#I remember buying the HOO series and being so excited to read them
winters0689 · 8 months
ONE DAY (after I’m done relistening and rereading to the TOA books) I WILL RANK THE BOOKS AND GIVE A VERY LONG AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION!!! (Spoilers, no books will be below a 7/10, that’s how good the series is to me)
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szecretary · 2 years
just finished the lightning thief and i am feeling the entire range of human emotions.
not because the book ends badly, but because it reminded me of the summer before my last year of highschool.
it reminded me of all the time i spent completely in love with these books over summer break. the following school year, which i spent light-heartedly fighting the librarian who kept lending out the sequels, just as i finished reading the previous book, even after i told them to reserve them for me. 
the years during which the last few HoO books were slowly being published, my excitement over them, that prompted me to join this website with my broken english to find other people that liked the series. i remember reading the lost hero, son of neptune, and the mark of athena at lighning speed, in whatever format i could find, library copies, e-books, spanish translations, because i couldn’t buy all the books all at once, but i had to know what was up with these kids. i even read the kane chronicles, in english, while waiting for the translation of house of hades, because i was determined to read and understand blood of olympus as soon as it was published.
i remember being on my first year of college reading the house of hades, which had just been published in latin america, while anxiously waiting for the blood of olympus. i remember when blood of olympus was published, and getting it as a christmas gift in 2014, from a friend who had pre-ordered it for me. i remember how emotional everyone was, the posts i made in my old blog, thanking the seven and uncle rick for the adventure. it was truly one of the happiest times of my life.
these books got me through so much, and all of that started with an old library copy of the lightning thief. i was the age of some of the campers. now, a decade later, old enough to be a counselor, i read the first book again with the same joy, the same excitement.
so i’m a bit emotional, but it wasn't "look, i didn't want to he a half-blood" that got me.
it was the last lines,
“I'll be back next summer,' I promised him. 'I'll survive until then. After all, I am your son.”
with the year I've had, the past two years we've all had, that almost feels like it’s inspiring me to make a promise as well. to myself.
i'll be back next summer, i’ll survive until then. 
bring on the monsters.
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tomoonine · 4 years
noted | oneus soulmate au
[lee keonhee] — as a stationery hoarder, you were bound to have mistaken your soulmate link stationery for your favorite ones at some point in your life. and boy did it give keonhee the biggest scare of his life.
soulmate au wherein you have this limited stack of sticky notes. write whatever you want on it, and that note would magically appear somewhere in your soulmate’s line of sight during that day. 
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Pairing: keonhee / reader (gender-neutral) Genre: soulmate au, non-idol au, musician au, fluff, humor Word Count: 1945 words
☽. check out the other members’ versions below! ravn | seoho | leedo | keonhee | hwanwoong | xion
note: this marks the end of the soulmate series! i’ve been reading feedback from people, and i greatly appreciate the love these stories are getting, thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥
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“Ah, crap.” You mutter to yourself as you stare at your study desk.
Crap is right, it appears you’ve finally understood what caused your misfortune in school earlier
You were certain that you wrote a note two days ago to buy some of your groceries and to accomplish your homework in advance
And well, you did put it on your desk
It’s just that
It didn’t stay on your table
It ended up on Keonhee’s refrigerator
Well you don’t know yet that it’s at Keonhee’s home now
Because you’re still convinced that you simply misplaced your sticky note reminder
Which still pisses you off because losing it was the reason why you weren’t able to prepare your lunch for today
And why your homework started to accumulate and pile up
In hindsight, high schooler you never bothered exploring your soulmate link
You were busy with other things
School work, extra curriculars
Extra curriculars which, in your case, involves learning how to play your instrument of choice
And other matters like purchasing every cute sticky note pad you find
lmao who can resist a sticky note pad in the shape of a corgi’s butt tbh
Understanding your soulmate link only became a matter of importance to you now that you’re experiencing an anomaly in your routine
It sounds sad, but deep down you know that there isn’t a point in rushing to meet your soulmate if you’re bound to spend the rest of your life with them anyway
So that brings us back to your current situation
Crap is right, you just sent your grocery list and homework reminder to your soulmate
The first interaction you’ve ever had with them
Happened in high school, without even a warm greeting written on it
And instead, a note that terrified Keonhee into believing he was the one with homework that he forgot to do
It’s a bit anticlimactic, especially for the ever-romantic Lee Keonhee
But Keonhee boy here will take whatever he can get, even if it was an accidental sticky note
So he forgives you uwu
Even though you made him drop his last glass of milk when it suddenly appeared in front of his fridge
He can buy another carton of milk lol
But the odd thing is, it’s still weird that you still forgot about your grocery list and homework
Keonhee made sure to write a note to you back with your list and homework, along with a little message from him
It should appear on your line of sight, in fact you should have seen it two days ago
You’re still puzzled, desperately looking for that sticky note you remembered putting on your desk
Until you hear your sibling call for you, saying that they found your sticky note
“Yo, (Y/N)! Your note is on the fridge!” Is their reply, followed by the door of the refrigerator closing.
Huh? On the fridge?
And true to their word, it was on your family refrigerator, just beside a commemorative picture magnet of you and your family
Your note with your grocery list and homework is there
Except it wasn’t in your handwriting
You tear the note off the surface and analyze it, and you’re surprised to see something else written on it
Hi soulmate! I think you accidentally wrote your list on our soulmate link, so I wrote it down for you again! I may have dropped my glass of milk in shock bc of u, but its ok. Take care! - LKH
It’s your soulmate :0
Now you’re embarrassed that this had to happen
Despite the scenario
You find it funny, because he wrote it on the corner of the pad and he tried to cram in the last few words of his letter by not only writing the words in short-cut
but also by curving his writing upward to fit the remaining words in
You’re hesitating on writing back to this “LKH” person because you know your soulmate link has limited sticky notes to work with
So you opt to not reply anymore, and you go back to your usual business
Until it happens again :]
Like before, you didn’t mean to write it on your soulmate link
You were supposed to write on a sticky note the pieces you have to practice and a reminder to finalize your repertoire for the next culminating concert you’ll participate in
It just so happened your favorite notepads specifically for that purpose
Was just beside your soulmate link ones
Thirty minutes after practice, when you arrive home, you’re surprised that instead of your reminder
It’s another note from “LKH”
Looks like it ended up with your soulmate again
And it definitely did, it ended up on Keonhee’s music score for Pie Jesu from Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Requiem
While he was practicing
And it made him belt out a vibrato-powered scream, along with a well-executed comedic fall onto his ass
what is new tbh
Anyway, so the note right?
You pick it up again and scan through it
He kind-heartedly rewrote the reminder for you, and yet again another message from him; this time written more legibly
Hi soulmate! I didn’t know you played an instrument, I’m actually taking voice lessons! I was singing for my repertoire until your note arrived and scared me to death ㅠㅠ Good luck with Salut d’Amour and your repertoire! -LKH
MAN at this rate you might end up running out of sticky notes because of accidental usage,,,,,
But you think it’s sweet of your soulmate to wish you luck :(( 
AND you guys are both classical musicians :((
Boo hoo your heart is soft :((
Moved by your Soft Heart, you test out if you can actually maximize your soulmate link by cutting up your sticky notes so that you can finally reply to LKH without worrying that your notes will run out fast
And it works !
You thank Keonhee for wishing you luck, expressing the nervousness and excitement you have in anticipation.
You make it a point to apologize for not replying to everything he sends also, and for sending stuff by accident
Keonhee follows suit and cuts them in half too and replies to you almost immediately
After a few sticky notes shared, both of you finally settled with sharing your social media accounts so that you can get to know each other better
Because lmao there aren’t any conditions to this soulmate link so why not right?
Since that moment in high school, Keonhee and you have become close online friends
You’ve spent so much time online getting to know him and it was going great
But you aren’t sure that you love him romantically yet
You haven’t even met him face to face
And no amount of classical music recommendations and practice video recordings could help you assess your own feelings towards him
Keonhee may be sweet and romantic, but it doesn’t feel right yet ya feel?
It kinda sucks because you can’t meet up since you live cities away from each other
And the colleges you were planning on going, despite being both Conservatories of Music, were still far away from each other
Keonhee doesn’t express his longing to meet you and give you affection, knowing that it might ruin the established friendship you both built together
So when college rolls around, your friendship remains the same, except now you have more to share thanks to your experiences in your respective majors
You’re a bit more wary with the sticky notes you use in fear of accidentally sending it back to Keonhee and to prevent him from finding out the ridiculous PE subject you accidentally enrolled in
And you’re extra careful when it comes to conversing with your soulmate, knowing that he must be busy
It sort of reduces the interaction, to the point that the only time you guys get to talk is when TwoSet Violin posts a new video or if there’s a funny classical music meme you can tag each other in
Though deep down, you don’t want to lead him on and play with his feelings
Since high school, you were very focused on your school work and your extra curriculars
It wasn’t even in your plan to think about your soulmate; thinking it was going to come along naturally, not accidentally
But as time passes, you’re starting to miss Keonhee :(
It’s already the second semester in your first year of college and the last messages you sent each other were “Happy New Year”s and “Good luck” messages for the next semester
And your finals performance is already being discussed by your professors; the schedule, the venue, the attire, the repertoire, literally everything
With more details being divulged and discussed, your longing for your old friend is starting to rekindle into something a bit bigger
Similarly to your routine, you reach out for a sticky note in your envelope to jot down the next reminders
This time, you’re reaching out for your soulmate link sticky notes on purpose
As the professor speaks, you’re writing the finalized details neatly, finishing off the message with a personal note from you. 
XX University’s Conservatory of Music Annual Culmination Concert May 30, 20XX at the University Concert Hall 6:30 pm onwards Guests to wear semi-formal and reserve tickets via faculty or students enrolled in the university.                 Hey Keonhee, I’d like to invite you                 to my culmination concert. Do you                 think you can make it? - (Y/N)
You remember to take a picture of it on your phone so you don’t forget the reminders
When the class ends you stick the note on your notebook, knowing it will appear in Keonhee’s line of vision later
However, the longer you wait, the more stupid you feel for doing that on purpose
Keonhee is busy, you remind yourself, why would you invite him to your culmination concert when he probably has his own to worry about?
The stupid feeling is morphing into a fearful one, now you’re scared that this could potentially make things more awkward and quiet than they already are
You sulk for the rest of the day, and you dread to see Keonhee’s reply
Except when it does arrive
It’s carefully placed on the spot of your work desk where you always leave your reminders
Keonhee must have thought it was another accidental send, because he rewrote the details of your culmination concert
You feel disappointed now
He could have at least said yes or no to your invitation, instead of ignoring it ://
You pick up the sticky note, but you’re shocked to see something written on the back
You flip it and read the note
I’ll be there :) Are you a fan of flowers? I’ll be ready with a bouquet of your favorite flowers Maestro (Y/N) ♡
It’s the first time you’ve become flustered over your soulmate, and honestly? You’re relishing in the feeling that comes after the initial embarrassment
You send him the name of your favorite flowers via online messaging, along with a thank you for accepting the invitation and an expression of your excitement to finally meet him
He replies promptly: Noted, soulmate! See you soon and good luck with your repertoire 😘♥♥♥
No amount of music memes and short greetings could help you assess your own feelings towards him
But now that you’re anticipating for the performance date and your first meeting with Keonhee
You can at least conclude that you may have a tiny bit of affection for your soulmate
It feels as if angels are singing symphonies to the tempo of your heart
And it’s music to your ears
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yessoupy · 4 years
the @imetyouonljpodcast episode this week gave me lots of thoughts and feelings about star wars. more like, reminded me of all my thoughts and feelings around my first fandom. thus, I decided to write my own journey into and throughout star wars fandom, and what it means to me. buckle up, this story spans decades.
my very first memory of anything star wars-related is a yoda puppet that my grandmother had. it had to be from the original run of the movies, because I was maybe 4 in my first memory of it, and i was born in '86. my sisters and I loved it, and one of our cousins was deathly scared of it so we'd chase him around the house with it.
my second memory of star wars was going to the movie store with my dad and sisters and seeing our favorite yoda on the cover of a VHS. "yoda yoda yoda! daddy, it's yoda!!! can we get it?" we were holding up the display cover for return of the jedi. dad said no, we couldn't get that one yet because we had to watch them in order. so we rented a new hope and all I remember was falling asleep while artoo and threepio were trundling across the tatooine desert sands. at five I guess I was too young.
in early 1997 the special editions of the original trilogy were aired in theaters and I was in 4th grade. dad took us to see one of them (I think empire, at some point we'd finally finished a new hope). at school that grading period I sat next to a boy named mark and he noticed I was drawing little x-wing silhouettes on my paper. "you like star wars too?" he asked. when I said yes, he declared that because of my name, he was going to call me skywalker. that's the name on the back of my high school letter jacket.
in fall of 1998 I started the 6th grade and I came home from school one day to a hardbound book my mom had checked out for me from the library. heir to the empire by timothy zahn. mom pointed out where it said on the cover it was a trilogy, and I could get the other books when I finished this one. she hadn't found the young jedi knights series for me. she'd checked out a GROWN-UP star wars book.
in spring of 1999 the phantom menace came out and my parents' friend took me to see it on opening day because neither of them were free and I HAD to go that day. later on that year she took me to a star wars exhibit at the museum of fine arts. that was also the first time I saw a monet and a renoir. the exhibit had costumes (real costumes!!!) from the original trilogy and the newest prequel. I bought a book about the myth of star wars in the museum gift shop.
I read every expanded universe book our local library had, which was a lot. I had a lot to catch up on, too, since heir to the empire had been published in 1992. you never saw me at school without a star wars book. I read while walking in the hallways, even. in 6th grade I read during lunch, since I was in varsity orchestra with 7th and 8th graders and was terribly shy. they'd tell me I should socialize at lunch, not read my books, but... I wanted to read. I had a lot to learn. I have a lot to know.
I was in 7th grade when I read vector prime, the first in the new series. my first class of the day was science, and the boy I had a crush on was in that class. we had DEAR time at the beginning of that class - drop everything and read. not a hardship for me. that day, I read the part of the book where chewbacca was killed. I looked up, astonished. heartbroken. I locked eyes with the boy I liked. he nodded at the book and I showed him the cover. he nodded sympathetically. "they killed chewie," I whispered. he said "I know."
I wrote original characters in star wars fan fiction when I was about 13. I had an internet friend named rachel who lived in brisbane. then there was dave and 'roswell' who gave me ideas for my story. I loved being able to talk about the wide world of star wars with other people. we used aol instant messenger and email. my username in those days had 'skywalker' in it. I am pretty sure we met in an aol chatroom. I didn't find much of use on the official star wars site and I have probably visited it fewer than 10 times since 1999.
I read those books all through middle and high school. they were my christmas presents and my birthday presents. I moved into our family beach house after college. it sounds really nice but I didn't have running water because it was the summer after Ike hit. I would go to the used book store on 23rd street and buy a stack of star wars books and read them while I waiting for calls to interview for a teaching position. weekends I'd go into town to stay at a friend's house and help her with wedding stuff. I'd shower there, too. that's where my new stash of star wars books started, with me catching up on the legacy of the force series I hadn't read in college and then finishing up through the fate of the jedi as those came out. I felt that I had grown up with these characters. I remembered when kyp was just an orphan han rescued, when jacen and jaina were five years old, when corran horn had no wife, no kids, and was just finding out who his family was. I had capital o opinions about what color lightsaber i would have and why (silver; bc corran), I knew the geography of the galaxy and where everyone was from and my favorite planet was dathomir because women ruled it. I knew all of these characters' histories and motivations and the difficult decisions they'd made and had to live with. I loved them.
i never ventured into the online fandom space for star wars, even after I'd found other online fandom spaces, because I didn't feel like there was anything anyone could add to it for me. I was satisfied with all I'd gotten. sure, favorite characters had been killed (after chewie, the one who stung most was Mara, luke's wife), but people die. and in such a long-running series spanning so many years and trillions of miles of space... you come to expect it.
people would ask me ALL THE TIME when the sequels were coming out and I said never. then, disney bought star wars. initially I was excited (tears of joy happy) to have sequels confirmed. my mind raced, imagining a trilogy centered on the events surrounding jacen's descent to the dark side. the original actors would be the right age for that. who could play jacen?
then, the announcement came that the canon was now 'legends' and they wouldn't be taking any of it into account when writing the sequels BUT that didn't mean we wouldn't see old canon favorites. they announced adam driver as the villain and I thought "jacen." I held onto the idea that this knowledge I had, these years of knowing these stories, would still be worth something. that I'd be able to add new information to my mental bookshelves and maps. that my universe would expand further.
the force awakens was a bitter disappointment. I was upset from the crawl, leia's title making it clear to me that she wasn't chief of state, she wasn't the mother to three children, han wasn't her husband, and all of her history I'd grown to love really was gone. what I saw was the older version of a woman I'd met when she was 18 and hadn't seen her since her early twenties. I didn't know her.
I didn't know the galaxy, either. starting with the new jedi order series, a map of the galaxy was included in the front of each book with the planets named so you knew where everything was happening. the new galaxy was bare. it was small and knowable. while the hosnian prime system was destroyed in the movie, I'd never known it, and all the planets I DID know were similarly blasted out of memory. where was dathomir and its fierce warrior witches? if their planets were gone so were their people.
as the movie trudged on, a retelling of a new hope, I kept thinking, "at least let his name be jacen." I hung my hopes on this sith character being han and leia's son and sharing that name of the boy I'd known and the man who'd grown up to turn to the dark side. at that first shout of 'BEN!' I was angry. Ben?? that was the name of LUKE'S son! that was MARA'S child! Ben??? with three letters jacen solo and ben skywalker were also dead to the galaxy.
I know, I know. I should get over it. I AM thankful for poe dameron. the x-wing books were always my favorite. poe was familiar to me the way other new characters weren't. he was part of the new republic navy. I knew what that was. he flew an x-wing. I knew what that was.l and what company manufactured them. he was from yavin IV, I knew where that was and what it looked like. finn was a stormtrooper, yes, but the empire had not stolen children to be raised as stormtroopers. they were recruited like any other position. his story wasn't real to me, it wasn't something I could easily accept. and the idea that the new republic just LET the first order rise? leia's new republic would NEVER. but leia wasn't chief of state in this universe. leia hadn't had that power.
I read a lot of articles about the force awakens and the reactions to it, and never saw myself in any of them. the star wars fanboys whom I'd never known were painted as being angry because their fan knowledge was useless and "boo-hoo poor widdle fanboys" they would be mocked, rightfully. but that's why I was angry, ultimately. everyone I knew and loved was dead. worse, they'd never existed. "what do you think will happen?" some unsuspecting coworker would ask. I'd shrug, but inside I was yelling "who the fuck knows! my favorite characters don't exist anymore. nothing I know as this person you know as SKYWALKER means anything anymore."
it only got worse from there. One day I spent four hours figuring out how far the casino planet was from the drifting ships in the last jedi and doing math to figure out how long it would REALLY take to get there, using old canon star wars physics. I couldn't suspend my disbelief during that movie. everything was wrong. (the other space physics quibble I had was from TFA when poe is using comms while in hyperspace, and dropping out on a command and not... when nav told him to?? you'd fly right through a star!! were they HOVERING in hyperspace? none of it made sense.) I knew too much and too little to enjoy it.
TROS was a narrative mess already retconning new canon and I decided that I would only keep what I liked about the new canon (poe and his family) and pretend the old canon is all there is. one day I'll write the story of poe being part of the storied rogue squadron being sent by leia's new republic to put down the fascist upstarts at the edge of the unknown regions. one day.
one more quick story -- i met my college friend’s three kids for the first time when the oldest was 6. i’d sent a toy lightsaber as a gift when he was born, because i believe every child should get their first lightsaber from a skywalker, and his father had shown him the movies when he turned 4. when i walked into the house i said hello and he said, “i have some questions about star wars.”
we sat on the couch with the tfa visual dictionary, a book he’d gotten out of the library. every question he had was an excellent question, and i couldn’t answer any of them. “why does his lightsaber look like that? and why does he have the extra blades?” 
“well, kiddo, let’s see what it says here about how lightsabers are made. i used to know all about it, but they changed everything on me.”
what i love about star wars since disney bought it:
poe dameron, cassian andor (and all of rogue one, i got over the fact that the movie wouldn’t be about rogue squadron it was PERFECT), solo (a fucking DELIGHT), the mandalorian, and i’m sure the cassian andor live action will be amazing and i’ll love it. 
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adventuresinfarming · 3 years
A Story A Day Series ~ Chapter 1
QUICK NOTE: I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a long time.  Something of a “day by day” take on a new Stardew Valley journey.  I’ll be playing at the character Avian on Plums Farm (Four Corners style farm).  Don’t have a lot of plans for how the story will unfold (a few little headcanons I want to add in though) so we’ll see how this goes!  ----------------------------------------- A Story a Day Series ~ Spring 1, Year 1 Word Count: 3,358 Summary: Avian is starting her new journey on Plums Farm after opening the letter from her late Grandfather.  She explores the town and introduces herself to some of the townsfolk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Monday) Spring 1, Year 1 Waking up Spring 1, Avian was excited to get to work building her new life.  She never thought she’d ever be in this position and the old farm would actually be handed down to her.  In fact, her Grandfather didn’t talk to the family about it very much until the end. He was quite adamant about you, specifically, to visit it during the last few years of his life though...but you had gotten this great new job at the prestigious JojaMart Headquarters and that had taken the forefront.  You never got around to visiting him there.  Aside from that, the family never really knew much about his “secret” life in the valley.   They knew he had purchased the property long ago, before meeting Grandmother and moved with her to Zuzu City to raise her father and his siblings but hadn’t built his cottage and lived on it until after she had passed on.  Your father had visited him there a handful of times but the rest of the family was always too busy.  
She was also anxious but nervous to meet the rest of her neighbors, too.  What would they think of her? How close to your Grandfather were they? Mayor Lewis had said the other villagers were just as anxious to meet her though, that made her feel a little more at ease.
Since yesterday was such an exhausting day, she didn’t even take the time to check out the interior of the farmhouse her Grandfather had lived in.  She got out of bed, opened the blinds to let in more light and really took a look around.  
It was a smaller room than she had expected with very few amenities:  the full-size bed she slept on, a small table and chair set, a couple of houseplants (that Lewis or Robin had probably brought in to help clear the stale air), a beautiful fireplace that had definitely been repaired and a small TV set – the real old kind that had dials to change the channel/volume and no remote. Not to mention the addition of a smaller room off the back corner just big enough to hold a shower stall, toilet and sink – which she was extremely grateful for.  Definitely better than an outhouse and bathing in the lake! She thought.  Curious as to what channels were even available way out in the country, she turned one of the dials. “Welcome to KOZU 5…your number one source for weather, news and entertainment.  And now, the weather forecast for tomorrow…It’s going to be clear and sunny all day.” Huh, well that was good to know. Hopefully the weatherman was accurate out here as they typically got the weather wrong in Zuzu City.  Turning the dial again… “Hoo.. I see a glimmer within my scrying orb… A shard of knowledge from the future! The spirits are in good humor today.  I think you’ll have a little extra luck.” Spirits?  Ok…not sure how much she believed in that stuff, but she was glad they were happy today she surmised.  She turned the dial once again… “Welcome to “Livin’ Off the Land”.  We’re back again with another tip for y’all.  Now listen up - This one’s for all you greenhorns out there: chop wood and search for wild forage to earn some cash while waiting on your first harvest!” That was definitely the kind of information she was looking for, even being called a “Greenhorn”.  Hopefully this show would be on more often, she needed all the tips she could get! She’d have to find a pen and notebook to keep by the TV so she could jot down this info for later. She tried turning the dial again but she only got the black and white static, oh well, at least she got some useful channels. She was about to finally head outside when she saw a little wrapped present sitting besides the flowers on the table.  Inspecting it, she found 15 Parsnip seeds, a small rucksack and a little note: “Here’s a little something to get you started.” -Mayor Lewis That was really sweet of him.  Now all she needed to find were some tools to help her clear at least a portion of the mess she saw last night – she hoped she didn’t have to find somewhere to buy them as she didn’t have a lot of money left over from the move.
She stepped out of the house and looked around the never-ending expanse that was her new home – Plums Farm.  Mayor Lewis had asked if she wanted to change it but she wanted to keep her Grandfather’s legacy and she knew he loved plums – she’d definitely have to plant some one day. She tried to imagine what it had looked like when Grandfather had lived there.  Was he prosperous with a whole field of crops and livestock?  Looking out to what had become of the farm, she felt regret at never visiting when she could have.  She sighed, gazing at all the weeds, long grass, sticks, stones and full grown trees that now littered the property.  She was determined to make it up to him by restoring it to its former glory…and it definitely wouldn’t be easy – she’d have her work cut out for her for sure.  But aside from that, the fresh breeze blowing faintly by her and the songs of the birds...it had been a very long time since she’d heard those sounds that weren’t drowned out by traffic and city life. She decided to take a quick walk around the house, just because she was curious how it looked.  She started around the left side, passing the shipping bin Mayor Lewis had mentioned and continued around towards the back.
Robin really did a great job restoring the siding as best she could along with the bits of roof and eaves – at least covering the spots that were previously exposed to the elements. Fresh lumber nailed securely to the older pieces of wood that were clearly worn – but not yet in need of replacing, stood out like a sore thumb.  It wasn’t the prettiest but she really didn’t have any room to complain. What did she expect from a cottage that had sat there for at least 10 years then fixed for free from the local carpenter?  Still, she was grateful for the work Robin and Mayor Lewis had put in making the place a bit more habitable. As she came around from the back, she saw the dilapidated outhouse and was instantly grateful again for Robin installing the bathroom.  Then she saw a wooden chest tucked beside the right side of the house that still looked pretty intact.  Opening the lid, it was all of the tools she was hoping to find!  An axe, a hoe, watering can, pickaxe, a scythe and an old binder with a few pages sat at the bottom.  She grabbed the binder to flip through it and found a handful of blueprints on how to craft items that would definitely be useful as she built up the farm.
She placed the binder on the patio to bring inside (to review later and maybe the townspeople had other blueprints she could have to make this new life easier).  Then she grabbed the well-used tools and set to work clearing a small patch of land to till and plant the little seedlings. Hours had passed by before she was satisfied with the work she’d done and was absolutely exhausted.  She put the tools she’d used and materials she’d gathered back into the wooden chest by the house before going in to clean herself up as much as she could as she knew she looked a mess.  First impressions were a big deal no matter where you lived and she wanted to make a good impression with her new neighbors and she was glad she packed some regular clothes.
Walking back towards the way Robin had lead her the other day, she passed by the bus stop and stopped for a moment to watch a startled squirrel run up a tree with an acorn in its mouth.  It was so refreshing to see wildlife again.  She noticed a few wildflowers and remembered what the guy on the TV had said – pick up wild forage for cash!  She had found a good handful of Daffodils and a couple Dandelions – which she had also remembered from a survival guide she read before that they were good for quick energy – and stuffed them in her rucksack before continuing on her way towards the town plaza – per the directional sign.
As the dirt path turned into cobblestones, she felt her nerves begin to bubble up a little…Was she ready to introducer herself to everyone?  Were they even going to like her? What would they think of her – an imposter?  A city slicker pretending to be a farmer?  She tried to swallow the nerves as she got closer to some buildings.  The town did look nice though, not as run down as she had expected.  The first one was large building but split into two businesses – a Clinic on the left and the General Grocer on the right called Pierre’s.  Between the two was a large wooden Bulletin Board that had a calendar of seasonal birthdays and events – did people give birthday gifts in this town? Along with a “Help Wanted” board but nothing was needed today – although there was a clever little advertisement that said Pierre’s had the high quality seeds so she decided to go in.
She opened the door and a bell rang out, signaling her entrance.  It was a spacious room; all sorts of different products lined the walls on shelves and in bins on the sales floor. Two women were already in there:  a purple-haired girl who looked a few years younger than her, was stocking shelves near the counter who gave her a sidelong glance before going back to her work.  A middle-aged woman with a lot of hair thrown into a braid that barely contained all of it hung around her shoulder, but she waved to her with a smile before going back to browsing the shelves. “Welcome to Pierre’s!” A middle aged man with sandy brown hair and glasses called to her from behind the counter at the back, getting her attention.  “Ah, you must be the new farmer – Avian, right?  I’m Pierre, owner of this fine establishment.  You won’t find better products anywhere else, and I’ll even buy produce from you at a good price! Its been a while since we’ve had a local agriculture to help bring new life to the economy.” he finished before turning his attention back to the purple-haired girl.  He seemed friendly enough. She smiled nervously and muttered a ‘thanks’. She grabbed a shopping basket from the stand that sat next to the entrance and started browsing the shelves for groceries and things that may be of use – although she didn’t have a lot and wanted to be sure to get more seeds to plant.  Avian rounded the corner of one of the aisles and was met with the older woman.
“Ah, Mayor Lewis told me you just arrived.  Welcome to Pelican Town, I’m Marnie!”  Her smile was warm and her voice was very neighborly.  “If you’re looking to have livestock on your farm, let me know.  I sell both livestock and animal care products at my ranch just south of your farm – swing by anytime!” “Hi Marnie, I’m Avian – once I get more settled in – and have a place to put them, I’ll definitely do that!” They both continued on their shopping.  She had kind eyes, Avian thought to herself.  She definitely looks like someone who’d care for animals.  She’d love to have some one day so she’d definitely stop by her place to learn how to get started.
Avian continued to browse the store, picking a handful of useful items to have at home before she came up to the counter and tried to introduce herself to the purple-haired girl. Her body language was not friendly and turned to her with attitude in her voice. “Oh, that’s right… I heard someone new was moving onto that old farm.  It’s kind of a shame, really.  I always enjoyed exploring those overgrown fields by myself.” She said, dismissing Avian’s greeting and rolling her eyes.
“Abigail! Be nice to our new customer.” Pierre had scolded and shook his finger at her.  Turning to you, he apologized. “Please forgive her, she’s still in the rebellious teenage phase even though she’s an adult.” He frowned at Abigail again. “Ugh, whatever.  I’ve finished putting these on the shelves, DAD.” she stated with an attitude before storming off towards the back door at the opposite side of the counter and leaving the empty boxes there on the floor.
“Again, I apologize for my daughter’s rude behavior.” he shook his head in annoyance as he watched her go through the door but all traces of that had disappeared when he returned his gaze to Avian with a smile you’d see from a used car salesman. “Anyway as a new farmer, I’m sure you’re interested in browsing our splendid Spring seed collection?” he asked as he was already bringing out a tray of quite a few different seedling packets.
He went through each one, describing what it was and how long they took to grow.  She really didn’t have much money on her but as they say: ‘Takes money to make money’.  Avian picked out a few Potato and Cauliflower packets along with a couple Bean starter seedlings and also placed the other items she picked out on the corner to be rung up.  Unfortunately, this purchase had nearly drained her of all her money.  As she headed back out the door, Pierre called after her.  “Thank you for shopping at Pierre’s where the prices are always better!  Come back again!”
Whew, well that wasn’t too bad. Everyone seemed nice so far, aside from Abigail but hopefully she would warm up to her, it’d be nice to have a friend around her age.  Avian stood outside of Pierre’s contemplating her next move – either go plant these new seedlings or wander around a bit more to meet more people.  As she stood there debating, the decision was made for her.  A spiky blonde-haired guy who also looked about her age, wearing a jean jacket with various band patches on it and carried a skateboard, walking by a few houses and a dog pen not too far away from her.  Swallowing her nerves she went to introduce herself.
“H-hi, I’m Avian.  The new farmer,” she started to say and got his attention.
“Oh hey!  Yeah I heard about you.  I’m Sam.  Good to meet you!  Love to stay and chat but I’m actually late to work though,” he said and hurried on his way.  “Catch ya later!”
She nodded and wondered where he worked where he started after Noon.  She stood there for a moment watching him walk away before realizing there was another guy watching her, tossing a gridball up into the air next to a house.  He had on a letterman jacket, and definitely looked like the typical jock.  Once he saw that she noticed him, he waved her over.
“Hey, you’re the new girl, huh?  I think we’re going to get along great.  I’m Alex.” He had this dazzling smile as he tucked the ball under his arm and offered his hand in a shake. “Yeah, I’m Avian!  Its nice to meet you.” she shook his hand as she tried not to stumble over her words, why was she nervous all of a sudden? She was never popular in school and none of the popular kids ever noticed her, so maybe that was it.  They both stood there in silence as he tossed the gridball up in the air again before catching it easily.  She figured he would have said something else since he called her over.  
“You like gridball, huh?” she asked, gesturing to the ball.   “Oh yeah, I brought my High School team to Champions a couple years ago.” He boasted, starting to toss the ball in the air again.  “Just waiting to be called up to the big leagues, now!” “That’s cool.  I used to like watching the national games sometimes.”
“Maybe we could play catch sometime then.” and gave her that dazzling smile again Her nerves caught up to her as she muttered, ”Yeah, maybe!  I-uh, I gotta go plant crops now.  See you later,” and held up her bags of seeds. “Heh, sure.  See you around!” he smiled again as she walked around the house and went north, spying a stone bridge overlooking the river.  Seemed like a good spot to sit and think for a moment so she went to go stand on it to get her brain back together.  It wasn’t often she was nervous around guys but she had also never seen a smile that took her breath away like that.  Thinking on it, the spikey-haired guy wasn’t too bad looking either.  Abigail also had a beauty to her…what kind of town did she move to?? Then she felt stupid for not trying to continue on the conversation with Alex – as Sam and Abigail were busy.  She wasn’t there very long, staring into the waters as fish swam by and leaves moseyed on with the help of the lazy current, when another older woman approached the bridge.
“Hey kid, you must be the new one.  The name’s Pam.”  She had a gruff voice but still seemed pretty nice and held out her hand to shake, although her grip was a bit rough.  “Don’t be a jerk and we’ll get along just fine.”  She smiled and continued on her way towards a building on the other side of the stream.  It was a rather large building, definitely new-er than a lot of the buildings she had seen so far, so she went to go look at it.
As she got closer, it dawned on her how familiar the color scheme was and realized –  HOLY SHIT, this was a JojaMart! H-how...WHY was a JojaMart here?  Mayor Lewis didn’t mention anything about it.  In fact, did he even know leaving that horrible place is part of the reasons she’s here?  She walked away from the building, recalling the horrible memories and decided to head back home.  It was getting later in the day and definitely didn’t want to get stuck trying to find her way back in the dark – plus she did want to get these seeds planted before she went to bed, she was already exhausted from her earlier chores and introducing herself.
As she headed back towards the dirt path leading towards her farm, she noticed another man walking around the little fenced in area and figured meeting one more person wouldn’t hurt. “H-hi, I’m Avian,” she started when the man turned around.  He looked a few years older than her wearing a forest green lab coat with glasses and a mustache.   “It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I’m Harvey, the local doctor.” She shook his hand briefly as he went on to say that he does general check-ups for all Pelican Town residents and that she should stop by sometime if she ever feels ill or sick. “It’s rewarding work, being able to give back to the community like this.  I hope you’ll find your own work equally rewarding in time but please also don’t overwork yourself,” he cautioned in a light tone.  “Don’t want you passing out or anything!”
“I’ll definitely be sure to be careful,” she agreed.  It is nice to have a doctor in town.  “It was good to meet you.  I’m going to plant these before it gets too dark,” she said as she held up the bag from Pierre’s.
They bid each other goodbye and she headed back to the farm.  Once she got there, she tilled and planted the seedlings and thought about her day before getting right to bed.  The moon was still rising but she fell asleep immediately.
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