#I hardly played it but I’ll miss them
tinylittlelilac · 1 month
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sleepover yay yippee yay!!!!!! :3 :3 :D
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idk if anyone else goes here but the timing of windboys eos and these 5 guys…
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charliemwrites · 1 month
Part 4
Mister(s) Steal Your Girl is, somehow, now the official title. Congratulations you little shits (affectionate).
Content: Toxic Behavior, Brief Weight Shaming, Hurt/Comfort
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You didn’t expect to see Johnny much after that one night - or possibly ever again. Kyle introduced you two, it was a lot of fun, but you figure that’ll be the end of it. Like introducing a new man to your girlfriends (not that you can really introduce Kyle to yours) you passed the vibe check and now Kyle will keep you and Johnny separate.
That’s how it’s been with Brandon’s friends. (Granted, you don’t really care for Brandon’s friends. And you figure it’s mutual based on the “uptight” comments they pretended to think you couldn’t hear.)
You’re starting to realize that Kyle is always going to subvert your expectations.
Johnny becomes a fixture - a welcome one. While you and Kyle still have your date nights and privacy, Johnny joins you two at least once a week for movies, drinks, dinner, or just silly adventures out and about.
You’re surprised that you don’t mind. Johnny is fantastic company, always respectful, funny, and friendly. Whenever the two of you are left alone, there’s no dead air. In fact, sometimes you could almost swear there’s electricity. Which is… well. It makes it hard to look him in the eye sometimes - and looking at Kyle even harder.
Guilt nips at your stomach until one of them distracts you with another story you’re 70% sure they shouldn’t tell you.
You and Johnny play a game with pub napkins, doodling something on one folded half, then passing it over for the other to scribble on the second half. The trick is not cheating and seeing the first half, then unfolding it to a complete (and usually silly) picture. Gaz always gets to name whatever monstrosity has been created.
You get a month of that good company. Then Kyle sighs at his phone one night.
“Shipping out again,” he explains when you glance at him.
“Will you be gone long?” you ask, shifting.
His brow furrows. “Not sure. They can’t tell us much over the phone.”
You hum in understanding. Still new to this whole military thing, the redacted danger of it all, but you think you’re getting the hang of it. At least, Kyle never seems annoyed when he can’t answer you, only apologetic.
“Is it gonna be the whole team?” you ask.
“Nah, just me and the cap.” He rubs his palm along your calf, a gesture that you suspect is self-soothing rather than for your benefit. “Probably not too dangerous, then.”
You make a noise of protest, nudging at his thigh with your foot. “Bad luck!”
“Sorry, sorry!” he chuckles, tapping his knuckles on the wooden end table. “You’re right.”
You crawl from your side of the couch to his, nuzzling up under his arm. He trails kisses along the side of your face as you snuggle in.
“I’ll miss you,” you mumble into his neck. Still a little embarrassed to be so needy, but you want him to feel appreciated.
“I’ll miss you too, chickadee. I’ll call if I can, yeah?”
You hum in agreement, squeezing an arm around his middle.
“While I’m gone, if you need anything - even some company - you ought to call Soap,” he adds.
The idea is tempting but… “I don’t want to bother him.”
“I promise you won’t,” he laughs. You don’t know what’s so funny, but hearing his voice rumble in his chest like this is always a treat.
“Maybe,” you allow.
“We’ll take it.” Before you can ask what that means, he loops an arm around your waist and scoops you into his lap. “Now then, about my send off.”
Your giggle turns into a moan as his mouth slants over yours.
Kyle’s only been gone three days. You’ve occupied yourself with cleaning up the flat you share with Brandon. Dust has been collecting since you’ve been out and about so much - and god knows Brandon hardly does more than load the dishwasher. Besides, a good bit of spring cleaning is a pleasant enough distraction, humming as you toss out old things to make more room for the new stuff you’ve been collecting.
“Good to see you getting back to normal,” Brandon says cheerfully. You glance up from the laundry you’re folding. He continues, “I was worried with how behind you got on things, but I knew you just needed some time. I told you this would be better for us both.”
You try not to let that sting. Even if things are better now, and continuing to get better, you can’t forget the pain that lingers from the beginning.
“Tell you what,” he adds, hands in his pockets. “When you finish cleaning up, I’ll take you out to the pub, yeah? Put on something pretty.”
You perk up, pleasantly surprised, though hesitant.
“We could leave earlier if you helped,” you point out, hoping for more than just dinner. “Maybe we could walk in the park or something before eating.”
He gives you a weak smile. One you recognize more than his real one by now. It’s almost apologetic, but not quite.
“I would but I’m bloody exhausted from this week, ya know? Big projects coming up at work.”
Your smile freezes. “And some late nights, I’m sure,” you try to joke.
He doesn’t laugh like you expect, but gives you an odd look. “Why would you say something like that?”
Baffled, you shrug. He shakes his head.
“I’m going to take a nap, come wake me up when you’re ready to go.”
You manage to finish the majority of your to-do list by 5. Shower, get dressed, do your hair and makeup with Brandon snoring in the background until 6. By then, he still hasn’t woken up from his nap, so you perch on the edge of the bed and gently nudge at him until he stirs.
“I’m ready to go, babe,” you murmur.
He scrunches up his face - you spare an affectionate thought for how cute it is. You’ve always found it cute.
“Five more minutes,” he grumbles.
You laugh a little. “It’s getting late, we should probably head out.”
He groans. “Five. Minutes.”
You huff in amusement and reach for his phone to set an alarm, but pause at all the notifications from dating apps crowding his screen. There are… a lot. And as you’re looking, a new message pops up, just labeled “blonde” with a peach emoji. Gross.
You set the alarm and slip away to the living room.
It takes him another half hour to finally rouse, shuffling into the living room with a groan.
“C’mon,” he yawns. “It’s going to be bloody crowded by now.”
You follow him quietly to the car, knowing he’s not chatty when he’s just woken up. Hunger only adds to his mood; you can practically see a cloud forming over his head. By the time he pulls up to the pub, he’s downright grumpy. He grumbles about shit parking, and the milling people outside. It looks busy.
“We could go somewhere else?” you suggest.
“This is fine,” he says.
He parks a block away and starts at a swift pace. You try to hold his hand, but halfway there, he pulls away to check his phone and doesn’t take it again.
Surprisingly, it’s only a twenty minute wait for a table - but Brandon sneers something like “of course it is” under his breath. You smile apologetically at the hostess and usher him away.
He doesn’t talk during the wait, at first. Until suddenly he blurts. “We wouldn’t have to wait if you’d woken me up.”
You blink at him. “I did. You asked for five more minutes.”
“Well, why didn’t you wake me up then?”
“I set an alarm?”
You don’t know why he’s so irritated, just that he seems tired and hungry.
“You know I don’t listen to alarms,” he complains, scowling at the sidewalk.
“Okay… I’ll wake you up next time,” you offer.
“Yeah, next time.”
Thankfully, the two of you are called a little early. The pub is indeed loud and crowded, and you’re definitely overdressed. But at least you know what you want - Brandon’s taken you here a million times before.
Wisely, you wait until he’s downed the texmex rolls before trying for conversation again. He hums along as you talk about work, about the books you’ve been reading, about the new movie you saw last week. You think it’s going pretty well, catching up on each other’s lives, when he interrupts you mid-sentence.
“Where was this?”
You frown. “At the grocery store…?”
“You’re still on that? Thought we moved on from that story.”
You don’t bother finishing it, just ask him about his work. It’s like pulling teeth. A lot of “good” and “busy” and “same as usual.” By the time your entree comes, you’ve given up, not sure if you want to cry or just walk away to see if he even notices. He keeps checking his phone. Your fingers twitch to text Kyle, but you don’t want to bother him while he’s working.
The end of dinner can’t come sooner. You decline dessert when the server asks.
“Probably for the better,” Brandon tells you lowly when they’re gone to get the check. “I think you’ve put on a bit of weight. You know how you get.”
You probably have - Kyle has a sweet tooth and practically begs you to split desserts with him. Johnny’s shares his food with you now too, grinning when you express approval for whatever high-protein dish he’s picked and shoving more at you.
As for “how you get”… Brandon’s mentioned in the past when you were heavier that you get mopey, aren’t much fun to be around.
(A small part of you wonders how that would even effect him at this point. He doesn’t spend enough time around you to notice if you’re mopey. Is that why tonight has been such a disaster…?)
You just collect your purse and lead the way out of the pub. It’s a quiet walk back to the car, even though Brandon seems to be in a better mood. He’s still texting, nearly bumps into an elderly couple along the way.
Back at the apartment, he runs his hand down your side, tugs at the lace hem of your shirt.
“Careful,” you chide.
He sucks his teeth and drops his hand. “I’m just trying to be playful.”
“I know, but I like this shirt.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’ve got three just like it.”
You don’t answer, know it’ll lead to more useless bickering. Just tug the stupid thing over your head, ready to go to bed.
“Hey now, that’s more like it,” he drawls, fingertips running down your spine.
You jump, surprised, but play it off that his hands are cold. He makes some crass comment about warming them up, reaching for your breasts, and your stomach churns.
“I-I think I ate something bad,” you lie, all but sprinting for the bathroom.
You close the door behind you - but don’t lock it. Just sit on the floor, the wall cold against your back, while you try to breathe through your spinning, conflicting thoughts.
He’s finally giving you attention, affection. Why aren’t you jumping at this opportunity to spend time with him? Not long ago, you would have been weeping with joy to have an iota of your normal relationship back. Maybe you really did eat something bad.
“Hey,” Brandon calls through the door, “I’m gonna stay somewhere else tonight.”
You stare at the blank white wood, aghast. “But I’m sick.”
“It’s not like I can do much, is there? Except listen to you be sick all night,” he reasons. “And who knows. Maybe it wasn’t something you ate. Maybe it’s contagious. I don’t want to spend the weekend ill.”
Your eyes burn. He didn’t even open the door to check. “Yeah,” you agree, voice robotic, “you’re right.”
Not even five minutes later, you hear the front door close. That almost, almost does you in. You manage to keep your lackluster dinner down, but not the tears.
You let yourself be pathetic for a few minutes, crying into your arms, folded over your knees. When you finally manage to get yourself together, it’s not Brandon you ache for. It’s Kyle. It’s not possible, you know. You just don’t want to be alone even though the nausea is dissipating.
Sighing, you remove your ruined makeup and wash your face, climb into one of Kyle’s jumpers. At least it still smells like him. It’s only as you’re trying to decide on a comfort show, huddled into a ball on the couch, that you remember his advice.
It takes all of fifteen seconds of debate before you scramble for your phone.
I know it’s late, but are you free, you text Johnny.
A response comes almost immediately.
Always for you, lass. You bite your lip on a tiny smile, already feeling better. Your phone buzzes again. What’s up?
Your thumbs hover over the keyboard for a moment as you figure out what to ask - then how to ask it.
Would you want to come to mine for movies? I don’t feel good…
He answers instantly again. Ice cream not-good or Theraflu not-good?
You sniffle when you remember that being sick was a dealbreaker for your night with Brandon.
Ice cream not-good, you reply.
Say no more, hen. Be there in fifteen. Pick a good one.
You watch TikTok’s until there’s a knock at the door. Upon answering, you’re swept up in a bear hug that lifts you off your socked feet.
“Johnny!” you cry, laughing a bit in shock.
“There she is!” he crows, swinging you around. “Been missin’ my best girl!”
You tell yourself the thrill in your stomach is just from him setting you down. (It’s a harder sell when it happens again seeing his wide smile and warm blue eyes.)
“You're ridiculous,” you huff, “I’m not your best girl.”
He arches his eyebrows. “Oh, yer keepin’ track, are ye?”
“C’mon, you must have a partner or something?” you prod as you usher him inside.
“Kyle must’ve told ye, hen, it’s hard in this line of work,” he explains, shrugging. “Tried before but… usually they just end up feeling neglected, ya ken.”
You hum. That’s why Kyle said you and he would work so well with the open relationship - that you’d still have someone at home while he was out. That you wouldn’t be alone if something happened to him.
“Anyway, this is no kinda talk for a cozy night in, now is it?” Johnny says, cutting your melancholy musing short. “Come look at what I brought ya!”
You only notice then the two grocery bags in one hand. He herds you to the couch and sets them on the coffee table for you to root through.
“My favorite!” You exclaim when you extract the tub of ice cream.
The grin Johnny shoots you is proud. “Kyle said so.”
“You two,” you sigh happily.
He’s also brought a squishy stuffed animal, crisps, popcorn, soda, candy, and a small collection of self-care items. You hold the face-masks up with a questioning smile.
“Heard somewhere that it’s good for ye, when yer feelin’ down.” You try not to giggle when the last word comes out sounding like “doon.” He continues, blissfully ignorant. “Hope that’s the right shite, there was a lot to choose from.”
You throw your arms around him, chest warm. “Thank you, this is perfect, Johnny.”
He circles his arm around your waist, holding you close. “Anytime, bonnie,” he murmurs into your hair.
You squeeze his shoulders as you pull away, waving one of the mask packets with a wicked little smile.
“Wanna try this ‘shite’ with me?” you tease.
You expect a resounding and masculine-heavy no. Instead, Johnny tilts his head consideringly for a moment, then shrugs.
“Eh, why the hell not?”
You wake up the next morning to a mess of candy wrappers, discarded moisturizers, and an empty carton of ice cream. And the smell of eggs. Cartoons are playing quietly on the telly. When you yawn and sit up, you’re greeted by a cheerful Johnny at the stove, wearing your pink apron.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” he calls.
You flush and smile back, glad that you called him. “Mornin’!”
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helen-with-an-a · 1 month
You always have an excuse pt 2
Hi. So I got a request for a pt 2 of You Always Have An Excuse. This is a little angstier than I thought it was gonna go, but I really like it.
Barça Femeni x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2
Description: R realises what she's been missing out on
Word Count: 3k
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After the final, when you had come clean about what was truly going on in your life. You hadn’t expected much to change. Why would you? You had once told a teacher, back when you were still in primary school, that your parents weren’t home much and that you hadn’t seen your mother in a few days. She had smiled and said that it was normal for parents to be working hard – it was how you could afford nice things – and she was sure you’d see your mother again soon.
When you landed back in Spain after the whirlwind of a weekend, you had pulled out your phone to order an Uber (you had decided to treat yourself rather than forcing all of your bags onto a very busy public bus and metro system) when a gentle hand came to rest on your shoulder.
“You’re on our way home; let me take you.” Ingrid smiled at you, sunglasses perched on her forehead, a very tired Mapí leaning heavily into her.
“No, it’s ok. I’ll just get an Uber,” you gestured with your phone.
“Mete tu culo en el auto.” Mapí grumbled, snatching your phone out of your hands and making her way to the car.
“Sorry, Søta, she can be a little grumpy when she’s tired. But she’s right. Go get in the car; I’ll bring your bags.” Ingrid chuckled, taking your bag from you without giving you much of a choice.
It felt nice being dropped off at your house rather than lugging your bags through the busy Barcelona streets. You waved goodbye to Ingrid and Mapí, thanking them profusely for their kindness and went inside, once again being met by a silent house.
“Mum?” you shouted out. “Dad?” You double-checked all the rooms after being met with complete silence. You checked the notepad they usually left by the kettle. They sometimes wrote notes for you, explaining where they were going and how long they were gone. Nothing. You checked the fridge—empty. You guessed they were going for a while, then.
You really wanted to just collapse on the sofa and let the events of the weekend catch up to you, but you had washing to do, and you really needed a shower. It was now that you really wanted a parent – someone to give you a massive hug, wrap you up in their warm, strong arms and kiss the top of your head, telling you how proud they were before guiding you into the bathroom as they stuck a towel in the dryer to warm up a little. But you didn't have that. Instead, you had an empty house, a mountain of sweaty clothes and an aching body. You hadn’t noticed the tears rolling steadily down your cheeks until you tasted salt.
This wasn’t you. You didn’t cry. You didn’t. You couldn’t. But after the final, you had experienced so many functional families that it truly showed you what you were missing. Alexia had brought you straight over to her Mami, where you were engulfed in one of the best hugs you’d ever received. She had kissed your forehead, telling you all about how well you had played and how you must come with Alexia for the next family meal. From there, you were passed to Ona’s family, then Keira’s, then Lucy’s. Almost every family had embraced you – squeezing you tightly as you melted into their arms. Was it a skill you developed when you became a mother that you automatically gave fantastic hugs? Maybe you were just so touch-deprived that you would relax into anyone who offered you a warm place to rest for a moment?
You were on autopilot as you went through the motions of getting ready for bed. You were methodical yet unthinking as you washed your body, hardly noticing the too-hot water and bruises littering your skin. You were going through the motions as you shoved your clothes into the wash – the dirty fabrics being shoved in without distinction. As you pulled on your pyjamas (really, it was a ratty old Manchester City shirt you had snuck from Lucy during her first season at Barça during an away match and a pair of La Masia shorts you think were Patri’s once upon a time), you longed for a hug. Something warm and comforting, but you had to settle with your bed. It was comfortable; the mattress was something you had forked out for when you received your first paycheck. The softness was something you usually welcomed – the high thread count sheets that cost you an exorbitant amount of money typically aided in your relaxation after a hard day at training. But today, they did nothing but highlight just how lonely you felt. You had been given a snippet of what you were missing, and you wanted … needed … more. The bed was too cold, the pillows were too soft, the room smelled like laundry and general cleanliness rather than comfort.
Your night was filled with tossing and turning – leaving you even more tired than when you had gone to bed. Just like last night, you were on autopilot. Turning off your alarm, having a shower, making a cup of coffee, eating a piece of toast – none of it you consciously did. You made your bed like you did every morning; you gave the house a quick once over – triple checking your parents hadn’t come home in the night; you sat down at the table, pulling out a piece of paper to make a grocery list when you heard a knock on the front door. You considered ignoring it – you weren’t expecting anyone. But it wasn’t going away. The banging got louder and more insistent the longer you left it.
“Sí, puedo ayudarte?” You said monotonously as you yanked the door out of your way.
“Cariño?” Alexia asked, concern seeping into her voice.
“Ale?” Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Can I come in?” She asked, not really letting you answer as she pushed her way into your house. Alexia took your hand as she passed, the warm seeping into your bones, leaving a gentle tingle in its wake. You were dragged into the living room, Alexia pushing you to the sofa as she sat next to you, never letting go of your hand. “Your parents aren’t here, are they?” She phrased it as a question, but you knew she knew the answer. You sighed, shaking your head and shrugging your indifference.
“They’re never here; it’s no biggie.” You smiled meekly at her.
“No, that’s not true. It is a biggie. They should be here for you. You are a child; you need your parents. Parents give you hugs and tell you everything is ok. Parents tell you they’re proud of you. Parents don’t ignore their kid to the point where they don’t even know what sport they play, let alone that they have just won one of the biggest competitions in Europe.” She was ranting now. “Parents don’t leave the country without telling their kid. Parents look after their children.”
“Well, I’m not a child!” You shouted, interrupting her tirade. You also pulled your hand out of hers – ignoring the fact that every fibre of your being was screaming at you not to. Alexia looked at you, confusion evident in her expression. “I turned 18 last week.” You added quietly. That was a secret you had hoped not to spill. You hadn’t had to work too hard to hide your birthday; not even the Barça admins knew the day had passed. You made the mistake of looking at Alexia. You really, really wished you hadn’t. The hurt that flashed across her face did more to break your heart than anything your parents could (or couldn’t) do to you.
“We missed your birthday?” She asked so quietly you struggled to hear her.
“I didn’t tell anyone. You technically didn’t miss anything if you never knew.” You avoided her gaze, fingers coming together to fiddle nervously on your lap. Alexia stood up sharply, her unexpected movement drawing your attention once again.
“Stand up.” She instructed.
“What why?”
“Pack a bag, you’re coming home with me.” Her tone left no room for argument, yet you still tried to.
“Wha-why? No, I’m fine. It’s ok, honestly. It’s nothing. I promise I’m fine.” Your voice crack gave you away. You so desperately wanted to go with Alexia, to have her take care of things for you, to have her give you the warm hugs and soft smiles you had seen her give Vicky and Martina. You had always shied away from her contact, though, chalking it up to disliking physical contact. But now, after the weekend of hugs and kisses from loving families – you knew it was your subconscious protecting you from something you knew you wouldn’t receive regularly.
“Pequeña. This is not up for debate. Either you pack a bag and come with me, or I move in here with you. And I have a feeling that your parents, whenever they do return, would not want a 30-year-old woman living in their house uninvited.” She quirked an eyebrow at you, daring you to go against her again.
“I can’t,” you squeaked out.
“Why not?” Despite her firm voice, you could tell she wanted to figure out why you were so reluctant to leave this life behind. This was all you’d ever known. The isolation, the self-sufficiency, the hiding, and the lying. You didn’t know what would happen if you let yourself fall into Alexia’s open arms. What if she left again, too? There had been rumours swirling all over the internet. You couldn’t let yourself be attached to a singular person. It would hurt far too much if they left. You were fairly sure you wouldn’t be able to be fixed.
“I can’t,” you settled on instead of explaining the whole truth to her.
“Why not?” She asked again, the firmness gone as she saw your composure start to break.
“I …” The lump in your throat prevented you from speaking any more. You took some steadying breaths, willing yourself not to cry. Alexia crouched in front of you, ignoring the slight ache in her muscles as she ran her fingers up and down your bare thighs in soothing, repetitive motions. “If … if I let myself become too reliant on people … on you … and you don’t want me anymore … I think I might break.” You spoke so slowly, so softly, that Alexia had to strain to hear you.
“Oh, querida. No,” she surged forward, her strong arms wrapped around you, her warm scent invading your senses. "We will always want you. I will always want you.” She said so absolutely, and you had no choice but to believe her.
That was all you needed to hear for the dam to break. Tears bubbled over your carefully constructed walls. You sobbed and sobbed, her grip on you only getting tighter.
“But … wh … ho … I …” you blubbered, the tears getting more and more frantic.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, cariño. I’ve got you.” Her comforting words made you cry harder. You were limp as she rearranged the both of you, settling you against her chest as she sat back against the couch.
She let you sob into her chest for as long as you needed. She rocked you gently from side to side, her fingers scratching at your scalp as her heartbeat provided a soothing rhythm for you. Eventually, you calmed down, slowly drifting into a much-needed sleep.
Alexia could tell you weren’t at peace as she watched you sleep. Your eyebrows were scrunched, your mouth a firm line. Your fingers had wrapped themselves in her shirt so tightly she wondered if there would be a hole in the fabric whenever you eventually let go. She wished with her entire being that she could take your pain away. How could someone do this to their child? How could a parent look at their child and not want to love them the way they should be? How could anyone look at you and think you don’t deserve the world and more? If your parents weren’t going to be there for you, she certainly would be.
It was gone lunchtime when you finally woke. Alexia hadn’t moved an inch – it didn’t matter that her arms were sore or her legs had gone numb; you were comfortable, and that was all that mattered.
“Ale?” You croaked, your voice hoarse from crying.
“Sí, cariño?” She hummed, her thumb running gently over your cheekbone.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t …” you flustered a little, scared of her reaction after you had finally broken down on her.
“Hey, no … shhh. Está bien. Estás bien.” She rocked you again, much like a mother would rock her upset child. It was slightly awkward, given your size – but it was nonetheless comforting. “I still want you to pack a bag,” Alexia said, pushing some hair off your face. “You don’t have to come with me,” she added quickly, sensing your reluctance. “But I don’t want you here alone.” You sighed, knowing there was no way you would negotiate your way out of this one. “You could go to Keira’s, but she can’t cook very well, or Ona’s...” she mused "although you might have to put up with Lucy,” she added in a conspiratorial whisper. This made you laugh, a loud, weird huff that brought a similar smile to Alexia’s face. “I haven’t told anyone what you told us at the final. That is your information to share as, and when, you want to.” She implored. “But Mapí and Ingrid will take you in, no questions asked. As would Marta and Caro, Paños, Irene … any one of the girls will take you in. I promise.” You readjusted yourself, drawing back from Alexia’s chest in order to look at her. This was a conversation that needed to happen face-to-face.
“Is it … can I … stay with you?” You asked nervously.
“Absolutamente.” Her hand reached out for yours, her grip so tight it almost hurt.
“What about Olga?” You were reluctant to impose yourself on another adult’s life when they might not want you there.
“She already loves you, and she’s technically only met you, what? Twice?” She teased, her head dipping down to catch your eye. “She wants you there as much as I do. Prometo.” You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to feel the warmth of Alexia’s skin permeating into yours.
“Ok,” you breathed out, watching Alexia’s mouth spread into a wide, genuine smile you didn’t see too often.
Moving in with Alexia was the best thing to have ever happened to you. Long gone were the days of rushing for the metro and figuring out where your next meal would come from. Olga had embraced you with open arms – greeting both you and Alexia with identical hugs, forehead kisses and cups of tea as you made your way into the kitchen after a long day at training. Alexia had dragged you along to her family meal; her Mami was insistent on making sure you were well-fed and looked after properly. Alba had smacked Alexia around the head for not bringing you sooner but offered you a warm smile and asked about your week.
Ona had been informed of your situation that afternoon. She quickly showed up with a bag piled high with sweets that definitely broke your diet and demanded to know the Netflix password as she settled down on the sofa, bringing her arm around your shoulder and whispering a promise not too dissimilar to Alexia’s.
Keira had hung around after training one afternoon, offering a tight hug before telling you that her spare room was always open, and you just had to ask, and Narla would be all yours for however long you wanted her. That made you laugh, especially after hearing Lucy’s indignant ‘Oi’ from the showers as she heard Keira’s promise.
Eventually, you did tell the rest of the team about your parents. Jona was the first to know officially. As manager, he needed to know the situation as soon as possible. Alexia had been by your side the whole time, her hand in yours, and she sat with you, stepping in to explain things now and then when she sensed you were becoming overwhelmed. Mapí had wanted to kill your parents – threatening murder and retribution on them for doing this to her ‘niña preciosa’. Ingrid had been just as angry, although she had the forethought to contain her anger. She had pressed a long kiss to the top of your head as she engulfed you in a hug, insisting you come round once a week for a movie night and sleepover.
Slowly, you learned that it was good to rely on people. That it was ok to need help and have that safety net below you. The heartbreak you felt when you thought about your parents would probably always be there, but you learned that you didn’t need them. You had the team … and even if they left and moved away, they would always be there for you. They were one phone call, one plane, train, or car journey away.
Your biological family might have been shite … but you didn’t need them. You had your found family.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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lwwife · 18 days
heyyy i was eondering if you could write something where the reader is a single mom (maybe 4/5 y/o daughter or son) and is a nurse or teacher and she meets alexia putellas and idkkk you choose! thank youuj if you dooooo
La reina
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Fluff - alexia x reader first meeting
Word count: 1,666
A/n: The accents on the words were playing up so i’m sorry they’re absent and the spanish is a little butchered😭
“Senorita (miss) Putellas?” You call out, turning the page on your clipboard. Two women make their way towards you. “Alba?” you ask them, smiling brightly.
“Si (yes)” the younger of the two women smiles.
“Hola (hello), come right through, I’ll prep you and the doctor shall be in any minute”.
“Vale, gracias (okay, thank you)” Alba and the older woman follow you to the examination room.
“And are you Madre (mother)?” You turn to the other woman.
“Si” she smiles, taking a seat on one of the chairs, and grabs Alba’s hand.
“Mi hermana (my sister) is coming too, she’s just running a little late.”
“No problem, what’s her name? I’ll tell the front desk to direct her here when she arrives” you tell her.
“Alexia” she smiles.
“So as we proceed it’s very important that-“ the Doctor is suddenly interrupted by a frantic woman breaking through the door.
“Lo siento mucho hermana (I’m so sorry sister)” the woman speaks, slightly out of breath. The woman lowers her head slightly at the glare the Doctor gives her. You lift your head from your notes to see what the commotion is, and your jaw almost drops when your eyes lay on her. You lick your lips slightly and your eyes subtly scan over her body. She’s dressed in a matching tracksuit, a Barcelona badge plastered on both. That’s when you realise who she is. Alexia Putellas, la reina (the queen). Your 4-year-old daughter is infatuated with the footballer, posters plastered on her wall, backpacks, jerseys, and blankets with her face and red and blue splattered all over your house. “Lo siento” the woman whispers again, quietly taking a seat next to her mother. You let out a breathy laugh quietly and she catches your eyes as she lowers herself into the seat. You cover your mouth with your hand, holding in a laugh and she cracks a smile at you, lowering her head, red coating her cheeks slightly.
Throughout the rest of the consultation, you and Alexia, both catch each other staring, each quickly looking away each time. As the appointment comes to an end Alba, Eli, and the Doctor make their way to the door. You and Alexia behind them. She grabs the door, as the other three leave the room, stopping it from shutting. She turns to you, a shy smile on her face as she opens the door widely for you to walk through. You smile at her and lower your head, “Gracias (thank you)” you whisper.
“De nada, hermosa (you’re welcome, beautiful) she whispers, the complimentary word hardly audible. As you both exit the room she joins her family, as you come to the side of the Doctor.
“Alright Alba, we’ll see you next week” the Doctor smiles.
“Mucho gracias Doctor” she smiles back. As the trio make their way out of the practice, Alexia turns her head back slightly, she catches your eye, smiles softly and waves shyly before making her way out the door.
“Mama!” your daughter whines out from the couch, her adorable baby voice still making you smile after these years. The four-year-old calls out again softly, “Mama?”
“Yes, carino? (sweetheart)” you call back. Next thing you know, you hear little footsteps running across the floor, and you feel a gentle tug on your pants. You turn around, met with the sight of your four-year-old, Isabella looking up at you, her favourite stuffed toy wrapped up in her arm. You smile softly at her and run your hand through her soft brown hair.
“What are you making mama?” she questions you, getting on her tippy toes to peek up at the kitchen counter.
“Tortillas bebe (baby)” she gasps at your answer.
“Those are my favourite mama, gracias” She hugs your leg, and you giggle at her slightly.
“Por supesto querida (of course darling)” You hold the back of her head as she cuddles into you. You look down at her, dressed in her Barcelona pyjamas you are reminded of your meeting with the Catalonian women earlier today. You crouch slightly and lift her up, placing her on the kitchen counter. “Guess who I saw today?”
“Quien mama (who)?” she questions. You smile at her speaking your native tongue. Since her dad moved back to England, her Spanish has improved.
“Alexia” you whisper.
“No!” she gasps, bringing her hands over her mouth.
“Si bebe (baby), she came to Mama’s work today”
“Woah! Did you get foto?” she asks you, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“No querida (darling), I was working” You run your hands through her hair again and smile at her.
“Can I meet her? I’ll come work with you on Monday!”
“She won’t be there then querida (darling), she was just there today”.
“Oh, that’s okay, I’ll see her when I play for Barcelona!” She smiles happily.
“That you will mi amor (my love)”
“Querida (darling), what do you want?” you ask Isabella, standing in front of the display cabinet at your local café.
“Churros please mama” She sticks her tongue out the corner of her mouth excitedly.
“Vale (okay), do you want a drink?” but your daughter doesn’t answer, you turn to her to see she’s crouched down, fawning over a small and extremely fluffy dog.
“Le gustas (she likes you)” you hear a woman speak, and you lift your head, as does your daughter. Both of your mouths open.
“Woah” your daughter breathes out. Alexia smiles at your girl.
“Hola, como te ilamas? (Hello, what’s your name?)” Alexia crouches down to Isabella, still having not noticed you behind her.
“Isabella!” your daughter says proudly.
“Ah, Isabella, que bonito nombre (what a beautiful name)” Alexia smiles
“Gracias” Isabella smiles shyly, “Wait! Mama! Mama!” she tugs on your pants, “This is my mama”, she turns to Alexia, “You saw her yesterday! Mama say hi”.
Alexia stands back up, now face to face with you. She raises her eyebrows slightly, somewhat shocked to have seen you again. “Hola” she smiles.
“Hola” you reply, extremely shy.
“I’m glad to see you again,” she says, lowly. Isabella is now occupied with Alexia’s dog once again. “I never caught your name”.
“Y/n” you smile softly, still extremely nervous.
“Soy Alexia (I’m Alexia)” she replies.
“Trust me I know” you laugh. She smiles at you, showing her teeth. “Isabella loves you, you’re on her shirt” Alexia looks down, and spots her name and number spread across the young girl’s back. She smiles wide and turns back to you.
“Would you like to have a coffee with me, y/n?” Alexia asks you, her hands fiddling nervously.
“I um, well ah yes, si, why not?” you reply.
“Excelente, vale (Great, okay), uh, go take a seat I’ll grab the coffee.” She tells you.
“Oh no Alexia, I can get my own honestly it’s okay.” You object.
“Y/n, por favor (please)” She raises her eyebrows and places her hand on your arm, and suddenly you feel like you will do anything she asks.
“Vale (okay)” you smile.
“Isabella, would you like anything?” Alexia asks your daughter.
“No, it’s okay, mama getting me churro” She smiles up at her idol, before turning back to the puppy.
“Vale (okay)” Alexia laughs. You turn to go order your daughter her food when Alexia grabs your arm softly, “Y/n, I said I’ll get it”.
“Alexia, you really don’t have to, I can get Isabella’s”.
“I insist” she smiles, “por favour (please), sit down”.
You sigh at her, but smile nonetheless “Vale (okay)”
Alexia comes to the table you’ve chosen, with two coffees in hand and a plate of Churros balanced on her arm. You look at her, slightly impressed, and somewhat turned on at the sight of her arms on display.
“Gracias, Alexia, really,” you say to the Catalonian as she takes a seat opposite you. Your daughter is sitting next to you, the fluffy puppy on her lap, staring up at the young girl.
“por supuesto (of course)” she replies placing her hand on your arm once again, “Isabella, I have a surprise for you” she tells the young girl before sliding the churros over to her.
“Gracias Alexia! Mama, La Reina just bought me churros!” she whisper shouts to you.
You laugh softly at her cuteness, running your hand over her hair, “Aren’t you a lucky girl”, Alexia smiles softly at the site of the pair of you, finding your motherly role extremely attractive.
“Does she have a papa?” Alexia asks, and your eyes widen at her question. “Mierda, siento (shit, sorry), I uh, I just meant um” Alexia takes a deep breath and stops when she feels your warm hand on hers.
“We are separated, he lives in England. It’s just the two of us.” You tell her. Alexia grins at your response.
“Good… I mean, uh joder (fuck)” Isabella’s head whips up at her language.
“You owe me un euro (one euro) Alexia!”
“Isabella!” you snap. Alexia laughs, before handing your daughter the owed money. “Alexia!” you snap at her this time. Your daughter and Alexia look at each other and giggle.
“Lo siento (I’m sorry), y/n” she smirks at you. You roll your eyes playfully.
“How about you la Reina, anyone special for you?” you question her, hopeful the answer will be no.
“No, not at the moment,” she tells you. “Why do you ask? Are you interested?” she teases you, knocking her foot against your leg playfully. You stutter, unable to form a coherent sentence. “I’m kidding y/n”, she laughs. You smile at her, tight-lipped. “Although I can’t say I’d be opposed, eres increiblemente hermosa (you are incredibly beautiful)” She licks her lips and smiles at you once again and grabs your hand.
Your breath hitches, and it take you a good few seconds to compose yourself. You take a deep breath before speaking. “Would you like to come on a walk with us?” you ask her.
She rubs her thumb across the back of your hand, “I would love to” she whispers.
A/n: I don’t speak Spanish so I apologise if I butchered, I tried my best😭
I hope you all enjoyed! As always, kind feedback, as well as questions, conversations, or requests are always welcome in my inbox!
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cherryredcheol · 5 months
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tldr: the way wonwoo uses your nickname
a/n: this gets a little nsfw at the end, so MINORS DNI!
purrs: with his head in your lap
“peach” his voice rumbled up from your lap, breaking the comfortable silence that had enveloped the two of you thirty minutes prior. your fingers halted in his hair, movie playing on the tv forgotten. he had just dyed it black and to say you liked it was an understatement. you always thought he looked best with black hair. 
“mmmmm” he hummed turning his head to your stomach pressing a kiss there, letting his lips linger. you squeal as he blows a raspberry on your belly, tickling you. you push his head off your lap, forcing him to sit up. he turns to look at you smiling as he pushes up his glasses. 
“i love you so much peach” he confesses, simile widening when you repeat the sentiment, something he never grows tired of hearing from you.
“if i promise not to blow another raspberry will you keep playing with my hair? it feels so nice…”
bellows: but never at you
“fuck, peach!” he shouted. you flinched beside him on the couch. he was so excited to play the new mario game. finally being able to play as the princess from which his name for you derived pleased him to no end. he could hardly wait to play the game, blocking out an entire sunday for you two to hang out and play together. you lost interest quickly, wanting to watch him play instead.
“not you, obviously.” he explained. it was all going really well until he got to the later levels and started losing lives. he was starting to get frustrated and it was making you giggle. he always looked so cute when he was frustrated with a game. it amused you, especially after his fourth death in a row at the same section. 
“are you laughing at me?” he looks at you, eyebrow raised, game music still playing in the background since he didn’t even bother to pause before he turned to see the source of your laughter. this only caused you to laugh harder. he rolled his eyes, “just wait peach, i’ll beat this level.”
teases: in front of the members
“peeaacchhh” he sing-songs from his spot on the floor. sat cross-legged on the hardwood of the pactice room exhausted from the day of learning choreography, he plays it cool, like he wasn’t watching the door for the last 30 minutes waiting for you. upon entering the room you were swarmed with boys, none of them the one you actually came to see. your eyes searched the room, not spotting him over mingyu’s huge figure.
“yah! let her through!” he reprimanded, finally getting up from his spot to greet you, a smirk on his lips when he saw how excited you were to finally lay eyes on him. he wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your temple, bringing a blush to your cheeks. 
“miss me so much you just had to visit. huh, peach? couldn’t wait for me to get home?” he teased, poking at your side, pulling a giggle out of you. he wrapped two arms around you, holing you tight, “missed you too.”
praises: on a live 
“I love peach” he says plainly, replying to a comment on his stream. you choke from the other side of the room, eyes bulging as you try not to cough on the water you just swallowed, thinking he had just exposed your relationship, something you thought neither of you were ready for. 
“i think it’s simply the best flavor for all candies” he clarifies to the audience, causing your heart rate to return to normal, glad he decided to keep things private, but making a mental note to scold him later. eventually, you got bored and left the room, entertaining yourself with a drama on the tv in the living room. he joined you a little later and knew immediately what was on your mind when you sent a glare his way, 
“of course i said i loved peach. i don't want to be a liar.” he explains, kissing your forehead, smoothing out the creases from your frown. “besides,” he continues, “i wouldn’t steal your hard-launch instagram moment like that.”
monotones: when he catches you in the act
“peach.”  one syllable and your heart stops. you’ve been caught red-handed. you knew the rules and you broke them. he didn’t usually mind but only if he was home to lend a hand if you needed it. didn’t want his gaming set-up broken just because you accidentally connected a loose wire into the wrong port. he didn’t think you were incompetent, he just had a very expensive set-up and was a little protective. 
“you know you’re not supposed to use my stuff when i’m not home.” he pins you with a cold stare and you know no matter how much you explain yourself, that you just wanted to check on your webkinz you haven’t tended to in over a decade, it’s useless. 
“i’ll give you five minutes to be naked and ass up in bed. if you’re not ready to go by the time five minutes is up, your punishment doubles, got it?” he looks at you, eyebrows raised, waiting for a response. you nod, logging off, smirking to yourself, you’d just gotten exactly what you wanted in the first place. 
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stariikis · 2 months
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ni-ki as your study date •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
synopsis ; the price you paid for choosing an athletic boyfriend over an academic one? no practical help when you're drowning in mysterious equations and symbols. but at least he's good at comforting the perfectionist in you.
pairing ; athletic!nishimura riki x academic achiever!reader genre ; fluff, established rs wc ; 802 warnings n notes ; dear readers, these two are mentally suffering because one doesn't care and the other cares too much! trigger warning, bio phys chem and math mentioned..
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“-And during PE we played badminton, and Jake hyung was soooo bad today. He kept trying to smash but missed the shuttlecock.” Beside you, with his “I-swear-I’ll-finish-three-chapters-today” Physics textbook hardly opened to the first page, Riki doesn’t stop rambling about the various sports he’s played today. You’ve heard enough about the goals he scored during an impromptu morning game of football. The way his best friend fumbled during a badminton match. How his legs ache from standing in the sun for hours during baseball training. You’re about to tug him out the cafe by his jersey. 
“Are you going to start your notes or what?” You shove him with a lighthearted tone, barely concealing the exasperation behind your words. “All that talk about wanting to finally get an A but you still keep yapping. About sports, no less.” 
Riki rolls his eyes and mock-salutes in your direction. “Yes, ma’am.” 
Taking a sip of your matcha latte, you sigh resolutely and return to examine various electronic configurations. Perhaps now, Riki will leave you in peace… 
Only five minutes later, you’re snapped out of focus with a sheepish nudge. 
“What’s a moment…” “OH my days Nishimura Riki how can you not know what a moment is that’s like basic physics you’re supposed to have known that since we started chapter TWO.” 
Shrinking under your scoldings, he glances back at his textbook, reads the definition and looks back towards you. “I don’t get it.” 
With another heavy sigh, you scoot closer and attempt to explain as simply as you possibly can. However, he’s deliberately distracting you, with playful caresses through your hair and touches of kisses as smooth as silk on your cheek. You’ve got to be turning a beetroot red, but you ignore the warmth spreading through your cheeks and continue on. 
“Now repeat what I just said to you.” Refusing to give in to his silly antics, you cross your arms and lean back. Swiping the hair his fingers touched, not too long ago, out the way. 
He pouts, knowing him acting cute is your soft spot. “That’s not fair.” 
“Why?” You press, but relent and hunch back over your notes. “You know what, just focus on relearning your balanced forces. Do you remember what the principles of moments even is?” Oh wait, he doesn’t even know what a moment is. The way he blinks once at his textbook and blinks twice your way proves this. 
“At this point, I’m not dead, you’re more cooked than I am. And I am cooked.” 
Gasping scandalously, he whisper shouts, “You’re literally my academic goal, what are you on? I wish I had the motivation you did. Okay, more like I wish I had your grades, but we both know that’s not happening.” 
He gestures to all the bruises he’s obtained over the past week, scratches and wounds that demonstrate how dedicated he is to all the sports he partakes in. They’re his own personal souveniers. Although most fade quickly, some leave scars burning in his skin, but he’s proud of them all even when you express your concern for him. 
He’s always been like that. Dismissive of concerning matters because he enjoys showing people how strong he is. Internally and externally. The complete opposite of him, one Maths question you get wrong and you start questioning the very bane of your existence. 
You fall into silence, looking back at your notes. You have lost track of where Chemistry starts and ends, your paper copy of the periodic table crumpled and defaced from your bursts of frustration. You may not show it, but there’s so much going on in your head it’s hard to escape the fog you’ve mentally put yourself in. With the crazy STEM course you’ve chosen, you know that you’re definitely on the train tracks with a sign pointing towards a crash site. 
Either you shut yourself out and pass with flying colours, or you enjoy life and fail miserably. There’s no in between. Is it so hard to want to maintain a social life and a healthy relationship, while topping your class and achieving high honours? Perhaps it is. 
Noticing your sudden stillness, Riki panics. “You’re stressing out again. Why are you stressing out again? You’re doing well. Well, compared to me. Should I just do bio? Things with numbers are always complicated..” 
You laugh as he looks back at his noteless textbook. 
“Anyway, I think you’re doing just fine.” Riki murmurs, massaging your back with his hand. “Don’t overwork yourself and you’ll be fine. Just like you were, and always will be. Do you want me to test you?” 
“That’d be nice…” You smile, watching his eyes light up a little too eagerly when he closes his textbook. “But you’re just saying that so you don’t have to study anymore, right?”
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how life be feeling rn, send prayers
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starsinthesky5 · 2 months
you are in love | joe burrow x reader
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description: how did you end up falling head over heels for the quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals? but most importantly, how did the quarterback end up falling harder for you?
a/n: this is my first fic ever so bare with me! i’m still getting the hang of writing about joe. i have tried a few times but ended up deleting them because I didn’t like how they turned out LOL. buttt I got bored and got a little confidence and decided to try again. i hope you all like it (if anyone even reads this). this is based off of one of my favorite songs ever and I thought it would make a nice fic. i hope its not too cringe, enjoy :)
warnings: slight smut and allusions to sex, language
word count: 5.5 k
part 2
present day:
One look, Dark Room
Meant just, For you
Time moved too fast, You play it back
“And that should do it,” Joe says as he places the final pillow onto the fort.
“Didn’t know you had “architect” in your job portfolio. This is impressive,” you giggled as you got into the fort.
“No need for the flattery babe, gotta make sure your first night here is comfy so you come back,” Joe replied while draping a blanket over your legs.
“Oh I’ll be back, someone has to use the massive pool, and knowing you, you won’t go in there without me,” you said while thinking about all the exciting things you’ll get to do with him at his new house.
“You got that right, but you’re the one who needs to hang on to me and use me as her personal flotation device,” he says as he settles on the pillows across from you.
“Well then, maybe you shouldn’t be so huggable Mr. Burrow,” you say before throwing a pillow at him.
Today was you and Joe’s 6 month anniversary. You two had spent the entire day moving Joe into his new house that he bought when he signed his extension. There were boxes everywhere and hardly any furniture set up, so Joe ended up building a blanket fort for the night. He spent every free moment apologizing for not being able to do something romantic for your anniversary, but you didn’t mind. Any moment with him was special.
“Thank you for helping me out today, I know you probably didn’t think we’d be spending most of the weekend doing this when I asked you to come to Cincinnati,” He said as he was fidgeting with his wristbands.
You lived all the way in Los Angeles and were currently in the middle of working on your 3rd studio album. You were in desperate need of a break and inspiration, so you jumped on the first flight to Cincinnati to see your favorite person.
“Joe, you've apologized enough. Seriously, it’s perfectly fine. You know that I don’t care about the fancy dates and over-the-top gestures. Any time we get to spend together means the world to me, even if it involves carefully moving your extensive Lego collection to the new house,” you chuckle while rubbing his foot.
Joe’s heart was exploding while you were talking. He seriously doesn’t understand how he got so lucky. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him and he wanted to do everything possible to show you. But the one thing he adored most about you was that you didn’t care for all the glitz and glamor of dating an NFL quarterback. And you loved that he didn’t care about your Hollywood status or all the attention you’d get from the public.
Joe got up on his knees and crawled over to the spot next to you. Once he sat down, you immediately latched onto him and buried yourself into his neck, missing the warmth of his body.
“See, you’re so huggable,” you murmured against his neck.
You heard him softly laugh and felt his hand move up your side, squeezing your arm. “How did I get so lucky” you wondered to yourself.
first meeting:
Buttons on a coat, Light-hearted joke
No proof, not much
But you saw enough
Flashback to July 4th: The Hamptons, New York
You dreaded going to the big 4th of July bash hosted by Micheal Rubin every year, but as an up-and-coming musician, saying “No” to this kind of party would be stupid given the number of connections you could make. The party would always have the most elite Celebrities, Models, Musicians, and Athletes; meaning a lot of small talk and fake laughing. This would be your third time going, and every time you end up sitting in the corner, alone with your way too strong Vodka Martini, counting down the minutes until you could leave. But this year, something was different.
You did end up sitting in the corner with your way too-strong Martini, but you weren't alone. And you certainly weren't counting down the minutes until you could leave. Hell, you were even wishing this night would never end.
“What happens to Football Players when they become blind?” he asked.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you replied.
“They become referees,” he said while smirking.
“Joe! You can’t say that!” you wheezed out. You couldn't contain your laughter any longer. You weren’t sure if it was because of the Martini, or the fact that Joe Burrow was sitting next to you, also drinking a Vodka Martini.
“Hey, it’s the truth, but you didn’t hear that from me,” Joe said while throwing his hands up.
“You got it Mr. QB1, but I do agree; it’s such BS when they miss the most clear calls,” you giggled.
You weren’t really sure how you and Joe ended up basically spending the entire party by each other's side. One minute you're about to sit and scroll on your phone as usual, and the next thing you know you’re telling your life story to a guy you just met. Were you a little buzzed, absolutely. But something about him made you feel comfortable and safe, even though you just met.
“You’re really cool by the way,” Joe whispered.
“Gee, aren’t you Shakespeare,” you smiled and took another sip of your drink.
“Seriously though. The entire time we've been sitting here, not once did you purposefully bring up the fact that I’m an NFL quarterback. Not many girls can talk to me without bringing up football or trying to flirt with me. It’s exhausting,” he confessed but quickly realized how cocky he sounds. “Not that every girl tries to flirt with me,” he added. 
You laughed and said, “Well, lucky for you I find more value in real conversations than all that superficial stuff. I totally understand the feeling, I love talking to people about my music but after a certain point I just want to talk about normal things and have real conversation,”
I do think it’s cool that you’re a football player since I grew up watching it, but I want to know more about you, not the quarterback,” you continue.
“Well then Miss Y/N, I’m in New York for a few more days, let me take you out to dinner so you can get to know the real Joe a little more,” he boldly asked.
You stared into his deep blue eyes, eyes you wouldn’t mind getting lost in. Something about those eyes was promising. You’ve only just met him and for all you know, he could be a typical “Fuck Boy athlete” looking for a quick hookup. There was nothing to attest to what he was saying, but part of you was willing to take the risk. Something about him felt different.
“Earth to Y/N-”
“Okay,” was all you said.
Little did you know that saying yes to Joe was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.
early dating:
Small talk, he drives
Coffee at midnight
The light reflects, The chain on your neck
He says, “Look up”, And your shoulders brush
No proof, one touch, But you felt enough
Flashback to your first time visiting Joe in Cincinnati
It had been a few weeks since you and Joe had dinner together and he had been nothing but a gentleman. The two of you talked about everything from your childhoods to your current aspirations, to your favorite music, and even geeking out about Marvel Movies plus everything nerdy. Joe made you feel good about yourself. He would always tell you how pretty you looked and paid the most attention whenever you would talk. He made you feel butterflies, something which you hadn’t felt in a long time.
After you left New York, the two of you couldn’t stop talking to each other. The silly conversations eventually turned into deep ones; you telling him things you’ve only shared with a select number of people. You felt comfortable when you were talking to him, so this wasn’t difficult for you. He shared things with you about himself that he would only share with those close to him, which was very few since he kept a tight circle. You both shared a mutual feeling of trust, willing to lay yourself bare just to get to know one another. You’d always text him after a vigorous studio sesh to vent and he would update you on his off-season progress. Those texts eventually turned into late-night facetimes, which ended up in Joe asking you to fly out and see him. You hesitated a bit before saying yes. In the back of your mind, you were scared. You knew that the more you two talked and saw one another, the more attached you’d get. He could break your heart into a thousand pieces if you weren’t careful. But you owed it to yourself and to Joe to try.
You hummed along to whatever song was playing on the radio as you looked out the window and watched the bright city skyline fade. It was currently midnight in Cincinnati and Joe insisted that he take you to his favorite secret spot on your first trip here.
“You tired?” Joe asked as he glanced over to you, taking in every one of your features.
God you looked so pretty, he thought. You were wearing one of his old Athens Football hoodies and had your hair in a messy bun. You weren’t wearing any makeup and even had on a pair of his slides, which were a few sizes too big. Even in your most natural state, he looked at you like you were a diamond.
“A little. Didn’t get a lot of sleep on the plane,” you yawned out.
“I promise this will be worth it,” Joe said as he placed his hand on your bare thigh.
You immediately tensed up at the foreign contact. Joe felt you tense up and went to remove his hand but you put it right back on your thigh and felt your face turning red. Your stomach was doing somersaults right now.
“Those damn butterflies,” you thought to yourself.
“So, how’s the album coming along?” Joe casually questioned as if he didn’t just make you want to scream out of excitement.
“It’s good, slow, but making progress. I feel like I’ve hit a dead end and am having major writer's block so I think stepping away from it for a little bit will be good for me. Things were getting a bit stuffy and loud. I feel like I was getting somewhere but it always ends up being nothing,” you say as you place your hand on top of his, playing with his fingers.
“That’s good, I hope this weekend will be a breath of fresh air for you. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Always remember that you’re doing your best,”
You looked over at Joe and felt your heart swell up. He knew exactly what to say and how to make a girl feel special.
~10 minutes later~
“We’re here,” Joe says as he turns off the car. 
You looked out the window and saw nothing but trees and grass. You were confused as to where he brought you but before you could ask him, he got out of the car and jogged to your door to open it for you.
“Thank you, Joey,” you blushed as he closed the door behind you.
Joe stepped behind you and whispered into your ear “Close your eyes, I promise it’ll make it even better”.
You closed your eyes and felt his hand on the small of your back. He led you through what felt like a clearing in the trees to a flat grassy patch. You could feel the cold wind against your bare legs meaning that you were out of the woods.
“Open,” he told you.
When you opened your eyes you were met with the most beautiful sight. The same skyline you saw up close, now you were looking at from a distance. It was breathtaking. In Front of you was a picnic blanket and a beautiful set up of candles.
“Holy shit Joe, this is beautiful,” you say in awe.
“Welcome to the lookout point. My favorite place to go when I need a minute alone. I also remember you mentioning how you loved looking at skylines during the sunset and even though we couldn’t make it for the sunset part, I thought this would be the next best thing,” He says as he leads you both to the blanket.
You both sat down on the blanket and he immediately pulled you into his chest. You both faced the bright skyline and all Joe could think about was how much peace he felt at that moment. It was just the two of you sitting in your own little world. The darkness and quietness around you both felt comforting because it was a sign that this moment was just for you both;  no outside noise or distractions.
“This is insane, I mean you can see the whole city and river from up here!” You say as you settle into his arms, your back to his chest.
“That’s not even the best part Y/N, look up,” He points.
You turn your head up to look at him and then you look up. You’re met with what is probably the clearest view of the stars you’ve ever gotten.
“It’s beautiful,” you whisper, not removing your eyes from the sky.
“You’re beautiful,” Joe says while looking down at you.
You got that feeling again. Your stomach was doing somersaults and the butterflies were back. Could this be that feeling? A feeling you hadn’t felt in a while? That feeling you get when the right person enters your life at the right time? Was Joe that person? So many questions filled your head that you didn’t realize Joe had been softly caressing your thigh the entire time which pulled you out of your trance. 
“That right there is the Big Dipper which points straight to-”
“Polaris,” you interrupt.
“Space nerd,” Joe shakes his head and laughs out.
“Don’t think I don’t know about your space nerdy ways Burrow, I know this is your domain,” you huff out. Joe had told you back in New York that he loved anything and everything space and physics-related. You admired how someone like him was a complete nerd under the tough shell he had. You naturally went back to your apartment and spent an hour or two updating yourself on space quick facts, which certainly paid off.
You slowly got out of his embrace and sat up across from him. 
“Is something wrong?” He asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.
“No, nothing’s wrong Joe,” you chuckle.
“It’s perfect actually. It’s all perfect. You’re perfect,” you say as you move closer to him, still sitting up. “You know how to make a girl feel special, this was really sweet of you Joe,” you say as you play with the strings of his your hoodie. 
“I just wanna make my girl feel special,” he confesses while moving your hair out of your face.
His girl.
Those were the only words you needed to hear before you jumped onto him and pressed your lips against his. His lips fit perfectly against yours like you were made for each other, so soft and sweet. He slipped his tongue in between the valley of your lips and entered your mouth which caused you to let out a soft whimper. You both spent a few moments exploring each other’s mouths before he broke apart the heated moment.
“I take that as a “yes I’ll be your girlfriend”,” he questioned while searching your face for an answer.
“I didn’t know you were asking,” you teased.
Joe’s face dropped, did he push you too fast? You noticed his facial expression change and immediately pressed a soft kiss onto the tip of his nose and laughed,  “Yes silly, I’ll be your girl,”.
it's getting serious:
Morning, his place, Burnt toast, Sunday 
You keep his shirt, He keeps his word
And for once, you let go, Of your fears & your ghosts 
One step, not much,  But it said enough
Flashback to Joe’s house (4 months into dating)
The warm sunlight flooded the room as you slowly woke up, your body sore and wrapped up in Joe’s sheets, and Joe himself. Joe was sound asleep, fully koala bear hugging you with his head on your chest. God, how does he look so perfect this early in the morning? His dirty blonde curls were sprawled out against your chest and his lips were curled up, almost smiling. Your eyes moved to his back, a few red scratches still visible. You made a mental note that you should probably trim down on the length of your acrylics if this was going to become a common thing for you two, smiling at the thought of what unfolded the night before. You freed your hand from under the sheets and moved it around his back, hoping to soothe any pain you caused. 
The two of you had stumbled into his house late last night after a delicious dinner and wine tasting at a local winery. You two had a few too many glasses of wine and were lucky you made it home in one piece. 
 Flashback to last night 
“I don’t think I’ve ever had that many glasses of wine in one sitting before,” you slurred as Joe led you inside the kitchen.
“Me either, next time make sure I stop after the 3rd glass. And it’s a good thing we got someone to take us back and forth,” he said as he took off his jacket and went to get you both some water. 
“Literally. If you were to drive I think we’d end up in the Ohio River,” you deadpanned. 
“Haha, really funny,” Joe said as he handed you a glass of water. 
“God my feet feel like they’re on fire,”. You wailed out while taking a sip of the icy cold beverage.
Joe looked over at you and saw you eyeing your feet. You were wearing a short skin-tight black dress; one of his favorites. The low cut of the dress highlighted your neck which had his favorite part of your outfit. The necklace he gave you for your 1 month anniversary. A simple pendant with the letter “J”. After he gave you that necklace, you never took it off. It became a part of you, and he noticed that. 
Joe crouched down and began untying your heels. 
“Joe you don’t have to do that,” you cooed while twirling your fingers through his hair. 
“I don’t have to, but I want to,” he said while flashing you a smile.
He helped you step out of your heels and back onto the ground. Once he got back up he wrapped his big hands around your waist and your hands immediately found their home around his neck and into his hair again.
You inched your face a little closer to his and pressed a delicate kiss onto his soft pink lips.
“Hi,” you whisper against his lips. This time, he pressed a soft kiss on your nose.
“Hi,” he whispered back, staring into your eyes.
“Tonight was really fun. Thank you for always knowing how to get my mind off of things,” you say while staring into his baby blues. 
“No need to thank me Y/N. I know how hard you work and how things can become overwhelming. I’m glad that I can get your mind off of things, even if it’s for a little bit,” 
He wasn’t wrong. Things often become too much for you back in LA and coming to Joe was your escape. Being with him blocked out the outside noise, you would completely forget about whatever was bothering you. You guys would often end up doing the most random things together, without any plan, but that was okay. Those nights where you’d end up eating Chinese takeout on the floor while building a new Lego set were your favorites. The hot summer days where you both would spend the entire afternoon attached to each other in the pool was one of your favorite ways to destress, it was just the two of you. He is your shelter in the hurricane that is your life. 
For Joe, it was very similar. Anytime football would get too real, he’d come straight to you. You were always there whenever he needed to vent or talk something out, knowing you’d always listen. You had been to every single one of his games so far and were always waiting for him in the suite after. Whether he was upset after a shitty game or on Cloud 9, you were always there waiting with open arms. And he loved it. He loved being able to share his high moments with you, even if you had to see some of his lows. Your relationship hadn’t become public yet, which you two were incredibly grateful for. You both were incredibly private people and wanted to take in as much as you could before the whole world had an opinion of your romance. Getting to know each other in private, away from prying eyes, was a blessing.
The two of you continued to stare into each other's eyes, you found yourself once again getting lost in his. 
You felt Joe’s hand migrate to your ass, giving it a soft squeeze.“Getting handsy now aren’t we, Burrow,” you softly giggled. 
“Can’t help it if my girl looks so goddamn beautiful in this dress,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“I appreciate the flattery Mr. Burrow, but do you need something from me or are you just being a flirt” you teased.
“I need you,” he blurted out. 
Your heart almost beat out of your chest when you heard him say that. You and Joe haven’t taken that step in your relationship. You’ve had your fair share of heated make-outs that occasionally involve wandering hands, but nothing like that has happened, yet. It’s not that you didn’t want to, god you wanted to. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to climb him like a tree. His perfectly sculpted chest, his muscular arms, those thighs, and that face. He made you weak in the knees, and he was well aware. He never pressured you to go there, letting you know that it’s okay to take things slow. But tonight you didn’t feel like taking it slow. 
“Then show me, Joe,” you said as you felt your arousal shoot up.
Joe immediately picked you up, bridal style, causing you to let out a shriek. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he launched you both up the stairs, taking the steps 2 at a time, eventually rushing into the bedroom.
“Joe, slow down!” You squeak out while laughing. 
He carefully laid you on his bed admiring you for a second; you looked perfect, even with messy hair and smudged makeup. Joe moved onto the bed and started placing soft butterfly kisses up your arm, right up to that spot on your neck that he knows you love.
“Joe, please,” You whimpered, fully implying you wanted more with the tone of your voice.
Joe removed himself from your neck, looked into your eyes, and said “Are you sure?”. 
You smiled and said “Absolutely,”. 
He then captured your lips in a passionate and deep kiss. You felt like kissing him till your lips fell off, it was like heaven when you two would connect. Slowly, both of your clothes ended up on the floor and those passion-filled kisses turned messy and sloppy. You felt those butterflies in your stomach again as he was kissing his way down your body. You did not doubt that Joe would be careful with you, and you knew he wanted this just as much as you did. 
End of Flashback
You decided to go back to sleep since it was still pretty early and you know Joe was tired from last night. You woke up a few hours later to the smell of cinnamon and coffee. 
“Mmmm,” You say as you stretch out. You didn’t feel any weight on you anymore so Joe must have woken up. You looked around the room and didn’t see him anywhere so you decided to freshen up in his bathroom and head downstairs. When you entered the bathroom you saw one of his shirts (a purple long sleeve LSU shirt aka one of your favs) on the counter with a sticky note saying “For you :)”. You put on the soft shirt (which was way too big) and start fixing your messy hair before heading downstairs. 
You walk into the kitchen and see the dining table decked out with a vase of pink carnations (which happens to be your favorite flower), 2 plates of French toast, and a smoothie for Joe. You also noticed a mug of coffee which made you smile. Joe knew that you would be a zombie the whole day if you didn’t have your daily morning coffee.  Joe was too busy cooking the bacon to notice you coming downstairs, so you walked up behind him and wrapped your hands around him from behind.
“Good morning sexy chef,” you murmured against his back.
“Tryna get me going again?” He teased. 
“You wish, last night was a damn workout. I need at least 3 hours to recover before we go at it again,” you giggled.  
You heard his soft laugh before he spun around and wrapped his hands around your waist. “Well, we will def be repeating that. “Sooner the better,” he added. 
“Horndog,” you said as you pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“Only for you babe,” he says before going back to the bacon. “I’m almost done with this, you can sit at the table.”
“Damn, quarterback, perfect boyfriend, and chef? Impressive job portfolio,” you say while walking to the table and sitting down. 
Joe finished cooking the bacon and sat down across from you. “The French toast is a little burnt, I got distracted by the TV,” he admitted. “They were showing this month’s Top 10 funniest cat videos.” 
You burst out laughing and say “Guess I should add Cat Lady to your job portfolio too,”
You two spent the morning digging into the delicious breakfast Joe had prepared, even though the French toast was slightly burnt. He talked about the upcoming football season and how excited he was for the new offensive schemes they had come up with. After breakfast, you both ended up on the couch and decided to play a round of go fish. You gave him some album updates, which he’d constantly ask for, and even played one of your demos for him. 
“Y/N this is amazing,” he said softly. The song he had just heard was called “Sweet Nothing”, and you weren't planning on ever letting anyone hear it because of how intimate and special it was. A big part of what you did involved you being in the public eye a lot, which allowed everyone to nitpick and talk about your life. It was exhausting how often people would comment on your relationships, friendships, career, body, and everything in between. They always expected you to be perfect in every aspect and when you weren’t, they would make it known. You had written about how Joe never expected anything from you like everyone else did. Being with him was easy and you knew you could always go to him whenever the background noise would get too loud. And now here he was, listening to those feelings you had a hard time saying out loud. 
“Thank you. To be honest I wasn’t planning on letting anyone hear that,” you say while looking down and fidgeting with your rings. 
“Really?” he asked. “It’s really good, and I’m not just saying that because I’m your boyfriend.” 
“Yep. I love it, I really do. I think it’s one of the best songs I’ve written so far, but I feel like it’s too bare and the fans won’t understand the real meaning behind the song. And I feel like they won’t like it.” 
“And that’s exactly why you should release it. I know the real you, and that is the real you,” he says while pointing at your phone. Screw the fans, you should do what makes you happy.” he says before reaching for your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “You make music because that makes you happy and you shouldn’t have to worry about what people will say. If they have an issue with you doing what you want, then they are sure as hell not fans.” 
You got up on your knees and jumped onto Joe’s body, making you both lay flat against each other on the couch. 
“How do you always know what to say,” you beam while prepping soft kisses all over his face. 
Your heart felt like it was about to explode. It only took a few months for someone you just met to understand you more than people following your journey over the past few years. Joe’s words felt like a warm comforting hug, and they always made you feel like everything was going to be okay. You valued his words so much, you trusted him so much, and he loved that you were so open and vulnerable with him. He knew that opening up was difficult for you, and he felt at peace knowing you felt comfortable confiding in him. You weren't holding back anymore. You were 100% open and honest with him and he never took advantage of it. Your fears of getting hurt were fading away.
present day:
You kiss on sidewalks, You fight and you talk
One night he wakes, Strange look on his face,
Pauses, then says, “You’re my Best Friend”
And you knew what it was, He is in Love
“Y/N?” was all you heard as you felt your shoulder shake. “Did I lose you there?” Joe asked. 
“What?” you questioned as you looked up at him. You were back in the fort Joe built for you two. 
“I was asking what you thought of the house,” he says as he plays with your hair. “Is something wrong?” he asks. 
“Oh. Sorry, I must have dozed off for a second,” you lied, not admitting you were caught in a series of flashbacks. “I think it’s amazing. It’s sooo big and has so much potential.” you continue. 
“Yeah, it is pretty big,” he says with a sigh. You look up at him and immediately sense the change in his tone plus the dejected look on his face, “Is that not what you wanted?” you say with concern. “I thought you wanted a big house.” 
“I did, I do. I just don’t want to be alone in this big of a house when you aren’t here,” he confessed, feeling slightly embarrassed as if he didn’t have other things to occupy his free time. “Unless,” he added.
“Unless what?” you asked. 
He hesitated before saying, “Move in with me”. 
It took a few moments for your brain to register what he said to you. You immediately sat up, as did he. You were about to say something but he cut you off before you could.
“Y/N. These past 6 months have been nothing short of peaceful and amazing. Being with you brings me the balance I need in my life. I know that if I ever fly too high or get lost, I have someone who can find me and bring me back down. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in life, and now you’re everything I need.” he says. 
“You’re my biggest cheerleader, my support system, my safety net, but most importantly.” He pauses and says, "You're my best friend.” “And I love you.” he finishes. 
Those 3 words. The 3 words that you’ve wanted to say to him for months but didn’t because you weren’t entirely sure if he felt the same way. Those 3 words just came out of his mouth, and he meant it. He loved you more than anything and he needed to make it known. He needed to wake up to your smile every morning. He needed to hear your voice echo through the halls of the house. You made him feel loved, and he needed you to know that.
You didn’t realize the hot tears streaming down your cheeks until Joe lifted his hand and started wiping them.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asks, feeling nervous since you didn’t respond to anything he just said. 
You started crying even harder. He loved you. He really loved you. 
“Y/N you’re scaring me”.
“Shut up,” you said before you put your hands on his face and brought him in for a passionate kiss. 
You kissed him for a few heartbeats and finally whispered against his lips “I love you,” loud enough for just him to hear before you captured his lips in another kiss.
He stops kissing you and stares into your eyes for a moment, getting lost in them like you do with his eyes. “So about my first question,” he beams. 
“Yes silly, I’ll move in with you,” you giggle. “Someone has to make sure that you don’t burn this place down while making french toast. You got lucky last time,” you laugh out while remembering that morning. 
“Haha, really funny babe,” he says before pulling you into a hug. The warmth of your bodies pressed together was the most comforting feeling in the world. Joe spent the rest of the night telling you how much he loved you, and you reciprocated the feeling by showing him how much you loved him.
We’re in love.
—The End—
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onelittlespiral · 4 months
FML: Overbaked
I’m playing around with the format on these a little bit. This story has two endings, one of which is here and the other of which can be found here: FML: Underbaked
Consider this the more corruptive ending.
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I’ll say up front that this one is on me. My boyfriend and I had been going steady for a while now. He was cute and smart, but after a few years he just wasn’t the kind of guy I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. Things had just gotten… bland. We hardly ever went on dates, spent most weekends apart doing our own hobbies, and sex was a bit like going through the motions. I wanted a change. So, I ordered one. A new “white noise” machine. But it did a bit more than that. You just adjusted the settings and in a few nights it could grow, shrink, age, add hair, add muscle. I think I even saw a setting for a gender flip. It cost a pretty penny but I figured it would be worth it. I ran it for a while with no settings, just so he would get used to it. But, when I had a business trip that was going to take me out of town for the weekend, I figured it was a perfect time to see what it could do.
Before I left I opened the hidden panel and decided to start pretty simple. I would just program it to make him bigger. More buff, more masculine, maybe a bit more dominant. Could be a nice change to get taken care of when I got back. I dialed in the knobs, said my goodbyes, and flew off for the weekend. Meanwhile, back at home, my sweet boyfriend dozed and grew, none the wiser to his changes. And there were some changes. By the time I flew in Sunday night, a whole new man was there to greet me.
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“Hey babe, you miss me?” In just a few days he had ballooned in size. His biceps were thick, easily picking me up into an embrace. His pecs were strong and juicy as I held onto them while gazing in his eyes. His kiss was strong and assertive, as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like whiskey and smelled like fresh cut sandalwood. And his cock was girthy, as I felt it slowly swell and press up against me. I gave in as he pushed me down to the bed and unbuttoned his jeans. My pants were on the floor in a moment as I laid back in just my jockstrap, ready to receive him.
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He pulled me down to the end of the bed, and slowly massaged my puckering hole. I don’t know if the machine somehow taught him how to handle me but as he worked is fingers inside it was so easy to relax and let him stretch me out. He replaced his fingers. I felt his cock, firm and throbbing, as it slid into me. I squeezed as I adjusted to his new size. I felt so full, but it just kept sliding in. As he began to hit my prostate a surprising moan escaped my lips.
“That’s right babe, open up for me.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss. His beard was soft, his lips pillowy. I felt every motion of his body, every little adjustment sent a throbbing through my body. “You’re so cute like this. You ready for daddy’s cock?”
I could only let out an anticipatory whimper as he slowly began thrusting. With one hand he caressed my torso, the other he held my shoulders in place. I was anchored down as he picked up steam. Soon both hands were on my shoulders as he put his weight behind the thrusts. I tried to tell him to slow down, but something about how assertive and confident he was kept the words from my lips. And then it hardly mattered, as he found my prostate and my mind dissolved. He was destroying my ass as all I could do was try not to drool all over myself. All thought was consumed by pleasure as his balls slapped heavy against my ass.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy. Your ass is so tight. Fuck it feels amazing.”
I could feel it coming. I tried to ride the waves of ecstasy but he was not letting up. Suddenly he inhaled sharply.
“God, I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum.” he cried. He made no signs of slowing down.
“Cum…cum in-me.” I was about to burst.
He let out a deep growl as with a final thrust he plunged into me and the floodgates opened. At the same time I saw stream after stream hit his chest. We came at the same time. Panting he ran his finger down his chest and popped a thick glob in his mouth
“Yeah, you even taste delicious.”
This time I pulled him to me, kissing his beautiful face as he slowly pulled himself out of me with a wet pop.
And that should have been it. It should have stayed that way. It was supposed to be amazing. But, somehow, life always gets complicated.
It started with work. Maybe it was a side effect. With how he carried himself, he couldn’t help but turn heads when he entered a room. He would talk about how well respected he was, how all of a sudden people gave a shit when he said something. I guess it came with the territory. But that respect turned into a promotion, and that promotion had him working later and later hours. Plus, with his new body, he had to maintain it. He spent at least two hours at the gym, lifting and running and stretching. He would come home smelling musky, and I would basically be waiting in the bedroom to suck on his sweaty cock. Those nights were some of the best. But then he made friends, gym bros to hang out with, and he would get home well into the night, too tired to do much but watch TV before passing out. Then, my work project turned south at the end of the year. Our client was furious and I had to fly out almost every other weekend to some meeting to plead for time or try to get the project back on track. It felt like we just kept missing each other.
“I know it’s been hard to manage time but can we please have this weekend,” he begged one Thursday night, “I miss you. I miss us.”
I sighed, “I can’t. We just have to make it to the spring when we launch and it should be good. But until then I have to keep up with these clients.”
“I know, I know but can’t they send someone else?” He came in close and began to stroke my hair, “I need my good little boy here.”
I flushed and turned away, “You know I’ve been working for years to close this project out. I can’t just leave it when we are this close to the finish line.”
He looked hurt, “So instead you’re just leaving me behind?”
I snapped my head back to his, “You’re one to talk. I feel like I haven’t seen you in months. One promotion and suddenly you want to lecture me on my career? Plus all the time you spend with your gym buds. Enjoying the sauna together?” The moment I said it I knew I crossed the line
“…I’m going to bed.” He slammed the bedroom door behind him.
“BABE! No, that’s not what I meant. Please-” I jiggled the locked handle. No response. Dejected, I turned towards the couch, collecting what throw pillows and little blankets I could.
I tossed and turned all night, yet when I woke up he had already slipped out without a word. I wandered back to the bedroom and tried to find solace in the shower. Warm water ran down my back as mulled over the prior evening. When did things get so tough? It felt like just yesterday we were just some freshly graduated kids, now we hardly saw our friends or each other, just crunched all day at the office. Things back then were so… simple. That’s it! I shut off the water and quickly dried off. In the bedroom sat the machine. We had kept using it just for the white noise. Worked like a charm, who knew? It may have been what caused all this, but maybe it held a solution. There was the knob I was looking for: simple. I took it and cranked it up. I needed change and I really needed it quick. Two nights would perfect. If it was anything like last time, by the time I am back Sunday night this could all be solved. I threw a bag together for my trip and went off to the airport. Today I would give him space, and by tomorrow I had a hunch the problem would practically solve itself…
I woke up the next day, groggy from the flight and meetings yesterday. I was not looking forward to another full day today. Just then, my phone buzzed next to me. A text came through from my boyfriend:
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got a long day ahead babe. miss u 😘
He looked so… care free. There wasn’t a bag under his eyes. And he never just texted to say he missed me. He never seemed to have time. Seeing him with his arm frown back and that stupid little smirk got me going more than I expected it to. I texted back:
I miss you too. I hope you aren’t too bogged down with meetings today. Love ❤️
He responded: no meeting’s, boss had a safety talk last week. just work
Safety talk? Whatever, I’m sure he would be fine. Probably one of those cyber security talks from the 2000’s. Either way, I couldn’t dwell on it too long. Had to get ready for this team meeting.
The weekend was a blur. Meeting, crunch, eat repeat for two days straight. I hardly had time for myself, much less checking in on my boyfriend’s progress. But he seemed to be coming along nicely, and I could surmise a bit. His stressful job in engineering had been replaced with construction site manager, then just a regular blue-collar worker. His texts had become more casual, and when I talked with him for a few minutes Sunday morning he was kicking back with some friends having a beer. He even took a nap Sunday afternoon, speeding him along maybe a little further than I would have liked. He sent me this text when he woke up as I was on my way to the airport:
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Mmm, I miss u, gonna need ass when ur back
The next text was just a picture of his rigid cock. I chuckled a bit. I definitely had gone a bit too far but we could adjust that later.
I miss you too babe. You should probably get up. I’ll be home in a few hours and you can have me then 😉
Little did I know.
I hopped out of my cab and began working through airport security. I made it to my gate with plenty of time to spare. While I had made it to the gate, the plane, evidently had not. Winds and snow out of the northwest had delayed it. It was supposed to be an hour delay. But as one became two, the storm system had moved south.
Passengers of flight AM267, we regret to inform you that your flight has been delayed. With the current storm system, we are not projecting to be able to leave till tomorrow at 8:47am. On behalf-
I tuned out as my mind began to race. Tomorrow? That would throw off my whole work week! And the product launch would have to be delayed even further if I’m not there…
I began crunching the numbers on how far back this would set us as I hopped on a shuttle to the nearest hotel. With the sudden influx, it took a few hours before I was checked into my economy room next to the elevator. I had made the necessary calls to my team letting them know about the situation and… oh shit. I didn’t even call my boyfriend! He’s probably still waiting up for me. Quickly I fired off a text letting him know what was up. The day had been exhausting, I wouldn’t be up for much tonight anyways. I didn’t even change out of my jeans as I passed out on my bed.
The next morning the storm had passed, so it was back to the airport to catch my flight. We were luckier than most, I figured it would take them at last 2 days to be fully back on schedule. Still, everything had been thrown out of sync with the delay. It was almost 2:30 by the time I was sliding my key into the front door. I walked upstairs to throw my luggage in the bedroom when I stopped outside the door. Inside, I could hear a faint crackle, like the fray of a radio. Just the sound gave me a headache, and I felt an itch in my teeth. And then it clicked, and my stomach dropped. I threw open the door and immediately turned off the machine that had been running all day. A faint breathing was behind me. I turned and my eyes went wide.
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There he was, still laid back on the bed, hat on his head, wide awake. The thousand yard stare said it all. He had been listening all night and all day.
I tried to shake him awake to no avail. He was lost in whatever fog had dulled his brain.
“Need… ass… need fuck…” he mumbled. Drool started to drip out his mouth.
I turned back the machine and pried off the back panel. I began urgently analyzing switches and knobs, trying to determine which would reverse the changes. Even just a way to turn the damn thing off. It just kept buzzing and buzzing and buzzing… I felt a tight grip around my waist.
“Come babe, you want cock?”
My boyfriend had come out of his stupor, but not much. His cross-eyed stare had set itself on my body. His paws were rested firmly on my hips as he drug me closer to him.
“Let me go, I need to figure this out”
“No,” he slurred, “I need you.” He leaned in for a sloppy kiss. He tasted salty and sour. His beard was far more unkept and rough. He smelled virile this close, musky and horny. “You like simple,” he said. No, not said. Commanded. All that daddy energy he brought before was somehow put behind those words, and for a moment I felt submissive to him. And he only needed that moment. “Come.” He lifted his arm and stared into my eyes. A wave of stench rolled down and hit my senses with a crash.
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His gaze, the smell, and the buzzing in my ears. It was all too much as I was drawn towards his pit. I resisted for a moment, giving a hesitant whiff under his gaze. He made no movement. He didn’t have to. I was soon buried in his pit as I huffed his stupefying scent. In the back of my mind I knew this wasn’t right, that I was supposed to be fighting back. But a different whisper entered my mind:
Didn’t I want this? Wasn’t this my choice? Who was it that wanted it to all be so simple?
He pulled me out for a moment to slip my shirt off before I dove back in. At this point I was practically drooling, and I began cleaning him with my tongue. He stroked my chest and back, squeezing my pecs. They felt soft beneath his firm grasp. He soon switched me to the other side and muttered to me:
“Good boy. So horny.”
I was. I was so horny. The more I licked the more my crotch throbbed. My cock was rigid at attention as he pulled me out of his pits.
He’s so hot. Need him. Need cock.
No, no my brain tried to scream, but it sounded distant. A thick fog was between me and my thoughts. Maybe it should stay that way…
My boyfriend stood up and I fell to the floor. Slowly, he began pulling off his jeans.
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I instinctively turned over to receive his cock. My ass was already slick, wet in expectation. Even having sex was so simple. As he pressed his cock against my hole it slid in like a key in a lock. It just felt right. And as he gripped my shoulders and began to fuck me, each thrust felt like a thought was popped in my head. He growled a deep, primal growl as the last thoughts I ever had washed away in the waves of pleasure radiating through my body. My brain felt like the static from the machine. The only thing I had left was instinct. And instinct was telling me to ride the man behind me.
“Fu-uck- m-me- up- da-ah-ddy”
He only grunted as he increased the pace. It felt like hours as the ebbs and flows of our libidos managed to keep us both on edge, so close but never finishing. Till finally, I couldn’t take it any more. I could only manage a moan as I came all over the bedsheets.
“Fuck that’s so hot.” he said, and with one final thrust filled my guts with his dumb cum. Hehe. Cum. As he slid out I couldn’t handle any more. I passed out face down ass up on the bed.
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The next morning I was horny again. And then by lunch. And then by bed time. Days blended together as we fucked, ate, worked out, and slept together. The machine next to our bed never got turned off. Wasn’t there something I was supposed to do with it? Eh, it was too complex. Best to leave it alone as I had my brain fucked out for the third time today. I don’t know how we got by. We never moved out of our house. We always got food with no problems. Anyone who came by would just do whatever we asked. The few times anyone came inside they quickly learned that it was a lot easier to simply give in. If they resisted, babe would simply take them back to the bedroom until they changed their minds. They would come out all smiles, agreeable to whatever we needed. It was as simple as that.
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dumbseee · 1 year
moving on.
f1 au: in which y/n breaks up with her longtime boyfriend who also happens to be a footballer. she finds comfort in her brother’s best friend: lando norris.
lando norris x sainz!singer!reader
fc: cindy kimberly.
note: english isn’t my first language!
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liked by sainzz55, fairyyn, jaimeebellfort and 1 008 others.
footwags: y/n sainz and dele ali have broke up after two years. the footballer apparently cheated on the singer.
fan1: noooo i loved them together
fan2: ooop carlos isn’t going to be happy with that
fan3: he fumbled so hard
fan4: cheating on THEE y/n sainz??
fan5: the break up album is going to be FIIIIRE
fan6: what a dick
fan7: he didn’t know how to handle a baddie like her that’s why
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, francisca.cgomes and 6 799 098 others.
y/nsainz: ‘exile’ is out now on every platform 🕊
fan1: y/n we love you!
fan2: ‘you ripped my heart out to play soccer with it.’ :(
carlossainz55: i love you corazón, you’re so strong
liked by y/n.
landonorris: the strongest woman i know ❤️
liked by y/n.
lilymhe: your voice never fails to make me cry y/n.
liked by y/n.
fan4: these lyrics are so heartbreaking srs
fan5: so he cheated on her and made fun of her in his friends groupchat? wtf is wrong with that dude
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liked by carlossainz55, y/nsainz, maxfewtrell and 356 997 others.
lando.jpg: y/n through my camera because i miss her.
y/nsainz: missing you too pretty boy <3
fan1: lando trying to cheer her up :(
fan2: that’s so cute omg
fan3: brother’s best friend trope coming to life or…?
carlossainz55: how come you capture my sister in such a beautiful way and my pictures all look like shit?
landonorris: @.carlossainz55 y/n is a natural and you’re not.
fan4: i love them
fan5: missing the besties
landonorris just posted a story!
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tagged: @.y/nsainz.
lando norris just posted a story!
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, gigihadid and 3 789 997 others.
y/nsainz: needed that xx
landonorris: when did you took the first one? i don’t remember seeing you around wtf
y/nsainz: @.landonorris you’re always behind the camera and you looked pretty
fan1: okay i ship that
fan2: cuties omg
fan3: lando taking her on vacation 🥹
carlossainz55: why wasn’t i invited?
danielricciardo: @.carlossainz55 you wanted to be the third wheel?
landonorris:@.danielricciardo DANIEL
y/nsainz: @.danielricciardo JOSEPH GET OFF MY COMMENT SECTION
fan4: not daniel exposing the lovebirds
fan5: awww
fan6: we need more pictures of these two
fan7: i missed their friendship so much
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 3 799 008 others.
y/nsainz: he always take pictures of everyone and everything but hardly has any pictures of himself, so here’s a compilation of all the pictures i took when pretty boy wasn’t looking <3
fan1: ‘pretty boy’ 🥹🥹
landonorris: i prefer the word handsome but i’ll take it
fan2: he’s so pretty wtf
danielricciardo just posted a story!
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tagged: @.landonorris / @.y/nsainz.
this story isn’t available.
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liked by y/nsainz, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 4 789 678 others.
landonorris: since daniel is too old to know how to use instagram correctly, me and y/n have been outed, before anyone starts speculating we’re taking things slowly and i want her to heal her heart before loving anyone else after what she went through a few months ago. i’ll wait for you and your heart to be ready to welcome me in it. mine is ready for you, it’s always have been. to my muse, i’ll always treasure you.
y/nsainz: i don’t know what i’d do without you, thank you for being so patient and loving with me pretty boy <3
liked by landonorris.
carlossainz55: even if i still can’t believe what my eyes witnessed these past few days, you’re the only one i actually trust to love my sister the way she deserves to be loved (but be careful muppet)
liked by landonorris.
fan1: this is TOO cute
fan2: lando being a patient boyfriend we love to see it
fan3: this is what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, seriously y/n deserves all the love
fan4: we haven’t heard from daniel since the ig story is he alive?
danielricciardo: @.fan4 they locked me in my OWN basement for a WEEK with only water and bread to stay alive call the police.
y/nsainz: @.danielricciardo you’re such a liar joseph
carlossainz55: @.danielricciardo don’t give me ideas.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
aggressive sex with reiner after teasing him all day long during your shopping spree.
content warning: heavy squirting, cowboy reiner, plus size black fem reader, oral sex, foot play, super vocal dom reiner (him talking his shit cause whew 😵‍💫), spit kink, slapping, daddy kink, choking
this is sort of an excerpt/drabble for a full fic that I’m working on because lord knows when I’ll get around to finishing it but this thought wouldn’t leave me.
it was as if you had stepped into a parallel universe. One completely opposite from the one you knew..especially in the bedroom!..things were so different tonight between you and your beloved husband that you’d hardly even recognize him. And yet..
“Yer’ dripping, baby..a fucking mess. You better not let me miss a drop either..matter of fact, shake that ass in my face. You know exactly what I like.”
you were loving this side of him! Aggressive, talkative and so demanding of you. Smacking your round asscheeks as you threw them back onto his head that was smothered in between them. Twerking on his face as he tongue fucked you from behind. Slurping and sucking on that sensitive pussy like a sweet delicacy. Those rough, loud grunts mumbling against your sex and making it feel ten times better. Making you reach back and grip your ankles; the diamond tennis bracelet and $20,000 wedding ring glistening underneath the bedroom lights. Just a small fraction of the amenities he spoiled you with. After all, it was worth it for the way you fucked him in return..
“Take that fucking pillow out of yer’ mouth, sweetheart. I need to hear how good of a job I’m doin’. Feel good getting ya’ pussy ate like this?”
“Yes! So fucking—ahh! Shit…”
your admission interrupted by yet another orgasm. Squirting on both his face and the silk linen underneath you. Those eyes crossing in the process and your body going limp for a moment..which in turn pleased him. “There it is…come on daddy’s tongue, baby. You taste so good..” See, you had been giving him little teasers and previews of what was in store when you got home and now he was reaping the rewards. Watching you spread yourself open with those pretty new nails he had just paid to have done, along with the cute lace thong he had tugged aside to eat you out. Watching you tremble, he’d spit down onto that entrance and puckering asshole before leaning up and prompting you to turn over with a heavy palm to the ass.
“Lemme spit in that pretty mouth too—ya’ like that, don’t you?”
“Yes, daddy! I love it..love when you treat me like a slut..”
finally getting you face to face with his fingers pumping between your lips. Watching how happy you became when he fed you a couple slaps. “I know ya’ do. That’s why you were in the car, sending me those sexy lil’ videos of you playing with your pussy. Saying ya’ wanted me to fuck the shit out of you.” Hooking his fingers into your jaw, Reiner burrowed his entire weight over you, diving between those pretty little legs. You didn’t have the strength to hold them open so he’d be glad to pin them up. “Had me sneaking away from work to stroke myself..made me come so hard..you’re such a tease..” Mainly because he wanted to flick his tongue around and suck on those freshly done toes..kissing on your instep and ankle as he began to feed you deep strokes. But not before slapping that cock against your very needy and warm slit. His opposite hand eventually snaked around your throat before bending down and smirking in your face.
“So I’ll give you what ya’ need…all this dick, just for you, pretty girl. Gonna fuck you all night.”
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saetoru · 1 year
pls come join me in silly haitham agenda and indulge me in the idea that he can be very playful and cute and lovely and charming thank you
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al-haitham hates meetings.
and yet, here he is, struggling to find his clothes frustratedly in nothing but his boxers as he readies himself for one. to add to his misery, he can’t seem to find any of his regular clothes—how is it possible for all pairs of pants to be gone from his (neatly organized) closet? perhaps he was doomed from the moment he accepted his position—though it was hesitantly, and only under the agreement that it would be temporary.
he didn’t ask to be acting grand sage—and he certainly didn’t ask for all the responsibility that comes with it. but now, on the morning of a very important meeting which he absolutely cannot miss no matter how often he tries to make himself scarce in akademiya matters that simply don’t concern him, he rummages through clothes with a string of curses under his breath.
“are you planning on wearing pants?” you giggle, making him eye you wearily over his shoulder.
“well, that depends,” he huffs, “would you prefer me to show up like this?”
“of course not, this is a view reserved for myself only. and one that’s hardly appropriate for the grand sage,” you grin, pressing freshly laundered clothes into his hands.
he accepts them graciously—they’re still warm, like they’ve been freshly washed and dried for him to wear. you watch as he slips into his pants, admiring the pulls and flexes of his muscles as he dresses.
“how is it that i feel more exposed now that i’m dressed than before,” he raises a brow, “it must be your eyes practically undressing me.”
“oh but mister grand sage,” you tease, making him grumble a faint correction of acting grand sage as he rolls his eyes, “forgive me for my lack of manners. it’s just that…well, never mind. it’s a secret,” you giggle.
he turns, walking up to you as he wraps an arm around you, pulling you into his chest as he leans closer. he’ll run late if he doesn’t leave soon—but not late enough that he can’t spare a moment or two for you.
“a secret, you say?” he hums, nose brushing against the column of your neck. you shiver, fingers grasping at the smooth skin of his bare shoulders. “as acting grand sage, i require intel on this secret.”
“that’s an abuse of power,” you inhale sharply when he presses a kiss to your jaw, as the warmth of his breath hits your skin from the low chuckle he lets out.
“is it?” he grins, “i’m sure if i really wanted to abuse power, i would have by now.”
his head moves up so that his lips just hover over your own—it’s unfair, how tantalizingly slow he is at leaning into you, how his touch ghosts over you. it makes you lean in to close the gap yourself, but he doesn’t make it so simple. he pulls away quickly, chuckling at the pout that tugs at your lips.
“this is corruption,” you gasp.
“then i suggest you tell me this secret of yours.”
“well,” you make a show to look around, as though any eavesdroppers could make themselves present in your empty home—kaveh has already left early, with his keys forgotten, again. “i’ve come to realize that you’re quite handsome, mister grand sage. and…well, i’m afraid i’ve fallen quite deeply for your charms. i don’t know how i’ll break it to my lover.”
“your lover?” he furrows his brows in confusion, making you nod solemnly.
“yes, my lover. you might’ve heard of him? the akademiya’s scribe?” you smile widely once he rolls his eyes at your mischief, wrapping your arms around his neck while his snake tighter around your waist.
“i see. it’s a grave predicament indeed,” he nods, face as serious as ever as he plays along.
“yes,” you sigh dramatically, “i’m afraid i’m in a terribly difficult spot. i can’t decide if i love the scribe or you, mister grand sage. but if word got around that i’ve got my eye on two men…. well, my reputation would be in ruins.”
“well, we wouldn’t want that,” he shakes his head, squeezing your hips with his large hands and pulling you against his chest.
“any advice who i should pick?”
“i think,” he presses his forehead to yours, lips just barely a few millimeters away, “that they’re both equally good options.”
“then would you keep my secret? that i have two lovers at once?”
he laughs, soft and boyish from his chest, with a honeyed sound that fills your heart to the brim so quickly, it skips two beats.
“i believe i can keep it hidden, yes,” he nods.
and just when he leans in to close the gap, you pull away, pressing his shirt to his chest and plastering a devious grin on your face as you snicker.
“wonderful,” you nod in glee, “then you might want to get dressed and make your way to the akademiya. i heard there’s an important meeting today that you simply cannot be late for.”
with that, you saunter out of the bedroom, leaving him to grumble over his unfortunately demanding position that he should not have ever accepted under any circumstance.
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i wish to bite him immediately
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Them with a reader that worships another Archon
characters: Venti / Zhongli / Ei / Furina x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: Didn't write for Ei in a long time... not to mention Zhongli and Venti, so if I got some of their personality traits wrong, I'm sorry.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
“Let’s hope you’re not made out of sugar, or else we’re gonna have a tiny problem”, the Bard joked once he took a glance out of the window, the heavy rain and thunder that had come seemingly out of nowhere difficult to notice, even for the drunken inhabitants of Angel’s Share.
“Rain’s a nuisance at best, I’ll be fine”, your response lacked any signs of the usual annoyance people would feel in this situation, whether it was the alcohol or your attitude towards rain that made you seem almost relaxed was up for debate however.
Just as the words had left your mouth, a giant lightning caused the room to light up, soon followed by a deafening thunder, earning you a grin that spoke more than a thousand words. “Still only a nuisance?”
“Sure, the Raiden Shogun will protect me from the lightning”, came your dry response, causing the bard’s ears to perk up. Truth be told, he couldn’t care less about whatever god you were worshiping, forcing people’s hands or getting grumpy over their decisions was hardly the God of Freedom’s modus operandi. Although this did open up a whole new conversation topic.
“Want me to pass your mighty Raiden Shogun a message the next time I see her?”, Venti offered with a smirk, drawing a laugh out of you almost instantly.
“Yeah, sure Venti. I have no doubt you’d be able to play your way into an audience with her, especially since the last time you stepped foot into Inazuma went so swimmingly”, you jokingly responded, waving goodbye before readying yourself to run back home through the rain.
There was neither law nor contract that obliged the citizens of Liyue to worship Rex Lapis. Sure, the Archon might have been the city's patron god and had descended each year to give instructions and advice, but who’s name spilled out of its citizens' lips during their prayer was none of Zhongli’s business. 
And yet, when he heard a particular name slip out of your mouth, the Archon couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows for the briefest of moments.
“Thank Barbatos, I was starting to think I’d never find it”, you let out a relieved sigh once your eyes finally spotted the pin on the floor, glistening as if it was calling out for its owner before quickly finding itself stuck onto your coat once again, your lips forming a small smile.
“Hmm? Is something the matter?”, you once again turned towards Zhongli, not missing the conflicted expression that had since long been replaced by his usual smile.
“Not at all. I was simply surprised for a moment, Barbatos Worshippers in Liyue are pretty scarce after all, although there’s certainly nothing wrong with having another Archon as one’s Deity.” His explanation was enough to satisfy you, as your conversation quickly shifted back to the previous topic. And yet the scene remained on his mind for quite a while.
Let’s hope you and your god’s paths never converged… for your faith’s sake.
Hearing you mumble another Archon’s name in your brief prayer before eating caused Ei’s hand to freeze just close to her mouth, leaving the small sweet hovering in front of her face as her eyes remained fixed on you, the silence gradually causing your face to turn all shades of red as you tried to hide your tenseness behind a polite smile.
“I didn’t know you worshiped Rex Lapis”, Ei stated, her tone coming out more accusatory than she ever intended, causing a small apology to follow shortly after, bringing the tension of the room down significantly. 
Humans were entitled to their own decisions, and yet hearing you worship another god left a… bitter taste in her mouth. Especially since she wasn’t sure whether or not it had to do with her or was totally unrelated, the thought that you liked another Archon more than her filling her with jealousy, no matter how ridiculous she knew the whole situation to be.
“My family originally came from Liyue, so praying to Rex Lapis before meals is somewhat of a tradition for me… even if I don’t worship him on many other occasions”, you explained sincerely, remembering scenes of sharing meals with your family as a small smile made its way onto your face.
Whether it was because of your explanation or the gentle expression on your face, but whatever semblance of jealousy Ei felt within her swiftly melted away, her shoulders relaxing before she finally took a bite of the food in front of her, the corners of her lips rising when you did the same.
Truth be told, when Furina heard another Archon’s name come out of your mouth she felt a wave of relief wash over her. The last thing she wanted was for you to put her on a pedestal, no matter how attention-seeking she could be from time to time. And while she couldn’t blame those still seeing her as their Archon, considering how she had played the role for generations, she wished for your relationship to be one of equals instead of a god and her worshiper.
“Ah, I guess praying to another Archon in front of a former one is a bit rude. I’m sorry-”, you rushed to form an apology once you noticed Furina’s silence, your face growing red in embarrassment and shame before being cut off by her.
“It’s fine, I’m not as vain as to feel slighted by such a non-issue”, she lifted her hand before waving you off, a smirk on her lips as she thought of what to say next. “I am no longer an Archon after all, so having people worship the grass the Archon ‘Focalors’ walks on would only serve as a distraction from how mesmerizing the great Furina is.”
A chuckle from you was all it took to bring her back down from her ego-trip, your smile quickly spreading over to her, and before she knew it, she was snickering herself.
“Alright, let’s get the great Furina a dessert as reward for her inexhaustible modesty.”
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yourdoorisunlocked · 3 months
His Heart - Alastor x Crybaby!Reader
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 | 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭, 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥-𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐬, 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞!𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝓖𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓷 | 𝓜𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮𝔃
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🎙️ First of all, anything and everything that could possibly threaten or offend you would immediately be his first priority when bringing you anywhere.
🎙️ Also, despite Alastor's aversion to touch, he’s made quite the exception for you, and allows you to tuck yourself into his arms and he’ll whisk you away from any kind of danger or uncomfortable situation at the first sight of tears.
🎙️ Has to resist the urge to literally lick them away so instead peppers your neck with kisses and love bites to tickle you until you start giggling and trying to push him away.
🎙️ "Ah, there's that smile I missed so much~..."
🎙️ This man loves being your white knight, always there to swoop in and protect you, and kiss all of your troubles away.
🎙️️ “Hush, hush, now, darling. You’re safe with me… I’ll never let any sort of harm befall you.” Alastor rakes his crimson-tipped claws through your hair, his gloves removed, and his sleeves rolled up to around his forearms as you buried your face into his neck.
🎙️️ Those pesky deer instincts had been kicking in again, as it always had whenever you were upset, tugging at his heels, every thought racing back to you, and pestering him with the primal urge to comfort his mate partner.
🎙️ You sniffled and stared up at him with a barrage of tears threatening to spill down your face. “You promise?”
🎙️ “I promise, chère. I'll never leave your side.” He couldn’t help to stifle the fond smile that crept onto his face as you hugged him tighter, a soft whisper of an “I love you,” making his tail wag against the seat furiously as his ears flop down against his head.
🎙️ Adores how clingy and needy you become for him, and that old-fashioned mindset his mother taught Alastor to carry himself with always bringing itself to the surface whenever you’re in need.
🎙️ Begrudgingly allow you to pet his ears and give extra attention to his tail to put you in a better mood, trying to hide how much he enjoys hearing your melodic laughter as you play with his hair and tug on his deer ears.
🎙️ Not in public, mind you. Alastor’s love for you may go deeper than the very depths of the ocean itself, but he still has a reputation to uphold as the Radio Demon!
🎙️ Becomes the smuggest bastard on earth whenever you hide yourself away in his presence, knowing that he’s the only person that you trust to protect you.
🎙️ You were also extremely shy and hesitant to meet the rest of the hotel staff, but you also trusted Alastor to protect you from anything that could hurt you, and so you agreed.
🎙️ And that seemed to be a huge mistake at first, since your first few minutes at the Hazbin Hotel were spent with being overwhelmed by the very tall - and very excitable - Charlie Morningstar, the princess of Hell.
🎙️ Alastor had to fend her off with an irritated, twitching smile and a protective arm around your shoulder that pulled you away the moment that the princess jumped in front of you and took your hands in hers.
🎙️ "Oh! Did Alastor bring us a new resident? Are you here to redeem yourself-!?"
🎙️ "Hardly," you'd stiffened under his grip, unfamiliar with the bite in Alastor's voice as he cut Charlie off. "I'm simply showing them around the hotel for just a bit, no need to pester them with your silly ideas," you pout just a bit as he simply laughs in her face, and you, with your big, compassionate heart, reach out for her with a weak, soft smile.
🎙️ "Well, I think it's a wonderful idea..." You grasp Charlie's hands, and she bites back a tearful squeal as she starts to explain her vision of the hotel to you.
🎙️ Alastor's expression softens slightly at your display of kindness; however naive and misplaced he believes it to be.
🎙️ You were a sensitive soul, true, but you had warmth in your heart, a warmth that he had selfishly hogged all to himself, and definitely wasn't accustomed to it being shared amongst other people.
🎙️ But, after you'd spent the day around the residents and had grown rather close to each of them - despite his immediate displeasure at seeing you cozy up to so many people - Alastor decided to allow you to stay with him at the hotel, rather than hide you away in his radio tower like usual.
🎙️ But Alastor would have to soon invest in more revisions and fortifications for the hotel, and your very own room to protect you, of course.
🎙️ Alastor couldn't let something as important as you be torn away from him, not when he had just found you, when you just started trusting him with your own, precious heart that he valued above all.
🎙️ "Anything for you, darling. Anything to keep your smile."
. . .
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𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: So... It's been a while, a lot of things are happening and changing right now that I'm not about to get into since that's a whole other can of worms rn, but I will be getting some more headway with requests and writing headcanons! Please do keep in mind that drabbles/oneshots take a bit longer for me to write up since I tend to over-fixate on one, SINGULAR goddamn chapter
Anyway, I'm glad to be back! Also, I couldn't resist putting a song from our queen and savior Melanie Martinez ;)
. . .
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @starsformydarlingmazel, @chitter-chatter, @hazzbindarlingg, @darkangel582, @matrixbearer2024, @prosciuttosblog, @frog-fans-unite, @mysterypotatoink, @burgerflipper72, @chibikochannumberone, @strawberry-gothic, @roboticsuccubus83, @lulurubberduckie, @fangirlanxiety74, @viviannagiorgini, @localmsifan, @justtnat, @karolinda007-blog, @mglawwica, @wonderlandangelsposts, @saitisfied, @repostingmyfavs, @weirdflower2024, @montis-posts, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @theperfectmangovoid, @slytherin4ever, @i-love-jafar, @itzlochnessie
➺ 𝑩𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑩𝒚 @cafekitsune - 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫!
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24hlevi · 5 months
AAAAAAAA URE TAKING REQUEST??? 🥹 one for eunhyeok pls, just a sweet fluff(or an nsfw if ure okay with that) i miss him sm, u can do anything with it i’ll take anything 🤲🏼
i literally am in love with eunhyuk so how about...fluffy smut 😍 thank you for requesting 🫶
— so beautiful
lee eunhyuk (sweet home) x gn!afab!reader
genre: smut
summary: eunhyuk comes home from a rough day at work, knowing he's been distant and not noticing your needs, and all he wants is you
warnings: language, nsfw, praise, soft sex, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex
minors do not interact
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the second eunhyuk walked through the door, you heard a long sigh from the walkway entrance. you knew eunyoo was gone doing something, whatever it is she did whenever she was out of the apartment, so thankfully you two had the place to yourself.
"jagiya," eunhyuk called out once he slid his shoes off his feet.
"in the bedroom!" you responded, putting down the book you were reading as you sat on the bed.
eunhyuk walked through the bedroom door and a small smile immediately lit up on his face upon seeing you on the bed. he took his flannel off and tossed it on the ground next to the bed before he crawled into the bed next to you, his arms quickly wrapping around you and putting his face in the crook of your neck.
a short chuckle came from your lips at his actions, one of your hands playing with his hair. "rough day at work?"
"mhm," he hummed, nodding his head slightly.
a comfortable silence filled the room and just when you thought eunhyuk was going to get up, he started to leave little kisses on your neck. they started out light and soft, but soon enough he was biting down on your skin, with your own teeth between your bottom lip as you struggled out words.
"what're you doing?"
eunhyuk pulled away from your neck, looking down at you and seeing the blush on your face made him smile a bit. "i thought maybe we could spend some time together, since eunyoo is gone and we have the place to ourselves," he answered, his hands holding your hips.
"are you sure? what if she comes back?" you questioned worriedly.
"you know when she's gone it's for hours, we'll be fine," eunhyuk replied, his hands starting to trail down to the hem of your shorts. "i know i've been distant lately, and i want to make it up to you."
his words were true, he had been being distant with things seemingly getting worse at his job, but you would never admit you were getting needy because of it. however, it was obvious by how your hips jerked upwards when hyuk's fingers grabbed your shorts and slowly started to pull them down.
eunhyuk noticed, obviously. he was coming home either so late or so early that he would immediately fall asleep as soon as he hit the bed, leaving you to attempt to make yourself feel good, but it wasn't the same. which is why he was so grateful when his boss said he could leave a little early, so he could spend time with you.
he pulled down both your shorts and underwear, then spreading your legs apart with his hands, seeing how wet you were. "all this for me? i've hardly done anything yet," he said almost teasingly.
you were unable to come up with a response, too embarrassed by how aroused you were just by him finally giving you the attention you needed, only to be interrupted by a moan leaving your lips when he started to circle your clit with his thumb.
his other fingers were dragging up and down your slit, collecting your slick on his digits, his eyes peering at you before he inserted a finger suddenly, making you let out a louder moan than the last. your hips bucked upward again, and eunhyuk used his free hand to hold you down, slowly starting to push his finger in and out of you.
"hyuk," you whined, your hands gripping the bedding beneath you.
"mm?" he hummed, looking at you with a teasing smile. he loved watching you unravel before him, he adored the way your face contorted in pleasure every time he made a movement, he could stay here for hours if he could. "you look so pretty like this," he said, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before slipping in another finger and picking up his pace.
you writhed around under him, moans leaving your lips freely and without any care of others possibly hearing through the thin walls of the complex. his hand held you down from your hips bucking upwards, and your back arched when he curled his fingers inside of you. "fuck- don't stop, p-please- oh my god."
eunhyuk watched you with a small smirk on his face, his fingers thrusting in and out of you at a quick pace, and just when you were about to cum, he pulled his hand away. you let out a loud whine and opened your eyes to look at him, seeing him undo his belt and take off his jeans and boxers in one swift motion and immediately hovering over you again.
he moved some of your hair from your face, kissing your forehead before slowly slipping inside of you. he let out a low groan as he sheathed himself all the way inside, putting his face in your neck again, his warm breath hitting your skin. your arms wrapped around his neck as he started to thrust into you, little whimpers coming from you right into his ear.
"fuck," he sighed into your skin, his hands grabbing your waist in a tight grip. "it's like you were made to take my cock, baby." he began to pick up his pace, leaving crescent moon shapes in your skin from how tight he was holding you.
"hyuk," you moaned loudly, eyes squeezing shut and clawing at his back. you couldn't help the noises coming from you, it just felt too good for you to even think about being quiet.
"so good for me, just for me," eunhyuk mumbled, leaving kisses and bites on your neck. "i love you so much, baby. you're so beautiful taking my cock so well."
you writhed around under him, whining at his words feeling the knot in your stomach building up higher and higher towards release. "do-don't stop, please- fuck! hyuk please please." your nails scratched at his back.
he used his free hand to reach down and start rubbing your clit in quick circles, smiling into your neck at your moans getting louder. "so good, baby. you're doing so good, fuck."
one particular thrust of his hips had your eyes rolling back, your back arching up against him as you tried to speak. "c-close, fuck- hyuk please please."
"cum for me, baby," he told you before kissing you deeply.
moaning into his mouth, your legs shook and convulsed as you came around his cock, your nails digging into his skin. he pulled out of you and immediately laid down beside you.
"you okay?" he asked softly.
you nodded your head as a response, rolling onto your side and cuddling next to him while leaning your head on his chest. he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over the two of you, glancing down at you and kissing your head.
"i love you," he said quietly.
"i love you too," you replied in the same voice.
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heartateasee · 5 months
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Word Count: 7.7k
Warnings: dom/sub play, pegging, unprotected sex, anal play (m & f receiving), brief mommy kink, daddy kink, masturbation (m), brief use of “yellow” (stoplight system), squirting, some degradation, and a size kink if you look closely…
Plot: You’ve been out of town, and now that you’re back, you keep your promise of making it up to Harry once you were home.
He looks so fucked already on all fours on the top of your bed. He’s still fully clothed, staring at the headboard just like you had asked him to while you finished off your glass of wine downstairs.
You had previously been out to dinner with your friends, and Harry could hardly sit still due to the promise you had made him earlier this week. You had been out of town, doing work in New York for business, and you had just gotten home this morning. Harry had made it clear that he missed you the whole week you had been gone, but you assured him over FaceTime that you would make it worthwhile when you got back.
That night he didn’t ask about what you had meant, but a couple nights later, you could tell he was a bit more whiny and needy than usual.
“What’s wrong, bunny?” you cooed, sitting in the bathtub of your luxurious hotel room, bubbles covering you to where he could only see the swells of your breasts.
“The other day, when you promised me that you’d make it up to me when you got home, what did you mean?”
You couldn’t help the smile that curled onto your lips at the neediness in his tone, and you just knew it was all he had been thinking about.
Sitting up, the water sloshed slightly, and for the first time tonight, you were finally giving him a view of your full breasts. Harry’s lips parted, as his eyes honed in on them, and you could’ve sworn you heard him let out a small whimper.
“You wanna know?”
Harry nodded eagerly, sitting up on the bed a bit more - bringing the phone closer to his face as if he had never actually seen your tits before.
“I figured we could use that little toy you picked up a few months ago, but you’ve got to make sure you’re prepped for me, okay? That’s going to be up to you,” you told him, and you could immediately see the flush rising in his cheeks.
“Yeah, okay, I can do that,” he agreed. “I promise I’ll make sure I’m ready.”
“Good boy,” you complimented him, and you tilted your head to the side as you ran your hands over your breasts - tweaking softly at your nipples. “Now I know you’re probably aching just thinking about this. Go ahead and get yourself off while I watch.”
That had been one of the more eventful FaceTimes you had in your week away. You and Harry were extremely sexual human beings, and neither of you were ashamed of it. If anything, you were both grateful that you found the other to share this connection with. You had never had a lover like Harry, and he especially had never had a lover like you. No woman was ever willing to dominate him in the bedroom before. Regardless of him being the one to dominate you most of the time, there were times where Harry was begging for you to dominate him instead. You loved the dynamic you had.
Previous girlfriends wouldn’t even have brought up the possibility of fucking him, but here you were, willing and ready. You’re almost positive that you’re just as eager as him.
The thing was, you just couldn’t help but to tease him a bit more when you arrived home after dinner. He was following you around the house like a lost puppy, and there was a permanent pout on his heart shaped lips as he watched you open a bottle of wine in the kitchen.
“I just want one glass, baby,” you told him, grabbing two of them from the cabinet. “Will you have one with me?”
Harry swallowed harshly, but he nodded, and you poured each of you a glass before walking into the living room. You sat down on the couch together, and as you sipped your wine, Harry set his down on the coffee table to place your legs in his lap. He undid the clasps on the straps of your heels one by one until he pulled them off your feet - dropping them to the floor. One of his large hands continued to run over one of your calves as he picked his wine back up, taking hefty sips.
“Thank you,” the arch of your foot ran up and down the part of his thigh your other leg wasn’t occupying. “I’m happy to be home with you. I missed you so much, bunny.”
You knew when he was like this that he needed the pet name that you used for him - one reserved only for when he was submissive like this. Harry looked over to you, and you could see that the pupils of his moss colored eyes were already so dilated.
“Did you do what I asked?”
He nodded, his hand now gripping softly to your calf. “Yes, I did.”
“Such a good boy, Harry,” your voice was smooth, and it caused him to close his eyes and take in a deep breath. “How about you finish your glass of wine, and wait for me on the bed, hm? Like you have before when we’ve been practicing for this?”
Harry didn’t hesitate. He quickly gulped down the rest of his wine, and he moved your legs off his lap. You couldn’t help but giggle at his eagerness as went into the kitchen to wash his glass out.
“I won’t be long, promise.”
You watched as Harry went up the stairs, and the anticipation swirled in your stomach. It was hard not to be nervous. It isn’t the first time you and Harry were experimenting in this type of play, but this was the first time you would actually be penetrating him with anything other than your fingers. Although you were sure you weren’t going to hurt him, that was still a fear of yours that you were battling against.
It was a relief when Harry had confirmed that he prepped himself, and you knew that he played with himself there quite often while you were away. You’re sure he did it the night you announced that this is what you’d be treating him to this once you got home. You remember the first time you walked in on him doing it. You had gotten off of work earlier, and it was his day off.
You walked into the bedroom to surprise him, but really you were the one who ended up being surprised. With one hand wrapped around his dripping cock, the other was between his legs - two of his thick fingers inside, and he was thrusting them in and out fluidly. He hadn’t noticed you, not in the slightest, and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his movements.
It wasn’t until you heard a gasp, and noticed his hands had stopped, that you looked to his face. There was a sheen of sweat along his hairline, his hair pulled back into a bun, and his lips were parted.
“I-I’m not…it’s not-” he had stammered over his words, and that caused your eyebrows to narrow.
Shrugging off your jacket after letting your purse fall off your shoulder, you toed yourself out of your shoes and climbed onto the bed between his bent legs. “Baby, you don’t need to be ashamed,” you told him honestly, wrapping your hand around his wrist to pull his fingers from himself. “I could’ve been doing this for you. I didn’t know this is what you wanted. I’m so sorry.”
Harry let out a noise of discontent when his fingers slipped out, and you shushed him softly. “It’s okay, bunny,” it was the first time you had ever used the name before. “I’m going to make it all better, if you’ll let me.”
After giving you permission, he told you that you gave him the best orgasm of his life that afternoon after you pulled your mouth off his pink tip, and removed your fingers from him. You had managed to work him up to three before he finally came, and you’re not sure if you ever heard him make such noises of pleasure before. That’s when the switch between the two of you really started.
Anytime you both would delve into anal play again, you had a process. He’d wait for you, hands and knees on the bed - fully clothed with his hair tied back into a bun. He’d undress once you told him too, and then he’d right back on the bed like he was initially. You’d eat him out a little bit, get him a little soft, before sinking a finger in. You guys had still only ever worked up to three, and neither of you had talked about taking it any further until he came home with a new toy one evening.
A strap-on.
It didn’t shock you too much. He had experimented in wearing butt plugs when he knew what the night was going to entail, but you definitely doted on him that night - telling him just how proud you were that he took the next step and got this for the two of them.
You knew you were going to enjoy it just as much as he did. It had been a dream of yours to fuck Harry, and to see him unraveling underneath you. You wondered if seeing him come from this would be the first time you’d come without any sort of touch yourself - that’s how much you knew this was going to get you off.
Giving it about five more minutes, you decided that you had left him upstairs long enough, so you finished your glass of wine, and cleaned it up, before heading upstairs yourself. You opened the door to the bedroom, and you were met with Harry’s head hanging between his shoulders as he stared down at the comforter. He looked up slowly to meet your eyes, but he didn’t move his head as you sent him a soft smile.
You walked around to the foot of the bed, just taking a moment to admire the view in front of you for a bit before getting started.
“Okay, baby, come help me out of my dress, and then take off your clothes,” you instructed, and he was quick to move.
You felt his fingertips dancing over your skin before his lips were pressed to the junction where your shoulder met your neck. “Thank you,” he whispered softly as you felt him sliding down the zipper to your dress. The material soon met the floor, and you were there in one of the prettiest sets of lingerie you own.
You only wear it for special occasions, and you knew that tonight was going to be special.
You turned around to face him completely, and you watched as his eyes traveled over your body. Shaking his head, he let his hands capture your hips before leaning down to press kisses along your jawline. “My pretty baby,” his lips moved against your skin. “Always so good to me. Thank you.”
He thanked you constantly when he would get like this. It was so endearing, and sometimes you wanted to say to forget the sex and just cuddle up next to him in bed.
But not tonight.
“Clothes off, bunny,” you gasped as he sucked at the spot right underneath your ear. “And then get back on the bed while I get everything ready.”
You walked over to the bedside table on your side of the bed, looking back over your shoulder to watch Harry as he completely undressed - your eyes trailing over the rounds of his ass. He crawled back onto the bed as you grabbed the strap-on, as well as some lube, from the drawer.
“Next time we do this, I’ll let you put it on me, okay? But tonight, I just want you to focus on yourself, and enjoy it.”
Harry nodded in acknowledgement, and you knew that he was growing silent now because he was nervous. You slipped your legs into the toy, making sure it was secure on your hips, before kneeling down on the bed behind him.
“If you don’t want to do this tonight, let me know,” you whispered as you ran your hand over his bare back with your eyes trained on the back of his head. “You’re in control of that.”
“No, no, I want to,” Harry responded while shaking his head. “I know you’re going to take care of me.”
“That’s right. I’ll always take care of you.”
Your eyes dropped down to his ass, and you sat back on your heels to see the end of the light pink buttplug peeking between his cheeks. Biting down on your bottom lip, you brought the tip of your index finger up to tap at it, and Harry groaned - lurching forward just slightly.
“So sensitive,” you teased, leaning forward to press kisses on the back of each of his thighs. “You sure you’re ready for me?”
“Yes, I’m so ready…just please.”
“Okay, I’m going to take this out now,” you were going to walk him through every step so that even though he couldn’t see you, he knew what to expect. “And then I’ll play with you a little bit more just to be safe, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he sighed, and you knew it wasn’t out of frustration. You knew he was a bit overwhelmed by everything at the moment.
You complimented his compliance with a soft hum as you made sure to spread enough lube over the tip of your thumb and in your index finger - so it was easier to slip the plug out. “Here we go, bunny.”
Your digits slipped in and you heard Harry gasp, going to pull away but then keening into your touch as you pulled the plug out. You tossed it onto the floor next to the bed, knowing that you’d clean both that, and the strap on, later once you’re finished.
“How long did you keep that in, hm?”
“Put it in before work this morning,” he grunted as you slipped your index and middle finger inside, scissoring them slightly to keep him good and open.
“Over twelve hours? I’m so proud of you. Doing so well for me, baby.”
The more you moved your fingers in and out, you could tell that Harry was relaxing even more, and you took the time to spread lube over the attached dildo so that you would be able to slip right in once you took your digits out.
“Just relax,” your voice was soothing to him as you leaned down and pressed your lips against the dimples at the bottom of his spine. “I’m going to start pushing in now.”
Removing your fingers, you quickly replaced them with the tip of the dildo - pushing forward to have him sink down just past the ridge there. You stilled your hips as you heard a noise of pure ecstasy leave his lips, and you could see him leaning further into his elbows.
“Doing okay, bunny? Talk to me.”
It was clear that it was going to take some encouragement for him to be vocal during this, and you knew it was because he was going to be so focused on the pleasure, but you needed his responses to know that it was okay to go any further.
“I’m…oh god,” he moaned, leaning his forehead down onto the comforter. “Keep going. Please keep going, honey.”
“Okay, okay,” one of your hands rubbed over the middle of his back while the other cupped one of his hips. “I’m going to keep going, but you tell me if it gets uncomfortable, yeah?”
As you pushed in even further, you could feel a bit of resistance, but Harry didn’t object. You could feel yourself dripping down your thighs at the sight of the toy disappearing inside of him, and you hadn’t even realized you were so wet already.
Once you were completely seated inside of him, you leaned down to press a kiss against his birthmark on his back. “It’s all in. How does it feel?”
It wasn’t until you heard him inhale deeply that you realized he had been holding his breath. It caused you to panic for a moment, and you dropped your other hand so it was cupping his hip as well as you stared at him with wide eyes. “Harry, do I need to pull out?”
“No, no, god, no,” he was a moaning mess beneath you as his hands stretched out - gripping to one of the pillows that was just slightly in front of his head. “Oh my god, baby, it feels so good. I feel so full. I’ve never felt anything like this before.”
A few more seconds pass before you draw your hips back slightly before pushing forward again. “You okay if I start moving a little bit more?”
“I need you too, I’m so-”
“I know, bunny, I know. Mommy’s going to fuck you really good now, okay?”
“Please, mommy,” he whined as he brought one of his hands back to grip at your wrist. Tears pricked at his eyes from the mildly painful, but still delicious stretch he was experiencing. “Fuck me harder. You feel so good.”
“Yeah? I’m going to try and make it feel even better. You remember your safeword?” This wasn’t going any further until he confirmed that he remembered it, and that he could use it at any time.
Harry hummed, and you could see him nodding his head in front of you. “Yes, it’s renaissance.”
Renaissance. He had chosen that word because that was the section of the art museum you had originally met in during a gala that was taking place for your company. Harry had actually come as a date for a colleague at another company, but it was clear he was trying to escape how dreadful it was when you had found him by himself. You had come alone that night, and because of the sexual tension felt between the two of you from the moment you had laid eyes on each other, it ended with you tangled in his bedsheets at three in the morning. He had given you four orgasms that night, and you weren’t sure if you would ever be able to walk again from how shaky your legs were.
“That’s right,” you gripped his hips as you pulled your own back. “And you know that you can use that at any time and I completely stop, right?”
“Yes, ma’am, I know. Thank you.”
“You’re so welcome, and remember, just focus on yourself, and the pleasure tonight. I’m going to get pleasure just by knowing I’m pleasing you, so just be in the moment.”
Harry nodded again, and you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth as you thrusted forward again - going faster than you had before. It caused a loud moan to leave his throat, and one of his hands moved from the pillows to slap against the headboard. Even though he had given you the green light to just keep going, you were taking your time a little bit, and that was out of your own nervousness.
You were still getting a hang of how it all felt. The pressure of the strap on against your pelvis once you were fully inside of him, the resistance you continued to feel in the moments when you brought your hips back and forth, and the quivering of Harry’s hips in your hands when you knew that you were nudging against his purest spot of pleasure.
After about a minute or so, you started to gain a proper rhythm with your thrusts, and it was every now and then that you would hear noises of absolute ecstasy leave Harry’s heart shaped lips. He had propped himself back up onto the palms of his hands against the comforter so that he could push himself into you to meet your movements.
“My hair,” he whimpered at one point, and you quirked up an eyebrow - waiting for him to finish his request. “P-please, please pull it, mommy.”
You didn’t make him ask again as you reached forward to remove the hair tie that he had holding his luscious curls in a bun. Wrapping the tie around your wrist, you let your fingers run through his hair for a while - nails gently scraping against his scalp as he got used to the feeling of your hand.
Running your tongue along the inside of your cheek, you gathered his hair into a makeshift ponytail, and you wrapped it securely around your hand before giving a small tug. Harry moaned, almost lifting himself up even more to lose himself to the feeling.
“You like that, bunny? You like a little bit of pain?”
“Yes, it’s ‘s good,” he slurred, completely drunk on the high building in his body. “Again, please.”
You tugged again, harder this time, and you felt Harry’s large hands reach behind to wrap around the back of your thighs. He was practically sitting in your lap at this point, so you sat back on your heels as you had earlier before this all started, and you began to fuck up him the hardest you had.
Peering around his side, you could see his cock was hard, and oozing precum. With one hand still in his hair, you ghosted the other hand over his hip to reach over and curl around his aching prick. He gasped at the sensation, fingertips digging into the sides of your thighs as he was now cupping the tops of them from the new position.
“You’re doing so good for me,” you praised him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade as you stroked him slowly. “And you look so hot. I knew that getting fucked would look good on you, but this is so much better than I pictured.”
Harry hummed in response, and you situated yourselves around after a few minutes to have him fully on his hands and knees again. Your hand had slipped away from his cock due to the angle, and your hips stuttered when you felt him pulling away from your thrusts.
“Harry,” you broke character again, only for the second time tonight. “Everything okay?”
Surging forward to let the dildo completely escape him, he was taking deep breaths as you watched his back heave up and down. It was slightly terrifying given he wasn’t answering you, and you started to feel your heart pounding in your chest.
“Baby, I need you to talk to me right now. You’re scaring me,” you swallowed harshly as you unclipped the strap on from your body, tossing it onto the ground next to the discarded butt plug to take care of later.
You wanted to reach out and touch him, but you were also scared of what state he was in, and if it was bad, you didn’t want to make it worse. Your hands were beginning to shake as you slowly kneeled back onto the bed.
“Harry,” you tried again, but before you knew it, you felt his hands on your hips.
You yelped as he quickly flipped you over, your back meeting the mattress, and you stared up at him with wide eyes. His pupils were blown, making it hard to see any of the moss colored irises that you knew so well. Both of your chests were now rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath, and you felt Harry’s still dripping prick against your stomach.
“I think mommy has had enough playtime today, don’t you?” Harry’s voice was dark and filled with lust as he leaned forward, one of his hands coming up to rest against the column of your throat, but he didn’t apply any pressure. You felt his lips on your ear as his cheek was now pressed against yours. “I think it’s daddy’s turn now, hm?”
And just like that, you both could switch.
Gone was the confident woman who had just been fucking her boyfriend’s ass with a strap-on, and gone was the whimpery and whiney man that was begging to be fucked by said strap-on. You were now the squirming mess, bringing your hands up to rest against his hard chest as your knees locked up against his hips.
“Please, daddy,” your whimpering, and the anticipation of what was to come, reminded you of the pulsing that had grown between your thighs during your previous activity. You tried to lift your hips a bit to rut your covered pearl against his pelvic bone, but he tutted, moving back slightly so you couldn’t reach. “I was good. I gave you exactly what you wanted. Please.”
Harry hummed as his hands ran up the insides of your thighs, making you detach your legs from his hips, and he pushed them up - stretching you open until it was almost painful. His eyes were then glued to the wet spot that had formed on your satin panties, causing him to lick over his bottom lip. “Made a mess, did you?”
You nodded in response, bottom lip trembling under his heated gaze. It was torture at this point. You couldn’t think of anything but him having his fingers or his cock inside you, or having his mouth against your pulsing core.
“I did, I’m sorry,” your whole body was quivering, eager for some sort of contact from him.
“It’s okay, kitten,” he soothed you, leaning forward again, but still keeping you so spread, as he ghosted his fingertips along your hairline. “It’s a good mess, yeah? All that came from how you felt while pleasuring daddy?”
“Mhmm,” you whined, reaching out to grip to his biceps, but he was quick to snatch both of your wrists in one of his large hands - bringing them above your head to restrain you. Tears were now gathering in your waterline as you stared up at him, and you couldn’t remember the last time you had felt so deprived. “Harry, please, I’m-”
The slip from ‘daddy’ to ‘Harry’ made his eyes soften just a bit, and he loosened his grip on your wrists. “Honey, what’s your color?”
With him, he used a safeword, but you preferred the color system. It was easier for you to remember when you started to slip away from him sometimes.
“Y-yellow,” you closed your eyes as you responded, feeling a bit foolish because you knew that ultimately, in the end, he would give you what you wanted. But right now, it just felt so overwhelming.
Harry quickly released your wrists, and his strong arms wrapped around you to pull you into his chest. You sniffled as you brought your legs back up around his hips, crossing your ankles against the small of his back to keep him as close to you as possible. Your fingers played with his long curls as he pressed kisses to the side of your neck and your jawline.
“Why yellow, baby?”
His voice was now so soft and tender, making you feel dreamy all over now that you had the pleasure of him talking to you like this.
You were so lucky.
“Feels like a lot,” you admitted, taking a minute to truly gather your thoughts before continuing to speak. “I was nervous about what I did for you, and I thought I had done a good job. It made me feel so good seeing you like that, Harry. It was unlike anything else I’ve experienced, but you switching it up made me realize how desperate I was to feel good too, and I just…felt like a lot of teasing. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” Harry cooed, and he pulled his face out of your neck, but you tried to keep yours hidden in his. “Look at me, honey.”
With flushed cheeks from both your sexual frustration, and your embarrassment, you pulled back to look at him completely. He sent you a sweet smile, his eyes dancing over your face. “You know I’m going to give you what you want, right? And you did so wonderful for me earlier, it was perfect. Just like teasing you a lot sometimes, ‘s all.”
“I know, I know. I’m-”
“Don’t you dare say sorry again,” Harry quipped at you, eyebrows now narrowing. “You should never apologize for making me aware of how you’re feeling, especially during these times. This is some of the most important communication we can have with each other, and we should be happy that we’re able to do it so easily. So, please, do not apologize. This is necessary.”
Relief washed over your body, and you nodded. “I’m okay now. I wanna keep going, please, daddy.”
Harry’s lips twitched up into a smirk, and his hands traveled down to spread you open once again. You hissed at the slight burn in your pelvis, but you also welcomed it. You watched as Harry shimmed himself down your body before he was face to face with your throbbing cunt. “Need daddy to play with you a little bit?”
“Yes, yes,” you stayed as still as possible, knowing that if you squirmed he would start to take his time again, and you thought that you may actually combust if he did that to you another time. “Need you so bad.”
Leaning in, Harry pressed kisses to your satin covered clit, and you breathed out a sigh of relief as you melted into the mattress - eyes slipping shut. It was the smallest bit of stimulation, but even that was scratching that itch that had only been growing since your activities in the bedroom had started.
You gasped, eyes shooting back open as you propped yourself up onto your elbows, and you looked down at Harry when you felt a forceful tug of the waistband of your panties - pulling the material of them harder against your dripping cunt. Harry’s eyes were fixed on the sight of your lips so puffy, and desperate, underneath the tightened fabric. His bottom lip made its home between his teeth as he lifted his other hand, prodding the tip of his index finger against your aching bud.
“So swollen down here, kitten,” he said, tilting his wrist to flick his middle fingertip against your bud now, and you moaned - dropping back down onto the bed. “This all for me?”
“All of it for you, always,” you were full on panting, sweat beginning to sprout on your forehead. “Only ever for you.”
Harry hummed, pleased with your answer, and he pulled your panties from your body in one quick swoop. He made his way back up your torso, wrapping his hand around to your back as he unclasped the matching satin bra. He discarded it just as quickly as your underwear, and his hands immediately began to knead your supple breasts.
“I don’t think you need much playing,” Harry shook his head - pads of his thumbs grazing over your nipples. “I know it’s gonna stretch you a bit if I go in now, but you like that little bit of pain, don’t you?”
“Love it,” you confessed, arching your back further into his touch to have your breasts cradled even more in the palms of his hands. “It hurts so good.”
One of Harry’s hands left you, and you looked down to see that he was giving himself long strokes. You figured he had probably lost a little bit of his erection when you pleaded ‘yellow’, but now he had grown fully hard again.
You bit down on your lip as you felt him nudge his leaking tip against your entrance, and you gasped as he pushed in - only allowing that part of him to be what your walls pulsed down around.
“Oh, yes,” you moaned, throwing your head back into the pillow, nails digging into his shoulders from where your hands had found their home. “Aches a little, but it feels great, daddy. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, kitten,” he kissed the corner of your lips, running the tip of his nose along your cheekbone. He allowed his tip to just slightly exit you, and then he pushed back in, doing this a couple of times before sinking into you completely in one fluid motion.
You screamed out in pleasure, and your hands made their home on his back as you dragged your nails down his skin. You knew that you were leaving marks, but he liked it. It reminded him for days of what you both had done, how you had made each other feel, and he reveled in it.
“So fucking tight,” he grunted, and you could feel his prick twitching inside of you. “Did you not touch yourself while you were away?”
“I would touch myself when we were talking to each other sometimes, when I knew you were touching yourself, but I didn’t allow myself to come. Only wanted to come around your cock, daddy.”
Harry’s eyes rolled into the back of his head at your words. “You’re such a good girl for me, hm? Feel so good, act so good. Daddy’s so lucky to have you, did you know that?”
Pouting softly at him, you felt him wrap his hand around the underside of one of your thighs, and he pushed it forward - scrunching your leg up against your chest. “I’m lucky to have you. ‘M so lucky. I’d be so lost without you.”
“You wanna know something?” Harry’s hips were stilled, not having moved back or forth since getting fully seated inside of you. You nodded, losing a bit of contact with him with one of your hands due to the new position of your leg, but your other hand was now gripping at his forearm. “I’d be fucking miserable without you.”
With one sharp thrust forward, you felt him move even deeper inside of you, and you choked on your moan as you felt him inside your tummy. Tears filled your eyes again, but this time out of pure pleasure, not frustration, and you moved the hand not touching him to your stomach. You pressed down right where you knew his tip was, and you both gasped at the feeling.
“So deep,” you babbled, closing your eyes as the tears now streaked down your cheeks. “I love it. I love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” he assured you, pressing a firm kiss to your lips this time.
You moved your lips together in rather sloppy and uncoordinated kisses for a while, breaking your dynamic again for just a little bit to share a moment of true tenderness.
It wasn’t until Harry pulled away from you, and you opened your eyes to see that his pupils were blown again, just like they were before. You knew that moment of tenderness was over, and your stomach clenched with excitement in knowing what was to come.
Before you could even blink again, Harry started to thrust in and out of you at an accelerated rate. You felt your tits bouncing heavily each time his hips would clash against yours - the sound of your skin slapping together echoing off the walls surrounding you. Your mouth hung open, but no sound was coming out as you found yourself completely overcome with the pleasure surging through every nerve in your body.
“Where’s those sweet noises, hm?” Harry grunted, bunny teeth clamping down onto his plush bottom lip as his eyes held yours. You felt your own trying to roll into the back of your head, but you fought against it.
There was nothing better than seeing him above you like this. Every time you were in this position, you were able to take in his muscles as they flexed, you could witness the process of the sweat beginning to form along his hairline, and you could capture the way his eyes took in your body that would be completely exposed in front of him.
After a moment, Harry maneuvered around the bed as he pushed your other knee against your chest as well, your shins pressed against his pecs as his hands reached down to grasp your hips. He angled them up, and his eyes dropped down as he began to plunge into your soaked cunt once again. Your breath was stolen from you as you looked down between the two of you to see his slick cock entering and exiting you with vigor.
“Have I fucked you dumb, kitten?” Harry’s voice cutting through the atmosphere brought you back down to reality a bit as you looked back up to see him staring at you once more. “It’s been a long time since you’ve been this quiet. Can you talk to daddy? Can you tell him how you’re feeling?”
Your mouth opened and closed a few times as you stared up at him with doe eyes - his movements never ceasing as he waited for your response. His left hand left your hip to swat down against the inside of your right thigh, causing you to let out a lewd moan.
“Answer me,” he demanded, giving the skin he had just slapped a sharp pinch. “Answer me or daddy is going to deprive you of an orgasm.”
You choked out a sob as you stared up at him, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes, and almost immediately dripping down your temples from the extreme ecstasy pulsing through your veins. You could feel him everywhere. He was everywhere. He was everything.
“F-full,” you choked out, blinking your eyes closed as you now felt his palm soothing the area he had just more than likely bruised, but you loved it. Just as he liked your scratches down his back, you relished in the bruises you would find littering your body for the days to come. It was like you were claiming each other. “And good. S-so good.”
“And probably a little confused, yeah? Trying to figure out how I can even fit? How your sweet little pussy manages to draw me in almost more each time?”
His dirty talk was out of this world when he was like this. You had never met someone who liked to talk to you in this way, and one time you came just from him pressing the pad of his thumb to your clit after talking dirty into your ear for almost twenty minutes during a cab ride home.
“You’re just so big, daddy,” you whined, hands falling next to your hips to claw at the comforter underneath your bodies. “And I-I’m so tight, but my cunt was made for you. Just you.”
“That’s right, baby,” Harry hooked the creases of your knees over his elbows to lean down, his lips hovering over yours. You groaned as he stretched your pelvis even further than he had before, but you quickly forgot the pain when his mouth met yours - ravishing you completely.
After a few more earth-shattering thrusts, Harry pulled out suddenly, and you gasped at the sudden loss of contact all together. He sat back on his heels - your legs flopping down against the mattress as you stared at him with pleading eyes.
“On your hands and knees, kitten. Turn around so I can see that plump ass knowing it’s going to be covered in my come soon.”
With shaky legs and arms, you obeyed his demands as you flipped onto your stomach. You quickly pushed yourself up onto your knees, and you pressed your palms down beneath you as you crawled backwards to be closer to him. It was only a few seconds later that you felt his one large hand grasping your hips, and you could hear the wetness of him stroking his arousal covered prick.
“Not going to be much longer, but you’re going to take my load like a good girl, right?” Harry nudged his tip into you again, and you gargled out a groan as you buried your face into one of the pillows. “It’s not going to be inside of you, and I know you’re okay with that. You always tell me how much you like to feel my come covering your skin.”
“Yes, I’ll be your good girl. Only want to be a good girl for you,” you whimpered, and before you knew it, he was thrusting forward to completely fill you up again.
Your jaw dropped, and you could’ve sworn you felt drool beginning to drip down your chin as he started to pound into you once more, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. Your walls pulsed as you could make out every ridge and every vein of his long, but girthy, cock.
Harry’s hand came down and spanked one of the rounds of your ass, causing you to jolt forward just a bit before you were keening back into him. It was almost too much, but you wanted it. You needed it.
Only a few seconds later, you felt his spit come against your tightest hole, and then the pad of his thumb came down to spread it around. “Want me here too, kitten?”
“Yes, please,” you lifted yourself just a bit better to push yourself even further back towards him. “Want to be filled with you everywhere.”
Harry leaned down to press a kiss between your shoulder blades before you felt the tip of his thumb entering you as his dick continued to satisfy your weeping cunt. You knew you were close to your orgasm, but you didn’t want to ask for permission yet - you wanted to hold out as long as you could after missing him for so long.
“Taking me so well, but you always do, don’t you? The best girl I’ve ever had. I don’t know how I ever went without you, baby. Like ‘m cock was made just for you.”
It wasn’t shortly after being filled in both holes that Harry found the perfect rhythm, pulsing both his digit and his prick into you on the same beat. This was going to do you in - you were sure you didn’t have too much restraint left at this point.
“Gonna come, daddy,” you mewled out. “Can I please come? Been waiting all week to come on your cock.”
Harry groaned at your words, and you knew you were spurring him on even more. “Yeah, kitten. Go ahead and come. Soak me, and get me all wet. I wanna be covered in you - just like I’m going to cover you in me.”
That was all it took for you to drop over that edge, and you felt yourself gushing around his length that was in no way letting up. You knew that if he worked you through your orgasms, he worked you through them properly by draining every bit of you that he could.
“That’s it,” you could barely hear his praises as your ears were now ringing, your vision practically blurring from the euphoria that was blanketing over you. “Such a filthy fucking girl, squirting all over daddy just because he spoke some dirty words, and asked you to get him all wet. You messy little baby.”
You whimpered as you fell through your elbows, Harry’s movements elongating your orgasm even further before you felt his thumb leave you, and then his cock not too long after.
Puffs of breath were heard behind you, and you knew he was jerking himself off. Since you were already sinking into your elbows, you arched your back a little more to give him the perfect view of both of your holes. It was only seconds later that you started to feel his white ropes of pleasure covering your swollen pussy, spreading over your ass cheeks, and your lower back.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Harry huffed behind you, and eventually you didn’t feel anymore of his orgasm coating your skin.
Humming, you moved to lower yourself down completely onto the mattress, but Harry stopped your motions immediately. “Not so fast,” his breath fanned over your cunt, and that alone had your eyes slipping shut. “Daddy has to clean you up properly.”
The next thing you felt was tongue around your rim, properly eating you out there for the first time in a while. You moaned, pushing up onto one of your palms again so you could reach your other hand behind you - your fingers tangled into his messy curls. Once he moved lower, you still kept your grip on him as he licked at your cunt, and you heard him moaning again.
You knew that he loved the taste of the two of you together. It was one of his favorite things, and he made sure that you never forgot it.
Soon his mouth left your most sensitive areas, and he started licking along the globes of your ass before dragging his tongue along your lower back. His contact with you was gone all together after a few more seconds, and he collapsed next to you on the bed. You did the same shortly after, and his muscular arms dragged you into his side.
“That was amazing,” you breathed, lazily playing with the cross pendant hanging from his necklace that was laid against his chest. “Needed that after being without you.”
“I needed it too, honey. You were wonderful, as always. You feeling okay?”
You knew you were giving him the dopiest smile as you stared up at him, and you nodded. “Better than okay, H. I’m fantastic.”
“I’m going to run us a bath, okay? Just need a few more minutes,” he pressed his lips against your forehead, his fingertips stroking through the back of your hair.
“Funny, here I was the one thinking I would be leading the aftercare tonight,” you giggled, and he couldn’t help but to chuckle along with you.
“You know me, I like to surprise you - keep you on your toes.”
Sighing, you nodded as your eyes slipped shut, and you nuzzled your face into the side of his neck. “You always do - it’s my favorite thing.”
The night ended with you washing each other in a warm bubble bath, and Harry let you enjoy it a little longer as he changed out the sheets on the bed for fresh ones. Once you were out of the tub, he helped you change into a pair of your softest panties, knowing you had to be sensitive from your recent activities, and he tugged one of his shirts over your head. He was changed shortly after you, and you both climbed into the bed - clinging to one another instantly.
“I love you, baby. I’m so happy you’re home,” Harry muttered as he began to doze off.
“I love you too, Harry. Next to you like this is my favorite place to be.”
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its-rach-writes · 2 months
Eat Your Young - Chapter One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Your return to the city is welcomed by a plague of ritualistic murders. Even in the middle of a murder investigation, you can't help but fall for Agent Doctor Spencer Reid.
Warnings: fluff, Spencer being adorable, mentions of murder, usual cm behaviour
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this first part! It really is just an introuduction at the moment, and I know irl, the BAU wouldn't be allowed to investigate the case due to conflicts of interest but we move! Please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged, I love you all! xxx
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Chapter One
Cold rain lashed itself against your car window as you pulled up outside the Quantico office, the sound of your son playing some zombie killing game in the passenger seat. If there was one thing you were going to miss about Florida it was going to be the endless sunshine and the sweltering heat. When you flashed the visitors pass at security – and after a bit of interrogating – they let you up to the BAU floor.
“There’s my boy,” you heard a voice echo down the hallway.
“Uncle Derek!” Sam grinned as he practically ran into his god father’s arms. Derek grinned as he glanced at up at you, pulling you into a hug.
“Killing loads of zombies, kid?” he asked, ruffling his hair.
Sam nodded and a tall man walked past, glancing down at the video game, “woah! Is that ‘The Collapse?’”
Before Sam could reply, Derek introduced you, “Y/N, this is Spencer Reid, Spence this is Y/N Rossi and her son Sam. I’ve known Y/N since she was in diapers.”
You smiled as Spencer gave you a wave, looking politely startled, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“You too, Rossi as in…” he trailed off and you nodded.
“Yep, David Rossi is my dad,” you glanced at Derek, “I take it he’s on a case?” Derek nodded at your question.
Sam didn’t look too convinced of Spencer as he eyed him – he was always wary around new people, rightfully so – when you nudged him, he finally spoke up, “you play, ‘The Collapse?’”
When Spencer nodded, he asked, “have you done the secret levels?”
Sam’s face lit up and the both of them launched into chatter.
Derek smirked as he looked back over at you, “how long are you in town for?”
“Yeah, that’s what I didn’t tell you on the phone, I’m moving back,” when Derek raised an eyebrow you elaborated, “Sam’s twelve and hardly knows his dad, Nick and I are gonna give it another shot.”
“Oh, Y/N. Please don’t tell me you’re getting back with him,” Derek groaned.
You pulled a face, “what? No, ew! We’re gonna try and co-parent properly this time, I thought it would at least be easier if we were in the same city. He’s a good dad, he deserves to see his son.”
You looked over to where Sam was chatting with Spencer about their shared interest. He’d been having a rough time lately and that was part of the reason that you decided to move back to the city.
“Are you going back into teaching?” Derek asked, drawing your attention back.
You nodded, “yeah, I’m teaching a class on Folklore at the local university,” you laughed, you had a flair for the dramatics.
“Folklore has a lot of uses to today’s society,” Spencer spoke up. Clearly he and Sam had finished their conversation.
Derek narrowed his eyes at his friend, “I’m pretty sure you called Folklore ‘hogwash’ on our last case.”
Spencer went bright red, “no, I didn’t - I didn’t mean,” he began stuttering and you had to put the poor guy out of his misery.
“It’s okay, Spencer, really. If he ever tried something like this again,” you jabbed your thumb in Derek’s direction, “you let me know and I’ll show you the baby photographs. Morgan in diapers is hilarious,” you smirked while Derek glared at you.
Spencer’s hazel eyes lit up as he chuckled, “I’ll remember that.”
You spent a few moments chatting with the two men before you had to get Sam home so he could get settled for school on Monday. You said your goodbyes and made your promises to catch up soon. Sam seemed to be in a chipper mood as you drove home – the weather had significantly brightened – he didn’t even pay attention to his videogame. Though, that didn’t stop him from giving you the low down on the storyline and the lore.
When you were making dinner that evening, Sam spoke up as he helped set the table, “can we go and see Spencer again soon? He was really nice.”
You thought it was a little odd, he didn’t normally take to people so quickly. Maybe it was because Spencer was friends with Derek, and Derek was practically his hero. You laughed a little as you got the garlic bread out of the oven.
“Yeah? You spoke to him for five minutes’ sweetie.”
“But, he doesn’t think I’m weird mom, and he said he’d teach me how to play chess,” there was a little whine to his voice that melted your heart.
“You’re not weird baby,” you kissed his forehead as you gave him his portion of spaghetti, “but I’ll see what I can do about arranging something.”
Settling in went okay – better than expected – Sam was doing well at school and you were comfortable in your new job. You’d hardly seen Derek or your dad due to back to back cases but it was okay. You knew how busy they were.
Then, you got a call at 2am on a random Thursday night, the call that changed everything. You groaned, squinting against the light from your phone, “hello?” your voice was groggy and you ran a hand through your hair.
“Hey baby, it’s Derek, you have to come in. I’ll pick you up,” the tone of his voice pulled you out of your sleepy stupor and your heart dropped like a rock.
Twenty minutes later, you were sitting in an FBI interrogation room opposite Aaron Hotchner and Spencer Reid. One man looked stoic and stern, the other soft and kind. It was Spencer who spoke first in a soft voice but his handsome face gave nothing away.
“You understand why Derek or your dad can’t be here right?”
You nodded, sitting back in your seat, they couldn’t be here because it was a conflict of interest and you still didn’t know why you were here. But you had a pretty good idea, “who is it? Who’s dead?”
“One of your students,” Hotch started, his hands resting on a dossier folder. He must have seen the panic on your face because he held up his hand, “we know you didn’t do it, we put his time of death between 8pm and 10pm. Your dad told us you were grabbing a late dinner before dropping your son off at his father’s. We just want to ask you a few questions.”
You nodded, feeling sick to your stomach, “who was it?”
“Michael Roberts,” Spencer started, “his girlfriend told us that you argued?”
“We didn’t argue,” you sighed, “I caught him dealing on campus so we had a heated conversation, that’s all.”
“And you didn’t report it to campus police?”
You shook your head, “he was there on a scholarship and he promised he wouldn’t do it again. What happened to him?”
Hotch and Spencer exchanged a glance before the older man slid the folder across to you, you felt sick as you opened the folder. He’d been found outside his dorm room with a wooden stake through his heart and a clove of garlic forced into his mouth, “he’s been killed like a..” you trailed off.
“Like a vampire,” Hotch finished for you, his hand rubbing against his jaw.
“Do you know anyone who would want to hurt him, or kill him in this way?”
You shook your head, “I didn’t really know him, he only took my class because he needed extra credit,” you paused, remembering a rumour you’d heard, “there was a rumour going round that he was cheating on his girlfriend but I don’t know with who.”
Hotch nodded, a sympathetic look on his face as he looked at your tired eyes, “I think we’re done here, just let us know if you think of anything else.”
You nodded and left the room with the two men, going to grab yourself a coffee from the break room. Your dad was standing against the fridge as you walked in and he pulled you into a tight hug.
“Dad,” you giggled, “Dad I’m fine.”
“Come on, let me drive you home.”
“Dad, we had a bottle of wine each at dinner, I am not trusting you behind the wheel,” you laughed at his mock offended expression.
“I can drive you,” you glanced over at your shoulder to see Spencer with a shy smile on his face.
“Sure, thanks,” you smiled and said your goodbyes.
You were silent as Spencer drove you home but you could see him glance at you every so often, you knew he wanted to check on you. You weren’t ready to talk yet; you knew you shouldn’t have asked to see the photograph of the crime scene but you just couldn’t help yourself. Finally, as you rounded a corner, you spoke up.
“Who would want to kill college kids? And do it straight from a horror film.”
“That’s what we need to find out,” he mumbled, “are you okay?”
“Okay, as I can be,” you were silent until you came to a horrible revelation, “do you think it was someone from my class? Someone familiar with Folklore?”
“It’s certainly possible, someone suffering from delusions. Rossi is going to send an Agent to your lectures just in case,” this whole thing just got a lot scarier, “we’re going to keep you safe, Y/N. I promise.”
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