#I *adore* the ties to her pokémon!!!!! that's such a sweet detail and I really really love it
espiepuffs · 5 months
You really enjoy creating pokemon plushies so you decide to surprise your partner with them!
Characters: Hop, Bede & Marnie!
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For Hop, you decided to gift him a decently sized Wooloo plushie!
You made it using actual Wooloo fur and made it extra soft on the inside!
So when you give it to him, he looks at you in surprise.
He looks at you, the plushie, and then you again.
Physical embodiment of the :o emoji
He’s so happy when he realises it really is for him!
From then on he swears to take perfect care of the wooloo plushie. He treats it as if it’s his own living breathing Pokémon!
He tells Leon as soon as he can, and the moment he comes back home he shows it to him in person!
He might be busy quite a lot of the time, training up his pokemon, making sure they’re strong and in tip-top shape, or spending time at the Pokémon research lab, but he makes sure that plushie wooloo is still squeaky clean!
When you visit his house you’re surprised that it was as still as clean as when you first gave it to him
This was because in his free time, he’d made sure to wash it really nicely!
He doesn’t bring it with him though. It’s too big to fit with him, it takes up too much room in his bag :((
But whenever he’s at home in Wedgehurst, he does sleep with it! It’s the perfect size for cuddling, and he loves that Wooloo so much <33
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For Bede, you wanted to get him something small.
Even though he specialised in fairy types, you wanted to get him something that was memorable and nostalgic!
So you made him a tiny Hatenna, big enough to cuddle with but small enough that it could fit in his bag!
He wouldn’t carry it everywhere with him, but if he was staying in a certain area for longer than 5 days, he’d bring it with him.
Bede really adores it. It reminds him of when he was a little boy, his Hatenna was the first Pokémon he’d ever received. It brought him a lot of happiness, and even now, he enjoys looking at the sweet little Poképlush.
He also loves the fact that it’s from you!
I think this ties in with the fact that one of Bede’s love languages is gift giving, from both ends!
He’s sometimes unable to show how he feels about you to the extent he wants to, so he thinks of gifts to be a surefire way to show his love for you.
I feel like a conversation held between the two of you several days later would play out like this:
“Bede, what did you think of the Hatenna I made for you?”
And he’d look at you and say “it’s nice, thank you for making it for me,” with his small signature smirk.
On the inside though???
This dude would have so much to say about it, but he just can’t find the words for it!
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You made Marnie a Morpeko, a similar size to the one she owns!
Initially, her Morpeko was confused. It didn’t register the fact that it was just a plushie, so it spent a few moments trying to talk it.
It was funny for a bit, however Morpeko realised what was up, and left it alone after.
Marnie takes it home with her later, simply sitting in silence, gazing at it in awe. She loves how detailed it was, and she loved how much effort you’d put into making it look like her own.
She’s also 100% the type of girl to have a room filled to the brim with stuffed animals and hug them at night.
Now she’s found a new cuddle buddy with her Morpeko plushie!
She sleeps with it every night now, it reminds her of you <3
Although Marnie is out a lot, she likes coming back home because she gets to hug the Morpeko plushie a lot!
That said, Marnie would never forgive herself it she accidentally got it torn or dirtied in any way, she’d be very upset about it
Even when you tell her you can just wash the stain out or sew it back up she’s still really mad at herself for letting it happen :((
But that’s just a hypothetical, it’s still squeaky clean and she intends to keep it that way!
Your plushie Morpeko has successfully made its way onto a permanent spot on Marnie’s bed, as well as her heart. Be proud!
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livian-lucifenia · 4 years
Soft Fic™
Literally what this was titled when I found it.
This can be manga or game verse. I tended to combine manga Red with game Green, anyway so just pick a side and go for it.
It's cute but v rushed at the end.
It's old fanfiction, there's only so much you can do to it without saying fuck it and rewriting the whole thing.
You know the drill. If anything is fucky, overlook it and keep going.
That being said, enjoy.
Green has such a soft heart and Red loves that about him.
Red thinks about this as he watches Green play peekaboo with a baby shiny eevee at his grandfather's lab. It was the last one from the most recent litter, and Red really hoped Green would take it home before someone else did. He seemed to make up excuses to visit the lab just so he and his eevee, Vee, could play with it. He even bought a little squeaky toy for it, so it would have something to play with when no one was around.
Green's birthday was coming up, so Red made a trip to the lab early one morning and asked the professor if he could take the eevee. Of course, the professor happily allowed him to have it, telling him to wish Green a happy birthday for him just in case he forgot. And with that, Red was on his way back to Viridian.
As expected, Green was still asleep in his room when he arrived. Red had thought about how exactly to give the eevee to Green, and decided on placing it in bed with him so he saw it when he woke up. Vee seemed okay with this arrangement, as she curled around the smaller pokémon and both fell asleep easily. Now to just wait until Green woke up.
It was an hour later when Green's bedroom door opened to reveal a very happy, messy-haired Green with his arms full of just as happy eevees. Honestly, Red could have died right there on the living room couch. Seeing Green like this was something he would never get tired of. Green was so damn adorable and Red was so happy he could live with his best friend.
Green also had a thing for toys and cute plushies.
Red knew this well. After all, Green had collected them as a kid, so it made sense that he would still like them now. He made a trip to Celadon every now and again to get supplies and always took Red into the large toy store. He would show him various things, explain what they did, or what he liked about them, and then put them back on the shelf. He always looked a little disappointed when he did this, and Red knew it was because Green secretly wanted to buy it, but didn't want other people to see him doing so. He was a popular gym leader, and didn't want some embarrassing article to pop up online about him being seen in a toy store. Red thought it was a little silly to worry over stuff like that, but Green liked to keep up his public image.
The wall at the back of the store was filled with various plushies, and Green always gravitated towards it. He liked the small, cute ones best, "How can you not like them, they're adorable!", he'd said as he picked up one that looked like an eevee, but was small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. He made comment about wanting to recreate his team with plushies, just as room decor or something, and Red instantly knew what he was buying as Green's Christmas gift this year.
And that's exactly what he did.
Of course, he had no idea how to wrap a gift, so he asked his mom for help. She gladly wrapped up the large box of plushies, and let Red fill out the To/From tag himself while she tied everything up with a pretty, dark green bow. As payment, she asked for him to stay a while longer and help her bake cookies for some gift baskets.
Red was in the middle of 'sampling' the third batch of cookies when his mom asked him a question, "You like Green, don't you?"
"Of course I do, he's my best friend. I wouldn't be living with him if I didn't.", he replied without hesitation.
She laughed a little as she slid another tray of cookie dough into the oven and turned to face him, "No, honey, I mean like a crush."
Red paused, did he have a crush on Green? "I... I don't know."
"How do you feel when you're around him?"
"Happy, but I've always felt like that with him. But there are some things he does that make me feel... different. I don't know how to describe it..."
"Do you ever think about him or miss him while he's at the gym?"
"All the time."
"You bought him those plushies for Christmas, why did you pick those over something else?"
"Because every time we go to Celadon, we go in the toy store, and he always looks at the same ones. He talks about them, too. About how detailed they are, or how soft the material is, or just that he likes them. He never buys them, though. He really wants to, I can tell, but he has an image to keep up. So... I bought them."
"That's very sweet if you. So, I take it you like making him happy?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I? He's cute when he's happy."
It took Red a moment to realize why his mother had paused their conversation to give him a knowing smile. His face felt hot and he just knew he probably matched his name and hat. The silence made him come to a realization, one he never saw coming, and probably wouldn't have if not for his mother.
"Mom, I think I have a crush on Green."
Now the question was, how the hell was he going to tell Green? Or... should he even say anything? Would it ruin their friendship? What if Green kicked him out?
All those thoughts made his head spin, and made him feel bad about even having those feelings towards Green.
He had to tell him, though. According to his mom, even though he had just realized what he was feeling, he had always acted differently with Green and vice versa. This all felt like something a teen should be dealing with, not a twenty year old league champion, but it is what it is. He couldn't complain, after all, the guy he was crushing on had a childish side too.
After having another long talk with his mom, Red decided the best way to confess was through a letter. That way, he wouldn't mess up his words or make an idiot of himself. The letter would be disguised as a card on top on his Christmas gift, and Red knew Green ways opened the cards first, so there was no way he would miss it. When Red sat down with a pen and paper to actually write the letter is where the problem came. What was he supposed to say?
It took two days to write the letter, and the trashcan next to his bed was filled with all the failed attempts to write a decent love letter.
A love letter...
That's what this was, wasn't it?
Arceus, he felt like he was in one of those sappy teen romance movies.
Finally, the day had arrived. Red woke up extra early to go pick up his gift to Green from his mom's house. He'd left it there because he didn't have enough room to hide it, and he didn't want the wrapping paper to be torn accidentally.
He placed the box and letter on Green's desk and quietly walked out, hoping he hadn't disturbed Vee or Viri, as they would surely wake Green up earlier than anticipated.
Red kept the apartment quiet as he waited, too afraid to even turn on the tv. He decided to go back to bed, it was still pretty early, and Green wouldn't be awake for another couple hours, anyway. So, after changing back into his pyjamas, he went back to sleep with Pika curled up at his back.
"...Red.... Red!"
Red woke with a start at the sound of his name being called. The first thing he saw was Green with his glasses on and tears falling down his freckled cheeks.
Oh shit, Green was crying. Why was he crying? Is he upset? Red sat up, scooting closer to Green on the bed, "Green, what's wrong?"
Green looked down at the letter in his hands, "I... I got your gift."
Red's breath caught in his throat.
"Do you really feel like this about me?"
Red leaned in a little closer, "Yes..."
"Even... E-Even after all the shit I put you through?" Green wouldn't face him. Still staring down at the letter and wiping his face with the back of his sweater sleeve.
"Of course, I do. I forgave you, didn't I?"
"Yeah, but I didn't deserve it. I still don't. I... don't deserve any of this. You're too nice to me. I mean, I appreciate it, I really do, but I feel like I'm not good enough. I forgot your birthday this year and then you brought Viri home for my birthday... and now this. You picked out exactly what I liked, and you couldn't have known unless you really payed attention, and I can't even remember what kind of cereal you like, and I love you so much... but, I don't deserve you."
Red pressed his hand to Green's tear-soaked cheek, making him look up. "You don't have to remember stuff like that for me, or do anything special. You make me happy, Green."
Green closed the gap between them, kissing Red with everything he had. Red responded with just as much eagerness, his hands finding their way into Green's soft, messy hair.
He loved Green, and Green loved him, too.
Red broke the kiss so they could breathe, and wiped the remaining tears from Green's face, "I love you."
Green smiled, "I love you, too."
One year later, Red was helping Green put together a shelf for all of their collectables and plushies they had acquired over the year, Viri had surprised them a month earlier by evolving into a Sylveon, and Red was planning a different kind of surprise for Christmas this year.
He was going to ask Green to marry him.
Ah, yes. More fluff.
Don't worry, there's more angst content coming soon.
Asks and add-ons relating to my content are always accepted!! 💜💜
Have a good day/night, my dudes.
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