully reviewing the ticket and understanding the specific violation you're charged with. Take note of any details that might be relevant to your defense, such as time, date, and location. In Hamilton, you have the option to request a trial to contest the ticket. Be sure to do this within the specified timeframe of receiving the ticket.
Prepare your case by gathering evidence, whether it's witness statements, photographs, or any other documentation that supports your defense. Consulting with a legal professional specializing in traffic offenses can provide valuable insights into the local regulations and legal strategies.
Hamilton residents have the right to a fair trial, and by presenting a well-prepared defense, you increase the chances of a favourable outcome. Remember, it's crucial to approach the process calmly and professionally, understanding that FIGHT TRAFFIC TICKET HAMILTON ON is a legitimate and accessible legal process.
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madehq · 7 years
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The Bots Come Out At Night
nline ticket scalping (or touting) is the act of using abusive software (known as “bots”) to automate the purchase of tickets and sell them on at inflated prices. This practice damages the reputation of our clients, who want to offer tickets at reasonable prices. Since tickets have been available online, industrial-scale scalpers have used automated bots to systematically profit within the secondary ticket market, at the expense of fans.
Over the few last years, we’ve seen mounting public pressure putting the spotlight on those individuals and companies who profit from selling on the secondary ticket market, which is estimated to be worth over £1 billion in the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, proponents within the ticketing industry, notably the pressure group Fan Fair Alliance, are actively working to generate awareness of the problem on a multiple of different fronts.
Legislation is beginning to catch up with scalpers too. In the United States, the Better Online Ticket Sales Act, or the BOTS Act, was signed into law in 2016. This law effectively makes it illegal to use automated software to buy tickets in order to circumvent the “control measures” used by ticket sellers. In other words, if a ticket seller has actively employed measures to stop scalpers, then you’re breaking the law by using bots to get around them. This does however mean that in order for ticket sellers to prosecute scalpers, they need to provide evidence that they have put adequate measures in place, as well as an audit trail of the accused illicit behaviour.
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This month Ticketmaster filed a $10 million suit against Prestige Entertainment, who are alleged to have used bots to scope up thousands of tickets for the Broadway smash hit Hamilton, amongst other high demand ticketed events. It is one of the first major lawsuits since the introduction of the BOTS act, and comes after two years of monitoring and tracking automated transactions, and subsequent sales on the secondary market.
Similar legislation has been lobbied in the U.K. Houses of Parliament, resulting in the independent report into the secondary ticketing market by Professor Michael Waterson. The U.K. moved towards criminalising the use of “digital purchasing software” with the Digital Economy Act 2017, which received royal assent in April and has now become law. It gives the Government the power to make it a criminal offence to use bots in order to bypass maximum ticket purchases set by event organisers.
So, as the gatekeeper for over $500 million worth of online ticket sales for non-profits every year, how can we at Made Media do our bit in the battle against scalpers? Let’s discuss how these bots actually work.
There are three main categories of bots that we see attempting to infiltrate our systems:
1. Drop Checkers or Spinner Bots. Most of the traffic we see are bots waiting for tickets to be released for sale. Usually, we’ve found these bots come out at night. They constantly probe ticketing pages which display availability both before an event that is due to go on sale and after the event is sold out (in case additional performances are put on-sale, or new tickets are released). Amusingly, we had one bot spinning around the booking page for Kylie Minogue for months after the event had sold out. The goal of these bots is to detect when tickets are released and initiate an army of…
2. Acquisition Bots. The goal of these bots is to find the best inventory available for an event and reserve it for purchase. This is the most dangerous kind of bot, because once tickets are held in a bot’s shopping cart, they’re unavailable to other customers. The game is effectively lost at this point. As the ticket scalpers have potentially hundreds of bots at their disposal, they can effectively pick and choose the most valuable tickets for resale at leisure. Causal scalpers can finish the checkout process manually, but larger scale scalpers use...
3. Expediting Bots. Once tickets are selected to buy, scalpers use these kind of bots to automate their actual purchase, they effectively login, enter all the required information to pass through the ticket purchase path, and complete the order from a batch of credit cards. These are usually from a selection of accounts of pre-made accounts created in advance (also farmed using a different kind of bot), and can use fraudulent credit cards for the actual purchase.
These bots are categorised and defined under OAT-005 in the OWASP Automated Threat Handbook, which goes into further detail of their characteristics and traits. Depending on the kind of purchase path, automated software may use CAPTCHA Defeat bots if necessary, which utilise comprehensive databases of image-word mappings to bypass CAPTCHA, which can be beaten easily (although we have high hopes for Google’s Invisible reCAPTCHA, which is on the horizon.)
These bots are usually coordinated by a single purchasing script or custom built software. For example, the website TicketBots sells off the shelf software (currently discounted at $10,000) to completely automate this process of holding inventory and purchasing tickets online via Ticketmaster.
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Example user interface for executing spinner bots
We currently integrate with a number of different web solutions that identify and block traffic identified as bots. Given that we develop, host, and maintain many of our clients’ ecommerce solutions, we are well positioned to help keep inventory away from resale websites. Our CrowdHandler platform, for example, sits between customers and the ecommerce path; customers (or bots for that matter) cannot access tickets without first passing through the queue.
In computer science, the task of distinguishing between a bot and genuine customers can be viewed as a classification problem with the goal of, given a large multidimensional dataset, identifying the authenticity of the end user in real time. And, although the tech industry’s latest buzzword, Machine Learning, combined with domain driven heuristics, could play a role in tackling this issue. We’ve found that for these AI-driven solutions to be effective, large training datasets (e.g. web traffic) are required, and a reliable feedback mechanism to inform a learning algorithm.
Machine Learning allows us to identify patterns in bot behaviour that even the most sophisticated bots exhibit—trails they do not realise they’re leaving behind.
One approach we are currently working on uses (anonymous) data we’ve mined, adding AI to the way customers are allowed through the website through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Amazon Web Services. Machine Learning allows us to identify patterns in bot behaviour that even the most sophisticated bots exhibit—trails they do not realise they’re leaving behind. It will better classify between users in the virtual queue who are bots, and those who are genuine fans. And with the use of feedback mechanisms (i.e. supplying the algorithm with data confirmed to be scalpers), this prevention mechanism will learn and adapt as scalpers change their methods and strategies to circumvent detection.
In this way, CrowdHandler effectively acts like a bouncer outside your local nightclub. The algorithm scans users waiting in the queue and analyses multiple attributes about their identity, but also their behaviour up until the point of entering the queue. These scalpers/touts are effectively “bounced” to the back of the queue or blocked completely, allowing real fans access to tickets. And whilst we have some useful heuristic-based blocking rules in place (e.g. frequency of requests combined with number of sessions from a single IP address, user agent strings) there is certainly more experimentation to be done in order to combat the degree of sophisticated attacks these bots present.
So, the battle against bots is an ongoing one. Legislative action is allowing primary ticket sellers (who have preventative measures in place) to seek the prosecution of scalpers/touts, who could be subject to unlimited fines or incarceration. Greater transparency of sellers on secondary ticket markets will help us develop better algorithms for stopping scalpers at the box office. There are other fronts opening up on this fight too, for example Ticketmaster’s Paperless Ticketing program, which challenges how we identify ticket holders at point of entry. All of this provides incentive to invest and enhance our tout / scalper detection system, with the aim of protecting the reputation of our clients.
0 notes
Meet Temple’s Board of Trustees
Patrick J. O'Connor, Chair
'13 Honorary Degree
Cozen O'Connor
- Chairman of the Temple Board of Trustees since 2009
- Vice chairman at law firm Cozen O’Connor, which provides union-busting and tax-evasion consulting for corporations and developers
- Defended Bill Cosby against allegations of sexual assault of a Temple University employee (Patrick O’Connor did not think this was a conflict of interest)
- Stated that Cosby, “admitted to nothing more than being one of the many people who introduced Quaaludes into their consensual sex life in the 1970’s”
- Chairman of the Board of BNY Mellon Funds Trusts, an investment bank that owns 2.46 million shares (worth over $63 million) in the Corrections Corporation of America (the largest for-profit prison company in the US)
- Recently the University spent 3.5 million to rename Founder’s Garden (where Russell Conwell’s grave is located) after O’Connor
- The O’Connor Plaza project went $700,000 over budget without Board authorization
Christopher W McNichol
Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
- Managing Director and Regional Head of Mid-Atlantic Public Finance at Citigroup
- Citigroup Bank played a major role in the 2008 financial crisis, putting forward policies that led to massive foreclosures and debt, especially among people of color and the elderly
- When their stock price dropped below a dollar, Citigroup was bailed out, but working class people lost their homes and livelihoods
- Citigroup invested $521,808,456 into Dakota Access Company (the DAPL pipeline)
- As the manager of Temple’s endowment and retirement plans, McNichol moved them from RS Investments to Van Eck, who has 73% of their holdings in energy sector investments (primarily fossil fuels, which are a leading cause of the environmental crisis)
- Donated $9,500 to republican political campaigns in 2012
J William Mills III
-PNC Bank’s president of the Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey region 2001-2014
-During the 2008 financial crisis, PNC’s policies disproportionately affected the elderly and people of color causing them to lose their homes
-A PNC bank employee was the only person found criminally liable and sentenced to 30 months in jail; the judge said it was only “a small piece of an overall evil climate within the bank”
-PNC invested $270,000,000 in Sunoco Logistics, Energy Transfer Partners, Energy Transfer Equity, all companies responsible for the DAPL pipeline
-PNC funded mountaintop removal coal-mining until 2015, which has destroyed or damaged more than one million acres of forest and almost 2,000 miles of streams in Appalachia (despite long standing pressure from activists, including a 2011 sit-in at the Temple campus branch of PNC which resulted in the arrest of three Temple students)
-PNC has lent an estimated $210.5 million in 2013 and $687.5 million in 2012 to companies that do mountaintop removal coal-mining
Joseph F. Coradino
'74 College of Liberal Arts
PREIT Services, LLC
-Chairman of the Board and CEO of PREIT Services, a big mall developer
-PREIT owns and operates over 22.5 million square feet of retail space
-When criticized over its purchase of famous foreign estates, Coradino said that risky overseas investments by a public entity with public funds are “not unreasonable”
-PREIT bought The Gallery at Market East in 2003/2004 and is now redeveloping it
-In 2015 the School Reform Commission (SRC) and City Council approved a “tax-increment financing (TIF) district” (freezing the Gallery’s liability for property and other taxes in the area surrounded by 8th, 11th, Market and Filbert streets until 2036) that would save the mall’s owners (PREIT and Macerich) $55 million in property taxes over a period of 20 years
-Because Philly schools are funded with property taxes, this is a loss of tens of millions of dollars for the school district over the next 20 years
Richard “Dick” J. Fox
'93 Honorary Degree
The Fox Companies
- Fox School of Business
- Co-founded Fox Companies, a property construction, development and management firm in Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey
- Pennsylvania State Chairman for Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign in 1980
- On the Board of Trustees since 1967
- Chairman of BOT from 1982-1999
- Founder of Republican Jewish Coalition
- Funded Freedom's Watch, a Washington D.C. based lobbying organization that was supportive of the Bush administration's positions in the War on Terror and of Republican Congressional candidates
Lon R. Greenberg
-UGI Corporation CEO from 1995-2015
-UGI Corporation is responsible for the Penneast pipeline: a proposed pipeline that would transport natural gas, fracked from the shalefields of northern PA, to NJ and is currently being fought by residents along the route because pipeline projects can poison water, endanger the ecosystem, and often seize land through eminent domain
-Twenty-four townships in Pennsylvania and New Jersey have passed resolutions opposing the PennEast Pipeline
-The 115 mile long pipeline would transport fracking shale natural gas from PA into NJ and cross through 88 waterways
-Greenberg is also on the Board of Directors of Aqua America, a company that provides water to fracking operations
-In 2008 he made $5.7 million as CEO of UGI Corporation (18th highest paid CEO within the Utilities sector)
-Aqua America is also responsible for the eviction of low income residents to make way for their water lines to service fracking installations
-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Temple University Health System
Bret Perkins
‘91 Fox School of Business
Comcast Corporation
-Governmental Affairs Representative at Comcast since 2001
-Writes the policies that enable Comcast to avoid paying taxes to the city and the state
-Comcast spent $108,000 to fight the law requiring paid sick days
-Comcast also advocated for the 2013 Philly public school closures including William Penn High School, which Temple bought at a discounted rate and turned into a sports field
Dennis Alter
'66 College of Education, '99 Honorary Degree
-Made $4,189,342 as CEO of Advanta Bank in 2006 and spent an estimated $80 million to build and furnish his 40,000-square-foot house in Fort Washington
-Worked at Advanta between 2008 and 2009 & hiked up interest rates on credit cards from 7.99% APR to 37% APR during the Recession
- sued by FDIC for $219 million, and settled for 23.5 million for hiding Advanta failures from investors
-As a part of this settlement the FDIC closed Advanta and had their assets sold off
-Donated $15 million to Temple for Alter Hall
Michael J. Stack, III
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
-Member of PA State Senate 2001-2015
-His wife allegedly flipped off and threw soda on State Rep Kevin Boyle
-Accused of verbally abusing his staff and telling state troopers in his security detail to use lights and sirens to get him through traffic faster
-Stack billed $20,000 for travel reimbursements to the state including thousands in Philadelphia hotel stays despite the fact that he owned a home there at the time
-He also unsuccessfully attempted to write off tickets to an IndyCar race in the Poconos as a travel expense
Leonard Barrack
'65 Fox School of Business, '68 Beasley School of Law
Barrack, Rodos & Bacine
Joseph “Chip” W. Marshall, III
'75 College of Liberal Arts, '79 Beasley School of Law
Stevens & Lee/Griffin Holdings Group
Mitchell L. Morgan
'76 Fox School of Business, '80 Beasley School of Law
Morgan Properties
-Morgan Properties is a real estate investment company with 38,162 apartments
Stephen “Steve” G. Charles
'80 School of Media & Communication
Paul G. Curcillo, II
'84 College of Science & Technology
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Theodore Z. Davis
'58 Fox School of Business, '63 Beasley School of Law
Nelson A. Diaz
'72 Beasley School of Law, '90 Honorary Degree
Dilworth Paxson LLP
Ronald R. Donatucci
'70 College of Liberal Arts
Register of Wills, City of Philadelphia
-Ward leader in the 26th ward (South Philly)
-“In his capacity as counsel to the firm, Mr. Donatucci provides special advice and counsel regarding estate planning and administration, administrative procedure, government relations, and real estate transactions, including zoning and land use planning.”-Mattioni Law
-Super-Delegate at the 2008 Democratic National Convention representing PA
Loretta C. Duckworth
'62 College of Liberal Arts, '65 College of Liberal Arts, '92 Tyler School of Arts
Judith A. Felgoise
'87 College of Education
The Abramson Family Foundation
Lewis F. Gould, Jr.
'62 School of Pharmacy
Duane Morris, LLP
Tamron Hall
'92 School of Media & Communication
Sandra Harmon-Weiss
'71 College of Liberal Arts, '74 Lewis Katz School of Medicine
-Former executive at Aetna
Drew A. Katz
Interstate Outdoor Advertising
Patrick V. Larkin
'74 Fox School of Business, '82 Beasley School of Law
AJG Risk Management Services
H.F. "Gerry" Lenfest
'02 Honorary Degree
The Lenfest Group
-Formed Lenfest Communications in 1974 and sold it to AT&T in 1999, who then sold it to Comcast in 2000 for $6.7 billion
-Owns the Philadelphia Inquirer
Solomon C. Luo
Progressive Vision & Surgical Institute
Anthony “Tony” J. McIntyre
'80 Fox School of Business
AJG Risk Management Services
Leon “Lonnie” O. Moulder, Jr.
'80 School of Pharmacy
-In 2016 he made $5,655,848 as CEO of TESARO Inc, a Pharmaceutical Company
Daniel H. Polett
'98 Honorary Degree
Lexus of Chester Springs, Wilkie Lexus
Michael H. Reed
'69 College of Liberal Arts
Pepper Hamilton, LLP
Phillip C. Richards
'62 Fox School of Business, '16 Honorary Degree
North Star Resource Group
Jane Scaccetti
'77 Fox School of Business
Drucker & Scaccetti
Samuel H. Smith
-Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 66th District from 1987-2015
-Appointed himself to the Board of Trustees in 2014, forcing Pat Eiding, Philadelphia AFL-CIO (largest federation of labor unions in the US) President to step down
Mills III:
Hinnant-Bernard, T., & Crull, S. R. (2004). Subprime Lending and Reverse Redlining. Housing and Society, 31(2), 169-186. doi:10.1080/08882746.2004.11430506
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alright, so today was pretty crazy but all in all it was a good day, even if it gave me anxiety lol. So I woke up at 8:15 to my alarm and got out of bed, then got ready and did my make up only to find out my mom apparently didn't get the memo of what time we were leaving, so instead of leaving at 9 we left at 9:15 but I mean, whatever. So we get to the train station by 9:33ish for the 9:40 train, but after we buy tickets there's a fucking sign that says oh, there's no trains this weekend, it's been replaced by bus service to another station that will leave 34 minutes before the schedule train time. And you didn't put this information on your fucking schedule app?!! Are you fucking kidding me???? I was basically really, really irritated at this point. But we didn't have much of a choice so we got on the damn buses and waited for a while, then left and got to the other station, then waited some more for a train that ultimately left at 10:51 and I was so mad at everything. Fortunately I was able to push our 11:30 lunch reservation back to 12 (the wonders of online reservation technology) then called them and said we'd probably be more like 12:15 since the train got in at 12, and they were cool so that was good at least. Train made it to the city, got out of penn station and flagged down a cab that took us to the restaurant. It was one we'd been to a few years ago that my sister felt randomly inspired to go to again, it's all chocolate themed stuff but they have like normal food too and it's pretty good. So we get there and ordering takes a while, then we eventually get our food and I ended up eating like, not even a full half of my sandwich because my acid reflux was bugging me and making me feel like I couldn't eat anything too rich which was apparently like, everything. But whatever, it was still good. The show wasn't until 3 and we left there a little after 2, but decided to still take a cab back uptown and by the time we got there it was like 2:30 because traffic so we got on line quickly then pretty soon we were in the theatre. Now, I was talking to my friend about this the other day, and we pretty much agreed that Broadway tickets to new shows have gotten absurdly expensive (we blame Hamilton) and getting these tickets to see Anastasia was super difficult without spending a ton of money, as is we spent a ton getting 4 orchestra seats, so they ended up being way on the right edge of the theatre, but in the 3rd and 4th rows, just the last two seats so they were partial view which was kind of annoying because there were definitely times when they were singing and we just straight up couldn't see them. But whatever. The show was really good! As a refresher I saw the out of town tryout in Hartford last year and really liked it, so I wanted to take my mom and sister (and her friend) to see it as well when the final product got to Broadway. They didn't change all that much, most of it had to do with the villain plot line. They totally the villain from the movie (I don't remember his name) along with any trace of magic, which probably worked to their advantage I'd say. Only problem is, now we need a villain, and last year this was easily the weakest point of the show. I was glad to see they fixed this by redoing his songs and recasting him (the only actor from the main cast who was recast) with Ramin Karimloo, who if you didn't know is fucking fantastic and made a still not all that strong villain plot into an actually compelling story (he's like, a Russian soldier whose father supposedly killed the Romanov family and he feels like he has to carry on his legacy and gets sent to kill Anya, but he's like doubting himself the whole way and in the end he backs out which isn't terribly surprising). But yeah, the show overall was great, I really enjoyed it and it definitely got snubbed for a Tony nom, as did several of the actors (namely, the lead and Ramin). There was a ridiculous situation at intermission where the bathroom was in the basement and they wouldn't let any women go down one of the staircases and directed them all to the other one, but like the whole area just stopped moving and it was impossible to get through and I got really mad and almost lost it on somebody and would've told them how much of a safety hazard this is and how someone could easily get hurt at which point the theatre would be liable for creating an unsafe environment......but I swallowed my frustration and legal irritation and just waited till after the show (but I was still annoyed). We had some time before we absolutely had to go home, and my sister really wanted to go shopping, namely to, of all places, urban outfitters since they don't have one locally (and no, she doesn't care that they're overpriced or terrible people because she's a 15 year old girl who doesn't give a crap about these things). So we walk two streets over (like, the long way, not the short blocks) to the store which she spends a little while in mostly fighting with my mother about clothing, but then she bought stuff and we walked back to the train station. We decided not to push to make an earlier train since they were every half hour, so we stopped in penn station and got some food before taking the train back. Instead of having to take the bus back to the original station where the car was parked, we had my brother meet us at the second station and drive us to the other one where the car was, at which point I used that car to take my sister's friend home before going home myself. After that I basically just hung out for the rest of the evening and ignored my family's comments about politics and Fox News, only making an occasional sarcastic comment that didn't directly relate to anything political. But, anyway. Also that happened throughout the day that some of you more observant folks may have noticed was that my face (namely, my picture on here) ended up on Caity Lotz's Instagram story??? Lol. Some of my Twitter friends organized a photo project for her last month and the girl who went to the con today and gave her a book full of fan photos and stuff asked if she could use the photos and of course we said sure, so then my face was on her story and that was pretty cool lol. And now I'm tired and would like to go to sleep since its 1 am and I can actually sleep in finally (thank god) so I'm gonna do just that. Goodnight my loves. Have a non-sucky Monday.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Green Light for Vietnam Airlines to Expand Codeshare Agreement with Delta
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Vietnam Airlines has been granted authorization from the US Department of Transportation to expand the two-way codeshare cooperation with Delta Air Lines, after the two carriers signed an agreement in August. The two-way codeshare agreement is expected to take effect this month. Vietnam Airlines is permitted to display Delta Air Lines’ designator code (DL) on Vietnam Airlines’ operated flights for their codeshare flights in conjunction with foreign air transportation between any point, or points, in the US and any point, or points, in Vietnam (on a nonstop basis and via Japan and other open-skies points intermediate routings; between points in the US; between points in Vietnam, beyond Vietnam to any point or points; and beyond the US to any point or points.
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Delta Air Lines will this month start selling flight tickets operated by Vietnam Airline under the DL code on the Hanoi – Tokyo route for passengers seeking connecting flights from/to the US. Meanwhile, Delta Air Lines is permitted to operate transport persons, property, and mail, on a codeshare basis to serve the US - Vietnam market to the full extent available under the 2003 U.S. - Vietnam Air Transport Services Agreement. Vietnam Airlines’ designator code (VN) is not only to be displayed on Delta Air Lines’ flights, but also those of its regional affiliates, including Compass Airlines, Endeavor Air, GoJet Airlines, Republic Airlines, and SkyWest Airlines, to 25 points in the US, according to the US - Vietnam Air Transport Services Agreement. By obtaining this permit, Vietnam Airlines has been granted full rights to operate routes to and from the US in all forms of regular flights, charter flights, and two-way codeshare flights. Background In 2010, Vietnam Airlines forged a one-way codeshare agreement with Delta Air Lines on ten international routes to/from the US and ten domestic routes within the US. The agreement has enabled Vietnam Airlines passengers to fly to eight US states by transiting through Delta’s Tokyo or Frankfurt hubs. Passengers can purchase Delta tickets via Vietnam Airlines to fly between Tokyo and Detroit (Michigan) / Portland (Oregon) / Honolulu (Hawaii) / Atlanta (Georgia) / Seattle (Washington) / Los Angeles (California) / Minneapolis (Minnesota); and between Frankfurt and Detroit (Michigan) / Atlanta (Georgia) / New York (New York). Furthermore, passengers can purchase Delta tickets via Vietnam Airlines to fly domestic flights between Minneapolis (Minnesota) and Boston (Massachusetts) / Chicago (Illinois) / Denver (Colorado) / Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) / St. Louis (Missouri); as well as between Atlanta (Georgia) and Austin/Dallas/Houston (Texas) / Miami (Florida) / Washington D.C. (District of Columbia). See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Delta, Vietnam Airlines. Headlines: Aviation: Stable Passenger Demand Growth in November  CWT Appoints Dale Eastlund as VP Supply Chain Partners  Dassault Falcon to Hold M&O Seminars in 8 Cities Around the World  Expat in Phuket Donates Two SV14 Dinghies to Disabled Sailing Thailand  Bangkok to Host Asia Destination Film Forum on 30 January  Wizz Air Becomes First in Europe to Deploy SITAOnAir's ACARS Over IP Service  Airbus to Increase Aircraft Production in USA  Sanlorenzo Appoints Simpson Marine as Distributor for Bluegame Yachts in Asia  Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020 - Exclusive Interview with Chiravadee Khunsub of TAT  Global Air Freight Demand Down 1.1% in November 2019; APAC Down 3.7%  IHG Expands Thailand Portfolio with Holiday Inn and Suites Siracha Laemchabang  Asia Pacific Airlines Flew 30.3 Million Int. Passengers in November 2019  SilkAir to Cease Flights to Kolkata, India  Biman Bangladesh Airlines Launches Flights to Manchester, England  EmbraerX and Elroy Air to Collaborate on Unmanned Air Cargo  FCM Strengthens Innovation Programme with Shep Investment  Artotel Appoints Yulia Maria as Group Director of Marketing Communications  Japan, Singapore, S. Korea and Germany Have World's Most Powerful Passports  Yangon Int. Airport Implements SITA's Airport Management Solution  Air France to Launch Twice-Daily Flights Between Paris-Orly and Munich, Germany  ANA to Enhance Service at Airports in Japan with Portable Translators  Yvette Thomas-Henry Appointed GM of Four Seasons Resort Nevis  Hahn Air Enters 2020 with 40 New Partner Airlines  CWTSatoTravel Partners US Military's Spouse Employment Programme  My Emirates Pass Gives Passengers Special Discounts in UAE  Visitors to Singapore Must Now Register Unmanned Aircraft  India's Vistara Airline Appoints APG as Online GSA in France  BOC Aviation Orders 20 Airbus A320neos  China Airlines to Launch Direct Flights to Chiang Mai, Thailand  Green Light for Vietnam Airlines to Expand Codeshare Agreement with Delta  All Hi Fly Flights Now Single-Use Plastic Free  Air India Renews Distribution Agreement with Amadeus  Mandy Goh Joins St. Regis Langkawi as Executive Chef  Spirit Airlines Signs Purchase Agreement for 100 Airbus A320neo Aircraft  Hamad Int. Airport Served Record 38,786,422 Pax in 2019  British Airways Starts Offsetting Carbon Emissions on All Flights Within UK  Marriott Opens Second JW on Hainan Island, China  Airbus Partners Aston Martin for Special Edition Helicopter  Dassault Aviation Appoints Charles Wemaëre as VP Worldwide Spares  Boeing Appoints Niel Golightly as SVP of Communications  Jayson Goldstein Joins Four Seasons Boston as F&B Director  Vietjet Takes Delivery of Two More Airbus Aircraft  Two Executive Appointments at Bombardier Aviation  Air India No Longer Available on Sabre GDS  Thailand Targets Tourism Revenue of 3.18 Trillion Baht in 2020  Pictures from Ascot United vs Banstead Athletic on 4 Jan 2020  Gen Z - Airbnb's Fastest Growing Market for Experiences in Asia Pacific  Air Canada Takes Delivery of First Airbus A220-300  AirAsia Launches Flights Between Kuala Lumpur and Dalat, Vietnam  Cebu Pacific Orders 15 Airbus Aircraft, Including Up To 10 A321XLRs  American Airlines and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  New Immigration Requirements to Help Solomon Islands Fight Measles  Vietjet Launches Danang - 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KLM Group  Malaysia Airlines Launches Shuttle Fares on Flights Between KL and Singapore  Accor to Open 125-Room Mercure Hotel in Canberra in January  Openings Push Australia's Hotel Inventory to Over 300,000 Rooms  Alban Dutemple Appointed Cluster GM of Two Hotels in Bahrain  Air New Zealand Trials Edible Coffee Cups  Manchester Airport Unveils Details of £1 Billion Transformation  South Africa Beat New Zealand to Win Dubai Sevens  Aviation: RPKs Up 3.4% in October 2019  China Airlines to Launch Flights Between Taipei and Cebu, Philippines  Seaplanes in Thailand? 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Navigating Traffic Tickets in Hamilton ON: Your Guide to Fighting Back
Navigating the roads of Hamilton, Ontario, can sometimes lead to the unwelcome surprise of a traffic ticket. Whether it's for speeding, running a red light, or another driving infraction, receiving a ticket can be both frustrating and costly. However, residents of Hamilton have options to contest these tickets, potentially saving money and avoiding demerit points on their driving record.
The first step in fighting a traffic ticket in Hamilton is understanding your rights and the specific violation you've been cited for. Every ticket issued includes details about the alleged infraction, along with instructions on how to proceed if you choose to dispute it. It's crucial to pay attention to the deadlines stated on the ticket, as missing these can lead to additional penalties.
For those unsure about the process or their chances of successfully fighting a ticket, seeking legal advice can be invaluable. Hamilton is home to several law firms and legal services specializing in traffic violations. These professionals can offer guidance based on your particular circumstances, helping to navigate the complexities of traffic law in Ontario.
If you decide to challenge your ticket, the process typically involves appearing in court. This might seem daunting, but remember, the goal is to provide a reasonable explanation or evidence that challenges the validity of the ticket. In some cases, demonstrating good driving habits or attending a defensive driving course can also work in your favor.
It's important to remember that not all tickets are worth contesting. Evaluate the costs and benefits, including the potential impact on your insurance premiums. If you choose to your FIGHT TRAFFIC TICKET HAMILTON ON, doing so with the right information and possible legal support can make all the difference. With careful consideration and preparation, drivers can effectively address their traffic tickets, ensuring a fair outcome while maintaining a clean driving record.
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Expert Security with a Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Hamilton, ON
The experience of obtaining a traffic citation in Hamilton, Ontario, can be stressful. But by obtaining the advice of a traffic ticket lawyer in Hamilton, ON, you might potentially avoid paying large penalties and receiving points on your license in addition to relieving your worry.
These lawyers specialize in navigating the complex web of traffic laws and regulations. They understand that every traffic ticket case carries its own set of circumstances and requires a tailored approach.A knowledgeable traffic ticket lawyer may significantly impact the outcome of any traffic offense, including speeding, running a red light, and other infractions.
They must thoroughly review your case, inquire about the conditions behind the ticket's issue, and guarantee that your rights have not been violated. They are proficient in finding procedural errors or legal technicalities that could lead to a dismissal or reduction of charges.
Moreover, the long-term benefits of hiring a traffic ticket lawyer in Hamilton, ON, are substantial. Protecting your driving record from points can save you from increased insurance premiums and maintain your good standing as a driver.
In summary, if you're faced with a TRAFFIC TICKET LAWYER HAMILTON ON, don’t navigate the legal waters alone. A traffic ticket lawyer can provide the guidance and representation needed to fight your ticket effectively, helping you maintain a clean driving record and keep your insurance rates in check.
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