#i need primo gems
java-lava · 1 year
You know that character you got in genshin that came home instead of the character you were wishing for?
Why are they under level ten, with the worst artifacts and your lowest weapon?
Seriously though, I’ve been scraping and saving for Al Haitham since they announced his banner, I made him a room in my tea pot, I got everything prepared for him, I’ve been building up pity, I started using all my intertwined fates/primo gems for him the SECOND his banner released, but does he come home?
No, I got Jean. (And Sucrose and Yaoyao)
Jean will be staying at level one with a dull blade until Al Haitham comes home. (Maybe until Xiao does too)
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the-travelling-witch · 10 months
“I’m sorry I didn’t respond, I had business to tend to”
The business in question:
Primogems & Pity
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Character Prep Overview & Material Farming Tracker
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You might ask why and to that I answer… ✨progress bars✨
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rainswolfs · 6 months
yoimiya in the fontaine event quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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palestporn · 7 months
Gamzee: ???!? ?! ??? ?!!!?!
There a fuckload of questions that need answering--why he needed you calm, why he wanted you secret, why he took your name, your sign-- You open your flap to say one of those, and find the emperor's just looking at you, with that same look on his face as the night he took you. You didn't find a name for it, that time--didn't fit, wasn't right, he's the emperor. But this time, you know what the fuck you're seeing, aimed back at you like a mirror.
"...Why the fuck are you scared of me?" You say, fucked up and raspy from growling so much for the first time in so long, and Karkat laughs like he thinks you're taking a dig and then looks back and sees his ancestor's face and stops laughing real fast.
"Wh-- Seriously?" he says.
"He did just pull some primo coldblood panfrying bullshit out of his ass," the miniature Ψiioniic--Sollux--points out, and then shrugs real quick, playing a big motherfucker who doesn't give a shit. "I mean, they were pretty good, anyway, I guess--"
"He said you saw something before that freaked you out, too," Karkat says over top of him, turning accusing on his ancestor. "Something in his shadow."
"Oh, what," says Sollux. "The ghost?"
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Every motherfucker in the room turns to stare at him, you most of all. He looks back at you like he didn't expect, like he's not spitting some wild motherfucking shit at you right now.
"You don't have to act like you don't know," he says, at you. "AA sniffed it out sweeps ago. What, when I sent you that note about secrets did you think I meant, like. The thing where you cuddle a cushion when you sleep, like some kind of pupa?"
"What," you say, because you got fuck-all else to say.
"You knew about this?!" Karkat says, outrage at his skinny buddy now. "How many fucking wrigglers are we locking up around here that everybody knows about except me?!"
"He's not a wriggler, KK, he's like twice as big as you," says Sollux.
"Please don't blow this out of proportion," says the emperor. He's sat himself down at his document plateau since you looked at him last, and he's holding his pan in one hand. "There aren't any other...prisoners. If you can call him that. And he's 12 sweeps."
"He's what?" says Sollux, and looks the size of you up and down. "Fuck off, no you're not."
"So get a hauntwhisperer in here and peel the ghost off him," Karkat says, impatient. "How has this taken multiple sweeps to figure out?! Am I the only person with a functional thinkpan around here?"
"It's not--" the emperor stops, growls the first time, low through his fangs. "...I didn't bring him here because of...the ghost. As dangerous as that is even by itself. I brought him here because of the reason that ghost is clinging to him, specifically. Can't you--" Stops himself again, takes a breath and lets it out. "You never saw him," he says, reminding at himself. "Neither of you would've ever seen him."
"Enlighten me," says the Second Coming, and when he squares up his shoulders and drops his horns forward the gems on his horns and gold on his ears shine almost as bright as his eyes.
"His sign was Capricorn, Karkat," says the emperor, bleak and heavy like that's some big, important shit Karkat should know, not just the shape that was close to you like the pads of your palms the first eight sweeps of your life. "His hatchname was Makara. He wouldn't have made it long, out there, especially not as he got...older. Bigger. Someone would have noticed, eventually."
Karkat's hands twitch back off you like you turned red hot. Sollux doesn't flinch back, but he's watching you hard, like he's thinking on you, seeing what you do. The emperor doesn't look up. Like he's said everything that needs said. And every single motherfucker gets this shit except you.
Gamzee: Demand backstory, already
==> ...From the Sufferer Redeemed ==> ...From the Second Coming ==> ...From the Spymaster ==> ...From the Shade of Rage
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astelren · 2 years
Genshin Impact with affectionate s/o
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ೃ⁀➷ TW/CW: Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader, A little bit of Zhongli being a teaser, One Mention of jealousy, let me know if I need to add more TW/Tags ♡ Minors please interact with me only by liking or reblogs. ➳ Characters: Zhongli
⤠ With a scary cat s/o (Diluc) ⤟ Genshin Masterlist (soon!) ⤠ None ⤟
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@/its-alvi-tar​ requested: REQUESTS FOR GENSHIN IMPACT? HERE I AM!! HC for Z H O N G L I with an affectionate S/O? I love that boy! Also farming primo gems on mass for his banner. Wish me luck! 😔😔
I wanted to post this with Zhongli third? fourth? rerun and I think I managed that? I hope? Wishing that tumblr doesn't give me problems once again with the tags once more... This is a rewriting of my old work, originally posted on @/severnrsstuff (now severnr0ses).
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He doesn’t mind nor care. Zhongli goes around doing work with you attached to him like a koala at his eucalypt tree and he is just like “yes, my lover is an affectionate one, I love them very much. Why? Do you have a problem with that?”
Say yes and Zhongli becomes Morax once again
Zhongli is completely fine with cuddling, hugging, kissing, everything. Nor does he care about being in public, but I can see him being much more “professional” when in public or at least trying to
If you decide to snuggle him when you two are in public Zhongli isn’t going to move you away or anything, he is super chill about it and would be very confused as to why other people are looking at you two weirdly
Like??? It’s your way of showing your love towards him??? What do they want-
Perhaps he would ask you, so gentle and caring, to tone it down a little bit when you two are in public, even if he feels bad about it and you can definitely use your puppy face a bit to make him feel even worse (and it's fun to see him being a little bit more panicked than usual). But it’s not like to he told you to stop!!
Zhongli would feel bad if he moves you away from him when you act more affectionate with him, he would try to win you over again by buying something for you (in hopes that he remembered his childe wallet)
Seeing you being so openly affectionate with him makes Zhongli feel very happy and soft inside, every time you snuggle with him Zhongli will always give you a little kiss on the cheeks or forehead, say how much he loves you, and caress your face
In private he’s much more cuddling: you wouldn’t need to start cuddling in private that much, since Zhongli often hugs you first (especially if jealous but shshhs you didn’t hear it from me). He’s, surprisingly, very affectionate! Hugging, kissing, caressing, holding you closer, everything. Although very tame and gentleman-y in a way? Like he has this calm and collected aura while he strokes your back that you don’t understand where it comes from...
Most of the time, however, you have to initiate it. Especially in public, private it’s not so common. During the day he is a very busy man, working and all, so you might feel a bit... Neglected, considering how he seems to act so caste when other people are around
Pout a little bit about it and Zhongli will notice it, chuckling slightly and calling you a needy baby. He might tease you a little bit; kissing you everywhere except your lips, hands slowly caressing your side while he calls you once more a needy baby, always in need of his full attention otherwise you throw a little tantrum
Don’t worry he won't do it for long, just to see you pout a little bit more because he finds it so so cute :((((
He’s probably more cuddling when in bed; both before sleeping and after waking up. Zhongli likes to sleep with you in his arms, usually telling you an old story from when he was Morax or something that happened that day, gently caressing your back while he has his eyes closed
Good luck with trying to get up when you are between his arms, he won’t let you go. Use him as a pillow, or mattress, but don’t leave or you will hear Zhongli muttering still half-asleep, to not leave or he’s getting angry
When Zhongli wakes up he likes to hold you even closer, gently kissing your face while whispering “good morning” and smiling happily. Will probably not let you go up easily and “force” you to stay in bed with him a little more, kissing and cuddling before having to get up
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This work belongs to @/astelren, do not repost, translate, copy, rewrite or share on tiktok without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡
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abyssmalice · 9 months
("oh I should save my rolls for freminet..... I don't have that many gems and lyney will eat half of them..."
childe banner: appears with freminet
"nevermind I need to grind primos")
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gffa · 2 years
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My latest five star pulls and the frustrating thing is that I haven’t had time or energy to build any of them properly, but OH MY GOD MY LUCK, because it went like this: - Kokomi was guaranteed and took a bit, but I had the primos and I wanted her, because I suck at dodging on mobile, so I need a good healer.  It’s a pain to collect all those pearls for her, but I’m looking forward to having her built!  She’s fun to run around as and I like putting her with Ayato for the hydro bonus! - THEN:  Oh, hey, Cyno seems like a fun electro DPS character, I’ll half-seriously pull for him, since I like the smashy smashy characters!  I got him at like 60 or 70 pity, but at least I won the 50/50!  I start building him, no real solid artifacts yet, but the real problem is those scarabs.  It’s made harder by that I’m way behind on quests, so I can’t get at any of the underground ones, which means just getting the above ground ones every other day.  This is exhaustingly slow.  I am ready to scream about those fucking scarabs. - THEN:  While I’m working on Cyno, everyone is raving about Nahida, so might as well try for her, since I’m still collecting primos from Sumeru and these quests and can afford it.  I got her early at 40 or 45!  AND I won the 50/50 again!  NICE.  She is ADORABLE and I LOVE HER and I’m working on her last ascension, the gem farming is exhausting, the artifact farming is even worse, but at least I can get those lotus flowers pretty easily.  She is SO MUCH FUN to run around as, I have almost completely stopped being a Eula main just because I want to run around with her + Raiden Shogun. - THEN:  Well, since I’ve got the primos, might as well start building pity, since I don’t really need/want Yoimiya, but she might be fun.  Or maybe I’ll pull on Nahida’s banner, her C2 constellation is supposed to be really good.  I might lose the 50/50 and I really want the Wanderer, so I should start building pity now.  AT FIFTEEN I GET JEAN COMING HOME.  I HAVE WANTED JEAN FOREVER, PRETTY MUCH SINCE I STARTED PLAYING THE GAME.  JEAN IS A PRECIOUS BB AND I LOVE HERRRRR.  I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO BUILD HER BUT I LOVE HER??? NOW:  I am sitting on a guarantee, though, who knows how far into pity I’ll have to go, but I have time to save up since I already have Yae Miko and Childe.  I don’t know if I’ll even pull on either banner for Layla (despite that I like having at least one of all 4* characters), because I REALLY want Wanderer. Anyway, between these four and that Kazuha still isn’t fully built with decent artifacts and that I want to build my Keqing finally and that I sometimes barely just get my dailies + resin used up because I don’t have a lot of energy for the game, in a way it’s frustrating, but it’s also fun, there’s that feeling of “There’s so much to do!” that I miss from when I first started playing the game. So, how’s everyone else’s game going?
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sweet-honey-fruit · 1 year
I need to admit something.
I haven't been working on anything 😭 ever since it's been confirmed that a certain doctor is playable, I have been on my grind collects primo gems for him.
The silly psychotic doctor will be mine. I got 5,000 primos over a span of three days. I started with only 22. I am determined and I WILL get him
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I got some weird Pokémon headcanons for the band Ghost too.
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His original starter died a long time ago. But she came back as a Duskull! So he has a Dusknoir that's beefy as hell. (It was a Chikorita). Whenever there's a "problem" in the ministry, Primo has Dusknoir to take care of it.
He has a Espeon that accompanies him everywhere. Espy is very loyal to Primo and acts as his second pair of eyes. Think Mrs. Norris.
Heracross is the Pokemon that he has to piss off his brother, seeing as how he specializes in a certain type of Pokémon. He also helps in the greenhouse, even after Primo died.
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Secondo specializes in Dark types, to the shock of many.
This started because he was always followed by Primo's Espy, so he evolved his own Eevee into Umbreon, Ombra. Much like Espy, Ombra is literally that to Secondo.
A lot of people ask why didn't he just get a ghost? Well, that's why he has Sableye. Sableye was found in the church catacombs by Secondo and kept feeding it. He has a bad habit of stealing ritual gems and items to give to Secondo. Papa finds it cute.
Sharpedo is perhaps his one of his most favored Pokémon for parties. Especially if said party is on a boat. And sometimes he'll surf with it. Secondo catch it while fishing for the first time as a boy, Nihil told him to throw it back, but Secondo didn't listen.
Houndoom was a gift from to Secondo from Primo, because he needed to learn responsibility. Houndoom is very much Secondo's favorite, and yes this is the hound that he uses on his ghouls.
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Terzo is the only brother without an Eevee. Mainly because he wanted all the evolutions, and that costs a lot of money (and training that Terzo couldn't give).
When Terzo was a boy, he really wanted to do the go on an adventure and catch so many Pokemon. Unfortunately, he was denied the chance and Nihil got him the wrong starter.
Terzo wanted Charmander, but he got a Mudkip. His name is Kippy and he's the best. Kippy was first hated by Terzo, but saved him when Secondo's Houndor chased him. Terzo made sure that Kippy was the best Pokemon in the ministry!
Zoroark is the only shiny in the ministry, Terzo will always brag about it. He honestly thought it was a cat at first, but was surprised at the colors. Terzo uses Zoroark as a stand in for his duties sometimes.
Lurantis is Terzo's stage buddy, mainly because Lurantis can vine whip Terzo from falling off the stage, plus he fits the Dead Astire look. At a vacation in Hawaii, Terzo thought Fomantis was the cutest thing and caught one as an out from helping in the Greenhouse.
Luxary is Terzo's bodyguard. She's the other Pokemon allowed out of her ball during shows. Luxary was hard to catch on Terzo's part, but he somehow managed it. Everyone has the theory that Omega actually caught Luxary, but gave it to Terzo. Yes, Omega got her after his passing.
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zoakryynu · 10 months
Genshin impact tips ter. 1 (mines)
1. Save your primo gems for characters you need and want
2. Save acquaint fate’s bc you can also get that with characters you want like a ten pull and they are very easy to get as long as you save
3. Don’t waste all your mora (money) bc you need that for slot of things, you can get mora by doing a lot of little quest that don’t take as long 
4. Always do archon quests
5. Make sure to complete the Ice mountain quest even tho it’s hard (AR 16)
6. All domains are open on Sunday ( you may need to wait days to get materials )
7. ALWAYS AND I MEAN IT ALWAYS do events because they give you high amounts of primo gems you may not get on normal archon quests 
8. Make sure to do the Akaynara or Adventures with Akaynara bc those are hard world quest and they take forever 
9. Always use trial characters in domains or story quest( give you more primos and let’s you use the character) because they are stronger than your own characters at higher levels 
10. Make sure you get the resources to ascend characters because your gonna need to level them up cuz I’m struggling with that now
11. Do your commissions when you get further in the game
12. Save your enchantment books, use them only when you need them 
13. Pyro affects dendro and hydro 
14. Hydro affects pyro
15. Electro affects hydro and cyro
16. Cyro affects Pyro and maybe dendro
17. ALWays have Barbara on your team at all times (or any healer)
18. Healers are, kokmi, Barbara, Layla( has the best shield)
19. FINALLY MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM (further in the game [AR: 45 or 40 ex.] )
Mines is: (zoarks)
Klee, venti, taragalia, and dliuc
Another dream team of mines:
Klee, zhongli, riaden shogun or yae miko and venti 
#genshinimoactier #characters #list 
Make sure your DPS characters or fav characters are higher than the ones you use or need 
Make sure to use the enchanted Books 
How to find things: 
Anemocules: if you look on the map while your running in genshin, look at the top right you’ll see a mini map and if you see a star, that’s where Anemocules, dendrocules, electrocules, geocules (idk how to spell all of them) but that’s where you will be able to find them easily.
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saetoru · 2 years
ohh okay. so my number one genshin tip is not to neglect your teapot abode! it lets you plant flowers that a lot of characters need to level up, lets you buy level up materials + resin + artifact leveling materials, and it gives you lots of primo gems! plus you can decorate a cute house and put your fave charas in it AND buy cute pets
omg u know i only recently started doing that after i realized u can get 60 primos per level 😭 i was like fuck i cant miss out on the primos KJAHSD i literally only do half the shit for primos like everyone is like this will help with builds and this will help with .... and im like ok but does it give me primos ?? no ?? sorry i don't have the time JKHDSF no but i wish i knew ab the serenitea pots benefits before LIKE I COULDVE BEEN FURTHER ALONG NOW
u guys gotta tell me all the things i need to make sure not to slack on bc evidently there's a lot 😭
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i need kaveh so badly but babygirl might have to wait considering i’m scrapping together every primo gem for my cryo bestie
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marisramblings · 2 years
Golden Apple Archipelago (2022) is Genshin’s Worst Event
I cannot think of any game in recent history that has frustrated me as much as this year’s Golden Apple Archipelago (GAA). Genshin hasn’t ticked me off this much, except for Sumeru, but that’s a whole separate can of worms. If I could describe GAA in one word, it would be tedious. Every aspect of this event is tedious. Every quest lasts too long. Every domain is an hour longer than it should be. Every new mechanic is frustrating and repetitive. GAA isn’t hard, it’s boring and painful to play through.
The main draw of GAA is the lore dump. I know genshin dumps lore in books and random npcs, but they couldn’t change things a little for this event? We oscillate between domains designed specifically to draw out boring gameplay or walking around listening to exposition. That isn’t interesting. I would trade every aspect of this event for animated cutscenes relaying this information.
I know game design is difficult, and there is a lot of forethought put into GAA, but it’s horrible. I had to plunge every five seconds to get past the wind tunnel in Kazuha’s third domain. It can’t be turned off and you have to turn the room around to complete it. There is no circumnavigating this, the domain is designed to make you do this. Xinyan’s domain is designed to be replayed. You cannot progress in getting Fischl’s new outfit without replaying this shit. What’s worse is that Xinyan’s domain is the only one worth replaying. I had to look up a tutorial on gaze of the deep. I looked up a tutorial to unlock the final chest in Xinyan’s domain and I couldn’t parse through it. “Go to chest #14 then backtrack to door 3 then cross over to door 1…” It is not worth the effort to replay these domains. Trust me, you will not get every chest on your first playthrough. Why? It’s designed that way. There’s also the issues of holes in walkways and unclimbable walls. It always pisses me off when I’m knocked off into a small corner and fall into a loading screen. There are holes in the bridges, there are gaps that you can reasonably climb but end up sliding down waiting for said loading screen, only to hit the last bit of rock and kill Ayato.
All of this fucking tedium for shit rewards. On Mona’s island, there is a timed challenge that is 2+ minutes and requires you to climb up a large mountain. The reward is a basic chest with 2 primo gems. Remember how I said Xinyan’s island and domain are the only ones worth replaying? They’re the only ones with precious chests. I got 100 primos from them. Mona’s island is about to give me 40. I’m missing a chest in Kazhua’s, but 2-10 primos is not worth the hour and a half it will take me to meticulously comb through his domain again.
Game design needs to strike a balance between difficulty and interest. The game can be the most interesting thing ever, but if the gameplay is impossible to beat, your game sucks. *Cough* pathologic *cough*. Difficult doesn’t equal interesting. GAA balances nothing.This event is supposed to be a “vacation,” but it feels like a chore. It’s artifact hunting as an event. Running through Fischl’s library fighting random hilichurls is not interesting. Being forced to walk after a star is not interesting. Fighting two stone hide lawachurls as you replay Xinyan’s domain is a dick move. It’s not fun. None of this is fun!
There is a main fatui quest, because archons forbid the fatui aren’t involved in a fucking event, there are sub-main quests with the mirages, there are sub quests after you beat the mirages, there are sub-sub quests on the islands a la bake-danuki, then there’s the wave rider that talks? Are these quests fun? Fuck no. Switch the island, switch it again, whoops you need geo traveler since you don’t have Zhongli, but the construct blocks the music blast so that chest behind a wind tunnel is just stuck. Not to mention, climbing up that fucking mountain just to get hit by the wind tunnel you didn’t know was there and watch helplessly as Ayato falls to death, again.
I am playing this event because I love lore and I need primos for Klee, but I am at my fucking limit. Genshin’s gameplay has always been repetitive. You have to grind to get any decent artifacts and those domains are designed to be frustrating. Noblesse Oblige is designed to fuck with you, and you don’t even get a good artifact out of it most of the time. Genshin’s gacha system is better than most, but it still sucks. Why am I rolling on Xiao and getting keqing? Why is the standard banner also on limited banners?
Sumeru is a goddam travesty, but since a good chunk of you guys are racist as hell, I know it’s not a strike against the game for you. GAA is a failure on several levels. The game will eventually become computer only because there is no way 7 nations is running on an iPad or galaxy. Hoyo needs to get it together, quickly.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
Hihi Aali!!!! <3 Bad news is that the mobile app hasn't given me any notifications since, like, the first week of October. 🙃 Now I have a bunch of Kinktober fics to read. Good news(?) is that I filled the void in my unfortunately abundant free time by playing Genshin, but idk whether I should be impressed or disappointed with myself for the progress I made in just one month. 😅
omg i need to get back into playing genshin !!! i probably have so many primo gems stocked up from not playing !!! who’s your favourite character ??
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skylord-lilalna · 2 years
The Ascension Project- Day 20
Okay, I'm off the grinding train of Anemo Hypostasis, thank GOD. Progress has been slow since I've also been taking advantage of the leyline event, but that's over now. I've got all the gems I'll need to level both Heizou and Kazuha up to level 90, along with all their materials. Last obstacle is Hero's Wit. Only have about 350, which admittedly is about 340 more than I had a week ago, but still. Just going to have to grind the leylines for a while.
I've currently got about 40 wishes worth of primos and 10-ish pity for Kazuha's banner, but I do intend to spend on him if he doesn't come home fairly quickly, and I might even consider trying to go for a constellation or two. This will be the first banner I'm actively spending money on, but frankly I think it's worth it. Of course Kazuha is a beast of a unit, but he's in my top 3 favourite characters in the game for voice acting, design, and backstory, and I started playing at the very end of his first banner, so I missed him entirely. I'm not letting him slip through my fingers this time. And I have to hope that the game decides to be kind and not fuck me over when it comes to Heizou. The other two 4-stars on the banner aren't super attractive; my Ningguang is already C5, and as much as I love and adore Thoma, he is not my most useful character. I'm hoping for at least a couple Heizou cons but we'll see what happens. I can tell he won't be leaving my team for a good long while when I get him though, haha.
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tirsden · 23 days
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Bahahaha... was not expecting that, but I'm honestly happy for them. The "always wishing challenge" on Asia got mister snakey-snake at somewhere between 15 and 20 pity... they're the eternal AR35 fish/farm world that my no-wishing challenge (AR59) very rarely steals stuff from. These days they mostly just raid each other's teapots for spincrystals. Both of those challenges are also pure f2p. As to the always-wishies, I was mostly looking to bag the free Gorou from the event since they don't have him in their mess of a roster, and getting specific characters with their particular challenge rules (and being extremely neglected in general) is really hard.
So they can has da puppers. And a doctah. I'll probably build the latter in bits here and there, since the only other place I have him is the US f2p challenge (AR60).
The rules I've been using for the "always wishing" challenge from the day they started, for those who are curious:
Primos must be used on limited banners immediately as soon as they reach 160 (and never used on anything else but wishes), and all pink fates must be used immediately on limited banners. Limited banners means the ones that take pink fates, aka the limited 5-star character banner(s), Chronicled Wish banner, and the weapon banner. If you do not want to pull the current limited 5-star character banner(s) or Chronicled Wish, you must pull the weapon banner.
Blue fates must be used immediately to clear out the Beginner banner and then go into Standard immediately and indefinitely.
Starglitter must be used immediately to buy pink fates whenever possible, with Stardust immediately going first to pink fates and then to blue fates when there are no pink ones available. Excess Stardust can only be used on Dust of Azoth, and only in the amount you need to ascend a character right now that has everything else ready to go except for gems in the right color, and only when there are no pink or blue fates in the Stardust store. Starglitter can never be used to buy store characters, weapons, or materials, because it must always be used on pink fates.
P.S. Baizhu's tryout mode does him so dirty. Xingqiu makes sense but why the feck did they put Lisa in there, and no fourth character? Dendro traveler would have been perfect, and boot Lisa for Kuki. Or keep Lisa and have Xiangling in the last spot for burgeon option / dendro kitchen sink comp.
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