#I’ll have every dendro character
java-lava · 1 year
You know that character you got in genshin that came home instead of the character you were wishing for?
Why are they under level ten, with the worst artifacts and your lowest weapon?
Seriously though, I’ve been scraping and saving for Al Haitham since they announced his banner, I made him a room in my tea pot, I got everything prepared for him, I’ve been building up pity, I started using all my intertwined fates/primo gems for him the SECOND his banner released, but does he come home?
No, I got Jean. (And Sucrose and Yaoyao)
Jean will be staying at level one with a dull blade until Al Haitham comes home. (Maybe until Xiao does too)
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dxstopiaa · 1 year
Gratifying Gambit
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Synopsis: Playing Genius Invocation with your lover seems to evolve into something quite heated.
Characters: Al Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno and Tighnari x Reader!
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, otherwise none. [ Apologies for such infrequent updates <\3 P.S do know how difficult fighting cyno in tcg windblume was? that feeling when i finally beat him. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞]
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Al Haitham
Al Haitham has been defeated!
You couldn’t possibly of expected the Grand Sage to be in peak condition after keeping him awake for so long. It was evident he would rather be in his own company, reading before getting early rest.
Al Haitham’s eyelids drooped slightly— teal irises clouded with the urge for slumber. But he pressed on, insisting that his sleep didn’t matter as much when it came to spending time with you, even if it wasn’t exactly quality.
“No, it’s alright, it’s your turn.” Your lover murmured, resting his head in his hands. No problem, this is only one night of many, he’ll get his rest eventually.
“Haitham? I’ve conceded my round already…” You raised a brow, arm outstretched to brush his tresses from obstructing your view of him. Ah, that’s the issue. No wonder he had lost these past matches.
His eyes were fluttering shut, drifting off to the abode of dreams until he forced himself awake again. An all too familar cycle with yourself, but one which didn’t synergise with the Scribe.
“Dear, are you…sleeping? I didn’t think i was that boring!” You huffed, tone tinted with slight offence but amusement nonetheless. Al Haitham couldnt retain the hushed smile creeping up his face. You were too lovable for your own good.
Another unusual occurrence, your beloved’s laughter. It was sweet— carefree and adorable for a stoic man such as he. Either your heart almost flipped in place, or your brain short-circuited.
“Quite the opposite actually, go on, i’ll play one more game with you.”
You have been defeated!
Strategy, the foundation of card games. The secret to winning every match was to be adaptable but reliably balanced in strength and defence, Al Haitham had read such in a handbook, a little foreign to his tastes but interesting nonetheless.
He was determined to prove such tactics correct— that he did, with grace. A stubborn man like him, you expected him to stick to his dendro team compositions, yet he took you by surprise.
“Are you not going to…” You trailed off, glaring at his deck of cards which weren’t in usual order. Only then had you recognised your mistake.
“Hm? Oh this, i figured i should alter it more often, i’ll start.” Al Haitham’s smirk could be heard through his tone, folding his arms after already reducing your health far below healthy standards. Appears like the luck was on his side too.
You tripped over your words in an attempt to condone your poor performance, phrases like: ‘My hand slipped!’ or ‘Wait, i’m not ready!’
“Haitham!” But he knew, regardless of how many times you whined his name with exasperation, it was just a way to cope with your unfortunate loss. Just like the Scribe was attempting to conceal that stochastic fluttering in his chest from the nickname.
“I win, my reward is for you to call me that name for the rest of our time together.”
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Kaveh has been defeated!
“Hey! Give me a chance at least!” Kaveh groaned, throwing his cards quite aggressively upon the table in defeat. To think that he called himself skilled at TCG just an hour ago— now there was no denying he felt embarrassed.
The young architect, better known as your husband, breathed out an exasperated sigh when you merely giggled at his suffering. Kaveh didn’t know where he went wrong, he had prepared himself for this yet he still couldn’t beat you!
You, on the other hand, found the situation humorous. He just looked so lovable with that pout on his lips— eyes screwed narrowly whilst he scrutinised his attempt at deceiving you.
“Sorry, love! I just thought you’d want better competition for your amazing skills.” You teased, mocking him for your own amusement. The look upon his face was something much more than just disapproval, as if he wanted to strangle you (lovingly, of course.)
How did you know all of his moves, he asks? Well, playing a tactical game with someone who shares a bit too much detail whilst intoxicated was not a sensible choice. And you may of just coerced him into informing you of his playstyle by rewarding him with a kiss.
Such information should remain hidden, keeping your irked lover in the dark wouldn’t hurt, right? Nothing other than his sanity, anyway.
“Again? Dear, can you read my mind?”
You have been defeated!
You shouldn’t of done that— hoping the blonde opposite you failed to recognise your poorly thought mistake. A shame that Kaveh was a discreetly intelligent man, a satisfied smirk growing over his face.
“Wait, I didn’t mean to do that!” You exclaimed, trapping your husband’s hand under your own, nearly falling from your chair. He cackled mercilessly, finishing off your deck in one turn.
It was his concept of revenge, you had won all previous matches, it’s fair enough. It’s too bad for you, now Kaveh had no choice but to smear vanquish over your streak. The game prior to this beheld a score of six to zero, at least your husband didn’t walk out with that quite embarrassing score.
“Dramatic does not mean dumb, sweetheart.” Your lover admitted, leaving his seat from the table to collect the remaining dice— and partly to tower over beside you to witness that solemn expression.
Eagerly, you seized his collar and brought him down face-level, gifting a chaste kiss to his lips before turning away as if you never had.
“You can’t just leave me like that, come here-”
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Cyno has been defeated!
“Don’t get cocky.”
Something that he shouldn’t of said to you— rather some advice he should of taken himself. For a supposedly lighthearted card game, Cyno took it very seriously, to the point it became comical. After all, he’s never lost to anyone before.
So when you slammed your card upon the playing table, your new tactics you had learnt had proved to outmatch the uncrowned archon of Genius Invocation. The plan? Delay your actions until you could utilise elemental reactions and one-shot every last card of his once vulnerable.
Quite expectedly, your boyfriend appeared mortified, not only did he gasp as if he had been physically injured, but his mouth flew ajar. Cyno wanted to express his resentment, but that became increasingly challenging with how proud you looked.
“See! I told you i’ve been practicing!” You giggled, leaving your seat at the table and wrapping your arms around his neck, swaying the seething general to and fro. No matter, you already knew how much he adored seeing you as contented as you were.
It wouldn’t take long to crack that false shell of offence, sporting a gleeful grin at last. Cyno sighed, resting his elbows on the table whilst he massaged those restless crimson eyes of his. Another card drawn, another hour spent away in his company.
“You win this time, but you want to see what i’ve been practicing too, love?”
You have been defeated!
Cyno wasn’t that malevolent to defeat you in his favourite card game so soon; you were only a beginner, that wouldn’t be necessary. That was until you began to grasp the concept of it rather quickly.
It was endearing how you were so keen to conquer your boyfriend, of course he had to let you win the first couple of rounds. Your virtuous grin when you inflicted damage greater than he had expected alone was a sufficient reason.
“Hmm you win again, how about i increase the difficulty, darling?” Cyno proposed. You shouldn’t of hastily nodded your head, you later found you underestimated him a little too much.
A fault of yours was your predictability— the customary vaporise deck, a common choice he often saw. Perhaps you were playing it safe? Standard set up too, simply apply hydro and then pyro. Too bad your lover could counter that in no time.
Turn by turn, your cards were disintegrated before your very eyes. No amount of healing or event draws could repair the damage done in that round— or to your morale for that matter.
The general braced his deck, peering over it to witness you frowning at the ‘unfair’ move he made. Stifling his laughter was becoming increasingly difficult, wearing an upturned smirk instead.
“Cyno! Stop the mockery, it’s not funny!” You whined, resting your head against the table in defeat, not desiring to get your pride handed back to you once more.
There’s always a next time to achieve victory. For now, just enjoy your boyfriend tidying your hair away from your chagrined countenance.
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Tighnari has been defeated!
You were more than just delighted to reveal your new deck to your boyfriend, or more specifically—a character card of his own. He wore a cute expression, eyes gleaming with motivation and pride whilst his illustrated lips curved into a cheeky grin.
Endearing you find it, and glad you had pre-release access to the card which was intended to be announced to the public in a week. Rightfully so as his lover.
“So…you’re telling me that this card of mine, will grant you luck?” Tighnari hesitated, analysing the card between two fingers. He found the depiction of himself to be slightly inaccurate, but he brushed it off with a light sigh.
“Yes! ‘Nari, please?” You requested, smiling softly when the chief forest ranger surrendered to your pleads. You gleefully sat opposite him, board infront with dice scattered over it. You rolls seemed to be the first indicator of your luck, all dendro and electro—just like your team.
Tighnari, on the other hand, was a bit more unfortunate, having to reroll with multiple event cards just to play a skill. With every fallen character, he slumped further into his chair with disappointment.
“Alright, how is my own card luckier than me?” Your lover complained, plucking it from your hands and hiding it away in his pocket.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it back, i don’t want you to favour a fake rather than the real version infront of you, dearest.”
You have been defeated!
“Love, did you drink too much? You’re usually better at this than me.” The forest ranger questioned, an eyebrow cocked upwards at your quizzical behaviour.
It was already the third round yet you hadn’t played any meaningful action at all. One could argue that you were simply stalling— but that was not an ample excuse.
Your palm struggled to keep the weight of your head upright, giving out from beneath it and opting to slouch over the table. That didn’t stop the incoherent mumbles from spilling out your lips, now batting your eyes at your boyfriend.
“Nari, you’re so cute…i’ll let you have the win whenever.” You whined cheekily, observing Tighnari scoff, attempting to hide the scarlet flush developing with disregard. Just what has happened to you today?
“I appreciate it, but you need to get some rest, you’re scaring me.” He muttered, leaving his seat to aid you upstairs, with much difficulty. Reminder: Don’t leave alcohol around you again.
Neither of you had exactly lost or won, but you could say that you were the first to fall deeper for another.
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water-to-drink · 1 year
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belladonnas pt5
Memories of a Flower
(Summary): After deciding that learning the original 7 seven elements first would make learning abyssal magic more easier you and company run into a fit of a road block
Part 1 Last Part Next Part
✧ Masterlist ✧
(Characters): traveler!Lumine, abyss prince!Aether, Paimon, the Aranaras, ???, & ???
(Warnings): Cursing, spoilers for the last part of the Sumeru archon quest, and talks about bumping uglies at the very end (so a bit NSFW-ish?)
(A/n): Apologies if the Sanskrit is a bit inaccurate, couldn’t find many accurate translators. And yes from now on these parts will have their own titles
∘◦ ✧ ◦∘ means flashback
Italics means present reader’s thoughts
(S/n) = song name
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You didn’t think walking through Sumeru would be nerve wracking, though one of the abyss lectors casted a spell to hide your divine presence and you have the twins escorting you. However the possibility of being found still scared you
“How much longer until we reach it? Walking through here is very different than from what I’m used to.” You comment trying to get your mind on something else
“We’re getting close, you can tell us if you want to stop you don’t have to push yourself.” Lumine said
“Ugh! Why did you teleport us so far from the statue of the seven?” Paimon groaned
“Because, the energy they emit mess with abyssal magic and I don’t want to put their Grace in any more danger than need be.” Aether informed. “And besides, you float so you shouldn’t be that tired.”
The little fairy was so angry that she couldn’t form any retort and settled for huffing and puffing
The same floating companion was the one to bring a suggestion to you. Try to do what Lumine did and resonate with the element (aka touching a statue of the seven), considering that Nahida is the weakest of the seven and from the intel you got from some abyss mages saying that she was seen in Liyue, you all decided it’s best to try dendro first
“I think I see the glow from the statue.” You pointed at the familiar blue light
You and the twins begin to run towards the statue until you were at around arms length. Being so close to the statue of the dendro god looked so much more beautiful in person
“Go ahead, see if you can resonate with dendro like Lumine!” Paimon said in anticipation
You closed your eyes and reached to touch the statue. All you felt was the cold stone and not some power coursing through you
“Uhh Lu, what did you feel when you first resonated with Dendro?” You asked
“If you instantly don’t feel a difference than you didn’t resonate the element.” Aether explained
“Damn, really?”
“Well what do we do know? Do we try another element?” Paimon questioned
“I don’t think we’re at a total lost. We’re in Vanarana, right?”
“You mean go to the Aranaras?!” Aether asked
“Yes, what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing, I would assume that you would go somewhere else…”
“They are connected with nature and since touching one of the statues didn’t work, we don’t have many options.”
“I think it’s a good idea, they already know me and Paimon” Lumine said as she pulled out her vintage lyre
The traveler began to play the familiar tune you played when the screen divided you from Teyvat. As she played your surroundings slowly got more colorful and dreamlike
Completely in the land of dreams you looked around to see a sole Aranara hiding behind a rock. You awkwardly waved
“Visha has come back!” The Aranara cheered
Multiple Aranaras surround you and your companions
“Great Visha, you’ve returned!”
“Visha’s been away for so long!”
“We’ve been so lonely!”
“Visha, try my soup, I made it for you!”
“Come down, (y/n) or ‘Visha’ can’t understand if you all talk to them at the same time.” Lumine said
Once the Aranaras heard Lumine they moved a couple step back from you and looked very sorry which crushed your heart
“I’ll listen to each and every one of you guys when we’ve dealt with the situation!” You tried to explain
“‘Situation?’ What is happening?”
“There’s this really bad person impersonating the Creator and they’re trying to hunt their Grace down.” Paimon told
The Aranaras looked fearful and confused, trying to understand why would someone try to hurt the Creator
“The Lord of Verdure, told me about this. The great Avatar of Marana, had deceived Nara and other lords are under the control of them.” The distinct voice of the village chief, Araja spoke.
“If Visha needs protection, then Arabalika will protect them!” The fluffy gree Aranara shouted holding up his stick
“Thank you, but I have Lumine and Aether. And you have to stay here and protect Vanarana.” You reassured
“Even though Visha has Nara Varuna and Nara Lumine, it’s too dangerous in the Nara world. Please stay in Vanarana.”
“I want to but I can’t put you all in danger.” You informed as you kneeled down. “The only reason we’re here because Kusanali is in Liyue. I don’t know what would happen if she sensed that we were here.”
The Aranaras looked sad yet completely understood where you’re coming from
“But we want to help Visha, is there anything we can provide help for?” An Aranara pleaded
“You can, ‘Visha’ couldn’t resonate with dendro. Is there a way for them to connect with it?” Lumine explained
“Maybe try the Tree of Dreams!” Another suggested
“Yes! The Tree of Dreams was made with power from the forest!”
“Oh Paimon didn’t think of that, let’s go.”
You followed the group of Aranaras through a cave that lead you to the tree
In its dream state it looked like it was something you would only see in a dream or behind a screen, never stand in front of it and take in its sight with own your eyes in your waking state.
“If Visha joins with the tree, then they’ll get the powers of the forest.”
You nervously reached out and set you palms on the bark
The sensations you felt, the texture of your clothes, the ache in your feet from walking so much, the anxiety you felt moments ago all disappeared. It felt as if your soul separated from your physical body
And everything felt wrong
It felt like the energy was trying to enter but, your body was rejecting the power and it hurts. You felt as if your body was being torn apart from the inside. You wanted to move away from the tree, but your muscles tensed so much it made it impossible for you to move
Suddenly your body is jolted away from the tree and hit against someone. The person you’re slumped against laid you down and rested your head on their legs
“Yo.r gr..e?”
“Your Grace?!”
“Your Grace, are you alright?”
Fully coming back to reality you saw golden orbs looking into yours
“Lumine…? I- what happened…?”
“I don’t know, it looked like something was wrong and you weren’t responding when we called you.” Lumine explained you
“This is exactly what I afraid of.” Aether whispered under his breath. “It appears that your body is too weak to handle elemental energy in its rawest form. I should have known.”
“Don’t blame yourself, you won’t have known. And I’m more resilient than I look…” You said in between breaths
“But Paimon doesn’t get it, if (y/n) has a connection with Tevyat itself then why can’t they get the powers within it?”
“If Visha can’t be one with world, then what do we do?” An Aranara quivered
“I may have an idea.” Araja spoke
The group parted to reveal Araja holding up a flower
“This flower has been with Aranaras long before Marana appeared. This once was yours and contains old memories.”
Araja held out a gladiolus in his tiny hand or nub? The flower was almost half the size of the chief. On closer inspection you noticed that one of the petals is missing
You weakly reached out and touched the stem. A sense of relief instantly washed over you. All the fatigue and pain in your body disappeared as you found yourself floating in a sky full of stars
The sight of the sky though beautiful and dreamlike gave you a sense of melancholy. The colors slowly morphed into something that’s difficult to describe.
You closed your eyes and upon opening them back up, you noticed the scene had changed into something a person can understand. You saw hands holding flowers of different species. You viewed the scene in a first person perspective, the closest comparison is like watching something in virtual reality but it feels more natural
You continued to watch the hands braid 3 flowers together and you realized those hands belong to you. The same length of the fingers, the same lines on the inside of your palms, all the same.
Unsure of what to do you continued to watch your hands elegantly weave the stems of flowers to form a crown. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a little Aranara watching you intently, waiting patiently for you to finish
“I can never make my flower crowns like that, what do you do so the stems don’t break?” A disembodied voice questioned
“It might look hard, but you have to remember to weave them as if each flower is special on its own and just as special when it’s in a group. This way your crowns will come out like this!” You said as you held up your crown to a woman wearing a white flowy dress and white hair making her slightly tanned skin pop out in contrast, you instantly knew who this woman was
Lord Rukkhadevata?!
You gracefully put the little Aranara’s head and it started to dance around happily
“I can make one for you.”
“Really? That would mean so much to me, your Grace.”
You began to make another flower crown with the same elegance and dexterity you used when making the first one. Once finished you place it on Rukkhadevata’s head, she flashed a bright smile full of gratitude and adoration
“Thank you, your Grace. I love it!”
“I’m glad you like it, Marbas.” You said
“Marbas” is that Rukkhadevata’s archon name?
Words came out of Rukkhadevata’s mouth but you couldn’t hear them, the scene slowly faded out and you found yourself back in Vanarana
“(Y/n)! (Y/n), please wake up.” You heard Paimon urged
“Your Grace are you okay, you’re crying.” Lumine pointed out
You sat up and brought your hand to your face. Your fingers made contact with tears you didn’t know had, you wiped them with your sleeve
“Are you alright, did you see anything upsetting?” Aether kneeled down and offered his hand
“I’m fine, I just saw something that I wasn’t expecting.” You said as you took the blond’s hand and he helped you up
“I think it would be best to go back and form another plan.” Aether suggested
“That sounds good, but before that.” You turned to the Aranaras. “Let me make some crowns for these little guys!”
The crowd of Aranaras cheered and some even went to get as many flowers as they can
“Paimon wants a crown!”
“I’ll make you a crown, don’t worry.”
“Yay, Paimon’s getting a crown!” She excitedly kicked her feet
Some of the Aranaras came back and gave you some flowers they were saving for a special occasion
You sat down and began making some flower crowns. The little Aranaras sat in a circle, some even tippy toeing to get a better look at your handiwork. All watching in anticipation and fascination
The abyss prince raked in your form. Though you didn’t possess a fraction of your powers, you still radiated the benevolence and compassion that is described in all text mentioning you. Aether had to turn away so to not show the expression he would characterize as unbecoming of him
When he opened his eyes, he saw Lumine hugging a couple of Aranaras
“Really Lumine? Shouldn’t you show a bit more restraint?”
“Shut up Ae. You should probably take that stick out your ass and play with these little guys.”
“Don’t curse in front of the Creator, what the hell is wrong with you?! Your Grace, I’m sorry my sister is stupid-” Aether turned towards you and saw you hugging several more Aranaras, some were hugging your legs and one on top of your head
“What was that Aether?” You just noticed his gaze
“No-nothing, your Grace.” He said turning his face away you to hide the pink on his face
“Hey Aether!” You called out
“Yes your Grac-” He was interrupted by you putting a flower crown on his head
“Here, so you don’t feel left out.”
It took awhile for the abyss prince to process what just happened, but when he did a smile creeped up on his face. He hid his face with his scarf in embarrassment, yet you saw how red the tips of his ears were
“Th-thank you, your Grace!” He said trying to not fumble on his words
After a few hours of playing with the Aranaras, which felt like minutes to you. The sun started to set and you, the twins, and Paimon bid farewell to the Aranaras. All of whom were sad to watch you leave, but still gave their goodbyes
Before Lumine pulled out her vintage lyre you stopped her telling her there was something you had to do before leaving. You picked up flowers and the roundest rocks you can find and walked to a spot you thought was perfect
You knelt down and began, the twins only watched you unsure what to do
“(Y/n) hurry up back there, Paimon’s getting hungry!”
“If you keep eating like that an old witch is going to take you in her candy house and cook you in her oven to eat you.” You said as you stuck your tongue out
“You’re just trying to scare Paimon out of loving food and a witch like that doesn’t exist!” The little fairy clutched onto Aether’s arm. “Right?” She whispered to the blond who only shrugged
Lumine walked over to you and saw you arranging stones in a particular pattern, a flower crown sat beside you
“I saw Lord Rukkhadevata.”
“Greater Lord Rukkhadevata? But you shouldn’t know anything about her after she purged from Irminsul!” Lumine said
“I don’t know why I saw her, it be because I’m not from Tevyat like you, but why wasn’t the flower affected too? Ugh! Everything is so confusing.”
Lumine looked at the little memorial you’re making
“And is this for her?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to make some physical proof that she existed.” You said as you placed the flower crown on the site. “But if you exist in at least one person’s memory, then you aren’t truly gone. That’s what I always thought.” You smiled as you stood up and looked at Lumine
“I’ve never thought of it that way, your Grace.”
“You can drop the whole ‘your Grace’ title, we’re friends after all.”
“Uh. Yes! Sorry (y/n)”
You and Lumine return to Aether who is trying his best to comfort Paimon who is still shaking and holding onto his arm.
“Your Grace, there you are, please tell Paimon that your warning isn’t true.” Aether pleaded
“For the most part I don’t think so. It’s just a fairytale to warn kids not to go out into the woods.” You explained as Lumine took out her lyre and began playing the tune
“That makes sense. It’s crazy for a witch make her house out of candy, that doesn’t sound structurally safe.” Lumine said you were all transported out of the dreamworld
“I don’t know, maybe the same reason why a man who comes to you while you’re sleeping put sand in your eye that makes them fall out.”
“Ahhh! That’s even worse!” Paimon cried
“Your Grace?!” A voice brought you three out of your conversation
Lumine stepped in front of you as Aether summoned his sword
“Whoa! Calm down it’s just me, comrade!” A familiar ginger yelled
“Childe? What are you doing here?!” Paimon screeched
“I was given orders on behalf of the Tsarita to find their Grace and bring them to safety, I’m glad I found you before a band of Eremites I ran into on the way here
“Why should we even trust you?” Lumine said while she put her hands on her hips
“Yeaahhh… You don’t have the best of track records.” Paimon added
“Why, I’m hurt. I thought we were friends!”
“Me kicking your ass very week doesn’t count as friendship.”
“Whatever you might say, I know that’s our Creator you’re with!”
“Oh yeah prove it.” Paimon said
“Their Grace’s favorite song is (s/n) and they call me ‘homicidal Ed Sheeran!’”
“Oh shit… he’s serious guys.” You said as a grimace appeared on your face
“I knew you’d know I’m genuine!” Childe chimed as he opened his arms to hug you but was stopped when Aether stepped in from you and pointed his sword at the taller man.“Who is this?” Childe turned towards the Lumine
“This is Aether, Lumine’s twin brother!” You clarified
“So this is the brother you were looking for, where did you find him?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Be nice, Aether!” You murmured as you pushed the blade away from Childe’s neck
“If you are telling the truth what use could you be to us?” The prince spat
“The Tsarita’s wants their Grace to be in safe hands and with the situation out here, it’s best to have them in Snezhnaya.”
“We don’t need the help of the fatui.”
Aether was about to usher you away from Childe until he heard what Childe said
“Their Grace couldn’t connect to elemental energy, is what I’m assuming you just figured out.”
Aether turned around and gave Childe a scowl
“Their Grace needs to gain their old strength back so they can properly connect with them.”
“And how are you planning on doing that?” Aether interrogated
“There are these stones that are linked with their Grace! Their called Primogems!”
“You know about Primogems?” You asked
“Yes! We’ve been studying them for a long time!” Childe responded
“Primogem? I think I know what you’re talking about!” The little fairy mused
“Yeah, there are times I heard you mention them.” Lumine recalled
∘◦ ✧ ◦∘
After slaying the last hilichurl Lumine walked towards the now unlocked chest to open it
“Is this an answer from this-”
“Fucking 5 primogems?! You gotta be fucking me up the ass with this bullshit!!!”
Lumine and her party members were left stunned as you continued your barrage of profanities
∘◦ ✧ ◦∘
“Y’all could hear me…?” You asked mortified
“Only when you use us as vessels.” Lumine clarified
“Now that we know what I’m talking about, I want to take you to meet their majesty as soon as possible. Would you accept, your Grace?”
“I’m sorry it’s just too much to take in. I though people here don’t know of their existence.”
“Well they’re rare so it’s expected that not a lot of people don’t know about them.” Aether said
“He’s right, and it only because of the Tsarita finding one is that we know of them.”
“But aren’t primogems are supposedly the remains of dead universes.”
“They are said to be that, but they’re also said to be the remains of the primordial god.” Childe added
“The primordial god?”
“The Creator is the original god of Tevyat and it is said that when they passed rocks that resemble stars shot out of their body.” The harbinger said
“I remember Zhongli mentioning something like this. When the god of salt died, they turned their followers into pillars of salt.” You recalled
“So will you let me accompany you to meet her majesty?”
“Sure, it’s not like we got anything else planned.”
“But your Grace-”
You drag Aether out of earshot from Childe and leaned into the blond so he can only hear you
“Relax Aether, his plan might work and if things get out of hand you can open a portal and get us out of there.”
“If that’s your judgment, then I won’t hold it against you.”
You smile at the male twin and turn back to Childe
“We’re going!”
“I’m happy you’re taking my offer! I’ll arrange for a boat to sail tomorrow, the sooner you’re in Snezhnaya the sooner you’ll be out of harm. In the meantime, let me take you where I’m staying, it’s far from any known settlements so you’ll be safe.” The ginger reassured
“Thank you that makes me feel better.”
“It’s nothing, your Grace.”
Childe began to lead you to where he’s staying, oddly enough the twins and even Paimon stayed behind. You shrugged it off thinking they watching out for any surprise attack from behind
“Your Grace, mind if I ask you something?” The harbinger’s voice brought you out of your head
“Sure, what is it?”
“When you use me as a vessel, I would hear some songs. Some of them describing pain and I want to know if that was what you were feeling.”
“Don’t worry, there just songs and don’t mean anything.”
“Really, even the song about wanting to have sex all night?”
“Yes!! Doesn’t mean anything!”
“Well, if you’re ever down for it. I definitely have the stamina for-”
“Oh my god! Stop!!” You yelled as you cover his mouth with your hands
It’s going to be a long trip to Snezhnaya
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A Sight Second to None
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tags: god!reader au, pre!relationship, pre!canon, god!reader and rukkhadevata aren’t siblings, happy lantern rite simps
a/n: it’s lantern rite time, i have to write something for the geo daddy so i figured why not give him something set in the god!reader universe. light spoilers for 3.2′s last act of the sumeru archon quest if you haven’t played it yet, and i’d give the first few bullets of god!reader’s lore guide a read here as well. other than that, enjoy, tell me your thoughts and talk about the god!reader cinematic universe with me.
"Is the décor to your liking?”
“I’ve told you once before, Morax, and I’ll tell you again,” you answer with a tone too stern for the question you were asked. “The sights of any country will always be second to that of my own.” 
Morax’s lips quirk into an amused smile. “I find second place to be better than last then if I have to ask Amur their opinion of my home.”
“This country’s geography has a lot of character.” Even if you’re the first to admit that Morax and yourself have never gotten along the best among the divine you knew, you wouldn’t be petulant enough to discredit his efforts.
You’ve seen many a fine sight in your centuries of living, Liyue is one of them. From the spears he cast to create the stone forest of Guyun to the lowest peaks of Liyue’s mountains; Morax worked hard to craft Liyue into its current image and he did a fine job.
“Just as long as you know Sumeru is the best. Our oases and forests are second to none.” Morax had seen them quite a few times due to your nations’ proximities to one another and the newfound allegiance of the Seven.
It was no longer an oddity to hear from your friend that she was being called to a small gathering Barbatos insisted she attend, nor was it odd when the other Archons found themselves visiting Rukkhadevata in Sumeru. What you presently find odd, however, is that this isn’t a gathering for the Seven.
It is simply you, merely one of the gods of Sumeru allied to the Dendro Archon, and Morax alone.
“Why not bring Rukkha here?” You finally bring yourself to ask. “She would love to see something like this, she’s interacted plenty with mortals.” You and the newly appointed Archon of Sumeru were similar that way, although your methodology differed. We’re old friends. Even more than that, perhaps both your similarities and differences were inevitable. We were born from the same tree, after all. Irminsul connects you both more deeply than could ever be expressed.
You are both one of many parts of it, a branch and a root respectively. Life and Death with the green of Dendro running through both your veins. She will always have your loyalty and you hers.
“Barbatos of Mondstadt has dragged you lot to plenty of parties.” you continue, pushing away your thoughts. If Morax picked up that your mind was bordering topics beyond his nation’s holiday, he doesn’t show it. If he has, you can appreciate him saying nothing. Perhaps Rukkhadevata wasn’t exaggerating when she said the Geo Archon had begun to mellow out since the last time you encountered him. “I’d expect an invitation like this from him. I thought you preferred the company of your adepti to anyone else.” Yet Morax requested your presence specifically. It was so abnormal you couldn’t help dragging yourself across the desert and forest of your homeland to your neighboring nation for answers.
The Lord of Geo’s face is unknowable. “I thought this sort of holiday would be to your liking.” At the curious raise of your eyebrow, Morax explains on smoothly. “Lantern Rite celebrates the lives of those who sacrificed their own for Liyue’s prosperity. Mortals, Gods and Adepti alike. Considering your philosophies, I thought you’d enjoy it.”
“Because we are alike,” you reply almost smugly. “Mortals and the divine. It doesn’t matter where we start, we all meet the same end. Every life on Teyvat is important.” It’s a point you and Morax could never agree on. Neither of you would yield even when Guizhong herself stepped in, finding the debate too heated even by her standards. Dendro and Geo are compatible elements by nature, that didn’t seem apply to you and Morax.  You thought him close-minded and stuck in his ways, he thought you young and inexperienced despite you only be a few millennia younger than him.
Oddly enough, however, that same Morax is sitting beside you with a look you almost deem fond.
"Anyway, even you should know that all the fun is down there,” you gesture broadly to Liyue Harbor. The lights of the lanterns shone similarly to the stars twinkling above the vast desert and you could hear the distant sounds of music. You aren’t surprised, however. Morax never interacted with his followers unless he had to and even then there was always a distance he placed between them.
“We can attend the festivities whenever you’d like,” Morax replies kindly and much too quickly for you to believe it.
You poke his forehead the way you would Deshret in his deep sleep, wondering if he dozed himself into an eternal slumber. “Is everything alright in there?” You query in disbelief. “Who are you and what have you done with Morax? Is there an imposter among the Seven? Should I alert all the Archons that the Lord of Geo’s been possessed by a fake?”
Grabbing your wrist, Morax halts your poking. Strangely enough, he doesn’t let go though his hold is gentle. “I’m not going mad, I’m simply taking a page out of your book, God of Festivals.”
A wave of embarrassment sweeps over you at the mention of what is becoming your most popular epithet and you gently tug your wrist from his grip. “I only started calling myself that so the people of Sumeru would stop balking at my ideal at the mere mention of it.” You and your friends all had your ideals, your own basis for what you considered wisdomー it was just unfortunate yours was the only one mortals had a primordial fear of.
“Life should be thought of as a grand festival”, you told your tribes. “Treat it like a celebration! Mortal children come into this world needing to be cared for by their elders and yet mortal elders become more like children the older they become, the youth taking their roles as providers. Your dreams, decisions and ambitions. Make them the games a child would play at a festival so they can return home without regrets! Mortals and the divine, we all return to the earth. Make sure you can return with no regrets! This is my wisdom.”
Morax chuckles at your sheepish expression and it isn’t the first time you resent his baritone voice. It should be forbidden for someone teasing you to have a voice so pleasant. “I like it, it’s very fitting of you.” At your sour glare, he reassures you his opinion is not in jest. “The gods of Sumeru all sought and continue to seek Wisdom, it’s the lifeblood of the nation. Even if our opinions have differed in the past, I’ve never doubted the wisdom you hold. I admire your tenacity, I’m not sure I would be able to find ways to make a subject most humans find taboo more palatable. At least, not in such a creative way.”
A quiet passes over the two of as you take in what was said. He isn’t joking, you’ve joked yourself in the past that the blockhead is too serious to joke. You find it unbearable to stare into amber eyes any longer, finding comfort in the warm glow of the capital in the distance. “You said if I wanted, we could see the festivities in person,” you begin after a few moments. “I’m considering this a contract from the Lord of Geo himself so let’s go.”
Another chuckle escapes Morax’s lips and you can’t hold back a snicker of your own. “The last time I visited Sumeru I saw you dancing with the mortals,” it feels random when Morax tells you this but his eyes are distant, chasing a memory. This time his expression looks undoubtedly fond. “It looked fun. I want to experience things as you view them, if you’ll allow me.”
“You don’t seem like much of a dancer,” you murmur quietly but you don’t disparage him.
“This isn’t a holiday that calls for dancing, but this is only the fifth Lantern Rite to ever take place,” Morax stands, holding a hand out for you to grab. You find it too easy to accept his offer and feel too self-conscious of how closely you are standing beside one another. “Perhaps that can be a change made if the people are given a little guidance.”
“Oh stop, you old rock,” you say out of habit. You feel as if you’ve had one too many drinks, noting again how Morax makes no move to separate his hand from your own. It’s strange but you don’t find the urge to fight it. It’s only for one night, only to see the festivities of Liyue’s newest yet most important holiday. “I want to see how the people here celebrate things without biased divine intervention. Just lead the way to the Harbor before I start growing over with moss.”
His smile is light, familiar with your sense of humor by now. “I’ll be sure to lead at a moderate pace then.”
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kasdeyalilith · 2 years
Save Us
Warning/s: Angst and Fluff
Character/s: Scaramouche x Reader
Synopsis: After the war, Nahida took you and Scaramouche in, providing a haven of peace and comfort until the inevitable came for you both.
Note: You all know the drill, I come bearing angst. Hope yall enjoy. No worries tis but a smidge of angst.
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“Look Scaramouche, the sky is so blue today”
“I know, I can see that. I’m not blind”
“Why so grumpy today my Mouchie?”
“Stop calling me that! And get off my back”
You slide off his back and straighten out his hat, a ritual you never miss. Since he is not a member of the Fatui, Nahida advised he make an outfit change so you sewed him a new hat with hints and hues of blue to partner with his new vision. 
“I’m off to see Nahida by the way so don’t wait for me when dinner comes. She wants me to train my skills in using anemo to lift things. Of course, it’s easy as a cake for me”
You can't help but smile at your lover's antics as he places his hands on his hips, his head angled in pride.
“Sure Mouchie, just stay safe, ok?”
He was going to say something about the nickname, but he changed his mind and just flicked your head.
“Yeah, yeah. See you later”
He waits at the door
“What are you standing there for?” you asked, another smile already forming in your face
“You’re not saying it”
“Saying what”
“Don’t make me spell it for you”
Eyes scolding your form but softens in helplessness at you all the same.
“Yeah, I’ll stop now”
Stopping in between giggles you walked towards him and pecked his cheek “I love you”
“Promise that you’ll take care of him for me?”
“I’ll take care of him like he’s my own (Y/n). Pinky promise”
Nahide extends her pinky to you, but you suddenly hug her instead. The young archon later returns the embrace.
“I have another request Nahida”
“(Y/n)! Stop please! Why are you doing this?”
Words barely pass through your consciousness; everything is a blur. You are consumed by fury and bloodlust. You concentrate your wrath, blindfolded, on demolishing another temple. Pure energy blades piercing the sky and slicing the building into pieces. The screaming that follows just fuels your desire to continue killing and destroying.
The traveler can only lessen the destruction you wreak; portals are opening everywhere as it births waves after waves of monsters. Almost all of Sumeru's finest are fighting, yet the battle isn't ending, the corruption building within you feeding and magnifying your power.
“Please (Y/n)”
Scaramouche deflects your attack as he steps closer toward you. The trees and grass around you have long died and withered, the corruption creeping out of your body and onto every living being it can grasp onto. You faced the movement from the side, your movement stiff but quick, as if controlled by strings.
Your weapon materialized in your hand, and you swing it at his neck.
 Scaramouche was only seconds away from death as he parried your attack. The fight like a dance of blood and blades, death and destruction linger around you. 
"We can still cure you (Y/n), so please come back."
As your body shudders, he grips your hand, blade clattering to the ground. The corruption is weakening your body; blood is leaking from your eyes and ears. And then, for a brief moment of clarity, you saw Scaramouche in front of you, his body strewn with cuts and bruises.
“(Y/n)! you’re back”
He hugged you closer to him, wiping the blood in your face. Relief washes over him as you say his name once more.
“You have to go”
“No, I won’t leave you. Tighnari is close by, he can cure you so let’s-”
Scaramouche only hugs you tighter in response, you pushed him away as the corruption seeps into him.
“Please” you say again but this time you’re talking to the person behind him.
Nahida can only nod, wiping away her tears as she clasps her hand together, murmuring a prayer. Blinding light floods the place, traces of dendro clears any signs of corruption. You sighed as her power envelops you, finally cutting the strings.
“Look Scaramouche" you whispered "the sky is so blue today”
And then silence.
He stills, his breath strained as you slumped over him. Lifeless.
“No! no no no no”
“Don’t die please, not like this (Y/n)”
“Don’t leave me, not you too please”
“Wake up…..(Y/n) I said wake up”
The light in your eyes flickered and dimmed as it reflects the sky above.
“I love you” He whispers into your ear, his voice breaking at the last word.
“I can’t- I please, I can’t say goodbye”
He reached out and gently touched your face, kissing your forehead as he whispered every word of his vows to you.
“I have another request Nahida”
“I’m sorry for putting this on you Nahida but when the time comes that I’ll hurt everybody, hurt him. I need you to end me”
“And someday, when the fates graces us with their kindness. I hope that I’ll meet all of you again”
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rapifessor · 1 year
Initial Analysis of Baizhu
Well, here we go. Decided I’d take a quick look at Baizhu since we have some details about him from the Version 3.6 beta. So far he looks like a very solid support that can do pretty much anything and might be the premier option for a Dendro character with role compression when he becomes playable.
Elemental Skill
Does a pretty good amount of damage for hitting a total of three times, and also heals your entire party by a pretty significant amount. On top of that this Talent has a pretty low cooldown of only 10s, it’s overall just a really good attack. Hopefully it generates a good amount of particles as well.
Elemental Burst
This one’s pretty unique. It creates shields and heals your active character in addition to dealing damage when the shields break or are refreshed. The shields themselves are interesting as well because they’re pretty weak but since they’re always being regenerated while Baizhu’s burst is active it’s effectively the same as having a really tanky shield. You should get about five or six of them while the burst lasts, and looks like it costs 80 Energy for Baizhu.
Passive Talents
First Ascension passive gives Baizhu 20% more healing for characters below 50% HP and if your active character is above 50% HP, he gets 25% Dendro DMG instead. Pretty nice talent overall, more damage is always better.
Second Ascension passive is where the fun is at. Every 1k HP Baizhu has up to 50k will give the active character 2% more Hyperbloom, Bloom, and Burgeon DMG and 0.8% more Aggravate and Spread DMG when they’re healed by his Elemental Burst. Considering how absurdly broken Hyperbloom is and that you can in theory get a 100% DMG Bonus to it with this Talent, I would not be surprised if this gets nerfed in the beta test because damn that is way too OP.
Lastly, Baizhu has a unique exploration Talent that heals your active character by 2.5% of his HP when they harvest plants in the overworld. I like that this is something new and it’s a nice quality of life feature to keep your team healthy while exploring.
As is normally the case with 5-Star characters, Baizhu’s C2 is pretty strong and a good stopping point for players who want to invest in him without going full whale. C1 gives his skill an additional charge, making for a comfier playstyle and enabling more damage and energy for Baizhu. The C2 performs joint attacks with your active party member every 5s, dealing a hefty 300% Dendro DMG and also healing 1/5 the normal amount of Baizhu’s skill.
C4 is a strong supportive Talent, being essentially Collei’s C4 but better as it just gives your team more Elemental Mastery.
Lastly, C6 enables DPS Baizhu and just makes his burst deal a fuckload of damage in general, with added 10% HP scaling and generating more shields which means more damage.
Overall Thoughts
Looking at that second Ascension passive, I get the impression that Baizhu is like Candace but if Candace was done right. If her similar Talent that grants bonus damage based on her HP was more universal than Normal Attack DMG Bonus with her burst, she would have been a much better and much less niche unit.
But yeah, as you can see, he’s pretty fucking stacked. Also I’m sorry, but I just have to add that it really makes you wonder again what the fuck happened with Dehya’s kit when Baizhu is apparently a god. The disparity in power level between the two of them is sobering.
Anyway, I’ll probably be doing a similar post about Kaveh pretty soon. I specifically wanted to look at Baizhu first so I can get an idea of how much I give a shit about him. I’m thinking of pulling for C1 Dehya but I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t burn too many Primogems if Baizhu was a character I wanted, especially since I’ve officially gone free-to-play and have no intention of buying the Gnostic Chorus or Blessing of the Welkin Moon.
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lovingelegance · 2 years
Genshin Kinktober List!!
..How does this work?
Well, you can choose 3-4 things in the list you want to request!
I will be choosing up to 7-9 requests during the month and will be posting every Monday and Friday. (Starting October)
The writing will contain 2-3 paragraphs (not longgg ones like I usually do 😭)
And you might be asking, it’s September.. why now? Because I’m really busy during October and can’t find some time to write so I’m getting it done this month. Hope you guys don’t mind! ♡
Characters I can write for, Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Capitano,Cyno, Diluc, Dottore, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Pantalone, Scaramouche, Heizou, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, and Zhongli.
Oh and before we start off the [?] means questioning like I’m willing to write it but I need to do a bit more research? Idk what to call it 😭
Afab reader/character, Amab reader/character
Name calling other than Y/N.. Mommy/Daddy, Master/Mistress, Miss/Sir,
[Element] Vision Reader.. Electro, Hydro, Dendro, Ice? I’ll consider.
Where sex takes place.. Bedroom, Bathroom/Shower, Plane, Car, Sofa, Kind of public setting? Go crazy, think of any other place. (Don’t go too crazy LMAO)
Kinks.. Praise, Degrading/Humiliation, Bondage, Gagging, Whipping/Spanking [?], Breeding, Role Play [? Describe what type], Tentacles, temperature play, wax play [?], Toys of sorts.. dildos, cock rings, vibrators, nipple clamps, yk that sort of stuff. Lactation [?], Pet play.. Puppy, Kitty, (I’m not sure what else).
Honestly.. you don’t have to request on what’s this list, I’m just brain storming ideas. Just know I don’t do piss/shit kind of kinks, vomit/vore is also a no. Rape or any sort of that is also a no. Plus, Sub reader is a no.
Request something! 😁 (Please😥)
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etherline · 1 year
I find it fascinating how Alhaitham’s animations and elemental attacks are so different from every other dendro character we’ve seen so far. Every other character (tighnari, collei, nahida, dendro traveler) has a very natural feel to their elemental attacks.
the energy is shaped like leaves and vines and blossoming flowers. While alhaitham still has the leaf motif going on, it’s geometric and more diamond-shaped than actually leaf shaped, and you could argue that his attacks look more like colorshifted Geo animations than anything else.
it’s just super techy, weirdly enough, which is the opposite of the natural feel the other dendro animations have to them. I have several interpretations of this but I’ll post them later.
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teyvatgaymer · 1 year
Nilou Build Guide
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It’s been a while since I’ve made a guide like this. I took a hiatus from the game but I’m back and very excited to see that Nilou has grown quite a bit in popularity! Since her banner just reran and Nilou has a very unique kit I thought I’d take some time to write up a guide for her!
When I stopped playing in 3.2, Nilou and Nahida had just dropped, and people were still getting used to Dendro as an element. Now in 3.6 Nilou Bloom is one of, if not the single most popular abyss teams in the game - and for good reason! If you’re thinking of pulling for Nilou or already have her and looking for ways to build her I hope this guide can help!
Nilou is an extremely unique and complex unit due to her very intricate elemental skill and Ascension 1 passive talent “Court of Dancing Petals.” There’s a lot to break down in the mechanics of Nilou, but the short version is she enables the absolute crap out of the Bloom reaction. Also, for her kit to work as intended, she can only be paired with Hydro and Dendro units. This was a big reason that Nilou wasn’t as popular on her initial release, since we only had 3 playable Dendro units at the time, none of which were healers or optimized for bloom.
Now we have Nahida, AlHaitham, YaoYao, Baizhu, and Kaveh. All of these characters slot extremely well into a Nilou core and allow more flexibility within the team comp.
Nilou is niche, but for good reason. She makes bloom so EZ mode that it wouldn’t be balanced in burgeon/hyperbloom comps and there’s more than enough reaction damage from bloom that you don’t need other elements to clear high level abyss floors. I also think that while Nilou is complex, she’s very forgiving in her damage output. So even if you’re a new player and can’t farm good artifacts/have no idea what you’re doing she’s still consistent with her personal hydro damage.
Kit Breakdown
The in game description for Nilou’s kit is probably the most wordy in the game. I’ll try to make it as simple as possible:
Auto Attacks
Nothing fancy here. Standard sword user but you’ll only ever be using her auto attacks during her dance which is explained under her Elemental Skill.
Elemental Skill
Nilou’s elemental skill (E) is a “dance” in which she uses auto attacks (A) or the skill button (E) to preform different “steps.” Nilou can preform 3 “steps” in her “dance.” The last step of her dance will have a different effect depending if you end it with (A) or (E). If the dance is ended with an auto attack (A): Nilou’s attacks will be converted to hydro for a duration and every third hit will deal AoE hydro damage. If the dance is ended with the elemental skill button (E): Nilou will create a Ring of Tranquility, which remains around the active character and rapidly applies the wet status in its AoE.
In simple terms you have two options when ending her Dance. You can remain on field and deal Hydro DMG with her attacks or set up the Ring of Tranquility and swap to different characters. 9/10 times you’ll pretty much always do the latter and set up Ring of Tranquility, as it allows her to enable quick swap playstyle and apply hydro while off field. But it’s nice to have flexibility as both on and off field unit!
Regardless what step you end the dance with Nilou’s Ascension 1 Passive, “Court of Dancing Petals” will activate. I will explain this passive in more detail below.
All of the damage associated with Nilou’s Elemental Skill scales off of her Max HP.
Elemental Burst
Her burst is much more simple, she deals AoE hydro damage around herself and marks enemies hit with a flower that then deals additional hydro damage after a duration.
All damage in this manner also scales with Nilou’s Max HP.
Passive Talents
Ascension 1 - Court of Dancing Petals
Upon use of the third step in Nilou’s dance: When the party consists of only the elements Hydro and Dendro, all Dendro Cores created from the Bloom reaction (Dendro + Hydro) instead become Bountiful Cores. Bountiful Cores rupture immediately and deal greater damage over a larger AoE. It’s basically Bloom on steroids.
Ascension 4 - Dreamy Dance of Aeons
Math time. For every 1000 HP points Nilou posses above 30k, Nilou increases the damage of all bountiful cores, including cores she did not make, by 9%. The maximum increase from this effect is 400%, meaning it caps at 77.5k max HP.
This passive along with the fact that of all her personal hydro Dmg scales off of HP% means you want to stack HP% as much as you possibly can.
Build Overview
In General, you want as much HP as physically possible on Nilou as well as some EM to help boost her bloom Dmg. You’ll also want some ER depending how frequently you need to use her burst. In Bloom you do not need Crit stats since Bloom can’t crit. Shoot for the following stats depending on your level of investment:
F2P Stat Goals
50-60k HP (with Hydro Resonance)
200-300 EM (with Dendro Resonance)
110-120% ER.
Invested Stat Goals
70-77k HP (with Hydro Resonance)
300 EM (with Dendro Resonance)
120-130% ER
I’d say if you’re f2p you wanna shoot for at least 50k Max HP with hydro resonance and a stretch goal of 60k. It’s really hard to get more than 50k without her weapon, though. If you have her signature weapon then shoot for 70-75k Max HP. 77.5k HP is where Nilou’s A4 party buff caps but you do not necessarily need to max the buff due to diminishing returns.
Either way, ~200-300 EM is plenty of EM since her passive provides her such a large DMG bonus in place of EM. It’s totally fine to have more than 300 EM, but don’t sacrifice HP for it.
ER totally depends on how frequently you want to use her burst. 110-130% is plenty in most comps.
Level & Talents —————————
You definitely want to take Nilou to Lv90. The extra HP significantly increases the party’s bloom damage due to her A4 passive.
On the plus side, theoretically, you don’t have to touch Nilou’s talents at all since bloom damage isn’t affected by Talent Level. I do personally recommend at least taking her Skill and Burst to Level 6 though, since her raw Hydro damage is definitely nothing to sneeze at. If you plan to use her outside of bloom comps I’d take Skill and Burst to at least Lv9. There’s quite literally no reason to touch her auto attack talent at all.
Weapons ————————————
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Key of Khaj-Nisut; Primordial Jade Cutter
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Xiphos Moonlight; Toukabou Shigure; Iron Sting
No surprise, her signature weapon is absolutely busted on Nilou and if you have it you should definitely use it. It’s a massive HP stat stick and allows her to buff party EM based on her Max HP. Jade Cutter is good too since it also gives HP, but the crit is wasted in a bloom comp.
If you are f2p or just don’t have the Key, then Xiphos Moonlight, Toukabou Shigure, and Iron Sting are all great 4⭐️ options. Dark Iron Sword works too but the other options are just better.
Artifacts ———————————
Overall, Nilou is very easy to build bc HP is a common stat on artifacts. HP and EM are the most important stats with Nilou, with HP taking very high priority. You always want to run HP as the main stat on Sands, Goblet, and Circlet. 200-300 raw EM from sub stats is plenty, especially if you have the Key.
All this said, go with any of the following sets that achieve the goals I explained above:
2pc Tenacity / 2pc Vourukasha / 2pc Wanderer / 2pc Gilded / 2pc Flower of Paradise Lost
4pc Flower of Paradise Lost
4pc Vourukasha’s Glow
None of these sets are necessarily better or worse than the others. The 4pc passives from Flower and Vourukasha sets are both very useful but overall it’s better to have as much HP and EM as you can. Just go with whatever combination gives you the most HP and EM!
Constellations —————————
Nilou has very powerful constellations in c2 and c6, and her c1 gives her more uptime on her Ring of Tranquility. Despite the power level and QoL these constellations bring though, they are absolutely not necessary for her to function in her niche. She is a perfectly cracked unit at c0.
If you’re looking to roll on Nilou I personally recommend going for her weapon before going for any of her cons. The extra HP alone is reason enough and the party EM buff from the weapons passive is extremely clutch. Overall it just makes building her leagues easier. Beyond her weapon C2 is a hard stopping point imo. Only go for more cons after C2 if you just absolutely love her and want to maximize her fully.
Team Comps
This section is pretty obvious when you understand how Nilou’s kit works, but Nilou is more flexible than people give her credit for!
99.99% of time you will be running Nilou in a dedicated Bloom comp. This means she can only be paired with Dendro and other Hydro units in order for her A1 Talent to take effect. Her bloom comp options continue to expand as more Dendro units become playable. In general, you want consider the following in a Nilou Bloom Comp:
• Bloom rupture damages the active character. Nilou drastically increases the damage from rupture so a healer is absolutely necessary for survival, especially in abyss and if you’re driving with a squishy unit like Nahida. Kokomi and Baizhu are the premium options for this role but YaoYao and Barbara certainly work too. You can probably get around needing a dedicated healer with Kaveh and Xingqiu in the comp as long as Kaveh is the on field driver and you’re good with rotations. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and how comfy you want the team to preform.
• Hydro Resonance increases Nilou’s max HP by 20% which in turn increases the entire party’s bloom damage. Kokomi, Yelan, and Xingqiu are the preferred hydro units for this role. Kamisato Ayato is also very effective at applying Hydro in AoE but you’ll need good enough off field dendro app to maintain dendro core generation.
• Dendro Resonance is almost as necessary as Hydro Resonance imo. It provides extra EM party wide as well as more Dendro application. Nahida is the premium Dendro unit in the game and she is no exception here. Nahida is certainly not a requirement though! Literally any Dendro character outside of Tighnari works here (and even Tighnari is good enough to get the job done). Collei is really good here if you have constellations!
• Bloom ownership can be a bit complicated due to elemental gauge mechanics which is another post in itself entirely lol. To make it simple, in most bloom comps it’s safe to assume the hydro units will be the ones triggering *most* of the blooms, so you’ll want high amount EM on your hydro characters (Nilou being the exception especially if you have her weapon.) But, it’s likely that depending on rotations etc that everyone in the comp will trigger blooms to some degree. Nilou’s A4 helps with this as it increases bountiful core damage regardless who triggers the core, but it’s still something to consider. Whoever is triggering in the team comp needs to have a lot EM and be Lv90!
Non-Bloom Nilou?
It’s not her preferred comp for obvious reasons, but Nilou’s insane amount of HP scaling and hydro application definitely allows her flexibility in other teams outside of Bloom. You can slot her into really any comp where Hydro app is needed: Freeze, Electro-Charge, Vape and even Fridge/Hyperbloom/Burgeon. Just be aware she won’t reach her full potential outside of Bloom.
Nilou is a very unique character and single handedly made Bloom one of the most, if not the single most busted reaction in the game. Despite her complex kit Nilou is surprisingly very forgiving in her playstyle and can preform well even if you don’t know what you’re doing. But if you do know what you’re doing she’s just straight up busted. Overall, she’s a very strong unit within her niche and I think she’ll only get better as more Dendro and Hydro units are added to the game.
As always I hope this guide was somewhat helpful! 🪷
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captainadwen · 2 years
my investment in genshin this time around has been much much shorter lived than expected
this is just a sleep-deprived 5 am rant bc i cannot sleep
i mean, part of it might be spoilers but also the lack of building up to plot that I missed (since my friend played some of the story while using my account as an alt). the issue is that i dont care enough about inazuma’s plot to look it up and see what happened. like ive met ei. i did her second quest. i know enough about raiden shogun to guess. i dont give a single fuck about kujo sara so watching her short-lived fallout from ideology is frankly unappealing. kokomi i liked only bc of a fancomic and the in-game version is much more disappointing. i still forget gorou exists. doing kazuha’s quest is frankly wasting the time i spend alive. i think there’s other characters in inazuma but i keep forgetting who they are so it’s like, whatever
why are itto and shinobu the only two characters from inazuma i actually like???
it is just impossible for me to be invested in inazuma story, and the same issue is happening in sumeru. sumeru the problem is a mix of spoilers but also that i am SO DONE with the traveler having three personality traits
1. i single-handedly saved countries. pay my allies no mind. isn’t it great i owned the jade chamber and that the anemo god is still awol and whatever the fuck went down in inazuma?
2. busybody
3. omg, sUCH a HERo
i really hate it!!!
every time i think im getting invested the focus shifts from characters and their interactions (i thought!!! little sick rich lady and body guard pyro lady and dancer hydro lady had a nice thing going on!!!) back to the traveler and their bullshit quest to go see the dendro archon (for what???? honestly if the writers REALLY cared about the story the motivation would stop being flimsy-ass lets travel teyvat uhuhuh and more ‘that dainsleif fellow is my closest link to finding my awol sibling and if i cannot find my sibling or the god that yeeted us here then by GOLLY i will track dainsleif and other khaen’riah survivors/relics across teyvat until i find one of them again)
(which like!!! could work really well for inazuma and sumeru bc 1. vision stopping might be sus enough for traveler to suspect abyss involvement. but also they got hit really bad by the cataclysm and 2. i havent done the quest yet but there’s a huge-ass ruin guard??? just lying around??? also the irminsul tree links whatnot)
i really hate that there’s no motivation to travel around and i hate the boastful traveler and i hate paimon’s screechy voice (i went back to see clips of mond and her voice is SO MUCH LESS SCREECHY) and i really, really fucking despise the grinding
why does every new character need a specific artifact. why do we have to grind so much. if i want to use any of my cast of characters i have to grind the fuck out of them first or they die in three seconds or do nothing. heaven forbid your character scale off anything but attack or hp with how rare things like energy recharge are. like
i thought it was just that i disliked fighting games. im kinda bad at them. and i dont like genshin fighting. i keep wanting to play a ton of rpgs (assasin’s creed, mass effect), but i get tired thinking about fighting. but then i realized, im like 40+ runs in on hades and still going strong. and that game is pure combat.
i just hate games where the combat feels meaningless
at least in hades i know each run brings me slowly closer to escaping the underworld. in genshin after grinding for a full hour (a bit longer than a long slow run in hades) i’ll be lucky if i got anything of use. maybe if you just fight bosses for ascension materials. otherwise get fucked
it just exhausts me and not even puzzles or exploration can make me not feel tired at the idea of playing (And god, i hate the aranara quest run around collecting seeds things.... it could be worse but it could also just be lile. a puzzle instead of dash dash dash con)
anyway i think imma take another break, probably shorter since genshin is what i play when i am bored simply bc its there and easy and i can quit after 5 mins with zero progress lost. a realization brough to you by the realization i was only logging in to get primos for nahida, who i have not met and whom spoilers did not endear me to (also she’s a kid character and except for klee i universally am extremely indifferent to them), whom i was told is “ultra good” for fighting and spiral. and who i’d still have to build up. on the off chance i win 50/50
yeah, no
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https-furina · 9 months
just my personal rambles about how much i love fontaine utc ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
i’ve literally been bottling up my sheer adoration for this country since we started getting hints at it and teasers; i share a mild connection with france itself as french is my second language and i spent majority of my childhood between marseille and london so i was so excited for a sense of familiarity in fontaine and i was also incredibly excited for the lowkey steampunk aesthetic they gave fontaine )):
so like first things first; the archon quest??? has left me gasping, shaking, bawling, on my knees choking on tears!!! and like the best part about it is that it’s only just begun <3 my favourite thing is that with past countries, we could get a feel where the archon quest plot was going. in inazuma you recognise that ultimately you’re going against the raiden shogun and you’ll fight her before you can ask her about your sibling and in sumeru it becomes obvious that the government is the problem and you need to free the dendro archon but in fontaine? where are we going with this?
what is the prophecy truly? is it from a curse from celestia? what about furina’s status? is she just another helpless archon drowning her sorrows in trials because if she doesn’t live in that moment she’ll remember the prophecy she undoubtedly believes in, knowing her people’s sins will never be washed clean? what about arlecchino? is there actually a good motive behind her or is there going to be a hidden twist when you least expect it? how the hell are we supposed to help fontaine from submerging? and what about childe’s loss of control for his vision? i’m SO EXCITED because i have so many questions and very little answers! (who knows i might update this with more questions after doing 4.1’s archon quest)
then there’s the soundtrack!! i don’t know about yall but i’ve been going idle in absolutely every place possible just listening to the music and the ambience. i’m absolutely in love with the underwater music, i have my favourite underwater song playing in my teapot and i sit in my teapot in awe every time <3 i’m so excited for future regions’ music and how these new locations may differ from what we have now (not to mention the range of orchestra instruments hoyo included in making fontaine’s ost!)
not to mention all the species! i love the clockwork concepts (especially the dogs pfft) but also just the animals in general??? the OTTERS?! the blubberbeasts and even the seahorses, the dogs that wear silly little outfits and birds that look like they came out of pokemon aaaa <3
the flowers !! pluie lotuses that i pick every time i see them because i would kill just to have a vase full in my kitchen window <33 and the rainbow roses that look more like tulips or the lumidouce bells that are like the lovechild of bluebells and lily of the valley ): i can’t wait to see more as an ex-florist who still clings to her relationship with flowers
melusines <33 need i say more? their quest regarding elynas had me sobbing and screaming honestly, i long for more lore about them - not to mention they are such funky little genderless creatures, i aspire to be them hehe - and more quests regarding them; like i physically need melusine content or i’ll be perishing ):
character outfit designs!! everyone just looks so good i’m sorry but there isn’t a single outfit i’ve even remotely disliked yet. everyone looks amazing, hot, baking some damn goods - like we got geo taylor swift and electro lana del ray, an archon with heterochromia, some elf looking ass man who could be a dragon - or an otter, i like otter more - the wolf looking mf who wardens a prison??? magicians in thigh highs, stockings, garters and boots?! with matching bows?! AND FREMINET’S WHOLE DIVER’S HELMET ORDEAL AND COLOUR PALETTE?? i can’t i’m too in love with everyone (and all their english voice actors are fantastic too!!)
the airships being the most fun thing i have ever seen in my whole life, i routinely go on the airship at the west slopes of mont automnequi because you can see almost all of our past locations there! you can see deshret’s masoleum, the divine tree, the jade chamber and (i think) dragonspine. not to mention you get a good ass look at fontaine and some things in areas we haven’t got yet - also you can see how close celestia is to fontaine… i still remember all the theories about celestia and mondstadt (╥ ω ╥)
being able to dive out of water with fontaine characters & hydro traveler (please please please let us dive with wriothesley and neuvillette, just because they’re the first two tall characters we’ve got i’m so curious if we can)
building a relationship with berrypuff ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ proceeding to cry when we release berrypuffier and then cry again when you run into them in the wild <3 i’ve also grown attached to the dog in the ship graveyard, i go there daily to feed them chicken and i cook dishes while i’m there hehe
the dishes in fontaine!! i still cackle daily about fonta ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა oh and salsa! she’s so annoying but at the same time i love that kid hehe
i could go on for too long aaaa.. i love fontaine guys. i thought i was sad seeing sumeru finally go but i think i may cry when it’s time to leave fontaine. i’ve never been so excited for a genshin region and plot since inazuma and inazuma has always been my favourite up until now. i think the only things i’ll be excited for after fontaine is meeting the tsaritsa and khaenri’ah <3
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Summer windows 10
Characters: Kaeya, Kiba, Bakugo, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima, Sesshomaru, Sasuke
I’m not gonna explain why I’m posting these one after the other. I’m upset with myself for procrastinating but this will be done even if like four of them are posted in the same week.
64: Travel
“Y/n remember that we are nomads, while Mondstadt is our starting place, the entire world is our home.”
When the old lord Ragnvindr died you were in Snezhnaya with your mother. Maybe it was just confusion or the fear of hurting your friends when you stayed away from your old home for a while. Your father’s passing during a trek through Sumeru, and your mother pleading for you to care for your younger sister.
“Y/n, are we starting a new adventure here?” Dyri asks as you give a small nod.
“Kind of. Think of it as a new start for you and an old chapter for me, do you want to go to the main city first?”
She nods, you almost forget about the purpose of the return.
“Actually we’re gonna stop by a friend of mine’s place first. He has our keys and I’m sure he just left the building the way we left it,” you smile picking up your bag.
“Key? Do we have a house here?”
You ruffle her hair. “Yeah we do.”
From where you were to the old estate you hadn’t expected the change. Looking at the maid you give a weak smile.
“Hello, how can I help you?”
You hesitate but finally speak. “I’m Y/n L/n, my dad left the keys to our estate with the previous master. I was just coming to get them.”
She pauses confused. “I’ve never heard that name before, let me speak with my master. You can have a seat. I should be back in a moment.”
Dyri looks around excitedly. “Y/n, is our house this big?”
“No, ours is a little smaller. But I was thinking of running it as an inn since there’s a lot of rooms, I’m sure the grandmaster wouldn’t mind,” you mumble.
Just as your sister was getting impatient a familiar face appeared.
“Kaeya!” You smile, jumping up to hug him tightly.
“Y/n, you’ve definitely grown. How’ve you been? I see you have a kid,” he chuckles, patting your back.
You step back with a frown. “I haven’t had a child, this is my little sister Dyri. Some things fell through and we have to stay in Mondstadt.”
Kaeya’s smile fell. “What happened?”
“I’d rather not talk about it in front of her,” you admit.
“Are you Y/n’s friend? They told me all about how you guys used to play pirate! Guess what I have a vision, and so does Y/n. I’m jealous though they got hydro and I got Dendro,” Dyri rattled off every thought that seemed to pop into her head.
“Dyri, I told you to take off your jacket, it’s far too hot to wear it here. I’ll let you wear it if we visit Snezhnaya,” you reach out a hand.
She pouts. “Traveling is no fun when y/n nags.”
Chuckling again Kaeya hands you a key but picks up one of the bags. “Well let’s get you two home then. I’m sure Grandmaster Jean is in for a big surprise.”
You gasp. “Jean is the grandmaster? You need to tell me everything I missed while we walk.”
“Of course, I won’t forget a single detail.” He smirks.
“I’m sure you remember every little thing that happened,” you smile.
“Y/n, can you take me fishing once we settle?”
65: Somen
“Y/n, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Are you helping with the nagashi somen?” Mr. Ichiraku asks as you walk into the shop.
Giving a small smile you nod. “Of course, you guys have been a big help for us. I’m more than happy to help.”
“Is it just you or-
“I’m helping!” You look back as someone walks in the door. 
Smiling, you silently cheer to yourself. Setting up for the event was usually an all day thing but with extra hands time goes faster and less time spent. You were surprised to see Kiba.
“Oh, Y/n, I didn’t expect to see you here. Do you usually help?” Kiba smiles.
“Yeah, you know my dad loves volunteering us for stuff. I do it out of habit now,” you shrug. “What did you want me to help with this time, Mr. Ichiraku?”
“You’re on cooking duty for zone 1, but since you’re here now you can lend a hand with set up. Will we be seeing any of your kids?” He asks.
You shake your head. “I asked but we might see like one or two, they’re really little so I’m sure they have early bedtimes. But since I’m cooking, that means I can’t participate.”
Mr. Ichiraku laughs. “You’ll work in shifts, so no worries. I know how much you look forward to the Nagashi somen event.”
Kiba smirks. “I remember when you tried to see who could eat the most servings.”
“Don’t remind me.” You groan as the faint memory pokes at the back of your mind. “When it comes to Uzumaki and noodles no one can beat him.”
“You better believe it.” The blond shouts as if always nearby when someone mentions his name.
You roll your eyes. “I’m gonna head out and start checking the marked areas.”
“I’ll help, did you want me to take the stuff out now?” Kiba asks as you walk back to the door.
“Yeah, you two can handle that much right?”
You give a small nod. “Of course, I deal with kids most days. But I can lift the stands.”
Maybe three was a bit early to be setting everything up. You could feel your sweat sticky on your skin as you rush checking all the lanterns at each spot, the nearby shops would have their outside lights on but otherwise, the night light and lanterns would light everything.
“Take a break or you're gonna pass out,” Kiba states forcing a bottle of water into your hand.
Accepting it you feel a familiar feeling, one you hated the most. An oncoming sneeze just as you start to open the bottle. With little time to cover your mouth you manage to spray Kiba with the water bottle.
He blinks a bit and laughs. “Be more careful, unless you just love seeing me dripping wet.”
You bite your lip nervously. “I didn’t mean to do it the first time.”
“So you meant to do it this time?” He smirks as he shakes the water off.
“Oi, I’m in the line of fire,” you hold up your hands to shield yourself only to get covered with the other half of the water bottle.
What a great way to cool off. Exchanging looks you both couldn’t help but burst into laughter. What a nice way to start the event.
66: Team building
“Hello again, I’m so excited that we get to have a team-building camp here in Okinawa.” The leading hero states into the mic. “All you youngins have been getting in fights with each other off the battlefield and we thought we should remedy that. This whole resort is gonna be your anger management, don’t worry about expenses we got that covered.”
Suddenly, Present Mic appears. “Now for the partners. We took the liberty of pairing everyone with someone they’ve had problems with. Don’t worry Bakugo, you're paired with Y/n. Now I’ll start listing off the other pairs.”
You weren’t even sure if your face squished into one of disgust or frustration. Sure Bakugo had come to your home and made you food. You still wanted him to change some of his actions, possibly apologizing but you weren’t going to push your luck there.
“Huh, no wonder they put us in the same fucking room,” Bakugo scoffs as he tugs on his shirt.
“Right. So apparently this is because we don’t get along?” You mumble.
Leaning closer to you Bakugo glares. “Speak up, you sound like that damn Deku.”
“Your best friend?”
“We’re not friends!”
You consider holding up your phone to show him the video but you decide that can come later. “Right… I’ll remember that for later. I didn’t know that Tsuki was Tsun-tsun.”
Quickly grabbing your phone you started running.
“Get back here you fucking extra!”
No way were you gonna do that after what you just said, honestly you were embarrassed that the words even left your mouth. But that wasn’t an issue when you’re running for your life.
“Y/n?” Kirishima came into view.
“Running for my life see you later,” you laugh giving a quick wave.
Checking your phone for a split second you were on the right path. Each team was given a different location to get to, you had ten minutes to get there since someone needed to take a shower before the event started. By the time you get there, you’ll be exhausted but it’ll be worth it to get there on time.
That was until a few minutes and you literally hit a wall. Bakugo hot on your tail cornered you. You tried to calm your racing heart from the running but you jump slightly when his fist makes contact with the wall now behind you. Oh, you were in trouble. What was something you could do?
“You’re dea-
You look up pleading. “Katsuki, why are you so mean to me? Ever wonder if the reason I’m so comfortable throwing myself in danger around you is because I feel comfortable around you?”
He freezes up. Taking a step back but it was enough time for you to look up. The wall was just tall enough for one of you to reach down for the other if one person got on top.
Bakugo looks around confused. “What the hell?”
“We need to get in, in five minutes and we need to work together. Just trust me okay, Katsuki.”
He narrows his eyes but nods. “Fine. But I’ll get you back for that later.”
Oh how lucky that lying was a wonderful habit you picked up upon being raised by villains.
67: Popsicle
“You’ve had popsicles before right?” You ask while handing the frozen treat to Todoroki.
“Of course.” He nods.
You frown. “Then how come every time you eat it you look like you’re trying to be lewd?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he raises a brow.
“Mhmm, right. You’d never let me eat one again if I ate one the way you do.” You frown.
“Really? Then show me.” He teases, you could see that knowing look in his eyes.
You didn’t like doing stuff like that, it wasn’t your thing. Putting on a show for any reason was kind of boring. Maybe that was why you liked Todoroki so much he was straightforward and blunt to a fault.
“Why should I demonstrate?” You argue with a pout.
“Because I wanna see what you do.” He smirks.
“Stop it! Gods above who made you this fuckingnhandsome?” You cover your mouth, muffling your words into a mess as you look away.
Shoto boops you on the nose with his popsicle stick. “I’m sure my mom would love that compliment.”
68: Festival (Japan specific)
Was this a bad idea? This was a bad idea. Definitely a bad idea. And you had to be the first person to arrive effectively waiting in the only outfit that you never thought you’d wear.
“Hey you’re looking really nice,” someone approached you but an arm cuts in before they can get too close.
“Do you have any business with my date?” Kirishima could look real mean if he tried and you weren’t sure if he was trying.
He turns around and almost as if a switch flipped you could see imaginary ears and a tail wagging excitedly behind him. “You look amazing Y/n, when we decided to wear Kimonos I knew you’d look great but you look even better.”
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself, big guy.” You smile patting the top of his head after standing just a bit straighter.
The person who was probably trying to pick you up had a good route of escape with Eijiro distracted. You hug Kirishima.
“So when are the rest gonna get here?”
“Should be here soon.” He hugs you back picking you up just enough that you could feel your sandal slip.
Before you could get a good footing you get tackled by a speedy assailant. “Y/n.” A familiar whine makes you laugh.
“Calm down there Keith, it’s okay I’m sure Bakugo didn’t mean it,” you assure the woman as you pat her back.
Luckily you hadn’t fallen, you don’t know what you would have told your stepmother if your kimono had gotten dirty.
“It wasn’t Bakugo, Kaminari said I looked like a washboard.” She whines.
“I didn’t say it-
“Oi, dumbass thoughts speak louder than words for mind reader, you know this,” Bakugo scoffs.
You roll your eyes. “How original did your mommy design the Dynamight kimono for you?”
“Wanna say that again to my face?”
“Hey, hey. No fighting. We’re supposed to be enjoying the festival, remember? No patronizing, no arguing and where is Mina?” Kirishima looks around.
As if hearing her name Mina pops out of nowhere. “Here, sorry. I just got a little hung up Toru and My girlfriend are right behind me.” She gasps trying to catch her breath.
Did she run all the way from the station? Kirishima finds a way to keep Keith off you and hand her over to Bakugo, not that she would cry to you for very long. You couldn’t bring yourself to say out loud that the kimono is supposed to look flat. It was amazing that you’d managed kimonos instead of Yukata.
“Where to first?” Kirishima asks.
“How about we play some games first, then if we get hungry we can get some food,” you suggest.
Mina’s girlfriend smiles. “I brought a blanket so we can find a spot and eat. Maybe we can watch the fireworks from wherever we pick?”
“That is a good idea. Let’s not forget anyone,” You nod showing your wrist. “I have my watch in case I get separated.”
Bakugo, Kaminari, and Toru show theirs as well.
“Good that way we can contact in case of the inevitable separation.” Keith nods.
Mina crosses her arms. “No work, unless it’s an emergency.”
You look away.
“You can’t exactly stop me from-
“No work.” Kirishima gives you a playful tap.
“No work.” You repeat.
Bakugo has a shirt smirk on his face. “I have enough sense to know when to take a break.”
Keith scoffs. “Yeah after I’ve practically made a—
“Don’t finish that sentence you’ll face the consequences later and honestly you dug that grave.” You shake your head as you lead the way to the first game you see. “Let’s try that.”
69: Garden
Holding your bag straps out so the bag is pressed firmly to your back you couldn’t help the cheek burning grin that had slapped itself on your face. “Sessho, let’s go over to the arches. I wanna take cheesy pictures under them.”
You and Sesshomaru were walking through a public garden. It was a very popular date spot and you were surprised you hadn’t thought of going there before. Albeit Sesshomaru stood out with his three piece suit and messy ponytail, while you sport casual walking clothes.
“Young master I’ll take the pictures.” Appearing out of nowhere the older man produces a camera out of thin air and you couldn’t help but expect this.
“Thank you Jaken.” You smile as Sesshomaru behinds leading the way.
Boy oh boy could you feel eyes while standing on the arches. Maybe it was the height difference? Maybe it was the clothing contrast? Or maybe it was the few guards that were putting others on edge? If this had still been the beginning of your relationship you would have thrown a fit about it too, but you’ve been kidnapped five too many times.
“Is that adequate?”
You nod. “Yes, maybe next time we can bring Rin with us. We can look like a little family. And we can wear matching outfits.”
But you knew that was a pipe dream. Everyone knew what the hexagonal tattoos on his body symbolized, even if they didn’t, you knew they were wary of him regardless.
“In the garden at the house.” Sesshomaru states.
Your eyes light up. “Really?”
“Yes. Possibly the next time we come we can bring the child, but we need to also bring my idiot brother.” He continues.
Frowning at this you squeeze his hand a bit. “He doesn’t do it on purpose, I think it’s just because he’s your brother. Maybe there’s a reason? He did come to me at the threat of his own life for you.”
He looks down at you. “He doesn’t have to walk with us. I’m sure he’ll like the flowers, some are the ones his mother loved.”
Looking at him you smile. “You never talk about your mom, what is she like?”
This makes him pause. “We have different mothers.”
“I know that, come on. You and Inuyasha look like brothers because you got strong features from your dad. But I know Inuyasha's black hair is from his mom.” You explain. “We all did go to school together for a short time. It was when you ju-
Cutting off your words you look down. Sesshomaru had taken over as the boss after his dad died. He didn’t come to school for two weeks, and the teachers didn’t outright say anything but you knew what happened because you lost your parents in that skirmish. Middle school was hard for both of you.
“Don’t dwell on it.” He says tugging your hand a bit.
Digging your toe into the gravel you look up at him. “Sessho, let’s get married.”
70: Lakehouse
With the car in park, you roll the map up and start hitting the male that was behind you. “Do you know the meaning of bringing something to entertain yourself? Fucking brat.”
“Sasuke, your partner is beating me up,” Naruto complains as you continue to swat him.
“Y/n, let’s start getting everything inside. Everything should be clean, Itachi was at the lake house a few days ago,” Sasuke nods as he places a hand on your shoulder.
You pout. “Okay, you’re lucky I love my boyfriend.”
Sasuke looks at you for a moment and you just get out of the car. Spending the week with friends was nice especially when it was a glorified group project.
“Y/n, did you finish the layout?” Shikamaru asks, throwing a bag at you.
“Mm, it’s all fill-in-the-blank from there. I studied the notes you sent me, did Sakura finish the diagram?” You look around for the next person.
She takes the bag from you. “Yeah, I sent you a picture of it. Check if anything is off.”
“I’ll do that inside.” You nod.
Naruto grabs at least six bags. “Why do we have to think about Professor Kakashi’s group project while on break?”
The second car pulls up when Sasuke gets the door open. “Because it’s twenty percent of our grade. You will not be slacking off.”
“When did we make friends with studious people?” Ino sticks out her tongue before jumping down from the truck.
You smirk. “The faster work is finished the more time you have for fun. I also bought like five times the snacks.”
“Sasuke, why is your partner so prepared?” Sakura whines.
“Because we know someone ate at least half the snacks on the way here, and they are trying to look out since we’re supposed to grill tomorrow,” Sasuke rolls his eyes as he reaches for you.
Taking his hand you jump down. “Are we really? I thought you were joking.”
“I was at first.” He shrugs.
Kiba pokes out his head. “Sasuke joking? I’ve heard it all.”
You roll your eyes. “No one forgot anything did they?”
A chorus of moles follows. 
“Mom, I forgot sunscreen,” Hinata teases.
“I brought extra.” You shrug.
Sakura pouts. “You’re not gonna correct her?”
“Should I? I am the mom friend, let’s just finish unpacking.” You urge holding Sasuke’s hand in yours.
Naruto laughs. “If y/n is the mom friend does that mean Sasuke is the dad friend?”
Sasuke rolls his eyes. “Yes, I’ll leave to buy cigarettes and never come home.”
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
Writing this out for myself. 
Tomorrow, I will finally get Yaoyao. I’ll need to grind her cube drops for the next few days (it needs Dendro, so I’m waiting for her to do it), but I’m only taking her to 80/80 for now, so it should be possible to finish that using next week’s battle pass mission for 10 bosses. With the event rewards, I should also have enough books to take her talents to 2/8/8. She’ll be working on Keqing Aggravate, hopefully. 
Then for the rest of the week, I’ll do exp book leyline, since I’m going to be dipping into my Mika books for Yaoyao, and I also have a bunch of other characters I want to take 70 > 80 later. 
For the rest of the patch, I need to focus on grinding for Mika and the 3.5 event claymore. Mika needs 27 more wenut drops and a lot of ballad books. (Bonus: I’m probably going to get enough Anemo drops to max ascend Heizou, my last sub-80/90 Anemo, from all this.) I’m going to hold off on the books until the end of patch overflow event, since Mond book domains is...... eh. It needs a different team than what I use for normal dailies and grinding, so it’s a hassle. I should be able to grind out everything he needs in one week if I focus on it specifically, and the 3.5 events will also help fill out anything I’m missing. 
The claymore needs more consecrated beast shells, chains, and weapon ore. The chains aren’t too big a deal, I’ll probably do them on Sundays over the patch, and I should hopefully be able to get the shells during exploration and with the scorpion at Yashiori + bird close to Old Varanara. 
For artifacts, Yaoyao should be okay with a 4pc Tenacity I’ll half take from Dori and half originally intended for Kuki non-Bloom set. Some of her specific pieces will depend on how she performs though, especially her healing and energy needs. I don’t plan to have her burst every rotation with Keqing, so it should be easier to manage. 
For Mika, he’ll use Candace’s Noblesse, though I need to check if any of the pieces need to be switched. He’ll be taking Zhongli’s Fav Lance, so he’ll need more crit than Candace has. 
Yaoyao will use either Kitain or Moonpiercer. Moonpiercer isn’t levelled, but her personal damage is going to be negligible right now either way, so it’s just for the atk buff effect. 
I need to level some more stuff, but I’ll just... put artifacts on hold for a while. It’s too depressing. 
For pulling, this patch is a skip, which is boring, but I’m at 65 rolls on both character and weapon, haha.... It’s too risky to roll even once more. I’ll have enough for Eula for sure, at least, though it’ll be tough getting Mika. Might need to risk C1 Eula... I’m pretty sure they’ll be on the same banner, at least, though we don’t know which half or who will run with them. My guess would be Dehya on first half and Eula on second half, I don’t think they’ll be together. The leaks also suggest Cyno will be rerunning, but the last open slot is being heavily contested between Shenhe and various other Mond characters. It’s fine as long as it’s not Klee, which would be really hard for me to swing. 
If I had to choose which C1 to risk... man, it’s hard to say, they’re all bad to pointless. Venti’s is useless, and while his C2 shreds Anemo, it’s not like... super useful in the taser and occasional freeze teams I use him on. Albedo’s C1 is useless, and his C2 theoretically adds DEF scaling to his burst, which is nice, but it’s pretty limited. Eula C1 is the most generically useable, since it increases her Phys DMG after hold skill following a tap skill (so, right before her burst). I’ve heard it’s not particularly powerful, but at least it’s something. 
I do need the starglitter from pulls though, since I want to buy Amber and Razor in April (68 starglitter total), Lisa in May (34 starglitter), and Kaeya in June (34 starglitter). Lisa is the most skippable purchase, but it’s still 102 starglitter, when we only get 2 every ten pulls or so. At this point, it’s almost useful to get C6′d 4 stars, since that’s a whole 5 starglitter. 
Jokes aside, the 4 stars longest without rerun are Fischl (9), Diona (9), Sucrose (8), Chongyun (12), Kuki (7), Collei (9), Dori (8), Candace (7). I have Fischl and Diona at C6, but Chongyun is C5, Sucrose is C3, and the rest are even lower. Given that I do want the starglitter, I don’t have any super strong preferences on the rate up 4 stars, though Kuki or Sucrose cons would be the nicest, and I guess I did want Candace cons too. 
Post 3.5, it’ll be Baizhu and maaaybe Kaveh. I want to get some Dendro man, but I’m waiting to see what their kits are. Kaveh might be a 4 star, it’s hard to say. I’m really hoping Baizhu is something that doesn’t care for Nahida, though a healer would be really nice. The other thing I’m considering is getting Nilou, as long as one of the Dendro men can run in her team instead of Nahida. But since Cyno is (probably) rerunning, Nilou might be in 3.6 with the theorized Baizhu launch and Nahida rerun. Which... would be really hard to manage.
(I also considered planning for Ayaka, since her costume solves basically all my issues with her design, but I ultimately decided against it, just because there’s already so much I want. Freeze team would be nice, but it’s not priority enough, compared to other stuff.) 
But this is getting into really unsubstantiated speculation, so it’ll likely get changed a lot once we’re in 3.5 and the 3.6 beta. 
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skorchinq · 2 years
Bows Only: Finally, an Update!
[All IDs in alt text]
Yes, yes, I know, the last update was before 3.0 even dropped and I’m posting this after 3.1 has started. I’ve been procrastinating, okay!? Besides, most of what I’ve been doing is grinding, so there wasn’t much to talk about. But, there are still some interesting things that happened during the course of 3.0, so let’s talk about it!
Last time, on Bows Only...
“We can still get Yoimiya! I believe!!”
And now...
We did not get Yoimiya.
Sad, I know. We’ll just have to get her on her next rerun, I suppose.
Originally, I was considering skipping Tighnari and saving for Ganyu, since he’s going to be added to standard, but, well. You all saw the 4* selection on that banner. IT WAS ALL BOWS. And they had DIONA, probably one of if not the most crucial character for us to get. Plus, I just had a lot of fun trialing him. So of course, I had to pull.
Oh! But first, a couple more things I did before 3.0 began:
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I got the conches for Fischl’s skin, and I completed the Seirai questline in order to fight the Thunder Manifestation and ascend Sara.
And now, onto 3.0!
I got Collei right away! So that was great!
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At the very least, it meant even if I failed to get Tighnari I’d still have access to Dendro. Though, of course, I still had to gather the materials to ascend her.
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I also fought the perpetual mechanical array, so two members of our roster were able to be ascended:
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And more wishes finally got us our long-awaited healer!
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And some more grinding later...
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I decided to continue pulling despite already having all the 4*s because I really like Tighnari actually, and, finally, one wish turned gold... and it was...
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You know what the worst part about this is. I have been playing this game on my main account for OVER A YEAR and I STILL do not have Jean on that acc. And yet I get her on Bows Only where I CAN’T EVEN USE HER. I am in hell.
At least, I think, we have a 50/50 gurantee for Ganyu...
At this point I’m already at AR 35, but I decide I’m not going to do the ascension quest until all of our characters have 3rd ascension and all talents lvl 2.
So, you can see why I spent most of 3.0 just grinding.
Eventually, I had everyone’s talents at 2/2/2, and everything I needed to ascend everyone... everything... except...
Out of our 6 characters, 4 of them (Amber, Fischl, Collei, Diona) use arrowheads. It’s ridiculous! I need so many arrowheads!!
For a while, I was hunting down all the hillichurl archers I could find every day, until eventually I just said, you know what? screw it.
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I can’t believe I’m actually doing this...
But, I got the last arrowheads I needed with that purchase, and so!
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And then 3.0 ended and I never got a 5* on Ganyu’s banner.
I finally did the ascension domain!
Oh, yeah, and I did the seelie event. I did all the events, actually. Gotta get those sweet sweet primos for Ganyu amirite
But! You know what that means!
I have a 50/50 gurantee for VENTI, the ONLY anemo bow character in the game-- anemo being one of if not the most crucial element to have.
Seriously, several times I’ve had daily commisions I couldn’t complete because I needed anemo, heck, my co-op is currently locked behind a cleaning quest I need anemo or hydro for... I did the quest to get the teapot but because my co-op’s locked I can’t even enter it TTOTT
Venti WILL be this account’s first 5*, and our saving grace... I’ll make sure of that.
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Oh! and one final thing: I’ve been saving my acquaint fates throughout 3.0 for when Tighnari’s added to standard in 3.1. I spent them all the first time I logged in after 3.1 started, and while I still haven’t gotten a 5*, we have hit soft pity. With the shop reset and the acquaint fates we’ll get from that, we may finally get a 5* on the standard banner, and with any luck, it will be Tighnari (or at least skyward harp or amos’ bow).
So! See you in hopefully only a couple of days with good news...
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sumerun · 2 years
- SUMERU LOOKS SOOOOO FUN and so BEAUTIFUL. I love how luscious it is and how colorful it is. While Inazuma was vibrant in its own way, I think the way it was so hostile to you before doing the quests permanently gave me the impression that it’s so stagnant. But rainforest Sumeru seems full of life and I feel the urge to explore every bits of it fjdhd
- looks like the main storyline is gonna get darker and more serious in Sumeru and I’m very excited to see how it will be executed. The trailer seems to hint that the archon will also have a super sad backstory. Not shocking considering the pattern that we have so far! Ngl if it’s written well I think I’ll end up liking the archon (but I’ll always clown on their design choices💀)
- I’m VERY surprised that Tighnari will end up being in the standard banner tbh. The leaks kinda speculated it but no one seems to really know. However, I think MHY is really trying to sell dendro so it’s not surprising. maybe I’ll get him in one of the 50/50 losses 😭 odds will be even smaller now rip
- the dendro reactions are still confusing to me but it also took me an embarrassing 5 months to fully understand the base reactions so it’ll be fine LOL
- *seiyuu talk warning*
Al-haitham is pretty much the Su expy (kinda) 😭 his CN is the same but Sakurai Takahiro is not voicing him so rip to my hopes and dreams. Still very excited for Umehara Yuuichirou tho!!! He voices my favorite idol in ensemble stars LMAO so *zips to camera* there is so such thing as a coincidence 👁👁
I’m so excited for Sumeru y’all. It’s one of my most anticipated region! It’s the nation of knowledge so now doubt we’ll learn a lot of stuff (plot wise, or lore or whatever). Still sad about the lack of melanin in characters but I shouldn’t have expected anything in the first place 🗿but either way, HYPE bc it’s coming SOOON
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
currently replying to you as i die on my bestie's sofa because of too many spaghetti all'amatriciana in my stomach — can't help overdoing every time i cook my favourite pasta sigh ;; but also ahh, how had i missed talking to you
in light of that, today's word you're getting is an extremely italian specific — it's abbiocco, sometimes also known as "abbiocco post-prandiale", it's the world you use when you feel very sleepy after eating a lot. pretty fitting for a country of food lovers eheh
but also! hydro bedo, cryo bedo, pyro bedo, heck, dendro bedo! albedo is good in every shape or form he might come in. seriously, tho, the cryo albedo doppelganger in the 2.3 event?? a m a z i n g i loved it, if characters ever were to unlock new elements for whatever reasons i wouldn't mind seeing elsa!bedo again
CYNO! oh Lord, cyno. as you (don't) know, i also am a huge egyptian mythology nerd. a greek mythology nerd too. just a mythology nerd in general :3 — also the friend whose house i'm crashing is unironically nicknamed after an egyptian god! not spoiling who tho lol
i actually really love all the sumeru men ;;;;; would love to have them all but as you said, scara is coming, and i sure as HELL am not compromising on getting him. would also love to get at least a con of him just because so ;;;;;; might have to skip someone sigh sigh
also ye i know everything about xingqiu and ayato — heck, i have both of them built and i love them but again i'd love to have someone whose hydro application is not burst related sigh ;;
with this i'll sign off, it's musical night tonight! we're making a musical marathon since like, happy hour (made so many snacks for it we'll reach the end of the night stuffed full sigh. oh well, the cheese nachos were great, highly recommended for something that takes like, 30 seconds of effort to make)
good night my sweet bunny, ti voglio bene!
- 🍓
pasta is always good, my friend - no matter what form it takes
now something similar to that word should definitely be added to the english language, that’s so perfect, abbiocco. I’ll definitely be using this one as much as I can.
Dendro Albedo? Now that’s a concept. He actually really suits it because of his interest in life. His skill is literally a flower;;; but it’s sort of fitting it’s not a real flower, with him being artificial n all. A beautiful creation, perhaps even more magnificent than a real flower, but it could never hope to be real. Hm. Maybe Geo really is the perfect element for him.
That’s amazing !! I’ve recently from a friend of mine, if you were kinda nerdy, you would usually have a mythology or history fixation phase while you were growing up - I was sort of both but Egypt always has a special place in my heart. When I first saw him - oh my god I was so happy. I was like YES SOMETHING INSPIRED BY ANUBIS LETS GO !! And Cyno as well from all the leaks I’ve seen about specifically his personality is shaping up to be one of my favourites in the game. (Don’t even get me started on that kit leak, I would’ve preferred to see it in game but still I’m very excited to play him he looks so fun)
I’m so worried I won’t be able to get Scara if Cyno decides to be stubborn and take up all my pulls to get him. Apparently he really isn’t that far away and I’m a f2p so I am;;; in pain. But even if I don’t get him, these characters will all likely get a rerun because of how short the banners will be. Esp Cyno and Nilou - they’re definitely getting a rerun soon. I’m sad about Tighnari though, I don’t think they should’ve announced he’d be on the standard so quickly. And he’s such a good character too. Sigh. I’ll just have to pray that he’ll ruin my pity at some point or come home in a ten pull with the five star.
It sounds like you had a really good night. I’m happy for you - hopefully one day I can experience something similar. Try not to get down about that - I’m happy reading about your friends so don’t stop talking about them. Still can’t help but feel a little envious though <3 just sounds like it’s very nice
I’m so sorry for the wait I’m just horrible with replying. Even my messages from friends are a few days old at this point. I’ll see you soon hopefully
Ti voglio bene, dearest, hopefully you’ll reply again soon <3
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