#I guess I need to learn how to read german???
actualsoyboy · 1 year
Sunny Reading Tag
I was tagged by @rollingthunderpouringrain - Bless, you’re so great, I love these
And I’m gonna make this way too long, sorry. Also, I only started recording which books I read in 2015 so I had a kind of limited list I picked from and I’ve only been reading manga lately so I’m super biased 💀
favourite book
Ready Player One, because a VR world seemed so freaking cool to me and also the plot was pretty great. I ended up watching a lot of 80′s movies and playing a lot of 80′s games after I read it and I also.... bought a VR headset 😬
tropes that make you go “asfgrthgj”
Absolute fave is Childhood Friend Romance (though I also have a soft spot for Friends to Lovers and Enemies to Lovers)
Fake/Pretend Relationship
Ambiguous Gender and gender non-conforming characters (which is actually really common in manga, see: Ouran High School Host Club, My Androgynous Boyfriend, Aoharu x Machinegun, Ultra-Fem Shishihara-Kun, Princess Jellyfish, Komi Can’t Communicate, Wotakoi.... I seek this stuff out)
The Caretaker
Slice of Life (plot is good but I love slice of life ❤️)
comfort book
I never reread any books so it’s really hard to make a decision but if I had to choose, probably one of the following: 
Any witcher stories with lots of my comfort character Jaskier (Storm of Swords, probably, or maybe “A Little Sacrifice”?) or the hansa (Baptism of Fire)
Before the Coffee Gets Cold series by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide by Kay Redfield Jameson which is a nonfiction and is comforting for some reason when I'm in a bad place? Hard to explain but it was kind of soothing to read.
Out of my manga, I really like this one called We’re On Our Own From Here. The two boys in the book start dating right away in the first chapter (friends-to-lovers ❤️) so the entire thing is basically fluffy first love and dates and such. Like, next to no angst. And the art isn’t great but I think it’s still a really cute style actually.
death in a book you would take back
Ned Stark 😭😭😭 I understand the point of his death in moving the plot forward but I had to take a break mid-book because I knew what was coming and couldn’t bear it
book you wish you could read again for the first time
Sorry this is another manga (also cheating bc I watched it as an anime first) but probably My Hero Academia because I wish I could watch Deku and Bakugo’s relationship develop again with fresh eyes. Or maybe Given (childhood friend-to-lover committed suicide and his surviving boyfriend struggles to move on) because I watched the anime first but wish I had read the manga first instead, because the manga was better and it would’ve hit different.
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kimmkitsuragi · 8 months
there wasnt even any subs or fan-sub channels back then btw. i was literally just rawdogging the english language, hoping i will understand it by sheer force of my will. just brute forcing the whole language into my brain. i was insane
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mrfoox · 1 year
Uh. Gonna be honest. Idk how tf no one thought I could have dyslexia growing up. The older I get the more I wonder if I do...
#miranda talking shit#I have a friend who has it and i dony think i have... The same intensity as hers? But i know ive always struggled to spell#Like.... My native language have o and the letter å which sound pretty much the same#I mix up a lot words with those. Same with e and ä. This whole concept of 'seeing' what the right spelling is never clicked for me#I know i always had many spelling mistakes anytime i turned in any text and thats one reason i never got better than like E-D grades#My teachers did often comment like... Uh you have a lot of spelling mistakes. Did you really check? Like... Yeah actually :(#I have so many basically simple words in my native language i either spell wrong or genuinely google the right way to write it#I took extra spelling help things in 5th grade but like.... Obviously they didnt help and it came with me as i grew#Now im like.... I never considered it before ? But... It would explain ... Quite a bit#I always felt i struggled extra with learning new languages too. Like german and the spelling i never understood#English i think is my better ones but probably bc i use it daily since i was like 13... And English got less letters#Then again i still have many words i still cant get right. Hey idk. Maybe im just overthinking it and honestly i#Am not very read up on this and all. But i generally feel like all my peers were basically great at spelling and i was always ashamed#With reading i dont know... I mean with longer words i often need to read it many times and struggle to pronounce it#Heck idk how the criteria even is for this just... I guess an thing i thought about through recent years#If anyone have it or know stuff feel free to share with me i am genuinely interested
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mdoesitmatter · 11 days
No, I cannot handle it anymore. Let’s talk about Neil Josten and his fluency in three languages.
Like, l get it, in the case with Andrew’s memory is possible but how did Neil manage to learn this? Yeah, but he lived in Germany and Austria and also went to school there-
Stop right there, languages do not work this way. He was past adaptive age at this point and he also didn’t communicate with other children. He would need like couple years of active learning in those countries to get like confident B2 (and he has at LEAST C1 in the trilogy). And don’t even get me started with French. French?? Where did he learned it??? Switzerland??? THAN HE WOULDN’T HAD ENOUGH TIME TO ACHIEVE FLUENCY IN GERMAN.
(Okay, I actually found out he spent like 18 months in France but like?? 18 MONTH :)
And you know, l would like get it, if it was German and Dutch, for example. They have at least similar grammar structure. But German and French are not the same.
Oh, and did we mention dude can speak decent Spanish? I quit.
The boy is linguistic genius I guess?
«Neil Josten is fluent in 3 languages»
— is a prove that aftg isn’t sport romance but a FANTASY .
Posted on my way to college, forgot about it, only to found out a couple hours later that kind people on internet fervently disagree. I love this place so much. Also I absolutely love the comments implying that I am not from Europe (can I take it as a compliment to my English? dunno).
I am from Europe and I am also fluent in 3 languages. I am currently living in German speaking country and learning German, so I must admit my own struggles with this language affected my perception of a character. It might be only my case, because when I moved I was past adaptive age and whole experience was combined with heavy trauma — I got opposite reaction to Neil’s and first year of living in this country denied existence of German (even though I was under ungodly amount of pressure to learn it). By the time the shock was gone I already had strong negative about the language because of how people around treated me. It works really different for everyone.
Anyway, it was cool to see the reaction even if it wasn’t positive😅
But it was really interesting to read different stories from polyglots in the comments and I would love to read more so be free to disagree and share your experiences :)
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ketamie · 1 month
when i decided i can just learn whatever i want and don't need to be scared of difficulty it's changed my life like crazy. this year I've read more books than in half my lifetime im pretty sure. i learned vim motions and use them every day now for work. im studying low-level programming just for fun & with no expectations and i made solutions in C i wouldn't have thought of doing in college. and that knowledge informs the code i write at work. ideally id be spending more time with german but being employed kind of kills the energy for that even though i really like my job. and there's so much more i want to learn i guess i really like my field of study and work and im super grateful in hindsight i chose this craft even though it was mainly inertia and nothing else. oh and i want to learn how to draw too. well whatever.
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jwnchstr · 1 year
THE LOVE LETTER | sherlock holmes
Title: The Love Letter | sherlock holmes
Pairings: Henry Cavill!Sherlock Holmes x Y/n!Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: In which, Enola found her brother's love letter.
“Dear Scherlock,”
     Enola hasn’t finished the whole letter and yet she already pulls a face, disgusted with the sender. It’s not because of a thought of her favourite brother having a partner. If anything, she would be the happiest person on Earth seeing Sherlock standing with a woman—a remarkable woman—beside him.
     But, out of the many outstanding, smart, remarkable women in this century, why must this woman Sherlock choose? Who did this woman think Sherlock is? A German?
     “By the time you’re reading this letter, I might not be in England anymore. And I should’ve told you this a few days ago, but nowhere seemed the right time.
     “But then again, when is the right time when it comes to me and us...”
     Enola wonders how long is a few days ago. Has it only been a few days? Well, she would like to think that it’s only been a few days since Sherlock received the love letter. But judging by the faded ink, she thinks it must be three weeks the least.
     And the hole at the centre, and the rips at the edges give Enola an impression that Sherlock must have been rereading the letter since the day he received it. With that case, Enola wonders how much his brother likes this woman, how much this woman means to him.
     She wonders if she knew this woman because let’s face it—since Enola knows Sherlock, she never not know Sherlock’s lovers. Call it a perk of being an inspired detective. She might learn one or two tricks to spy on her brother from her brother himself and she’s guilty to pull the tricks on her own brother.
     Enola continues reading the letter out loud even though she is well aware that she could be caught by Sherlock at any moment seeming that she is, indeed, in Sherlock’s apartment. (One of the places where she enters and leaves anytime she’d like.)
     Enola could feel this woman’s frustration with Sherlock through the letter. Glad that she’s not the only person who feels like it. Even being his sister is frustrating.
     Everything is a no, for instance. Like “No, I don’t need your help.” Or “No, you can’t stay.” Or “No. Just no.” And then there are times when he acts like he loves you yet says the opposite. It’s frustrating to make Sherlock opens up upon something. Just anything.
     Enola guessed, he is the same in romance.
     “I just wanted to let you know that I—”
     “That’s enough now, Enola.”
     Sherlock, out of nowhere, without warning, snatches the love letter from his sister’s delicate hands, leaving her agape in shock.
     “I suggest you leave before I call Mycroft to make you leave,” Sherlock threatens while refolding the letter and carefully slips it into the pocket of the same vest he wore to sleep last night, securing it as if it’s the most vulnerable thing in the world.
     Ignoring her brother, Enola says, “Would you care to tell me—”
     “And for the thousandth times, Enola, stop touching my belongings!” Sherlock turns around and starts making his way towards the living room, where he works most of the times, before turning back around to face Enola.
     Enola frowns. “What?”
     Squinting his eyes at his sister, Sherlock says, “How did you get in?”
     “How did I get in?”
     “Into my apartment. How did you get into my apartment? Did you steal my spare keys? Ah, wait. No. Don’t answer. I don’t think I want to hear it.” Sherlock sighs before making 180 degrees turn and gets back to his desk.
     Her eyes trail after her brother’s figure before he stops in front of his desk and sighs and runs his hands through his face and hair.
     “God...” he whispers to himself.
     Enola observes Sherlock’s living room. To her, there’s nothing wrong with it. There are still papers on the floor though on a stack rather than scattering all over. His working desk is neater unlike last night where there were unwashed coffee mugs here and there. His journaling pens are inside their holder—right here they belong.
     “It was all a mess, Sherlock. And I was bored while waiting for you to wake up so I helped a little.” Enola shrugs rather than coward away. “Plus, now you can work without difficulty.”
     “Work without difficulty? I almost had everything figured out, organised to its timeline.” Sherlock wants to shout but it’s impossible with Enola’s innocent doe eyes staring back at him. “This is… this is why I never invited anyone into my apartment. Now, leave before I—”
     “Oh, don’t play that Mycroft card on me, Sherlock.” Enola puts a finger up to warn her brother. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me about that letter.”
     Sherlock hung his hands on his waist. Annoyance is creeping inside him. “What about that letter?”
     “Who sent you that letter?”
     Sherlock shrugs. His face barely showed any emotions when he answers, “I don’t know.”
     Enola narrows her eyes at her brother. It’s still hard to read Sherlock’s facial expression but she knows he is lying to her right now. “Do I know her?”
     “Either you know her or not, that’s none of your business. Now, before I use a force on you, I suggest you leave.”
     Enola smiles mischievously, crossing her arms on her chest. “Is it? Well, let me tell you what, brother. Whomever that girl is, I really think you can get a smarter woman because who the hell misspells Sherlock ‘Scherlock’?”
     Something inside Sherlock twists. His eyes darkens as he looks into Enola’s eyes. “Hey. Don’t talk about her like that.”
     “So you know her?” Enola’s face lights up as if she’s on the verge of getting the answer she wants. “And if you know her, than I must know her, too! Or is she someone new?” Enola beams.
     A random curse escapes Sherlock’s mouth.
     “Oh, come on, brother! Tell me! I swear I won’t tell mother and Mycroft about her.”
     “Really? You would do that?” Sherlock doesn’t fully trust Enola despite her being his little sister, despite how she knew every woman he spent the time with or had a relationship with.
     Hell, Enola even saved him from bad relationships on several occasions. But, regarding the current topic, not everything needs to be told, isn’t it? Even when she claims that she won’t spill anything to their mother—the woman whom she freakily closed with. And he knows that there’s nothing good coming out when Enola and Eudora together.
     However, like Enola said over a few months before, that there’s nothing wrong in admitting that he could use a friend. Being constantly on the run, solving puzzles, fighting people, can get lonely. And seeming that the only friend he has now is Enola, there’s nothing wrong in confiding her, is it?
     Sherlock finally let out a heavy sigh. Defeated? Maybe. How could he not when Enola is giving that innocent, puppy-dog eyes to him? That bright smile, curiosity in those similar dark brown eyes? Sherlock envies her sometimes. She seems to know nothing except laughing even though they’re under a difficult situation. So much reminds him their mother.
     “It’s… Y/n.”
     “Y/n?” Enola raises her eyebrows, confused for a split second.
     She doesn’t believe her brother because she didn’t think it would be her to send a letter with a misspell, to be honest. Because the Y/n that Enola knew is clever and precise in her works. There’s no way she could misspell a name or a phrase especially when it comes to Sherlock.
     Enola stares at her bother for a few seconds longer, waiting for him to tell her that he was joking. And maybe even an explanation, but nothing came. And Enola starts to try to read her brother’s facial expression.
     First, Enola notices how serious he looks. But isn’t that how his face looks like all the time? Then, there is a tell on his face. One that means that Y/n purposely misspelled Sherlock’s name and that Sherlock knew it and he didn’t try to correct her because... that’s the only way for him to know that it’s Y/n.
     Seriously, come to think of it, that was a brilliant way to communicate so neither of them get caught by enemies.
     “Oh. Y/n.”
     “Now, that you got your answer—” Sherlock closes the distance between him and Enola. He doesn’t have to put extra energy on her when he pushes her by the arm because her weight is nothing to be compared to his size, but it could be a struggle when she is pushing against him.
     “But what does she want? Where is she now? When did you get that letter? It said—”
     “No. you’re not getting anything else.”
     Enola tries her best to fight her brother’s strength, but seems to no avail. The more she fights, the more she loses, and the more she’s tired. So instead, she let Sherlock leads her towards the front door of his apartment.
     “Sherlock, please! I need to know that she’s okay. Are—Are you meeting her? I’d like to meet her. You know I missed her! I missed playing problems solving together. And—urgh—I would like to invite her to be on my team.”
     “To be on your team?” Sherlock laughs sarcastically at Enola.
     Why does she think that it’s a good idea to drag Y/n into this detective-spiralling world? And where did that idea come from?
     Y/n isn’t a detective herself. She is a daughter to a duke and a pioneer—a brilliant pioneer and gambler, he must say. Her charm would melt every man in the room and her wit would make every man in the opposite chair to give up everything before the game even started. He was one of her victims. However, the harder he pulls away from her, the closer he gets. Now, here he is.
     “I thought you said she was stupid.”
     “But that—”
     Before Enola could finish her sentence, Sherlock closes the door at her face with a loud bang. He intended to leave Enola hanging, but that loud bang, though. That was not intentional.
Y/n is mad at him. Sherlock knows that. And he will let her stay mad at him because he knows he was wrong. And he will let her stay mad him for as long as she wants even if only that would make the letters keep coming.
     But, no matter how much Y/n has been writing for him, she never sent a letter twice in one week. Meanwhile she had explained how marvellous her voyage had been, another letter came only a day after Sherlock received the last one.
     Sherlock didn’t think how crazy it would be to cross the ocean under one night for Y/n to meet him in England. Perhaps, he has lost his mind as well, but when Y/n says she wants to see him, Sherlock drops everything and instantly decides he will, too.
     Sherlock may seem calm on the outside. After all, he is a detective. He cannot show any less emotion on his face or he would be the one in danger. But only God knows how nervous he feels inside when he sees Y/n’s beautiful figure (even though only from behind), waiting in her new dress (at least, the one Sherlock hasn’t seen she worn before), under the big tree.
     After all these years, out of the many extravagant, nice places they have in England and yet Y/n chose a place where they had their first meet.
     If Enola knew how much he had been practicing a reunion speech for Y/n, not only that young girl will mock him for the rest of his life. But she will make sure their mother knew how weak her middle son is despite being the most grudged-looking. And not only that Eudora will laugh at him for that, but will also treat him as if he is a baby. Not like that never happened before, but he definitely doesn’t want that to happen again.
     “Y/n,” Sherlock greets the apple of his eyes.
     When she turns around like a slow-motion, Sherlock feels the world stops. He lost every word. That reunion speech he had been mentally practicing disappears. It seems that he cannot do anything except stare at her.
     It’s only been a few weeks, but she is already looking different. Sherlock isn’t sure if it’s the make-up that is making her looking more mature than the last time they met, or the way she pulls her hair into a neat bun, but either way, she looks prettier. Vibrant. Sherlock doesn’t know why he hasn’t asked Y/n a picture that he could keep in his coat watch.
     “Hello, Sherlock,” Y/n greets him back. Her voice melodious. It sounds like she is singing in his ears. That snickers at the end of her lips. Oh, how much he missed those lips. “What, you’re speechless now, Mister Holmes? If I didn’t know you any better, I would think that you think I’m ugly.”
     Yeah, it’s weird that Sherlock is speechless in front of a woman while he never have done so before... before he met Y/n. And he’d met a lot of women in his life before and even after Y/n left, but none of them were as beautifully confident as Y/n. It’s scary especially how she could drive Sherlock, a great and flawless detective, crazy and weak. But it’s also sexy as hell.
     Sherlock licks his lower lip. Smoothing the front of his coat and clears his throat. “Sorry.”
     “Don’t be,” Y/n smirks. “Though I would love to hear you plead for forgiveness after those times you left me without any goodbyes.”
     “I—I thought you’re in Spain.” Great. Now he’s stuttering.
     “Oh, I thought you never read my letters,” Y/n teases.
     It’s her defence mechanism that she had learned over years of spending so much time around people with titles, who think that they know more than somebody else, who think that they can get anything they want with a snap of their fingers.
     “Y/n, I’m—”
     “Sorry?” Y/n laughs. “After so many letters I sent and you only replied one? I have to be honest with you, Sherlock, I don’t know why I’m even here to see you. Perhaps, I missed your face. Perhaps, I’m here only to see my own heart breaks… again.”
     “I never meant to treat you that way.”
     “I could say I never meant to tell you I love you in those letters, ignored the one you decided to reply, and agreed with my father’s decision to marry me with another man in Spain.”
     Y/n had done many things that could leave Sherlock heartbroken (that night when she beat him at poker, that day when she told him she had a date, that evening when Enola brought her to his apartment with blood pooling her dress, that day when she told him she was leaving). But to hear her to marry someone other than him makes his heart scattering to pieces.
     “I could be pregnant with his child by now, Sherlock, and you still hadn’t replied my letters.”
     “Y/n, I swear to you, I want to—”
     “Is that why you wanted to see me? To tell me that you wanted to reply letters, but barely had enough time to do so?” Y/n makes a sound coming from her nose and shakes his head. “Write one alphabet if one second was the only time you have and I would still appreciate it and keep it with me everywhere I go.”
     His heart blossoms with the thought Y/n bringing his love letter everywhere she goes. They can’t be together at most times, constantly feeling half a heart, but if a love letter makes them whole again. If only Y/n knew how he has been bringing that one letter with him everywhere he goes…
     “But you didn’t reply my letters so, of course, I tried to forget you. And when you replied, asked to see me at a place where we first met and had an ideal date...” Y/n trails off, chuckling to herself at how crazy her life has been. “Your word. Not mine.”
     Sherlock doesn’t need her to remind him that because he remembers everything that happened that day. He remembers how he felt before he asked her if she would like to have a date with him. In fact, it was similar to the one he is feeling right now.
     He used to not believe in true love. But if what he is feeling right now was the sign, maybe he will have to believe it. Eventually.
     Still tongue-tied, head in the cloud seeing Y/n for the first time after weeks, Sherlock tries to register what she had been delivering: One is about how she wants Sherlock to plead for forgiveness for all those times he left her without even seeing her first. One is about how she was expected to marry a man of her father’s choice. In between these, his mind suddenly takes him back to when he saw how sweet Y/n had been with Enola.
     Then, she talks about how he had replied one of her letters that leads her to see him here. And—
     Hold on a second—
     Now, Sherlock must admit that he was drunk several times, here and there, especially when the case gets really tough with no leads. Also when he misses her so much that he can’t handle his emotion, but never in his drunkest mind that he would reply Y/n’s letter. No matter how keen he is because he thought Y/n would be safer that way.
     Now he wonders...
     “No. Don’t stop me,” Y/n slaps her hand in the air in front of his face. Indeed, she was in the middle of talking about how she had to run away from her own wedding, to get back to England and to be near Sherlock. “I’ve been saving this story for you to listen so that you know how you were at a massive lost.”
     “I’m sure I have plenty of times to hear that story in the future,” Sherlock says, “but I need to know—that letter you said you received. You said it was from me?”
     “How could have you forgotten the letter that you wrote yourself?” Y/n’s heart breaks with the thought of Sherlock writing the letter to other women.
     “Tell me what does it say in that letter, my dear.”
     Y/n feels her face heart when she hears Sherlock calling him with a pet name that he barely uses. She wished she knew why.
     “Was it intended to be sent to someone else? Another women women perhaps?”
     The end of Sherlock’s lips twitches with the thought of Y/n being jealous. And as much as he likes seeing that on her face, with a little argument about how she’s not the slightest bit of jealous, it’s not the time.
     “Please. Y/n. That letter. Tell me.”
     Y/n sighs, knowing that she won’t win this time. “It says, ‘Afternoon, December 24. Meet me at a place where we had our first date. I have something to tell you’.”
     “Did you have that letter with you?”
     “Why is it so impor—”
     Y/n reads Sherlock for a few seconds before she takes the letter out from her purse and hands it to him. Indeed, she brought the letter with her. Brought it all the way home from Spain. And she’s not humiliated by it.
     Suddenly, Sherlock laughs.
     Y/n looks at Sherlock as if he had lost his mind. “Would you care tell me what’s happening? Why are you suddenly asking me about that letter? Why are you suddenly laughing? Sherlock?!”
     “Oh, Y/n, how stupid can we be.” Sherlock is smiling, one so big that is showing his teeth and makes Y/n’s heart flutters. “Darling, I think we’ve been set up.”
     “You’re saying you didn’t even want to see me in the first place? That me being here, running away from my own wedding, has been a useless effort?” Y/n doesn’t know what to feel. She thought she finally could hear everything Sherlock didn’t tell in the letters he didn’t reply. After what she had been through, Sherlock is telling her that he didn’t even want to see her?
     “No, sweetheart, no.” Sherlock shakes his head.
     Three pet names in one day, after months of not seeing other, after years of drawing the line? Sherlock must be out of his mind.
     “You’re overthinking, my love—”
     “—I’m just saying that someone set us up to meet here.”
     “Who could—”
     “Enola,” both of you say once that particular, mischievous young woman, cross both of your minds.
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Uh uh-- request time?? So like, I'm thinking about how how the twst world has different language yeah?? (Rook being French and Vil having a """""German""""" lastname and all)
Okok what if, if the player/mc in the self aware au (already in their world) tried to teach some like the basically of their language?? Like English is not their first language and wanna just, share their culture and language specifically,, with uh, riddle, malleus and azul,, (no i don't have favs-) like would they try to learn, not care (idk how likely that is in the self aware au but yeah) or something else? I wann know pleas 🥺
Btw hope you're doing well Veil!! Love all the work you've done so far, hope everything is well n goes well :D have this lil fanart hihi
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Btw, in the light novel it is mentioned that Yuu notices that he isn't speaking Japanese and he was saying “Japan” in (I guess English) but he noticed that his lips didn't match what he was thinking so I also don't think that English is something over there so... English readers get your fill as well.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, killing, murder, religion, blood, violence, possessiveness, kidnapping, imprisonment
Riddle Rosehearts/Azul Ashengrotto/Malleus Draconia-Player tries to share their culture and language
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Oh aren't you kind?
First of all, he is flattered
Even though the Queendom of roses sees you more as an uncrowned and invisible ruler they are still more than aware that some places see you as all-knowing
And since even the smallest rumor has at least a spark of truth in it he assumes that your knowledge is at least somewhat higher than that of the average person
Now imagine having such a person as your teacher... AND THEY EVEN TALK ABOUT THEIR CULTURE!!! YAAAYYY (RUN!!!)
I mean, that language thingy, go ahead but the culture one? Uh... how about no
The thing is, if you tell him too much about how you lived, the culture you grew up with included, he might see himself as more important in your life than he actually is
But hey, who can resist such an eager student with those puppy... no that's wrong in his case, hedgehog eyes?
Also, there are at least some languages existing in their world which also exist in ours (as far as we know), for example “French” and “German” (now everyone who speaks one of them at least partially: Yeah... suuurrreee.... totally correct what is beings said there....)
I believe that if you speak another one that isn't already there it will take longer for him to learn these since languages can differ so much from each other and if he hadn't even heard a single word in it... Yeah... (I mean, compare some languages and you see that their sentence structure are completely different)
But I also think that his mother force-fed him some foreign languages as well so maybe he already speaks German or French? The world will never know...
Doesn't mean he doesn't want to hear about your culture
I would highly advise you not to teach anybody else
Suddenly it's “Off with their head!”. On good days only the magic version and on bad ones the version in which you need something a little sharper and bigger than a needle
Also that “him thinking that he is more important than everyone in your life” thingy if you tell him too much about your culture? Well uh...
I heard the Shaftlands are big and can hide a lot of people if they just want to... otherwise I have to tell you that you might have to take up residence in his room for the rest of your existence. Enjoy!
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*sucks air in* SIMP
No joke, you are known to be a scholar in his home so now you are deciding to teach him?
*squealing octopus noises*
There is a fairly higher chance he might already speak your language than Riddle since, well, he is a greedy businessman if we are being honest AND NO LANGUAGE BARRIER SHALL STAND IN HIS WAY!!!
But expect him to sit there at his desk, practically burning holes into you with his stare whilst you teach him
(Is he even blinking?)
I mean, how did you expect him to react? You better be joking if your answer was “he isn't interested”
You, my dear Overseer, are just so dashing alone in your legends and tales that my man over here just wanted to be somewhat worthy with his intellect of your attention
And even if it was just a glance then that shall it be!
Wow, look at that, one day you were just there chatting to him which led to you telling more about your culture whilst talking in your language if it's one he understands
Now those that you also seemed worthy enough to teach them about your origins and language? Those contracts can be tricky is all I'm saying
Or he just loses it and who else remembers that one time Floyd said that Octopuses are a high chunk of muscles? Mhm, that read splash on the wall a former person... wow, he liquified everything... HOW STRONG IS THAT GUY??!
Or this becomes very unhealthy for him
We all know that he puts at least some self-esteem onto his appearance and lifestyle so once that esteem isn't so high anymore it's time for some... unhealthy habits
I'm not going into detail but let's just say that there is a certain amount to what you can push your body, octopus or not
So please only teach him! After all, if you do he might just think everything was for naught and just decides to be a bit “much”
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He probably speaks every single one existing in his world, including some ancient ones not spoken anymore n this day and age
But hey, his God is about to teach him something so you might as well have ordered him to while his memoriess because it's like everything you say is new to him
Also, his tail is going wild like a dog on who just saw his owner return after a long day
So... Yeah
(But this is the Self-aware au so of course things aren't just sunshine and flowers)
Remember that tail? He might have his hands full during the time he meets someone who decided to have the audacity and “make you” teach them as well but I think that thing could crush at least five melons at once
So uh... Yay... Red smoothie... Do not drink. 0 out of 10. Would not recommend
Also, who would he be if he hadn't two at least 50% humans who had been taught since childhood on how to use those sharp toothpicks and a fae who is a master at using said toothpicks?
“Silver, get the sharpest ones out!”-The toothpick master of Diasomnia
But how wise you are! Not only do you speak more than just one but also come from a completely different background
Also, are definitely probably frantically sending letters to the Valley of Thorns about everything you tell them so that the Church can document every single bit of information
But let us return to Malleus
Unless you tell him to tell you more about his home he will listen quietly, only asking a question if he doesn't understand something right away
Will try his best to follow the customs of your culture so you feel comfortable around him
Also, if he didn't know the language before, *gasp* I know, then he will also be the fastest one to learn it (I'm blaming devotion and fae genes for this)
But please, feel like you are at home around him. So at home in fact that you don't even notice he is right now taking you to the Valley so that you are never able to leave him. Forgive his greed but he just couldn't bear the thought of you reaching out for a place that isn't by his side
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maggie-004 · 11 months
(Un-) Lucky coincidence
Jenna Ortega x Fem reader
Summary: I honestly really don't know what this is, but enjoy reading a story about y/n and Jenna and how they first met in Austria, due to Jenna injuring herself while she was still promoting “The Fallout”.
Words: 820
Everything in cursive letters is German so … pretend I guess.
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„Well normal People, you know people who are not studying to be a nurse, are having summer vacation. That’s why this place is packed with people.” I said to my best friend. “Ahh you’re right, I’m still recovering from the nightshift. I couldn’t even tell you what month nor Day we are in.” Lauren explained to me acting all overly dramatic.  “Yeah it was your first one right?” I asked her, because I’ve worked a few in the last days as well so I feel like I caught Dementia myself, even though I know it’s not contagious. “Yes it was but I do hope it’s the last for a while, how are you keeping up with this y/n?” she groaned. “Oh come on don’t act like a Baby” I cried out from laughing, she bumped me in my rib cage “I’m serious, help me” she whined. “Well first of all, ouch and coffee, red bull and literally anything with caffein or taurine you can lay your hands on” I said “that’s how I get through a nightshift without losing my mind, well kind of”. “Yeah thanks Einstein, as if I haven’t tried that” she muttered. “Ah I forgot, get yourself ADHD it works wonderous … sometimes”. “Oh that is kind of unfair isn’t it?” She said. “Uh nuh uh? Have you looked at the downsides of that shit?” I asked her being a little offended. “I know I know, you literally never shut up about that, so please spare me the details” she said being a lot more annoyed than before. “Okay geez chill, do you have everything you wanted or do we need to go in more shops?” I tried to deescalate the situation. “No I got everything, wanna go out for a smoke?” she asked. “Uh hello you’re talking to me, of course I wanna go out for a smoke. Should we go to my place afterwards I could cook us something if you want”. “Yeah sure, let’s go” she responded with way to less gratitude if you ask me but okay.
As soon as we reached outdoor and light up a cigarette, a tiny women with brown hair stumbled and hit her head on the concrete floor. Perfect It’s literally my only day of work. “Hey excuse me are you okay?” I ask the small women whom still was on the floor. “Uh sorry I don’t understand what you are saying” she said, I stuck out my hand helping her up. “Oh sorry uhm, are you okay, that fall looked nasty”, “Oh yeah I’m all right thank you” she said ready to go. “Uhhm Yeah, no you’re not, actually you’re bleeding” I said with the calmest voice I could. I’ve only ever worked in the surgical area, with everything I needed for wounds, now I’m on my own in front of a shopping center with a bleeding women and not even a band aid. Uhg Perfect. “actually I wasn’t aware of that, oh god do you have a tissue by any chance?” she asked me, well not so calm, in fact I was very scared she’d be fainting any minute. “Actually I have, here you go. Can you come with me and sit on that bench?” I asked her supporting her by her arm. “Yeah sure thank you for helping me”, “no big deal just sit down and keep pressuring, please” I instructed her and turned to Lauren “hey can you quickly go into DM and get some Gaze and wound disinfection and some band aids?” “Sure I’ll be right back” she said and nearly ran back inside.As a good nurse I always have a pair of gloves on me, I know it seems a little bit over the top but that’s one of the first things we learned in nursing school. “Oh sorry my Name is y/n and the other girl is my best friend Lauren, it’s nice to meet you” I said while I got on the gloves. “Hi I’m Jenna, thank you for helping me, but why do you have gloves with you and why are you so calm?” she asked me. Well how dumb of me I am absolutely not calm that’s why I forgot to explain that I’m a nursing student, well nearly done nurse. “Oh sorry for not explaining, I am a nursing student, better said I only have a few days left than I am a nurse. But entirely different topic… where do I know you from? You seem oddly familiar” My brain nearly smoked I’ve been trying to figure out who she is the entire time. “Wow that’s so cool, I would have been a nurse if I wouldn’t be an actress, that’s where you maybe know me from. I am here to promote the fallout, one of the newest projects I’ve been working on.” That’s when I realized who she is. Woah that’s Jenna Ortega.
A/N: Well, it's hard to miss. English isn't my first language. I still hope it's okay to read. Hope you like it
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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In the books, Nellie was an Irish-American servant girl that Samantha befriends and teaches to read. Because Samantha is nine and has had a fairly sheltered upbringing, she doesn’t quite have the understandings of class structure that separates her and Nellie, she just sees a friend. Nellie opens Samantha’s eyes to the broader world beyond Grandmary’s mansion and helps her understand the social issues facing turn-of-the century America.
In Changes for Samantha, Grandmary has finally married Admiral Archibald Beemis, and Samantha has gone to live with Uncle Gard and Cornelia in New York City. There, she finds out that Nellie’s parents have died and she is living with her uncle Mike in the city. Samantha sets out to find her, only to find that she’s been abandoned and is living in an orphanage. Eventually, she helps Nellie and her sisters escape, and they come to be adopted by Uncle Gard and Cornelia.
I always thought that felt like an unreasonably happy ending for Nellie, given her social inferiority and that adoption was actually fairly taboo in the era of social darwinism and eugenics, but I also know that rich White progressives of the era LOVED doing shit like that, so I guess it’s not completely unreasonable.
Reading the summary of the book Nellie’s Promise made me sooooooo fucking happy. It gets into all those issues of social inequality and gives Nellie a lot more agency in being more than just a lucky orphan. I especially loved the parts about how Nellie was unhappy going to Samantha’s private girl’s school where she was learning nothing practical and only being trained in how to be a rich society wife. Nellie knew she needed a practical education so that she’d be able to secure a job in the future and fulfill her promise of taking care of her sisters. In the end, she’s able to enroll in a vocational school that fits her needs. I love it. I love it so fucking much.
Before I go any further, I should probably just go ahead and say that in this era, the Irish were still very much considered White. The definition of Whiteness in the 1900s was very different from what it is today (plz read The History of White People by Nell Irvin), and some people were Whiter than others, but the Irish were White. White*, if you will. They would be listed as White on all their legal documents, and weren’t faced with segregation the way that Black people were. The Irish were never slaves (they sure as shit were slave owners, though!) and don’t ever fucking compare anti-Irish discrimination to anti-Blackness and anti-Semitism. They are all their own unique things and playing the oppression olympics does no one any good. And YES I know about the history of the colonization of Ireland by England and anti-Irish attitudes in the UK, but I’m talking about American history. Anti-Irish American history and Anti-Irish British history are very, very different.
There’s a lot of raging ongoing debate about the extent to which the Irish were discriminated against in the US, and yes, there was discrimination. But literally EVERY immigrant group in the US faced discrimination and even violence. There’s a lot of academic debate about the whole “No Irish Need Apply” thing, but it was like that for EVERYONE. Italians, Poles, Greeks, Germans, Swedes, you name it, immigrants in general were all treated as unwelcome and less-than by the Anglo-Saxon Protestant powers that be at some point, the Irish were just another part of that. The idea that the Irish were somehow unique or special in their discrimination in America is a myth.
The point I’m making is that a lot of conservative Irish-Americans LOVE to make big maudlin claims of Irish victimhood and Irish slavery (THE IRISH WERE NEVER SLAVES) that somehow means they’re somehow exempt from having White privilege and taking personal responsibility to not be a racist fuck. That is pure bullshit, Irish-Americans have been White as fuck ever since JFK.
ANYWAY. All that being said, I love Nellie’s little outfit. It’s actually super accurate! A lovely little summer dress, perfect for visiting the ice cream parlor!
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(The Museum of London, credit @in-pleasant-company​)
Again, like with Samantha, the hat should be more perched on the hair and held in place with hat pins rather than fitted to the head. But that’s probably beyond your average 7-year-old’s patience, so I guess I can give them a pass.
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blank-house · 6 months
Omg I wasn't expecting at all their hobbies?? Mostly Jamie, I love that he reads manhwa! And Deja being a gamer girlie...💘 That's really unexpected. Now then I got even more questions!! These are more basic I guess?
Do any of them have a second language or is English not the first one? With Jamie being an exchange student and Deja speaking to herself another language or so in the demo I got curious about their backgrounds
Sorry not sorry but the haikyuu reference during the volleyball game got me dead 😭 I need to know about the besties hobbies too! Cameron's such a cool character fr
Okay maybe this is kind of spoilerish but... Have any of them had any serious relationship before? The vibes of the demo and it happening on college gives the vibes of first love kinda. Just out there trying to guess! I really am a fan of the trope
Tysm for answering! You just gave me such a detailed answer!! I didn't expect it 🥰 It really shows how much you care about little details when writing hehe
I should start on a master list of facts for everyone to quick nav on tumblr haha but I love your enthusiasm for the cast! Let's get cracking on Q2!
I was also waiting for this kind of question because I thought about it-- a lot, way too much, in fact lmao. I won't go too in depth about each of their backgrounds, especially since some of it is heavily intertwined with their stories, but I'm happy to indulge the basics!
So down the entire cast, we got:
Percy - Japanese (1st Gen); he's fluent in Japanese and it is his first language but he definitely uses English the most nowadays. He only ever speaks his native tongue when he's at home. He also knows a bit of Hawaiian Pidgin. It's what he picked up from Elio when they came to know each other in high school.
Elio - Hawaiian (Dad)/Thai (Mom); English is his first language but his family makes sure to teach him Hawaiian, Hawaiian Pidgin, and Thai. He's conversational with the first two, especially since that's how his grandparents on his dad's side would choose to communicate with. However, since he doesn't get to visit his relatives in Thailand often, Thai is definitely the less practiced of the bunch. At this point, he can somewhat hold a conversation but it's more like-- he understands the language better than he can speak it.
Jamie - Swedish; Swedish is his first language but he is the biggest polyglot on the team, and I mean big. He's fluent in English and most, if not all, European languages (German, French, Italian- you name it, he can probably speak it). Korean is something he recently picked up, though- just so he won't have to wait for translations for the manhwas he likes lol. Learning languages is easy to him and if he's motivated enough he could be conversational in a couple of months.
Deja - Haitian; English is her first language but she's conversational in Haitian Creole. She only speaks it if she's with family, especially her oldest and more distant relatives, or when exasperated. Deja isn't really in the business of flexing her second tongue since it's not something people immediately close to her use a lot.
Cameron - Nicaraguan (2nd Gen); English is also their first language but they dip into Spanish with their family, especially their grandparents. In the KF world, I believe you wouldn't catch this unless you're fluent in Spanish, but Cameron would speak with Nicaraguan phonology so some of their pronunciations might be weighted with 's' sounds.
Reynah - Filipina (1st Gen); English is her second language with Tagalog as her first. However, after being in the states for so long she's not as fluent in it. It's the same case as Elio and most children who migrate at a young age- Reynah understands better than she can speak. That being said, her accent surprisingly lingers. You hear it when she's angry or speaking fast, and you hear it at the end of her sentences or at a break- that short 'ah' sound Filipinos speak with.
And that's all of them! Though it's probably too redundant for me to note, everyone doesn't have an accent except for Reynah and Jamie. Jamie keeps his Swedish accent even though he's fluent because it's too much effort to use an American accent lol
Hobbies (Deja and Cam)
Aha yeah, gotta sneak in anime references when I can and I'm glad you like Cameron too! They're very endearing to me ^^ But okay bestie hobbies! Def gotta know this since MC's best friends with them. So to start--
Deja's got a handful of hobbies. Does she have time for all of them? No, but she's got them! And they're mostly to help her unwind. For games, she tends to like the ones that relies on strategies and skill. Platformers are her go-to's as well as party games. She's not competitive in the way Elio is but she'd be damned if anyone took her spot at the top of the leaderboard.
Besides video games, she likes to tend to plants and players can see that their shared apartment is littered with them. If she miraculously got more free time, then she'll pick up a knitting/crocheting project.
However, her favorite thing to do in her pastime are her nails! At the apartment, her and MC would indulge in movie nights/marathons so that she could paint and dry her nails during the duration of the showing. The last thing you'd catch her with is a broken or chipped edge.
As you peeped, Cameron watches anime! They only watch though- they like the action compared to reading. They've been on the grind for a while so you can consider them a veteran haha. Their favorite genres to watch are Slice of Life's, Sports, Shoujos, and Dramas and Thrillers. I know, I know, that's sort of weird jump from their other favorites lol but they like being swept up into the story line like Percy. So if they start crying about a fictional relationship or jumping on the couch because of a murder mystery- then it's safe to say they're enjoying the show.
Other than that, Cameron really likes art! In fact, it could've very well had been something they majored in! They're that good. But alas, they decided on a pre-law track so painting and drawing remains as a past time.
And of course, who can forget music. They only play one instrument and it's not often, but they love listening to it- especially Kpop. If you look through their car, you might find a photo card or two tucked away somewhere. That, and their albums lying next to their seat. (I'm not supposed to be referencing actual bands but Cameron has slipped into the diamond life iykyk)
Past Relationships
Oh, first love is a good guess! But out of the entire cast, half of them have been in a serious relationship before and that is Percy, Deja, and Reynah. Everyone else either had crushes or went on a couple of dates but never went official with anyone.
I won't go into the specifics for either Percy or Reynah, but since Deja's your roommate and best friend-- conversations about her love life would have cropped up before the start of the game. So at the very least I can say that she's dated a couple of guys during her high school and freshmen college year.
She broke up with all of them pretty quick though haha I wouldn't say she was wasting her time with them- she doesn't date for the sake of it like some might. So every relationship could've been something- but she's got zero tolerance for cheaters or massive fuck ups so they ended up being nothing. C'est la vie
And that's that! Phew, these explanations are getting longer and longer so I'm sorry for the word dump but that was fun! Thank you for asking another question!
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
Thanks for tagging me y'all @sorry-bonebag @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 ✨
My criteria for a comfort show are gonna be 1) any piece of media 2) that I've watched more than once and 3) that I will keep reaching for. That's it. I can't even explain what the common denominator is tbh?? It's just- the kinda movie or show that I need on DVD to easily put on again and quell the brain worms (yes, I physically own all but #4-#6).
1. My School President: What can I say, this show took me entirely by surprise! I started watching a few days before episode 4 aired - aka the pinky touch ✨ the conversation in the stairwell ✨ and the origin of Gem4th's fanclub name being Khun Nuu ✨ - and fell right in love with it. I love musical storytelling, I love coming of age stories, I love a good romance, and I love found family/friend group dynamics so this really hit the spot for me. I guess these apply to a bunch of my choices for this tag though haha
2. Cutie Pie: I've talked about this show in another tag game (as "A show people find bad but you will defend") and all of that still holds true so I won't repeat it here. I'll just add that this show introduced me to Nunew who's my favorite artist these days. :)
3. Love In The Air (Love Storm): Yup! The show that most people on here seem to recall as that extra horny one lol It's one of the first Thai QLs I watched along with as it aired, maybe even the first one. I started watching when episode 2 came out, I think? And I just loved the D/s-dynamic, lovable brat Rain, and these rookie actors so much that I not only went looking for the bts, cast reactions, and interviews but I even started following Twitter translators for the show and cast. This show (and ZeeNunew lol) was basically my introduction to how the Y industry works, what Thai fanclubs are like, and got me well and truly interested in learning Thai. I think I've seen it enough times to speak along by now cause I also used my familiarity with it to study Thai. And now that BossNoeul are finally getting a new show, I'm really looking forward to seeing them in new roles!
4. Not Me: It's simply brilliant. And it's so grounded! You know how lots of tops in Thai QLs are rich, a CEO, drive a supercar, and live in a gorgeous modern home with huge windows (and death stairs lmao)? I love that Not Me starts in a place of privilege but has White leave that behind pretty early on. Bangkok really is a city where you can constantly see the divide between rich and poor. So I appreciate this show even more after having been to Bangkok. Not Me's characters look unfiltered and real and that's how the entire show feels as well. I just love what P'Nuchy has given us here! Oh and +1 for White narrating his entire story, I just kinda love that in general (also enjoyed Kawi narrating Be My Favorite). The next two kinda fall into one category: shows I loved as a kid, remembered - found - rewatched as a teen, and still fondly remember.
5. Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: This is a magical girl anime that I first would have seen on TV in 2001. In hindsight, this show's religious themes may have influenced me in my love for fictional faith and devotion. Just a thought, haha, totally don't have more than one dnd character who is majorly connected to divinity, faith, and devotion, even though I personally am agnostic...
6. The Weekenders: I routinely cite this as my favorite cartoon (and I watched- just- So Many as a kid omg). Since I watched this on German TV, I only know the German dub which was honestly really fun. If any Germans read this and have seen that show: Wirsing! The rest is movies all the way down!
7. Timeline: A 2003 movie with a bunch of well-known actors that arguably qualifies as a B movie because it flopped so hard at the box office. It's my trash though. I chose it at the video store, brought it home, loved it, and then proceeded to rent it like once a year lol! It's basically a bunch of archeologists and history nerds travelling back in time to the Hundred Years War to save their professor. It has my preferred time travel dynamic of Everything is fixed and whatever traces in time you leave were already there to begin with.
8. Inception: There's several Christopher Nolan movies I love but this one is just so grand and fun and maybe I also had a bit of a crush on Elliott Page back then 👉👈 I'm a born nerd so naturally teen-me used "Non je ne regrette rien" as my alarm for years lmao This category is basically just Disney & co. musicals lol
9. Mulan (1998): If you asked me to choose my favorite from the entire classic Disney musical line-up, it would always be this one. It's the queerest, of course I'd always choose it!
10. Anastasia: You know, I looked at my shelf full of cartoon musicals- no wait, High School Musical and Pitch Perfect are next to them, hm, wELL- at my movie musicals shelf and it came down to choosing between this one and The Swan Princess (1994). And this one just kinda won out because "Once Upon A December" is impeccable! And now I've got it stuck in my head 👍
Since it took me a few days to get back to it, this has clearly made the rounds already. Who to tag?? Uh-- @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants to do it of course!
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crystalninjaphoenix · 13 days
Learning New Things
Paranormal Preteens AU: Episode Twenty-Four
A JSE Fanfic
After the two-part romp of the gang exploring Caverns & Creatures, it's back to business. The kids have exams coming up before winter vacation, so they have to buckle down and study and try to ignore anything supernatural happening. But that proves impossible for JJ and Marvin, as they finally figure out what that strange doll does. And they're not fond of it. Hopefully next chapter we'll reach winter vacation so the kids will be a bit more free :) Big things are planned! We just gotta build up to get there ^-^
More of this AU | From the Start | Read on AO3 at CrystalNinjaPhoenix
Even with all the supernatural battles they’d fought since summer, Chase thought that exams were the worst struggle he’d had this year. And this was only for the end of the fall term! He was dreading how much exams would suck  at the end of the school year. November and December flew by in a blur of assignments. He tried to put them off for as long as possible, but not only was Mom constantly asking him about homework, but so was Schneep. “I would be willing to help, if you need it,” he was constantly saying.
Chase turned him down every time. “I’m never gonna figure it out if I get help,” he said. “Besides, you’re also busy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I am always on the top of my class work,” Schneep would reply. “And we have some same classes, I could definitely help with those.”
The first time he said that, Chase said, “Great! Can I see your work, then?” And Schneep slapped his arm and said something about cheating that Chase couldn’t quite make out, since half of it was in German. So Chase learned to quietly accept the help Schneep provided. It felt a bit weird to get help from someone younger than him, but Schneep was really smart, so it wasn’t too weird. Still, there were some times when Schneep was at a loss for how to explain things. Especially with maths. Maths were Chase’s worst subject. The numbers just didn’t click in his brain.
Still, he struggled on. It was so hard to concentrate with the other big thing coming up. That being, only the greatest holiday of the year: Christmas. He couldn’t wait! The lights, the presents, the decorations, the songs! And he had to get presents for Schneep and the others! And maybe he could save up to get something for Mom, too? What did Mom like? Books and stuff, right?
Chase was sure that every single kid out there was as excited for this holiday as he was. But one day, at lunch—
“What do you mean you don’t like Christmas?!” Chase gasped.
Marvin shrugged. “At home, basically every day after our birthday is fucking soaked in Christmas. You saw the lights were up already, right? I’m pretty sure they put those up on November first.”
Usually, yes, but not this year, JJ said. Didn’t you notice? They waited until the day after you were home.
“Uh... not really,” Marvin said. “But that’s, uh, good.” He looked back at Chase. “Anyway, yeah, ‘cause of that I don’t really care about Christmas all that much.”
Me neither, JJ agreed. The best part of Christmas is that our grandma stays with us until New Year’s. Other than that? I’m not a fan.
Chase stared at them in disbelief. He looked at Stacy. “What about you?”
“Uhhhh... I-I don’t have any... strong feelings,” Stacy said awkwardly.
“How can you not have strong feelings?!” Chase turned to Schneep. “Come on, Schneep! Christmas is great! Like—you’ve gone to our family Christmas parties in America! I’ve seen you there!”
“Well, Mama and Papa would fly us over for the party, and then we would sleep in a hotel and leave the first thing the next morning,” Schneep said.
“Huh? Well... I guess I never really saw you guys hanging around...” Chase and his parents would always fly to his grandparents’ house a week before the actual party, doing stuff in town and spending time with the rest of the family who would gradually show up over the following days. He realized he never did see Schneep or his parents there outside of the party on Christmas Eve. It was one of the reasons he hadn’t been close with Schneep before Mom took him in. “You guys would fly back on Christmas morning? What about opening presents?”
Schneep looked down at the table. “Most of Christmas was Papa’s business things. If I was good during the time, I-I would... get my present at the end of the day...” He slowly trailed off.
Chase clenched his fists, angry, and then took a deep breath and nudged Schneep beside him. “Well I can show you how Mom and me do things this year, then! It’s so much better than that!” Schneep smiled softly.
“So, you guys are gonna fly to America for Christmas?” Stacy asked.
“Uh... I dunno,” Chase said. “We usually do, we leave right after exams are done. But, uh, a while ago Mom asked me how I’d feel about staying here this year. And I... said I’d be fine with that.” He shrugged, trying to look unbothered about it. He would really miss the Christmas party this year. But... it wouldn’t be the same without his dad there, too. And since the party was on Mom’s side of the family, he probably wasn’t going to be there.
“Aunt Jess asked me something similar,” Schneep said quietly.
“Winter holiday would fucking suck without you guys,” Marvin said.
Yes, I agree, JJ said.
Stacy frowned. “You should add, like, ‘no pressure’ to the end of that or something.”
No pressure, JJ added. Then he blinked, looking momentarily confused, but dismissed it.
“Well, ah, moving on from Christmas,” Schneep said. “Have you all figured out anything more about the strange doll?”
JJ glanced to the side—no doubt looking towards his locker. Apparently the doll would show up in his bag if he carried it around school with him, but if he left his bag in his locker it would stay there.
“Well, uh, last night we tried seeing if a knife did anything to it,” Marvin said.
“What?!” Stacy gasped.
“It didn’t, don’t worry,” Marvin said. “But then again, we didn’t do too much. We just kinda... pressed it against the doll. Didn’t cut through the cloth or anything. But! JJ couldn’t feel that.” JJ nodded. “So it’s probably fine. He also didn’t feel it when we dropped the doll out the window again. Or stacked books on top of it.”
“And... you two just did this on your own?” Schneep asked, worried.
We were careful! JJ said.
“What if something worked?! You would be hurt!”
“It’d be fiiiine, we were careful!” Marvin said. “Very slow about it. JJ was able to stop things if he started feeling weird.”
“You guys are crazy,” Stacy muttered.
“I mean... I guess if it worked?” Chase figured, gesturing vaguely. “Anyway. You guys notice any grown-ups who might be in the Circle watching you or anything?”
JJ shrugged. I think... the attention has started to fade, maybe.
“We’ll be able to go back to normal stuff once we reach winter holiday!” Marvin said cheerfully. “And once the fucking exams are over—fucking hell, I always forget how much I hhhate them.”
“If you are in trouble of failing, I could try to help you learn,” Schneep offered.
“Nah—you guys are a year below us, your shit is all different,” Marvin said. “Thanks, though. I don’t think I’ll fail anything, but... uh...” Marvin trailed off. For a moment, he looked... afraid. Not mortally afraid, but still. There was fear in his expression. Chase knew immediately what it meant. He was afraid that he actually would fail something.
“Well, uh, getting bad grades isn’t the end of the world,” Chase said awkwardly. “I did really bad on my exams last year. I, uh... couldn’t study.” Couldn’t bring himself to study. He ended up spending most of April and May lying in bed and feeling bad. Maybe he should’ve tried a bit harder? “B-but I ended up alright!” he hurriedly added, partly to push away his own doubtful thoughts.
I’m helping Marvin, don’t worry, JJ said. He smiled. He’s not going to get bad grades if I can help it.
Marvin laughed. “Yeah. And, uh... really thanks for that, JJ.”
Of course. You’re my brother.
“Do you think Jackie could tutor you guys?” Stacy asked.
“He’s probably busy,” Marvin said. “He’s in sixth form this year, right? That’s gotta be a lot of schoolwork. But I guess we can ask if things get really fucking bad.”
Chase frowned. “I still don’t really understand what sixth form is... even though I’ve lived here for years now, I just don’t get it. Is it like... a different school? But it happens in the same building?”
“Yeah, I think it’s special stuff to help you prepare for like... going to uni and shit,” Marvin said, frowning. “Well, whatever. We don’t have to deal with that for a couple years. And Jackie’s smart. I’m sure he’s doing good even if it’s a lot.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Chase nodded. Jackie was really cool and smart. He was probably dealing with exams better than most of them.
“I’m so fucking dumb,” Jackie said, slamming his head down on the open textbook.
“You’re not dumb,” Fengge said reassuringly. “You’re just not good at taking notes.”
“Because taking notes is booooriiiiing,” Jackie groaned.
He was with the rest of his friends, sitting around a table in Fengge’s house. His parents had a full-on library attached to the side of their house. Well... it was a single room with floor-to-ceiling bookcases surrounding it. But there were still a lot of books in here! And the bookcases lent the room a sort of soundproofing, so the friend group tended to gather here when it came time to study.
“I’m with you,” Missy said, idly doodling on a corner of her notebook. “Not fun. And not all that helpful.”
“Studies show that note-taking is very helpful, actually,” Rama muttered. “Otherwise I would not remember how to calculate the area of a... uh... an ellipses.”
“Pi times semimajor axis times semiminor axis,” Sylvester said.
“Whoa! You know that off the top of your head, Syl?” Missy said, eyes wide. “Impressive!”
“It’s, uh, really not.”
“Smart and good at Gym—you’re a rare breed, Sylvester Shepard!” Missy said, leaning close to him.
Sylvester frowned. “...I feel like all smart people should be offended by that.”
“Oh, uh.” Missy slowly leaned back “I didn’t mean it like that. I just... think you’re great.”
“Oh. Um, thanks.”
“You two need a room,” Celine muttered.
While his friends bantered, Jackie lifted his head and stared down at the textbook. Why did he need to take Biology again? He didn’t want to have a job that would need it... maybe. He thinks. What did he want his future job to be? The question stuck in his head for a while before it slowly fell out, a thick syrup like all the rest of his current thoughts. He could think about his future later. Right now, his present was full of homework. Come on, concentrate. What was something important about Biology that he remembered? The structure of an animal cell... “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell,” he muttered.
“Maybe we take a break,” Fengge said, reaching over to close Jackie’s textbook for him. The pages gently slapped Jackie’s cheek, since his head was still pretty close to the book.
“I’m fine, I can keep going,” Jackie said, putting a hand in the book as he sat up so Fengge couldn’t fully close it.
“Yeah, no, clearly not,” Ram said. “Breaks are good for you, Jackie.”
“Welp. I’m all for it.” Missy closed her notebook. “Now what d’we do during the break?”
“We could... watch a movie?” Sylvester said.
“That break sounds a little too long,” Celine said. She put her books down and moved them into a little stack. “Let’s just chat. I actually wanted to tell you something, Jackie.”
“Hmm?” Jackie perked up. “What is it?”
“You’re still looking for that Jack guy, right?”
Jackie immediately sat up straight. “Yeah?”
“Well I talked to my brother, Mr. Student Body,” Celine said. “He said that when Jack’s parents had to pull him out they were required to give a moving address. To prove they’re moving out of range. I guess. He said it’s probably still in the records, so that the school can send them letters.”
“Why would the school want to send a former student letters?” Sylvester asked. “I know universities do that, but... our school?”
Celine shrugged. “It’s what he said.”
Jackie’s mind was racing. “Do you think you could...? Do you think I could ask your brother for...?”
Celine grinned. “He wouldn’t tell you, Jackie. But fortunately, I have myself some ways.” She wriggled her fingers mystically. “I can figure it out for you... for a price.” That last part was added in a spooky voice.
“I’m not giving you thirty pounds,” Jackie said, straight-faced.
“I’ll take it.”
“Done.” Jackie reached into his pocket and dug around for his wallet. He opened it up, took out a few loose bills, and handed over seven. “The rest on completion.”
“Hehehe.” Celine grinned. “That’s fair.”
Sylvester watched this all happen. “You guys freak me out sometimes.”
“But you looove us,” Jackie said teasingly.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Why are you so curious about Jack McLoughlin, anyway, Jackie?” Ram asked. “Is it because of the name incident?”
“Uh... I just want to talk to him about some stuff,” Jackie said. “I... think he could help with it.”
“Hmm. That is fair.”
A moment passed in silence. “We could ask my mom for snacks,” Fengge said, looking towards the library door. “That would probably help with everything.”
“Oooo snacks!” Missy said. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
The group got up and headed out of the room towards Fengge’s kitchen. Jackie tried to keep his face neutral. If they could reach Jack, they could see if he really was connected to Anti. And if they could take care of Anti, they could stop these monsters for good. Or at least, stop Anti from getting them forcibly involved with the monsters. The rest? Well... he and the kids would figure it out eventually.
Marvin stared at the worksheet sitting before him. He was sitting on the floor of his and Jameson’s shared bedroom, the worksheet sitting on a stack of books that formed a makeshift table. He really wished that they had a desk in their room. Honestly, he was surprised that Mam and Dad hadn’t already gotten one for JJ. But their room was pretty small; he wasn’t sure where a desk would fit, anyway.
A flush echoed down the hallway, and a few moments later, JJ appeared in the doorway. Sorry about that, he said.
“Literally don’t worry about it, it’s so normal,” Marvin said.
JJ sat down next to him. While I was gone, did you figure out the answer?
“Uhhh...” Marvin looked back down at the paper. “It’s... x = 12, right?”
Marvin, this is your World History homework, JJ signed gently.
“I know, I know. Just... thought I’d make a joke.” Marvin smiled weakly at JJ. When JJ didn’t smile back, he sighed, and put his head in his hands. “This fucking sucks, JJ. When am I ever gonna need to know this? I don’t think Chinese dynasties will come up a lot in my life.”
You could have taken English History instead, JJ pointed out.
“But I’ve taken English History every year! We never get any farther than, like, the fucking 1830s.”
Well, maybe this year would’ve been different if you took it, JJ said.
Marvin groaned. “Whatever. Just... help me out with this. It’s... Zhou, Shang, Qin—”
The first two are reversed, actually.
JJ smiled. Do you remember that little song I taught you to help with this?
“I do! I just... got the first two reversed.” Marvin groaned.
Let me see your textbook, JJ said.
Marvin pulled it out from the pile, opening it up. “I’m working on this chapter.” Some papers were sandwiched between the pages, covered in graphite writing. His notes. “And here’s what I got.”
JJ looked over the notes. The problem is that you’re being TOO detailed, I think. You’re never going to remember a long sentence like this. You have to jot down something shorter that reminds you of the longer fact. This is why people make acronyms and such.
“But... it all seems important,” Marvin said slowly.
JJ nodded. It does, but if you can remember a fact that’s linked to other facts, then the rest will come to you. Or at least, that’s how it’s always worked for me.
Marvin nodded back. “Alright. So... what should I focus on with this?”
The exam will probably ask you for a bunch of dates, so focus on those, JJ said. So you have to come up with ways to remember all those numbers. For me, I like to—
More footsteps came down the hallway. Dad peered into the open bedroom of their room. “What are you boys working on?” he asked.
“Uh... studying, Dad,” Marvin said.
“Oh really?” Dad smiled. “Working hard, huh? What’re you looking at now?”
“Um, World History,” Marvin said.
“Hmm?” Dad looked confused. “Jameson, I didn’t think you were taking World History.”
JJ blinked. I’m not... he said slowly. ...but I’m helping Marvin.
“Oh? So... you’ve already gotten all your own homework done, then?”
JJ hesitated. He nodded.
“Really?” Dad raised an eyebrow doubtfully. “So if I went down to check on your homework on the table downstairs, your essay would be done?”
Oh shit. The essay. Marvin glanced at JJ worriedly, knowing that he hadn’t even started it. It’s not due until next week, JJ said.
“It’s never good to procrastinate, Jameson. That only leads to sloppy work at the last minute. You need time to edit your writing and double-check that you’re doing the best work you can. You don’t often get second chances in life.” Dad smiled in a... well-meaning way. “Now. Go down and work on your homework and don’t stop until you’re done with that essay.”
JJ stood up right away, nodding, and headed out of the room. Marvin looked after him, surprised at how fast he got up and left. Usually when something like this happened, JJ at least took time to reassure Marvin that he’ll be back later. Or to remind Marvin about some important fact or studying method. Not this time. It was fine, but... confusing. And Marvin would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little hurt, wondering if he’d done something wrong. But it was too late to say anything. JJ was already gone, leaving Dad standing awkwardly in the bedroom doorway. “Well... good luck, Marvin,” Dad said, and went back down the hall towards his and Mam’s bedroom. 
Marvin sighed and looked back at his notes and worksheets.
Meanwhile, JJ was sitting at the kitchen table, pencil in hand, before he even realized what he was doing. He just—got up like that? How rude! He should go back upstairs to apologize to Marvin, at least. And finish what he was telling him. Maybe he could even take his books upstairs with him. Even though he usually left them at the kitchen table so he could do homework on a proper flat surface, it would be better to do homework together, wouldn’t it?
He started to get up.
Or, at least... he tried to.
He pushed the chair back from the table, but when he thought about standing up... his body just didn’t listen. He continued to sit there.
Okay, that was annoying. Come on, JJ. There would be no real consequence to delaying for a moment. Mam and Dad probably wouldn’t even notice if he popped back upstairs. Come on. Stand up.
But his legs wouldn’t move.
Jameson’s eyes widened in alarm. He looked down at the pencil in his hand, and told himself to let go of it. But the result was the same. His fingers stayed wrapped around the wood. He wasn’t gripping it tightly or anything. Just holding it casually. But he couldn’t... let... go.
He stared at his hand, utterly baffled for a moment. And while he did that, he found himself pulling the chair closer to the table. His other hand grabbed a piece of paper from the stack nearby and set it in front of him. And then... the pencil started to move. It pressed to the paper, and his eyes widened as he felt his hand write his name at the top without his intent.
What was this?! What was happening?!
The pencil wrote down his name, the class, and the professor’s name, and then stopped. Desperately, he tried to push back from the table again, but every time he thought about it his body stayed still. His eyes widened and his breathing started to speed up as panic crept up on him. Why?! Why couldn’t he stand up?! He looked around the kitchen, eyes darting, head turning. Was there something strange in here?! No, he couldn’t see anything. His eyes looked back down to the paper. Was he—was he being compelled to do his homework? Why?!
No no no, he didn’t want to do that. He wanted to go back upstairs and help Marvin. This wasn’t due for a while, but Marvin’s worksheet was due the day after tomorrow! He had to help him a bit more, at least!
Why couldn’t he stand up?!
A small whimper came from his throat. He continued to struggle against whatever force was keeping him here, against whatever was keeping him still. But he couldn’t fight it. He thought about crying out for help—Granmam was in the living room, she would hear him before Marvin or his parents did. But, as always, his throat closed up.
Maybe—maybe if he just got through the essay, this would go away? Maybe if he focused long enough to do it, he could get up afterwards? He wasn’t going to be stuck sitting here forever, he couldn’t be!
His vision was starting to blur with tears. Focus! Calm down! Just calm down! He didn’t have to write a good essay, he just had to write something.
Slowly, he took shaking breaths, and tried to concentrate on the words. He just... had to write about... what was he writing about? A book? Right, The Count of Monte Cristo. What prompt had he chosen, again? Something about... morality in the book?
Concentrate, concentrate. Everything would be okay if he could concentrate.
Time passed. He wrote slower than he usually did, counting the words until he was done, trying to write around wet spots on the paper. Finally, he finished it off with a weak conclusion paragraph. He leaned back, breathing slowly, blinking up at the ceiling. Then he tried to stand up.
It worked. Just as normal. It was so normal, in fact, that for a moment he doubted anything had happened. But no. He would never be able to forget that.
He walked out into the hallway, reaching the staircase—
“Jems!” Granmam was in the hallway already, walking towards the kitchen. Next to her feet, their kitten Sinney wound around her legs. But they both stopped as they saw Jameson, Granmam staring in shock. “Are you alrigh’, lad?”
Jameson was aware that his eyes were red and his face was red. But he couldn’t explain what just happened. He—he didn’t know how to. So he just hurried up the stairs, not looking at her as he climbed.
Marvin had given up on the worksheet and was now lying on Jameson’s bottom bunk, flipping through the instruction manual for his magic kit. He initially didn’t look up as he heard Jameson come in. “Hey, d’you think I could use my greenlight powers to do some of these for real?” he asked. And then he looked up. And he went white. “Wh-what happened?”
Jameson shook his head. I don’t know! I couldn’t move!
“What do you mean?” Marvin sat up straight.
I went down to the table and I couldn’t move I couldn’t stand up and the only way to fix it was to write the essay and I don’t know what it was but it must have been something weird and magic and scary— Jameson’s signs started to fall apart as the panic returned.
“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Marvin quickly scrambled to his feet and walked over to JJ. He put his hands on his shoulders. “Calm down. Breathe, JJ. Please.” His voice was soft. Gentle. A solid anchor to grab onto.
JJ took a few deep breaths and wiped his eyes. It must have been something related to Anti or the greenlight or something. That wasn’t normal.
Marvin shook his head. “No, it wasn’t. Hang on. I-I was thinking about this, and I might be able to sense the greenlight...”
JJ nodded slowly. He knew that Marvin had been practicing on that. So far, he’s been able to pick up on ‘vibes’ from the weird doll and some of the rocks in his collection.
While Marvin closed his eyes, concentrating, JJ heard footsteps come up the stairs. Granmam stopped in the doorway to their bedroom, holding Sinney in her arms. “I was wond’rin’ if you two wanted some playtime with the kitten.”
Marvin’s eyes immediately opened up again. “Sinney!” He went over to the corner, grabbing a cat toy that he’d left there. He dangled it in front of Sinney, and she immediately leapt out of Granmam’s arms and pounced on it.
“Is there anyt’ing else you lads need?” Granmam asked, looking directly at JJ as she said that.
Jameson shook his head. No. But thank you, Granmam.
Granmam smiled. “Any time.” And she headed back downstairs.
JJ waited until she was gone to close the doorway. Then he turned back to Marvin. Did you get any vibes?
“No more than the normal ones,” Marvin said. “From there—” He pointed at his box of rocks. “—and there.” He pointed at the corner where they’d thrown the doll earlier. It was sitting on the floor casually. Like it was relaxing and staring at them.
JJ shivered. He walked over to the doll and turned it around so it was facing the wall instead. And... that’s when he noticed it. Does the doll look... bigger to you?
“Huh?” Marvin looked away from Sinney and towards the doll. “I... guess.” He paused. “It’s not, like, taller, but it does look... bigger? Like there’s more stuffing inside.” His eyes widened. “Do you think the doll did that to you?”
JJ nodded slowly. We HAVE been wondering what it does... 
“Holy shit. It... froze you in place?”
No, that wasn’t exactly what happened. He wasn’t just frozen. He was stuck there until he did his homework. JJ frowned. He had a crazy idea... He didn’t want it to be right, but there was one way to figure out if he was. Tell me to do something, he said.
Marvin blinked. “Huh?”
Tell me to do something, JJ repeated. Something I wouldn’t normally want to do.
“Okay, uh...” Marvin looked down at Sinney. “Meow like a cat.”
“Mew.” JJ’s eyes widened as the sound popped out of his mouth. 
Marvin glanced at him in surprise.
Now see what the vibes from the doll are, Jameson said.
Marvin narrowed his eyes at the doll in concentration. He gasped. “It—there was like, a spike in the vibes. A vibe spike.”
Tell me to do something else! Jameson insisted.
“Um, uh—do ten jumping jacks!”
JJ started jumping immediately. He tried to stop, but just like downstairs, his body didn’t listen to his brain. As he did this, panic on his face, Marvin looked over at the doll again. “Another vibe spike!” he gasped. “The—the doll—it’s—making you do stuff?”
JJ finally finished his jumping jacks, panting. It’s making me do stuff people are telling me to, I think.
“That’s so fucking fucked up!” Marvin gasped. “What the fuck?! And we’re pretty sure the Circle gave this to you, right?! What the fuck?! Why?!”
I don’t know, JJ said. But we need to message the others.
“So you’ve never seen a Christmas movie?” Chase pushed. “Like, at all?”
Schneep shook his head. “No, and I am starting to get tired of you and everyone else talking about Christmas all the time.”
“Sorry. It’s just... such an important thing to me, you know?” Chase said. “It’s like... really big and happy and, uh... and good.” He shrugged. “Anyway, you gotta at least see one Christmas movie. Then I’ll leave you alone. Probably. I’ll try, I mean.” He was currently crouched on the floor in front of the TV, looking through their DVDs. Schneep sat on the sofa behind him. In his lap was a textbook and his small plushie bat, Mitternacht. “Uh... We can watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Or these stop motion things, I guess, they’re kinda boring. Nightmare Before Christmas is more of a Halloween one, I think, but we didn’t watch it in October so we could watch it now. Have you heard of any of these at all?”
Schneep shook his head. “No. I am sorry.”
Chase sighed. “Maybe you didn’t have any of these in Germany.”
“No, maybe we did. But my parents did not like me to watch television. Remember?”
“Yeah...” Chase frowned for a moment, then continued looking through the movies. “Oh! A Muppet Christmas Carol! That one’s fun. But my favorite is Home Alone. It’s funny. We can watch that.”
“Do you think I will like it?” Schneep asked.
“Yeah, sure! It’s about this kid who gets left home alone accidentally while his family goes to France for Christmas holiday. While the mom really tries to get back to him, he has to stop some burglars from getting into the house.”
“Ooo.” Schneep leaned closer. “Alright. I am... intrigued.”
Chase laughed. “Intrigued? Fancy word.”
“It means curious... I think. Or, ah... interested?”
“Can’t believe you know more English words than me sometimes,” Chase muttered, setting up the DVD.
Footsteps came down the stairs as Mom arrived in the living room. “What are you boys doing?” she asked. “Are you done with homework?”
“Yeah, Mom,” Chase said. “I’m showing Henrik Home Alone.”
Schneep nodded. He held out the textbook—apparently it was a habit of his to offer for Aunt Jess to check his work.
“Don’t worry about it, Henrik,” Mom said, knowing what he was asking. “Before you two get started, Chase, I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh. Uh, yeah, sure.” Chase stood up and walked over.
“Both of you,” Mom continued. She looked back and forth between Chase and Schneep. “How would the two of you feel about... having the family Christmas party here this year?”
“Huh?” Chase blinked. “Like... in our house?”
“Well, obviously our house isn’t as big as Grandma and Grandpa’s,” Mom says. “So the family wouldn’t actually stay in the house. They’d stay in a hotel.”
“Ohhh. Uh...” Chase thought about it. He did really like traveling back to America every year for the party. His grandparents’ house was great, they had a big TV and a big yard with a playground and so many rooms! But... He looked at Schneep. “What d’you think?”
“Ah... wh-who will be coming to the party?” Schneep asked, looking nervous.
Mom looked at him seriously. “Albrecht and Maggie won’t be invited if you’re not comfortable with them being there,” she said softly.
Schneep looked down at his lap. He messed with Mitternacht’s wings. “I... I would be... fine with... h-having the party here. As for Mama and Papa... ahm... a-ask me again l-later.”
Mom nodded. “Alright. If you’re sure.” She looked at Chase. “What about you? You know, if we have the party here... I was... thinking about inviting some of your dad’s relatives.”
Chase perked up. “Will Dad be there?” He hadn’t been expecting Dad to go to the Christmas party, since it was on Mom’s side of the family.
“I don’t know, sweets. Maybe.”
Chase nodded. “Y-yeah, let’s have the party here!”
Mom smiled. “Great. I’ll start sending out invitations, then.” She headed back upstairs. “You have fun watching the movie!”
“We will, Mom!” Chase shouted up after her. He grinned, thinking about it. What if Dad really did come to the party? What if—what if he could talk to him? About video games and baseball and everything? That would be amazing! Though his chest kinda hurt thinking about it... Not because he was sad. Because he was feeling... something else. He didn’t know what, though. It was... good, maybe? Maybe... he could ask Mom about that later. For now, he looked at Schneep. “Are you, uh... okay?”
Schneep nodded slowly. He was hugging Mitternacht to his chest. “Ah, can we... watch the movie now? You said it was funny?”
“Yeah.” Chase walked back over to the sofa and sat down next to Schneep in his usual place. While they’d been talking, the previews included on the DVD had been playing. He quickly pressed the menu button. “The movie’s from, like, years ago so some things are different, but the funny is forever.”
Schneep laughed a little. “I am very intrigued now.”
Chase laughed as well. “Hope it lives up to the intrigued, then.”
He pressed play on the remote and the two of them settled in for the movie, leaning close against each other. The first half of the movie proceeded normally, but then—
He heard the text tone of his phone go off. Chase scooted over to the end table to grab it, looking at the message. It was from JJ. Emergency meeting tomorrow at zellys PLEASE!!!!
“Is it one of the others?” Schneep asked.
“Yeah... JJ says we need to meet tomorrow.” Chase frowned. The capital letters and multiple exclamation marks really wasn’t like JJ’s usual way of typing. He hoped everything was okay.
It would be fine, wouldn’t it? After all, the meeting isn’t now, it couldn’t be that bad if JJ was asking them to wait until tomorrow.
Chase slowly set the phone down. “I’ll ask him about the time after we’re done,” he said. Though he felt a bit bad about it, he was sure everything would be okay.
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anothercrisis · 1 year
/Hides their face inside their elbow and violently coughs/
Guess who's back? Back again. Tamo's back. Tell a friend.
Anyway, I'm back with Nikolai thingy..? Yea.
I believe he learnt a language at school. Of course english, every school teaches english, and maybe it started with french. Honestly? The hardest language I'm learning rn but he was so good at it, the best ill correct myself, and got invested in it. Who needs sports if there are so many languages out there. Then he found a german, georgian, polish, spanish, ukrainian (his favourite in sounding, truly beautiful language, i can recommend some songs if you want). He can't speak all of 'em but knows enough to understand.
Your lungs okay..?
(I’m learning French too but it’s not that much of a pain in the ass for me. But then again I don’t usually struggle with languages—)
But Nik? Nik, who knew early on in his life that he was different and could feel the way it was altering the path of his life. Nik, who could see, hear, and feel the disappointment his parents had in him when they figured out he was gay. Nik, who took to hiding in literature and languages to escape and dream of somewhere else. Nik, who had a real talent for languages and the time and care to learn them. Nik, who isn’t as good at speaking them as he is at reading and understanding them, because he learned most of them on his own. Nik, who was able to list them all as skills when he went to join the military. Nik, who joined the 141 as an asset because of the long list of things that other people saw as skills: the languages, the piloting, the craftiness. Nik, who spent so much time alone and hiding that he figured out ways to care for himself, figured out how to learn things on his own, how to get ahold of the things he needed.
Then there’s Price. Price, who was always shit at languages, which royally sucked because of his profession and the vast variety of people he worked with. Price, who meets Nik and is immediately enamored by him and his language talents, even if Nik’s German is stunted it’s still passable, even if his Spanish doesn’t flow right. Price, who’s interest and fascination was completely innocent at first, but then Nik starting flirting with him in Russian, in French, and he was a goner.
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smallfrenchstudyblr · 4 months
ahh i should have clarified that i myself don't have a degree (yet). i'm not from an academically inclined background so when i didn't do well in my first two semesters of university (i failed some classes and only barely passed others), i got very discouraged and saw it as a sign that university is just not for someone like me. i then learned a trade and have been working in the field; but i'm interested in going to university as a mature student and i'm going to apply this year for a BA :)
still, precisely because i don't have a degree it really upsets me that someone who used the chatGPT shortcut is a teacher now. teaching high school students is an academic profession, and it doesn't sit right with me how common it is for teachers to say things like "i learned so much useless stuff in university; none of which i need as a teacher"; it's actually really frustrating. then why do you go to university/become a teacher? ??? ????? (i mean i know why, because it pays well here.)
in our country, MA/MSc degrees are required for a lot of positions, so grad school isn't quite as "you're here because you choose to be" but still.. his sentiment is basically, since he teaches high school students it should just be sufficient to be able to teach them, what’s the point of a thesis? like ok with that sort of logic i could have been a teacher with just a high school certifcate. i think tbh there is a wider discussion here about how people just don’t value knowledge too.
he also later said that he sometimes regrets not just paying someone to write it for him and save himself a lot of time and trouble 💀to me that is just the epitome of being so full of yourself. he has just decided that he has what it takes to be a teacher and making him write a thesis is a waste of time because of that. lmao??
also I would like to point out that this guy is not my friend, just someone i met through a mutual friend (and they’re not exactly friends either, they work together💀) i talked about this with my friend and she said that he isn't even the first person she knows who has casually admitted to using chatGPT like this. i guess they feel emboldened to casually admit to cheating because they know that their peers won't report them because that would then make them look like snitches
i'm sorry about venting like this to you; i just remembered that you spoke about the chatGPT problem before
Well first of all: fingers crossed for your BA applications !! Everyone got at their own pace, sometimes you need a few years to figure out how to best approach University!!
That is indeed upsetting that someone who does not value critical thinking and does not understand the point of research/research writing is teaching now. "I don't need it anyway/I did so much useless stuff at school/Uni" is such a dumb. dumb. Argument.
Like, I had to study German and Spanish and Latin and theology. I took the equivalent of AP biology and physics in school and learned how to use a soldering iron and identify rocks. I learned Roman Law, and company insolvency rules, and the procedure to contest a refusal to grant you a construction permit. During my PhD, I had to become proficient in advanced data-driven research methods and 2 different code languages. NONE OF THAT has anything to do with me job, whatsoever. I teach students about the International Court of Justice and some of them are Literature and History majors. I KNOW that their dazzling knowledge in embeddedness theories of international adjudication is NOT what will get them a job.
But it's not about the raw knowledge, it's about
1. Transferable skills: targeted reading, critical thinking, information gathering, writing for different audiences, time management, group work, self-reflection, project management, conflict resolution...
2. Learning how to learn: adapting to new situations, new rules and new logics; switching from one type of reasoning to another; picking up on new practices, new skills, as fast as possible, knowing how YOU best do that: on your own, with friends, listening, writing, visuals, with cues, independently, by teaching...
3. Putting your future work (and honestly, yourself as a person) in a broader context: knowing what the ICJ is to spot dumb and wrong info when you see it. Knowing that it MATTERS that we know different types of rocks, and therefore we should fund research on geology. Knowing quantitative research methods to know when they are used well and when it's bullshit. Knowing that Latin shaped some languages and not others, to understand the limits of translation itself. Knowing how 'generative' AIs work to understand that there is very little about them that is actually 'generative'.
I would evening argue that just being confronted with the sheer vastness of Things and Knowledge and Fields that are not yours has value in and of itself. It keeps you humble, aware that no matter how much you are knowledgeable on your one (1) thing, in the back of your mind, there is the knowledge that there is much, much knowledge you actually do not have and cannot claim to have. OR, in the wise words of Dan Olson on CryptoBros, to avoid being the kind of person that:
"assume that because they understand one complicated thing [...] all other complicated things must be lesser in complexity and naturally lower in the hierarchy of reality"
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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1solone · 6 months
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Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag pole down on his Virginia property awhile back? You might remember the news story several months ago about a crotchety old man in Virginia who defied his local Homeowners Association and refused to take down the flag pole on his property along with the large American flag he flew on it.
Now we learn who that old man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg, Texas . That probably didn't make news back then.
But twenty five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Cyrano, Italy, That same Van T. Barfoot, who had in 1940 enlisted in the U.S. Army, set out alone to flank German machine gun
positions from which gunfire was raining down on his fellow soldiers. His advance took him through a minefield but
having done so, he proceeded to single-handedly take out three enemy machine gun positions, returning with 17 prisoners of war.
And if that weren’t enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions.
That probably didn’t make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a Colonel after also serving In Korea and Vietnam , a well deserved Congressional Medal of Honor.
What did make news was his Neighborhood Association's quibble with how the 90-year-old Veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the HOA rules said it was OK to fly a flag on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot
flagpole were "unsuitable".
Van Barfoot had been denied a permit for the pole, but erected it anyway and was facing Court action unless he agreed to take it down.
Then the HOA story made national TV, and the Neighborhood Association rethought its position and agreed to indulge this
aging hero who dwelt among them.
"In the timeI have left", he said to the Associated Press, "I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference."
As well he should. And if any of his neighbors had taken a notion to contest him further, they might have done well to read his Medal of Honor citation first. Seems it Indicates Mr. Van Barfoot wasn't particularly good at backing down.
If you've read this post and don't share it, - Guess what -You need your butt kicked. I share this with you because I don't want MY butt kicked anymore and I'm tired of seeing those who hate our country yet march in our streets, tear down our statues, burn our stores and loot our businesses have a free hand to do whatever they want.
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