#Flying Dog Brewery
grudnick · 29 days
DSCF1283 by Skatole Grudnick Via Flickr: Alas, those dirty hoses moved to NY. Please Lay All "Dirty" Hoses, Do not hang "Dirty" hoses. Good Advice! Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland, USA
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ikaikaaaron · 2 years
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Tonight’s selections
Oliva Serie V Melanio
Torpedo 6.5 x 52
Oliva Serie V Melanio is the follow up to the original Oliva Serie V. Nothing about this cigar should be taken as a sequel. Melanio received a notable 96 rating. It features a unique Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper that encapsulates a healthy dose of Nicaraguan long-leaf ligero filler tobaccos.
The end result is a full bodied, full flavored smoke. With a unique black pepper, and toast on the palate. Ending with a slightly sweet finish. This cigar deserves every piece of that 96 rating,
Gonzo Imperial Porter - Flying Dog Brewery
9.2 Abv
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savingcontent · 2 years
dotEXE 018: Should every game be designed for replayability?
dotEXE 018: Should every game be designed for replayability?
dotEXE #18 is coming at you a little later than usual. Ok, maybe a lot later than usual. Whoops! But for a good reason, as there was some dancing and some gaming happening these past few weeks. In this episode, the boys talk about Eric’s kid’s dance recital, The Joystick Royale. Eric goes into more Horizon Forbidden West and the Batman Arkham games while Ed updates us on his Animal Crossing New…
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howlinchickhowl · 2 months
It's posting day for my @gallavichthings Gift Exchange gift! I got @rayrayor and I wrote a little something for their prompt about Mickey being a 'straight' patron of Ian's gay bar. Happy gift exchange, I hope you enjoy it!
(There's no warnings and it's fairly PG)
You're Like In Love With Me - a gallavich a.u. fiction 🫶
Someone at the brewery has it in for Ian, he’s decided. They’ve assigned him the world’s weediest delivery guy, who manages to shift one keg for every seven Ian hauls off his truck, and always gets to Ian ‘after lunch’, which, tends to be closer to dinner than lunch in Ian’s opinion, and leaves him very little time to get everything stocked and inventoried and get a break in before the evening rush starts.
He’s sweating buckets as he waves the guy off and staggers back out into the main bar for some ice water. He rounds the bar and snags a dishcloth from Joni who wrinkles their nose up at him as he swipes it over his forehead and the back of his neck.
Joni doesn’t sweat, it’s a point of pride for them. Ian isn’t sure if they actually aren’t capable of sweating, or if they just avoid any activity that could possibly cause them to perspire.  If he was at home with his siblings, Ian would shake his head like a wet dog, sending droplets flying all over every surface and into the faces of any person standing close enough. But last year when he took over from Gigi she made him sit through like thirty hours of online health and safety and food hygiene training, and there is an open container of cut limes on the back bar that he can’t in good conscience condemn with his bodily fluids. So he holds himself back and focuses on getting himself a drink and trying not to be too obvious about checking out his favorite regular.
Mickey Milkovich has been coming to The Scratching Post since before Ian’s time, before it was ever even a gay bar, according to the man himself. When he was a kid, before the neighborhood ‘went to shit’ – Mickey’s colorful way of saying got gentrified by the u-haul lesbians and professional gays – it was something of a slum. And Mickey grew up a regular little slumdog. Before The Scratching Post was The Scratching Post, it was The Alibi Room, and the way Mickey tells it, it was basically his dad’s office. He’s told Ian stories about how he used to sit in one of the booths and watch his dad take book or make deals, how he got his first tattoo from the owner’s cousin who was trying to rustle up enough bail money to get her boyfriend out of jail after he shot up their apartment during a bad trip. How his older brother lost his virginity in the upstairs room when it was a short-lived brothel. How the whole fabric of his life is tied up in this place, like he’s just as much a part of it as the stains on the carpet that they’ve never bothered to change.
So now that Mickey is out of prison (attempted murder, but according to Mickey it was a trumped up bullshit charge and if he wanted to murder someone he would fucking succeed) and back living in the house he grew up in, he likes to drink in his neighborhood bar, even if it’s turned into some sort of haven for the L-G-B-T-Q-Whatever (his words). It’s home.
Ian doesn’t mind. Mickey’s a fast drinker and he can hold a lot of booze, and it never hurts to get some steady business during the day. And he likes Mickey. Kind of really likes him, actually. Sort of wouldn’t mind licking the inside of his mouth or tasting the sweat on the back of his neck. And that’s where he gets into a certain amount of trouble. Because Mickey Milkovich? Is straight.
Straight as a ramrod. Straight as a ruler. Straight as the day is long. Capital S Straight. So Ian tries not to think too much about how soft his lips look or how good he smells, and he also tries to keep it under wraps exactly how much he likes to look at the guy. He’s not gonna not look at him. But he doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable in, from what Ian can gather, one of the only places he feels comfortable. And he also doesn’t want to get his ass kicked by a guy he has a crush on. He had enough of that kind of fun in high school.
So he grabs his pint of ice water and wipes his forehead with his stolen rag and he limits his glances to two seconds long with twenty second intervals. Or at least he thinks he does until Joni rolls their eyes at him and announces they are going on a smoke break, since he’s clearly gonna be there for a while anyway. He’d be annoyed but honestly, they’re right.
Mickey always sits in the same spot, on a high stool at the bar just where it’s curved around enough so that he can easily see the door but not so far that he can’t see who’s coming and going from the restroom or the back. His vigilance is quiet, but noticeable if you know what you’re looking for. Or if you just spend a lot of time looking.
He’s in his spot today, left hand curled loosely around his beer like he likes to be ready to drink at any moment, and he’s smiling down at his phone in a way that has Ian’s tummy start to fizz with little sparks of jealousy. What’s got him smiling like that? He’s desperate to know.
He doesn’t always talk to Mickey every time he comes in, he tries to show a respectful level of interest, though if you polled his employees they would probably say he fails at that. He does some quick math in his head while grabbing another rag and starting to wipe down the bar top, making his way down toward Mickey’s end. Today is Wednesday, Mickey didn’t come in yesterday, on Monday Ian kept his distance, and he hadn’t worked Sunday. That meant that their last interaction had been Saturday. Four days. That’s a decent interval, he figures, and he carries on wiping over the bar, trying to come up with a subtle way to find out what has made Mickey smile.
“That your girl?” Is what he’s got by the time he’s stood in front of Mickey, and it may not be subtle but it’s all he could think of.
“Huh?” Mickey asks, looking up.
“You uh, you look like something in your phone is making you real happy, I thought maybe it was a girl.”
“Oh, Uh.” Mickey looks down at his phone and then back up at Ian, his lips tugging down into a half frown. “No.”
He closes his phone and shoves it in his back pocket, eyes shifting around the room as he takes a sip of his beer. There’s something kind of shifty about it, like Ian’s made him uncomfortable somehow, and if Ian had more self-control he’d call this one a loss and find an excuse to leave him be. But his discipline only extends to his exercise regime and diet apparently because he finds himself unable to walk away, quietly desperate to know what Mickey had been looking at.
“So what d’you win a bet?”
Mickey huffs a laugh and sticks hi phone in his back pocket, Ian wipes a spot on the bar that he’s already wiped clean three times.
“Naw man, just a picture of my sister looking fuckin’ dumb in a squirrel hat.”
Ok. Not what Ian had been expecting.
“A…squirrel? Hat?”
“Yeah it’s for her job or whatever, she looks like a fuckin’ idiot.”
His words are harsh, but the smile that’s spreading over his lips is kind of soft, like he is actually kind of fond of his sister. Ian’s never seen him smile like that before. His smile is always kind of dirty, or wry, or sometimes bordering on a grimace, this is different, and Ian feels like he’s unlocked a new Mickey nugget. He wonders if he can get some more.
“I didn’t know you had a sister.”
“Two brothers, one sister.” He takes a gulp of his beer and then does a thoughtful little shrug. “That I know of. The way my dad was though, wouldn’t be too shocked if I got a bunch more I don’t know about.”
There’s that wry smile that Ian’s used to, with a half an eye roll that belies a lifetime of dealing with a parent who never stops disappointing you. It’s an eyeroll Ian has performed many a time himself.
“God yeah me too. I got at least one half-sister who showed up out of the blue a few years back, but I could be related to half the city for all I know.”
“Half the redheads at least.” And there’s the dirty smile. He’s mentioned Ian’s hair a few times, most people tease him about it a little, it’s no big deal. He imagines Mickey would have terrorized him if they’d known each other as kids, chasing him around calling him Carrot Top or Little Orphan Annie. This is kind of a gentle tease though, something warm, accompanied with a squint that could almost be a wink, if Mickey Milkovich was the kind of guy who winked, and it spurs Ian on.
“I knew this girl in high school, her dad had so many kids running around that she had to ask people for their family tree before she would hook up with them.”
Mickey almost chokes on his beer.
“Fuck me, should I be doing that?”
“I don’t know. She had a close call once, and her dad literally had like, thirty kids.”
“No shit.”
“Yeah, so, next time you’re lookin’ to hook up with someone, just, ask for a DNA screening first I guess.”
Mickey nods, and then the air sort of drops out of the conversation, like it has nowhere left to go. Mickey gulps the last of his beer in one huge mouthful that puffs his cheeks out and sort of makes him look like he’s chewing it, and the only thing Ian can think to say is to ask him if he wants another.
“Nah I’m good, gotta get back.” He throws some cash down on the bar to cover his tab and is out the door with his arms still shoving into his jacket before Ian can even say syanora.
And then he doesn’t come back for three weeks.
It’s not like Ian’s moping, Joni can fuck off for implying that. The bar is busy and he has a lot to do and employees to manage and siblings to deal with. But in the afternoons sometimes he’ll find himself staring at the empty space where Mickey would normally be and wondering, kind of forlornly, if the guy is ever coming back. Trying to figure out what he did or said in that last conversation that pissed him off so bad he would forsake his childhood bar.
Ian misses him. His expressive face and his disgusting sense of humour, and the way he makes Ian feel, like on edge and at ease at the same time. It just sucks, not seeing him, and not knowing why.
And then one day, three weeks and four days since The Scratching Post had last seen hide or hair of him, he’s back, sitting on his regular stool when Ian gets done mopping the bathrooms.
It gives him a jolt, a little shiver of excitement running down his spine as he shoves the mop in the corner and rounds the bar.
“Haven’t seen you around here lately.” He greets Mickey, as casually as he can, and Mickey looks up, kind of startled, and then looks down at the bar. Or. There’s a white envelope sitting there, and he seems fixated on it.  
“Everything ok Mick?”
Mickey nods, a quick little jerk of a thing, eyes fixed on the envelope. He doesn’t even have a drink in front of him.
“You want a beer?”
He shakes his head, brings his right hand up to lay his fingertips over the envelope and slide it across the bar toward Ian.
“What’s this?” Ian picks it up, there’s no name on it, no details, it’s not sealed but he’s still not sure if he should open it. Mickey’s looking up at him when he’s done inspecting it.
“It’s uh.” His bright blue eyes flick away and then back again, are they wetter than usual? They seem so shiny when they finally rest back on Ian. “It’s a DNA test.”
“A DNA test?”
“Yeah. We um. We ain’t related. So.”
He raps his knuckles on the bar a couple of times in a short sharp knock that he must think serves as a suitable stop to this most bizarre of conversations, and clambers off his stool, heading for the door.
“Wait Mickey—What?!”
“Just. Read it.”
The door has barely had time to swing shut before Ian is practically tearing the envelope in his haste to look at the paper inside. It’s exactly what Mickey said, a DNA test, comparing Mickey’s DNA to his own, which, he’s gonna have to talk to him about where he got a sample of Ian’s DNA from, and confirming that there’s no overlap. In the top right corner, in a chicken scratch of a hand, Mickey has scrawled the words ‘just in case’ and then a phone number, and Ian almost drops his phone in the ice trough in his rush to pull it out of his pocket and send a text.
[2:34pm]         I thought you were straight?
The reply buzzes through almost immediately, like maybe Mickey’s stood outside looking at his phone waiting to see what happens.
[2:34pm]         Good.
It’s a very Mickey text, and something about it makes Ian feel warm, like he’s being trusted with something Mickey doesn’t trust a lot of people with.
[2:35pm]         Where did you get a sample of my DNA??
[2:35pm]         That really what you wanna be asking me right now?
[2:35pm]         I’ve got a lot of things I want to ask you.
[2:36pm]         So come outside, I don’t got all day.
It’s possible that Ian knocks over a stool and drops his dishcloth on the floor, he’s got bigger fish to fry.
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trivialbob · 1 year
Sulley had no interest in airplanes taking off over the dog park. He did however enjoy running through some cold, muddy puddles of water. Flying objects that do get his attention are birds. This boy chased some far out into the swamp and returned even dirtier that in this video. No birds were harmed, because they are twenty feet above Sulley and don’t even acknowledge him. His optimism is boundless though.
Last night it was his turn to go to the brewery. He behaved well. An enormous Bernese Mountain Dog was at another table. Those are some seriously beautiful and well mannered dogs. Ages ago my parents’ neighbors had one. That breed was always on my short-list for when I got my own dog. The closest I have is Oliver, who looks like a small Berner, sans tail.
Sometimes on a weekend trip to the dog park I love to stop and get a McDonald’s sausage and cheese muffin. Not as healthy as my Cheerios and skim milk, but so tasty.
The McDonald’s by my house has some staffing issues. The last few times my wife or I have gone there (which isn’t often) we got someone else’s order which had more food than what we selected. Next time I go I’m going to ask for a single ketchup packet and see what I’m rewarded with.
I rounded up all the change that inexplicably accumulates in the house and cars. My bank won’t count change and only accepts rolled coins for deposit. I refuse the offer of free paper tubes for the coins. Once again I took a ton of coins to the grocery store and put them in the self checkout machine.
It amounted to $4.52, including 61 pennies. It felt like using a big, fat coupon. That, or I can consider my $2 in lotto tickets were free! I also enjoy the sound of the coins clunking inside the machine. I imagine something destroying them. Die, coins, die.
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almost-a-class-act · 1 year
Tagged by @hellofanidea - thanks! You're a star!
Tea, coffee, or soda? Context specific! Probably coffee. Half-caff or full decaf because I'm on the long, slow descent to the grave (you know, over 30) and I'll fully be up at 4AM otherwise.
Dogs or cats? Ambivalent toward pets, if I'm honest. Aware that this might out me as a tall grey alien in a lady suit.
Can you play any instrument? Short answer, no. I own an electric bass and an acoustic but I haven't played since high school.
What’s your sun sign? Sagittarius, baby.
First song lyrics that pops into your head? “Seems like young men have a reputation to uphold/Go get drunk, do something dumb, kiss a girl, bite your tongue, do what you're told." -Tiff Song, Noah Reid
Do you have any tattoos? Yes, a pile. Possibly of interest to my Band of Brothers pals, I got some paratroopers jumping from a plane on my forearm recently.
Favorite place you’ve travelled? Loved Iceland, would go back every year. We went to the Westfjords, rented a car and drove all over, stayed at camp grounds and bought food to cook meals from the grocery store. Every time you turned a corner, it was like a fresh postcard view.
What’s the last movie you watched? Jennifer's Body, and it holds up.
Do you have any hobbies? Writing, of course. Actually not sure if that's a hobby so much as a compulsion at this point, lol. I like the great outdoors! Fitness, visiting craft breweries, WWII. Do you ever look at your own hobbies and think they'd be a red flag if a man told them to you on a date? Lmao. Anyway.
What languages do you speak? English, French (vous pouvez toujours m'envoyer des messages en français), and like, very weak Italian. I'm working on it. It's a very slow work in progress.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? Jesper, Six of Crows. Let's get messy and make bad choices!
Compliment yourself? I'm a good friend (I hope). And I have a knack for writing dialogue.
tagging @latibvles @cody-helix02 @pretty-fly-for-a-sky-guy because I know you're all lurking around somewhere at the minute
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Memorable Things of 2022
- quit smoking and vaping again…
- bought my dream medium format camera
- at work, kevin and i kept hearing squeaking and we thought we were having auditory hallucinations from sleep deprivation. turns out there was a mouse on a glue trap.
- got a sick contax point and shoot for my birthday
- started competing in a denim competition
- bought my first car on my own without assistance (no co-signer)
- i ordered doritos flamin hot cool ranch, a loofah and several other things from target. the doritos burst during shipment. i had a doritos scented loofah for a while…
- formed a relationship and i ended up receiving boxes of fruits throughout the year from my “fruit daddy”
- drove to boston to be my brothers chauffeur for a week. sometime during that week i discovered my personal favorite brewery on the east coast: lord hobo brewing company
- my dad took care of my dog for a bit. every month when he gets his retirement check, he spends a portion of it on my dog
- blinded myself again. luckily it wasn’t both eyes but i got chemicals in one eye and couldn’t see out of one eye. ive learned that i am extremely accident prone
- tried growing out a mullet again
- “borrowed” only one street sign this year
- lead and organized a union. somewhere along there i ended up bringing my dog to a protest
- went hiking in washington state. i ended up with a mini cooper somewhere along that. also my brother managed to convince me to fly with 8 dry flower bouquets from seattle…
- visited an overall total of 7 different breweries
- my family member passed away. it took a toll especially since it was sudden... the thing that sucks about this is that that they died from covid and i constantly think about how it’s been 2 years since covid hit yet shit like this still happens...
- my gf moved in with me and she won’t stop burping into my food
- finally purchased land… from a cemetery….
- went hiking for the first time with my parents. my dad wanted to spend more time with me and this was a hobby he would like to pursue. a little after, i found out he bought a brand new pair of hiking boots so we can hike more.
- discovered the best burmese restaurant and it’s called “amayar kitchen”
- set up a darkroom in my home
- only went to 8 shows this year
- met michelle zauner and showed her a photo of my gf crying while she was reading “crying in hmart”
- got a mini fridge from brooklyn brewery that i use for film storage
- i religiously drink cold brew mixed with lemonade
- went to a wedding in connecticut primarily for the free reception food
- taught my gf how to develop and process film. the purpose of this is so that she’ll eventually have a desire to own a leica. hopefully, she’ll give up on photography and give me the leica
- i have attained a sugar momma
- signed up for commercial fishing in alaska
- saw my first broadway musical
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rodjbeerventures · 1 year
Beer Review: Super Hook High Octane Fruit Punch Sour | Flying Dog Brewery
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rollijapanese · 2 years
Deep thoughts jack handy
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Reading a few funny jokes before bedtime can help us unwind and make us feel more relaxed. Sharing jokes and humor can strengthen bonds between people and help provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Sometimes making fun at life and taking ourselves not too seriously can help make us feel better. Being sleep deprived stops us from living productive and positive lives. Improve your mood.Ĭan also ward off conditions like depression which can possibly lead to sleep deprivation. Increase blood flow and heart health Decrease pain. It reduces stress, and we all know that a stress-free mind helps keep our body healthy. Laughter is proven to have positive health benefits. "I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas." Why Is Laughter so Important? "Do you know what happens when you slice a golf ball in half? Someone gets mad at you. Then I say to myself, It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than to be selfish and worry about my liver." If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. "Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. "To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other." That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it." "I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. "Sometimes I think you have to march right in and demand your rights, even if you don't know what your rights are, or who the person is you're talking to. "If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason." "If you go flying back through time, and you see somebody else flying forward into the future, it's probably best to avoid eye contact." Here are some of the most memorable ones: 10 Most Amazing Deep Thoughtsĭeep Thoughts by Jack Handey is a book that holds some of the funniest and most absurd segments from the Saturday Night Live years. He wrote the famous Deep Thoughts segments that he put into a book, Deep Thoughts. He is a writer and comedian and spent several years as a staff writer for Saturday Night Live. Who Is Jack HandeyĬontrary to popular belief, Jack Handey is an actual guy. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine and laughing regularly can help keep our minds off of things, provide health benefits, and even relax us to help us to sleep better. Instead, they were presented with a hilarious and slapstick Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey. The Deep Thoughts segment would come on with zen-type music and viewers were expecting an inspirational moment with a thoughtful quote. that aren't in the show, including Deep Cove and several restaurants.If you're a fan of Saturday Night Live you may remember the funny little bits that used to air in between comedy stints in the years 1991 to 1998. To quote Breckenridge: "To be quite frank with you guys, I’m pretty done filming in Vancouver in the winter. Not really interested in doing that ever again actually, it’s really cold." Speaking to Narcity, Breckenridge said the people of Canada were "really kind" and recommended her favorite places in B.C. Just make sure to wrap up before your Virgin River trip. Here, Virgin River crews filmed inside locally loved businesses like Samz Pub, which appears as a pub visited by Melinda and Jack and In a Wink Beautique, which plays a hairdressing salon." "A half-hour drive from Vancouver, Port Coquitlam is located on the north banks of the Fraser and Pitt rivers. Vancouver's tourism website elaborated on filming locations on other, smaller scenes across the series: "Scenes between Melinda and Jack were also filmed in Squamish, near the river and the show’s waterfall scenes were filmed at Shannon Falls Provincial Park, a 10-minute drive from Squamish along the Sea to Sky Highway, one of the most stunning highway drives in the world," it noted. Some scenes were filmed behind Hart House, which Vancouver's tourism website bills as "an idyllic place to stop for a cup of tea or West Coast-inspired lunch, situated in a charming heritage house with manicured lawns and gardens that often host warm-weather weddings." Sold! The park is famous for its walking trails next to the water (opens in new tab). The Bakeaway truck owned by Paige-which Lizzie works at after Paige is forced to flee town-is filmed in Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park, which is close to Vancouver.
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macnallys · 2 years
where: mad dog brewery who: @taliah-tezel & mac
“Hey, lass,” Mac greeted his friend, wrapping an arm around her shoulders for a quick hug as he walked into the brewery. The town had felt rather tense following the events of the gala, no one really knowing where the gangs stood with one another considering all the accusations and unknowns flying around. While Mac wasn’t exactly the person one would go to for reassurance, he figured checking in on friends wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world -- and, at the very least, he might get outsider perspectives on if anyone happened to see anything that he didn’t. “How are you holding up? Not too spooked for a beer, are ya?”
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aeadventuretime · 6 days
31st May - 1st June 2024
Travelling to Rome.
Who knew I’d hate flying 200x more with a toddler in the mix. Just like lining up to check bags, go through security and all that was a nightmare! Roman was tired and feral and just bolting through all the barriers and off limit areas and just tantruming in my arms when ever I tried to stop him. Anxiety level 5000. At least he is cute?
We got to the airport a little early and went to the lounge to just chill and get some decent food, and let Roman have a squiggle and a sleep before our flight at 2:45. The lounge had a kids section and was Plato g paw patrol. And just the excitement in general meant Roman did not have a nap. But that was ok cos maybe it meant he would sleep on the plane.
We got on the plane and took off, Roman was entertained by some weird dog show on the plane entertainment system. SO MUCH TIRBULENCE! Literally gasped out loud numerous times. Broke Ashley’s hand squeezing it. And was certain we were going to die. Spoiler alert. We didn’t!
Roman got his own kids meal which he basically ate none of and ended up eating Ash and my pasta. So Ash and I went hungry. Roman started getting overtired and feral again. It was getting close to 10pm. Roman hadn’t slept in 15 hours. Finally he fell asleep but woke in hysterics 40mins later much to everyone around us’s dismay. So paw patrol went on and eventually he fell back asleep and maybe got 4 hours total. Meanwhile Ash and I watched half a movie. The iron claw. There was no second movie Nyssa. Cos I know you would ask. We watched like nothing, we ate nothing, we drank nothing, we didn’t sleep. Flying with a toddler is a very different experience 😵‍💫
We had a four hour stop over in Abu Dhabi, which was perfect time wise. Just enough time for Ash time grab a burger. Go for a walk and meet some camel statues, Roman loves Alice the camel so this was a win for a very tired 2 year old.
Second flight Roman fell asleep with minutes. Ash and I both managed to doze off. We woke what we assumed was 4 hours later. It had only been an hour. So over flying at the point and Roman was busting with energy, jumping and climbing and throwing things everywhere. Finally we landed, sped through immigration cos we had a bambino. Got a taxi to our hotel which is literally 7 mins from the colosseum. It was 8am and check in was at 2pm and we couldn’t get in earlier so we headed to the colosseum to look around. But before that we were told we could head up to our hotel roof for our complimentary breakfast! So we did! It’s the cutest little spot with a view of the colosseum. We got our first delicious coffee in forever, and a whole heap of pastries and fruit and juice. Fuel for us to head out for the day!
Roman was obsessed with the cobblestone paths. And of course this is when he decided to poo (after 3 days of none). So very stressful hour for him trying to do that and us finding places to change him and quickly running out of nappies.
We found a park and decided to just hang out there, we found a playground Roman loved, so much so that we had to bribe him to leave by saying we would find ice cream. We bought 2 ice creams to share. Roman ate both. When in Rome? Roman full of sugar was in a much better mood so we ventured around the park which was full of ruins. But Roman didn’t care. He remembered we had mentioned there would be cats so he was on the hunt. And guess what?! He found 3! He ran after them which gave Ash a heart attack cos rabies, didn’t help when Roman grabbed the cats tail as it tried to run away.
We were all exhausted when the hotel finally called to say our room was ready, I had to carry Rome all the way back. He was so tired. Finally making it into our room we all had a nap and woke 2 hours later.
Even though we were all tired we knew we should head out to keep us all awake so we headed to the Peroni brewery. Again had to carry Roman the whole way, I’m getting quite the workout. We grabbed a table and ordered our first pasta of the trip and got Roman some sausage and chips. Which he loved! It was a cute little Italian brewery/restaurant! We couldn’t stay too long cos Roman was tired and close to losing it, but we managed to get him to leave with the promise of ice cream. I promise we are better parents than this in Sydney. So off we went in search of gelato! Finding a little corner store we grabbed him a cone and sat of some stairs where he enjoyed his ice cream and pointing out all the pigeons, cos apparently we don’t have them in Sydney and they are therefore very exciting to find here. We carried him home and just chilled out. It was only an hour until we would try to get him to sleep. We have a family room with 2 giant beds and a cot set up for us. Roman fell asleep in the cot but woke 2 hours later and we brought him in bed. He slept from 7pm till 2am and we honestly thought that was going to be it for the night. But then after an hour he fell back asleep and slept through till 7:30am. Best birthday present ever for Ash who also managed to get 12 hours of sleep! So I guess the lack of sleep on our trip paid off and kind of helped with the jet lag!
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shorepointdist · 8 days
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We are very excited to welcome Flying Dog Brewery into our craft beer family of brands! Their combination of great tasting beers and label artwork from famed British artist and illustrator Ralph Steadman, makes them a unique brand that not just stands out on the shelf, but leaves your palate wanting more.
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thumbtackcurious · 2 months
It's my last week working as as graphic designer, so I wanted to judge GoT house sigils based only on how they look.
No plot, no characterization, just vibes.
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House Stark
I mean, it’s iconic. And for good reason—the fur on the neck becoming scales? Perfect. However, it does not look like a medieval sigil. This wolf belongs on an independent Northeast brewery’s IPA can, I don’t make the rules.
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House Bolton
How many people do you have to flay before it becomes your brand? I desperately want to see the minimalist rebranding of the Bolton banner. I bet they have an insane branding document like the cosmic Pepsi one.
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House Mormont
So medieval, so fucked up. I think this is my childhood dog (RIP). Also, the name Bear Island goes so unbelievably hard?? If I lived on Bear Island, I’d never shut up about it. “Oh, why were you late to work today?” “I’m sorry, I live on Bear Island. Do you want to come with me to Bear Island and find out why it’s called that?”
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House Karstark
What is this. I mean, really…
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House Glover
Very reminiscent of the United States Handball Association logo, which means 12/10. None of the other sigils get rankings but this one does, and it knocks it out of the park. I do think handball would be very popular in Westeros. The south would have one wall, and everyone in the north would say that it’s a sign of southern softness to play with the big ball instead of classic three wall. Pickle ball would come out of Dorne and nearly cause another war. There would be shit like “the king’s courts” and at least one royal assassination during a handball tournament.
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House Hornwood
This is just the Wolverhampton Wolves logo which has caused me to develop the WWCU (Wolverhampton Wolves Cinematic Universe), an elaborate conspiracy theory that every major piece of media in the last twenty years has a logo involving a different animal styled in this way. Once all the animals are discovered the pattern will reveal the apocalypse date which will simultaneously be the date the Wolves become champions.
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House Manderly
What, is he fucking standing? This is dumb and I hate it. Great angles up top, absolute dogshit bottom half.
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House Reed
This one is right up there with the Targaryen dragons. The circle, the rarely used animal, full body with all four legs? We’ve checked all the boxes! I bet house Reed has some kickass alligator jewelry as well. I think this is my favorite sigil of all of them.
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House Ryswell
Whatever I say about this won’t matter because house Ryswell is about to be sued by Dreamworks for violating the copyright of Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron (2002).
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House Downwood
[Insert Colorado tourism slogan here]
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House Tully
I like the fish, but there’s something about it that feels off. I think it’s that you’re conditioned to read the field as separate from the sigil itself, but the Tullys just have to be different and soooo clever with their little river.
If I was a high lord of a place called the Riverlands, I would not use a fish as my sigil. Fish are everywhere, and not respected as part of the food chain. They are there to hunted and eaten, and it’s not cool to kill a fish like it is a stag or a boar. Instead, I’d use the heron. Herons are dope as hell, they literally stand above their prey, they’re precise and deadly, and they look noble. Have you ever seen a heron fly over a river? They practically glide with one or flaps. One of their relatives is literally called the kingfisher!
To go one step further, I would also force all the conquered houses under my domain to change their banner to different types of fish. Then I’d literally be the hunter with my prey all working for me. That is how you develop brand recognition and how you sow discontent into the minor lords until one of them murders you.
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House Frey
I love a good building on a shield. Show me those castellations! I bet the people who have this sigil are good, solid, dependable folk :)
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House Whent
This is insane. Why are there bats? Why are they in a diamond? Why are they so high up? Why aren’t they centered horizontally? If I was a steward of this house I would willing die in my first battle. This un-inspires confidence. Garbage.
I had to come back like an hour after I made this list because it hit me: another WWCU.
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House Arryn
This is one of those ones that you can totally see on a banner riding into battle. Excellent distinguishability, great use of black and white, no bats, 8/10.
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House Royce
Come with me on a journey: it’s been a thousand years since any kind of monarchy ruled. An interstate runs right through King’s Landing. The Westeros EPA has been working to remove toxic waste from the Trident for over a decade. People are making tiktok dances on top of Dragonstone. You’re going for a history hike through Gulltown, and you end up at the local castle. When you walk across the threshold, do you want the fading carving in the stone to be this, or some dumbass dance troupe of bats? I thought so. House Royce is thinking ahead, they have built their sigil to be a ruin, and we all need to thank them for it.
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House Blackgard
Just good shit. Great use of the field as well. No notes, just daggers.
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House Warth
Fuck off.
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House Tymber
I theory it’s great, the blue is lovely, very Gonder-esque. However, as a graphic design who lives in a state with a tree for a logo, they suck to work with. I would not wish this sigil upon my work enemy. You’re telling me I have to remember all the branches? And they angles they sit at? I’d rather join the Karstarks.
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House Tradd
Gucci, Lois Vuitton, Tradd. Put it on a bag!
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House Tyrell
Sand dollar? Flower? Sand worm from Dune? This is actually a military tactic—your enemies will be so busy deciphering your banners that they won’t even notice the Kwisatz Haderach flanking them.
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House Tarly
Shrimp check. Christmas-ass color choices. Be glad the bats are here, because they’re lowering the bar for you.
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House Florent
What a cutie! Oh, he’s a little fucked up, actually. I do love this one. It’s like 1500 years and an industrial revolution away from ending up on Rae Dunn pottery.
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House Oatwright
Do NOT block the intersection! This one feels the most like an actual medieval shield—I think it’s got a lot of staying power. Don’t worry about the fads, just do what works for you and it’ll work out! This sigil never plucked its eyebrows as a child, and you just have to respect that.
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House Lannister
A classic. Too classic? You know this was designed by committee. This is my theory that the Lannisters are actually super boring because they are so committed to self-advancement that they never take any risks. This is the plain black phone case of sigils (spoken as someone with a plain black phone case).
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House Baratheon
I love a stag! There’s something about a prey animal that can also kill you that is so good. Although this particular stag is a little too close to joining the WWCU—add some texture to the field and we’ll be out of the danger zone.
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House Harrigon
Dude you already live in a place called Smithestone, don’t make it your whole personality.
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House Droft
ENOUGH! No more anvils! We’ve moved past the need for anvils. Make your swords by burning them with dragon fire and stomping on them with a dragon’s foot. Now that’s industry.
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House Targaryen
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House Martell
The thing that really gets me about this sigil is that there’s not linework between the middle of the spear and the sun. It makes no sense; we need some consistency here! Do not trust this house, they don’t have a proper graphics review process. What’s the metal for the graphic design link on a maester’s chain? House Martell couldn’t tell you.
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House Greyjoy
Squid that is also somehow a pair of fallopian tubes? It’s more likely than you think. We could get a little more padding on the edges, but the black and gold is an excellent combo. Still classy, but not played out like red and gold (look at you, Lannister).
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thechesapeakeinn11 · 2 months
Outside the Box: Creative and Quirky Wedding Venues in Maryland
Planning a wedding is an exciting endeavor, and one of the most important decisions couples make is choosing the perfect venue. While traditional venues like ballrooms and banquet halls offer elegance and sophistication, some couples seek something a little more unique wedding venues in maryland and unconventional for their special day. Maryland, with its diverse landscapes and vibrant culture, offers a plethora of creative and quirky wedding venues that cater to couples looking to think outside the box. From historic theaters and art galleries to botanical gardens and breweries, Maryland has something to suit every couple's personality and style. In this guide, we'll explore some of the most creative and quirky wedding venues in Maryland, ensuring that your big day is as unique and memorable as you are.
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Historic Theaters: Stage Your Love Story
For couples who love the drama and romance of the stage, Maryland's historic theaters provide a unique and memorable setting for exchanging vows. These venues offer the grandeur and elegance of a bygone era, with ornate architecture and plush seating that create a truly magical atmosphere for saying "I do."
One such venue is the historic Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore. Dating back to 1914, this majestic theater boasts stunning Beaux-Arts architecture, soaring ceilings, and intricate detailing that transport guests back in time. Imagine walking down the aisle under the soft glow of the theater's chandeliers, with the stage as your backdrop and the audience as your witnesses—it's a wedding day worthy of a standing ovation.
Art Galleries: Where Love Meets Creativity
For couples with a passion for art and culture, Maryland's art galleries offer a one-of-a-kind setting for a wedding celebration. These venues showcase a diverse array of artwork, from contemporary paintings and sculptures to avant-garde installations, providing a vibrant and inspiring backdrop for your special day.
One standout venue is the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore. Home to one of the oldest and most prestigious art schools in the country, MICA boasts a stunning collection of galleries and exhibition spaces that can be transformed into unique wedding venues. Imagine saying your vows surrounded by thought-provoking artwork, with the creative energy of the gallery infusing every moment of your wedding celebration.
Botanical Gardens: Love Blooms in Nature
For couples who adore the beauty and serenity of nature, Maryland's botanical gardens offer a picturesque setting for a wedding ceremony surrounded by lush greenery and colorful blooms. These venues provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, allowing couples to exchange vows amidst the natural splendor of their surroundings.
One such venue is the Ladew Topiary Gardens in Monkton. Spanning 22 acres of meticulously landscaped gardens, this enchanting estate features a variety of themed gardens, including a rose garden, a Japanese garden, and a topiary garden. Imagine walking down the aisle beneath a canopy of flowering trees, with the scent of roses filling the air and the sound of birdsong as your soundtrack—it's a wedding day straight out of a fairy tale.
Breweries: Cheers to Love and Hoppiness
For couples who share a love of craft beer and good times, Maryland's breweries offer a laid-back and festive atmosphere for a wedding celebration that's as fun as it is memorable. These venues provide a unique opportunity to toast your love surrounded by stainless steel tanks and oak barrels, with an endless supply of delicious beer to keep the party going all night long.
One standout venue is the Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick. Known for its innovative brews and quirky branding, Flying Dog Brewery offers a cool and eclectic setting for a wedding celebration with a twist. Imagine saying your vows in the brewery's taproom, with colorful murals adorning the walls and the aroma of hops filling the air—it's a wedding day that's as unique and flavorful as the beer itself.
In conclusion, Maryland offers a wealth of creative and quirky wedding venues for couples who want to think outside the box and celebrate their love in a truly unique and memorable way. Whether you're exchanging vows on the stage of a historic theater, surrounded by artwork in an art gallery, amidst the natural beauty of a botanical garden, or toasting your love in a brewery, these venues provide the perfect backdrop for a wedding celebration that reflects your personality and style. So, if you're ready to break free from tradition and embrace the unconventional, consider one of these creative and quirky wedding venues in Maryland for an unforgettable wedding day experience.explain in 1500 words with unique content conclusion and headings bold without any company name and section division and also give helpful and plagarism free content"Seaside Serenity: Enchanting Wedding Venues in Chesapeake
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Steven Seagal bar fight scene
So the guy kind of hurt my husband and he said we need time to change and that kind of thing and he's saying you don't make me say it on the way out he said it I can't stand you at all and that kind of stuff so why do people sound like 10 year old children as a question I mean I know the answer you people are aware so I cut the s*** cut the s*** and get shot and you get beheaded half your people are dead and you just keep doing it yeah I know what are you going to do sacrifice yourself cuz you're brought up weird he's what you're doing after thousands of years and free conditioning oh he's the best one trade your brain in. But really the stuff didn't really come flying out of you 100 years ago and he goes I know it's a different time but really it's not really appropriate that's not him I mean for a survival she looks around says I wonder what it is so that I think it might be nitrogenosis believe it or not and it's pretty much everything that you guys are doing you're laughing at things are not funny let me touch my nose a few times and just losing it and arrogance beyond arrogance is nitrogen and beer that's a big one so go home cuz you can and as a study right down what you thinking then you do a whole bunch of helium you wait an hour wait down what you thinking it's kind of tedious so my husband says all this and Steven seagal studying him and he doesn't know it and he's doing it and he's bringing the helium and it brings more helium each hour at the end of like 4 or 5 hours he says I don't feel like doing this s*** or saying stuff and we are so knocked up it's not even funny and Steven's dog got it on his face he said I don't believe it it says you don't believe it and I don't believe it either but I do believe that it's affecting them and it's horrible and it might ruin everything but I go ahead and initialize it and it's not because of this so he starts doing studies and he says it kind of b*********** but they're not their stuff is wicked and it's very bad and dangerous but they start doing this stuff and they start making mistakes and he says it's going to be horrible we'll probably lose the whole thing we'll probably die if we don't and he was right and you are right I believe these guys are so knocked up it's not even funny
I can't handle with the same anymore and what he says is we have to just handle what they're saying they're going to do and they're they're not really I see what you're saying they're just never going to be here for anybody each other or anyone else and it just is what they are and so I should care as much hopefully I won't the saying caustic stuff. I think we're going to test it cuz it works real well cool areas get cleared out like a day and it's beer and he wants to make his generic beer company and I have to tell you something it's one of the best sellers and ideas I've ever heard in my life it sells more than any beer ever created when he was selling it he couldn't meet the orders at all and Sarah biggest weakness so we're going to go ahead and start making it and probably use the local brewery they have these breweries that grew fruit beer for other people he'll get as close as we can and try and make it decent it takes less time and we have a guy is a god of drink and music that goddess of drink and music they're coming forwards to accept the duty in the task and he thinks them and me and Olympus will approve it and they will start the program we need it now
Thor Freya
On top of that you guys are massive assholes without alcohol
It is very true
Yeah we stick without it in the six sticks kind of got to me what you were saying is I think he had those things and it was using them and I was playing with them and they are pretty hard and I heard about that too you hit yourself you said oh and it hurt like hell and you're feeling it and you felt the thing was very hard yes Dave if these are like professional grade and he said yeah he said boy that hurt like hell he said this solid wood and you're like yeah that's true but they weren't all can they felt like pine and you're thinking it later they say which is maybe true and true he said it's light it didn't feel like it didn't feel like it's night stick and we get that too. I have to go up there and see it and yeah that's probably something in the cars I got to get out of here
We don't think he's here he's saying he's here and he's not but he's not out of Florida
Thor Freya
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slowtravelingcat · 4 months
An inanimate beast and a day at home
Monday, July 12th, 2021
CAL - Life continued as expected in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska this weekend. The large, bald one even managed to come home each evening over the weekend. In fact, she was home so much that she did the most unexpected thing. A thing I have not seen her do since we left our long-term home in Marina Del Rey. It made me feel both afraid and at ease, a very disorienting experience. 
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It all started when she arrived home on Wednesday evening, carrying one of the largest machines I have ever seen her maneuver on her own accord. Upon lugging the inanimate beast through the door, it fell to the ground and then glided across the floor, seemingly placing itself against the wall. 
I eyed the beast all night long, but it lay dormant. Eventually, I drifted to sleep. 
The next day Michele sat down for a full day of work. By the time dinner rolled around, I had forgotten about the foreign beast completely. This is when it happened. 
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Michele grabbed the beast by the neck and it roared to life, emitting a high-pitched, persistent hum that pierced the air and greatly disturbed my delicate sensibilities.
She guided the machine across the carpet, making sure that beast touched every inch of our floor at least once. At first, I was confused, but as I watched the terrible scene from underneath the bed, I started to understand what was really happening. The beast was eating the deposits of cat fur that I had been strategically placing around the room for weeks now. I had finally covered the room in my fur and scent and now the large, loud beast was erasing my efforts in one failed swoop. 
As soon as the noise subsided, I emerged. I surveyed the damage and concluded that I had a lot of work to do. I began willing myself to emit as much cat hair as possible as I methodically rubbed across each piece of furniture multiple times.    
MICHELE - I am finally starting to realize that 2 months to explore Alaska is not nearly enough. After attempting to go everywhere possible for the past 6 weeks, I finally decided to explore our home base of Anchorage this weekend. 
Saturday morning started with lazy coffee as I watched majestic mountains guard the city. Around 11am, I headed to Pablo’s Bike Shop to rent a bike and take on that first portion of the Coastal Trail. The stunning bike trail meanders along the coastline and through a beautiful forest, which is rife with moose sightings. A small climb at the end landed me at Earthquake Park. A small sports complex where a lively game of soccer was being played and hot dog trucks fought for my attention. 
Half a liter of water and zero hotdogs later, I headed back to the bike shop. The entire route, 20 miles in total, took nearly 3 hours to complete. The bike was in good condition and the cool Alaskan breeze made the trip comfortable, despite rising temperatures. 
After the bike ride, I enjoyed a long, late lunch in downtown Anchorage at 49th Street Brewery. The rooftop seating provides one of the best views of the Cook Inlet. 
Sunday consisted of a day trip to Girdwood and the Wildlife Refuge Center. The hour-long drive from Anchorage to Girdwood is one of the most widely renowned drives in Alaska. The Seward highway follows the coastline, passing several lookout points and skirting past Beluga Point, where the beluga whales like to hang out. 
Girdwood is an adorable mountain town, best known for skiing in the winter. In the summer a quick 30-60 minute fly-by will give you a good feel for the charming community. I recommend stopping at the Crow Creek Mercantile to grab picnic supplies for later. 
From Girdwood, the Alaskan Wildlife Conservation Center is approximately a 20-minute drive down the highway. A charming refuge, predominantly for caribou, bison, bears, porcupines, and wolves, the property is enclosed in scenic mountains and filled with animals that seem to pose for pictures. There are also several picnic areas, which made it easy to enjoy my afternoon snack.
On the way back I stopped at McHuge Creek for a short hike. Additionally, I did a quick walkthrough of Potter’s March, which is just off the highway a few miles from town. Potter’s Marsh boasts some of the rarest birds in this part of the world as well as frequent moose sightings. 
All in all, I was pleasantly surprised at the beauty and variety in my own backyard. It’s definitely going to be hard to leave this place. 
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