#Henly RV Park
francis1936 · 4 months
Henly RV Park 02/12/2024  I sat here thinking and wondering why I have trouble making words fly it used to be to write a rhyme took me very little time but now the thoughts are not the same no longer jumbled in my brain to come out as a beautiful rhyme and even though I take the time no longer can I write the verse to stir the mind as yet unrehearsed because I cannot see the way for the words to…
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francis1936 · 1 year
The Adventures of an Old Man and an RV. Henly RV Park, Dripping Springs, TX Day 69, Tuesday 02/07/2023
A brave winter flower that survived the storm. I got up early and took a shower, reveling in the hot water and all the room within the shower unit. With a change of clean clothes, I felt like a new man. We harnessed up and wandered around the park making another stop at Quatro to pick up nail clippers.  Much to my surprise, I was able to find the clippers, and we continued with our walk. We did…
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francis1936 · 1 year
Rain, Beautiful Rain
From my Archives. It’s raining at my house It rained today it has to be saidthat we can use as much as can be sentour way, for gardens are still very dryeven with all of the clouds in the skyand the wet stuff falling all aroundespecially right here on the ground. My ponds without rain have to dependon me to fill them and in the endso does the garden for when it gets dryI look at the ground and…
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francis1936 · 1 year
The Adventures of an Old Man and an RV. Henly RV Park, Dripping Springs, TX Day 74, Sunday 02/12/2023
The ceiling fan in the bedroom. I awoke early, for me, and crawled out of bed after a very good night’s sleep. The sun was shining although the wind still had a bite to it. We wandered around the park and then walked the length of the bottom road covering a mile in the process. A very good way to start the day.  I spent some time remaking the bed as somehow, I had not aligned the top sheet up…
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francis1936 · 4 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Friday 05/24/2024
I got up early because I had an appointment with Malinda to go looking for a new to me, vehicle. Between us, we had located a couple that looked interesting and wanted to go to see them up close and personal. She picked me up around 9:00 am and we drove into Austin to one of the Jeep places located there.  At that time, the traffic was heavy going into town, but we finally arrived and started…
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francis1936 · 5 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Wednesday 05/22/2024
With the previous late night caused by TV binge watching, I was late getting up and it was 9:00 am when I rolled out. I was hoping that James would stop by today and true to form, I received an email to that effect. I am third in line as he has a couple more before me which is OK as I have no plans or wheels to go anywhere.  We went out for the first walk and just wandered around the park not…
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francis1936 · 7 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Sunday 05/19/2024
I slept very well and was very reluctant to get out of bed but forced myself to do so. The sun was shining, and it promised to be a fine day although we have no plans to go anywhere (no car) or do anything (no ambition). Knowing this meant another day of walkies followed by a lot of sitting around.  It is amazing the things we take for granted. Like having a car for instance. A car is one of the…
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francis1936 · 11 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Thursday 05/16/2020
I slept well and was very reluctant to crawl out of bed where it was nice and cozy but forced myself to do so. I took a shower glorying in the hot water that we take for granted and probably stayed there longer than I needed to. After I was dressed, I harnessed up the dogs and tied them to the table while I brought out the bird feeders. I was going to fill them, but they all still contained…
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francis1936 · 12 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Wednesday 05/15/2024
I awoke early again and decided to get up instead of just laying around as I usually do. I thought about taking a shower but decided it would wait until the hot water is repaired. Not brave enough to take a cold shower this morning. I threw my clothes on, splashed water on my face and harnessed the dogs.  I tied them up to the table as is our normal routine and brought out the feeders. They have…
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francis1936 · 13 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Tuesday 05/14/2024
I slept very well enough that I crawled out of bed around 7:30 am. Totally unheard of but I did not feel the worst for getting up early…for me. We have no plans for today and as we have no transportation, we cannot even go grocery shopping. Good job, we are stocked up at least for a couple of days. May run out of beer though…  The first thing was to hang the bird feeders watched by the dogs who…
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francis1936 · 17 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Friday 05/10/2024
I awoke around 6:00 am to the sound of something that was running like crazy and could not put my finger on it. It sounded like it was coming from the ceiling area, but I could not see where. It was a loud roaring noise, and I had visions of some part or another blowing up.  I panicked and called Daniel. Malinda answered and I explained what was happening and in no time flat, they were both at…
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francis1936 · 19 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Tuesday 05/07/2024
I wonder who that is? I slept very well and was ready to get up at a reasonable hour, for us. As my water problem is still not fixed, I decided that I really had no alternative other than take a cold shower and boy, was that water cold? I hopped about as it hit parts of my body and wondered why I tortured myself like this. I finally crawled out and grabbed the towel to dry myself off and warm…
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francis1936 · 20 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Monday 05/06/2024
I slept very well and did not want to get out of bed. I kept saying to myself, “Five more minutes, just five more minutes”. I managed to stretch those concurrent fine minutes out to a half hour or so before rolling out of bed.   The ball of my right foot was very sore for some reason, but I could walk on it if I was careful. I have no idea what I did to it this time. Always something as I grow…
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francis1936 · 23 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Thursday 05/09/2024
I slept well and was wide awake and ready to get out of bed. I looked at the time which was a little after 8:00 am and lay there for a bit thinking about the upcoming day and what I had to do. We did not have anything important planned and would just play it by ear, as the saying goes.  The morning started as it usually does with hitching the dogs up to the table and bringing out the feeders. It…
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francis1936 · 24 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Friday 05/03/2024
Notice the lawn is flooded. I slept very well, and it was a long night for which I was very grateful. The only reason I awoke when I did was for the call of Nature. After using the john, I looked at the bed and it was very inviting but as it was already 9:25 am, I decided that I should crawl out of there. Good job, we are never very busy.  It was a wet drizzly day and not a bit inviting outside…
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francis1936 · 25 days
Living in an RV Henly RV Park Thursday 05/02/2024
I got up to another one of those days when the weather could not make up its mind whether to rain or clear up. There was a very heavy fog which surrounded us making me feel damp.  I jumped into the shower and the hot water felt good. How was I to know that I turned on a change of events by taking the shower because thirty minutes later, steaming hot water started pouring out of the unit just as…
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