"Do you want to read something bite-sized and impossible to put down? If so, may I offer you a list of 11 Queer books under 250 pages to solve your plight? It is wonderful to be able to pick a book up and finish it in a sitting or two. These books do just that and they are queer. What more can you ask for?
With Pride month in full swing, many readers opt to celebrate by adding more queer books to their reading lives. However, June is a busy month full of work, travel, Pride celebrations, and summertime ennui. Sometimes you want something small that you can take on a trip, or something short to read in your downtime. In case you have a busy month or need a short book as a break, this list of queer books under 250 pages is here to help you out. Ideally, it will let you accomplish your queer reading goals and still make it to all the events on your calendar."
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poisindonottouch · 1 year
Queer reads: Cat Sebastian
Continuing my queer books you should read, for day 23, I bring you Cat Sebastian. 
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Cat Sebastian writes historical romances, set in the 18th century, the 19th century, and the 20th century. I prefer her books set in the 20th century, by far. (I’ve read her other books, and I have a soft spot for The Queer Principals of Kit Webb, but I found the other ones... forgettable. Like, I read them all, and can’t remember the plots. So, uh, not my favorite.)
But these ones. These ones are excellent. 
The three Cabot books take place in the 1958 (I think?), 1960, and 1973 set in the US. They follow a person from the politically famous Cabot family (think the Kennedys), and three queer members who don’t quite fit into the family. Tommy Cabot Was Here and Peter Cabot Gets Lost are novellas that are more about the vibes than the plot, but I love everything about them. Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots is a longer novel, and is also heavy on the vibes, light on the plot. But they’re so sweet, and so soft, and the writing is so good. (also, A+ on the spicy scenes). 
We Could Be So Good takes place in New York in 1959, and shows slice of life in the queer world before Stonewall. The two main characters are Nick and Andy, and they’re idiots for each other. I love them so much. I read this book when it popped up on my kindle at 10 PM the day before it was released (thank you time zones) and stayed up till 3 AM reading it. 
The Page & Sommers books are set in the UK post WWII, and are murder mysteries. Agatha Christie, but make it gay, according to Cat Sebastian’s website. Aside from the murder, it’s also sweet and soft, and James and Leo are also idiots about each other. 
If you haven’t read any Cat Sebastian, or you’ve only read the regency books, check these out. They’re so good. 
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kelliealtogether · 1 year
One of the corners of Leo’s mouth ticked up in a tired smile. “A reading of the will. For God’s sake, James. I half expected to find you all shooting one another. Cabinets of exotic poisons left unlocked. Sharpened daggers mounted above the chimneypiece.”
“Ah. I see. You came for the entertainment potential.”
Leo breathed out a laugh and rolled his head to face James. His tired eyes were still mostly closed and he regarded James through dark eyelashes. “You know why I came.”
James felt his cheeks heat and wondered if he’d ever get used to Leo saying these things. It happened so rarely and never with any warning. A man simply couldn’t build up any kind of natural immunity.
— Cat Sebastian, The Missing Page
These books are going to make me go feral. 🙃
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kaleidemaran · 2 years
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i was going to use a quote from this scene for the caption but i finished this in class and am impatient about posting so now its this
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dftea · 8 months
I am on my second reading of Hither Page and The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian (except I read them backwards this time, slightly by accident) and I really, really need more adorable queer murder books.
Give me the same but different. Also another dozen Page & Sommers books.
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queerliblib · 2 months
Hi queerliblib! I live in the UK so I can't access your services but I was wondering if you had any recommendations for books about gay or bisexual men in the 20th century? Both fiction and non-fiction would be fine.
hello! first, & potentially most exciting, even if you are not a member & can’t check out any books, you can always browse our collection & gather ideas here!
that said, we do still have some recs;
Giovanni’s Room, by James Baldwin - all time classic for a reason
We Could be So Good by Cat Sebastian - 1950’s NYC romance
Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin - 1980’s Taipei
Self Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore - 1920’s Great Gadsby retelling
Fellow Travelers by Thomas Mallon - 1950’s D.C.
Hither Page by Cat Sebastian - post-war England
Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton - 1969
Pulp Friction by Michael Bronski - about gay male pulps from the 1950’s-70’s
Indecent Advances by James Polchin - history of the criminalization of homosexuality post WWI
The Men with the Pink Triangle by Heinz Heger & Sarah Schulman - about Nazi persecution of queer people
The Boys of Fairy Town by Jim Elledge - about Chicago’s queer history, 1st half of the 20th century & earlier
The Deviant’s War by Eric Cervini - Frank Kameny (founder of the Mattachine Society)'s fight against the US gov’s discrimination
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mediawhorefics · 2 months
hi, i saw you recommended some lgbtq books a while ago but it's impossible to find anything from tumblr later on, so do you know any good fantasy/sci-fi/action/contemporary m/m books? like with actual plot instead of just romance and also with characters and (platonic) relationships other than the main couple. thanks!
hiiiii, sorry this is super late, but of course i can!
(apologies in advance cos some of these are prob books i’ve recced before 🤪✌🏻)
-> captive prince trilogy (cs pacat) | if you’re looking for something with actual plot, cp has a big political overarching plot that’s super compelling about the two princes of neighbouring enemy kingdoms trying to reclaim their respective thrones. there’s lots of triggering content so do look it up before… but while the romance is the main event, the political aspect of the book is really detailed and engaging.
-> dark rise trilogy (cs pacat) | 2 out of 3 books are out currently and the m/m romance is not the focus so far though it’s been well teased/a good slow start. the whole trilogy is a subversion of the classic medieval chosen one trope ft. an old world of magic being reawakened, a dark king’s return and an order of knights trying to prevent it. great found family vibes. ya historical fantasy.
-> hither page (cat sebastian) | a jaded spy and a shell-shocked country doctor team up to solve a murder in postwar england. historical murder mystery!
-> big bad wolf series (charlie adhara) | an ex fbi agent gets transferred to a secret agency dealing with werewolf crimes after being attacked by one of them. human and werewolf relations are tense and he ends up paired with a wolf agent from the wolf agency that echoes his to solve a series of brutal crimes. ok, i know this sounds like straight up werewolf porn, but i was really surprised by how engaging and well written the mysteries were in this series. i’m talking twists and shit, compelling/complex side characters…. this series completely took me by surprise.
-> seven summer nights (harper fox) | post war england, a shell-shocked archaeologist and a vicar fall in love while trying to uncover a small town’s archaeological mystery in the south downs.
-> the last binding series (freya markse) | edwardian magical mystery series, each book focuses on a different queer couple while following an overarching mystery/plot that threatens the welfare of magical britain. big found family vibes, lots of great side characters introduced in each book that then become leads in later books, beautiful writing.
-> a taste of gold and iron (alexandra rowland) | ottoman empire inspired fantasy world, a prince and his bodyguard must investigate a break in at one of their guilds, the results of which could save their queen’s reign.
-> the will darling adventures (kj charles) | 1920s mystery adventure series. great side characters, insp by 20s pulp novels. a wwi vet turned bookseller get swiped up in mystery and a spy he’s not sure he can trust. first one is a bit slower, but it picks up in book 2 & 3.
-> the kingdoms (natasha pulley) | 19th century alternate history mystery. an amnesiac journeys from london to a scottish lighthouse to try and unlock the mystery of his forgotten past. complex narrative and extremely immersive storytelling. the romance is central but subtle.
-> the binding (bridget collins) | 19th century historical fantasy. emmet is training to be a bookbinder in a world where books contain people’s memories and are highly controversial… eternal sunshine of the spotless mind vibes.
-> less (andrew sean greer) | arthur less is going on a worldwide literary tour to avoid going to his ex’s wedding. this book really took me by surprise, it was so delightful.
-> the house in the cerulean sea (tj klune) | linus baker, a case worker for the department in charge of magical youth, gets sent to an orphanage for so labelled 'dangerous' children in order to evaluate whether they're about/able to end the world and if the orphanage/the man in charge of it is best for them. big feel good book, really funny, great found family vibes, subtle love story, wonderful side characters.
-> the bedlam stacks (natasha pulley) | merrick tremayne is called upon by the india office to go on a dangerous expedition deep in peru to fetch quinine (essential for the treatment of malaria) despite the debilitating injury that almost cost him a leg. every expedition before his has yielded no results apart from dead bodies, but merrick has family history deep in the country so he goes against his better judgement. there, he meets raphael, a priest surrounded by strange stories of disappearances, cursed woods and living stones, and who might hold the key to his family’s past. really cool world building, really immersive writing, very subtle romance. more plot heavy than romance heavy, but it's still !!!!
-> salt magic, skin magic (lee welch) | lord thorny is cursed and can't leave his father's estate. trapped there for over a year now, he is slowly losing his mind. until industrial magical john blake arrives on the land to investigate an unrelated case involving witchcraft. soon enough the men get closer and must work together to figure out a way to break thorny's curse. historical fantasy, good mystery, fun twists. i haven't read this one in a while, but i remember really enjoying the mythology.
-> the watchmaker of filiigree street & sequel (natasha pulley) | telegraphist thaniel receives a mysterious watch on his birthday whose pre-set alarm saves him from a terrorist bombing on scotland yard. since the bomb was made with clockwork parts and only the bomber could have known when to set the alarm, thaniel is sent by a detective investigating the bombing to live with the suspected watchmaker to figure out what’s going on. sherlock holmes vibes. slow burn/subtle romance. delightful writing.
-> under the whispering door (tj klune) | an unpleasant and selfish man in life, wallace price meets his reaper at his near-empty funeral and gets taken to a whimsical tea shop where he meets hugo, the ferryman whose job it is to help him move on and crossover into the afterlife. a task that becomes complicated as wallace starts developing feelings for hugo. found family vibes.
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the-dust-jacket · 1 year
Hello. I've already read the Kingston Cycle, Half a Soul and I'm about to finish the Stariel books. Do you have more recommendations? Thank you in advance.
Oh absolutely!
A Matter of Magic, by Patricia C. Wrede (for cross-country Regency romps, rogues, magicians, spies, and Ladies of Quality)
A Marvellous Light, by Freya Marske (for murder and mystery and secret Edwardian wizardry, romance, grand old houses and creepy curses)
Spellbound, by Allie Therin (for forbidden love, found family, and frightening magic in 1920s New York)
Shades of Milk and Honey, by Mary Robinette Kowal (for frothy and impeccably evocative Regency magic)
Sorcerer to the Crown, by Zen Cho (for schemes both magical and mundane and the world of fairy crossing into the world of the tonne)
To Say Nothing of the Dog, by Connie Willis (for laugh-out-loud time travel shenanigans and questionable Victorian aesthetic choices)
Soulless, by Gail Carriger (for vampire assassins, werewolf aristocrats, interrupted tea time, and other terrible inconveniences which may beset a young lady)
A little darker:
The Magpie Lord, by KJ Charles (for semi-secret magical society, creepy family estate, steamy romance all in an Extremely Victorian Gothic setting)
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke (clever and deeply atmospheric tour of a magical 19th century England, but definitely not romance)
Salt Magic, Skin Magic, by Lee Welch (for curses and magical bonds and frightening fairies)
Widdershins, by Jordan L Hawk (for Gilded Age mystery and romance featuring Lovecraftian horror and humor)
More fantasy:
Uprooted, by Naomi Novik (for fairytale magic and whimsy, adventure and romance and creepy trees)
Seducing the Sorcerer, by Lee Welch (for wizard fashion, romance and humor and whimsical magic)
Stardust, by Neil Gaiman (for wild romps in the fairyland next door, alternately humorous and haunting)
More historical:
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by KJ Charles (for saucy Regency romance and determined social scheming)
Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (for dry humor, wacky hijinx, and extended family shenanigans)
Hither Page or The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian (village and manor house mysteries respectively, featuring lots of queer romance and found family with a dash of jaded post-war espionage)
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (for yearning and laughs and first love and an eccentric family living in an increasingly run down castle)
A little farther from the brief, but might be worth checking out On Vibes:
The Left Handed Booksellers of London, by Garth Nix
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, by Diana Wynne Jones
His Majesty's Dragon, by Naomi Novik (more Regency fantasy, but full on Age of Sail adventure rather than comedy of manners, romance, or secret magic)
Among Others, by Jo Walton
Arabella of Mars, by David D. Levine
A Natural History of Dragons, by Marie Brennan
It also sounds like a Georgette Heyer or Jeeves and Wooster binge would be really fun right now!
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dvar-trek · 5 months
Romance Roundup: Part 2
the full list:
loved | liked | okay | didn't like
 ●Captive Prince Trilogy by C.S. Pacat     ○Captive Prince     ○Prince's Gambit     ○Kings Rising     ○The Summer Palace  ●Whyborne and Griffin Series by Jordan L. Hawk (there are like 11 of these in total, but this is as far as i got. this is not the only reason i stopped, but this series does contain a sex scene wherein sliding back the foreskin is described as "peeling". and i just. i simply don't think you should peel a dick. i don't think it's good for them.)     ○Widdershins     ○Eidolon     ○Threshold  ●Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner  ●Sailor's Delight by Rose Lerner  ●Something Human by A.J. Demas  ●Doomsday Books by KJ Charles     ○The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen     ○A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel
 ●Old Bridge Inn Series by Annick Trent     ○Beck and Call     ○The Oak and the Ash  ●10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall  ●Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall (okay, listen, the first chapter hits you with a high concentration of cringe, and is therefore difficult to read. but the cringe concentration lessens considerably as you go along, and this ended up being one of my faves.)  ●Husband Material by Alexis Hall (again with the cringe, but it's not a strong enough book otherwise to make up for it, imo. the first book stands up great without having to bother with the sequel)  ●The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever by Julia Quinn  ●Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn     ○The Duke and I     ○The Viscount Who Loved Me (there are six more of these, but i simply couldn't go on)
 ●The Mystery of Nevermore by C.S. Poe  ●Turner Series by Cat Sebastian     ○The Soldier's Scoundrel     ○The Lawrence Browne Affair     ○The Ruin of a Rake     ○A Little Light Mischief  ●The Last Binding by Freya Marske (these are kissing books, but i didn't like the actual romances so much as the. like. plot.)     ○A Marvellous Light     ○A Restless Truth     ○A Power Unbound  ●Lucky Lovers of London by Jess Everlee     ○The Gentleman's Book of Vices     ○A Rulebook for Restless Rogues  ●A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland  ●His Heart's Obsession by Alex Beecroft  ●Seducing the Sedgwicks by Cat Sebastian     ○It Takes Two to Tumble     ○A Gentleman Never Keeps Score     ○Two Rogues Make a Right  ●Hard Sell by Hudson Lin  ●Green Men World by KJ Charles     ○The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal (can be read as a stand-alone. is also not really a romance, per-se, although they sure do fuck. more like if shelock holmes had been a ghost-hunter, and watson had told us about all the sex they were having)     ○Spectred Isle (n.b. this was meant to be the first book in a series that is on hold indefinitely, though i enjoyed it plenty on its own)
 ●Winterbourne series by Joanna Chambers (there's one more novella in this series but none of my libraries has it)     ○Introducing Mr. Winterbourne     ○Mr. Winterbourne's Christmas     ○The First Snow of Winter  ●The Vicar and the Rake by Annabelle Greene  ●The Gentleman and the Spy by Neil S. Plakcy  ●The Lord and the Frenchman by Neil S. Plakcy  ●Unfit to Print by KJ Charles  ●Brook Street by Ava March  ●Enlightenment Trilogy by Joanna Chambers     ○Provoked     ○Beguiled     ○Enlightened     ○The Bequest (epilogue novella)  ●Unnatural by Joanna Chambers  ●Restored by Joanna Chambers  ●Society of Gentlemen by KJ Charles (another one where the whole series is worthwhile for the story, even if i didn't love all of the romances. the characters are endearing and there's an excellent little series epilogue availble on the author's website)     ○The Ruin of Gabriel Ashleigh (prequel novella)     ○A Fashionable Indulgence     ○A Seditious Affair     ○A Gentleman's Position
 ●Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall  ●Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian  ●The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian  ●Sins of the Cities by KJ Charles     ○An Unseen Attraction     ○An Unnatural Vice     ○An Unsuitable Heir  ●Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston  ●Bright Falls series by Ashley Herring Blake (I'm still on a waitlist for the third book, which just came out)     ○Delilah Green Doesn't Care     ○Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail  ●Fake it 'til You Make Out by Isla Olsen  ●The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite  ●The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite  ●The Lilywhite Boys by KJ Charles     ○The Rat-Catcher's Daugher (prequel novella)     ○Any Old Diamonds     ○Guilded Cage     ○Masters in this Hall (sequel novella)  ●England World by KJ Charles     ○Proper English     ○Think of England  ●Will Darling Adventures by KJ Charles     ○Slippery Creatures     ○The Sugared Game     ○Subtle Blood
 ●The Lady's Secret by Joanna Chambers  ●A Charm of Magpies series by KJ Charles     ○The Magpie Lord     ○A Case of Possession     ○Flight of Magpies  ●Other KJ Charles book linked to the Magpies world     ○A Queer Trade     ○Rag and Bone     ○Jackdaw  ●Wanted, A Gentleman by KJ Charles  ●The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by KJ Charles  ●A Thief in the Night by KJ Charles (novella linked to Gentle Art)  ●Band Sinister by KJ Charles  ●Unmasked by the Marquess by Cat Sebastian  ●A Duke in Disguise by Cat Sebastian
romance roundup part 1
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bookgeekgrrl · 5 months
My media this week (24-30 Dec 2023)
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*delighted* this show went straight to full musical episode in only the second season. amazing.
🥰 Hither, Page (Page & Summers #1) (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - reread; christmas-set post WW2 cozy mystery (vibes are basically 'agatha christie but queer')
🥰 The Missing Page (Page & Summers #2) (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - reread; the further adventures of Leo & James
😍 We Could Be So Good (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - reread; this was one of my fave books of the year tbh; loved the setting and the characters and the vibe
😍 Bells Are Ringing (A We Could Be So Good Holiday epilogue) (Cat Sebastian) - so grateful that Cat S gifts us a holiday epilogue every year!
🥰 The Things We Hide (ThePirateStorm) - 109K, stucky no powers omegaverse/accidental mpreg with fantastic amounts of pining and a great cast of fully realized supporting characters; I fucked up my sleep schedule to finish reading this and had zero regrets.
🥰 I'd Swing With You for the Fences (nontoxic) - 86K, Schitt's Creek AU with MLB player Patrick and David (who's still mostly canon David) - very warm and sweet and absolutely DELIGHTFUL
🥰 Third Eye (Felicia Day, author; full voice cast) - comedy fantasy audio drama about Laurel, who 15 yrs ago was the Chosen One and who…failed. Now her life is sad but she gets a 2nd chance when a terrible teen (who may also be the Chosen One) cannonballs into her life. Had a lot of fun listening to this, great voice cast featuring FD, Sean Astin, Wil Wheaton, London Hughes
💖💖 +186K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
[PODFIC] A Nativity of Oranges (Tanouska) - MCU: stucky, 9K - great podfic, reread, great Stucky holiday fic
How The Elf-King Stole Khuzmus (DeHeerKonijn, PointlesslyPoetic) - LOTR: 1.3K - a The Hobbit/Dr. Seuss mashup, very clever, great art
[Podfic of] Spaceships & Laserswords (blackglass, klb, luvtheheaven (VioletEmerald), reena_jenkins, Shmaylor, silverandblue, wordsaremyfaith) - Star Wars: finnpoe, 4K - great podfic of a short but hilarious & very sweet fic - modern AU where weirdo hermit Luke joins the (college-age) 'kids' D&D game & volunteers his sister to DM
[Podfic] Mission Impossible (quietnight) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 20K - hilarious shrunkyclunks fic, great podfic version of it
flow through (rainbow_nerds) - Stranger Things: steddie, 6K - a gift for me! I requested @rainbow-nerdss continue in the universe created by sharp temporary walls and it was everything I could have wanted!!!! 💜
Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2023
The Legendary Rick Perry and the Art of Dimension 20
D20: Fantasy High: Sophomore Year - s4, e21-22
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - s1, e7-10; s2, e1-10
Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road (2023 special #4)
Midsomer Murders - s24, e1-2
⭐ Hit Parade - Second-Chance Hits Edition
Vibe Check - 2023, Don’t Let The Door Hit You…
Ologies with Alie Ward - Alieology (YOUR HOST): an Ask-Me-Anything Goofy Hang
It's Been a Minute - Why grief sometimes looks like a hyphy party
One Year - The Making of One Year: 1990
⭐ Code Switch - The Fallout of a Callout
Hit Parade - The Posthumous Hits Edition, Live from Seattle
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Pop Culture Predictions
Fun Christmas Oldies
my Dolly Parton Christmas playlist
Swingin' Christmas
Presenting Lindsey Stirling
Power Ballads Forever
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9 books
9? Just 9 most favorite books of all time? Oh the inhumanity! Thank you for the tag @cricketnationrise I had a ten minute existential crisis and then wrote the following, which is not particularly helpful and breaks all the rules:
Tortall series by Tamora Pierce
Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Innkeepers series by Ilona Andrews
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Check Please by Ngozi Ukazu
everything Margaret Rogerson has written
Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
everything T Kingfisher has written (minus her horror, I'm working my way up to it)
It's also a fuck ton of books (as well as a lot of books people already know about), so I also offer my 9 favorite books I've read this year ("isn't that just introducing even MORE books? Are you just using this platform to get as many books as possible in front of people's faces?" I hear you ask, to which I say "shhhhhhhhh")
The Witch's Hand by Nathan Page [Hardy Boys but gayer and also a comic]
Stars, Hide Your Fires by Jessica Mary Best [queer locked room mystery in space]
Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha (3rd book of a trilogy) [post-apocalyptic hopepunk romance featuring found family + building a community + everyone's casually bi]
Network Effect by Martha Wells [murderbot continues to reluctantly save the galaxy and make friends against its will; #5 in the series, though I maintain the events of book #6 happen before this one]
The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton [witches, romance, very proper lady pirates in flying houses, victorian society, old lady cat fights. Technically book #2, but I think it could work as a standalone]
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna [contemporary, found family, romance]
Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson [possessed lady knight attempts to save world, very murderbot vibes actually, ace rep]
Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian [gay 1950s cozy British mystery]
My Lady Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows [it's just delightfully silly, reimagining of Tudor history, now with spontaneous animal shape shifting, murder plots that DON'T succeed, inappropriately timed horses, enemies to lovers arranged marriage]
Tagging @vhenadahls @dancemakestheworldgoround @pendwick @starthecozy @appalamutte @zimmerdouche @alocalband @bookish-owlette @theunembarrassedalto and literally anyone else who sees this!! Gimme those recs!!
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
Any Queer male lead Whodunnits?
Sure - try Lavender House by Lev Rosen, A Killing in Costumes by Zac Bissonnette, Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian, Devil's Chew Toy by Rob Osler, and in YA, Last Seen Leaving and White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig and Keep This to Yourself by Tom Ryan.
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poisindonottouch · 3 days
Queer Reads: Cat Sebastian
For day 9, I bring you Cat Sebastian. Cat Sebastian got a post last year, but she’s written two more books (1 novel and 1 novella), so I thought I’d make another post for her this year. 
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Let’s start with the novella. Luke and Billy Finally Get A Clue is technically part of the Cabots universe, but it’s a historical baseball novel set in 1953 during the off season. The title characters, Luke & Billy, are at Billy’s family home in the middle of nowhere, and a storm hits, so they’re stuck in the house together for a bit. It’s sweet and domestic and full of the feels. Sebastian is really good at all vibes all the time, and somehow makes it work into a full story. I mean, there is a plot, but it isn’t really the point of the story. 
You Should Be So Lucky is a book that takes place after We Could Be So Good, and I hope there’s a third book with the word “would” in the title coming sometime in the future. YSBSL is about a golden-retriever of a baseball player who’s having a really hard time, and the grumpiest black-cat news reporter who usually writes scathing reviews of theater and books. This book features one of my favorite plot devices, which is an informal book club. Mark (the reporter) starts by lending Eddie The Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson. Again, this book is all vibes all the time, and it really works. Eddie and Mark are very different people, but they’re both lonely and they come into each other’s lives at the right time for them to become friends, and then, lovers. 
Cat Sebastian books have spice, but like, mild-spice. They’re very gay, and the sex isn’t quite fade to black, but it’s not super explicit like most of my other recommendations. I still recommend all the Cabot books, and the Hither, Page books. 
Remember folks, read queer all year.
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familyvideostevie · 11 months
📚LET'S READ: im loving the detective/ thriller genre lately but i cant find any good romance books for it!! ñ
hello!! okay so imo the genre you should look into is usually called "romantic suspense." lots of them are like, navy SEAL or cop romances (ew no thanks!) but i think there are other subgenres that are good. i don't read many but here are a few titles that i'd sign off on!
dial a for aunties by jesse q sutanto or hither, page by cat sebastian
there are other sub genres that blend thrillers/detective stories and romance! cozy mysteries sometimes have romance in them or bodyguard romances and there are lots of historical romances that have that undertone, too! :)
join the celebration!
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September Monthly Recap:
September was busy as all get out, and October’s shaping up to be worse, and yet I still managed to read 18 books in September. My favorites this month were A Taste of Gold and Iron, Last Exit, and A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, all recent releases! I read 6 new releases this month in total, and really enjoyed most of them - but also now I have so many books out from the library the stack threatens to crush me. Wish me luck dealing with it during my busy October!
The Hate U Give by Angie Carter: 4.75/5
Prince’s Gambit by C.S. Pacat: 4/5
Kings’ Rising by C. S. Pacat: 4/5
Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery: 5/5, re-read
You Had Me at Hola by Alexis Daria: 4.25/5
The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham: 4.75/5
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows: 5/5
Dead Dead Girls by Nekesa Afia: 1.5/5, dnf
Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid by Thor Hanson: 4/5
Kill the Queen by Jennifer Estep: 4.5/5
Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian: 4.5/5
Protect the Prince by Jennifer Estep: 4.25/5
Crush the King by Jennifer Estep: 4.5/5
Last Exit by Max Gladstone: 5/5
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring-Blake: 4.75/5
The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen: 3.5/5
Invisible Things by Mat Johnson: 2/5
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland: 5/5
And again, progress on goals under the cut:
22 in 2022: 11
Read 100 books: 140
Read 40% AOC: 33.8%
Completing Series: 24 caught up/completed vs. 20 started
Translated Works: 5
Books in Spanish: 0
Numbered TBR: 11
Discworld: 2
Books by an Indigenous Author: 2
Physical TBR: 13
Storygraph Recs: 3
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