#I think she probably would end up on the same crew as Navi tbh-
trucbiduleschouettes · 10 months
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I was thinking about Ys again today, I need to redraw her at some point cause this art is like. Probably two years old now???
She's a tiefling/water genasi and she was a monk but I'm thinking about changing her class, actually-
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taeilm · 6 years
potc!au | nct
drink up, me ‘earties (never shall we die)
3 ships, 3 crews, 18 boys sailing the vast atlantic
warning lowkey dark bc potc
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TAEYONG: Captain of La Vipère
loves the sea more than anything
has probably sailed more waters than any other pirate (he does own the fastest ship out there)
fears neither death nor life
but has a gentle heart so therefore...too many weaknesses
cares about his crew a lot, especially jaehyun
brilliant swordsman; one of world’s best
it’s mesmerizing to watch him amidst battle bc he fights like he’s dancing
confident & courageous & will face anything head-on
charismatic; ppl are naturally drawn to him
ten’s nemesis; their vendetta against each other is never-ending (though neither is sure how it started)
romantically unavailable bc he’ll only ever be in love with that distant horizon and boundless sea
SICHENG: Quartermaster of La Vipère
taeyong’s most trusted right-hand man
aloof, mysterious; no one rly knows why he’s here or what he wants
ex-british royal navy commander but he left all that behind for the uncharted sea, bc taeyong somehow convinced him
pretty boy
his beauty is literally deadly bc ppl let their guard down around him then lose their lives for it
terrific fighter
doesn’t talk much
can be very cruel if needed (to enemies & crew alike)
extremely disciplined but slowly trying to unravel the navy orderliness that has defined most of his life
TAEIL: Boatswain of La Vipère
loves the ship more than his crew
carefully maintains her so she’s always running at 100%
will probably go down with the ship if she ever sinks
looks harmless but is actually p good with a sword
doesn’t like fighting though
taeyong consults him a lot
experienced & versatile bc he’s worked on many pirate ships before
but for some reason everyone trusts his loyalty to la vipère
has a lot of good stories to tell
loves singing haunting tunes about dying sailors; it sets the crew on edge but his voice is too beautiful to make stop
JAEHYUN: Sailing Master of La Vipère
inexplicably attuned to taeyong’s feelings and desires
prob bc they’ve known e/o since they were little pirate boys
shares his captain’s love for the sea
taeyong trusts him with his life
doesn’t like making empty promises
soft-spoken & gentle
has the face of a heartthrob but doesn’t use it to his advantage
very precise with navigations
seems to always know where taeyong wants to sail before he even tells him
JOHNNY: Master Gunner of La Vipère
chill and laidback; nothing ever fazes him
joined the crew bc he was bored & wasting his life away on land
master gunner for no reason other than that he gets a sick thrill out of bombing other ships to oblivion
he only feels alive during battles; the more chaotic the better
so unsympathetic that ppl think he’s missing a nerve but rly, he’s just perpetually disinterested in everything
can be very charming from time to time depending on his mood
loves thunderstorms & hurricanes
JAEMIN: Surgeon of La Vipère
childhood friends with jeno; they were both orphans living off of scraps in paris
doesn’t talk about it bc they’re kinda enemies now but he worries over him a lot (taeyong knows this but can’t do much about it)
initially joined la vipère to find jeno
adapted well to life as a pirate; anything is better than the starving hell he grew up in
a surprisingly capable doctor even though the only experience he’s had was from treating his and jeno’s cuts & bruises from larceny punishments
very stealthy & nimble
good at stealing
loves his crew members
TEN: Captain of The Black Pearl
taeyong’s nemesis; would kill him but would highkey also fuck him (their relationship is rly twisted & intense idk)
a playful trickster
nothing but snide remarks tucked under his tongue
devil-may-care attitude; little thoughts given for the future
so unbelievably selfish and narcissistic it’s amazing he has a crew at all
but he’s fun!! and clever and charming as hell
can wiggle his way out of any trouble
very good at lying & acting
speaks a lot of languages
legendary swordsman; on par with taeyong
only shows genuine affection when talking about the black pearl
sleeps with countless ppl every time they dock at a port
DOYOUNG: Quartermaster of The Black Pearl
basically in command of the ship bc ten rarely does anything for the crew
smart, organized, well-rounded
revered and somewhat feared by the crew
hides his emotions v well
ppl think he’s heartless but tbh he’s not rly; he’s just good at separating task from feeling
has a soft spot for jeno; thinks the boy is wholly unsuited for this barbaric life
doesn’t seem very invested in piracy (he wants something more but he’s not sure what)
loves the sea at night when everything is calm & quiet
prefers peaceful sailing to battle frenzy but that doesn’t mean he can’t fight well (he’s actually the second-best swordsman onboard after ten)
KUN: Boatswain of The Black Pearl
similar to taeil, the ship is his pride & joy
does a good job overseeing everything on a daily basis
greedy; loves gold more than anything
always the first to locate the treasure hoard on a conquered ship
dreams of being the wealthiest man in the world and thinks piracy is the quickest way to achieving that
everything he does is for his own gain; the crew to him is just another means of aiding him in the bigger scheme
takes care of yukhei the most bc he thinks that kid is their best asset in battles; ppl mistake it for affection but kun would drop him in a heartbeat for even the tiniest materialistic gain
loves rum
JENO: Sailing Master of The Black Pearl
the kindest & most thoughtful boy
very good-looking (his beauty is famous across all the seas; even mermaids fall for his allure)
childhood friends with jaemin; misses him but doesn’t dare to say anything bc if ten ever finds out, jaemin will likely die just so ten can see jeno’s reaction for his own entertainment
not very fond of his captain
only joined the crew bc ten saved him years ago from nearly getting his hand chopped off for stealing (“now, boy, i need me a crew, so what do you say? join me and i’ll consider your debts paid”)
separated from jaemin due to that but fate has her own way and now they’re enemies on sea (he’s not sure if he’s thankful or angry)
has a natural affinity for directions at sea despite having been a parisian street rat his whole life
YUKHEI: Master Gunner of The Black Pearl
epitome of the ruggedly handsome pirate™
crazy fucking bastard
doesn’t know what holding back means
blasts cannons like there’s no tomorrow every time the black pearl engages in battle
loves joking around with the crew
says he adores & would die for everyone but no one knows if he rly ever means it
so reckless w everything he does that it’s a feat he’s still alive
drinks a lot but rarely gets drunk
honestly just wants to live life to the fullest
that’s why he loves being a pirate!! nothing else can give him the same dizzying rush of being alive, knowing he’s always on the verge of death
huge womanizer... always gone the moment they dock, just like ten
JUNGWOO: Surgeon of The Black Pearl
shy & quiet & seemingly innocent
but no one knows of all the shit he’s done in secret to get to where he is today
obviously he’s darker than he comes off as if he’s survived for this long on the sea
ppl always want to protect him and he goes along with it bc false impression is his favorite weapon
so tbh he’s as good of a liar as ten is
pretends to act like an airhead but is acutely perceptive to everyone and everything around him at all times
a highly skilled surgeon; was trained as a pirate doctor’s apprentice since v young
MARK: Captain of The Flying Dutchman
cut his own heart out and locked it away; no one knows where it is or dare to ask
cursed with the ship; can never make port and is doomed to sail the seas for eternity
acts cruel and merciless but is deep down very sensitive
ppl say no one knows love like he has known love
self-destructive, moody
lone wolf; pushes everyone away but somehow his crew is unshakably devoted to him
superior swordsman; second only to ten and taeyong
controls the kraken; the entire sea is envious of him for that
RENJUN: Quartermaster of The Flying Dutchman
ex-british commodore
was so so devoted to great britain like literally exemplar pawn of the empire; would’ve died for his queen with zero hesitation
drawn to ppl who are better than him
which is why he was enthralled by mark during one great battle bt the british navy & the flying dutchman 
and then promptly abandoned everything he ever stood for just to follow this boy
has a pride complex where he simultaneously pines after & wants to kill those who’ve bested him
very good with guns & pistols
YUTA: Boatswain of The Flying Dutchman
loves being a ghost-pirate; he was made for the undead life
had an intense affair with sicheng from years ago but was betrayed and nearly hanged for piracy 
so now he’s bent on revenge (but some fucked-up part of him is still in love with sicheng) (he’ll never admit it though)
tongue sharper than ten’s bc he always speaks with the intention to hurt
very manipulative
holds grudges
joined the flying dutchman bc it’s the most feared ship on the seven seas & he thinks it’s his best chance at finding & killing those he’s been wronged by (rn primarily sicheng)
despite everything he’s p loyal to mark bc there’s something about cutting one’s own heart out that intrigues him to no end
CHENLE: Sailing Master of The Flying Dutchman
navigates the ship to various locations to collect sailors who died at sea & ferry their souls to the next world
good judgements when it comes to sailing
often climbs onto the crow’s nest to stargaze or watching the rising sun bc they’re the only things that calm him
absolutely devoted to mark bc mark plucked him out of an abusive shanghai orphanage & basically saved his life
has a dark side but is generally a sweet boy
confides in renjun a lot bc he trusts him the most
DONGHYUCK: Master Gunner of The Flying Dutchman
would die for mark in a heartbeat
he’s in love with his captain? maybe?
rude/sarcastic little shit
jack of all trades; very smart but puts 20% effort into everything
disobedient as fuck bc he wants to get a rise out of mark but has never succeeded
sunshine boy on the surface but won’t bat an eyelash when spilling blood
gets a sadistic kick out of firing cannons and pistols
likes playing games with their captives/hostages
good at telling jokes & stories but everyone finds him annoying
JISUNG: Powder Monkey of The Flying Dutchman
suspicious of everything & doesn’t trust anyone
bad at managing emotions & relationships (his captain can relate)
a quick learner; can honestly take over any position on the ship if he wants to
gets along well with chenle but isn’t super close w anyone
his mother tossed him overboard at birth w the intention to drown him but mark saved him by chance
yuta jokes that mark only picked him out of the water bc he didn’t want to ferry another dead soul
he considers his life to be mark’s; 100% at his captain’s disposal
excellent fighter despite being so young
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dxscxndxnts · 6 years
have you ever heard of jeanne de clisson? because her life sounds like it could be a plot to an au huma story. she was a french arisocrat and her husband was murdered by the king of france and she wanted to get her revenge so she became a pirate. she grabbed her two sons, formed a loyal crew, got a ship she named "my revenge" and for years she murdered all the french sailors who crossed her path. except for one so they could bring the message back to the king that it was her. 1/2
2/2 an au where falling-in his dads-footsteps king ben has forever isle bound uma or harry executed and the other goes on a war path because of it. i could see it tbh. especially harrys ott self lmao. ooh but in a huma au of it, like if its harry, since jeanne de clisson had sons, id want it to be harry + his daughters and their crew getting vengeance. like for real jeanne de clisson showed her sons their dads severed head D: girl whyy? but yeah idk huma feels! what do you think?
I LOVE THE FEELS! On a more opinionated note, I struggle reading Huma AUs where one of them dies bc no matter how likely it is, it kills me inside. However, your amazing historic analogy (which btw, I love historic connections) has inspired me to propose my own idea:
Uma is a girl who lives in a humble village on the edge of the kingdom. When she’s young, the royal guard raids her village, killing many and capturing a few. She runs off and grows up filled with bitter resentment towards the monarchy, eventually acquiring a ship and a crew. She uses her newfound resources to pillage the kingdom’s Navy and exact her revenge on those who killed her family and destroyed her village. She is then nicknamed The Sea Witch, though any alias she goes by strikes fear into those against her.
One day, she raids a royal ship and finds herself sword fighting against a decent opponent. Usually the cowards in the Royal Navy jump ship at the sight of her boat, but this man not only stayed, he challenged her in a duel. She still defeats him, but instead of ordering his death, she tells her crew to tie him up and throw him in the brig. Now they have a hostage worth something.
No one is allowed to see the prisoner except Uma, captain’s orders. She’s not a monster that believes in torture or unnecessarily damaged goods, so she keeps him fed and taken care of while keeping him behind bars and bound in chains below deck. For the first few days, he wouldn’t say anything when she asked him questions, so she would just sit on the floor and stare at him while he lounged against the wall inside his cell. After a few days, the man finally answered…“Hook.”“What?”“My name. It’s Hook. Captain Harry Hook of the Auradon Royal Navy.”
And this begins a long stream of flowing dialogue between the two. Day after day, she goes to his cell, and the two just talk. The crew becomes suspicious, but Uma tells them it’s interrogation. Over time, she actually comes to trust this Captain Hook and tells him why she does what she does. Harry feels bad for her history and understands her need for revenge. In an equally empathetic gesture, Uma steps into the cell with him and takes off his chains.
“I’ve had plenty of revenge on your side,” She says, “It’s only fair that I give you the same opportunity.”He takes a step towards her.“I’ve raided your ships,” She notes.Another step closer.“Killed numerous comrades of yours,” She adds.One more step.“Do what you want with me.” She whispers.And he kisses her.
What they both discover is that the conversations behind closed doors allowed them to create a separate world from reality. They existed in their own space where no titles or politics could keep them apart. In that world, they fell in love, and they fell hard, all at once.
So here’s where shit goes downhill.
Uma receives a telegram from the King of Auradon, saying that he’s had her family imprisoned all these years, and he’ll hand them over in exchange for their Royal Captain Hook. At first, Uma is overjoyed that a) her family is alive and b) her hostage plan worked. However, her attachment to Harry had grown to a point where she actually had to think about the situation. Late one evening, when the crew is asleep, Uma explains the situation to Harry. He tells her that her family is more important than he is, but she says it’s not that easy. She tells Harry she loves him, and they share a kiss between the bars of his cell.
“You can’t choose me over your family, Uma.”“But I may never see you again.”“Maybe that’s for the best.”
So on that night, their last night together, Uma takes him to her Captain’s quarters with the excuse “It’s better than the hard wood floor of the brig.” Of course, that sensible statement goes out the window when Harry returns the “I love you.” Then, you can figure out the rest.
But wait, more shit happens.
Uma goes to the Royal Castle to make the trade, Hook for her family, only to find the King was lying and her family was dead like the rest of her village. It was all a trap, and they capture Uma and her crew for execution while congratulating Harry on his work. However, he didn’t know about the scheme, so it must have been something the King made up on his own. Still, they all made it appear as though that was the plan all along. Uma didn’t take that news very well. This leads to a shouting fight right there in the middle of the King’s court as guards are grabbing her arms and holding her back.
“How could you?!”“Uma, I swear I didn’t know.”“I trusted you!”It doesn’t help that a random noble claps Harry on the back and says, “Great work, Captain! Just wait til your fiancé hears of your return!”
Uma manages to break away from the guards and gets one punch in on Harry’s jaw before they grab her again and drag her off to their prison cells, screaming curses on the kingdom.
Now just imagine the remaining story consisting of Harry’s crumbling relationship with his ignorant, unsympathetic, and perhaps overbearing fiancé (probably Mal tbh) along with his inner conflict over going against his country. Harry would visit Uma in prison when he could, but she never talks to him. After he’s banned from seeing her (they fear he’s too attached), she overhears guards talking about how genius it was of the King to use Hook’s capture as a bargaining chip in a last minute plan. Now she knows Harry really did have no idea. There would be an epic jail-break scene where Uma does most of the work but Harry swoops in and saves her when she most needs it. He apologizes and says she’s the one he loves and his fiancé means nothing to him anymore. Uma shuts his senseless babbling up by kissing him in the brief moment they have before more guards come. Yay, they trust each other again.
They free her crew, escape the kingdom on a ship, and sail away from that toxic country. The end.
Whatd’ya think?
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