#I wish I had more info about my sona to give you but she’s still a wip
candyheartedchy · 2 years
Hi! So I love brainybeth and ship it very much and I have some curious qs about it! How did you two meet? What's your s/I like/what's her job? Is drawing her and brainy the same sizes and then different sizes correlate to anything story-wise or do you just sometimes wanna draw him the same size? When you are the same size, what's your fave way to hang out together? What changes about your dynamic ?
Sorry for all the questions I just love your ship and your art ! I hope your day is going well ❤️
Hello!! Honestly I’m still working on how they met and my sona’s backstory (because I’m a bit of a perfectionist ghfhjhdjkgj) but I DO know that my sona is a hermit that lives in the forest.
The difference sizes of my sona does comes into play because in my story Elizabeth gets shrunken down by Gargamel to get her out of the way since she was protecting the smurfs from him.
The whole dynamic of Brainy and Elizabeth is basically the opposites attract theme. Different species, different sizes, and different personalities. My sona is a shy people pleaser while Brainy is very self centered and opinionated, so they balance each other out. And after awhile of being together, Elizabeth learns to be more assertive while Brainy learns to respect other’s options. But once my sona is shrunken down, Brainy becomes excited and starts dragging Elizabeth all over the village to show her around and takes the opportunity to hug and hold her hand as much as possible lol
They usually spend their time reading and exploring new things around the forest due to my sona’s curiosity and Brainy’s thirst for knowledge.
And don’t worry, I’m happy to answer your questions! And I hope your day is going well too! And thank you! 💕
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stellarcollisionfic · 1 month
tell me about Jade. I love her I want to know More
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🥹 thank you for letting me rant about my girl 💕
Jade Walker: Character Info/HC’s
- Jade is 28 at the start of Stellar Collision. This is important because Jade is very personal to me and I feel like I don’t know what’s going on (in my 20’s as well 🥲). She’s old enough for there to be an expectation that she knows what she wants out of life, but she is hopelessly lost prior to finding Constellation. (Get it? A “Constellation”helping her find her way??? …I’ll see myself out)
-On the subject, she’s definitely more morally gray than Sarah (but who isn’t?). She made bad choices in her youth. It was important to me that she actually had a relatively happy and comfortable home life, because that kind of adds to her dilemma- she’s not forced into this life of crime that she lived before Sarah. She chose it, and has regrets. She lives in fear of the fact that it’s too late for redemption, or for her to be a productive member of society, despite how young she truly is. A lot of the times we have the orphaned protagonist, or the one with bad familial relations- but Jade is solely responsible for taking the easy way out plenty of times in her past, and now it’s coming back to haunt her. Originally, I considered having her father be a potentially injured vet in the colony war- to give her a motivation to have made all these egregious decisions for financial comfort, but I decided against it.
-Still, Jade does send the majority of her credits to her parents because, in some twisted sense, she wants to be good. She simply doesn’t know how, with her particular skillset, until Sarah and Constellation come along. Now, she has a greater purpose. Unfortunately, it’s far greater than she ever could have imagined. But hey…be careful what you wish for, right?
-Jade is seemingly confident, perhaps a little arrogant at times. She’s young enough still to have that carefree, somewhat reckless sense about her. She’s very playful and wry with her sense of humor. She’s a flirt through and through, and of course, attracted to older women- or women in authority, at any rate- (though she does seem to resent any kind of authority. Take that as you will). She’s definitely my coolest OC. She thinks Constellation is a very lovable collection of nerds (Andreja being the exception!) Though, she does manage to act like a nervous bumbling idiot in front of Sarah a few times, anyway.
-Jade is definitely an athlete, and her favorite way to work out is to fuck Sarah silly train with Andreja. 😊
- Her style has always been classic cool- black, leather, jeans, the works. Her hair is definitely longer than in the pfp- but that’s as close as we’re getting in-game. I think Rosamund and Eiza (from I care a a lot) are decently close to how I’d envision them.
-She may appear morally ambiguous, but she’s kind. Understanding, given her past. She’s Andreja’s best friend for a reason- she clocks constellation’s micro-aggressions towards Andreja or the Va’Ruun from time to time, and she lets them hear it. She’s good with Sona- even stopping to buy her clothes of her own while she was still injured from Cassiopeia. She is ambiguous regarding the law, justice, deeper topics- though she doesn’t condone harming innocent people or going a murder spree or anything atrocious like that.
-Jade’s fears are as follows:
1. She fears she’s irredeemable. That she’s already wasted her life and accomplished nothing, lying to her parents about how she’s been supporting them prior to Constellation and carrying great shame.
2. She’s afraid of dying. Self explanatory, and obviously due to the powers eating away at her. She’s young. She’s terrified. She doesn’t want to show it.
3. She’s afraid of losing Sarah. She chose Sarah over Sam, point blank. She’d do frightening things for Sarah- things Sarah herself would not approve of.
4. She doesn’t want to die without marrying Sarah properly 🥺💔 it’s the only thing she desperately needs before her time runs out. Those pesky Starborn and the damn UC seem intent on letting her do so, I’m afraid. She’s already made arrangements for her parents, already offered Sarah her galacticat plushie. All that’s left is tying the knot. She wants to be Jade Morgan very fucking badly.
Jade and Sarah
-At first, the attraction is simple: Jade hates authority, Sarah infuriates Jade, Jade is turned on by her intensity but yells right back, Sarah is turned on by her intensity (and insolence 😭)
Rinse and repeat.
-As their relationship progresses, Jade looks up to Sarah. She starts to burn for Sarah’s approval, willing to change her stubborn approach to life because this woman believes in her. This woman knows of her wrong-doing and still wants to give her a chance. She spends more time with Sarah. Starts teasing her more, they become friendly. It is then that Jade realizes she wants more than Sarah’s approval as a boss. She wants Sarah. Badly.
-On the topic of sex: they switch, obviously. I think Sarah’s more experienced, given her age- but Jade isn’t too far behind. Jade is a naturally jealous person- especially for Sarah’s affections. So this talk of “Aja” makes her so sour at the beginning 😭. She’s had a few prior relationships of note- mainly Capt. Marquez (who turned out to be a real one!!!) (Sarah does not love that). I think Jade talks a big game but Sarah is absolutely wearing the pants in the bedroom (and maybe their relationship, to an extent). Jade is something of a service top- but that’s not entirely accurate because Sarah has her way with her a lot, too. Just depends on the occasion 😏
-Jade’s dream bedroom fantasy involves Sarah in nothing but her jacket and an entire floor of a building to themselves so she can put her powers to use on the one thing that matters: Pleasuring Sarah Morgan.
-I think Sarah is everything Jade isn’t, and that’s why they work so well together. Sarah is neat, meticulous, everything she does is calculated, formal, rooted in logic. She NEEDS to believe in the law, needs to believe in order. Jade doesn’t. Jade acts with her heart, never her damn head 😭💀 she’s impulsive, reckless, and disregards facts that don’t serve her cause. She also challenges Sarah and Walter on many things, initially. But she has SUCH a capacity for love, for affection, for doing the right thing. And Sarah just…can’t stop thinking about her 🥹💕
-They give each other a second chance. They give each other unconditional love, guidance, laughter, and yes- sometimes anger 😅 but it only fuels their ever-growing attraction to one another. Jade thinks Sarah is the catch of a lifetime- and she is. Sarah thinks Jade is a brilliant, beautiful, stubborn, sexy idiot whom she absolutely cannot live without. She relies on Jade so much- the idea of having to raise Sona alone scares the shit out of her.
-From Sarah, Jade learns that she has so much to offer. She can be good. She can contribute and have a family of her own. The price, unfortunately, is staggering. Jade learns from Sarah that the true joy lies not in the destination, but the journey. She’s terrified, but…making peace with her inevitable ending. She got to live, to love, she protected Sarah…she’s come a long way. She can die happy, if it means Sarah’s going to be okay. She finally feels as if she has a path in front of her…though it’s not the one she expected.
-Sarah, on the other hand? She’d rather die before she lets go of Jade. Without Jade, she is a shell of herself- reduced to whoever she was before she ever returned to Cassiopeia and put that to rest. She’s learned so much from Jade- being skeptical of her formerly beloved UC, for instance. Sarah is all that stands between the UC and the FC in what is sure to be another full-scale war.
Without Jade by her side…the task is near impossible.
Sarah is NOT going to let her fiancée slip away into nothingness. Though it seems she won’t be afforded a choice.
However this ends, it sure is going to go out with a *bang*!!! 🫠
Here is Jade in the enhance lounge (but we pretend it’s her getting her diagnosis at the clinic instead lol 🥺💔)
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And some obligatory gallery shots if you made it this far ☺️
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fishy-moirails · 2 years
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Here's my splatoon sona, Moni the anemone along with the smallfry she took in, Lil Burrito!!!
(More info about them under)
- Moni works as a gondolier, carrying passengers, goods & tourists. Lil Burrito is brought along so that they won't feel lonely at home
- Lil Burrito has a gondolier uniform too! & they look so CUTE in it. Pls tip them for the cuteness it's not a scam to pay their electricity bills I promise
- her name is a refetence of the last syllable of "anemone" (Mone)
- she's actually has a phobia of tentacles so she's scared of inklings & octolings but no one knows this because she hides her fear really well. During work, she keeps it in & screams on the inside
- when out of work & an inkling/octoling approaches her, she lets her hair down. It hides her & Lil Burrito will also yap & try to bite to make them go away
- likes her hair up & wishes to cut it off but if she does, where will she hide when an octoling/inkling appears?
- she did not found the baby. The baby found her.
- baby's gender is unknown. Moni uses they/them to address the baby
- has a underdeveloped right fin which is A Finding Nemo reference!
- Lil Burrito can do basic coding! They watch tutorials & practice doing it on Moni's laptop
- they use it too much that she had to implement a time limit rule out from worry
- they can hack. They've been hacking money from other's bank accounts & placing it in Moni's. She has no idea why her money keeps increasing
- depsite the brains, Lil B is still a baby. Sometimes they would watch nursery rhymes instead of coding tutorials
- definitely wants world domination. I wish I was joking....
- even though with that desire, Lil B treasures Moni so much that they would spare her from the upcoming destruction
- if you support their ideas of conquering the world, you are now a friend
- if Moni did not exist, Lil Burrito would be a flyfish. The undefeated champion. A pain in the neck. Give them a few more years & Lil B has successfully taken over the world. BE GLAD that Moni exists...
Anyways here's some doodles of them!
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(1st doodle^^^)
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milasartblog · 4 years
Pajama party (part 1)
Weekends were coming closer and that meant a time for our crew to chill and relax after a long busy week with school and work. Mostly girls are with their boyfriends while uncles babysit with their nephew. However, today was different. Anoli and Nazeel were already awake and having breakfast, while Liya took some time to wake up. Lazyly, she walked to the kitchen, yawning.
Nazeel: Good morning, mommy!
Anoli: Good morning, Liya.
Liya: Good morning, everyone. How was the sleep? No nightmares?
Anoli: It was fine. 
Nazeel: Same.
Liya: Good. What did you cook for breakfast today, Anoli?
Anoli: I decided to do an omelette today. With some tomatoes and greenery.
Liya: Oh, healthy one, nice. 
Nazeel: Will you go on dates with Axel and Chris today? 
Anoli: Yeah, while Lucifer and Michael will babysit with you. 
Nazeel: Okay.
He looked at his plate as Anoli finished cooking omelette and put a slice to each plates. Meanwhile, Sona was having its own breakfast. Liya couldn’t help, but to worry a bit about today. It’s been several days since Lucifer and Nazeel didn’t talk to each other, moreover see each other. She and Anoli locked their eyes on each other for a moment, like they both had the same concern. And yet, they knew that Nazeel and Lucifer should recover their bond. 
Liya: Well, I will go and make a call for now, okay?
Anoli: Sure.
Nazeel: Okay.
And Liya went to her room to pick up the phone and make a call. At first she called her boyfriend Axel, to say that in couple of minutes she will be ready. Then, she put another number, Lucifer’s one, as she made a call, but the voice that replied to her didn’t belong to King of Hell himself. It was female one, Lilith.
Lilith: Hello?
Liya: Lilith? I thought that it was Lucifer’s phone.
Lilith: Well, he is in the restroom now, so he will be ready in couple of minutes.
Liya: You say it so casually~
Lilith: You are his protege, so no secrets from you~
Liya: Agree~ Still, I'm glad to hear your voice once in a while. How are you? How is Jeff?
Lilith: Doing good, safe and sound. And you with Axel?
Liya: Same, however lately he was treating me like I was super super injured, even tho it was just a shoulder wound.
Lilith: That's so sweet of him. You better treasure him with all your heart and soul~
Liya: You bet~
They giggled as a little pause appeared between them. They both knew that physical wound was not that hurtful as emotional one.
Lilith: And how is Nazeel?
Liya: Better than couple of days ago. And yet, I'm not sure if it's good idea to let Lucifer and Nazeel talk to each other now. I mean, what if Nazeel is not ready yet? Also, how is Lucifer?
Lilith: He is doing fine, better than being anxious at least. And I'm sure that they can give it a try. You know that sooner or later they have to do it, to recover their bond.
Liya: I know, but....I wish I could stay with them to be sure that things will go well.
Lilith: It will, don't worry~ You, Anoli and your boyfriends need rest too.
The Queen of Hell thought for a moment. A memory of the camping time suddenly appeared in her mind. And then, a new idea came to her.
Lilith: Liya, dear, have you heard about such human thing like pajama party?
Liya: Oh, yeah, I did. Why such question?
Lilith: I thought about to try and do one with you, Anoli, Axel, Chris and Jeff. Last time with camping was great one~
Liya: Agree, we should do more events like this~
Lilith: Yeah~ But also I would like to ask you if you mind me inviting seven more people?
Liya: Oh wow. Why? And who?
Lilith: No worries, they're my friends~ Or should I say, my succubi~ You see, they got curious about human world too and to our humans, so I thought why not to organise a greeting pajama party. No lewds, of course~
Liya: I'm not sure how my friends will react to it. Personally I would love to meet these girls~ But what about my friends?
Lilith: We can talk with them when we meet each other. If they say yes, I can reserve a room for all of us in one of the houses on Earth.
Liya: You have houses there?
Lilith: Why not? Easy to live on Earth and do different stuff~ Plus, I will discuss it with my boyfriend too. And about Nazeel and Lucifer, I can ask Tereza to look after them.
Liya: Tereza? One of Lucifer's favourite succubus?
Lilith: Yep. Seems like he shared some info with you~
Liya: But won't it cause trouble? She is succubus after all.
Lilith: And yet, well behaved. Don't worry, just warn Nazeel about it and things will go good. I'm sure he will be curious to see other friendly demon.
Liya: Well....I can give it a try.
Lilith: Okie. Oh, Luci is coming out of the room. You can tell him about such idea and see how he reacts. Talk to you later~
Liya: Sure~
As they both finished the chat, Lilith exchanged Lucifer's phone so that he could talk to Liya, to receive the info about pajama party idea. At first Lucifer was surprised to hear it, but then agreed to take Tereza with him under a condition of Nazeel being warned about it. And as soon as the call was finished, Liya came back to kitchen, where Anoli and Nazeel have finished their breakfasts already. She breathed deeply as prepared herself to tell about further plans for today.
And that's the first part of the big story for our universe^^ Seems like our demon ladies came with a plan on how to have a nice rest. Moreover, our crew will meet new people. Will things go well for them? And how will the bond recover go?
Anoli, Liya and Lucifer belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Lilith belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
Nazeel and Sona belong to @captainthane
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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