#I am very genuinely debating tossing them in the actual garbage
prince-liest · 1 month
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Vox is SUCH a considerate new friend!
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lila Fake-Dating/Emotional Blackmail Adrienette: Betting Against the House: Chapter Four
Read it on AO3: Betting Against the House: Chapter Four: The Worst Date Ever
“…So…” Lila finally spoke up on their short stroll to Assa Café just down the street from the school. “Nino’s going to fail Physics?” she carefully sounded him out, trying to determine if Nino’s excuse to pull Adrien aside held water.
Adrien made a thoughtful noise. “Maybe not fail outright, but he’s certainly not going to do well.” He cast her a sidelong glance and then pretended to come clean. “The Physics project isn’t actually what Nino and I talked about.”
Her grip on his arm tightened until it was almost painful. “Oh? Then what did you two talk about? Surely you’re not spreading slander about me.”
Adrien scoffed. “Lila, do you think I’d risk Marinette’s safety like that?”
It wasn’t a lie. He was simply leaving it up to her to decide what the truth was.
She seemed to come to the conclusion that he wouldn’t play around when it came to protecting Marinette because her hold on his arm started to loosen.
“Besides,” he sighed, “what would be the point of telling anyone? It’s not like they’d believe me. You’ve got the wool pulled too far down over their eyes.”
Lila hummed softly as she contemplated the merits of his statements.
“Nino’s planning a surprise for Alya,” Adrien volunteered to throw her off the scent. “He’s been consulting me because I’m a hopeless romantic and good at giving gifts and orchestrating surprises.”
“Is that so?” Lila chuckled, a sly grin beginning to form at the corners of her lips. “Prove it. I expect a romantic gift from you promptly.”
Adrien shrugged, pretending that it was of no consequence.
On the inside, he heaved an enormous sigh of relief because it appeared that he had outfoxed her and that she believed he hadn’t said anything to Nino about the blackmail.
“Anything for you, Ma Fleur,” he replied obediently.
 They arrived at the café—small and intimate with counter service and only a few seats—a couple minutes later.
Lila did not look impressed as she glanced over the menu. “I guess I could get one of their detox juices. What do you usually get here?”
“Typically, I order the salmon or tofu bentou,” he informed, getting out his wallet. “Their ingredients are really fresh, and the chef is fantastic, so you can’t actually go wrong.”
“The lunchboxes do look good,” she granted reservedly, not wanting to appear too excited. “But rice has so many carbs.”
“So just eat the meat and the vegetables,” Adrien suggested with a shrug. “It’s not like you have to eat everything.”
She pursed her lips, debating. “Which is better: the miso pork or the teriyaki chicken?”
“I don’t know, actually,” he sheepishly admitted. “I’ve never had them. I’m a pescatarian.”
She stood there for almost twenty full seconds gawking at him. “No, you’re not.”
“I’m pretty sure I am,” he snorted lightly, not appreciating her dictating tone. “And I think I would be the best person to ask about my eating habits.”
“I’ve seen you eat chicken before,” she accused, acting like this was some kind of personal betrayal. “I saw you when your father invited me over to dine with you.”
“I’ll eat it if it’s put in front of me,” he confessed, “but, when I have any say about what I eat, I’m pescatarian, so I’ve never ordered the miso pork or the teriyaki chicken here.”
She blew out an indignant little huff, crossing her arms over her chest. “You don’t have to be such a jerk about it.”
Adrien physically bit his tongue to hold in a snarky response.
“…I guess I’ll get the miso pork,” she eventually decided. “Evian to drink and a matcha tiramisu. It really did sound good when I heard you talking to Elise about it the other day.”
“Perfect. Sounds good.” He gave a nod of approval as he moved down the counter to the register to pay.
“I’m going to take a seat,” she apprised, turning in a way so that her hair whipped around behind her sharply.
Seating was extremely limited—a bench seat along the wall opposite the counter and a handful of tables with individual chairs on the other side—and the restaurant was very small, so Lila didn’t have far to go. She could hear Adrien exchanging pleasantries with the cashier, but she couldn’t understand what they were saying because they were holding their conversation in Japanese.
This irritated her for a reason she couldn’t quite pinpoint, and it only got more intense as the cashier laughed and smiled at something Adrien had said.
Lila took a deep breath and forced herself to stay calm as she watched Adrien finish at the counter and bring over their trays.
She hated his charm, his irresistibility, his boyish handsomeness, and the way he was so nice to everyone who wasn’t her.
 Conversation was sparse as they consumed their food.
They’d never really talked in the years that they’d known one another. Adrien was civil and polite but didn’t make an effort to initiate chitchat, and Lila hadn’t bothered to get to know him either.
He was just a pretty face and a bleeding heart whom she was more than willing to use and step on in order to climb her way up. Besides, she was more than half certain that he hated her, despite his “moral high ground”, “patience of a saint” act. She had never seen the point in truly getting to know him. It wasn’t like he really cared about getting to know her, despite his pretended amicability.
“You’re acting awfully sullen,” she observed when five minutes passed without either saying anything to the other.
He shrugged.
He did that a lot, and it annoyed her. It was like he couldn’t be bothered to give her a proper answer. She didn’t like him dismissing her like that.
“You should smile,” she advised. “The point of this date is for you to make a show of how in love you are with me and how happy we are together. I’m dating you for the media exposure, so stop sulking and look like you’re excited to be with me or something.”
“Sorry,” he chuckled darkly. “It’s a little difficult to act cheerful when you’re upset.”
“What do you have to be upset about?” she challenged.
He eyed her with a dangerously bland look, cocking an eyebrow as if daring her to say it again. “You took something important from me, Lila,” he explained flatly. “My father is a little stingy with my schedule, so I had to plan tonight’s game night with my friends almost a month in advance, but, now, here I am wasting an evening with you. I was looking forward to game night, but you ruined that for me, so, yeah. I think most people would say I had something to be upset about.”
She gave a little snort and tossed her head. “Well, be upset later. Right now, you’re on the clock, so make a good show of being in love with me.”
He sighed, closing his eyes and taking a couple deep breaths to defuse his temper. When he opened them, he smiled brightly, looking for all the world like he was enjoying their outing. “Is this better?”
“Perfect.” She decreed, satisfied…until he reached across the table and stole a bite of her matcha tiramisu. “Hey! Thief! I didn’t say you could have any!” she squawked in protest.
He smirked at her around his spoon. “Sorry, Ma Fleur. I didn’t think you’d mind. I mean…don’t you love me enough to share?”
Her eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Come on,” he teasingly whispered. “If I have to put on an act, so do you. No one’s going to believe I love someone who bosses me around and treats me like garbage. You have to at least pretend to be worthy of love; otherwise, everyone’s going to see through this sham.”
Her lip curled back into a scowl as she hissed, “I don’t know, Adrien. You seem to love your father, even though he treats you like dirt. Maybe people will just assume you’re a masochist.”
Adrien recoiled, the fake smile dropping clear off his face. He gazed at Lila with contempt but didn’t voice a response.
Her sneer phased into a discontented frown. “You’re going to have to do better at this fake dating thing in the future when we’re in public; otherwise, Marinette might find that there are some unfortunate rumors circulating about her.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “There are literally two or three other people in this restaurant right now, and they’re all around back. No one’s watching our shameful little display, and I did just fine all day at school. Back off, Lila.”
It was a gamble confronting her like that, but, for once, it payed off.
Lila shrugged and sat back in her seat, returning to her dessert disinterestedly. “You did do well at school today. …Make sure you keep up the good work, and maybe we won’t have a problem.”
Adrien nodded, scooping up some rice with his chopsticks and bringing it up to his mouth to keep himself busy so that he wouldn’t press her any further and accidentally push her over the edge.
Things were quiet again for a stretch, each of them lost in their own reverie.
Several minutes later, Lila spoke in a soft, defensive voice, asking out of seemingly nowhere, “What do you like about Marinette so much, anyway?”
Adrien looked up and blinked at her in surprise, unsure if she had actually said anything and whether he had heard her right.
She arched an eyebrow at him challengingly. “Well? What do you like about her?”
Normally, this would be the point where Adrien went off on a bullet-pointed lecture about how amazing and wonderful Marinette was, but, always wary of Lila, he reined in his kneejerk response and formulated a more reserved reply.
“Her selflessness, mostly,” he confessed, cautiously elaborating. “She’s kind, even when she doesn’t have to be, and she’s always willing to take on more work on top of her already overwhelming load in order to help a friend. She’s just a good person like that. She doesn’t do it to get anything out of it…she’s just good,” he finished with a shrug.
Lila snorted, casting her eyes back down at her tiramisu. “Figures you’d go for that goody-goody martyr act. You’re so gullible.”
“…May I ask what you hate about her so much?” Adrien inquired, attempting to foster a genuine conversation.
If he could figure out what made Lila tick, maybe he could come up with a way to gain the upper hand and declaw her. He knew from studying history that some people really were just evil, but he couldn’t help but think that there was some reason why Lila acted the way she did. If he could figure her out, maybe she wouldn’t turn out to be such a lost cause after all.
Lila tossed her head, heat rising on the back of her neck and staining the tips of her ears crimson. “What I hate most is that everyone loves her so much,” she spat with venom. “She doesn’t even have to try, and everybody loves her. She’s so obnoxious with her ‘holier than thou’ attitude. She acts like she’s better than me, but she’s not, and she doesn’t deserve everybody fawning over her all the time.”
Adrien nodded, taking a long sip of his houjicha.
She was jealous, no different than Chloé. The only difference was how Lila went about expressing her jealousy.
Chloé was just a brat and a bully. (He meant that in the nicest, most loving way possible because Chloé was like a sister to him, but that didn’t stop him from seeing her less attractive sides.)
Lila was insidious. She wasn’t outwardly vicious or vindictive like Chloé. Instead, she spun intricate plans like a spider lying in wait to capture unsuspecting victims in her web of silver-tongued lies.
“Have you ever considered that it’s okay for Marinette to get attention?” he tentatively suggested. “It’s not a zero-sum game. Just because people are paying attention to her, that doesn’t take anything away from you, does it?”
“Any time people are fussing over her, they’re not lavishing me with attention; therefore, I do lose out if people pay attention to her,” Lila argued hotly. “You can forget about any delusions you have of making us get along and be friends. She has things that I want, and I’m prepared and willing to take them from her. There are some things that aren’t shareable.”
Adrien’s brow slid into a soft frown. “Like what?”
“Like you,” she replied airily, not letting him see the weight she placed on or the importance of this acquisition. “For starters, anyway.”
“I see,” he replied neutrally, taking another sip of his tea.
What he wanted to say was, “You’ll never have me”.
“Well…have you ever considered that maybe people would like you, even if you were just yourself around them?” he tried from a different angle.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re gullible and naïve. I’m my true self around you, and you despise me, don’t you?”
He bit the inside of his cheek. “Despise is a little strong,” he hedged.
She laughed mockingly at that. “Please. I’m the bane of your existence.”
“That would be Papillon,” he corrected. “I don’t necessarily hate you, Lila. You make me really angry sometimes, and I want to wring your neck when you hurt my friends, but, most of the time, I don’t hate you,” he explained, trying to convince her.
She cocked an eyebrow at him in suspicion, not taking his word for it.
“Most of the time, you’re an annoyance, and I resent you for being a crappy person,” he summarized. “But I don’t hate you.”
She nodded slowly, analyzing his words. “…I see…. So…how do your personal experiences with me lead you to believe that others would still fawn over me if I dropped the act and stopped telling them what they wanted to hear?”
Adrien pursed his lips as he came up with nothing.
“Mmhm.” She kept nodding. “Yeah. That’s what I thought. Well. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I like things the way they are at present, so I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing. Seriously, thanks, though,” she replied, voice dripping with irony.
“Doesn’t it ever get to you, though?” he pressed, showing his hand a little. “Not being able to be authentically yourself and accepted as you are by anyone?”
She tipped her head to the side, taking a slow sip of her Evian water as she pondered the earnestness of his tone. “Not really. Why? Is this a personal problem you’re having?”
He pulled the shutters down over his emotions, carefully composing his face into a neutral expression.
Like hell he was going to get into the complexities of the lies he had to tell the people he loved in order to protect them and his secret identity with Lila. She didn’t get to know how it tore him apart sometimes not being able to share aspects of his life as Adrien with Ladybug and how he longed to confide in Nino or Marinette about life as Chat Noir.
“If it were, I wouldn’t be talking about it with you,” he informed levelly keeping the ire out of his voice.
A quirky smile slowly turned up the corners of her lips as she chuckled, “Then why did you think I’d open up and be all vulnerable with you when you asked me?”
He blinked, surprised by the question.
He found himself hard pressed to answer her.
“Because you’re such a nice, sweet guy that everyone spills their guts to you?” she snickered. “Don’t try to psychoanalyze me, Adrien. I’m not a problem for you to fix, and I don’t need you to save me. I’m perfectly happy the way that I am.”
“Are you actually?” He really had to wonder. “How can you be? You don’t have any real friends…I mean…unless you count my father, and I don’t think he actually counts.”
She shrugged, unconcerned. “I don’t need friends. Friends are for mushy, weak people like you. You band together to protect yourselves because you’re stronger that way, but I don’t need other people like that. I’m tough enough to make it on my own.”
Adrien thought she was way off the mark, but it was obvious that he wouldn’t be convincing her about the benefits of friends at this time, let alone anytime soon.
“…Have you ever had friends?” he asked while she was in a divulging mood.
Even though she’d said not to analyze her, he couldn’t help but be curious. He had to believe that if he could just figure her out, he could help her stop hurting others and herself.
She paused to think for a moment, little trenches burrowing their way across her forehead as she did so. “…Maybe when I was little,” she finally answered. “I remember there were some kids around my age where we were living at the time, and we played together. I don’t remember their names. My family never stayed in one place long enough for me to really get to know anyone, so there was never any point in making friends in the way that you mean. These past three years is the longest I’ve ever been in one country, let alone one city. It’s kind of weird being stuck with the same people for so long.”
“That must have been hard, not feeling like there was any point in getting attached to anyone because you knew it wouldn’t be permanent,” he responded thoughtfully.
She rolled her eyes, balled up her napkin, and tossed it at him. “Oh, stop. I don’t need or want your pity. Stop trying to find explanations for why I am the way I am,” she commanded wearily. “I’m not some tragic romance novel antihero with deep reasons for acting the way I do. There’s no trauma for you to uncover and heal in order to make me a ‘good’ person. You don’t get to play hero this time.”
He held up his hands in surrender, backing down.
He didn’t think she was telling the truth exactly, but she was very clear about her wishes for him to drop it.
“Okay. Sorry,” he bowed out demurely, scooping the napkin she had thrown up off the floor and depositing it onto his tray with his own rubbish.
She snorted softly, crossing her arms. “Real people aren’t so black and white,” she grumbled. “We’re all grey on the inside.”
“Yeah. Maybe,” he agreed halfheartedly, still thinking that maybe there was something he could do to get through to her and make her want to change for the better.
“Give up,” she groaned, seeing the gears in his head moving. “You’re such a goody-goody. Just like Marinette. I’d say you two deserved each other if I didn’t want you for myself.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he chuckled, a faint smile coming back to his lips.
“This date is over,” she announced abruptly, sounding tired as she rose to her feet. “I didn’t come here for you to turn me into your next do-gooder project. I came here so that people would see me acting all lovey-dovey with Adrien Agreste. Since that’s not happening, you might as well take me home and go hang out with your loser friends like you wanted.”
Adrien hurriedly drained the rest of his tea and got together the rubbish to take over to the waste disposal bin.
“Sorry I’m such poor company,” he apologized, not bothering to put any feeling behind the words as he picked up her school bag to carry for her and held out his arm for her to take hold of.
“You’d better be,” she huffed, taking his arm and letting him escort her out of the restaurant to where his driver was waiting for them, parked on the street outside. “This is the worst date I’ve ever been on.”
“Have you been on many dates?” he wondered aloud without thinking.
“Plenty,” she retorted defensively. “Usually, the boys I date shower me with compliments and can’t take their eyes off of me the whole evening.”
“I must be defective,” he snickered, opening the car door for her. “Sorry. I promise I’ll do better at school tomorrow in front of our audience.”
“You’d better,” she grumbled, climbing in and crossing her arms sulkily.
 Adrien made a show of walking Lila to her door and giving her a parting kiss on the cheek in case any paparazzi were watching. “See you tomorrow, Ma Fleur.”
“I’ll miss you, My Prince,” she giggled, delighting in his compliance.
He slumped in the seat as soon as he got back into the car, feeling like all of the energy had been sucked out of him. He looked up to find Victor, his bodyguard, sneaking glances at him in the rearview mirror, trying to assess whether he was okay.
“Rough day,” he sighed, summoning up a tired smile. “I’m actually supposed to be over at Marinette’s playing video games right now, though, so…you don’t think you could drive me over there, do you?”
Victor gave a grunt and turned the car in the direction of Tom and Sabine’s.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Virat Kohli’s video of man littering streets sparks debate about privacy
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/virat-kohlis-video-of-man-littering-streets-sparks-debate-about-privacy/
Virat Kohli’s video of man littering streets sparks debate about privacy
Mother of the man publicly shamed by Virat-Anushka slams couple for violating his privacy
Dubai: Indian cricket team captain, Virat Kohli and his wife, actress Anushka Sharma confronted a man for littering the streets, on Saturday. Kohli posted a video of the incident on Twitter and it went viral.
The young man’s mother has now slammed them for violating her son’s basic right to privacy.
Through his Twitter handle @imVkohli had posted: “Saw these people throwing garbage on the road and pulled them up rightfully. Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a toss. These people will keep our country clean? Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same and spread awareness. @AnushkaSharma”
Saw these people throwing garbage on the road & pulled them up rightfully. Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a toss. These people will keep our country clean? Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same & spread awareness. @AnushkaSharma pic.twitter.com/p8flrmcnba— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018
Many reacted by saying it is necessary to confront people who litter. Tweep @Sura_Gr wrote: “Well said @AnushkaSharma awareness needed for well educated people mostly.”
well said @AnushkaSharma awareness needed for well educated people mostly— Surendar (@Sura_Gr) June 16, 2018
The young man in the video, Arhhan Singh took to Instagram to say that the couple lacked ‘verbal etiquette’.
In his post he agreed that it was careless of him to throw the litter out of his car and on the road, @arhhansingh wrote: “Mrs Anushka Sharma Kohli a little etiquette and politeness in ur dialogue wouldn’t have made u a lesser star. There are all kinds of manners and hygiene .. verbal etiquette is one of them. The garbage that mistakenly went out of the window of my ‘luxury car’, was way less then the garbage that came out from your mouth.”
Singh’s mother Gittanjali lashed out at the couple calling it a ‘stunt’ in the name of ‘cleanliness’, she accused the couple of violating the privacy of her son.
With a screengrab from Kohli’s video, @gittanjali.elizabeth posted on Instagram: “@anushkasharma @virat.kohli… you both posted a video for your fans and followers by violating basic rights to privacy… As a mother, I would like to state that you have not only shamed my son @arhhansingh on social media by not blurring his face, but you’ve also exposed him to unwanted hostility and danger from fanatics for such a small thing that you claim he has done but have no proof of anyways? I am concerned about my son’s safety.”
@anushkasharma @virat.kohli The last thing we would want is to get publicity out of your cheap STUNT in the name of CLEANLINESS! You both posted a video for your fans n followers by VIOLATING Basic Rights to privacy &you shamed my son in the video as well in your post content you both may be who you are in your fields, with millions of followers & all the PR backing you… you may be payed for your campaigning or maybe doing it for sheer publicity As a mother,I would like to state that you have not only shamed my son @arhhansingh on social media by not blurring his face, but youve also exposed him to unwanted hostility…. and danger from fanatics for such a small thing that you claim he has done but have no proof of anyways ? I am concerned about my sons SAFTEY !!! how dare you crush somebody’s image/and morale and reputation and expose him to public hate, a boy who is on the verge of starting his ventures, ..just to prove what good citizens you both are to increase your fan following ?How dare you?? If you both really cared or bothered about cleanliness , then you would actively do something about all the garbage in your own lane.. you would make a noise and use your VOICE to urge the municipal authorities to take action atleast in the lane where you live,to start with, which you haven’t . Posting videos of fake bravado just to fool your followers. If your intention was genuine then you would pull over and politely correct the person for littering IF THEY DID in a decent and real manner… and not by displaying such a rude and arrogant attitude, and then posting it for the world to see! You have caused a lot of grief with your post & this is morally and humanitarianly very wrong. You may be #AnushkaSharma or #viraatkohli in your house or on screen & the field…but on the streets you are just a citizen trying to correct another… DO IT WITH KINDNESS ….fear karma . And just FYI , he did not react badly, not coz of who you both are.. we couldnt care less,but only because he has a decent upbringing ! Unlike people like you, who seem to think that you are the empowered ones to talk and treat people as you wish !
A post shared by Gittanjali (@gittanjali.elizabeth) on Jun 16, 2018 at 12:19pm PDT
The response sparked a debate about Singh’s right to privacy.
Instagram user @arshdeep_12_ wrote: “Anushka is no where wrong a sq mm or 100 sq mm litter means litter .. and she didn’t abuse you, she scolded you appropriately and every responsibile citizen should do that with every irresponsible citizen like you. Virat Kohli did the very right thing by shooting and posting the video because people like you should be taught a lesson.”
@deepakv712 tweeted: “This whole ‘Garbage saga’ is being unnecessarily stretched. What Anushka did was not wrong but Virat should have blurred out the face before uploading the video. That’s it.”
This whole “Garbage saga” is being unnecessarily stretched. What Anushka did was not wrong but Virat should have blurred out the face before uploading the video. That’s it.— DV 🏏🇮🇳 (@deepakv712) June 17, 2018
On Instagram @shreyas_js_ highlighted a bigger concern: “I dont know if posting and defaming other fellow citizens is ethical and mannerful. But I know one thing – there are NO bins anywhere on the streets, atleast as far as I know.”
And @saurabhs_23 wrote about the positive impact such videos can have, he also said the couple did not really need publicity: “Sachin [Tendulkar] posted a similar video of people not wearing helmets and that had an impact on me. I started to wear helmet. These people are youth icons. They are followed by millions. If posting such a video can make 100 of those millions to think upon this issues and get better… it’s great. Don’t know how people think it’s for publicity. They already have enough of it. Actually in excess.”
In her post, Arhhan Singh’s mother @gittanjali.elizabeth also went on to highlight, that the couple’s celebrity status does not give them the right to “crush somebody’s image, morale and reputation and expose him to public hate, a boy who is on the verge of starting his ventures….”
She added that it was okay to correct another person but there was a way to do it: “…on the streets you are just a citizen trying to correct another… do it with kindness …fear karma.”
Anushka Sharma was previously associated with the Indian government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India campaign) and became its ambassador in 2017.
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