#I also made a cauldron shaped candle holder for some witchcraft stuff
I just spent about 3-4 hours doing air dry clay stuff and HOLY SHIT WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT
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quantum-natura · 7 years
Do you use your 7 altars for different things?
I sure do! Here’s what purpose they all serve:
Spell craft altar: This is where I keep the majority of my witchcraft tools including incense, essential oils, crystal chips, spell candles, various herbs, salts, a besom, my athame, my wand, powders I’ve crafted, mortar & pestle, and some other random magical items. I have my lunar calendar positioned above as well as some spiritual art prints.
Cleansing and charging altar: This is the altar where my most high vibe crystals hang out, as well as my himalayan salt candle holder that I use to cleanse my pendulums and talismans, and a large heart shaped piece of himalayan salt to cleanse crystals I use daily. It has photos of sacred geometry and contains an overflow stash of essential oils and incense that don’t fit in my spell craft altar. As the name of the altar states, this one is used mostly for cleansing and charging. 
Death magic altar: I use this altar for all things related to death witchcraft. It houses the grief vessels I’ve made for my mother and father (they have both passed on), some herbs that correspond to spirit work and the dead, some photos of my dead relatives, candles, crystals, and ethically sourced animal bones. It’s sort of a joint altar for the psychopomps I work with, as well as where I leave all of my ancestor spirit offerings. 
Nightstand altar: I have PTSD, so this is my ‘self-care’ altar. It has an essential oil diffuser, a himalayan salt lamp, various crystals that help with tranquility, a candle, homeopathic supplements that assist with my symptoms, an herbal meditation eye pillow/mask, and essential oil blends that are soothing. I struggle with hyper-vigilance, insomnia, and intrusive thoughts, so that’s why this particular altar is on my nightstand. I need it to be as accessible as possible. 
Venus altar: This is my devotional altar where I honor Venus. It has a statue of her, a photo of the path of Venus, crystals, candles, other sacred items, and basically just a bunch of stuff I love. There is a place by the statue to leave offerings and it also has my manifestation box placed on it as well. 
Working altar: This is where I cast the majority of my spells. It faces north and has a large ritual candle on it, a silver pentacle, various crystal specimens, my mini cauldron, some ethically sourced animal bones, and an incense burner. I use my spell craft altar to craft the spells and this is the altar where I cast them.
Bathroom altar: My bathroom altar is pretty simple and contains various crystal specimens, as well as my spelled rosemary plant. I suppose it’s a glamour magic altar of sorts, but it mostly just makes me happy, so that’s why it’s there. 
Like I said, I’m a little altar obsessed (≧◡≦)
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