#I will be really good at roman numerals by the time I've done all seven thousand something articles of this
agnol117 · 10 months
Series I, Part II
SCP-007 - Abdominal Planet
This one kinda scares the hell out of me, to be honest. Not the skip itself (dude with a planet where his abdomen should be, kinda weird, but otherwise fairly tame for an SCP entry). No, what scares me about this one is (and this will be a recurring theme) the way they’re just holding a dude hostage with no real oversight or recourse. Sure, the guy’s SSN comes up as invalid, but still. They’ve got this guy, they’re denying him access to the outside world, and…they’re just gonna get away with it.
As I said, this will be a recurring theme. In a lot of cases, I think the actual containment of things (usually people) is worse than the thing itself.
SCP-008 - Zombie Plague
This one does nothing for me. It’s exactly what it says on the tin, and while that’s fine, it just doesn’t appeal to me. All the same, I feel hesitant to give it a low rating because it is well written, it just isn’t my thing.
SCP-009 - Red Ice
This one’s kinda neat. It’s evil water (you can tell it’s evil because it’s red). It can contaminate normal water (including the water in people) and will kill them. It’s probably from another dimension. I don’t have much to say about this one. It’s just a fun concept.
SCP-010 - Collars of Control
I don’t like this one.
Not conceptually. Conceptually it’s great. Collars that allow whoever has the remote complete control over the wearer as long as they understand how to use the remote is a great concept. I love it. I also hate it, because one of the lines is “The most abnormal feature of the collars is the effect they have on the body morphology. They allow the user of the remote to reconfigure the shape of the victim to an extent that is apparently only limited by the knowledge of the programming language of the remote.” Nope. Hate it. I can take a lot of body horror, but like…something about that sets off all my Nope! Alarms.
SCP-011 - Sentient Civil War Memorial Statue
This one’s just kinda sweet? Again, it’s exactly what it says on the tin: A Civil War Memorial Statue in Vermont that just happens to be alive and sentient. It’s nice. I liked reading this one.
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