#I’m like so proud of that second hobi gif you wouldn’t believe
Our little love part 2 - mafia/yandere au Drabble {angst + fluff}
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As always please let me know what you think, I am actually going to go to bed now my brain is angry with me for not sleeping.
It seemed the cycle was never ending, you fucking up and pissing them off, them punishing you by drowning you in their love, only letting you come up to breathe so you could swim in your own guilt and submit to them.
You wince as the victim to your latest fuck up gets another blow to his chest. Taehyung and Hobi held onto his arms as Jungkook and Jimin kick and punch the poor individual. You know not to speak, it’ll only make things worse. Temperament was a fickle thing in their lives, trust was everything, and you still had to build yours up again.
“Y/n help please,” Kai whimpers as you stood with your arms crossed looking away.
“Don’t fucking say her name,” Jungkook growled before punching your ex colleague in the face. You’re frowning, the need to beg them to stop was fighting for exit on the top of your tongue, but you bite it down and pray Kai doesn’t say another word. You know if you do as he asks they’d kill him. Your punishment was to watch silently.
Yoongi strolls up behind you, hands in his pockets before he rests his head on your shoulder, watching the display in front of you both.
“Nothing to say little love?” He whispers as your friend groans out in pain.
Please don’t kill him, you want to say, but you just shake your head in defeat. You want to believe they’re better than this, but the evidence of the contrary was never hidden from you. They showed you every side of them whether proud of it or not with bold eyes daring you to stop loving them, pushing your boundaries and morals waiting for you to snap. But the breaking point never came, you loved them, you shouldn’t and you knew it, but you did. You were completely and utterly theirs, yet still they treated you like you hadn’t seen the worst of them. Like you would run away the second you realised they were monsters, not that they would let you run far, only far enough to let you take a single breath before making you drown in them once again.
Yoongi wraps his arms around your waist, keeping an eye on your reactions. The asshole deserved it, not that they cared either way, he tried to take you away from them, that was enough.
Kai was your old partner before you took a very early retirement, what you didn’t know was that he continued the case you were working on before you left; the case of the seven men you now loved and the reason you quit said job. He had called you to meet up for old times sake and you, very naively in Yoongi’s mind, decided it was harmless. But if it was harmless why didn’t you say anything to the boys? You thought Kai didn’t know the reason you handed in your resignation, but he had been keeping an eye on you all before he realised you were the key to their downfall. He knew you harboured some feeling for him in the past and thought you’d reciprocate when he tried to flirt his way into getting his hands on the evidence you collected, he didnt know you burned it all. You lied to him and said you lost it, same difference anyway. This prompted plan b from him.
“Y/n they’re criminals,” he had said to you. “You’re a cop at heart you can’t love them.”
You floundered at his words when you realised he knew, and yet he still asked you to betray them.
“Kai I think I need to go...”
It was a mistake, you knew it then, but he followed you out onto the street and you hoped tonight the men you loved weren’t keeping an eye on you. Maybe naive was an understatement.
“Are they coercing you Y/n! Do they have something on you or are they threatening you?” He calls after you. “Because the Y/n I know would never love killers, what have they done to you?”
It was when he reached his hand out to grab your arm that your boyfriends decided to show themselves from the shadows. Which lead to the situation now, Kai beat up and bruised beyond recognition, and you forced to watch. He falls unconscious and they let him drop to the floor, you hate this side of them, it was cruel and cold but you’d never leave. They turn to face you now, their anger still present despite the last hour of releasing it onto your old partner. They don’t miss the way you’re shaking, the shallow breaths as you try and keep your tears to yourself. As much as you hate their violence, you hate their disappointment in you more.
You’re sitting in Joonie’s lap for what you call the debriefing of your punishment, this happened way too often in your opinion. You look down but he wasn’t having it today, tilting your head to look at him by your chin.
“Why did you get punished today little love?” He starts the same way as usual.
“I went out without telling you guys where I was going or who with,” you say while fiddling with your fingers out of nervous habit.
“And?” Hobi sits across from you in a chair, legs straddling the back and an elbow rested on top with his fist holding up his face. Hobi was hardest to pacify, he was ruthless and unforgiving and while that didn’t extend to you, you still had a hard time with his stubborn anger.
“I met up with Kai, and I let him touch me,” you’ve done this too many times before to not know how it worked. Kai’s ‘touch’ obviously meant nothing to you but for them it was the worst crime anyone could commit against their little love.
You remember the time you nearly tripped in the park and a guy steadied you politely, but you still had to hold Jungkook back from throwing hands.
“Kookie would you rather I fell and hurt myself?” No he hadn’t wanted that so he grumbled in agreement still seething but you cooled it down. “Instead of hitting him maybe you should thank him,” it was a joke but it made the youngest scoff.
“Baby girl why can’t you just be good?” Namjoon’s sigh brings you back to the present. “Why do you always have to test us like this?”
You didn’t mean to, you want to say it but the words are stuck below the sob in your throat. You actually whimper as his tone, bottom lip wobbling pathetically. He hadn’t even told you off properly, but you already felt like a mess as he bathed you in his disappointment. That was the common consequence of your actions and you hated it, you couldn’t do anything right.
“Jin do you need help with the food?” You ask your eldest boyfriend politely, he was frowning and you thought it was because today’s meal was too much for him to handle alone, his tone of voice made you realise it was because of you.
“No, I’m alright,” he doesn’t look at you as he speaks and you’re left gaping at him like a fish. Jin loved it when you cooked with him, it was your bonding time without the others, although Yoongi would join you from time to time. The others also tried but Jin wouldn’t let them anywhere near the kitchen, they hogged you enough anyway.
You feel your soul deflate, still standing there as he ignored you.
“Are you mad at me too?”
The way you said it made his heart twinge with guilt, but the others were right you wouldn’t learn and your first betrayal was still fresh on their minds. He sighs and you turn away, refusing to crying in front of them for the tenth time that day. What was wrong with you? Ever since that day where they found out who you really were you felt like you werent enough anymore, you tried so hard to make up for it all but you kept messing up. You weren’t like this before, but after seeing the hurt you put them through you were constantly on edge and second guessing yourself. You wish you could go back and stop them from ever finding out.
Jin hears the sniffle as you walk away and he can’t go through with it.
“Wait little love,” he calls for you. “I forgot to cut the onions, would you mind?”
You shake your head, you didn’t mind, but you didn’t trust your voice to answer for you. Youre grateful to Jin for giving you this task, it hides the fact you’re crying, but you know he doesn’t miss it.
Jimin and Taehyung were giving you narrowed stern gazes through dinner, it put you off your food which resulted in getting told off by Jin just after he branched out to you in the kitchen.
You felt alone, like the seven men you loved were against you and there was no one to blame but yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly before getting up and removing yourself from the dinner table and dining room, ignoring all of their stares. You decide maybe an early night is best, you could start again fresh tomorrow. You don’t get too far up the stairs before a hand pulls you back, you turn to see Jimin with Tae a few steps behind him.
You’re so used to seeing them laugh and play around that it feels like you’re looking at different people. Even during missions or gun fights, the youngest three were always joking their way through the bloodshed, keeping scores of who got the most headshots and other grotesque games. You remember the time Jimin and Tae called you during he middle of a shoot out, arguing with you and each other over who you loved more out of the two while you begged them to not get shot or killed.
“Why did you go see him Y/n?” Jimin asked, he wore the demeanour he used for enemies and it takes you back to that night.
“I... h-he said he wanted to see me to catch up,” you explain but you know it’ll fall on deaf ears.
“And you thought that was a good idea, to see your old cop buddy?” His tone makes you feel stupid, you weren’t stupid.
“He was my friend Jimin,” you say in disbelief, you know in the end it was a mistake but at the time it didn’t seem like the worst idea in the world.
“You’re ours,” Taehyung moved forward, towering over you even though he’s a step below you. His face is close to your own, eyes burning into yours as he looks disgusted at the words that left your mouth as if they’re still attached to you. “How do you think we felt when you went to see another detective? Do you have any idea what was going through our heads?”
“Tae I love you,” you lean away from him, searching his face for a hint of softness and love in his gaze, but there was only fire. “You know I wouldn’t, you all know I wouldn’t, I left that life for you why would I turn back to it?”
He stalks away from you without a word, Jimin close behind, giving you a final cold glance before leaving you alone. You thought your love could make them better but if anything you made their darkness worse.
Jungkook needed to vent, the only way he knew how was physically. Obviously it wasn’t the cleverest thing he’s done, taking rounds with the punching bag only to open up the cuts on his hand from beating the bastard earlier. He mutters a few curse words under his breath, why did you make matters worse? Maybe they were being harsh on you before today, finding any excuse to punish you a little, test your boundaries and see if you would run, but today they honestly feared that was what happened. They thought you chose to leave them and go back to the life you had before them, but they’d never let you go, they couldn’t let you go. Despite everything you loved them and they worshipped the ground you walked on. You were everything for them now, there’s be no point to any of them without you. Why didn’t you understand that?
He throws another punch to the bag, spreading his blood across them, it hurt like hell, but the thought of you running back to your old partner still played on all of their minds. He wanted to cry, he wanted to find you and beg you to never leave them, they’d be nothing without you.
There’s a knock on the door and he finds you on the other side, waiting for permission to come in. You never waited for permission, it makes him frown, maybe they were too harsh on you today. He could see you shuffling your weight, insecurity screaming through your eyes, you feared his rejection more than his anger.
He notices the first aid kit in your hand, you must’ve heard him. He doesn’t let the fluttering in his chest reach his face as he sits on the bench, waiting for you to come to him.
His gaze is expectant, daring you to cross the threshold and face him, you were no coward, you didn’t fear them the way others did, why were you behaving so meekly now? You force yourself to move and sit beside him, setting the kit down and pushing your hair back behind your ears. He doesn’t move his gaze away from you, even with the sweat and hair hanging in front of his face.
You carefully take a his hand into yours, sucking air between your teeth at how injured it was.
“I’m sorry you hurt yourself because of me,” you say, eyes on his bloodied knuckle as you press the ointment against the open wounds. “Are you sure you want me to stay, I keep hurting you...”
You try to sound like you’re joking, that you’re okay and the hurt isn’t weighing you down with your doubts. He frowns, they really did take it too far. He sets down the cotton wool from your grasp, taking both of hands into his before kissing each finger delicately without letting you look away.
“You’re perfect little love,” Jungkook says, reassuring you with no question in his voice. “We’re the ones who don’t deserve you, we’re mean and cruel but we’re never letting you go.”
You remember how loving they were before that night, maybe while they accepted the truth at face value they could never really forgive you in their hearts. Maybe that’s why they were being like this, they didn’t love you the same way anymore.
“Do you love me?” You had to know, the doubt was eating you alive.
He looks at you as if you’re insane, maybe you are, you don’t know anymore.
“Little love, don’t you see how much we love you?” He asks sincerely. “We would do anything for that love even if it made you hate us, you belong with us, and no one is going to take you away.”
You could see the crazed look in his face grow as he spoke, you believed him, the honestly worn like a heart on a sleeve. But his answer bought a wave clarity to your hazed vision, you made them like this, you made them worse, you had to leave.
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joonslushii · 6 years
BTS Reacting to:
You Breaking Down
Sorry, I know that the intro is a bit long but I try to make my writings pretty vivid and end up getting carried away! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! :)
You are in college and have recently been having a rough couple of weeks dealing with all of the homework and on top of that, a job. At first you were handling it all fine, but the harsh reality of all the work you had to get finished was finally taking its toll on you. You knew that staying up till almost 4am almost every night and getting up at around 7 for your college classes was unhealthy but you had, unknowingly, made a habit of replacing your need to sleep with Caffiene. The exhaustion was finally catching up to you. All day you had been trying not to cry as you watched more homework and work being loaded onto your “To-Do” list.
As the day finally came to its end, you went straight home in hopes to cuddle with your sweet boyfriend, knowing that as soon as he pulled you into his embrace, the stressful feeling would melt away. But what you didn’t expect was for yourself to break down as soon as you reached his arms.
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When you had walked in, as expected, Jin had been in the kitchen cooking dinner so that you wouldn’t be starving when you got home. He noticed something was off when he noticed your bottom lip trembling. He quickly turned off whatever kitchen appliances he had been using. He was about to ask you what was wrong when you suddenly power walked across the kitchen and into his arms. At this point, you were sobbing into his chest and he could feel your body shake with every sob. Still wrapped tight in his arms, he waddled you over to the couch and sat down. You were now in his lap as he tried to calm you down with his words.
“Shhh, princess you’re okay now. Let me help you, okay?”
“Hey princess..Will you tell me what’s wrong? You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but it would help me make you feel better if you did!”
“I’m making food, would you want to eat a bit?”
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Namjoon, being the observant and caring person he is, probably already had a feeling that it was coming. He remembered sometime earlier in the week you had told him how stressed you were and he had told you that you needed to take a break or it’d get worse. As he predicted, you didn’t listen. So he constantly sent you cute little texts that read things like:
“I hope your having a good day babygirl! I love you!”
“Be ready for lots of kisses when you get homeee”.
When you had come into the door, Namjoon was sitting on the couch with his computer in his lap, headphones covering his ears, probably working on music. He hadn’t seen you yet so you went over to the couch and sat down next to him, so close that your legs were touching. You then proceeded to lean over and wrap your arms around his torso while your face was buried into his side. He thought you were being adorable and was about to ask you how your day went but was met with the feeling of wet tears on his shirt. As your body shaked from the force of your sobs Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed the sides of your face gently, bringing it up to where he could see it. He glided his thumbs across your cheeks, wiping your tears.
“I’m sorry I got your shirt wet, Joonie.” You whispered, barely audible.
“Don’t apologize baby, are you okay? Are you over-working yourself again? I thought I told you to give yourself a break? I don’t like seeing you cry.” He said with a pout. You giggled quietly at how he caringly scolded you and kissed his cheek, thanking him.
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Instead of going home Hobi had asked you if you wanted to come watch him dance at the studio. Wanting to just be with your boyfriend after a long day, you went. You arrived at the building and found the studio he was in. Loud music pounded in your ears as you walked in. As soon as he saw you he rushed to turn the music off.
“Hey babe! I’m glad you came, you look bea-“ he wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as the force of your body crashed into his. For Hobi, everything went still as he heard your loud, broken sounding sobs. You were now on the floor in between Hoseok’s legs as he rocked you side to side and you cried into his arms.
“It’s just been s-so hard lately, there’s so much going o-on and I don’t know if I c-can handle i-it” you choked out, tears clouding your vision.
“Hey, hey. Look at me. I believe in you baby, you’ve already come so far, give yourself a break, me and everyone around you can see how hard your working. I know you can do it baby.” He said as he planted kisses on the top of your head, one after the other.
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You stumbled into the door of your shared apartment, and saw Yoongi nowhere to be seen. You looked in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, and still couldn’t find him. The only other place he could be was in the guest room, which was now his studio. You knocked on the door and he didn’t answer. You assumed he had headphones on so you decided to just go in. You went in and there he was.
Yoongi was sitting at a giant desk with headphones over his ears, papers scattered, clicking violently around the screen. You had always hated disturbing him while he was so concentrated but this time you really needed him. You tapped the side of his headphones and he turned around and took them off. He smiled his gummy smile but that soon disappeared as he sensed your upset mood and stood up to greet you.
“Babe? Are you okay?” He asked, and it was as if those 4 words had set off a bomb inside you and 2 seconds later you were on the couch in his studio sobbing into his lap.
He sat up straight while you laid your head on his lap, sobbing as he plays with your hair. He decides that he’ll ask you about it when you calm down, but for now he decided to whisper comforting things into your ear.
“We all need a good cry once in a while, baby, don’t be embarrassed.”
“I’m here Babygirl. Let it out, let it out.”
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As soon as you reached your apartment you unlocked the door and immediately went to find Jimin. After looking in the living room, you found him in your shared bedroom watching TV. He was about to greet you when he recognized the familiar look in your eyes. To him, the look in your eyes was a call for comfort; for help.
“Jiminie, I-I” you tried to talk but you felt yourself getting choked up. He saw your eyes glaze over with tears and he knew he needed to do something. You blinked and suddenly he was right in front of you pulling you up into his embrace as he carried you to the bed. He laid you both down and placed you on his chest. He felt your hands curl tightly around the material of his shirt as you sobbed. Hard.
No words needed to be exchanged at that moment. You don’t think you’ve ever had someone who understands you like jimin does. He caresses your tear covered cheeks as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
“It’s okay, I got you now. Shhhh baby.”
“Hey, I love you, okay?”
“Jiminie’s here, im here.”
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You walked into your apartment to find Taehyung sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table, looking through the pictures he took on his camera. He looked up with a blank look on his face and when he saw you, almost instantly, his boxy smile appeared.
“Welcome home angel, how-“ he was interrupted by the sound of a small whimper and he looked at you and noticed things he hadn’t noticed before. He noticed the way your eyes were clouded with tears, one threathing to slip out. He noticed the way your legs trembled as if you could collapse any minute. He noticed your bottom lip forming into a pout, he noticed the way you weren’t responding to him with a smile on your face like you usually do. He noticed it all.
Before he knew it, you had collapsed onto your knees and were know sobbing. The best thing he could do right now was be there for you; so that’s what he did.
He rushed to your side, dropping his camera on the couch in the process. He got down to your level and held you as you cried. He lifted you into his lap as you cried into his chest. He sat there with you in his lap as your hands clenched onto the thin material of his shirt and he whispered sweet things into your ear to try and get you to calm down. He knew exactly what was happening. He knew your condition had to have been caused by months of bottling up stress. He thought about trying to tell jokes or be funny but he knew that now wasn’t the time. Right now you just needed to be comforted and feel loved.
“I love you so so so much babygirl.” he whispered as he kissed away all the tears streaming down your face.
“I need you to know how amazing you are, love. You’re doing your best and that’s more than enough.”
“shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, it’ll be okay, angel.” he whispered, giving you forehead kisses and rocking you back in forth in his arms.
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You opened the door and walked into the living room to find an overly-focused Jungkook playing video games on the TV. You sat your purse down and other belongings down and immediately made your way to the couch.
Jungkook was sitting on the edge of the couch so you slid right behind him, wrapping your arms and legs around his torso while laying your head against his back. He finally noticed your presence and paused his game. He turned around to give you a sweet kiss on the lips but noticed the salty taste of your tears as he pulled back.
Without hesitation he had turned you both around so that you were now straddling his lap while your arms were around shoulders, and were crying into his neck. You were sobbing harder now that you had finally been getting the comfort you needed after holding in all your stress for so long. He was holding you tight against him as your body shook from sobbing. All he could do at the moment was hold you and try to make you feel better with his words.
“I’m so proud of you, my gorgeous girl”
“Just know that I love you, okay? I love you so fucking much.” He whispers in your ear as he rubs your back.
“You gotta open up to me more, okay? I care.” He whispers, his voice on the verge of breaking.
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