#I JUST....
ofmd-ann · 3 months
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Rhys Darby - Coming & Going (2011)
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
just caught up on the pjo show and tbh Grover's interaction with Ares was hilarious but VERY (like, completely) ooc for him, tbh
grover in general just feels like a very different character than he was in the books, I'm a little (okay more than a little) annoyed
honestly as much as I'm enjoying Aryan's portrayal, as the show progresses the less and less this feels like a depiction of book Grover. Like, did I think master manipulator Grover playing Ares was funny? Absolutely. Did it feel like something book 1 Grover would have done? Not particularly.
And I think I would be vibing with these changes more if the show wasn't also removing Grover from scenes where he was either: extremely helpful, made the right call, or actively saved Percy and Annabeth.
Like in the book, Grover made the initial correct call about Medusa and then actively battled her to the best of his ability. In the show, his correct call is given to Annabeth and he can't control the shoes so he's removed from the scenario so Percy and Annabeth can talk about it. Then he accidentally crashes into the boxes which distracts Medusa. This is the extent of his "help" to them.
Then he's removed from the Water Land parts entirely. In the book, he saved Percy and Annabeth from either death or at minimum extreme bodily harm from crashing into the asphalt, but in the show he's forced to stay with Ares as collateral. And then the show did attempt to give him something to do by manipulating Ares and I promise, I do understand the intent behind the scene, but again, since I find it very unlikely that Grover's going to correctly identify the lightning thief in the next episode, he didn't really get anything valuable for the team.
And just to be clear: it's not that I'm upset that show Grover's going to be wrong, because I do think it's important for characters to be able to make mistakes, make wrong calls, etc. It's just that as of now (episode 5) you could have removed show Grover from the quest and it would have hardly made a single difference.... That's not good. And you cannot say the same for book Grover at this same point in time.
Then the show's also removed Grover's personal stake in the quest from the book: his last chance to redeem himself to get his license, and his consequent motivation to one day search for Pan.
Book Grover also feels exceedingly guilty and perceives himself as a failure, and the show's barely touched on at it at all, and sure, we have a few more episodes to circle around to this but we still should have had more seeds of this sewn by now. It's more impactful for it to be carried through the plot rather than exposition-dumped in the final hour.
So I guess here's to hoping that in the last three episodes, the show will allow Grover to do more in the trio beyond providing conflict management and comic relief. And actually provide concrete and useful help.
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andersdotters · 3 months
People who write non-yandere x reader fics about Dottore are so funny like this man is not capable of normal love! He will take your love and use it against you. He will experiment in you against your will. He will Nina Tucker you if it tickles his fancy. If you view him any differently you are in denial.
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storge · 5 months
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SHISON JUN | Fermat's Cuisine (2023)
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itoshiki--hito--e · 1 year
Messy Kazurei doodle (~‾▿‾)~
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moonlitdark · 1 year
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📷 sarah.vdbg IG (via jamiebowersfan)
Still not over how Jamie looks at his fans.
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cinamun · 5 months
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Have we talked yet about how she isn't to blame?
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scary-grace · 2 months
call the quilt I'm making for my brother the Indominus rex because it's bigger than expected
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deliciousnecks · 2 years
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What we do in the shadows  //  4.04       ↳ unnecessary large gifs of  {  Nandor The Relentless }
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
Nancy is such an interesting character because as I’ve said before, she’s determined to change the shitty world around her but it’s not because she’s filled with some unbridled optimism. I wouldn’t even call her an optimist, she’s more of a realist.
Nancy Wheeler is a character that is filled with lifetimes of passed down feminine rage. We’ve seen this since season one. She has watched her mother and presumably her grandmother settle for lives they didn’t want. Marry the first ‘decent’ man that came along, not out of love but because it was expected of them. If they had dreams they didn’t get to pursue them because who would stay home to take care of the kids?
She’s not going to settle. She’s not going to become her mom. Nancy Wheeler won’t fucking stop till the world conforms to her. Even if she has to fight for it with blood and tears. She’s a damn way maker.
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rennarita · 6 months
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Looking up the ages of all the boys in MOTA And BoB and The Pacific and good lord they were all so young. All of them were under the age of 30, most were under the age of 25. Just babies going to war really.
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downtowncannibal · 2 years
today I want to passionately make out with Billy Lenz
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stannussy · 29 days
Mmmhhh so... Something something how basically Joseph and Jason are both the figure of a father (one "angelic" And other one "satanic") and how it changes depending on their "children" Mainly from Faith's part she has his very complicated, relationship with Joseph, he provides status, a place at one of his most trusted in her table maybe even above his brothers, he gives her power, but also he doesn't give protection, John and Jacob could mess as much as they want but no serious harm will come to them, Faith in the other hand... She is a construction out of Joseph's head, an idea and if she cannot uphold it then she must be replaced.
But then comes Jason, he is outspoken, a bit rowdy but kind. He is Joseph's new obsession and Faith is smart. She makes herself a point to be loved by Jason, she is just a poor girl that got dragged into all of this (to a certain point, well, she was!) But then Jason does genuinely love her as a child, he wants her protection and has nothing but bondless need to give her a good place and ofc not for her to die.
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triski73 · 27 days
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gay-mooshrooms · 6 months
why are you so quiet???
thinking bout, "I AM SALLY JACKSONS SON!"
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