#Genshin short fic
beameized · 11 months
Cyhaino Short Fic
Pairing: Alhaitham/Cyno
Prompt: Would you still love me if I was worm?
"Would you love me if I was a scarab and you were a wenut?" Cyno asked while carefully nestled in Alhaitham's arms.
"Why would you ask that?"
"I heard quite a few young scholars discourse on the matter and it piqued my interests."
"You and I aren't one for conventions. There's nothing to gain from this kind of discourse."
"I know but I still find it fascinating and I would very much want to hear your earnest answer."
"Your query breaks my heart. Scarabs are said to live only for two years at most while wenuts are eternal creatures of legends. If a wenut were to love a scarab, they would be forced to face eternity without their beloved."
"It has been said that scarabs are also legendary creatures. They were once humans cursed by the Scarlet King, doomed to an eternity of guarding him and his temples. Records of scarabs dying after one to two years have only occurred in controlled environments within the walls of Sumeru City. Who can say? Perhaps, they really do live forever if they stay in the desert. And as a scarab, I would want to stay in the desert with you."
"In the book of Lay of Al-Ahmar, the wenut was said to have eaten the Scarlet King's living corpse and merged with the king's consciousness. If that were the case, it would mean that I would have doomed you if I was a wenut and you were a scarab."
"Then, you have doomed me to an eternity with you."
"You have convinced me. I'd love you even if you were a scarab and I was a wenut."
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popponn · 3 months
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Seeing the esteemed Duke of Meropide eyes a pair of decorations curiously is an amusing experience, turns out. Even when your relationship with him is pretty much an unsaid ‘almost lover’ situation.
“So,” leaning against his working desk, you try not to smile too wide, “do you like them?”
Wriothesley continues to stare and blink at the black and white dog miniatures—intended to be placed on flat surfaces, however, your creativity is your limit, or so the craftsmen of Liyue said. Straightening his sitting posture, he then leans towards the objects that sit on his desk. “…this feels like a series,” he finally says after a long while, taking one of the two dogs. He once again takes in the merry dog figurine in his hand. Slightly bigger than his thumb, carrying a ball with a tail that is depicted to be in the middle of a swishing motion.
“It is. There are actually another eight dogs,” and also another twenty cats that are a story or, perhaps, a gift for another time, “but I don’t know if you will like it… or do you even have the space to keep all ten, so I just buy you two this time.”
“Hey, hey, since when do I seem like the sort of person who is unappreciative of something people give me?” Wriothesley put down the dog, only to take another one up. In between that, a smile and a glance are addressed to you humorously, yet as softly as always. “And also…”
You realize he purposefully trails off. “And also?”
With how entertained he is at the handcrafted woods, you think he will praise the craftsmanship. Or perhaps, it is time to recall that musing of his about wanting to keep a pet and how these two will be a perfect replacement. Or maybe, he will make another unpredictable joke one would never thought would come out from his mouth.
Yet, instead of all of that, Wriothesley merely reaches out a hand to take yours while his other hand and focus remain on your present. His tone is far from anything—as if he is simply stating a fact. Despite all that, the squeeze he gives as he intertwines his fingers with yours says enough.
“This is from you,” he states, finally shifting his attention to fully land on you. “There is no way I would dislike it.”
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paimonial-rage · 2 months
symbiosis - ayato
[random writing event] | requested by @andromeda-nova-writing
“My lord,” you began, “With all due respect, this is exactly why the new interns never last long.”
Ayato hummed in thought as he made his way down the halls of Tenshukaku. Upon his face was his usual smiling expression, a mask he learned early on in his career as Yashiro Commissioner. And there you were a few steps behind him as was proper for retainers.
“Is that so?” He replied with mock curiosity. “I can’t say I saw anything wrong with how the meeting went. Such is normal for the course of the commission, after all.”
He didn’t have to turn around to know you were shaking your head in exasperation.
“With all due respect, supporting you through seven financial meetings, four meetings with the branch families, thirteen inspections, and eight financial reports due by the end of the week would make even a competent worker cry.”
He nodded with a hand against his chin in thought.
“Yes, not even I expected they would break out into tears.”
“Excuse my forwardness, but any normal person would have learned to expect it by now. Perhaps it would be prudent to schedule a visit with the doctor to check your memory, my lord.”
He chuckled.
“The way you find such things to say is fascinating. Perhaps I should assign more work to devote more of your creative mind to.”
There was silence for a few seconds.
“My apologies, my lord. Unfortunately, my schedule is completely full. Perhaps another time.”
As he continued to his next engagement, Ayato couldn’t help but find it amusing the back and forth you both often had. You were a spy, after all, and not one of his. That being said, you were not anyone else’s either, much less one of his enemies’. You infiltrated the Yashiro Commission and worked your way up to his side based purely on personal motives.
Though it was well known he placed loyalty and trust above all else, you were a bit of a special case. A bit of research into you revealed you were from a fallen family subordinate to the Hiiragi clan. Through corruption and intimidation, your father was framed for bribery and theft and was thus executed by the Shogun herself. It would make sense that you, as the only child of the family, wanted revenge.
Thus, it was a smart move on your part to align yourself with the Yashiro Commission. As Ayato had connections and leads from all over Inazuma, as long as you remained by his side, you gained access to all the information you could ever need. As to why he didn’t expel you the moment he learned of your difference in loyalty? Your enemies were the same as his, but ones he couldn’t touch. It served him just as well that you would get rid of them.
Besides, he had to admit your company was much appreciated. You performed your duties effectively and efficiently without room for complaint. And though you had a tongue on you, it gave a reprieve from all the false smiles and niceties he had to endure on a daily basis. Dare he say it, he enjoyed being around you. It made him wonder…
“And once that time comes that you’re finally free, what will you do then?”
Would you leave, finally able to live your life for yourself?
He didn’t have to wait long for your response.
“I’ll devote my everything to you, my lord.”
He couldn’t stop the smile that came to his lips.
“Then I shall hold you to it.”
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"Are you laughing at me?" "Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?" - Wriothesley Request from @isekyaaa
When Clorinde said she knew someone who could teach Y/N the basics of a different hand-to-hand combat style she wasn’t expecting that Wriothesley would be the one to teach her. One would think it would be easy to take the guy seriously but all the stories from Clorinde and that his back was absolutely covered in stickers made it so hard. It would have been easier if she said she would just show up to the fortress for her lesson rather than agreeing with him to take advantage of the nice weather out at the beach. With his coat on, the stickers were at least out of sight.
“You know I never got the reason why you agreed to this.”
“Clorinde didn’t tell you?” He was focused on wrapping his hands.
“Nah. Just said she knew a guy.” Her head tilted to the side. “Is there something I should know? Heard from her that you both like betting. You lost?”
He sighed. “Yeah, but this is better than me winning and my shelves filling up with more law books.”
Y/N laughed. “So you’re the reason I end up swinging by the bookstore to pick up a law book for her every now and then.”
Wriothesley rolled his eyes with a smile. “Seems so. You ready over there.”
“Been. You were the late one.”
“Work’s a bit far from here to be fair.”
“I thought I was gonna have to tell Clorinde you were a no-show. I’d be back on the hunt for an instructor. Probably could find someone better if I spent more time looking.” She teased.
“You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“Don’t tell me I’m too much for you to handle.”
He looked away biting his lip, he pushed his bangs back before letting them fall in front of his face. “Let’s just get this started.”
It didn't take long for Y/N to begin understanding the basics. The only issue was that she kept falling back into the stance of her normal fighting style. It was definitely something she’d have to work on to fix but at the same time being able change styles mid fight could be an advantage. 
After some time of just focusing making sure she was picking things up correctly. It didn’t hurt to test some things out in a small scrimmage. It would just be a few blows back and forth with no real weight behind them. 
Y/N had thrown a punch Wriothesley's way. She focused on pushing him further back towards the water. It was her best bet with that they were in two different weight classes. It wasn’t hard for him to dodge. But in doing so he tripped backwards trying to avoid stepping on a crab and fell into the waves that crashed against the shore.
She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Yes, he had been a more than perfect teacher the entire time. But with the knowledge he was helping cause of a lost bet, the stickers that covered his back and that he was soaked beyond belief she let go of everything that kept her from laughing at the man.
He looked up at the woman who was now towering above him as the waves gently splashed at him leaving no part of his clothes dry. “Are you laughing at me?” He wasn’t mad but he for sure knew he had to look a bit stupid.
“Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?” She teased. It wasn’t like he could do anything about it.
He sighed. “You’re right nothing I can do. Help a guy up?”
Y/N wiped a tear that formed from her laughter before holding a hand out to him to pull him back up standing. Wriothesley took her hand pulling himself up just slightly before pulling her down into the water with him.
“Ugggh, You asshole!” She laid in the water beside Him.
“It's what you get.” He let go of her hand before splashing her lightly.
“It’s not like I was the one who pushed you in.”
“You were laughing enough where you might as well have.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe Clorinde set me up to learn from a man who doesn’t know how to even treat a lady.”
“I don’t know if our activities here would even have you being considered lady like.”
“I think it’s very lady like knowing how to defend yourself. After all you never know when a big oaf is going to pull you into the ocean.”
“You say that like you haven’t been having a good time.”
She turned her head away to hide the smile that was creeping onto her face. “Let’s just go dry off already.”
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hypostatic-oath · 8 months
Hiii! Welcome back!!! After reading your recent post, i had a thought about what if the isekai'd Overseer was founded wandering around Fontaine when the Traveler had yet to reach said nation. Do Focalors still trying to arrest and judge the Overseer, or do they belong to the category of the divine that she knows not to make an enemy of?
Hiii! Thank you so much, for the welcome and for the ask :D
Oh, I like this one. I'n usually afraid of writing characters before I have read all their lore (not me struggling with the locked voicelines for Neuvillette oof), but I think that Furina has provided the answer already - she is very much ready to put the Overseer on trial, and to make a big show out of it too. Why? Because of what happens with the Traveler, of course!
When the Traveler arrives in Fontaine, they are already known far and wide - Furina herself recognizes them and comes to "greet" them personally, albeit in her own way. I'd say that SAGAU Furina definitely knows that the Traveller is the First Vessel. There is no way she doesn't, either by means of being an Archon, or simply by word of mouth or the Steambird, in the same way she'd heard other things about the Traveler.
And what does she do as soon as we step foot in Fontaine?
Yep. An isekai'd Overseer would very much need to get their Phoenix Wright impersonation ready. I do believe she doesn't have ill intent, or that she actually wants to sentence the Overseer - it's more of a mixture of "hey, look at me!" and "I'm acknowledging your importance by coming here personally and making a fuss". One should feel honored, really. Furina likes entertainment, and I do believe that her theatrical worldview and the outlook of a lot of Overseers out there (guilty as charged) are rather similar - for us as players, the world of Teyvat really is a stage where a story plays out - better yet, it's a story wherein we can control the main character to make the story go further and interact with the characters! Of course, the difference lies in the fact that for an Overseer, the world of Teyvat really is just a game... while for Furina it's still her reality, no matter how many theatrical elements she adds to it.
As for whether she'd recognize the Overseer as a divine being she shouldn't make an enemy of... depends entirely on the way the Overseer interacts with her. We've seen her mask slip when the Traveler accepts her challenge ("Fighting gods? I've got a resume"). We've seen her take a step back in other occasions, too. But it all depends on whether the Overseer chooses to indulge her. The more drama-loving you are, the more you indulge in the theatrics, the further she'll go! After all, she's just found a kindred spirit. She's very excited if you play along! But if you're a no-nonsense Overseer with no time for her antics... she might just call in Neuvillette to accompany her the next time she needs to speak with you. Or she'll avoid the meeting altogether - forgive her, she's nervous.
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abyssruler · 2 years
cyno x gn!reader
There are three unspoken rules every scholar in the Akademiya must know regarding Lord Cyno.
Firstly, no matter how bad it is, always laugh at his jokes. Do not, under any circumstances, ask him to explain the joke. Everyone will be forced to listen to an hour long analysis on what the joke is, why it’s funny, and how the sentences leading to the punchline were timed just right that it would—should—leave everyone in hysterics and gasping for breath.
Second, playing the trading card game with him will lead to varying results, usually ones that end up with the other party crying as they leave the table without their pride and dignity. Approach with caution when he has those cards in his hands.
And last, but the most important rule of all, never—and they mean never—speak of your name in a bad light. Anyone who does so can and will be found no matter the place and ears listening, and they will be forced to endure a twelve hour long lecture about the positive traits you possess and how amazing you are in general. It may seem innocuous, but throughout the entire lecture, Lord Cyno will be staring through the poor unfortunate soul and daring them to dispute his claims.
Should anyone be foolish enough as to openly mock you in front of him, they will be met with a polearm to the face and a lifetime’s worth of punishments in the form of only being allotted one hour to do every paper they will ever be assigned to make for the rest of their time as a scholar. If, under any circumstances, the scholar is unable to keep up with their deadlines, they will be kicked out of the Akademiya and labeled as a failure in society.
That one is, in fact, one of the lesser punishments Lord Cyno has met out when it comes to people insulting you with regards to your… less than average intelligence and social awareness. The harsher punishments are not for the faint of heart, and so most senior scholars resolve not to tell the new students what transpires when someone bullies you or—Archons forbid—makes you cry.
There’s a saying in the Akademiya: the fastest way to the Abyss is to make tears appear in your eyes.
It’s no exaggeration to say that the last person who did so was last seen without any light in their eyes. This is not to say that they died, no. They were, according to Lord Cyno’s words, justly and rightly punished for their transgressions against you. Perhaps he went a bit too far, but who are mere scholars to question the judgment of the General Mahamatra?
However cautious they have to be around you, there is one important thing you bring to the table: the secret fourth rule that’s more of an of advice than anything. A secret that’s passed through word of mouth, given to only those they deem worthy.
The easiest way to getting to Lord Cyno’s good graces—and, consequently, an easy path to graduating the Akademiya—is to make you laugh. An easy feat at first glance, but considering your strange humor (as proven by how you’re the only one who genuinely laughs at Cyno’s jokes), it takes a great many nights and brainstorming sessions to find the perfect joke.
But making you laugh poses its own risks. It is common fact among those in-the-know that making you laugh too hard would be a one way trip to marking them as enemy number one in the General Mahamatra’s eyes. He would see it as a challenge in usurping his place as number one funniest person in your eyes.
As of now, there is no clear way to ensure this doesn’t happen, which is why the last rule is a risk taken by only the bravest of souls.
Those are all the unspoken rules the Akademiya has that concerns Lord Cyno. This is now the end of this brief lesson. For more queries, go to Port Ormos and find an alumni named Kaveh. Best of luck.
Who in the abyss wrote my name in this stupid note? Damn scholars are name dropping every famous person they know. Be glad I’m sending this to you, Cyno, you owe me forty thousand mora and free lunch. Alhaitham locked up his pantry >:(
(Collei finds the note stashed in Cyno’s knapsack during their journey from Mondstadt to Sumeru. She resolves to never mess with whoever you are after reading its contents, sweating buckets after learning how terrifying her traveling companion truly is.)
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softsinnamonart · 1 month
kavetham mermaid au part 15
we’re hitting the end game folks, buckle up now. will kaveh survive being escorted out of the restaurant? find out next time :3
read left -> right
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almond-t0fu · 11 months
Am I the only one who randomly gets the urge to read something but then get sad because that 'something' is not written/made yet?
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lovesickeros · 1 year
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☆ puppy love
{☆} characters zhongli {☆} notes cult au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings none {☆} word count 0.4k
He considers himself well collected - calm, even in the most perilous of dangers.
He could not, however, predict you guiding his head to your lap and running your hands through his hair. Every little praise beneath your breath, commenting on just how fluffy and soft his hair was, made him weak.
He was..not sure how to feel about it. Elated? Excited?
Perhaps this was simply a custom of yours? Which only made it all the more complicated. Was he meant to react in some way? You did not instruct him, beyond telling him to lay his head upon your lap and asking for permission to brush his hair.
"You're so pretty, Zhongli."
Ah. He felt his body tense - in surprise, he assumed. He..could not deny that it felt nice to be complimented like that, even if it did surprise him. And if it pleased you, then surely there would be no harm in allowing it? It took some amount of effort, but he relaxed his muscles, slumping against your lap, "Zhongli?"
He blinks. Once. Twice. Before hesitantly lifting his head, "Are you okay? You didn't pass out there, right?" His voice failed him them, throat suddenly dry. The concern on your face was..new. He did not have time to process why it felt nice to be worried over, before his cheeks are smushed between your hands.
"You're not sick, are you?"
"..No, Divine One."
He coughs into his hand, offering a small smile in hopes of easing your worry, but it only seems to make it worse. You scrutinize him, and suddenly he feels very small, despite being nearly double your height when he is not laying at your feet.
"I assure you, Divine One, I'm fine-"
"You better not be lying to me, Zhongli, or I'll.."
You puff out your cheeks, almost pouting as you lean down and burst out in sudden laughter. It, admittedly, makes him jump, but the sound of your genuine laughter..makes him unbearably soft.
"Hm..I'll tell Hu Tao about that time you got your horns stuck in the tree when you tried to climb it to get me some fruit."
He coughs, desperately hoping his embarrassment doesn't show on his face, "I assure you, Most Divine, that I would not lie to you. Ah..but, if you would, please do not tell the Director about that incident."
"Only if you let me pet your tail. Pretty please?"
He really was weak for you if your exaggerated puppy dog eyes made him weak in the knees, relenting and slinking the tail over your lap - it was worth it, at least, to see your eyes light up as you combed through the fur, brushing your fingers delicately across the scales.
He desperately hoped you would ignore the low rumbling purr in favor of focusing on his tail. He did not need further ammunition for the Director.
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minty-fanfic-corner · 2 years
"I can't do this anymore" (short fics)
Not me writing another hurt-comfort because I’m feeling down lol
 Anywaaaaay, sorry for my absence. I’m hella busy even during summer… I just moved out and I’m still trying to get a job. Things should get better soon ^^''
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Thoma, Kaeya & Ayato
Warning: Hurt-comfort, angst
A/N: Short headcanons and not proof-read cuz I’m lazy
“I can’t do this anymore…”
 The maids were actually worried about your state. They had seen you getting worse and worse lately, and today you finally broke down. One of them ran to Diluc’s office to tell him what was happening. As soon as he was aware of the situation, he sprang out of his chair and was in your shared bedroom within a few seconds. His heart ached as he saw your sobbing form on the bed. You felt the mattress shifting under his weight when he sat next to you. You quietly and quickly made your way in his strong arms and strong embrace. He stroked your hair in a way that made you feel safe, for the first time in forever.
“You’re okay my love, I promise. You’ll get better and I’ll help you, no matter what.”
“Come on Y/N, we’re almost done with today’s training! Just push yourself a little mo-“
“I can’t Childe! I can’t do this anymore...!” you told him as you fell on your knees. A loud sob left your lips as you started shaking. You kept working with Childe to meet his standards so he wouldn’t leave you. But your façade was breaking ever so slightly every day. And today was the final crack. You were in constant pain, both physically and mentally. The training was painful, you were covered in cuts and bruises. But you didn’t want to give up, because if you did, he’d leave you… Right?
“I’m sorry Y/N…” Childe said as he carefully helped you stand again. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry my love. Let’s go home and rest, shall we? Don’t worry about it anymore.”
The first day you stayed in your room, you told Thoma that you were feeling sick and didn’t want to make him sick too. He understood and left you rest for the day. But now, it’s been three days, and you had barely left your room in these three days, let alone eat. So today, Thoma made his way to your room, a warm plate with your favourite foods in his hands.
“Y/N!” he called out, knocking at your door. “I’ve got you some food.”
No answers. He waited a few seconds to knock again, to no avail. He felt worry growing in his guts.
“Y/N, I’m going to open the door, okay...?”
And so he did, and he saw you, laying in bed. Thoma grew even more worried at how pale your skin was. Before you knew it, he was by your side, checking your temperature; you were indeed sick.
“Archons Y/N! Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling that way…!”
“Because I can’t take being a burden anymore…” you answered in a weak voice.
Thoma’s heart broke at your answer. You really thought that you were a burden?
“Y/N, my love… You’re not a burden! I care for you, and I’ve decided to be with you no matter what. Now let me help you, I can’t leave you alone with such a fever.”
Kaeya sighed as he closed the house’s door behind him. He saw the light flickering in the bedroom, and he knew that you were still awake. He knew that you were about to ask him a few questions. As a matter of fact, when he got in bed, you asked him:
“You were in the tavern again, weren’t you?”
“Yes… Why are you asking if you knew already?”
“Because you said we’d spend the evening together…” you answered. Kaeya froze at your words. His heart ached at the way your voice cracked. “I-I know you’re busy with work and I don’t blame you but… I miss you. And I don’t know if I can’t keep doing this anymore… It hurts to be alone, you know?”
At this point, your voice was barely a whisper and tears were falling freely from your eyes. Guilt was weighting in Kaeya’s stomach. You were hurt, and he was causing all of this. He passed an arm around your shoulders and pull you closer to him. With his free hand, he wiped your tears.
“Oh honey… I’m so sorry. I know that apologizing won’t fix it all, but I am truly sorry. Let’s do everything you want tomorrow, okay?”
 Ayaka was the one who told him. She told him that you weren’t feeling well today. Ayato simply nodded when she mentioned it. He noticed that you weren’t your usual self lately and Ayaka just confirmed his suspicions. But when he asked you what was wrong, you acted as if you didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Y/N, both Ayaka and I noticed that you’ve changed… Did something happen?”
Your small smile fell at his words. So it was that obvious, huh? It was that obvious that you missed your home country that much?  
“I… I’m sorry Ayato… It’s just that I missed Liyue and-“ your voice cracked at this point and tears started to stream down your face. “I feel so trapped in Inazuma… I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”
He carefully wrapped his arms around your sobbing form, kissing your head lightly.
“Y/N, I know it’s hard… I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. But I promise that the vision hunt decree will end. And we’ll go to Liyue together, I promise.”
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OH MYGOD NOT TO BE HUMBLE BUT I AM A GENIUS self indulgent modern au idea
NO NO NO HEAR ME OUT!! Fanfic writer! S/o.
S/o who writes fanfic for stress relief and childe who unknowingly is their biggest fan on their blog
S/o who recognises That One Username that keeps reappearing on their notes and childe who can't help but like every single post (bc, idk maybe s/o writes for a niche that scratches an itch just right)
S/o who literally lights up for every single comment That One User leaves and childe who actually sits down on his desk and writes half an essay about their fics
S/o who goes "huh why not" and childe who wakes up to the jumpscare of being mutuals and literally falls off his bed ("oh my god am i the chosen one")
S/o who smiles happily at childe's antics and childe who goes out of his way to be extra sweet cause he's super happy
S/o and childe, who accidentally discover the truth while doing the "swap phones for a day" couple challenge
S/o and childe, who are literally all over eachother the moment they realise
(Bonus idea: Childe excitedly reading the fics to Legacy while he trills happily in the back of his mind help)
this is the most wholesome thing i've ever read and i aspire to be as sweet as Childe forever
it's actually a bit of a shock than neither of you knew, with how much time you spend together- in fact, some of your stories were written when you were sprawled across Childe's legs on the couch, both of you sitting in silent company. you secretly, unknowingly, bring such joy to each other, Childe smiling happily whenever he reads what your account creates and you feeling your tension ease whenever that same commenter leaves you a kind message. Foul Legacy LOVES the tales you weave, scratching at the back of Childe's head until he reads whatever you recently posted- sometimes he'd curl up in bed, a monster in a terrifyingly strange world, reading until he couldn't keep his eye open anymore. you'd find him in the morning, nestled in layers of blankets with Childe's phone nearby, and when you pat him on the head you're greeted by a warm, lethargic purr
to find out that you've been communicating online all this time, making each other happy through bad days and clouds and rain- Childe's eyes sparkle like stars
he runs to you only a few minutes after you swap phones, the screen of yours lit up with your account as he holds it out to you gleefully. you swallow, a tad embarrassed- is he going to tease you? you had decided to trust him enough to not make fun of you, if he discovered your account- but Childe just shakes his head, swiping on his phone cradled in your hands to his own profile- the very commenter that always brought a smile to your face without fail. you blink, staring at him in shock, and Childe's deep blue eyes shine happily as he peppers your face in little kisses. it's as far as he gets before there's a crackle in the air and you're scooped into Legacy's arms, the monster chittering and purring against your hair, whisking you away for some meltingly warm, impromptu cuddles. it seems you and Childe are fantastic at making each other happy, even when it's unintended
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"you told me not to worry. You told me you were fine" - Kaeya request from @isekyaaa
“You told me not to worry. You told me you were fine.” Kaeya wiped the blood off her forehead as she sat up in the medical bed.
“To be fair I’m just here as a formality.” She spoke as she waved his hand away.
“Explain the blood.”
“Not my own.”
“You do understand how that’s more concerning.”
“Not a person’s.” She tried to move her legs off the bed only to be stopped by Kaeya placing a hand on her leg. “I said I was fine.”
“You have a sprained ankle. That’s not fine.”
“See nothing to worry about. Can I go now, Captain?”
He sighed. “And you called me irresponsible? Now you’re staying here as an order.”
“Real Mature.” She crossed her arms. “You do understand Jean is in charge of me, not you.”
“And we both know she’ll agree with me.”
She rolled her eyes before finally leaning back against the hard pillow. “You aren’t gonna let me win today are you?”
“You lost the moment I was told you sprained your ankle. You really enjoy downplaying your injuries.” His voice had lost the fight from before going back to being filled with concern. “I do wish you would take care of yourself more.”
“I could say the same for you.” She turned her head away. “I’ll be good and stay here till they clear me.”
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edgeray · 2 months
send up my heart to you." - My Love Mine All Mine, Mitski
Arlecchino x Clervie Blurb
moon, a hole of light 
"Moon?" Peruere asked as she sat on the window sill beside the red-haired girl, the two of them observing the twilight night sky, stars beaming down on them and greeting them with a luminescent sight. Clervie nodded, her smile more radiant than any constellation that night. 
through the big top tent up high 
“If you say I'm the sun, then you have to be the moon, right?” 
here before and after me
She observed the moon, squinting her red-crossed eyes a bit at the round, white floating orb. It looked beautiful. Could she really compare? 
shinin’ down on me 
The shorter of the two leaned her body onto the other, their shoulders connecting to one another as Clervie laid her head on the white-haired girl's shoulder; hand-in-hand were a cursed, charcoal hand with a smaller, softer one, and yet they fitted perfectly with one another. 
moon, tell me if I could 
“Pureure. One day, I'm going to take you to see the Snezhnayan lights. And then, after that, the rest of Teyvat,” she whispered, intimate enough only for only the two of them to hear and no other. Emerald eyes gleamed towards the other girl. 
send up my heart to you? 
Pureure remained silent for a few moments, before shifting her body to lay her head on top of Clervie's. “Do you promise?” 
so, when I die, which I must do
could it shine down here with you?
Pureure stood, immobile and unwilling, as Clervie embraced her, resting her chin on top of her shoulder like she had done so many times before, except her hold isn't as tight–it's slipping, and Pureure wished that she could have held her tighter then. 
‘cause my love is mine, all mine
“You will be… a great king…”
I love mine, mine, mine
“I'm sorry… thank you…”
Nothing in the world belongs to me
Clervie fell, and so did Peruere's world. Her sun was gone, and without it, how else can a moon continue to shine? 
But my love mine, all mine, all mine,
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chandeliermichel · 1 year
╰┈➤  𝓢𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓮
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Pairing; Cyno x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings; Fluff fluff fluff!!
Prompt; “Realizing the shirt smells like their lover and sniffing it before the scent fades away.”
Love was wherever the lover was. Love was in the air, really. It wasn’t an object, it was a feeling so strong and so mysterious that people often couldn’t understand it. Very simple yet more complicated than all of the sciences combined together. 
Just what was it?
But Cyno knew, he knew the answer with his entire being. Love was what he felt for you, his dear lover. It was the strange sensation that entered his body - his soul - whenever you were near. The strange beating of his heart, so different from usual, the way Cyno felt so happy whenever you would appreciate his jokes, the way you would lace your fingers with his and smile...so radiant, so beautiful.
The soft whispers of adoration against the lips of the other, gazing in the other’s eyes with unhidden love, respect, and promises. Sitting on the sand under the starry nights and telling each other folktales, mysteries and facts about the constellations that twinkled above, and smiling because you were both so smitten. So madly in love with the other.
There he stood, a hand on his heart as Cyno smiled to himself. His nose caught a whiff of a very familiar scent, one that would calm him down in an instant. He brought the shirt to his nose, smiling once again, it was your scent.
Maybe...just maybe he should cuddle with you a little more if it means that his shirt would smell like you. Tighnari could call him a fool or an idiot for being so lovesick, but with you, nothing else mattered. In his eyes, it was you and only you.
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paimonial-rage · 2 months
type - heizou [random writing event] | requested by @ebi-samaaa
Shikanoin Heizou really wasn’t your type. Sure he was handsome, and yes, his voice was rather nice to listen to. His flirtatious nature was definitely attractive. If only his face wasn’t so childish looking. And if only he weren’t just a little bit taller. Really, it really was a shame. If it were not for those things, he would have stolen your heart right off the shelves.
And really, it truly was such a shame, for the man was desperately in love with you. Completely head over heels one could say. No matter how many times you tried to shake him off, he chased after you relentlessly. He wanted you with such a passion that you often had to stop your heart from skipping a beat whenever your thoughts inevitably lead toward him.
As you walked down the long hallways of Tenshukaku, you wondered if you’d see him this evening. It was the night of the full moon, after all. Wouldn’t it be such a romantic backdrop to highlight the excitement of the event you were soon to partake? He surely wouldn’t leave you hanging, would he? You did send him an invitation, after all.
So as you stepped into the central room, you couldn’t mask the smile that curled the corners of your lips. It was empty, not that you were very surprised. If you planned it right, the Tenryou Commission and its soldiers were currently occupying the Hiiragi complex on high alert. All that work only for their honored guest of the evening to be a no show. How sad, but it really wasn’t your fault they didn’t know how to read a calling card.
With a soft chuckle, you gazed fondly at the pedestal at the center of the room. There, sitting upon plush velvet, was your target for the evening—a slightly faded black pearl inlaid in a silver ring. It didn’t take you long to pluck it up from its stand to slide over your finger. And, oh, how the luster shined in the moonlight. But as much as you wished to lose yourself in its beauty, duty came calling.
“My my, Detective,” you crooned sweetly, “We really must stop meeting like this.”
A laugh came from behind.
“I gotta hand it to you. When you said you’d be targeting the Evening Moon’s Jewel on a night like this, not even I thought you’d come for the New Moon.”
You spun and leaned against the pedestal with a careless huff.
“Oh come now, Detective,” you cried with a mocking pout. “It shouldn’t have taken you very long to notice the Hiiragi’s Full Moon pearl is nothing better than an elaborate fake. You should be thanking me for giving you a little excitement on such a boring evening.”
He smiled as he took a step forward, his stance purposely relaxed.
“Thank you for breaking the law? We’ve known each other for so long. I must say I’m hurt.”
You grinned cheekily.
“Oh, don’t say that. I was only joking. I was looking ever so forward to meeting you this evening. I really don’t get to see you as often as I would like, you know, so let’s make the most of it, hm?”
And with that anemo powered punch he threw at you soon after, you really hoped he wouldn’t be smart enough to check out the hospital the day after.
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Okay you guys I want to be a brat to Cyno so bad. Him while he was helping question those three guys during the archon quest? Please tell me how i only have two more strikes until I die by your hand like,
“That’s one.”
“One? One what?”
“One strike. Two more and you’re going to be very sorry.”
“Counting down? Really? I’m not a child.”
“That’s two.”
“Okay you don’t need to count down it’s not like I was that bad.”
“And that’s three.”
With a sigh Cyno stood up and started walking towards you. You began to back away until the backs of your knees hit the bed causing you to stumble backwards. He stopped when he reached the bed, staring down at you, his annoyance clear on his face.
“I’m uh, I’m sorry sir.”
Before you were entirely sure of what had happened, you were laying face down on Cyno’s lap with your skirt flipped up while he rested a hand on your thighs.
“I’ll show you just how sorry you should be.”
His threat caused a shiver to run through you before you felt a hard smack come down on your ass forcing a little scream from your throat.
This was going to be a long night. <3
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