#I know people ship the cowboy and gladiator from the movie
hazethestrange · 2 years
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Happy Halloween!
Haven't done art cause I've been incredibly busy but wanted to do something for Halloween, so have this!
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titusmoody · 3 years
2021 Q2 stuff
Return of the Obra Dinn -- Very different. A great experience to play, it doesn’t use any typical “gamer” skills or knowledge. It also hit on a lot of my personally prefered sensibilities (stories self-contained to ships, non-linear storytelling, mysteries, and meticulous attention to detail)
Kentucky Route Zero -- Even more different. I’m glad I played it for the atmosphere, though it didn’t click with me the way Obra Dinn did. Extremely atmospheric and cool, but also has a strong academic curiosity to it.
DOOM (2016)-- Okay, we’re back to regular video games. Everything about this one seems very carefully crafted. I had a good, mindless time with this one.
Spider-Man -- Not as well-crafted as DOOM, but also less juvenile. I also had a good, mindless time with this one.
Metroid: Samus Returns -- Feels like Metroid. The moment-to-moment combat is different than Super Metriod and Fusion, which is a nice way to keep things from getting stale.
Shadow and Bone -- Sometimes tropes exist because they make for good stories. This show was a good example of that.
Pani Poni Dash -- WTF Japan, in a good way
Princess Tutu -- Much like I felt about Cowboy Bebop, this show was very well-made and I had an easy time appreciating what it was doing, though in the end it’s not the kind of thing that’s really for me
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid -- Pleasant to watch, mostly lighthearted but could definitely have emotional moments here and there to keep you interested.
Kakegurui -- Shows like this are the reason anime fans are so self-depricating. It was thoroughly trashy, but I’d be lying if I said that the trashiness didn’t lead to a lot of fun.
Love, Chunibyo, and other Delusions -- An excellent comfort-watch. About a high-schooler trying to run away from his cringe-y middle school phase. I definitely have criticisms of it, but I’m also definitely going to watch it again.
Devilman Crybaby -- I swear, Masaaki Uasa takes the most overdone premises and portrays them in such bonkers ways that they become pretty cool. This isn’t one of the best examples of that, but it still works.
Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket -- Part of Gundam’s brand is that it shows the effect of wars on individuals. This is a great small-scale example of that. 
She-Ra -- It’s good. The plot kinda meanders and the backstory lore is presented confusingly/unclearly at times. But the central characters are good enough to carry at least a few seasons, and the secondary characters really elevate the whole thing. I was personally very fond of Scorpia as well as the way the writers used Entrapta both in the plot and as a character foil.
Chernobyl -- Second time watching this, it’s definitely a favorite. 
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again -- You already know what this is like and whether or not you enjoy the sort of thing it is. 
Moulin Rouge -- It’s hard to watch Mamma Mia without thinking of this one, so I watched it soon after.
Minari -- My personal reward for being fully vaccinated was to go to the movies by myself. This was a good movie, though overshadowed by the circumstances in which I saw it. I would’ve been very happy to be seeing anything.
My Fair Lady -- An iconic pop-culture touchstone. Not my favorite musical, for sure.
Interstellar -- This movie is in the odd position of currently being my favorite Christopher Nolan movie despite the fact that I don’t like it nearly as much as I liked either The Dark Knight or Memento when I saw those for the first time.
The Perfect Storm -- George Clooney, big wave.
Legally Blonde -- I didn’t hear the term “sitcom” until oddly late in life, and when I heard it, I assumed it meant movies like this where there aren’t a ton of jokes, but the characters are constantly in inherently funny situations. I don’t like this type of humor that much.
Jurassic Park -- A big “moral” of the movie was “don’t trust computers to do anything important” but today it’s hard not to get the message as “never underpay your system administrator” instead.
Apollo 13 -- Pretty good
ET -- I really didn’t like this movie and I don’t quite know what it doesn’t do that Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones do. Imminent danger seem to be part of it, but I don’t think that’s the whole picture.
The Day After Tomorrow -- *shrug* I had fun watching it
Pearl Harbor -- expected it to be bad, it was bad. It was definitely bad in interesting ways, and was almost good a lot of the time.
Die Hard -- I was looking for suspenseful movies with clear character motivation and this fit the description. It was good, though I didn’t like it quite as much as I hoped to.
Star Trek V -- Star Trek is often silly and I just can’t get on board with some of the silliness, like the last part of this movie.
Terminator 2 -- Yeah, I do like suspense. I don’t think I’ll look back on this as a favorite, but I was pretty into it. Moreso than Die Hard.
Cast Away -- Pretty good
Predator -- Somewhere between Die Hard and Terminator 2. I was a bit bored by the end, which ironically was the part that most closely resembled what I was looking for.
Braveheart -- I think romanticising medieval Europe is fun and cool. Unfortunately this movie has some creepy sexual hang-ups as well as rampant “no step on snek” energy that ruin the whole thing.
Redline -- Just a cool looking movie
State of Play -- I forgot the whole plot of this already, but I enjoyed it
Troy -- It’s not as bad as its reputation suggests, though the end does get really over-the-top cheesy
Demon Slayer -- I liked going to the movies by myself so much the first time that I did it again. This time it was in a much more full theater and I was one of very few people over 17. Fun action anime movie, though.
Gladiator -- I’m so disappointed that I didn’t connect to this movie, since over and over I felt like I was very close to loving it. I think the revenge motivation was what ultimately prevented me from really getting into it.
K-19: The Widowmaker -- Hell yeah, extremely tense submarine scenes, that’s exactly what I wanted.
The Manchurian Candidate (2004) -- The movie felt like it wanted its premise to feel plausible, but it really didn’t. Still pretty good, though
The Big Lebowski -- Still not a big fan of this one. 
The Naked Gun -- This confirms that my sense of humor has not gotten more refined since age 17 or so. I still thought this was pretty funny.
Dances With Wolves -- Mostly just boring. 
Angels and Demons -- Even at age 15 the book’s riddles and clues premise felt a bit too contrived. The movie has the additional disadvantage that verbal explanations are the most boring way to resolve questions, unlike books where words are all you have.
Chinatown -- Meh, a fine detective story but nothing really clicked with me. The director’s life is wild, though. He escaped the holocaust, had his pregnant wife murdered by the Manson family, and is currently a fugitive from justice for raping a 13 year old.
The Core -- Like The Perfect Storm, appealing in the “so bad it’s good” way.
Porco Rosso -- Think the type of character study of Kiki’s Delivery Service, but about a middle-aged man, so it doesn’t resonate with Miyazaki’s audience enough for many people to talk about it.
Uncut Gems -- My second time watching it, it’s definitely a favorite. Between this and A Serious Man, I seem to love extremely stressful movies about mediocre jewish men.
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) -- Interesting to compare/contrast with the other version. I like both
Galaxy Quest -- another movie that fits my personal definition of what “sitcom” should mean. Again, not my favorite type of humor
Fantastic Planet -- Looks like something between the animated sketches in Monty Python and Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Very weird, it personally really worked for me.
Scarface -- I think romanticising organized crime is fun and cool. 
In the Heights -- colorful, catchy, happy and fun. 
The House in the Cerulean Sea -- a good comfort-read. very simplistic and a little clunky and amateur-ish, but ultimately pretty cute.
There There -- not a comfort-read at all. A super raw look at the modern life of a variety of Native American situations. Very harsh but also interesting.
Six of Crows -- Fine YA fantasy fluff.
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Idk if I've said this before, but story time.
I didn't discover smut fics until my sophomore year of high school. When I found them, I was mostly wrapped up in reading them when I came across them. Then tried dabbling in writing them.
Come senior year of high school, I'm well versed in the fandom ways, I know the slang, I know the types, I know the various possibilities fics and art could have. But I remain secluded to my pjo writing and reading.
Then at lunch one day with my best friends and a couple others who tended to tag along at our little table, we start talking about Night at the Museum. And we talk about the friendship between the cowboy and the gladiator. I forget their names, but it's like something western and Octavius.
So one friend says, "You know, I bet people shipped them either then or now." And I laughed at that at first then was like.
Oh god. Oh god. They would. Which meant.... fanfics.... Which meant... smut fics.
Now I've always been a curious person. Very much a Pandora, so.... I needed to know if this existed. So right there at the table I looked it up. And yeah, of course there were smut fics. But did my curiosity end there?? No.
I wanted to know what the hell these would be like because my mind was exploding. Tiny cowboy, tiny Roman soldier, from a movie about a museum.... have sex????
So I opened one. And so I wouldn't suffer alone, I read aloud. To my table.
And that is the story of why I can't watch the movie without bursting into maniacal, panicked laughter.
@wreck-it13 was the best friend.
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erdorasworld · 7 years
Thank you @mrtellur for tagging me bro!
Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better! (I’d like to tag ppl really but I dunno who like that kind of stuff and who don’t so I’d just leave it be without tagging xD)
Relationship status: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Favorite colours: Black n blue n green
Lipstick or chapstick: Yyyy that’s the hard one bc I don’t use either of them on daily basis but when I do my cosplay make-up I use lipsticks but when it’s so goddamn cold here I use chapstick from time to time sooo both and none of them at the same time lmao
 Last song i listened to:  "Never Wake Again” Bloodborne Rap by JT Machinima ( I love their raps man 10000% recommended)
 Last movie i watched: Forrest Gump ( I really liked this movie 100% recommended)
Top 3 tv shows: Only 3? D: Ok I don’t really watch TV anymore but my fav shows are: Breaking Bad, Mr.Robot, TWD, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Atla, Lok n so many more cartoons bc man I love cartoons xD 
Top 3 characters: Oh no only 3? Okay I’ll say my +/- top 3 4ever: Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect, Athena the Gladiator from Borderlands n Corvo Attano from Dishonored AND Jesse Mccree AND Ana Amari! I know I know 3 is not 5 but Jesse and Ana needed to be on my top 5(?) characters list! ;D Love this cowboy n protective grandma!
Top 3 ships: Reaper76, McHanzo, Shakarian ;D
Books currently reading: None unfortunately but I need to start reading first part of Witcher bc I don’t really remember much ;_; (practically nothing omfg)
Once again thank you for tagging me bro! That was really fun to do bc of these questions! Finally important things like fav characters n ships ahaha but without pasta unfortunetely ;D 
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