#Holding your dreams as you lie to rest 🎀
alfaire · 1 year
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  ㅀ  ă…€Â ê’°Â  ℰvá„Čá„’gᄱᄣÎčᄒᄱ  ꒱  ㅀ➳ 💌 ă…€ à«źê’°â—ž ◟ àł•ê’±áƒ
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cherryxsapphic · 3 months
Miss Delight sfw alphabet 🎀
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So I heard the children were hungry for Miss Delight content well I'm here to serve 😌
I hope y'all enjoy ♡
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, she’s very closed off and sometimes passive-aggressive because you’re unfamiliar, and she’s honestly just scared. Once you manage to coax her out of her shell (heh), she’s very touchy and wants to make sure you’re taking care of yourself to the best of your abilities. Being an anatomy teacher, she knows how much you’re supposed to be eating and sleeping, and if she finds out you’re lacking in either, you will never hear the end of it. 
She will force you into self-care and snuggle with both the most threatening grin and the kindest eyes you have ever seen. Although she herself doesn’t really need sleep, she will lie down with you just to be near you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Definitely the mom friend. She’s got snacks literally everywhere you can think of and will not hesitate to pull one out if you need/want one. In her shirt pocket, she carries granola bars and maybe a bandaid or two in case you’re accident-prone (like me oop-)
Gives the best advice too. Having relationship trouble? She's right there with solutions or just an ear to listen.
Don't know what to make for dinner? She's got cookbooks you can look through.
Want someone to come with you to the grocery store? Sure, just give her a second to grab the suitcase she calls a purse.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I like to think that despite Miss Delight’s body being mostly plastic, she still runs pretty cold, so every chance she gets, she wants to sap your warmth like a cumbersome house cat.
At night, once you lay down to go to sleep, she is all over you. You alternate between spooning and laying on each other's chests, trying to be as close to each other as possible. During the hotter months, she makes do with just holding your hand.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Homegirl absolutely cannot cook, please for the love of god, DO NOT let her in the kitchen EVER.
But besides that, Miss Delight is very good at cleaning! While you handle the cooking and do your best to help her in any way you can, especially after she deals with so many kids daily, girly deserves a rest.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Simply impossible. You would have to die before thinking about breaking up with her.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?) 
Marriage isn't really something Miss Delight would think about at first. She's happy just to be together with you because she loves you. She would still be perfectly content being your domestic partner if it never came up.
If you call her your wife, even lightheartedly, she would probably laugh along with you, but that might get the gears turning, and you would sit down to talk about it a while later.
When you propose, she wouldn’t  want a huge flashy event like at a restaurant. A romantic date night at home with her favorite meal by candlelight  would be her dream proposal.
She wouldn’t want a huge flashy ring because honestly, it's a bit much. Instead, she'd most likely go for a smaller solitaire diamond or just a simple gold wedding band.
 G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
Physically, she may not fully grasp just how strong she is until she hurts you by complete accident. Once she realizes, she’s incredibly apologetic and is willing to do anything to make it up to you.
Emotionally, she’s extremely fragile because of everything she’s been put through in the last ten years or so. Some days are easier than others, but other days she will be so riddled with anxiety and stress that all you can do is sit with her and let her know she's okay.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
Once she warms up to you, she’ll velcro herself to your hip. She’s spent 10 years by herself, so she is extremely touch-starved and will take advantage of all your time together. 
Because she’s mostly plastic (with the exception of her torso, which is strangely body temperature), she’s a strange combination of temperatures and textures, so it was weird to get used to at first.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would be one random night, probably after dinner. The two of you are cuddled up on the couch, not really paying attention to what's on TV.
She keeps glancing up at you and looking away, almost like she's worried about something. So, you nudge her and ask what's up.
Miss Delight is silent for a second before whispering, “I uh, I think I love you,” and immediately looks down at her nails as if trying to pretend she didn't just say that.
You’re still looking at her, and you wrap your arm around her a little tighter. You lean down and place a gentle kiss on the top of her head before whispering a soft
“I love you too.” 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Being the youngest out of all her sisters, competition over everything was seen as normal. She could handle jealousy like a pro until you came into the picture.
Now if another woman so much as breathes near you, she's pissed. If she could, she would keep you at home all to herself, but instead she will shoot that woman the nastiest glare she can muster and just will her into going away.
You'll talk about it after you get home, and she will think she did absolutely nothing wrong and was just protecting what's hers. Of course, you can't really be mad at her, so with a few kisses, she is forgiven for her mile-wide possessive streak.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
Imagine kissing the edge of your sink, but it presses back. She has no lips, but she’ll use her chompers to the best of her ability to give you all the kisses you deserve. Her favorite place to kiss you would be your neck cause she has a biting kink real <333
She would also enjoy neck and forehead kisses from you, especially if you're sitting in her lap so she can wrap her arms around you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) 
Homegirl is a teacher, she’s gonna be the best around kiddos of any age. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) 
Usually, you would wake up alone simply because she’s an early riser and can’t stand to be idle for too long. She’ll gently shake you awake and hand over a piping hot cup of coffee, just how you like it (she hates energy drinks and scolds you if you start your day with one)
If, by some miracle, you manage to crawl out of bed before her, she loves when you rouse her with gentle butterfly kisses all over her face (bonus points if you’ve got a plate of eggs and bacon with you)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
At first, she wouldn’t really know what to do with you. Miss Delight has spent a long time just watching and patrolling, so she would continue the habit regardless of your presence there. After you two get to know each other, she starts lingering closer to your room, almost like she’s guarding you. Gradually, she’d start laying down with you and not quite sleeping, but she enjoys resting with you. It gives her a sense of normalcy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As a teacher, she knows how to share personal stuff without making it personal, if that makes sense. It would take some time to get her to open up truly, and even then, some topics are absolutely off the table.
Should you accidentally mention one of the topics she won't talk about, like how the cracks in her face got there, or her sisters, or where she happened to be in August of 1995, she'll completely shut down and won't speak for a good few hours.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
You would think that because she's a school teacher, she has the patience of a saint. You'd be correct, but that only applies to little kiddos.
If you're an adult acting dumb or wasting her time on purpose, she won't hold back, and you'll probably get something between a pointed glare and an all-out verbal lashing.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or forget everything?)
Her brain is like a sponge; if she deems the topic important enough, she will absorb every bit of information she can. 
You just so happen to mention your favorite song? She'll memorize the lyrics on the same day.
Mention a dish you happen to like? Well, she can't cook for shit, but she will memorize a recipe to help you make it.
Miss Delight will learn your routine down to the average time you wake up in the morning so that she can make fresh coffee for the two of you to enjoy.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
As cliché as it is, her favorite moment would be your first kiss. She had gone to extreme lengths to make sure everything was perfect for the two of you.
She had ordered your favorite takeout and set it up nicely on the dining room table, went out and bought a nice bottle of wine for you to share, and she even put on a touch of makeup for confidence.
You had come home and had probably the worst day ever. Your coworkers were just piling more and more shit on top of you, and your boss expected everything to get done. By the time you left, you were ready to just collapse into bed, dinner be damned.
When you walked in the door, you were greeted by Miss Delight standing next to the table, which was covered in your favorite food. She grinned and asked how your day was while stepping closer to take your coat off. God, you loved it when she did stuff like this.
With your coat now off and in her hands, you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her into you for the warmest hug you've had in years. You lean up and gently place your hand on her cheek before whispering about how good she looks, how much you missed her, and how nice she was for surprising you like this.
“W-well, I wanted it to be perfect.”
“Wanted what to be perfect, love?”
She whispered and leaned in to give you probably the sweetest kiss you've ever had.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Miss Delight and Barb would literally kill someone if they upset or, god forbid, harmed you in some way. She's definitely up there on the protectiveness scale.
Miss Delight is a very anxious creature, so she would definitely like to avoid dangerous situations now that she's in a good place with you. If something bad were to happen, she could step up but would definitely prefer if you either stood in front of her to shield her or wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Miss Delight absolutely loves to go all out for everything. As mentioned with your first kiss, she set up the perfect date night because she wanted to do something nice for the two of you.
Anniversaries would be something very special to her, considering the fact that you might as well be her soulmate at this point. Both of you will go all out for this celebration, calling out of work and spending the entire day with each other.
This also goes for holidays as well, especially like Christmas or Valentine's Day, because imagine sitting with her and making cute little Valentine's Day decorations to hang around the house or decorating the Christmas tree like girly goes all out.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She bites, but not even in a sexual way most times. She just thinks that’s a normal way to show affection, and it has left you bruised numerous times (not that some of you would mind)
Miss Delight also leaves coffee cups and dishes EVERYWHERE. If she takes one with her to the bathroom or her home office, she will absolutely leave it there. If she takes a travel mug to her classroom, you are never seeing it again.
Your good plates? You’d better keep those in the dining room. Otherwise, you might sit on one that she LEFT ON THE FUCKING COUCH BEFORE BED, GOD DAMMIT!!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Miss Delight puts on a façade of not really caring what she looks like, but every so often, you’ll catch glimpses of her looking in a mirror. She’ll be staring at her cracked face, wondering if there’s anything that can be done or if she’ll be stuck looking broken forever. 
When you catch her in one of these moods, you always take your time to comfort and reassure her that she's beautiful (which she is) and that you will always love her no matter what she looks like.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely she would. You are quite possibly the best thing that has happened to her, and now that she's got you, she finally has someone to rely on and help care for her.
If you left, she would be torn apart mentally. The heartbreak might be enough for her to completely snap.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Miss Delight likes to jumpscare you sometimes. By standing still in a dark hallway or grabbing you from behind whenever you're not looking, she thinks it's funny, and your screams are really cute too!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
As previously mentioned, she does not like energy drinks and will scold you if she catches you drinking one.
She hates cigarettes too, especially the smell and how bad they are for you.
Also, if you have a habit of cracking your neck, back, or knuckles, she won't say anything, but she hates the sound. When you do it, she'll stop what she's doing just to turn and glare at you.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
She doesn’t need to sleep. She didn’t for a long time until she met you. When you first laid down to go to sleep, she watched over you to make sure nothing messed with you. As time went on, she got more and more curious until she worked up the courage to ask if she could lie down with you; you just looked so warm and cozy

She rested peacefully for the first time in over ten years that night. 
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Special thanks to my beloved @s1nful-sa1nt this probably would not have ever gotten out without them, so I love you very much <33
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rrxnjun · 6 months
(im really stupid but i hope u like this fanletter 😭)
hello <3 this is for my favourite writer on tumblr; to the the same writer who does not realise how much their works could mean to someone, the lovely @rrxnjun 🎀 !!!
so, i found your blog at the beginning ot this month– november, 2023, and now that the month's about to end, i have nearly finished reading all your nct works.
to me, this month is the most special one of this year. why? because i found your blog, your stories– some pieces of your mind. i found you through one of those nct fanfic recs, 'take the stairs - njm' being the first work i read from you. it was sweet, it made me happy. and then i read the other two parts of the 'simplify romance' series, which will always hold a special place in my heart.
this year has been the worst for me, with no one for me to lean on to, weird identify crisis shit, and losing myself in this tiring process of growing up. but you know what? you saved 2023 for me. when no one's words could speak to me, yours did. you make me feel a little less lonely.
im a silly teenager, who never read sad/mainly angsty stories before i found you because i was scared, i was confident i'd cry. and i did. i gathered the courage to read angst only because you'd written it, and it was so worth it. ive stayed up so many nights this month just to read your works in peace and privacy, hidden from my family, and then spend the days thinking about how you literally create art, and telling my bestfriends about it. you are blessed. you are phenomenal. no amount of thank yous or i love yous could be enough for me to express my gratitude. you've made me feel so at peace with my thoughts sometimes and you've made me feel like i'm not alone. you have magic in your hands. i owe you so much, i wish i could gift you something, but sadly im still a minor and theres a few years until i finish uni and then get a job, and then i promise i'll get you something, because i am so lucky to be able to read your stories for free. you deserve so much more than followers, likes and reblogs. each one of your fics have made me tear up and all of them are too special for me.
this month ive read all of your nct dream '00 line fics, and my favourite was 'happier than ever' which i finished a week ago— AND I SWEAR THAT FIC DESTROYED ME 😭😭😭 it had me bawling my eyes out for two hours on a school night i love it so so fucking much, i literally think about it daily and i told all my friends about it and im so in love with it, please tell me, for my inner peace that renjun and the reader ended up getting together and being fine because im gonna cry over it for the rest of my life IDC IF THEY DIDNT END UP TOGETHER please lie to me and tell me they did 💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i want you to know, and to remember this whenever you feel even a little like giving up— you have magic, bar, don't ever let go of that magic.
your stories make me want to heal and to help everyone heal. to be loved and to love everyone. to be cared for and care for everyone. your magic helps me survive my days with a little smile. thank you so much for everything you've done for me, without realising you're helping me live.
every single word i wrote here– i swear on everything i have, i genuinely mean it. you are the best thing that happened this year :) i hope that one day someone will love you as much as i love your blog.
(me when i talk about your work)
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P.S. permission to take a screenshot of your blog and paste it to my scrapbook by which i can remember my teenage years that your stories mended, please?
thank you for reading, ily ❀
- your biggest fan (hopefully no one's more dedicated!!) 💘
when i saw this in my inbox i got so emotional i couldnt reply immidiately because i genuinely wanted to sob. this is so so sweet and it mustve taken a long time to type out and i appreciate you a WHOLE lot, not only for this, but also for supporting me sm over the last month. :,)
take the stairs is a very sweet and fun fic and i am glad you found my blog through this one, haha. the simplify romance series holds my favorite fics and i PROMISE to finish jeno's entry at the beginning of the next year!! it HAS to be done. it means a lot to me that you took the time of your day to read my works and that you enjoyed them so much to let me know.
i am happy to hear that my work could help you through some hard times. as a reader on this platform as well, i do know that feeling very well and i could never imagine being that person to someone, but i am glad my words could be there for you when no one else could. hearing this makes all the effort feel worth it, and it's something i'll think of whenever im having a hard time with my work again. i also hope life is nicer to you in the future, and if you ever need someone, my inbox is always open.
having my fics be called art is something i never imagined could happen. it's beyond what i think about my work, but i am honored to hear this compliment, truly. despite being a writer i cant find the words to express my gratitude towards you and your supportive words right now >:( it does mean the whole entire world to me. please do NOT worry about "paying me back" or something, i do this because it's what i love doing and sharing my work with others makes me happy, so an ask like this is more than enough for me. you made me feel really appreciated and i will remember and treasure your kind words forever.
happier than ever is definitely a heavier read, since it's partly from personal experience, hh. i tend to project on renjun a lot so take this as a warning for my other renjun fics LMAO. TT this fic has a special place in my heart and hearing you talk so highly about it makes me all warm on the inside hhhhh my love langugage is words of affirmation stop this or ill cry. i enjoy leaving my fics open-ended to interpretation of the reader, so whatever you feels fits their story is how the story ends for you. <3
i will definitely use this ask as a reminder to not give up when i feel like doing so. it really brought me a lot of strength :) thank you for calling my writing magic. i never imagined someone describing it that way, but it does feel good to hear haha
knowing that my work helped somebody and made them heal and feel all sorts of emotions inside makes me feel at peace. thank you so much. SO much.
also u really make me want to bawl with that scrapbook comment. cant believe im an important part of someone's teenage years :((
once again, words cant express how much this means to me. thank you and i hope my fics continue to be a source of good things for you :) i will think of this often. ily
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prurjent · 2 years
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Namami Kento {insecurities} part 1
đŸ€­ I like this one. (Sorry if it’s long)
Contains ~ insecurities.. praising, slow sex, body appreciation.
. ~ You are Nanami’s girlfriend of 6 years. You are finally pursuing your dream job. A Model.ïżŒ
But during one interview, you realized it was for a lingerie shoot. The photographer told you that your hip dips and curves weren’t cut out for the role, which he said in front of everyone (the other girls) who started to laugh a bit. You were sent home, with this dreaded thought that you weren’t good enough
. For anybody.
đŸ© ⋆ đŸ© 🎀 𝑒𝓃𝒿♡𝓎 🎀 đŸ© ⋆ đŸ©
You sat on the bed with magazine in hand, it was full of lingerie and bikini shoots. You stared at their bodies for so long that you lost track of time. Without realizing it, you stood in front of your full length mirror in just a pair of laced lingerie Nanami bought you.
You stared in the mirror. The longer you stared the more you started to hate your features, unknown to you of the tears starting to fall from your eyes as you looked back and forth from the magazine. You took your phone and went to Instagram looking at models with perfect bodies. You tilted you head to the side before turning your body also. Your eyes landed on the way the lingerie hugged your ass. It disgusted you.
The front door opened by you didn’t hear it. Your hands traced your hip dips seeing as none of the models had them. Then your hands landed on your stomach, it was slightly pudgy. You’re face screwed up in disgust as you pinched the fat. Your hands moved and cupped the bottom of your ass lifting it so it sit up high like the other models but it was just to big to unlike their small bubble butts.
“Disgusting..” you muttered as you began to walk away from the mirror.
“What were you doing.” Nanami spoke up after being quiet. He was leaning against the door way with his tie loose around his neck and his shirt half buttoned. You stood there in shook that he was there the whole time.
“Oh. Ken, when did you get home.. and Wha-” before you can lie he cut you off.
“Don’t lie.” He spoke his face showing no room for jokes or lies. He watched you wipe your eyes. “What did you just say to yourself.”
“It was nothing I promise.” You smiled, walking to the closet.
“I thought you had a photo shoot.” He spoke up. But you didn’t respond because you knew you would cry. “Y/n. Come here”
You sighed as you were looking for a pair of sweatpants. “Nanami I’m tired.. I just want to-”
“Now.” He spoke sternly as he walked in front of the mirror. You took a deep breath and followed his orders, walking in front of him, he turned you around to face the mirror. “You are doing it again.”
“No I’m not. I told you I was over it.” You looked at the ground.
“Tell me what you see.” He spoke. But you didn’t respond again, you knew how this conversation would turn out. He hated how you would beat yourself up about how you looked. You did it in high school also.
“You know what I see?” He spoke up, his slightly rough and cold hands landed on your waist. “I see a beautiful woman.” He kissed your neck. “I love everything about you. I love your smile, your face, your heart.” He said as he turned you to the side.
“I love your belly that will one day hold my child.” He leaned down and kissed your stomach, your eyes never leaving his as you looked through the mirror. “I love your hip dips.” He placed a kiss on your hips. “And lastly I love your ass, I mean. Your thighs are definitely my favorite though.” He squeezed your ass.
“Now. Say it with me.” He stood up and lifted your chin. “I’m the most beautiful woman in the world, and I won’t think otherwise.” He said.
“I’m the most beautiful woman in the world, and I won’t think otherwise” you said like a robot but it wasn’t believable to Nanami.
“You know what. I got an idea.” He spoke looking you in your eyes, he leaned in kissing you. He squatted a bit resting his hands on the back of your thighs picking you up.
Link to part 2
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jiejie-eonni-onee-sama · 3 years
There’s no mountain high enough...
For the dear @aurelie34-43 🎀
Hope you’ll enjoy this gift!
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Since the Basterds spent time killing Nazis, everyone agreed that Wilhelm Wicki was probably the calmest and wisest of the group. Aldo was glad to have a composed and pragmatic person to help him channel the boundless energy of his men or Hugo's bad temper.
However, they also said that Wilhelm was a very secretive person. They didn't know much about their Austrian comrade.
Whenever one of them tried to find out more about his life, he would answer:
"It's my life, not yours. So it's none of your business!"
The other Basterds usually didn't look any further and let the matter drop.
But that all changed one day when the Basterds stopped in a forest to rest, out of sight.
Sitting on a dead tree, Hirschberg looked at Wicki's bag with interest: he was dying to search his comrade's bag to find out more about his past. 
Curiosity got the better of him, and the young soldier set about searching Wicki's bag under the disapproving gaze of his comrades.
"But what's wrong with ya? Stop rummaging, damn it!" ordered Donny.
"If Wilhelm sees you're looking through his things, you'll regret it!" warned Andy.
"Leave me alone!"
Suddenly Gerold came across a golden pendant in the bag's pocket. 
Intrigued, he opened the pendant and discovered two photographs: the one on the left showed a portrait of a redheaded woman sitting in a chair and smiling at the camera. The one on the right showed a little girl lying on a blanket, sleeping peacefully.
These photos intrigued Hirschberg, who asked:
"Say, did you guys know that Wicki had a family?"
"What do you mean?" replied Michael.
"Well, those pictures in his bag are certainly not for decoration. I guess that he has a wife and a kid! Why didn't he tell us?"
"And you haven't asked yourself why he doesn't talk about it? Think about it: it might be a painful subject!" retorted Simon.
Suddenly Hugo came up to them:
"What the hell is going on here?"
When he saw what Hirschberg was doing, he glared at his teammates:
"Are you serious? Do you know what will happen to you if Wilhelm sees you going through his things!"
"We know, we know. But you know Geri: there's no such thing as more stubborn than him!" sighed Utivich.
"I thank you for your support, guys!" grumbled Gerold.
Suddenly, they heard Wilhelm Wicki's voice :
Everyone turned towards the sniper, who was glaring at Hirschberg.
The latter, frightened, started to back away, stammering:
"Okay, okay, I'm going. There's no need to get so worked up, Wil. I didn't have time to see anything anyway..."
But in his haste, Gerold dropped the pendant, and it fell to the ground, proving to Wicki that he had lied.
Furious, Wicki threw himself on the young soldier, tackled him to the ground and began to hit him.
"I told you not to touch my bag! What is it you don't understand?"
"OUCH! Stop it, Wil! HELP!" shouted Hirschberg.
The other Basterds rushed to the soldier's aid and prevented Wicki from slaughtering him.
"Calm down, Wil! No need to kill him!" said Donny, holding him by the shoulders.
At the same time, Hicox and Aldo returned from their patrol.
"Tell me I'm dreaming! We can't let ya five minutes without ya making a mess! What the hell is wrong with ya?" snapped Lieutenant Raine.
"Can we know what all the commotion is about?" asked Archie.
Breaking free of Donny's grip, Wicki replied, glaring at Gerold:
"Let's just say Private Hirschberg forgets to respect the privacy of his comrades!"
"Oh, come on! If you weren't so secretive, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
"Shut up, Geri!" grumbled Omar, slapping his forehead.
"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" asked Aldo, who was beginning to lose his patience.
Utivich answered:
"Well, Gerold couldn't help going through Wicki's things. But we kept telling him not to do that! But stubborn as he is, he kept going. And at that moment, Wicki took it very badly, and they fought. That's all there is to it, Lieutenant!"
Aldo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose:
"Seriously, Hirschberg! Ya have a knack for making a mess of things as soon as ya get an idea in yer head!"
"Sorry, sir!" replied the latter, a little sheepishly.
Hugo picked up the pendant and handed it to Wicki:
"In my opinion, you can't keep this to yourself. You should tell them the truth, Wil!"
"About what?" asked Michael.
"About his family, I suppose. We're listening, Corporal Wicki!" said Hicox as he lit his cigarette.
Letting out a long sigh, Wilhelm sat down on a stump and answered:
"All right, I give up. In any case, as Hugo says, I had to talk about it sometime!"
Everyone remained silent, waiting to see what Wicki would say. 
Wicki began to explain:
"First of all, I am a married man!"
"WHAT? YOU HAVE A WIFE?" cried the other Basterds.
"Yes, I did. My wife's name is (Y/N). We grew up in the same neighbourhood. She was a childhood friend first before she became my wife. She is my first and only love."
"Well, that's quite a revelation! What next?" asked Omar.
"Then we lived together for two years before we started our family. It took us a long time to get there, but in the end, it was worth it because we had a daughter, Lena."
"Wait a minute? Not only are you married, but you have a kid? Unbelievable!" exclaimed Andy.
"What I'd like to know is what happened to yer wife and daughter," asked Aldo.
Everyone saw a sad look in Wicki's eyes.
"I forgot to mention that not everyone was happy about our marriage. You see, I'm Jewish, and (Y/N) is a Catholic. So when the Nazis started to gain popularity, we had a lot of problems. That's why I got out of my country before it got too bad: I didn't want Lena to grow up in such a world. But in the course of the flight, I lost sight of them. Since then, I've been wondering what happened to them and why I couldn't protect them. And that pendant... It's the only thing I have left of them."
The other Basterds looked at each other, confused: they had no idea that Wicki had experienced such heartbreaking things. 
As for Hirschberg, he was embarrassed to have revealed a painful past. He understood why Wilhelm was so keen to keep his pre-war life private.
"Well, ya haven't had an easy life, poor Wil. I wonder how ya managed to keep it together..."
"Hope, Lieutenant Raine. That's all I'm holding on hope. Yet longer this war goes on, the thinner it becomes. All I wish is that those bastards didn't capture them!"
Trying to be friendly, Aldo patted his shoulder:
"Don't keep it all to yourself, Wil. We're a team, remember?"
The Austrian nodded, saddened by the painful memories. He had no idea what had happened to (Y/N) and Lena. All he could do was fight the Nazis and pray that he would see his family alive again...
A few days later, in a small French village named Veules-Les Roses.
"Look, Mama! I caught a butterfly! It's the most beautiful butterfly I've ever seen!"
Hearing her daughter calling, (Y/N) put down her laundry basket and turned with a smile.
"Oh yes? Let me see that find!"
Smiling, Lena gently opened her small hands and proudly showed a beautiful butterfly with blue wings.
"It's beautiful! Where did you find it?"
"By the rosebush: it was eating!"
"It must not have liked you disturbing it while it was eating. What if you let it go? It will be happier in the wild!"
"Can I put it down by the daisies?"
"Good idea: go ahead!"
The little girl went to the flower field, greeting Madame Raimbourg, the farmer who was hosting them.
The farmer smiled and walked over to (Y/N) and asked:
"Voulez-vous que je vous aide Ă  Ă©tendre le linge?" (Would you like some help with your laundry?)
"C'est gentil, merci. Ce grand drap va ĂȘtre difficile Ă  Ă©tendre." (That's nice, thank you. This big sheet is going to be difficult to hang!)
While hanging out the laundry, Madame Raimbourg remarked:
"Je vois que vous vous ĂȘtes bien installĂ©s dans notre petit coin de paradis." (I see that you have settled in well in our little paradise.)
"Oui, on se plaßt beaucoup ici. Mais ce qui me rassure le plus, c'est de voir que Lena s'habitue à vivre ici. Nous avons dû quitter l'Autriche précipitamment..." (Yes, we like it very much. But what relieves me most is to see that Lena has got used to living here. We left Austria in a hurry...)
The farmer nodded before answering:
"Ne vous en faites pas, (Y/N). Vous et votre fille ĂȘtes en sĂ©curitĂ©. Ces salopards de Nazis ne viendront jamais vous chercher ici." (Don't worry, (Y/N). You and your daughter are safe here. Those Nazi bastards will never come looking for you here.)
The young woman nodded thoughtfully. It was true that she had been lucky to find shelter.
However, (Y/N) feared that something had happened to her husband, Wilhelm. The fact that he was Jewish made him a prime target for Hitler's soldiers. 
At times, Lena asked when her father would see them again. At such times, she felt unable to answer her.
Sighing sadly, she murmured:
"Si seulement Wil avait pu venir avec nous ici..." (If only Wil could have come here with us...)
"Ne vous en faites pas, mon enfant. Je suis sûre qu'il va bien. Ayez confiance!" (Don't worry, my child. I'm sure he's fine. Have faith!)
The young woman had no idea that her beloved husband was closer than she thought. And she would not expect it...
Meanwhile, in the woods.
"I still say! Omar Ulmer, you suck at orientation!"
"If you're so smart, Hirschberg, why don't you take the map instead of yelling at me!"
"And here we go again!" Hugo grumbled, slapping his forehead.
The Basterds were advancing through the woods, all dressed as German soldiers, to ambush any patrol unfortunate enough to cross their path.
"Stop complaining, both of you! Try to find your way to the next town!"
"But that's what we're doing, Donny! If Omar hadn't screwed up, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
"Ah, like you never screwed up on orientation, you dwarf!"
"Say that again!"
"SILENCE! We're supposed to be quiet! If the Krauts hear us, we're dead!" shouted Aldo.
Archie tried to calm things down.
"Calm down, Lieutenant Raine. There's no need to get upset. Let's stop for a while and try to find the road. I don't think this is..."
He paused and raised his hands slightly in the air.
"What's going on, Hicox?" asked Sakowitz.
Suddenly the soldier felt the cold muzzle of a rifle barrel on his neck.
"Guys, I think we're in trouble!" muttered Kagan, raising his hands in surrender.
Indeed, the group found itself surrounded by French civilians armed with rifles.
"Ne bougez pas, sales Boches!" (Don't move, you Krauts!) one of them snarled.
"What's he saying?" asked Utivich.
"He ordered us not to move... and called us Krauts!" translated Zimmermann.
"What? Why is that?" asked Hirschberg, who got hit in the jaw with a rifle butt.
"La ferme, sale Nazi!" (Shut up, you Nazi!)
"Hey, don't touch Hirschberg!" snapped Donny.
"I think you're wrong: we're not Germans, we're Americans!" tried to explain Wicki.
"Forget it: first of all, I'm not sure they understand us. And secondly, considering the uniforms we wear, they'll never believe us!" sighed Hugo.
At gunpoint, the Basterds headed for a small village. At the entrance, they saw a sign that indicated the village's name: Veules Les Roses.
Meanwhile, on the Raimbourg farm, (Y/N) was helping Madame Raimbourg peel apples while Lena was reading fairy tales. Suddenly, they saw a car coming in the main court, and Mr Raimbourg ran out towards them.
"Robert? Mais qu'est-ce qui t'arrive?" (Robert? What's the matter with you?)
"Tu ne vas pas me croire, Lucienne: Albert et les autres ont capturé des Boches!" (You won't believe it, Lucienne: Albert and the others have captured some Krauts!)
"QUOI?" (WHAT?) cried the two women.
"Quand?" (When?) asked (Y/N).
"Il y quelques minutes. Ils les ont emmené sur la grande place du marché. Tout le monde est venu voir ça. Je suis venu vous chercher!" (A few minutes ago. They took them to the big marketplace. Everyone came to see it! I have come for you!)
"Dans ce cas, allons-y!" (In that case, let's go!) ordered Lucienne. 
At once, everyone followed Robert, who started the car with a bang. A few minutes later, they arrived at the village square. 
A huge crowd was gathered, spewing their hatred against the Nazi invaders. 
The Basterds looked at each other in terror: they were going to be massacred by French civilians who thought they were Nazis!
"What do we do, Lieutenant?" asked Donny.
"I don't know, Donowitz. This time, I feel like it's over for us!"
Wicki saw this as the end: obviously, he would never know whether (Y/N) and Lena were safe or not. 
For her part, little Lena Wicki was making her way through the grown-ups. She had never seen Nazis up close, and she wanted to know if they were as scary as her parents told her.
When she reached the front rows, she saw men like any other, who didn't seem to understand what was happening to them.
One of them turned to her and exclaimed:
Immediately, everyone fell silent, surprised by this exclamation. As for Lena, she walked towards the man who had called her.
Wilhelm could not believe it: his daughter was here! The last time he had seen her, she was smaller! 
Lena arrived in front of him and looked at him carefully. 
He said to her:
"Lena, do you recognise me? It's me, Vati."
The little girl did not answer, continuing to stare at Wilhelm. Then she reached out her hands and began to touch Wicki's face.
Gradually a smile appeared on the child's face, and she whispered while hugging her father:
"You're here, Vati!"
"Yes, sweetheart: I'm here!" he replied, hugging her back.
At the same time, (Y/N) arrived near them and thought she was hallucinating when she saw her husband among the prisoners. 
She choked:
The latter turned around and was relieved to see his wife safe and sound.
He stood up, to everyone's astonishment, and whispered:
"(Y/N) Liebling..."
On hearing this nickname, (Y/N) felt as if she was overwhelmed by several emotions: she who thought she would never see her husband again, here he was!
This overflow of emotions made her faint, and she fell backwards. Fortunately, Wilhelm was quicker and caught her in his arms.
Understanding that he was there and that she was not dreaming, (Y/N) hugged him:
She turned to the inhabitants and said:
"N'ayez pas peur! Cet homme est mon mari, Wilhelm Wicki! Ce n'est pas un Nazi, mais un citoyen Juif Autrichien!" (Don't worry! This man is my husband, Wilhelm Wicki! He is not a Nazi, but a Jewish Austrian citizen!)
"Mais si ce type n'est pas un nazi, qu'est-ce qu'ils font en uniforme nazi?" (But if this guy is not a Nazi, what are they doing in Nazi uniforms?) asked André.
Wilhelm replied:
"Mes amis et moi sommes des citoyen américains chargés de tuer des Nazis. Et la raison pour laquelle nous portons ces uniformes est que nous tendons des piÚges à ces salopards." (My friends and I are American citizens tasked with killing Nazis. And the reason why we wear those uniforms is that we're setting traps for these bastards.)
Immediately, the people of Veules-Les Roses made amends for their mistakes and stopped thinking of the Basterds as enemies. While the French apologised to Aldo Raine's commando, Wilhelm stayed with his wife and daughter. It had been a long time since he had spent time with them.
Sitting in a corner, Wilhelm asked:
"How did you and Lena get here?"
"That famous night, Lena and I were rescued by resistance fighters. They kept us for some time before one of them brought us here to this village. All the inhabitants have hated the Germans since 1940 and support the Resistance. Madame Raimbourg and her husband kindly agreed to let us stay with them. I think Lena seduced them with her lovely face!"
"I wouldn't be surprised!" 
The couple remained silent for a few minutes before (Y/N) whispered:
"I was afraid for you."
"I was afraid for you both too!"
Suddenly they heard Lena whisper:
"I thought I would never see you again!"
Smiling, Wilhelm took his daughter in his arms and replied:
"Lena, there is no mountain high enough or river wide enough to separate me from you or your mother. I promise you that!"
In the meantime, Aldo called to them:
"Oi, Wicki! Are ya going to introduce us to yer little family, or are ya going to keep it to yourself?"
(Y/N) laughed:
"Looks like we were your best-kept secret!"
"You could say that, yes. Come on: I'll introduce you to the guys. They're a bit crazy but very nice!"
As Wilhelm, (Y/N) and Lena made their way to the Basterds, the Austrian took this moment to savour his reunion with his family. Nothing could keep them apart, no matter what happened...
Thanks for the reading!
I hope you enjoyed this story!
Take care of you!
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