#Freddy Krueger Youth
farlydatau · 1 year
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Super Freddy- Freddy Krueger Super Dream Bros Graphic
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lawrenciumhehe · 6 months
The Department of Education (DepEd) emphasized the importance of socio-emotional support for learners in the first episode of "Research O'Clock 2023." Assistant Secretary Dexter Galban outlined initiatives like the Career Guidance Program and National Drug Education Program to increase learners' resilience and address mental health needs. The first episode featured Helen Maasin discussing Project Digi-SEL or Digital Media as a Tool for Social Emotional Learning Opportunities, targeting least mastered skills in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao(EsP). Ronnel King, an associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, also support the socio-emotional learning (SEL) programs and includes having explicit SEL instruction, SEL integrated with academic instruction, youth engagement, supportive school, classroom climates, and focus on adult SEL. DepEd plans to revive the After School Sports Program, expand initiatives like Barkada Kontra Droga Plus, and strengthen new and existing partnerships, and the Mental Health Program for the holistic development of the learners. Galban highlighted these efforts alongside learning recovery activities.
As a student who has actively participated in these programs, I can attest to the profound impact they have had on my academic journey and personal mental wellbeing. During a recent Career Guidance Program and National Drug Education Program, we delved into self-discovery exercises that not only guided me towards potential career paths but it also elevated my self-awareness to heights comparable to Mt. Everest. After reflecting on these significant steps outlined by Assistant Secretary Dexter Galban in the episode "Research O'Clock 2023", I remembered the profound words of Victor Hugo: "He who opens the door of the school, closes the prison." The Department of Education's emphasis on socio-emotional support through initiatives such as the Career Guidance Program and the National Drug Education Program reflects the urgent need to safeguard students' resilience in order to improve their academic performance and have a balanced lifestyle. Being a student today is undeniably stressful, given the number of tasks that demand our attention and timely completion. This program becomes important as many students face the challenges of adjusting to the new normal. For some, the pressure feels as terrifying as navigating a nightmare with Freddy Krueger - an anxiety-inducing experience that emphasizes the urgency of having effective support mechanisms in place
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enriquemzn262 · 11 months
I don’t think enough people understand how incredibly powerful Eminem is, which is strange because he has been constantly informing us of his capabilities for years
Let’s start with his healing factor. Eminem seems to be virtually immortal, capable of surviving all manner of fatal injuries unphased. In the song I’m Shady, he states sings “The ill type, I stab myself with a steel spike/While I blow my brain out, just to see what it feels like.” This man mutilates himself recreationally.
This regeneration ability seems to have manifested in his early youth, as in the song Brain Damage, he recalls a time in which his brain fell out of his skull and simply and casually picked it up and put it back in his head (“She beat me over the head with the remote control/Opened a hole, and my whole brain fell out of my skull/I picked it up and screamed ‘Look bitch, what have you done!?’/‘Oh my God! I'm sorry son!’ ‘Shut up you cunt!"/I said ‘Fuck it!’ Took it and stuck it back up in my head/Then I sewed it shut and put a couple of screws in my neck.”
He is also seemingly unaffected by the loss of limbs, being able to function perfectly with just one leg (“But she swallowed my fuckin' leg whole like an egg roll/With one leg left, now I'm hoppin' around crippled,” As the World Turns)
Eminem seems to possess elemental abilities that could rival or even surpass those of X-Men’s Storm, considering that he’s “hot enough to melt hell and burn Satan too,” can “catch lightning in a bottle” and “set fire to water” (Cinderella Man). In addition, he is “cold enough to make the seasons change into freezing rain” (Bad Meets Evil)
If Eminem ever finds himself in a disadvantageous position, he can summon the power of his “Gadget Dick.” While the full capabilities of this appendage are unknown, it is capable of causing an earthquake and power outage upon being “whipped out.” So we can comfortably assume that his penis alone is a city-level threat at the very least (“Just tryna buy me some time then I remembered this magic trick/Duh-dah-duh-dah-duh-duh! Go-go gadget dick!/Whipped that shit out, and ain't no doubt about it/It hit the ground and caused an earthquake and power outage,” As the World Turns)
He has canonically killed Superman (“I killed Superman,” Rain Man), he possesses a “spider sense” on par with that of Spider-Man’s (“My spider sense is telling me Spiderman is nearby and my plan is to get him next,” Rain Man), he is capable of of destroying Iron Man’s armor with his acidic saliva, as well as turning Iron Man into plastic (“Salivas like sulfuric acid in your hand it'll eat through/Anything metal, the ass of Iron Man/Turn him into plastic so for you to think…” On Fire) and has battled the likes of Freddy Krueger and survived unscathed (“Walked up Elm Street with a fuckin' Wiffle bat drew/Fought Freddy Krueger, and Edward Scissorhands too/Then came out with a little scratch, ooh,” Underground).
He is capable of stealing other people’s abilities (“Have Michael Myers looking like a liar/Swipe his powers, replace his knife with flowers and a stack of flyers,” Underground). He also possesses the same abilities as the Hulk (“I’m unstoppable, Incredible Hulk,” Drop the World) and considers himself superior to Thor (“So you’ll be Thor and I’ll be Odin,” Rap God)
By his own admission, he holds the entire planet in the palm of his hand (“So tell Saddam not to bother with makin’ another bomb cause I’ve got the whole world in my palm,” Still Don’t Give a Fuck), implying that he is some sort of entity similar to the Buddha from Journey to the West. He could crush this world anytime he wants.
He is capable of surviving a fall into Hell, can withstand the heat of hellfire and casually manhandle Satan (“Splattered all over the entire state/and straight to hell, got impaled by the gates/Saw Satan, stuck his face in an ashtray/While I sashayed around flames with a match/And I gave him the gas face,” Wicked Ways)
He can manipulate time itself (“Smash an hourglass, grab the sand, takes his hands and cup 'em/Spin a rhyme to freeze the clock, take the hands of time and cuff 'em… Rewound the future to the present, paused it, don't ask how,” Cinderella Man), and possess reality warping capabilities that defy logic (“Fuck catchin' lightnin', he struck it, screamed, ‘Shut up’ at thunder/Then flipped the world upside down and made it rain upward,” Cinderella Man)
His very existence defies God (“Shit, I ain't even supposed to be here by the grace of God,” Cinderella Man)
And top of all that… he’s just straight up omnipotent (“I’m omnipotent,” Rap God)
So, sorry Goku fans, Superman fans, Rimuru fans, Ben 10 fans, Saitama fans, etc, Eminem stomps your favorite character
Now you made me remember why I stopped being an Eminem fan the moment I became fully bilingual.
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anhed-nia · 2 years
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Not all folk horror movies are horror movies.
I don't usually like to wade into the mire of arguing about what is and is not included in the horror genre, because there is rarely a sound motivation for the argument; the not-horror accusation is usually levied by either gorehounds who expect a narrowly predictable set of thrills, or snobs sneakily trying to acquit themselves of having liked a horror movie by proving that said movie "isn't really horror". As per a recent Miskatonic Institute lecture by Tony Burgess on holocaust narratives within the horror genre: "If you have to say it's not a horror movie, it's because you know it is." But all that said, things are a little more slippery with folk horror. I'm thinking of the Australian coming of age story CELIA, which I couldn't recommend as a horror movie, but whose particular use of magic realism earns its place in the indispensable All Haunts Be Ours collection. Similarly, the grim Italian drama IL DEMONIO is more a study of time and place than anything legitimately demonic, but its setting and focus on occult traditions make it fine folk horror fodder. Last year's heartbreaking Icelandic fantasy LAMB also isn't likely to satisfy someone asking for horror recommendations, but if you've seen it, you know why I'm bringing it up in this conversation. With his feature film debut (!) YOU WON'T BE ALONE, writer-director Goran Stolevski provides us with another exercise in dividing horror from folk horror, although there is a little more of something for everyone in this outing.
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The denizens of a 19th century Macedonian village are haunted by rumors of Old Maid Maria, a shape-shifting, blood-drinking "Wolf-Eateress" with a hankering for babies. This rumor becomes a sad reality for Nevena (Sarah Klimoska), whose mother is forced to donate her to the the terrifying old hag (Annamaria Marinca as sort of a fabulous cross between Grýla and Freddy Krueger). Feral and mute, Nevena roams the woods with her adoptive mother, but never quite gets the hang of their spartan and solitary existence, and Maria eventually spurns the young woman when she won't stop making pets out of their food. Luckily, Nevena learned Maria's shapeshifting talent—a spectacular trick that involves tearing a hole in one's chest with one's long black witch talons, and inserting the entrails of whatever one wishes to become, in what I'm going to call an exciting new form of cannibalism. This way, Nevena adopts the form of a series of villagers, and learns about life from a variety of perspectives.
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Þrándur Þórarinsson's Grýla, just for fun.
It may not surprise you to hear that YOU WON'T BE ALONE is all about responses to loneliness. The title refers to Nevena's mother bargaining for her child's youth: She promises to give Nevena away as a companion if the witch doesn't eat the baby, but returns on her sixteenth birthday. The reprieve is not so pleasant for Nevena, who is stowed away in a barren cave for the next 15 years by her terrified mother, who so fears her inevitable loss that she doesn't even enjoy the time she has bought. The peaceful and lonely Nevena makes lousy company for the Maria, but the witch haunts the girl as she shapeshifts her way through the village, insisting that she will never find happiness in human society. Admittedly, the humans aren't often impressive: Nevena learns the hard way that life as a poor farmer's wife (Noomi Rapace) is often brutal, and as a handsome young stud (Carloto Cotta of the extremely fun DIAMANTINO) life is more fun (and sex more consensual), but he doesn't enjoy greater fellowship from the other men, who disdain his simplicity and pretty face. Nevena finally finds some semblance of happiness when she starts life over as a young girl, discovering that idyllic childhood is a real possibility, as is a happy marriage later on (to Félix Maritaud, late of KNIFE+HEART). Of course, Maria is never far behind, and in the meantime, Nevena learns her origin story, which is predictably appalling. The young woman may have found her own way to hold on to hope in the face of deprivation, but to be totally fair, she didn't get the same rough start as Maria.
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So, back to my argument about folk horror: YOU WON'T BE ALONE is probably going to be too horrific for those who Don't Like Horror Movies, with its grisly series of disembowelments and reembowelments, but it still eschews feelings of fear and revulsion in favor of an innocent questing for one's own humanity. In a sense, the folk horror label does the film a great service by admitting to its darkness, while allowing it to pursue purposes other than terror and doom. Nevena's shapeshifting technique may require her to become a sort of serial murderer, but the film forgives her that, focusing instead on her journey through a lovely bucolic setting where humans are often treacherous, but not beyond salvation. It's a funny moral trick to play, but it works, offering an uplifting viewing experience—as long as you can handle all the rape, cannibalism, and violence against babies, of course.
PS I love that the witches have dewclaws in this.
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voreboy · 11 months
25) We know why T like his preferred meal choice, however, did that stem from his first meal in school and thus held a craving for tykes? I can only imagine the terror on his old classmates that managed to survive his gluten appetite if they saw him at the HS Reunion
[Trigger Warning: Ageplay/Youth Prey]
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I sort of answered that question here. Basically, he enjoys Prey he can easily overpower and intimidate. So while he could eat anyone, he's developed a strict tyke-only diet on that basis.
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Assuming his peers at his high school reunion knew or suspects he was behind some of their other peers disappearances, they may opt out. After all, like Freddy Krueger, he'll be going after the next generation...
deviantART | RP Guide (24+ ONLY/STR8 Guys Welcome) | Ageplay Guide | Diet Plan | Vore Multiverse Guide | Send Me Anons (But State Your Age) | Meet Me (40+ ONLY/STR8)
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motelfullmassage · 7 months
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Movies for Halloween
Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Freddy's Revenge (1985)
Jesse Walsh (Mark Patton) moves with his family into the home of the lone survivor from a series of attacks by dream-stalking monster Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund). There, Jesse is bedeviled by nightmares and inexplicably violent impulses. It turns out Freddy needs a host body to carry out his gruesome vendetta against the youth of Springwood, Ohio. While Freddy gains influence, Jesse and his girlfriend, Lisa (Kim Myers), race against the clock trying to figure out what's going on.
After watching this, you light want to have a look at Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street (2019), a documentary that looks at the difficulties the movie caused to Mark Patton's life and career.
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minyboy · 7 months
Useless Story (Halloween Monster “Roleplay” 3) Part 22
CRAP! CRAP CRAP! NO NO NO! Everything is on fire, the roof is on fire, the floor is on fire, hell I'm on fire! Crap! *cough cough* Smoke is getting to me. Can't see shit. The demons have abandoned me, and even now I dare not enter the Dream World, too soon it will kill me for sure. Got to... escape. Passing out... A little voice inside of me is speaking... no yelling. "Forwards, keep moving forward." My entire body is on fire. I'm becoming horribly disfigured... wait, too late... must keep... *cough cough* face melting... there, moonlight. A hole big enough... "YEAAAAHHHHOOOO!" Damn, that landing hurt... at least I'm out of the fire, still on fire, dying... bushes... hide in bushes like a bitch... ok... got the fire out... now I'll just lay here and die. Great idea Miny, life sucked anyways. All this just to die by an angry mob... all that planning and deaths. All the years of fighting off The Spirits of Halloween just to have a good time with everyone... *cough cough* useless, no one even cared. Pure cringe of a stupid man going too far. No one gives a crap you idiot, just stop it, you are embarrassing yourself. Thank you, Spirit Of Halloween inside of me, you bravely fought off that hole inside of me and tried to save my life. Well, good luck dealing with the hole without me. It's been a terrible run, but it was my run. A horrible stupid run. Huh... what now, you annoying voice? Over there? hey, there's a guy looking for me... all alone, about my size... "Hey buddy, the fucking monster is over here" Here he comes, so predictable *slash*! Let's throw the body into the fire. Here bub, have my hat, it was damaged anyway. Good... good. that felt so good. I'm not giving up, not until that bitch punk Nancy is gone. *Offf* get yup you hellspawn. They will think that body is me and I'll slink away scot-free. There is an abandoned warehouse nearby, tons of boilers there, let's go. The youths loved it there. I still have one more teen to show the daylight.
-Miny Freddy Krueger
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cursedcomics · 1 year
Dream Job:  Writing the Legion of Super Heroes. Pt. 2
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This, to me, is a huge problem with writers who take on the Legion.   It’s a question of scale that the writer should always keep in mind.
The Legion isn’t a group of teens learning to be heroes under the watchful eyes of established heroes like the Teen Titans or Young Justice.  They aren’t sidekicks with safety nets.  
They are planetary champions in the service of an interstellar community.  
They are the first and last line of defense vs. any and all threats to scores of planets.  They aren’t just protecting earth like the JLA.
If you just think about it on a powers scale, the Legion would destroy the JLA in a battle.  To think of them as “the future’s Teen Titans” is to grossly ignore just how powerful the Legion is.  
The Justice League is Superman’s effort to build a semi-comparable organization today.  He has to staff his league with guys who throw boomerangs and shoot arrows to stop bad guys.  It is just not on the same level.
And I think to do the book justice, that scale always has to be kept in mind.
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People do not understand the underpinnings of Mordru or why he is the perfect #1 villain of the Legion.
From the first comic appearance of Mordru it was made plainly clear in the story that Mordru terrifies members of the Legion of Super Heroes.  That is exactly what a group that works on the this scale should feel about their #1 villain.
Mordru is a brilliantly conceived villain for youthful heroes. Think about horror.  Teens and young adults are terrified by the Supernatural.  Freddy Krueger.  It. Cenobites. David Warner’s evil genius in Time Bandits.
Mordru tweaks an even older and more primal thread.  He is Rumplestiltsken-esqe.  He is the magical threat that we were all honestly scared of as kids brought into direct conflict with heroes young enough to remember those fears.
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(And despite me showing this Steve Lightle angry Mordru picture, he would generally be depicted with his power mad, wildly disturbing smile on his face..... I just love Lightle’s art..... The crazed smiling is just so perfect for a fairtale villain come to life.)
Mordru is a magician with endless powers who can point at a Legionnaire and turn them into anything if he just focuses on the moment.  Every battle with Mordru is the Legion hitting him as hard and fast as they can so he doesn’t turn them into pigs to be eaten at his Sunday dinner or balloons full of blood.  Or whatever.
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Every face to face battle with the Legion needs to have the kids sweating bullets and Mordru toying with them and occasionally losing his cool.
In a future world where science is everywhere and controls every aspect of life, just understanding that some force of nature like that exists would be wildly disturbing for all of the Legionnaires.  
Unlike Darkseid who, with apologies to fans of the Great Darkness Saga, is just a rando god of evil stereotype with a bunch of demi-god servants who fights every DC hero at some point,  Mordru is unique.  He is specific to the future and his magic is both unstoppable and incomprehensible for the Legionnaires.
I would have the entire legion collection of worlds have no idea about Mordru because of a spell cast by someone else in the second issue.  Those legion worlds with some modicum of magic --- Naltor, Talok VIII, etc. --- have an ancient word “Mordru” in all of their languages and it translates to essentially “Ragnarok”, specifically the day when all of their gods will be slaughtered and all magic drained from their worlds.
The Legionnaires from non-magic worlds will become increasingly uneasy as the word Mordru appears more and more frequently and their magic connected users --- who they count on for magic insight --- start getting very unnerved.
Mordru works on a different level than other magic users.   He is Tesla throwing thunderbolts in a universe of dumbfounded observers.  I would underscore that by having even magicians struggle to understand how Mordru accomplishes his magic.  To me, Mordru is beyond the White Witch like Bill Gates is beyond your local IT guy.  That is to say, the sorcerers aiding the Legion would have a vague idea of how Mordru makes his magic happen, but wouldn’t be able to replicate it.
I would flush all of the Mordru ‘history’ from non-legion books as they universally weakens Mordru as a brand.
He needs to be a runaway train in the future, not a run of the mill mort of a threat in the past.  It weakens the character to have a young Mordru fighting Amethyst and the Justice Society.   Mordru would go back to being the scary fairytale Wizard from the magic worlds come to conquer the United Planets.  
He was unquestionably a better character prior to the Great Darkness Saga and his “early appearances”, I’d restore him to that 1960′s/1970′s version. 
If he doesn’t have white hair, those stories would not be part of the timeline. 
And that is easy enough to do. Amethyst has already been retconned so no big deal.  
The JSA will ALWAYS be subject to retcon as they try over and over to cram the square peg of the fact the JSA belongs on earth 2 into the the round hole of the JLA’s earth.  There is really no reason to ever mention those stories again with that in mind.
And certainly there is no reason to ever mention them in the future.
Honestly, he and the Time Trapper deserved more than being used as props to turn a mort god of evil who constantly gets stopped by the JLA into a credible threat to the Legion.
In the first Mordru tale he terrified Superboy and Mon-El into hiding in the past.
 They even wiped their memories to hide from him.  
That is the kind of villain you need as a number one for a group this powerful. 
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youthdisposal · 6 years
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fancy ! 🤓
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draculasdaughter · 3 years
Parents, police, psychiatrists, and other traditional authorities and institutions are coded as “other” from the point of view of the Elm Street youth in Nightmare. These institutions’ lack of responsiveness and resourcefulness makes them as dangerous to the young people as Freddy Krueger, the "monster." (...) As such, the whole value system of traditional, coherent narratives is turned on its head. (...) the young people in the Nightmare movies must undergo a rite of passage that enables them to take care of themselves in a world that cannot or will not do so. In fact, the movies suggest that youth can survive better than adults, because they employ an epistemology that accepts the impossible as part of their experience. (...) the rite of passage in the Nightmare movies may provide a vicarious sense of empowerment for the young people who watch them because the movies depict teenagers resisting codes and taking control of situations that sources of authority cannot or will not help them with.
Gary Heba, Everyday Nightmares: The Rhetoric of Social Horror in the Nightmare on Elm Street Series, 1995.
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moviesludge · 2 years
I was watching the trailer for the new Beavis & Butt-Head movie and was thinking about how they’ve always been critics of youth culture, this is something they have in common with Freddy Krueger. If I was writing a thesis it might be about this.
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farlydatau · 1 year
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Super Freddy Kids T-Shirt Super Dream Bros Freddy Krueger Youth Toddler T Shirt Official Krueger Nightmare System Seal of Nightmare Kids Tee
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For anyone who wanted the times of london review (spoilers obvs and avoid if avoiding reviews)
It’s spring break 1986 and the cute kids from the American science fiction show have almost grown up — zits, chest hair and all. But then so have its fans, allowing creators, the Duffer brothers to ramp up the scares in this brilliantly dark fourth series — conceived in 2019 but delayed thanks to Covid.
If the first seasons of Stranger Things nodded to ET the Extra-Terrestrial and Stand by Me, this one (which comes in two “volumes”, with staggered releases) genuflects to A Nightmare on Elm Street. If we were in any doubt, they have even cast Robert Englund, the actor who played Freddy Krueger.
The gang of teenagers has splintered — and there are some new faces. Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) has grown her hair and is the butt of Mean Girls-style bullying in California, where she is living with Joyce (Winona Ryder), Will (Noah Schnapp) and Jonathan (Charlie Heaton). They are joined in the sunshine by new dude Argyle (Eduardo Franco), a pizza delivery driver who provides them with wheels, a Musical Youth soundtrack on his car stereo and this series’ only weakness — his irritating stoner schtick.
Back in Hawkins the rest of the original gang are no longer a unit. Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo), still the court jester, and Mike (Finn Wolfhard, channelling Joey Ramone) have started at high school and are members of the Hellfire Club, a home for nerds, led by newbie Eddie (Joseph Quinn — excellent). Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin, sporting a natty flattop) has fallen in with a bunch of jocks, Nancy (Natalia Dyer) is a student journalist, Robin (Maya Hawke) and Steve (Joe Keery) are working in a video shop. Max (Sadie Sink), traumatised by her brother Billy’s death, is withdrawn and living in a trailer park.
It’s not long before the peril kicks in. Spoiler alert! Former Hawkins cop Hopper (David Harbour), presumed dead, remerges in a vicious Soviet prison, from which Joyce and the Russophile Murray (Brett Gelman) attempt to spring him. Eleven, who still assumes her proxy pop Hopper dead, is doubting her own moral centre — and who she trusts.
Meanwhile, in Hawkins a schoolgirl starts having visions involving a grandfather clock and dies in bizarre circumstances, thanks to a humanoid monster called Vecna. But the town’s finger points to Eddie, this show’s Boo Radley. When Max begins to have dreams (Sink is superb) the kids realise the Upside Down is still imposing on their town, with Vecna making a beeline for the most vulnerable.
This leads our detective duo, Nancy and Robin, to a mental hospital to speak to Victor Creel (Englund), the only man who has ever survived an attack by Vecna. A Kate Bush song becomes an unlikely antidote to evil in a finale to volume one that had me in pieces.
Fans of the early series have nothing to worry about: Stranger Things still balances sweetness, laughs and horror like no other show — even if the scares have got jumpier.
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Since its that time of year, here's some younger au Halloween costume stuff, because it's cute and shit
Obviously had one of those werewolf masks when he was like 6. Couldn't see out if it properly because his face was so small, and hated wearing it because of the synthetic smell.
I could very much see him going as Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers some years.
Grim Reaper. He loved having the mask on and standing in dark corners to scare other kids. He could also steal things with the mask on and be less likely to be caught.
Did Gomez Addams to match Quinn's Morticia one year. They had a giggle-fit after trying to act all flirty with each other.
Little Quinn adored witch stuff. She had a collection of pointy hats she had gathered over the years.
The Morticia costume as she got older of course had full cleavage showing.
Robot costume! He was fascinated by Robots in his youth. Spent ages in his back garden spray-painting boxes silver.
As he got older he did a Freddy Krueger costume. And he did it very well.
Kid Avery adored Dracula and would spend hours in his mirror doing the make-up.
Of course a cultured individual like himself would chose a sophisticated costume like the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera as he got older.
Zombie kid. As she got older she gained some talents with liquid latex and it just got more and more realistic.
Tried to match Avery's Phantom by doing a Christine. People just thought she was doing a ghost girl.
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I don't exactly want to call today's youth entitled per se, but Dead By Daylight is a video game in which you get to literally play out the slasher horror formula, like you literally get to be your own horror movie character. People my age would have lost their minds to have something this cool when we were still tweens/teens/early 20s.
And at every chance the devs can, they try to get the rights to include a famous classic horror monster/character. They have succeeded in getting Michael Meyers, Laurie Strode, Ghostface, Leatherface, Nemesis and other characers from Resident Evil, Ash Williams from Evil Dead, Freddy Krueger (remake unfortunately, but still), Pyramid Head and Heather from Silent Hill, etc.
Like, the idea that I can play out a 80's horror movie in video game form, as a hero or a monster, and I have my pick of the cult classics? And it's multiplayer? And I don't have to wait till my friends can get permission from their mommy to play and come over?
That's WILD. Phenomenal.
And now they've likely gotten Pinhead, and yet there's so many adult babies out here complaining that it's probably not the fucking dorky animatronic from their favorite jump scare simulator, or otherwise complaining, directly to the company on social media or just in general to the rest of the fandom in the tags, because "they haven't seen Hellraiser so they don't care."
Like...can you fucking dweebs just be happy for other people in horror fandom? Can it not always be about you you you?
Also, please go broaden your horizons.
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moonahstone · 3 years
Well I finally finished series 3 of ghosts with my family! That’s the last of the people I originally designated myself to watch it with (Myself, my friends and my family) Though that’s not going to stop me rewatching it a million times. So anyway some fun points from my fam watching it
The Bone Plot
My dad was terrified during the entire of episode one, he hates Barclay and was ready to throw hands if he died
The deafening cackle as Humphreys head got chopped off. Jesus Christ.
‘well someone's a little bitter’ - my mum every time Mary commented on death.
Sister translating everything Sophie said because heck why not it pisses my off royally
Well done to my sibling successfully spotting the bloopers reference.
A lot to take in
Somehow everyone in the house simultaneously googling Jessica Nappit because everyone was convinced they knew her from something and seen as I only really know her from Taskmaster, I was no help
My stuffed dinosaur called Graham has had a change of name. He’s now called Mr Cheese. Not my choice.
We all want to know more about that woman's story
My parents cheering when Mike quit was surprisingly wholesome
The Woodworm Men
If I had a Penny every time my Dad said ‘bless’ when Mary was scared of something then I wouldn’t have a lot but I would have a lot more than I should.
My siblings went on a conversation about how Grease was a bisexual nightmare. 
Apparently I was the only one to find ‘rub a dub a rub a dub a’ funny.
I just wanted a biscuit. They all just stared at me ominously afterwards and menacingly whispered ‘aren’t you gonna dip it?’ WHAT HAVE I CREATED
Sooo... My sibling hadn’t heard of Freddie Krueger.
I Love Lucy
Insert my slightly prudish mother clearing her throat and asking ‘just how they connect?’ 
My sister doesn’t trust Lucy. Little does she know...
They are all immature. Giggling like kids at boob instead of Bob. The fact that I did too is completely besides the point
‘He was going to say his name! Did you hear that! He was going to say his name!!!’
Everyone thought Fanny was having an affair with Mary.
Something to share?
‘I don’t think I want to watch this’ My dad mumbles as Mum gets upset over Kitty
Silence after Mary's dream then suddenly ‘That’s the woman from not going out! I knew I knew her from somewhere!’ I... What... We’ve been watching this for ages, I pointed it out straight away when we watched not going out. How the heck... What?!
Balloon. Sibling found a balloon.
Well now is a fun time to hear about trying to raise the dead in their youth. Go ahead tell all why not.
Part of the Family
Yeah. They all started yelling Cow at the screen. Someone threw a pillow, I think it was my sister.
The pure amount of laughter as Pat did the thumb trick. It was very loud but so funny.
Quietly mumbles ‘run forest run’
‘They’re not always very nice to him are they?’ ‘what?’ ‘They used him as a ball. If I decapitate myself please don’t use my head as a ball,’ ... I mean I wasn’t planning on doing so, so sure mum, whatever you say.
I may not look like him, I may not always act like him, but damn I know this mans my father because no one else would be as close to tears as me at a bunch of dead people pretending to have an imaginary dinner together.
Oh and a final congratulations to my Family for realizing that ghosts isn’t just a decent show I like, It’s a hyperfixation. Good job. Not like I talk all the time about it, draw them all, paint them, write dumb story's and basically think about ghosts 24/7. Good job.
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