#I don’t recognise it as the same jacket at first we’re sorta just talking about it and she mentions she didn’t even want the jacket in the
ghoul--doodle · 2 years
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I love winning!!
I’ll dump the full story in the tags
#art tag#just over a year ago my nanna offered me this leather jacket she’s had for ages- she’s been unable to get rid of it so#she asked me to try it on. I did! and I loved it!! it was comfy and it had enough room to layer up if it got cold- but it wasn’t oversized#i said I wanted the jacket and my dad agreed it looked good but nanna being herself thought it was too big on me despite me insisting it’s-#fine and comfortable. I don’t take clothes that don’t fit me. if it was too big I would’ve said so. either way she wouldn’t let me take#the jacket home and she shoves it in her wardrobe and insists that she’s going to get it adjusted for me and she’ll let me know when it’s-#done. yeah she didn’t do that. what she DID do was wait until I forgot about it.#fast foward a few years and my family in canada can finally afford to visit (safely)#my cousins come too! my older cousin and 3 younger ones#we had a great time! they stay for roughly 3 weeks and fast forward again to when they’re getting ready to leave#my older cousin is packing her bag and she asks me to find a shirt from her bag while she sorts her makeup out- she wanted the shirt for#travel the next day! so I sort out the top she wants and I notice a leather jacket in her bag! and we start talking about it offhandedly#I don’t recognise it as the same jacket at first we’re sorta just talking about it and she mentions she didn’t even want the jacket in the#first place. she was just taking it from nanna to be polite- it did fit her fine (she’s the same size as me believe it or not) but it’s not#her style at all. she’s got very feminine pretty clothes. lots of crop tops and jeans and skirts. the jacket doesn’t really fit that#so! she says ‘hey why don’t you try it? if you like it you can have it!’ so I do! and it dawns on me. this is the SAME jacket#that my nanna offered me from before. and it clicks that she was trying to get rid of it without me knowing about it. and i tell my cousin!#she was pissed off on my behalf and helped me hide the jacket in a bag so I could take it home without nanna knowing#a few days later my family are back off to Canada!#a few weeks later I come around to nanna’s house wearing the jacket and she is royally pissed to say the least#I personally was ecstatic#it is 100% mine now so she can’t do shit anymore and I will wear it like a badge of honour because I’m petty like that#I love my cousins so fucking much actually. we’re all in mutual agreement that nanna is horrible#a lot happened on their trip but this is one of my favourite things
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(Second film. At cotillion. Part three. After Mal’s been pulled into the water by huma)
Ben: where is she I can’t see her?
Carlos: how long can she hold her breath
Jay: I. I don’t know
Ben: not long.
Evie: what?
Ben: our first date. She thought I drowned. Went in after me and
Jay: you saved her. I remember. Now we gotta save her again.
Ben: I know to oh boy
(Just then the water bubbles furiously and Uma rises from the surface the lower half of her body octopoid and at least the same height as Ursula was during her final battle, perched on her should is Harry. And bound in a tentacle, barely conscious is...)
Ben: MAL!
Doug: Uma stop this now! You’re acting crazy!
Uma (voice booming): oh no dear. Spiteful vindictive
Harry (having the absolute best time of his life): INCREDIBLY LARGE!
Huma: but never crazy!
Uma: now on to business
(She drops Mal into the ocean and begins trying to capsize the boat)
Elsa: time to put that rusty old wand of yours to work headmistress. Children! Jay Evie Jane Ben. With me
Jane: what’re we doing
Elsa: we’re going to stop this boat from becoming the second titanic. On three. 1...2...3!!!!
(They’re eyes all glow and the boat steadies)
Evie: how the
Elsa: the beauty of a crisis. Now Ben. I assume you’re about to do something heroic and foolhardy
Ben: probably
Elsa: try and make sure that nobody gets hurt.
Ben: of course. I might have a plan. Doug is Agrabahn silk shrinkable
Evie (sternly) and Doug: yes
Ben: ah. Ok then how about this
(A flick of his wrist and he’s back in his vk outfit with a few small differences)
Evie: what happened to the jacket
Doug (tired dad mode): and the undershirt
Ben: they’d weigh me down. Jay could you hold this please?
(He hands Jay the crown)
Jay: sure but oh jeez (Ben’s jogging to the railing) wait wait wait
Ben: yes yes yes?
Jay: first of all stop that. Second of all. Here (he summons Maleficent’s sceptre our of thin air and hands it to Ben). Take this. It should help her
Ben: thank you so much woah head rush. Ahem woozy. Hm. All better now
Jay: yeah that’s because it recognises your magic but not you
Ben: I love being a hybrid
Adam: a WHAT?!?!?!
(Ben uses telekinesis to shove his father out of the way into the corridor)
Ben: blow it out your ass dad. Wish us luck. Imma coming honey!
(He launches himself over the side and into the water. Just barely missing Uma’s tentacles)
Doug: his magic will protect him right
Jay: possibly. If not. Hope you like the throne
Carlos (hitting his arm): not funny.
Jay: sorry
Doug: genies can breathe underwater right?
Jay: yes
Doug: Ben has five minutes. Then you’re going in after them
Jay (phoney British accent): as you command. My liege
(Under the water Ben’s swimming to Mal who’s sinking fast. He keeps dodging Uma’s tentacles. Finally he reaches Mal and put her mothers sceptre within arms reach. The moment it touches her hand her eyes open)
(Back on the ship)
Elsa: can anyone see them and Dizzy please stop throwing canapés at Uma
Dizzy (conspicuously giving Merida the food): it was Merida (innocent giggle)
Elsa: remember that I have a younger sister.
Doug: Hook seems to be having some sort of religious experience up there
Evie: yeah. He sorta reminds of someone
Devie (looking at each other in recognition): Troy McClure
(The waters bubbling again)
Jay: come on guys. Come on. Don’t let her win. Not like this
(Ben and Mal come shooting out of water. Mal’s now a dragon. Ben’s perched on her back laughing and shrieking his head off)
Ben (at the top of his lungs): WAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY GIRLFRIEND’S A DRAGON!!!!
Devie: donkey from shrek
(Mal climbs further up into the sky. Ben slips. And falls off her).
Harry: He not gonna make is he?
(Ben plummets through the clouds but pulls up out of it just barely skimming the water)
Harry (fed up): of course he did
(Ben shoots up into the sky. His clothes melt away. From blue and gold to green. He lands on the railing still sopping wet. Now clad in green skelton leaf)
Ben (at the top of his lungs): COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!!! (He strikes a power pose, fists on hips and turns to the others on the boat) that was amazing!
Jay (laughing): wow. You look
Carlos: like Pan.
Evie: HAHA! Harry’s in the drink. Again. (She cackles)
(Harry’s fainted dead away off Uma’s shoulder and crashed into the waves below)
Evie: lets boil him
Jay and Doug: no
Evie, Carlos and Dizzy: aww man
Ben: alrighty then. Anyway.
(He flies up to the girls and puts himself between them)
Ben: This isn’t the way. Both of you know that letting whatever happened years ago influence your actions today won’t solve anything. The best thing to do is to keep moving forward and
Uma: back off flyboy
(She swats Ben away and he gets knocked into a pole)
Uma: c’mon Mal let’s finish this once and for all
(Cecealia vs dragon fight begins)
Evie: and that only took twenty minutes to happen
Carlos: yeah. I woulda thought it’d happen the moment ma turned up not dead
Devie, Jay and Dizzy: yeah
Lonnie: we have to help him
Evie: right. Jay get a ladder. I’ll climb up
Lonnie: no. Not Ben. He’s fine. Look
(Ben’s currently trying to help Mal. Setting up shield after shield against Uma’s tentacles)
Lonnie: I meant the other one
Evie: no.
Jane: we should at least try. It’s the right thing to do
Doug: usually is be inclined to agree but you’ve not seen him in action
Carlos: I say we let it drown
Devie: ditto.
Jay: we’ve gotta fish it-him-out.
Carlos: why?
Jay: because if we wanna get Uma on side then the mollusk has to live. No matter how much he deserves to be lost to the depth
Carlos: I hate it when you’re right
Gil (Boyce quivering): please. Please don’t let him die. Please?
(Carlos looks at Gil stony faced. And relents)
Carlos: have it on record that I WILL stab him at the first opportunity. No matter how much the human golden retriever begs
Jay: so you’re not against Evie and I fishing him out
Carlos: against as in anti harry? Yes. Against you doing what’s gotta be done. Reluctantly no
Jay: love ya C
Carlos (giggling): you are now officially out of the doghouse.
Jay: Melody could you?
Melody (now in a lovely ice blue crystalline dress courtesy of Elsa): yes?
Jay: wow nice threads. Anyway. I have it on good authority that you carry around a certain family heirloom?
Melody: Ja
Jay: don’t know what that means. I’m not danish.
Melody: yes I’ve got my grandfathers trident. So I can help you however you want
Adam: miss Boisen I absolutely forbid you help them
Melody: I do not take orders from you Adam. Never have. Never will. Because I am not part of your staff. I am a student teacher. I am my sisters assistant until such time she graduates. But I am not your employee. So yeah. I’m helping my students. Jay. What do you need
Jay (massive grin on his face): we’re going squid fishing
Melody: where do I aim?
(She juts our her hand and the trident spears)
(At the buffet table)
Vision!Harry: sup losers
V!Ben: oh fuck off you no handed blunder
V!Harry: two hands. Numbnuts
V!Ben: keep talking. See what happens. I would love to dismantle you like a Lego Death Star and immolate your bones with you skin still on them
V!Harry: and the bitch says Uma means nothing to her
V!Ben: no. It’s the island Mal doesn’t care about. If Uma meant nothing to Mal. I’d still be jay.
V!Lonnie: ok I’m completely lost
V!Doug: we change when the closest person to our one changed. I used to be Evie. Tall ghostly pale and terrifying used to be Gil. And our “esteemed” leader. Used to be jay.
V!Carlos (smugly): I’ve always been like this
The other soul guides (sans Lonnie): yippee for you
(V!Carlos smiles indulgently)
(Back to the action at the railing)
Jay: so you’re sure you know how to do this without killing Uma?
Melody: oh my friend. With a fun and grin it works fine
Jay: what
Melody: yes. Yes I do know how to do this without hurting my second cousin
Jay: I’m sorry. Did you say second cousin?
Melody: yes. Ursula is my mother’s aunt. That makes Uma and my mother cousins. That makes her and I second cousins.
Jay: I am so sorry
Melody: why would you be sorry? So I’m related to a villain and her daughter. So is Ben. So are you and your little found family. Let’s help your friends.
(She throws the trident in Uma’s direction and it nicks the tentacle that was about to knock Ben out of the sky. Uma bellows in pain)
Melody: hey! Hey you! Giant scary girl! Listen to. Ben. Or you know, me. Either one will do so
Jay (aside to her): not helping
Melody: yeah thought not
Jay: ok here’s what we’re going to do. Evie. Carlos. Fish the creature from the black lagoon out of the drink. I’m gonna help Ben.
(With that he flies up to where Ben is)
Jay: hey buddy. Need a little help?
Ben (still desperately dodging the tentacles): yes please
Jay: then grab a tentacle
Ben (scandalised): what?
Jay: you heard me. If we don’t do this then the student body will be a human interest story on the news tomorrow morning
Ben: ok
(They dive down and grab one of Uma’s tentacles. Below them in the water Harry’s screaming at them to let her go. Uma for her part does a good job of fighting them off. Mal just hovers there confused)
Jay: and lift
Ben: oh dear
(They fly upwards past Mal and drag Uma along for the ride. Harry grabs on to a tentacle and refuses to let go. But then he slips and lands painfully on the railing)
Carlos: finally. The Hook family line has ended
Carlos: who the fuck cares! Lonnie. Doug. Would you be dears and drags that on to the deck. I’ll get the carving knife
Doug: should we
Lonnie: quiet I don’t think we’re allowed to talk
(They deposit Harry in the deck and Carlos stands over him knife in hand)
Carlos: what do you want me to do Jay!
Jay: keep him there. And E! Keep those force fields up. Otherwise the first thirty rows WILL get wet
Evie: what are you gonna do?
Jay: this (to Ben) DROP HER
(The king and the genie let Uma fall into the water and the impart would’ve reflooded the deck if not for the shields. Unfortunately. This only serves to make Uma mad again. And she channels this anger by ensnaring Ben in her tentacles slowly choking the life out of the king. Jay’s had enough. His body assumes its golden lustre and he flies up into Uma’s face)
(On the deck Evie jumps out of Harry’s range)
(Uma’s face silently crumples. She (surprisingly gently) puts Ben back on deck, soaked to the bone and retching slightly from the choking but none the worse for wear, plucks up Harry and swiftly disappears beneath the waves leaving Ben’s ring behind)
Jay: well. That was surprisingly easily handled
(He flies down to the deck and hands Ben back his crown. Mal flaps back down, purple and green smoke surrounds her and she’s back in human form, except her hair’s undone, her dress is purple green and black and she’s holding the sceptre in her right hand. She smiles weakly at the crowd. The promptly spins around and vomits over the side. Loudly. For two full minutes. Jay rushes over to her)
Jay: hey you. Now. I got you a cap of mouth wash. And a breath mint. There you go. Now. (Loud whisper) a dragon. A giant fire breathing scaly ass mother fu
Mal (taking his face in her hands gently to shit him up): I know. I know.
Jay: how?
Mal: that I don’t know
Jay: oooh the sceptre.
Mal: that’s probably
Jay: now. The king awaits. Shall we?
Mal: we shall
(They walk down the stairs to where the series is. She and Ben smile at each other. Then he scoops get up and plants one on her. Carlos, not one to be outdone, scurries over to Jay, dips him and plants a longer one in him. Which gathers an even bigger cheer from the crowd. Especially Gil who can be heard over the others)
Doug: it’s about damn time.
Mal: hey jay. Stop by my room later. We gotta talk
Jay: well let’s see have you talked with Doug yet?
Doug: no. No she has not
Jay: you first then me. Capiche?
Mal: capiche
(On the chaperones platform Fairy Godmother is tight lipped)
Elsa: they’re teenagers headmistress. They will kiss.
Fairy Godmother: oh it’s not that your majesty. I can smell something unpleasant
Elsa (sniffing): you know what. I can too
Merida: it’s rotten skeleton leaves. What our dear little boy king is wearing.
Elsa: Oh. Queen Mother. Your turn
Belle: Ben?
(Ben doesn’t answer, he’s still looking at Mal in reverence, until Mal clears her throat and cocks her head to Belle’s location)
Mal: it seems that your clothes are rotting away dear.
Ben: is everything
Mal: oh yeah. But your shoulders are exposed
Ben: right. Ummmm. Wait right here
(He teleports to his mothers side. When the smoke clears he’s back in his vk outfit. Still without the beanie jacket or undershirt)
Ben: better?
Mal: ooooh so much better
Belle: the tuxedo was so much more
Evie: don’t worry Belle. The silk used is shrinkable. So this is preferable.
Belle: ah. Ok. Now Ben. I and the others adults are going to the yachts bar. Lumiere is going to be here as damage control. But you are in charge. Understand?
(Ben nods emphatically. The four women turn to go but Mal catches up with them before they leave)
Mal: Fairy Godmother. Do you think I could get my spell book back from the museum? Tomorrow I mean. Only that the last few days did a number on me and made me realise I can’t not use what I have. It’s not healthy and it’s not right. Is any of this making any sense to you at all?
Fairy Godmother: of course dear. It’s your property after all. Just say the word and it’s yours
Mal: please?
Fairy Godmother: where would you like it to be?
Mal: Jay’s room. Bedside cabinet. With a protection spell on it so only Ben and I can use it. Because. I have helluva lot to teach him
Ben: I very much look forward to learning from you
Mal: and. I’m sure Ben would agree. Magic classes. For those that want them. I know I would. No. I know that I need to learn more control WOAH!
(Ben’s scooped her up in a bear hug)
Mal: I take it you like that idea
Doug: when you were >ahem< out for the count Ben decided that it was time that magic be fully reinstated
Belle: I can see that the kingdom will be in very safe hands with you two and you are on his back
(Mal’s clambered onto Ben’s back and she’s stroking his hair away from his face)
Elsa: Queen Mother. I believe this is our exit cue
Merida: aw but I wanna dance
Elsa: the bar has Guinness whiskey
(She runs off)
Belle: that was easily handled
(As they’re leaving)
Belle: Verna could you get me the family lawyer please
Verna: of course ma’am. Uhhhh. Heh heh. What for?
Belle: I need to see mr Hartcourt about divorcing Adam and adopting that young man
Elsa: Gil? You want to adopt Gil?
Belle: yes. Problem?
Elsa: none whatsoever. In fact I’ve got an idea I’d like to run through with Ben. When the cotillion is over tomorrow of course
Belle: I assure you your majesty you shall have the full unwavering support of my son and I
Elsa: god save the king and his mother then
Belle: indeed
(Back at the cotillion)
Carlos: alright. ALRIGHT! Everyone. The ones of the hour. My parents! King Ben. Lady Mal. Take it away old man
Ben (laughing): I’m only two years older than you C
Carlos (a “I’m cute so I can get away with it” look on his face): still older
Mal (chuckles as she tilts Ben’s crown): I think what Carlos is trying to is: let’s party
(She uses magic to levitate the electronic equipment above the deck and they all start dancing)
(This is when “it’s time” happens)
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Mystery Man
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 5077
Summary: Deciding to be more social, Simon goes to a masquerade ball fundraiser. Based on "shy kiss" to "steamy kiss" request.
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AN: See? I am actually working through these requests! It's just taking awhile. Hope you like it!
A masquerade ball. What a strange idea. The student union is trying to find more “creative” ways to raise funds. Guess a rich university like Watford can afford to be creative. They’ve rented out some fancy hotel ballroom nearby, got the art department to make masks, the drama department to loan costumes, and for 20 quid a person, you can dance with fellow students. It’s absolutely ludicrous. And possibly fun. I desperately need some fun.
“I can’t believe you’re going to this thing, Simon,” Penny mutters as she picks at her chicken.
“Why?” I say, mouth filled with turkey and mayo.
“Because you rarely go out, period. Plus you’re an awful dancer.”
I shrug. “I just want to have some fun. If you haven’t noticed, Pen, I’m beyond anti-social. Especially since Agatha broke up with me.” I angrily bite my sandwich. It’s only been a few weeks. The wound is still sorta raw.
Penny sighs and hangs her head. “Fine, whatever. Have fun. I’m going to stay home and study.”
“You should go to the library and join Baz. The stupid prick has spent most of his time there since October. He always leaves before I wake up and comes back after I’m asleep.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
I shrug again. “I guess. At least I don’t have to listen to him complain about the open windows anymore.”
We both laugh at that, but quickly fall back into silence. I finish my turkey club in two bites and move on to the cherry scone. As I’m buttering it, I freeze. Something processes through my brain. Penny looks at me quizzically.
“What?” she says.
I point my blunt knife at her. “What do you mean awful dancer!?”
Penny bursts out laughing. We enter a long discussion on the merits of my rhythmic movement capabilities. I argue that jumping up and down does qualify as dancing. At least in clubs it does.
When I get to my room after class the next day, a figure in a grey hoodie is rummaging through Baz’s things.
“Hey what the hell are you doing?!” I yell.
The person whips around, and I immediately relax. It is Baz. With his large, slightly tinted glasses sliding down on his long nose, and wavy black hair falling like a curtain in front of his face. He looks at me with mouth hung open in shock. I let out a long breath.
“Jesus Baz, you scared the shit out of me. Since when do you come in here?”
Baz pulls the large hardcover books into his chest. “Sorry to disturb you with my presence, Snow,” he mutters in his small voice.
Baz Pitch is a very weird guy. He’s always so pulled in and bent over. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him stand at his full height. (He’s going to be a hunchback by the time we graduate.) He rarely talks to me, just stares and looks away when I notice. We’ve been uni roommates for 6 months, and he’s said maybe a total of fifteen words to me. And all those words have been complaints or insults. So pretty much, he’s an awkward asshole in an oversized hoodie.
I roll my eyes. “Whatever. Be like that. I’m taking a shower.”
I stomp into the bathroom. I hear Baz scurry away and close the door behind him, then breath a sigh of relief. I’m actually glad he’s rarely here anymore. His presence makes me so anxious. It’s like walking on eggshells around him.
I shake Baz out of my mind. No need for that brain clutter. I have to take a shower, do my homework, and then go to this masquerade thing. I can’t be late.
I’m fucking late. I got caught up watching telly in the common room and completely lost track of time. Now I’m hopping out of the tube and booking it to this silly hotel. God, this better all be worth it.
I stumble through the huge double doors. Trixie, decked out in her fancy gown and fairy mask, is at the table.
“Hi, Simon...” she says.
“Hi,” I pant out, “sorry I’m late. Is... is there still time to sign up?”
Trixie looks down at her clipboard. “Actually, you’re lucky, we’ve got one costume left. 20 quid and it’s your’s.”
I nod vigorously, slapping a bill on the table. Trixie smiles and picks up a suit bag. She motions for me to follow. We go to the men’s room. She hands me the bad.
“Put this on. Mask and all, please. Event starts in 10 minutes, alright?”
“Sure thing, Trixie.”
I’m left alone in the toilet. In a stall, I unzip the outfit. It’s a ridiculously decadent, velvety thing. It consists of a white shirt, grey waistcoat, navy jacket with silver embroidery, matching pants, cravat, white tights, and black buckled shoes. At the top is a the mask. It would cover the area around my eyes, with a little crescent moon twisting out to my forehead. The grey surface and pearly accents glow under the LED light fixture.
“This is what I signed up for,” I sigh.
Can’t take back the 20 quid, I guess.
The room is bustling with fancy dressed people. A veritable sea of fluffy white shirts and ball gowns. Those masks really do their job. I can barely recognise anyone. (Or maybe I just don’t know anyone. God I’m anti-social.) I do notice Agatha, though. Her corn blonde hair is very memorable. He’s in a lovely soft pink dress with a flowery mask. I run away before she has a chance to see me. Yes, I’m a coward, and I’m fully okay with that.
There’s a food table at the back. Not anything fancy, just crackers and cheese and shit. But I’ll eat anything when I’m stressed. I wolf down a few, chewing loudly (Penny always complains about how loud I chew.)
“Maybe you should save some for the rest of us,” a smooth, melodious voice says from in front of me.
My head snaps. The man standing there, he’s... beautiful. I know he must be from our school, but I'm pretty sure I would’ve noticed a guy this handsome. He’s wearing an outfit like mine but it's bright scarlet. While mine hangs off me, his fits him perfectly, outlining his tall, graceful figure. He’s all reds and golds, from his sparkling embroidered jacket to his skin tone. His mask is styled like a dragon. It covers the whole top half of his face, and flares outwards with black and red flaps. Four twisty horns, two big and two small, poke out from the top. His gorgeous grey eyes sparkle with his playful smile.
“Um, you want some?” I say, mouth still full.
He chuckles. It’s as sweet as honey. “No, I’m quite alright. More here for the dancing than the food.”
I swallow my snacks. “Well, I want to dance too, but I’ve recently been informed that I can’t dance.”
“I’m sure you can. Anyone can with a little practice.”
I smile. “Thanks for the vote of confidence... hey I didn’t get your name?”
Mystery Man freezes for a second. He looks genuinely shocked. Is it taboo to ask for names at these things? It’s not like I have a point of reference. The shock fades back into his smirk. He leans forward until our faces are inches apart. I can feel my insides twist and turn. His voice comes out as a breathy whisper.
“Isn’t it far more exciting to stay behind the mask?”
I hope this mask hides my creeping blush. “Y-Yeah, I guess.”
He smiles devilishly, showing his shining white teeth. “Excellent.”
“Hello?” A tinny voice rings out of the mic. I look to see Trixie standing at the front, next to her equally fancy dressed (I assume) girlfriend. (Those two are joined at the hip.) “This thing on? Oh goody. Hello everyone, and welcome to the first ever Watford Masquerade Ball!”
We all clap politely.
“Now, we’re going to try a sort of old fashioned baroque dance. Usually this kind of thing is done with 8 people, and we’ve got 24 here, but we’ll make it work. Now everyone grab a partner, no matter boy or girl. Baroque dancing is ludicrously gendered, but this is the modern age dammit. One of you, go line up on the left, with your partner doing the same on the right.”
I guess everyone came with partners because they line up very fast. Most of the girls choose the right, while the guys go left. (Despite Trixie’s effort, heteronormativity wins out again.) I look at Mystery Man. He offers his hand across the table with a half smile. “May I have this dance?”
God I hope my blush isn’t too bad. All I can manage is to nod dumbly and take his hand. He leads us towards the dance floor.
“Who’s gonna go to the girl side?” I whisper.
“I can, if you like,” he replies. “I’m very secure in my masculinity.”
I chuckle, earning a smile from him. “Very well then.”
Mystery Man stands in the line opposite me, along with the girls and the few other boys. I put my hands behind my back and square my shoulders. Sure, I’m terrified, but I’m also very excited. I’m certainly having fun.
“Now," Trixie starts, "this is an amalgam of baroque movements we’ve come up with in the dance department. I’ll guide you through it. Good?” There are no dissenting voices. “Alright let’s get this shit started!” Trixie yells, in true classic masquerade ball fashion.
She hits a button on her smartphone plugged into the speakers. Upbeat violin and flute music starts playing. It’s not exactly the dance music I’m used to, but I can see how someone could move to this beat.
“We start with an acknowledgement. Left side, bow to your partners.”
I watch the guy beside me cross his legs over each other, put an arm in front and on his back, and lean forward. I quickly copy him. And nearly fall on my face, stumbling forward.
“Right side, your turn.”
The ladies curtsey gracefully. Mystery Man bows perfectly, of course. He’s amazing.
“Both sides, take three steps into the centre.”
We do as Trixie says. I’m a bit too far away, but take a baby step forward. Mystery Man seems to find this amusing. I look away. He taps my foot, making me face up. He’s smiling softly. And all my anxiety just kind of, floats away.
“Left, raise your right hand up and hold it sideways, facing your right. Stay there, don’t move. Right, touch your hand to your partners.”
Cautiously, I raise my hand. Mystery Man meets me, lightly pressing our palms together. His hands are kind of rough, but I like it. Little sparks dance across my nerve endings with every scratch of his skin.
“Now everyone, take a two little skips forward, then back. Watch me.” She sort of daintily gallops forward then back again. Like a tiny heeled pony. “Now go!”
I try my best to trot forward. My black heels click on the marble floor. I stumble a bit, but Mystery Man catches me discreetly with his other hand. The second time, I do it much better. I grin at my achievement, and so does he.
“Slowly, walk in a circle with your hands still together. Try to look at your partner and not your feet.”
I look up at him. He still has that beautiful happy expression. Yeah, I can definitely look at that. We walk together. I let him set the pace. Our eyes are totally locked. Everything around his face disappears. All I can see is this dragon boy I’m dancing with.
“Stop! That’s good. Face each other, and take both of each other’s hand at your sides.”
Our hands fumble a bit, but we get a good grip.
“This is the really fun part. While still holding hands, swing your arms and spin around. Like this.”
Trixie grabs Keris’ hands. They turn on the spot, throwing their arms up in a huge circle. It actually looks pretty fun.
“Now you all try it!”
I look to my partner with a grin. With a preparatory small sway, we toss our hands up into the air. I spin easily wearing these ridiculous shoes on this overly polished floor. I laugh like a little kid on the playground. When we stop, I wobble a bit (I get dizzy easily.) Mystery Man steadies me again. He’s grinning too.
“We’re at the end of the sequence now. Let’s top it off with two claps!” Trixie claps hand in rapid succession.
Mystery Man and I pull away, then the room rings with clapping. Trixie squees and jumps up and down. (She’s very easily excited.)
“Amazing everyone! I think you’ve got the jist of it. I say, let’s do this all again two more times. Three is a wonderful number.”
I look towards my new dragon masked friend. “Ready to do this again?” I say.
He shrugs. “Well, will I have to catch you again?” I open my mouth to make a retort, but he leans forward and my brain practically shuts down. All I can think about is how close his lips are to mine. “Because I gladly would.”
Words dissolve on my tongue. I’m usually able to squeeze out some fumbling semblance of speech, but now I can’t even manage that. I’m too enthralled, too stunned. to say anything. I feel like I’m falling. But I don’t want to stop.
We repeat the dance twice more. I don’t stumble as much as I did the first time. We move gracefully in time with the music. Every touch of our hands feels like magic. I’m enjoying myself more than I have in months. And I get what I want. I keep falling, more and more with each step.
The dance ends. We all bow one last time. (I can do it perfectly now.) Everyone applauds, turning to Trixie. She curtsies politely, obviously trying to hide her embarrassed flush. She runs up to her mic.
“Nice job, you all!” she says. “It was lovely. Now, at the request of my ballroom dance loving girlfriend, she wants us to end with her favourite, the waltz. And since I can’t say no to her,” she clicks a button on her phone, “let’s finish this evening off with a waltz!”
Soft music of a different kind plays. People start spinning and swaying together. I freeze. I was mostly clueless before, but here I’m completely fucking lost. At least Trixie was shouting instructions at me. I turn to Mystery Man. He must see the concern on my face, because his lips pinch together.
“What’s wrong?” He says kindly.
“I... I have no clue how to waltz. Like, you saw me before. My friend’s right, I’m a terrible dancer. I barely keep from tripping over my own feet. And this time no one’s yelling the moves out! I-”
“Shh.” He takes his hand in mine. Worry seeps out of me with his touch. “It’s alright. You don’t have to. But, if you like,” he puts his palm against my upper back, making me inhale sharply, “I do know the dance. And I can lead.”
This evening has been incredible so far. I don’t want it to end. So I nod slowly. “Okay. Sounds good to me.”
He smiles, and lifts our joined hands until our arms are outstretched. I bring my other hand up, but I have no idea where to put it, so it falls uselessly.
“Put it on my shoulder,” he whispers. I do, holding him tightly. “Now just follow me.”
“I will,” I say softly.
He moves back, and I step with him. He’s going slowly for me. We go in a box formation. It takes a bit, but I get the hang of it. (He was right, it just takes practice.) Soon, we’re moving in perfect sync, gliding across the floor. It’s like we were on a cloud. Nothing exists outside of the two of us, our hands, our feet, everything. I’m too damn happy to care about anything else.
The song ends. Mystery Man and I slow then stop. Our eyes are fixed together. Bit by bit, our hands lower, until they fall away. All I can hear is our deep breathing.
“Thank you,” he says, “This was-”
I grab his face and kiss him.
In hindsight, this was a poor decision. We just met, my girlfriend broke up with me only two weeks ago, and we’re wearing bloody masks, which knock together awkwardly. But I don’t care. I don’t care that we barely touch, resulting in just a shy brush of lips. It’s all I want to do in this moment. But he’s just frozen. Maybe I read the signals wrong (I do that a lot). So I pull back slightly
That’s when he grabs my collar and collides with me. Our mouths smash together. He’s unbelievably warm. I feel like every part of my body is burning with sensation. I grab his neck, running my thumbs over his skin. We angle until the masks are barely in the way. He kisses me furiously, like he's desperate. His tongue runs against mine, and I nearly fall over with the buckle in my knees. This man’s grip is the only thing keeping me up. I’m falling harder than I ever have before. I’m falling with him, and I couldn't be happier.
He pulls away slightly, our mouths still close.
“Simon,” he sighs under his ragged breath, and my heart beats manically. I kiss him again, and again, and aga-
I pull back. He tries to chase after my mouth, but I softly press on his chest to keep him away.
“How..." I pant, "how do you know my name?”
He freezes. His eyes are filled with absolute terror. I’ve never seen anyone so scared. He shoves me away with enough force to make me stumble. With one last scared look, he dashes off.
“Hey wait!” I yell.
Mystery Man must be on the fucking track team, because he’s bloody Usain Bolt. I chase after him but I’m not in the best shape (the price for my love of scones.) He bursts through the double doors. When I get there, he’s already hailed down a cab. I watch it drive off while breathing heavily.
“Shit,” I huff. “Did I just get fucking Cinderella’d?!”
“Hey, Simon!” I turn to see Trixie come out of the doors. She’s frowning terribly. “Did your date just run off with a costume? That’s very rude. Next time you see him, tell him to bring it back.”
I stand up and cross my arms. “He wasn’t my date. Well, he was. But I just met him though. I have no idea who the fuck that is.”
And I’m not sure I ever will.
I get back to the dorms around 11. Getting out of that damn costume was surprisingly harder than getting in it. I stumble in, kicking my shoes against the wall. A groan sounds from the bed opposite mine. There’s a Baz shaped lump of multiple blankets on the bed opposite mine. Well, after such a dreamy night, I guess I need a dose of reality. And Baz is certainly that.
I strip down to my boxers and flop on my mattress. It squeaks under me. As I drift to sleep, I ghost a finger over my lips, still tingling with the memory of that man. And when I dream, it’s us dancing on a cloud.
The morning light wakes me up, which I don’t appreciate. I’m groggy, tired, and bloody annoyed. I had the most amazing evening with the most amazing man, and I don’t even know his name. Yet he knew mine! Is he a distant admirer? Some sort of stalker? Do I have class with him? Is he going to show up at my door and kiss me stupid again? Because I would really, really like that.
I groan and kick off the sheet. My bleary eyes rest on the other bed. For once, Baz isn’t gone. He’s sitting there against the headboard, balancing a textbook on his knees. But he’s obviously looking at me. Until I notice, that is.
“What is it, Baz?” I growl.
He opens his mouth like he’s ready to speak. But quickly closes it instead and buries his face in the textbook.
“Nothing, Snow,” his muffled, prickly voice says from behind the paper.
“Whatever. Prick.”
I stumble and crash my way through the dorm room. My head’s still not right. I don’t think I slept that much. I just want to go take a shower and curl up in my fluffy TARDIS robe. I reach to open my closet.
“Wait, Snow don’t!” Baz shouts. But it’s too late.
I open the door. I blink the sleep out of my eyes. This isn’t my closet. Mine is a mess of haphazardly stuffed dirty clothes. This one is filled with folded t-shirts, jeans, and grey hoodies.
Along with a crimson baroque costume and dragon masquerade mask, hanging in the back.
I’m not sure how long I stand there. Just, staring at it. My thoughts are like a car wreck of confusion. Slowly, I process what this means. Why this costume is hanging in Baz’s closet. I pivot on my feet. Baz is leaning forward on his bed, textbook tossed to the side. I recognise that look of terror. That fear in his grey eyes.
His gorgeous grey eyes.
“Baz...” I say softly. “You... you were Mystery Man?”
Baz pulls back to the wall, curling his hands into his chest. He nods rapidly. “Yeah.”
I run a hand through my hair, chewing the nails on my other. I think my brain is exploding. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” I mutter. “Why? Why did you dance with me? Why didn't you tell me it was you? Why did you bloody kiss me?!”
Baz leans his chin on his fists behind his knees. “I’m sorry,” he moans. “I-I just went there because Niall asked me to. But then you were there, in that beautiful fucking costume, and I finally got the confidence to attempt an actual conversation. I thought you would recognise me but you didn't. And I realised you’d freak out if you knew it was me, because you hate me. So I just, played along! It was so much fun, dancing with you. Then... you fucking kissed me and I was in heaven. But I-I didn’t mean for it to go that far, I’m sorry!” He moans again and pushes his face into his sleeve covered hands.
I always thought Baz was just a dick who never wanted to talk to me because I was dumber than him. Like he didn't know how to interact with a lower life form. But looking at him now, bright red and fumbling, I see that he's not some cold asshole. He's just... a boy.
I take cautious steps towards him. Slowly, I sit on the end of the bed. “For how long, though? Have you liked me?”
He doesn't speak for a bit, and when he does, it's through his hoodie. “Almost since we met.” He burrows deeper into the grey fabric. “But I've been too scared! You make me so nervous. That’s why I can’t even bloody talk to you properly! That’s not your fault though, it’s mine, I know. And last night, with you not knowing it was me, I could pretend I hadn’t already ruin everything. That you actually could like me back!” He hunches even further down, wrapping his arms around his shins and hiding in his jeans.
“That’s why you insult me all the time? And avoid me?” I say softly. “All because you have a crush on me?”
He nods rapidly. “I’m not good with, feelings and stuff. Asshole is my default. Especially when I’m scared. I’m so sorry.”
I’ve met two Baz Pitches so far. One is a quiet asshole who throws insults every time he speaks. The second is calm, confident, and beyond charming. This third one in front of me, is an incredibly anxious man who cannot process his feelings properly. But, I think all those Bazes are parts of a fundamentally good person.
I place a hand on his knee. He tenses at the touch. “You know,” I say, “there’s one thing that’s really been bugging me.” Baz inhales sharply. “Where on Earth did you learn to waltz so well?”
The tension releases from him. Baz shifts slightly out of his hunch. Just a titch, letting his eyes show. “My dad sent me to lessons when I was 17. He thought it’d help me get girls, since I’d never had a girlfriend before. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I was hopelessly queer.”
I chuckle. “Well at least they sort of paid off.”
He shrugs, bringing his head up to rest on his knees. His face is soft and kind. “I guess.”
And with that smile, he looks like Mystery Man. The charming guy who made me feel safe and happy when I was scared. Slowly, I reach out towards his face. He pulls back until he his head hits the wall.
“It’s alright,” I say softly.
He relaxes. I take off his glasses, giving me clear view of his eyes. They really do sparkle. I carefully cup his cheek. He sighs and leans into my touch. I turn a bit red myself.
“Just for future reference,” I say, “if you like someone, maybe open with ‘hi’ instead of ‘don’t put your stuff on my side of the room.’”
Baz groans deeply, knocking his forehead against his legs. “I knoooow. I just, you walked in on the first day, being absolutely goddamn gorgeous. And I knew I was totally screwed, so I guess I thought, ‘better just make him hate me so I don’t get hurt.’ Stupid, I know.”
“No, it’s not stupid.” I scoot forward. “It’s a natural reaction. We all get freaked out. I mean, with my first crush, I was so scared I threw up on her shoes.”
Baz brings his head up, eyes bugging out. “Jesus, Snow! How old were you?!”
I look down. “...13.”
He snorts, then bursts out laughing. There are tears in his eyes. I turn even brighter bright red. “Shut up, it was an accident.”
“Oh I bloody well hope so!”
He slowly calms down. Then we're just sitting there, both of my hands now on his knees, staring at each other. We're so close. It feels wonderful. Baz shifts uncomfortably though. He chews at his lip nervously.
“Simon,” he starts, “that guy from last night, I'm not always like that. I'm not always that smooth, or confident. I mean, I could try to be, if you like...’
I shake my head vigorously. “No! No, don't do that. I don't want you to force yourself to be that all the time. Or hide who you are either. You should just, be yourself.”
Baz looks at me wide eyed. I'm not really sure what his emotion is. Wonder? Worry? Something in between? “But, do you actually know me?”
I shrug. “Not really, I guess. I've met different sides of you. But,” I reach down to his hoodie sleeves and grab his amazingly rough hands, bringing them up between us, “I'd like to get to know you. All of you. Not just the sides.”
He lets out the breath he'd been holding in and leans his forehead onto our joined knuckles. “I'm such an idiot. If only I'd tried this ages ago.”
“Pff! What, hiding your identity at a masquerade ball, impressing me with your dancing skills, and running away like Cinderella after snogging me senseless?!”
Baz looks up, rolling his eyes. “No, you idiot. Just talking to you like a normal person. Instead of hiding and spitting vitriol. I fucked it all up.”
I sigh and lean my cheek on our hands. “Oh don't take all the blame, love. I could've been nicer too. I'm pretty sure my first words to you were 'fuck off, you asshole prick’. Not exactly diplomatic, hm?” I raise an eyebrow, making him smile.
“No. I guess we both got off on the wrong foot.”
Suddenly, I get an idea. I pull away from him and stand up. “Get up.” Baz stares at me confused. “Don't just look at me, stand up!”.
Baz shrugs and gets to his feet. He stands at his full height. (Which is good, but it sort of sucks that he's taller than me.) I stick out my hand to him.
“Hi, I'm Simon. We’re roommates. Nice to meet you.” Baz stares at me very confused. I wiggle my fingers for emphasis. “C’mon, Baz, let's start off on the right foot now.”
He blinks a couple times, then smirks. He takes my hand. There's that sparky rough palm feeling again. I love it. “Hello Simon, I'm Baz. I think you're really cute. Want to go get coffee?”
I give him one firm shake. “I'd love to. But,” I gingerly pull my hand away, “let me put on some trousers first?”
Baz laughs heartily at that. (He has a really nice laugh.) I throw on some trackies and a Watford shirt. Baz tosses me my sandals, and we're both (mostly) properly dressed for the world. I take his hand and weave our fingers together.
“C'mon, Mystery Man, “ I say. “Let's have a proper date.”
He squeezes me lightly. “Sounds delightful, Moon Boy.”
I start walking, and he follows. “You are not allowed to call me that!”
“Oh so you’re making the rules now? This relationship is off to a rocky start already.”
I open our door, turning to him with a sarcastically bewildered look. “Relationship? Aren't you presumptuous. We're just having coffee."
Baz closes it behind us with a kick. “Well, with the huge exception of last night, I only snog people I'm dating. So I guess no more wonderful kisses for you.”
“Cruel bastard,” I say with a glare.
He glares back. “Whiny brat.” 
I'd usually be offended, but there's no bite to his voice. Only playful caring. We stroll down the hall, hands clasped. I don't plan on loosening my grip, and neither does he.
I let my Mystery Man go once. Never again.
AN: And there we go! So pretty much Baz was more awkward but still an asshole. Just a different way of him not coping with his emotions lol. I really enjoyed writing this. Simon being an oblivious little shit is so much fun. Also I love fancy dancing and masks. Overall, this was great.
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