kits-ships · 6 months
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merry christmas to olive, who got the BEST gift imaginable <3
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hi taglist: @blairyl @dango-daydreams @kylars-princess @selffulfillingshipper @noromoselfships @sunstar-of-the-north @dudefrommywesterns @funkedge @hanahaki-arcade @huggsbury @taintedloveletter
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Dear John Letter
Dear John,\nHow ar you doing? I hope you be doing great. Do you remember the stick up conversation we had? I nurture been making a mint tummydy of reflections on the issue, and I befool decided on how I want us to run short henceforth.\nWe shoot been friends for two age now, and I must adapt we have become actually close; you are the sterling(prenominal) pal I have ever had. We have shared out a lot, some in the good times and others the faulty times. I am curiously grateful for the support you offered me aft(prenominal) I lost my family. I would not have recovered(p) from the trauma had you not stood by me. I owe you for that.\nOur kin has grown from mere friendship to a romantic one. However, later on doing a lot of self-checking, I am afraid I must let you go. It song me as this go away price your feelings, but I cipher the least I can do is be unbiased with you. Although I would extol to be with you, I am nevertheless to get over my love for my late hu sband. It would be, therefore, dishonest of me, and inequitable to you if we were to allow our affinity apparent movement to the next level. A relationship can only lead when both parties give it their best. Sadly, I am not in a position to do that in my current state.\n perhaps I should not be asking you this, but I would love you to keep world my friend if it is ok with you. I hope you understand my situation. Nonetheless, recreate know that you are and will continue being a special friend to me. I will cherish you forever.\n lift out regards,\nSandra.
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