#her style at all. she’s got very feminine pretty clothes. lots of crop tops and jeans and skirts. the jacket doesn’t really fit that
ghoul--doodle · 2 years
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I love winning!!
I’ll dump the full story in the tags
#art tag#just over a year ago my nanna offered me this leather jacket she’s had for ages- she’s been unable to get rid of it so#she asked me to try it on. I did! and I loved it!! it was comfy and it had enough room to layer up if it got cold- but it wasn’t oversized#i said I wanted the jacket and my dad agreed it looked good but nanna being herself thought it was too big on me despite me insisting it’s-#fine and comfortable. I don’t take clothes that don’t fit me. if it was too big I would’ve said so. either way she wouldn’t let me take#the jacket home and she shoves it in her wardrobe and insists that she’s going to get it adjusted for me and she’ll let me know when it’s-#done. yeah she didn’t do that. what she DID do was wait until I forgot about it.#fast foward a few years and my family in canada can finally afford to visit (safely)#my cousins come too! my older cousin and 3 younger ones#we had a great time! they stay for roughly 3 weeks and fast forward again to when they’re getting ready to leave#my older cousin is packing her bag and she asks me to find a shirt from her bag while she sorts her makeup out- she wanted the shirt for#travel the next day! so I sort out the top she wants and I notice a leather jacket in her bag! and we start talking about it offhandedly#I don’t recognise it as the same jacket at first we’re sorta just talking about it and she mentions she didn’t even want the jacket in the#first place. she was just taking it from nanna to be polite- it did fit her fine (she’s the same size as me believe it or not) but it’s not#her style at all. she’s got very feminine pretty clothes. lots of crop tops and jeans and skirts. the jacket doesn’t really fit that#so! she says ‘hey why don’t you try it? if you like it you can have it!’ so I do! and it dawns on me. this is the SAME jacket#that my nanna offered me from before. and it clicks that she was trying to get rid of it without me knowing about it. and i tell my cousin!#she was pissed off on my behalf and helped me hide the jacket in a bag so I could take it home without nanna knowing#a few days later my family are back off to Canada!#a few weeks later I come around to nanna’s house wearing the jacket and she is royally pissed to say the least#I personally was ecstatic#it is 100% mine now so she can’t do shit anymore and I will wear it like a badge of honour because I’m petty like that#I love my cousins so fucking much actually. we’re all in mutual agreement that nanna is horrible#a lot happened on their trip but this is one of my favourite things
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official-darkforest · 2 months
i am SOOO unbelievably thrilled by your anthro au omg. do you have fashion ideas for the characters? like their favorite outfits, fabrics, etc? imo one of the best parts of anthro characters is deciding how they'd express themselves through their clothing :]
I HAVE A FEW ALREADY!!!! i dont have many specifics because theres so many characters ahd i havent drawn them all yet LOL but i'll share the ones i do have at least SOMETHING for
im also trying to keep these reasonable for the time period and location, as in my au the clan cats are mostly rural and in small towns set (mostly) before the 2000s so most may dress more modest and conservative (especially if theyre older and very religious)
squirrelflight - the best i can describe her sense of fashion is that it ranged from tomboy as a younger girl and is currently closer to a working class butch. im not sure if masc would be a more appropriate term since i dont hc her as a lesbian (shes bi) but she dresses "like a man" and owns a lot of jeans, slacks, and button-up shirts of all kinds of fabrics and patterns. she also enjoys bright colors as well, but as she got older her fashuon sense got a little more sensible and less "loud" like it was in the 60s and 70s. she also has glasses like her daddy once shes like 35 or so. she and firestar dressed very similarly, and a lot of her shirts and neckties are things she stole from his closet
feathertail - very feminine. hippie adjacent, lots of loose and flowing garments and jingly pieces. breatheable clothes and open toed shoes. her favorite swimsuit had some little frilly bits on it i think. often combines neutral earthy tones with blues and whites
crowfeather - lots of handmedowns from his father. clothes you can do farmwork in like jeans, overalls, hardy flannel/denim shirts and boots. never grew out of this and still dresses this way and he likes it
jayfeather - he looks like a modernized (as far as the 80s goes) version of his father - same hairstyle snd way of dress. he isnt too formal but does have some more preppiness to his clothing style (polo shirts and sweaters). he avoids full button downs since buttoning them himself jjust gets frustrating since he cant match them up every time. new wave band shirts. he also wears orange tinted glasses to protect his eyes (in this au i wrote that hes able to perceive shadows and light pretty okay, but not much else beyond that) And Kinda As A Fashion Statement cuz it goes well with his facial structure and hairstyle i think
lionblaze - hes like if the stereotypical jock and stereotypical 80s rock+metal enthusiast had a baby. muscle tees and bandanas, ripped jeans, those absurdly short shorts, crop tops, etc. he's a drummer i think if that matters LOL
ivypool - punk, also sorta like joan jett to an extent. very homemade, tho sometimes she gets lazy and doesnt really commit to the outfits all the way (but definitely has the mindset, dint get me wrong). one of those girls with a chest small enough to go braless 99% of the time; wears a lot of tank tops and sleeveless shirts LOL
bone/brick/scourge - just google "the outsiders movie" or "greaser" and you'll get the idea. tho i imagine these three in particular also have some kind of bare minimum formalwear scraped together from their escapades. theyre kinda like the jetts/sharks from west side story if that helps at all
daisy - she combines flowing, pretty dresses with a sunhat and work boots. she also teaches horseback riding and owns a few (its a business she runs w smokey and floss. i think its be funny if they were polyam ITS MY AU I CAN CHANGE WHAT I WANT) and she has horseback-appropriate clothing as well
poppyfrost - THEE preppy girl of the 80s. big hair, perm and all. dresses with pastel colors. her sisters cinderheart and honeyfern are pretty similar, tho i imagine honeyfern is a little more sporty and cinderheart takes inspiration from madonna once shes trying to court lionblaze
hazeltail - long haired country girl butch. enough said
spottedleaf snd cinderpelt are nuns lol
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Part 2
Tori Hanson
Is an only child with very strict, traditional parents
Fights with parents a lot and doesn’t like staying at home
Is either at the beach, Storm Chargers, Ninja Ops, or with the boys during her free time
Family wants her to be classically feminine and only let her go into surfing after lots and lots of begging
Hates the stereotyping she gets at home and hates it when the boys do it because it makes her feel like she’s back at home and like she can’t do anything and she has issues ok?
Met Shane and Dustin at Storm Chargers after getting lost and they bonded over their powers at first before really becoming friends
They were her first real friends and she is very protective over them
They helped her get out of her shell and be more confident in herself
They’re idiots, but they’re her idiots 
Is very close with Kelly since there are no other girls on the team and they spill tea on the boys sometimes (Cam joins when he’s extra annoyed)
Technically doesn’t work at Storm Chargers, but knows how to run the shop, helps with customers, and runs some errands for Kelly now and again
She may as well be working there
She likes spending time with Cam since he’s the most reasonable and most likely to understand her problems outside of Kelly (Dustin and Shane are great and do their best but sometimes she needs someone with a brain cell that isn’t shared between multiple people) (She says as she also shares said braincell)
Is the most protective of Dustin and Cam for similar reasons (They are littlest brother)
Cam: Still older than you, Tori: Only technically
She is very supportive of him (as they all are) and was the first to pinpoint that the new green ranger was Cam
Thought Blake was cute when they first met and that almost completely overwrote over all the sus that was there (almost)
The more they talked the more besotted she got even though she knew something was up
Was very upset when she found out he was evil and then very pissed when he threatened Cam
Had a talk with Blake before he and Hunter left (an apology for everything that happened and letting her know they’re going away for a bit)
Missed him a lot while he was gone but went a little stubborn when he pointed it out (she hasn’t dated a lot and most of the guys she’s dated turned out to be pretty misogynistic) (part of why Shane turns guys down for her since he can see that shit from a mile away)
Knew something was wrong when Blake and Hunter turned on them again and continually fought for them while they were brainwashed
Slowly started to fall for him for real after that whole mess
Hunter is basically the brother she never had 
Like, when people see them together they think they’re twins or something
Her, Shane, and Hunter have a classic sibling rivalry with each other and are always bickering or wrestling around
She thinks their rivalry is stupid even though she’ll do the exact same thing if someone doubts or challenges her
She is usually the voice of reason up until someone doubts or challenges her, then all cards are off the table
Kind of temperamental (effects of having bad parents) and is working on regulating her emotions
Dustin pointed out her powers are related to her emotions sometimes
“Your emotions are like the tide or the waves during a storm. Seemingly harmless, but able to cause a lot of damage when you’re not careful”
She is like Dustin in the way that he is kind and compassionate but not nearly as trusting
Not a tomboy, just athletic (there is a difference) 
Kind of feminine and hates it because it plays into her parents expectations of her
Lots of blue flannel and crop tops
when she becomes friends with Hunter, she gets a bunch of emo/punk stuff to scare her parents with (it’s not really her style, but the jewelry is nice tho)
Learned to be confident in her style thanks to Shane and Dustin not giving a shit about her clothes (as long as she can move and play with them) and Kelly showing her how to be stylish with functionality
Is scary when mad, and kind of mean 
The boys tend to avoid making her mad because of how terrifying she can be
Start sweating when she gives them “The Glare”™ 
The most technical with her powers (can be very specific with how water moves)
Feels the most at home with her powers and uses every excuse to be at the beach/in the water
Her ‘dolphin’ affinity gives her a command ability like a siren
Had an easy time adjusting to martial arts since her parents had her take ballet when she was young (she wanted to do hip hop and instead learned how to dance how she wanted from youtube videos)
Specialized in scythes (her weapon looks like a dolphin/whale tail) 
Can also use nunchucks and a bo
The reason she was so upset over Shane missing her birthday was because they have never missed a birthday for any of them and this is the first time he’s missing out
Her parents stopped celebrating it after she stopped spending time at home so she this is the only time she can celebrate
She tries not to be salty about it and she understands why he has to do what he has to do but her birthday turns out less than ideal (not because of Shane, Lothor is being a prick on her birthday)
Tori ends up going to UCLA after the show (because of course she does)
She’s going into something that’ll help at Storm Chargers because she and Kelly are going to be running it now that the boys no longer work there
It always had a special place in her heart and she wants to see it thrive
Main post
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raitrolling · 8 months
was thinking abt my trans/nb/gnc trolls on the train home
zotick: cis male, happily wears fem clothing (primarily miniskirts and crop tops) but is very comfortable with his gender and does not use a gnc descriptor. finnster gender
soroll: gnc male, identifies as male and uses he/they pronouns because male is a close enough descriptor to how he feels. will wear both masc and fem clothes, and presented more fem when he was younger because he loves scene fashion and found secondhand womens clothing from that subculture easier to come by
ananta: amab agender and uses any pronouns. could not care less about gender or presenting in any particular way, and has no opinions as to how other people perceive them. theyve been called a man and theyve been called a woman, neither of these words have any meaning to them
ashell: trans male, uses exclusively he/him pronouns. socially transitioned at a young age (presenting as male, going by a new name, starting vocal training to speak at a lower register, etc.), then sought out trans-affirming healthcare (top surgery and T) when he was older but stopped taking T after he died because it no longer had an effect on him. presents exclusively masc and is uncomfortable wearing skirts or dresses
ariete: trans woman, uses exclusively she/her pronouns. also transitioned at a young age (socially + medically), and since her lusus has seen so many qurioes discover that they're not cis knew exactly how to help her seek out all the resources she needed asap. generally presents fem but also enjoys masc fashion with a feminine flair
celise: afab non-binary and uses they/he pronouns. the most theyve really thought about their gender was 'well im definitely not a girl' and then got top surgery in their late teens/young adulthood. presents androgynously, leaning more towards masc but in a sickly victorian man way
fannar: afab agender and exclusively uses they/them pronouns. has only transitioned socially as theyre concerned that their weak immune system may cause further complications. experiences dysphoria, and binds their chest + wears a lot of layers to present as androgynously as possible. their mask both protects them from the cold weather and helps to muffle their voice. detests being referred to with any sort of gendered term
lusien: gnc male, identifies as male and uses he/they pronouns. like soroll, male is just the closest identifier to how he feels about gender as he doesn't feel like a cis man but also doesn't feel particularly nb/queer either. however he still does present masc and has no inclinations into trying out more fem or androgynous styles, gender is just a vibe to him
glasya: afab non-binary and uses they/she pronouns. considers their gender to be 'yes im a girl yes im not a girl', and has no desire to go on hrt or get top surgery. they may bind if they feel like an outfit would look better with a flat chest, but more often than not this is not the case. no preference towards presenting masc/fem/androgynous, though in a formal situation theyre more inclined towards wearing dresses
sigrun: amab agender and uses any pronouns. whats a gender theyve never heard of it. no opinion on their body whatsoever, it is just a vessel used for swimming and hunting animals with. presents masc just because thats how theyve always been, but would not be opposed to feminine styles in the slightest
linnae: gnc male, identifies as male and uses he/they pronouns. literally only identifies as male because thats what everyone else calls him so that's what he's the most used to. will wear whatever they want with no regard as to whether its masc- or fem- presenting and would find the concept of gender presentation to be strange (and then worry that theyre the strange one for not being taught these things), as its just pretty clothes to them
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wonwoosthetic · 3 years
Minnie 🌷 Eras 2015-2018
*ૢ✧ Adore U (2015)
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Minnie blended in with the members a little too well. Fans back than didn’t even realise there was a female member and actually even started asking where she was. The stylists didn’t put much effort into her outfits.
If Minnie could erase one memory, it would be the filming of this MV. She’s obviously extremely thankful for their debut but she filming itself was extremely awkward and she didn’t feel comfortable.
*ૢ✧ Mansae (2015)
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Very similar to ‘Adore U’, in the way that you couldn’t even tell she was there. Minnie didn’t want to complain about looking “too tomboyish” sometimes since her and the company didn’t have the best relationship, and because of her lack of confidence the outfits made her more miserable but she was kinda thankful for them hiding her body, it was a confusing time.
*ૢ✧ Pretty U (2016)
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The stylists started putting Minnie into more girlie outfits. Since it fitted the concept of this era quite well, she didn’t stand out much. She enjoyed wearing oversized sweaters during this time.
*ૢ✧ 아주 Nice (2016)
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She fitted in very nicely with the boys. She didn’t like this era too much personally because they weren’t able to show themselves off as much as she would’ve liked to, but she’s very thankful for the impact of this song because it remains an iconic piece of art.
*ૢ✧ Boom Boom (2016)
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“The outfits were kinda cool” - Minnie. Even though she would’ve styled all of them differently, she thinks it wasn’t too bad and liked the unity. She was the identical suit and shirt of Minghao. The third outfit was again very tomboyish but she wasn’t too bothered by it.
*ૢ✧ Don’t Wanna Cry (2017)
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LISTEN. Carats still joke about the fact that Seventeen for sure must have changed stylists before the start of this era because Minnie was FINALLY getting styled properly. Truth is: they did actually change stylists because S.Coups and Jeonghan were having none of the bullshit that Minnie was constantly looked down upon and put into just about any clothes they could find. Fans were so happy to see her be able to stand out as the only female member while still fitting in with the others. Minnie was also happy that she finally got to show off more of her feminine side without being the center of attention.
*ૢ✧ Clap (2017)
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Minnie liked this one, a lot. She loves the song, loves the vibe, and loved the style. Carats are also big fans and loved seeing her in a well tailored and fitted suit. Also the first time they got to see Minnie in a real crop top in a M/V.
*ૢ✧ Thanks (2018)
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For this era, the new stylist wanted Minnie to help them and include some of her own touches into the fashion of the comeback, which she did a fantastic job at. The members loves it and she felt very comfortable. There was a good mix of comfort and cute.
*ૢ✧ Oh My! (2018)
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A very colourful concept that Minnie wasn’t used to. She didn’t hate it but she didn’t love it - it was alright. The stylists kept her in comfortable clothes, but more importantly: comfortable shoes.
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Taglist: @naviercallisto
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robinrequiems · 3 years
I cant help but ask for gender bend jondami as another clishe :/
I know ur packed wt asks so you can take as much time you want for it uwu IDK why I love clishes so much aaa
angry short lesbian and tall happy lesbian:
• mmm crop top damian wayne
• dami ( it can b a feminine / gender neutral same so yay ) wayne; Robin. Josette ( or josie 4 short ) kent; supergirl
• jason at one point shouted: LETS GO LESBIANS! when dami and josie were just walking peacefully
• but yk, it had to get ruined
• harley & ivy cheered them on when they were getting handcuffed and taken back to Arkham
Harley: remember when we were that little?
Ivy: I didn’t know you when you were that little, harley
• when they started dating, it was very much a huge shock. their styles are way different. and they just.. don’t seem compatible with the way they argue like little kids even at 16
• fem dami so wears a suit to galas, she says f gender norms, she rarely wears skirts
• but fem jon wears skirts cause she likes how flow-y it is
• dami wears a lot of josies crops and sweater, mainly bc she likes how big it is on her ‘cause tall icon josie
• josie looks like a sweet, innocent country girl pls
• AAAA genderbent au with cheerleader josie and loner dami rambles? yuh
• josie was apart of the beloved cheerleading team, flipping around and soaring through the sky like she was flying ( which she did on a frequent, but she loved this )
• dami actually taught her how to flip and do a lot of other cheer moves, dami normally sits in on practices to help jon go through it on her own
Josie: why don’t you join cheer?
Dami: ew. don’t disrespect me like that
• dami barely has her hair down, it’s normally up in a bun, braid, ponytail, etc, but with a few strands down her face
• josie is still a farm girl, rough hands, even though she likes skirts and all that, she does wear a lot of overalls and jeans
• I know that supergirl kara wears a skirt… but. no. josie still wears the superboy get up w/ the ripped jeans, sweatshirt, & red shoes ( but her hairs up in a ponytail or pigtails ). dami wears the exact same uniform
• dami normally keeps her hair short, longest is a little past her shoulders, she just doesn’t vibe with long hair, josie does whatever josie wants, if she wants to have hair long, she does, but sometimes she chops a lot of it off just for fun
• they put makeup on each other sometimes, just playing around with it, Dami taught josie how to apply makeup and got her everything she needed ( foundation, concealer, bronzer, blahblh blah )
• dami wears a lot of knee high boots, combat boots, & canvas shoes to draw on
• josie wears the same red shoes everyday until they break or get ruined ( lois hates this )
• dami.. accessorizes.. a l ot. she has a whole jewelry box full of it, she wears anklets
• josie loses earrings, she doesn’t bother w/ jewelry
• stephanie and cass are the ones who have to handle Dami’s “girl” problems because Bruce has no idea what to do, and talia was busy being a badass
• fishnets under jeans dami!!!!!!!! Dami is pretty.. reserved? with the way she dresses, buut there are days where she just feels hella confident and wears whatever she wants
• dami was given a lot of marthas old jewelry from bruce:))))
• when dami has hair down; there are beanies involved:))
• sometimes the two have a complete style swap and dami just wears a lot of bright colors while josie goes dark-ish
• dami likes having a lot of blush on her cheeks, idk, oo and cat eyeliner. she likes looking sassy
• josie barely does makeup, she doesn’t break out ‘cause life is here to make dami even more gayer for her
Josie: ooooh! you look so cute in my headband! im gonna get you one
• josie has dami try on her own clothes and things like headbands ( only thing she manages to not lose.. ) and then if they look good, whcih they normally do, she gets one for dami
• dami wears them when she hasn’t seen josie, she likes rhe headbands, but she does not want to show that josie is right ):<<<
Dami: father, richard, person whose name I forgot, dead one, female dead one, ballerina, and lighthouse, I have an announcement.
Bruce, sighing: go on
Dami: im pregnant
Bruce: i- im - so - sorry? what?
Dami: kidding, i have come to terms that I can no longer say “no home” to Josie since it is fully homo. I am also spending the night with her in 2 days. that’s all. continue your meal.
Dick: ?? Congratulations?
Jason: that’s one way to come out
Stephanie: you get i— wait am i female dead one??
Duke: ‘least you aren’t lighthouse
Tim: at least he remembered you ????
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seattlesea · 3 years
Percy Jackson Characters + Styles of Dress
Percy- Alternative + Skater He looks like a skater boy and dresses like one, too. He wears a lot of Thrasher shirts, checkered Vans, chains, beanies, ripped jeans, long socks, light studs, baggy shirts, jeans that are usually black or dark blue, and jackets that are usually leather or denim. His main colors are black and blue accented with gray and white. He accessories perfectly and lightly and always has that one thing that tips his outfit off a bit but otherwise he dresses pretty well and only dresses for himself (and almost never combs his hair). He has a lot of pins and sewed stickers on his jackets and usually has his skateboard with a bunch of spray-painted designs on the back with him. He sometimes wears ripped tank tops and/or jeans and flannel shirts and his favorite article of clothing is a black beanie Grover bought him.
Annabeth- Nerdy Academia + Comfy Half the time she wears skinny jeans, cardigans, scarves, long-sleeved shirts, button-up shirts, baggy pants, and the occasional skirt and the other half of the time she wears oversized hoodies, sweatpants, sweaters, and baggy shirts. She owns a hundred different belts, mostly wears short boots, and likes to accessorize with small gold jewelry and always has some sort of brown purse with her to hold her books and blueprints. She usually looks like the human personification of the coffee shop aesthetic and her main colors are brown, white, and cream with dark yellow and black accents. Her favorite article of clothing is a dark orange dress shirt that goes with anything. 
Jason-  Prep + Plain He wears the epitome of the Dad™ outfits- polo shirts, jeans, t-shirts, belts, sneakers, khakis, knee-shorts, sandals, and striped or button-up shirts. He sometimes wears suspenders and looks super nerdy in them but otherwise has a very plain and simple style. He likes to look presentable but doesn’t care that much about fashion. He’ll wear the occasional denim jacket, hoodie, and combat boots and the only accessory he has ever worn was a watch until Reyna bought him a gold chain necklace he always wears but tucks into all his shirts. His main colors are white, purple, and blue with light gray accents. His favorite article of clothing is a white polo shirt from his favorite shop at New Rome.
Piper- Casual + Simple She wears basic, everyday clothes most people own like sweaters, denim and snowboarding jackets, sneakers, hiking boots, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, and skinny jeans (ripped and not). She likes to keep it plain and simple- just like Jason- and rarely accessories, usually just going for whatever’s comfiest. She doesn’t really care about fashion but will occasionally wear a cardigan, small accessory like a bracelet or necklace, or hoodie that most likely belongs to Jason. Her main colors are green and blue with orange and white accents. Her favorite article of clothing is the white snowboarding jacket her mom returned to her after claiming her at Camp Half-Blood.
Frank- Cozy + Athletic He loves comfy, warm clothes. His wardrobe mostly consists of large hoodies, sweats, cuffed jeans, baggy t-shirts, zip-up sweaters, and sneakers but also often wears athletic clothes like Nike tank tops, workout shorts, gym shoes, and athletic tops. Other than that he wears the typical Camp Jupiter outfit and his main colors are blue, purple, and white with accents of red and brown. He also likes wearing clothes with Canadian-flag prints on them. His favorite article of clothing is a large, dark gray Adidas hoodie that mysteriously goes missing every few days (ahemHazelahem).
Hazel- Old-Fashioned + Cottagecore Her style is the cutest. Sometimes she wears vintage clothing from the early 1900′s as that’s what she’s most used to, so she sometimes wears cute vintage dresses, gloves, and pearl jewelry, but she mostly wears flowy dresses, riding boots, skirts, comfy shirts, jeans, baggy sweaters, and overalls and overall shorts and usually accessories with her own jewelry, cute pins, and flowers, especially flower crowns (courtesy of her step-mother Proserpina). She loves floral-print, often steals hoodies and t-shirts five times too big for her from Frank, likes wearing sparkly makeup (usually in gold), and her main colors are white, cream, and light brown with pink and light green accents. Her favorite article of clothing is a pearl necklace similar to one her mother used to wear. 
Leo- Work + Eccentric He has two very different styles. He usually wears clothes that are best suited for his work like plain tops, cargo pants to carry all his tools, army jackets, tool belts, khakis, jeans, and Timberland boots, but whenever he’s out in the mortal world or not working, his style completely changes. He wears bright, flashy colors that don’t go together, random prints (especially floral and cheetah-print), and accessories with different jewelry, mostly bracelets. He owns a lot of silly and graphic tees and has a bunch of fandom merch. His colors for his work clothes are brown, white, and green and his colors for his everyday clothes are every color imaginable. His favorite article of clothing is a yellow t-shirt with a Pikachu face on it, which he bought cause he always used to watch Pokémon with his mom.
Reyna- Androgynous/Butch/Tomboyish + Low-Key Punk Her style screams badass. She wears a bunch of unisex and tomboy clothes like button-up jean shirts, baggy and button-up shirts in general, flannel shirts, jeans, sneakers, beanies, hoodies, and sometimes polo shirts and suspenders but also wears punk-ish clothes like denim or leather jackets, studs, fingerless leather gloves, ripped jeans, combat boots, and punk accessories (courtesy of Thalia), and she looks awesome in a suit. Sometimes she wears binds and mostly accessories with pins and earrings but is comfortable with any style of clothing and it honestly ranges day-to-day, and sometimes when she’s feeling nostalgic she’ll do her hair and makeup really well like she used to at Circe’s Island. She cares about her appearance and every outfit is always on-point and perfect, even if she didn’t try that hard and some colors don’t match with the others. Her main colors are purple, brown, and gold with white, red, and black accents. Her favorite article of clothing is a button-up jean shirt she bought while out with Nico. 
Nico- Emo/Grunge + Girly His style is unique, but not as eccentric as Leo’s. A lot of the time he wears the basic black skull t-shirt, black leather or aviator jacket, black jeans, chains, combat boots, and light accessories with a few studs, but he mixes it up quite often. He also frequently wears grunge-like clothes like faded clothes, floral-print, plaid shirts, baggy sweaters, cardigans, beanies, distressed jeans, denim jackets, and parkas, but- with the help from his Big Sister™ Reyna and feminine queen Drew Tanaka- he experiments with transvestism and loves wearing crop-tops, skirts, flowy dresses, cute tops, and light makeup, usually eyeliner and blush. His colors range from main black with gray and white accents to main brown, blue, and black with green and silver accents to main pink and black with white and light brown accents. He also loves stealing clothes from Reyna cause they’re so big and comfy. He has two favorite articles of clothing- the silver skull ring from Bianca and a black denim jacket with a white skull stitch on the right lapel from Reyna.
Thalia- Punk + Goth She wears mostly punk clothes- ripped-up jackets, studs, chains, band pins, ripped jeans, leather jackets, chain jewelry, and graphic or band tees- but sometimes will go full goth when she feels like it and will wear all-black outfits, black combat boots with a bunch of belts on them, heavy jewelry, studs, and baggy or lacy clothes. She’ll usually just wear black eyeliner but will go all-out with awesome black eyeshadow, black lipstick, and small black designs near her eyelids (courtesy of makeup-professional Reyna). She also wears gold and silver accessories and owns a bunch of lightning-bolt clothes (courtesy of her frenemy Percy). She only wears Hunter of Artemis-style clothes like silvery parkas, gray camo pants, and gray hunting boots when out hunting with the other Hunters but always wears her silver lieutenant circlet. Her main colors are black with white, dark blue, silver, and sometimes gold accents. Her favorite article of clothing is the black leather jacket Luke gave to her before she got turned into a tree.
Rachel- Artsy + Cute She wears clothes that are the epitome of the Artsy Friend™. She usually wears oversized and baggy shirts, jeans with poked holes in them, casual shoes (mostly colorful Converse), overalls and overall shorts, bright-colored and/or striped tees and sweaters, mom jeans, beanies, and jumpers. She carries a palette and a few paintbrushes around with her everywhere in a kanken and always has doodles and paint splatters on her clothes, hands, and arms and sometimes chalk beneath her usually-painted fingernails. Sometimes she practices her art in makeup-form and does amazing detailed eyeshadow or scarily realistic drawings on her arms and legs. She also loves wearing bandanas, sandals, hair pins, scrunchies, and gold accessories. She wears pretty much every color but mostly red, orange, and yellow with green, blue, and purple accents and likes wearing rainbow clothes as well. Her favorite article of clothing is a bright yellow jumper Percy bought her for her birthday. 
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dirtyrottenraskel · 3 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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lobalovebot · 4 years
legends clothing choices ༄
didn’t include rev and path cause technically they can just walk around nakey 😳
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she likes to wear more comfortable yet feminine clothing. crop tops are her go to shirts, half her closet is filled with them. she usually pairs them with loose fitting sweatpants with a few accessories such as bracelets or necklaces to spice it up.
in terms of formal wear, ajay doesn’t like for her dresses to be too short and she for sure isn’t the type for heels. the dresses she does wear usually go down far enough to cover the sneakers that she wears under it.
anita would not be caught dead in anything too feminine. most of her closet is dark earthy colors. she mostly has t-shirts with the occasional turtleneck that she wears on cooler days. for pants, she is a huge jean person. the only type she doesn’t wear is skinny jeans.
she is very fond of wearing suits to more formal events. she actually takes pride in her rather expensive collection of suits that she keeps in a separate closet from the rest of her clothing.
wraith is one of the legends who isn’t very fashionable. she only wears blacks and grays apart from the very rare blue tones she has in her closet. she has plenty of hoodies and long sleeves not just because she likes to be covered up, but also because she has somewhat sensitive skin.
renee is the type to wear a pair of skinny jeans and a fancy shirt to anywhere that her hoodie isn’t welcome. while she won’t where full heels, she can deal with shoes with slight heels at the back though it always takes her around thirty minutes to get used to it.
this kid right here is turtleneck #1. the amount of turtlenecks he has is unbelievable. there was even a inside joke going around about how he might even sleep in one. aside from that however, he is big on regular t-shirts with a light jacket over it.
taejoon is always with the classic white buttons up with a tie and black pants when it comes to formal events. there isn’t much afford put into it, but he thinks he looks nice.
elliot changes his style constantly to fit in with the trend. some weeks he could be wearing baseball jersey and shorts while others he could have on expensive colorful tees with sneakers.
when it comes to being formal, elliot likes the extremely out of place and extra looking suits. like pink ones with glitter or neon green ones, whatever makes him stand out more.
the biggest turtleneck enthusiast. it is quite literally all he wears. from old and cheap ones to the latest and most expensive. his collection puts crypto’s to shame. he also really likes scarfs and expensive watches.
caustic is the basic full black tux kind of guy. he likes slicking back his hair and putting it on to make himself look classy. no matter how long it takes to put it on, he’ll always have it.
loba’s closet is surprisingly diverse. while she does have the expected such as tight fitting shirts or skinny jeans, half of her clothes actually has basic t-shirts, shorts, and a few nicely fitting sweatpants. she does enjoy dressing up and looking pretty, but for when she’s going somewhere where she feels completely at peace she doesn’t see a point in spending an hour or so on her outfit.
for formal wear, you bet she goes all out. from short and tight red dresses to longish black ones, loba always looks her best when going out somewhere fancy. her look is always complete with a necklace, few bracelets, and her iconic makeup.
they had very little interest in fashion actually. for the most part, their outfits have to picked out by someone else or it’s most likely they’ll just pick up the first things they see that semi match
just like wraith, they usually just stick to wearing a nice shirt along with some dark colored pants and call it a day. there were times where ajay had attempted to put them in something fancier, but it didn’t last long.
say it with me, h a w a i i a n s h i r t s. he loves them! he finds them so cute and quirky so he loves wearing them on a regular basis. he also likes single chain necklaces with little charms at the end.
gibby is just like caustic when it comes to formal wear. he just likes how he looks in a tux and makes fun of himself when he does wear them sometimes.
he is all about his shorts. he only wears shorts, muscle tees, and crop tops. he likes showing lots of skin just to show off his scars and scratches. he often gets colds though they don’t stop him.
even during formal events, his shorts HAVE to stay. the thought of having his calves out makes him sick. the most he does is some shorts and a matching shirt.
wattson actually likes wearing dresses and such on the regular. she was always told looks pretty in them by her father, so she has grown to love being in them. when she’s not wearing them, she’s usually in some cute bright colored sweater tucked into some jeans. she usually has some cute accessory like fake glasses or pins in her hair.
she likes wearing bright colored dresses or dress shirts to formal events depending on her mood. her outfits aren’t usually expensive, but she is almost always the best dressed, aside from loba.
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i was just chilling at this family party thing for the 4th and got bored so 🤷‍♀️
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dodgefred · 4 years
some of the abh kids’ fashion senses in modern day no i do not take constructive criticism
alice: either all thrifted, bought from small businesses, or handmade. anti-fast fashion. vintage-inspired silhouettes but not exactly. graphic t-shirts or big sweaters tucked into maxi-skirts. dresses from that one etsy shop inspired by little women. occasionally wears pants but not usually. lots of lace and florals and light colors. favorite color is blue. any kind of blue. always wears a locket with pictures of her and alfred as children inside. either hand-embroidered white converse or some kind of mary-janes or flats
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alfred: ugly. he comes from a rich family so he has all this designer shit he got as gifts that he still hasn’t gotten rid of and he doesn’t know how to style them. but he doesn’t even like the designer shit anyway, he prefers graphic t-shirts with cute characters like garfield or scooby doo or rabbits on them. he thinks just because something is the same color it’ll automatically look good together so he’ll pair together two wildly different shades of green and think he’s a genius. he likes big clothes because they hide the areas he’s insecure about, and he thinks the boxy look is very masculine and he likes that. this accidentally turned into a character analysis. also he exclusively wears chunky ass dad sneakers that look like they were plucked straight from ur uncle’s yard sale but he actually spent a lot of money on them. always wears a watch. also his socks never fucking match
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tabatha: not afraid to show anything off. shirts with deep v-necks, half unbuttoned button-downs, bras under blazers, whatever. alternatively, very into turtlenecks. also those corset-style tops i don’t know what they’re called??? pants are always high-waisted. dark colors or neutrals. lots of dark winelike purples. faux-sophisticated and posh. HOWEVER, she also wears doc martens with EVERYTHING. it doesn’t matter if it matches or not, she spent a lot of money on those boots and she loves them a lot!!! minimal jewelry if anything. belts! belts are great! lots of her clothes were either thrifted, gifted, or are knock-offs of a more expensive brand and she lowkey prides herself in that. big academia + lesbian energy tbh
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dodgy: art hoe vibes. yellow, funky patterned high-waisted pants, checkered vans, the whole shabang. he’s very in-touch with himself and not afraid to be a little bit feminine so he wears skirts and dresses often. though his favorite type of look is funky patterned button-downs either tucked into his pants and half unbuttoned or tied in a bow at the bottom. a mix of handmade and thrifted and also designer stuff. also lives on depop. the colors and patterns he wears are definitely all over the place but he’s good at piecing them together in different and unique outfits. truly a colorblock king. really into overalls, bucket hats, and crop tops too. not all together, though. loves to layer- like, on a 2010 disney channel level. but he actually knows how to make it go together. big belief in fashion as an art form and it shows. big converse stan. always cuffs his jeans
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mamie: “basic” fashion. cardigans, bralettes, turtlenecks, jeans, teddybear jackets. it’s all like gentrified designer fashion though like it’s deliberately designed to look like it’s been thrifted even though it wasn’t. she would never wear used clothes. disgusting. biker shorts and big sweatshirts are a vibe, and so are those little pastel cardigan crop top things, and also shirts with a lettuce hem. also not afraid of solid color fashion. she makes it work. she pretty much follows the trends though and doesn’t usually stray out of them. anti-plaid bc it reminds her of catholic school. brandy melville stannie
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clarissa: short skirts, spaghetti-straps, crop tops. big fan of denim skirts. wears heels with a casual outfit. preferred color is a pale yellow even though yellow is so hard to find cute clothes in. favorite pattern is gingham or florals. off the shoulder tops are cool. her whole vibe is vvvvv summery which is kind of awkward considering she lives in rainy ass england. oh well she deals with it. had a vsco girl phase but likes to ignore that fact after it became a meme. she’s still a scrunchie addict though
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illegiblewords · 3 years
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Gale Valor
I’zehn Tia
Maerec Provost
Navarre Shepherd
Design discussion under the cut!
I caved and set up all four Warrior of Light tank visuals inspired by the Final Fantasy games so far.
Disclaimer off the bat that I changed Navarre’s surname again. I forgot Minfilia’s last name is Ward, and it would have bothered me endlessly if I didn’t do away with that lore link since I’m not looking to do some long-lost-cousins schtick. I’m not happy about having fucked up and it did cost me to switch again. This one’s staying.
Firs step was dividing Gunbreaker, Warrior, Dark Knight, and Paladin into fitting certain character archetypes. Gunbreaker got tied to the brooding, soldier-style hero we see with Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, and Lightning. Since all three of them use particular naming styles too tied to storms, I kept with that and went with Gale for top WoL.
I wanted to draw from Lightning’s precedent to make a lady WoL, in the name of variety. Cloud and Squall both have natural hair colors, and while Lightning is pink her hair is pretty muted. I skipped the brown-hair-and-stubble look later on, so making Gale the lighter end of brunette felt like it brought that back into the set a bit. She also fits in palette-wise with the other three soldiers without being exactly the same as any of them. In her clothes, I knew that a bit more modern was needed given the visuals for the brooding soldier type. Lightning does it with more pastels, Cloud wears all black, Squall is black and white. I didn’t want Gale to be too close to Maerec or Navarre, so while I did keep the black and white motif I tried to bring proportions in that would look unique. In body type I went with a pretty tall hyur highlander partly because my sense is that Lightning’s pretty tall herself, but I went a few steps further too. I didn’t want Gale to feel like she was there to be “the lady”, but to embody the brooding soldier archetype. For that reason, while I love femininity a ton, I wanted her to feel tonally a bit closer to Cloud and Squall in her clothing/silhouette. The hair I picked specifically to be a bit more pointy and anime lol. She also has a smaller bust and more muscle definition. I tried to capture that same punkish feeling Cloud and Squall have without going too modern and realistic. The eye patch did add a bit of edge, but I also think it incorporated some fantasy without hiding the hair.
I’zehn draws inspiration from a particularly shonen-feeling archetype that crops up with Tidus and Zidane Tribal especially. Both of the latter to me feel very ocean-y, both have darker skin and blond hair, both have bright blue eyes and medium-length hair. They’re also both not terribly tall, and have softer features. I kept in that tradition with I’zehn! While I did check the midlander options, to be honest I did expect to make this Warrior of Light a miqo’te because of both the facial structure options and because Zidane already brings in some elements like having a tail. The male miqo’te animations mesh well too, so it felt like a natural choice. The red is specifically to bring in a bit of a pop, and allows the Dead Hive Battleaxe to match regardless of whether it’s in active use or not. Definitely was inspired by Tidus’ Brotherhood blade, which looks like it’s made out of water. I decided to go this route with Warrior because of the tanks it strikes me as the most “carefree” and “wild” in a way, which feels consistent with the shonen type.
Maerec draws from the scruffier WoLs in recent years, between FFXIV’s hyur midlander used in commercials and FFXVI’s protagonist. Because he is made to be a specific character modeled closely off of the Dark Knight questline, I deliberately adjusted certain things to frankly boost his goth factor--but also to reflect what stands out to me with the class. Red irises that could almost be mistaken for brown. While he has senpaku and dark circles, his eyes are notably wide to be a bit more expressive. Black hair. He’s visually close to the WoLs that inspired him, but a step off of both. And in armor he’s very dark and high fantasy.
Navarre I wanted to look very much like an Amano character from the early Final Fantasy games--though this goes more for FFIV than the others. Initially I designed him with the goal of creating a knight-in-shining-armor while trying to find an angle for that I find personally interesting. I like the almost angelic, untouchable, impossibly spotless feeling that can come with a pure white palette so I went with that for him. The dark lips, long white hair, turban, and bolero were all things I immediately gravitated toward. The pants were partly because I wanted to do something with new combinations and the ruffled look worked surprisingly well with what I was after here.
I have other characters who play with the expectations and perceptions of these jobs in other ways, and I love those alts a lot too. I love what already exists and am hopeful as well as excited to see more possibilities explored in the future! This was just a collection made touching upon some visuals and archetypes Square Enix has already used.
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world-of-horrors-au · 4 years
Horrors au - Horrors appearance headcanons
Same general coloration as expected - black hair, pale skin, etc. He was born with brown hair and dark blue eyes, but when he was born as a Horror, his body transformed. It had nothing to do with bleach, fire, or bullies.
He did give himself a 'smile' when he was born as a Horror, however it got horribly infected, and was eventually sewn up once he was picked up off the streets. There are scars where the cuts once were, along with one at the deepest part of the infection site.
Can't grow a beard, rip
Actually, he's completely hairless other than his head.
6'2 feet tall
Eyes look either gray or pale blue depending on the light
Clothing wise, the white bloody hoodie is how he's mostly pictured in the media. And he does wear white sweatshirts or hoodies when he wants to make an impact.
Around the others, though? Soft pajama bottoms in solid, dark colors, thin t shirts or sleeveless shirts, no shoes, even in the depths of the Forest. Will wear a dark hooded overcoat over his clothes in the rain.
Eyeless Jack:
Gray skin
Small, pointed ears
Traditional empty sockets full of black ooze. Despite the lack of eyes, he can see in his own way.
Brown hair, and lots of it. His hair grows very fast and thick. He doesn't bother to cut his hair until it's at his waist but does shave. He has semi permanent stubble on his face.
His mask is blue, of course, and stained from his mask. There's a faded smile painted over the mouth, just a thin, happy line, and a jagged cut on one eye hole where Briar attacked him during his first meeting.
He has wings. Draconic in style, they seem to shrink and grow as needed. They are the same color as his skin, with a blue tinted membrane and black stud like bumps on the top ridge and back.
His fingers and toes turn into claws at his command, turning black and sharp. Otherwise they are human like, with normal, blunt nails. His feet can transform into talons, five claws in front and one in back.
He doesn't have many different types of clothes. His black pants, dark shirt and hoodie are something of a uniform to him. He has multiple copies of each item.
No shoes. They get in the way and can be painful to try and transform his feet through.
Blonde, fair skinned, freckles. Eyes are there but entirely black with a red pupil that grows and shrinks with his emotions.
Being a digital being, however, he can and does change his appearance with ease, and completely without warning.
One day, blonde hair just touching his next. The next, long blonde hair streaked red and in a spiked, sky high ponytail. The next, he's covered with tattoos, and his hair is a mohawk the color of the trans flag. The only thing that he doesn't change while being himself is his eyes.
Can be any height. Today he's 5'3. Tomorrow, 6'9. Doesn't like being too tall, he has trouble holding his form together.
He can transform himself into any person he has personally interacted with, or has a good amount of footage/photos of. When disguising himself, he does change the look of his eyes, but he dislikes it.
Yes he is trans, more info on that when his hc post comes out. He passes completely as male, looking next to nothing like he did while alive. He can transform into a woman if needed but he hates doing it as it gives him bad dysphoria and he'll need to abandon having a form at all to recover for a while.
Clothing is whatever the fuck he wants, it's all digital just like him. Catch him walking around in a crop top and a floor long neon green fur coat, or a graphic tee with two middle fingers over the boob area, or black pleather tights and a red sleeveless turtleneck. Whatever it is, it's probably not subtle.
He sometimes goes around naked to try and embarrass Briar. It almost always works.
Laughing Jack:
Doesn't look much different from how he's normally viewed. Tall monochrome clown man with ragged black hair, a pointy striped nose, and sharp teeth. His fingers are similar to Eyeless Jack's in that he can turn them into claws, only his claws are much bigger, and even when normal, the ends of his fingers are pointed, with sharp nails.
Is a living doll, whether that's obvious on the surface or not, so when you hug him he is soft and warm and a bit fuzzy under his clothes. Considering he's the cruelest of all the Horrors, it's very... weird.
His nose looks deadly sharp but in reality, when you press against it, it crinkles like foil, springing back into shape as if nothing happened when released. Press it in all the way and you will hear a honk. But don't. He hates that.
Anything he puts on magically becomes black and white, and regains its color when he takes it off. Similarly, anything he puts on magically becomes his size, which is good because this mofo is 7'3.
You will only see one color on this guy, and that's red - blood from his victims, or red from blushing. The guy doesn't have blood so there's no reason for him to blush but he does and it's probably better not to think about it too hard. (There's no reason for him to be able to eat either. Don't think on that either.)
Being a toy, he doesn't sweat. Blood tends to fade away off his body naturally. He hates water but will tolerate showers so long as he's not alone.
He likes patterns, textures, and anything fitting his antique/clown aesthetic. He will sometimes wear skirts and dresses for no reason other than he wants to. But all the patterns have to clash and everything must be extra as hell.
Long black hair, down to her shoulder blades, gray eyes, fair skin with freckles on her cheeks, running down her neck to the rest of her body.
She keeps her hair in a ponytail most days, preferring a high placement, but if she just doesn't care she'll put it near her neck.
While she bears a passing resemblance to Jeff coloration wise I swear to God that's not intentional, I promise they're not related.
Fit. Despite loving her sweets, she eats as healthily as she can and goes on morning and evening runs, along with a quick body weight workout before work every day.
Her ears are pierced, though she never wears anything more remarkable than colored studs. Sometimes she'll wear silver roses.
Stretch marks. She was overweight as a child and teen and while the weight is gone, the stretch marks are still there. They're mostly on her sides, thighs and back. She's very sensitive about them due to years of bullying and comments from family members but tries not to let on about that.
Has many scars from early encounters with the early Horrors. While they are almost unnoticeable among humans, the intentionally caused scars, like the one on her shoulder where Eyeless bit her, become darker in their presence.
Sometimes paints her nails but prefers to not spend the effort unless something important is coming up.
She hated shaving her legs and never did it unless she had to. But like with Jeff, her body hair is falling out and not growing back in. Briar wears pants or leggings while out in public, just in case people catch on.
Her clothing preferences are casual but feminine. Mostly pants, short sleeved or three-quarter sleeved shirts. Mostly they're for warm weather as she lives and works in coastal South Carolina, but she's building up a collection of warmer jackets for the Forest, which is very, very different than the beach life her human coworkers love.
She loves roses and vine designs but in subtle amounts, she's not a fan of big patterns. Likes purples and blues and yellows with black and white. And lace, again in small amounts. But really she wears whatever she thinks is pretty.
Has army boots where she laced them up with lacy fabric trimmings from a work friend's sewing project. She never wears them anywhere because she'd hate to see them ruined.
Her work scrubs are either covered with cats, plants, or just solid colors. She thinks wearing cats on clothing can be tacky if it's too cartoony but she's working at a vet office, she may as well wear the colors proudly.
Secretly she thinks you're never fully dressed unless you've got some cat hair on you. She hasn't owned a cat since moving to South Carolina after college.
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scattershotmind · 4 years
Samyah (OC)
Gonna put it below the cut because this is probably going to be long! ALSO @eisehaus , you've been tagged!
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The basics:
Birthday: May 30th, 2001 (Tropical Zodiac: Gemini, Chinese Zodiac: Snake)
Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Height: 5′5″
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Jet Black
Skin Tone: (The photo above is a little too pale) Her skin tone is best describe as a light-medium, usually slightly tanned (from long hours spent in the sun working), beige with slight olive undertones
Pets: Two cats; one female orange tabby with amber eyes named Venus and one male black cat with green eyes named Titan. She also has a solid white female Blizzard Corn Snake (pictured above, she goes with Sam almost everywhere) that she named Astaroth.
Clothing style: Her favorite color is black, first of all. She has a weird sense of style, in all honesty. She doesn’t mind showing skin, as long as none of her cleavage is showing and as long as her butt is fully covered. She’ll wear shorts and crop tops as long as they meet the aforementioned requirements. She does prefer jeans, tank tops/t-shirts, typically steel-toed black combat boots, and her very prized black leather jacket. She loves leather in general though, so anything leather is bound to become part of her wardrobe, such as vests, jewelry, etc. She loves rings and necklaces, and tends to always have some type of choker on. Her favorite choker happens to be a gunmetal colored, medium-size linked chain that fits around her neck perfectly.
Piercings and tattoos: She’s only pierced on her ears, but those piercings climb up the outer side of her ears. Two piercings on the lobe, then 5 piercings spread out along her ear, going up into the cartilage at the top. As for tattoos, she has a black and white cat yin yang tattoo on the inside of her left arm, about 2 inches down from her wrist. On her back, she has a set tribal wings, the base of the wings sitting between her shoulder blades on either side of her spine with the actual wings stretching up to stop just below the top of her shoulders and coming to a stop at the middle of her back, the tips curling in towards each other. In between the two bases of the wings sits a simple trinity knot. On her right bicep, she has a Chinese stye dragon wrapped like a cuff, going all the way around her arm 3 times with the head at the top, pointing up towards her shoulder and the tail at the bottom, pointing down towards her elbow.
Body description: Coming in at 5′5″, she’s not really tall, nor is she specifically short by human standards. She’s on the slimmer side with some muscle definition in her biceps, thighs, calves, and, while not extremely sharp, you can see the six pack on her stomach. Her feminine assets are decent and fairly average, she doesn’t have many complaints there.
Likes: Rock/Metal music, drums, guitar, anime, video games, baking, belly dancing, tarot cards, working out, singing, chocolate, hugs, cats, snakes, pretty much all animals, cars, working on cars, medical stuff.
Dislikes: Most cleaning chores (Does them anyways though), yelling, fighting, being touched out of nowhere (like sneaking up on her and touching her, she will try and punch you), her parents, alcohol, drugs, typically kids but will put up with them, parties, large crowds of people.
Hobbies: Absolutely loves to work on cars and their engines, can and will tear engines down and rebuild them, playing guitar/drums, rescuing animals, loves learning about and has taken classes on medical stuff so she knows her basics of caring for wounds, and resuscitation.
Personality: Samyah is a fairly feisty person. She talks shit back to people and can be very sassy if she’s in the mood for it. Her mouth is that of a sailor’s, and it has and will get her into trouble if she’s not careful. She doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind or stand up for others if she feels it’s needed. She’s fairly easy going and loves to have fun. She also is fairly soft for those she cares about. She can tend to become somewhat motherly, checking in on her loved ones, bringing them food, just basically trying to take care of them in small ways. She’ll gladly give them advice if they ask for it. If one of them falls sick, she can and will take care of them until they feel better, borderline hovering. Let’s not even get into how much of a doting and fawning person she becomes when caring for animals. Despite all of this, there are times where she becomes very shy and soft spoken. Conversely, when angered, she can and will lash out at the people around her. She tends to need time to vent out her frustrations, usually through music, playing drums/guitar, or working out. Occasionally, she’ll sing her feelings out, but would be extremely embarrassed if someone heard her.
Other info?: She’s lactose intolerant.
The backstory:
Sam was thrown into, as she calls it, ‘the system’ at the fairly young age of 13, right after the death of her (scumbag) father and subsequent disappearance of her (deadbeat) mother. Basically, she was abandoned, so she was put into the adoption system. Her life passed her by like dark storm clouds that just kept failing to release rain. She wasn’t adopted because people always preferred smaller, younger babies. So, around the time she turned 15, she became a bit of a problem child. She skipped school, and when she was at school she got into fights with kids who bullied her. She did keep away from smoking, but dabbled in alcoholic drinks occasionally. However, it was around this time that most of her passions began to surface. She made few friends, but those few introduced her to the things that helped her start to straighten up. She learned how to play the drums and electric guitar, and turned to those instruments instead of taking her anger out in a fight. She ended up learning how to read tarot cards, and even learned the only style of dance she knows to this day; belly dancing. She found a passion for weight lifting and working out in general, and began to aspire to build her strength to protect herself and her small friend group. Heck, her friends even got her into anime, video games, and cosplaying. They became as thick as thieves during their high school years.
Living in the system was no joke though. Between girls meaner than she was, and guardians who were only in it for the money, her life wasn’t exactly great. She often got bullied into doing chores for the other girls, and this is where the other side of her personality made itself known. While she wanted to be and acted like this badass, headstrong, fearless girl at school, she lacked most of her bravado at ‘home’. The quieter, perhaps even shy, side of her surfaced. She put up with the bullying and just did as she was told. She learned how to cook and bake from this, and did end up developing a love for baking.
When she turned 16, she received news of her mother’s overdose. She was officially an orphan, with both of her parents now dead. She often felt like there might have been something wrong with her, because she wasn’t even upset about it. Her abusive childhood under their roof, paired with the rougher life of living in an adoption home plus her frequent fighting and bullying made her more numb emotionally. Or, that’s how she preferred to be around others. When alone, she often felt sad and empty, though as the months passed she became happier again through a lot of work. She’d never have to worry about her crazy mother coming to find her, so that was a plus.
Eventually, she turned 18 and was allowed to move into her own place. She immediately got a job and worked towards going to college. Between 16 and 18, she got her shit together and straightened up, putting herself to the task of passing high school and graduating. She took both automotive classes and medical classes in high school, and she adored them both and couldn’t pick which one to major in when she went to college. She planned on waiting to enter college when she had a fairly decent amount saved up from her job, but things happened. She turned 19, and as the fall began to approach, she suddenly found herself waking up surrounded by demons in a different realm. Oh boy, she wasn’t ready for it.
Samyah's demon form, I finally decided on it lol
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isxulxmaneo · 4 years
task 01;
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what is your muse’s full name and do they have any nicknames?
her full name is: ong iseul, during her time being an experiment, she was called ‘suzy’ but, she let that die with her past tbh. most people call her issy, iz, or her given name.
what do they look like? include hair, eyes, skin tone, tattoos, etc. !
well, iseul for the most part visually is lil tomboy. and i mean, TOMBOY she’s about 5′1, and lean- however, her baggy hoodies and sweats seem to hide it a little. like her style and vibes, can often deadass make people mistake her for a more ‘feminine’ boy, and she doesn’t get mad at it. i hope this isn’t tmi but, iseul is lowkey flat-chested a little, but still has those ‘feminine’ curves and whatnot. issy usually likes her hair to be silver/blueish, and she prefers to layer her clothing!! her eyes are a light brown, and she is color blind! she has a hard time differentiating yellow from green, red from pink. some shades of blue are a little hard cause they look purple! // her skin is a little on the pale side? she isn’t like super well-kept pale cause being outside too long is ugly to her. iseul has three tatoos! she’s got like, and traditional style water looking tattoo on her whole back, and something matching on her upper arm. 
do they have any distinguishing features such as scars, unique birthmarks, etc.?
she’s got very faint marks on her chest and stomach from surgeries, but for the most part they aren’t that visible. they aren’t swelled or anything. it makes looking in the mirror not a chore for her. 
what is your muse’s friends and family like? who do they usually surround themselves with?
her family is a little odd? but she loves them? quinn, for the most part, is super caring, and was someone that rooted for her back when they were kids, she didn’t have that before she came here. yunho was the same, he’s such a big ball of energy she can’t keep up, but she does try! he always talked to her when other kids didn’t and around him she never felt misunderstood or completely trapped. these two are the only reasons she’s able to function right now! it’s still a work in progress with some people, but for the most part she’d pretty cordial with everyone. 
who would you consider the closest person to your muse?
hmm, i’d say.... her brothers, or rocky and minnie! 
where was your character born and what was their living situation growing up there?
she was born in korea, around the late 1930′s. so, she was kind of surviving in an area that was heavy with war, and politics. like, soliders walked the streets with rifles, and lots of families were poor. there was a gender gap too, so she kind of disguised herself as a boy to be able to mail newspapers and things to make money for food. her parents abandoned her, and she really can’t even remember what they looked like. 
what is your muse’s biggest fear and does anyone know? if so, who, and if not, why not?
hmm, i’d say her biggest fear is going back into a situation like that? having to be locked up and restrained with her consent. being in small spaces, that will mentally spark shit she doesn’t wanna dig up. she’s never really said anything but, her brothers probably feel the same- so it’s an understanding. 
has your muse ever fallen in love before? if so, with who? did it end well?
no. not yet. iseul is weird with love, so she’ll need a little more development before she could even think about love on like a serious level. 
what would you find in your muse’s refrigerator right now?
juice, and lots of it. you’ll probably find easy to make goods? microwaved dinners and beers? cause sis can’t cook anything but ramen. 
what does your muse usually wear? you can describe, link pictures, etc. !
she usually wears hoodies with jeans and backward basketball caps, sometimes she’ll layer her clothing, and add a t-shirt on top. at work, you’ll usually see her in an oversized boiler suit, half way down and tied to her waist with a thick and probably slightly cropped tank top, or all the way on with the arms rolled up. sneakers are her best friend, but she occasionally has some variation thick or work boots on. 
what is your muse’s strongest memory that they carry around?
iseul’s strongest memory was when she went in for her first experiment. the moment she woke up abducted was the first until she was strapped to a table and played with.
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killinbills · 5 years
how would you describe each of your oc’s styles
ooooh ok so i only did the current three im writing but i can do some more?? but basically these three are the easiest for me to do bc im writing them rn and i didnt use to plan this sort of stuff!!!
briar (clueless) is very..... “girly,” with both french and british styles, or at least some very parisian outfits, and like maybe a couple of burberry-style clothes?? like a coat in the burberry plaid, if that makes sense. what else hmmmm. light colours, most of it being pink but some blue or yellow or white. maybe a black skirt for winter, but that’s pretty much it for dark colours. lots of two-pieces, like a white crop top that matches a white mini skirt. there’s maybe a couple pairs of jeans (one black one light-wash blue denim) for winter, but most of the time she’s in mini skirts. if not she’s in a dress. in autumn and winter she wears a lot of turtlenecks, her most used being a white one, which she’ll wear under a strappy dress. honestly her style in clueless is very inspired by freddy cousin brown?? a lot of her pinterest board is just her instagram posts. but also. i think briar would also slightly hate tights and spend the majority of the winter in over the knee boots. OH and when briar’s out of school she’ll have such a cute lil pyjama collection w like satin vintage camisoles and lace and ugh it would be very pretty. basically briar’s wardrobe is just very pretty and put together at all times. oh and ofc she’d have at least one yellow plaid dress or something as a nod to clueless
mia is a mix of rock and stevie nicks? so like. mia loves her milkmaid style tops and lacey camis and boho/vintage/70s pieces but also she wears her dad’s old leather jacket all of the time, and also she wears a clear balance of super light colours and super dark colours. there is no in between. normally her outifts are part black part white, or at least a colour that’s super dark. she has a couple of black sheer tops that you can see her bra through,, and also some t-shirts that are cut low enough so that you can see the lace on her bralettes. like,,, tasteful bra showing,,, u know. also some long sleeves shirts that she ties at the bottom and has a lacey tank underneath and ugh. lots of lace but also kinda sorta edgy. like she lives in her docs. also i can imagine mia would get behind the 90s trend with those platform steve madden sandals!!! like mia is edgy but feminine. like if she has a lacey top then maybe she’d be wearing plaid trousers, or something a little cooler with it. ALSO mia loves her jewellery and has such a massive collection!! she’s got so many earrings,, some of which being cheap ones, but she’s got lots of gold and sparkly items of jewellery
isabelle is bratz meets monster high? like there is no other way to explain it. like for example she’ll have a full outfit in one colour, from her socks to her jacket, and everything she wears looks like it could be off a bratz doll. also her style is fairly 00s/90s inspired, 00s with the diamante and the tacky but make it fashion pieces (playboy accessories, juicy couture tracksuit, u know the deal) and 90s with like the betsey johnson style dresses, and also chanel in the 90s. also her riley and nate definitely have matching anklets or something in true 00s fashion
ask me questions!!
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briannafrostgirl · 5 years
1-25 cause i'm an asshole girlfriend XOX
Love you baby ❤️
1. what is your gender? Can I say Amazon?
2. what are your pronouns? she/her/hers
3. what is your gender presentation like? Hmm... IDK. I think I’m more of a femme, but my dress style is a little butch
4. what is your Gender Euphoria Outfit? Cute crop top and short shorts
5. what makes you feel validated? Being complimented on my hair, clothes, makeup, ect. Tbh, it doesn’t happen nearly enough and it really helps.
6. top five favorite parts of your body (n why you love them)? Hmm... my legs - I’ve always kind of liked the shape of them. My hair - it’s a mess a lot of the time, but it’s a beautiful mess. My lips - they’re probably my most feminine feature and I’m very fond of them. My eyes - don’t know why, just like em. Can I say my breasts? They’re really cute, lol
7. favorite trans meme/bit of trans humor? A few good options I can’t quite remember, but probably this:  https://samael.tumblr.com/post/146212141815/khatoblepas-there-they-are-the-two-genders
8. how did you pick your name? To be honest, i got it from a Lonely Hearts Club doll and then it became the name of my first Wizard101 character. Yes, I was that girl growing up. Then it was an account name/gamer tag. By the time it was time to pick a name, I kind of had always known what it should be.
9. what does your name mean? It’s celtic (like me lol) and it means strong. 
10. do you have any trans pride merch? A trans flag sports bra, a trans flag hat, and a trans flag shirt that I designed myself. I love them all very much
11. recent happy trans moment? This is pretty depressing, but I’m struggling to remember something very recent. I can remember a time a while ago where I was taking pictures of myself naked and I felt very feminine, so maybe that
12. favorite trans headcanon? Black Widow
13. favorite canon trans character? (alt: 2nd favorite trans headcanon?) Going with a 2nd headcannon because I keep not watching the few shows with good trans rep in favor of watching the same cis-centric shows and movies again and again, because I hate starting new shows.
I’ve been headcannoning Ryder from Mass Effect Andromeda as a trans woman for a while now, but lately I said fuck it and now Shepard’s trans too. Whoops ;)
14. favorite trans blog(s)/trans blogger(s)? Oh no! There’s so many!! Aaagh! I follow a lot of really amazing trans bloggers, so no shade at all to anyone not on this list. You’re all amazing and I value you all. 
Now, onto the list. I mean, obviously @sagaofsarahrose  ❤️ She’s incredible and if you’re not following her, you should be. @skylightsofmylife @latex-tiddettes @thefiresontheheight @casey-is-a-jazzpunk and @themaddahlia are all super cool folx who do lots of funny/inspiring/really fucking neat stuff. And like, a million other cool trans people I follow here and on Instagram (less than subtle instagram plug)
15. favorite trans celebrity? I have a soft spot for Teddy Geiger, cause a) my girlfriend loves her and b) I feel like I don’t see enough trans wlw rep in the little mainstream rep we do have, so it warms my heart to see her and her fiance so happy together. Also I just found out she co-wrote one of my favorite One Direction songs, so...
16. song that gives you Big Trans Feels? Can’t Trust the News and Lived a Life by Enter The Haggis 
17. something you wish you could tell your younger self? That being a girl is something you can just do. You don’t have to keep living like this just cause no one ever told you there’s another way. Like hell, that fucked me up so bad growing up. Cause I wanted to be a girl, but I didn’t think there was any way I could. Fuck...
18. what would your Ideal Fashion Look be? Somewhere between lesbian Irish farmhand and lesbian cowgirl. Lesbian
19. (how) does your gender relate to your sexuality? Hmm... kind of a hard one to answer TBH. I think I knew (subconsciously) that I was a lesbian before I knew that I was a woman. But, because at the time I thought I was a straight man, I didn’t feel great about how much I was interested in lesbians. Even now, as a lesbian myself, I still grapple with some guilt and shame when seeking out wlw content (something terfs do not help with in the slightest)
So I guess, I would say they’re intertwined. I don’t know what it would be like to have one without the other and I’m glad I don’t have to (no disrespect to cis lesbians or straight trans people, y’all are valid as fuck. I just personally am very happy with how my gender and sexuality intersect) 
20. do you have a comfort item? I have an emotional support mermaid. Does that count? Her name is Helena
21. what makes you feel euphoric? When my girlfriend says I’m beautiful ❤️/ any time I’m out w/ my mom or sister and some one says “you ladies”
22. what genre of media would you love to see more trans characters in? Superhero movies, video games, Disney princess movies, and Star Trek. Specifically as protagonists and love interests in all of those. Basically just all the things I enjoy (which are all coincidentally absurdly slow with any kind of LGBTQ rep)
23. claim something as trans culture. Someone else has probably done this, but D&D. D&D was one of my favorite things to do growing up, but I’ve only allowed myself to come back to it as a woman and sorta... reclaim it, I guess. So yeah, D&D is now a trans thing (tm) and everyone else has to ask our permission to play (but like, just don’t be a transphobic, queerphobic, homophbic, racist, ableist, sexist, exclusionist dick and we’ll probably let you in)
24. give some love to your trans friends/mutuals (alt: give some love to the trans community in general) Hmm.. I’m not entirely sure what this one means. But if you’re trans (offer not valid for transmeds cause why you gate-keeping? The cis (tm) don’t need our help babe) I love you  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
25. what's your favorite part of being trans? Getting to be me
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