#Ferdinand Guillaume
perfettamentechic · 6 months
3 dicembre … ricordiamo …
3 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Patricia Marmont, Patricia Eileen Marmont, è stata un’attrice britannica di origine americana nei film di Hollywood e in televisione, e anche un’agente teatrale. Marmont è stata la principessa troiana Andromaca nel film Elena di Troia del 1956. Figlia dell’attore Percy Marmont. Per un periodo è stata sposata con l’attore caratterista Nigel Green. Si ritirò dalla recitazione negli anni ’70 e…
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Friends, enemies, comrades, Jacobins, Monarchist, Bonapartists, gather round. We have an important announcement:
The continent is beset with war. A tenacious general from Corsica has ignited conflict from Madrid to Moscow and made ancient dynasties tremble. Depending on your particular political leanings, this is either the triumph of a great man out of the chaos of The Terror, a betrayal of the values of the French Revolution, or the rule of the greatest upstart tyrant since Caesar.
But, our grand tournament is here to ask the most important question: Now that the flower of European nobility is arrayed on the battlefield in the sexiest uniforms that European history has yet produced (or indeed, may ever produce), who is the most fuckable?
The bracket is here: full bracket and just quadrant I
Want to nominate someone from the Western Hemisphere who was involved in the ever so sexy dismantling of the Spanish empire? (or the Portuguese or French American colonies as well) You can do it here
The People have created this list of nominees:
Jean Lannes
Josephine de Beauharnais
Thérésa Tallien
Jean-Andoche Junot
Joseph Fouché
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (Charles XIV of Sweden)
Louis-Francois Lejeune
Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambrinne
Napoleon I
Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet
Jacques de Trobriand
Jean de dieu soult.
François-Étienne-Christophe Kellermann
17.Louis Davout
Pauline Bonaparte, Duchess of Guastalla
Eugène de Beauharnais
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Antoine-Jean Gros
Jérôme Bonaparte
Andrea Masséna
Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle
Germaine de Staël
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
René de Traviere (The Purple Mask)
Claude Victor Perrin
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
François Joseph Lefebvre
Major Andre Cotard (Hornblower Series)
Edouard Mortier
Hippolyte Charles
Nicolas Charles Oudinot
Emmanuel de Grouchy
Pierre-Charles Villeneuve
Géraud Duroc
Georges Pontmercy (Les Mis)
Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont
Juliette Récamier
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey
Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Étienne Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Catherine Dominique de Pérignon
Guillaume Marie-Anne Brune
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Auguste François-Marie de Colbert-Chabanais
Richard Sharpe (The Sharpe Series)
Tom Pullings (Master and Commander)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Jonathan Strange (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
Captain Jack Aubrey (Aubrey/Maturin books)
Horatio Hornblower (the Hornblower Books)
William Laurence (The Temeraire Series)
Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Beau Brummell
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Benjamin Bathurst
Horatio Nelson
Admiral Edward Pellew
Sir Philip Bowes Vere Broke
Sidney Smith
Percy Smythe, 6th Viscount Strangford
George IV
Capt. Anthony Trumbull (The Pride and the Passion)
Barbara Childe (An Infamous Army)
Doctor Maturin (Aubrey/Maturin books)
William Pitt the Younger
Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry (Lord Castlereagh)
George Canning
Thomas Cochrane
Colquhoun Grant
Arthur O'Connor
Thomas Russell
Robert Emmet
Klemens von Metternich
Friedrich Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza
Franz I/II
Archduke Karl
Marie Louise
Franz Grillparzer
Wilhelmine von Biron
Wincenty Krasiński
Józef Antoni Poniatowski
Józef Zajączek
Maria Walewska
Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski
Adam Jerzy Czartoryski
Antoni Amilkar Kosiński
Zofia Czartoryska-Zamoyska
Stanislaw Kurcyusz
Alexander I Pavlovich
Alexander Andreevich Durov
Prince Andrei (War and Peace)
Pyotr Bagration
Mikhail Miloradovich
Levin August von Bennigsen
Pavel Stroganov
Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna
Karl Wilhelm von Toll
Dmitri Kuruta
Alexander Alexeevich Tuchkov
Barclay de Tolly
Fyodor Grigorevich Gogel
Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration
Ippolit Kuragin (War and Peace)
Louise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Gebard von Blücher
Carl von Clausewitz
Frederick William III
Gerhard von Scharnhorst
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Alexander von Humboldt
Dorothea von Biron
The Netherlands:
Ida St Elme
Wiliam, Prince of Orange
The Papal States:
Pius VII
João Severiano Maciel da Costa
Juan Martín Díez
José de Palafox
Inês Bilbatua (Goya's Ghosts)
Alexandre Pétion
Vittorio Emanuele I
Alessandro Manzoni
Frederik VI
Gustav IV Adolph
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Ferdinand du Puigaudeau (French, 1864-1930) - Chinese Shadows, the Rabbit
[Guillaume Gris]
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“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” ― Jelaluddin Rumi
[alive on all channels]
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THE MONARCHS OF EUROPE ➸ in order of length of reign
Fun facts:
Harald is the oldest monarch (by 3 years) but the 4th longest reigning, behind Margrethe, Carl Gustaf and Hans Adam
Charles is the 5th oldest monarch but the shortest reigning, having only been on the throne for 19 days
Hans Adam's son, Alois, has been regent since 15 August 2004, which means Alois has "reigned" longer than Albert, Willem-Alexander, Philippe, Felipe, and Charles
Only one of the reigning European monarchs is female - Margrethe
Three of the monarchs - Margrethe, Hans Adam, and Albert - have a regnal number of two (II), while Charles is Charles III (3), Harald is Harald V (5), Felipe is Felipe VI (6) and Carl Gustaf is Carl XVI Gustaf (16). The most recently deceased European monarch (Elizabeth) also had a regnal number of II
Charles has the largest "kingdom", in terms of amount of land mass, number of countries, and amount of actual people ruled
Five of the current European monarchs were born in April. The most recently deceased European monarch (Elizabeth II) was also born in April
Two of the current European monarchs have been widowed - Margrethe's husband Henri died in 2018, while Hans Adam's wife Marie died in 2021
The current European monarchs were born in consecutive decades from the 30s until the 60s, although none of the monarchs share a birth year. The late Elizabeth II would have extended the run of decades, as she was born in 1926 (the 20s)
Of the ten monarchs, six have grandchildren. Of the other four, Albert, Willem-Alexander and Philippe have adult children, while Felipe's oldest child is 16. If we only include legitimate children, Albert's oldest child is 7 (Albert's oldest biological child is 30)
The only monarch to have been married more than once is Charles, to Diana (1981) and Camilla (2005). The first monarch to marry was Margrethe in June 1967, while the most recent was Albert in July 2011 (after the marriage of the children of several of the other monarchs)
The most common names used for the monarchs include Philip (Philippe, Felipe, Charles Philip, and regent Alois Philipp), George (Charles Arthur Philip George, Willem-Alexander Claus George), William (Willem-Alexander, Henri Albert Gabriel Félix Marie Guillaume), Mary (Johannes Adam Ferdinand Alois Josef Maria, regent Alois Philipp Maria, Henri Albert Gabriel Félix Marie), Alexander (Margrethe Alexandrine, Albert Alexandre, Willem-Alexander), and Louis (Albert Alexandre Louis, Philippe Léopold Louis)
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Guillaume Travers
Il pioniere della “terza via”, oltre Marx e il capitale
Nato nel 1863, Werner Sombart ha prodotto un’opera considerevole. Nel 1896 scrisse un bestseller che rese popolare il pensiero di Marx nel mondo di lingua tedesca: “Socialismo e movimento sociale”. Nel 1902 il suo libro fondamentale, “Il capitalismo moderno”, introdusse questo termine nel mondo accademico. Altre celebri opere, poi, completeranno una delle analisi più ricche e profonde del modello economico oggi imperante.
Nei primi trent’anni del XX secolo, Sombart è stato anche uno dei padri fondatori della sociologia, insieme a Max Weber, Georg Simmel e Ferdinand Tönnies. Tuttavia, la sua opera rimane controversa e spesso sconosciuta o male interpretata.
Questa biografia - scritta da uno dei massimi esperti in materia - racconta questo grande studioso per quello che è stato: uno dei principali autori della rivoluzione conservatrice tedesca e il pensatore di un’autentica terza via tra capitalismo e socialismo marxista.
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gogmstuff · 2 years
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ca. 1766-1769 Maria Walpole, Duchess of Gloucester by ? (Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - Richmond, Virginia, USA). From history-of-fashion.tumblr.com/post/159078324404/ab-1766-1769-nathaniel-dance-holland-portrait 931X1200 @72 356kj.
1766 Comtesse Marie-Louise de Beaurepaire by Louis-Michel Van Loo (auctioned by Sotheby's). From their Web site; increased exposure 2167X2834 @150 7.6Mp.
From 1765 until 1766 Elisabeth Sulzer by Anton Graff (location ?). From Wikimedia via pinterest.com/SannaMaK/18th-century-fur-trim/ 1677X2000 @72 1Mj.
From 1765 until 1766 Elisabeth Sulzer by Anton Graff (location ?). From Wikimedia via pinterest.com/SannaMaK/18th-century-fur-trim/ 1677X2000 @72 1Mj.
ca. 1766 Mrs. Barnard Elliott, Jr. (Mary Elizabeth Bellinger Elliott) by Jeremiah Theus (Gibbes Museum of Art - Charleston, South Carolina, USA). From Wikimedia 2461X3001 @38pixels/cm 2.7Mj.
1766 Archduchess Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen by Marcello Bacciarelli (Kunsthistorisches Museum - Wien, Austria). From Wikimedia 1828X2608 @300 1.3Mj.
1766 Annette, Comtesse de Vergennes in Oriental Costume by Antoine de Favray (private collection). From Google Art Project via Wikimedia 1974X2026 @97 3.5Mj.
1766 (?) Madame Bergeret by François Boucher (National Gallery of Art - Washington, DC, USA). From their Web site 2999X4096 #72 3.9Mj.
1766 Fête donnée par le prince de Conti au Prince héréditaire Charles Guillaume Ferdinand de Brunswick-Lunebourg by Michel Barthélemy Ollivier entire scene (Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon - Versailles, Île-de-France, France)1117X.840 @96 414kj.
1766 Fête donnée par le prince de Conti au Prince héréditaire Charles Guillaume Ferdinand de Brunswick-Lunebourg by Michel Barthélemy Ollivier right center (Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon - Versailles, Île-de-France, France) 1137X.852 @96 261kj
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senshilegionnaire · 2 years
me: hey siri play machaut
siri: ok now playing "michael" by franz ferdinand
me: i'll take it
me: [bops along in car]
me: hey siri play guillaume machaut
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me: the fuck. hey siri, play gwilla-yoom match-aught
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In the late 19th century, the body of a young woman was fished out of the Seine in Paris. The body was transported to the morgue, then on the Ile de la Cité, awaiting recognition.
Noting no signs of violence, the pathologist concluded that it was suicide. An employee was so struck by the beauty and serenity of her face that she commissioned a certain Lorenzi to model a death mask on the dead woman. By the 1920s, copies of that mask began to sell like hot cakes, becoming a popular decorative item in Parisian homes.
Despite the popular success of the masks, no one could put a name to that face.
The beauty of her smile and the mysteries surrounding her identity ensured her undying success. Even today, Lorenzi's atelier receives nearly 300 requests a year for one of these masks! A macabre craze that at the time was a common method of preserving the memory of a loved one or celebrity. A craze that still continues amid curiosity and fetishism.
The story of the Unknown drowned in the Seine became an obsession for artists and literati.
It appeared in the novel L'Adorateur d'image, written in 1898 by Englishman Richard de Gallienne. In 1933 Louis-Ferdinand Céline used a photo of the drowned girl's mask to illustrate the cover of his play L'église.
A few years later, Louis Aragon also wanted to illustrate the reprint of his novel Aurélien with photos of the death mask and ordered fifteen of them from photographer Man Ray. Recently its story inspired writer Guillaume Musso.
The mystery continues, and Atelier Lorenzi in Paris also continues to sell the Noyée de la Seine mask. I looked now on his website: it costs 210 euros.
Let's give it a little thought.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 2.25
138 – Roman emperor Hadrian adopts Antoninus Pius as his son, effectively making him his successor. 628 – Khosrow II, the last great Shah of the Sasanian Empire (Iran), is overthrown by his son Kavadh II. 1336 – Four thousand defenders of Pilenai commit mass suicide rather than be taken captive by the Teutonic Knights. 1705 – George Frideric Handel's opera Nero premiered in Hamburg. 1836 – Samuel Colt is granted a United States patent for his revolver firearm. 1843 – Lord George Paulet occupies the Kingdom of Hawaii in the name of Great Britain in the Paulet affair. 1870 – Hiram Rhodes Revels, a Republican from Mississippi, is sworn into the United States Senate, becoming the first African American ever to sit in Congress. 1875 – Guangxu Emperor of Qing dynasty China begins his reign, under Empress Dowager Cixi's regency. 1912 – Marie-Adélaïde, the eldest of six daughters of Guillaume IV, becomes the first reigning Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. 1916 – World War I: In the Ble of Verdun, a German unit captures Fort Douaumont, keystone of the French defences, without a fight.[9] 1918 – World War I: German forces capture Tallinn to virtually complete the occupation of Estonia. 1921 – Georgian capital Tbilisi falls to the invading Russian forces after heavy fighting and the Russians declare the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic. 1932 – Adolf Hitler, having been stateless for seven years, obtains German citizenship when he is appointed a Brunswick state official by Dietrich Klagges, a fellow Nazi. As a result, Hitler is able to run for Reichspräsident in the 1932 election. 1933 – Launch of the USS Ranger at Newport News, Virginia. It is the first purpose-built aircraft carrier to be commissioned by the US Navy. 1939 – As part of British air raid precautions, the first of 2.5 million Anderson shelters is constructed in a garden in Islington, north London. 1941 – The outlawed Communist Party of the Netherlands organises a general strike in German-occupied Amsterdam to protest against Nazi persecution of Dutch Jews. 1947 – The formal abolition of Prussia is proclaimed by the Allied Control Council, the Prussian government having already been abolished by the Preußenschlag of 1932. 1947 – Soviet NKVD forces in Hungary abduct Béla Kovács—secretary-general of the majority Independent Smallholders' Party—and deport him to the USSR in defiance of Parliament. His arrest is an important turning point in the Communist takeover of Hungary. 1948 – In a coup d'état led by Klement Gottwald, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia takes control of government in Prague to end the Third Czechoslovak Republic. 1951 – The first Pan American Games are officially opened in Buenos Aires by Argentine President Juan Perón. 1956 – In his speech On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences, Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union, denounces Stalin. 1980 – The government of Suriname is overthrown by a military coup led by Dési Bouterse. 1986 – People Power Revolution: President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos flees the nation after 20 years of rule; Corazon Aquino becomes the Philippines' first female president. 1991 – Disbandment of the Warsaw Pact at a meeting of its members in Budapest. 1994 – American-Israeli extremist Baruch Goldstein commits a mass shooting at the Cave of the Patriarchs mausoleum, leaving 29 dead and over 100 injured before he was disarmed and beaten to death by survivors. 1999 – Alitalia Flight 1553 crashes at Genoa Cristoforo Colombo Airport in Genoa, Italy, killing four. 2009 – Soldiers of the Bangladesh Rifles mutiny at their headquarters in Pilkhana, Dhaka, Bangladesh, resulting in 74 deaths, including 57 army officials. 2009 – Turkish Airlines Flight 1951 crashed during landing at the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Netherlands, primarily due to a faulty radio altimeter, resulting in the death of nine passengers and crew including all three pilots. 2015 – At least 310 people are killed in avalanches in northeastern Afghanistan.
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tonin-terets · 7 months
Ad | Duracell Bunny Saves Christmas from MPC x The Mill Paris on Vimeo.
Agency : Wunderman Thompson Director : Geoffroy BARBET-MASSIN Grading: Nicolas GAUTIER Grading assistant: Violette MADRID
Executive producer : Fabien LECLERC VFX producer : Marie-Cécile JUGLAIR, Kahina LAMBLIN CG supervisor : Vincent CONI, Alexandre CORCOY VFX Coordinator : Mathilde COHEN-SELMON, Milan VICET, Alexandre DUPOUY
Modeling & Environnement : Xin PANG, Stéphane DUFOURNIER Generalist : Vincent CONI, Alexandre CORCOY, Guillaume THEBAULT Matte Painting : Alexia FERY Fur : Marion RESPAUD Rigging : Marine SISNAKI, Agathe DE CACQUERAY Animation : Pamella NABAIS, Tristan DOMENJUS, Ferdinand BOUTARD, Alban LELIEVRE, Geoffroy BARBET-MASSIN FX : Felix GUGLIELMI Lighting : Guillaume DADAGLIO, Guillaume THEBAULT Compositing : Vivien EBRAN, Killian ROY
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misterradio · 1 year
i cant find any fun images to reblog for my movie diary post so i will just write my thoughts here ::-)
pinocchio 1911 was very silly and weird, much like the original novel (which will always be sillier and weirder than any adaptation let's b honest). the version i watched had no music so i just put on a random violin medley video. apparently there is an experimental electronic soundtrack for this movie which i think is hysterical.
it was pretty fun until there was some random racism and then that sucked. that scene ended with pinocchio getting shot out of a canon and exploding which made us holler so at least that bit was pretty great.
pinocchio's actor ferdinand guillaume was very acrobatic and fun to watch jump around. apparently candlewick's actor natalino guillaume is his brother which i think is cute ::-)
in conclusion: he eat a bread
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x00151x · 1 year
Efemérides literarias: 12 de abril
Nacimientos 1539: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, poeta peruano (f. 1616). 1707: José Benegasi y Luján, escritor español (f. 1770). 1713: Guillaume Thomas François Raynal, escritor francés (f. 1796). 1848: José Gautier Benítez, poeta puertorriqueño (f. 1880). 1852: Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann, matemático alemán (f. 1939). 1918: Cayetano Martí Valls, escritor mallorquí (f. 2007). 1923:…
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perfettamentechic · 3 years
3 dicembre … ricordiamo …
dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2014: Giulio Questi, regista, sceneggiatore e attore cinematografico italiano. È considerato uno dei più originali registi italiani (n. 1924)2009: Richard Todd, Richard Andrew Palethorpe Todd, attore irlandese.   (n. 1919) 2004: Maria Perschy, attrice austriaca. Ha recitato in numerosi film statunitensi. (n. 1938) 2003: David Hemmings, attore e regista britannico.  David è morto sul set del film…
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toddjurgess · 7 years
Crappy quality, but there’s not much Tontolini on video, so it’s important to get it back into circulation. Tontolini was a character Ferdinand Guillaume played in about a thousand shorts in Italy through the mid-teens, at which point he changed up personas and ran the new character Polidor through a thousand more.
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marcellomercado · 3 years
And then the war, the drunkenness of death, which had erased the tender picture with a cruel hand, and placed the harshest lights next to black shadows. Everywhere one found its fatal influence, the return to barbarism, an interlacing of medieval passions. It was only in the sickened hours of satiety that nostalgia for feelings of poetry, of tenderness, like a mirage sometimes rose on the rubble of a shattered civilization.
Ernst Jünger, Lieutenant Sturm
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antikorg · 3 years
Douze entretiens pour faire face aux chocs écologiques
Douze entretiens pour faire face aux chocs écologiques
2020-12-22 09:27:22 https://reporterre.net// À travers douze entretiens avec des figures contemporaines de l’écologie politique, cet ouvrage vise à construire un panorama pertinent de la question environnementale aujourd’hui, ainsi que des débats qui la traversent. -* Présentation du livre par son éditeur Faut-il viser la « décroissance » ? Est-il déjà trop tard pour sauver la biodiversité ? La…
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