ratstaratstar · 2 months
HAI :D sorry i dont remember if i asked but if you have requests open, could you draw pinestar ? ^_^ i LOOOVE your artstyle SO much !!!
i hc him to be a bit rounded & pretty fluffy if thats ok!!! :3c
thank you so much!!! and sure! i probably couldve made him rounder though ^^" i ended up more focused on the pose
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possessedpasm · 2 months
i just found your account and i'm so so so so so in love with your ocs and your artstyle and it's all just so AMAZING!!!! leave some swag for the rest of us fr!!
i've seen some of your traditional stuff and wanted to ask what pens/pencils you use to sketch?? and have you ever tried coloring/making finished illustrations traditionally?
i'm a traditional artist (i just fill sketchbooks and never make anything finished) and everytime i see tutorials for comicbook/misprint/vintage-y art it's always digital (probably because of the aging and editing possibilities). so I'm curious if you've ever tried it (or if it's even possible lol)
thank you so much for sharing your art with us!!
Oh thank you so much!! 😭
I do make lots of traditional art, and I looove working with ink. I gravitate towards Pilot fine points and Speedball for making comics, but really just experimenting with different ones on different media is the best :]
And it is totally possible to make hand-drawn misprints! Once you got your linework, get yourself some alcohol markers (preferably in cmyk colors) and lay them down individually in layers, staggering each color to one side/outside the lines a little! Also tracing over your lines with a different color pen gives you a chromatic aberration appearance, too!
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Also, even if you do a little ink wash/water color over your work, it can really make it pop! You can even add "stains" to the art that way...
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Also, lastly, solid blocks of color and linework over it reflecta the UPA style, which is SUPER fun to do with paint and pens!
So there's tons of ways to get your traditional art to look vintage :D I'm glad you asked, thank you!
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pshenyasstuff · 30 days
Art requessst:
Maybe something Zim and Y/n sharing a scarf?
Also i LOOOVE your artstyle so much its soo good like i dont even have words to explane how happy i get when i see you post new stuff /pos
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I love your arts too and the way you draw your Oc and Zim!! They so sweet and funny together‼️
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nouverx · 2 months
I just want to say I looove your art style!! It reminds me of a manga :>
Thank you so much!! ❤
And ahah that doesn't surprise me! I started drawing when I was twelve, I was a huuuuge manga reader back then, I fell in love with Fairy Tail's art style and redrew so many FT manga pages this manga is part of my DNA now
My second biggest influence on my artstyle is Voltron, I loved the artstyle so much and I kept drawing pidge over and over again and I feel like the influence is so apparent in my artstyle now :'D
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basketobread · 5 months
i just found your account and i LOVEEEE your artstyle and your oc lunara !!! could i draw her? :0
merry christmas btw 🫶
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AWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! and YESSSSS!!! OF COURSE!!! you don't even have to ask HAHAHA i LOOOVE receiving art of ANY of my characters!! it's such an honor that you'd even want to draw her 😭😭🙏🙏❤❤❤ AND MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO!!! and to anyone else who'll be celebrating this year <33333
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dailyrioranger · 6 months
DAY 186 :
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^^^ the background was supposed to be transparent but it's white .. now .. for some reason ... whatver ..
ANYWAY DTIYS RESULTS! im sorry for the wait, i was planning something way cooler for this but for reasons i couldnt, and i didnt want to keep you waiting any longer.. THIS WILL BE A LONG POST SO results under the cut !
FIRST OFF: i decided to change the prizes a little because i want to doodle something for everyone who participated... !!! So yeah!! also! you can see each one's pieces by clicking on the usernames written in orange <- like that
with no more to say, THE LONG AWAITED RESULTS ARE HERE!!!
3rd PLACE GOES TO....!!!:
@evanescencefan101 & @averagecatdoodlesenjoyer !!!!!!
I could not choose just one.... i love these so much...
EVANESCENCEFAN101 i love your colors . i love the purple shading it looks SO GREAT and the epic face . Bye bye rio ... his expressions looks great too THIS IS JUST PERFECT I THINK thank you so much ...
AVERAGECATDOODLESENJOYER this left me SPEECHLESS i looove these paper cutout stuff so much. what are they called do they have a name . i love it so much ALSO THE EFFECTS it makes it look so cool... really cant put into words how much i love this
TWO DOODLES OF ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE (It can be full body, half body, etc. and you can request more than one character per doodle)
@asoingbob !!!!!!
ASOINGBOB like you said, your style is very different and i think thats SO cool... this is impressive honestly, i love your shading and the expression looks very good. VERY well done ... love to see my piece adaptated in such a different artstyle I LOVE THIS... thank you so much!!!!!! also the clothes are very well drawn too. and i love the background wuaauuhhh....
A DOODLE OF WHATEVER YOU'D LIKE !!! (It can be full body, half body, etc. and you can request more than one character per doodle)
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@corvidcrowned !!!!!!! 🎉
CORVIDCROWNED throws confetti at you . your piece is just. WOW. WOOAH. it was one of the first submissions too... i'm amazed by your ability of drawing such cool stuff in such a short period of time !!! ALSO JUST. amazed by this piece in general... your rendering is so good... his expression too.. SO GREAT... i am a big fan of when people draw yttd dolls to look like theyre actually dolls i love the joints (<- is that what theyre called? like. the knees and elbows) and the wires this is amazing... THE LIGHTING.. he is the spotlight, it's like he's in a theatrical play... AND IM PRETTY SURE IVE SAID THAT BEFORE... when reblogging but... thats okay. ALSO HIS EYES ARE GLOWING ouhhgh i really cant express how much i love this ... this is so fucking cool thank you...
TWO DOODLES OF WHATEVER YOU'D LIKE!! (It can be full body, half body, etc. and you can request more than one character per doodle)
Choosing the winners was a really hard decision to make... all of the pieces are so good... I felt bad not making something for some people so i decided to make a doodle for everyone who participated :] I'm so happy so many cool drawings were originated because of a drawing i made thank you...
if you participated in the DTIYS, send me a message telling me what you would like me to doodle for you!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
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sharkfinn · 6 months
Hey, you said that you came up with the Little Brother au before you started Tumblr, right?
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So, since I haven't been following you for that long, or at least, I think so, what was your inspiration for making this au? When did you exactly come up with the idea? Do you have any original title names?
Also, a silly question: What are all the fandoms you are currently in? Just in case your pinned post is outdated :]
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oh man. hmm
i got into tmnt 4th april 2021, because i wanted to rewatch 2012, only remembered some of it from when i was little, then deciding yup i want to look at everything tmnt. then i got hyperfixated
he started out as a really ambiguous any iteration oc, around the time i was reading the northampton arc of idw, (late juneish 2021?) was when i first drew him, all it was was just hehe silly green masked ninja turtle in sophie campbells idw artstyle
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(i love sophie campbells art its so good)
then i drew him in the 2012 series, and he became more of his own character. in my old idea for 2012 he was significantly moody and overconfident, had his own abandoned area in the subway tunnels for spraypainting, was good buddies with raph but really didnt like leo at all. also had a scar on his shell, for some reason?? i wont say why but he can super easily be slapped into another iteration and i love that
it was only when i watched rise and tried to imagine him in their universe too that i went hold on- we got a whole potential story here. little brother was a placeholder title really, but i couldnt think of anything better soo. little brother.
the vine flesh concept was an absolutely random idea at first that was way too cool to drop.
i did have this whole really cool arc planned where eventually draxum did get tricked into allying with the foot, theyd protect five whod help fight the mad dogs for the kuroi yoroi shards, ("looking for this?") and hed also be able to sabotage the armour in some way.
but. i couldnt have this in because 1. distract way too much from the story i want to tell. 2. having shredder appear in the comic would ask for an entire shredder arc and respectfully no thanks lol.
just imagine five is in s2 trust me hes there hes awesome (oh and you know how in canon, shredder needed to take power from draxum, and it looked like he took the vines power from him? uhuh. and you know how five also has it? but instead its the only thing keeping him stuck together? uhuh. anyways!)
ohh!! cool oc trivia- his weapon was kinda undecided between tonfa (before i watched rise) or two scythes i referenced it in page 20 :D !!
his weapon would still be scythes i think, if he wasnt using the vines as his weapon
and no i try to keep my master post updated all the time, theres HEAPS more stuff i like, just complicated to think what to put on there? for example i looove how to train your dragon, but havent seen much of it past rewatching the 3 movies, thats nothing compared to rewatching all of adventure time 5 times. i dunno!
the way my interests work is that theres a selection of 1-3 that my brain focuses on, but it doesnt make any of the others less or i stopped liking them at all or anything. i have so many interests help me
right NOW im really hyperfixated on danny phantom and tf2!!
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quotidianish · 1 year
oh god I LOOOVE YOUR ARTSTYLE SO BADLY /POS CRYING SCREAMING could you do demospy art????
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AAA TY!!!!! <33 demospy w read a really good fic about it some time back
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lazirayxi · 1 month
hi neli!!!! you probably noticed how i was going crazy in my tags over ur art jghkkjg, i just now remembered that asks exist and that i should drop in to say smth first of all, i LOVE your art!!!! ur style is suuuper cute, and your silly little mice drawings are some of my faves in the patb fandom💕 i'm especially happy abt seeing a bunch of sleepy snuggling ones, i literally think about pinky and brain cutely sleeping together all the time but couldn't find any fanart like that, so ur blog is like a dream come true to me!! like honestly i saw them and went 🤯🤯🤯😫😫🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰 i genuinely love all artists in the patb fandom bc there's a tooon of wonderful talented and original ppl, but ur style is definitely one of the cutest imo, i looove when ppl draw mice fluffy and with huge ears!!!! i think it partially reminds me of bunnies, so they end up looking like two coolest rodents at the same time!! aand that also makes ur dark pinky fanart cooler, because dp looks adorable but is still a bad bitch so it kinda creates a contrast of sorts jgkhj i love that sm but like mice aside, ur woy fanart is so cool?? AND YOUR WARNER SIBS ARE ACTUALLY AMAZING???? i kind of wish you would draw warners more just because they look so nice in ur style (its okay tho if u want to just draw gay mice i totally respect that💯💯) also this is a bit unrelated but i was sooo surprised to see someone reblogging m&m stuff kljklkjljl (as in мастер и маргарита), не каждый день тут встретишь ценителей русской культуры 😌 anyway, amazing blog, amazing art, amazing taste in music (against the kitchen floor is literally pov brain realised that he's way too avoidant and you can't change my mind), u are very cool and i'm glad i found u on here👍👍 with love from blooky💜
OH MP GOD. For your information im not used to receive so many compliments at the same time and I’m kinda overwhelmed, but in a very positive way. THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH ???? Drawing eepy snuggling mice is something I’ve been made for, that’s kind of my favorite genre of brinky art </3 I’m glad you love my art style, too, i love drawings the mice with huge ears, they’re so silly <3
I actually want to draw Warner sibs more, i just still didn’t completely develop an artstyle for them, but i miss them so much.
Also THE MASTER AND MARGARITA APPRECIATOR??? I literally FELL IN LOVE with this book the second I finished it, not to mention that I’m a huge Russian classics enjoyer in general, but Bulgakov has some books that i can reread many times and not get bored. Кстати русский я тоже неплохо знаю (8 лет жизни в России дают о себе знать) :3
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mikenlos · 27 days
hi!!! is it ok to use your art as pfp in social media outside of tumblr? with due credit of course!! i looove your artstyle ;w;
Hey ! Thank you fort asking first :) And yeah you have the right if you of course credit me in the bio of your social media ♥
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pomegranateflesh · 4 months
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wowowooooooww breaking the flow of time and space again I see?
helloooo long time no post I see, here am I to feed the fans with CONTENT, this time an Album Cover redraw of Cure Sky,
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this is a redraw of the Album: Soaring of Puzzle, i fcking love Puzzle man, you guys haven't seen it yet but I'm a huge huge HUUUUGE fan of the band The Garden, so of course I'm a huge fan of each of the members solo career as well, I don't remember if I've listened to the whole album of Soaring yet but what I do know is that I LOOOOOOVE love looove the song "Soaring" from that album,
it's such an upbeat yet melancholy tune and the lyrics match as well, talking about soaring through past pains, I mostly interpret it to be about exes but it can be about soaring past anything, any problem in your way,
but it also talks about keeping the things the person referred in the song thought him, "she gave me something to have forever", and I think that is very beautiful, to be able to keep that happiness still even though that person isn't part of your life anymore, keeping the little things they thought you, it's beautiful yet saddening but what can we do? unlearning things is hard, why not carry those things learned with us regardless?
as you can see my autistic ass looooves this song
now as for the drawing, as you could guess by the clean lines I made this on my phone with my fingers in IbisPaintX, the idea was to try and copy the HirogaruSky's artstyle the most but uhhm.... I've always HATED doing the lineart, so much so that for a good year I just scanned my sketches from paper directly into IbisPaint with a filter and cleaned it just to skip past doing the lineart,
so uhmmm... it didn't really pan out, but it sure was quite fun seeing what composes the Hirogaru artstyle, and after dissecting it I now see it really isn't thaaaaat hard to copy but oh welllll
an explanation for the colors is that while searching for a good render of Cure Sky I've come across just how different the colors look from one official art to another, and I took that to my advantage, and did a "canon muted version" and a "headcanon colorful version" its fun to see how they differentiate, and it combines well with the upbeat yet mellow approach of the Album
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did i mention yet that I drew all this initially to use it as a thumbnail for a damn AMV? no? well... yeah I was thinking of doing a HirogaruSky tribute with this song since the anime ended and yknow.. if you translate HirogaruSky's name it CAN be translated as "SoaringSky Precure".. soooo.....🥺
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linked-maze · 1 year
new reader here!!! im obsessed with this comic and cant wait for more <333 i looove your artstyle and the designs and how youve written their personalities and dkdjdjskskks (also im wondering are we going to see twilight link in human form sometime? :33)
AH! thank you so much!! ;w; and yeah we will- kinda XD
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maxyartwork · 3 months
I've been absolutely in love with your art for the longest time! You're artstyle is just- *chef's kiss*
Who is your favorite female character to draw and favorite male character (I noticed you don't draw a lot of male characters, but still curious)?
Hope you have a wonderful day!
thank you so so much! I really appreciate messages like these, absolutely makes my day!
favorite female character to draw is def black widow, is the one I have the most practice, other than being my favorite character of all time.
and male character, I really like drawing Robert Pattinson’s batman! I’ve drawn him like 5 times (haven’t posted all of them, lol) and enjoyed it! And, I don’t know if it counts, all the spider boys with their uniforms! It’s kinda cheating since I don’t draw their faces but I looove drawing the spider uniforms!
Have a good day🥰
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diamondsheep · 7 months
hi ram!! 5, 7, 21 and 28 for the ask game ^-^
HI PETER 💖💖💖!!! Thank you for the asks !!!!
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
OHH there's a LOT more art that i don't post than the one that i post 😅 this happens bc sometimes my sketches are too chaotic and i dont want to clean them or draw lineart or i want to color them but i get lazy and never do it asjdgkasgdk
also bc i'm a bit of a perfectionist and idk sometimes i feel weird about posting sketches which is kinda dumb ( aghdajhsg this is what art college does to you 😭😔) but maybe one day i will overcome my perfectionism and i will post my incomplete drawings
Here are some drawings of Dr.Xeno and Francois that i never posted
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and here's how my sketches look :
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( these are Senku and Gen from a comic thing that i wanted to make lol )
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
cross stitch 👀✨hehe <3
but i also love sculpting ( i tried this one and it is so difficult 😭), also stained glass !! i LOVE IT and i would like to try it one day ( i even have a character based on stained glass )
but in general i appreciate all art forms !!! it's really cool to see how other artists work and create amazing artwork
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
Hirohiko Araki's art style of course, i love jojos but aa his art style is so detailed !!!
the art of Q Hayashida, the creator of Dorohedoro !! i love that her artstyle is kinda messy ? and creepy <3
tbh i love all the artstyles that are messy and that you can actually see the brush work!! i would looove that my art looked like that
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
AHSGDAJSHDGAS PETER !! do u read minds or something bc today i received an email with the confirmation that i'm going to be an artist in an OP Zine >:Dc !!! and this will be the first time that i partipate in a zine !!
and well i also participated in a Sonic Collab drawing on IG but i can't find the post ?? but here is the link of the drawing i made 😅
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cemetery-walks · 5 months
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us together !!!
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starrysharks · 1 year
how do you go about creating characters and designs and a story for them?? im an aspiring character designer / storyteller and i looove your designs so im curious!!
when it comes to stories, i always try to imagine something that turns common tropes/things on their head ! like for ultimate excalibur, as its focused heavily on naval stuff, sailing and pirates, instead of regular ships on the sea, its all in space ! and for reassassination, the main character is a teenager, but her dramas are all mostly focused on assassinating people while juggling exams and rumors, so i guess it's kinda like a juxtaposition? for my stories i always get a lot of inspiration from other media (ult. ex is inspired greatly by the premise of one piece and other media and reassassination is very loosely inspired by panty and stocking), so it's good to broaden ur horizons when looking for new things to watch/play/read - you could find a new story idea from that!
for designs, i focus on three things: character personality, profession, and cool/cuteness factor. for example, musa marine - she has a bright and energetic personality, so her colors are bright and sunny (yellows and blues), she's a pirate, so her clothes are rugged, and she's more cool than cute to me, so 'cool' pieces of clothing are added like her big hat. other 'cool' character traits include V-CON's shades and clyde's scarf, but cuter characters like mina have other design traits like a starfish hairpin (who is also mina's manager!) i like to call these specific design traits 'the key point' - to me, theyre what make the designs unique! i use a mental 'cute - mix - cool' scale for that, but you don't need to if you don't want to! its just a weird thing i like to do ^_- but stuff like that is just the beginning!! when designing characters you have to take into account how they'll look next to everyone else in the cast - even if they have a similar color pallete to another character, they have to look unique while still being obvious as someone from your story's universe ! like, if i gave savory animal ears and plunked him into ult. ex, he'd look out of place because his sharp design and darker color scheme clashes with everyone else. speaking of sharpness, shapes are really important too! for my own designs, i like to take one or two shapes and apply those to as many aspects of the design as i can - like in my deep cut designs, i tried to focus on sharp, triangular shapes! shape language can help accentuate personality especially if you have a more cartoony/anime artstyle ! :D there are lots of people who are better than me at explaining character design/story stuff so i'd suggest you look at other guides or watch videos on how to write + design! also, this is just a me thing, but if i see a design or a story that i really like that inspires me to draw/write something, for the first few weeks/months of the development, i like to wear that inspiration on its sleeve if that makes sense? like it'll look *very* heavily inspired as it starts out - this is because i know that as the story develops, the characters/story will be redesigned to look unique ! like, when i first started writing starsaints carnival in 2021-ish, all the characters looked like rip-offs of characters from worlds end club lol ,, but as i redesigned the characters (3 times!!), they now all have (imo) unique designs while still looking inspired by wec!!
that's pretty much it about character design and story, sorry this is so long ;w; ,,, i just like talking about characters and stories,,, hope this helps !!
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