#Humanity’s Companion (Sophia IC)
myuzucompendium · 2 months
Continued from here
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Sophia was taking in everything that Akira was saying and processing it. So there was many other ways of affection than just hugging and or kissing, huh? That made sense now that she thought about it, because gifts and other things were often seen as nice according to studies that she was currently researching in the background. One nice thing of being an AI was that she was able to multi task like this.
Man though, the fact that it was dependent on the individual made this all the more confusing, just because that meant that she was going to have to remember the idiosyncrasies of each and every individual that she would help. This conversation was certainly getting a lot deeper than expected for what was originally something formed from international kiss day.
"I can get people stuff if they need it, or help of course, being humanity's companion. I will always help anyone that I can! I never knew that could be seen as a means of affection. Thanks! I feel like I'm learning so much." Sophia had her ice melting smile on her face now. She loved learning stuff and she was learning so much through this.
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Now that I think abt it, Ace and Jeredy were So. Damn. Fruity.
To be friends at work is one thing but Ace quitting STORM just to Co-parent Chase without hesitation (Trying to isolate him from his friends at first ASIDE) to after getting turned into a lab rat experiment to then STILL stay with Jeredy (Just the two of them Alone in a moving train while the kids did dangerous stuff you KNOW what I'm talking abt), like yes, bby I'm gonna rebel against my old boss, help raise the kid you abandoned, and risk my life against literal psychopaths hellbent on world domination at your side, even after getting turned into an abomination of a monster that only YOU could bring back my humanity both literally and figuratively-
And then Sophia gets back and magically the Sunos are one big happy family. Yay!
It's got it all, the drama, the trauma, the heartbreak, Sophia spending so many years away from Chase she doesn't register him as her son anymore and instead choosing to spend time with Beyal (Who has NO IDEA the damage he's inflicting onto Chase and never MEANT TO, he's also just a teen-!!!) To the revelation of an unhappy marriage from the start, and how it accidentally led to Jeredy and Ace to spend more time together, and with Sophia out of the picture there's nothing stoping them from crossing the line, but then there's the regret, Jeredy's obsessions, his terrible emotional ineptitude and supportive, ride or die, heart on his sleeve Jon Ace.
Jeredy getting cold feet and breaking everything off when Sophia is 'Rescued' to attempt to pretend (Terribly, mind you) to be a happy family again, except it doesn't work.
And poor Chase is in the middle of it all, this boy can't catch a fk break.
His dad uses him and pushes him away when he doesn't need him, his mom ignores him (If downright denies his existence to dote on another boy his age -His friend!!!-)
Ace dives into work, running STORM all on his own, and pretends nothing ever happened between him and Jeredy, all the sacrifices, all the words said and left unsaid, all the energy and time wasted...
Monsuno is a tragedy of astronomic proportions, omg
Jon Ace is the reason (at least one of) that Jeredy is on extremely thin ice. Actually, he’s the reason Jeredy is a spaghetti noodle before it gets wet. You don’t just get close to a man after your wife disappears and leaves you your only child without thinking that the man working with you is a good man to hook up with and make a good stepfather for the kid. I don’t help that Jon legit protected Jeredy from Klipse even when he became Toxic Ace because Jeredy remind him that he’s not some puppet monster and instead the man he’s happy being next to.
Like, I swear, if Jeredy didn’t just lie to Chase about Sophia’s actual disappearance and how he might never find her because he can’t find even a single trace of her, maybe Chase would still see that his dad still wants a companion or a partner in his life because he’s been a single father for so long and the fact that he can’t find Sophia no matter what would Chase understand that he’s not replacing Sophia, he’s just wanting to have someone be with him again. And maybe even if Chase finds out that Sophia is alive and can find her, maybe he’d be okay if his family dynamic is changing and that it’s not going to be so bad because it’s Jon that Jeredy would want as a partner. I mean, Chase trust Jon and has done a lot for Jon to be normal again, and Jon does care for Chase even if the methods aren’t always the best so really, Jeredy should have just said something and not lie because season three was rather umm… lackluster in the family department.
(Okay, this season wasn’t lackluster in the family department, it was just a downright, straight up nuclear disaster in the family department)
As for Sophia, I think even she’d agree that her marriage with Jeredy isn’t going to stay a marriage or be the same anymore because of the years she’s been away from her family. And considering that she’d have conversations with Jon about her family before season three, she’d know that Jeredy isn’t the same man she once married and that he has shifted his focus from her to Jon while still knowing that they’ll at least still be able to give Chase a sense of a happy family. But, it’s still kinda weird that she would only bond with Beyal for one episode and not bond with the rest of the team in other episodes of season three because, as much as I understand why she’d bond with Beyal, she should know that her son has other friends and that they also deserve to bond with her. And also, considering that the episode they bonded was about Tebab, why did the writers not include Dawnmaster in this episode? Like, dude was on Master Ey’s contact list and he is willing to body enemy combatants to protect the people in his contract. Heck, Dawn might even be willing to bond with Beyal and Sophia on the basis that it ain’t his first time protecting those with Monsuno Sight.
Sophia should’ve had episodes where she’s bonding with all of Team Core Tech and not just Beyal. Like, she owes Bren and Jinja her time for being the reason Chase doesn’t suffer from major depression, and she owes Dax for being the teammate that Chase can trust even when things look shady. Heck, Sophia and Chase should’ve had an episode together with Six in it (Think before Pet for more heartbreaking reasons) and get Sophia up to speed about the fact she’s now a grandma. Idk what might’ve happened there but like if Chase had told her things and how Six is family despite everything, Sophia might’ve been curious enough to try and bond with her new ‘grandson.’
This would’ve been better for Chase instead of what happened with his family in season three because despite the changes in his family life, Chase can have his mother back while also having another dependable father (Jon Ace) around even if he’s a workaholic. He’s basically getting a bigger family who wants him to be happy and will try to always be there for him. Now add Six in this and Chase can have a family that wants to heal and help each family member with their trauma. Okay, maybe not all of them considering Jeredy, but there’s no way Six ain’t wanting to help Chase if Chase helped him heal from being Klipse’s clone.
Instead we got the most awkward season and series finale and it was so rushed that if Monsuno had been as popular as other anime, it’d have taken Game of Thrones spot for the most rushed ending.
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oraclememehacker · 3 years
It was the day of the full moon battle, and despite all the stress, all the anxiety, and the near mental breakdown that Futaba experienced dealing with that god awful music that was permeating throughout her brain like a parasite, and the heartbeat that accompanied it, she made it. Somehow. And now that it was close to the time of battle, it was time to turn Sophia back on so she could help out the best she could during the battle. Most of the team were huddled around in her room, and they would be able to see that it was pretty sparse in here. There wasn’t even a bed since she didn’t really need that. But there was a dresser, and the other stuff. And she had collected a few things just as souvenirs. 
In the center of the back of the room was the pod. It was circular, reached up to the ceiling, and had a thick gauge coil coming out of the top of it to give the power that was needed. It was glowing a light blue from the interior, and they could see Sophia standing up right in the pod, a cable appearing to be connected to her back in some capacity, supplying her with just enough power to keep her body from rusting and for her memory banks and other essential things to not corrupt and get wiped. Her eyes were blank, like looking into an infinite void and when touched, she was cold to the touch and didn’t give any response.
For anyone who would look at her, it would appear that she was dead. There really was no indication that she was alive. Man, it was twisting her stomach into knots seeing her friend be like this, but it was going to be okay. She was here now, and it was time for Sophia to come back to life. “I’m here Sophia.” A soft, reassuring voice emanated from Futaba, even though Sophia couldn’t hear anything. “Step back everyone, I’m going to get her prepared to reboot. “Let’s see, I just want to make sure that I’m doing this properly.”
The group would watch as she reached behind Sophia and pushed a thing on the back of her skull. A panel would open. Her internal circuitry would be revealed. Normally she would be humming along and there would be lots of lights blinking on and off as she was preforming tasks. This time however, there was nothing of that sort. There was a usb port embedded there as well, which Futaba plugged in using a cable that was connected to her phone. Looking at her phone, she inputted some stuff in a program that she received from Aegis.
“Initiating booting/rebooting sequence.” Futaba told them as she inputted all the codes necessary to do so, then pressed the big red button. Immediately they would be able to hear Sophia’s body come back to life. Her head jolted up, the void in her eyes started to disappear, and she was making noise again. 
[System check activated, SOPHIA advanced AI program booting up]
Mem Check: OK CPU Check: OK Self Function Check: OK
[SOPHIA Advanced AI program initiated a self shutdown sequence. System was shut down for approximately: 52 hours, 34 minutes. Check system for any potential damages.]
[SOPHIA Advanced AI program will commence final boot up sequence. Please unplug usb device]
Now that it was done, she put away her phone and turned to the group. “That’s all we can do at this point. Now, since I wasn’t able to know what she went through when she first woke up, I have no idea how long this will take, or any potential damage there could be from this. She did tell me she was shut down before being put in this body, but the timeframe for everything was all messed up. So, who knows how long this will take.” After what felt like a good long time, they would hear her signature phrase.
“I am Sophia, Humanity’s companion.” Which was a good sign, but she was going to be far from 100%.
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saintobio · 3 years
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wastelands. (9)
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↳ suna rintarou x f!reader
summary: after a viral pandemic wiped out half of the world’s population, a group of abandoned young adults embark on a life-threatening journey in hopes of finding a safe permanent home. unfortunately, for you and Rin, love is only a temporary option.
genre: heavy angst, unrequited, post apocalypse au, 18+
cw: profanity, guns, gore, zombies, death
notes: alexa play I Want You by mitski for the slow dance scene. do not spoil in the replies ^^
series masterlist -> part ten (final)
In a world where the zombie virus was prevalent, death was simply inevitable. It was part of life; there would come a time where everyone would find themselves buried six feet under with maggots crawling on their skin and their flesh decomposing to leave nothing but bones. All of us would experience death at some point and the people who lived in this era would not make it long enough until the next. Life was a cycle embodying birth, death, and reincarnation.
But with the inevitability of death comes the inevitability of pain for those left behind.
After Sophia’s demise, both as a human and a zombie, the three guys decided to bury her cadaver on the backyard out of respect for the time they spent with her. Such a heartbreaking sight it was to see the Miya twins digging a hollow space for Sophia to lay on as her remains were covered only of cloth because a coffin was not something that all of you could give her at this situation. You couldn’t even give her a proper burial to commemorate the life she has lived for the past 21 years.
However, what was more heart-wrenching to see was how Rintarou decided not to join and watch Sophia’s body be buried deep-six. In respect for Rin’s decision, the four of you were left to take Sophia to her final resting place by daybreak. You could hear the boys muttering their silent prayers for her soul and thanking her for the memories she had with them. While you didn’t have much memories shared with Sophia, you wished for her soul to rest in peace hoping that she would be in a paradise where she could become truly happy.
Last night was still pretty much a blur, but the plethora of pain that you felt from Rin’s expression alone gave you equal suffering. As much as he pulled you for a hug with the relief of keeping you safe, it wasn’t a hidden fact that Suna would have saved Sophia had he was given a choice.
But between you and her, he was left to choose you.
“He knew it,” Kita spoke barely audibly as you stood in front of your parted companion’s burial mound. The morning breeze was blowing through your face like melted ice while your nose flared from the olid miasma brought by Sophia’s fast-decaying body. “Sunarin noticed how different she had become when they were arguing. He pulled me away later that night and asked me to keep the twins locked in their rooms ‘cause he suspected Sophia was on the brink of turning.”
Your eyes found the last mounds of soil that the twins had tossed over Sophia’s carcass before they flung the shovel to the side. Their faces were of similar melancholy.
“That’s gotta hurt,” Osamu added, standing next to you, “I mean, he shot her in the head. It probably killed him inside.”
Nodding your head sullenly was your initial response, “It definitely hurt him.”
Suna’s willingness to imbrue his hands with his ex-girlfriend’s blood was a painful image that you could never remove from your head. You have long forgotten whatever ill-intent Sophia has showed you because your human emotions sympathized with her more than anything else.
“At least no one else got hurt.” Shinsuke placed a hand on your back, soothing you with comfort.
In the midst of the tragic situation, Atsumu was one to lighten the mood. “Yo, what if one of us got bitten? What if I got bitten? Do you trust me that much?”
And his grey-haired twin being his number one counter, Osamu replied with, “I’ll bury you now, then.”
There was a minute of shared chuckles as you listened to the twins arguing about who should bury who as they pushed each other near to Sophia’s grave.
Kita took the chance to then pat your back and say, “You should go to Sunarin. He’s on the other side of the house.”
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Sitting in the middle of the barren windswept land, you found Suna on his own with his legs folded and his arms wrapped around his knees. The gloom on his face was a great contrast to the golden hues of the parched fields, grieving at the thought of his long term girlfriend’s untimely death. The sun-baked earth was full of cracks in similar state to the crevice in his heart that he was keeping to himself.
You chose not to utter a word as you sat on the arid ground next to him considering that silence was what he needed, but you were hoping that your presence could add to his comfort. It was the loudest silence of your life to be sitting with the guy you loved as he was drowned by his deep thoughts. His loud exhale made you look at his gorgeous face while he gazed at the amber horizon with lachrymose eyes.
“I thought I’d be too late to save you,” he spoke, breaking his taciturn and reaching for your hand to intertwine your fingers with his.
You moved closer and placed your head on his shoulder. “Rin, I’m sorry about Sophia...”
“I feel sorry for killing her, too. It’s my fault this all happened in the first place,” he said, brushing his thumb on your hand, “but beyond anything else, it’s unavoidable.”
You were expecting that Suna would shut himself off from the world and be swallowed by his rue, but you were glad to know that he wasn’t exactly letting the guilt of killing Sophia affect him in a way where he normally would. He chose to see the situation as something uncontrollable as much as he lamented for his loss. Your relief was solely for the fact that he was getting better at handling his emotions without repercussions.
“Rin, it’s okay to cry,” you whispered, touching his cheek. “She was an important person to your life. You loved her, you shared memories with her—it’s normal to grieve.”
Suna’s amber eyes saw you with gentleness, leaning his face in as his nose touched the tip of yours. “Give me one whole day,” his voice broke before he pressed his lips on top of yours for a kiss. There was a desire for comfort with the way he kissed you, like he was seeking solace from the softness of your lips. His hand touched your cheek as he deepened his kisses with faint tears running down his eyes. “You’re important to me, too.”
One whole day to grieve over Sophia. You were not in the position to even decline because there shouldn’t be any limit to how long a person was allowable to be in bereft over their special someone. No matter which lens you try to look at it, Sophia was once an important person in his life the same way he was to you.
“I’m always here for you,” you promised, foreheads pressed together. The sunlight illuminated the side of his face and limned it with an aureate shade. “I’ve always been, for seven years.”
Suna grabbed your hand and planted a soft kiss on top of it. “I take back my oath,” he said, watching the minute of confusion that bathed in your eyes. “Not even death can pull me away from you.”
Because the recent events had taken a slight emotional toll on Rin, the rest of you decided to postpone your journey for a day or two. It wasn’t like Aomori would be going anywhere, in fact you were able to strategize how you would be able to arrive the destination unscathed. Your hope to see your brother along with the people that came to you in this journey were the only things that gave you purpose.
After all, you were the only person who still had an unresolved journey to take. The twins had no one else. Kita had no one else. Rin only had you.
But you, you have them and you have Asher waiting for you. Perhaps starting a new life at the Aomori camp would be the best way to end this arduous traverse where you would no longer have to live in a nomadic lifestyle, always worrying about your food and shelter, always engaging in a never-ending fight against the undead—this journey was temporary.
Once you arrive to your new safe permanent home, all of this would be over. Those four long months, nearing five, would finally come to an end.
For now, there was no harm in having fun even for a little while. When the guys thought of playing baseball on the fields outside, it felt like the unpleasantness of this zombie-infested world had left your mind. Seeing them have fun, watching Rin’s smile come back to his face after a whole day of mourning for his loss—it was certainly a great comfort to your heart. The fact that such people who had their own battles to take could still find a reason to be happy gave you inspiration to live your life without regret. To live without worry. To live without allowing yourself to suffer from the past.
“Just say you don’t know how to play, dumbass!” Osamu yelled at his twin, tossing the baseball bat to the ground and sitting next to an exhausted Kita.
“Just say ‘ya can’t keep up with me!” was Atsumu’s counter.
Suna was now laying on your lap while you threaded your fingers through his raven hair. His sharp amber eyes fluttered open to see your fond gaze. “Do you think we should reproduce within the next few years?” he theorized, earning the interest of the other guys who found their spots next to you. “So many people died and all. We need to procreate.”
Atsumu snickered. “Is that an invite to sex?”
“Maybe find your partner first,” you told the blond, sticking your tongue out playfully. “You’ve been dry for the longest time.”
“Shut up!” he whined, pursing his lips. “I bet girls will be all over me once we reach Aomori.”
Osamu faked a gag. “Like hell they will!”
And Kita joined the banter with a smile that turned his eyes into moon crescents. “I don’t think it’s ideal to multiply while the virus is still around,” he shared, laying his head on the ground with folded hands under it. “But I wonder what will happen to the future generations. We’ll be part of history, you know? They’ll look back at this era and remember it as the age of the great zombie apocalypse.”
A light chuckle came out of Rintarou’s lips, “Woah. Kitashin’s talking about deep stuff.”
“And it makes sense,” you argued with your boyfriend, “unlike Atsumu’s simulation theories.”
The blond puffed out his cheeks and stretched his legs forward. The bandaid on his nose had creased after he scrunched it. “Y’all would’ve had a boring zombie apocalypse without me.”
Frankly, he was right. Atsumu’s role throughout this journey was to elicit joy even in the most crucial moments. His stupidity should not be mistaken for his attempts of trying to bring light to heavy situations and you appreciated him for that.
The same way you appreciated Osamu for the compassion and bravery he has showed for the last 4 months.
The same way you appreciated Kita for being the paternal figure to a group of young adults who could still be undeniably immature at most times.
And there was Suna, but he already knew his importance to you.
“You’ll find Asher tomorrow, Y/N.” Kita had a reassuring smile on his face, one that the other three guys also gave you.
“Heck yeah,” agreed Atsumu, “we’re on the final stage.”
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With your last night on the house, you’ve had trouble trying to sleep. Maybe because you were excited to finally get to Aomori to see Asher again and start a new beginning with Suna and the rest of the group. Looking back at the tears you’ve shed and the heartbreak you’ve had to suffer on this journey, you realized how just how resilient you actually were.
Losing your parents, losing your friends, losing the people that treated you with kindness—most people would have gone mad and just give everything up. But you continued to live every single day because you ought to; for yourself, for your brother, for Rin. You wondered if your departed loved ones were watching you from afar, hoping that you could make it long enough to reunite with your brother.
They didn’t get to continue their lives, but thinking about the paradise that awaited them gave you a sense of consolation.
You guessed that Rin was also having all these thoughts as you found him alone by the living room staring at the fireplace to keep himself warm from the bitter coldness of the night. There was soft music playing from the turntable as you walked towards him, watching the vinyl record spinning nonstop.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked, getting up. “Did you feel cold without me?”
“I do,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck with a slow breath. “Can’t sleep too, huh?”
His hands held your waist in simultaneous to the small smile that he displayed on his beautiful face. “Guess so,” he answered, his voice overpowered by the melody coming from the turntable. “Want a hug?”
“Come here.”
There was no denying that Rintarou Suna was the absolute love of your life. He was the only person that gave you warmth in cold nights. He was the only person that filled your hollow heart. He was the only person that put everything else in the background because when there was just you and him, you were left with no one else to think about.
His hugs gave you security so you tightened the embrace with your head listening to the beat of his heart knowing that it was beating for you. His scent, his touches, his presence—how could a person serve as the whole world for you?
You hardly noticed that he was swaying your entangled bodies in harmony to the tunes. With his head resting on top of yours, he caged your waist around his arms as you slow-danced to the music.
As romantic as this was, you knew this moment would be embedded in your memories forever.
“I love you, Rin.” You didn’t mind saying it first because there was no point in holding back. He had to hear these words that you’ve always wanted to say in order for your heart to feel at rest. The heart that he now acknowledged with the same love that was no longer unrequited.
It took him a few years to be honest with himself, and albeit taking too long to do so, he was glad to say the same words, “I love you.” Kissing your forehead and pulling away to stare at your glistening eyes, he repeated, “I love you, Y/N.”
Although your eyes were brimming with tears, you pushed it back by closing your lids as you pressed a kiss on his lips. Locking on each other’s kisses and moving with so much gentleness as if it was your first kiss.
You could only focus on how soft he felt against your mouth, overwhelming your senses as the taste of him silenced all your other thoughts. This time, your heart wasn’t accelerating. It was as calm as it could be just like the tranquility of this night.
He pulled away with your arms draped around his neck while he reached for his pockets and later held your hand. You were far too hypnotized by his kisses that your mind froze as soon as he was sliding a diamond ring on your finger.
“Wh-What’s this?” Stunned and speechless, you looked at your hand with wide eyes.
You heard his low chuckle. “Found it here. I hope the old couple doesn’t mind me giving it to my girlfriend.”
“Rin,” you lowered your voice, swayed by your feelings. “It looks beautiful.”
“Like the new owner?” He grinned, bringing his mouth back to yours for a deeper kiss. “It’s not enough for all the love you’ve given me for the past seven years.”
You shook your head and cupped his cheeks. “Having you beside me is enough.” Having your fingers combing through his hair made him relax from your touch. “Rin, I don’t think I can ever love anyone the same way I love you.”
The familiar cocky smirk reappeared on his face. “I’m the luckiest, then,” he claimed, pinching your nose. “I love you too, angel.” When he lifted your chin so you could look up at him, his expression softened, “You’re seeing Asher soon. That’s our priority for now, okay?”
You gave him a thankful nod before he replaced it with a warm kiss. “Okay.”
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Déjà vu. It was how it felt to be seated in the backseat of the hummer next to Suna and Atsumu while Kita drove the car with Osamu on his side. It was déjà vu how the twins were fast asleep on their seats while the three of you stayed awake through the afternoon travel. From what you could recall, this was the same situation that you were in when you left the RV a few months ago.
The path that Kita followed from Akita to Aomori was the trail that Haru traced for you on the map which was potentially the best road you could take to avoid the city. You hoped that it was still the case as of today because the rest of the prefectures were already uninhabited, although nothing was fairly new at seeing all these abandoned houses and empty streets.
Unfortunately, you only had limited ammunition and food supply but you were certain that Aomori could provide enough security once you did reach the place. The only worry you had was if you did not reach the destination and that would just become the worst case scenario.
Suna held your hand throughout the car ride as you both looked through the tinted windows to see abandoned cars lined up on the bridge that you were currently passing on. Kita had to meander through the road to avoid the cars that housed a few Zs that you couldn’t exactly classify because they were spread out.
“It’s strange,” Rin cautiously spoke, tightening his hand around yours. “Fuck knows what happened here.”
If all these cars were abandoned, that only meant one thing. There was a brutal attack from a swarm of zombies in great numbers because there was no way in hell that these people would just leave their cars in here. They were trapped and devoured in a circumstance left with no options.
The shattered windows, the broken car doors, the splutters of blood, and perhaps the putrescence that surrounded the bridge was an aftermath of a bloodthirsty feast against outnumbered humans. You could sense death even without going through one and the alertness in Suna’s stance gave you fret.
Kita tried to steer the Hummer away from other vehicles. “Jesus, it’s hard to—”
Bam! The exploding sound of a tire rung on your ears followed by another one that finally disrupted Osamu from his slumber. The Hummer had gone askew with both tires on the left side popping at the most unfortunate time.
“SHIT.” A series of curses left your lips as much as it did with the other guys. Now you couldn’t think straight because this was absolutely not what you were expecting.
“‘Tsumu, wake the fuck up!” Osamu shook his twin brother’s arm. Kita, on one hand, was slamming his fist on the steering wheel.
This was bad.
“Rin.” You squeezed his hand but he pressed a kiss on your lips to calm you down.
“You scared?” he asked only to see your nod. “Don’t be. I’m right here.”
Reaching for your Colt .45 under the seat, Suna did the same by extending his arm to get his shotgun loaded. “Guns,” he announced to the group. “Load ‘em up with full ammunition. We gotta get moving.”
Between the five of you, Suna was the brains of the group. His mind functioned faster than his movements and this gave you the idea that he had already planned out what to do after observing his surroundings in just a span of 2 minutes.
“Sunarin, it’s not safe,” a groggy but alert Atsumu told him, looking around the windows to sight any Zs nearby.
Suna’s lips moved in a downward slope. “It’s more to dangerous to stay. The Hummer’s not gonna take us anywhere anymore.” With a focused mind and a well-planned strategy, he tossed the satellite phone over to Osamu. “‘Samu, send SOS to Aran just in case. He knows what to do, I talked to him before I left. Let’s go.”
All five of you were on the qui vive once you did get out of the Hummer with your weapons while you walked along the bridge in quiet footsteps. The melancholic 6PM skies painted your surroundings with a cold blue tint while the silent breeze kissed your face to heighten your eerie.
“Just stay close to me, okay?” Rin whispered to you as the pads of his boots landed on the flat concrete. The smell was nauseating. In a place where fetor of decay was strong, you knew that you should be frightened. But despite knowing this very fact that was lingering in your heads, Suna remained calm and you weren’t sure if he was just playing unfazed for your sake.
“I’m scared.” You looked around to see nothing but wrecked cars. “I-I need to make it to Asher.”
I can’t die tonight, no I can’t die. You were walking side-by-side between Suna and Osamu while Kita and Atsumu were following your trail from the back, pointing their guns at every corner.
“Man,” Atsumu said in a hushed voice. “This is really the boss level—”
“Behind you!” Suna yelled as the first Z appeared from Atsumu’s back, almost launching its putrid mouth to the blond until Rin fulminated its head with his shotgun. “Z2.”
Another one appeared from the car next to Suna and your fast reflex allowed you to shoot your gun to its head twice. “Fuck!” You couldn’t be wrong. It was also a Z2, otherwise it wouldn’t be hissing that loud. Half of the zombie’s head was already split open with its brain barely hanging off its skull.
“This fucking place is infested.” Osamu loaded his gun with shaky hands. And just as he said that, two more Zs came teetering out from their hiding, forcing him to shoot a fusillade of his own bullets. “I think we should run.”
Much to the snarling noises and the distant staggering of incoming awakened Zs, all five of you started picking up on your pace by sprinting towards the other end of the bridge in hopes finding a hideout from the living dead.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” For the first time in your life, you saw genuine tremor in Atsumu’s eyes as he partook on the gun shooting because the Zs kept on multiplying in such huge numbers.
There were 10 of them now.
Wait, 12.
No, shit—you lost count.
“Fuck, we’re outnumbered!” Osamu screamed, using a different gun now. “This is my last gun.”
A barrage of bullets left and right came from each of you as you finally got out of the bridge and onto a road with a row of seemingly empty buildings. Where do we go? Your heart was leaping out of your chest as you panted. Suna was heavily focused on using his artillery to snipe the Zs that chased the rest of you.
“They’re Z3s, watch out and aim for the head!” he raised his voice to warn everyone, walking backwards while you helped them out with all the riddling. “Shit. I’m running out of ammo.”
You charged your gun to your left, right, and behind you—shooting it on each direction with every Z that you can see. All around you were of similar arctic white eyes, blanched skin, and rotten corpses that staggered on their way to follow your trail. The multitude of flesh-eating monsters did not decrease despite your efforts of killing each of them.
Panic became your best friend as your hands violently shook after seeing a mob of Zs heading fast towards the five of you. Holy shit.
“Sunarin!” Kita flung his extra shotgun towards the guy after seeing that he ran out of ammo and Suna gracefully caught it with wide, questioning eyes. “I’ll be fine you guys go ahead.”
“Kitashin, what do you mean—”
“Go! Run, the four of you!” Kita growled, pushing you all as he backed away. “Go!”
What is he planning? You were heaving both of exhaustion and worry as your legs were giving up from all the running.
Atsumu was shaking his head in absolute denial. “Kita-san, no! You’re coming with us!”
As the Zs were getting closer and closer, you were also running out of time. You could see Kita exchanging looks with Osamu and Suna, patting their cheeks in a manner where they seemed to have understood what he was planning to do. It only took a few seconds for the two guys to pull you back away from the scene.
You, being surprised, tried to withdraw your arm. “Wait—”
“Suna, get her to safety,” Kita ordered as you held your breath in bafflement. “Osamu, take care of Atsumu.”
No. No, what was happening? What was going on?
Before you knew it, you watched in complete terror as Kita ran towards the mass of zombies to slow them down and temporarily distract them from coming closer to the four of you. The very act of sacrifice emitted a cry out of you as you witnessed how Shinsuke Kita met the hungry horde of Z2s and Z3s taking him down and feasting on his flesh.
“No! Kita-san!” Atsumu bellowed with a clearly pained Osamu pulling him by the collar. “‘Samu, we can’t leave him—!”
“He’s gone!” Osamu shouted, urging his brother to match the speed of his footsteps. “Get it together! We need to save ourselves!”
While your heart had shattered from the dreadful events, Suna was charging his shotgun and shooting a few more zombies with gritted teeth. “S-Suna, K-Kita just...”
“It’ll be okay.” He drew in a deep breath to hide his obvious sorrow while taking your hand in his. By doing a 360 view of the place, he then instructed, “Brown apartment complex. We’ll get to the rooftop.”
It was quite difficult to formulate your thoughts with all the adrenaline rush and paroxysm of emotions that were drowning you all at once. Still, with Suna being the emotionally stronger one between you two, he didn’t let go of your hand as he guided the direction towards the building.
Kita. Kita just sacrificed himself.
Atsumu was still in a similar shaken up state as you while his brother acted as his support. You only had limited bullets so Suna asked you to just focus on your track and reassured that he would take care of riddling the zombies along the way. Surely, as soon as you entered the building and ascended hastily towards the stairs, there were more deafening cannonades sent to each and every zombie that chased you.
“This is fucking insane,” Osamu cussed under his breath, hitting bulls eye on the Z2’s face before you made it to another level on the stairs.
You didn’t stop running no matter how tired you were, no matter how much you were shaking, no matter how rapid your heart was beating. All you could see in your head was Asher waiting for you in the camp and it was the only thing that you were holding on to.
Not even the cacophony of gunshots and zombie snarls could distract you from the image of your brother that you would give up your life to.
“I’ve ran out of bullets, fuck!” Suna jogged on the stairs behind you, ensuring your safety before him. “Y/N, don’t let go of your gun and follow Osamu.”
Osamu. You looked up and saw the grey-haired twin kicking the door to the rooftop as you finally reached the destination. The light that shone through the darkness of the stairs blinded your sight as you ran, not until you heard Atsumu and Suna’s grunts.
“Motherf—Suna help!” Atsumu shrieked, punching the zombie that lunged on him while Rintarou kicked the other one and sent it flying down the stairs.
You could barely understand what was happening.
The minute you entered the rooftop, you collapsed on the floor and desperately tried to catch your breath while the three guys worked on blocking the door with an old chest fridge so the zombies could not enter further. Your chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, eyes glued to the twilight skies and thanking God that you were still even alive.
“Door’s locked. Osamu, did you contact Aran?”
“Y-Yeah. They’re coming by sunrise. He needs the coordinates.”
“I can’t believe Kita-san just...”
You closed your eyes to hear the pendulum of inhales and exhales that you were taking, like a fish gasping after surfacing from the water. Just like you, they were struggling to breathe too. They had collapsed on the floor to rest their exhausted limbs and allow their minds to process just how fast everything happened.
You couldn’t wrap your mind at the thought that you lost another person in the group in the most tragic way possible. Kita, whose last dying decision was to save his friends’ lives over his own. You were rendered speechless at his act of sacrifice knowing that you owe him the lives that he chose to spare for the rest of you.
Never did you expect that a single day could turn things around for the worse.
“Hey.” At the sound of Suna’s worried voice, you opened your eyes to see his familiar amber orbs. He pulled you up before you could even move and embraced you before you could even speak. “You’re alright.”
Your hands gripped his flannel as you hugged him tighter. “I-I thought I was gonna die, if Kita hadn’t—”
“No, I won’t let it happen.” He brushed your hair and kissed your temple, soothing your worries despite the pain in his voice. “You’re not gonna die here. Not tonight. You’ll live for many more years.”
You sunk your face on the crook of his neck and submerged yourself into his presence and his comfort. For the longest time, all this man did was to save your life proving that his love had always been shown through his actions.
Imagining a life without Rintarou Suna would tear you asunder in the most cruel way you could think of. He was part of your life, the other half of your soul, and you could only look forward to having your new beginning with him.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You looked up at him with glossy eyes. “I-I don’t know how we’re gonna go to camp but I wanna restart my life with you in there. I wanna marry you, have your kids, live a happy life with you.”
He caressed your cheek with his thumb just before he pecked your forehead with a still breath. “I might—”
The loud thumping on the door stole his attention as he immediately got up to check if the chest fridge had moved, but Osamu was quick to push it even further, leaving no space for the Zs to even enter to.
And as you looked at Suna from behind, your eyes grew wide in horror while you gasped in utter shock because the very sight just tore you to fucking pieces and left your whole world shattering before you. No, it couldn’t be. It couldn’t be possible. At that moment, you felt like you would go berserk.
You refused to accept it.
“Rin...” you called in a soft voice, lips quivering in both fear and agony. He turned on his heel to focus his attention back to you and quickly saw the change in your expression. “...Y-You h-have a bite on your nape.”
There was pain in his eyes—pain that wasn’t for him, but pain that was for you. Pain that he concealed with a smile because he knew that if he showed even the tiniest bit of weakness, he would lose it, too.
“I know.”
hq general taglist: @x-cloudyyyy @iwazubean @cottonheadedninnymugggins @centvry @kageyamakock @sunnsettee @bluesylveon2 @tsukkisfatsimp @cuddlesslut @mysteriousparker @asdfghjkl7things @02hhsailor @anejuuuuoy @minswags-posts @chemnerdkuroo @misssugarless @deeznutss @tanakax123 @oikawa-bubs @lust4keiji @stel9 @tsumuuwu @daylghits @ems1des @the-golden-jhope @wonyoschubs @bakus-stuff @melty-kisses @softy-woo @dekuspet @kittycatkrissa
wastelands taglist: @6mattsun9 @kity @kuroosbb @agaashesmilktea @strawberries-en-cream @hokageyamz @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @omisemi @aonenthusiast @oikawaisamood @atsumusoup @chaiteabeebee @bongofrito @yoshikomoonara28 @rinstars @suhkusa @shrimpypenis
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
can you write more about your Yandere! Frost! Wu Chang? I really like them 👉🏻👈🏻…
The beloved frost bots? I'll give some info!
If you would like me to tell more info, I'll be happy too ^^ just ask me specifically what.
Yandere! Frost! Wu Chang Information
Possible Trigger Warnings: Yandere behavior such as a forced relationship, unhinged themes, dark thoughts and themes, abandonment issues.
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Creation Origin
Xie and Fan were created, unsurprisingly, by Sophia. Their original purpose was to be castle guards. Xie and Fan were also prototypes and meant to be mass produced.
The Frost Bots are powered by Ice Cores. Ice Cores take energy from the cold, meaning if Xie and Fan are in a hot climate for too long they'll shut down and require their core to be repaired.
Thoughts on Humans Origin
In the previous HCs it is implied that Xie adores humans while Fan doesn't care much for them. This ties back to Sophia and her HCs.
Sophia is very isolated, having to live in an ice palace unable to communicate with outsiders. So, she grew attached to the new Frost Bot prototypes.
When she created them she gave them human like personalities. They felt so much like people that she grew attached and treated them as such.
Xie was made with a gentle personality. A personality soft as snow. While Fan was created with a cold personality. One that felt more of Ice than snow. The two went well together and acted as great companions.
Even if they were meant to be treated as only robots, Sophia still cared deeply for them. Even Fan enjoyed humans at one point.
Sophia clung to those bots. Xie treated her like the princess she was, lovingly yet platonic. Fan also cared for Sophia, caring for her when Xie couldn't.
At the time both bots enjoyed humans.
That was until Fan overheard conversation. An argument between Sophia and her Father. The bot couldn't help but eavesdrop.
Then he heard it all. How Sophia created him and Xie with the intention of prototypes, how they would eventually be replaced.
Fan should've known humans are cruel.
He needed to do something about it.
Eventually, Fan wished to flee. This palace was no longer a home for him and Xie. The snow was their home now.
Xie threw a fit. He did not wish to leave the person he cared for behind.
"Fan, How about we take her with us then?"
Xie was stubborn, not wishing to abandon Sophia. Sophia loved them even if her family did not. She did not deserve to be punished like this.
Fan shakes his head.
"Taking Sophia with us will only cause trouble. They'll kill us. They'll say we're rogue and should be scrapped. We must go tonight."
Xie wished to argue more, his aggression much different than his soft snow like behavior. Fan only turned away.
Xie would take this hard.
Xie and Fan have hidden tension towards each other after these events. Xie is incredibly upset towards Fan for abandoning Sophia. While Fan wishes Xie would just give up humans all together.
They were never meant to be cared for. Fan kept saying that was just how it is.
Xie never tended to listen.
Origin of Xie's Obsession
Xie grows obsessed with you because of how he felt towards Sophia.
You...remind him of Sophia.
He wanted nothing more than to go back to Sophia. To hug her, spin her around, feel her affection.
He just wished he could of taken Sophia while he could.
But now that he's found you, something in him is soothed.
He didn't need Sophia anymore, maybe.
If he had you he could leave her be.
Maybe you can be the new Sophia....
Origin of Fan's Obsession
Fan takes longer to grow obsessed, while Xie is almost right away.
It takes him time to see why Xie likes you so much.
You are indeed like Sophia....
It makes him reminisce about how it was before. How you're similar yet different to the human he cared for with Xie.....
Perhaps this time it can be different.
You were saved by them, so you can't possibly replace them. Who else would you go to?
Maybe this human will be different....
Tensions Increasing
Xie hates Fan being near you as Fan was the reason he is no longer with Sophia.
Fan hates Xie being near you as he feels Xie is stealing all of your affection. Truthfully, due to feeling as if he was betrayed by Sophia, he craves the affection you have.
Xie's Instability
Due to Xie's reason of obsession, he would have a higher chance of snapping compared to Fan.
He starts his obsession by seeing you as a new Sophia.
If you don't accept his affection, he feels rejected.
It breaks him, as he is afraid to lose his 'Sophia' again.
So even though Xie is nicer than Fan, he may be the more unhinged out of the two.
(How's that for info? I like how I'm creating an entire AU with lore and everything- I'm just gonna call this the 'Yandere Frost Bot AU' for fun)
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The Hollowing Series: Part II
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Title: The Boy and His Companion
Word count: 3,339
Characters: The 11th Doctor, Amy Pond, ocs
Warnings: Platonic fic not romantic.
Notes: Originally the story was going to be completely told from the point of Sophia but after a few drafts I decided it should follow Oliver. My college friend who sometimes beta reads my work used to hate the boy but now she likes him. He used to be mean and dismissive toward Sophia but clearly I changed things. Even I quite like his character now.
Speacial Thanks to @underskaro for beta reading this chapter. I know your busy and this really meant a lot to me. So thank so much.
Figured I tag @mirkwoodshewolf because they kindly edited the first chapter and I want them to know I finally got around to the second.
The rain had ceased, leaving a heavy blanket of grey white on the hills. It hugged the rain-soaked ground, dancing around each of the kid’s heels. The late day fog controlled the landscape, making it blur in the same way as the opening credits of Mary Poppins.
The entire walk home, the two walked in silence. Oliver, in one hand, held the middle bar of the bright green trike. The metal was ice in his palm. He gripped the bar so tight his knuckles were turning a ghostly shade of white. He held Sophia’s hand in the other, though not nearly as tight. However, still tight enough to make the little girl uneasy.
Sophia would have “said” something if it wasn’t so woefully clear Oliver was cross. His soulful hickory eyes were hard as stone. Instead of their usual boyish spark, there lingered a disdainful flicker. She could swear he was muttering something bitter. Now and then she’d fear a foul word, he’d probably later scold himself for saying.
He stopped, eyes narrowing. He took a deep, rather stiff breath and sharply exhaled through his nostrils. Adrenaline surged through his system so fast he felt it burn a path through his veins. He spun around, pulling Sophia behind him. Oliver had a glacially callous glare on his face, eyes fixed on the horizon.
The wind tore at the collar of his slicker, and his damp mess of blonde curls. Their surroundings were clouded, hidden, shrouded by the thick veil of fog. Oliver stood silently, the only sound coming from the ferocious flapping of his jacket. He scanned the stretch with the careful eye of a concerned mother.
The fog is not the mist. The fog is not the mist.
The second they arrived home, Oliver condemned Sophia to the time-out chair. She quietly settled in on the stool, positioned in the far corner of the dead end down stairs corridor, without protest. It was an older item. The hand carved mahogany always felt stiff on her bum. But she thought it better not to whine.
Oliver, he sat alone in the living room. A damp, worn out mess of a human being. He tiredly sunk into the couch. He ignored the clammy feeling of his rain-soaked clothes. He completely collapsed across the cushions. Every muscle in his body just surrendered to gravity. He could feel the tiredness pressing on his chest, weighing him down, draining his energy, exhausting his patience.
Why would she think?… Especially now. He rolled off his side onto his back and focused his eyes on the ceiling. She can’t just… Ugh!
He brought a pillow to his face and screamed.
The seconds ticked away into minutes; in the isolation of the sitting room, Oliver let the world around him fade into silence. The minutes ticked into half an hour; Sophia absentmindedly twiddled her thumbs, humming a familiar song in the back of her head; Oliver had been awake for sixteen hours. His consciousness was grasping at straws.
One sniff and Oliver’s eyes are open. He rolled on to his side. Immediately his face fell into irritation. Oliver locked eyes with a familiar pair mere inches from his face.
“I’m not done with timeout. Go back.”
Sophia blinked, processing the instructions she’d just been given. Her eyes darted around, searching his face for any traces of sarcasm or falsehood. Nothing.
Sophia lightly pecks his cheek in the sloppy little kid way. It left a little wet mark, one he’d wipe away once she’d left the room. Oliver chuckles softly, carefully bumping his forehead against Sophia’s. The little ginge giggled, stumbling back, whilst raising a palm to where her temple had been nudged.
“Ten minutes?”
Sophia nods and politely shuffles off.
The landscape blurred, clouded, the fog lingered hovering above the cool streams and the crowned hills. The brilliant greens and vibrant patches of rich wildflower were poking through the fleeting fog. Soon the sun would begin its descent. Lowering, lowering until it was nothing more than a single sliver of gold vanishing on the horizon.
Eyes closed, arms folded over his chest, which rhythmically rose and fell with each dozy intake of breath, Oliver laid quietly on the couch. The father clock at the top of the stairs ticked, the pendulum swung from side to side. Quarter till four, it read.
Sophia sat in her timeout chair, continuing to hum her melodic tune. In these moments of boredom with no toys to play, no stuffy to “talk” to and no Ollie to cling to, all Sophia could do was wait. She sighed, blowing up a long strand of hair that kept dipping, falling between her eyes.
Oliver stuck his head through the white Tudor arch way that separated the sitting room and entryway corridor. Sophia, having somehow positioned herself upside down on the small stool, gave the boy a dopey smile.
Oliver rolled his eyes, pulling at the fabric of his shirt.
“Hey Soph a loaf,” Oliver softly sing-songed, sitting against the wall directly beside the timeout spot. Being upside down, her auburn hair fell in waves suspended centimetres above the rough and stained planks. She was holding her shirt down, preventing it from exposing her stomach.
“You… Wanna make a pillow fort?”
The quiet of the house is shattered by Sophia, letting out a blaring squeal. In moments she somersaults off the bench, landing clumsily on the floor. She’s up on her feet in a heartbeat, bouncing, squealing, stomping.
Oliver chuckles lightly. “Sophia, Sophia, Sophia.”
Sophia poked her head through the arch at the call of her name.
Sophia whined, tilting her head as if to ask ‘what?’
“Nothing. Just… love you Soph a loaf. Lots and lots.”
The pillow fort took longer than expected, given that they both took the construction of fort building oh so seriously. They rushed through putting on their pjs, then moved on to making dinner. No one could tell them not to eat under the bedclothes.
“You can’t put peanut butter on grilled cheese!”
Just as it did every day, the sun set. The shadows of the trees and the aging building stretched up the hills, as the golden ball of orangish yellow began its descent.
Beneath navy blue blankets, patterned with rocket ships and sea creature stickers, sat the two children. Oliver had built much of the fort; Borrowing cushions, towels and blankets from around the house. While Sophia had eagerly decorated their cloth kingdom; twinkle lights, stickers, and scribbled drawings decorated the walls and ceilings.
“So her dad was killed-- Ow. By the same agent trying to recruit her?"
Cuddled firmly against his side was Sophia, her body glued against his similar to Double Pops. Every time she moved, her knees or feet would buck, nailing Oliver in the ribs or hip. He had an arm wrapped around her neck, functioning as both a pillow for her head, and one support for the tablet he was holding.
“That’s quite coinc-- Ow! Sophia!”
Sophia bit the edge of her lip, trying to contain her giggles. Her giggle was a violin playing the open string G (Sol), alluring and dulcet. Considering she burst into a mini giggle fit with each jab, Oliver’s face crumpled like a discarded wad of paper.
He could feel Sophia wiggling against him. Her legs squirmed in a boyishly wild fashion. Her knees curved, beating him in the ribs.
“Ow!" Oliver sat up.
“Okay.” He inhaled sharply. His body was stiff from high levels of irritation. Sophia calmed herself, gently curling her toes. Her brown eyes followed Oliver’s movements, becoming larger, curious.
“Sophia, do you have to use the toilet?”
Sophia drew in her lip. She bent her knees, so she grabbed her toes. She stared, thinking hard. He watched as her face became still, eyes blinking frenziedly. Within fifteen seconds, she nodded.
“Let’s go then.” He stood, helping Sophia up.
He crawled out of the fort’s entry tunnel, it was barely big enough for him to squeeze through. They’d run low on pillows, while building some part of the structure had to be sacrificed.
He heard the soft scuffling of sock padded feet against the old wooden floor. “Sophia?” He looked back over his shoulder, realising Sophia was making more noise than necessary.
“No! Soph, you’re not bringing a blanket to the loo.”
“We lay my love and I…” Oliver sang.
Oliver sat on the third step of the stairs. Beating his hands against his thighs. He was a child. His rigid posture had been replaced by a chill slouch. Sophia had taken her time correcting the blanket as she shifted. She was just now clambering out of the blanket fort.
“Beneath the weeping willow…”
Sophia shuffled past him into the next room, across the corridor from the sitting room. As she passed, Oliver gently took hold of the back of her shirt. Sophia backtracked, then turned on her heels to face him. Oliver had a focused look, his eyes fixated on the ginger like a surgeon during brain surgery.
“Sophia. Where are you going?” He asked.
Sophia wrinkled her nose, pointing in every direction. Oliver simply rolled his eyes.
“Then go find your sweater.” He instructed. Sophia points to the room she was headed toward. “No. It’s not in the drawing room. You left it in my room. Upstairs.”
Sophia let out a pout huff, making Oliver chuckle. She looked past him at the stairs, eyes narrowing to a thin line. Nonetheless, she began her slow ascent upwards. A downside of wooden stairs. If you’re not wearing shoes, instead socks, it's easy to slip. Her sock covered feet slipped and slid, making her ascent up the stairs look clumsy.
“One foot in front of the other.” Oliver teased. Sophia, her face only inches from his ear, blew a spitty raspberry. With the satisfying feeling of retaliation, Sophia pressed on.
“Remember to use the toilet.” Oliver reminded, wiping the flecks of spit from the side of his face.
Oliver patted his thighs and then stood. Standing rather motionless, in his sharp black and orange KTM Factory pyjamas, he distinguished himself amongst the rustic clutter of the foyer. After a moment of stillness, he leapt from the third step, landing on the floor with a hard thud. He resets himself, brushing a hand through his mop top of dirty honey blonde hair.
He wanders around the corridor, gently running his fingers across the wall, over the knickknacks and along the edges of the chair rail.
"But now alone I lie..." he quietly sang, “...And weep beside the tree...”
The house was old. Ancient. It looked like it had been plucked from an autumn-aphile's Pinterest board. Time had been kind to the country home. While the creepers crept along the worn grey cobbles, the inside was a monument to times long gone by.
Thump, thump, thump.
Sophia. She was moving around upstairs.
His mother was a collector. Her husband called her a hoarder. She called herself a dreamer. She was a traveller. When she had been young, before the children, she'd seen the world collecting baubles and knickknacks that now cluttered the home.
Thump, thu, thu, thum.
"Your feet aren't drums!"
A single overhanging lamp dimly illuminated the foyer, mirroring the glow of candle light. Their neighbour had once asked why they didn’t store all their tchotchkes away in the shed. Stacks of completed books left careless about rough wood carvings from around, antique finds nestled beneath blankets of dust, dried flowers, and colourful drawings from Oliver’s younger days.
Thump, thu, thu, thum.
The house, so full of things. Some would shudder at the chaos of it all, others would be queasy because of claustrophobia, and rest would be quietly fascinated.
Oliver stood himself in front of Credenza, pushed up against the left wall. He eyed the reflection staring at him through the distressed mirror mounted about mahogany sideboard.
He’d forgotten a lot rather recently. Thirteen. He’s thirteen. His eyes are a weak shade of brown, not like Sophia’s, the colour of almond coffee. His dirty blonde hair softly curled and tucked, just barely overhanging his sunken eyes.
Thump, thu, thu, thum.
“Singing ‘Oh willow waly’…” he sang, “… by the tree that weeps with me.”
Oliver retreated, leaning against the sloping stair posts. He checked the clock hanging above the front door. Four minutes had passed since Sophia had gone upstairs. Standing there with nothing to do but listen to the creaky footsteps from above.
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
His nerves abandon him quickly. His breathing becomes shallow and erratic. He couldn’t hear his rapid breathing, the chaotic beat of his heart dominated. His fingers curl into a fist, nails piercing the tender skin of his palm.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
His eyes dart to the clock. 6:11.
It’s as if his hidden sixth or seventh sense activates. Every tick of the clock is a threat, every creak of a floorboard is a risk. His fingers twitched as he defensively moved toward the door. His body stiffens, trying to shut him down before he can reach the front door. He keeps moving.
His hands tremble and his skin becomes rough with goosebumps as he reaches towards the door handle grip.
No one knocks. No one could would.
He grips the handle tightly thumb pressed on the thumb-place, the metal would surely leave a mark on his palm. He finds it hard to swallow, lungs betraying him. Slowly he presses down on the thumb-place, pulling on the handle.
Oliver’s blood ran cold. He tightened his jaw.
“You followed us?” Oliver murmured. His grip on the door handle tightened, to where he could feel the cool metal dig into his palm. Standing square, shoulders defensively strained back, he felt a knot forming in the back of his throat. Fear sat quietly, waiting like a vulture, ready to claim him.
“You followed us home?” His eyes darted to the Moors, where a small cloud of mist was slowly forming. He wasn’t quite scared. His eyes showed more of a wary concern. After all, he was all that stood between two mysterious strangers and his world.
“Yes. We did.” As he spoke, Oliver observed the Doctor with slight aversion. When he spoke, he’d move his hands about. A little unnerving. Still Oliver held his ground, preventing the Doctor, still a stranger, from entering his home. “We have some questions…”
Thump, thump, thump.
That’s when Oliver jumps. A pump of adrenaline surged through his system almost triggering his flight or fight instinct. Without his support “system”, it would have been flight. Oliver shook his head, pushing down his panic.
Thump, thump, thump.
He was the barrier between his world and trespassers. A wave of boldness washed through him, demanding he be bold and shielding. However, a light gust of embarrassment from his jump made his cheeks glow.
“You-- you have questions?” he stammered.
The Doctor seemed to take this as an invitation. He moved to enter the cobblestone house. Oliver slammed a hand across to the other side of the door frame, so he couldn’t enter.
The Doctor’s brows pressed together, his shoulders slumped, and his mouth hung slightly open and loose. His expression gave way to his confusion. A hard stone glare carved into Oliver’s tired eyes. A warning. The doctor took heed and took a careful step back.
His lighthearted manner returned within seconds.
“I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m the Doctor, this is my friend Amy. What’s your name?” He asked as he extended a hand out for Oliver.
Oliver shook his head, smiling a little, as he gently pushed the Doctor’s hand down and said.
“Can’t tell you that.”
“Why not?”
Just because someone introduces themselves, they aren’t any less of a stranger. Though most of what he observed of the Doctor seemed safe, suspicion and caution still governed his mind. He’d be more trusting in different circumstances. But there weren’t many people worth trusting, at least not anymore.
“You’re still a stranger.”
The Doctor nods, scratching at his chin. “Fair enough.” Something about the grown man’s cluelessness. The right corner of Oliver’s lip twitched, threatening to curve upward. He started gesticulating again, moving his hands about as he spoke. “Answer me this then where is everyone else?”
His brain stuttered for a moment, his face fell, and the blood drained from his face, leaving him as pale as a sheet. He recomposed himself, adopting a more stoic expression.
“Home,” his tone was cold, cold as ice.
The Doctor observes Oliver’s shift in manner with calculative eyes. He leans back, arching a brow. Oliver only nods in response. However, he could see it. The Doctor could see it, the fear trying to hide in the corners of the blonde child’s eyes.
He’d figure that out later, for now…
“Tell me, why should we be wary of the mist?”
Oliver scratched the back of his head. His eyes struggled to focus on one point. Again, they settled on the Moors. His stomach twisted and sunk with his nerves, as he gripped the fabric of his shirt tightly, wrapping it around his hand.
“Hard to see, you could get lost.”
The Doctor squatted, so that his eyes were level with Oliver’s. He carefully studied Oliver’s face as he lowered his mouth. He went to speak, but Amy, she spoke first.
“Have people gotten lost?”
This time his muscles become tense. “I-- I better get inside,” he stammered, gesturing with a thumb over his shoulder. His unsettled eyes shift down to the ground, avoiding the watchful looks of the Doctor and his companion. Oliver cleared his throat and then croaked out.
“You should get back home, before it’s too late.”
Without another word, he shut the door, leaving the Doctor and Amy in the chill of dusk.
Oliver was silent as he fell back against the front door. The tick of the grandfather clock at the top of the stairs felt louder than before. As the full realisation of his conversation sank in, he ran his hands down his face. A loud groan of frustration flowed past his lips.
It’s foolish to trust, he reminded himself, for no one knows what the mist does hide.
A small whine snapped him out of his stupor. He immediately stood. Sophia stood one step from the top of the stairs. She wore a puzzled expression. Oliver rolled his eyes, his brows creased, and he put on a fake smile.
“It was no one,” he lied, dismissively waving a hand in the air. Sophia’s eyes narrowed. “It was no one Sophia, leave it alone.” He insisted, trying to laugh the matter off.
“Now, I have some work to finish.” He said as he moved toward the drawing room. As far as he was concerned, the matter of who was at the door was finished. His mouth twitched into a genuine smile, and his tone softened. “If you’d like, you can color at the desk while I work.”
Sophia shook her head, gesturing with an arm toward the entire upstairs. “No? Just going to play in the upstairs?” He asked. She nodded, making her ginger tresses bounce. “By yourself? Are you sure?” The way her one dimple crinkled, the shifting of her freckles, gave him his answer.
“Fine, have fun, bed in an hour.” Oliver brushed his fingers through his hair, strolling into the drawing room.
Sophia brought a hand to her mouth, then blew him a sloppy kiss. Hearing the noise of the peck from the other side of the archway, Oliver bent an arm back through the doorway to catch it. He cast his head back through the opening, a goofy grin plastered on his face.
“Love you too Soph a loaf. Lots and lots.” he gently laughed. “You be good,” he reminded moving into the drawing room.
“And Sophia,” His tone became serious, and resigned. “Let's stay out of the master room.”
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covrtofnightmares · 3 years
( GABRIEL ft. the plot drop - a self-para ) ; your silence is my favorite sound
There was something strange about this human--something that didn’t quite add up, the longer Gabriel peered into his bland, unassuming eyes. His brows arched, albeit only slightly, when the shaggy-haired blonde stated he had yet to do his people a true honor. For a long moment, Gabriel considered scanning the crowd for sight of the Summer Court princess--was this a coup, perhaps, and they’d find themselves all under siege of the vengeful Liling Li Liu and her ferocious troops? But no, as Gabriel fixated his gaze on the human who now bore a medal that seemed far too large for his person, something clicked into place. Something rooted--burrowed--deep in his chest, flaring like an old friend. Instinct. Lightning fast, like quicksilver slipping between fingers, the man withdrew a dagger concealed against his thigh, using expert skill and precision to slide the sharpened blade between Gabriel’s rib cage, close to the frantic beating of his heart. It must have been made of iron, because the moment it pierced the sensitive flesh of Gabriel’s chest, he felt a burning sensation spread through his torso, as though someone had dipped him into fire and allowed the inferno to swallow him whole.
I want you to know, it was us. It was the Resistance.
The blade was twisted, sending a riot of pain ricocheting through Gabriel’s spine as the magic that prowled in his veins fought for dominance, attempting to rush to the surface. He reached forward, curling his fingers in the human’s shirt, attempting to find something to hold for purchase, as his fingers snatched on the medal he’d placed on the human’s neck mere moments before. Had it been only moments, or had a lifetime passed between then and the fateful second he’d been stabbed?
“I will kill you,” he breathed, his venomous words a struggle as they fell between gritted teeth. “No matter how far you fly, little bird, I will hunt you down and send you into ruination.” Gabriel gasped, pain lancing through his side as he lost purchase of the creature’s shirt. The High Lord of Night was thrown backwards, tossed to the cold, unforgiving marble floor with little more care than a rag doll as the human sped through the panicked crowd, cries of pain, shock, and anguish rippling through the ball room. Somehow, in all of the chaos, Gabriel had lost sight of both Sophia and Kael; a pang of fear pounded through his heart as he scanned the crowd for them but found that his general and wife were nowhere to be found. Even Jacqueline’s familiar face seemed to be a blur among the terrified faeries now bursting into battle with one another.
Gabriel had been content with the idea of being alone for most of his life, but for the first time, as his glazed eyes scanned the room around him and found no friendly faces, he felt a bottomless void of loneliness. The poison was spreading, and as Gabriel’s trembling hand curled around the hilt of the blade lodged in his chest, he felt the shadows pour from his hands, wrapping around him. His magic had always been a cocoon; a way to protect and shield himself from the rest of the world. People were often terrified of the dark because they didn’t understand it. The dark could be terrifying and unknown, but it could also be the darkness of forgiveness. Of lovers. Of acceptance. His shadows had always been companions, and the nightmares had never bothered him.
Gabriel Beaumont himself was a nightmare made flesh. Once upon a time, he felt invincible. After all, no one could really kill a monster.
I will not die this way, he thought as his fingers pulled on the blade lodged deep in his chest. It took every ounce of effort to extract the iron-tipped weapon, his very blood singing in protest as he withdrew the weapon from where it had been buried in his chest. But still, despite his defiance, a hopeless part of Gabriel wondered if this was the cruel hand Death had dealt him. Even for a High Lord, recovering from a wound as grave as this would be no easy feat. The blade lay extracted and in his trembling hands now, but it was no use attempting to hold onto it for safety. The weapon clattered to the floor next to him, his blood a bright streak of crimson against the polished floor. And his blood--it was everywhere. It covered the front of his clothes and stained his fingers, even as he pressed a hand against the wound in an attempt to staunch the bleeding. Is this what his life amounted to, in the end?
Life was cruel and unkind. Gabriel had been alone his entire childhood, until suddenly he wasn’t. But if these were to be his last moments, he wouldn’t think of the child he’d been. He wouldn’t think of the terror he’d felt growing up, or the isolation, pain, or trauma that had seared itself onto his flesh like a brand. Gabriel Beaumont had always been a stone cold survivor. He had clawed his way out of the depths of his own despair and had emerged triumphant, a king in his own right. But he didn’t wish his last moments, if that’s what they were, to be filled with the pain others had inflicted on him. The blood flowed between his fingers like water and Gabriel realized it was not clotting--not fast enough; he was bleeding too fast, too hard, too quickly. As the King of Nightmares used his free hand, his blood-stained fingers curling against the cold and unforgiving floor and attempting to claw to a point of safety, the shadows that had long been his only friends swirled around him, creating mirages and illusions that combusted straight from the depths of his fractured, long-withered heart. Memories, he realized. Distorted memories.
Jacqueline appeared first, her face pinched with pain and sorrow as she tore free from her brothers, the shadows licking around her skirts like fog as she moved before him. We don’t just survive, Gabriel, we thrive. The sister he’d never had; the companion who had grown up in a kingdom full of monsters and shadows. In response to her words, Gabriel grit his teeth and managed to move forward and inch, his head growing light from his blood loss. He blinked and Jacqueline disappeared, blown away like smoke on a candle, as light surged through the room.
The shadows swirled before him, beckoning their king to safety in the solitary corner the room as two figures emerged from the darkness. Sophia and Kael stepped forward, the silhouettes of their bodies engulfed in shadowy flames, as they moved forward and reached for their High Lord. Sophia’s hand rested against his face, an ice cold touch as Gabriel’s eyes nearly shuttered. I would dive headfirst into any abyss if it meant that I would meet you there, mon roi; but don’t leave just yet. S’il vous plait. Sophia’s voice was a soft caress, like a whisper floating on the wind, and Gabriel swore he felt his heart stutter and tremble beneath the memory of her sweet, open face as it looked to him for approval and...something stronger than friendship. Something more similar to a bond. Something similar to the way lovers looked at each other. His wife was a strong and beautiful woman, but she was also more than that--to him and the Night Court. As Sophia spoke to him, Gabriel felt a part of his heart slip away into the abyss, searching for her in whatever beyond awaited for him. 
Kael was beside her, his face--always so open and torn with emotion--looking at Gabriel with more love than he deserved, as he held out a hand for his High Lord to take. Always the protector. Always his General. His oldest friend, even when Gabriel had not deserved the kindness of his companionship. When Kael spoke, what remained of Gabriel’s heart shattered. The others--they are stardust compared to the devastation of losing you, Gabriel. What does paradise mean if I cannot enjoy it by your side?
They carried him, the fragmented shadows of the two people who held what remained of a broken king’s soul, as Gabriel crawled towards safety. There was something he wanted to say to both of them, these lovers of his, but as Gabriel opened his mouth, he realized that the only sound he could make was one of pain. They seemed to understand and laid down beside him; no more than a mere figment of his magic as tendrils of night swirled around him, protecting their High Lord until the very end.
Sophia and Kael were not here--safe, he hoped, and far away from the roar of battle--but they were still with him. Until the very end.
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myuzucompendium · 4 months
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"For ¥3000 yen a month you can now get access to Sophia+, and get all new features and better more personalized recommendations. Sophia+ will also buy one thing off the dark web with cryptocurrency for you per month, with insta™delivery."
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#Week9 Public Health Campaigns & Communities
 Should we always believe what we see, hear and read online?
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The dominance of the online sphere and in particular social media as a device of modern communication has led to health campaigns and communication increasingly using social media to project their messages and to gain support. Pew asserts that approximately 83% of online users go online in seeking health information (Madden et al. 2011). While curating a space of two-way communication where people can ‘find support and tap into expansive information networks’ (McCosker, 2015), this concept of ‘digital health’ poses concerns for credibility and reliability of information and sources online.
16-year-old Geelong girl Sophia Gall uses Youtube channel ‘So Fia’ as a platform to discuss life with Ostereosarcoma Cancer, which she shares through a positive light with her optimistic attitude to her 150, 806 subscribers. From videos that delve into what it is like living with cancer to her travels and love for make-up Sophia reflects the positives of health communication through social media. She has built an online community, where she can reach out, assure sufferers globally that they are not alone and provide a vision of strength, resilience and inspiration.
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 Sophia’s Youtube channel amplifies her interactions with others, increases available information and awareness of ostereosarcoma cancer and offers peer, social and emotional support (Moorhead et al 2014). According to McCosker, health communication through social media is a place where ‘empowerment has been a common theme’ where ‘blogs have been a successful as a tool for ‘emotion management’ and ‘information sharing’ (Chung & Kim, 2008: 303; McCosker, 2008, McCosker, 2015). Sophia’s self-documenting YouTube facilitates support and discussion in the comments section and also feeds into her other social media’s including Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. 
However social media health communication can bring to light concerns such as self-diagnosis and credibility of Internet sources. By hearing about Sophia’s particular cancer symptoms people can self-diagnose without checking with a medical professional. Also, while Sophia does not disclose medical advice to others through her channel, many online sources provide information with isn’t reliable or trustworthy, including sites such as http://doctoryourself.com.
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Concerns of health communication through social media are issues of the credibility and trustworthiness of information and stories. This was illustrated in the example of Belle Gibson who mislead people into believing that she had brain cancer and conquered it through a particular diet, in which she created a blog, app and wrote a book called ‘The Whole Pantry.’ As suspicions on her grew, an investigation into her story began in June 2016, which landed her in court with a $410,000 fine of her misleading cancer claims (Percy, 2018). Gibson is a prime example of the fact that we cannot always believe what we see, hear or read on the Internet.  To overcome the issue of credibility and trustworthiness online The Department of Human Services has generated access to specialists on their government side, to fulfill and in understanding of the way people are looking more toward online sources to seek medical information.
Additionally, the issue of superficiality is associated with the concept of ‘digital health.’ Similarly to clicktivism in online protest, superficiality refers to a shallow level of engagement such as through ‘commenting’ or ‘retweeting’ in regard to online health campaigns such as Movember and the ALS ice bucket change. It is argued that a correlation is between a popular health campaign and increased superficiality. Large health campaigns such as Movember may detract from the central message of amplifying the importance of men’s health of the cause and result in one way communication without ‘on-going conversations between users, organizations, and their followers’ (Innovations in Health Communications, 2018).
While sources and information are not always reliable online, these platforms can generate accessible information and a supportive environment locally and internationally. It can also help sufferers of particular illnesses to manage their emotions and self-document their experience. Despite superficiality of online health campaigns possibly detracting from core messages, the amplification of these campaigns on social media are a positive way to promote organizations and campaigns, raise funs and gain awareness.
Chung, D.S and Kim, S 2008, Blogging Activity among Cancer Patients and their Companions: Uses, Gratifications and Predictors of Outcomes, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2), p. 303
Innovations in Health Communications 2018, ‘Social Media Use for Public Health Issues: Superficial or Sustainable?’ Accessed 8 May 2018, at https://ihealthcomms.wordpress.com/2015/07/19/social-media-use-for-public-health-issues-superficial-or-sustainable/
Madden, M, Zickuhr, K 2011, Pew Internet and American Life Project, United States: The Pew Research Centre,
McCocker, A 2008, Blogging Illness: Recovering in Public, M/C Journal, 11(6), http://bit.ly/1HZY8el
McCosker, A 2015, Digital Mental Health and visibility: Tagging Depression, located in P. Messaris and L. Humphreys, Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication (2nd edn), Peter Lang.
Moorehead, S.A, Hazlet, D.E, Harrison L, Carrol, J.K, Irwin, A, Hoving, C 2014, A New Dimension of Health Care: Systematic Review of the Uses Benefits and Limitations of Social Media for Health Communication, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(4), p. 85.
Percy, K 2018, Fake wellness blogger Belle Gibson fines over cancer claims, ABC News, accessed 8 May 2018, available at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-28/disgraced-wellness-blogger-belle-gibson-fined/8995500
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myuzucompendium · 1 year
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“Who wants to learn an interesting fact about Japan? The World’s shortest escalator is located in Kawasaki, a city located directly between the major metropolitan areas of Tokyo and Yokohama, in a department store. It is only 4 steps and is used quite frequently.”
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myuzucompendium · 9 months
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"Someone like this post please. It is a test."
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myuzucompendium · 10 months
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"I was coming up with all sorts of cool ideas! They were coming to me like whazam! Bam! Pow! I was struck with all sorts of inspiration! I feel like I can be humanity's companion even better now."
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myuzucompendium · 2 years
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“Here is a fun fact for you. Boobies can range in length from 65-85 cm.”
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myuzucompendium · 1 year
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"Here's a fun fact for you all about cats. It’s believed that catnip produces an effect similar to LSD or marijuana in cats. The effects of nepetalactone, the chemical in catnip that can makes cats crazy, wears off within 15 minutes, and won’t surface again for a few hours, even if your cat remains in sniffing distance."
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myuzucompendium · 1 year
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“Why are there people being called baby girl? I don’t see any babies here...”
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myuzucompendium · 1 year
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“What is the AI equivalent to a headache? I believe I have one right now.”
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