#Fred Wesley
nottsangel · 6 months
— FLORIDA KILOS ;; send me a character and i'll give you a few porn links that remind me of them
hmm fred weasley eek
morning sex with bf!fred
fred secretly fucking you in the bathroom
passionate sex with fred after a stressful day
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join my 11k celebration! // celebration masterlist // IVE MISSED FRED SO MUCH
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lyxyhii · 1 year
Summary: the day after doing "it" for the first time, y/n scrambles to get dressed and loses her purity ring. Little did she know, draco had it. And wasn't planning on giving it back.
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I got out of bed and began to get dressed buttoning my white shirt up and putting my skirt on.
After that, I grabbed my Hufflepuff tie off the floor and through it over my shoulders. I didn't want to tie it right now.
I thought I was all ready when I felt that my sapphire purity ring I always wore wasn't on my finger.
"shit." I whispered in a panic.
Draco was sat against his head board, he hands behind has head. He a smirk plastered all over his face.
"have you seen my purity ring draco?" I said in a panic.
"even if I did, why do you need a purity ring when your no longer what they deem as pure" he sarcastically said.
"I need it because my parents gave it to me and if they saw me without my purity ring, they'd kill me," I explained to him.
He laughed a little than from behind his head he flashed the ring.
"you little bitch," I joked.
His smirk was bigger than ever. He was enjoying my anger.
I walked to the side of the bed he was on and tried to grab it but he moved it quickly.
"Draco! Seriously." I groaned. My frown had a little smile behind it.
"how about we make a deal. I can wear this ring on a necklace till you go home, than you can have it. But till than, I get it," he negotiated with me.
"And why do you want to wear my purity ring around your neck," I questioned.
He snickered than said,
"because than everyone can know how I fucked you after the party last night."
My face became red as a strawberry, I was flustered by his words.
"aww, I got you all flustered. Didn't I?" He laughed.
I covered my face, trying to hide his embarrased he was making me feel.
Draco took my hands off my face and made me look at him, staring deep into my eyes.
"you didn't say no to my idea so I'm gonna take that as a yes."
"fine draco, you win." I sighed as I admitted defeat.
He grabbed the chain from the side of his bed and put the ring on it, than put the chain on.
I will admit, he did look hot wearing my ring on his neck. But now everyone in the school will know I lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy at my first ever party.
Draco stood up from bed and I remembered he was naked.
Staring at his figure as he got dressed slowly.
"take a picture darling, it will last longer," he joked.
I rolled my eyes and stood up. Than I walked over to him.
"I'm going to head back to my dorm, I probably worried my housemates," I said softly.
He nodded and put his hand on my cheek, than pulled me into a soft kiss.
Once I pulled away, a big grin appeared on my face.
The next day, I walked past him the hallways, the necklace shined brightly and brought him a lot of attention. And me too.
He began to play with it and look at me, smirking and looking back at his friends.
He's was very proud of what he did to me yesterday night.
And I'm happy he did it.
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oldshowbiz · 6 months
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Kliph Nesteroff: There was a sequel to the blaxploitation movie Black Caesar called Hell Up in Harlem. Both were directed by Larry Cohen for American International Pictures and they came out one after the other. You and James Brown did the soundtrack to the first film, but not the second. Edwin Starr from Motown did music for the second film. How come...?
Fred Wesley: Yeah, yeah. That’s a good story. We finished the movie music. James Brown told me to take it out to California. We were in Augusta when we finished it. We packaged it up. It was on a two-track tape and I took it to Larry Cohen. Larry listened to it and he shook his head. He said, “This ain’t funky. It’s not funky enough.” I said, “What?” It was very funky. He didn’t know funk from stunk. Anyway, I said, “Okay, well, you tell James Brown it's not funky enough. I’m not going to tell him it's not funky enough.” Phoned James Brown up, “I said Larry Cohen says it ain’t funky enough.” And I handed the phone to Larry Cohen. Larry turned about four shades of red and blue. He was saying, “Yeah, but… I mean… yeah, but… I… but I…” He handed the phone back to me. You could hear over the phone, “[screaming][growling].” I picked it up, took it back to Augusta, Georgia, and James Brown put the music out. It turned out to be The Payback – his funkiest album and the only million seller James Brown ever had.
Kliph Nesteroff: You were hired to do the music for Hell Up in Harlem and the music was turned down.
Fred Wesley: Yes. We did it. We did all the music! Larry Cohen said it was not funky enough (laughs).
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m0ldymushr00mz · 11 months
Fandoms I’ll write for + specific characters
♱ Creepypasta
Jeff The killer (obviously 😻😻)
Ben Drowned
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack
Ticci Toby
You can request others but It’ll take a bit cuz I’ll have to like intense research 💪
♱ Slashers
Ghostface (Stu + billy)
Micheal Myers (both rob zombie and og)
Leatherface (both of them)
Freddie Kruger
Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentine
♱ Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton (I’ll do springtrap too)
Micheal Afton
♱ Southpark (all chars are aged up)
Kyle Brofloviski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Randy Marsh
Butters Stotch
♱ Deathnote
If I’m tempted enough I will do ryuk but only if I’m feeling silly
♱ Spooky Month
Literally only Bob
♱ Call of Duty
♱ Marvel/Dc
Miguel O’Hara
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
♱ Harry Potter/Fbawtft
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Newt Scamamander
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futurewriter2000 · 5 months
The Daring, Forbidden and Evil - pt. 5
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A/N: This one is a bit short but I couldn't continue it further on because the next scenes just deserve its own part. I've been thinking about writing this last night before I went to bed and I haven't done that in years. I really love this scene because it's just so soft and innocent. I hope you like it as well. All the love <3
Everybody tell you that when you're in love you are crazy but that isn't the truth. When you are in love, you are at your happiest because there is somebody, who makes you happy just by existing. To know he exists, makes you happy and to be so close to him, it makes you a far better person than you ever were.
Every day since then, your smile grew bigger. You weren't angry, nor sad. You were simply finding life far easier than it was before. Come to think of it, you thought of all the things you bore on your shoulders for no apparent reason. Now, you were forgiving, loving, happy. It was as if your character did a whole 180 and you absolutely adored this new character that developed in you. She was peaceful and kind. She was... well, she was free.
"Have you told anybody?" he asked, brushing his hand through your hair.
You brushed your hand over his chest, feeling a bit of anxiety kick in as he asked so. "No..."
"Me neither." he said. "I haven't even told Fred yet..." he continued, kissing the top of your head. "Not that I don't want to, it's just that... I'm scared." he admitted.
"Me too." you replied and lifeted your head up, smiling the moment your eyes met his. "You're the first boyfriend I'm not showing off in front of everybody."
"Boyfriend, huh?" he grinned.
"Want to be the girlfriend?" he your grinned back and he chuckled.
"No- I'd love to be the boyfriend, I just... I don't know... I didn't think you'd want us to be official."
Your grin disappeared and you furrowed an eyebrow. Your heart sank into a bottomless pit, but somehow beat extremely fast in your chest. "Don't you want us to be official?"
"Of course, I want us to be official. I just thought that you wouldn't want to be that because of your family lineage."
"I can say the same for you." you smiled and he laughed. "Besides... I am not my family." you said as you laid back on his chest and hugged him tightly. "I don't want to lose you... ever." you mumbled and felt his hands tighten around your torso, kissing your head once again.
There was a moment of silence- the nicest, safest moment that felt like it would never end. You closed your eyes and felt yourself melt into his arms. His hand-knitted sweater was extremely soft and smelled pleasantly. You had never felt more harmonious in your entire life.
"I want you to meet my family over the holidays." he whispered and you immediately opened your eyes, exiting the tranquil state. He was smiling at your reaction, kissing your forehead. "We will have to tell them one day. Might as well start with mine."
You sat up on his thighs and felt a rush of nervousness. He sat up as well, placing his hands on your back and rubbing them up and down. He tilted his head and grinned.
"We've been together barely three weeks." you stuttered, to which he found extremely adorable. Someone, who pretends to be tough is afraid of meeting his family, who wouldn't even hurt a fly.
"That's almost a month and besides, you could meet your cousins."
"My cousins?"
"Sirius Black and Tonks."
"Sirius Black?!" you exclaimed. "The wanted criminal, who escaped Azkaban, probably hates my whole family- that is also his family. "
He rolled his eyes and laughed. "He's a good person. I told you he didn't kill anybody. Pettigrew still lives."
"I don't know George..." you ran your hand through your hair. "The moment they will see me, they'll hate my guts. My parents are sided with the Dark Lord and my care-takers are their biggest enemies- the stars are not aligned with us." you started to babble.
He continued to laugh. "The stars are not aligned." he laughed even harder.
"It's not funny." you smiled at his mocking but he only pressed you close to him, burying his head into your shirt. You hugged him back, caressing his head by running your hands up his hair.
"It is." he pulled back, looking up at you with those gorgeous brown eyes. "You're scared. I get that, (y/n). I'm scared too, but even if it's difficult, doesn't mean it's impossible." he continued and you felt yourself exhale a large breath, lowering your head. "Just don't get tired of fighting for us."
You looked around, trying not to look at him directly in the eyes but knowing you couldn't hold back for a long time, you looked at him anyway. There he was; this boy that wanted to fight for you. Who in your entire life, ever fought for you? Your family just moved you from one family member to another, but he wanted to keep you. He is so good for you.
You smiled, placing your hands under his jaw and pulling him into a soft kiss. "I promise, I won't get tired of fighting for us." you whispered softly.
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jacobwren · 3 months
“Everything was going along fine, until one day I went into the office and Ernie was doing a union contract for an album by a new artist named Prince. There was nothing strange about doing a contract for a band that we did not actually play with. We did a lot of work documenting and legalizing projects for bands that did their own producing, arranging, and recording and paid themselves however they saw fit. But even self-contained bands had to file union contracts to properly document the project and make it legal. The odd thing about this particular contract was that all the instruments were played by the same person: Prince. We kind of chuckled at the time, not knowing that this particular contract marked the beginning of the end of the recording business as we knew it. Every instrument that was not a synthesizer was also played by Prince. Synthesized horns, synthesized strings, and percussion. The real bad thing about the album was that it was very funky and sounded very good. I went from making a comfortable living doing horn and string arrangements and other odd assignments to scuffling, trying to make it on just the odd assignments. Horns and strings became obsolete in less than one year. Everyone who ever thought that they could do music was piecing together decent albums by using synthesized sounds for almost all the instruments. Not only strings and horns, but drums, bass, and a plethora of keyboard sounds. Guitar players were the only real musicians who still got calls to do sessions. And there was a marked decrease in guitar calls, because many of the producers were themselves guitar players and jumped at the chance to do their own drums, bass, keyboards, horns and strings. Like Prince, most of the new producers were also singers. Music that would formerly have required a large studio, a competent engineer, a small army of great musicians, and lots of money was now being produced in people’s bedrooms by would-be musicians who worked at the post office during the day. That was the real hurting part of the whole situation: most of these new producers didn’t really have a musical background. What they had was a love for music and the ability to read and understand the manual. As the price of synthesizers and sequencers went down, more and more people with less and less real musical knowledge or talent became geniuses in the music business. The situation left us real musicians floundering around, trying to convince record-company executives and ourselves that this was just a passing fad and that the public would demand real music again soon. Deep down in our old-school hearts, we knew that this was it. I personally remember when my father used to tell me that bebop was just a passing fad, that big band was the perennial jazz music, and that swing would last forever. I remember when my peers and I thought that rock and roll was just a little crazy thing that would fade out with Little Richard’s make-up. I had no idea that forty years later I would still be hearing “wop bop a loo bop ba lop bam boom.” History has dictated that trends move forward, never backward, although present-day music, with its sampled and rare grooves and ‘70s and ‘80s nostalgia, would somewhat dispute that theory.” – Fred Wesley Jr., Hit Me, Fred: Recollections of a Sideman  
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rodpower78 · 1 year
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Bootsy's Rubber Band circa 1976: From left; Maceo, Fred, Bootsy, P-Nut, Kash, Mudbone, and Catfish
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fuchinobe · 2 years
(1971, People, 45-2502)
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djevilninja · 1 year
We gotta take you higher...
Fred Wesley & The J.B.’s - Doing It to Death (Pts. 1 & 2)
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songspiral · 2 years
"Doing It To Death Pt. 1" by Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s
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greatestplaylist · 26 days
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sorcerermusic · 7 months
Fred Wesley, Maceo Parker, and a sick crew of jammers
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nicocota · 1 year
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Fred Wesley
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Watch "JAMES BROWN Live in Rome" on YouTube
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m0ldymushr00mz · 1 year
I want a Fred and George Weasley x reader fanfic where there both in love with me but I can’t find any ☹️
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futurewriter2000 · 5 months
The Daring, Forbidden and Evil - pt. 6
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A/N: There are so many ways this story can go from hear. I can fck this up to the angstiest of angst there can be or I can keep it simple and cute and cuddly. Though the angsty angst seems really attractive now.
You lied. You lied to the only people who took you in after your grandmother passed away. It should have been in your blood, the lying part, but somehow you felt enormous guilt weighing on your chest.
The Malfoy's weren't a horrible family. They treated you with up-most respect they could for a child, who isn't even theirs. Your uncle-in-law started to adore you a bit, talking to you in interesting subjects, such as Defense against the dark arts, history of wizardry, potions, transfiugration, arithmancy and other subjects he was expert in. Draco, your young cousin, the two of you were always jesting each other but it was fun being around him. He was a brother you always wished for. The two of you had almost the same family background and being a part of that family... well, it functioned well.
That was why you couldn't bring yourself to raise your hand to knock. You were freezing in front of the apartment, not knowing anything. This was a lot. This was too much. They'll hate you. Every one of them will hate you.
"What was I thinking..." you murmured to yourself and shook your head. Just as you were about to turn around, the door opened a pair of familiar brown eyes greeted you.
"Blimey, sugar." he laughed and kissed you on the lips. "You're punctual as a clock." he chuckled and pulled you in nervously.
"Yeah, well, George, I was thinking and-"
"They're in there and they haven't got a clue I brought a stranger in." he rubbed the back of his neck, looking back and then to you. If you were honest with yourself, you would think he's doubting this decision as well.
He saw the look in your eyes and knew that this must be more terrifying to you than it would ever be to him, so he took your hands into his and kissed the top of them. His voice calmed down and he was looking deeply into your petrified eyes, smiling. He placed his hand on your cheek and tucked away the hair behind your ear.
"You're gorgeous." he said, kissing you softly on the lips- which, you had to admit, put a smile on your face. "We don't get tired."
"We don't get tired." you repeated after him.
He walked in front of you, leading you to the kitchen, where everybody were sitting in a ruckus of laughter, yelling and conversations.
"Where'd you ran off too?" asked Fred as he tapped George on the shoulder as he ran to get some more bread.
"I-uh-" he turned around, rubbing the back of his neck and stealing glances of you in the doorway. "I have an ANAUNCMENT TO MAKE!" he shouted the last part and everybody slowly quited down. You laughed under your breath.
He looked at them and everybody was staring.
"Is everything alright, Georgie dear?" his mother asked worriedly.
"Yeah, mum. Everything is great- I just...wow, this is harder to do than I thought but I'd like to start that I love you all." he started to get more serious. "I love being part of this family that continues to grow bigger by the minute." he looked at Harry and put his hand on Sirius' shoulder. "And I know we haven't really seen eye to eye at times I wouldn't change it for the world. Our reputation isn't held highly in the larger circles of high-society but I know we are brave, kind and understanding... forgiving..." he added, rubbing the back of his neck again, meanwhile some faces started to raise their eyebrows.
"Where are you going with this George?" asked Ginny.
"I've been seeing a girl..." he said, smiling as he said it and there came some whistles and cheers from the family. "And I wanted to tell you all as soon as possible-"
"Well, spit it out, Georgie." beamed Fred. "I knew something was off with you lately."
"Looks like he got some flowers in his panties." winked Tonks and the others laughed.
"Alright, alright." George started to calm them down. "She's here." he said and Sirius got up on his feet as soon as he said it. "You brought a stranger in the house?!"
"No! I brought my girlfriend to meet my family and I would have done it in the Burrow but since we're here, I had to do it here." George argued. "Plus, I think you would want to meet her." George glared and Sirius took a step back.
"Meaning what?" he said in a surprised voice as other's only anticipated the answer.
"Meaning she-" he started to say, but Sirius already noticed you hiding in the shadows, pushing past George and slowly walking towards you.
"By the Merlin's hat-" he said under his breath.
George turned around, eyes bulging out of his head as he thought you might get attacked by your mother's biggest enemy but it was not exactly what it was happening.
His eyes glimmered in the night- a light from pure memories that rushed into your mind as soon as you set your eyes on his.
"Please, Sirius!" your grandmother shouted from the distance.
"I cannot take her! Are you mad!" another voice shouted back. "I'm barely 17!"
"You're turning 18 this November, Sirius Black. You don't have to tell them, who their parents are." you heard pleads, making you climb down the stairs in a whitest little dress, you could remember.
"You're her care-taker." the boy came into your eye-sight. He was tall and lean, a big lump of curls on the top of his hair, growing down his neck to shoulders.
"They'll come back for her! They'll take her, let alone kill her."
"Bellatrix could never kill her own child." he argued.
"Are you sure, Sirius?!" your grandmother growled. "Because I know she had killed people- she turned my boy into a murderer as well."
Sirius gritted his teeth and turned his head to the side, only to see you sitting on the end of stairs with your large doe eyes looking at him.
He made his way to you and smiled. Somehow, when he picked you up, you started to laugh joyfully. A sincere, joyful force entered your small body and you found him amusing.
"Big people are only talking." he said in a child-like voice, tickling your belly and causing you to laugh again.
Your grandmother appeared in your sight, pleading Sirius with her eyes. "You can say she's yours. You two look similar."
"Don't say that." Sirius looked back at her. "She grows up, she'll be a picture of her mother."
"Please, Sirius, I beg of you."
"Do what, exactly?" he tried to stay as he could but it was as if you could feel his heart beating up faster. "Take her to the Potters and let them raise her."
"They don't have to know. You can say she's yours."
"A child of two?! I hid a child for two years?"
"I don't know Sirius. They can't know about her."
"They are her parents."
"And I don't trust them." she said, looking into your eyes and kissing your littlest nose. "You look just like your father when he was a baby, little one."
"Her hair started to curl." reminded Sirius but she shot her head to him, glaring.
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to protect this child."
He then pushed you into her arms. "You'll have to because I won't be able to protect her any more than you could. I'm in far greater danger than you. Leave this place, leave this country, don't tell anybody where she is going, not even me." he said as he leaned to you, his eyes glimmering as he looked at you. "We'll meet again, little one." he tickled your belly but this time, you didn't laugh. "Under the right circumstances."
*end of flashback*
It was like a part of your past has been unlocked, something you didn't know you carried in yourself up until now. Your eyes were glistening from a rush of emotions but so were his. He outstretched his arms in front of him and cupped your face in his large hands.
"My God, you have grown." he was smiling and by now everybody saw you as you walked towards him as well, unknowinlgy.
"I'm not like her." was the first thing that you said as he chuckled, pulling you in his embrace.
"No, you're not." he said as he pulled you into a tight, yet soft and comforting hug, burrying his had into your hair.
The others were quiet, not knowing what to think and as George smiled at the sight, well with Tonks, the others didn't share the same feeling, especially not Fred.
"You got with a Lestrange?!" he shoved his fist into George's shoulder and forced him to turn around.
"Ow, mate!" George rubbed his shoulder and looked at his brother.
"Mate?! You haven't told me you were dating a girl, let alone a Lestrange- a LESTRANGE that is with the Malfoys! For all we know she could be using you- have you ever thought of that!" he snapped and George could not move.
For the first time, his brother has gotten so furious with him in a more serious manner than stealing his pudding or throwing his favorite toy from the window. This wasn't like those times, this was about trust and George understood that the second he looked at his brother's eyes, heard the tone in his voice.
"Yeah, George?" continued Ron in a lighter, quieter tone- which wasn't usual for his explosive character as well. Yet, he was confused and he had no idea how to feel about this exactly.
"Has she ever done anything to you to make you believe she is horrible or is her family's reputation the only reason you can argue at this point?!" George spoke low and quiet, yet with enough power and determination in his voice. He took a step further to his brother, so they met eye to eye. "You don't get to tell me who she is based on her blood and where she comes from- just like you cannot tell me Sirius or Tonks are as horrible as their family members."
"Yes, but they don't live with her." Fred growled back.
"Boys, that's enough." said Mr. Weasley from the back row but they only stared at each other. "We ought to hear the lass out and I had never doubted George to judge a character wrong, I won't stop now."
Both you and Sirius were looking back at them but Sirius looked at you when all heads turned to you. He smiled, his eyes glimmering as he looked at your hair.
"They say I look like her because of them." you said as you took one curl in your hands.
Sirius laughed and returned with a beam. "You don't look like her. You look like a Black and if there is anything to be proud of when it comes to being a Black, it's definitely the hair." he winked as he led you back to the room.
Mr. Weasley was the first to come to you with his usual smile. He offered you his hand and you gladly took it, yet somehow, the squeeze was tighter than you thought it would be. It felt more as a warning than a greeting. "Call me Arthur dear." he said but his smile wasn't as sincere as his handshake.
"I'll try but I was thought to respect the older generations." you returned a smile.
"Who thought you that? Your mad mother?"
"Fred!" scolded Molly, making her way to you with an honest, soft smile. Her handshake was just as that. "Dear, it is lovely to see Georgie so happy."
"He makes me happy." you returned and she took a look at you, not fully satisfied but it was enough to satisfy you.
The others didn't give much of introduction but it was better than what you expected. Tonks eyed you for a moment but then smiled widely.
"I never knew I had a first cousin." she shoved your shoulder playfully ."Especially not from Bellatrix."
"I know- nobody really knew but I knew of all of you. Didn't care enough though." you eyed her with a smile and she laughed.
"I really didn't care about my family much either." she eyed then looked at Sirius. "Oi! Sirius!" she shouted. "Had you care for your family?"
"Like a dear jewel in my heart." Sirius replied sarcastically and all three of you laughed, the others only watched.
Then you felt a soft hand touch your thigh and you looked to the side, seeing his smiling features facing you. He was talking to you with his eyes, comforting you in a way you had never experienced before. Your heart fluttered, filled itself with rainbows and fairy dust- if fairy dust ever felt this good.
"I told you it's a fight but for you, I'll die fighting."
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