fanficqueen306 · 5 years
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New Chapter! Come take a look and let me know what you think! 
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
Chapter 8 is up!! Come take a read and let me know what you think! 
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
The Devotion of Light and the Allure of Darkness
Normally I would not post chapters on here but I want to try and reach more of you guys with this story. I will put the links to the rest of it at the bottom. I hope you all enjoy this! :) 
Chapter 1: Men and Monsters
When we are children our parents teach us right from wrong. Or they are meant to anyway. In the end, children often see the world in black and white... Good and Evil, Men and Monsters. But, as we grow older we start to learn that there is much more to the world. That sometimes, something that we were raised to believe, was not as set in stone as we first thought, we learn that life is fluid. The balance is ever changing, yet man always tries to change the scales with talk of light as they add a coin to the dark. But then again, life is an ever changing balance...
It was just my luck that I had the worst taste in men. And I'm not just talking about the typical bad boys who are good for nothing and like to push me around, though I have had a lot of those in my life. No, I had also dated guys who were wonderful and sweet who did everything to make me happy, but they always seemed to love me more than I did them. However, I guess that's not so much bad taste as bad judgement. Whatever it is though, I never thought that it would lead me here.
Here, being the middle of nowhere Ohio, in a downpour of bitterly cold rain... Again, just my luck.
You see everything had started out good, maybe too good, I had found a guy that seemed to be the perfect mix of bad boy and good. His name was Zane Porter. He was a rather good looking guy who had forest green eyes that always shined with some kind of mischief. He was a lawyer, one of those guys that with one look you would think that he was born in a suit. But something most wouldn't know was that he was in to fast cars and had a 1969 Boss 429 Mustang. It was an electric blue with black leather seats that were a soft and buttery.
Man, I loved that car... But, not anymore. I think if I ever saw that car again I may be sick.
Here, running from that car... From that man, no, not man, monster. Someday I would look back on my definition of a monster and he would still be at the top of the list... But today, I was running, the bitterly cold rain doing little for my bruised and aching body. No, the only thing it did was cover the tears as I cried.
I knew he would follow me. After all, I got away, but for how long? If I didn't find some help soon I knew he would get me, and this time I would never get away from him. I can't tell you how, I just felt it deep in my bones. As a rather angry bolt of lighting struck the sky, lighting my dark world for a moment, that was all I needed to see a man and women up ahead of me at what must have been a crossroad. Why anyone was standing out in the middle of all this I don't know and I can tell you I didn't care.
I pushed my body just a little harder praying not for the first time that night, though this time it was that I was not seeing things, and that whoever I was seeing would help me.
I had been so lost in my head that I ran right into the rather attractive brunet. I have no idea how I didn't take us both down but maybe she was just stronger then she looked. Or I was weaker.
"What the fuck!" The women cussed trying to pry my hands from her shirt.
"Please, you have to help me!" I begged not letting go of the women; I feared if I did my knees would give out.
The women look a mix of confused and uncaring as she said to me, "You'll have to get in line, sweetheart. I already have one paying customer and you ain't it."
I had no idea what she meant even as she and I both looked over at the man who seemed to have no idea what to do with our exchange. In the time I was looking away, the women was able to remove my hands from her, dropping them and watching with a raised brow as I dropped to the soft muddy ground. Stepping over me and asking the man if they had a deal.
"But you have to help me! He's going to find me again I just know it!" I begged looking between the man and women.
I continued to beg as I did my best to pull myself up even going so far as to grab the man's leg when he looked down at me. The women sent me a dirty look.
"Stop distracting my client!" She hissed at me, before turning back and asking once again if they had a deal.
The man took one last look at me and then looked at the women, calling her a demon, giving her a yes. In a moment so quick you would think it never happened she kissed him.
"See you in ten years, Doll." She smirked and snapped her fingers and the man was gone.
Just gone, poof like some kind of magicians magic act. Except there were no trap doors, no smoke or mirrors, he was just gone like he had never been there at all. Just as I was trying to make some sense of what I just saw, the women or demon turned to me with a bored look.
"Now I wish I could help you, Doll, but you didn't summon me. And well demon or not, it's the rules, maybe next time though." She straightened up looking for all the world like she would disappear just like she had made the man.
"Please..." I wimpred one last time looking up at the women.
"Now what's all this?" An accented man's voice sounded from behind me.
Both myself and the Demon women looked at the man who had just appeared out of nowhere. The man, who I guess was a Demon too, and oh God I must have lost my mind, Demons... But, I guess at this point that's better then Zane getting his hand on me again. I shivered at the thought. The Demon was dressed in an expensive dark blue suit with a matching overcoat, and if I had been in my right mind, I would have said he was rather hot. He had a bit of a beard and a mustache, but unlike most men it fit him, he also had a full head of dark hair that was plasted to his head.
"Crowley, I was just saying goodbye to the little pet. Came running in on my deal." The Demon women said with both a verbal and physical eyeroll.
"Help me... Please..." I felt like it was rather hopeless, but I didn't think I had it in me to get up and keep moving.
Crowley looked down at me and at first the look on his face and in his eyes said he was bored with all of this already. And then his eyes moved down my body slowly, taking in my ripped leggings and the bruises that I'm sure were starting to develop on my face and wrists, that's when the look in his eyes changed though his face didn't. Somehow they became both soft and full of fury, then they snapped back up to the women beside me.
"Leave." He said in a commanding tone that had the women gone without protest.
I looked up at him fearfully, after all, what if he wanted to hurt me too? I don't know that I could get away a second time, I didn't even know how I did it the first. But I knew my strength was failing me when I very well may need it again.
But then he walked slowly to me kneeling down to touch my face "Oh Dove, what happened to you?"
Something about his soft voice made me feel safe like nothing was ever going to hurt me again though I wasn't so naive as to believe it, I let it take the fight out of me. My eyes rolling back in my head just as an even angier bolt of lighting fractured the sky in two.
I hope you all love this new story as much as I do!! You all can thank @Polkadottedgiraffe11for the idea and editing on this story! Leave a review and let me now what you think!
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
I made a video for my new story! Go take a look and let me know what you think! :) 
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
I posted a new chapter!
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
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The new Chapter is up! Came read chapter 4!!
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
I am writing a new story!! I plan on post the first chapter tonight so keep a look out for the link! The story is a GodChuck/OC/Crowley. Something I have never done before and I'm looking forward to it!!
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Before I go I will let you all now there is a light trigger warning for this story so keep that in mind before you read it!
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
Come read chapter 4!!
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