#Flaming Devotion: A Dragon's Desire
koobratzy · 4 months
The Jewel of the North
Just a little fanfic idea I had. No one writes for Cregan, so now I take it upon myself to deliver what we've all been waiting for. Let me know what you think, and please reblog if you like what I wrote so far. It will help me reach a bigger audience <3 I love you all. Remember to take care of yourself!
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Y/N Valaryon always knew she was a bastard. Her silver hair and violet eyes protected her from such rumors, making the court believe that she was the only trueborn child of Leanor, but she knew the truth. She was as much out of wedlock as her younger brothers.
The princess could see how Daemon Targaryen looked at her. He tried to be discreet, but his eyes always followed her like a shadow, no matter where she went. The prince was like a ghost. Hovering over her at all times but invisible to the naked eye. When Y/N managed to catch his gaze, there was longing inside. Desire to be near, to show his devotion for what it was. Love for his firstborn child. But he couldn't openly do that. The court was too watchful of Rhaenyra anyway, even without his involvement in the young princess's life.
Her own personality convinced her even further. She was full of fire. The veins inside her body transported heat with every breath, her heart burning with so much anger that even the princess got scared sometimes. From a young age, Y/N trained with a sword, just like her brothers did, and the abilities she presented could put many young lordlings to shame. It only became more apparent when the dragonless princess was found by Cannibal. Rhaenyra was terrified, her only daughter standing so close to the ferocious beast capable of swallowing her whole. And yet, it never happened. The dangerous monstrosity picked her. Of all dragons, she was chosen by him. The only beast that could match her inner flame and rage.
Young Valaryon knew that she was his. They could pretend all they wanted, but she knew the truth.
When Laenor Valaryon died, the curtains of the theatre of life they played so long finally fell, and Daemon got what he always wanted. His firstborn daughter. He could finally be the father he always wanted to be and help her reach full potential. Show not only how to control her rage but also how to use it to achieve whatever she dreamed of. His daughter would always be protected, either by him or her own strength.
Their life on Dragonstone was perfect. Cheerful, free of any worries, luxurious. Peaceful without the constant unsettling presence of her uncles. But dark clouds were gathering over the clear skies. A storm more dangerous than any in history was coming way quicker than anyone expected, and it was ready to devour House Targaryen with its jaws, throwing the realm into chaos.
What will become of Y/N's life? Will her entire world burn? Or is a bit of ice and snow enough to extinguish it before it turns into ashes?
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hisui-dreamer · 4 months
ode to the lonesome prince
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x gn!reader
Synopsis: you adored him so much you would stand by his side no matter what
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for malleus
Word count: 683
Notes: happy birthday dragon boi!! im so sorry im so late🥹 i wrote more especially for you and i promise ill give you another fic soon!!!
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Your lover is an enigma to those who perceive him from a distance. The powerful aura that surrounds him is something you've come to see through. His calm and respectful yet cold tone has become a language only a few, including yourself, have learned to decipher. In his presence, you've unearthed layers of vulnerability and passion, discovering the intricate mosaic of emotions that make him who he is. And with each revelation, your connection grows stronger, bridging the gap between the mysterious exterior and the tender heart within.
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Your lover is unwavering in his commitment to always give his best, navigating through life with an oblivious charm. Despite his best intentions, there are moments when he may inadvertently cause harm or make mistakes. Yet, what sets him apart is the sincerity with which he approaches apologies, never shying away from acknowledging his fault. He instead offers heartfelt apologies, demonstrating a genuine desire to make amends and ensure that your feelings are heard and respected. It's this combination of genuine effort and a sincere willingness to rectify any missteps that makes your relationship a harmonious dance of understanding and growth.
Your lover transforms into a delightful and childlike enthusiast whenever the conversation veers towards gargoyles. It's as if a spark ignites within him, and suddenly, his eyes light up with unbridled excitement. The usually composed demeanour gives way to a genuine, infectious joy. With each word, he paints a vivid picture of the stone guardians, their intricate details, and the stories they silently hold. His enthusiasm is palpable, and you can't help but be swept away by the sheer delight he radiates. There's a charm in the way he talks about gargoyles, turning a seemingly mundane subject into a respected figure.
Your lover is a fountain of kindness, his generosity flowing endlessly like a river nourishing the parched earth. Whether it's a small enchantment to brighten a mundane day or a grand display of magical prowess to make a special occasion memorable, he’s always eager to take action if it means a smile may find its way on your face. What sets him apart is his remarkable ability to remember the intricacies of your preferences, as though each detail is etched into his consciousness. Whether it's a favourite flower, a cherished book, or a specific type of tea, he effortlessly incorporates these nuances into his gestures of kindness, as if he holding a key to the chambers of your heart.
Your lover possesses a profound sense of possessiveness, a quality that perhaps stems from his draconic instincts. In the intricate dance of emotions, he is fiercely protective of the bonds he forges, especially those that pierce through the walls of his solitude. The possessiveness is not born out of malice but rather from a deep-seated fear of losing the connections he painstakingly nurtures. When it comes to those he cares about, his grip is firm, an unspoken declaration that he would go to great lengths to shield them from the unpredictable currents of the magical world.
You love how he cherishes you with a devotion akin to a dragon safeguarding its most prized treasure. When it comes to those he cares about, his grip is firm, an unspoken declaration that he would go to great lengths to shield them from the unpredictable currents of the world. There's a warmth in the gaze he reserves for you, a flame that flickers with unwavering commitment. In the warmth of his possessive embrace, there lies an unyielding commitment to safeguarding the treasures he has allowed into the sanctum of his heart. And like a dragon yearning for a trusted companion, you long to wrap him in the same sense of security and love.
Your lover may often seem distant from others, but you find yourself consistently eager to stand by his side, becoming his steadfast companion and introducing him to the little joys of life. It’s by his side, that you feel at home and where you’re meant to be.
Your lover, is none other than Malleus Draconia.
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louventcavaliersx · 3 months
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Reader
When the heir of the Sea Snake fell in love with the Rogue Prince. A forbidden relationship hidden away from prying eyes with the promise of marriage.
fanfiction | House of the Dragon
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The Rogue Prince had ventured to Driftmark when the war was raging fiercely. Your beloved whom you haven't seen for an eternity. A love that blossomed in secret. Forbidden it may be, but love knows no boundaries as he speaks.
When night descended, you sought him. He sat in his chamber by the flickering fireplace. The flames burned proudly, reminiscent of dragonfire, yet dragonfire burns with a brighter flame. The door softly opened, heralding your clandestine arrival. The prince turned his gaze towards you. A smile gracing his lips as you approached him with purpose.
It was your curves and form that captivated him, alluring and enchanting. Oh, and your armor too. The gleaming armor stirred a primal desire within him.
"I've longed for your presence, Daemon," You uttered as you reached his side. His visage softly illuminated by the fire's glow. Your hand caressed his chin, sending a delightful shiver down his spine. A shiver of pleasure. Then, you gently held his chin between your fingers, brushing against his lips tenderly. You savored his breath, his gaze upon you, his exquisite beauty. You would gladly absorb it all like a parched hound.
Daemon smirked at you, pecking the finger that grazed his lips. "You remain as radiant as ever, jorrāelagon," love, he whispered. The endearment stirred your heart. You merely smirked back, concealing your emotions.
Choosing to broach another subject, you spoke, "Father desires me to be wed with another." Daemon's hand clenched at the words, his eyes ablaze with anger yet he remained silent. "He seeks an alliance with-"
The prince did not mask his feelings as he rose from his seat and drew near. His arm encircled your waist while his hand cradled your cheeks firmly, almost possessively. His eyes brimmed with fervent love and devotion. "You shall not be joined to another, jorrāelagon. If marriage is in your fate, it shall be solely with me."
"Our love does not know titles and customs." He murmured to you, "I will wed you." His gaze flickered to your lips before meeting your eyes again. Your faces dangerously close, "You shall be mine." And he was determined to make it a reality sooner rather than later.
A gasp caught in your throat as you whispered in return, "I want you. I accept you as you are. I will be wed to you." A silent vow that hung in the air as you both pressed your foreheads together. You closed your eyes, surrendering to the fervent love that enveloped you both.
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
The Dragon's Mistress (15.2)
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15.2. The End of the Beginning
Summary: Some things unravel, other issues find this ties
Warnings: cursing, mentions of war, mentions of death, humiliation, use of the word bastard and traitor, incest, death, mentions of blood, death of a monarch, might miss some warnings, you know what this it
Wordcount:  2.8k
Notes: muahahaha this is it people! I didn’t even realize I was so close to the end until this! a final chapter! then a good epilogue. THIS WAS IT
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“It was a dangerous move”, he warned
“But it worked”, said Corlys, “he is letting her go”
“You poisoned her”, he continued
“She was never in real danger, a little nose bleeding, a day of unconsciousness”, he said, “If I wanted to truly hurt her, I would have used some common poison, and not take months to find the proper one, to give her a good scare”, he murmured, looking into the flames, “I would never hurt her, or the baby within her”
“When are we leaving?”, he asked then
“First thing tomorrow”, he continued, “and you are coming with us”, Steffon smiled, relieved, “but then, I will return, after I make sure she is safely within out allies and friends, this isn’t over, this had only just begun”, Steffon smiled, knowingly, he then teached with his hands and the guard received the items he gave him, “you know what to do with these before we leave”, Seteffon nodded,  “oh, one more thing…”
“Do we still have supporters in Harrenhal?”, he asked with a hint of a smile, almost knowing the answer
“The strongest of our allies reside in the Riverlands, they still hold big grudges against Aemond for burning their fields during the war”
“Perfect”, he said simply, “I´m afraid I’ll need them to burn one last thing before we are done”
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Aemond was a complicated man
From the very beginning he tried to keep up to his word, since he was a young boy the thing that mattered to him the most was his honor, especially after witnessing his brother lose it so quickly in wine and whores.
He trained with the sword, he assisted to all his Valyrian lessons until he was fluent in the language of his ancient house, he took classes and read all volumes of history and philosophy in the greatest Library of the realm, the one in the Red Keep
He was a devoted son, and brother, and Prince, never arguing with his grandfather or mother, always doing what he was told
He rode the biggest dragon in the world
He was the perfect prince, a gentleman
Until, she was denied of him
When Queen Alicent had refused Princess Rhaenyra’s proposal of betrothed Helaena with Jacaerys, he thought…
Now is my turn
To take my sweet niece to wife, and put a solution to all the problems of the realm and within the family
He was the one to do it
He wanted to, his niece was the perfect Princess, well versed in history and poetry, rider of a fearsome dragon, and a beauty without comparison.
She was his retribution for everything, the price he had won with his efforts
But he was denied of that too, his brothers took his eye, humiliated him, and Rhaenyra took her from him
He could never forgive her
She, the perfect princess, was going to do what was told, and she was betrothed to Lord Cregan Stark 
No, you belonged with him
You were the only thing he has ever wanted, and the Kingdoms knew it when he burned the Riverlands and entire armies, only to get to you.
And he finally had you
But like they say…
... But some little birds cannot be caged, their souls begin to wither and suddenly they no longer want to sing ...
He wanted you, but you did not wanted him
He thought he could live with it, he had enough love for the both of you, he had enough desire, enough power, to keep you by his side.
But he didn’t
If you didn’t love him back, it didn’t matter what he did, he believed, you were his and that was enough
But it doesn’t work that way.
Now he had a lump in his throat as he saw the servants and guards put all your things in coffers
He had yielded
He was sending you away
He still didn’t understand why you didn’t love him back, as you tried to hide your happiness, but couldn’t
You were happy to leave him
This is what you wanted all along
So he found himself desperate again
He grabbed you in his arms, kissed all over your face, and whispered in your ear
“I will not stop until I find who did this to you”, he whispered, “when I do, I will bring you back to me”, you took too long to answer, concocting a lie in your pretty head, he could see the wheels turning 
“I hope so, my King”, you said faintly
“And when you return, there is only going to be you, no other, no other Queen”, he said, to see your reactions
“I will not wish for you to harm anyone”, you warned, oh, you, always so concerned
For when Floris expelled the babe from her belly… her days were numbered 
He was losing you, he didn’t like that.
He never realized he never had you in the first place
He would never admit it, but a tiny tear escaped his eye when he saw your ship sail away. Thankfully no one saw him, as a loud roar was heard front he skies and suddenly the entire harbor was overcome by a huge shadow, Aemond looked up to see your ever faithful dragon flying above your ship, following his rider home.
His face twisted in rage because he had commanded your dragon to be chained to the pit, clearly, the people he had sent had no luck containing the beast, apparently. 
Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor
A Dragon is not a slave 
Aemond turned around to see Floris, cradling her belly
He was weak a couple of times, and that was the result, he thought bitterly. They lends him a hand, he played it, he played it wrong
But he did not have any time to worry, to cry for your loss, to punch the walls in anger for what others in the dark where still making him do.
A week after your departure…
Aegon died
He exhaled his last breath in a heave of puss and blood, and that is how the man that what going to be known as “Aegon the Usurper” was gone from this earth, taken by the stranger. 
He detested his brother, that was no secret, but there was a day he didn’t.
Some years ago, Aegon was only his brother, his oldest brother, a bit drunk, and a whore, but he was only his brother, and that is when Aemond loved him, he had helped him usurp his sister, because he loved him, and his sister and his family, and he thought that was the way to keep everyone safe
Perhaps he had been wrong
But Aemond didn’t have the strength, nor the luxury of thinking about that, he didn’t dare.
It was what it was 
His mother, Alicent, cried silently as the silent sister worked on Aegon’s body, covered his sick and twisted body with gauze and so many oils and ointments to try and cover the stench, finally, they placed the crown of the conqueror over his covered body.
He had not been the King in a while now, so the ceremony was short, but dignified thanks to his mother, but as like Viserys before him, nobody really payed attention to the burial, but rather, his own coronation
He had been acting like prince regent for a while now, but no matter, the ceremony was great, held in the throne room, instead of the Dragon Pit like Aegon’s had been, other lords of all over the Kingdoms had not been invited, they were only notified of the death of Aegon, and the coronation of Aemond.
Aegon had died, now, he was King, and you were not by his side when Criston placed the crown over his head, he looked around the room, looking for you, expecting to see you there smiling shyly, but he couldn’t find you anywhere, he could finally crown you Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in all your right
But you were not there 
The day
The most important day of his life, and you were nowhere to be found. 
He wanted to cry
He wanted to throw himself into his bed and weep
Only Floris was there, standing by the last step of the Throne, looking up at him triumphantly 
He wanted to throw up
But he couldn’t show it, for everybody in that room, for all those lickspitters and flatterers, they had won, it was him. Aemond, the right choice, the right brother
The one that studied history and philosophy, the one that trained with the sword, the one that rode the largest dragon in the world
The one who had wed two Queens, that now were with his children in her bellies,  the one that worn the conqueror’s crown and held the conqueror’s sword
All the symbols of…
For fucks sake
His grandfather would have been proud
That is what everyone in that room saw, the perfect King
That is who everyone greeted at the banquet afterwards, to the King, the Baratheon Queen, and his mother, the loved Dowager Queen Mother, Alicent Hightower
The court seemed at peace 
But it seemed like the peace before the storm
As the feast was raging on, Corlys Velaryon entered the room with the remains of his family, nephews and far off cousins, but impressive nonetheless
He barely nodded to the new anointed monarch, and sat close beside him, at the side of Floris
“You must be pleased to know, your grace, that your Queen is safe, at the palace we discussed”, he said triumphantly, knowingly souring the mood of everyone at the table, “she send her bests, and wishes to be present in this joyous occasion, sadly that cannot be”
“I agree Lord Corlys, soon, it shall all be well again, and I can have my Queen back at my side”, Corlys smiled, and raised his cup at the King, which he answered back, at the scowl of the Queen, and the frown of Floris
Aemond smiled, more confidently now, he was King now
Now, he was settled in power, with two heirs on the way, he was settling on the charge, he had vanquished one of his most powerful enemies while on power, he had won the war
His chest filled with the sense of victory
One step closer 
One more, just one more
One enemy left to be slain, and it was going to be fine
All of it, was going to be worth it
He was King now
A real King, anointed by the faith, cherished by the people, supported by half of the great families and at least three of the seven Kingdoms
It could be better.
But it didn’t
Days went by and nothing did.
One day, a very respected member of his kingsguard entered his chambers, he looked nervous
“Your grace, following your instructions, I found something in Queen Floris’ chambers”, he said shakily, he knew how much was at stake, specially if he was wrong
Aemond only looked at him severely 
Corlys was sewing scorn, resentment and mistrust in court, and he was not going to stop, until they ripped each other apart
“Queen Floris poisoned our beloved Queen, but she couldn’t do it alone, the question is, why your master of whispers didn’t know it?”, he asked the King as he had called upon him for advice on what to do, “she couldn’t have done it alone, my king”
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Reader’s POV
You didn't want to believe it, when Aemond told you he was going to send you away, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, you believed you were dreaming.
But it was real
Maids helped you put your things inside coffers, and a sudden happiness filled you 
it was true, you were going away
Dragonstone? probably, is the only place that made sense for you
You were begging
But any place could be better than this
You would even go to Casterly fucking rock, instead of this place
Ironic, it should be your home, where your mother was born, where you were born
But it became a prison
You didn't want to believe you were finally going to be free of it until you were walking towards the docks, escorted by the entire Kingsguard and Aemond walking by your side
He was angry
He had promised you that you were going to be the only Queen, soon, and you couldn’t wish for anything but the opposite
This worked
You placed your hand in your belly, he had what he wanted, you could only wish you were expecting a girl and Floris a boy, perhaps then he would leave you alone.
 Aemond followed you hand, placing them over yours, as you stopped by when you reached Corlys’ ship at the end of the harbor
“I will send for you soon”, he promised, as he kissed you, you leaned into him, making him believe you would come back
You wouldn’t 
ONce you were weak enough to fight this, but not anymore
You were not going to come back, not against your own will.
You grabbed the small hand of your little brother as you helped him aboard the ship
Corlys held you both once the boat left the harbor.
It was funny
From all your Velaryon siblings, you were the one that liked the sea the most, even if your real father was Daemon Targaryen
You found it calming, reassuring, soothing, but it was also something to be weary of, careful, scared of.
The endless sea
“Thank you grandfather”, you whispered, he kissed the top of your head
“I’m here now sweet girl”, he whispered back, “they will pay for everything they have done to us”
There was a time you cursed him, you believed he had betrayed you and your mother, but he didn’t, he needed to get inside, attack from within, he was the Sea Snake, one of the most dangerous men on the seven Kingdoms
And he was on your side 
“The sea agrees with you”, he whispered, as with the soft sway of the ship you felt more confident as when you were on mainland 
“I got it from you”, you said cheekily, and he smiled warmly
“You are my legacy, history remembers names, not blood”, you only smiled gently 
And those words made sense only when you arrived at Dragonstone, where there was two very familiar silvery heads waiting for you
“Baela? Rhaena?”, you called, your half sisters smiling back at you. You ran towards them, as much as you could since you were heavily pregnant
they held you tightly against them
Once the war had started to collect the lives of your grandmother and then your brothers, Corlys had taken them to Driftmark, where they were going to be safe, you never saw them again.
Your stepsisters, your baby brother, your grandfather.
You looked up at the high towers of the huge castle, just in time when your dragon arrived and flied above it and between.
Your baby kicked inside you and you smiled warmly, he knew he was home too
 “You don’t have to worry, little one”, Corlys whispered, “you are home now, I’ll protect you”
But as you approached the castle, you realized it was more… lively, that the last time you saw it, more people, ships on the harbor, banners from houses of the Crownlands, no, it couldn’t be, you recognized from afar the house sigil of the Celtigars 
“What is going on?”, you asked
“The Lords are greeting you back home, where you belong, you, your brother, and the princeling”, now Corlys had the winning hand, having all the royal bloodlines under his protection.
When you entered the hall, you were met with all the lords of the Crownlands, everyone bowed when they saw you, smiling brightly at you, you smiled shyly back, as they guided you towards the Dragonstone throne.
Encouraged by Corlys, you took a seat in the throne, something you didn’t even see your mother do.
You gazed at all the lords, who didn’t even look in your direction when you lived inside these walls, when you were the last child of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and they could see how they disappointed you in your face, in the frown in your face.
Many of them started talking, amongst each other, and some towards you, many apologies, a lot of everything 
“We failed you once, our sweet Queen”, one man stood above all the others, “ we will not fail you again”, said Lord Celtigar, taking a knee to you, and all the other Lords followed
“To the Queen, and Prince Viserys!”, chanted one, and everyone echoed it
“For our late Queen Rhaenyra!”, chanted another and once again, your mother’s name was being called in the halls of Dragonstone
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It is going to be a long epilogue...
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Dating Yandere Aemond Would Include:
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He is the perfect partner. He would do anything to protect the ones he loves. He would kill for you. He would die for you. He would go to the end of the world to make you happy. His entire life would be devoted to his love for you. He would kill every man in the world other than you so that he could be sure you would be safe and happy. He would do anything to make you happy. As others say, he would walk to the ends of the earth for you. And he would, with a smile on his face.
He would devote every waking moment to thinking about you. Every thought would be of you, every action performed with the idea of winning your attention. Every breath he would take would be in dedication to you even if you didn't know it. He would do anything for you, and he would expect you to do the same. He would take any measure, no matter how drastic, to ensure that you belonged to him alone. He would want to take control of your life.
If it were up to him, he would follow your every desire. He would do everything to please you. He would make sure to be by your side every day, and worship you like a goddess/god. He would dedicate himself entirely to you and to you alone. You would be the sole object of his love and attention. His sole desire would be to please and protect you. He would never even consider being with anyone else, for you would be the only person for him. As it should be.
His family or at least Alicent and Helena tried to stop him. To break you apart. They claimed that he was too jealous and that his desires were irrational. They were fools. Love is a powerful emotion that cannot be stopped by simple words, or by any force for that matter. Their attempts only strengthened his resolve and only made him more intense. Love is a flame, and when that flame is kindled in a man's heart, it is not easily put out.
He would be sad if you didn't want to be with him or tried to leave him. For some time. Perhaps a long time. But it would be your loss. To be with him is to be with power, and status, and wealth. To choose to leave him would be a mistake, for him of anyone of his stature would be able to give you much more than the common folk he would expect you to end up with. He would pity you if anything. But he would try to continue with his life, even though he would do all he can to change your mind. And if he cannot, then the pain of rejection will be so great that it will only fill him with a burning rage, one that could be satisfied by nothing less than vengeance.
Any number of ways. It depends on the severity of your offense, the magnitude. It could be something as simple as ignoring you for a day. Or something as severe as leaving a scar for all to see as a reminder of your offense. Or, If it is slight, he is known to have a sharp tongue. He would have a harsh word and a colder shoulder for you for a while. But if it is a major offense, and the pain is real, and he has been deeply betrayed, then he will not shy away from physical force if a simple harsh word does not suffice.
His family has learned the hard way not to use you against him or as a pawn in any way, shape, or form as he can get quite aggressive, quite quickly. When someone threatens to take from him what he loves, all thoughts of morals and ethics go out the window. There is nothing more dangerous than an angry lord, and he will make sure that the target of his love hears all of his anger. They will know that the dragon is angry, and only their death will keep him from burning them to a crisp.
He also tends to act irrationally because of his love. If the person of his affection wishes to leave him, he cannot handle that rejection. He has been known to follow you when you attempt to leave him and insist on you staying. And while he hates the feeling of not having complete control over you and everything that comes along with you, it would be more devastating for him to be without you. He loves you even in his own twisted way, and if he cannot have you then no one can.
He is a jealous man. The person of his love must not be able to show favor to another. He will not stand for it. You must show him the same love and devotion that he shows you. Anything less is unacceptable. He does not want you to even gaze upon another let alone think of one. If you were to ever cheat on him, then his wrath will rain like fire and brimstone. He is very jealous, and it can turn into a rage at a moment's notice.
He is manipulative. If he thinks or notices of a situation that he deems advantageous to himself and the relationship he has with you, he will not hesitate or flinch at exploiting it. He will twist the truth, manipulate conversations, and even lie to get his way. He is not afraid to stoop to that level if he feels like it will help either himself or you.
He expects total loyalty and submission. You must follow his commands and obey him no matter what or without a second thought. You should be prepared to dedicate your life to him after the moment either he or you confess. He expects you to do his bidding and follow every command. He is a powerful lord, a prince of the iron throne, not some commoner without a title. He demands complete devotion and loyalty, or else it is not real love to him.
He will obsess over you at any given time. His thoughts will revolve around you, every waking moment. You will become his muse. He will become an artist simply so he can compose verses and paintings about your beauty. He will become a bard just so he can sing about you and your virtues. His heart will belong only to his obsession and in return he expects a love that is just as absolute. He wants a love worth singing about. He wants a love worth killing for. He wants a love worth dying for.
He is overbearing. He feels you must never be far from his sights. He is always at your side, watching, watching, watching… You can never escape him for long. And if you do, he will become angry. and he wants you to understand that you are truly his. It is not because he is trying to be cruel or controlling, but because in his mind he cares. You are more than an object to him, you are an extension of himself. You are a part of him. So how can he let you go?
He likes to make grand romantic gestures. He would shower you with gifts, and romantic overtures. All to keep you in his thoughts. He would seek to surprise you, and sweep you off your feet. And of course, he would go to great lengths to remove anything or anyone that would interfere with the way he spends time with you, whether the removal be physical or not. He is somewhat of a stalker, for the object of his affection, but then again, he feels a love so great, he is not sure he has any true limit to what he might do.
He would give you flowers every day. He would give you your favorite foods. He would give you the moon every night if you asked for it. It would be as if paradise were on earth. He loves you so very, very much that he could die just knowing you are happy, especially because of him. It would all be worth it to see you smile. That is what brings him joy above all else.
What else do you need? His love and devotion? His undying willingness to do anything to protect you and make you happy? What else is there to give to the one you love except everything?
He is a man of great power and influence, with many allies and servants at his disposal. He has some ability with both the sword and the written word. He would be willing to employ violence, but it would be used as a last resort. He would prefer to manipulate others to do his bidding until you are together and then, he would use his wits to keep you in his possession and out of harm's way.
He is absolutely possessive. You are his, and his alone. He will not stand idle whilst others gaze upon you with their own desire and lust in their eyes. Those who attempt to steal your heart away from him, are as good as dead. He is a powerful prince, and he will use his power against them in any way possible. Whether it be through whispers and slander or brute force, he will stop at nothing to keep his love in his heart. Aemond Targaryen is capable of being a loving man. But a powerful one, so tread carefully, lest you wish to incur his wrath.
You are his only emotional support, he has become utterly reliant on you for his emotional and physical needs. He would do anything to please you, and the power dynamic is completely skewed in your favor. To the point that you control his every move, including who he talks to, where he goes, and almost everything else. His obsession with the one person extends to the point of him being basically helpless, because of how dependent he is on you for everything.
He would devote his entire body to you even if just for pleasure. He would give you his heart and soul. He would let you control him in every scene. He would be totally obedient to everything you say. He would let you walk all over him. He would be your personal slave if you asked for it. He would do literally anything and everything to make you happy. His entire life would be given to you, and he would be happy to do so.
He really likes giving head and seeing you coming undone. He learns what you like and don’t like fast so you don’t ever turn down an offer.
His favourite thing is to cum inside you and watch it ooze from whichever holes he’s chosen to abuse that day, but something about covering you in it makes him feral.
He likes to grind against you whenever you sit in his lap, especially if it’s secretly while you’re in public. He likes to watch you struggle to keep your composure.
Dirty talk, mainly him speaking “Say my name. Let everyone know whose fucking you this good; whose the only one who can fuck you this good.”
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lya-dustin · 11 months
All is Bliss
Chapter 20
Cw: mentions of consenual undersge sex, misogyny
Taglist: @mercedesdecorazon @darylandbethfanforever9 @aemondx @ewanmitchellcrumbs @sweethoneyblossom1
Gif by @bonniebird
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The grandiosity of Aegon’s coronation is somehow outshined by Aemma’s simple one.
Some claim the dragons roared, even the wild ones, when Rhaenys Targaryen crowned her.
Helaena had turned her back on her own family and went as far as carrying the crown in the procession.
Either way it was the only thing anyone spoke about.
Even worse, the name the lords and smallfolk gave her was impossible to silence.
Aemma the Great.
Long live Queen Aemma the Great.
Alicent scoffed at the name.
“Rather presumptuous to call her great when her reign has just begun.” She comments to the witch who’s now part of her household.
Aegon had tossed her aside the moment he discovered the miscarriage and sent for Ellyn Flowers at Jena Wylde’s request.
Little Ellyn was to be paraded around as if she were trueborn because he thinks Aemma will become jealous and come running to him.
Pigs will fly before that ever happens, which is why they must go with Lord Baratheon's plan.
Now Alys Rivers is her handmaiden, charged with the most intimate of works now that Talya had been disposed of.
“She is quite devoted to reform, if she were to enact to full scale the changes she did with what little power she had, she may grow into it.” Alys shrugged not caring her words were skirting treason.
Aegon was born to be king, it was his birthright and with the proper advisors he would be a good king.
To say his wife, a girl of seven and ten, was better suited was just not done.
Sure, she was just as loved by the smallfolk, and Alicent could admit that her schools had not failed given the guilds were flourishing with new members, but she was a woman.
Women do not go to war.
Women bear sons who will be maesters, high septons, warriors and kings.
Women are not equal to men; it is the reason they are the gentler sex who must use what the gods have given them to make up for what they lack.
They are to stand behind the man, not be the man.
Alicent thought Alys understood that.
“I cannot change fate; the gods wanted her to be queen just as your son needed to be king as well.” The witch spoke as if she read her mind.
“I can read minds and see things in the flames and birth horrors instead of children, your grace.” Alys adds with a lovely smile as she undressed her for the night. “These things and so many more.”
And now at her service.
Had she known she could have had her, Alicent wouldn’t have debased herself with her brother.
Alys had the looks she thinks. Long dark tresses and blue eyes that knew the end and the beginning, had a touch and a voice that whispered tantalizingly to her secret desires.
“Have you ever lied with a woman, your grace?” the witch asks noticing the intensity of which her mistress observes her as she gently slid off the chemise she wore.
When she let Criston fulfill his fantasies of her one night, she had found it as a tedious as it felt to lie under Viserys.
Perhaps she has never been interested in men, and all that was a mere façade.
There had been some kissing games, some fondling and once, one time long ago, Alicent had let Rhaenyra teach her about that glorious feeling of the princess’ fingers in her quim when they turned five and ten.
Rhaenyra had read it in A Caution for Young Girls, read how Saera in these very rooms had discovered self-pleasure.
The morning after, Rhaenyra was told Alicent was to marry her father.
After that no more stolen kisses, no more hidden caresses and no more sharing a bath or a bed together.
Tonight, she turns her face to the woman and slowly, but surely kisses the lips that taste like the most divine of poisons.
She’s already damned, why not enjoy it?
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The last thing Aemond said about his sister was cruel.
Had he had he known she would have died that same day, maybe her wouldn’t have called her a whore.
There was no love nor affection ---save the one they had for Aemma, the only good thing that ever came from his sister--- between them, but at least his last words about her will not go down in the annals of history as having been that.
“Here is some silver, and if you speak to anyone about this, I will take your eyes after I take out your tongue.” He had threatened the scribe who had written it down for the Grand Maester.
Half the shit Orwyle has written about him is already bad, but Aemond much like the rest had learned which threats and which bribes work for each of the grey rats.
“Look at this shit Eustace wrote.” Aegon brandished the barely dry scroll with his crown askew ---in the great irony of life, Aegon’s head is too small for his crown--- and already drunk. “he says I was with the daughter of a wealthy trader who was well cared for, I was at a sept. Why won’t anyone believe me?”
“Because I was there, and I still cannot.” Aemond says wryly before complaining about his recorded history. “He did get your words right, I had to correct mine.”
“‘Is Aegon king?” he had asked Ser Willis Fell, “or must we kneel and kiss my sister’s hand?’” Aegon read and snorted. “Where is the real scroll, ‘Mond?”
Aemond begrudgingly hands it over, he should have burned it the moment he took it from the scribe.
““Is Aegon king?” he had asked Ser Willis Fell, “or must we kneel and kiss the old whore’s cunny?”” Aegon laughs, a good laugh that does not have the rage nor bitterness he’s had since he was crowned a week ago. “Oh, Aemma is going to kill you.”
She would, especially when she learns his wedding to Cassandra has been moved up to keep Baratheon away from her ranks.
He is to leave later today and wed her tomorrow.
Tomorrow he is chained to a woman he knows he will never love.
“Not as much as she wants to kill me, likely blames me for Rhaenyra’s death. Had I just ran away, she’d be alive.” Whether it is guilt or the wine or the feeling of brotherly companionship, Aegon’s voice quivers and he swallows the guilt with another swill of wine. “If it were up to me, I would have gladly stepped aside for her. I am shit at this, Aemma was the one who was supposed to do this and let me drink and wench myself to an early death.”
Speaking of Aemma, she had been crowned yesterday.
Crowned as if she were a mythological creature and not a woman of flesh and bone like them.
Even in its simplicity, her coronation has put Aegon’s to shame.
Aemma the Great.
No one knows who began calling her so, but apparently the smallfolk ate it up with their free bread, meat and ale given to them by decree of the first queen regnant.
“I am afraid it is too late for that,brother.”
Silver against Gold, Wife against Husband.
Had Aegon not been his brother, Aemond wouldn't have hesitated to join Aemma and become the king to her queen.
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irafuwas · 1 year
Theories on Sebek's Unique Magic
Good morning! Hope everyone is staying nice and warm out there. I wanted to go ahead and compile some theories I've had about what Sebek's Unique Magic might end up being. Right now, I've got three different theories, and I'll discuss them more below. I'm curious to hear what you all think! (Please note: This post contains images from cards that aren't available on the EN server yet).
1. Ability to break curses
Sebek is known for his unfaltering, undying loyalty to Malleus, and his admiration for his Lord and desire to stand at his side is what pushes him to be so diligent in his training and his studies. His tunnel-vision of Malleus is so great that he'll often get into quarrels with other students because of it, and he appears to see nothing wrong with the intensity of his devotion.
I feel at this point it's safe to say that Malleus will overblot in Book 7, and leading theories posit he will end up casting a sleeping curse of sorts upon those around him. If he spares his guards, this will give them the opportunity to either follow their Lord in his dark schemes, or to do what is right and stand against him. We've already seen in Endless Halloween that Silver has considered possibly having to make such a choice one day, and I do feel he would choose to defy Malleus and try to save his classmates. But what about Sebek? He's not just simply subservient to Malleus, as Silver is, he idolizes Malleus, sees him as his God. I can imagine that would make it so much harder for Sebek to take up his sword against him.
I think Sebek would, at first, continue to serve Malleus after he's cast his curse on everyone, but then he will ultimately realize that what he's doing is wrong and he will go join Silver in battle against their Lord.
And that's why I think it would be poignant if Sebek's UM ends up being one that can break curses, and he has to use it to break Malleus's sleeping curse and save everyone. Consider, his whole life he has been training and studying and praying and striving to be of service to his Lord, only for his Unique Magic to end up being the very symbol of defiance against the one person his whole existence revolves around. But it would also be a manifestation of his growth as a person, as him choosing to stand up against Malleus and help the people he's hurt would show he's finally learned to consider the feelings and wellbeing of those around him, which we know is something he currently really struggles with.
2. Magical Shield
Sebek and Silver are known to mirror each other in various ways.
Whereas Sebek is loud, brash, and quick to start a fight, Silver is quiet, reserved, and eager to avoid any disputes.
Silver yearns for harmony between all species, whereas Sebek looks down on and despises non-fae.
Silver's non-element magic is light (he is one of only three students in the game like this, the other two being Kalim and Rook), and Sebek's is dark.
Sebek is left handed, and Silver is right handed.
Silver's best subject is P.E. and he seems to focus more on the physical aspects of his training (i.e. sword fighting), whereas Sebek - in addition to his great physical strength and talent in the martial arts - is known to be a bookworm and excels in more difficult subjects like analysis of magic.
They are facing each other in their countdown posters, and they are also facing the opposite way in some of their cards, as well.
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And etc., and etc. Furthermore, considering Silver's association with the Sword of Truth from Sleeping Beauty, that would leave Sebek as the Shield of Virtue. The three good fairies bestowed Prince Phillip with these magical armaments before he set off for the final battle against Maleficent, and both served vital roles in his victory, with the the shield protecting him from her deadly flames, and the sword ultimately felling the great dragon after he used it to pierce her heart.
As such, if Silver's UM will be a sword-based one for offense, it is possible that Sebek's UM will be a shield-based defensive type, such as an impenetrable shield created from his magic, or possibly a shield of thorns.
3. Lightning
This one is I think the more obvious choice. He is often considered to be twisted from Maleficent's lightning powers, and there's various pieces of evidence to support this.
Sebek's coffin symbol is a bolt of lightning.
Sometimes when he yells, a thunder sound effect will play.
His explosive personality could be considered representative of lightning
There is lightning all over his Dorm Uniform groovy.
His last name, Zigvolt, has a connotation of electricity. Per Cambridge Dictionary, a volt is "the standard unit used to measure how strongly an electrical current is sent around an electrical system".
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With that in mind, it wouldn't at all be surprising if his UM ends up being a lightning-based attack.
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 5 months
Icy v1
(some stuff is from the fan wiki i just tweaked)
Name: Icy Hilda Rayne
Looks: Tallest one of the trix, but only coz of how she ties her long pin straight silvery-blue hair, in a high ponytail by a dark teal tube-like hairband with two long curled hairs flowing past her ears and stops at her chest in the front
Icy is pale-skinned with icy blue eyes and long. She is almost always seen wearing dark blue eye shadow, pale purple lipstick that makes her lips look frostbitten and long blue fingernails.
She used to have curly blond hair before switching to her current hairstyle.
Relationships: She loves her sister Saphire a lot, and she also loves the trix. there was a point where she was infatuated with tritannus but after he lost his power she forgot about him. her bonded Magic animal is Frosbite.
Personality: Smartest, most ambitious, crown princess of Dyamond. Icy is a cold type of person, and often acts cruel for the sake of being cruel to the point of being the cruellest, most vindictive one out of the Trix. She tends to act rude and ridicules people she does not approve of and her temper tends to get the better of her when things do not go her way. As she was already very cruel, Icy always fought her way to be the best and most powerful; a desire that only intensified with every season she and her sisters have continuously appeared to destroy the Winx. Her overwhelming cruelty has also earned her the favor of villains. She considers herself more powerful and intelligent than her sisters are.
Icy had always been able to steal the spotlight as the more evil side involved, regardless of whomever plan she may be following. Icy likens herself the groups leader while often obtaining the role of second-in-command whenever they work under a more powerful evil force like with Darkar and Valtor. However, Icy also does not become wholly submissive and, Darcy and Stormy are forgotten or left in the background. Despite all the special treatment she gets from others while upholding a sense of authority herself, Icy has shown that she does need her sisters whenever a plan is hatched.
Despite her cruelty, Icy is capable of love. It is clear that she loves Darcy and Stormy. She also loves her younger sister Sapphire.
Other positive qualities of Icy are her intelligence, her tenacity, her charisma and her bravery. She is a very charismatic and effective leader. She is also very clever. She understood the power of the Dragon Flame long before Bloom and she always came up with intelligent plans to get what she wanted. She never gave up despite having been defeated multiple times. She is also unafraid to go up against more powerful enemies. 
However, despite her intelligence and her bravery, Icy was a bit naive in the sense that she could be double crossed by deceptive villains. However, she learned her lesson finally and freed herself from Valtor's mark and she decided to fight with him with Darcy and Stormy, but she betrayed him.
History: Her mother was approached by one of the witches, Liliss, to have a child to carry on the ancestral withces' legacy, as she had a bad feeling about the upcoming fight with the company of light. Icy’s mother was a devout follower. But after having icy with her husband the king of Dyamod she had a change of heart. Liliss found out and so she sent her next most devoted follower to ruin their planet, the Blood Witch. Leadin to icy’s backstory. furthermore, the reason why Icy became so power-hungry is that she wanted to become more powerful than the Blood Witch herself, in order to undo her spell on Sapphire and save Dyamond. Icy's childhood trauma filled Icy's heart with anger and desire for revenge, to the point that Icy became herself cruel, ruthless and even capable of killing anyone standing in her way. Her original goal to save her kingdom later expanded into a desire to be the most powerful witch of all and rule the Magic Dimension, so she will never know loss again. 
Powers: She is known mostly to shoot icicles and send blizzards to freeze people to incapacitate or kill them. her powers are blue (other than her ice which also can be white)
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lrdvyke · 6 months
STR 15 ( +1 ) DEX 20 ( +3 ) CON 17 ( +3 ) INT 17 ( +3 ) WIS 15 ( +2 ) CHA 20 ( +5 ) proficiency ( +6 ), armor class ( 18 )
dexterity ( +9 ), constitution ( +7 ), charisma ( +8 )
acrobatics ( +11 ), athletics ( +7 ), insight ( +8 ), intimidation ( +11 ), medicine ( +8 ), survival ( +9 )
class. paladin ( lvl 5 ), sorcerer ( lvl 15 ) details. oath of devotion, draconic bloodline ( bronze, lightning damage ), wild magic ( frenzied flame homebrew ) languages. common, draconic weapons. war spear, gravel stone seal
a lone adventurer who can be hired muscle for select jobs that he finds worthy, Vyke moves around Faerûn as if there is a known heading in mind. a look towards the distance, guided by something but he will not say what no matter how pressed he is. does he even know? what he does tell is that he came from the north, an area known only as the Badlands, escaping a tribe under its rather brutal chieftain, Hoarah Loux, but the rest is left to guessing. Vyke's kin are the nightfolk who were said to bleed silver and the ones who kept count of the stars, hoping for a day they would soon return. a nebulous concept, one that Vyke found wanting, which only further pushed his desire to move forward, away from the north, towards a better odd in life than the one he was given at birth. thus, he finds himself in more populated areas to lend his hand and spear to those who desire it, following an oath of devotion he made with himself to do what his fellows will not. yet his selfless loyalty leads him down a path deeper and deeper—the cult of the dragon was first, for the love of a priestess, he only knew later was a metallic dragon, who taught him the ways of the draconic bloodline sorcery that he could tap from within himself with her blessing. but the wandering continues. friends are made, friends are lost, but still he continues on without pause. he circles back around, he meets another in a small village upon the outskirts who fears whoever is after her, but she does not name her pursuer nor does she say why they pursue, but Vyke desires to do what he can for another blossom of love is there to force a heart to action. just like with everyone else, he expends every effort for another with little questions asked. so she whispers to him of a secret below the earth, seemingly further than the underdark, further still somehow; there rests a god who would grant him strength enough to save her. so he takes the plunge. and somehow he comes back out alive, yet changed beyond all sense with burned skin and eyes with sickly yellow flames within them. though he returns to a corpse with blood on his hands, and the madness burning deep within his chest comes forth in its burst of wild magic. the screams do not stop. the small village succumbs, bows underneath the unknown frenzied god and joins Vyke in the ceaseless screams that even the rats themselves carry within themselves. a divert in the path: was he killed when found? or was he taken to Revel’s End and jailed there? was the seal within his hand cut out, or was it taken and locked away just like he was? if he was jailed, would he be let out and allowed to live outside another day, or will he be killed inside the small cell? it seems his life is in another's hands once again, unable to keep count of the stars...
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bloomvalyria · 1 year
About your hc that bloom is the first ever dragon flame wielder, does her family still have some historical connections to it or why are they in power? (Or did they bullshit their way to the top?)
I thought about this for a long time.
Mostly because I hadn’t thought about it at all.
Sometimes, I just spout things into the universe and, when questioned, the pieces magically fall into place on their own.
This ask really put that method to the test. I appreciate the challenge.
Her family does still have historical connections to it. They are what I’ve come to refer to as The Chosen Family of Domino. Namely, they were chosen by the Great Dragon himself to protect the Dragon Flame. Not possess it, but protect it. Which is a big part of this theory.
Since the Dragon Flame is similar to a god power (i.e. creating the Magic Dimension, bringing the dead back to life, etc.), I don’t see the Great Dragon saying “you know what I’m going to trust man won’t abuse my power.” So I think it was kept in more of a special receptacle, locked away in a temple devoted to the deity. Much like this!:
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(This is why we have Nymphs like Daphne, whose job is to protect the Flame. It is considered one of the highest honors to be inducted as a Nymph because you have to prove you’d be willing to sacrifice your life to guard the Flame.)
Don’t get me wrong, there’s obviously a way to possess the Dragon Fire. Otherwise we wouldn’t be where we are today with not one but two guardians! So let’s get to the bulk of the issue: How does one possess the Flame? Well I’m so glad no one asked! Let’s dive into it, shall we?
So in my personal headcanon, Bloom’s bloodline runs the same risk as the Targaryen bloodline from Game of Thrones (just without the inbreeding) — “Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin, and the world holds its breath.” Will they be mad and power hungry? Or will they be sane and gentle? Many of Bloom’s ancestors landed on the mad and power hungry side, and tried to take the Flame for their selves. These attempts never ended well, most ending in death. Why is this? What the world would come to learn is that the Great Dragon placed a safeguard on the Flame, dictating that those who lust for its power may never attain it. This would also explain why it’s said by Faragonda in s1 that the Flame “cannot be taken” from Bloom.
A long, long time ago, Domino experienced its first attack on the temple at the hands of Darkar and the Ancestresses. And while they didn’t manage to steal the Flame, they did manage to escape with an ember. Darkar, being the cocky son a bitch he is, thought he could outsmart the safeguard, and tried to possess it for himself that way he could enter Relix. Of course, he nearly gets himself killed in the process and it actually taints the ember since it came into contact with his Shadow Fire ergo creating the dark ember. And this my dear friends is where Baltor comes into play. Quick headcanon breakdown before moving on: Baltor was an aristocratic wizard from Domino, minding his own business who caught the unfortunate eye of Belladonna before being kidnapped and enslaved by the Ancestresses and forced into possessing the dark ember of the Dragon Flame. Okay? Okay cool.
Now after this attack, the Flame was promptly relocated to deep within the tunnels beneath the palace. Baltor’s creation was kept quiet so that Darkar would have the upper hand. But after centuries of coercion and weaseling his way through the company of many monarchs, a slip up was made. And once they realized the power he held, whispers began between allies, suggesting that the Company of Light should “make one of their own.” And they were willing to listen until the candidate was named —Oritel and Miriam’s newborn daughter. A baby cannot thirst for power. A baby has no wants or desires. Therefore, a perfect candidate to absorb the Flame. As you can imagine, Oritel and Miriam were completely against the idea and refused to hear anymore about it, unwilling to risk their daughter’s life. (Also random but I don’t subscribe to the idea that Bloom’s birth name was Bloom.)
Then the final battle occurred, as we all know. During this battle, it came down to Daphne having to choose to protect the Flame or her baby sister. Having heard the plans their allies had concocted, she figured it was worth a shot. And lo and behold, it worked! It sucked up nearly all of her strength, but it worked! And using the last of her power, begging the Great Dragon for his help one final time, she managed to summon the portal to Earth.
… I think that covers everything. I’m open to any other questions though! I’m sure I fucked up somewhere in this essay.
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It was a physical weight that followed you throughout your day, the want to have Rhaenyra back in your arms. She had fit so perfectly in them this morning when the sun crested, highlighting the gorgeous glow of her Targaryen skin, alight both from within and by the new sun. It had been a blessed sight, your own Dragon Princess soft and hazy with sleep and pleasure.
Unfortunately, the both of you had duties that took you from each other with only brief glances and whispers of touch from fleeting handholds. The King had Rhaenyra running a multitude of tasks that had taken from one end of the Keep to the other. Likewise, your own duties had you equally run off your feet, only in the opposite directions. The two of you had been in the same space for only moments, not nearly enough time to soothe the want, to calm the beast that was waking within your chest.
The only thing that kept you going was the promise you saw in Nyra’s eyes. It was a promise of companionship and love and devotion and dedication. Of pleasure and happiness and joy and loyalty. Such flames of feeling, you thought, could only come from dragons — those that were bound to the ground or had been born to fly, both. It was quite literally playing with fire to be on the other end of those feelings but for the love of your wife, you’d do it.
Each time her hand slipped from yours, however, it got harder and harder to let her go. You wanted nothing more than to sprint her away from everyone and to show her that you’d be a devoted worshiper at her feet. You knew she could feel the weight of your gaze, the ache of your desire — and she took it upon herself to tease you, an endless stream of half given kisses, petal soft grazes of touches, each designed to drive you mad.
It was only for her that you’d been willing to suffer. It would always be only for her.
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acearohippo · 2 years
Have you ever thought about how weird Xuan’s abilities are? Like, I could be missing something, but they don’t see very connected to the monkey king? He’s got the cloud and staff, and maybe even the super eyes. but the glowing orbs? The paper explosions? What’s up with those? Even Yun got clones, but Xuan just? Goes boom? Idk maybe I’m overthinking, but it’s been bugging me
Well, be bugged no longer! Tang Xuan’s move set and appearance are all connected to Sun Wukong and make sense. HaHA! @justanotherwanderingone, you do NOT know the can of worms you just unleashed with your ask :’D I already recognised most of the connections listed below, but you gave me the wonderful opportunity to research even more!! >:D Prepare for an essay! I was going to devote tonight to writing up about Li Ling, but this was way more fun!
I’m going to list out everything that I’ve noticed that is connected to SWK, the Victorious Fighting Buddha, below, in no particular order.
Tang Xuan’s glowing eyes during his third move: SWK, after being refined in Lao Tzu’s crucible (sometimes referred to as simply a furnace, but containing the 8-way trigram), gained the ability to perceive evil no matter the form it takes by activating Fiery Eyes, Golden Gaze (火眼金睛 (Pinyin: huǒ yǎn jīn jīng)). Fun fact: SWK was refined (as in, made tougher, more invulnerable) because he is made of stone. Also, he hid in a corner where the flame was the weakest.
Tang Xuan’s long hair: Monkey tail. SWK, no matter the form he takes, will always have his tail present. Same deal with Tang Yun, tis a monkey tail.
Tang Xuan’s jacket: Represents the golden chainmail armour SWK threatened for was gifted from the Dragon Kings. Bonus, the lotus on the jacket is another reference to SWK’s Buddhahood as lotus flowers are a symbol of Buddhism
Tang Xuan’s floating orbs: I have three theories for this one.
First, my least favourite but can see the justification: It’s a nod to Dragon Ball, as most Western audiences are introduced to Sun Wukong, known in Japanese as Son Goku, through this series. The Dragon Balls do not exist in the mythos, but using that as a reference doesn’t seem to be too far of a stretch.
Second, the one I’m leaning towards the most although am iffy about it: They’re symbolic malas, or prayer beads. SWK is a buddha and thus would, theoretically, partake in Buddhist prayer, chants, and other forms of ritual. Lots of artists include large, sometimes glowing-gold, malas around his neck in their depictions of him. However, I am iffy because there are only 6-7 orbs ever shown with Tang Xuan (6 in his story art, 7 on his album art) while malas tend to keep their bead count divisible by 9. If you come across any that are smaller than 18, these are most likely intended to be worn as bracelets. The malas don't actually represent anything (usually, although some will be made with specific materials or anointed with oils and perfumes to be used in different situations), but are used to keep count during mantra repition.
Third, the one I really want it to be and am heavily biased with: The 7 (I’m sticking to this being the correct number of) orbs represent the 7 ways Sun Wukong achieved immortality before becoming a buddha. This one fits the nicest, though I have to question why glowing orbs specifically?
Extra: I briefly contemplated if they were chakras, but waved it off as not likely. 1) They aren’t colour-coded, 2) Chakras are practised in Hinduism, and 3) balancing his chakras is not something SWK is ever seen needing to do.
Tang Xuan’s move set:
Righteous Anger- Self-explanatory, but to refresh- SWK, before he received the golden headband of restraint, was quick to anger and take offense at the drop of a pin.
Enchanting Dream and Shattering Dream- I’m shocked/impressed? Because this seems to be a call to the Supplementary side story (a FANFIC), written later by Dong Yue, where SWK is afflicted with Desire for the first time and becomes susceptible to a dream curse. In the dream, he lives in an alternate reality and tries to figure out what is why he is there and how to return to his timeline. Only by shattering the dream during a battle does he escape in time to kill the one who cursed him. The names, specifically, seem to be the reference, while the actual abilities reference something else. Fun fact: In this fanfic side story, SWK had to cross-dress for a bit as a consort to the emperor. :D
Tang Xuan’s abilities:
Creating a shield- SWK has a power that lets him draw a circle around himself (literally, DRAW IT, think Spongebob’s Sea Bear tactic) and it is completely impassable.
Death, Scorch, Shackle Enchantments- The three ways SWK was pseudo defeated. 1) His soul was captured and brought to the World of Darkness due to his time on Earth being up. This also jump-started his strive to become super immortal because the only thing SWK feared was death. 2) After eating Lao Tzu’s immortality pills, he was put into the crucible to burn in an attempt to distil him and, thus, get back into the immortality pills. 3) After causing all sorts of Havoc (the Immortality x3 fiasco) and being undefeated by the many heavenly beings under the Jade Emperor’s jurisdiction (Nezha being one of those beings!), the Buddha himself was called upon and, after making a bet with SWK (who lost), shackled him under a mountain for 500 years (until Tang Sanzang frees him in order to take him on as a companion).
The Paper Talisman: 1) In Buddhism, these are called Sutras. Sutras are also the holy texts that Buddhists chant and meditate on, and are what Sanzang and Crew were on a quest for. 2) When the Buddha trapped SWK underneath the mountain, he also wrote an Om Mani Padme Um mantra on a sutra (paper talisman) and slapped it onto the mountain to keep him bound in position. It sort of makes sense that Tang Xuan would use it to inflict the debuffs while under the three enchantments.
Elements: Why they focused on making Tang Xuan fire-y, I’m unsure as SWK has more control over the wind than he does fire (he is just immune to fire). I think, partially, it’s more of an aesthetic reason to make him go boom so that we can tie the enchantments to a physical, powerhouse move.
And there you have it! Everything I could currently dig up that matches with Tang Xuan’s character appearance and/or abilities! I think, what doesn’t make it specifically clear is that, other than being a monkey and his staff, SWK doesn’t have an iconic appearance or visual ability/power, that makes him instantly recognisable. But, he has so many abilities and has done so much in his lifetime, that Lillithgames just had to rely on us recognising the references from his story :D I hope this settles your mind and makes you appreciate just how much thought went into Tang Xuan’s character!
I got all my information from:
Sun Wukong Myths and Folklore wiki
Mythopedia: Sun Wukong
Good ol' Wikipedia and the many rabbit holes I went down.
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loksthegreat · 5 months
any gay royals? also who’s cassella martell??
Of course we got gays, these are Targaryens after all!! I’m gonna make a list of the ones I can think of for the top of my head but it sure isn’t a limited list by any means!!
Saeron I (106-154) was Visenyas third son and married lady Zahna Dayne after 6 years of betrothal, they weren’t compatible anyways but Saeron also was very much in love with Zahnas cousin Ser Aryon (a knight of his mothers Kingsguard). Saeron fell in love quickly and often but he never really had a long term lover.
King Maegor II (103-157) Visenyas first son wasn’t gay, but he had no desire to bed anyone really so by todays standards he would probably be asexual.
Aerion I (114-166) another son of Visenya also practiced a more open love, he had multiple male lovers among them his close friend the legendary adventurer and sells sword Ser Syn Sand and Ser Jory Greyjoy. He also married a multitude of women (two of his nieces) and was a big fan of polygamy.
Baelon II (134-156), Maekar I (134-157) and Daenera IV (35-157) all children of Maegor II were in a polygamous relationship, with Maekar and Daenera getting married since Baelon joined the Kingsguard (their daughter Aegara I is probably Baelons thou).
Daena I (144-241) another daughter of Maegor was known as ‘the maid of Driftmark’ and famously threatened every suitor that came to ask for her hand with the sword and generally preferred to stay in the company of women exclusively. She and her cousin Daena II were inseparable before the latter died in 171 AC (Yes they had the same fucking name I know) and after her passing Daena I never returned to Dragonstone, instead she spend her live on Driftmark riding her beloved dragon Evening and enjoying live with her lady love Marrisa Velaryon.
Daena II (147-171) the daughter of Aenna was a flaming bisexual that wore exclusively black and favored pants. She married her brother Aelyx and while they were very in love she also had a relationship with her cousin Daena I.
Laena II (132-150) the daughter of Rhaenar and Baela (the Baela from the show/books) was another sapphic granddaughter of Visenya, it was common knowledge that she married her uncle Aerion just to be able to enjoy the romantic freedom he could offer her and that she actually never shared the bed with him. She was romantically involved with the wife of her brother instead, Daella II.
Aenera II (159-185) the granddaughter of Aenna was a raging lesbian to the core. In her maiden days she had often laughed in the faces of the lordlings and knights that had approached her and her ladies. Aenera was known for her beauty and the eldest child of her parents so not marrying wasn’t really an option for her, but her true love laid with her cousin princess Aella III.
Aella III (157-178) was the granddaughter of Saeron and had always stood out among her religiously devoted and very well behaved siblings, she had been a quiet and studious girl but she also didn’t care much for marriage and men, she had rather ride dragons with her cousin Aenera all day.
Queen Rhaella IV (185-264) was a great granddaughter of Aenna, she had a rather scandalous love life, after the death of her second husband she supposedly had a long standing relationship with her sworn shield Ser Steffon Waynwood, in her youth however she was often rumored to have lain with women, among them her close companion Alianda Blackwood.
Naerys III (211-245) was a Great Great granddaughter of Aenna, she was a dragon rider and always kept her blond hair short and enjoyed being mistaken for a boy. She may have been in a romantic relationship with a Velaryon cousin of hers.
King Aeralon I (260-295) was a descendant of Visenya (to many greats to put here trust me) he was a big f-ing problem for everyone around him, especially his wife and kids, because his half brother Lord Torrhen Stark left him (Torrhen was his only relationship ever).
King Maelor II (276-317), Aerys I (278-317) and queen Elaera II (279-317) the children of Aeralon were in a polyamorous relationship. While Maelor and Elaera married, Aerys never did and stayed at court with his siblings all his live. Aerys also wasn’t shy to tell everyone who would listen about how much he loved his king and queen.
Daemion I (595-?) the son of Elaena IV was another Targaryen man in love with his brother the king, he however had no interest in women at all, which worked out fine because he was married to Alanna Velaryon who herself had little interest in men and preferred the company of women.
Jaehaerys III (602-?) another son of Elaena was also into men, he joined the kingsguard as a young man and had a live long relationship with his fellow knight Ser Ormond Allyrion, even though their story started out as a fierce rivalry.
Baelor V (609-?) ?? Another son of Elaena IV, he supposedly fell for his wife Beatriz Corbray while he taught she was a man and evidently enjoyed to … switch up positions during their love making (read as: man liked it up the ass), he also flirted with anyone and anything so I’d say it’s safe to assume he would have counted himself bi by todays standards.
Aella VI (609-?) a daughter of Elaena IV and Baelors twin, she was always prone to gushing over her mother female knight Lady Larissa and other lady knights of history, as a girl she had been a romantic through and through yet no boys ever strung her fancy. Instead she found love with her brothers wife, Amanda Wylde, called ‘wild Amy’ (the brother, Aegon was also probably a little gay so he didn’t really mind). Funnily enough her daughter and Amy’s daughter would also fall in love in the future.
Elaena V (629-?) the granddaughter of Queen Elaena (wild Amy’s daughter) was another bisexual girlie, she always flirted a little to much with knights and young lords, but her first love was with her cousin Jenny Arryn, and while both eventually married and happily at that they would always remain very close.
Sadly I don’t have the generations following Elaena all that figured out yet (I’m to busy making up new fun stories about her crazy kids if I’m being honst) so I might just make another post about the great numbers of sapphics and the occasional gay man that are sure to follow!!! Hope this answers your questions, all though I had love to talk more about any of these and the story of their lives if you had like that!!
If you wanna find out who my fav queen Cassie is, imma put the link here as soon as I post:
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thedragonagelesbian · 9 months
1 (because I think I got here late and would love to know more about Cyrus Generally as well), 5, 26, and 31
1. Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision?
asdfkpofjsaf i know my cyrus posting is. inscrutable at times, especially since he was originally a Dragon Age 2 character, so here is the definitive primer on bg3!cyrus
Name: Cyrus Hawke
Race: Wood elf
Class (main timeline): Paladin in Act 1; Paladin/Barbarian multiclass for Acts 2 & 3
Subclass (main timeline): Devotion in Act 1; Oathbreaker/Wildheart (bear) for Acts 2 & 3
Class (came back wrong timeline): Paladin/Sorcerer
Subclass (came back wrong timeline): Devotion/Shadow (mod) in Act 1; not sure if he'll end up breaking his oath in the same way in Act 2, but the plan is to take most of his sorcerer levels in Act 2 since the shadow sorcerer mod has some fun mechanical interactions with the Shadowlands
Where are they/their family from: Cyrus was born to Leandra Amell, the runaway heiress of a noble family in Evermeet (Faerun's equivalent of Valinor, isolationist elven paradise), and Malcolm Hawke, an eladrin warlock who had scorned his archfey patron. Because Malcolm was being actively hunted by his patron, Cyrus was born and spent his earliest years on the road.
Malcolm was killed by his patron when Cyrus was quite young (<20, baby by elven standards), and Leandra passed away a few decades after that. At the time, Cyrus was still very much a juvenile for an elf despite (in accordance with D&D lore) looking like an adult by other humanoid standards. He ended up in Baldur's Gate immediately following his mother's death and spent ~50 years there as an orphan in the Lower City.
Cyrus self-identifies as a Baldurian, but his actual relationship with his hometown is much more complicated. When he lived there, he loved many of its people and wanted to protect them, whether from the opportunism of the Guild, the overreach of the Flaming Fists, or the cruel indifference of his orphanage's headmaster. But that sense of expectation and obligation, especially to the other orphans, was often strangling. Cyrus grew quite accustomed to sacrificing his own happiness and desires to take care of them.
When he saw his first opportunity to leave the city without feeling like he was abandoning people who needed him, he took it without hesitation.
Durge vs Origin: Cyrus is an origin character. I didn't even consider going Durge for him. From playing him in DA2 and spending basically the whole summer yelling about him, he was already a very well-established character in my mind, so I didn't really want/need the extra story and world tie-ins that durge offers.
I also knew pretty quickly that I wanted to play him, rather than coming up with a new OC. This is because he is my most specialist boy ever, but also because for my first playthrough, I wanted to get into the game itself, rather than spending too much time thinking about who this person is and what their connection to the world is.
5. Do you remember the first humanoid enemy your Character killed? Was it the first person they've ever killed, in your opinion? Would they have been bothered by it?
It was the looters in the cathedral right off the beach-- he persuaded the ones outside to fuck off, but failed the roll for the ones inside the building itself, and they were automatically hostile when I had Astarion pick the lock.
I think he was bothered by that particular set of deaths just because 80% of the time, he prefers to de-escalate and resolve situations peacefully... in those other 20% of cases, though, he is quick to draw blood. Threatening his friends, hurting innocents, and being a careless or cruel authority figure are all great ways to encounter the righteous paladin fury simmering behind that affable, easy smile.
So, no, it wasn't his first kill. I think that honor probably went to a bandit who attacked him and Leandra when they were traveling alone after Malcolm's death. It was very messy, poorly executed, and terrifying, leading to the scars Cyrus has on his cheek and throat. The encounter also drove him to learn swordplay and defense so he could be ready the next time around.
26. What was your favorite enemy? Did your Character have any memorable fights or moments in combat that were ripe for headcanons and interpretation?
Even if Cyrus smited Minthara into oblivion, I am fascinated by her and her women's wrongs and her evil paladin wiles, and I look forward to learning much more about her when I do a more morally dubious playthrough.
As for the second question... god, I wish I had a better answer! Bc I love this question and thinking through the relationship between combat mechanics and narrative, but... the Act 1 combats didn't have as much personal/emotional investment as Acts 2 & 3 for me. Also, because I was playing on explorer mode, those emergent moments of super close calls and near (or actual) deaths didn't happen very often.
When I do my paladin/sorcerer run though (on regular difficulty this time), I will be very curious to see when 'strength of the grave' triggers for the first time (drop to 1hp instead of 0 once per long rest). Violently flirting with the line between life and death is sure to be very stressful for him :)
31. Does your Character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story?
This is super low-hanging fruit, but Cyrus is very sensitive to how his body is modified, so the whole tadpole situation is. Immensely yikes. He tries not to ever use the tadpole powers, even in benign instances such as sharing thoughts and feelings with companions. He'll only resort to it if he absolutely has to. If I remember correctly, the only times he used it in Act 1 were to free Shadowheart and to interfere with the goblins' interrogation of the dead mindflayer.
And, of course, the Dream Visitor's suggestion that he should be encouraging and inculcating these powers is politely but firmly rejected.
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springdandelixn · 2 years
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41952342/chapters/105300306
Jorah x Daenerys
Summary: Daenerys allows Jorah to atone for his crimes against her.
Warnings: 18+, shows Daenerys as slightly cruel and dominant, repentant Jorah, oral(f receiving)
Note: This story is part of my Jorleesi Smut Series: Eonian. Stories included in this series may or may not be connected with each other unless stated otherwise.
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Her eyes stay focused on him as he stands by the door of her chambers, eyes cast down to his feet and hands crossed behind him. There’s a look of remorse on his face, as should be for a man who’s caused treachery.
She sips on her wine, the silver goblet kissing her lips as the sweet-bitter liquid rolls down her throat, the sound of her cup hitting the wooden table being the only one taking over the room, aside from the battered man’s breathing. 
“Do you regret your crimes, Ser Jorah?” She asks him. The tone of a true queen, a dragon queen, lacing her words. None of the friend he’s made through the years but of a ruler to her subject. 
“I do, Your Grace.” He says to the floor and Daenerys doesn’t know if she should feel annoyed that he doesn’t have the gull to face her or thankful that he knows better than to look her in the eyes. 
For those eyes won’t do him any good. The fire in her burning bright, burning strong, as she recalls him begging for her forgiveness in the throne room. 
She should have had him thrown out of the city. Or better yet, she should take his head off his shoulders. But she is a just queen, a merciful ruler, and for that, she has given him the chance to explain himself, to defend himself for his transgressions. To give him an opportunity to atone. 
She sits tall at the edge of her bed, the night Meereen air blowing through the windows of her chambers. Yet the chilling breeze does nothing to dampen her flames. If anything, it makes them burn wild. 
“Stand before your queen, Jorah the Andal.” She commands and just as she expected, he does as he’s told. A true servant of his liege. Walking in front of her and stopping just a foot away. “Come closer, Ser. Kneel.” Her command strong and sure. “Kneel before your queen.”
Daenerys watches him with careful eyes, roaming to the dirty yellow shirt that clings to him, the skirt tied around his waist fanning through the floor, and the blue sash he keeps around his neck, a sign of his loyalty, a sign she took with a smile on her face when he showed up wearing it to one of the gatherings in Quarth. But not anymore, for tonight, in her eyes, the sash represents his imprisonment, akin to the chains the slaves of Meereen once wore. 
“Look at me, Jorah the Andal.” Another command that he hesitantly obeys, his blue eyes raw and deep, full of pain and regret. “What would you do for me to forgive you?”
“Anything, Your Grace.” He says almost instantly. His lips quivering and his body shaking as he adds. “I will do anything you bid of me.”
“Very well.” Her tone is softer this time, the playfulness mingling in her voice. And slowly, she leans back on the heel of her hand and parts her legs, her free hand reaching for the skirt of her dress and pulling it to reveal her naked thighs. “You shall help me find my release, Ser. But you are still forbidden to touch me, so your mouth shall do all the work.””
She sees the apprehension on his face, the confusion swirling in his blue eyes that makes Daenerys smirk that she’s got him cornered like an injured animal. For she knows the torch he holds for her, knows of his devotion and affection that’s more than what a servant should bestow upon their queen. And in his current standing towards her, to see if he does want to atone for his sins, she shall take them in her hands and play with them as much as she desires.
And with the anger still bubbling inside her, that this man she’s trusted for years and has treated as a friend, would dare betray her and attempt to extinguish her fire. But she would have none of it, for no one can ever break the dragon queen. And she would burn anyone who would dare try. Starting off with the man before her. 
“Are we clear? Jorah the Andal.” She inquires and sees him swallow hard before responding with a silent nod. “If you fail, I will have your head.” 
“I understand.” He whispers and Daenerys pushes herself to the end of the bed, presenting herself to the disgraced knight, her hands pressing against her bed once more to lean on them before a soft moan leaves her lips when Jorah bows his head, his hand on the edge of the frame and swipes his tongue languidly against her slit. 
She closes her eyes and relishes the feel of his lips on her mound, how his nose brushes against the curls that sit on the apex of her thighs, and his warm breath seeping through her skin. 
He’s slow at first, the tip of his tongue tracing her folds like she’s a delicate flower, the annoyance filling her as she thinks that this man would not satisfy her. But all thoughts of doubt in her head disappear, a moan escaping her throat when he rolls the tip of his tongue against her bud, flicking on it afterward before wrapping his lips around it and sucking on it hard. 
For years she’s asked herself how his mouth would feel on her. How the Dothraki women fawned over him while he told them stories of the Westeros. How they would tell her of their perverse desires to be mounted by the knight. 
She found their fantasies to be silly for she knows Jorah to be a gentleman, to be a true knight of honor and valor. But at nights when Drogo wouldn’t appear in their tent, she’d have the same fantasies of her own, dreaming of how it would be to share a bed with her sworn sword. 
And how her expectations are met at this moment, that even Daario couldn’t compare to the skill this man is showing her, as Jorah grunts against her cunt, her arms giving out from underneath her, leaving her to lay on the bed. His face pressing more to the apex of her thighs as he devours her, lips and tongue doing wonders to her body as they tease her swollen bud and penetrate her cunt. 
She sees his hands on the bed clutching on the sheet, how he pulls on it to bring her closer, his eyes looking up at her full of devotion and adoration, repentance and desperation all at once as he continues his onslaught on her cunt. 
Daenerys feels heat encasing her entire being, her back arching from the bed when as he sucks harder on her clit, feasting on her like a starved man, like this would be his last meal before he faces his death. A garbled cry then leaves her lips when she feels his tongue slip inside her once more, his head bobbing back and forth as he fucks her with his mouth, the wet muscle rubbing against the walls of her cunt, akin to a bear drinking honey from a pot. 
Her insides then clench and she feels the pull from within, her body soaring to new heights, climbing higher with each flick and lick that he gives her, feeling her muscles stiffen and heart pounding loud before a bright white light consumes her, a cry leaving her lips when she convulses around his tongue. 
She forces her leg to move and hooks it on Jorah’s shoulder, preventing him from pulling away and giving him the silent command for him to drink her essence, to take every drop that she’s gifting him despite his misdeeds while she pants heavily on her bed, her dress feeling too tight and too hot all of a sudden despite the cool breeze blowing within. 
Sliding her leg off his shoulder when she feels herself to be done, she presses her foot against Jorah’s shoulder and pushes him back. Hooded amethysts meeting curious sapphires, running her sole against his neck then tipping his chin back with the pad of her toe. 
“As always, you have done well, Ser.” She begins, her chest heaving as she speaks, and sees the hope in his eyes. But she crushes it all at once. “But you are still not forgiven.”
She doesn’t give him a chance to speak. “Again. Same time tomorrow. I want you in my chambers, on your knees, ready to please your queen.” She says with finality. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, My Queen.” There’s determination in his voice and Daenerys can’t help the smirk from appearing on her lips. “I understand.”
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Toshiki Kai...The name of that beast made her blood boil, icy blue hues sharp as she glares at him from across the room. Ever since he joined the Pale Moon Circus, he’s been taken all of Ren’s focus away from her. Not even her best performances can entertain him the way they had done before, Asaka only managing to get scraps of his praise as he always gave it to the flame dragon. What made him so special anyway? What drew Ren to him and not her?
Jealousy fueled the rage deep inside her heart. She had devoted her life to Ren after he gave her a home when no one else would, that devotion growing into a love that she one day hoped he would reciprocate. After all, assassins and circus performers like Asaka were societal outcasts only to be seen as criminals and or lunatics. Not Ren though. He was different. He saw something in her, so much so that he decided to create a circus with her and Tetsu as a way to gain stability in a world that tossed him from his promised life. 
He was everything to Asaka, and she wasn’t going to let some lizard steal him away from her. Despite Ren being the director, she was the Ringmistress of the Pale Moon Circus. She was the one to call the shots when it came to who was to shine on stage, and in her eyes, Toshiki Kai needed to remain backstage. Getting rid of him all together would surely upset, so that option was off the table. 
But Asaka was quite the crafty young lady. She would just have to...find an alternate method of shoving him to the side without anyone noticing, and she think she has a way of doing just that.
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“You know, you could really pull your weight around here more, Toshiki Kai. When was the last time you helped with any of the preparations for the show or for the crew? I’ve never recalled seeing you contribute once to them since we saved you that day. How rude.” 
Not that she herself contributed much in the chores, but she was a star of the circus. She didn’t have time to do such trivial things. Kai on the other hand was another story, giving her the chance to give him some busy work so he would miss being able to perform in tonight’s performance. 
“Guess it’s true about what they said about you dragons. You’re ungrateful and useless creatures only good for creating mediocre light shows and having your blood and scales harvested.” Is she trying to provoke him? Oh yeah she is. Men like him with big egos and a desire to prove people wrong were so easily manipulated, and if there was one thing she was good at, it was twisting things to make them go her way.  
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