#I am not immune to validation
krazieka2 · 11 months
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Assassins!! They’re friends!!!!
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merrilark · 10 months
me: wants to write but feels too cruddy about writing to do so
email: you got kudos!
me dying, coming back to life, and immediately opening word doc:
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moongothic · 6 months
Seen at least one (1) person complain about Crocodile losing his "unique faceshape" (now having the same facial structure that 90% of OP men have) after episode 1086 came out and like
To be fair, yes, the shape of his head HAS changed since his first appearance in The Year 2000. The thing is, Toei's latest Crocodile Offering is frankly more in-line with how Oda drew Crocodile during Impel Down and Marineford than ever before. Like yeah he looks different, but this change isn't new
But that comment really did make me think about how FUNNY it is just how different Croc really looks from his first appearance, like. The evolution in how Oda draws the bastard is so facinating to me
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These are from chapters 155, 160 and 205 respectively.
No massive changes happening here in the middle of the arc, but you can kinda tell that Oda was definitely still figuring out how this asshole was supposed to look as he got further into the Alabasta (which is perfectly normal), which just makes That First Appearance look even funnier with time because. Who the fuck is that lmaooo
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But then we get to see him briefly during Miss Goldenweek's cover story, this being from the cover of chapter 413! All things considdered, bastard hasn't changed that much, still looks pretty much the same as in Alabasta. His head is maybe a little less elongated than before but still, chin is quite pointy still
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And now we're in Impel Down at chapter 540. Again, dude looks about the same as he did before...
But it really doesn't take long for Oda to start reshaping this bastard's entire head at this point
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Chapters 544, 546, 578, and cover of chapter 584
The chin is easily the most obvious part, but you can tell Oda kind of defaulted to giving him that same ol' evenly square-ish head most his conventionally attractive characters have during these story arcs (instead of the elongated shape he originally had).
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And then we have the latest appearances, from 1082 and 1100
I do feel like comparing these to what's come before would be a little unfair considdering his health and eyesight and how those affect the artwork itself, but. They're there, for comparison's sake
But the point is still there. Crocodile's face shape has changed since his first appearance, but it's not like Toei was behind that, the change was (mostly) gradual and from Oda himself. And it mostly happened in 2008, so it's not new by any means either
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So really, all Toei did was just update his character model because ⬆️ is more accurate than ⬇️ for One Piece right now
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Regardless. The sheer difference between the two is hysterical to me
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
You once mentioned that if Leia had been raised a jedi, her master would be Mace Windu - would you please elaborate on this? I find the idea really interesting
Sounds like something I may have said at one point.
Keeping in mind that my preferred way to handle Star Wars canon is to ignore most of it, Mace Windu is a character that I am kinda willing to accept under a pretty broad range of interpretations. That said, something I like to keep when I'm writing him is the idea that he's directs his feelings (good or bad) into action. This is because he's stuck in an Order that frequently doesn't move fast enough and for some people there are few things more frustrating than inaction.
(Is that a correct interpretation of his character? Who cares!)
I'd also say that it is a frustration fueled by love of the Order, and a strong sense of compassion? And him just wanting what he loves to be the best it can be. He's in a structurally strong organization, has a strong personality, and has had to adapt. He's constantly balancing a lot of dichotomies.
Anyway, I just feel like these are things that could play into him being an interesting teacher for Leia. I can see her by nature not only feeling to big for the structure of the Order, but being vocal about it. I can see Mace relating to that, but wanting to guide her into finding a way to fit in because there's so much good if she can just access it.
And Leia would definitely retaliate by constantly goading him into doing things he didn't mean to (but secretly wanted to).
Also, I feel like the visual of Mace Windu striding into a room with a tiny Leia at his side would be sort of perfect. Especially since people would learn very quickly she's just as dangerous as he is. And probably more verbally devastating.
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soramystic · 2 years
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Now the dutch word ‘onweer’ can mean a few different things. Literally translated it means “un-weather” (on-weer) and can be used to describe stuff like a thunderstorm, rainstorm, storms in general, heavy rainfall, etc. 
In this case you could charitably use it to describe this lightning-charged eviction notice. (Seriously if anyone gets to choose violence @ the Void Dragon it’s Tess. I forgot if she knows or not but either way it’s fun to think about.)
Erin Ruunaser, Tess Ruunaser, and the Void Dragon are from @comicaurora 
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
i need to stop drawing things that i cannot share and won't be able to post for weeks or months because they are huge spoilers... but will i??? 😭😭😭
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birchbow · 10 months
Hey birch! Quick ask for your writing on POF. What do you like the most about your Kurloz and Gamzee? If you could pick a few favorite things or traits from the versions of them you created, what do you think those would be? It's ok if you skip, I just got curious. I love your epic clown sagaaa 🥰🥰
!!! :Oc oh huh! My favorite traits are almost always the ones that create friction--some of those are neutral but create drama and some of them are outright negative, lol. Short answer, PoF Gamzee's a reckless coward and PoF Kurloz is incredibly dangerous and proud over top of a deep well of insecurity. Long answer.....under the cut, lol.
The Gamzee I write is, and I say this with authorial love and tbh no moral judgment, kind of a coward. He's not scared of the same stuff as most of us would be, he's good at combat and he likes pain, but also he's hugely, deeply afraid--of lots of stuff, but especially being left behind, and that drives a ton of his characterization.
Being left/abandoned is a pretty returning theme for a reason! From the very first chapter, when Gamzee's internal monologue is basically, "Well, time for the thing that made me happy to Go Away again. Hopefully if I'm good and I wait well enough, it'll eventually come back." He's been captured on his first mission, is his family going to leave him to die? Karkat's cocooning, is he ever coming back? Kurloz is poisoned and the family is turning on him as a suspect, are they done with him forever? He's the lynchpin of the Cult of Flesh's heresy, are his gods going to turn their faces away from him?
And when he feels like he has been abandoned, he goes through cycles of rage and then retreating from the rage, because being angry is holy but being angry is bad and drives people away, but being angry feels right, but-- It drives him to be overly obliging, trying not to drive people away, and it pushes him to be vicious when somebody seems to be interfering with his grasp on the things he values. It makes him a very sweet guy who'd do just about anything for the people he cares about, and it makes him clingy and dependent and blindly devoted, and prone to lashing out when he feels like they don't care about him as much as he cares about them!
I identify with a lot of that as an author, but I also just feel like it dovetails pretty neatly into the scant amounts of canon characterization we get for Gamzee, so I find it very compelling to read/write!
As far as Kurloz goes, what I like most about him as a character is probably like...his pride? And (especially because this is a kinky sex fic) the shame that goes along with that.
On a very surface level, the concept of the Grand Highblood as a grumpy, proud old guy who's getting reluctantly dragged in the direction of a still terrible but less hemoist society is very funny to me. Make up a bigoted old man and then force him to knuckle under repeatedly to the people he's bigoted against. But also on a more-plot-less-humor level, a character who's made himself a very strict code of "this is what's expected of me and I will fulfill it no matter what it does to me" is RIPE for drama. Especially when the plot of the story is then giving that character something that suddenly he finds he values at least as much as that code and pride, and making him struggle with that.
The counterpoint to that being; it's fun to set up a character as a proud, badass, dangerous son of a bitch, and then give the POV/the readers a shot straight into the shit that he's hiding behind that "I'm untouchable, don't fuck with me" pride. Sadism, especially as extreme as I've written into Kurloz, can be an intimidating thing! On the surface it's part of the mask, part of the scary persona--but it's really compelling and interesting to me to then sidestep that mask and go into the roiling mess of sexual shame and religious guilt and uncertainty and self-loathing. MAN I love writing the Brother Immortal scenes, you guys.
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solarcas · 5 months
I feel like being noisy so have a kinda shit looking sneak peak ✌🏼😗
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applesandbannas747 · 5 months
me: i am the source of academic validation now that shit means nothing to me
prof teaching my endorsement course: wow, you are an excellent writer and have a gift for expressing yourself. Your responses are thorough, clear, and well organized
me: okay never mind i guESS i never grew out of craving academic validation after all
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skeletalroses · 1 year
Funniest part of being in the Near Dark fandom is all the thirst tags on any photo-/gifset of Severen, even from people who haven’t seen the movie
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moonflowergayy · 8 months
the vet told me today that my sutures r very pretty
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lzrdprsn · 1 year
Helping my grandpa move and one of the Old ladies at the retirement home said I'm strong
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crippledanarchy · 1 year
Another capitalist euphemism I fucking hate is when people use "community" when they mean "fan base"
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ughmulder · 11 months
I'm finally breaking free of some fucked up thinking patterns and general ideas
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graysongraysoff · 2 years
I Just Think It's Funny How the whole idea behind me getting a cat is I wanted to do something big and significant to celebrate the milestone of my 30th birthday and yet all weekend my dad has been treating me like a dumb child who has no idea what she's doing
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pursuingsunshine · 1 year
The tag you use for Ferrari posts amuses me greatly 😁
😊😊😚💕 Thank you!! 😚💕💕 I'm sooo vain about my messy little tagging system because this blog is very specifically catered to my own taste and I think I'm hilarious.
But yeah, I was avoiding F*rr*r* blogging wholesale in the beginning (if you don't have anything nice to say, etc) and then Monaco 22 happened and I kinda snapped 😅
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