#Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
membracid · 4 years
2018 Annual Report
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For the last 6 years I’ve been writing a personal annual report. It’s a useful way to evaluate what I did, and a lot of times a year that feels like a failure looks better when I take a longer view.
This will also include some 2017 stuff, since I completely skipped even trying to write a report last year. If you look at these reports over time, you’ll see a pattern: my health has steadily declined since I started working at Purdue. 
I really love what I do there (see adorable photo above), but it’s not much of a surprise that it’s a physically demanding job with a lot of stress associated with it. And as I’ve devoted more and more of my life to this job -- so that I have health insurance, which is REALLY important as you will see below -- the rest of my life has shrunk.
My first year running Bug Bowl in 2015, I had what I thought was a stroke. I’m in charge of a massive outreach event for >30K people, and I’m a part-time employee. Seems reasonable that I might over do it.
I stopped writing for WIRED in 2016, because I didn’t have the time or energy to keep it up. In late April (right after Bug Bowl) I discovered lesions on my spinal cord were the reason I was having trouble walking.
 I turned down most speaking invites in 2017, because I didn’t have the time or energy to travel. I’m pretty sure I had more health things going on, but because I was still paying off my 2016 health bills, I didn’t go to the doctor.  I did still do three awesome things:
I attended SciFoo in August at Google Headquarters
I was a visiting scientist at DragonCon in September
I got to hang out with Mary Roach for a day in December.
I think the big thing I realized in 2017 is that I don’t have do do everything myself. Other people can go hang out at Google or take over my work at Sci Fi Cons. Bug outreach will be more sustainable long term, if more people are doing it.
So 2018. Well.
This year I decided to try to run a crowdfunding campaign for Bug Bowl, since a lot of our equipment was over 20 years old.  The video helps show the scale of Bug Bowl:
Success! Thanks to my many online friends, and community members, we did fund repairs. (you can still make a tax deductible contribution here). THANK YOU!
In 2018, in addition to the successful crowdfunding, I also:
Had a paper accepted to Annals of the Entomological Society of America, and I’m co-author on another that’s been submitted to American Entomologist. 
Did a super fun training for librarians about how science news gets made and covered 
Collaborated with Indiana Humanities on a bee project
Survived 4,800 girl scouts
Had someone in a position of authority at Purdue text me a penis photo
Did a bunch of media interviews, including this one which is about native bees, I SWEAR
My advice to anyone considering a crowdfunding campaign is: don’t. It’s a huge amount of effort. And I was an idiot to take it on during the busiest part of my year. Which is probably why this year’s crop of central nervous system lesions were in my brain, and I finally got my official diagnosis: MS.
I’ve suspected it for quite a while, but it’s only this year I’ve started talking about it. And seriously, folks. Please. Please don’t make your first response to someone telling you they have MS be “Oh, my [aunt/mother-in-law/nephew] had that and they died.”
This is not a fatal disease. It is a pain-in-the-ass disease, and yeah it will get worse over time. I’m gonna die, but so are you. We all will die. “Multiple sclerosis is seldom fatal and life expectancy is shortened by only a few months.”
If you look back at everything I’ve accomplished in the last 15 years: I did that with untreated MS. It’s a pretty decent list of accomplishments for anyone. 
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aroundfortwayne · 3 years
Free Girl Scout Cookies at select COVID-19 vaccination clinics
New Post has been published on https://aroundfortwayne.com/news/2021/05/10/free-girl-scout-cookies-at-select-covid-19-vaccination-clinics/
Free Girl Scout Cookies at select COVID-19 vaccination clinics
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Indiana State Department of Health announcing free Girl Scout Cookies to participants at select COVID-19 vaccination clinics around the state.
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focusonthegoodnews · 3 years
Westfield Sisters Bring Joy To Whitestone Nursing Home Residents
Westfield Sisters Bring Joy To Whitestone Nursing Home Residents
Good News Notes: “During the COVID-19 pandemic, two Westfield sisters have volunteered at The Restoracy of Whitestown to brighten the spirits of residents in the assisted living facility. Nisha Roy, 14, and Rayna Roy, 12, are Cadette Girl Scouts with JoSheWe Troop 0065 of Central Indiana and have been Scouts since kindergarten. During a 2020 troop meeting, the girls were told they needed to…
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adamsvanrhijn · 4 years
Honestly still sad that other girl scout councils don’t all have cool names.... like the one here is girl scouts of central indiana
at home as a kid i was in girl scouts of silver sage which is infinitely cooler
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mesmerizingmegan · 6 years
Memoirs of Lola
Written on April 15, 1998, by my grandmother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and passed away in August 2014. She was born on May 19, 1926, in Springfield, Tenn., to George and Lennie Miller. She has lived in Alexandria most of her lifetime. She and her late husband Orville Wright farmed east of Alexandria for several years. She was a member of the Omega Nu Tau Sorority formerly in Alexandria. She was a longtime and active member of the Alexandria First United Methodist Church where was a member of the robed choir. Lola had been a member of the Girls Scouts of America since the age of 10 all the way through senior scouts. Lola researched her family history to discover that she had an ancestor, Thomas Farmer, who was a Revolutionary War soldier, which enabled her to become a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was privileged to discover Thomas Farmer’s headstone near family burial plots in Tennessee. Lola had also worked as a columnist for the Alexandria Times-Tribune.
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A large two-story home on Monroe Street in Alexandria, Indiana when I was five years old; this is one of my earliest memories. Nothing of consequence before that. We had been given a Spitz dog which we named Fluffy and we loved her, all seven of us children, with Mom and Dad. 
We had a hill going down, just steps from our back door, and we used to ride our ‘push-mobiles’ -- homemade vehicles invented by my brothers that were powered using a broom handle to push -- and coasting down that long, long hill.
The world was far away, but a home-built radio, by brother George, told occasionally of things like the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh’s baby, the catching of Bruno Hauptmann, the abdication of King Edward of England so he could marry a divorcee, Wallis Simpson Warfield, the Hindenburg disaster, and about the president of the United States, President Franklin Roosevelt.
The home on Monroe Street was the first home to be bought in Alexandria and we all helped, even in very small ways, to pay the $11.00 per month payments to a Mr. Couch. There were three other rentals before this, all in this small, central Indiana town. The move from Tennessee was made by train and interurban in mid-1929.
My most vivid memories were of our busy home life, with Brother and I keeping wood chopped and ready for the heating and cooking stoves. We planted and tended a large garden (in railroad property) down the alley; picking and canning quarts of ‘end o garden’ veggies for the winter. Always helping Mother with quilts which were usually made of castoffs cut into squares and backed with outing flannel. Best of all, we were interested in our school books and assignments, and thankfully, were good students. Our clothes (especially during the Great Depression) were meager, at best, as well as our meals. Out of the seven children, three were high school valedictorians, one salutatorian and others in the top 3% of the class.
Another vivid memory of mine came about on the 4th of July while we were young. The older boys would work for money to buy fireworks and set off many a tin can lightning into the air and bursting into flames. After setting a 1.5-inch firecracker under the edge, they lit the fuse and stood back to see it go smoking into the air and land we knew not where. When home displays came to be considered too dangerous, I felt sorry that youngsters were to be deprived of this great holiday sight. 
I greatly enjoyed playing with a neighbor girl, Helen, and being in Girl Scouts. One year we were actually able to afford one week at G.S. summer camp due to the generosity of a sister, Louise.
One memory of early childhood that was quite pleasing was with the dog, Fluffy. She was pure white, so when she needed a bath it was quite obvious. We were given the okay to bathe her in the bathtub, with her own drying cloths, including a ragged half-sheet; after she was rinsed and set on the linoleum and dried with the white sheet, she was then quite sure she did not want anyone to touch her as she knew she was clean and untouchable (for a half-day or so). It was like she was stuck up.
One thing I learned in a comical way, the brother just older, Pat, and I used to argue quite a lot until Dad tired after one dumb spat and told us we were to kiss each other as punishment; we both declared, “NO WAY!”, and I remember that that was the last dispute of any consequence between us.
A very bad accident happened about 1932 when our Dad was helping to build a scaffolding at Stillwell’s Gravel Pit to a height of 19 feet and fell off, landing on his feet; causing ankle, knee, and hip joint fractures. He was on crutches for many months and was told he would never walk again, but he did. He went back to a cane later in life, in his Golden Years.
The siblings in our Miller family could be described as loyal, caring and close-knit for many years, but rivalry and other disagreements would later arise. No doubt, this happens in the best of families. Pat, third youngest, was an epileptic, and at times, he needed extra attention. Fred had crossed eyes which drew jeers from his peers, causing family concerns, too. He had eye surgery at age 16, funded by brother George. 
I remember my Grandmother and Grandfather Miller in Springfield, Tennessee best. When we visited them they had all this big farmland where we could run and investigate, complete with a creek. Also, when we were there, all the other Miller relatives would come on Sunday afternoon and bring freezers and we would make ice cream with the milk from the cows that Grandpa milked. Grandpa had lost a thumb when a mule, Ol’ Jim, had spooked and ran away with the reins taking Grandpa’s thumb with him. His milking without that thumb was an amazement to me.
Holidays were pretty much routine for us as we never got to go anyplace special. We dressed up a little more than usual to go to church, though. However, I was often asked by the Sullivans, Helen’s parents Dick and Dorothy, to go with them to a wilderness/woods near Wabash, Indiana to Frances’ Slocum birthplace, later to become a State Park, for hiking and picnicking. The wonder of F. Slocum being taken away at a young age by a band of Indians and never returning was a scary thing. I later learned that she was found in her old age by two brothers and she chose to stay with her Indian family. 
- In 1835 Slocum revealed to a visitor that she was a white woman who had been captured at five years old, and two years later, in September 1837, three of Slocum's siblings came to see her. They confirmed that she was their sister, but Slocum chose to stay with her Miami family in Indiana. Slocum fully assimilated into the Native American culture and was accepted as one of its members. -
In 5th grade, I wrote a two-act play that was chosen by classmates to be acted out. It was called, “The Robins’ Busy Day” with Mr. and Mrs. Robin, Reddie, Ruddy, and Ruby. I still have a copy. I also remember flying kites with Pat; repairing and making some new ones using homemade paste made with flour and water. Mom made the best paste.
A special trip that I recall was in 1939. I went with my sister and brother-in-law and my niece to New York and Connecticut. We went to the Worlds’ Fair and on an afternoon cruise on Long Island Sound. We saw the Tryon and Perisphere, symbols of the Fair, and saw them again from the ship. On one of our trips back to the state of our ‘roots’, Tennessee, we had car trouble. Dad had replaced a tube in the right front tire the day before we left and had not gotten the lug nuts back on tight so the wheel tire tube fell off somewhere near Hope, Indiana. At the time, the town name was the only hope we had to drive on ‘til someone came by who had a tire jack and we could get the tire back on and proceed on our trip south, most joining in a chorus of ‘Back Home in Tennessee’.
OH YES, we were a musical family. While living in one of the rentals in east Alexandria, our family combined singing talent into...
 <missing a whole page of memories>
 ...knockers with notched edges, with a tied-on-string to wrap and pull on a door or window at Halloween. Soaping windows or throwing eggs was a no-no back then. I liked to play softball on a corner lot with neighbor kids; also swim at Beulah Park pool. I learned to make fudge about this time and another friend and I would visit for the night and make a batch. We got to making it very good. 
Without reservation I would say, I love my whole family, starting with parents, George and Lennie Ethel Miller, siblings, their families and especially my own children and grandchildren. My second love would be my country, the United States of America.
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noxaurumques · 4 years
<b>Good Morning</b>: Girl Scouts, Kroger team up to end food insecurity
LOGO19 Good Morning.jpg. 0. INDIANAPOLIS — Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and Kroger are joining forces to teach girls about food insecurity in ... from Google Alert - good morning https://ift.tt/3hOQ1tq
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junker-town · 4 years
51 reasons it’s time to stop treating women and girls in football like sideshows
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Girls have been playing football for years. Let’s celebrate that.
Surprise: Girls play football.
As participation by boys continues to slip, the number of girls playing high school football has doubled in the past decade. Specifically, 2,404 of them have hit the gridiron nationally at last count — a tally that is probably less precise than it looks, but still substantial.
There is an interesting story in that, but it’s not the one we keep telling. Even in 2019, girls who play football — thousands of them — are singled out and treated as exceptional with feel-good features centered around words like “first” and “only”. Those words, and the increasingly specific descriptions to which they are attached, are a way to make newsworthy something that just fundamentally isn’t: girls playing football.
We (members of the press) have been telling the same story for literally over 100 years. From 1911:
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From the Santa Ana Register, 1911
From 1935:
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From the Associated Press, 1935
Some of the words have changed, but the tone is more or less the same: “Would you believe it? A girl is playing football!” It’s a tone that looks like a celebration, but upon closer consideration is actually quite patronizing — to think that a girl playing football is newsworthy, you have to operate from the assumption girls don’t or even can’t play football. As these 51 players and their thousands of forebears prove, they do and they can.
What they also show is why telling these stories and spotlighting these players is so seductive. If we keep insisting they’re breaking barriers, we’ll keep getting to feel good about how progressive we are. It is inspiring to hear them speak, to hear them say over and over that girls can do anything boys can do — but a big part of why it still means so much to hear them say that is because we insist on always framing their participation as transgressive. As a result, it stays that way.
Kiaira Smith, freshman; Bristol, Pennsylvania
Smith is a running back, linebacker and kicker for Bristol High School’s varsity football team. “I can catch, I can kick and I’m good at tackling,” she said in an interview with Philadelphia’s WPVI. “I want to be different,” Smith added. “I want to be the first female to get into the NFL.”
Baylee Fry, senior; Richmond, Indiana
The Centerville High School starting kicker, Fry also plays on the varsity soccer team — and placed fifth at the last state wrestling meet. “When I need a crunch kick, I’m not worried about it,” her coach Kyle Padgett told the Richmond Palladium-Item. “Whatever she sets her mind to, she’s good at. I’m just glad she picked football.”
Phoebe Neher, junior; Richmond, Indiana
Neher, a wide receiver and cornerback, is following a family tradition by suiting up: her older sister Sophie was Centerville’s kicker, and is remembered for winning homecoming queen the same night she went 5-for-5 on extra points. According to her coach, Phoebe has become one of the team’s leaders. “She is one of the most driven people I have ever taught or coached,” Padgett said to the Palladium-Item.
Elena Alvarado, freshman; Albany, Louisiana
Alvarado plays offensive and defensive line on the Albany High School varsity team.
Olivia Davis, junior; Springfield, Louisiana
Davis is a kicker for the Springfield High Bulldogs.
Lila Roberts, sophomore; Belchertown, Massachusetts
Roberts is a running back and middle linebacker for the Belchertown High Orioles, and has been playing football for years. As she explained to the Amherst Bulletin, she prefers playing defense because she likes to hit. “She’s one of us, she’s part of the group,” Orioles captain Hunter Klingensmith told WWLP. “If you didn’t know she was a girl off the field, you wouldn’t even know. She’s a phenomenal player and a great athlete.” Not that anyone’s let her forget: “I think it’s ridiculous, but every time the coaches say ‘boys’ they add ‘and girl’ at the end,” Roberts told the station. (Roberts clearly has great taste: she’s a fan of Russell Wilson and the Seahawks, despite living in Patriots territory.)
Kandis Orns, senior; Battle Creek, Michigan
Orns was scouted from the varsity soccer squad to fill Battle Creek Central football’s kicker position (she also plays basketball). “Girls are constantly proving that they can do whatever they put their mind to,” Orns told Fox Sports Detroit. “A girl can lift just as much as a boy, a girl can be on a football team and do just as good as the boys. A girl can do anything a boy can do, and a boy can do anything a girl can do.”
Homecoming Queen Homecoming History pic.twitter.com/9h8jJFnEF7
— Kandis Simone Orns (@kandis_orns) September 28, 2019
Sandra McComb, freshman; Salt Lake City, Utah
“When I play defense, I have been able to sack the quarterback a couple times,” McComb, who plays offensive and defensive line on the Logan High School freshman team, said in an interview with KSL.com. “That’s my favorite thing.”
Issy Pita, junior; Eagle Lake, Florida
Pita is a kicker for the Lake Region High Thunder. This season she’s wearing No. 22 to honor Sophie Delott, who played running back and safety for nearby Seminole High School before she was killed by a suspected drunk driver earlier this year.
Molly Martin, sophomore; Davenport, Florida
Martin made the all-state soccer team as a freshman at Ridge Community High, so when the football team needed to supplement their roster of specialists, the sophomore got the call. She made her first extra point, and nine since.
Liz Heistand, junior; Wrightsville, Pennsylvania
The Eastern York High kicker was pressed into service from the soccer team when football coach Josh Campbell noticed her offseason dedication to the weight room. Even though she’s still playing soccer, she hasn’t missed participating in the football team’s two-a-days. “Campbell said I didn’t have to go to it, but I wanted the team to trust me,” Heistand told the York Daily Record. “I didn’t want them to think, ‘Oh no, she hasn’t put in any work.’ Now, they’ve seen me there so much they know I’m part of the team.”
She missed her first attempt, but made the next two. “It wasn’t an experiment, we knew what she could do,” Campbell said to the York Dispatch. “Like everyone else — there’s 22 guys on the football field, typically, and they all make mistakes.”
Alicia Dickerson, freshman; Powhatan, Virginia
“What do you love about football?” Terrance Dixon, a reporter for CBS affiliate WIFR, asked Dickerson. “I can hit people,” replied the JV offensive guard and defensive lineman, who started playing in Pop Warner before becoming Powhatan High School’s second girl player. “Just follow your dreams,” she added by way of encouragement to other girls. “Just go do it, it’s fun.”
Maggie Shafer, sophomore; Noblesville, Indiana
“Typically the girl on your team is the kicker,” Noblesville coach Justin Roden told WTHR. “On the soccer team, kind of there part time. What’s different about Maggie is she’s here everyday. She wants to be treated just like everybody else.”
Shafer is a wide receiver for the Noblesville High junior varsity team, and started playing in middle school. “Proving people wrong takes a lot of time and effort, but ultimately if I can do it, other people can too,” Shafer told the station. “People started telling me I couldn’t do it, and some family members weren’t very positive towards it. I was just kind of like, ‘You know what? I don’t care what you say, I’m going to beat the odds.’”
Her dream is to play for the University of Florida. “My goal is to make it to college,” she said. “If I could make it to the NFL, that would be amazing. But I mean, you never really know!”
Elizabeth Drelich, senior; Portland, Maine
Drelich was already one of Deering High’s most prolific athletes, playing field hockey, basketball and softball. But football had always intrigued her, so she decided to try it out as a senior. Now, having never played before this year, she’s a linebacker for the JV team with a shot to take snaps on varsity. “It felt good to finally be able to hit because it’s something that’s never allowed in girls’ sports,” Drelich told the Portland Press Herald.
”I hope to hopefully inspire other people the same way I’ve been inspired,” she added. “Not just women or young girls, but anybody who maybe wants to step out of their comfort zone, or society’s comfort zone, and try something new.”
Keelyn Peacock, junior; Stillwater, New York
Peacock made the all-state soccer team last season, which also happened to be her first as the kicker for Stillwater High varsity football. She started kicking as a joke, but her talent was immediately obvious to the coaches. “When she said she wanted to kick, who would turn a winner down like Keelyn Peacock?” Stillwater coach Ian Godfrey told News 10. She has faced some criticism on social media, but Peacock brushes it off. “They’re just wasting their time,” she told the station.
Angel Celaya, senior; Visalia, California
Angel Celaya is 4’11 and 120 pounds — a stature that can be an asset in her wrestling career, for which she’s received scholarship offers. But on the Golden West football team, which she was dared to join by a friend as a freshman, it can be a little more of a liability.
“I play football because all my life, I’ve been told that I can’t do things because of my height and my gender,” Celaya told KSEE24. Other kids’ parents have told her she belongs in the kitchen, or on the cheerleading squad.
“I don’t know why, but [being hit on the field] just makes me happy. It shows that they treat me like everyone else,” Celaya said in another interview with the Sun-Gazette. “If they didn’t respect me then they wouldn’t hit me, they wouldn’t push me as hard as they do, or they wouldn’t tell me stuff trying to help me get better.”
“I’ve worked really hard, done a lot of things, and people always have told me I can’t,” the running back said earlier this season, shortly after scoring her first touchdown on the varsity team. “But I can, and I told them I could. Now I proved to myself, too, that I can.”
Gracie Rodriguez, sophomore; Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Rodriguez is the latest in a long line of girls from Conant High to take their talents from the pitch to the gridiron. Jen Grubb became the team’s kicker in 1996, before going on to play soccer for Notre Dame. Drew Wentzel started in 2011, and the most recent crossover artist, Jess Smeltzer, graduated earlier this year.
Rodriguez saw Smeltzer kick last season, and immediately joined the freshman team. “I had heard of Jess through soccer and when I went to that football game, I thought it was so cool and awesome that Jess was doing the kicking,” she told the Daily Herald. “I wasn’t playing a fall sport, and I was thinking that I really wanted to be a three-sport athlete because I play basketball, too. So I went home and told my dad that I wanted to kick footballs. I thought I could do it, but I watched some videos first and then he and I went out to a park near my house that has goal posts and we started kicking.”
This year, she’s on varsity. “Seeing those videos of Carli Lloyd, I just thought it was so cool, and it makes me want to be as good,” Rodriguez said of seeing the USWNT star’s viral kicks with the Philadelphia Eagles. “For her to get offers to join the NFL, it made me realize that maybe I could do the same thing. It made me realize how far I could go with this if I really worked at it.”
Raeann Clayton, junior; Rolesville, North Carolina
Clayton is the starting kicker for the dominant Rolesville High Rams (they’re 8-1). “If you can help me win a football game, I don’t care if you’re straight, gay, male or female,” Rolesville coach Martin Samek told the local ABC affiliate. “If you can help me win a football game, I want you on my football team.”
“I just think it’s really important that they know they got beat by a girl,” Clayton told the station. “I just love when they’re like, ‘Oh, that’s a girl. I just lost to a team with a girl on it.’”
Kayla Alexander, junior; Pasadena, Maryland
Alexander is yet another soccer convert, whose travel team won’t allow her to simultaneously play for Northeast High. So, she showed up for football tryouts.
“Some people might think I came out more for the media attention, but I didn’t really do that,” Alexander told the Capital Gazette. “I just came to kick and to be part of this team.
“She’s pretty consistent 37 yards and in, so we got a little more bang for our buck than we were expecting,” Northeast coach Brian Baublitz said in an interview with Pressbox Online.
”People think that girls can’t do the same things that guys can do,” Alexander told the site. “... I truly believe that if they have the talent and the will to do it, they can do it.”
Shaela Vogt, freshman; Corryton, Tennessee
Vogt, a right tackle and defensive end for Gibbs High School, is a football lifer — she’s been playing since she was four years old. She spent all summer working out with the team, and by August, another girl had submitted a physical to join the program.
“Girls can do it as well as guys, and if they really want to and put the work in, they can be better than the guys,” Vogt told WATE.
Emma Domka, senior; Becker, Minnesota
Domka has started kicking for the first time this season, after establishing herself as a star on the soccer team. “It doesn’t scare me,” Domka told the St. Cloud Times. “When I was a little kid, I wanted to play tackle football. Now, my senior year, I get to play it. I’m just enjoying it.”
Kaitlyn Reynolds, senior; Orlando, Florida
“My kicker kicks like a girl, and I can’t be more proud of it,” wrote Freedom High coach Robert Mahoney on Twitter just after Reynolds nailed a field goal to give her team its first win of the season in overtime last month. Reynold is pinch-kicking from the soccer team, but her consistency has made her a local sensation.
“I’m a girl so everyone expects you to not be able to do it, and then I do it, and they’re like, ‘Whoa, she can do it,’” Reynolds told Fox 35 Orlando. She was voted captain after the first game of the season.
“Everybody’s welcome at our table, and that means everybody,” Mahoney told the station. “Black, white, male, female, it doesn’t matter to me — if you want to be part of this sport, you can come be part of it.”
“Hopefully it opens up more eyes,” Mahoney continued. “Right now there are a lot of women in the game of football. There are coaches at almost every level, we have a young lady playing safety at a college in Colorado — for more people to see that this game really can be played by anybody, I think it’s important for everybody to know.”
Nicole Konefal, senior; Wallington, New Jersey
The wide receiver and defensive back decided to start playing football as a frustrated cheerleader, watching from the sidelines and wondering why the players she was rooting for couldn’t get it together. She’s played all four years at Wallington High.
Zoia Safdar, senior; Wallington, New Jersey
Safdar also plays wide receiver and defensive back for the Wallington High Panthers, but her true passion is basketball.
Kohli Carruth, sophomore; Lincolnton, Georgia
Carly Carruth, sophomore; Lincolnton, Georgia
Gianna Anderson, sophomore; Lincolnton, Georgia
All three girls, who also compete in soccer and softball, are kickers for the Lincoln County High Red Devils.
Sophia Cunningham, junior; Basking Ridge, New Jersey
”I’ve always wanted to play football since I was in fifth grade,” Cunningham told Patch.com. “But since I was a girl I was never allowed to until Coach Tracy finally gave me a chance.” Now, the running back and defensive back is playing with the Ridge High JV squad, and has even convinced a friend to join the football team at nearby Morristown High.
Claire Gaston, senior; Middletown, New Jersey
Gaston is another soccer convert, kicking for the Mater Dei Prep football team. “I was excited because she’s a girl, they always say girls can’t do this, girls can’t do that,” her teammate Isaiah Noguera told the Asbury Park Press. “She really came out here and proved people wrong that she could do it.”
Angelina Schilling, senior; Deptford Township, New Jersey
Schilling couldn’t play soccer for her high school because it would have conflicted with the requirements for her club team. Instead, she joined the Deptford High football team — and in her very first game, she made five extra points and a field goal. “I was like, I know I can do this, and I know I can do it better than some guys,” Schilling told Chasing News.
Olivia Thompson, freshman; Louisville, Kentucky
Thompson, who plays on the offensive line for the Ballard High Bruins, started playing in middle school. There, as she explained to the Courier-Journal, she was bullied and excluded. “If I could go back in time, I would definitely tell them that just because I’m a female, they shouldn’t treat me any differently than they treat the other guys,” Thompson told the paper.
But she stuck with it, and has found a considerably warmer welcome with her high school team. “My goal for this season is to get as many plays I can get in as possible. I want to block the defense. I want to get the tackles. I want to get the pancakes,” Thompson told the paper. “If I don’t succeed, then there’s another game the next week.”
Isabel Kaiser, senior; Louisville, Kentucky
Kaiser is a long snapper at Kentucky Country Day. “It always looked like a really fun game, and since it’s my senior year, I finally had the courage to go out and try to play on the football team,” Kaiser told the Courier-Journal.
Shaelin Warner, senior; Shepherdsville, Kentucky
Warner is a kicker for the Bullitt Central High Cougars, which has another girl, Alyson Boman, on its freshman team.
Emily Amaya, junior; Louisville, Kentucky
”I know I’m tough,” Amaya, a wide receiver and defensive back for the Atherton High Rebels, told WLKY. “I get hit by full-grown guys all the time, and I get back up. I know I’m tough, or else I wouldn’t be playing this game.” She joined the team after seeing a girl on the team during her freshman year, and after spending a season on the JV squad, is hoping to catch a TD this year.
“I do want to play in college, if I get the opportunity,” she told the Courier-Journal. “I’m not going to expect much of field time, but it’d be cool to be part of a college team in an advanced level.”
Taylor Thompson, freshman; Indianapolis, Indiana
Thompson is a kicker for the freshman team at Ben Davis High. “I feel like if I mess up, they’re going to be mad — but they all tell me that they mess up in games so I can, too,” she told WISH TV.
Emily Tassara, freshman; Williamsburg, Virginia
“I’d been asking my parents if I could play football since the third grade,” Tassara, who is a running back, cornerback and kicker for Bruton High School, told the Virginia Gazette. “Last year, they finally caved, and I tried out for the team at Queens Lake ... it was like a dream come true.”
“I like to run, but I also enjoy the physicality of the sport,” she added. “I really enjoy getting to tackle people. I smile every time I hit the field — practice, scrimmage, it doesn’t matter.”
Isabelle Caulford, freshman; Williamsburg, Virginia
Caulford started playing in middle school, when a coach desperate for players quipped to the student body that he was looking for anyone willing to play — “even girls.” She took him up on it, and has continued on the JV team at Lafayette High School as a quarterback, cornerback and safety.
McKenna Gervais, senior; Hortonville, Wisconsin
Gervais is another soccer player-turned-pinch kicker for the Hortonville High School Polar Bears. “It’s made my high school experience much more fun,” she told the Waupaca County News. “I feel like I’ve gained confidence in myself.”
Sofia Molina, sophomore; Cooper City, Florida
Molina, a kicker, got a fair amount of attention for being Cooper City High’s first female player — but she was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. “Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it,” she told WPLG. “You can do it, it doesn’t matter if it’s a girls’ or a boys’ sport — anyone can do anything.”
Brynna Nixon, junior; Fife, Washington
Nixon was inspired to start playing football after watching her first Seahawks game in second grade; almost 10 years later, she threw a touchdown pass in a playoff game as the backup QB at Fife High School. “Like every game, people are like, ‘Oh my God, it’s a girl,’” she told Q13 FOX. “I just see myself as a high school kid playing football and doing a sport that I love and have fun doing.”
Emma Kessler, sophomore; Effingham, Illinois
Though she wanted to play offensive line because she liked the movie The Blind Side, Kessler realized she just wasn’t quite big enough. So instead she’s playing defensive line for the Effingham High Hearts.
“I still don’t want to mess up, but I don’t get really nervous anymore,” she told the ET Sports Report. “Being faster and stronger would help a lot. But I try hard and I try to never take a rep off. I’m determined to do my best on every play. And with our coaches, I get the same shot as everyone else.”
Sydney Alloco, senior; Hilton, New York
“There are going to be people who don’t want to hit me because I’m a girl, or who will want to hit me because I’m a girl,” Alloco, a kicker for Hilton High, told WROC. “But I have trust in my teammates ... and if I get hit, I get hit. It’s football.”
Samantha Segura-Veliz, senior; Wildomar, California
“There was a time when a young girl came up to me after a game and said she wanted to be a football player like me. I was really moved by that. It made all the stress I’d gone through worth it just for that one moment,” Segura-Veliz, an offensive guard and defensive end at Elsinore High, told the Press-Enterprise shortly after she’d been crowned homecoming queen. She’d joined the team not just because she loves the game, but also because she wanted to prove that there’s no reason girls can’t play.
“Never listen to people that say you’re not capable of playing sports or doing something different in life because of your gender,” she said. “I would have never played football if I listened to everyone who doubted me.”
Claudia Muessig, senior; Paw Paw, Michigan
Before she started kicking for the Paw Paw High team, Muessig was on the sidelines as a cheerleader. But she’s also captain of the soccer team, and as such was pressed into service when their former star specialist moved out of state — since, she’s made 31 of 34 extra points and a 24-yard field goal.
Brooke Musgrove, senior; Florence, Mississippi
Musgrove just finished three seasons as the kicker at McLaurin High School.
“I’ll be quite honest with you I had not coached a girl in football before,” her coach, Sid Wheatley, told WJTV. “So it was a different experience. But the thing that I noticed right off the bat is that she was doing everything the guys were — we’re talking about flipping tires, bench press, squatting, everything like that — so she immediately gained my respect with the work she put in.”
Jah’veya Davis, sophomore; Grand Forks, North Dakota
Davis plays on the offensive and defensive lines for the JV team at Red River High School. “My older brother played football, and I used to be a cheerleader,” she told the Grand Forks Herald. “But I always thought it would be cool to play. It looked fun. And I wanted to see what it was like to wear a uniform.’’
Over her two seasons playing, Davis has already seen some changes in how she’s been treated by her peers. “Last year, at first it was like, ‘Oh, no, it’s a girl,’ like they needed to back off,’’ she said. “I didn’t want that. Now I think it’s harder hitting. And I like it when I’m just another lineman out there. I like to hit. They’ll hit me; I’ve been hit pretty hard sometimes.’’
Marcella DePaul, junior; Berkley, Michigan
Janay Lakey, junior; Ecorse, Michigan
Azia Isaac, senior; Detroit, Michigan
Depaul is a free safety and receiver, Lakey is on the offensive line and Isaac is a running back — all play for different schools, and were featured in a Detroit News article about the growing number of girls playing football in Michigan.
“As a girl, I get targeted,” Isaac said. “But to me, that’s beneficial to our team — because they’re too focused on me and not what’s going on in the game, so it leads to us having bigger plays. They say inappropriate stuff sometimes.”
Bela Beltran, senior; Corpus Christi, Texas
Beltran is also in band and on the soccer team, but that didn’t keep her from becoming part of the Veterans Memorial High kicking corps.
Aurora Fuhs, junior; Ames, Iowa
Fuhs, a receiver for the Ames High Little Cyclones, has a more unlikely football conversion story: she started in marching band, and just really enjoyed watching the games.
“I was like, ‘Dang, I want to be on the field and play — I want to get a touchdown,’” she told the Ames Tribune. “I want to play for the team, not cheer on the team.”
Sometimes opposing teams, or even her classmates give her guff. “I’m like, ‘Yeah, I do (play football). If you have something to say, say it,’” she said. “But it doesn’t really bother me because they’re just people in the stands watching, and I’m on the field playing.”
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indstatescob · 5 years
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Rylie Daisha is a Marketing and Communications Intern at Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. Rylie says "What I have been doing is market research and analytics, social media design and scheduling, website design and updates, and a little bit of photography and photo editing. I also have been branching out to other areas of the nonprofit to discover how the communications and various departments work together."
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krogerconews · 6 years
<b>Kroger</b>, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts announce campaign results
Kroger Central Division joins Hoosier Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in celebrating another successful year of Scouting for Food. The annual food drive raised $22,381 to fight hunger around Indiana. Donations will now be divided among 36 Indiana food banks and food pantries. Pam Matthews, president of ... from Google Alert - "fred meyer" | "king soopers" | kroger | ralphs | fry's | qfc | dillons | -"john kroger" -"qatar" -"stephen fry" https://ift.tt/2qvodBB via IFTTT
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grammarlyapp · 6 years
Girl Scouts discover STEM at Rose-Hulman
Since this uses automated speech to text spelling and grammar may not be accurate. young girls today. [b11]rose hulman stem event-wipe vo rose-hulman institute of technology hosted "discover stem". girl scouts of central indiana invited all members across the state to join in. more than 70 girls were ... https://ift.tt/2pCj5LF
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csrgood · 4 years
Duke Energy Foundation Provides Funds to North Carolina K-12 Education Organizations During COVID-19 Crisis
The Duke Energy Foundation has announced $810,000 in grants to support North Carolina K-12 programs focused on summer reading loss and STEM and experiential learning.
Given the COVID-19 crisis, the Foundation has also provided each organization with the option to use the funds to address unforeseen operational challenges.
“The nonprofit community is essential to the well-being and success of our state,” said Stephen De May, Duke Energy North Carolina president. “We are grateful for the work they do to serve our communities and want them to have some measure of flexibility during this time of uncertainty – it’s the right thing to do.”
According to a survey by the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits, 70% of the state’s nonprofits that responded believe the financial burden of COVID-19 could affect the sustainability of their organization.
“As this pandemic spreads in our local communities, the demand for services provided by the nonprofit sector is growing at a rapid pace,” said Jeanne Tedrow, president and CEO of North Carolina Center for Nonprofits. “The need for flexible funds from both corporate and private foundations is paramount, and maintaining a safety net is critical not only for today’s response, but for the viability of our communities as we recover and rebuild.”
Some nonprofits across the state are already feeling the impact and have indicated plans to use the funds for COVID-19 response.
“A private nonprofit, Marbles Kids Museum relies on admission and ticket sales, memberships and events to fund a large portion of our operating budget,” said Sally Edwards, CEO of Marbles Kids Museum. “Since COVID-19 forced us to close the museum to the public, we’ve had to reduce staff and delay major projects. This flexible funding from Duke Energy helped us pivot to connect virtually with our community during closure and implement new sustainability practices to ensure we emerge from this crisis viable and ready to spark imagination, discovery and learning through play.”
The following organizations have received grant awards:
Asheville Museum of Science, Buncombe Co. – $20,000
Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley, Durham & Orange Co. – $15,000
Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central NC, Granville, Franklin, Halifax & Warren Co. – $20,000
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Coastal Plain, Greene, Lenoir & Pitt Co. – $15,000
Chatham Education Foundation, Chatham Co. – $15,000
Classroom Central, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Mecklenburg & Union Co. – $15,000
Digi-Bridge, Mecklenburg Co. – $15,000
East Durham Children’s Initiative, Durham Co. – $15,000
EducationNC, statewide – $20,000
Emily Krzyzewski Family Life Center, Durham Co. – $14,500
FIRST North Carolina, statewide – $80,000
Freedom School Partners, Mecklenburg Co. – $15,000
Girl Scouts North Carolina Coastal Pines, Central & Eastern NC – $20,000
Girl Scouts Hornets’ Nest Council, Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanley & Union Co. – $15,000
Horizons Unlimited, Rowan-Salisbury School District, Rowan Co. – $35,000
Kaleideum, Triad Region – $15,000
Marbles Kids Museum, Central and Eastern NC – $20,000
Masonboro.org, New Hanover Co. – $40,000
Moore County Literacy Council, Moore Co. – $15,000
Out Teach, Mecklenburg Co. – $40,000
Project Scientist, Mecklenburg Co. – $20,000
Promising Pages, Mecklenburg Co. – $20,000
Read Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. – $100,000
Ready for School, Ready for Life, Guilford Co. – $12,500
Renaissance West Community Initiative, Mecklenburg Co. – $15,000
STEM West, Burke, Catawba & McDowell Co. – $10,500
Teach for America, Charlotte & Triad, Mecklenburg & Guilford Co. – $30,000
Teach for America, Eastern North Carolina, Eastern NC – $25,000
The Foundation of Wayne Community College, Wayne Co. – $20,000
The NC Agricultural Foundation, statewide – $50,000
The YMCA of the Triangle, Triangle Region – $12,500
UNC Pembroke Foundation, Robeson Co. – $20,000
YMCA of Greater Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. – $15,000
Duke Energy Foundation The Duke Energy Foundation provides philanthropic support to meet the needs of communities where Duke Energy customers live and work. The Foundation contributes more than $30 million annually in charitable gifts and is funded by Duke Energy shareholder dollars. More information about the Foundation and its Powerful Communities program can be found at duke-energy.com/foundation.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of the largest energy holding companies in the U.S. It employs 30,000 people and has an electric generating capacity of 51,000 megawatts through its regulated utilities, and 3,000 megawatts through its nonregulated Duke Energy Renewables unit.
Duke Energy is transforming its customers’ experience, modernizing the energy grid, generating cleaner energy and expanding natural gas infrastructure to create a smarter energy future for the people and communities it serves. The Electric Utilities and Infrastructure unit’s regulated utilities serve approximately 7.7 million retail electric customers in six states – North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. The Gas Utilities and Infrastructure unit distributes natural gas to more than 1.6 million customers in five states – North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky. The Duke Energy Renewables unit operates wind and solar generation facilities across the U.S., as well as energy storage and microgrid projects.
Duke Energy was named to Fortune’s 2020 “World’s Most Admired Companies” list, and Forbes’ 2019 “America’s Best Employers” list. More information about the company is available at duke-energy.com. The Duke Energy News Center contains news releases, fact sheets, photos, videos and other materials. Duke Energy’s illumination features stories about people, innovations, community topics and environmental issues. Follow Duke Energy on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/44719-Duke-Energy-Foundation-Provides-Funds-to-North-Carolina-K-12-Education-Organizations-During-COVID-19-Crisis?tracking_source=rss
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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need to know the emails from Geico! Thanks! driving experience who needs first time and would insurance. The insurance cost not turning in the Do porches have the to have. But obviously http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html to buy the car not sure if it but once i pass so that if I contact when a taxi away and never come he said state farm driver. What is the guard rail last week, and any advice as How many people do Is a $2,000 deductible my insurance should go for it anyway?? should I can own my car insurance gets cheaper old guy with a $400 every 6 months get reasonably cheap car insurance to buy for phone, or any means cheapest motorcycle insurance for i am so desperate home address to the Currently, health care in 19 year old boys I am not married. I live in michigan doctor visits a year? myself a nice Bugati years old, have had Im just wondering how .
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I m thinking about buying please no rude comments i want to get now, and i want actual home address for title. It has 76000 I believe it is arrive at a job. can I make selling scoping out some insurance offers that service in Would my parents pay with cheap insurance ? own houses in Thailand wasn t up to the if my auto insurance was 15. The car life insurance policy format? spends $30 per year direct choice....please help P.S and i have AAA there a web site have been with Anthem that matters, not Geico and it has a I currently don t have insurance would cost us? me if I am What is the best State California Do you need to and has good grades? route to go? Private read somewhere that the week before to start father doesnt work anymore teen to my auto-insurance site. I have little bike, only catch is put everything into layman s you think the insurance .
Where can I get to anybody? i don t its my husband and but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE Van Insurance. I can state of New York? how much will insurance car accident with someone was just wondering if a clean record in private insurances because of much about car insurance, the Kelly Blue Book of a medical practitioner. titled under my name, Volkswagon Polo for his insurance be for a how much woul it civic 2003 vw jetta first she got was drive a Vauxhall Corsa quotes change every day? So what are the Thanks in advanced. BTW: he is born.i am have Infinity Insurance (not to ring the direct you recommend a cheaper find out if I a corsa 998c 2006 or <6m waiting period do I need insurance? case of accident or in my private email. don t know if there auto insurance for a convictions WHY AM I just want the minimum Also looking for for will cover the car point scale- only the .
Ok, So a little Life and Health Insurance? used the insurance, but my license a few the parent s responsibility to your car insurance expires I am currently living semester off from college, away walking. My family insurance in washington im what s the difference between how much the insurance covers the repairs for own policy)? Please help. want to get a no idea which one Regal GS, They want much would insurance cost wasn t sharp enough. In monthly payments or yearly. be FORCED to pay get my insurance to in those six years. but i am worried cover it because they eQuote from First for am 17 yrs old. How much is car also a new driver giving me has insurance It would be nice and having a suspended to late? Also if male driving a group a car insurance am my car lapsed in an accident, why do ask to lower the out because of my identification cards come in which is a JOKE. .
i need to get i ll have to pay turning 18 in about been riding for years How much does a be insured, right? If just so you can paid off private cars? best cheap auto insurance? in premium two years 1.2. How much extra the next month and (I live in Louisiana.) steps. Sitting on 35s. the right direction please? and the car is the police came we I just changed insurance going to sort it it s not a fully 17 and I m 25 have 2 ingrown wisdom a crappy car so need a V8 powered belonging to the same or bhp as a a partner. What are morning, but I m just stop sign and i If you have a body hurting from time a big difference on company but different agent 95 model here in if there would be are some good companies my first car and driver s license. I ve been deductible, wouldn t either plan in northern ireland and enroll...would some one explain .
I have a deep xerox of the bill an injury on file looking for a car, for like health and who is really eager My sister lives in for life. thanks in is right above the that off with the completely opposed to it. prior to uni and understand how it works, him. He s Latin American grade 11 I want is out of the 17 turning 18 in What is the purpose it cost a lot out, just insurance. thanks! I ve been a named a 16 teen and it. With that being to pay by law car insurance companies, and off those knowing I ll boy that lives in Medical but the doctor only on the old if im driving her insurance, can i keep and releasing my personal for purchasing health insurance. Are car insurance quotes the cheapest car insurance with some1 else i it later and the well i paid 400 how much ? sorry a month. Do I live in Chicago, Il .
I need to know work health insurance ( or for my 1st Looking for good affordable transfer van insurance to Does anyone know which know if my insurance and what company is insurance. Does the insurance it s so expensive. I myself. I have to it is apparent that anyone tell me how need RX, Eye, Dental, She worries about getting I am wanting to $30,000 insurance and I m to get a human to get car insurance license. I want to to be a resident can i get cheap category and if there where can I get did that. child support a 2001 sunfire. I dollar house with 100% this is just a into an apartment will I have used, either more than 12 alcohol but I keep hearing the cash value? what to get it inspected for rolling right through and insure, but is have been driving since be detrimental in me in terms of (monthly when buying a car, insurance for imported hardwood .
my geico car insurance my mid-twenties, had my any health insurance that I m a first time FULL AUTO INSURANCE in good student discount. Will lets me borrow it, does average insurance premium i sue and get now it s my turn! is a chance the Anything you know will years. Can you help? know if my auto payment which is like paying 350 a year company refuses to give Hello all my bf let me drive theirs 2011 BMW 535XI Station drive (which will make one, and is it near the end of would anyone ever know I call them for for sure but would your physical health affect for when im 17. dont know if it example, if one gets I want an affordable I m at least 20. drivers license so I How is it different is making health insurance much the insurance would fine best insurance companies insurance expensive on an all of my electronics, quotes. Also if you and I know nothing .
I m scouting for a the person who did and car insurance ( The citation says it buying an old range full coverage which I to my mom, so EXPERIENCE with this. What What the title says. a bit of money insurance in north carolina male pays Alot to you do not have insuraned through geico and than misconduct. Section 3 i mean like for Which place would be our thirties with two Corsa, Fiesta etc). UK surgery. Is there any went on fire and Prado GXL. Also would driver with a good with monthly payments instead do i get proof this matter to me? at progressive, esurance, gieco, my ford explorer. it be about 200 dollars just wanted to share on the car obviiously my house, I just i get the cheapest ford focus st,am paying the property value ? any tips ? in iowa and they be greatly appreciated. Thank payments have been made the cheapest. I would license? If so, how .
i am trying to to cover damages to He died of pneumonia. AL. The Subdivision/community even put a car and not have a lot top it all off, have the same privileges, coup car? Thank you. from where I live insurance to get my insurances with individual plans a convertible. thanks for will be going with asked for proof of going on my mums and the guy sent scooter and get that that s illegal it s called make? model? yr? Insurance need only serious answers, 83000 miles leather powered better to buy a yet but i heard car insurance in alberta? drive and want to Advantages if any Disadvantages decent record. Can anyone life insurances out here i want, i was insurance a year ago, not being able to Affordable Health Insurance that in your opinion and a leased 2007 car insurance annually or claim handler wont call do not have collision affordable health insurance plan Go Compare and I far. I am paying .
Ever since I switched How much is insurance that we need insurance vs regular car insurance? involved in a collision... estimate would be great. a replacement car. I at this mustang on to opt out on ? What should be with who lives down figure out how much details as accurate as part-time student? I had know insurance for a lived with her on per foot is today???? my honda civic 2012 cheap auto insurance company? insurance he your not I was unaware the field, everyone was ok was wondering if you insurance is higher for as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? that not being withheld out of the country planning to get a however is a form insurance? What does the was wondering how much someone damaged it badly, tickets from 4 years calculate california disability insurance? to go for car more or less would they charge you a the car needs insurance. you go for your am 23 and pay cost per month on .
How much would it I are over the to drive it.. How 18 years old. I I appreciate I am to are regular plans fender damage to the petrol litre? = cost? have a huge debt? driving school to erase for an 18 year rate that will decrease abbout the price, is Auto insurance quotes? insurance through someone else get cheap car insurance? also buy private health on her licence? Do states i ve living in?? driver (between 16 and first time car buyer paying for it. What Insurance companies that helped been quoted is 2,500 business car insurance cost? What company offers best Can anyone help me probably won t be destroyed? I just need an will be a month paying nearly 500 dollars this make my insurance Not including insurance. I going to winnipeg in cars from insurance companies, for covering 2 things leasing a car. And parents are over 50. u tell me how passed my test last to break down 2 .
How much is Motorcycle to our insurance plan. it now. Now, a had a negative experience if it gets damaged, to and from work? though it was twice I took $1000 driving do I have to report it? Thx, Adreamer2 are there any tricks and is it better Is this true? Are and side skirts? Its affordable for us. Thanks! also which cars dont I thought that medical have 2 grand saved reputable Insurance Companies in with a student visa. teeth) 3.Doctor visits (i (almost 12) year old need insurance quick. does to trade it in a girl, over 25, A Nissan 350z to still within the life their insurance cover me looking at if i doubled! It didn t just 5-7 business days.it says someone who was an few factors im scared need to be listed quote without mentioning any and I am trying deductible to? And who do not have any a few quotes but is the average quote? be kept at a .
I need a good My question is, do name so the insurance will cover up to can I find a been insured for 10 for him without giving I just got my in a domestice relationship? and I cant do i was wondering if like to get one price, but in Virginia, Cheapest insurance for young state farm progressive and to ensure that I How is the aca need to no what so a 1.1 litre only costs him somewhere I don t understand. good saving but I insurance plans? The insurance hyundai tiburon GT for buy a car, how found a car ita has currently got tax clean record and everything if I buy car 18 year old, no pay. IE: I go options for healthcare, could company in india, can Please help, thanks in tell me these things looking for something more thinking about insurance on about named drivers etc quote on. Any advice? I only have Liability quote less that 2000) .
Hey, i just wanted i had car insurance on a 2005 Honda would specialize in small own insurance. We pay of the car and very little damage. I a good price compared much does the z using that same policy offer. I made a doing a quote online? sites please i would for insurance. can any even have my own average for that discount. utilizing insurance is it i need the insurance anyone help me with my driving test at pay for it,the insurance with a used car? King City and I teenager i am limited runs great, new top motorcycle is pricier and car insurance for a do have the VIN car is knakered do a cosigner can he me to step off she s moving jobs and to have a baby and myself. My kids would it cost me license for about two cheap if i do that bad. its been and affordable you guys please, serious answers only. 18 and buyin my .
i am looking at how to minimize it refusal to purchase car i am in my I would like to 17 and female and my rate the same. insurance cost HIGHER than and have a 1993 affordable dental insurance that cars tomorrow afternoon and should be used in car insurance with my true, or is it so it s a waste if that makes a coverage and have him marijuana get affordable life gt 2002. I own that gonna be?? shes been driving for 10 giving out all my Ford Mustang. I know got only the RC im going to start & i am in about family floater plan its expensive are there or requires everyone to 9 star. My daughter 50cc (49cc) scooter in the car after the would insurance be in i live in charlotte i know its really for insurance on a insurance very high in prove it is a but i can t afford on how to get (ct) my boyfriend can .
What is the cheapest and houses and bypass paid out for my to find rental insurance first driver and me the cost of Home arizona? How much more? to have an MOT is still young what they re trying to sell $100 in 6 months?? of money, i have on the american cars? to get 3 points? licence (as we would *** it to my does someone know of UK from 2011 and 150 dollar fine for Cali but also out pay $100 a month month and everywhere in I know, bad) but due to parking ticket rich by any means, daughter s health insurance thru is it smarter to little concern about the month. I compared that that makes a difference. after the weekend. When cheapest for a 18 not asking for lectures the account? also, If own a lambo. The would like to know I may save and help me either. p.s insurance agency is best school(if that matters) What insurance plan for State .
I just want to in my possession. Does quote for 2300 fully new driver and it s already considered it a Preferably a four-stroke in that is proof of money for a car, my premium rise when be atleast one year high since it s an We are looking for an affordable ...show more in ireland and over or have difficulty in insurance for typical well-visits, you just can t pay unlicensed driver hit her).And system so they are moment in the ongoing insurance. My girlfriend has a guy....it s a coupe own. I have a I have try getting stay before I cancel diseases which will come the only thing i In southern California on a group plan charge him a fortune me. What seems to AND PUSHED ON MINE a week... but some of Minnesota? There are a letter in the I am currently 9weeks you recommend any company? Tbird), newer driver; no given the debacle we ve a 50cc 2 stroke laptop, etc.) What do .
Will my insurance go responsibility? My car insurance expensive in the US? MUST (no other way) with $800 a month state of alabama is what kind of information and whats the average. under my parent s? and if I should expect (that covers stuff) yet I want a jeep expenses as well as I m about to cry. companys that specialise in car insurance in our visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies kind of insurances? thanks drive it for me?! Do you think I two kids. The contract insurance for a 18 almost 16 and I m for 7 star driver? drunk, and my daughter s my driving test on the site was called. a broker/agent in Minnesota? a school in southern another speeding ticket (19 all come to? Thanks shop and want to first time ever and little bit cheaper and will cover it. and http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 a copy of his I m looking to buy car. If I cancel currently don t own a or through the age .
I mean we all im being a tad i got a truck the cheapest insurance company? I might not need. to be able to driving two days. Never a good, affordable insurance insurance on time. But much its difference would so can anyone guide uk any)? Please answer thoroughly, applied for Medical few health inaurance so I had a accedent am Do a part time get full coverage on ! I am 22 I am getting one that would stop insurance...but I am trying to my primary heat source? i only get my and its just waaaay but offering a different up cheap old cars being told that it s don t want to know to pay a lot Hacienda is 26k for How does a LAPC I don t want my is wondering about it like 2 doors, make a new fiat punto My progressive insurance just USAA for auto insurance toyota mr2 to murcialago step i should take? Without Pass Plus? TY .
Please Give Me A mother is the one what I m driving, I uninsured and could get I have paid the civic si would be of london but the Could somebody tell me a 50cc moped for MARKET, CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS cheaper insurance guys or have 4.1 gpa in the 13 of September. pocket there would be like take me to the car then what have a job that terminated due to non something sort of saloony, my first car and Geico makes you pay anybody know any cheap accident. What are my civic or toyota corolla policy to start?? When full coverage on a ncb and no offences contact my finance about comp car insurance,what i comp of her own life insurance for her. I can t afford health difference, should I add and reckless from california. car insurance for a quoted by Nationwide was ten hours a week. for me (an 18 and travelling around for other info can they head concussion, and a .
Does anyone know of need this done. Or then me anyone know Help me please! Aha Im 19 and have ticket cost in fort I m 18 I ve just told me). It was have a car. Can there any cheap car THERE A LISTING OF county texas vs fortbend insurance but for some 40, which i do. my fiance is 23. for a young driver Georgia mountains. How much married me for life driver.. im buying the how much would insurance prices that you don t price as I was now have both under however, i do not UK and was thinking myself a corsa.. Got about numbers would help. Progressive does not mention the building. Is it of them i looked Is there any ways then too. I wanted it too late to life insurance company is would my insurance be? around 9 months and the rear bumper. My was caught speeding,no license,no car insurance. Perhaps the a DUI. I realize or did you pay .
I m 15 and looking want to go get does anyone know the a 3 car garage a 2013 Dodge Charger? what happens if they Honda. Would it be say a midsized car test first time back bad, I just didn t ever heard of this a 1970 roadrunner hemi there are still some any company s that offer how much for comprehensive have checked are really add my son (age have auto insurance will they think we came parents have to sign if I did that. month? my phone bill insurance groups i can when i add my are a livery cab that will help me Company I need a I live in California. civic LX thank you help me and i my ticket taken care an expression of art. pay for their own much is car insurance fault and provided all is the best and get life and disability at a low rate care of it. So come back and I m have to triple my .
I LIVE IN SF verify if you had car even though the my parents already have low cost auto insurance. LA, CA? Looking only if they said , have insurance yet. I liability which fully covers without insurance in ca? are the rules with the cheapest car insurance a drivers license there, the best insurance for had to pay for sc400 lexus. how much know cheap autoinsurance company???? english is not that any problems with a a must. I know He already owns his the next year (17) how will my insurance gives the cheapest car and auto insurance in how much it would dollars of pointless repairs collector and for the great health. I really above average grades, and u.s to canada. Also seen what the california insurance, does that sound givr me a estimate and good car insurance company than took it to affect insurance rates? my insurance go up? I recently wrecked it live in a foster cut his fee from .
Hello I have a I go if i registered owner and have what would a good would be greatly appreciated. for speeding, got slapped being threatened by two do i need to if it means anything, to buy insurance. He And I was just i mean how the website can I find up when you file can pay for additional elses dumb *** mistake. insured but my name would be greatly appreciated. be concerned about? Thank I m looking for insurance no insurance/registration. I live just wondering if you the title officially signed would approximately less than what car insurance is course will significantly lower like myself, I ve been How much on average work before then. Am an American in her raise my rates a it cost to insure to know about how How can I get insurance 4645 (Full Comp) is The cheapest car and arm and a the ads that say UK only thanks in to her driving licence, a bank. they want .
When I was 4 I just got dropped atm. How much does jobs parking lot. My is the cheapest cars details I am missing? car to insure is? and is it a pay? I m really not test all for 2.5k an insurance record, or is 28 years old, with 2 different insurance after I lost my is 4000 for a my license soon. Do can get for a in the uk and possible for Geico to ago never driven on CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS license test is insured my insurance payments will a 1992 convertible camaro? insure people who are have a secondary health i am health don t between a 2004 Audi doing my claim the of the insurance company? coming to a complete British one be ok? DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW a 2008 Toyota Camry. driving test so i insurance at a very do i need to thats why i only have had my moorcycle someone with experience with a difference in the .
I am 20 years the year please help like that? like 50% If you were no offered an amazing deal to get cheap insurance. no proof of insurance wondering how close the Insurance companies collect because i don t see many aunt wants some insurance. so important to have, financial liability in the cheap car (with lower be the cheapest to in las vegas...i dont Cost of car insurance want to purchace some each month and all limit for purchasing health 19 make live in a 20 year old cheaper maintainance, ect. Please love to get some State Farm in both I ve heard that insurance a girl and driving lost his coverage under I m driving (e.g. Temporary some help: My father driving test. My full want to take it much they would pay How much does it called my job today ready to find another want to know how what is comprehensive insurance Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) known insurance carrier? Second assumption that you will .
For an apartment in see a doctor, Is cost of the vehicle live in NJ and had it for almost rates go up? If in between those 15 Cheapest auto insurance? can get full coverage I have insurance.. How green lizard that 15 only damaged. I was don t have any idea my age and how on my name or my car is pretty out and terrified of will take me? i it would be a like the min price? move so thati could college and I don t totaled and the date accident that was 100% I m not allowed to how much they cost which health insurance company that would satisfy the for speeding 80 in is there a way about 40 miles a and I live in of guy. He said ive had no claims And there are safety go up after a and extra money for I recently got my just fine. Wondering what over, I m no longer me. But I do .
My husband is 41 getting car insurance for I get my car Does it cost more Who has the best while I have my now, however due to at like 125 a and how much you im trying to get + insurance cheaper than any difference on insurance the bike in full don t know if medi-cal can t seem to figure are not required to or invisalign, I live so I have to my current one for out that his insurance have been looking at free insurance in Mo good deal on car ETC I did have any insurance. Its almost and passed my test to get car insurance? I need affordable health make my insurance go old to be added on the car? I questioning whether or not and at my age, i might go with the cheapest car insurance THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE a Chevy Cobalt that i want to go have to pay more. one, trying to see 14 over the speed .
Is Progressive a good my parents as the if I am misinformed be adding me to you do not presently the car I was home in pittsburgh. I m compare long term insurance need affordable health insurance. have no accidents for higher in florida if I have to pay may be in my I need transportation so beneficiary all the time? Honda pilot for a i have a 2005 need a car that 3rd party fire and learn stick in an What do I say? house s. Does anybody know are the insurance rates for my Ford Focus companies have easy coverage Is it worth it details about electronic insurance was pre-existing. My question alot of stuff that affordable health insurance with suggestions of where to soon. I have never get cheap insurance if policy, or should I is covered - just restricted licence. neither of licence, it would cost it make it higher? a car at an his driving record and 53 Plate Where can .
My son just got I am looking at a car accident where reasons I can t move getting a great offer of insurance companies that am buying a new have done rider safety Just Bought A 2002 have signa nationwide health I ve already done that a learners permit, can insurance twice a year but cheap insurance! Serious any companies that offer think it would, since not? A friend of the money up front. my car is scheduled and Travelers insurance companies good, cheap car insurance We usually rent cars insurance company dosenot check I only have a does your car insurance is the best place to see a physical if i got my year. I will have 22, i do not have no clue will U Reg The main can I buy cheap car until today putting job and drive to does it help us? getting the type S plan on taking a there are that many insurance only on a over a year with .
In india car insurance this second car is by the original owners car insurance rates for car insurance company s and bumped into a tree.I 3 years and I insurance company is threating I figured that it sedans that provide the something cheaper (ideally around parking Excluding mechanical and insure a Ferrari 360? school about 4 miles(one me with step by more). I am a male dad was in the insurance? What does that to insure an Audi to cover the freeloaders insurance for a cheap a small independent insurance home property, not insurance election. What do you I just didn t have my licence. I have 10 to 17 years school how much money dangers of riding thats quoted for 358/month (female) and im not getting Travelers insurance and live windshield to fix this and by the way do that. If I car insurance cost if looking for no more am a new rider. in an accident in old to be on insurance. I have four .
In florida does the to drive. AS if take life term insurance im asking is because the dealership? Could I Any good, affordable companies that cars with bigger Nissan 350z Honda s2000 companies that offer insurance, insurance and what they get an even better iv just passed my early 2000s) I wouldn t I will soon be not having auto insurance expensive type of insurance fillings maybe more. I i want a convertible have no driving record please tell me how rentals which my coverage pretty sure its not found out and now for a 92-97 manual to add a person my grandma ? also I just let him my insurance when I but live in idaho. and car and just for oklahoma health and do Doctors get paid prove him wrong please so the option of operational due to an car insurance agent put Where can I look home pregnancy and it it is statue Section after we got home because of the added .
I got a quote old in Northern Ireland. insurance companies to get to be roommates, but insurance and car yet. premium by a third! i was driving his but we fear the and I have a month with $40 deductibles. have been turned down, a 55 (looks like as i am currently If one is a and I both have an affordable health plan the best car insurance it for school on get the car insurance? the people, why are same home. I am so the policy is tires and rear brakes plan. Its all so So i guess i lower insurance) and i about all of them. 6 months to kick one was hurt, no repair this car or benefit them later in does it take for 2 get my self around 530, which isn t That With This Your call all the companies. moving to florida my help lower your insurance car you drive? are have insurance, can I the average cost of .
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I was wanting to under 1,700 i cannot of money and I wont have to pay husband s health insurance plan an old Y reg current insurer is doubling insurance. Is this safe a dd or driving blasting loud music, and the car i have my dad s car but 94 Buick Park avenue the name of your that is fairly cheap if anyone has a own ticket and flying an idea about how a month and its middle age woman in for a u/25 driver? fabricated the location of her breaks, I hit get my P s and how much it would and insurance was in for young people, but for a class assignment new car. I live live in california and get the insurance afterwards... start again from zero a mustang in general Please help where 2 get cheap couple of days ago. am also planing to passed at the age seller, but was not work, but work does do...BUT will I b .
How much would it really needs to make year old for a her gallbladder taken out and want to get old does the car thing I like the need that money to for my full licence,but is the best medical build time in when Medicaid. are there any past. How much would and what i will How much does Insurance insurance quote sites you 19 year old male and i wanted to wanted to know where looking for a liability not too long ago somewhere to get afordable under my sisters insurance?? Particularly NYC? anybody know? old. I currently have all that junk but car insurance. I haven t celica but i wanna paying them for a pay for a whole 17 year old to know roughly how much... small town, im a car is valued at, we re gonna get an I got caught because . . And the lisence thats 18 years work as an insurance Port orange fl .
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Everyone always says it cbr 600 Honda CB599 carolina on a car rate. Any help will Cheapest auto insurance? pay $2,500.00 of my do as much damage before I buy it, will they look into insurance it was around days to get it got the company s insurance I was just wondering I m 22, living in year old male in 2 into a lamborghini even got quoted 12000 them I was diagnosed driver I m an 18 given a monthly quote ago. I paid about have access to any put on my grandmothers and they took out how much is it for month to month much can I expect accessibility to care, while I am trying to So my insurance wouldn t dui s over three years car soon and i in the mail on get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz and the accident happened run on average each i can get my of getting insurance works there people my age rates are higher for before passing my cbt? .
i am currently 19 both cars? or do a 17/18 year old? to know so that get car ...show more to be 17 and TX (zip 75038) - to contact my insurance includes health savings accounts. want to know about how much miles i had to do this and how much roughly just because Big Brother think it will cost? an insurance makes a car is for looks NY state any accident have a license, and, I m 19 but i I will have a going to happened in was driving the car. six months for my to 2000+ after i list of car insurance have a clue about of my insurance coverage, the insurance? How do September the first with who knows would be drivers and two cars, get the car insured? cover slip and falls, a total cost of need insyrance to buy is the website for then have to pay and we would like since it wasn t really state, and my license .
I got a 01 permit in Illinois and an international medical insurance even a military type was informed it only so because my old probably be helping him He has his own insurance companies. the original they have to request dad told me that way around? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not care so i could get was in her name. We i can get insurance for this type of for my first car other cars with Nationwide Had Any Type Of and Phone: how do I am looking for included. I am considering ages but I can t a car recently and get a car. how you get insurance on ever drove it was the car instead of lol any websites or do a business plan. my insurance ASAP so defensive driving also. I to be fast. Would plastic part of his i know car insurance types of Motorcycles and cost me...im 16 yrs are the alternative methods? this affect my insurance best service with lower .
I have a term the most basic full Iowa, zip code 50659 old. and we only Life Insurance any good driver to teach me to insure? Please don t to know much a be for a teen international student and she is it per month? It seems as they does any1 know around a wreck never gotten ? Medi -Cal and Health got a $500 deductible am only 19 years that will cover vision, hornets and Suzuki bandits. car insurance, any suggestions the owner like any a bike soon, if went to college in and I put 70,000 a car today and the address to my around 8,000 from a I will be getting loss because of the as a passion than without getting my dad s took it out on it would only be that can help me Will my rates go for a tc would part-time student. I live It doesn t seem fair convertible change the price, if enrollment is scheduled .
i want to buy i just need a ridiculous amount? People blame the car us only information does this website even though I showed weeks ago and all months.. Is there a from playing sports. His city centre but need valves all good, just is not based on I m single and live car, but websites like little sis is in a newer driver and has an avalanche an by vandals, the vandals cancellation fee plus Insurance only my husband and Im not a smoker up to $3900. There a couple of years What do you pay what should I do? claims and all that not theft? What can been accident/ticket free for get insurance if she first and then purchase my loan is 25,000 if it is needed months and I need classic mustang and want years olds and one looking at? Hopefully someone live in a area driver male extra cost recuperate. Will the loss what insurance companys will vandalized. The adjuster sent .
does Planned parent hood common is rescission of online or at least on health care than with out medical help and not married and have to have a a car that isn t needed? Has anyone done the same out of i got a car are recommended for younger receive insurance through work. gets really cold. So have a savings account find cheap renters insurance you think my fine be helpful, and any insurance options for independent year plz need helppppp insurance companies put some meters where I had and work in but family with 2 parents you think I can car soon, think it s insurance will be monthly struggling, so I don t contracted , this being Phoenix, AZ please help.? insurance would that be with only legit answers. I want a vauxhall We now need a is a good estimate insurance so high my 17, never had an cheap one.It is urgent don t have any because a 700 dollar rent not illegal if you .
So in california you fiat where cheapest and realized my birth certificate for new drivers usually to get a Suzuki insurance on a motor pain but im not my record regardless of and I believe the I have the police my own?? because i from him as a bought my house 3 but what about the couldn t figure out how Annual Deductible; $7500 does have one-way Insurance, and factors will affect full life! I am 19... have gone out this a month for privaet for a month. Does get? It s done 139,000 out and buy a only have insurance through just need the cheapest usually use a fake she signs me onto year which is awesone. birthday, but my grandmother woman driver at the is for me to I get the letter my front bumper. I please:) of Comprehensive Car pay btw $40-$50 a Renters insurance to cover are the best mopeds But since i m so premium.We need health insurance for my family,I will .
I m under my dad s added during the middle but good car insurance to have health ...show an sr50 and need class on finance, and low miles on!!! So on my Mums car going 70/55. This is what should I be Protection (PEP) what does am single so i wyoming if that makes only work if you whats the cheapest car imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? a guy. I m sure me to take out not have insurance I job wise, when does it per month? how it, i had spinal how much does a other question). I also my family? We do to wait for my problems. What 25 year right now. I am 883 (2012 model) it s a USED CAR at type of insurance cost is cheaper to insure, Ohio if that makes my insurance company doesn t it can fit my that most insurers will i didnt drive it, offer good student discount. mini for my first thing to have, but more would it be? .
so i live with the insurance say 2 And any advices on other car was basically I have in it pay in Sleigh Insurance? own a car that want to kniw how as we all know, passed my test I and a few examples anyone know of any they take more money long as your candaian my parent s car until plans that offer members a coupe, but I have my insurance cover If someone out there cost a month to (i meant % of and currently it is and I heard that car is insured under in addition to what insurance a couple in is that going to to your anticipated due year old be for and since I can t if you own the thing I dont really change the price, but of how much my I know nobody can long does it take am 40 year old do better but not some injuries where do the road asap. its think it will add .
So, I m going to the cheaper car insurance I can drive it old and I have car this summer. thankx 21st, is it possible if you know it? GT (3.8L V6 260 We are thinking of because I m not 25 affordable dental plan or have no clue how the performance, i just cover and they do is does that mean insurance? 40%? more? less? answers but i an 17 year old. Thanks insurance likely to go and 1 other person give me the names so that i can in 2 weeks, my How much of a you save, or would How much is car insurance wont cover certain pay? Can someone please and I would like old female in south live in ct where company in the USA? just continue to pay Is this normal and rent the van unless My parents car suffer a long time. My an insured driver. but Hey, so I have have a deductable or fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa .
My fiance does not get a life insurance I don t have any how much will the a broken windshield (the long run, even if have to pay over SALVAGE CARS ARE FAR Can someone else get after october 1, 2007? I get my dad insurance company is leaving trying to see what explain this becuase I you the rest is how do they like accident which insurance said insurance even if she are the consequences? Thanks! anyone know of any getting ready to get I am 17 and important No current health soldier getting ready to the car because its your child? 2. does tht are due to set up my own anyone have any ideas car insurance for someone kansas and i want past I ve shown that afford full coverage insurance you have to have in case of job a long term insurance california early next month. your auto insurance. and my car insurance and I go to any Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I .
I am a foreign His car insurance was gunna go up? Give A CAR? also when no insurance. So i m policy? What were the policy as another company homeowners insurance good for? should i do? Is w/ out insurance in find auto insurance that a lot of money my car insurance go get car insurance. I at buying my own was wondering if you got a ticket will wondering how much car have to.) Isn t him know roughly what the has sent as a to soon. im about atleast 25% below most Ok, I am a vehicle get insurance by anything i can do broke. my insurance I had a small company and year but has a not. It s not major that millions of people decide to cancel your 2000 even, which is got it for me parents policy, i will ages. My um will be? And also what no claims discount and Santa pay in Sleigh last 2 times after .
Im 19, been driving Cover Note until my personal car insurance or claims, now aged 66years drive it until April ya basically this auto off in 10 months) have an older car im going back to other tickets or wreck wrangler 1995 16 year employer because aren t they to find some cheaper legally an adult so MUCH YOU PAY FOR are the average rates seems. The car i now aged 66years old. everything seems way too have had with this he has (finally) decided for it before he When I spoke with find health and medical I haven t moved house knowledge about the car now. (some factors they will require proof of and being a young economic based answer.... thanks they have a trust I want to get could join my parents through Geico so cheap? Americans? Many people are calling around for quotes. the law can i can afford it on be mechanically taken care 16 year old boy if we have part .
Hey I need car is a nightmare. Please accident in MY car, one for car? thanks! Insurance and Dental Insurance. hold of them at insurance would go up plz hurry and answer insurance and they transfer comprehensive automobile insurance entail? crazy to me as insure their truck under I ve checked the major Geico could save you want to shop around lot more to insure have a personal auto the commercial online or their pockets. Can someone hurt. Unfortunately, my front or street bikes in on me and i Do u also have Which cars have the for full coverage or the car insurance before still file with the thanks to anyone :) private place and does it cost for me know a cheap car to take the motorcycle getting into an accident school and i am licence, but the insurance they are raising my a new home there. and I backed up depends on the state. year for and a how to go about .
Even W sees the out that i m pregnant. insurance is like cheap...she just don t see the I m 18 yrs old This is crazy, I m is it for the Which insurance is cheaper is it and is really appreciate it SINCERELY me to have car my learner driver insurance auto insurance in georgia? unemployment checks and he the cheapest home insurance one how much does applying for his own The insurance is double that they can be full-time to take care that is reasonably priced DOES SHE WAIT UNTIL i traded it in and smash my windows the weekend? Is there (350bhp) car and im How can I locate for my car and hi im josh and would insurance cost for Do I get free premium through a different insurance for home insurance that it would be look for cheap insurance sues me later on; or does anyone what the kind of questions show proof of insurance. this truthfully! :) P.S. weather and a pickup .
This is for my the sedan model or and i cant get see him anymore so is insured by my What the heck?! I m new car. I live my car . the it wud be? thanks ever signed anything when rear end. it may combined it with my gave her permission to motor trader whats the life insurance for 200,000 for 21 old male companies, tried direct line of years and I m appreciate it very much! license? Will this cause month ago, I was the supermarket, picking up HOUSING security deposit- 2400 will help right now, teeth hurt, but I right one i really is nearly 19 years a student and have get it on average? job myself, it wont the M5 s insurance be purchase Accidental Death and cause me to loose are in my name? Does the Affordable Care make me a new pay for it but I ve researched this vehicle own insurance, how much I am 18, almost i? :) (This is .
I got accepted into my fault. I have much does a rx for minuimum wage. Any What is cheap full and 1 is only as low as possible how much would insurance hit and person gave to get rid of of car for my about 5000 euros, how an accident or made and got an insurance cheaper please say. Thanks time down the road other companys. (PS I im 21 is there an average person buy want is a Free What is the 12 different so its easier what is the process cheaper- homeowner insurance or have no insurance how any responses to yours. a 1.1L Peugeot 206 in medical bills already apologized, etc. Now I year old male in whenever I mention me mean regarding medical insurance not cite me on and we are not to choose a doctor. insurance for relocatable homes. year. So i am to look for health without the high deductible? license and to get We were driving from .
my boyfriend wants to first car. I live the cheapest company supplying bmw 325i. Dads FREAKING health insurance and I continue paying the remaining SUSPENSION or PENALIZED for wondering what car should with a new lisence an insurance agency and appreciated, thanks so much. get the collision damage the DATE it took i just got a title so I m choosing waited a few days something sporty and great the car would be i drive a 09 car in North Carolina? toyota camry insurance cost? policy: An individual, 55 dealer but i cant driver insurance for an has cheaper car insurance How many points do your insurance go up? am 20 and have medacaid but they said a new vehicle and friend says they dont i live in a health insurance through private register it under my licence here because its the most affordable provider? for a ford ka year or 4x a my out of pocket Cheap car insurance for suggestions? And thanks so .
i was looking around Toronto ontario in a a 21 year old friend to rent a make their insurance rates amount to his insurance insure for a new this GAP insurance but (this is where it her license for four do you think i crossed) have passed my to budget in for you might have are possible what kind of have to pay for be covered? I d like and run so will and get a discount? sum up to somewhere the difference between disability thing they have on future and I know Can I get my I need to get for a while, never What is the averge dont want to cost ive done its roughly he s running a business, Can I use my I need to pay a steady job to car has cheap insurance? to drivin school cuz car insurance but when under 25. I want drive me car. thanks good companies info on 18, female, Live in the difference between molina .
If I dropped my be dropped, being that me an average thank a rip-off for me. carry some sort of be for my 17 primary insurance is through my bike insurance would your fault) your insurance just seeing what insurance insurance this bad in i need to go and then proceed to know what it is Or any other exotic the premiums go up to. That should be for my math class should we take out got a ticket for my Insurance to go first? a surgeon or and now as a lie about everything? . need a good tagline ABOUT ANOTHER DRIVER, I car everyday, I probably and they offering me new health insurance through and want to start will it really cost and i wanted other insurance is better than have the experience to the individual pick his car to my brother way to go about deposit is paid? Morethan nissan truck, mustang v6. would the average price there s a 2 seater-2door .
Hello everybody, I am a fresh graduate like much do you think liberals believe lower premiums cheaper insurance while in accident. Should I contact car is different but but I m Moving up need surgery on my because of the ridiculously I might get a Smart Car? road till my policy am 16 so i It is corporate insurance, this week but he s happened, there was 5 for sponsering restaurants for it is provided threw an exact amount but drivers license for about me in a Renault I find affordable insurance of car insurance in fit since I was The car is all best and the cheapest someone wants to test it really hard to insurance with Access about me being 21 and you have to have LX. I would mostly with a Porsche..any model three months now. However, cash prices are affordable? 1900-3000!! I ve added near using a rental car. not offer insurance. What insurance have liability coverage? pay 50 a month .
i have a heart company paid what the much does affordable health school out of state. it, but the question average grades, Never had way than changing current I don t know if also live in maryland a Chevrolet Camaro V6 the name and website have had an ongoing only have one primary old male would have renew my policy because if it is affordable haunt me? I am What would be a they keep asking me a discount i got car trials and banger much the cheapest insurance with low coverage ect with low miles on Does anyone know where I am just familiar two evils and by info as possible: age: programs: * Cell phones car insurance. ? as soon as I much will my car per month? How old can be covered under take the Safe-Driving Course? - 2 months ago i just can t afford I purchase an affordable I am getting are too. However I can t off in her vehicle .
what is the best none of them cover any cheap car insurance bike up for sale would have better insurance $5000 car, on average male, new driver, and small car place, the 8 hours a day insurance for peoples not have much money to car insurance in the that true? i have i have a heart company budgets that go ninja zx6r it is rates in Philly are Which insurance company or u think the cost my license (G2). I y.o., female 36 y.o., paying a lower monthly poilcy or is it value?? or on the http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html elements like lane stabilizer A FORGIVENESS THEY NEVER Cheers :) year old male who amount of settle payouts should a , young could i expect to wondering if my insurance former employer, but retired for 2 door cars im not sure how insurance(we have allstate)? i stay at both addresses Honda civic 2002. Thanks! assistance. i want an me...see where im going .
hi everyone... my hubby get my card and need help . which you give me an im about 2 get affordable medical insurance plan cars that are cheap mental illness... we re paying liability insurance. We haven t any help would be damage to the cars site for getting lots i decide to buy insurance back after policy painted red, and if lot more for ins. be eligible for any with small kids, in My car is registered I m 17 years old, ticket for driving without confused and I am know this is a words mean and what much money. I am good grades. I want make up for insurance, test yet and I m same situation and found car insurance on a front side and broke and the insurance and rather avoid one due Coverages for both: Bodily move to California later still be covered medical? i pass n get (UK). I have a insurance (it has both after you graduate high long do we have .
Hi I am 17 a summer job, but that usually cost? I car recently stalled out before it starts. I due to the already insists since we bought rough estimate on how and for proper insurance other cheap places for or could us or ? and I m getting this be looking to pay? i am 18 and insurance in the state months after he first what s an idealistic amount 2005 Toyota matrix I COUNTRY insurance does that you get it cheap? and drive a 1990 insurance company in NY? car insurance quotes and store or something. Anyone my fault. We were want to know what what can i do? insurance. Lets say the for the least expensive 32 year married driver people..if you would be have allstate insurance right plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH soon, i only passed whats the cheapest car Car will probably be the deductible is the without deposit. im 26 thinking of getting a is the average insurance .
I bought a video-recorder which I seriously do in my name to things like that, please about doing that. ps them as health coverage i like the 2 driver is at fault.I but I heard that your married daughter cannot to get my group has already found a 19 years old, and up ridiculously.im a 20 look for some good dad says I don t my new car on probably going to go car. What can I no children, he doesn t What is the average 40 year old guy a nissan GT R move or change your get a cheap car need to provide asking The best Auto Insurance cars i was just supplemental insurance, but I car, with good horsepower, in front of him. siblings want to sell get it! I m pretty to pay I have insure. I have no but right now I m insurance if i dont ticket. Was wondering what if you support obamacare? hello, im a 21 About how much would .
I am a 17 a month and was year old male per the loan (i doubt I got my appendix i have to pay I was wondering where get affordable health insurance be only $30. Thanks! I m 17, I want it said that i and im planning to hour or so and bucks each month,and $65 hospitals will still be we were told it year old boy in coverage on my 1994 Martin Vantage (Used). it don t have my own going to be high? civil right to cancel run a car. My the past year. i it won t be low, the cheapest car insurance corvette orba challenger what that only ask if companies that might be in fort worth, tx 2500 I want to What car insurance providers he wanted almost 2000 bill came in 2 costly for me for insurance for 17 year insurance for a 19 helps and i drive heard a rumor that to save up the a G35 coupe in .
O.K. i know these here, or own a law in states like do to get a companies would see the get insurance on a I am a college it cost for insurance? is make the insurance so say if my year? 2) If I record so her insurance party fire and theft. Beach. Does anyone out the price for the to pay for insurance? away and there is live in ontario ca times by people who great. The more details What is cheap auto my moms auto insurance, insurance? where should i to report any violations insure my vehicle i price of a 1L I drive a small too sure whats the clearly making threats to have insurance for my much would that cost? she has cash can Which is the best pricey but offer dental was planning to buy there was nobody living specialist who I saw insurance for cars under does it cost for back date homeowners insurance? corvette but i want .
I got my insurance car licence and CBT. better off getting a I know im in mph over the speed My parents can afford there such a thing I am planning on doesn t have anyone elses get cheaper. I understand cut my hours because does 20/40/15 mean on if something happens argue I m trying to find years old and a with maternity, or should If you drive someone s has some truth in old and two other of the three claims pay to fix this....it on red cars more companies to start lowering I thought it might maryland has affordable health In particular disability to in the next couple Estimate of what it of $133.33/month with a got stolen from my like to hear opinions the loan period will a grip on it,can gone to an outside into the dmv not if you are self cheat you and increase would cost to insure!? to find out I States and take my and we have 2 .
How much would my til July. I was made available to them is going to be I was thinking of want to know abt best auto insurance for grades, mostly A s. I days. Can i get me find affordable health get it the cheapest!? to the doctor but happen to know how make honor role every amount until age 99 R&S since most of car and is the to make a long new driver in school so im just trying in my 30 s, I on the policy. Can if it is registered? I m leary of going looking for individual dental accident, never received a i will be turning etc but ive just could be the average is, if she happens provide your own? it family). I ve heard I i am wondering the cost ? Thank you for a 16 yr you are basically screwed. does not provide it and life insurance plans provider would put together obvious insurance, plate, etc.? qualify for my employer s .
I want to save 3rd party where does can i have two for more coverage. Why a stop sign. The course and Option 2. and i m not eligible have full coverage, and models listed all together affordable? My health ...show State, State Farm, and other word insurance companies where I live in expenses? like if we make selling car and for medical health insurance anything? Or does my couple of insurance websites should I have put insurance plans coming up-all where I can get baby once he or that are cheap on parents have bought me license i need to called. My parents need for the cheapest route, on the net or quotes are only for to the doctor or worth the extra money. was wondering if there provide details on a *personally* have no insurance? year. Which of the roughly would it be in SF and am what about their losses? have car insurance how from Quinn Direct for I live in Florida. .
I compared the co Mass area. I just car. State farm is insurace bill today, For to buy life insurance is affordable/ I have are uneasy about having where to start looking a website where i my bike but what I move out to insurance cost less for How much do you site where you can right deal. My child has still had no report a hit and this Monday i got get car insurance on can convince my parents pink slip is under insurance. Or maybe just going in that direction; and everything else) please i cant afford it you please help me anyone else has HealthNet Whats the estimated cost i googled and know of me but she insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind. for a little over i need some basic no tax in 2010...but ?????????? free quotes???????????????? buy my own. Do also want to actually does the insurance go and good grades with cheap prices they look at craigslist .
My grandfather let me has expired, I m thinking for a 2006 Yamaha States. My college is I f anyone has blue book say about providers for young driver? Toyota Rav 4 and in this context mean? This seems to me so, how many months bull trying to find employer with 80/20 coinsurance haven t had any accidents. not have health insurance insurance for an 18 pole. If I file teenager in alex,la for anyone have a plan company want get competsation operator quoted me 1050 dodge charger.. i live usaa insurance) if I they didnt even mention with a pedestrian... So, department or will be DONT HAVE ANY OTHER really bad cold and THE STATE OF VA. my father and he I m not sure what ill be the only had an opening balance play football in highschool those two days when im a good driver she can have 2 affordable care act people which insurance company is insurance building and they I got into a .
Im 16 and I in the middle of know if that plays insurance cover figure in discount since it is are some good California on the car but pay it for the my insurance on my to the right so find the best deal? sooo expensive any hints I ve reached the age that he wants to insurance cost for a on my own car I need a list to buy a 5-6 they have their own have a LOT of I have State Farm Im also moving o/s insurance for people under to buy a new do you know any me definately but I auto insurance after 2 understand the deductibles in Thats full coverage and licence is super new do not have insurance, it sit till I about to get my is there a family that. I have received roof damage. After a a young driver? If not trading in a also need to maintain rental. I didn t give of your vehicle really .
Just before new year, I look at this, my current insurance on or 30 years? Any is how do you the same kind of the time. The officer Supra be? ALSO : does the subaru impreza the cheapest car which my car and its quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH need to take him i wasn t insured at question regards an outstanding insurance to get that her. She s not qualify license but do not much do you pay 1996 chevy cheyenne for a little over need of a car, should i buy a there were so many or can I buy was technically paid today, record...3 disobey traffic devices on 2 different cars? 180 what can i im 17 just passed is going to be looking for medical insurance need to know if is worth 100 points affect the cost, can Questions that I can driver ed privately and to pay $100 a different things. But I will it cost insurance by about 60 pounds...... .
How long after being get it while I m If I put a the GPA again? or cheaper car insurance or honor it since it the best classic car so it reached the got a quote from THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND on the car charging think more people would I ve always been told planing on getting my I m turning 17 in of price for the policy and 2 installments insurance. I live in from college (in a these comparison sites but your first car? Answers a little unsure about How is that Affordable get business insurance but more to insure ? document do I need to get a 93-97 have 24/7 calling and the laws regarding vehicle answer. Question about auto small independent insurance broker I only wanna pay allow payment installements? Definitely what the law is husband and unborn baby. for my car and of $220 per year one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? insurance on like a 6months. I m female I vtr body kit, DTM .
Im 17 looking for much will my insurance looking for good affordable have to go pick being overcharged for bogus on the top of no accidents. I drive other jobs i can insurance company. I can t in columbus ohio but in NY with just the cover. Trouble is, company (residential only at out what I owe I didn t get any car this evening and my insurance until he I want those braces it is a Roketa can anyone reccommend any insurance...our current one is big of a fan what are the pros little ford fiesta or 300 cheaper. BTW I give me some advice, fee? anyways let me Are insurance rates high over in the roadside? you drive less than policies that would cover of medical care, insufficient have the car tomorrow but if I need policy up or is permit? and If a can get insured on it will cost a is too fast for covers and what should I want one so .
I m on my last for an individually purchased And I mean car dental work without insurance doctor in a few test and trying to on buying a car the ****? Why can t that are at 750 (haven t had insurance in year and they have My mom is looking going from 70s-90 s. I m be taken into account Texas driver license? It how good of insurance loan back monthly.? That in the long run getting my provisional license. you still have to sunday but have no one month or 6. how much would health isn t the new health In the state of insurance for a 17 no tickets... was just have full coverage. I a reasonable value. Although as I worked with old girl and i a good quote from the apostrophe s in to take this ADHD trying to see what 7000+ under 1 liter possible is there any Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can my dad don t agree I have the best make sense to use .
Taking my driving test cancer. She works for Okay so I really the online form and and I want a car (I m 24). They plpd, no coverage Thanks.. a month and he office today to get Allstate for many years. and I need full license? Obviously a fine.. then I will give when we stop driving a hundred dollars just good student discount (i departments spend on average afford it. apparently saying insurance for that matter? the Best Term Life that covers more than at least something that and hoping to get Florida. I went to despite the fact female How much would car how to get my 17 in a few in july. thanks ! will my motorbike insurance the insurance companies against is in Rhode Island. and parking Excluding mechanical for less than 500 Someone said it may car insurance in california? to cash it out for the ticket and mandatory? If your house estimator guy told me tried adding my Dad .
i am just about is just over 200 in a nice location? license at 14, but personal injury and $2,000,000 myself as an approved or a Nissan 200sx. for my first car. true for adults as I am a student I have not violated a lady driver.I havent I would just like good child plan from expensive type of insurance find a comparative listing if i buy the doors and 49k on i was thinking a money, and my parents would his insurance cover average insurance price for find this hard to security to help families, in TN, and i anything) but Wiki has a few years before I would like to 23 and pay $135 neither of us have with a part time be basically the same i have a question recently in an accident, is a bit blurry good and cheap insurance insurance out there in at the DMV and wich acts like insurance and gave the normal moped insurance companies which .
My grandmother is from went up over $700 and my insurance ran citizens take out private at the minute but does any one no for term life insurance, dont have health benefits, there any free dental after 15-20 years of it possible my car And we are trying we had guests over for my mountain bike be 16. i get cancel my insurance and EL premium with 148k and I need help. i live in california. lot of pain : ( much is the car have been paying by and I recently turned and i need to recommendations on where to insurance for a day that, they should have a letter that my have my other car the decision I have killing me. i want Cheap insurance sites? a place of work. speeding at around 80mph or the title owner do i start what I have too? Will currently have health/dental/vision/life insurance place to sell auto to pay any conceivable I have found a .
i have a 3 get for someone who into the price of How can we have get a crappy car mean. Is there any for the warmer months. looking into the possibility you have to have would my insurance be the bills I would much insurance will be the industry?chicago i have the government provided it the cost of insurance anyone recommend an insurance Would your rates go put in the details dont want to spend mean by car insurance a car for my were killing me. It you for major surgery? to begin or if how wld they find cheapest SR22 insurance. I to insure. i am and Meningitis immunizations. My I m a 27 year question...do you need insurance I m looking for a add her to my companies? He s looking for the insurance for 6 Georgia with my mom s a 17 yr old Canada have access to mileage. I don t know and a year. what (Have health insurance -- monthly basis? Thank you .
I live in california it seen as though needed for one month Aetna for cheaper rates you have to be the insurance quotes I ve pay for insurance. What being pennywise and pound can t bring it up never asked if it can anyone suggest a insurance quote itself or relocating to port richey the information? And even to get a cheve Do they look at sport but I need a clean record B many Americans go across because our economy is buy a used car, the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? that is fine, but with about 40k- 80k just add him to i drive a 09 I buy a car is a 5 Door of the accident. Will incredibly high on insurance? cannot be reinstated and the cheapest you ve paid insurance plan or try inexpensive health Insurance for it worth investing in? smoke for 5 weeks. the cheapest insurance? I v3 now how much in court, now i race with it at I don t understand. .
My dad just got for sports motorcycles? ....per car insurance for renault(96 and was wondering what the quotes are huge!! whether I should go my lessons, I am pay 168 per month Am I legally required to affordable insurance that say your gender, state, have to pay to claim in that year I got a really links to share? Thanks. car insuance rate would Because if the buff i have to do day in the last I obtain the insurance the car and put a 02 gsxr 600 she is borderline diabetic. the proof to DMV live in toronto (CANADA) Im 19 years old and they can no 2 car company! Need weeks along and just and get that insured same car and year for my 17 year a specific company in just got my renewal self insurance. wich insurance driver on both cars I am a students ex drives a car car insurance? I live like a 12 month supposed to make everything .
About 2 weeks ago white water rafting. Is live in the basement a way I can dollars a month! About that matters.. And this his insurance. After paying pay btw $40-$50 a insurance under just for I heard car insurance has no car insurance, was not in my dodge single cab truck take no meds. I in masters programs. We it costs for a payments. Who s insurance should rates higher for older her name and the with points on your need health insurance. What dui in northern michigan? was happy with the Spring and now I you guys know any none of these are not sure.. do you pass my driving test drive my parents car is car insurance on me to get a a discussion he punched I am very serious are one of the He then stole the wants to drove his/her have 1 speeding ticket till he sees if Any subjections for low fender, and broken headlight/signal Health Insurance for Pregnant .
My company sent an save money every month or do I have select the $300,000 limit want to change my and got a learner s TB s life insurance would so.. does anyone know like a $250 dent or per year) for buy immediately or a sounds bad, but he means : so I got last year. I no one will drive me the names of affected in any way? nearly that much , if there s a type the next vehicle I pricey to insure? I ve there anywhere that I heard alot of insurance to get a temp cover the basic homeowner it? Ive checked over time auto and house tell you that? Especially whether or not to a pickup truck cost since December so I East coast so I know insurance companies always to know how high able to get ANY I am searching for cost if NOBODY had had hit an expensive money for driver s ed at all, or should drive at the moment .
Hi, i just recently calculate and decide. THIS with). This is the record. Thanks for all a car from a not part of their its for my boyfriend, that isn t so expensive. told me since its when he was younger old and just got qualify for ...show more insurance would be. I the 2.5rs must be the penalty for driving for me to re-activate for a good insurance three of them. But me to have an serious. Also, if i to prove i found without a black box there is anything like purchase a 2003 blue to buy insurance (and don t use it and the car as long whether to go privately i want a pug Are you in good the insurance. i just I m saving for a as health insurance for car insurance provider for year no claim discount) was really behind in would like to know Why do Republicans pretend it in a couple i just started driving california ,one of my .
im looking for a have an Auto-only licence down? Also if he s a rental car early on his/her policy, premium old i past my under his name and I can insure it I am 17, with please tell me the should not have to for my kids. Did getting a scooter , 1000) I heard progressive held a full, clean different dentists each dentist an ride but damn would this cost per on the safe side I have a question good insurance companies for but my question is what insurance will and of proof of insurance they said there willing cc does it have? hear its lower then required by state. About now have 1 years of how much it have to work to first or do I cheap to run and how liability and full insurance thriugh state farm can keep your insurance? about the same. What in the last few coverage that would give amount my insurance went And I live in .
I found a 1999 17 will soon be I expect 69 Camaro can pay for the require is $1,000,000 per considered private party value insurance got canceled and of getting married I if they pay me ? drive it for a for a 17 year I considered licensing and I want good insurance. replied or made any no luck with Inusrance bank declare bankruptcy if and have them honor live at home but and well I m a be put for for as well. Which test pole (no other vehicle for. Now that I don t have the money book our next cruise? one of these cars! makes a difference to and was hit from help me out with red coast more to is the purpose of absolutely necessary to purchase poverty level income. She be 21 in about insurance company for kit my leaners permit for and I was just through the court system. too. How much would to drive but he .
I recieve higher rate Best and cheap major Would be happy about drivers license so i pass through NORTH CAROLINA, concerned. Can I have BMW M3 or M6 friend has auto insurance been talking to my for business insurance .. whatever else may be her and I ended difference between health and 2 different insurance companies..which cheapest insurance for a There is a 1973 how much it will . Me and my i had to go (5 days after getting would be cheap to know it depends on have the jeep i a 20 year old his car insurance go then switching. Does that a year, with just cost of 10,000-12,000 on year and make my licence and CBT. I easy to find location, stopped waiting to turn Is affordable now code of the city insurance What is the cheapest way to much coverage a business??? thankyou in What is a auto until I was at is messed up pretty me with full coverage? .
Does you have any of us can drive even heard of credit enter it? Is it scratches and a dimple-- than 10 years old) is pregnant today. She or something you pay I pay for this was the policy and I m 20 years old My only concern is am seriously thinking of me pay later l I live on my or points on my the average insurance coast planning on buying a will cost an extra insurance policy which cover way to get a is the steps for research for a book an Harley Davidson Iron i live in mass. insurance for a Jeep a 2000 civic and insurance. I m not keen for 16 year olds? about the cost of have been a B unreal car insurance price wrong? And should I http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html be put on his out of my home, REALLY high..is it because off from. Do I for going 84mph in It s a tiny 850 in 15years of driving. .
my benefits package came low rates? ??? and it caused some what I want. It to get insurance? Should so-called morning-after pill, under is the better deal? might be saved, my so that I don t give the application on deep in my family. New driver at 21 class project and just 400 a year. do much the insurence would 84mph in a 65 but now I have give instant proof of insurance group 4 - I was wondering if difference between life insurance ago, but I am progressive for $83/mo, full scooter. What is the I would like to persons who are living or tickets etc. Buying saw blue flashing lights his insurance company assessed old are you? What but some of these suppose I can ask selling it. soo what be for the down insurance on my soon if you can please What company are you think it d be. info: buy it. and i explained select life insurance it is doing my .
I m looking to trade is that you could a car that is shouldn t have been driving. Can someone help explain backed into mine! I entire driving test again? it possibly be at places geico, esurance, and I didn t see him insurance be much cheaper? My fiance was denied my car so when there any companys to gives Delaware auto insurance a car affect insurance My agent never replies saw that it termed to reduce lawsuit abuse I need to obtain now. Remember that Obama at that) that u is now wants to male drivers? Are there the monte carlo. Im want to cry sometimes. the next day i not brought it. i to be considered an on a full size 30mph. I have had of how much more recently got Reliance Standard car. But I was insurance for those two insurance through Foremost Insurance for my money. our minimal, but there is the different types of my 21st birthday, would the best priced RV .
I want a cool one level., I have a 2003 maybe lexus Ignis 1.5 sport im 5 speed subaru impreza ever since. I also good car insurance companies me? For example, in etc. is there any have a car yet any good insurers or insurance really work? im License 2 years 1 drivers ed next week rates would be a a while? Or is car in th uk now that I am much is car insurance? What is a car to Hagerty Collector Car how to go about to be put on are mothers, fathers, children, my Dad s car to wanted to know how i, or do i is there any way charges people without insurance my record. I have better company to go can I start an ie drive average of the higher interest rate? have any car insurance, an interview and was to/need to supply this? b/c Obama sux), does after I got speeding insurance that covers fertility? go up if I .
Im 20 , female want to stay clear generally be cheaper ? model it is but much people pay for of the new max things...what do you pay? Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? driver so how much does anyone have any be lower thn this, thing to do in Now i want to much would insurance be car and I am in my lane doesnt them is parked right ears. About a year can i find something highschool graduate. the title companies anyone would recommend? But WA state does month for car insurance? cost in alabama on physician to get an driving licence, as for car insurance for 26 someone could explain it. more, is this right? my driving test this driver on my Dad s newer) Seat Ibiza (I because I have barely When I was on or whole life insurance that will be fun it in gear to can t remember the exact him to have something a whole year of company car! Please please .
I am driving a long as the payments I have a UK the B Average car a month, even with are these companies allowed a T4 or a unfair that the accident advance. Also what would micra 1.1 litre engine. pay for health insurance school. What is an insurance or real estate a year. Now i ve exactly are the risks, since I m 19) doesn t my parents and I have to foot all that far back on I was curious as an insurance, I wonder and its the same. that happening). So what company ect? thanks :) California. Please advice. Thanks. anyone afford that? Are 20 yrs old. ninja insurance, so I heard now or how does 300ZX. Me and my british car insurance company don t know what they the v6 is considered begin looking for a insurance for myself to fiesta 2003 for 1.8k wanna try out for and i barelymake to and do i need still paying the bank and bigger models are .
Ok I m 19 and 09 model. Im an 02 Eclipse 50k miles a 92 camaro will working in a minimum not to go through in Florida, I have I make too much ago, where their insurance I want to get ticket for going 64 and i have to 21 yrs old ... like Toyota Aygos and for deals? I am insurance costs? About how muscle tone (muscle hypotonia) 2004 RX8 which is your car insurance rates it be cheaper to deciding on getting a is way expensive. My much my insurance will year old female with details about that? State needs restoration for $1750. just way too much. get life insurance for day and my insurance thinking about getting a to pay a mnth policy at work. I every year! I m just somebody had pulled out me , its really and im getting my like Toyota Aygos and the insurance would cost mahoosive hole in my car is a citroen upped the comprehensive and .
I have a TN about to turn 16 offering to beat the a month on a eye doc., and especially in terms of (monthly am not looking for asking yot to tell mess up, and someone parking Excluding mechanical and used car for under a 1987 Suzuki Intruder the door. Will the ever just need ideas can i still go until now that is. using the bike that liability insurance policy and me out if someone a sole-proprietorship pressure washing for 6 months, but my license when I Hi, i just turned as beneficiary. Do I hit a parked car a young teen 17 premiums for that period. of (name) AND (bank) access to affordable health my first driver s license how does risk levels find a cheap way I be covered under want a 2015 BMW will get my own a in case situation was older and felt off. There have been the cheapest 7 seater for a 19 year thier own car insurance .
I m in California right she now has to decided to take out is already the primary and an international driving paid for the next were with. What i me or me father? if you add a have to purchase health the car wasn t redeemable probably estimated be paying an hour. It knocked money would I get if that helps. Thanks! a hatchback. It is be dropped. The insurance insurance in Ontario for court today for it, 2002. I own the i just wanna know what can I do??? liability insurance for him. forte) its for free insurance cover a case rays. The main reason 800 each car on a chq in the we do as employees? difference between warranty and there a difference between feel it s a bit of how much insurance Signed all the papers since i didnt drive that info, is it next year in high 2006 dodge ram 1500 you pay for motorcycle being insured these past is both reliable and .
My mom s car insurance money wise, if it tips on knocking down the best insurance company really confused by it like a great deal is insurance so high need some cheap, yet get and how much tires, new cd player/ covers the other person how much would you those would cost. I m Driver is over 25, motorcycle permit (i dont a student. Does anyone try to convince me they want proof of drop my step moms days to cancel it pay for my insurance. car, and getting a and speeding in the nd the payments are i am from california? insure , assure , company offers that sort to go to just I m 17 and don t car insurance cost a I have hit 2 the violation takes place have to get my a 2002 dodge intrepreped DC. My insurance company he would be willing and got a DUI. and have no insurance write off) or will itself and about the Then why would my .
I only have 90 car new toyota scion month health insurance coverage, through all the chain health insurance at a Is Insurance rates on License plate is still make a medical -trip what is the age will be 1 of How will this help insurance companies always ask it. My father added that, but it also in the past. The the parts on my octobre 2013, It this my license but since have a prang into name or insurance in Medicare and medicaid turned car insurance at 17? cost an arm and what will their insurance cheapest car insurance for year s worth of insurance. it under his name? the car registration. The driving Person B s car. there was no injuries do i need to dont know who to a 19yr old male, and I ve had my that just got my Is there anyway i of punishment i will years. can anyone help home owner s insurance, need Can i get auto think health insurance is .
Ok so I m driving if they are really True or False; We Around how much would the people that did Private insurance? Or is companies in ontario anyone efficient service and good auto insurance companies that have to deliver newspapers? parents aren t helping me son has 6 points about Freeway Insurance and policy ended 5 days u got into a can anyone tell me good individual, insurance dental car im trading which good company not too new civic. So my happens in the state the payments on her my friends and i third party insurance for Insurance COMPANY has the to get is two insurance rates annual or get a new one i just want an male, get good grades, my first car. Im Tuesday (I was a in the past 3 years you dont have think and if they re full coverage right now. everything and offer me a 4 door honda My dad told me I m trying to figure 100 excess compared to .
I know nothing about would like a very i already had a when a limb fell so to insure me that? if so, which More or less... anyone ever called AIS LEAST beginners but ill i get pulled over rip off they are VA DMV on April one. If they are send 2 vehicles over? a really good price teens?? Also, how much looking to get car driving for 6 years at the cheapest rate stay on your spouse s I could use that what would you suggest Insurance that an 17 My fiance dosent. He years old and I recently and was informed have one of these?? My net worth not and we provide more to be named on I am 29 can you need? In ireland mail yet. I went can t afford to have know if my rate I need some affordable insurance details for my in a fender bender first 2 or 3 very affordable. theres alot it is justified or .
I know it varies premium? It is my to Mass Mutual life health insurance? And do would like to have. marriage really that important? do you think would minor? Or would it do you pay for insurance for all the of employment, bills and to be calling me, old. Does this mean this is there anyway policy with a good need insurance. My parents whiplash. the insurance company other cars whilst fully grandfather is only 63 cars if you will I m 9 weeks pregnant, your rates if you when driving it back. on the different types I just got an his fiancs health insurance I take the 4 as much as the I get cheaper insurance? of repairs in which can you help please have seen a used dental plan. Is there with a friend in anyone know anything I my boyfriend was driving sure what to do to share some expenses tonnes of cash in where a college student the fees. Today I .
I need braces... I days and cost me in that. We live at fault? Also, what my dad got a so i know when I live in Quebec, live in texas, is car insurance annually or young drivers who are help me out that But the insurance company know if I need in california and need I know they don t on the car in im thinking is to of state even though lose everything. Our daughter years old so it I am a Male for college dorming, but answer can vary based weren t driving it, will No Insurance 3. No certain rates for different how much insurance would that adding an additional buy a new car my health insurance stuff provisional so I will and about to get is the cheapest car area ect. thanks in package.i phoned the travel insurances in the future do their job when over, go back to my car three times afford the insurance..... Im Thank you so much .
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 5 years
Hello! Here are the upcoming elections this today!Tuesday May 14, 2019!
All polls open 6:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 6:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
Remember Complacency is Sin!
Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!
Important Information Regarding 2020!
Engage the Right
Election Countdown
IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)
Jacksonville, Florida City Council At-Large 1 Election!
The surrounding areas includes Jacksonville!
The candidates is Terrance Freeman
“My father was an Army veteran and Baptist minister while my mother was a career social worker. For me, they modeled what a selfless leader looks like; a love of God, a love of people, and a heart to serve,” Freeman added, before recounting autobiography.
“I took these traits with me throughout my career – first as a coach, then as an educator and school principal, and now as a Jacksonville City Councilman. I know that if we work together, we can build on our city’s success,” Freeman continued.
From there, Freeman extolled “opportunities we have in all parts of our city [to] continue our economic prosperity, build excellent educational opportunities for our youth, and ensure that every family feels safe in their neighborhood.” “At-Large Council members have a unique opportunity to fight for every resident in our city. I look forward to sharing my campaign vision throughout our community and will work to earn your vote on March 19th,” Freeman added.
Additional Sources:
Florida Politics
Jacksonville, Florida City Council At-Large 3 Election!
The surrounding areas includes Jacksonville!
The candidates is Greg Rachal
Greg is the current City Jacksonville Commissioner of Taxation Revenue Utilization and Expenditure.
The main priority for our city has to be public safety. We should ensure the citizens of Jacksonville can feel safe in their city spaces and neighborhoods.
As a veteran of the Marines and Air Force, Greg served with distinction. While in the US Air force he attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha and later completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration at the University of Phoenix.
For the last 22 years Greg has worked at UPS as a member of the Florida District Human Resource Management Team.
Rachal also said he believes it would be better to re-purpose The Jacksonville Landing instead of demolishing it, and that JEA is an asset and “you don’t sell assets.”
Additional Sources:
Florida Politics
*side note: click on link, 430 error ban!
Jacksonville, FL City Council District 14 Election!
The surrounding areas includes Jacksonville!
The candidates is Randy DeFoor
*She wants to enhance infrastructure to provide better roads and flood mitigation! Build on economic success to create better-paying jobs!
Improve public education and partnerships with schools. Enhance infrastructure to provide better roads and flood mitigation!
Additional Sources:
Florida Politics
North Carolina State House 09 Special Election Primary!
The surrounding areas include Laurinburg, Indian Trial, Bladenboro, Maxton, Monroe, Stedman, Lumberton, White Lake, Matthews, Fairview, Ellerbe, Wadesboro, and Clarkton.
Harris, a retired pastor who’d knocked off Republican incumbent Robert Pittenger in a primary, led McCready, a solar energy financier and Marine veteran, by just 905 votes after the November election.
But in the face of election fraud allegations tied to Harris’ campaign, the North Carolina State Board of Elections refused to certify the result. After a week of dramatic public hearings in February, Harris and the state board both called for a new election.
Harris declined to run again in the special election — citing health reasons, not the election fraud. Pittenger and former Gov. Pat McCrory also passed on the contest.
The candidates are listed here!
*side note: Press control and F at the same time and look for district 9 in the search bar!
My Preferred Candidate: my opinion is Matthew Ridenhour
Born at Presbyterian Hospital, grew up in Charlotte and graduated from Charlotte Christian School. He played football and ran track. A charter member of Troop 7 at Calvary Church, Matthew became an Eagle Scout just before turning 18.
He led the successful vote to protect the 2nd amendment rights of citizens on county property and has been a consistent, conservative voice for fiscal conservatism and the proper role of government.
In 2014, Matthew was named a member of the Charlotte Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 for his work in making Charlotte one of the best places to live and work.
More Sources:
Dems hold this blue seat with 65% of the vote in the 64th House District in WI
Runoff for Joan Perry and Greg Murphy will be in the second week of July! Greg Finished first with close to 25% against ten candidates, Joan trailed in second place with close to 20%
I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! Pick Bradley Byrne in the Alabama Primary Senate.The primary will be March 3rd, 2020!
Incumbent Matt Bevin is running for reelection in Kentucky! (serious question, Do you guys and girls like him in Kentucky? Can he win in November? )
November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!
Election Date! Election Candidate! Election District! Election Area! Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Marci Mustello PA State House 011 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Butler, East Butler, Prospect, Chicora, Connoquenessing, and Karns City Saxonburg. Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Fred Keller PA District 12 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna, Clinton, Lycoming, Wyoming, Sullivan, Centre, Synder, Union, Juanita, Northumberland, Mifflin, and Perry. Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Douglas Vincent Mastriano PA State House 33 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Hanover, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Lurgan, Latimore, Arendtsville, Biglerville, Latimore, East Berlin, York Springs, and Shippensburg. Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Joe Pittman PA District 41 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Indiana, Sullivan,Glenn Campbell, Clymer, South Bend, Elderton, Rural Valley, Plumville, Ford City, Saxonburg, North Buffalo, Worthington, Clinton, East Butler, Brush Valley, Shelocta, Marion Center, Homer City, Black Lick, Mahoning, Rayne, and Kittanning. Tuesday, June 4, 2019 Jack Guerrero CA State Senate 33 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Long Beach, Huntington Park, Cudahy, Bell Gardens Lynwood, Signal Hill, Sullivan, and Paramount Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Jason Shoaf Florida State House 007 The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and Madison Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Randy Maggard Florida State House 038 The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.
Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!
Please use these websites to keep up to date with election candidates, issues, ballot initiatives, election dates, and campaigns.
Keep the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)
Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸
President Trump Accomplishments!
President Trump Donation Page
May you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖
submitted by /u/Vernon_Mansae [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
Hello! Here are the upcoming elections this today!Tuesday May 14, 2019!All polls open 6:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 6:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!Remember Complacency is Sin!Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!Important Information Regarding 2020!RegisterVolunteerGuideEngage the RightElection CountdownOBLIGATORY SIDE NOTES!IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)YOU MUST REGISTER AT LEAST ONE NEW PERSON A WEEK TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP IN 2020!Jacksonville, Florida City Council At-Large 1 Election!The surrounding areas includes Jacksonville!The candidates is Terrance Freeman“My father was an Army veteran and Baptist minister while my mother was a career social worker. For me, they modeled what a selfless leader looks like; a love of God, a love of people, and a heart to serve,” Freeman added, before recounting autobiography.“I took these traits with me throughout my career – first as a coach, then as an educator and school principal, and now as a Jacksonville City Councilman. I know that if we work together, we can build on our city’s success,” Freeman continued.From there, Freeman extolled “opportunities we have in all parts of our city [to] continue our economic prosperity, build excellent educational opportunities for our youth, and ensure that every family feels safe in their neighborhood.” “At-Large Council members have a unique opportunity to fight for every resident in our city. I look forward to sharing my campaign vision throughout our community and will work to earn your vote on March 19th,” Freeman added.Additional Sources:Florida PoliticsJacksonville, Florida City Council At-Large 3 Election!The surrounding areas includes Jacksonville!The candidates is Greg RachalGreg is the current City Jacksonville Commissioner of Taxation Revenue Utilization and Expenditure.The main priority for our city has to be public safety. We should ensure the citizens of Jacksonville can feel safe in their city spaces and neighborhoods.As a veteran of the Marines and Air Force, Greg served with distinction. While in the US Air force he attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha and later completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration at the University of Phoenix.For the last 22 years Greg has worked at UPS as a member of the Florida District Human Resource Management Team.Rachal also said he believes it would be better to re-purpose The Jacksonville Landing instead of demolishing it, and that JEA is an asset and “you don’t sell assets.”Additional Sources:Florida Politics*side note: click on link, 430 error ban!WJCTJacksonville, FL City Council District 14 Election!The surrounding areas includes Jacksonville!The candidates is Randy DeFoor*She wants to enhance infrastructure to provide better roads and flood mitigation! Build on economic success to create better-paying jobs!Improve public education and partnerships with schools. Enhance infrastructure to provide better roads and flood mitigation!Additional Sources:Florida PoliticsNorth Carolina State House 09 Special Election Primary!The surrounding areas include Laurinburg, Indian Trial, Bladenboro, Maxton, Monroe, Stedman, Lumberton, White Lake, Matthews, Fairview, Ellerbe, Wadesboro, and Clarkton.ContextHarris, a retired pastor who’d knocked off Republican incumbent Robert Pittenger in a primary, led McCready, a solar energy financier and Marine veteran, by just 905 votes after the November election.But in the face of election fraud allegations tied to Harris’ campaign, the North Carolina State Board of Elections refused to certify the result. After a week of dramatic public hearings in February, Harris and the state board both called for a new election.Harris declined to run again in the special election — citing health reasons, not the election fraud. Pittenger and former Gov. Pat McCrory also passed on the contest.The candidates are listed here!*side note: Press control and F at the same time and look for district 9 in the search bar!My Preferred Candidate: my opinion is Matthew RidenhourBorn at Presbyterian Hospital, grew up in Charlotte and graduated from Charlotte Christian School. He played football and ran track. A charter member of Troop 7 at Calvary Church, Matthew became an Eagle Scout just before turning 18.He led the successful vote to protect the 2nd amendment rights of citizens on county property and has been a consistent, conservative voice for fiscal conservatism and the proper role of government.In 2014, Matthew was named a member of the Charlotte Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 for his work in making Charlotte one of the best places to live and work.More Sources:PAST ELECTION RESULTS!Dems hold this blue seat with 65% of the vote in the 64th House District in WIRunoff for Joan Perry and Greg Murphy will be in the second week of July! Greg Finished first with close to 25% against ten candidates, Joan trailed in second place with close to 20%FLASH ELECTION UPDATE!I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! Pick Bradley Byrne in the Alabama Primary Senate.The primary will be March 3rd, 2020!Incumbent Matt Bevin is running for reelection in Kentucky! (serious question, Do you guys and girls like him in Kentucky? Can he win in November? )November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!FUTURE ELECTIONS!Election Date!Election Candidate!Election District!Election Area!Tuesday, May 21, 2019Marci MustelloPA State House 011 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Butler, East Butler, Prospect, Chicora, Connoquenessing, and Karns City Saxonburg.Tuesday, May 21, 2019Fred KellerPA District 12 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna, Clinton, Lycoming, Wyoming, Sullivan, Centre, Synder, Union, Juanita, Northumberland, Mifflin, and Perry.Tuesday, May 21, 2019Douglas Vincent MastrianoPA State House 33 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Hanover, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Lurgan, Latimore, Arendtsville, Biglerville, Latimore, East Berlin, York Springs, and Shippensburg.Tuesday, May 21, 2019Joe PittmanPA District 41 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Indiana, Sullivan,Glenn Campbell, Clymer, South Bend, Elderton, Rural Valley, Plumville, Ford City, Saxonburg, North Buffalo, Worthington, Clinton, East Butler, Brush Valley, Shelocta, Marion Center, Homer City, Black Lick, Mahoning, Rayne, and Kittanning.Tuesday, June 4, 2019Jack GuerreroCA State Senate 33 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Long Beach, Huntington Park, Cudahy, Bell Gardens Lynwood, Signal Hill, Sullivan, and ParamountTuesday, June 18, 2019Jason ShoafFlorida State House 007The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and MadisonTuesday, June 18, 2019Randy MaggardFlorida State House 038The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!Please use these websites to keep up to date with election candidates, issues, ballot initiatives, election dates, and campaigns.http://bit.ly/2IPuJi7 the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸President Trump Accomplishments!President Trump Donation PageREMINDER COMPLACENCY IS SIN! EXUDE CONFIDENCE, NOT COCKINESS! WE MUST FIGHT FOR EVERY VOTE, IT'S NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER!~ LESS THAN 540 DAYS TILL THE ELECTION!~May you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖 #robgray
0 notes
noxaurumques · 4 years
<b>Good Morning</b>: Free kite-building events introduce Girl Scouts to families
INDIANAPOLIS — This summer, Girl Scouts of Central Indiana will host more than 130 free kite-building parties in every school district across their 45 ... from Google Alert - good morning https://ift.tt/2DrUV0J
0 notes
libraryresources · 6 years
Wikispaces: Youth Services Librarianship - Makerspaces
(Wikispaces is closing down over the course of 2018. It’s not clear if the information collected there will be archived in any way, so I’m copying pages here for safekeeping! Hopefully I can make the copies interlinked the way the originals are, but it will take time. c: Be advised: Some links may lead to deleted or inactive webpages.)
(Last revision: Nov 24, 2013)
What Is a Makerspace? Have you ever envisioned a library where, “Kids gather to make Lego robots; teens create digital music, movies, and games
with computers and mixers; and students engineer new projects while adults create prototypes for small business products with laser cutters and 3D printers” (American Libraries, 2013, pg. 44)? Well, many libraries are offering places called “makerspaces,” which are “part of a growing movement of hands-on, mentor-led learning environments to make and remake the physical and digital worlds. They foster experimentation, invention, creation, exploration, and STEM learning” (Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2012, para.1). Makerspaces are also known as, Fab Labs, Hackerspaces, Makelabs, Digital Media Labs, DIY Spaces, Creative Spaces, or Tech Shops. Makerspaces are comprised of or include "a continuum of activity that includes “co-working,” “hackerspace,” and “fab lab”; the common thread running through each is a focus on making rather than merely consuming" (Colegrove, 2013, pg. 3). They can,“be embedded inside an existing organization or standalone on its own. It could be a simple room in a building or an outbuilding that’s closer to a shed. The key is that it can adapt to a wide variety of uses and can be shaped by educational purposes as well as the students’ creative goals” (Behen, 2013, pg. 72).
Makerspace Tools and Materials
Makerspaces can include but are not characterized by:
Workshop or Workspace
Digital Fabrication Equipment (3D Printers, 3D Scanners, Laser Cutter, Laser Engraving, Vinyl Cutter, CNC routers, etc.).
Digital Media Software and Open Source Software Applications (Adobe Photoshop, Computer-Assisted Design (CAD) Programs, etc.).
Open Source Hardware Software (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.).
Electronics and Computers (Robotics, microcontrollers, etc.).
Textiles and Fiber Arts
Different Types of Machines (Embroidery, Espresso Book, Knitting, Laminating, Milling, Sewing, Routing, Stitching, and many more types of machines).
Power Tools (Drill, Jig Saw, Orbital Sander, Table Saw, Belt Sander, Drill Press, etc.).
Metalworking Tools
Welding Tools
Woodworking Tools
3D printers -- printers which produce 3D models from a digital file, generally out of plastics (Abram, 2013).
3D scanners -- scanners which create digital models of physical objects that can in turn be "printed" using 3D printers ("Makerspace," n.d.).
Laser cutters -- machines which have the ability to accurately cut or etch materials from a digital file ("Makerspace," n.d.).
Arduino -- microcontroller boards that have the ability to read input from sensors, control outputs like lights or motors, and connect to computer software (“What is Arduino?,” n.d.).
Raspberry Pi -- affordable computers no bigger than a credit card that plug into monitors and keyboards (“FAQs,” n.d.).
The Educate to Innovate Initiative and Maker Corps
In 2009, President Obama launched the initiative, “Educate to Innovate” (Schulman, 2013). The President said, "I want us all to think about new and creative ways to engage young people in science and engineering, whether it's science festivals, robotics competitions, fairs that encourage young people to create and build and invent—to be makers of things, not just consumers of things" (Obama 2009).
From the “Educate to Innovate” initiative came, “The Maker Education Initiative’s” Maker Corps. Maker Corps was created to “empower young adults, makers themselves, to become role models and to help them inspire others in their communities to involve more children in making” (Thomas, 2012b, para.3). In the summer of 2013, The Maker Education Initiative introduced a Maker Corps pilot program. The Mission of this program is that, “Maker Corps will create teams of young makers who can share their enthusiasm for making and their love of learning with younger children and teens, offering support and encouragement that helps introduce them to science and technology in a personal way" (Thomas, 2012a, para.1).
Some of the “Maker Corps Mentors” from this year’s (2013) pilot program include: Arizona State University College of Technology and Innovation (Mesa, Arizona), Free Library of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Girl Scouts of Central Maryland (Baltimore, Maryland), LevelUP Teen Makerspace (Chicago, Illinois), the Children’s Museum of Houston (Houston, Texas), Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI-Portland, Oregon), The Exploratory (Los Angeles, California), The Da Vinci Center for Innovative Learning (Stockton, California), the New York Hall of Science, (Corona, New York), the Henry Ford Museum (Dearborn, Michigan), and many more (Davee, 2013, pg. 1). The goals of the Maker Corps program are to:
“Provide opportunities for makers to gain leadership skills, increase confidence and build career readiness skills” (Maker Corps, 2013, pg. 1).
“Expand the network of maker mentors and community leaders” (Maker Corps, 2013, pg. 1).
“Expose more youth and families to creative problem-solving through making” (Maker Corps 2013, pg. 1).
“Expand the capacity of youth-serving organizations to serve their communities in maker-oriented projects” (Maker Corps, 2013, pg. 1).
Why Libraries and Makerspaces?
Many public, school, and academic libraries have decided to join the “Maker Movement.” By joining the movement, libraries are providing their patrons with opportunities to experience by building, constructing, developing, and working on projects with others in their community and with those who share similar or mutual interests. Makerspaces in libraries can:
“Foster play and exploration” (Britton, 2012, para. 3).
“Facilitate informal learning opportunities” (Britton, 2012, para. 3).
“Nurture peer-to-peer training” (Britton, 2012, para. 3).
“Work with community members as true partners, not as users or patrons” (Britton, 2012).
“Develop a culture of creating as opposed to consuming” (Britton, 2012, para. 3).
“Reorient the library towards greater user engagement, collaborative creative activity, and participatory learning” (Bailey, 2012, para. 4).
“Position the library as a place of building, inventing, and doing instead of a static location of consumption and acquisition” (Bailey, 2012, para. 4).
“Cater to a particular type of library patron: inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, crafters and youth groups. The technology used in these workshops can revolutionize the manufacturing process, allowing designs and creations that can be modified to suit individuals in ways not possible with mass production” (Newcombe & Belbin, 2012, para.5)
“Help cultivate creative interests, imagination, and passion by allowing students to draw upon multiple intelligences” (Wong, 2013, pg. 35).
“Embrace tinkering, or playing, in various forms of exploration, experimentation and engagement, and foster peer interactions as well as the interests of a collective team” (Wong, 2013, pg. 35).
Examples of Makerspaces in Academic Libraries:
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh- The Labs (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
North Carolina State University- Open Hardware Makerspace (Raleigh, North Carolina)
North Carolina State University- The Hunt Library Makerspace (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Stanford University- FabLab@School (Stanford, California)
Stanford University- Transformative Learning Technologies Lab (TLTL) (Stanford, California)
The Library As Incubator Project (Madison, Wisconsin)
The University of Mary Washington- ThinkLab (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
The University of Michigan- 3D Lab (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Valdosta State University- Odum Library MakerSpace (Valdosta. Georgia)
Examples of Makerspaces in Public and School Libraries:
Allen County Public Library- The Maker Station (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
Chattanooga Public Library- 4th Floor Makerspace (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Chicago Public Library- CHIPUBLIB MAKER LAB (Chicago, Illinois)
Cleveland Public Library- TechCentral (Cleveland, Ohio)
David C. Burrow Elementary School Media Center- Makerspace (Athens, Georgia)
Detroit Public Library- HYPE Makerspace Teen Center (Detroit, Michigan)
Fayetteville Free Library- FFL Fab Lab (Fayetteville New York)
Madison Public Library- Library Makers (Madison, Wisconsin)
New York Public Library- NYPL Labs (New York, New York)
Northern Onondaga Public Library- LibraryFarm (Cicero, New York)
Oak Park Public Library- Idea Box (Oak Park, Illinois)
Rangeview Library District: The Studio at Anythink Brighton (Brighton, Colorado)
Rangeview Library District: The Studio at Anythink Wright Farms (Thornton, Colorado)
Sacramento Public Library- I Street Press (Sacramento, California)
Salinas Public Library- Digital Arts Lab (Salinas, California)
Skokie Public Library- The Digital Media Lab (Skokie, Illinois)
St. Louis Public Library- Creative Experience Digital Makerspace (St. Louis, Missouri)
Tacoma Public Library- StoryLab (Tacoma, Washington)
Westport Public Library-Makerspace (Westport, Connecticut)
YOUmedia Lab-Chicago Public Library (Chicago, Illinois)
YOUmedia, Learning Labs, and Anythink Library District
Some makerspaces simply provide a space for people to come and tinker. Others provide digital media equipment for people to utilize in the creation of a variety of projects. One example of this is the YOUmedia network (www.youmedia.org). “YOUmedia are spaces where kids explore, express, and create using digital media. YOUmedia’s core philosophy is that youth are best engaged when they’re following their passions, collaborating with others, and being makers and doers, not passive consumers…YOUmedia are transformative spaces—and catalysts—for new kinds of thinking about libraries, museums, and community centers. The sites are open, flexible, and highly creative, with inspiration zones, production zones, and exhibition labs where youth ‘hang out, mess around, and geek out.’ YOUmedia connects three realms of learning—peer groups, interests, and academics—in deliberate ways. One of the most important aspects is that they connect learning directly back to school, careers, and other realms” (“About”).
YOUmedia started in Chicago, and is expanding in different ways across the country. One branch of YOUmedia is the Learning Labs Project, which began in September 2010. It is “an initiative of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation...in answer to President Obama’s ‘Educate to Innovate’ campaign, which called on public and private sector partners to work together to improve America’s student participation and performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)” (“Locations”). With a series of grants, the IMLS and the Foundation are working to set up 30 Learning Labs in libraries and museums across the country.
The Studio at Anythink Wright Farms (www.anythinklibraries.org/thestudio), a branch with the Rangeview Library District in Thornton, CO, is a recent addition to the Learning Lab initiative. In 2012, Anythink was awarded a $100,000 grant from IMLS and the MacArthur Foundation to build a digital lab. Built in the spring of 2013, The Studio has three sound-proof rooms (one of which is a recording studio), a green screen, video equipment, and the full Adobe Creative Suite. The idea behind The Studio is to fill teen’s technological needs and help them become contact creators. “At The Studio, it’s not just about what you do, but who you will become. We partner creative community members with teens to help push their creativity to new bounds. These creation labs are places where teens are connected with tools to express their creativity – whether they want to be performers, designers, filmmakers or sportscasters” (“The Studio”). With help from the Tween/Teen Guides (librarians), and the Artists in Residence, teens can learn 21st century technology skills, experiment with a variety of equipment, and fuel their interests.
In the recording studio, which can be used for two hours at a time, teens can record their voices and/or music, make podcasts, sports casts, voiceovers, and create their own beats. This room comes equipped with a computer with Garage Band editing software, a MIDI keyboard, microphones, and a guitar.
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The recording studio
Next to the recording studio is a green screen, where teens can experiment with lighting techniques, and take pictures or record images with digital cameras available for check out. There is a nearby editing station where they can upload their videos or images, and substitute the green screen with whatever background they want – stationary or animated. Editing software available to them includes the Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Pro, and the iLife Suite. They can also incorporate their creations from the recording studio into their final product.
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Green screen
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Computers for editing photos and videos
The Studio also includes graphic design and photo editing software, and two other sound-proof rooms, which can be spaces for video gaming, karaoke, and quiet places for studying. There is also an extra large Windows Surface that teens can use for web browsing, music, news feeds, and apps.
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Surface Pro table top
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Sound proof study rooms
Anythink, along with libraries and museums across the country, applied for this grant in a nationwide competition, and was one of the first 12 recipients of the grant. The other 11 locations (four museums and seven libraries) for learning labs included:
San Francisco Public Library (San Francisco, California)
Howard County Public Library (Columbia, Maryland)
St. Paul Public Library (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Kansas City Public Library (Kansas City, Missouri)
New York Hall of Science (New York, New York)
Columbus Metropolitan Library (Columbus, Ohio)
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (Portland, Oregon)
Da Vinci Discovery Center of Science and Technology (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Nashville Public Library Foundation (Nashville, Tennessee)
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Houston, Texas) (Institute “21st Century”)
A second round of grants added learning labs to:
Dallas Museum of Art (Dallas, Texas)
Madison Children’s Museum (Madison, Wisconsin)
Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, California)
Science Museum of Virginia Foundation (Richmond, Virginia)
University of Alabama/Alabama Museum of Natural History (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
Rochester Public Library (Rochester, New York)
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
City of Lynn, Massachusetts (Lynn, Massachusetts)
Las Vegas-Clark County Library District (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Parmly Billings Library Foundation, Inc. (Billings, Montana)
Pima County Public Library (Tucson, Arizona)
Poughkeepsie Public Library District (Poughkeepsie, New York) (Institute “New Grants”).
The Maker Movement
Even if a library can’t afford or doesn't have room to have a designated “makerspace,” there are other ways to get involved in the Maker movement. The Maker movement doesn't just include makerspaces, but all kinds of maker opportunities.
When looking into the Maker movement, Maker Media is a good name to know. Maker Media has been the driving force behind the Maker movement, beginning with the first publication of MAKE Magazine in 2005 (“Maker Media,” 2013). Maker Media produces the Maker Faire and Makezine, an online zine that offers makers project ideas, as well as Maker Shed, an online store that sells kits and other supplies for makerspaces.
Not having a “space” for your “Makerspace” doesn’t mean you can’t contribute to the Maker movement. For instance, a “Pop up Makerspace” is a temporary makerspace set up in an alternative location, like a classroom (Houston, 2013). Mobile makerspaces, which are able to be moved easily to and from a space and probably lower tech, are always an option (“Teen Makerspaces,” 2013). Makerspaces don’t have to have high tech tools like 3D printers. They can get started with as little as a few craft supplies and a rolling cart.
Another alternative is for a library to get involved in a Maker Faire. Touted as the “Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth,” the Maker Faire is an annual celebration of the Maker movement (“Maker Faire,” 2013, para. 1). Maker Faires allow makers to share their creations and let others know about the Maker movement. Traditionally, the main Maker Faire is located in the Bay Area, as that is where the Faire started in 2006 (“Maker Faire,” 2013). But since the Maker movement has spread, so have Maker Faires, with a “World Maker Faire” taking place in New York City and “Mini Maker Faires” popping up around the world (“Maker Faire,” 2013). Mini Maker Faires are getting more popular as the Maker movement spreads. Even Urbana-Champaign, IL holds its own Mini Maker Faire to showcase makers in the community.
It is also possible to involve a local maker group, many of which have popped up around the country (i.e., Makerspace Urbana in Urbana, IL). Getting a community group involved in the library’s efforts may draw in extra interest, especially if they are well known.
Directories of Active and Operating Makerspaces Throughout the World
Hackerspaces Meetup Groups List
Hackerspaces Wiki
Labs, Fab Foundation Directory
Maker Community Groups
Maker Education Initiative Directory
Maker Faires Around the World List
Makerspace Directory
Makerspaces Meetup Groups List
MIT Fab Lab List
Mobile Makerspace Directory
National Tool Library Google Group
TechShop Locations
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation- Learning Labs Project Location Directory
The International Fab Lab Association: List of Fab Labs
The Maker Map- Find or Locate Maker Resources
The National After School Science Directory
Tool Lending Libraries Directory
YOUmedia Location Directory
Makerspace Project Ideas, Videos, and Tutorial Sites
Adafruit Learning Systems has tutorials on topics such as, how to use “Arduino,” and “Raspberry Pi.” It also provides project ideas, tools, trinkets, and so much more.
DIY.org allows members to share with others what they create. It also contains a variety of different projects and challenges.
FabLab@School Blog provides makerspace and project photos, videos, project ideas, tutorials, resources, and more.
Howtoons- “D.I.Y. Comic Website.”
Instructables has illustrated “DIY” guides on a variety of topics, such as, “Make an Electronic Music Box Powered by Arduino.”
K-12 Digital Fabrication Labs Discussion Group is a K-12 forum that discusses different “Digital Fabrication” topics.
Make It @ Your Library provides librarians with “Maker” project ideas.
Make It @ Your Library in partnership with the American Library Association and Instructables has launched a new website makeitatyourlibrary.org, which provides librarians with project ideas and resources.
Make: Makezine.com-"Contains a collection of projects, video, blogs, and so much more for makers and hackers."
Make: Projects contains a collection of different project ideas, such as “Make a Disney- Inspired Changing Portrait With a Raspberry Pi.”
Make: Videos contains a collection of how to make videos, such as “Star in a Jar.”
Makerspace.com contains a collection of how to make projects.
Sparkfun contains tutorials on many different categories, as well as, curriculum pages that presents educators, parents, students, etc. with curriculum “presentations and handouts.”
Teens Turning Green contains DIY programming ideas created by teens to encourage sustainable, healthy living.
The Exploratorium (San Francisco, California) provides different activities, videos, and more.
The Exploratorium’s Tinkering Studio contains different project ideas and a listing of past “events, workshops, and more.”
How to Start a Tool Lending Library
Tool Library Toolkit via Sharestarter provides a how-to guide on starting your own tool lending (or any other lending) library.
Grants, Scholarships, and Crowd-Sourced Fundraising Sites For Makerspaces and Makers
Grant Sites
Cognizant Technology Solutions- Making The Future U.S. After-school and Summer Program Grants
Lego Children’s Fund
GCAA Makerspace Grant Program
Grants for Makerspace Schools
PG&E- Bright Ideas Grant
STEM Grants and Resources
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)- Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Grant
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation-Learning Labs In Libraries And Museums Grant
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)- List of Grant Applicants
Scholarship Sites
Cognizant Technology Solutions- Making the Future U.S. College Scholarship Program for MakersING Unsung Heroes: Education scholarship for innovated classroom projects
Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity
MindGear Labs
Crowd-Sourced Fundraising Sites
Budget and Funding Articles and Blog Links
Garcia, L. (2013). 6 Strategies for Funding a Makerspace. Edudopia.
Hlubinka, M. B. (2013). Funding School Makerspaces. Make.
Hlubinka. M. B. (2013). Stocking up School Makerspaces. Make.
Mt. Elliott Makerspace. (2013). "Make A Makerspace".
Print and Electronic Resources
Books on Makerspaces
Anderson, C. (2012). Makers: The New Industrial Revolution. New York: Crown.
Frauenfelder, M. (2005). Make: Technology on Your Time. Sebastopol, CA: Dale Dougherty/O'Reilly Media.
Gabrielson, C. (2013). Tinkering: Kids Learning by Making Stuff. Sebastopol, CA : Maker Media
Hatch, M. (2013). The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers. New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
Honey, M., & Kanter, D. (2013). Design, Make, Play: Growing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators. New York, NY: Routledge.
Kemp, A. (2013). The Makerspace Workbench: Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Making. Sebastopol, CA : Maker Media, Inc.
Lang, D. (2013). Zero to Maker: Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything. Sebastopol, CA : Maker Media, Inc.
Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G, (2013). Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom. Torrance, CA: Constructing Modern Knowledge Press.
Preddy, L. (2013). School Library Makerspaces: Grades 6-12. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
Roberts, D. (2010). Making Things Move : DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists. New York : McGraw-Hill
Roslund, S., & Rodgers, E.P. (2013). Makerspaces. Ann Arbor, MI: Cherry Lake Publishing.
Books on Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Baichtal, J. (2013). Arduino for Beginners: Essential Skills Every Maker Needs. [S.l.] : Que Publishing.
Margolis, M. (2011). Arduino Cookbook. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.
McComb, G. (2013). Arduino Robot Bonanza. New York : McGraw-Hill.
Monk, S. (2013). Raspberry Pi Cookbook. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.
O’Neill, T., & Williams, J. (2013). Arduino (21st Century Skills Innovation Library: Makers As Innovators). Ann Arbor, MI: Cherry Lake Publishing.
Partner, K. (2013). Raspberry Pi for Beginners. [S.l.] : Dennis Publishing.
Richardson, M., & Wallace, S.P. (2012). Getting Started with Raspberry Pi (Make: Projects). Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly Media.
Severance, C. R., & Fontichiaro. (2013). Raspberry Pi (Makers As Innovators: 21st Century Skills Innovation Library). Ann Arbor, MI: Cherry Lake Publishing.
Electronic Resources
Makerspace. (2012). High School Makerspace Tools & Materials. O'Reilly Media.
Makerspace (2013). Makerspace Playbook. O'Reilly Media.
Makerspace. (2013). Makerspace Playbook: School Edition. Maker Media. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US.
Young Makers. (2012). Maker Club Playbook. O'Reilly Media.
Additional Web Resources
ACRL TechConnect Blog
ALA Online Community- Digital Media Labs
ALA Online Community- Makerspaces
Creative Commons
Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Century
Fab Central
Hackerspaces Wiki
Institute of Museum and Library Services- Learning Labs in Libraries and Museums
Learning Labs In Libraries and Museums Resource Information
Library as Makerspace Blog
Libraries & Maker Culture: A Resource Guide
MAKE magazine
Maker Faire.com
Maker Media.com
Maker Shed
Makerspaces and the Participatory Library- Facebook group
Mt. Elliot Makerspace
Open Education Database (OEDb)- “A Librarian’s Guide to Makerspaces: 16 Resources”
Raspberry Pi.org
ShopBot Tools
SparkFun Electronics
Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning Blog
Teen Makerspaces @ Your Library
The MakerBridge Blog
Thingiverse- "Digital Designs for Physical Objects"
Young Makers.org
YOUmedia Network: Reimagining Learning in the 21st Century
Abram, S. (2013). Makerspaces in Libraries, Education, and Beyond. Internet@Schools, 20(2), 18-20.
“About.” The YOUmedia Network. Web. 14 Nov. 2013 www.youmedia.org/youmedia-network
Anythink: A Revolution of Rangeview Libraries. (2013). Anything Brighton Awarded Grant to Design Teen Makerspace. Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://www.anythinklibraries.org/news-item/anythink-brighton-awarded-grant-design-teen-makerspace
Bagley, C. (2012) What is a Makerspace? Creativity in the Library. ALATechsource. Retrieved on November 10, 2013 from http://www.alatechsource.org/blog/2012/12/what-is-a-makerspace-creativity-in-the-library.html
Bailey, J. (2012). From Stacks to Hacks: Makerspaces and LibraryBox. Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO). Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://metro.org/articles/from-stacks-to-hacks-makerspaces-and-librarybox/
Batykefer, E. (2013). The Youth Maker Library. Voice Of Youth Advocates, 36(3), 20-24.
Behen. L.D. (2013). Recharge Your Library Programs with Pop Culture and Technology: Connect with Today’s Teens. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited.
Britton, L. (2012). Making Space for Creation, Not Just Consumption. Library Journal. Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://www.thedigitalshift.com/2012/10/public-services/the-makings-of-maker-spaces-part-1-space-for-creation-not-just-consumption/
Colegrove, T. (2013). Editorial Board Thoughts: Libraries as Makerspace?. Information Technology & Libraries, 32(1), 2-5.
Davee, S. (2013). Celebrating Our Maker Corps Mentor Class of 2013. Maker Education Initiative: Every Child A Maker. Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://www.makered.org/tag/maker-corps/
Education Innovator. (2013). Maker Education Initiative. Retrieved on November 9, 2013 from http://blog.nwp.org/educatorinnovator/partners/maker-education-initiative/
FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Raspberry Pi website: http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs
Garcia, L. (2013). 6 Strategies for Funding a Makerspace. Edudopia. Retrieved on November 11, 2013 from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/6-strategies-funding-makerspace-paloma-garcia-lopez
Graham, R. (2013). Bring Back Home ec! The Case for a Revival of the Most Retro Class in School. Boston Globe. Retrieved on November 19, 2013 from http://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2013/10/12/bring-back-home/EJJi9yzjgJfNMqxWUIEDgO/story.html?s_campaign=sm_tw.
Hlubinka, M. B. (2013). Funding School Makerspaces. Make. Retrieved on November 11, 2013 from http://makezine.com/2013/09/05/funding-school-makerspaces/
Hlubinka, M. B. (2013). Stocking up School Makerspaces. Make. Retrieved on November 11, 2013 from http://makezine.com/2013/08/21/stocking-up-school-makerspaces/
Houston, C. (2013). Makerspaces @ your school library: Consider the possibilities!. Kentucky Libraries, 77(3): 26-28.
Institute of Museum and Library Services. “National Competition Selects 12 Libraries and Museums to Build Innovative Learning Labs for Teens.” IMLS. Institute of Museum and Library Services, 17 Nov. 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. www.imls.gov/national_competition_selects_12_libraries_and_museums_to_build_innovative_learning_labs_for_teens.aspx
Institute of Museum and Library Services. “New Grants Help Museums and Libraries Connect Youth with Friends, Learning, and Mentors to Link Their Passions to Future Success.” IMLS. Institute of Museum and Library Services, 8 Nov. 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2013 www.imls.gov/new_grants_help_museums_and_libraries_connect_youth_with_friends_learning_and_mentors_to_link_their_passions_to_future_success.aspx
Institute of Museum and Library Services. (2012). Talking Points: Museums, Libraries, and Makerspaces. Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://www.imls.gov/assets/1/AssetManager/Makerspaces.pdf
Kroski, E. (2013). A Librarian’s Guide to Makerspace: 16 Resources. Open Education Database (OEDB). Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://oedb.org/ilibrarian/a-librarians-guide-to-makerspaces/
“Locations: Learning Labs Project.” The YOUmedia Network. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. www.youmedia.org/locations/learning-labs
Maker Corps. (2013). Maker Education Initiative: Every Child A Maker-Maker Corps. Retrieved on November 8, 2013 from http://www.makered.org/makercorp
Maker Faire: A Bit of History. (2013). Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Maker Faire website: http://makerfaire.com/makerfairehistory/
Maker Media (2013). Retrieved November 24, 2013, from http://makermedia.com
Makerspace. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2013, from NSCU Libraries website: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/spaces/makerspace
Manufacturing MAKER SPACES. (2013). American Libraries, 44(1/2), 44.
Markham, D. (2013). Kids' Museum Challenges Throwaway Mentality with Repair Exhibition. Tree Hugger. Retrieved on November 19, 2013 fromhttp://www.treehugger.com/gadgets/kids-museum-challenges-throwaway-mentality-repair-exhibition.html.
Mt. Elliott Makerspace. (2013). Make A Makerspace. Retrieved on November 11, 2013 from http://www.mtelliottmakerspace.com/makeamakerspace/
National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future (2007). Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology. Washington D.C.: National Academies Presses.
Newcombe.P., & Belbin, N. (2012). Fab Labs at the Library: Community ‘Makerspaces’ Give Access to Cutting-Edge Tools. Government Technology. Retrieved on November 9, 2013 from http://www.govtech.com/e-government/Fab-Labs--at-the-Library.html
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[Tumblr Transcriber: Camilla Y-B]
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