undercoverpena · 2 days
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I’m about to get mushy and sweet and grateful so if you’d prefer to skip that, meet my new plant.
june isn’t usually a good mental health month for me.
which sucks cause it’s pride and the sun comes out, but somehow there’s always more grey clouds for me even if the sky is blue.
one year ago, to try and combat it, I began a series that was the most “me” thing I’d shared since coming back to tumblr. a thing which both terrified me—in some ways, helped me find myself again after a slew of bad june’s and bad brain times.
making javi peña fall in love with a girl through texts was like rekindling a relationship with an old version of me from before and allowed me to take that version (and all I’d learnt) forward.
this year, I’ve just wrapped up the final scene of my current series where frankie works in a hardware store. now, it’s not edited, but it’s all written, all of the scenes so I have less pressure each week and all the little moments I’ve envisioned since february are down.
and, understandably, I was sad, but also like really fucking proud? like look at me go. in one year look at how far I’ve come? the stories I’ve managed to tell, the writing I’ve been able to do that not only helps me but has brought smiles to all of you, the lovely people who continue to show up even if I shy, quiet and very anxious.
my usual routine when I finish the draft of a series is to go get cake. a thing I do on the final posting day too.
and while that had been my mission, then I saw this plant.
I kill plants. it isn’t a thing I intend to do, but I do. but this one caught my eye. in a plant plot in a shade that friends often call jo-pink. and I knew that had to be my gift to myself for finishing.
not cake (like usual), not a big iced drink that I’ll love until half way down and then feel sick from, but a plant.
I wanted to call it rainy, but the name didn’t fit. anyone who names plants will know there’s a vibe.
so meet gilbert, or gilly/bertie (we’re still workshopping), and while I water them, and post this and run, thank you, for showing up even though you don’t need to. thank you for bringing a smile to my face on the days it feels really hard.
and thank you for allowing me to have a place that I feel safe to share, because while my brain will create stories, it’s you all showing up that makes it feel safer to get my finger to press the post button each week.
i’m so happy one year ago I shared late night texts, and I’m really happy that today I finished the first draft of do me yourself.
I love you all.
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ghostyclay · 2 days
Final Hermitaday May 2024 post
I put is every single artwork i made in one picture, if you wanna take a closer look at one of them, here's their Masterpost!
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Ahhhh i can't believe it's over already!!! Thank you so so much @hermitadaymay for creating this wonderful challenge!
(more detailed thank you message below!)
Participating in this was so much fun! It really inspired me to draw more and finally do more digital art, which I'm really grateful for, since I've been trying to convince myself to FINALLY learn it for literal years. Thanks to this challenge i finally started doing it :D
Additionally, I feel like I've improved a lot thanks to this challenge, since it made me draw even more than usually. I'm incredibly proud of myself for actually doing all of them, cause I've participated in some other art challenges before, but i never even got close to finishing them. Completing this one was a pleasant surprise! Im already reallyyy excited for next year, i hope i can participate again!
(I was originally gona add these final words to Rens prompt, but i finished that at like... 1am... So i decided to just go to sleep and do this later wiehwkdj)
Until next year, hermitaday, and Happy pride month everyone!
(shhhh ik im a day late cause its june 2nd, i was busy yesterday alright ;~;)
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tkachuktkaching · 2 days
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A few Matthew Quotes to Media following becoming ECF Champions and advancing to the Stanley Cup final
“We expected to be back here,” Tkachuk said. “Obviously, nothing’s guaranteed, but we were expecting this, the way we’ve been working, the way we’ve been dialed in and details. ... We’re very proud to be here, we’re very happy, but the job’s not finished.”
"Nothing better than playing hockey in June. ... The memories you create at this time of the year are the ones you carry with you forever."
“I’d say last series was not a ton of goal scoring and more of the playmaking and more of the physicality, but we’ll see what this round holds for myself,” Tkachuk said Tuesday night.
“I'm sure after missing a couple of weeks it was a little bit of an adjustment coming back in the lineup,” Tkachuk said speaking on Sam Bennett.
(Bennett’s goal in Game 6 against New York was his third in as many games. He’s up to six goals and 10 points in 12 playoff games.)
“But now him being fully healthy, you can see what he is doing out there, you can see what he's capable of. The way his physicality and his speed gets on the defense, he’s so easy to play. I'm very proud of the way he's been playing. He's leaving it (out there) each and every night, he's playing super physical and I think that's what drives our line.”
Sources photos : Twitter X / Katie Englson / Jameson Olive
& Quotes twitter X & nytimes.com / thehockeynews.com
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milkbreadtoast · 4 months
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Spring has come to the imperial palace~ 🫶🧡💜🌸🌷🪻💓☀️🌙
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flutrberri · 4 months
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lillazyboithings · 2 months
"You better leave your hopes behind,
No one's gonna stop him"
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This WIP is no longer a WIP lol, this thing has been unfinished for 2 months and i finally got to continue it :DD!
anyways this is basically me being inspired by my classmate drawing a frame from the musical so i thought "Hey! that would be fun to do", it was not fun to do when you have multiple art deadlines y'all
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Left is rendered with background, right is the initial base colors (didnt like the color of pete's pants lol)
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gatoplaga · 28 days
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"But beyond all my pain, there was you"
Narilamb designs: @runningwithscizzorz
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here's an alt version of Narinder without the veil!! :D
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mmakotochan · 4 months
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So when the depths take hold of you
There'll be a hand to pull you through
Just be by your side 📸
remember when jjk used to be fun and wholesome? cause i dont 🥺
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roachemoji · 4 months
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🤡 ⭐️ funny little cardigan 🌙 ❤️
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maybe I'll actually dress up and style an outfit or something
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stellar-jay · 3 months
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"It's a message, I believe. A calling for a significant act. As you are the only one l know who endures being called Fitz, I believe it's for you. As for what it means, how should I know? I'm a fool, not an interpreter of dreams. Good day."
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cosmicphenix · 2 months
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Master post ((soon) / next ((also soon)
Still no title yet but here is part one of this story! I've had such a blast drawing this and trying to figure out how to draw a train.
I will be setting up a poll shortly with a list of names for this AU! I literally can't choose between them so why not?
((Link to that here!)
Please let me know what you think!
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dilutedconfusion · 10 days
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I made a fully realized self insert…
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toppedbykakuna · 3 months
the dan and phil "that looks like you" compilation is dropping in 12 hours!
huge shout out to @notsosaucystuff for shouting me out in a post and reminding me that yall love compilations and yall want more, so I hope yall enjoy!!
be sure to subscribe to watch it when it drops and leave recommendations for compilations you wanna see!! ❤️
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lowcallyfruity · 7 months
And happy final twistober day!
ermmm, I decided to mix both Halloween art and twistober day 31st into one!!!
・❥・some sillies wearing (matching) Halloween costumes!!!
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➳ Sebek and Epel drawing under the cut!
CW/TW: BLOOD, bloody weapon, moderate gore
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canonfeminine · 2 months
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🏉 . . . Football player! Jason Grace x Cheerleader! Reader
in which: Sports have always brought the two of you guys together.
authors note: y'all should really be thanking pookie @chqsing-annabcth because she's the whole reason you guys keep on getting these cute little fics. anyways, I don't have much to say except for this one is a little shorter than what I would usually do ( cough, cough, writers block ) so hopefully you guys still enjoy.
warnings: literally none
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If you were being honest, dating Jason wasn't originally apart of the plan.
It's not like there was anything wrong with the dude, more like the opposite. He was loved by all of the students, teacher, and the lunch ladies, and still found a way to act like he wasn't special. You found it to be really sweet, but so did everybody else. You'd known the dude for longer, and yet you didn't know if you had a chance. Everybody wanted him, and that made you feel a lot more doubtful.
But to your surprise, Jason was the one to ask you out. In a very cheesy, Lin-Manuel Miranda would be proud type way. It went like this: He randomly pulled you aside, gave you a bouquet of flowers and a pair of headphones on your head. What was it playing? Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks. It took you a second to realize what he was implying, but lets just say you were glad he was as cheesy as he was.
Ever since then? it went from everybody loves Jason to everybody loves you and Jason. Sure, some people found the cheerleader and the football player being together was a little stereotypical, but that was the only thing they could say. The two of you were too adorable together for anyone to hate on you guys.
Though, lets set a new scene: The day of your two year anniversary. Jason and the other boys on the Football team have a game today. Not that you minded spending your and Jason's special day on the field, but you wondered what you could do to make the day a little more special. Maybe Jason would take you out after the game? you weren't sure.
But right now you and your fellow cheerleader were doing what normal cheerleaders do: cheer on the players. I mean, that was in the job description. Even though you'd rather not admit it, you were a little tired. You'd been yelling, clapping, and stomping your feet onto the ground for a good few hours now and all you really wanted to do was crash into your bed. But the game was almost over, so the best thing you could do is wait. it would all be over at some point, right?
Well, you may or may not have spaced out for a little too long because by the type you looked around again, your school's student section was cheering. Did you seriously just space out so hard that you missed your school winning? maybe. not that you really cared, though, that just meant you and Jason got to do you thing.
And when I say thing, I don't mean something sexual. I mean one of the drop-dead wholesome things in the world. Instead of celebrating with his teammates, he would always run up to you and hug you. Sometimes, depending on how good the game was, he would even spin you around. It was the type of thing you looked forward to after one of the games.
And like you expected, your sunshine boy of a boyfriend walked up to you: helmet off and a smile on his face. "Hey, Blondie." you joked as he finally got close enough to you to hug you.
"Hi, baby." he mumbled as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. It was an awkward position for him to be in, but he could care less. "Guess how many touchdowns I got." Jason said out of nowhere.
"Mmm.. like, three?" you guessed.
"Well, I mean, three Times two is six so technically I was close." You shrugged, causing Jason to laugh. He moved from the position he was original in and wrapped his arms around you waist.
"Oh! happy annv—" before you could finish your sentence, Jason placed a kiss onto your lips and finished it for you.
"Happy anniversary. I would take you out but I'd rather take you home instead." He smiled, the scar on his lip twitching when he did. "Take me home then." you smiled. "and take a shower. the smell is smelling right now."
"You didn't even have to do me like that."
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v1c3v3ss3l · 8 months
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and if dreams can come true
what does that say about nightmares?
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