#He definitely has a stupid smile and just heart eyes whenever he sees Phoenix
Phoenix: *says something stupid*
Takaaki: *absolutely smitten to hell*
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agentgumsh0e · 2 years
agents having a crush on you (cypher, sova, yoru, phoenix, kay/o)
word count: 800+
warnings: none
he doubts his growing crush on you, pt. 2
confessing to you, pt. 3
most simple way to put him crushing is flirting with you right under your nose. he’s so smooth you can't even tell he’s doing it as he subtly says what he likes about you and plays it off as a light tease. what's more is that, though he likes chatting in general, he finds that he enjoys talking with you the most since you're just so special to him. he feels determined to learn about you without information broking and to learn things that his amassed databases could not tell him. one day, when you were winding down after a mission, you just started talking with him. during your conversation, he realized that he liked your company and found you so interesting. he came to the conclusion that he probably likes you, so he did not hesitate to act on this notion. after that, he always invites you to his workshop to help him make gadgets, the kitchen to brew late-night coffee, or just to do anything really. he basically acts like he's already in a relationship with you without all the displays of affection.
you probably couldn't tell if he was crushing on you. he always gives friendly compliments and praises to everyone, but if you can somehow notice that fond, warm look he gives only you, it all becomes obvious that he has eyes for you. even with his efforts not to get caught that easily, he still flusters a little when you catch him staring, when you touch him, or when he's commending you. while he's open to anything that'll let him stay by your side, he mostly wants to teach you how to hunt using a bow and arrow. sova doesn't chat as much as someone like cypher or phoenix would, so he prefers to admire watch and listen to your voice rather than speak. because of this, he realized his crush when you played around and fumbled with his bow, letting out a laugh that he definitely wanted to hear again.
his crush is pretty obvious. he flirts unabashedly as per usual but whenever he's feeling shyer, he can't get that stupid blush off his face. at times, he has to tear his eyes away from you. he wants to show off and leave a good impression on you (which he does), but sometimes he’s too embarrassed to say what he truly feels, so he comes off as a little too harsh with his insults. he tries to apologize with a small “sorry” when he sees your hurt expression. he realized his crush because despite being an irritable loner, he enjoys being with you and doesn’t find anything you do annoying (though he still calls you an idiot and whatnot). except, you keep making his heart feel weird. so annoying of you…do it again?
he is the most obvious a person can get. he has a dopey smile whenever he talks to you or is around you, and he compliments you a lot more than just a friend would. everyone knows that he likes you and teases him for thinking that he's doing a good job hiding it, but somehow you're the only oblivious one. he likes doing fun stuff with you, like some training exercises where he can make you smile and laugh, but if you want to chill out with him, he'll gladly do so. he realized his crush when he heard you compliment him to another agent and say that he's cool. he just started blushing like mad and became a little warmer in body temperature (probably bursting into tiny sparks of flames). if anyone else was speaking good about him, he would simply brush it off and be like “i already know” or “don't need to tell me twice”, but from you, he wants to hear you say it again (and maybe exchange some of his own).
he's also really obvious since he claims to “malfunction” around you. you make him feel something entirely new and unheard of in his recorded database of emotions, and that's enough for him to think that something is wrong with his system. nothing’s wrong as he just has a crush, but he'll never figure that out himself unless you make a move first or if he goes to someone to be “repaired” or to ask for advice. he mostly tends to just charge himself, practice his abilities or his aim, or hang out with some familiar faces from alt timeline earth. however, he finds that whatever he's feeling when he's close to you is way better than training, “resting”, or taking breach’s money in billiards, so he follows you around a lot. there's just something about you that is so different from his current programming, and he can't help but want to learn more about (as he would come to find out) the strange error called having romantic feelings.
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 4: The Accident
He didn't follow you. But you knew he had seen your tears. You attempted to wipe them away as you hurried out of the stadium. You didn't know why you were crying. You should be shouting in glee and celebrate Jungkook's betrayal. You were free.
Why then, did it hurt so much?
Se-Eun’s face immediately turned serious when she saw you, and she silenced her tired, irritated mother and Min-Ji and Yeon-Woo. Something in your expression must have warned her and the others not to speak to you, for they remained quiet the whole ride home. Se-Eun’s mother made sure to drop you off first even though the ride to Gangnam would take the longest in addition to being a detour from the stadium.
“Call you tomorrow?” Se-Eun asked after you thanked her mother. Her eyes held concern.
“Sure,” you told her as you exited the car. You found yourself sounding much harsher than you had wanted, so you added, “thank you very much for the ride.”
Her mother nodded with a face so similar to Se-Eun’s that, when you had first met her, you had thought they were far-apart sisters. She was quite young too, having become a mother at 22. “You sure you don't want to sleep at ours? I know it's school tomorrow, but Se-Eun told me your parents are in Japan and would be there until next week.”
“I'll be alright,” you said quickly. “I'm used to it.” You obviously didn't feel like hanging out at the moment. Even though Se-Eun was more tactful than most, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from asking you what had happened.
And you definitely didn't want to have a repeat of Jungkook’s not-really-yet-actual infidelity. Although, it wasn't as if you could talk about it even if you wanted to.
“See you!” Se-Eun and the others said. You could see the curiosity brimming over in her friends’ eyes.
You managed a weak smile. “Yeah.”
It was empty in your parents' apartment. A note on the refrigerator door reminded you that they were away on a combined work and vacation trip in Osaka together with Jungkook’s parents. All four of them were gone until Saturday. That meant that if you told your parents now, Jungkook's parents would also know and they would have six days to argue.
You hesitated to dial your dad. Perhaps you should tell him and your mom face to face. Although that wasn't really a valid excuse since there was something as simple as a facecam option on KakaoTalk. Still, you found yourself reluctant to make the call.
With a tired exhale, you went to rummage your cupboards for a packet of noodles. You had missed dinner due to Se-Eun’s sudden invitation and your stomach had given up growling hours ago. Also, you just felt like eating something bad.
You refused to acknowledge the reason why, though.
While you waited for the water to boil, you readied a tray with chopsticks, a spoon, some water and a tiny serving of kimchi, so you could bring the food to the living room. You were used to eating alone. When your grandparents on your father’s side had been alive, you had almost always dined with them whenever your parents were away. It was the least they could do after having grown too old to travel, thus passing on the responsibility of being the head representative of Phoenix Inc. to your father. But ever since your grandma had passed and your grandpa had become sick due to his grief before slowly slipping away five years ago, you had dealt with food yourself. You had never known your grandparents on your mother’s side, for they had passed before you were born, and none of your other relatives lived even nearby Seoul.
It didn't matter much, though. Loneliness had been your companion through life as far back as you could remember. The curse of fortune, you reckoned.
You placed the square of noodles into the steaming hot water and poured the packets of spices and dried vegetables in after. The tiny screen on the microwave said 23:31. You would hate yourself for eating that late into the night instead of sleeping, especially since you were supposed to go to school tomorrow at eight in the morning. But as you stirred everything around, watching the noodles and the vegetables soften and the clear water turn reddish, you found yourself feeling eerily awake.
You reluctantly recalled the expression on Jungkook’s face. It had almost seemed like he had wanted to add something to your conversation. Something vital. What could it have been? He wasn't stupid enough to think he could get away with a girlfriend while being engaged to another, was he? No, you didn't think so. There had to be a reason - no matter how bad or unexpected - why he decided to remain with you if now his heart belonged to her.
“Stop it,” you mumbled underneath your breath. “Get him out of your head, he's not worth spending brainpower over. Just call your parents tomorrow morning, since they’re probably sleeping now anyways. Let them handle this poor investment of their only daughter.”
Your voice sounded bitter. Your face probably looked bitter. But hey, at least you were out of a potentially devastating marriage. You didn't know what you would have done if you found out about Park Yi-Jae after the walk to the altar. Let's just say, a packet of noodles in the middle of the night would have been the least of your concerns.
You were seated in front of your TV, absentmindedly flipping through channels when you finally felt sleep creep over your eyelids and body. Your saucepan had cooled since long and your glass of water had been emptied and filled, twice. Turning the TV off, you headed toward the kitchen with your dishes when an unexpected sound pierced through the silence.
Ring, ring, ring.
It was your phone. You darted the last meters into the kitchen, having forgotten the phone on the kitchen island, and picked it up. You didn't recognize the number.
Why would someone call you in the middle of the night?
Scratch that, it was past the middle of the night, you realized as you eyed your microwave. However, there wasn't really that much time for you to think, so you, without considering the possibilities, simply answered.
“Hello?” you said hesitantly.
“Er...” a low, male voice began. “Who is this?”
“Shouldn't you know since you called?” you parried, instantly growing suspicious. The person sounded vaguely familiar, though you couldn't put your finger on who it was.
“Well, it’s the only number I haven't already called on this phone and it doesn't exactly say the proper name of a person.”
You frowned. “What?”
You suddenly heard some voices in the background near you - or rather, the speaker on the other line - and you discerned, “He actually cracked the code!” and “Who are you talking to?” until finally: “Taehyung, give me the phone.”
There was some rough scratching in your ear. Your frown deepened when another male’s voice spoke to you.
“This is Kim Sejin, one of the head managers of the Bangtan Boys.”
“Okay?” you said slowly.
“Are you related to or friends with Jeon Jungkook?”
“I wouldn't say either of those applies,” you answered, feeling cold at the mere mention of his name. “But I do know a guy with that name, who just happens to be in Bangtan.”
The voice sighed. It was a long, weary exhale, and suddenly you tensed.
Suddenly, you knew something was terribly wrong.
“There… there has been a severe accident. If you could come to Asan Medical Center as soon as possible, that would be very helpful. Do you need help getting here?”
You simply stood there, numb.
An accident?
“What kind of accident?” you heard yourself ask.
“It'll be easier to explain once you're on place,” said Sejin impatiently. “When can you get here?”
“I... I can be there in twenty if traffic is good,” you heard yourself say.
“I'll meet you at the front desk.”
The whole ride there, you were so concerned you couldn't even sit still. You hadn't even bothered calling your parents chauffeur. The cab driver gave you odd looks while you fidgeted, scratched your arm and did and undid your hair. You couldn't care less that you looked like you had taken a dose of something, and something cheap and really poorly made at that. You were too busy worrying.
What had happened? Why was Jungkook at the hospital? No matter how much you enjoyed seeing him lose his composure or fumble, you would never even consider wanting him hurt. Not even once, not even a little. It didn't matter what he had done to you - you would never ever, ever wish harm upon Jeon Jungkook. Scumbag and cheater aside, he was the son of your parents' closest friends - and one of few constants that existed in your life. Even if he was an unfriendly one.
Also, there was that one time when you were both children that you had yet to repay him for.
After paying the driver, you sprinted into the main doors of AMC. A middle-aged man in quite a good physique stood by the front desk and furrowed his brows at your abrupt entrance until recognition lighted his eyes.
“(Y/F/N)?” Creases appeared in his forehead, and he raised an eyebrow. “Was it you I was speaking with?”
“Yes,” you quickly replied. “Though don't say my name too loudly.”
There were a surprisingly low amount of visitors or patients, though considering the time of the day - or were you supposed to say night? - perhaps it wasn't that odd. Yet, considering the guy hospitalized, you had expected some kind of paparazzi.
“Pleasure meeting you finally,” the man said and reached out his hand. “If only the situation had been different, I might have actually meant it. I'm Kim Sejin.”
“Likewise, and yes, I figured. Where is the media?” you asked after shaking his hand. His hand was heavy, calloused. “Shouldn't they be here, being vultures or parasites or whatever else they call journalism?”
Sejin let out a tired chuckle before turning sober. “It happened privately, and much too sudden. We were fortunate with that, at least.”
You swallowed hard as your heart started beating faster. “Where is he? What happened?”
“Follow me, I'll tell you meanwhile.”
He began walking down the eastern corridor, which fortunately didn't say critical care. You obeyed, walking next to him while you tried not to think about what horror might have befallen Jungkook.
“I don't know why he acted the way he did,” began Sejin, then gave you a sharp glance. “But after you two had 'talked', the kid was devastated. I thought he would cheer up after some drinks in celebration of the concert. He did, too - at least for an hour or so he seemed happy. Then, all of a sudden, he decided to bolt out onto the street, shouting something about ‘making things right.'” Sejin grimaced. “He didn't see the car, or at least I don't think he did.”
“He would never commit suicide,” you told Sejin firmly, remembering a scene from years back. “He loves his singing and dancing too much for that.”
“I really hope so.”
“Believe me,” you said as you did your very best to fight back the anger rising within you at the memory. Old bruises on young skin. Alcohol and smoke-laced words. “Jungkook has been through some terrible things in order to reach where he is today. He wouldn't give it all up just like that.”
Sejin gave you an inquisitive look but you shook your head. This wasn't your story to tell.
"Besides," you added with a half-hearted smile. "He would never die for me."
“Very well.” He paused outside a room. Again, his features turned serious. “This is it. He is awake and although the tests and scans aren't completely finished, the doctor thinks he's fine. She said he could count himself lucky that he only broke his arm, even if it was his right one.”
“Well then,” you said and put your hand on the metallic door handle, feeling a wave of relief sweep over you. “Why did you sound so worried earlier then? You told me it was a severe accident.”
“There is this one detail…”
You rolled your eyes. “A scar on his pretty face won’t dissuade any of the fans’ from supporting him. In fact, it’ll probably make him look a bit tougher and even more desirable. That’s nothing to be ashamed of - on the contrary, actually.”
Kim Sejin pursed his lips before speaking. “It’s not his face that’s the issue.”
And the next few words he said would come to permanently change your life. For better or worse, you didn’t know. At least not yet.
“He is amnesic, (Y/N).”
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savedpage15745 · 5 years
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Below the cut is a point-form info I have for Andromeda that I wanted to also link on her page as a bio-esque background
Andromeda Black was born on February 21st, 1958.
Andromeda is 5′7. She is the shortest of the Black Sisters.
Andromeda is only thirteen months younger than Bellatrix.
Andromeda has not always been the way she is now. Being raised by Druella Black, she was just like her sister, Bella, in the interest of purity and protecting the Black name, because that was all Andromeda knew.  She never questioned why to call them Mudbloods and Blood traitors, it was that she only knew how to do that. 
Andromeda’s middle name is Ophelia, which means ‘help’.
Andromeda’s shift from the Bellatrix-like girl who didn’t know to bite her tongue, and who she was now, resounded around her second year at Hogwarts, when she watched a Student begin to breakdown for her calling them a Mudblood. Andromeda was not aware of how cruel the word could’ve been. While she lessened saying such derogatory things, she stopped completely by her fifth year, waning off what she was to be someone more she could respect.
Andromeda is the glue holding the Black sister’s together. Bella’s short-temper could be redirected, reflected against Cissy, but Andromeda wouldn’t let her do that to their younger sister, knowing they need to protect her.
It’s a very clear fact that Andromeda can and will use Bella as an excuse to get people to leave her alone, and it works.
Andromeda is the only one who can call Bellatrix “Bella” or “Bells”.
Andromeda can speak fluent French, and  her favourite city in the world is Paris.
Andromeda is both excellent with defensive spells and charms, two classes she loves most, but knows she has no prospects of a future career. She tries in class, and gets good marks solely for the fact that after this, she won’t have much to live for. The socialite life has never been an interest of hers, but she hasn’t admitted to anyone she wishes to work at St. Mungos as a healer.
Bella has a lot more power over Andromeda than a lot of people would know or believe, but it isn’t in contempt or force from her sister. Andromeda wants to be everything Bella deserves as a sister, knowing Bella has taken the brunt of weight to be the powerful force she is growing to be. Andromeda wants to support her sister, and can find no fault in her sister. Trusting Bellatrix to let her sister live pain-free is Andromeda’s biggest downfall in the future. 
Right now, Andromeda is a brilliant actress, putting on the show of a lifetime. The girl who knows different but acts just like a Black would. Snide comments and glares, eye-rolling and moving away from anyone of dirty blood that those around her would consider unacceptable. Andromeda knows how to play that who she is inside isn’t what she is on the outside, but she is slowly breaking at the seams, too curious for her own good to want to get to know people before she leaves--after this all she’ll be is a Lestrange. Knowing her identity will be ripped from her grip soon enough is why she’s crossing the lines drawn before her, whenever she can without being caught. 
Andromeda’s obsession with astronomy comes from her name, and a lot of the time, you can find her sitting on the Observation deck in the Astronomy tower at night.
You won’t see her smile much so freely, unless you’re Bella, Cissy or Sirius. At times, Andromeda takes a chance to get to know the other students in the school, curiosity a pitfall for her, to know the people she’d seen in school, but finding it far too dangerous to get close to without hearing it from someone reporting back to her family. 
Sirius has always been Andromeda’s favourite cousin. During many family events, Andromeda always felt that Sirius was the only one who cared about what she really thought and felt. He was the only one who saw her screaming out for help in a room where no one would listen to her. It was why she showed up to the Potter home two weeks after he left, watching Walburga Black blast his face off the tapestry. The breaking point of Sirius being gone from their family was too much--it was her first major act of defiance against her family, to continue to see him in secret. 
Andromeda did not leave the Black family for Edward Tonks. Love was what was going to be waiting for her whether or not she left, with Rod (if she had stayed--though Andromeda would never call that love, as he might have claimed it to be, but still would’ve married him to be a dutiful daughter) or with Ted (with whom she did truly love and wanted to be with, but not at the cost of pain it would cause her sisters. By this point, Andromeda really didn’t care about her parents). Andromeda left her family because she couldn’t keep lying to them, she couldn’t keep up with the guilt, wanting to be honest with them of her thoughts and feelings. The lies physically were weighing her down and making it harder to keep, from her opposing thoughts on Muggleborns, which yes, you could blame Ted for a little, to Blood Traitors, coming to light that she had never cut Sirius off as explicitly instructed to do so. Andromeda was going to use the pull she had on Bellatrix and Narcissa to be able to convince her family to let her be one of them, let them continue to be one, and let her live her life quietly, out of their way. She was willing to be there, be quiet, do her part, bear the children to live the stupid legacy on--but she didn’t want to be a mechanism, she wanted to raise her children different, wanted to feel safe from the dark world they resided in. Andromeda wanted to stay, and was willing to end it with Ted to do so. It was Druella Black, who--like her sister in law Walburga, sent Andromeda packing, with a screaming rage of being tainted and dirty for sullying herself with Mudbloods, and her sisters who did nothing to defend her as their mother yelled. The only difference between Sirius leaving and Andromeda, was that she was able to walk out of the door with her head held high--just like Bellatrix taught her. 
After leaving her family, Andromeda got into the Healer’s Program at St. Mungos, where she worked from 1979-1995, after the death of her most beloved cousin.
Andromeda has never wanted to be an Order member, because of Bellatrix being her sister. She thought it was most cruel of her, but had been an avid supporter of the Order, offering her home to Sirius should he and his friends need a safe space to use for their meetings.
Andromeda never believed that Sirius killed the Potters. She knew him, knew him better than the accusations being cast against him, knew where his heart was. She’d known him all his life, as he knew her, that rumors and blame placed on him didn’t make sense, didn’t diminish who he was in her mind. That she wasn’t sure how, but there had to be something else. She knew he loved James, and that bond was not broken by lies being spread, but when he bore the name as Black--when others like them had been so openly accused. She tearfully looked down on the papers, crying for days when it was announced he would go to Azkaban.
Andromeda saw Sirius again for the first time in October of 1994, having dropped off a month’s supply of medicine to Bathilda Bagshot’s home in Godric’s hallow. Walking past the home that stood as a monument, Andromeda always made a motion to stop, stare--feel the weight of what two people suffered. How terrible she felt for the boy to grow up without the parents who loved him--how she’d entered adulthood the same, and Sirius--nearly his whole life. It was when she was walking down the path that she stopped, and caught something she thought she’d never see again. The black dog sitting perfectly still, head bowed before a tombstone even she had visited, out of curiosity and fear, mingled with a sickening sense that fell all around her. She knew that dog, that look--unlike any other. She followed the animal, unsure if her mind was playing tricks on her. A small awning, hidden from view lest around the corner completely--and the dog was gone, but behind her stood her cousin. 
Andromeda never told Ted that she had sent Sirius money every month, whatever she could put away to help him attain food and water, without being able to talk to him for months prior to the reformation of the Order of the Phoenix.
Andromeda had been back to Grimmauld Place once on the request of Dumbledore to give her the spells needed to cast over her home to create it as a safe house. It was the first time she’d seen the Black family tapestry since Sirius was blasted off it, seeing her own face now scorched from the wall. Toujour Pur indeed. 
Andromeda is silent but very strong. She was tortured for information in the rise of the Second War for information about Harry Potter, but was able to deflect, even though she was put under a rigorous amount of pain by Yaxley, and eventually Rodophlous Lestrange, who utilized the idea of a locked in Andromeda to break her mind. She did not budge, and left visibly shaken. 
Rodophlous Lestrange killed her husband, personally delivering the news to Andromeda in her home in March of 1997, carrying a wedding ring covered in Ted’s blood--the only thing she had left of her husband. It was the price Andromeda finally paid for leaving him and his obsessive state nearly twenty-years prior.
When Nymphadora was thirteen, having nearly set the neighbour’s house on fire from some summer reading with new spells. Andromeda--after reverting everything back--told them the truth, and accepted if they did not act properly--a memory charm would do just fine. Thankfully, it worked out for the best.
Since it’s AU, and this ties into the point above, Andromeda definitely fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, leaving her grandson, Teddy with the neighbour who lived nearest her, after putting the home under protective spells. Showing up at the school, it was Neville Longbottom who told her Bellatrix Lestrange had killed her daughter. Andromeda knew what she, Rod and others had done to the Longbottoms. What they had done to her. Bellatrix and Rod were made for one another, in Andromeda’s eyes--both so brutalized by her need of freedom they stripped her of the things she loved most dearly in this cruel world. It was why, for the first time in so long, she sounded just like her cousin Sirius. “Give her hell, Neville.” Was all she said before going off to help others.
Andromeda was the one to kill Rodophlus Lestrange in the Battle of Hogwarts, disarming and snapping his wand. She hung him from the rafters of the Great Hall with a suffocating rope curse, watching his lifeless body hang there for a moment, as a smile rose to her lips, the life choked so pathetically out of him. Even if war had been going on--Andromeda felt free of her demons. Even if she looked as deranged as her dearly departed sister in that moment. 
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Andromeda buried her daughter with her husband’s wedding ring laced in her hands with a necklace Ted had given her when she had told him she was pregnant with their daughter. After that, Andromeda lived her life quietly, taking care of her grandson with the help of his Godfather, Harry Potter. 
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harley-sunday · 5 years
The Draw (11)
Summary: The whirlwind starts at the 2018 ACE Comic Con in Phoenix but you’re not sure where it will end...
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
Warnings: Language. Smut. NSFW under the cut. Unprotected sex
Word count: 3855
AN: Sorry for the long wait, but I’m sort of counting on this chapter to make up for that! Also, there’s definitely going to be a part 12 to this, maybe even a part 13… I just don’t seem to be able to quit this little daydream of mine :) Hope you like this part, let me know what you think!
I don’t have a taglist, but if you follow Harley Sunday x Sebastian Stan you should see any update I post.
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Sebastian’s text is short, but it brings a smile to your face nevertheless.
Headed towards premiere number three in Madrid. Rather be with you somewhere. -S
You type a quick reply.
Have fun! See you in 12 days. Xx
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“I still don’t understand why I have to be wheeled out of here,” Nathan grumbles, shaking his head.
“Hmm,” you agree, pushing the button to call the elevator. “Hospital policy, probably.”
“Well, it’s stupid,” he sulks, crossing his arms in front of his chest just as the elevator doors open.
“Jesus, what are you, five?” You flick his shoulder, “Just be glad it’s me who’s picking you up and not Mom or Dad. They probably would have wanted you wheeled out on a stretcher.”
“Probably would have asked if an ambulance could drive me home,” Nathan scoffs, but at least there’s a smile forming on his lips now.
“Probably would have had Aunt Carol live with you so she could take care of you whenever Sarah’s at work,” you snicker. “And she’d probably insist to give you a sponge bath every day-”
“Ew,” Nathan interrupts you, holding up his hand to stop you. “ Ew. Let’s not go there.”
“Better not,” you agree as you wheel Nathan out of the elevator and out of the hospital. It’s sunny outside and you can see your brother taking a deep breath after he’s been cooped up in a hospital for the last eight days. You steer the wheelchair to where you’ve parked your car and watch as Nathan gets inside before you return the wheelchair to it’s designated area.
“Alright,” you say as you sit down and start the car, “put your seat belt on, loser, I’m taking you home.”
The drive is short and quiet, both of you lost in your own thoughts. It isn’t until you pull up on his driveway that you turn to your brother and spill out what’s been on your mind ever since you picked him up from the hospital, “You guys are coming to dinner next week.”
“Ok,” he draws out, a confused look passing his face.
“Sebastian really wants to meet you,” you explain then. “He’s coming back from doing press in Europe and Asia and he has 2 days off so he’s coming visit, because God knows when we would be able to see each other again otherwise and, I mean, he knows Jake already right? So, it makes sense that he wants to meet you too and I would really like for you to meet him and-”
“Ok. Calm down,” Nathan says, holding up his hands. “Jesus. Just breathe in between the sentences, ok?” He laughs then, “God, you’re such a girl.”
‘Oh, shut up,” you reply, smacking his arm. You take a deep breath then, “It’s just,” you hesitate for a second, trying to find the right words, “it’s just important to me that you like him, ok? Because I really like him, but-”
“But you’re afraid your judgement might be off because you used to like Mark too?”
You sigh and simply answer, “Yes,” not even surprised anymore at how your brother put into words what you couldn’t.   
There’s a sympathetic smile from your brother then, “He played all of us, ok? Jesus, Mom and Dad thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to you. Sarah and I thought you guys would get married one day. So don’t even think about blaming yourself for that.”
“Listen, we’ll be there, ok? And I promise not to be too much of a dickhead.” His smile disappears then, replaced by a more serious look, “It means a lot that you value my opinion of him, so,” he nods, “I got your back.”
“Thanks,” you smile back at him. But it’s you two and you were never really good at the sentimental stuff so you all but shove him out of the car next, “Let’s get you inside, loser.”
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Your first day back at work seems endless and your mailbox is so overflowing that it feels like you’ll never catch up, but once it’s six o’clock you’re almost done, only a couple of emails left, and you decided to call it quits for today. You head over to Lauren’s, who invited you over for dinner.
Letting yourself inside with the spare key she gave you, you find her in the kitchen, making the lasagna her Nonna used to make and you can feel your mouth start to water, remembering how good it tastes. You hug her from behind, placing a quick kiss on her cheek, “Hey, bestie.”
“Babe!” She greets you enthusiastically while stirring the sauce to make sure it doesn’t burn. “How’s Nathan?”
“Good,” you reply while you grab a wine glass from the cabinet and help yourself to a glass of white, while you top up her glass. “He’s at home, resting I hope. Probably bored out of his mind.”
“Hmm,” Lauren agrees as she tastes the sauce before she adds a little more salt. “And how’s Sebastian?”
“Good,” you reply again. “He’s in Romania now, I think.” You count the days in your head, “Yeah, Romania today and tomorrow and then they’re flying to somewhere in Asia on Friday.”
“Oh, to be the girlfriend of a celebrity,” Lauren sighs dramatically, but then she turns around and smiles at you, “You holding up ok?”
“Yeah,” you shrug, “It’s weird. I mean, I’ve literally like what, known him for 24 hours in total? It just doesn’t make any sense when you think of it.”
“And why should it?” Lauren counters. “It feels good, right?”
“It does,” you agree.
“Well, that’s all that matters.”
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“Tante!” Jake exclaims as he opens the front door.
“Hi, bud!” You give your nephew a hug and ruffle his hair, “How are you? How’s Dad?”
“Good!” Jake replies as he takes your hand and tugs you inside, “Come see the Lego I build!”
“In a minute, bud,” you say, letting go of his hand. “I’ll go say hi to Dad first ok?”
You smile as you watch him bolt up the stairs to his room, happier than he’s been in a long time and you’re sure it is because his Dad’s out of the hospital and spending time with him at home. You make your way to the living room where you find your brother sprawled out on the couch, remote control in his hand, watching God knows what. You walk up to him and kiss his forehead, “Hi, loser.”
“You’re the loser,” he mumbles but he winks then and smiles. “How is my favorite sister?”
“I’m your only sister, Nathan,” you reply out of habit as you sit down in the chair next to him, but can’t help but laugh, “but I’m good. How are you?”
“Same old, same old,” he says with a dramatic sigh. He sits up then before he looks at you, “But I’m going crazy here. You have to help me!”
You laugh, shaking your head, “That bad, huh?”
“Daytime TV is so bad! You have no idea.” He points towards the TV, “Dr Phil, dude, wow. I, I can’t even.”
“When do you get to go back to work?”
“Monday,” Nathan says with a relieved smile, “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m so looking forward to it.”
“I’m sure Sarah does to,” you tease, “She deals with enough difficult patients at work and then she’s got you at home-”
Your brother is about to reply but it’s then your phone rings and you smile when you see “Mr. Smooth” flashing across the screen. You get up and tell your brother you’ll be right back before you answer as you walk out the back door and into the garden, “Hey, you.”
“Hi,” Sebastian says and you’re surprised at how tired he sounds.
“You ok?” you ask, worried now.
“Yeah, just a terrible jet lag from all the flying around,” he answers quietly.
“Where are you now?”
You do the math quickly and realize it’s five in the morning over on his side of the world, “Couldn’t sleep anymore?”
“Nah,” he sighs. “What are you doing?”
“I’m over at Nathan’s. Sarah’s at work so I’m just checking up on him.” You lean against the back door, not sure you should say what you’re about to say next, but then deciding to throw caution in the wind, “I miss you.”
“Just a couple more days, sweetheart,” his voice is low and does things to you.
“I know,” you whisper.
“I like you,”
“I like you too,” you reply. “See you on Thursday.”
“I’ll be seeing you.”
Hugging the phone to your chest for a few seconds after he’s hung up you try to get your heart rate back to normal before you go back inside.
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Tapping your fingers on the steering wheel you’re starting to get impatient and your eyes keep darting from the clock on your dashboard to exit doors of the arrival hall, willing them to open with your boyfriend walking out of the airport.
Your boyfriend.
You can’t help but smile when you think back to the night you spent together, heat rising to your cheeks when you remember what you did and how much you can’t wait to do it again. Pulling up the texting app on your phone you read the last text Sebastian sent you:
Just landed. Can’t wait to see you. Exit E, right? -S
Looking at the clock again you see it’s been ten minutes since you parked the car and you are about to send Sebastian another text, asking him where he’s at, but then the doors open and even though the baseball cap he’s wearing and the way he keeps his head down shield most of his face, your hearts jumps because you just know it’s him.
You watch him round the car, putting his suitcase in the backseat before he gets into the passenger’s seat. You turn towards him and smile, “Hi,”
“Hi,” he replies, taking off his baseball cap before he leans in, his lips brushing against yours.
You part your lips almost on instinct, an involuntary moan escaping you as he pulls back and looks at you with a smirk. Shaking your head you decide you’ll make him pay for it later and focus on starting the car instead, pulling out of the parking spot and onto the road, heading home.
He lays his arm on your headrest then and runs his fingers through your ponytail, twirling strands of hair between his fingers, occasionally tugging on them gently. You bite your lip to keep from cursing at how good it feels but of course he knows, because your breathing has turned ragged and you’re holding onto the steering wheel just a little too tight. He unbuckles his seat belt then and almost immediately you feel his warm breath hitting your neck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses from just underneath your ear to the base of your throat. 
Swallowing hard, you try to focus on the road, thanking whatever God their may be that there’s almost no traffic this time of night.
He moves closer then, kissing the corner of your mouth, his hand still in your hair, trying to take out the hair tie without getting it tangled up. The next kiss lands on your mouth and before you know it you’re kissing him back, turning your head ever so slightly to meet him, but your eyes never leaving the road. You smile into the kisses because he keeps pulling away, teasing you, and you keep finding him.
His eyes stay on you and you try your hardest to keep yours on the road, but God, he’s too much and an idea forms in your head when you see there’s a rest stop coming up. You put your blinker on and steer towards the exit, a self satisfied grin on your face. Sebastian looks at you in confusion when you pull over at the far end of the parking, where there are no other cars in sight, but you don’t give him any time to ask questions, already unbuckling your seat belt before you turn towards him and breathing a low, “We’re doing this now.”
You meet him halfway, sitting up as much as you can, your mouth crashing against his, your hands tugging at the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head before you shower his chest in kisses, quickly making your way down. His hands are in your hair again, pulling you up for another kiss, his teeth pulling on your lower lip, a need to the kiss that tells you he wants this just as much. You break contact just long enough to pull your own shirt off before you push him back against the passenger’s seat and straddle him, feeling his erection pressing against your already wet core. You grind down and a groan escapes him as his hands grab your hips, pushing you against him, his mouth finding yours again the stubble of his beard scratching your skin.
You fumble with the button of your jeans, arching your back, lifting yourself off of him to rid yourself of the piece of clothing, taking your soaked panties down with it. Your hands find the hem of his jeans and you undo the buttons before pushing down the fabric, your hand in his boxers now, taking out his already hard cock. You lick your lips at the sight of him and you run your thumb from the base to the tip, pumping a few times then to make him even harder.
He groans and tugs on your hips so that you’re now directly above him. He watches you through hooded lids as you lower yourself, taking him in slowly, not bothering with a condom because honestly, it never even crosses your mind to do so and you both got tested since last time, so you know you’re good.
You let out an involuntary shiver at how good it feels to have him fill you up and your mouth finds his, hands in his hair as you take him all the way in, staying still for just a second as you get used to him again. You rest your forehead against his, slowly grinding your hips, letting out a moan as he fills you up even more.
His hand slides in between you and starts rubbing your clit, which in turn makes you throw your head back as you start riding him for real, setting a steady pace that you know will get both of you there quickly. You feel his mouth on your nipple, gently biting and tugging and you can feel your release coming close, your voice barely a whisper when you say, “Seb, I’m- fuck!”
He releases your nipple, tongue licking his lips, “I know.” His fingers pinch your clit, a wicked grin on his lips as he watches you, his voice dangerously low when he says, “Come for me, sweetheart,”
It sends you right over the edge and you let out a loud, “Oh fuck,” as your orgasm washes over you. You feel his hands on your hips again as he helps you keep up the rhythm he needs to follow you. You lean forward, kissing his shoulder, gently dragging your teeth towards the base of his neck when you feel him tense up and you steady yourself, groaning at him, “ Let go, babe,”
He trusts harder then and you hear your name roll of his lips almost breathlessly as he releases himself inside of you. You bury your face in his neck, panting, and feel his hands caress your back as he holds you against him, whispering a quiet, “Fuck, sweetheart, I missed you,” in your ear.
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“You sure you don’t need any help?” Sebastian asks, hands on your hips, his chin resting on shoulder as he watches you chop the potatoes.
“Very sure,” you reassure him, whimpering a little when he lets go of you. You smile as you hear him take out plates from the cabinet before he sets the table, still amazed at how easy it is between you two. Earlier today he admitted he feels very at home in your house, before shyly adding that he feels that way wherever he’s with you and it made your heart melt.
“Seb?” you ask, “Tell me you schedule again?”
He replies from the dining room, “Flying back to L.A. tomorrow, then back to New York on Wednesday.”
“Right,” you reply softly. You continue, louder then, so he can hear you, “How long are you staying in New York?”
“At least four weeks,” he says as he walks back into the kitchen. He leans against the counter, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, “Why?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. But of course you know, because this is what you’ve been meaning to ask ever since he came back. You take a deep breath in attempt to calm your nerves and look at him, “We have an office in New York at work, and I,” you hesitate, “I asked if maybe I could work from there every now and then and-”
“You want to come to New York with me?”
You’re not sure about his tone of voice and so you quietly add, “Yes. If that’s ok for you?” You try to smile, “I mean, if it’s too much or too soon, I totally get it, I just thought that maybe it would nice to spend some more time together, but-”
“It would be really nice,” he interrupts with a smile. Taking your hand in his to make you stop fumbling with the tea towel, he pulls you towards him, his lips on yours within seconds.
You throw your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.
You pull back quickly, shocked to see Jake standing in your kitchen, a look of disgust on his face. His parents are right behind him, with Sarah smiling at you and Nathan making a gagging sound.
“Hi, bud!” you say a little too enthusiastically, straightening your dress even though it is not wrinkled whatsoever.
“Hi,” Jake replies with caution, his eyes darting between you and Sebastian. “Why were you kissing him?”
“Jake,” Sarah hisses, a hand on Jake’s shoulder.
Your brother just snickers, “Yeah, why were you kissing him, tante?”
“Why didn’t you just ring the doorbell like any normal person would?” you shoot back at your brother.
He shrugs, “Would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it?” He walks up to Sebastian then, holding out his hand, “Hi, I’m Nathan.”
“Sebastian,” he takes your brother’s hand and shakes it, before he introduces himself to Sarah and then gives Jake a high five.
“Why don’t I help you with dinner?” Sarah suggests, dropping her purse in the corner. She looks at Nathan, “Will you take Jake outside? Maybe offer Sebastian a beer while you’re at it?”
Nathan just nods before he grabs two beers and a juice pouch from the fridge, calling out for Jake to follow him.
You look at Sebastian, “Go! Sarah and I will finish up here.”
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“I’ll go tell them dinner is ready,” Sarah offers.
You nod and watch as she makes her way outside, leaving you alone in the kitchen for a moment. You wonder if your brother has behaved himself and worry he might have been too harsh on Sebastian but then you hear laughter as they come inside, and see your brother smacking Sebastian’s arm in a playful manner and your instantly reassured.
Jake sits in between you and Sebastian at the table and you can tell he’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact that the Winter Soldier is sitting next to him and apparently likes to kiss his aunt. You try to get something out of your brother during dinner by throwing him a few pointed looks, but he just shrugs and keeps eating.
"Tante?” Jake asks as you’re in the kitchen together, because you’ve asked him to help you serve dessert.
“Yeah, bud?”
“Dad told the Winter Soldier,” he hesitates then, before he corrects himself, “I mean, Sebastian. Dad told Sebastian that if he ever hurt you he would kick his ass.” He giggles when he says “ass” and it makes you laugh too.
“Well, it’s nice that Dad’s looking out for me, don’t you think?” And it really is. You remind yourself to thank Nathan later, because it tells you that he’s taken you seriously and did what he said he would do.
“Yeah,” Jake agrees. “I told Sebastian that you deserve to be happy.”
“Ah, thank you, bud,” you say as you give him a hug, “that means a lot.”
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“So,” you draw out slowly as you finish the last of the dishes. “How was your talk with Sebastian?”
“Good,” Nathan simply answers.
You hit him with the tea towel and give him a pointed look, “And?”
“And,” Nathan mimics your tone with a grin, “He’s good people.”
“Yeah.” Nathan puts his arm around you and pulls you close, “but you knew that already, didn’t you?”
“Yeah,” you agree, “I just wanted you to know as well.”
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You wake up before Sebastian does and as you cuddle up to him you glance at the clock and see you still have three hours left before he has to leave. You don’t want to wake him, not really, but you also don’t want to spend the next couple of hours just cuddling and so you softly kiss his cheek, before you move down to his jaw, his chest next and then down to the hem of his boxers. You can’t help but smile when you see how his body reacts to your touch and there’s a moan escaping him when you cup him through the fabric. “Morning,” you say, looking at him from in between his legs.
He looks at you through hooded eyes, not fully understanding what is going on just yet but then you pull his boxers down and take him into your mouth and suddenly he’s wide awake, “Fuck, sweetheart,”
You hum contently, the vibrations instantly making him hard and this time you decide to just give him what he wants instead of taking it nice and slow. You set a steady pace, using both your hands and mouth, and it isn’t long before you feel his hand on the back of your head, keeping you in place as he bucks his hips, making you take all of him. He’s close and you hollow your cheeks, giving him the friction he needs to come.
After you’ve swallowed his cum you draw back slowly, kissing your way back up until you find his mouth. You smile against his lips, your hand still on his cock, stroking it languidly as your tongue traces his lips.
By the way he grabs you you can tell he’s about to roll you over, probably to return the favor and so you pull back, “No.”
He looks at you, surprised no doubt.
You just look back at him, whispering a quiet, “It’s about you today, Seb. Consider this my going-away present,” smiling when you feel his cock twitch in your hand.
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heartcravings · 5 years
50 Questions Tag!
@jongin-be-my-jagi​ tagged me for this a while ago, but I took my sweet time to answer. Here is my secret intel if you want to know me a little bit more!! Check hers as well, she’s an amazing writer and friend. 1. What takes up too much of your time? Tumblr, my stupid procrastination prone brain and my thesis. 
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2. What makes your day better? Friends and loved ones, music and these absolute dorks (Channie especially) 
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3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? I hopped on the mat today in the early hours of the morning, rain on my window and the neighbours cat peeking at me from his window across the street.
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4. What fictional place would you like to go to? Wonderland, bacause it’s “curiouser and curiouser!”
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'Who are you?' said the Caterpillar.  Alice replied, rather shyly, 'I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
5. Are you good at giving advice? I think so. Not so good at following my own advice though.  I do always consider where the other is standing and if I don’t know how to proceed then I’ll just be honest and say I can’t help. But i’ll always listen with my heart. 
 6. Do you have any mental illnesses? Not diagnosed. I do think i might be going through something now. 
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7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, but i have a recurring nightmare: the world is made of black and white paper thin layers. I am a paper thin person walking along a street surrounded by paper thin buildings. I walk for a long time, looking up at the white sky. Until the street ends, there is no more building and i fall into the abyss of a blank page.  I have had this dream since the age of 8 or 9 years old. Fear of not being good enough, you say?! Ding, ding, ding!! We got a winner in the back!  8. What musician inspired you the most? I get inspired by music all the time!! One of my all time favourite songs is Spanish Sahara by Foals. Its sublime!
So I’d say I’m mainly inspired by these artists: Queen, Arctic Monkeys, Foals, Radiohead, Bowie, Daughter, Bob Dylan, Beirut, Yeah yeah yeahs, Arcade Fire, The National, Joy Division, Blur, Warpaint, Gorillaz, Sufjan Stevens, Bon Iver, Chet Baker, The Cure, Courtney Barnett, The Maccabees, Car Seat Headrest, Florence + The Machine, Editors, Kasabian, Crystal Fighters, Death Cab for a cutie, The Doors, Efterklang, Explosions in the Sky, Franz Ferdinand, The Horrors, James Blake, José Gonzalez, Los Campesinos!,  Metronomy, Nick Cave, Nina Simone, Patrick Watson,  Phoenix, Sharon Van Etten, The Shins, Simon & Garfunkel, The Smiths, St.Vincent, The Strokes, Toro y Moi, tricot, Tune-Yards, TV on the radio, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, The Vaccines, Vampire Weekend, The Velvet Underground, The War on Drugs, Wild Beasts and Yo La Tengo.
And the electro, pop and hip-hop groves of my heart: EXO, 2NE1, Janelle Monáe, Big Bang, Kris Wu,LCD soundsystem, SBTRKT, Childish Gambino, Frank Ocean, Kendrick Lamar and Daft Punk. 
And special mentions to the portuguese ones (learning from yixing and promoting when i can :P): Capicua, Joana Espadinha, The Legendary Tigerman, Linda Martini, Mayra Andrade, Noiserv, Ornatos Violeta, Paus, Samuel Uria, You Can’t Win Charlie Brown and The Silence 4. I know, tldr right? Sorry folks! 9. Have you ever fallen in love? Yes I have. I have mistaken a crush for love too. But i have definitely been very deeply in love. A wrecked kintsugi heart over here people! 10. What’s your dream date? I don’t think I have one. I’d love to do something unique with that someone special, something special for the two of us. It could be as simple as riding the subway while sharing earphones & listening to our playlist or walking the dogs out! Idk, I’m easy to please. But right now it would have to be with this handsome man :D pretty please?!
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11. What do others notice about you? I am very kind and warm hearted, so I think that’s what people first notice when meeting me. Although I maintain good eye contact, I am also timid and will be quieter if there are very energetic people in the group. When alone, I usually take the first step and try to meet people, but only if i really must.  12. What’s an annoying habit you have? It’s really hard for me to ask for help. I also like to tell detailed descriptions of everything... Couldn’t you tell? 13. Do you still talk to your first love? I’ll text him on his birthday and he does the same to me. We met when we were 10 years old and that childhood friendship remains. But regarding my one and truly deep relationship, no we do not talk, unless we randomly meet.
14. How many exes do you have? I have three exes. The first love who was just an idealized crush on my childhood friend: we dated for 2 weeks during summer break xD Then my first real boyfriend, we met in my first year at university, dated for quite some time, he really loved me and made me love myself a little more. Finally the one i loved too much. I mended his wounds and made him love himself as much as I did. I always say all the love we feel makes our hearts grow bigger. I do not regret loving any of them, I am me now due to them and I would not change it if I could. 15. How many songs are in your playlist? I have way too many playlists for each and every mood... But my favourite songs list on spotify has about 1500 songs! uwu!  16. What instruments can you play? Triangles and flute?! I had mandatory music classes in school... so in reality I can’t really play a instrument...
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17. Who do you have the most pictures of? Probably my cat, Sushi. With a second close of my doodles and sketches. 
18. Where would you like to go before you die? EVERY WHERE!!! But I really want to go to Japan and Scotland and Iceland and South Korea and New Zealand and i’ll shut up. 19. What’s your zodiac? Capricorn. 20. Do you relate to it? Sort of.
21. What is happiness to you? You know when it’s really cold outside in the winter and you manage to find a sheltered place where no wind can hit you and you still get to feel the warm rays of the winter suns on your skin? You hear the birds outside and you are contempt in that moment, at peace. That is happiness to me.   22. Are you going through anything right now? Yes, I am a bit lost. Trying to finish my thesis and trying to find what I want to do after. It’s liberating but also pretty scary. 23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? It’s a series of small decisions really. It started with going for a phd with the same people i worked in my msc. Should have gone to a different place. Then deciding to come home after a traumatic loss in the family. Should have kept my life going but I stalled it then. (I don’t regret helping my loved ones though).
24. What’s your favourite store? Probably Wishtrend for beauty stuff. Other than that I don’t have any favourite brands/stores. 25. (HALFWAY!) What’s your opinion on abortion? I think everyone is free to decide what they want or need to do. I couldn’t possible judge. If I would it? Probably not.
27. Do you have a favourite album? I don’t think so, I have favourite tunes for different moods and moments in my life. But if threatened with my life, I’d maybe say Total Life Forever from Foals.
28. What do you want for your birthday? It’s such a long time until my birthday comes! But maybe a real EXO ot9 reunion as a goodbye to Minseok?
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29. What is most people’s first impression of you? Friendly and easy to open up to, i think.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? In real life, people usually think I am way younger than I am.  31. Where do you keep your phone when you’re sleeping? In the crook of my bed, between the mattress and the bed frame.
32. What word do you say the most? No idea really! 33. What’s the oldest age you’d date? 40s? I don’t think too much about age actually. 
34. What’s the youngest age you’d date? 20s? Again not very important to me. Love is love, whomever, whenever and wherever <3
35. What job / career do most people say would suit you? I don’t know! People always say i don’t totally fit in anything... so there’s that. If you have an idea please let me know! 36. What’s your favourite music genre? Go back to question 8. I listen to everything! :D 37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? I’d like to live around the world, every few months a different place and get to know different cultures.
38. What is your current favourite song? I’ve been obsessed with RM’s intro/teaser song, Map of the Soul: Persona. (I’m not even a bts fan, but this music and lyrics just touched me a lot.)
39. How long have you had this blog for? I think for about 6 years? It’s my personal space, where I dump all my obsessions.  
40. What are you excited for? I’m visiting some friends in Granada in a couple of weeks. Yay, tapas!
41. Are you a better talker or listener? Normally I am a better listener. But there are a few people to whom i open like a book. Either words flow right out of me without even thinking or they see throw me. Those truly are my people.
42. What is the last productive thing you did? Prepped meals and cleaned the kitchen. Open the folder and file of my thesis. Read the latest chapter I wrote.  43. What do you want for Christmas? Well, just like for my birthday, there is still such a long time to it! But let’s say i want to have already finish this part of my life and want to find my next adventure.
44. What class do you get the best grades in? No more exams! Ehehe! But I used to have good grades at everything. Physical Education was my lowest mark i think.
45. On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel right now? Right now, a 4? I have a headache.
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Smiling? :D I want to be happy in my own skin. To feel contempt in my life, doing something that gives me a sense of purpose and having time to share and enjoy with my friends and family. 47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Oh my kintsugi heart has been broken quiet a lot. By friends and lovers and even by myself. I keep patching it up with gold dreams though.  48. At what age do you wanna be married? I will only want to be married if i find the one. So until then I guess. 
49. What career did you want to have as a child? I wanted to be an astronaut and a ballerina. Preferably both!
50. What do you crave right now? Just sitting somewhere and listening to Yeol play the guitar.
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Well i finished it! :D I’ll tag @thedeviousdo @ohsenhun @hongseok and @paepsi. I’d love to read yours! Feel free to dismiss it though, it is quite a lot.  Lots of love everyone!! <3 <3 <3
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