#Health and Healthcare (by demographic group)
fuzzytimes1 · 1 year
Complications during pregnancy linked to higher risk of heart disease, study finds
CNN — Five major pregnancy complications are strong lifetime risk factors for ischemic heart disease, a new study Findings, with the greatest risk occurring in the decade after delivery. Ischemic heart disease refers to heart problems, including heart attacks, caused by narrowed or dysfunctional blood vessels that reduce the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart. Gestational diabetes and…
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qsd23 · 2 years
Study says stretching, range of motion, and exercise all slow cognitive decline
Study says stretching, range of motion, and exercise all slow cognitive decline
Editor’s note: Subscribe to CNN’s Fitness, But Better newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter series to streamline healthy routines, with expert support. CNN – Cheer up the couch potatoes! A new study finds that regular stretching, balance and range of motion exercises are as good as aerobic exercise at slowing the progression of mild cognitive decline. “My concern at the start of the study…
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kp777 · 23 days
By Lynn Paramore, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Common Dreams
May 15, 2024
Shameful fact: the plight of U.S. retirees is a global exception. In their pursuit of lower taxes, America’s wealthiest individuals support policies that make it extremely difficult for seniors to manage the increasing costs of healthcare, housing, and basic necessities. Not so in other rich countries like Germany, France, and Canada, where robust public pensions and healthcare systems offer retirees stability and dignity. After a lifetime of hard work, older citizens in the U.S. find their reward is merely scraping by, as savings diminish under the weight of soaring medical costs in the most expensive healthcare system in the developed world.
The solution from America’s elites? Suck it up and work longer.
An example of this mindset appeared in a New York Times op-ed by C. Eugene Steuerle of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center and Glenn Kramon, a Stanford Business School lecturer. The two accused older folks of robbing economic resources from the young through Social Security and Medicare—never mind that workers fund these programs with their own lifelong payroll contributions. They paint a picture of 65-year-old Americans jauntily playing “pickleball daily” and jet-setting “far and wide,” proposing to increase the age to collect Social Security and Medicare benefits, essentially forcing future retirees to work longer. (Curiously, they overlook how this move robs young people—too young to vote—of future retirement years. This echoes 1983, when the Reagan administration and Congress pushed the Social Security age from 65 to 67, impacting Gen X before they could even vote on it).
Steuerle and Kramon prop up their plan with studies that extol the health and wellbeing perks of working into old age, adding that “each generation lives longer” and therefore, it’s a patriotic duty for the elderly to stay on the job.
Are we all really living longer? Let’s first point out that Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton, noted for their research in health and economics, recently showed that many Americans are not, in fact, enjoying extended lives. As they stated in their own New York Times op-ed, those without college degrees are “scarred by death and a staggeringly shorter life span.” According to their investigation, the expected lifespan for this group has been falling since 2010. By 2021, people without college degrees were expected to live to about 75, nearly 8.5 years shorter than their college-educated counterparts.
Overall life expectancy in America dropped in 2020 and 2021, with increases in mortality across the leading causes of death and among all ages, not just due to COVID-19. In August 2022, data confirmed that Americans are dying younger across all demographics. Again, the U.S. is an outlier. It was one of two developed countries where life expectancy did not bounce back in the second year of the pandemic.
So the argument that everyone is living longer greatly stretches the truth—unless, of course, you happen to be rich: A Harvard study revealed that the wealthiest Americans enjoy a life expectancy over a decade longer than their poorest counterparts.
Could the idea that working into our seventies and beyond boosts our health and well-being hold true? Obviously, for those in physically demanding roles, such as construction or mining, prolonged work is likely to lead to a higher risk of injury, accidents, and wearing down health-wise. But what about everybody else? What if you have a desk job? Wouldn’t it be great to get out there, do something meaningful, and interact with people, too?
Perhaps it’s easy for people like Steuerle and Kramon to imagine older people working in secure, dignified positions that might offer health benefits into old age – after all, those are the types of positions they know best.
But the reality is different. Economist Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School for Social Research, focuses on the economic security of older workers and flaws in U.S. retirement systems in her new book, Work, Retire, Repeat: The Uncertainty of Retirement in the New Economy. She calls those praising the health perks of working longer “oddballs” – those fortunate folks in cushy positions who have a lot of autonomy and purpose. Like lawmakers or tenured professors, for example.
She points out that academic researchers often base their theories about the benefits of working longer on a hypothetical person who just tacked on a few extra years in the same position, noting that researchers often make the faulty assumption that people are not only living longer, but can also easily choose to work longer, keep their jobs without facing pay cuts, and continue stacking up savings into later life.
That’s not really how it plays out in real life for most folks. Ghilarducci found that most people don’t actually get to decide when they retire, noting that “the verb ‘retire’ isn’t a verb that really belongs to the agency of the worker – it’s the employers’ choice.” Retirement often means somebody above you telling you it’s time to go. You’re ousted—laid off or pushed out because your productivity’s slipping or your skills are aging like last year’s tech. Or simply because of biases against older workers. Age discrimination is a huge issue, with two-thirds of job seekers aged 45 to 74 reporting it. In fact, people trying to find a job say they encounter significant biases as early as age 35. For the high-tech and entertainment industries, this is particularly true.
So there’s that.
There’s also the fact that continuing to work in an unfulfilling job might be hazardous to your health. The reality is, a lot of us are grinding in jobs that are stressful and insecure, and that constant stress ties into a whole host of health issues — hypertension, heart problems, messed up digestion, and a weaker immune system, not to mention it can kickstart or worsen mental health troubles like depression and anxiety.
Many are stuck in what anthropologist David Graeber memorably dubbed “bullshit jobs” — roles that feel meaningless and draining. Graeber described these jobs as a form of ‘spiritual violence,’ and found them linked to heightened anxiety, depression, and overall misery among workers. His research found strong evidence that seeing your job as useless deeply impacts your psychological well-being.
The link between job dissatisfaction and poor health has been found to be significant in study after study. Unrewarding work can demotivate people from staying active, eating well, or sleeping regularly, potentially leading to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health issues. In contrast, retiring from such a job could free up time and energy for wellness activities, enjoyable hobbies, and a healthier lifestyle overall.
Ghilarducci points out that reward-to-effort ratios, crucial for job satisfaction, are declining due to factors like stagnant real wages. She also highlights the problem of subordination, explaining that it can be “lethal” to remain in a job where you lack control over the content or pace of your work. According to her, such factors can lead to higher morbidity and lower mortality rates.
Okay, what about social engagement? That’s crucial for seniors, right? True, but demanding or unfulfilling jobs can make it hard to find the time and energy to socialize, leading to isolation and loneliness, which are major factors in declining mental health and quality of life for the elderly.
Also, when talking about delaying retirement, we can’t ignore cognitive decline. Sure, working longer might keep your mind sharp if the job is stimulating. However, research indicates the opposite for dull jobs. Florida State University researchers found that not only can tedious work accelerate cognitive decline, leading to increased stress and reduced life satisfaction, but “dirty” work does as well. They show that jobs in unclean environments with exposure to chemicals, mold, lead, or loud noises significantly impact brain health as we age.
Even university professors can suffer the effects of dirty jobs: North Carolina State University has recently come under fire for knowingly keeping faculty and staff working for decades in a building contaminated with PCBs, resulting in dire health consequences, including nearly 200 cases of cancer among those exposed.
Finally, it’s not a coincidence that those talking about raising the age for Social Security and Medicare are usually white men. They would suffer less from it than women, especially women of color. Women typically outlive men but earn less over their lifetimes, which already means smaller Social Security checks. It’s even tougher for Black women who often earn way less than their white peers and are more likely to have unstable jobs with skimpy benefits. Plus, women frequently take breaks from their careers for caregiving, shaving off years of paid work and further slicing their Social Security benefits. Pushing the retirement age higher forces women, especially Black women, to either toil longer in poor-quality jobs or retire without enough funds, making them more vulnerable to poverty and health problems as they get older.
Ghilarducci observes that for women in low-paying jobs with little control and agency, “working longer can really hasten their death, and the flip side of that is that retirement for these women really helps them.”
Bottom line: The whole “work longer, live healthier” spiel doesn’t fly for most. In the U.S., the well-off might be milking the joys of extended careers, but lower-income folks, particularly women and people of color, often endure the slog of thankless jobs that negatively impact their health and well-being. Elites shout from their comfortable positions that we need to push retirement further back as if it’s the magic fix to all economic woes. But when such people fantasize about happy seniors thriving at work, they’re missing the harsh reality many face—painful, boring, insecure jobs that speed death.
The myth that we’re all living longer and healthier is just that—a myth belied by life expectancy stats showing not everyone’s in the same boat. What America desperately needs is a beefed-up, fair Social Security and Medicare system that serves all Americans, not just the ones who can afford to retire without a worry. No one should be stuck choosing between a crappy job and retiring into penury.
Yet Republicans are on the warpath against Social Security and Medicare. Senator Mike Lee has explicitly stated his goal to completely eliminate Social Security, aiming to “pull it up by the roots, and get rid of it.” His fellow Republicans are enthusiastically getting the ball rolling: House Republicans have released a new proposal to weaken Social Security by raising the retirement age. For his part, former and possible future president Donald Trump indicates a willingness to consider cuts to Medicare and Social Security, despite previously criticizing his primary rivals on the issue, who were almost wall to wall demanding drastic cutbacks.
Democratic lawmakers typically show more support for Social Security and Medicare in public, though their track record has not fully alleviated concerns about the present and future vulnerability of these programs. In his recent State of the Union speech, President Biden advocated for the expansion and enhancement of Social Security and Medicare, declaring that “If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age, I will stop them!” But it’s important to keep in mind that he supported raising the retirement age during the 1980s and again in 2005.
Polling shows that voters, whether Democrats or Republicans, do not want to cut these programs. Actually, they want to expand Social Security and Medicare. That’s because those who face the realities of daily life understand that working endlessly is a cruel and unreasonable – not to mention unhealthy — expectation that no society should endorse. The idea that America can’t afford to do this is outlandish when the evidence is so clear that American billionaires pay historically low tax rates that are now lower than those for ordinary workers. What America can’t afford is the super-wealthy and their paid representatives working the rest of us to death.
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genderqueerblog · 9 months
For what it's worth I really do feel like high risk groups do deserve to be more well protected than someone with only typical risk
Context: I reblogged a post saying that the CDC is going to "limit" access to the newest COVID vaccine to only the elderly, pregnant, and immunocompromised, and calling on people to submit public comments.
The post in question actually seems to be OP jumping to conclusions completely. I think I'll delete it after I post this. The CDC is not "restricting" the latest vaccine to "high-risk" groups; what they're doing is not recommending it to people who aren't "high-risk," which is also very bad, but is not the same thing. If you go to the doctor and ask for a COVID vaccine, they are not going to say "No, you can't have it because you're not high-risk."
In general, yes, the higher a person's risk, the more protection they should have... but first you have to agree on what "typical risk" and "high risk" mean, and what the appropriate, corresponding protection levels are. People at "typical risk" from COVID-19 are still at pretty high risk! Besides which, a huge part of how protections against disease work is by mass participation. A healthy person who lives in an area with a 20% vaccination rate is at much higher risk of infection than an equally healthy person living in an 80% vaccinated area. The problem with the CDC only recommending vaccines to limited groups is not that they're providing more protection to people who need more protection, it's that they're not providing enough protection for anyone. Even vaccinated "high-risk" people are less safe if the "low-risk" people around them aren't vaccinated, and even "low-risk" people are way higher risk than the CDC is willing to acknowledge!
Anyway, tell the CDC that all ages need updated vaccine access.
PCDC's sample public comment:
Docket No. CDC–2023–0060 Scientific evidence indicates the updated vaccines should ideally be allowed, available, and fully covered by public funds or insurance, for people of all ages at least every six months.  The vaccine schedule should address waning efficacy in the months following vaccination [1] as well as new variants. The CDC’s decision will affect everything about the current and future vaccine approach including what healthcare providers recommend, what health insurance covers, and what the public decides is needed.  Restricting vaccinations to only annual updates misses an opportunity to update vaccines on a more frequent basis as divergent variants are identified, given that there is the potential to quickly update mRNA vaccines to better match perpetually emerging variants. The recommendation for only annual vaccination also creates barriers for vulnerable people and discourages high risk people from getting needed boosters. The CDC must ensure equitable access to updated vaccines and prevent limited access because of financial constraints or demographics by expanding and indefinitely extending the COVID Vaccine Bridge Access Program [2]. References: 1. https://www.fda.gov/media/169536/download  2. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html
CDC’s ACIP Meeting Information (Including how to register to make an Oral Public Comment): https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/index.html
Submit a written comment: https://www.regulations.gov/document/CDC-2023-0060-0001
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digital-crusader · 11 months
Ageing India: Unveiling the Social Challenges Faced by Elderly Citizens
Introduction: India, a country with a rich cultural heritage and a rapidly growing population, is currently witnessing a significant demographic shift. The ageing population in India is increasing at an unprecedented rate, bringing forth numerous social challenges for retired individuals and elderly parents. It is imperative to shed light on these issues to create awareness and work towards finding sustainable solutions that ensure the well-being and dignity of our senior citizens.
Financial Insecurity: One of the most pressing concerns faced by the elderly in India is financial insecurity. Many retired individuals lack sufficient savings or pension plans to meet their daily needs, let alone cover medical expenses or unexpected emergencies. This vulnerability highlights the need for comprehensive social security systems and pension reforms that can provide a safety net for our ageing population.
Healthcare Concerns: Access to quality healthcare is another significant challenge faced by older individuals, particularly in rural areas where medical facilities are limited. As health issues become more prevalent with age, the lack of affordable and accessible healthcare services poses a grave risk to the well-being of the elderly. There is a critical need to prioritize geriatric healthcare and establish robust healthcare infrastructure to cater to the specific needs of older citizens.
Loneliness and Isolation: In a rapidly changing society, traditional family structures are evolving, leading to increasing instances of elderly parents living alone or being geographically separated from their adult children. This isolation and loneliness can have severe repercussions on their mental health and overall quality of life. We must focus on building support systems that foster intergenerational connectivity and address the emotional well-being of our elderly citizens.
Elder Abuse Awareness: A distressing reality faced by some elderly individuals in India is the occurrence of elder abuse. Physical, emotional, and financial mistreatment leaves the elderly feeling vulnerable and victimized. It is crucial to create awareness about this issue and establish legal frameworks that protect the rights and dignity of our senior citizens. Additionally, community engagement and education can help prevent elder abuse and encourage a culture of respect and care for the elderly.
Strengthening Social Support: To address the social challenges faced by elderly citizens, we need to strengthen and expand social support systems. Community-based programs, volunteer initiatives, and support groups can provide a sense of belonging and assistance to older individuals. Collaboration between the government, NGOs, and local communities is crucial in ensuring that the elderly have access to support networks that address their unique needs.
Enhancing Retirement Infrastructure: India’s retirement infrastructure is currently inadequate to cater to the needs of the growing elderly population. There is a need for comprehensive retirement planning mechanisms, including affordable housing, assisted living facilities, and geriatric care centers. By investing in infrastructure that promotes ageing with dignity, we can create an environment where older citizens can lead fulfilling lives and receive the care and support they deserve.
Ageism and Age Discrimination: Ageism and age discrimination are pervasive issues faced by older individuals in various aspects of life, including employment, social interactions, and healthcare. Changing societal attitudes and promoting intergenerational understanding can help combat these biases and create an inclusive society that values the contributions of the elderly.
Promoting Active Ageing: Active ageing is a concept that encourages older individuals to lead healthy, engaged, and productive lives. Through physical exercise, lifelong learning, and participation in social activities, older citizens can maintain their physical and mental well-being. It is essential to promote active ageing by creating opportunities for seniors to engage in meaningful activities and have access to lifelong learning programs.
Conclusion: Aumorto offers NRIs a powerful solution to the challenges they face in ensuring the well-being of their aging parents residing in Kolkata. By providing a nurturing environment, trustworthy care, cultural integration, comprehensive medical support and a serene retirement living experience, Aumorto empowers NRIs to offer their parents longer, healthier and more meaningful life. With Aumoto, NRIs can find solace, knowing that their parents are in the hands of a dedicated and compassionate society.
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voskhozhdeniye · 1 year
An Idaho hospital will stop labor and delivery services, citing doctor shortages and the "political climate," the hospital announced Friday. 
"Highly respected, talented physicians are leaving. Recruiting replacements will be extraordinarily difficult," Bonner General Health, located in the city of Sandpoint, said in a news release.
Pregnant women who utilized Bonner General, a 25-bed hospital, will now have to drive to hospitals or birthing centers in Coeur d'Alene or Spokane to give birth. 
In 2022, doctors delivered 265 babies at Bonner General and admitted less than 10 pediatric patients, the hospital said.
In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, abortion bans have added another challenge to rural hospitals that have struggled to keep their doors open and their facilities fully staffed and running. 
Nationwide, hospitals have been sounding the alarm that states with strict abortion laws risk losing staff or doctors to other regions. According to the Associated Press, in Indiana, one of the first states to restrict abortion following the Supreme Court's decision, the Indiana Hospital Association said the state is "creating an atmosphere that will be perceived as antagonistic to physicians." 
Idaho has one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the country. According to the Associated Press, in a court brief filed in August 2022 in support of a Justice Department lawsuit against the Idaho abortion ban, medical groups argued that Idaho physicians are forced to choose whether to break state or federal law. 
In a report last September, Pew found that Idaho was one of six states in which authorities can prosecute health care providers for performing abortions.  
"The Idaho Legislature continues to introduce and pass bills that criminalize physicians for medical care nationally recognized as the standard of care. Consequences for Idaho Physicians providing the standard of care may include civil litigation and criminal prosecution, leading to jail time or fines," Bonner General said in its news statement.
Requests for further comment from CBS News to the hospital were not returned Saturday. 
In addition to Idaho's legal and political climate, Bonner General also cited " the emotional and difficult decision" to stop labor and delivery services because of staffing shortages and changing demographics. 
Since 2005, at least 190 rural hospitals have closed or converted their operations, according to numbers compiled by the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research at the University of North Carolina. 
"We have made every effort to avoid eliminating these services," said Ford Elsaesser, Bonner General Health's Board President, in a statement. "We hoped to be the exception, but our challenges are impossible to overcome now."
Often residents in rural areas are left to drive hundreds of miles to access healthcare. In 2019, Pew Research published a study showing that rural Americans live an average of 10.5 miles from the nearest hospital, compared with 5.6 miles for people in suburban areas, and 4.4 miles for those in urban areas.
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Week 1 - Brief Breakdown
For our first class in the studio for the second semester, we began by going through the brief for our project. We are to develop a design system for an awareness campaign, in which specific outputs will be resolved to convey visual communication around a chosen campaign. throughout our project we will
locate and collate relevant data, content and research
to commence an interactive design process
to develop and produce typographic and image assets
implement a design system for final design outputs
integrate final concepts across collateral and appropriate formats (such as print, three dimensional and digital)
Our main objective is to present a design system for an awareness campaign that uses design assets, elements and formats relevant to the topic, context and audience. We are to effectively have an impact, and meaning and for it to be relatable to a Gen Z demographic in New Zealand.
Our Formative for the project is due during Week 6, on Thursday the 25th of August at 5pm. The final Summative is due in week 13 on the 27th of October at 5pm.
This brief is a little different from our previous one in semester one as it was more about reflecting inwards, whereas this brief is about looking to our community and how we can use a design system to help bring around a change. This brief is also different as we have been given some guidelines or pillars for what we chose as our awareness campaign to focus on. These are
Identity and Culture
Transport and Access
Home and Places
Environment and Heritage
After we had broken down the brief, we were asked some questions to answer and share with our table groups. These are some of the notes I had for this;
What is an Awareness campaign?
the hopes to create a change in a social, environmental or political issue that occurs within a certain location, or globally. 
inform people about a current issue, a situation, a problem or an event by highlighting and drawing attention to it in such a way that the information and education provided can bring around a change.
What is its purpose?
to influence a change through education. 
to contribute to change within a community, an organisation or an individual 
What does/should a successful awareness campaign achieve?
it should help to influence a positive movement on the issue. 
easily understood and easy to digest
Name some current awareness campaigns
Mental health 
Physical healthcare eg. cancer
These are some other notes that I took during class, while we were discussing the brief and key components;
Understanding / Empathy / Conscioussness
Disrput / Coerce / Persuade / Passion Project / Voice / Social Good
Tactic Familiarity / Shock / Disruption / Sensitivity / Humor / Irony / Exaggeration 
Call to action 
Change of behaviour
A course of action to achieve a goal, typically a political or social issue. 
It can promote its messages through different types of media, such as tv, radio, print, and online platforms such as web and social media. Can be implemented in other ways that digital and print. 
A well-designed and executed campaign will change attitudes, opinions and behaviour. 
What should a successful campaign achieve?
Increase awareness
Design System 
set of shared and interconnected patterns that can have many different parts.
It is a good way to conceive design when a series of outputs need to be produced. 
It is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build any number of applications. 
eg. Colour, Patterns, Icons, Purpose, Values, Images, Fonts, Sounds, Objective, Grid Structure, Tone, Experience, Secondary marks, Primary Marks, Audience. 
After our first class back, I definitely have a clearer understanding of what the brief is this semester as well as the projects will we produce. I am excited to get into the process of refining my ideas further and processing my research to provide me with a solid foundation once it comes to executing my final concepts.
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webdesignmaster01 · 2 days
Navigating Kitsap's Business Landscape: Strategies for Success
Welcome to Kitsap County, a vibrant business landscape nestled in the heart of Washington State. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the strategies and insights essential for navigating Kitsap's diverse business ecosystem and achieving success. From industry analysis to networking prowess, let's embark on a journey of strategic growth and prosperity in Kitsap.
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Understanding Kitsap's Thriving Industries
Kitsap County has several industries that are particularly strong and can offer great opportunities for your business. These include:
Maritime: This involves businesses related to boats, shipping, and maritime services. Kitsap’s proximity to water makes this a significant industry.
Defense: Many businesses in Kitsap work with the military, given the presence of naval bases and other defense installations.
Technology: Companies involved with computers, software, and other tech innovations are growing here.
Healthcare: This includes hospitals, clinics, medical services, and products related to health and wellness.
Tourism: This involves attracting visitors to local attractions, hotels, restaurants, and recreational activities.
To succeed in Kitsap, it’s important to understand the trends in each of these industries. Look at what is popular, who your competitors are, and where there are gaps in the market that you can fill.
Strategic Networking: Building Bridges to Opportunities
Networking means building relationships with other business people. This is crucial in Kitsap because:
Industry Leaders and Influencers: Connecting with experienced business owners and influencers can provide valuable insights and advice.
Potential Partners: Finding other businesses to collaborate with can lead to new opportunities and growth.
Local Business Associations and Chambers of Commerce: These organizations offer events and resources that can help you meet important people and learn about new opportunities.
Networking Events: Attend these to make connections, learn from others, and get your business known in the community.
By engaging in networking, you expand your professional reach and gain access to resources and support that can help your business grow.
Leveraging Local Resources for Business Growth
Kitsap has many resources that can help your business succeed:
Business Support Organizations: These groups offer advice, training, and support for businesses. They can help you develop your business plan, find funding, and navigate challenges.
Funding Initiatives: There are programs that offer financial assistance, such as grants and loans, to help businesses start and grow.
Mentorship Programs: Experienced business owners can provide guidance and support, helping you avoid common pitfalls and make better decisions.
Educational Institutions: Schools and colleges in the area offer courses and training programs that can improve your skills and knowledge.
By tapping into these resources, you can take advantage of Kitsap’s strategic location, infrastructure, and supportive business environment to fuel your company’s growth and expansion.
Tailored Marketing Strategies for Kitsap Audiences
To effectively market your business in Kitsap, you need to:
Understand the Local Demographic: Learn about the people in Kitsap—what they like, what they need, and how they behave as consumers.
Cultural Preferences: Different communities have different cultural preferences. Tailor your marketing messages to resonate with the local culture.
Digital Marketing Tools: Use tools like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to target your audience online.
Social Media Platforms: Engage with your audience on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to build your brand and attract customers.
Localized SEO Tactics: Optimize your website so that it appears in search results when people in Kitsap look for businesses like yours. This includes using local keywords and registering your business on Google My Business.
By focusing on these strategies, you can enhance your visibility and attract more local customers.
Compliance and Regulatory Excellence
Running a business in Kitsap requires you to follow local laws and regulations. This includes:
Zoning Laws: These dictate where certain types of businesses can operate.
Permits and Licenses: You may need specific permits or licenses to run your business.
Industry Regulations: Each industry has its own set of rules and standards that must be followed.
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Staying informed about these regulations is crucial. Seek professional advice from legal experts to ensure your business complies with all necessary laws and operates smoothly without legal issues.
Embracing Innovation and Technological Advancements
Staying competitive in today’s market means embracing new technologies and innovations. In Kitsap:
Optimize Processes: Use the latest technology to make your business operations more efficient and effective.
Enhance Competitiveness: Stay ahead of your competitors by adopting new tools and methods that improve your services or products.
Collaborate with the Tech Ecosystem: Kitsap has a vibrant tech community, including startups, research institutions, and innovation hubs. Working with these groups can provide access to new technologies and ideas.
In understanding this comprehensive guide, you've gained invaluable insights into navigating Kitsap's dynamic business landscape. By leveraging strategic networking, local resources, targeted marketing strategies, regulatory compliance, and innovation, you're poised for success in Kitsap's thriving business environment. Forge meaningful connections, seize strategic opportunities, and chart a course towards sustainable growth and prosperity in Kitsap County.
Join us as we delve into the realm of web design excellence with our series, 'Unleashing Kitsap: Insider Secrets to Boost Your Business.' Explore the newest trends, learn from top industry professionals, and acquire the techniques necessary to craft remarkable digital experiences.
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vijay1225 · 4 days
Milk Protein Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Milk protein is the protein that is obtained from filtered milk, which contains whey and casein proteins. They are used in various nutritional and functional applications.
Sizing and Forecast The milk protein market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $12.64 billion in 2023 to $13.63 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to research and development in nutritional science, rising health and wellness trends, growing demand for sports nutrition, functional food and beverages growth, shift towards plant-based alternatives..
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The milk protein market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $18.86 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to changing dietary patterns, sustainable production practices, research and development in nutritional science, innovation in plant-based alternatives, expanding functional food and beverage market, rising application in infant formula.. Major trends in the forecast period include rising demand for high-quality protein sources, research and development in nutrition science, customization and specialty products, technological advancements in processing, sustainability concerns and ethical consumption..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The milk protein market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Milk Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Isolate [MPI], Milk Protein Hydrolysates, Casein And Caseinates, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Other Types 2) By Form: Dry, Liquid 3) By Livestock: Cow, Buffalo, Goat 4) By Application: Dairy Products, Frozen Desserts, Infant Formula, Dietary Supplements, Bakery, Confectionery, Beverages, Sweet, Savory Snacks 5) By Distribution Channel: Online, Offline
North America was the largest region in the milk protein market share in 2023. The regions covered in the milk protein market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The rise in infant birth rate is expected to propel the milk protein market growth. The total number of births divided by the entire population is known as the infant birth rate. It is a demographic measure of the rate at which births occur. The rising birth rate would necessitate meeting the nutritional needs of infants, and milk protein would aid in meeting the nutritional needs of children, driving the market growth. For instance, in May 2022, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), a US-based national public health agency, the birth rate increased by 1% for the first time in seven years, from 55.6 in 2020 to 56.6 in 2021. Therefore, the rise in infant birth rate drives the growth of the milk protein market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the milk protein market report are Royal FrieslandCampina N.V., Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, Arla Foods amba, Amco Proteins Company., Saputo Inc., Glanbia PLC, Kerry Group PLC, Havero Hoogwegt Group B.V., Lactalis Ingredients, Sachsenmilch Leppersdorf GmbH, Cargill Inc., Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Omega Protein Corporation, Dean Foods Company, Charotar Casein Company, Danone Nutricia, Hilmar Ingredients, Milk Specialties Global, Idaho Milk Products, Agropur Dairy Cooperative, Carbery Group Limited, Davisco Foods International Inc., Leprino Foods Company, Lactose Limited, Erie Foods International Inc., Grande Custom Ingredients Group, Milkaut S.A., Farbest Brands Inc., Batory Foods Inc., Armor Proteines, Nutrimed Healthcare, Agri-Mark Inc., Arion Dairy Products B.V .
The milk protein market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Milk Protein Market Characteristics
3. Milk Protein Market Trends And Strategies
4. Milk Protein Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Milk Protein Market Size and Growth . . .
31. Global Milk Protein Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global Milk Protein Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Milk Protein Market
34. Milk Protein Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix
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fuzzytimes1 · 1 year
Adult drug use rose during the pandemic but fell dramatically in adolescence, the study said
Editor’s note: Sign up for CNN’s Stress, But Less newsletter. Our six-part mindfulness guide will inform and inspire you to reduce stress while learning how to use it. CNN — Use of marijuana and other substances among teenagers fell in the first year of the pandemic, according to a new study. But use of cannabis, illicit drugs and alcohol, including binge drinking, either stayed the same or…
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globaldayofparents · 7 days
Increasing obesity and malnutrition.
The world faces a massive and complex problem of a double burden of malnutrition, where undernutrition coexists with overweight and obesity. In 2022, over one billion people aged five years and older were living with obesity, while more than half a billion were underweight. Malnutrition in children was also striking, with 148 million children under five years old affected by stunting (too short for age), 45 million suffering from wasting (too thin for height), and 37 million overweight. The latest edition of the World Health Statistics report further highlights the significant health challenges faced by persons with disabilities, refugees and migrants. In 2021, about 1.3 billion people, or 16% of the global population, had disability. This group is disproportionately affected by health inequities resulting from avoidable, unjust and unfair conditions.
Access to healthcare for refugees and migrants remains limited, with only half of the 84 countries surveyed between 2018 and 2021 providing government-funded health services to these groups at levels comparable to their citizens. This highlights the urgent need for health systems to adapt and address the persisting inequities and changing demographic needs of global populations.
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b2bbusiness · 10 days
Cracking the Code of Distorted Perception: Body Dysmorphic Disorder Clinical Trialspen_spark
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a debilitating mental health condition characterized by a persistent preoccupation with perceived flaws in physical appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others, yet cause significant distress and impairment in daily life for individuals with BDD. Thankfully, researchers are actively seeking better treatments through clinical trials.
Understanding the Trials: BDD clinical trials aim to assess the safety and efficacy of potential treatments for the disorder. Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:
Objectives: Researchers typically focus on two main objectives:
Safety: Meticulously assessing potential side effects of new treatments is crucial. This involves monitoring participants for common side effects like medication interactions or psychological discomfort, along with any more serious adverse events.
Efficacy: This determines how well the treatment reduces BDD symptoms. Researchers compare symptom severity in groups receiving the new treatment versus a control group (receiving placebo or standard treatment). A statistically significant reduction in symptoms in the treatment group indicates efficacy.
Beyond the Basics: While safety and efficacy are paramount, researchers may also explore:
Treatment Mechanisms: Understanding how a treatment works can help refine it and develop more targeted approaches.
Long-Term Effects: Assessing how long the treatment's benefits last is crucial for creating effective management plans.
Subgroups: Researchers might analyze data from specific groups within the trial, such as adolescents or individuals with severe BDD, to understand how the treatment performs for these demographics.
Challenges and Considerations: Clinical trials, while valuable, have limitations:
Limited Scope: Trials typically focus on specific aspects of BDD, and real-world Body Dysmorphic Disorder market experiences may involve a broader range of symptoms.
Participant Representation: Participants may not perfectly reflect the entire BDD population, highlighting the need for broader studies.
The Future of BDD Treatment: Clinical trials play a vital role in advancing BDD treatment:
New Treatment Options: Trials can pave the way for the approval of new medications, therapies, or digital interventions specifically designed for BDD.
Improved Treatment Strategies: Trial findings inform treatment guidelines and help healthcare professionals tailor approaches to individual needs.
Heightened Awareness: Clinical trials raise awareness about BDD and the importance of seeking help for this condition.
A Beacon of Hope: BDD clinical trials offer a beacon of hope for individuals struggling with this condition. By meticulously evaluating potential treatments, researchers are paving the way for a future where BDD can be effectively managed, allowing individuals to achieve a healthier relationship with their body image.
For more insights on the prevalent cases of BDD, download a free report sample
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printhipaamails · 14 days
Why Use Direct Mail For Healthcare Marketing?
Direct mail remains a powerful tool in the healthcare industry for engaging with patients, promoting services, and communicating important information. Despite the rise of digital marketing, direct mail offers unique advantages that make it an effective strategy in healthcare marketing.
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1. Tangibility and Personalization
Direct mail provides a tangible and personal touch that digital communications often lack. Receiving a physical piece of mail creates a sense of importance and can make recipients feel valued. Personalized direct mail, tailored to the individual's needs and preferences, enhances this effect, making the communication more relevant and engaging.
2. Higher Engagement Rates
Direct mail boasts higher engagement rates compared to digital marketing channels. Studies have shown that people are more likely to read and respond to direct mail, as it tends to stand out in an age of digital overload. For healthcare providers, this means that direct mail can effectively capture patients' attention and encourage them to take desired actions, such as scheduling appointments or participating in health programs.
3. Targeted Marketing
Direct mail allows for precise targeting of specific patient demographics. Healthcare organizations can use patient data to segment their audience and send tailored messages to different groups, whether it's reminders for routine check-ups, information about new services, or educational materials on managing chronic conditions. This targeted approach increases the relevance of the message and improves the likelihood of a positive response.
4. Compliance and Security
In the healthcare sector, compliance with regulations like HIPAA is paramount. Direct mail can be designed to ensure compliance with these regulations, safeguarding patient privacy and securing sensitive information. Healthcare marketers can use encrypted barcodes, secure envelopes, and other measures to protect patient data while delivering essential communications.
5. Integrated Marketing Campaigns
Direct mail can be seamlessly integrated with other marketing channels to create comprehensive campaigns. For example, a direct mail piece can drive patients to a personalized landing page, social media platform, or call center for further engagement. This multi-channel approach enhances the overall effectiveness of the campaign, combining the strengths of both physical and digital marketing.
6. Measurable Results
Direct mail campaigns provide measurable results, allowing healthcare marketers to track the effectiveness of their efforts. By using unique tracking codes, personalized URLs (PURLs), and response mechanisms, organizations can monitor response rates, patient engagement, and ROI. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and optimization of future campaigns.
Print HIPAA Direct Mail – ​​​Wix
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jassicaleo318 · 15 days
Vision in Focus: Navigating the Latin America Eyewear Market
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The Latin America eyewear market encompasses a diverse range of products, including prescription glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, and related accessories. This article provides an overview of the eyewear industry in Latin America, covering its evolution, key players, market trends, challenges, and future prospects.
Market Overview
The eyewear market in Latin America has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as changing demographics, increasing disposable income, and evolving fashion trends. Eyewear is not only considered a functional necessity for vision correction but also a fashion statement and accessory, driving demand for stylish and innovative eyewear products across the region.
Evolution of the Latin America Eyewear Market
The eyewear market in Latin America has evolved from a primarily utilitarian industry focused on vision correction to a dynamic and fashion-forward sector driven by changing consumer preferences and lifestyle trends. As disposable incomes rise and access to healthcare improves, more consumers in Latin America are investing in high-quality eyewear products that offer both style and functionality.
Key Players
The Latin America eyewear market is dominated by both international and local players, including well-known brands and manufacturers. Major players in the region include Luxottica Group, Safilo Group, EssilorLuxottica, and Carl Zeiss AG, among others. These companies offer a wide range of eyewear products across different price segments, catering to diverse consumer preferences and needs.
Market Trends
Fashion and Style: Fashion and style play a significant role in driving consumer preferences in the Latin America eyewear market. With the rise of social media and influencer culture, consumers are increasingly seeking eyewear products that reflect their personal style and enhance their overall look.
Technological Advancements: Technological advancements in eyewear materials, lens coatings, and frame designs have transformed the industry, leading to the development of lighter, more durable, and more comfortable eyewear products. Anti-reflective coatings, blue light filters, and photochromic lenses are among the technological innovations driving demand in the Latin America market.
E-commerce and Online Retail: The growth of e-commerce and online retail channels has revolutionized the eyewear industry, providing consumers with greater convenience and access to a wider range of products. Many eyewear brands and retailers in Latin America now offer online shopping options, allowing consumers to browse and purchase eyewear products from the comfort of their homes.
Rising Awareness of Eye Health: Increasing awareness of the importance of eye health and regular vision check-ups has contributed to the growth of the eyewear market in Latin America. As consumers become more proactive about their eye care, demand for prescription glasses, contact lenses, and other vision correction products is expected to increase.
Despite the growth opportunities in the Latin America eyewear market, several challenges remain:
Price Sensitivity: Price sensitivity among consumers in Latin America can be a barrier to the adoption of high-end eyewear products. Many consumers prioritize affordability and may opt for lower-cost alternatives, limiting the market potential for premium eyewear brands.
Counterfeit Products: The prevalence of counterfeit eyewear products poses a challenge for legitimate manufacturers and retailers in Latin America. Counterfeit products not only undermine brand reputation and consumer trust but also pose potential health risks to consumers.
Regulatory Environment: Variations in regulatory frameworks across countries in Latin America can complicate market entry and product compliance for eyewear manufacturers and retailers. Navigating regulatory requirements related to product safety, labeling, and distribution adds complexity to the business environment.
Market Expansion and Strategies
Expanding the Latin America eyewear market requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities within the region:
Market Penetration: Eyewear companies can focus on expanding their presence in emerging markets within Latin America, leveraging demographic trends, urbanization, and rising disposable incomes to drive growth. Targeting urban centers and metropolitan areas with high population densities and strong purchasing power can yield significant opportunities for market penetration.
Product Diversification: Diversifying product offerings to cater to diverse consumer preferences and needs is essential for capturing market share in Latin America. Eyewear companies can develop a wide range of products, including prescription glasses, sunglasses, sports eyewear, and specialty lenses, tailored to different demographics, lifestyles, and fashion trends.
Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with local retailers, optical chains, and healthcare providers can help eyewear companies gain access to distribution networks and reach a broader audience in Latin America. Partnerships with fashion influencers, celebrities, and media outlets can also enhance brand visibility and appeal to target consumers.
Investment in Marketing and Advertising: Investing in marketing and advertising initiatives tailored to the Latin America market can help eyewear companies build brand awareness, educate consumers about the benefits of eyewear products, and drive demand. Leveraging digital marketing channels, social media platforms, and influencer partnerships can effectively reach target audiences and drive engagement.
Future Prospects
Despite these challenges, the future of the Latin America eyewear market looks promising, driven by factors such as rising disposable incomes, increasing urbanization, and growing awareness of eye health. With continued innovation, investment in technology, and strategic marketing initiatives, the eyewear industry in Latin America is expected to thrive in the coming years.
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theliveleads · 15 days
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u65 Health Insurance Leads
In the dynamic landscape of health insurance, where the demand for coverage is perennial, the quest for valuable leads is an ongoing pursuit. Among the plethora of potential leads, U65 health insurance leads stand out as a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the nuances of U65 health insurance leads, uncovering their significance, challenges, and strategies to harness their full potential.
Understanding the Significance:
The term "U65" refers to individuals under the age of 65, a demographic segment characterized by diverse needs and preferences regarding health insurance. While traditional marketing strategies often focus on the senior population, tapping into the U65 segment presents a distinct opportunity for insurers. With changing lifestyles, evolving healthcare needs, and increasing awareness of the importance of health coverage, U65 individuals represent a sizable market ripe for exploration.
Challenges in Targeting U65 Health Insurance Leads:
However, navigating the landscape of U65 health insurance leads is not without its challenges. One significant obstacle is the sheer volume of information available to consumers, making it difficult to capture their attention amidst the noise. Moreover, younger individuals may perceive health insurance as a distant concern, prioritizing immediate expenses over long-term benefits. Overcoming these challenges requires a strategic approach tailored to the unique characteristics of the U65 demographic.
Strategies for Success:
To effectively target U65 health insurance leads, insurers must adopt a multifaceted approach that combines digital innovation, personalized outreach, and educational initiatives. Leveraging data analytics and machine learning algorithms can enable insurers to identify and segment U65 prospects based on their specific needs and preferences. By offering tailored solutions and value-added services, insurers can differentiate themselves in a crowded market and establish meaningful connections with U65 individuals.
Furthermore, engaging U65 prospects through targeted digital marketing campaigns can amplify outreach efforts and drive lead generation. From social media advertising to search engine optimization, insurers can leverage digital channels to create compelling content and foster meaningful interactions with potential leads. Additionally, investing in educational initiatives, such as webinars, workshops, and online resources, can empower U65 individuals to make informed decisions about their health insurance coverage.
Unlocking the Potential:
In essence, U65 health insurance leads represent a valuable opportunity for insurers to expand their customer base, drive revenue growth, and foster long-term relationships with a diverse demographic segment. By understanding the significance of U65 leads, overcoming the associated challenges, and implementing strategic initiatives, insurers can unlock the full potential of this untapped market.
As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the importance of targeting U65 health insurance leads cannot be overstated. By embracing innovation, personalization, and education, insurers can position themselves as trusted partners in the journey towards comprehensive health coverage. Ultimately, by unraveling the intricacies of U65 health insurance leads, insurers can pave the way for a healthier and more secure future for individuals across all age groups.
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manuelgriffin · 16 days
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Navigating Mental Health in Florida: The road to Self-Empowerment
In the sunshine state of Florida, surrounded by beauty all around whether it is the long sandy beaches, diverse cultural groups or the great weather, it is very important to note that there are many Floridians struggling with mental health disorders. Headline: Mental health, which is the state of an individual’s psychological, emotional and social health is an important aspect of general health. It pervades thoughts, emotions, and behaviors; decides how one deals with stress or reacts to someone, or even makes a decision. In Florida mental health has to be taken as a vital issue to address due to certain characteristics such as demography and living conditions in Florida state.
Understanding Mental Health
It can therefore be defined as the state of wellness, wholeness and synchronicity in our minds. It is a mental condition that enables individuals to handle commonplace sources of stress, to withstand the pressures of daily living, to go to work, to nurture, to build, and to participate in the society. The most frequent mental disorders include: anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD. These factors may obviously affect one’s well-being and functioning across the different domains of his or her daily existence and interpersonal contacts, as well as influence his or her physical well-being.
Alternatively, Delaney et al. (2016) highlight common mental health issues faced by kids in Florida.
Florida has several tendencies concerning mental health issues some of which are peculiar to the state. The large population in Texas also has varied demographics with a large aging population, war veterans, and immigrants and all these segmentaion comes with different mental health concerns. The elderly can experience loneliness and the onset of cognitive impairments; veterans can have PTSD and the challenges of reintegration into civilian life; immigrants can make stressful adapting to a new culture and being away from their families.
Furthermore, crises including hurricanes also affect mental health problems in the country. This may result to higher levels of anxiety and depression by the time families have to plan and prepare for such events and even when briefing family, the stress involved as well as the results. The current COVID-19 pandemic has also revealed the prevalence of a mental health issue, with many Floridians struggling with stress, loneliness and/or inability to plan for the future.
INCIDENCE ACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH Initially, it is important to assess the state of incidence access to mental health building on the current knowledge to formulate meaningful recommendations.
It is important to note that health care involving mental health remains to be a major concern for people in Florida. Although, there has been an increased concern for mental health there is still a limited number of healthcare workers to deal with patients suffering from mental illnesses. The available information provided by the Florida Behavioral Health Association reveals that the state has one of the lowest levels of access to behavioral health care in the United States – even higher than more populous and developed states – ranking 49th. It will is actually worse in the rural areas because people living here may sometimes have to travel for long distances to access care from the few facilities in existence.
Insurance coverage for mental health services is also a factor that continues to pose a challenge. As per the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, insurance companies are required to offer mental health benefits on a par with physical health benefits; however, this remains an issue for many Floridians as their insurance fails to cover the needful treatments.
Promoting Mental Well-being
Stigma, lack of awareness, inadequate funding, and self-stigma are the primary barriers which hinder the progress of mental health promotion and prevention internationally, and the reduction of stigma and discrimination involves variety of strategies including developing policies, forming support within the local communities and making changes within ourselves. Here are some strategies that can help:Here are some strategies that can help:
1. Community Support: Supporting community entails hosting single and cooperative a group working together towards achieving specific goals. A support group and local based organizations will be very helpful to kids in need as they offer them a place where they fit in. For instance, NAMI Florida encompasses of educating, counseling as well as advocating for people living with mental disorder.
2. Access to Care: Mental health is an important aspect of the wellbeing of the community and the population and it is important to seek more ways to improve access to mental health services. Telehealth has become a reliable medium, especially in the areas where medical practitioners and specialists are scarce. One is it scales up the accessibility of therapy and counseling services and from the ease of one’s home hence eradiculating the reluctance to visit clinics that deal with mental health.
3. Education and Awareness: It is also important for the society to understand and change perception towards people experiencing mental health issues. Promotion of Mental Health Awareness and Illness in Schools, Workplace, and Communities: Educational programs can be implemented in schools and workplaces in order to avails the people with the proper knowledge regarding the Epidemiological Signs of Mental Health Problems and raise their awareness and motivate them for getting treatments.
4. Self-Care: Taking care of oneself must remain a priority for the improvement of mental health. Sustained exercise, proper nutrition, enough and good quality sleep, and other practices which include meditation and yoga are effective ways to enhance mental health.
Policy and Advocacy Code of ethical conduct and policy at different stages and across different states Different types of advocacy: Individual, systemic, self-advocacy, and groups
This paper further explains the more ways to enhance mental health care in Florida through policy and advocacy. Mental health advocates can lobby to garner more funds for mental and emotional health services, insurance companies can be persuaded to expand coverage for mental health services and government can encourage legislation that supports mental health programs. It is the processes of interacting with policymakers, and being a member of or attending advocacy group that will foster the kind of change that will enhance the mental health care delivery and access.
Personal Stories: It never hurts to have a human touch A little bit of compassion and care can go such a long way It is, in fact, indispensable It makes me feel grateful to be alive, to be able to help people It warms the heart to know that one can brighten up another’s day
These are real people whose lives have been impacted and changed behind the daily numbers we hear every day. Let us try to define the problem by considering Jane, a middle-aged woman from Miami, who had an acute case of anxiety. By connecting with a local community agency and working with a kind and understanding therapist remotely, Jane was able to find ways to move forward and start healing step by step. Having such stories of experiences like Jane’s shows that mental health care and individual support are critical aspects for individuals to seek.
For example, a man called Mike served in the army and after getting a discharge he was struggling with severe PTSD in Jacksonville. Fortunately, Mike was determined to make a change and seek help; he was prescribed medication and therapy; he met other veterans; and, finally, he participated in various community events. It was also about the need to provide interventions to groups in particular to serve everyone’s needs for mental health care.
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